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Forms of Conditional Statements

• Logic plays a role in relating facts and drawing conclusions.
• A conditional statement has the form: if p then q.
• The contrapositive of a conditional is equivalent to the conditional.

A conditional statement links two sentences together. It

declares that the second sentence is true or false depending
on whether the first sentence is true or false.

In this example of a conditional statement, the fact of having

an umbrella in the second sentence depends on whether it is
raining or not raining as stated in the first sentence.

In this version of the same example, the second sentence is

stated first, followed by the first sentence stated last. Also,
the opposite of each sentence is used.

This use of the two clauses is the contrapositive version of

the original conditional statement. It is always true or false
as the original conditional statement is true or false.

The converse changes the order of the two clauses. Logically,

this combination cannot be held to be true without additional

The inverse retains the same order of the clauses. However,

the opposite of each clause is used. Logically, this
combination cannot be held to be true without additional

This chart summarizes all the ways two clauses can be

connected with each other.

Notice: Given that the conditional statement is true, only the

contrapositive is also true. © Thinkwell Corp. 1 


Inductive Reasoning
• Use inductive reasoning to continue patterns.
• The Fibonnaci sequence is found in many real-world situations and its pattern can be extended through inductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning is a method of analyzing known items

to find a pattern. Then the pattern is used to predict what
elements might be added to continue the pattern.

In this example, the pattern seems to be that adding 1 to each

term creates the succeeding term. Using that pattern, one can
predict what the next elements might be if the sequence

Inductive reasoning concedes that more than one pattern

might be available. In this example, two patterns are given.
Are there more?

In the first pattern, each term is seen as a multiple of 5

beginning with 5 x 1.

In the second pattern, each term is analyzed based on its final

digit and the fact that the first digits represent the counting
numbers in order.

It is worth noting that both of these patterns generate the same

sequence of new elements.

This is the Fibonacci sequence, probably the most famous

and useful sequence mathematicians have.

Always remember its first three terms and the rest of the
sequence can be generated.

Given the first five elements, the pattern emerges that each
element is the sum of the two that precede it.

Sequences involving algebraic expressions follow the same

road to analysis as other sequences.

In this example, the analysis reveals that each element

contains two terms and the second of those terms always is
+1. The first of those terms is increasing by 2x from one term
to the next.

From these conclusions, new elements can be predicted. © Thinkwell Corp. 1 

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