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Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 4993–4997

Grain-boundary plane orientation dependence of electrical barriers

at R5 boundaries in SrTiO3
Sung Bo Lee a,*, Jong-Heun Lee b, Yoon-Ho Cho b, Doh-Yeon Kim a, Wilfried Sigle c,
Fritz Phillipp c, Peter A. van Aken c
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, South Korea
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, South Korea
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Received 20 February 2008; received in revised form 14 June 2008; accepted 16 June 2008
Available online 19 July 2008


Dependence of the electrical properties on grain-boundary plane orientation is examined by a combination of high-resolution trans-
mission electron microscopy, impedance spectroscopy, and electron energy-loss spectrometry using two kinds of SrTiO3 R5 ([1 0 0]/36.8°)
bicrystalline grain boundaries: symmetric (3 1 0) (18.4°/18.4°) and asymmetric (8.4°/28.4°). While the symmetric grain boundary is
observed to be straight with the symmetric (3 1 0)//(3 1 0) plane orientation, the asymmetric grain boundary is faceted into symmetric
(3 1 0)//(3 1 0) and (2 1 0)//(2 1 0), and asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0). Grain-boundary impedance is observed only in the asymmetric grain
boundary, and the electron energy-loss spectrometry quantification indicates that the asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facets are more oxy-
gen-deficient than the symmetric ones. The results suggest that the asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facets are the most resistive among the three
different facets.
Ó 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Annealing; Electron energy-loss spectroscopy; Transmission electron microscopy; Strontium titanate; Grain-boundary structure

1. Introduction ous high- and low-angle grain boundaries in undoped

SrTiO3, the Ti-to-O atomic concentration ratio is higher
Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) is widely used as grain- than in the bulk, indicating that the grain boundaries are
boundary barrier-layer devices, such as capacitors and segregated by Ti or deficient in O. An atomic resolution
varistors [1], and thus knowledge of the electrical proper- study using the combination of Z-contrast imaging and
ties of grain boundaries is imperative. The electrical behav- EELS by Browning et al. [5] indicated that an undoped
ior is known to depend on the double-Schottky barrier R5 grain boundary is oxygen-deficient, which leads to a
established by the grain-boundary charge and the associ- positive grain-boundary charge.
ated space charge across the grain boundary [2,3]. It has A grain boundary is described by five macroscopic
been suggested that, for undoped SrTiO3, oxygen defi- degrees of freedom: three for grain misorientation and
ciency, that is, an excess of oxygen vacancies, causes a two for grain-boundary plane orientation (also referred
net positive charge at the grain-boundary core with a neg- to as grain-boundary inclination) [7]. The charge carrier
ative space charge, creating a double-Schottky electrical transport has been observed to change with grain-bound-
barrier [4–6]. According to the electron energy-loss spec- ary misorientation angle. In a study using a SrTiO3 low-
trometry (EELS) measurements by Kim et al. [4], for vari- angle grain boundary (5.4°/[0 0 1] tilt), De Souza et al. [8]
showed that cores of dislocations are charged. Resistance
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 880 8970; fax: +82 2 884 1413. of low-angle grain boundaries increases with increasing tilt
E-mail address: (S.B. Lee). angle, because the dislocation spacing decreases [9]. At a

1359-6454/$34.00 Ó 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4994 S.B. Lee et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 4993–4997

fixed misorientation relationship, furthermore, the electri- of the grain-boundary plane with respect to the adjoining
cal property is expected to depend also on grain-boundary grain 1 or 2 and (a1/a2) indicates the smallest angles
inclination. However, its effect has been rarely studied. between the grain-boundary plane and a principal axis of
In the present study, to explore the effect of grain- the grains adjoining the boundary (i.e., [1 0 0]), as depicted
boundary inclination, two kinds of nominally undoped in Fig. 1. The sum of the two angles, i.e., 36.8°, corresponds
R5 grain boundaries in SrTiO3 were used: one was a sym- to the misorientation angle. The dimensions of the bicrystal
metric (3 1 0)1//(3 1 0)2 grain boundary and the other an were 10  5  0.5 mm3. The as-received bicrystals were
asymmetric one. These grain boundaries were annealed at measured by X-ray fluorescence, atomic absorption spec-
1100 °C for 36 h in air. While the symmetric grain bound- trometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrome-
ary was observed to be flat with the symmetric boundary try to contain small amounts of Ba (19 ppm), Ca (14 ppm),
plane orientation, the asymmetric grain boundary revealed Al (10 ppm), K (2 ppm), Na (<2 ppm), Si (<2 ppm) and Fe
two kinds of symmetric facets and one kind of asymmetric (<2 ppm). These symmetric and asymmetric bicrystals were
facet. Their electrical properties were investigated by annealed in air at 1100 °C for 36 h to get the near-equilib-
impedance spectroscopy and were then linked to the depen- rium grain-boundary structure. They were heated at a rate
dence of oxygen deficiency on grain-boundary inclination, of 10 K min 1, and after annealing, were cooled in the fur-
which was determined by EELS. Our work suggests that nace to room temperature.
the charge carrier transport characteristics strongly depend The impedance measurements were performed in a
on grain-boundary plane orientations even at a fixed mis- dielectric/impedance analyzer (Model Alpha-N, Novocon-
orientation relationship, in contrast to the popular view. trol, Germany) at 450 °C in air at frequencies between 0.1
and 107 Hz. (Details about the position and the size of the
2. Experimental electrodes for the impedance measurements can be found
elsewhere [10].) For transmission electron microscopy
As depicted in Fig. 1, we used two kinds of nominally (TEM), disks of 3 mm in diameter were cut from the
undoped SrTiO3 bicrystals (Crystal GmbH, Berlin) con- bicrystals. The disks were mechanically polished, dimpled
taining a 36.8° [0 0 1] tilt (R5) grain boundary with different and finally ion milled to perforation by a Baltec RES010
macroscopic grain-boundary plane orientations. One was a ion-milling system at an angle of 13° at 3 kV. The high-res-
symmetric (3 1 0)1//(3 1 0)2 bicrystal (18.4°/18.4°) and the olution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) was
other was asymmetric (8.4°/28.4°), where (h k l) is the index done using the Stuttgart JEOL JEM-ARM1250 at
1.25 MeV (point-to-point resolution: 0.12 nm). Electron
energy-loss spectrometry (EELS) for the local electronic
structure of the grain boundary was done with the Gatan
UHV ENFINA 766 system attached to a VG HB501 UX
dedicated STEM operated at 100 keV (Vacuum Genera-
tors, Inc., UK). During the EELS measurements, an area
of 3  4 nm2 was illuminated, containing either the grain
boundary or bulk area adjacent to the grain boundary.
The energy resolution was about 0.8 eV. Electron energy-
loss spectra were obtained at a dispersion of 0.1 eV per

3. Results

The HRTEM results performed in the [0 0 1] projection

of the grain boundaries are given in Fig. 2. The symmetric
grain boundary was straight and indexed to be (–1 –3 0)1//
(–1 3 0)2 (henceforth, symmetric (3 1 0)) as shown in Fig.
2a). On the other hand, the asymmetric grain boundary
was faceted into three kinds of facet components: symmet-
ric (3 1 0) and (1 –2 0)1//(–2 1 0)2 (briefly, symmetric (2 1 0))
and asymmetric (0 –1 0)1//(–3 4 0)2 facets (hereafter, asym-
metric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0)) as shown in Fig. 2b. No second phase
was observed in the grain boundaries. The impedance spec-
tra obtained from the grain boundaries examined are pre-
sented in Fig. 3. For the symmetric grain boundary, only
Fig. 1. Plan view of: (a) the symmetric (3 1 0)1//(3 1 0)2 bicrystal (18.4°/ one semicircle ascribed to the impedance of the bulk
18.4°), and (b) the asymmetric (8.4°/28.4°) bicrystal. The geometrical appeared. However, for the asymmetric grain boundary,
notations are explained in the text. in addition to the bulk impedance, a semicircle correspond-
S.B. Lee et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 4993–4997 4995

Fig. 3. Impedance spectra at 450 °C in air measured from (a) the annealed
symmetric grain boundary (18.4°/18.4°) and (b) the annealed asymmetric
grain boundary (8.4°/28.4°).

On the other hand, the Ti:O ratio at the (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facets

was increased by about 8.3% as against that in the bulk
(Fig. 4b).

Fig. 2. HRTEM images of: (a) the annealed symmetric grain boundary,
4. Discussion
and (b) the annealed asymmetric grain boundaries. The asymmetric grain
boundary (b) was faceted into two kinds of symmetric facet components, Grain-boundary faceting, as observed in Fig. 2b, is due
(3 1 0) and (2 1 0), and an asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facet component. to anisotropy in the grain-boundary energy at a fixed mis-
orientation relationship [12–14]. Singular points, such as
ing to the impedance response of the grain boundary cusps, in the polar plot of the grain-boundary energy versus
appeared in the lower frequency range, as shown in Fig. 3b. grain-boundary plane normal orientation (c-plot) corre-
To explore the correlation between the boundary struc- spond to a singular plane in the equilibrium shape and pro-
ture and its impedance characteristics, we measured by duce Herring torque terms [12]. Any local grain-boundary
EELS Ti:O intensity ratios and the crystal-field splitting plane normal orientation which happens to lie between the
in the bulk and at the facets of the asymmetric grain cusp orientations will be unstable and be faceted into these
boundary. Fig. 4a shows EELS spectra from a (1 0 0)// orientations according to a lever rule [12–16]. Grain-
(4 3 0) facet and from the bulk off the facet. Both Ti L3 boundary faceting is observed to occur by temperature
and L2 edges are split into eg and t2g peaks by the crys- decrease [17–19] or composition change [18,20]. Indeed,
tal-field effect [11]. (The concept of crystal-field splitting asymmetric facet planes ((1 0 0)//(4 3 0)) observed in Fig.
will be noted below.) The symmetric (3 1 0) and (2 1 0) facets 2b can be energetically favorable, even compared with sym-
and asymmetric facets revealed reduction in crystal-field metric ones, as demonstrated by Merkle and Wolf [21].
splitting by 0.09 ± 0.01 eV (6 data points), 0.06 ± 0.01 eV The previous results [10,19] suggest that the symmetric
(4 points) and 0.1 ± 0.02 eV (5 points), respectively, as (3 1 0) and asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facet components are
compared with the measured bulk value (2.26 ± 0.01 eV). stable at 1100 °C. Since the average plane normal orienta-
(All the errors are standard errors.) Of the three kinds of tion of the asymmetric grain boundary (8.4°/28.4°) lies
facets the Ti:O atomic concentration ratio is the highest between the symmetric (3 1 0) and asymmetric (1 0 0)//
in the asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facet followed by the sym- (4 3 0) facet normal orientations (Fig. 1b), the macroscopic
metric (2 1 0) facets and the symmetric (3 1 0) facets, as plane is expected to be faceted into these orientations. The
shown in Fig. 4b. The symmetric (3 1 0) and (2 1 0) facets average grain-boundary plane normal orientation of the
showed increases in Ti:O intensity ratio by 2.8% and asymmetric grain boundary is nearer to the asymmetric
4.0% on average, respectively, as compared with the bulk. facet normal orientation ((1 0 0)//(4 3 0)) than to the sym-
4996 S.B. Lee et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 4993–4997

(2 1 0) and (3 1 0) facets. However, owing to the small num-

ber of data points the error bars (standard errors of the
mean) in Fig. 4b overlap. In order to judge the statistical
significance, we calculated confidence intervals for the
Ti:O ratio data at the three grain-boundary facets. Com-
paring the (3 1 0) and (1 0 0) facets, these intervals touch
each other at a confidence value of 70%, i.e., there is a
probability of 0.7 that the Ti:O ratios measured at these
two facets are really different. For the (3 1 0) and (2 1 0) fac-
ets this probability is 0.25, and for the (2 1 0) and (1 0 0) fac-
ets 0.5. We interpret these probabilities as a strong
indication that the asymmetric (1 0 0) facets are more oxy-
gen-deficient than the (2 1 0) and (3 1 0) facets.
In the cubic perovskite structure, such as SrTiO3, Ti
atoms are octahedrally coordinated by six oxygen atoms.
Ti L edges arise from electron transitions from the Ti
2p3/2 and Ti 2p1/2 levels to the unoccupied d (and s) states.
Because of the ligand field of the six nearest neighbor oxy-
gen atoms, the unoccupied Ti d levels split into eg and t2g
bands (crystal-field splitting) and thus both the Ti L3 and
L2 edges split into two peaks corresponding to the transi-
tions to eg and t2g bands [11,22]. Due to missing oxygen
atoms, the symmetry in the TiO bonds at the grain bound-
ary will be lost and the electrostatic field imposed onto the
central Ti atom by nearest neighbor oxygen atoms will be
reduced, causing the crystal-field splitting to be decreased.
As noted earlier, though not so different from those at the
symmetric facets, the reduction in crystal-field splitting at
the asymmetric facets was the most significant, well corre-
sponding to the highest degree of oxygen deficiency there.
The O–K edge from a (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facet in Fig. 4a showed
Fig. 4. (a) EELS spectra from an (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facet and the bulk off from
a slight decrease in intensity of the second peak (indicated
the facet of the asymmetric grain boundary showing the Ti–L and O–K by an arrow) relative to the first peak, as compared with
edges. (b) Increase in Ti:O intensity ratios at the symmetric (3 1 0) (10 data that from the bulk, which is also a signature of distortion
points), asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) (8 points) and symmetric (2 1 0) facets (8 of the symmetry in the Ti–O bonds, as described by Bryd-
points) with respect to the bulk. (The error bar shown is the standard son et al. [22]. Crystal-field splitting can be also affected by
the Jahn–Teller effect, which is a geometrical distortion of a
non-linear molecule with degenerate electronic states, such
metric (3 1 0) one (8.4° vs. 10°, as depicted in Fig. 1b). We as the octahedral TiO6 complex, which removes the degen-
can thus expect that the asymmetric facets have a higher eracy and decreases the energy of the complex. In the pres-
area fraction. As shown in Fig. 2b, after annealing at ent study, however, we believe that the main reason for the
1100 °C, the asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) facets apparently geometrical distortion of the octahedral complex is the
occupied a larger area than the (3 1 0) symmetric facets. oxygen depletion and this depletion is likely to originate
The appearance of the (2 1 0) facets in the asymmetric from geometrical constraints in the GB region.
grain boundary (8.4°/28.4°) is attributed to our belief that Merkle and Wolf [21,23] suggested that the grain-
after diffusion bonding the grain-boundary plane was not boundary planar unit-cell area is correlated with the
perfectly flat across the whole bicrystal. Parts of the plane grain-boundary energy to some degree, a smaller unit-cell
normal orientation of the asymmetric grain boundary area generally leading to a shorter repeat unit distance at
might have larger inclination than nominally expected, the grain boundary on an atomic scale and hence to
which would make the symmetric (2 1 0) facets appear in grain-boundary energy minima in the c-plot, though scatter
equilibrium. After prolonged annealing at 1100 °C for was found. The planar unit-cell area is defined as the
more than 36 h, the (2 1 0) symmetric facets are expected atomic volume divided by the interplanar spacing of the
to eventually disappear, as shown in the previous result (h k l) planes of the grains lying perpendicular to the bound-
[10]. ary plane normal [21,23]. For SrTiO3, instead of the atomic
The facets revealed different EELS characteristics. The volume, the unit-cell volume, a3, is used, where a is the lat-
mean Ti:O intensity ratio of the asymmetric (1 0 0)//(4 3 0) tice parameter of SrTiO3 (3.905 Å). The planar unit-cell
facets is the highest, followed by those of the symmetric areas on both sides of the symmetric (3 1 0) facet are
S.B. Lee et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 4993–4997 4997

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