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INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA MATERIAL PLAN DE MEJORAMIENTO Y RECUPERACION LENGUA EXTRANJERA INGLS INGLS BASICO STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ____________________COURSE:_______ I. GRAMMAR A. PRONOUNS 1. Write the correct personal pronouns in front of the names. Mar ___she_ Mar an! Tom _______ The !o" _______ The #eather _______ Cats _______ $er frien!s _______ She an! her sister _______ $er %o frien! _______ $is niece _______ $er father _______ The simpsons The motorc cle &ou an! me The families The fish M shoes 'aura $is "irlfrien! Marcus The (in" _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

B. VERB TO BE - PERSONAL PRONOUNS - POSSESSIVE 1.. Use the c !!ect "e!# t #e $ !% &' s&%()e (!ese't t c %()ete the se'te'ces. *+ A$$&!%,t&"e- *- Ne.,t&"eA) *+ C) D+ E+ /) 0) $+ She ___&s___ m %est frien!. The _______ %oth in m En"lish class ,ohn an! $elen ________ %rothers *oth hot !o"s ________ -er -icious .t _______ -er hot to!a Mar an! me _______ cousins. 'a! ______ -er tall We _______ -er %us to!a . ) She ___&s___ m %est frien!. , + E1cuse me/ m name ________ Maria 2 + . thin( ou ________ in m En"lish class ' ) What _______ our name3 M + Where __________ m #allet3 N + ___________ these our (e s3 O ) ________ m lunch3 4 + The 'ion ___________ in the South 4ole.

0. C %()ete these (,!,.!,(hs &' (!ese't s&%()e1 2se the "e!# t #e1 ( ssess&"es ,'3 (e!s ',) (! ' 2's. __$is___ name is 4 %e! J,5 S&%(s '5 __ __ 67 ears ol! __ __ marrie! #ith Mar"e5 ___ has 6 chil!ren: *art5 'isa an! Ma""ie. ____ father5 A%raham li-es at Sprin"fiel! in a #hite house an! _____ mother5 4enelope5 ____ runnin" from the la#. 666666 #or(s in Sector 809s Safet .nspect at the Sprin"fiel! Nuclear 4o#er 4lant. _____ /a-orite /oo!s 66666 Donuts5 4or( Rin!s5 por( chops5 2rust $am%ur"ers5 American Cheese an! _______ /a-orite Drin( is Duff *eer. ____ $o%%ies are Sittin" on the couch #atchin" tele-ision an! !rin(in" a %eer5 han"in" out at Moe9s Ta-ern an! %o#lin". 66666666 ',%e 66666 B,!th ) %e7 S&%(s '5 ___ __ :; ears ol!. _____ fa-orite T< pro"ram is The .tch = Scratch Sho# an! 2rust the Clo#n is ___ hero. $is parents are Mar"e an! $omer5 _____ has t#o sisters5 'isa an! Ma""ie. *art an! ___ sister 'isa stu!ies in Sprin"fiel! Elementar School.

A COMPLETE T4E 8OLLO9ING SENTENCES. USE T4E CORRECT PRONOUN 1. 2. 3. !. Kenji and me are in the same English class. He is in ___my____ English class. This is my teacher. __His___ name is Ms. Brown. This is Toms boo . This is __his____ boo . "o# ha$e an interesting name. How do yo# s%ell __yo#r____ name&

B. COMPLETE T4E 8OLLO9ING SENTENCES. USE T4E CORRECT 8ORM O8 T4E VERB TO BE. a. Hi! my name _is___ Maria b. ' thin yo# __are____ in my English class c. (hat _is__ yo#r name& d. (here _is__ my wallet& e. __)re__ these yo#r eys& :. COMPLETE T4E SENTENCES USING T4E ARTICLES A- AN 1. 2. 3. !. *. +. _)___ boo _)n___ a%%le _)n___ egg _)___ tree _)n___ old man _)n___ easy tri% ,. -. .. 1/. 11. 12. _)___ new boo _)n___ old #ni$ersity _)n___ interesting boo _)n___ e0amination _)n___ easy e0ercise _)n___ English man

PLURAL RULES #or!s en!e! in >S5 +X5 +C45 +S45 A!! ++es +;5 +O. #or!s en!e! in >Y prece!e! % a ,ust a!! -s -o#el #or!s en!e! in >Y prece!e! % a Chan"e > to -&es consonant #or!s en!e! in >8 or +8E Chan"e +f or +fe to -"es

Church+ churches5 %o1+%o1es5 $ero+$eroes. To + to s 4la + pla s Countr + countries 'a! + la!ies Stu! +stu!ies 'eaf+ lea-es 'oaf+ loa-es

D. 9RITE T4ESE 9ORDS IN PLURAL 8ORM Wash 2iss Thin( Cr 0o Washes 2isses Thin(ers Cries 0oes Crash Stu! Eat Do /l Crashes Stu!ies Eats Does /lies *o Church Cit 0lass <i!eo *o s Churches Cities 0lasses <i!eos Chil! 4erson /ish Woman Tooth Chil!ren 4eople /ish Women Teeth

E. C4ANGE T4ESE SENTENCES TO PLURAL 8ORM 1. 0. :. =. >. ?. @. A' ,'t &s ,' &'sect. A c %(2te! &s , %,ch&'e. A 3&ct& ',!5 &s , # <. A ch&c<e' &s , #&!3. A ! se &s , $) 7e!. A c,!! t &s , ",#)e. A !,##&t & s ,' ,'&%,). The ,'ts ,!e &'sects.666666666666666666666666666 The c %(2te!s ,!e %,ch&'es.6666666666666666666 The 3&ct& ',!&es ,!e # <s.666666666666666666666 The ch&c<e's ,!e #&!3s.666666666666666666666666 The ! ses ,!e $) 7e!s.6666666666666666666666666 The c,!! ts ,!e ",#)es.666666666666666666666 The !,##&ts ,!e ,'&%,)s.666666666666666666666666

8. COMPLETE T4IS CONVERSATION1 USE &s1 As1 ,!e1 A!e1 ,% ! A% Sarah : $i5 Tom5 $o#__is______ e-er thin"3 Tom: Not %a!5 $o#__are____ ou3 Sarah: 4rett "oo!5 than(s Tom: Sarah5 this __is___ 4aulo5 $e?s______ from *ra@il Sarah: $ello5 4aulo5 ___are______ ou on -acations 4aulo: No5 . __am____ not5 .?m____ a stu!ent here Sarah: Oh5 __are_____ ou stu! in" En"lish3 4aulo: Well5 es . __am____. An! en"ineerin" too. Sarah: No5 #e arenAt5 %ut #e __are__ on the same -olle %all team.

READ T4E 8OLLO9ING LETTER Dear Charles . am in m ne# apartment an! .Am -er happ . The nei"h%orhoo! is interestin"5 .t is onl :; minutes % train to the Worl! Tra!e Center5 %ut is Buiet an! rela1in"5 there are a lot of trees an! flo#ers5 . ha-e frien!l nei"h%ors5 the #oman upstairs is reall frien!l 5 . thin( she is a la% technician. The people ne1t !oor o#n a coffee shop5 .t is ri"ht !o#n the street5 so . "o there for a %rea(fast.. . reall li(e it here5 %ut . miss all m frien!s in <ermont5 . hope e-er thin" is O.2. %ac( there5 please #rite soon. 'o-e5 Carol n 4S: M ne# a!!ress an! phone num%er are: 6 Willo# Street5 Apt. C* *roo(lin5 N& ::C;: D8:EF GGG+68:H :. What is Carol nAs nei"h%orhoo! li(e3 __ .t is .nterestin". ______________ C. Where is the Worl! Tra!e Center3 .t is in Ne# &or(5 Ten minutes % train from Carol n?s apartment. __ 6. .s Charles in <ermont3 _ &es5 he is. _________ H. Where is the Coffee Shop3 __ .t is ri"ht !o#n the Street from Carol n?s apartment. ______________ G. Where is Carol n3 _____ She is in Ne# &or( in her ne# apartment . ____________________

Dear Susan Here I am in Kyoto, I really like it here, there are a lot of beautiful places, and USE S4ORT ANS9ERS1 9IRTE T4E G. READ T4E POST CARD1 ANS9ER T4E BUESTIONS the people are friendly too. ANS9ERS CORRECT IN8ORMATION 8OR NEGATIIVE Japan is a very interesting country. Ill rite again soon and tell you all about it. !ove, "arilyn

Ms. Susan Laszlo 915 Shevlon Drive El Cerrito, CA 92022 USA

:. C. 6. H.

.s Maril n in ,apan3 __&es5 she is.________________________________________ .s Susan in 2 oto3 ____&es5 she is.________________________________________ Are the people in 2 oto nice3 __&es5 the are. The are frien!l too.______________ .s Maril n happ in ,apan3 ___&es5 she is. *ecause she li(es to %e o-er there _____

4. COMPLETE T4E CONVERSATION. 8ILL IN T4E BLANCS 9IT4 %51 5 2!1 h&s1 he!1 2!1 ! the&! *ill: Tom: *ill: Tom: *ill: Tom: Well Tom5 $o# is ___ our___ ne# life in 'on!on3 Not too "oo!5 . lost ___m ___ !o" in the par( an! __m __ #ife is upset5 she miss __her___ frien!s5 an! __ our__ chil!ren3 _M ___ son is in the elementar school5 __his___ "ra!es are "oo! an! m !au"hter is in the uni-ersit 5 she has a ne# Io% in the @oo5 __her___ Io% is reall interestin"JJJ An! #hat a%out ou3 .Am fine5 _m ___ #ife an! . ha-e a ne# %a% 5 __her__ name is 4att 5 She is G months ol! no#5 We are reall happ 5 no# __our___ life is %etterJ ThatAs "reatJJJ

I. COMPLETE T4E SENTENCES 9IT4 MY1 YOUR1 4IS1 4ER1 OUR1 OR T4EIR :. C. 6. H. G. 7. 8. E. K. :;. Rita is #earin" a %louse5 __her____ %louse is li"ht %lue Tom is #earin" a shirt5 ___his_____ shirt is ello# an! %ro#n . am #earin" Ieans5 ____m ____ Ieans are %lue *o% an! Tom are #earin" %oots5 __their____ %oots are %ro#n Sue an! ou are #earin" !resses5 ___ our____ !resses are re! Ann an! . are #earin" s#eaters5 ___our____ s#eaters are %ei"e Sue is #earin" a s(irt5 __her___ s(irt is %lac( &ou are #earin" snea(ers5 ____ our____ snea(ers are "ra . Tom an! ' nn ha-e a %a% 5 ___their___ %a% is G months ol! . ha-e a brother 5 ___his____ names is *o%.

VOCABULARY A. Write these num%ers5 ta(e care #ith spellin". 1. : One5 C T#o5 6 Three5 H /our5 G /i-e5 7 Si15 8 Se-en5 E Ei"ht5 K Nine5 :; Ten5 .:: Ele-en5 :C T#el-e5 C. Complete this chart :6 T$.R :H /OUR :G /./ :7 S.L - TEEN


:8 SE<EN :E E.0$ :K N.NE 6. Complete this chart too 6; T$.R H; /OR 6. Write an! sa these num%ers 10 __T#el-e___5 0: __T#ent three__5 =? __/ort si1__5 ?@ __Si1t se-en____ DD__Ei"ht ei"ht__5 E@ __Ninet se-en__ H. Complete the charts an! sa the num%ers :;; ONE C;; TWO 6;; T$REE H;; /OUR 4UNDRED G;; /.<E 7;; S.L 8;; SE<EN E;; E.0$T K;; N.NE :;;; ONE C;;; TWO 6;;; T$REE H;;; /OUR G;;; /.<E 7;;; S.L 8;;; SE<EN E;;; E.0$T K;;; N.NE G; 7; 8; E; K; /./ S.L SE<EN E.0$T N.NE

- TY


G. Write the follo#in" num%ers CG __ TWENT& /.<E ______ 67G __ T$REE $UNDRED S.LT& /.<E __ 788 ___S.L $UNDRED SE<ENT& SE<EN__ A. Write ten e1amples of each cate"or . :. /RU.TS __ *anana5 pear5 apple5 melon5 man"o5 "ua-a5 stra#%err 5 coconut5 oran"e5 cocoa. _________________________________________________________________ C. <E0ETA*'ES _ nion5 lettuce5 ca%%a"e5 carrot5 celer 5 spinach5 ra!ish5 am5 parsle 5 potato ________________________________________________________________ 6. /OOD _ Soup5 pi@@a5 ham%ur"er5 san!#ich5 ca(e5 tamale5 rice5 %rea!5 fish5 meat___ CEE: __TWO T$OUSAND E.0$T $UNDRED E.0$T& ONE____ :;;7 ___ONE T$OUSAND S.L________

9RITE A SENTENCE USING SINGULAR AND PLURAL 8ORMS *o"otM is a %i" cit *o"otM an! Me!ellin are %eautiful cities *UTTER/'& MA.'MAN :. __The %utterfl is an insect___________________________________ C. __The %utterflies an! the ants are insects_______________________ :. __The mailman is a har! #or(er_______________________________ C. __The mailman an! the plum%er are har! #or(ers_________________

'EA/ D.S$ :. __A leaf is a small part of a tree_______________________________ C. __Millions of lea-es are part of a forest_________________________ :. __Roaste! meat is a t pical !ish from $uila______________________ C. __Roaste! meat an! tamals are t pical !ishes from $uila__________

9RITING Write a postcar! !escri%in" the place #here ou are.

Dear mom I am having good time here in #eiva, Here people is very interesting, $he eather is so hot and I go to the %ool ith my friend many times a eek. "om I miss you, I miss &ogot' and its (eather. )all me mom. !ove, )arlos

Ms. "ulia #erez$$$ Cr 13th Av. %ara%as 5&'!4 (o)ot*$$$$ Colo+,ia$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$

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