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Chapter 11 - RESPIRATION Q.

Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus you will use to show that heat is produced During respiration in seeds. Why the two flasks used in the experiment? Ans: Two flasks are used to show that only germinating seeds releases heat and the boiled seed which are non germinating do not release heat. This can be detected by the rise in temperature in first flask.!"ig.##.$% Q. &ow do nostrils contribute to the process of breathing? Ans: The air around us is impure' while our lungs re(uire air which is moist' warm and clean. #. Air we breathe is moistened by the slimy mucous present in the nose' which is secreted by inner lining of nose. ). Air becomes warm by the blood circulating in the nose. *. +ucous along with the hair present inside our nose trap dirt' dust particles , disease causing germs and pre-ent them from entering the respiratory system. Q. What happens to the air breathed in' once it reaches the lungs? Ans: When we breathe in air' it passes through trachea and reaches lungs. .nside the lungs air passes through bronchus and then bronchioles and enters the tiny sac called al-eoli' where exchange of gases !/xygen and carbon di oxide% takes place between al-eoli and blood -essels by diffusion. Q. 0xplain the structure of human lungs and how exchange of gases happens in the lungs. Ans: The main organs of respiration in humans are the lungs. The lungs are two sponges like sacks which fill most our chest ca-ity. .n the lungs each bronchus branches out into smaller tubes called bronchioles. At the end of thee tubes are tiny air sacs called al-eoli. 10ach lung contains *22 million al-eoli. 1Air sacs!al-eoli% are surrounded with blood -essels. 1the air we breathe in e-entually reaches these air sacs' and oxygen present in air goes into the blood contain in blood -essels. 1 carbon dioxide present in blood passes out of the blood into the air sacs. 1thus exchange of gases takes place in lungs. !fig.##.3%

Q. &ow will you show that exhaled air has more 4/) than inhaled air? Ans: 1Take two test tubes' half filled with lime water. 1 5sing two holed stoppers'glass tubes and clips set up an apparatus as shown in fig. 1 1When we breathe in'inhale air through rubber tube' air passes through tube A. 1 When we breathe out the exhaled air passes through test tube 6. 1 After obser-ation it is found that the lime water in test tube 6 is more milky than in test tube A.1Which indicates exhaled has more 4/) than inhaled air.

Q. What is anaerobic respiration? Does it occur in human body also? Ans: 7espiration that takes place in absence of oxygen is called Anaerobic respiration. 8es' it does take place in human body. Q. Why do we sometimes suffer from muscle cramps while exercising? Ans: 9ometimes during strenuous acti-ity such as long running' our body cannot get enough oxygen to produce re(uired energy. 9o to get additional energy our muscle cells undergo anaerobic respiration. .n this process partial breakdown of glucose takes place and produces lactic acid. The accumulation of lactic acid causes muscular cramps.

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