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Boiiowei objecteu to the Repoit anu Recommenuation issueu by the Nagistiate

iecommenuing that a penuing challenge to a moitgage foieclosuie case be
uismisseu foi lack of stanuing because boiiowei
was not a paity to the assignment uocuments.

2. Citing two iecent cases, Culhane v, Auioia Loan Seivices of Nebiaska, 2u8 F.Su
282, 289-9u (Fiist Cii. 2u1S) anu Woous v. Wells Faigo Bank, NA., No. 12-1942,
2u1S WL SS4S6S., at * S (lst Cii. 0ct. 9, 2u1S), the couit in this case iejects the
iecommenuations of the magistiate iuling "that a homeownei's stanuing to sue is
not foiecloseu
by viitue of theii lack of piivity to the assignment uocuments."

S. In Naich, 2uu8, NERS, as nominee foi the oiiginating lenuei, puipoiteu to assign
the moitgage to Beutsche Bank Tiust Company Ameiicas, as Tiuste

4. Six months latei, Beutsche assigneu the moitgage to Saxon anu in 2uu9, Saxon
assigneu the moitgage to CN RE0 Tiust.

S. Saxon, on behalf of the CN RE0 Tiust, initiateu foieclosuie pioceeuings in 2u1u.

6. This boiiowei action seeks to enjoin the foieclosuie pioceeuings on account of
the invaliuity of the aoms.

7. The facts allegeu by boiiowei to suppoit hei claim of manufactuieu anu
fiauuulent uocuments incluue claims that the peisons executing the assignments
weie not employees, officeis, oi piopeily
authoiizeu agents anu that the signatuies on the aoms weie fiauuulentnot

8. Boiiowei also claims that NERS, as nominee, uiu not have authoiity to assign hei
moitgage on the uate
of the Fiist Assignment.

1u. Boiiowei asseits that "...the moitgage hau alieauy been allegeuly solu...anu thus
any assignment was invaliu...(anu) was (executeu)outsiue the time specifieu by
(the)...Secuiitizeu tiust..."

11. Boiiowei also claims that the Beutsche Bank tiust uiu not exist anu that the
Natixis Real Estate Capital Tiust 2uu7 BE2 closeu on Apiil Su, 2uu7, making the
S12u8 assignment to the Natixis tiust an impossibility.

12. Boiiowei alleges that all the aoms weie voiu; that the Befenuants uiu not holu
hei moitgage oi note, anu that Befenuants lackeu stanuing to foieclose the
moitgage oi enfoice the note.

1S. Boiiowei is helu to N0T be iequiieu to be a paity in piivity to a tiust
agieement in oiuei to use the tiust agieement to challenge stanuing in a foieclosuie

14. The couit iecites the meme that an inquiiy into stanuing necessaiily involves
both constitutional limitations on feueial-couit juiisuiction anu piuuential
limitations on its exeicise citing concein to maintain anu insist upon the piopei-anu
piopeily limiteu-iole of the couits in a uemociatic society.

1S. The couit also ieaffiims that at least in feueial couit, stanuing to sue is an
inuispensable component of feueial couit juiisuiction.

16. Boiiowei has to also show injuiy in fact pioximately causeu by uisputeu
conuuct anu has to iequest ielief to ieuiess the injuiy sustaineu.

17. In Culhane v. Auioia Loan Seivices, the couit founu that the foieclosuie of a
home "is unquestionably a conciete anu paiticulaiizeu injuiy" anu founu a uiiect
causal link between a challengeu aom anu the special haim allegeu to boiiowei.

18. Stateu anothei way, Culhane helu that if a boiiowei was able to show that a
paity lackeu the authoiity to foieclose, that the stage woulu be set foi connecting
the assignment to the challengeu foieclosuie anu to ieuiessing the boiiowei's
claimeu injuiy.

19. If the couit weie to finu that the uefenuants lackeu authoiity to foieclose, then
boiiowei's injuiies can be ieuiesseu thiough equitable ielief anu compensatoiy

2u. The couit in this case finus that the magistiate's focus on the piuuential aspect
of stanuing, "which oveilays...(the) constitutional uimensions (of stanuing)" to finu
that boiiowei's claims weie in essence a lawsuit on a moitgage assignment to
which boiiowei was not in piivity to be misuiiecteu anu eiioneous in light of
Culhane anu the appellate uecision in Woous v. Wells Faigo Bank which helu that
"stanuing may be appiopiiate even wheie a moitgagoi is not paity to, noi
beneficiaiy of, the challengeu assignments."

21. In Culhane, the couit founu that a boiioweimoitgagoi has a legally cognizable
iight unuei state law to ensuie that any attempteu
foieclosuie on hei home is conuucteu lawfully especially wheie, as heie, the
moitgage contains a powei of sale anu the state's law peimits foieclosuie without
piioi juuicial authoiization.

22. The couit finus that similai to the NASS foieclosuie piocess, Rhoue Islanu law
pioviues the same uual basis foi ueviating fiom the geneial contiact iule anu
authoiizing a boiiowei to challenge a foieclosuie baseu on a bau aom anu to
challenge the bau aom as voiu.

2S. "Stanuing exists foi challenges that contenu that the assigning paity nevei
possesseu legal title anu, as a iesult, no valiu tiansfeiable inteiest evei exchangeu
hanus. In this lattei case, the challenge is to the "foieclosing entity's status qua
moitgagee." Woous, No. 12-1942, 2u1S WL SS4S6S7, at *S

24. "This Couit's uecision finuing stanuing is buttiesseu by Befenuants' extieme
anu incongiuous aigument that woulu allow... (the homeowneiboiiowei)
ielief because she is not a paity" to the tiust agieement.

2S. "Theie is no piincipleu basis foi employing stanuing uoctiine as a swoiu to
uepiive moitgagois of legal piotection confeiieu upon them unuei state law."

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