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J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178

DOI 10.1007/s10811-012-9925-y

Compensation of the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida

(Laminariales; Phaeophyta) after thallus excision
under cultivation in Matsushima Bay, northern Japan
Xu Gao & Hikaru Endo & Makoto Yamana &
Kazuya Taniguchi & Yukio Agatsuma

Received: 8 September 2012 / Revised and accepted: 10 October 2012 / Published online: 21 October 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012

Abstract In recent years, the crop yield of cultivated Keywords Compensation . Cultivation . Thallus excision .
Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar has not been able Undaria pinnatifida
to meet commercial demand and so advances in cultivation
technology are strongly needed to increase production.
Interestingly, cultivation work has shown the yield of Introduction
U. pinnatifida sporophytes may be increased significantly
by thallus excision, which may cause compensatory growth Compensatory growth is defined as a common strategy of
of the remaining tissues. To test this hypothesis and clarify plants that reduces the deleterious influences of tissue loss
correlative mechanisms, we examined seasonal morpholog- on plant fitness following damage (Strauss and Agrawal
ical characteristics, photosynthetic rates, nutrient uptake 1999). Many studies support the view that plants are nega-
rates, and carbon and nitrogen contents of U. pinnatifida tively influenced by damage (Rausher and Feeny 1980;
sporophytes after thallus excision at a point 30 cm from the Abulfatih and Bazzaz 1984; Louda 1984; Karban and
meristem in late February and compared these parameters Strauss 1993), which may result in resource decline through
with control kelps grown without excision, which were a loss of nutrients or photosynthetic area, often leading to a
cultivated together in Matsushima Bay, northern Japan. reduction in plant fitness. In contrast, within the last 30 years,
Compared to control kelps, the length and dry weight of increasing evidence has shown that many plants are able to
blades increased significantly after excision, and the growth compensate for losses by replacing lost tissue through rapid
phase was prolonged for about 1 month. The photosynthetic growth (McNaughton 1983; Danckwerts 1993), and conse-
rates, nutrient uptake rates, and carbon and nitrogen con- quently, growth produces an increase in biomass production
tents of excised kelps were significantly higher than those of (Argall and Stewart 1984; Hicks and Reader 1995). The
the controls. After vegetative growth stopped, resources degree of compensation following tissue loss may depend
accumulating in thalli were translocated significantly to on a number of variables, including plant species, amount of
sporophylls for maturation, indicating maturation was not tissue lost, resource availability, environmental conditions,
negatively affected by thallus excision. These results indi- and seasonal timing of tissue removal (Maschinski and
cate U. pinnatifida exhibits a very strong compensatory Whitham 1989; Trumble et al. 1993; Simons and Johnston
ability in response to thallus excision and consequently, 1999). When compensation has been observed, it has been
the yield could be increased due to an increase in harvest attributed to some plant response mechanisms including in-
frequency. creased photosynthetic activity (Jãremo et al. 1996; Mabry
and Wayne 1997), increased growth rate (Danckwerts 1993;
Oba et al. 2000), and reallocation of stored resources
X. Gao : H. Endo : M. Yamana : K. Taniguchi : Y. Agatsuma (*) (Caldwell et al. 1981; Mabry and Wayne 1997).
Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology,
Experimental studies on compensation in seaweeds or
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 981-8555, Japan aquatic plants are rare and little is currently known about
e-mail: how these algae compensate for damage and how the damage
1172 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178

may influence future fitness by causing modification in inter- control thalli without excision, and to develop new cultivation
nal organization of plants. In recent years, some researchers technology for increased production.
have given increasing attention to the compensatory ability of
marine plants. Macrocystis integrifolia Bory de Saint-Vincent
and Sargassum plants exhibited compensatory growth after Materials and methods
damage, which could be an important strategy of large sea-
weed species allowing them to tolerate grazing pressure (Cerda Gametophytes of U. pinnatifida were obtained by induction
et al. 2009; Hay et al. 2011). Similar responses have also been of zoospores from mature sporophytes cultivated in
observed in crustose coralline red alga and the seagrass Matsushima Bay (38°32′ N, 141°31′ E) in the summer of
Posidonia oceanica (Linneaus) Delile (Littler et al. 1995; 2007. After the zoospores were released into seawater
Vergés et al. 2008). In contrast, no compensation of grazer- aquaria, the water was stirred to a homogeneous consistency
induced losses was found in Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. to make the zoospores attach to 2-mm diameter plastic fiber
Agardh and Fucus vesiculosus L. (Steinberg 1995; Honkanen threads to obtain a similar initial settlement density.
and Jormalainen 2002). Truncation of Saccharina longicruris Culturing was first conducted indoors under controlled en-
(Bachelot de la Pylaie) Kuntze significantly reduced growth vironmental conditions at 18 °C with a photon flux density
rates, which was attributed to a reduction in photosynthetic of 40 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and a photoperiod of 12 h
area rather than a loss of storage products (Chapman and light:12 h dark. The culture medium was sterilized seawater
Craigie 1978). However, very few studies have focused on with additional nitrate (PESI; Tatewaki 1966), to which
the physiological responses of plants following damage includ- GeO2 (20 μg mL−1) had been added to inhibit the growth
ing responses related to photosynthesis and nutrient accumu- of diatoms and protozoa. The water was aerated to mix the
lation, which may result in physiological compensation in nitrate and seawater evenly. The culture medium was
seaweeds. Also, little information is available with regard to replaced every 15 days. After several months of culture,
physiological compensation in large commercial species and the seedlings grew to 1–2 cm long on average. The threads
its potential application in mariculture production. on which the young sporophytes attached were cut into
Undaria pinnatifida is extensively cultivated as one of many 4-cm sections. For field cultivation trials, 50 thread
the most important and popular seafoods in Asian countries sections were individually tucked into two 50-m-long,
(Saito 1972; Yamanaka and Akiyama 1993). In Japan, the 15-mm diameter ropes at intervals of 1 m. Two ropes prepared
largest scale cultivation of this species occurs in Sanriku in this manner were deployed at the sea surface with floats at
district and Tokushima Prefecture; together these areas intervals of 3 m in Matsushima Bay in October. To make
account for about 90 % of the total production of this cultivation conditions as uniform as possible, stocking density
species in Japan (Tokuda et al. 1994). However, in recent was adjusted to 15 plants per thread section in January 2008
years, the crop yield of this kelp has not been able to satisfy and one 4-cm section was considered as one bunch. For the
increasing commercial demand. Therefore, the development experimental group, thalli were excised at about 30 cm above
of new cultivation technology which can increase produc- the meristem in late February (Fig. 1). For the control group,
tion is strongly desired. Saito (1962) noticed an interesting no excision was made during cultivation.
phenomenon while cultivating U. pinnatifida, noting it
could be harvested twice when thalli were excised above Measurements of morphological characteristics
the meristems. This finding indicated that thallus excision
might promote the growth of U. pinnatifida sporophytes and To examine the seasonal changes in morphological char-
prolong the harvest period by its substantial capacity of com- acteristics, three bunches of kelps from the experimental
pensation, but this hypothesis requires testing. Sanbonsuga et group were collected randomly every 2 weeks from early
al. (1987) found trimming Saccharina diabolica (Miyabe) March to late May, and three bunches of control kelps
Lane, Mayes, Druehl and Saunders and leaving less than were collected from late February to late May. Seawater
30 cm from the base of the blade had a strong negative impact temperatures were also measured by a bar thermometer
on growth and total harvest of this species. Therefore, to (accuracy 0.1 °C) at the time of sampling. These plants
maximize the crop yields, we assumed thalli of this kelp were then immediately transported to the laboratory. They
should be excised at about 30 cm above the meristem for this were initially hung for at least 15 min to drain excess
cultivation trial. The objective of the present study was to seawater. Next, measurements of blade length were taken
examine the seasonal changes in morphological characteris- from 30 plants in sequence starting from the largest one.
tics, photosynthetic rates, nutrient uptake rates, and carbon Then, they were dissected into midrib, blade, and sporo-
and nitrogen contents of cultivated U. pinnatifida sporophytes phyll, and each part was weighed after drying in a con-
after excision and compare these parameters with those of vection oven at 60 °C for 1 week.
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178 1173

rate, the discs were incubated for 30 min to allow them to adapt
to the experimental environment, and the oxygen evolution
produced from them was then measured every 3 min, six to
ten times. Four replicates were used for measurements of rates
of photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. The uptake rates of
NO3–N, NH4–N, and PO4–P were obtained from the differ-
ences between the concentrations analyzed by the autoanalyzer
(TRAACS 800; Bran–Luebbe, Japan) after a 60-min incuba-
tion of the discs and those in the controls. The fresh and dry
weights were measured after incubation. Nutrient uptake rates
were estimated using the following equation:

VN; P ¼ ðSt  St þT Þ  0:01=ðA  T Þ

where VN, P 0uptake rates of NO3–N, NH4–N, and PO4–P (μg

cm−2 h−1); t0time (h); T0time interval (h); St 0initial concen-
tration at time t (μg L−1); St + T 0final concentration at time t+T
Fig. 1 Chart of mature U. pinnatifida sporophyte showing excision (μg L−1); and A0area of disc (2.0 cm2).
site Seawater used in experiments was obtained from the coast
of Ishinomaki, which is near the study site and which had
Measurements of photosynthesis and nutrient uptake similar temperatures and nutrient conditions to Matsushima
Bay. The nutrient concentrations in seawater were almost
One bunch from both the excised and control kelps in addition below the limit of detection. After sterilization, the seawater
to those for morphological measurements was collected every was enriched by addition of NH4Cl, NaNO3, and NaH2PO4·12
2 weeks from late February to late May and the four largest H2O. For determination of seasonal photosynthesis and nutri-
plants were selected for use in measuring photosynthesis and ent uptake, the initial nutrient concentrations were set to
nutrient uptake. One disc with a surface area of approximately 400 μg L−1 for NO3–N and NH4–N and 80 μg L−1 for PO4–P.
2.0 cm2 was cut from each plant using a cork borer 1.6 cm in
diameter from the margins of the meristem. These discs were Analysis of carbon and nitrogen content
incubated in flowing seawater for 12 h before measurements
to allow recovery from cutting damage. One bunch from both the excised and control kelps which
An improved differential gas-volumeter called “Product had never been previously used in this experiment was
meter” (Yokohama et al. 1986) was used to measure rates of collected every 2 weeks from late February to late May
photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. These discs were placed in and the four largest plants on of each stock were selected
a reaction vessel containing 10 mL sterilized seawater (GF/F, for experimentation. Four discs with the surface face of
Whatman), while a control vessel contained 10 mL sterilized approximately 2.0 cm2 were cut from each part as follows:
seawater only. The reaction and control vessels were attached the apical part of blade, the middle part with maximum
to Product meters and immersed in a water bath with a ther- blade width, the margins of the meristem, and the middle
mostat maintained at a constant water temperature and shaken part of sporophyll with the maximum width. After measure-
by a motor drive at 150 rpm min−1. The vessels were illumi- ment of the dry weight, the discs were pulverized and used
nated from below by projector lamps with light reflected by for analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents by an elemental
mirrors placed under the water bath. Photo slide projectors with analyzer (EAGER200, Fisons Instruments, USA).
incandescent lamps were used as a light source. Irradiances
were regulated by using neutral density glass filters (Toshiba Statistical analysis
TND-50, 25, 12.5, Japan) and measured with a quantum pho-
ton meter (LI-COR LI-192S,). The discs were incubated under Significant differences in morphological and physiological
a photon flux density of 180 μmol photons m−2 s−1. The parameters between months were analyzed with the
monthly average seawater temperature from 1975 to 2004 Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Tukey's HSD post hoc tests
measured daily at Enoshima (38°24′ N, 141°35′ E), a small as not all the data showed a normal distribution and homo-
island near the study site, by the Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries geneous variance. The significant differences in morpholog-
Technology Institute, was used as the incubation and experi- ical and physiological characteristics between excised and
mental temperature. For measurement of the photosynthetic control kelps were analyzed by Mann–Whitney tests.
1174 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178

16 60

Seawater temperature (oC)

14 50 a*

Oxygen evolution

(µlO2 cm–2h–1)
12 40 a* a
a* a
10 30
8 A A A
0 1.6
Feb. Mar. Apr. May b* b*
1.2 b* c

NH4 uptake rate


(µg cm–2h–1)
Fig. 2 Measured seawater temperatures in Matsushima Bay from a
February to May in 2007 0.8 C
Results 0.4 A

Seawater temperatures in Matsushima Bay ranged from
6.9 °C in early February to 13.7 °C in late May (Fig. 2). 1.6

b* b*
Seasonal morphological characteristics 1.2 b*

NO3 uptake rate

(µg cm–2h–1)
a* a*
The seasonal changes in morphological characteristics of ex- c
cised and control kelps are shown in Fig. 3. The average blade 0.4
250 B AB
200 A A A
Blade length (cm)

150 a* a*
0.15 b*
PO4 uptake rate
(µg cm–2h–1)

c* c* c* c*
50 0.1
b* A
a* c
0 B B B B B
Dry weight of blades (g)

Feb. Mar. Apr. May

A A A A c* c* Fig. 4 Seasonal gross photosynthetic rates and nutrient uptake rates in
40 excised (open) and control (filled) U. pinnatifida cultivated in Mat-
c c sushima Bay. Different small and large letters indicate significance
B level at P<0.05 between months. *Difference level at P<0.05 between
20 b* B
excised and control kelps within months. N04 for both kelps. Black
a* bars indicate standard deviations

Dry weight of sporophylls (g)

length of control kelps did not change significantly from late

B d
February to late April (p>0.05) but decreased thereafter
B (p<0.05). In contrast, the average blade length of excised
40 B
kelps increased significantly from 45.9 cm in early March to
A A c 85.2 cm in early April (p<0.05). The average dry weight of
20 A blades of control kelps increased slightly from late February to
a a
a a maximum of 46.6 g in early April (p>0.05), but then
0 decreased (p<0.05). In contrast, the average blade weight of
Feb. Mar. Apr. May
excised kelps increased significantly from early March to
Fig. 3 Seasonal blade length, dry weights of blade and sporophyll of excised early April (p<0.05) and then increased slightly to a maxi-
(open) and control (filled) U. pinnatifida cultivated in Matsushima Bay.
Different small and large letters indicate significance level at P<0.05 between
mum of 44.8 g in late May (p>0.05). The average blade
months. *Difference level at P<0.05 between excised and control kelps weight of excised kelps were significantly smaller than that
within months. N030 for both kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations of the control kelps in March (p<0.05), whereas in May,
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178 1175

Apical part Middle part Meristem
c* c*

Dry weight (mg cm–2)

5 c*
c* b* b*
b b B
4 B a
a a a a c
3 B B B B b c
B B BC a C
a C
2 A A A A A A
Carbon content (mg cm–2)

b* b* c*
bc* b*
C b*
1.5 B B B B
a a B ac
a a
1 a B B b c
a AB B a a B
0.5 A A a AB
Nitrogen content (mg cm–2)

0.25 c*
c* b* b*
0.2 bc* b*
a a ac
0.15 c a a a
BC BC a a a B B
a B B
0.1 B A A A A

Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. May

Fig. 5 Seasonal dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents of three indicate significance level at P<0.05 between months. *Difference
parts of blade in excised (open) and control (filled) U. pinnatifida level at P<0.05 between excised and control kelps within months.
cultivated in Matsushima Bay. Different small and large letters N04 for both kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations

excised kelps weighed significantly more than the control during the experiment. However, in the excised kelps, the
kelps (p<0.05). No significant changes occurred in the aver- uptake rates of both forms were similar. The uptake rates of
age sporophyll weight of control kelps from late February to NO3–N and NH4–N of excised kelps were significantly
early April (p>0.05); it increased significantly in April higher than those of the control kelps from late March to
(p < 0.05) and then increased slightly to a maximum of late April and from early March to early May, respectively
47.3 g in late May. The average dry weight of sporophylls of (p<0.05). The uptake rate of PO4–P of excised kelps was
excised kelps did not vary significantly from early March to significantly higher than that of the control kelps during the
early April (p>0.05), but it then increased significantly from experimental period except in late May (p<0.05).
early April to a maximum of 54.5 g in late May (p<0.05).
Seasonal dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents
Seasonal photosynthetic rates and nutrient uptake rates
Seasonal dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents of discs
Seasonal photosynthetic rates and uptake rates of NH4–N, from three blade parts of excised and control kelps varied
NO3–N and PO4–P of blade tissue near the meristem of ex- significantly during the study period (Fig. 5). In control kelps,
cised and control kelps are shown in Fig. 4. The photosynthetic these parameters increased significantly from late February to
rates of control kelps showed significant seasonal variation late March and decreased significantly thereafter (p<0.05). In
(p<0.05) but did not differ significantly among months for excised kelps, all these parameters increased significantly
excised kelps (p>0.05). The photosynthetic rates of excised from early March to late April and decreased significantly
kelps were significantly higher than those of the control kelps until late May (p<0.05). All these parameters in all blade
from early March to late April (p<0.05). However, no signif- parts of excised kelps were significantly higher than
icant differences were found in May (p>0.05). those of the control kelps in April (p<0.05).
The uptake rates of NO3–N, NH4–N, and PO4–P of both Seasonal dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents of
excised and control kelps differed significantly among discs from sporophyll of excised and control kelps also varied
months (Fig. 4; p<0.05). In control kelps, the uptake rates seasonally, but there were only minor differences between the
of NH4–N were 2.1–3.5 times higher than those of NO3–N two kelp treatments (Fig. 6). All these parameters showed
1176 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178

the growth phase of this kelp was also prolonged for about
Dry weight (mg cm–2)
25 B b
AB B AB AB 1 month, which resulted in an extension of the harvest period.
20 A Compared to kelps without excision, excised kelps experi-
15 a a a a a enced an almost 50 % increase in biomass production. The
conclusions provide important information for increasing pro-
duction levels for U. pinnatifida cultivation.
Compensatory growth is often supported by enhanced
0 photosynthesis in higher plants (McNaughton 1979; Strauss
10 and Agrawal 1999; Tiffin 2000). In the present study, com-
Carbon content (mg cm–2)

c pared to control kelps without excision, the photosynthetic

8 C b rates of excised kelps were also strongly enhanced. This was
A considered to be partly caused by a notable improvement in
6 A C
b B the external light environments, as also happens with higher
4 a plants (Jãremo et al. 1996; Mabry and Wayne 1997). After
a a
2 thallus excision, photosynthesis of remaining tissues was
stimulated by greater light penetration, which may result in
0 an increase in the concentration of pigments and photosyn-
0.8 b thetic activity. This supports the report of Gevaert et al. (2002)
Nitrogen content (mg cm–2)

stating that Saccharina latissima developed higher levels of

0.6 A A
A B A pigmentation to cope with strong exposure to irradiance. It is
generally known that cellular nitrogen content has a great
0.4 a a impact on pigments such as chlorophyll (Chapman et al.
a a a
1978; Bird et al. 1982; Lingnell and Pedersen 1987;
0.2 Lapointe 1981) and photosynthetic activity (Levy and Gantt
1990). Excised kelps in our study also exhibited significantly
Feb. Mar. Apr. May higher nutrient uptake rates and cellular nitrogen contents in
response to the great loss of stored resources, which may be
Fig. 6 Seasonal dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents of the related to the improvement of the nutrient environment. The
middle part of sporophyll in excised (open) and control (filled) U.
pinnatifida cultivated in Matsushima Bay. Different small and large
greater ability of nutrient accumulation of excised kelps may
letters indicate significance level at P<0.05 between months. N04 for induce the concentration of pigments and support increased
both kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations photosynthesis and compensatory growth.
Harrison et al. (1986) indicated nitrate and ammonium
significant seasonal variation (p<0.05), but in excised kelps, were taken up by Saccharina groenlandica simultaneously
the dry weight and nitrogen contents did not differ significant- from the ambient environment, but uptake rates were un-
ly from early March to late April (p>0.05) and, during that equal when both nitrate and ammonium were present in the
time period, remained lower values than those of the control medium. Similar results have been demonstrated by many
kelps. Then, they increased significantly (p < 0.05) and researchers, suggesting the uptakes of NO3–N by some
exceeded the values of control kelps in early May. The carbon seaweed species has been inhibited or suppressed when
contents of excised kelps increased significantly from March NH4–N was present (D'Elia and DeBoer 1978; Haines and
to early May (p<0.05) and exceeded the value of control kelps Wheeler 1978; Hanisak and Harlin 1978; Thomas and
in early May. All these parameters decreased significantly Harrison 1987; Smit 2002). In this study, the uptake of
from early May to late May (p<0.05). NH4–N was 2.1–3.5 times higher than that of NO3–N in
control kelps. However, after thallus excision, the uptake
rates of both forms were enhanced significantly and became
Discussion similar. This result indicated the occurrence of considerable
physiological change in their internal organization derived
In the present study, the excised kelps exhibited a marked from thallus excision. Further studies are needed to eluci-
increase in morphological parameters and significantly higher date the physiological mechanism of this new finding.
photosynthetic rates, nutrient uptake rates, and carbon and The dry weight and cellular nitrogen content of sporophylls
nitrogen contents. These results suggest the growth of of excised kelps exhibited a marked increase starting in April,
U. pinnatifida sporophytes was greatly promoted by thallus and they exceeded those of control kelps in May (Figs. 3 and
excision, indicating this kelp species has a significant and 6). This means the vegetative growth of excised kelps stopped
large compensatory capacity when damaged. Consequently, in April and the accumulated resources from photosynthesis
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1171–1178 1177

and nutrient uptake began to translocate rapidly from blades to in the growing season, before the reproductive phase has started
sporophylls. Therefore, we suggest the development of spor- (Maschinski and Whitham 1989; Lehtila and Syrjänen 1995;
ophylls and subsequent reproduction was not affected nega- Lennartsson et al. 1998). Therefore, further studies should be
tively by thallus excision. Next, the dry weight and carbon and conducted to improve this technique and to clarify the best
nitrogen contents per unit area of sporophylls in both excised period during which this kelp can efficiently compensate the
and control kelps decreased in May. Saito (1962) reported that losses caused by thallus excision. In addition, further studies also
the release of U. pinnatifida zoospores was mostly dependent might include where the excision occur on the blade for maxi-
on seawater temperature and was observed when seawater mum biomass harvest per plant for the season and determine
temperatures reached 13 °C. Seawater temperatures in the how much of the compensatory growth occurred as a result of
study region reached 13 °C in early May, so the release of the improvement of extra environmental conditions when ex-
zoospores should be considered as the cause of the decrease in cised and how much was due to a reaction of this kelp.
dry weight and carbon and nitrogen contents.
Our results indicate that compensatory growth by U. pinna-
tifida might be achieved in response to tissue losses inflicted by Acknowledgments We sincerely thank Professor M. Kokubun of the
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University for his
artificial excision. Similarly, it has been proposed that many critical comments on this manuscript. We also thank Mr. M. Ise of the
kelp species counteract negative influences of damage by Shiogama Daiichi Fisheries Cooperative Association for providing the
compensatory growth (Toth and Pavia 2002; Pansch et al. seedlings used in the present study and for his kind cooperation with
2008; Cerda et al. 2009). The compensatory response might kelp cultivation and collection, the staffs of the Miyagi Prefecture
Fisheries Technology Institute and Akita Prefecture Fisheries Promo-
be facilitated by resource translocation, as most kelps have tion Institute for using seawater for culture experiment and for provid-
specialized tissues for internal long-distance transport similar ing the long-term seawater temperature of Enoshima, Professor O.
to those of higher plants (Schmitz 1981; Raven 2003). Also, Nishimula and Mr. Chiba for helping with the analysis of nutrient
the ability to compensate tissue losses caused by damage concentration, and assistant professor K. Ito for helping with the
measurement of carbon and nitrogen content.
appears to be related to the amount of tissue lost.
Compensatory growth against herbivory has been found in
many marine plants, and this could be important for those
species that tolerate low and moderate grazing intensities
(Steneck 1982; Littler et al. 1995; Vergés et al. 2008; Cerda References
et al. 2009). In contrast, elevated grazing pressures might
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In conclusion, photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and resource growth of the kelp Macrocystis integrifolia (Phaeophyceae, Laminar-
accumulation of U. pinnatifida sporophytes were greatly pro- iales) against grazing of Peramphithoe femorata (Amphipoda, Ampi-
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