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AbouI PNA Ind|a:

Ind|a 8us|ness 8napshoI:
The 8porIs PerIormance Nar|eI:
The pporIun|Iy:
The 8ac|ground:
Eslab||shed |u 2OOG aud headqua|le|ed |u Bauga|o|e, PuNA lud|a |s a 1OO subs|d|a|y ol PuNA SE - oue ol lhe wo||d's
|ead|ug Spo|l||lesly|e compau|es lhal des|gus aud deve|ops loolwea|, appa|e| aud accesso||es.
w|lh a |ela|| p|eseuce ol 5 slo|es |u 2OOG, PuNA lud|a uow has ove| 25O e/c|us|ve slo|es ac|oss lud|a w|lh a b|aud
p|eseuce |u mo|e lhau 11Oc|l|es.
hav|ug g|owu al au |udusl|y |ead|ug CAR ol 45 yoy s|uce 2OOG, PuNA |s lhe 2ud |a|gesl spo|lswea| compauy |u lhe
couul|y loday, ahead ol h||e- w|lh a ma||el sha|e ol app|o/|male|y 28
The PuNA |oup owus lhe b|auds PuNA, Cob|a o|l aud T|elo|u. The compauy, wh|ch was louuded |u 1948, d|sl||bules
|ls p|oducls |u mo|e lhau 12O couul||es, emp|oys mo|e lhau 11,OOO peop|e wo||dw|de aud has headqua|le|s |u
he|/ogeuau|ach/e|mauy, Boslou, Loudou aud houg Koug.
The Spo|ls Pe|lo|mauce wea| |udusl|y has w|luessed b||s| g|owlh |u lhe |asl lew yea|s d||veu by ||s|ug |ucome |eve|s,
ameud|ug ||lesly|es (w|lh a g|eale| locus ou l|luess) aud lhe eul|y ol lo|e|gu p|aye|s |||e PuNA, h||e, Ad|das, Reebo| aud
uewe| eul|auls |||e As|cs, Saucouy, S|eche|s aud hewBa|auce.
The eve|-|uc|eas|ug popu|a||ly ol c||c|el, a|oug w|lh g|ow|ug |ule|esl |u spo|ls such as loolba||, |uuu|ug aud leuu|s has
coul||buled lo lhe g|owlh ol lhe luucl|oua| spo|lswea| ma||el |u lhe couul|y. The |eceul l|luess |evo|ul|ou |u lud|a has
|esu|led |u a s|gu|l|caul |uc|ease |u lhe demaud lo| pe|lo|mauce gea|.
The spo|ls pe|lo|mauce ma||el s|/e |u lud|a |s esl|maled al Rs. 8,5OO c|o|e.
PuNA's g|oba| pos|l|ou|ug |s lhal ol a 'Spo|l||lesly|e' b|aud - w|lh ou| L|lesly|e p|oducls la||ug |usp||al|ou l|om
pe|lo|mauce aud spo|l, aud ou| Pe|lo|mauce gea| boasl|ug sly|e aud des|gu lhal oue usua||y sees |u L|lesly|e p|oducls.
lu 2O18, PuNA emba||ed ou lhe 'Yea| ol Pe|lo|mauce luuoval|ou' w|lh a s|ew ol lechuo|og|ca||y advauced, |evo|ul|oua|y
p|oducls |u Pe|lo|mauce wea| - spec|l|ca||y Ruuu|ug. wh||e lhese p|oducls sl||| |oo| g|eal - lhey a|e cha|acle||/ed mo|e by
lhe|| |uuoval|ve lechuo|ogy aud |evo|ul|oua|y lealu|es aud a|e h|gh-pe|lo|mauce p|oducls lhal a|e a|guab|y lhe besl |u lhe
ma||el cu||eul|y.
The Pe|lo|mauce space |s sel lo g|ow |u a b|g way |u lhe com|ug yea|s aud p|eseuls a huge oppo|luu|ly lo| PuNA (aud
olhe| p|aye|s) lo ma|e lhe|| ma|| w|lh l|luess-cousc|ous cousume|s.
lu |eceul yea|s, Ruuu|ug has la|eu oll |u a mass|ve way |u lud|a. The 2O18 Numba| Na|alhou saw mo|e lhau 2O,OOO
pa|l|c|pauls aud lhe|e a|e a |a|ge uumbe| ol l|med, compel|l|ve |uus lhal a|e he|d |u va||ous c|l|es.
h||e has spouso|ed mosl ol lhe b|gge| |uus s|uce lhe beg|uu|ug - such as lhe Slauda|d Cha|le|ed Numba| Na|alhou aud
lhe TCS 1O| |u Bauga|o|e.
f0M lk0l f!I !I00T
0aIegory 0onIr|buI|on 8us|ness n|I 0onIr|buI|on
lu 2O12, PuNA assumed lhe l|l|e spouso|sh|p ol a co|po|ale |uuu|ug p|ope|ly ca||ed PuNA u|bau Slampede - lhe ual|ou's
ou|y co|po|ale |e|ay |ace. The Bauga|o|e |ace |u 2O12 sawmo|e lhau 87O leams pa|l|c|pale aud lhe |ace a|so la|es p|ace |u
hyde|abad, Numba| aud e|h|.
w|lh lhe |auuch ol ou| h|gh-pe|lo|mauce, palh-b|ea||ug |uuu|ug shoe - lhe Nob|um E||le, PuNA a|so uude|loo| a
ma||el|ug campa|gu eucompass|ug 0uldoo| (|u Num, e| & B||), |g|la| aud C|uema a|oug w|lh a heavy PR push.
S|uce 2O11, PuNA has made sl||des |u lhe Pe|lo|mauce aud Ruuu|ug ma||els w|lh lhe a|m ol becom|ug a se||ous
couleude| |u lhe Pe|lo|mauce space.
lAAS lam||y. PuNA spouso|s lhe laslesl mau |u lhe wo||d - usa|u Bo|l - so |u 2O11, ou| |uuu|ug shoes - uamed lAAS we|e
|auuched |u lhe ma||el, |usp||ed by lhe speed aud sly|e ol Jama|caus. The lAAS |auge ol loolwea| comes w|lh PuNA's
p|op||ela|y b|eud ol EVA aud |ubbe| lhal c|eales oue ol lhe mosl |es|||eul aud du|ab|e yel ||ghlwe|ghl loams |u lhe |udusl|y.
These shoes have beeu ve|y successlu| bul peop|e olleu use lhem lo| ||lesly|e pu|poses s|uce lhey a|e comlo|lab|e,
||ghlwe|ghl aud |oo| good. lAAS comes |u a lewva||el|es lo cale| lo d|lle|eul cush|ou|ug ueeds.
Nob|um. Lauuched |u 2O12, lhe Nob|ums a|e a palh-b|ea||ug shoe lhal |s lhe p|oducl ol 2 yea|s ol R&. shoe |u a calego|y
a|| |ls owu - 'Adapl|ve Ruuu|ug'. The Nob|um E||le adapls lo lhe lool as |l moves, e/paud|ug aud coul|acl|ug as lhe lool
ualu|a||y does |u sl||de.
The Nob|um E||le |s comp||sed ol lh|ee advauced lechuo|og|es, a|| p|op||ela|y lo PuNA. E/paus|ou Pods, lhe w|ud|ass
Chass|s, aud lhe Nob|um Baud, wh|ch logelhe| ope|ale as a syslem lo move lhe lool lh|ough au eul||e ga|l cyc|e lo
eucou|age a mo|e ell|c|eul m|d-lool sl|||e.
B|oweb. Node|ed alle| a sp|de| web, lhese ||ghlwe|ghl male||a|s |u lhe B|oweb p|ov|de l|e/|b|e suppo|l w|lhoul sac||l|c|ug
du|ab|||ly. The suppo|l|ve hee| w|ap p|ov|des |mpacl p|olecl|ou aud opl|mumcush|ou|ug. B|owebs a|e lhe |dea| l|a|u|ug aud
Nar|eI|ng T|e-ps:
PuNA has a |oug le|mpa|lue|sh|p w|lh Ruuue|s lo| L|le - lhe couul|y's lo|emosl Ruuu|ug Compauy w|lh au eslab||shed
|epulal|ou lo| couducl|ug ma|alhous, u|l|a-ma|alhous aud eugag|ug w|lh se||ous |uuue|s a|ouud lud|a. RlL o|gau|/es The
PuNAu|bau Slampede aud lhe compauy |lse|l has a |a|ge uumbe| ol se||ous |uuue|s.
PuNA a|so has 8 Ruuu|ug Ambassado|s who a|e a|| ma|alhoue|s o| d|slauce |uuue|s who have compeled |ule|ual|oua||y.
They a|e Auu Va|dyaualhau, Shayama| Va||abhjee aud |||sh Na||ya.
P|epa|e a ma||el|ug sl|alegy lo eslab||sh PuNA as lhe |ead|ug b|aud |u lhe Pe|lo|mauce Space. The |ey cha||euges
wou|d be.
1. 0ve|la|e |ucumbeuls (l|ad|l|oua||y h||e aud Ad|das a|e lhe go-lo b|auds lo| Pe|lo|mauce p|oducls) aud become lhe
b|aud ol cho|ce lo| h|gh-pe|lo|mauce aud |uuu|ug p|oducls by se||ous |uuue|s
2. luc|ease coul||bul|ou ol lhe Pe|lo|mauce calego|y lo lhe bus|uess (l|om 25 lo al |easl 85)
Th|ough lhe cou|se ol lhe e/e|c|se we wou|d a|so waul lo |uow.
Cousume| pe|cepl|ou ol PuNA as a Pe|lo|mauce b|aud
Sw0T aua|ys|s ol Na||el|ug aud P|oducl sl|aleg|es ol PuNA v|s--v|s compel|lo|s
||ve|s ol lhe Pe|lo|mauce segmeul |u lud|a
how cau PuNA add|ess lhe gaps |u cousume| pe|cepl|ou (|l auy)
Belle| eugagemeul ol ou| e/|sl|ug l|e-ups w|lh |uuue|s aud RlL
lssac Johu, head - Na||el|ug |
ProducI &Nar|eI|ng 8ac|ground:
The LINE 0ha||enge:
f0M lk0l f!I !I00T

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