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Avian viral diseases

Newcastle disease: Cause: Paramyxovirus Host: Domestic avian species, the virus is transmitted by either inhalation or ingestion. Signs: In extremely virulent strains, high mortality without signs In less virulent strains; increased respiration, weakness,

edema around the eyes and head, green diarrhea and death. In neurotropic strains; severe respiratory disease

followed by neurologic signs as muscular tremors, torticollis and leg and wing paralysis.

Microscopic picture: In nervous system; !neuronal features of non suppurative gliosis and



Perivascular cuffing" in the cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord. In the vascular system; widespread congestion, edema

and hemorrhages due to degeneration and necrosis of vascular endothelium. In the lymphoid system; necrosis and depletion of

lymphocytes of spleen, thymus and bursa of fibricius. In the intestine; hemorrhages and necrosis of the

submucosal lymphoid follicles.

In the respiratory tract; loss of cilia associated with

congestion, edema and dense lymphocytic and macrophagic infiltration in the submucosa. In reproductive system; atresia of follicles with lymphoid

cell aggregation in the ovaries and oviduct. #ongestion and petechiae in the comb and wattle. #on$unctivitis.

Macroscopic picture: %emorrhages in the digestive tract, particularly in the

proventriculus, cecum and small intestine. &racheal congestion and hemorrhages associated with

airsacculitis, the air sacs contain catarrhal or caseated exudates.

Infectious bronchitis: Cause: #oronavirus Host: #hicken. Signs: 'espiratory symptoms. (icroscopic picture: In the trachea, massive infiltration of lamina propria with

lymphoid cells associated with loss of mucosal cilia, leading to great thickening of the mucosa. In the kidney, lymphocytic interstitial nephritis

characteri)ed by ducto tubular damage where vacuolation and des*uamation of tubular epithelium, tubular swelling and urate crystals deposition in some tubules were evident.

Infectious laryngotracheitis Cause : %erpesvirus Host: #hicken. Signs: +cute respiratory disease characteri)ed by: (oist rales, coughing, gasping, marked dyspnea and

decreased egg production. ,atery diarrhea, con$unctivitis, swelling of infraorbital

sinuses and persistent nasal discharge which is bloody is characteristic.

Microscopic picture:In the trachea; loss of goblet cells, mononuclear cell

infiltration in submucosa, loss of cilia, syncytial giant cell formation and destruction of mucosal cells leading to exposure of proprial capillaries and hemorrhages. Intranuclear inclusion bodies in epithelial cells of the trachea were evident. Macroscopic picture: -xcess mucus in the trachea and larynx. In severe cases, hemorrhages and.or diphtheritic

membrane may be seen in the laryngotracheal wall. (ucoid or blood casts may be seen in the trachea.

Marek s disease:Cause: /ncogenic herpesvirus Host: #hicken, *uil, and turkeys. Signs:

+symmetric progressive paresis develops into complete

paralysis. 0on specific signs as weight loss, anorexia, depression,

diarrhea and death. /ccasional blindness by gradual loss of accommodation

to light intensity. Microscopic picture:In the peripheral nerves; 1 main types of lesions are

present. &he first is neoplastic lesion characteri)ed by masses of pleomorphic lymphocytes, demyelination and

2chwann cell proliferation. &he second is infla!!atory lesion characteri)ed by light lymphocytic infiltrates,

interneuritic edema with demyelination and 2chwann cell proliferation. of In the viscera; irregular masses of neoplastic cells consist abundant mature lymphocytes and few immature

lymphhoblasts !large cell with vesicular nucleus and abundant cytoplasm". In the bursa of 3abricius, cytolytic changes of

lylmphocytes. Macroscopic picture: 4ocali)ed or diffuse enlargement of the sciatic and

branchial nerves !1 5 times normal thickness", unilateral or bilateral. &umor masses, particularly in gonads, lung, spleen, liver

and kidneys. +trophy of bursa of 3abricius.

Avian leucosis:Cause: /ncogenic retrovirus Host: #hicken Signs: Inappetence, weakness, diarrhea, dehydration and

emaciation. +bdominal enlargement with pale or cyanotic combs. Death after few weeks.

Microscopic picture: In ly!phoid leucosis; foci of tumors consist of

numerous lymphoblasts which contain a large amount of '0+, thus stained red with methyle green pyronin stain. 3ew mature lymphocytes are present. In !yeloid leucosis; massive intravascular and

extravascular accumulations of myeloblasts !precursor of blood granulocytes" which appear as large with eccentric vesicular nucleus and characteristic red granules in the cytoplasm. Macroscopic picture: 6isible tumor masses in the liver, spleen and bursa of

3abricius. /ther organs are involved as the kidney, lung, heart and gonads. 0o involvement of peripheral nerves. &able !7" shows

differences between (arek8s and leucosis diseases, based upon age of birds, nerve lesions, bursa of 3abricius and neoplastic cells.

Marek s disease = >oung birds!5 weeks old" =#onsistent nerve lesions =+trophied necrotic bursa =0eoplastic cells are primarily mature lymphocytes, pleumorphic from small to large with few lymphoblasts

#eukosis = /lder birds !5 weeks old"

=0o nerve lesions

=-nlarged tumorous bursa

= -xclusively immature large lymphoblasts which contain abundant pyrinophilic cytoplasm !2tained red with methyl green pyronin.

Avian influen"a:Cause: /rthomyxovirus Host: #hicken and free living birds of a*uatic habitats as ducks, *uail, turkeys and geese. Signs: (ild to severe respiratory signs including coughing,

snee)ing, lacrimation, depression and anorexia. In severe cases; besides respiratory distress other signs

as tremors of head and neck, paralysis and torticollis are notices. (ortalities range from 9: ;:<

Microscopic picture:

In mild cases; ventromedial fibrinous to lymphocytic

bronchopneumonia. In severe cases; multiorgan necrosis and .or

inflammation. Macroscopic picture: 4esions of respiratory tract, especially in the sinuses as

catarrhal, fibrinous, (ucopurlent or fibrinopurlent sinusitis, tracheitis and air sacculitis. #atarrhal or fibrinous enteritis.

Infectious bursal disease $I%&' (u!boro disease) Cause: ?irnavirus Host: #hicken and turkeys Signs: ,hitish or watery diarrhea. 'uffled feathers, depression, anorexia, trembling and

death. Microscopic picture: Primarily of the lymphoid organs !bursa, thymus and spleen" as lymphocytic cell necrosis and depletion in the medullary area of lymphoid follicles were evident. Proliferation of bursal surface epithelium forming glandular @ like acinar structures. Macroscopic picture: Dehydrated dark pectoral muscle %emorrhages in the thigh and pectoral muscle

Initially bursa is enlarged due to edema and congestion !only

for 5 days" then atrophied.

Avian encephalo!yelitis:Cause: Picornavirus Host: #hicken and turkeys Signs: Progressive ataxia from muscle incoordination 2itting on hocks then rest or fall on their sides. 3ine tremors of the head and neck and death.

Microscopic picture: Principally in the central nervous system and some viscera, peripheral nerves aren8t involved. 0on suppuartive encephalomyelitis !striking perivascular

cuffs in all parts of brain and spinal cord except the cerebellum,microgliosis and central chromatolysis in neurons of brain stem". 4ymphocytic hyperplasia anywhere, particularly in the

proventriculus !pathogno!onic" and in pancrease. Maroscopic picture: ,hitish areas in the muscularis of proventriculus. #orneal opacity !blue discoloration of lenses"

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