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Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT OF CEBU CITY Branch

NOEL Q. BACALLA, Jr. Plaintiff% & !ersus &

Ci!il Case no" #$ For: Collection of Sum

ROBERT E. IRAN 'efen(ant% PRE TRIAL BRIEF 'EFEN'ANT% b) counsel% to the *onorable Court% respectfull) sub+its its pre trial brief as follo,sSTATEMENT OF T E CASE Art" ./ of the Ci!il Co(e pro!i(es that0 Obligations are extinguished: (1) By payment or performance: (2) By the loss of the thing due: (3) By the condonation or remission of the debt; (4) By the confusion or merger of the rights of creditor and debtor; (5) By com ensation; (!) By no"ation# Other causes of extinguishment of obligations$ such as annulment$ rescission$ fulfillment of a resolutory condition$ and rescri tion$ are go"erned else%here in this &ode# (''5!a)( On 1anuar) 2% .$$#% (efen(ant ca+e to the resi(ence of the plaintiff re3uestin4 that he be allo,e( to borro, Pesos- Fift) Thousan( 5P #$%$$$"$$6 for the purpose of usin4 the +one) to pa) for the hospital e7penses incurre( for the +e(ication of his ,ife" Touche( ,ith his co+passionate heart% plaintiff lent the aforesai( a+ount on the con(ition that he be repa)e( on or before Ma) / % .$$# as pro!i(e( for in the pro+issor) note e7ecute( b) the plaintiff"

On 1une 8% .$$#% (efen(ant recei!e( the (e+an( letter fro+ the plaintiff" Upon rea(in4 the (e+an( letter% in truth an( in fact% (efen(ant sca+pere( to loo9 for fun(s in or(er the settle the a+ount o,e( to the plaintiff" On 1une $% .$$#% (efen(ant ,ent to the resi(ence of the plaintiff in or(er to effect pa)+ent" *o,e!er% the plaintiff ,as not ph)sicall) aroun( at that ti+e" 'efen(ant (eci(e( to ten(er the a+ount of Pesos- Fift) Thousan( 5P #$%$$$"$$6 (e+an(e( fro+ hi+ to the plaintiff:s (au4hter% Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla% of le4al a4e% an( li!in4 ,ith plaintiff ,ithin the sa+e abo(e" Receipt of the a+ount is e!i(ence( b) a ,ritten ac9no,le(4+ent b) the plaintiff:s (au4hter" *o,e!er% plaintiff clai+s to ha!e not recei!e( the pa)+ent fro+ the (efen(ant" Further% plaintiff is insistin4 that there ,as a stipulation of interest of #< per +onth ,hich ,as not ,ritten on the face of the pro+issor) note e7ecute( b) the (efen(ant" 'efen(ant clai+s other,ise as stipulate( in the fore4oin4% hence this instant case"

POSSIBILIT! OF AMICABLE SETTLEMENT 'efen(ant o,es +uch 4ratitu(e to the plaintiff an( his fa+il)" O!er the )ears% plaintiff has been a 4oo( ;a+aritan in the co++unit)" It is of para+ount interest of the (efen(ant to a+icabl) settle the case" 'efen(ant is !er) +uch ,illin4 to pa) for a le4al interest rate of 2< per annu+ an( the attorne):s fees of Pesos- Fi!e thousan( 5P #%$$$"$$6 as pra)e( for b) the plaintiff in his co+plaint" PROPOSE" STIP#LATION OF FACTS AN"$OR A"MISSION OF FACTS 6 .6 /6 That plaintiff is not into the business of len(in4 +one) for interest or for the purpose of (eri!in4 profits therefro+" That Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla% of le4al a4e% sin4le% is the (au4hter of the plaintiff li!in4 ,ith hi+ ,ithin the sa+e abo(e" That Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla (oes not suffer fro+ an) i+pair+ent of her +ental faculties that i+pairs her le4al capacit) to enter into a contract or ,hate!er of the sa+e nature" =6 #6 That the si4nature appearin4 on the Ac9no,le(4+ent Receipt +ar9e( as E7hibit B hereof is that of Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla" That on 1une $% .$$#% on or about /PM to =PM% plaintiff ,as not aroun( or ,ithin the pre+ises of his resi(ence"

ISS#ES TO BE TRIE" OR RESOL%E" 6 >hether or not there ,as a stipulation of interest char4es at the ti+e the plaintiff 4rante( the plea( of the (efen(ant of len(in4 +one)0 .6 >hether or not interest char4es +a) be le4all) i+pose( e!en in the absence of such pro!ision on the face of the pro+issor) note e7ecute( b) the (efen(ant0


>hether or not the pa)+ent +a(e to the (au4hter of the plaintiff ,ho li!es ,ith hi+ in the sa+e abo(e is a !ali( ten(er of pa)+ent as if it ,as +a(e (irectl) to the plaintiff therefore e7tin4uishin4 the obli4ation"

E& IBITS MAR'E" AS "OC#MENTS TO BE PRESENTE" The follo,in4 (ocu+ents are to be presente(E()i*it A ? A +achine cop) of the pro+issor) note e7ecute( b) (efen(ant E()i*it B ? A +achine cop) of the ac9no,le(4e+ent receipt b) Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla E()i*it C ? A +achine cop) of the (e+an( letter b) the plaintiff to the (efen(ant E()i*it " ? A sa+ple speci+en si4nature of the plaintiff E()i*it E ? A sa+ple speci+en si4nature of the Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla E()i*it F ? A sa+ple speci+en si4nature of the (efen(ant The (efen(ant reser!es his ri4ht to present other (ocu+ents not herein liste( a +a) be (ee+e( necessar)" +ITNESSES TO BE PRESENTE"

6 .6 /6 =6 #6 26

The (efen(ant hi+self ? to testif) that he has effecte( the pa)+ent0 The ,ife of the (efen(ant% Flair ;" Iran ? to testif) the fact of the pa)+ent0 The chil(ren of the (efen(ant ? to testif) the fact of pa)+ent0 Att)" Marlon R" Etcuban ? to testif) that the fun(s use( b) (efen(ant to pa) his obli4ation ,as in fact fro+ hi+0 Ma" Cristina ;" Bacalla ? to testif) that she recei!e( the pa)+ent of the (efen(ant0 'efen(ant reser!es the ri4ht to present other ,itnesses not herein enu+erate( as (ee+e( necessar)" The testi+onies of the ,itnesses ,oul( not consu+e +ore than #

+inutes on (irect e7a+ination% an( another # +inutes on cross e7a+ination" "ATES OF EARIN, The (efen(ant ,oul( (epen( upon the (ates a4ree( upon (urin4 the pre trial" RE;PECTFULLY ;UBMITTE'" Cebu Cit)" ;epte+ber .@% .$$# NOEL O. BACALLA Attorne) for the 'efen(ant 2F Cebu *ol(in4s Center% CBP Cebu Cit) ATel no" ./ #/$ Roll no" $$$B@ IBP no" $$$8$ 1an" % .$$# PTR no" $$$$$ . 1an" % .$$# Cebu Cit) Cop) furnishe( b) personal ser!iceAtt-. Ric).r/ 0. Tenc).1e2 Counsel for the plaintiff Unit . Carbon Mar9et Er+ita% Cebu Cit) Recei!e( b)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 'ateCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

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