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General Skilled Migration Program

The Australian Governments General Skilled Migration Program is implemented through a partnership between government and industry. The Department of mmigration and !iti"enship #D A!$% and the Department of &du'ation% &mployment and (orkpla'e )elations #D&&()$ work with industry #represented by professional migration assessing authorities$ to ensure that poli'ies and pro'edures for assessing the skills of prospe'tive migrants are appropriate% transparent and do not pose unreasonable barriers to migration. !PA Australia is one of three assessing authorities spe'ified by the minister for immigration and 'iti"enship in a''ordan'e with the Migration Regulations Act 1994 to undertake migration skills assessments for*

a''ountant #general$ #A+,S!- 'ode ..////$ e0ternal auditor #A+,S!- 'ode .././1$ management a''ountant #A+,S!- 'ode ..///.$ ta0ation a''ountant #A+,S!- 'ode ..///1$ finan'e manager #A,+S!- 'ode /1..//$ 'orporate treasurer #A+,S!- 'ode .././.$ D&&() supported this pro'ess through its role in approving migration assessing authorities. Approval is granted to professional bodies whi'h meet established 'riteria% in'luding a 'ommitment to support of the ob2e'tives of the General Skilled Migration Program and the provision of an appropriate assessment servi'e to prospe'tive migrants.

Step-by-step guide: applying to migrate to Australia

/. Do you want to migrate to Australia under the general skilled migration visa 'ategories in one of the a''ounting o''upations listed above3 .. 1. f so% you will need to have your skills assessed by !PA Australia. !PA Australia will assess your skills and let you know if they are suitable or not suitable for your nominated o''upation against the re4uirements it has established. 5. 6. This skills assessment must be in'luded with your visa appli'ation to D A!. Make 'ertified 'opies for your own re'ords of your skills assessment and any other do'umentation before you give the originals to D A!. 7. 8ou must also show D A! all the do'umentation you have relied upon when seeking a skills assessment.

Su''essfully migrating to Australia in your 'hosen a''ounting o''upation is no guarantee of membership of !PA Australia% or employment in Australia. A positive assessment from !PA Australia does not guarantee that your visa appli'ation will be su''essful. !PA Australia 'an only provide advi'e on applying for a skills assessment. 9uestions relating to migration should be dire'ted to D A!.

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