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Insert name of Consultant Engineering Proposal For Insert project name

Project Purpose Insert Description of Project Insert (include linear feet of route and construction cost estimate) Scope of Work Engineering services shall provide design drawings and specifications that meet or exceed the requirements of Utilities Standards and Construction Specifications Manual (Manual), utili e Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specifications, and standard drawing templates for the construction of water mains, force mains, reclaimed water mains, pump stations, gravit$ s$stem, pump stations, and renewal or replacement of wastewater gravit$ s$stem, pump stations, and su%standard water distri%ution s$stem& The Engineer is responsible for all work of their subconsultants/subcontractors to meet the requirements of the Engineers proposal. The County requires the subconsultant/subcontractor proposals to be attached to the Engineers proposal. #he following tas's will %e performed as part of the wor'( #as' )** "reliminar$ Engineering+ #as' ,** Construction -ocuments+ #as' .** Surve$ing+ #as' /** 0eotechnical !nvestigation+ #as' 1** Ecological !nvestigation+ #as' 2** "u%lic 3elations( Communit$ Meeting4"u%lic 5otification67lier "roduction and Mailing "rocedure+ #as' 8** 9idding :ssistance+ and #as' ;** Construction :dministration Services& TAS !"" # P$E%I&I'A$( E')I'EE$I')

#he purpose of the preliminar$ engineering phase is to present pro<ect completion alternatives to Utilities in a manner that will allow Utilities to ma'e an informed decision as to how the pro<ect shall proceed& Minimal surve$ services will %e performed during the "reliminar$ Engineering unless approved %$ the Utilities "ro<ect Manager& Su*task !!" Data Collection )& Coordinate and attend =ic'6off meeting& "repare and distri%ute meeting minutes& "age ) of ,,
>CU Engineer "roposal #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),


Collect and review all availa%le information such as records, maps, aerials, surve$s, easements, 3>? records, oning classifications, plans, record drawings, soils investigation reports, %uilding codes and standards that ma$ %e pertinent to execution of the "ro<ect& 3eview all requirements of all agencies having <urisdiction over the "ro<ect& Collect and review an$ other information that ma$ have a %earing and impact on the planning, design, approval, permitting, construction or operation of the "ro<ect& .& 3eview an$ previous inspection and condition assessment reports and recommendations prepared %$ Utilities& /& Coordinate with Utilities an$ inspection and testing wor' of the gravit$ sewer one ()) manhole upstream outside the pump station& !nspection wor' to %e performed %$ Utilities staff shall include televising the gravit$ main, manhole inspections, and pump station draw down testing& 1& Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route %$ site visitation& Consider current field conditions and an$ proposed site improvements and4or changes that ma$ impact the pro<ect and recommended location of the proposed pipeline& Su*task !+" Preliminar, Engineering $eport 7or each pump station, Utilities staff will estimate the wastewater flows and provide h$draulic modeling and s$stem curves for use %$ the Engineer& Engineer will perform the following duties( 1. Estimate the capacit$ of the influent gravit$ lines %ased on the Manning Equation, appropriate >range Count$ Standards, and generall$ accepted engineering practice& :lso, Engineer will consider the wet well storage volumes, appropriate >range Count$ Standards, and generall$ accepted engineering practice to ascertain the a%ilit$ of the wet wells to accommodate the design flows& Su%sequentl$, Engineer will document the capacit$ and operational conditions for each pump station, provide pump selections for %oth 7l$gt and :9S pumps& 2. -evelop a preliminar$ site and $ard piping plan for each pump station along with a mechanical plan and section showing the wetwell, pumps and discharge piping& .& "repare a preliminar$ la$out of the proposed construction alignment of the water, force mains and4or reclaimed water mains which indicates all ma<or conflicts with existing utilities and all areas where special construction techniques must %e considered& :dditionall$, present an$ other pertinent information necessar$ for Utilities to evaluate the proposed alignment& /& "rovide a schematic map showing the pro<ect limits for utilit$ improvements and existing and proposed water s$stem improvements& : ta%le ta%ulation of water mains to %e replaced %ased upon adequate water pressure for fire flow and the quantities of cement as%estos or galvani ed water mains with their respective si es& Deli-era*les. )& #he information collected will %e provided to Utilities to download into the "ump Station 343 "rogram data %ase& ,& "repare a draft @"reliminar$ -esign 3eportA as follows( :& 7or each pump station to include the following sections( a& !ntroduction containing a summar$ of results %& 3egulator$ 3equirements c& Site la$out "age , of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

d& Existing equipment and facilities e& Capacit$ Evaluation "rocedures and 3esults #echnical Memorandum f& "roposed improvements g& 9asis of -esign h& >pinion of "ro%a%le Construction Cost :n$ collection4transmission s$stem improvements associated with the pumping stations will also %e included in each report& 9& -ocumentation of the proposed water main and forcemain improvements& :t a minimum, include illustrative s'etches4plans (pipe alignment la$out), permit requirements, future plans of other utilities and agencies that ma$ affect "ro<ect (if applica%le), opinion of pro%a%le cost, and the conclusions and recommendations concerning further execution of the pro<ect& .& Su%mit six (2) copies of the draft @"reliminar$ -esign 3eportA to Utilities& Meet with Utilities to discuss and revise in accordance with the comments from Utilities& Su%mit two (,) hard copies and a digital cop$ as a single "-7 of the final @"reliminar$ -esign 3eportA& TAS +"" # C/'ST$0CTI/' D/C0&E'TS

#he construction documents shall %e complete and meet all requirements for construction contract competitive %id formulation and su%sequent construction of the "ro<ect& :ll documents shall compl$ with the current requirements of the >range Count$ Utilities Standards and Construction Specifications Manual, :ttachment , -rawing 7ile 5aming Conventions, and the requirements as descri%ed in this proposal& "rovide qualit$ assurance and Bconstructa%ilit$B review prior to all su%mittals to Utilities& -esign services will include 2*C, D*C, and )**C document su%mittals, surve$, geotechnical investigation, ecological investigation, and permitting& #he Engineer has estimated insert num*er single plan and profile ,/Ax.2A sheets at a scale of )AE ,* hori ontal and )AE / vertical& #he Engineer shall confirm with the Utilities "ro<ect Manager ("M) the areas to %e investigated for utilities at Utilit$ Fualit$ Gevel : and the num%er of HHhs estimated prior to an$ surve$ wor' performed& Utilities design pac'ages provided to the Engineer will include for wastewater gravit$ s$stems for specific service su%6areas and pump stations& )& -esign drawings, chec'lists, and construction cost estimate for lining of gravit$ mains, point repairs, and laterals for the following service su%6areas( :& S: I 9& S: I ,& "ump station drawings and documents that meet the requirements of #as' ,** 6 Construction -ocuments& :& "S I 9& "S I Su*task +!" 1 2"3 %e-el of Completion Shall %e defined as a complete set (all sheets that will %e in the %id pac'age) of plan and profile drawings indicating all surve$ and topographic information, depiction of all su%surface utilit$ data in accordance with C!4:SCE .;6*,, :SCE Standard 0uideline for the Collection and "age . of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

-epiction of Existing Su%surface Utilit$ -ata, all utilit$ connections, Standard -rawing -etail Chec'list and proposed drawing details, Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specifications chec'list, specific technical specification sections with proposed changes, an$ proposed new pa$ items, and Engineers Estimate of "ro%a%le Cost utili ing Utilities Standard "a$ !tems& !f in the opinion of the "M the 2*C level of completion is not met, the su%mittal shall %e resu%mitted with the appropriate missing information& )eneral $e4uirements )& !f ground water sample results of the water anal$sis exceed the allowa%le levels of the specified water qualit$ parameters (see #a%le ,, Screening Halues for -ischarge of "roduced 0round ?ater), the Engineer shall provide remed$(s) in the Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specifications Section *,)/*, -ewatering, paragraph .&*.& ,& :ll existing utilities shall %e shown on the plans in accordance with the C!4:SCE .;6*,, :SCE Standard 0uideline for the Collection and -epiction of Existing Su%surface Utilit$ -ata& Existing utilities shall %e identified with a utilit$ qualit$ level %$ an appropriate a%%reviation and legend& !n addition, place on the drawings( the note found %elow, index notes, legend and a%%reviations, and a hori ontal and vertical data ta%le in accordance with C!4:SCE .;6*, Utilit$ Fualit$ Gevel !nformation !ndex on the plan and profile drawings& '/TE. #his drawing was prepared in conformance with :SCE standard CE4:SCE .;6*,A :merican Societ$ of Civil Engineers Standard 0uideline for the Collection and -epiction of Existing Su%surface Utilit$ -ataA& .& : ph$sical wal'6through of the proposed pipe(s) route shall %e made %$ the >range Count$ Utilities construction inspector, "M, and the Engineer prior to the 2*C review meeting& /& -rawings shall use the Utilities drawing naming convention shown in :ttachment , of this proposal& 1& :n$ modifications to the >CU Standards and Construction Specification Manuals Standard -rawings shall %e noted& 2& Meet with Utilities to discuss the 2*C su%mittal, prepare a written list of Utilities comments, su%mit to Utilities for verification and su%sequentl$ revise the construction documents per Utilities comments& 8& Coordinate with the >range Count$ "u%lic ?or's -epartment ("u%lic ?or's)& Su%mit one ()) printed set of 2*C construction drawings as a separate su%mittal pac'age with cover letter for review and comment to each( C& Manager of -evelopment Engineering -ivision -& Manager of Jighwa$ Construction -ivision E& Manager of Stormwater Management -ivision 7& Manager of "u%lic ?or's Engineering -ivision 0& Manager of #raffic Engineering -ivision J& Manager of 3oads and -rainage -ivision !& Manager of #ransportation "lanning -ivision ;& !ncorporate "u%lic ?or's comments into the drawings and specifications after approval %$ the "M& :n email shall %e su%mitted %$ the Engineer verif$ing whether each of the preceding "u%lic ?or's -ivisions have reviewed and commented on the drawings& "age / of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Deli-era*les. )& Su%mit all Surve$ delivera%les& ,& Su%mit seven (8) printed sets of the 2*C design drawings& :& :ll required plan and profile drawings 9& -esign pac'ages from Utilities C& :utoC:- drawings for title sheet, general notes and details -& :ll :utoC:- drawings for the reha%ilitation and4or replacement of pump stations .& Complete the Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specification Chec'list& /& :n$ Master C!" #echnical Specifications with proposed trac'ed changes& 1& Complete the Utilities Standard -rawing -etail Chec' Gist 2& :n$ proposed -rawing -etail(s) 8& "rovide the Engineers Estimate of "ro%a%le Cost utili ing Utilities Standard "a$ !tems& ;& :n$ proposed new pa$ items shall %e su%mitted with measurement and pa$ment description to match Utilities format and num%ered with an appropriate pa$ment item sequence& D& Su%mit a paper cop$ of the 0eotechnical !nvestigation 3eport to Utilities and a digital C- cop$ in MS ?ord format& )*& Su%mit a paper cop$ of the Ecological !nvestigation 3eport to Utilities and a digital Ccop$ in MS ?ord format& Su*task ++" # 5"3 %e-el of Completion Shall %e defined as a complete set the construction drawings and specifications containing all of the general and preceding requirements that would allow the "ro<ect to %e %id, Utilities 2*C review comment ta%ulation (Excel spreadsheet), and 2*C review comments were addressed, and an opinion of the pro%a%le construction cost utili ing Utilities Standard "a$ !tems& !f in the opinion of the "M the D*C level of completion is not met, the su%mittal shall %e resu%mitted with the appropriate missing information& )eneral $e4uirements. )& #he Engineer shall indicate fittings on the construction plans for pipe deflections& "HC pipe shall %e designed with no pipe deflections and shall have fittings for all %ends& ,& :n electronic %lan' file of the 3ecord -rawing :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le in Excel format will %e provided %$ Utilities to the Engineer upon request& 3. #he :s6%uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le wor'sheets shall %e shown in the construction drawings and placed as the last sheets of drawings& !dentif$ all assets on the drawings with a unique num%ering procedure& Utilit$ assets and infrastructural features shall %e la%eled on the drawings with unique identification num%ers in order to create a lin' %etween the drawings and the :s69uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le& #he unique num%ers with asset descriptions are to %e filled in on the latest Utilities :s6%uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le in the appropriate wor'sheet& #he wor'sheets shall include all of the Utilities pertinent assets listed in #a%le ) Minimum Surve$ :ccuracies per :sset (proposed and existing ?ater, ?astewater, and 3eclaimed ?ater)& :ll of the Count$s manhole asset num%ers will %e used& /& Su%mit the 2*C review comments Excel spreadsheet& "age 1 of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),


Meet with Utilities to discuss the D*C design drawings su%mittal, prepare an updated written list of D*C Utilities review comments Excel spread sheet& 2& !ncorporate into this su%mittal an$ governmental agenc$ permit review comments& Deli-era*les for t6e $e-ie7 &eeting. ) Su%mit seven (8) printed sets of the D*C design drawings& :& :ll required plan and profile 9& -esign pac'ages from Utilities C& :utoC:- drawings for title sheet, general notes and details -& :ll :utoC:- drawings for the reha%ilitation and4or replacement of pump stations , Updated Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specification Chec'list& . :n$ Master C!" #echnical Specifications with proposed trac'ed changes& / Complete the Utilities Standard -rawing -etail Chec' Gist 1 :n$ proposed -rawing -etail(s) 2 :n$ proposed new pa$ items shall %e su%mitted with measurement and pa$ment description to match Utilities format and num%ered with an appropriate pa$ment item sequence& 8 "rovide the Engineers Estimate of "ro%a%le Cost utili ing the Utilities Standard "a$ !tem Gist& After the 90% review meeting: )& "ermitting :& "repare and su%mit all required "ro<ect related permit applications and supporting documentation necessar$ to o%tain required permits for construction and operation of the "ro<ect from all applica%le agencies (7lorida -epartment of Environmental "rotection, 7lorida -epartment of #ransportation, Count$ "u%lic ?or's and 9uilding -epartments, ?ater Management -istricts, 3ailroad, etc&) with <urisdiction over the "ro<ect& 9& 3espond to all requests for additional information from permitting agencies& C& Su%mit all acquired permits& ,& :ll permit fees are included in the engineering fee compensation& Utilities will reim%urse permit fees paid %$ the Engineer& .& 3ed6line a set of plans and spreadsheet for Utilities D*C review comments& 3ed6line and flag each page of the specification showing Utilities D*C review comments& -o not ma'e changes to the pro<ect documents until after the Utilities -esign 3eview 0roup (-30) has performed a final review& 7inal review comments will %e transmitted %$ the "M to the Engineer&

"age 2 of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Ta*le ! &inimum Sur-e, Accuracies Per Asset (Proposed and E8isting Water9 Waste7ater9 $eclaimed Water) Asset:%ocation 9aseline Control Gocational :ccurac$ "ropert$ and Easement Corners J$drants 9low off Halves :ir 3elease Halves Master Meters Meter 9ox or Cur% Stop if %ox does not exist ?ell Clean6out "ump Station Manholes Manhole S$stem Halves 7ittings and end of the pipe if plugged& "iping at )** max intervals 3estrained "ipe Connections 9ore L Mac' Casing -irectional -rilling Existing >range Count$ Utilities ?ater, ?astewater, and 3eclaimed ?ater Main Crossings ;ori<ontal Accurac, (feet) *&*) K *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) *&) Ele-ation Accurac, (feet) *&*) 54: 54: 54: 54: 54: 54: *&) 54: *&*) *&*) *&*) *&) *&) *&) 54: *&*) *&) *&) *&) %ocation. 6ori<ontal center and -ertical top9 unless ot6er7ise specified "oint Surve$ Monuments >perating 5ut Halve Enclosure Halve Enclosure 3egister #op of Meter 9ox #op of well #op of Clean6out #op Center of ?et ?ell and "ipe !nverts #op Center of Cover and pipe inverts "ipe !nverts >perating 5ut and Halve 9od$ #op of 7itting #op of "ipe Gimits "ipe !nvert #op of Casing at Gimits of Casing #op of connection fitting for the %eginning and end of J-"E or "HC pipe #op of pipe or top and center of structure

K Shall conform to the requirements of the Chapter 1M6)8 Minimum #echnical Standards, 7&:&C& for a %oundar$ surve$&

Su*task +=" # !""3 %e-el of Completion "age 8 of ,,

>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Shall %e defined as a complete set the construction drawings and technical specifications including the 9id Schedule that will allow the "ro<ect to %e %id and all of Utilities D*C review comments were addressed& !ncorporate all final red6line review comments into the drawings and specifications& Deli-era*les. )& !f the pro<ect is going to %e %id soon the following appl$( :& Su%mit three (.) hard cop$ sets of )**C complete construction drawings and specific specification sections of the Utilities Master C!" #echnical Specification and Chec'list& 9& Su%mit a cop$ of the drawings and specifications in electronic format as &pdf documents on a C-& C. Su%mit a cop$ of the drawings in electronic :utoC:- format (&dxf or &dwg) and a cop$ of the specifications in Microsoft ?ord format on a C-& "rovide a 9id !tem Schedule and an updated Engineers Estimate of "ro%a%le Cost utili ing the Utilities Standard "a$ !tem Gist& E& Su%mit an electronic Excel file of the :s6%uilt -rawing :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le for all of the assets& ,& !f the pro<ect will %e on hold for %udgeting, then the onl$ documents required for each of the items defined a%ove are documents that are not the same as Utilities Master or Standard drawings and specifications until the pro<ect is %udgeted& & TAS ="" 1 S0$>E( Surve$ services shall provide Utilities with sufficient data to ascertain that the proposed pipelines and4or pump station improvements are within the existing and4or proposed right of wa$, easement or site %oundar$& Insert t6e appropriate tasks from t6e Sur-e, Proposal Template9 all of t6e )eneral $e4uirements9 and t6e applica*le deli-era*les? TAS @"" # )E/TEC;'ICA% I'>ESTI)ATI/'

Su*task @!" # )eotec6nical "erform a geotechnical investigation to facilitate design of the proposed main and construction of the "ro<ect& #he scope of services is %ased on the supplied information and the 0eotechnical Engineers experience in the area with sites and pro<ects similar to this "ro<ect& See attached map for the location of the proposed %orings& >ur exploration is planned to include the following( )& Sta'e %oring locations and coordinate underground utilit$ clearance at the site& ,& Mo%ili ation of truc' mounted drill rig and crew& .& "erform up to insert A auger %orings and to a depth of insert A in the proposed pipeline alignments along the interior roadwa$s within the su%division and4or pump station site& /& 7or pro<ects that include proposed directional drilling or <ac'6and6%ore construction methods, perform up to insert A Standard "enetration #est (S"#) %orings to a depth of insert A in the proposed pipeline alignments along the interior roadwa$s within the su%division and4or pump station site& "age ; of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),


!f pavement evaluation and4or design is required, perform up to insert A pavement cores within existing roadwa$s to determine the functional and structural conditions of the pavement& 2& :sphalt patching for %oreholes located in paved roadwa$s& 8& "erform visual classification and required la%orator$ testing of the soil samples o%tained from the %orings& Ga%orator$ testing ma$ include grain si e, organic testing, and corrosion anal$sis to verif$ visual classification of soil t$pes& #he exploration will %e supervised %$ a qualified 0eotechnical Engineer registered in the state of 7lorida, and the results of the exploration will %e presented in a geotechnical engineering report& #he report will address the following items( )& Existing site conditions ,& Exploration, testing and sampling methods .& Su%surface soil conditions encountered and soil classifications /& Soil densities, if required due to proposed directional drilling or <ac'6and6%ore construction methods& 1& Encountered pavement section characteristics and recommendations for new pavement sections, if applica%le& 2& -epth to groundwater at the time of the exploration and estimated seasonal high groundwater levels& 8& : discussion of general site preparation techniques, excavation, %ac'filling and fill compaction for installation of the proposed pipeline(s) and4or pump station& Su*task @+" 1 )round7ater Sampling:Testing 7or preparation of this proposal, the Contamination Gocator Map on the 7-E" >CUGUS we%site was used to identif$ if contaminated sites were identified within or near the pro<ect site& Search the 7-E" we%site for 9rownfields, "etroleum, Superfund, or other waste cleanup sites that are currentl$ under the 7-E"s cleanup oversight& !f the pro<ect requires dewatering for the installation of piping or a wetwell, the 0eotechnical Engineer shall perform groundwater sampling at potential contamination locations a maximum distance of ever$ ),*** along the pipe route or at the pump station site or a ),*** grid in a su%division& ?ater samples will %e collected at insert A locations throughout the pro<ect site and tested for the water qualit$ parameters specified in the 7-E" 0eneric "ermit for the -ischarge of "roduced 0round ?ater from an$ 5on6contaminated Site :ctivit$, per Chapter 2,62,), paragraph 2,62,)&.**(,), 7&:&C& (see www&dep&state&fl&us4?ater4wastewater4iw4docs42,62+!?=""N+&pdf) and the 7-E" 5"-ES 0eneric "ermitting& #he 0eotechnical Engineer will install temporar$ groundwater monitoring points at the su%<ect locations, for the purpose of o%taining a representative groundwater la%orator$ anal$tical sample& #he collected groundwater samples will %e transported under proper chain of custod$ on wet ice to a local 7lorida -epartment of Jealth certified environmental testing facilit$ for la%orator$ anal$ses of the parameters required& : finali ed la%orator$ summar$ of the anal$tical results of the ground water samples will %e provided&

"age D of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Should the results of the water anal$sis exceed the allowa%le levels of the specified parameters (see #a%le ,, Screening Halues for -ischarge of "roduced 0round ?ater), the 0eotechnical Engineer shall address possi%le remedies for the Contractor for dewatering& Ta*le + Screening >alues for Disc6arge of Produced )round Water Parameter #otal >rganic Car%on (#>C) pJ, standard units #otal 3ecovera%le Mercur$ #otal 3ecovera%le Cadmium #otal 3ecovera%le Copper #otal 3ecovera%le Gead #otal 3ecovera%le Pinc #otal 3ecovera%le Chromium (Jex&) 9en ene 5aphthalene Jardness Fres6 Waters )*&* mg4l 2&*6;&1 *&*), Og4l D&. Og4l ,&D Og4l *&*. mg4l ;2&* Og4l ))&* Og4l )&* Og4l )**&* Og4l Coastal Waters )*&* mg4l 2&16;&1 *&*,1 Og4l D&. Og4l ,&D Og4l 1&2 Og4l ;2&* Og4l 1*&* Og4l )&* Og4l )**&* Og4l

See attached drawing for the location of the well locations& Deli-era*les. )& Su%mit a paper cop$ of the 0eotechnical !nvestigation 3eport and 0roundwater Sampling :nal$tical 3eport with recommendations to Utilities and a digital C- cop$ in MS ?ord format& TAS B"" 1 EC/%/)ICA% I'>ESTI)ATI/'

"erform an ecological investigation to insure compliance with an$ permitting requirements of the 7lorida -epartment of Environmental "rotection, South 7lorida ?ater Management -istrict, 7lorida 7ish and ?ildlife Conservation Commission, the >range Count$ Environmental "rotection -ivision and other governmental agencies as applica%le& #he results of the ecological investigation shall %e summari ed in a report that includes at a minimum the following& )& !dentif$ existing wetlands+ perform corridor assessment to evaluate existence of threatened and endangered species and qualit$ of potentiall$ <urisdictional wetlands& ,& 3equest and conduct site reviews with governmental agencies for wetlands determination .& "repare reports and permit applications related to ecological conditions at the "ro<ect, determine mitigation requirements and alternatives if applica%le /& "rovide other %iological and ecological support data as necessar$ in order to represent Utilities interest with governmental agencies Deli-era*les. )& Su%mit a paper cop$ of the Ecological !nvestigation 3eport to Utilities and an electronic digital C- cop$ in MS ?ord format& "age )* of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

TAS 2"" # P0C%IC $E%ATI/'S. C/&&0'IT( &EETI'):P0C%IC '/TIFICATI/'#F%IE$ P$/D0CTI/' A'D &AI%I') P$/CED0$E )& 7ollowing the D*C level of completion and %efore advertising for construction %ids, the Engineer shall prepare and conduct a pre6construction communit$ meeting to discuss the proposed construction with the affected communit$& ,& "M esta%lishes date for the communit$ meeting and coordinates with -istrict Commissioners >ffice& .& Engineer identifies a location (t$picall$ an >range Count$ pu%lic school) for the communit$ meeting that is in proximit$ of the proposed construction, and provides location to "M& /& Engineer identifies properties ad<acent to or affected %$ proposed construction utili ing Count$ 9uffer 5otification Criteria or instructions from "M and o%tains propert$ owners mailing address& Engineer develops mailing list and provides a cop$ upon request to the "M& 1& >%tain the Communit$ Meeting 5otice guidelines and coordinate with the "M to determine the design and contents of the notice, num%er of notices to %e printed and the propert$ mailing addresses& #he notice shall include the anticipated construction start date& 2& Engineer coordinates with "M to develop a color, computer generated, ;Q x ))6inch si e communit$ meeting notice with location map utili ing ?ordR and %ased on >CU guidelines& 8& "M sends draft notice to -epartment "u%lic !nformation >fficer ("!>) for review and final approval %$ -epartment -irector& "!> requires )* wor'ing da$s from receipt of draft notice for approvals& ;& "M has Engineer ma'e an$ changes required %$ the "!> and Engineer sends final notice to the "M to o%tain final approvals& D& :ll notices shall meet the requirements set %$ the Count$, Utilities and the >range Count$ "u%lic 5otification #as' 7orce& )*& "rinting :& 7liers shall %e printed on white gloss$ rec$cled ; Q x ))6inch paper 9& Stoc' shall %e a minimum of 2*l% weight& :nd printing shall utili e the four6color process paper& ))& "ropert$ owners should receive notice two (,) wee's prior to the meeting& ),& Engineer mails Utilities approved communit$ meeting notice& ).& Construction pro<ects that are ) $ear or more in duration, a notice shall %e sent to the su%<ect propert$ owners ever$ 2 months and provide the status of the pro<ect& )/& :dditional notices ma$ %e needed if an urgent or emergenc$ situation arises on the pro<ect where pu%lic notification is warranted TAS )& D"" # CIDDI') ASSISTA'CE

?ithin .* da$s %efore the pro<ect is advertised to %e %id, revisit an$ easements containing proposed pipes to determine if an$ protected animals (gopher turtles, eagles, etc&) have inha%ited the area& ,& Create construction drawings and specifications for %idding and e"lanR distri%ution %$ the >range Count$ Contracts and "urchasing ("urchasing) -ivision& "age )) of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),


/& 1&


Construction drawings and specifications shall %e formatted as &pdf documents and furnished to "urchasing on C-& 7urnish five (1) copies of the C- containing the &pdf documents& 7urnish fifteen ()1) sets of ,/6inch %$ .26inch si e hard cop$ of all construction drawings, one ()) un%ound, single page6sided, set of technical specifications with !ndex of Specification Sections and an !ndex of Construction drawings, the 9id Schedule and an$ Special "rovisions to "urchasing for use during the %idding process& :ttend a pre6%id conference scheduled %$ Utilities& Consider written questions from %idders related to the "ro<ect and prepare all addenda as required to interpret, clarif$ or expand the 9idding -ocuments& Su%mit addenda to Utilities in a timel$ manner that allows reception of addenda %$ all %idders no later than a minimum of three (.) da$s prior to %id opening date& "repare a ta%ulation of all %ids received in spreadsheet format and provide a digital cop$, review and evaluate the apparent three (.) lowest %idders unit prices, experience and references and ma'e recommendations to Utilities regarding the award of the construction contract& E"" # C/'ST$0CTI/' AD&I'IST$ATI/'


Su*task E!" 1 Conformed Documents and Preconstruction Conference Utilities will provide construction inspection& :ll instructions to the Contractor(s) shall %e issued through Utilities& #he Engineer shall( )& Modif$ %idding documents, if required, and o%tain all Count$4"urchasing required and contractor executed documents+ provide the Count$ ten ()*) full si e and five (1) half6si e hard cop$ sets of the @ConformedA construction drawings and fifteen ()1) complete, %ound "ro<ect Manuals (collectivel$ referred to as the conformed Contract -ocuments) for Utilities use during the construction phase of the "ro<ect& ,& Conformed Construction -ocuments :& Su%mit one ()) certified, full si e, hard cop$ set of Conformed Construction -ocuments signed and sealed %$ the Engineer& 9& Su%mit digital Conformed -rawings in :utoC:- (dxf or dwg) format to the Count$& .& "reconstruction Conference :& "lan, organi e and conduct a pre6construction conference+ distri%ute ten ()*) sets Conformed Contract -ocuments, ta'e meeting minutes and distri%ute written minutes to all attendees& B. "rovide a digital version of the conformed construction drawings in :utoC:- format (&dxf or &dwg) format to the Contractors Surve$or for preparing the :s6%uilt -rawings& "rovide an electronic cop$ of the :s69uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%les to the Contractor& Su*task E+" 1 S6op Dra7ings and Correspondence )& 3eview shop drawings and product su%mittals for conformance with the Contract -ocuments& ,& "rovide clarifications, interpretation of the specifications, s'etches and drawings to resolve actual field conflicts encountered and provide consultation and advice during the construction process, as requested %$ Utilities& "age ), of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),


:ll pro<ect correspondence and documentation including %ut not limited to requests for information, notices, change orders 4 change management, noncompliance notices, notice of claims, requests for clarification, updates, meeting minutes, shop drawing transmittals, clarifications, shop drawing comments, letters, memos, etc shall %e created and managed in "rimavera Contract Manager& :& #he use of emails as pro<ect correspondence and documentation %etween the Contractor and Engineer is unaccepta%le and shall %e considered noncompliant

Su*task E=" 1 &ont6l, Construction Progress &eetings )& :ttend monthl$ construction progress meetings, ta'e meeting minutes and distri%ute minutes to all attendees& Concurrentl$ on the da$ of the monthl$ construction progress meeting, o%serve the construction of the "ro<ect and discuss an$ concerns with Utilities& ,& #he Engineer shall review the progressive :s6%uilt -rawings and the Contractor Surve$ors ta%les to determine if the constructed improvements meet the Engineers design intent& :& :s6%uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le 9& "ipe -eflection #a%le C& 0ravit$ Main #a%le .& Conduct up to one additional site visit per month to o%serve construction, if requested %$ Utilities& Su*task E@" 1 C6ange /rders9 Su*stantial Completions9 and Partial Certifications )& Utilities will execute change orders& !f requested %$ Utilities, evaluate requests for changes in contract price and time made %$ the Contractor& ,& Conduct su%stantial completion inspections of "ro<ect and prepare the appropriate @punch listsA& .& :ttend pump station start6up conducted %$ the Contractor& /& Su%mit :s6%uilt drawings and necessar$ documents for partial pro<ect certification of completion to the 7-E" to o%tain all approvals for the release of the water main, force main, gravit$ main, pump station, and reclaimed water main for %eneficial use& Su*task EB" 1 Final Completion Inspection and $ecord Dra7ings )& Conduct final completion inspection of "ro<ect& ,& #he Engineer shall develop the 3ecord -rawings from the :s6%uilt -rawings supplied %$ the Contractor& #he 3ecord -rawings shall incorporate all partial clearance information& #he Engineer shall indicate su%stantive deviations from the original design documents and certif$ whether the deviations are such that the original engineering design intent has or has not %een @materiall$A accomplished %$ the finished construction& #he accurac$ of the location information is to %e %ased upon the Contractors Surve$ors :s69uilt :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%le and :s6%uilts& .& #he 3ecord -rawings shall %e a compiled representation of the constructed pro<ect+ shall contain a listing of the sources and the %asis of information used in the preparation of the 3ecord -rawings+ shall contain a certification that the$ are %elieved to %e correct to the %est of the Engineers 'nowledge and that the drawings meet the design intent including, %ut not limited to, gravit$ main slopes, over deflecting of pipe, pipe separation, etc& 7inal 3ecord -rawings com%ine all previous partial clearances, contractor :s6%uilts, surve$ed coordinates with asset ta%le, and all >range Count$ Utilities wor' into one complete set& "age ). of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

/& #he Engineer shall su%mit three (.) certified, full si e, hard cop$ sets of 3ecord -rawings, signed and sealed %$ the Engineer of 3ecord and containing appropriate notes or disclosures accompan$ing the certification that state the Engineers determination that such modifications do or do not @materiall$A affect the permitted design& Exclusions are not permitted& 1& "rovide a complete set of scans signed and sealed %$ the Engineer of 3ecord& !nclude a #!77 image for each sheet and a complete set in a single :do%e "-7 file& 2& "rovide the :utoC:- file in &dxf or &dwg format& SC;ED0%E #he wor' effort descri%ed herein will %e completed within insert # months in accordance with the proposed schedule provided in the attached Exhi%it :& #he schedule for the accomplishment of the "ro<ect reflects the proposed elapsed time in da$s for completion of the preliminar$ engineering design, construction documents phase (final design), the %idding phase, and the construction phase of the "ro<ect& #he schedule identifies and addresses accomplishment of each tas' enumerated in Utilities Standard Schedule Events& #he duration of activities controlled %$ the Count$ shall %e estimated and included in the schedule& C/&PE'SATI/' !n accordance with insert Contract A9 the Engineers proposed lump sum to provide engineering services for the foregoing descri%ed pro<ect for the preceding tas's )** through 8** inclusive is insert F and an hourl$ not to exceed fee of insert F for #as' ;** Construction :dministrative Services or a total fee to provide all of the services is insert F? : cost %rea'down is provided in the attached Exhi%it 9 9udget -etail& #he fee is separated into the following headings and wor' items are descri%ed on each corresponding line( #as' )** "reliminar$ Engineering Su%tas' ))* -ata Collection Su%tas' ),* Capacit$ Evaluation Su%tas' ).* "reliminar$ Engineering 3eport #as' ,** Construction -ocuments Su%tas' ,)* 2*C Gevel of Completion Su%tas' ,,* D*C Gevel of Completion Su%tas' ,.* )**C Gevel of Completion #as' .** Surve$ Su%tas' .)) #itle Search Su%tas' .,) #emporar$ Construction Easement (acquisition) Su%tas' ..) 5on6acquisition "urposes Su%tas' .., :cquisition "urposes Su%tas' ... ?etlands Surve$ Su%tas' ./) 3ight6of6?a$ Gocations "age )/ of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Su%tas' .1) #opographic Surve$ Su%tas' .1, Collection and -epiction of Existing Su%surface Utilit$ -ata Su%tas' .2) Surve$ Control and 9aselines Su%tas' .8) :s6%uilt -rawings Su%tas' .8, :s69uilt -igital -ata #as' /** 0eotechnical !nvestigation Su%tas' /)* 0eotechnical Su%tas' /,* 0roundwater Sampling4#esting #as' 1** Ecological !nvestigation #as' 2** "u%lic 3elations( Communit$ Meeting4"u%lic 5otification67lier "roduction and Mailing "rocedure #as' 8** 9idding :ssistance #as' ;** Construction :dministration Services Su%tas' ;)* Conformed -ocuments and "reconstruction Conference Su%tas' ;,* Shop -rawings and Correspondence Su%tas' ;.* Monthl$ Construction "rogress Meetings Su%tas' ;/* Change >rders, Su%stantial Completions, and "artial Certifications Su%tas' ;1* 7inal Completion !nspection and 3ecord -rawings 7ee direct costs can %e determined %$ examination of the area of the pro<ect utili ing tax maps, etc& In-oices 7ill *e su*mitted mont6l, and as descri*ed in Attac6ment ! In-oicing Format and Procedures? &:WCE PA$TICIPATI/' #otal M9E percentage for this authori ation is insert 3, insert &CE firm an M9E firm and insert 3, insert ot6er &CE firm an M9E firm will %e involved in this pro<ect& #he insert &CE firmGs fee total is not to exceed fee of insert F, and insert ot6er &CE firmGs total not to exceed fee is insert F&

"age )1 of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

ATTAC;&E'T ! I'>/ICI') F/$&AT A'D P$/CED0$ES

!nvoices for services %$ the Engineer shall provide a narrative descri%ing the activities %eing performed, date range as well as the pro<ect specific duties 4 tas's performed %$ each person %illed to the Count$& Engineer shall utili e the following format and procedures& !nvoice su%mittals that do not meet the following format, will %e disapproved and returned to the consultant& !f $ou have an$ questions concerning $our invoice su%mittal, please contact the "M& )& !nvoice 7ormat :& !nvoices shall %e su%mitted to( >range Count$ Utilities :ttn( Manager, 7iscal Services -ivision D)1* Curr$ 7ord 3oad >rlando, 7lorida .,;,1 9& : transmittal letter shall %e included with the invoice& 7axed invoices are not accepta%le& C& !nvoice shall have the current date of su%mittal and not %ac'dated& -& !nvoice shall have the %illing period stated+ for example( @7or services provided from Ma$ ), ,**D to Mune ), ,**DA& E& !f the invoice is a re6su%mittal of a previousl$ su%mitted invoice, the invoice shall have the words @3evisedA and4or @3e6su%mittedA followed %$ the date of re6su%mittal& 7& !nvoices shall %e consecutivel$ num%ered, starting with !nvoice 5o& ), followed %$ the "urchase >rder 5um%er and the "ro<ect 5ame+ for example( @!nvoice 5o )6"> CD2;***,+ Jemple :venue 7orce Main "ro<ectA& 0& !nvoices shall have a complete listing of tas's that are identical to the listing of tas's in the approved scope of wor'& Each tas' %rea'down shall include the total tas' dollar amount and the dollar amount for that %illing period with an itemi ation of hours %$ discipline and dollar amount %$ discipline& #he sum of the dollar totals for each tas' shall %e equal to the fee amount& J& : complete description of the provided services shall %e included with the invoice& !& :ll su%6consultant costs and all direct cost shall %e presented as a separate itemi ation& M& :ll su%6consultant and direct costs shall include %ac'6up documentation that clearl$ indicates incremental cost amounts& ,& !nvoice "rocessing "rocedures :& >CU- 7iscal Services -ivision will mathematicall$ review invoice, verif$ documentation and su%mit to Engineering -ivision with their pa$ment recommendation& 9& #he Engineering -ivisions "ro<ect Manager will review invoice in regards to amount %illed versus services received and either approve or disapprove invoice& C& -isapproved invoices are returned to 7iscal Services -ivision for return to Consultant& "age )2 of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

-& :pproved invoices are sent to Engineering -ivision Manager for final approval and returned to 7iscal Services -ivision, which initiates the pa$ment procedure through the Contracts and "urchasing -epartment& #he >range Count$ Comptrollers >ffice issues chec's&

"age )8 of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

ATTAC;&E'T + Dra7ing File 'aming Con-entions

#he pro<ect file naming convention consists of a two character "ro<ect #$pe Code and a five character "ro<ect #$pe 5um%er separated %$ a h$phen& "ro<ect #$pe Codes( "S E "ump Station S used for all pump station pro<ects S: E Service :rea S used for all gravit$ sewer 343 pro<ects
Project Type Code




Project Type Number

Figure ! Project File 'aming Con-ention #he pro<ect file will contain drawings specific to the individual pro<ect& Standard detail sheets and notes sheets will not %e included in the pro<ect file& #hose drawings will %e added as individual pro<ects are compiled into pro<ects& Dra7ing File 'aming Each pro<ect file will include a num%er of drawings represented %$ @ta%sA located in paper space& Each ta% will %e renamed to a drawing name& -rawing names consist of a single character discipline designator followed %$ a pump station reference num%er and ending with a one or two character sequential num%er with each field separated %$ a h$phen& #he pump station reference num%er will %e a 1 digit num%er, with the first digit reserved for @7A pump stations (e&g& 7.D*1)& !f there is no @7A prefix, the pump station reference num%er will %e / digits& 7or "ump Station 343 pro<ects the pump station reference num%er will %e the pump station num%er& 7or 0ravit$ 343 drawings the pump station reference num%er will contain a @S:A prefix (e&g& S:.***, S:7.D*1)&

"age ); of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

#a%le )& -iscipline -esignator Codes Discipline 0eneral Surve$4Mapping Civil Structural Mechanical Electrical :s6%uilt -rawing :sset :ttri%ute -ata #a%les Code 0 H C S " E T

-iscipline Code

Sequential 5um%er

(SA prefi! for "ra#ity R$R Pump Station Reference dra%in&'( Number

Figure 2 Drawing Tab Naming Convention

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E86i*it A Sc6edule

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E86i*it C Cudget Detail

Note: All subconsultants/ subcontractor fees shall be included in the budget detail sheets.

"age ,) of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

Su*consultant Proposal(s)
Note: The Engineer is responsible for all wor of their subconsultants/subcontractors to meet the re!uirements of the Engineer"s proposal. The #ount$ re!uires the subconsultant/subcontractor proposals attached to the Engineer"s proposal.

"age ,, of ,,
>CU C!" "roposal Engineer #emplate rev& 5ovem%er ,*),

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