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International Association of Constitutional Law Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel

StatutsdelAIDC Tels quadopts par la Convention de Fondation pour lAssociation Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel,quisesttenueBelgrade,du17 au 19 septembre 1981, et tels quapprouvs la runion du Conseil Belgrade lors du 1er Congrs Mondial du 29 aot au 2 septembre 1983, et rviss aux runions du Conseil lors des Congrs mondiaux suivants, soit Paris du 31 aot au 4 septembre 1987, Varsovie du 2 au 5 septembre1991,Tokyodu 25au30 septembre 1995, Rotterdam du 12 au 16 juillet 1999, Santiago du Chile, du 12 au 16 janvier 2004, Athnes,du11 au 15juin 2007et Mexico,du6 au10dcembre2010. StatuteoftheIACL As adopted by the Founding Convention for the International Association of Constitutional Law, heldinBelgrade,1719September1981,and as approved at the IACL Council meeting in Belgrade at the first World Congress from 29 August to 2 September 1983, as well as revised at the IACL Council meetings held during the subsequent World Congresses, in Paris from 31 August to 4 September 1987, in Warsaw from 2 to 5 September 1991, in Tokyo from 25 to 30 September 1995, Rotterdam from 12 to 16 July 1999, in Santiago de Chile, from 12 to 16 January 2004, in Athens, from 11 to 15 June 2007 and in Mexico City, from 610 December 2010. I.GENERALPROVISIONS Article1. All those who adhere voluntarily to this Statute hereby found the association of scholars and others concerned with constitutional law from the whole world. Its name shall be the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONSTITUTIONALLAWIACL(inthetextbelow referredtoastheAssociation). Article2. The Association acts as an autonomous, scientific and professional organization, under the terms of its Statute and within the frameworkofUNESCO. Article3.

I.LESDISPOSITIONSGNRALES Article1. Par dcision de tous ceux qui ont adopt volontairement les prsents Statuts est fonde une Association mondiale des constitutionnalistes, intitule ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DEDROITCONSTITUTIONNEL lAIDC(dansletexteciaprs:Association). Article2. LAssociation exerce son activit en tant quorganisation autonome scientifique et professionnelle en vertu de ses Statuts et en conformitaveclesbutsdelUNESCO. Article3.

Le sige de lAssociation est l o rside le The Associations seat is where the secretary secrtaire gnral. Le Conseil de lAssociation general resides. The Council of the Association peutdciderdechangerlesigedelAssociation. may determine another place as the headquartersoftheAssociation. II. LES BUTS, LES TCHES ET LES POUVOIRS DE II. OBJECTIVES, TASKS AND POWERS OF THE ASSOCIATION LASSOCIATION Article4. LesprincipauxbutsdelAssociationsont: Article4. The main objectives of the Association are as follows:

1. de favoriser le dveloppement de la sciencedudroitconstitutionnel; 2. de prendre contact avec les constitutionnalistes et avec les associations nationales ou rgionales de droit constitutionnel et de dvelopper entre eux la comprhension et la bonne volont ainsi que de rendre possible et de promouvoir lchange de vues et dexpriencesscientifiques; 3. de cooprer et de sengager la ralisation des objectifs dfinis par la Charte des Nations Unies et par la Dclaration Universelle des Droits de lHomme et de permettre une activit commune des constitutionnalistes du mondeentierdanslebut:

1. to stimulate the development of the studyofconstitutionallaw; 2. to contact those concerned with constitutional law and national or regional associations of constitutional law, thus developing among them mutual understanding and goodwill, as well as to enable and promote exchanges of views and of scholarly work; 3. tocooperateandworkforrealizationof the aims of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to coordinate the activity of those concerned with constitutional law throughout the world,withaviewto:

de favoriser les tudes thoriques et comparatives dans le domaine du droit constitutionnel et la mise en oeuvre des principes dmocratiques en conformit aveclesbesoinsquantlassurancedela paix et de la coopration pacifique internationale; de stimuler et de donner sa contribution tant ltude scientifique des problmes constitutionnels et du constitutionnalisme quau respect du droitdanslemonde; de dvelopper la conscience constitutionnelleetdmocratique; de promouvoir dans la lgislation constitutionnelle et dans la pratique les droits civils, politiques, conomiques, sociauxetculturels; de collaborer avec les forces culturelles et sociales attaches la promotion des droitsdelhommeetdeladmocratie.

stimulating,inthefieldofconstitutional law, theoretical and comparative studies and practical realization of democratic principles in conformity with the needs of securing peace and peacefulinternationalcooperation; stimulating and giving its contribution to the scholarly study of constitutional problems and of constitutionalism, as wellastorespectforlawintheworld; developing constitutional and democraticconscience; promoting of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of man and the citizen through constitutionallegislationandpractice; collaboration with cultural and social forces attached to the promotion of humanrightsanddemocracy.



In the realization of its objectives, the Dans la ralisation de ses buts, lAssociation tout Associationparticularlywill: particulirement: 1. organise des congrs et des confrences scientifiques internationales ainsi que des symposiums rgionaux concernant lesproblmesscientifiques,politiquesen pratiques du droit constitutionnel et du constitutionnalismeengnral; 2. coopre avec les associations, 1. organize international scientific congresses and conferences as well as regional symposia on scientific, political and practical problems within the field of constitutional law and of constitutionalismingeneral; 2. cooperate with related and other associations, organizations and

organisations et institutions semblables etautres; 3. encourage la fondation des associations nationales et rgionales de droit constitutionnel; 4. assure la publication des recueils des travaux des runions scientifiques dans ledomainedudroitconstitutionnel; 5. stimuleladiffusiondelaconnaissancede la science constitutionnelle, la recherche et ltude, particulirement entre les jeunesscientifiquesetexperts. Article5(bis). L'AIDCatouslespouvoirsquisontncessairesou utiles pour raliser ses objets et, en particulier, l'autorit: 1. deconcluredescontrats; 2. douvrir et grer des comptes bancaires tant que de besoin, et exercer les fonctions associes ces comptes qui sontncessaires; 3. de solliciter et daccepter des dons, des subventions et des legs, et d'agir titre de fiduciaire de l'argent ou autres biens dvolusl'Association; 4. d'employerdupersonnel;et 5. d'engager des consultants et une assistanceprofessionnelle. III.LESMEMBRESDELASSOCIATION Article6. 1. Les membres de l'Association sont des associations transnationales, nationales etsubnationalesdedroitconstitutionnel, les institutions scientifiques actives dans ledomainedudroitconstitutionneletles individusauxtermesdelarticle6.3. 2. Toute association de droit constitutionnel, dont lactivit et les buts ne sont pas en contradiction avec les buts et les statuts de lAssociation, peut tremembredelAssociation. 3. Les experts en droit constitutionnel ou autres disciplines associs et les juristes pouvant dmontrer un engagement au droit constitutionnel peuvent tre admis enqualitdemembresindividuels. 4. LeConseilpeut,enreconnaissancedune distinction au service de lAssociation,

institutions; 3. stimulate the founding of national and regional associations of constitutional law; 4. bring out publications from scientific meetings and help publication of other scholarly works in the field of constitutionallaw. 5. stimulate the spread of constitutional science, research and studies especially amongyoungscholarsandexperts.

Article5(bis). TheIACLhasallsuchpowersasarenecessaryor convenient to carry out its objects and, in particular,theauthority: 1. toenterintocontracts; 2. to open and administer bank accounts as necessary, and perform such functionsassociatedwithsuchaccounts asarenecessary; 3. to solicit and accept gifts, grants, devises and bequests, and to act as trustee of money or other property vestedintheAssociation; 4. toemploystaff;and 5. to engage consultants and professional assistance. III.MEMBERSHIPOFTHEASSOCIATION Article6. 1. The members of the Association are transnational,national andsubnational associations of constitutional law, scientific institutes active in the field of constitutional law, and individuals, as providedforinArticle6.3. 2. Any association of constitutional law whose activities and objectives are not contrary to the objectives and the statute of the Association may be a memberoftheAssociation. 3. Scholars of constitutional law or associated disciplines and legal practitioners, including judges, with a demonstrated commitment to constitutional law may be admitted as individualmembers. 4. The Council may, in recognition of distinguishedservicetotheAssociation,

nommer une personne Membre Vie de lAssociation. Article7.

appoint a person as a Life Member of theAssociation. Article7.

1. Toutes les demandes d'adhsion 1. The Membership Commission shall consider all applications for membership in the l'Association seront examines par la Associationinaccordancewithguidelinesset Commission Adhsion selon les critres dterminsparleComitExcutif. bytheExecutiveCommittee. 2. La dcision dfinitive est prise par le Comit 2. The final decision on admission is taken by Excutif. theExecutiveCommittee. Article8.


1. Le Comit Excutif peut suspendre les 1. The Executive Committee may suspend members who are more than two years in membres qui ont des arrirs de cotisations arrears with the payment of their de plus de deux ans, et exclure les membres membership subscriptions and exclude qui ont par ailleurs viol les statuts de lAssociation. members who have otherwise violated the 2. Avant toute suspension, le membre concern statuteoftheAssociation. devra tre suffisamment averti du montant 2. No member may be suspended for non d,delamthodeetdudlaidepaiement. payment of fees unless the member has been given adequate notice of the amount, 3. Aucun membre ne sera exclu de lAssociation methodandduedateforpaymentoffees. sans avoir eu loccasion raisonnable de rpondre par crit aux allgations faites 3. No member may be excluded from the contrelui. Association unless the member has been givenareasonableopportunitytorespondin writing to the allegations made against him orher. IV.LESORGANESDELASSOCIATION IV.LESORGANESDELASSOCIATION Article9. IV.ORGANSOFTHEASSOCIATION Article9.

The organs of the Association are the Council, the president, the Executive Committee, the Les organes de lAssociation sont le Conseil, le SecretaryGeneral,theScientificcouncil andthe prsident, le Comit excutif, le secrtaire commissions. gnral, le Conseil scientifique et les commissions. Article10. 1. Le Conseil est lorgane suprme de lAssociation. 2. LeConseil se composede deuxdlgus, tous deux ayant droit de vote, par association transnationale et nationale; un dlgu ayant droit de vote par association subnationale et institut scientifique; des dlgus reprsentant des membresindividuelsressortissantde pays o il n'existe pas d'association nationale. Le nombre de ces dlgus individuels ne peut pas excder 10 per Article10. 1. TheCouncilisthesupremeorganofthe Association. 2. The Council is composed of two delegates with the right to vote per transnational and national association; one delegate with the right to vote per subnational association and scientific institute; and delegates who represent the individual members of countries in which no national association exists. The number of these individual delegates may not exceed 10 per cent ofthemembersoftheCouncil.Theyare









cent des membres du Conseil. Ils sont dsigns par le Comit excutif aprs appel des candidatures des membres individuelsprsentsauCongrs. Chaque association nationale nomme deux reprsentants et chaque institut scientifiquenommeunreprsentant;les noms sont communiqus au Comit Excutif avant la runion du Conseil. Le droit de vote aux runions du Conseil est sujet au paiement des cotisations depuis la runion prcdente du Conseil ou depuis ladhsion lAIDC, la plus rcentefaisantfoi. Les membres du Comit excutif et les anciens prsidents de lAssociation sont membresdedroitduConseil. Les membres du Conseil scientifique non dsigns comme dlgus sigent au Conseilavecvoixconsultative. Les membres individuels prsents et non dsigns comme dlgus peuvent assisterauConseilavecvoixconsultative. Le Comit excutif peut inviter dautres constitutionnalistes assister au Conseil entantquexperts. Le Conseil adopte ses dcisions la majorit des membres prsents ou reprsents. Le quorum de la majorit des membres est exig pour la validit des dlibrations du Conseil. Au cas o ce quorum nest pas atteint un second Conseil est convoqu sous 48 heures et dlibre valablement condition quun dixime des membres soient prsents ou reprsents. Lorsque le nombre des dlgus individuels dsigns est infrieur au nombre de dlgus auquel ils ont droit, seul le premier nombre est prisencomptepourlecalculduquorum. Chaque dlgu ne peut disposer que dune seule procuration dun autre dlgu.









appointed by the Executive Committee after an appeal for candidatures among the individual members who are presentattheCongress. Each national association shall nominate its two representatives and each scientific institute its representative and communicate the names to the Executive Committee before the meeting of the Council. The right to vote at the Council meetings is based upon payment of membership fees since the last Council meeting or sincejoiningtheIACLwhateverisless. The members of the Executive Committee and the former presidents of the Association are, by virtue of their positions,membersoftheCouncil. The members of the Scientific Council who are not appointed as delegates may attend the Council while having a consultativerole. Individual members who are present andwhoarenotappointedasdelegates may attend the Council while having a consultativerole. The Executive Committee may invite other constitutionalists to attend the Councilintheircapacityasexperts. The Council takes its decisions by a majority of the members present or represented. Thequorumofthemajorityisnecessary for the validity of the deliberations of the Council. In case the quorum is not reached, a second Council is convened within 48 hours and it deliberates validly provided that a tenth of the members are present or represented. If the number of the individual appointed delegates is lower than the number of delegates they are entitled to, only the first number is taken into account for thecalculationofthequorum. Each delegate cannot have more than one power of attorney of another delegate.

Article11. LeConseildelAssociation: 1. adopte et modifie les Statuts la majorit des deux tiers des membres,

Article11. TheCounciloftheAssociation: 1. passes and amends the Statute by two thirds majority its members, present at theCouncil;

prsentsauConseil; 2. prend les dcisions principales concernantlactivitdelAssociation; 3. dsigne et relve de leurs fonctions le prsident, le premier viceprsident et les viceprsidents de lAssociation, le Comit excutif, le secrtaire gnral et ventuellement son adjoint et les commissions la majorit absolue de membresprsentsauConseil; 4. discute et adopte les rapports relatifs lactivit de tous des organes de lAssociation. Article12.

2. takes principal decisions on behalf of theAssociation; 3. elects and relieves the president, the first vicepresident and vicepresidents of the Association, the Executive Committee, the secretarygeneral and possibly his deputy and the commissionsoftheirofficesbyabsolute majority of the members present at the Council; 4. discusses and adoptsthereportsonthe activity of all the organs of the Association.


There shall be a meeting of the Council every Tous les quatre ans le Conseil tient une runion four years during the Congress of the pendant le congrs de lAssociation, ou entre les Association, or between the Congresses on congrssurpropositionduComitexcutif. proposaloftheExecutiveCommittee. Article13. 1. Le prsident de lAssociation est en mme temps prsident du Conseil et du Comit excutif. Le prsident est lu pour une priode de quatre ans et nest pas immdiatement rligible. Le premier viceprsident et les vice prsidentssontluspourunepriodede quatreans,etsontrligibles. 2. Le prsident reprsente lAssociation, convoque les runions du Conseil et du Comit excutif et les prside et accomplit les autres tches qui lui sont confiesparleConseil. 3. En cas dabsence le prsident est remplac par le premier viceprsident ou par lun des viceprsidents de lAssociation. Article13. 1. The president of the Association is at the same time also chairman of the Council and of the Executive Committee. The president is elected for a period of four years and is not immediately reeligible. The first vice president and the vicepresidents are elected for a period of four years and arereeligible. 2. The president represents the Association, convenes the meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee and presides over them and performs other duties with which he is entrustedbytheCouncil. 3. In case the president is absent, the officeshallbeoccupiedbythefirstvice president or one of the vicepresidents oftheAssociation. Article14. 1. The Executive Committee is the executiveorganoftheAssociation. 2. The Executive Committee organizes the activity of the Association and manages its affairs under the terms of this Statute and in conformity with the decisionsoftheCouncil.Inaddition,the Executive Committee shall have the

Article14. 1. Le Comit excutif est lorgane excutif delAssociation. 2. Le Comit excutif organise lactivit de lAssociation et gre ses affaires en vertu de ces statuts et en conformit avec les dcisions prises par le Conseil. En outre, le Comit Excutif peut repourvoir les postes vacants en cas de dcs,



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dincapacit servir, ou de dmission du prsident, du premier viceprsident, dun viceprsident, du secrtaire gnral, de son adjoint, ou de membres duComitExcutiflorsquelasituationse prsenteentredeuxrunionsduConseil. De telles nominations manant du Comit excutif restant valables jusqu larunionduConseilsuivante. Le Comit excutif se compose outre du prsident, dun premier viceprsident et de 25 30 membres dont certains peuvent aussi avoir la qualit de vice prsident, lus par le Conseil en tenant comptedesdiffrentssystmeslgauxet de la rpartition gographique. Nul ne peut exercer plus de deux mandats comme membre du comit excutif, sauf: (a) sil devient viceprsident. Dans ce cas il ne peut exercer plus de deux mandats de viceprsident, ou, (b) il est lu comme Prsident. Le secrtaire gnral est membre de droit du Comit excutif. Le Comit Excutif le Conseil peut confrer le titre de prsident mrite des prsidents prcdents et celui de prsident honoraire danciens membres du Comit Excutif ayant contribu de manire remarquable lAIDC. Les anciens prsidents et les prsidents des commissions sont invits aux runions du Comit excutif avec voixconsultative. (...) Le quorum du tiers des membres prsents du Comit excutif est exig pour la validit de ses dlibrations. Exceptionnellement, un membre du CE peut tre reprsent par procuration une runion, moyennant lapprobation pralable du Prsident et du Secrtaire Gnral. Le Comit excutif se runit une fois par an. Le Comit Excutif est autoris coopter les reprsentants dautres organisations avec lesquelles lAIDC a des accords de coopration officiels pour siger au ComitExcutif. Lanaturedudroitdevotedespersonnes cooptes au Comit Excutif sera dtermine en fonction de laccord de cooprationapplicable.



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power to fill vacancies due to death, incapacity to serve, or resignation of the president, first vicepresident, vice presidents, secretary general, deputy secretary general and members of the Executive Committee if and when these occur between meetings of the Council. Any such appointment made by the ExecutiveCommittee shall bevalid until thenextmeetingoftheCouncil. Beside the president, the Executive Committee consists of a first vice president and 25 to 30 members, some of whom may also be vicepresident, elected by the Council, taking into account the different legal systems and a proper geographical distribution. No one may serve more than two terms as a member of the executive committee, unless (a) he or she is elected vice president in which case he or she may not serve more than two terms as vice president; or, (b) he or she is elected President. The secretary general is a member of the Executive Committee as ofright. The Executive Committee can confer the title of president emeritus to former presidents and the title of honorary president to former members of the Executive Committee who have made an outstanding contribution to the IACL. Former presidents and the presidents of the commissions shall be invited tothemeetings oftheExecutive Committeewithaconsultativevote. (...) A majority of a third part of its members constitutes a quorum of the Executive Committee. In exceptional circumstances a member of the Executive Committee may be represented at a meeting by a proxy, following prior agreement of the PresidentandSecretaryGeneral. The Executive Committee shall meet onceayear. TheExecutiveCommitteeshallhavethe power to coopt representatives from other organisations, with whom the IACL has entered into formal co operation agreements, to serve on the ExecutiveCommittee. The nature of the voting rights of

10. Si loccasion de llection du comit excutifilestconstatquelorganisateur principal du prochain congrs nest pas dj membre du comit il le devient de plein droit. Il peut tre lu vice prsident. 11. Le comit excutif prend ses dcisions la majorit des membres prsents ou reprsents. En cas de ncessit urgente, en dehors des runions du comit excutif, le prsident ou le secrtaire gnral peuvent faire circuler un projet de dcision par courrier lectronique ou tout autre moyen. Cette dcision est adopte sil est constat conjointement par le prsident et le secrtaire gnral que la majorit des membres du comit a donn explicitement son accord. Cette dcision sera ratifie par la prochaine runion du comitexcutif.

persons coopted to serve on the Executive Committee shall be determined in accordance with the relevantcooperationagreement. 10. If, at the occasion of the election of the executive committee, it is established that the principal organizer of the next Congress has not been elected as a member, he or she will become a member as of right. He or she may be electedvicepresident. 11. The executive committee takes decisions by the majority vote of members present or represented. If it is necessary to take decisions between meetings of the executive committee, the President or the SecretaryGeneral may circulate a draft decision by email or other means. Such a decision will be approved if it is certified jointly by the President and SecretaryGeneral that the majority of the members of the executive committee have expressly agreed to it. Such a decision must be ratified by the executive committee at itsnextmeeting. Article15. 1. The Secretary General carries out the decisions of the Council, of the Executive Committee and of the president and takes care of the activity of the Association. In agreement with the president, he forms the Secretariat, charged with the performances of administrativeandaccountingtasks. 2. The Secretary General and his deputy are elected by the Council for a period of four years and are eligible for re election. Article16. 1. TheCouncilortheExecutiveCommittee may constitute commissions including a Programcommission. 2. The Council sets up an auditing commission from among its members. This commission checks the financial management of the Association and of the Executive Committee and submits a reporttothenextCouncil. 3. The Scientific council of the Association

Article15. 1. Le secrtaire gnral excute les dcisions du Conseil, du Comit excutif etdu prsident etestchargde lactivit de lAssociation. De concert avec le prsident, il constitue le secrtariat en vue daccomplir les travaux administratifsetdetrsorerie. 2. Le secrtaire gnral et son adjoint sont lus par le Conseil pour quatre ans et sontrligibles. Article16. 1. Le Conseil ou le Comit excutif peuvent constituer des commissions dont une Commissionduprogramme. 2. Le Conseil dsigne une commission des comptes parmi ses membres. Cette commission surveille la gestion financire de lAssociation et du Comit excutif et prsente un compte rendu au prochainConseil. 3. LeConseilscientifiquede lAssociationse

compose des membres fondateurs de lAssociation, qui ne sont plus membres du Comit excutif et des anciens membres du Comit excutif. Le prsident est dsign par le comit excutif, sur proposition du prsident de lAIDC. 4. Le Conseil scientifique est un organe consultatif de lAssociation qui a pour mission de faire des propositions sur le dveloppement des activits scientifiques de lAssociation. Il peut tre charg dtudes et de missions particulires par le Conseil ou le Comit excutif.Ilestconvoquenmmetemps queleConseildelAssociation.

consists of the cofounders of the Association, who are no longer members of the Executive Committee and the former members of the Executive Committee. The chairperson is nominated by the President and is appointedbytheExecutiveCommittee. 4. The Scientific council is the Associations consultative commission, which can introduce proposals regarding the developments of the scientific activities of the Association. The Council and the Executive Committee can charge the Scientific council with the research and certain assignments and it must be convened together with the Council of the Association. V.CONGRESSOFTHEASSOCIATION Article17. 1. The Association organizes a Congress at leasteveryfouryears. 2. The Executive Committee, on proposal of the Program commission, states the themes and sets the dates of the organisationoftheCongress. 3. Congresses will be held in different areasoftheworldinturn.

V.LECONGRSDELASSOCIATION Article17. 1. LAssociation organise son Congrs au moinsunefoistouslesquatreans. 2. Le Comit excutif, en liaison avec la Commission du programme, dtermine lesthmesetladatedelorganisationdu Congrs. 3. Les Congrs ont lieu alternativement dansdiffrentesrgionsdumonde. VI.LESFINANCESDELASSOCIATION Article18.


Les ressources de lAssociation sont les TherevenuesoftheAssociationare: suivantes: 1. annual dues of each member, the amountofwhichisfixedbytheCouncil; 1. lacotisationannuelledechaquemembre dontlemontantestfixparleConseil; 2. subvention offered by UNESCO and 2. les subventions accordes par lUNESCO otherinternationalorganizations; et les autres organisations 3. incomefromsalesofpublicationsofthe internationales; Association; 3. la vente des publications de 4. otherincomes,grantsandgifts. lAssociation; 4. lesautresressources,donsetlegs. VII.LESDISPOSITIONSFINALES Article19. 1. Ces statuts seront appliqus ds le jour de leur adoption, acquise la majorit desvoix,parlecomitdinitiativepourla VII.FINALPROVISIONS Article19. 1. This Statute will be applied beginning the day when it has been adopted, by a majority vote, by the Initiative Committee for the founding of the

fondation de lAssociation Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel, constitu en Assembleconstituante. 2. Les prsents statuts seront soumis ladoption au cours de la premire runion ordinaire du Conseil, lu conformmentauxprsentsStatuts. Article20.

International Association of Constitutional Law. The Initiative Committee is constituted as the FoundingConvention. 2. The Statute will be submitted for approval to the first regular meeting of the Council which will be elected under thetermsofthisStatute. Article20.

This Statute will be delivered to all national Ces statuts seront transmis toutes les associations of constitutional law and to all associations nationales de droit constitutionnel individualmembers. ettouslesmembresindividuels. Article21. Article21. The Association may be dissolved if three LAssociationpeut tre dissoutelamajoritdes fourthsofthemembersoftheCouncilsoagree. troisquartsdesmembresduConseil. If the Association is dissolved, its assets shall be given toUNESCO. DanslecasolAssociationseraitdissoute,lactif disponibleseraverslUNESCO. Article22. Pendant la priode initiale, le Comit excutif dterminera le nombre des dlgus nationaux ou rgionaux au Conseil. Par la suite ce nombre sera propos et fix conformment aux dispositionsdelarticle10desprsentStatuts. Article23. Le Comit dinitiative est constitu en assemble constituante de lAssociation par dcision unanime de tous les membres prsents du Comit dinitiative dont la liste fait partie intgrantedutextedesprsentsStatuts.
MartinScheinin,Prsident IainCurrie,SecrtaireGnral Mexico,le8dcembre2010

Article22. For the first period, the Executive Committee shall propose the number of national and regional delegates in the Council. For the following periods, the numbers shall be proposed and determined as provided by Article10,Section2,oftheStatute. Article23. The Initiative Committee has been constituted intotheFoundingConventionoftheAssociation by a unanimous decision of the present members of the Initiative Committee, a list of members of which is an integralpartofthe text ofthisStatute.
MartinScheinin,President IainCurrie,SecretaryGeneral MexicoCity,8December2010


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