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ICC-01/04-01/06 1/5 10 Fcbruary 2006

OfflcluI Court TrunsIutlon

OriginaI : Frcnch No.: ICC-01/04-01/06
Dale: 10 Fcbruary 2006


BcInrc: Judgc C!audc Jnrda, Prcsiding Judgc
Judgc Akua Kucnychia
Judgc 5y!via 5tcincr

Rcgistrar: Mr Brunn Catha!a

Undcr sca!


Thc OIIicc nI thc Prnsccutnr
Mr Luis Moreno Ocamo
Ms Ialou ensouda, Deuly Iroseculor
Mr Ikkehard Wilhof, Senior TriaI Lavyer
Ms Lyne Decarie, TriaI Lavyer

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Pursuant to decision ICC-01/04-01/06-37 this document is reclassified as public

ICC-01/04-01/06 2/5 10 Fcbruary 2006
OfflcluI Court TrunsIutlon
PRE-TRIAL CHAMBER I of lhe InlernalionaI CriminaI Courl (lhe Courl),

HAVING EXAMINED lhe Iroseculion's AIicalion for a varranl of arresl for Mr
Thomas Lubanga DyiIo fiIed on 13 }anuary 2006,

HAVING EXAMINED lhe evidence and olher informalion submilled by lhe

NOTING arlicIes 19 (1) and 58 (1) of lhe Rome Slalule,

HAVING FOUND lhal, on lhe basis of lhe evidence and informalion rovided by
lhe Iroseculion, lhe case againsl Mr Thomas Lubanga DyiIo faIIs vilhin lhe
|urisdiclion of lhe Courl and is admissibIe,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal a rolracled
armed confIicl look Iace in Iluri from }uIy 2002 unliI lhe end of 2003 al Ieasl,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal from }uIy 2002
lo December 2003 members of lhe IILC carried oul reealed acls of enIislmenl inlo
lhe IILC of chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen vho vere lrained in lhe IILC lraining
cams of uIe, CenlraIe, Mandro, Rvamara, ogoro, Sola and Irumu,

See the Prosecutions Submission of Further Information and Materials, filed by the Prosecution on 25 January
2006; the Prosecutions Submission of Further Information and Materials, filed by the Prosecution on 27 January
2006 and the Transcript of the Hearing held on 2 February 2006.
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Pursuant to decision ICC-01/04-01/06-37 this document is reclassified as public

ICC-01/04-01/06 3/5 10 Fcbruary 2006
OfflcluI Court TrunsIutlon
HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal from }uIy 2002
lo December 2003 members of lhe IILC carried oul reealed acls of conscrilion inlo
lhe IILC of chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen vho vere lrained in lhe IILC lraining
cams of uIe, CenlraIe, Mandro, Rvamara, ogoro, Sola and Irumu,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal, during lhe
reIevanl eriod, members of lhe IILC reealedIy used chiIdren under lhe age of
fifleen lo arliciale acliveIy in hosliIilies in Libi and Mbau in Oclober 2002, in Largu
al lhe beginning of 2003, in Liri and ogoro in Iebruary and March 2003, in unia
in May 2003 and in D|ugu and MongvaIu in }une 2003,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal lhe aIIeged
UIC/IILC's oIicy/raclice of enIisling inlo lhe IILC, conscriling inlo lhe IILC
and using lo arliciale acliveIy in hosliIilies chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen vas
imIemenled in lhe conlexl of and in associalion vilh lhe ongoing confIicl in Iluri,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are aIso reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal Mr Thomas
Lubanga DyiIo has been Iresidenl of lhe UIC since ils foundalion on 15 Selember
2000, lhal in earIy or mid-Selember 2002 Mr Thomas Lubanga DyiIo founded lhe
IILC as lhe miIilary ving of lhe UIC and lhal he immedialeIy became ils
Commander-in-Chief and remained in lhal osilion unliI lhe end of 2003 al Ieasl,

HAVING FOUND lhal lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve lhal Mr Thomas
Lubanga DyiIo (i) exercised !c jacic aulhorily vhich corresonded lo his osilions as
Iresidenl of lhe UIC and Commander-in-Chief of lhe IILC, (ii) lhal he had uIlimale
conlroI over lhe adolion and imIemenlalion of lhe oIicies/raclices of lhe
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Pursuant to decision ICC-01/04-01/06-37 this document is reclassified as public

ICC-01/04-01/06 4/5 10 Fcbruary 2006
OfflcluI Court TrunsIutlon
UIC/IILC a hierarchicaIIy organised armed grou belveen }uIy 2002 and
December 2003, incIuding lhe enIislmenl inlo lhe IILC, lhe conscrilion inlo lhe
IILC and lhe use lo arliciale acliveIy in hosliIilies of chiIdren under lhe age of
fifleen, and (iii) lhal he vas avare of his unique roIe vilhin lhe UIC/IILC and
acliveIy used lhal roIe,

HAVING FOUND lhal for lhe above reasons lhere are reasonabIe grounds lo beIieve
lhal Mr Thomas Lubanga DyiIo is criminaIIy resonsibIe under arlicIe 25 (3) (a) of lhe
Slalule for:

(i) lhe var crime of enIisling chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen
unishabIe under arlicIe 8 (2) (b) (xxvi) or arlicIe 8 (2) (e) (vii) of lhe

(ii) lhe var crime of conscrilion of chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen
unishabIe under arlicIe 8 (2) (b) (xxvi) or arlicIe 8 (2) (e) (vii) of lhe
Slalule, and

(iii) lhe var crime of using chiIdren under lhe age of fifleen lo
arliciale acliveIy in hosliIilies unishabIe under arlicIe 8 (2) (b)
(xxvi) or arlicIe 8 (2) (e) (vii) of lhe Slalule,

HAVING FOUND lhal, under arlicIe 58 (1) (b) of lhe Slalule, lhe arresl of Mr
Thomas Lubanga DyiIo aears necessary al lhis slage lo ensure his aearance al
lriaI and lo ensure lhal he does nol obslrucl or endanger lhe invesligalion or lhe
courl roceedings,

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Pursuant to decision ICC-01/04-01/06-37 this document is reclassified as public

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OfflcluI Court TrunsIutlon


holograhs are annexed, vho is beIieved lo be a nalionaI of lhe Democralic
ReubIic of lhe Congo, born on 29 December 1960 in D|iba, Ulcha Seclor, D|ugu
Terrilory, Iluri Dislricl, OrienlaIe Irovince, Democralic ReubIic of lhe Congo, son of
Mr Malhias N|abu and Ms RosaIie Nyango, married lo a Ms Malckosi and falher of
six chiIdren, vho is lhe aIIeged founder of lhe UIC and lhe IILC, lhe aIIeged former
Commander-in-Chief of lhe IILC and lhe aIIeged currenl Iresidenl of lhe UIC, and
vho vas Iasl knovn lo be delained in lhe Ccnirc Pcniicniiairc ci !c |cc!ucaiicn !c

Done in bolh IngIish and Irench, lhe Irench version being aulhorilalive.

M. !c |ugc C!audc Jnrda
Jugc prsidcnt


Mmc !a |ugc Akua Kucnychia Mmc !a |ugc 5y!via 5tcincr

Daled lhis Iriday 10 Iebruary 2006
Al The Hague
The NelherIands

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Pursuant to decision ICC-01/04-01/06-37 this document is reclassified as public

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