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Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

Changes with age in the spatial distribution of roots

of Eucalyptus clone in Congo
Impact on water and nutrient uptake
Jean-Pierre Bouilleta,*, Jean-Paul Laclaua, Michel Arnaudb,
Armel Thongo M’Bouc, Laurent Saint-Andréd,
Christophe Jourdane
CIRAD-Forêt/UR2PI, TA/10C, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
CIRAD-Tera, Ave. Agropolis, TA 60/15, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
IDR/UR2PI, BP 1291, Pointe-Noire, Congo
CIRAD-Forêt, TA/10C, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
CIRAD-CP, Ave. Agropolis, TA 80/01, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France


Clonal Eucalyptus plantations in the Pointe-Noire region have been established on sandy and nutrient poor soils, and carry
potential risk of depleting water and nutrient. To assess these risks, water and nutrient budgets should be calculated. However,
the accuracy of hydrological models is strongly dependent on a realistic description of root distribution in soil. The spatial
distribution of root systems in a chronosequence of clonal stands was then studied, using root intersect counting. The stands were
3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 9 years old. For each stand we studied three vertical profiles perpendicular to the planting
row at different spacing from a representative tree. The profiles were divided into square grid cells of 25 cm2, and the number of
roots belonging to three diameter classes (between 0.1 and 1, 1 and 10 mm, and over 10 mm) were counted in each grid cell. The
profiles were 2.50 m wide (half the distance between the planting rows) and 3 m deep, except for the two youngest stands (1.5 m
deep). Spatial statistical analyses and analysis of variance were carried out to describe root distributions and their spatial and
temporal changes. We observed that:
(1) The trees quickly developed an extensive root system. One year after planting the root system extended to depth beyond
3 m deep and up to the middle of the inter-row.
(2) Root density decreased sharply with depth, with most fine roots in the surface layers. The number of fine root intersects in
the 0–25 cm surface soil layer represented 16–53% of the total throughout the profile depending on stand age and the type
of profile.
(3) The percentage of root intersects in surface layers increased with stand age: this may reflect the greater concentration of
nutrients in surface layers.
(4) High variability in root densities was observed in the surface soil layers but no gradient of decrease from the planting row
to the middle of the inter-row could be underscored. However, the highest root densities were generally observed under the

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33-4-67-59-38-66; fax: þ33-4-67-59-37-33.
E-mail address: (J.-P. Bouillet).

0378-1127/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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44 J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

These patterns of distribution allow rapid access to soil water and nutrients, reduce loss by deep drainage, and may partially
explain the fairly high productivity of these plantations.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Eucalyptus; Root intersect counting; Root system; Root distribution; Sustainability; Hydrological models

1. Introduction method of root intersect counting (Tardieu, 1988) was

conducted on a 6.5-year-old planted crop where soil
Since 1978, 42 000 ha of clonal Eucalyptus planta- water, using TDR was monitored to 5 m depth (Laclau
tions have been established around Pointe-Noire, mainly et al., 2001). This study showed a strong vertical
for pulpwood production. These plantations, owned by anisotropy of the distribution of fine roots, the density
ECO SA (Eucalyptus du Congo Société Anonyme), of roots decreasing sharply with depth, a marked
are based on two natural hybrids (Eucalyptus PF1; horizontal anisotropy, and a grouping of fine roots
E: teriticornis  E: grandis) and, increasingly, on the at depth due to the possible influence of preferential
artificial hybrid E: urophylla  E: grandis. These drainage paths. The objective of the present study
plantations are established on sandy soils charac- was to build upon this work, studying the dynamics
terised by low reserves of available nutrients and a of root distributions at different stages of the whole
low water retention capacity (Laclau et al., 2001). rotation. An accurate analysis of the spatial variabil-
Short rotations are used, resulting in the export of high ity of root distribution was carried out in stands of
amounts of biomass and nutrients every 7 years. This a chronosequence, within the environment of one
leads to potential risks of water and nutrient deficien- representative tree. Relationships were investigated
cies and non-sustainable production. In order to assess among root distributions, changes in biological
these risks, studies have focused on the biogeochem- cycles, and characteristics of water and nutrient
ical cycle of nutrients, and on the quantification of uptake.
water and nutrient budgets in clonal stands during the
planted crop rotation (Bouillet et al., 1999). In such
studies, hydrological models are used to estimate the 2. Material and methods
water and nutrient status and flows in the soil, including
nutrient outputs by drainage. The ability of these models 2.1. Site description
to accurately estimate water and nutrient uptake is
strongly dependent on a realistic description of the Eucalyptus plantations cover a band about 30 km
distribution of roots in the soil (Bruckler et al., 1991; wide on the Atlantic coast of Congo (48S, 128E). The
Habib et al., 1991; Lafolie et al., 1991; Molz, 1981; climate is characterised by a high atmospheric humid-
Nouvellon et al., 2000). Moreover, detailed knowledge ity (85% on average) with low seasonal variations
of the architecture of the root system is essential (2%), a mean annual rainfall of about 1200 mm with a
because of its role in improving the soil structure (Jama dry season usually between May and September.
et al., 1998) and in the tree anchoring (Coutts, 1983; Mean annual temperature is high (25 8C) with seaso-
Ennos et al., 1993; Fitter, 1986), or the contribution of nal variations of around 5 8C. Within the plateau
roots to carbon and nitrogen cycles (Hendricks et al., where most plantations are located, altitude ranges
1993; Ruess et al., 1996). This information may also be from 80 to 120 m and the topography is slightly
used to assist management decisions such as weeding undulating. The geological bedrock is composed of
or fertilisation to ensure the most efficient use of water thick detritic layers of continental origin dated from
and nutrients (Nambiar, 1983). plio-pleistocene (Jamet, 1975). The soils are arenosols
Since 1997 research at UR2PI (Unité de Recherche (FAO classification), characterised by their depth
sur la Productivité des Plantations Industrielles) has (down to 100 m), homogeneity in the landscape in
focused on the spatial and temporal variability of root colour (from greyish on soil upper layers to ochre
distribution in Eucalyptus stands. A study, using the in deep layers), texture (sand content over 85%),
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57 45

structure and poor chemical content (Laclau et al., 2.2.2. Stand characteristics
2000a). Studies based on a chronosequence approach assume
that the stands sampled represent the main stages of
2.2. Plant material development of the same plantation (Dyck and Cole,
1994; Ranger et al., 1996). The clonal plantations
This study concerns one of the most productive studied here constituted an appropriate situation in
clones of the hybrid Eucalyptus PF1 (clone 1-41). This which to use this approach. Indeed, the stands of the
hybrid is a product of natural crosses between two or chronosequence represented the first year of the rotation
three individual plants of Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex (3 months, 6 months, 1 year) when weeding is carried
Blume (female tree) and a group of Eucalyptus hybrid out, the second application of fertiliser (2 years) and the
not well identified (male tree) coming from a Brazilian logging age (9 years) (Table 1). They were located
arboretum. The latter might be a cross between within a 1 km radius area in a plateau with homoge-
the E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, E. robusta Smith, neous soils. The native savannah was ploughed with
E. urophylla S.T. Blake, and E. botryoı̈des Smith a disc-harrow and the stands were planted at 5 m  3 m
(Delwaulle, 1988). spacing (666 trees ha1). A starter fertiliser (150 g
N–P–K 13–13–21 per cutting) was applied and chemi-
2.2.1. Particularities of the clone 1-41 cal sprays used to control weeds.
About 7000 ha have been planted with this clone In order to check the validity of this chronose-
since 1978. It is hardy and grows well with appropriate quence, a height growth curve was established for
weed control and application of fertiliser (20 m3 ha1 the 9-year-old stand, from measurements made when
per year). Inventories of the plantations has given this plantation was 10, 63, 88 and 108 months old. The
detailed knowledge of its patterns of growth through- mean height of the different stands of the sequence
out successive rotations at a variety of sites. It is was very close to the curve and the hypothesis that age
therefore used as a reference clone in breeding is the main variable among stands can be accepted
and silviculture trials, and for the development of tree (Fig. 1). The mean height of the 6.5-year-old stand
growth models and for the quantification of nutrient studied by Laclau et al. (2000a) is also close to this
budgets (Bouillet et al., 1997; Laclau et al., 2000a,b). curve (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Mean stand heights of Eucalyptus stands of different ages.

46 J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

Table 1
Main characteristics of the chronosequence stands

Stand age 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years 9 years

Mean height (m) 1.4 1.8 5.5 11.8 25.1

Mean CBH (cm) – – 26 34 60
Date of measurements June 1999 September 1999 June 2000 April 1999 March 1999
Silvicultural treatments Savannah burned and ploughed. Starter fertilisation (150 g per tree cutting of N–P–K 13–13–21).
Chemical weeding

2.3. Methodology plane under study. The number of root intercepts

within three diameter classes were counted in each
The spatial distribution of roots was assessed using grid cell of 25 cm2 (fine roots between 0.1 and 1 mm,
the methodology described by Laclau et al. (2000a). medium-sized roots between 1 and 10 mm, and coarse
One tree with a basal area corresponding to the mean roots over 10 mm). The soil profiles were 2.50 m wide
basal area of the stand was selected. Excavation was (half the distance between the planting rows) and 3 m
performed and three vertical planes perpendicular deep, except for the two youngest stands (1.5 m deep).
to the planting row at different spacing from this The 6-month-old stand was measured at the end of the
representative tree were studied: under the stump dry season. The other observations were carried out at
(P0), 0.75 m from the stump (P1), and 1.50 m from the end of the rainy season or the beginning of the dry
the stump (P2), corresponding to half of the tree season (Table 1).
spacing in the planting row (Fig. 2). Vertical profiles The root measures were made on a single tree in
were divided into 5 cm  5 cm grid cells and in each each age category, because of the labour intensive
grid cells roots were exposed using a small knife to methodology adopted. So, within age stand variability
remove surrounding soil. We used the root intersect in root distribution was not estimated. But a previous
method in this study (Tardieu, 1988). By root intersect study showed that the mean length of shallow roots
we mean any intersection of a root with the vertical was around 5 m in a 1-year-old stand and that some

Fig. 2. Location within the stand of the three profiles P0, P1 and P2, according to the location of the representative tree, the tree spacing in the
planting row and the distance between the planting rows.
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57 47

roots could reach 12 m at 6 years old (Hamel, 1992). between layer i and age k; yjk the interaction between
Thus, we consider that the spatial distribution of roots profile j and age k; and eijk the residual effect.
observed represented that of the stand and not just of In order to predict the change in FRD distribution
the nearest tree. with depth for each age, a model was adjusted to FRD
measurements, using the NLIN procedure of the SAS
2.4. Statistical analyses software. The model used was FRD ¼ a0  a1 depth þ
b expðc depthÞ þ e, where a0 þ b is the FRD at
The number of intercepts of fine and medium-sized depth ¼ 0; a0  a1 depth tend to 0 when depth
roots per area of 25 cm2 of soil are presented as fine increases; c controls the curve’s shape, and e is the
root density (FRD) and medium-sized root density residual error.
(MRD), respectively. Coarse roots were not taken into
account because they were only found in the profile P0
below the stump. In each profile, FRD and MRD 3. Results
distribution were studied, according to the spacing
from planting row and depth. Two statistical tools Although MRD was 10–30 times lower than FRD,
were used to map FRD and MRD: its spatial distribution was similar. Therefore, results
are presented only for FRD (fine roots being the
(i) Automatic classification was performed in each
most important in regard to the water and nutrient
profile (procedure TREE using SPLUS software).
absorption), except for the 3- and 6-month-old stands
This technique enables an explicative model of
for which FRD was not measured because it was not
root density to be built according to the spatial
possible to separate the fine roots of the savannah from
co-ordinates of the values observed. The algo-
those of the Eucalyptus stand.
rithm divides the profile into areas of low
variability for the variable by successive dichot-
3.1. Spatial distribution of the medium-sized roots
omy on both co-ordinates, detecting the threshold
in the 3- and 6-month-old stands
at which the criterion of deviance is maximised
(Breiman et al., 1984).
In the 3-month-old stand all root intersects (11/11)
(ii) Kriging was performed in each profile (ISATIS
were confined to the surface soil layer (0–25 cm depth).
software). This method is based on the experi-
This proportion decreased to 11/15 in the 6-month-old
mental variogram expressing the variance of the
stand; the four other intersects were observed between
values measured, according to the spacing and
0.9 and 1.5 m deep.
direction between measurements (Goovaerts,
The profile close to the tree stump (P0) had the most
1997). After modelling the variogram, kriging
intercepts. In this profile there were eight root inter-
allows an assessment of the values which were
sects at 3 months and 10 root intersects at 6 months.
not measured and smoothes the data, thus
Most root intersects were within 30 cm of the plant-
preserving the main spatial features of the
ing row (7/11 and 12/15 for the 3- and 6-month-old
variable (independence, anisotropy, etc.).
stands, respectively). However, the rapid lateral exten-
Additionally, the GLM procedure of the SAS soft- sion of the root system should be emphasised because
ware (SAS Institute, 1988) was used to analyse the four intersects were recorded between 1.25 and 2.50 m
variance of FRD. The statistical model used to from the planting row in the 3-month-old stand.
describe the FRD was
FRDijk ¼ m þ Li þ Pj þ Ak þ yij þ yik þ yjk þ eijk ; 3.2. Spatial distribution of fine roots in the
1-year-old stand
where FRDijk is the mean value of measured at layer i
in profile j at age k; m the overall mean; L, P, A account In the 1-year-old stand, root intersects were
for the effects of depth (layer), distance from the observed down to 3 m (Fig. 3). For P0, the surface
stump (profile), and age, respectively; yij the interac- soil layer had a high density of roots (32% of the total
tion between layer i and profile j; yik the interaction root intersects between 0 and 25 cm), and FRD
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57
Fig. 3. FRD automatic classification in profiles P0, P1 and P2 for the 1-, 2- and 9-year-old stands (FRD in root intersects per 25 cm2).
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57
Fig. 4. Kriged map of fine root distribution in profiles P0, P1 and P2 for the 1-, 2- and 9-year-old stands.

50 J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

decreased with depth. This trend was less pronounced FRD distribution in the P0 profile differed from that
in the two other profiles: the proportion of root inter- in P1 and P2 profiles. Automatic classification for P0
sects in 0–25 cm layer was 19 and 16% in P1 and P2, (Fig. 3) showed that the highest FRD were close to the
respectively. Regardless of the profile, soil >20 cm stump, in the surface soil layer. A layer with inter-
depth had few roots with large volumes of soil without mediate values extending to a depth of 60 cm was also
any roots (Fig. 4). observed. By contrast, in P1 and P2, the highest values
There was large horizontal heterogeneity in FRD in in the surface layer were not observed close to the
the 0–20 cm layer in P0 and P1. Automatic classifica- planting row (shortest distance to the stump) and FRD
tion (Fig. 3) showed that FRD varied from 0.3 to 2.0 was constant under this layer.
root intersects per 25 cm2 in P0 and from 0.4 to 1.1 There was a marked horizontal heterogeneity in
root intersects per 25 cm2 in P1. The profile P0 was FRD in the 0–5 cm layer: automatic classification
also characterised by higher FRD values under the showed FRD varied from 2.9 to 21.7 root intersects
stump. per 25 cm2 in P0, from 3.7 to 10.4 root intersects per
25 cm2 in P1, and from 3.8 to 10.6 root intersects per
3.3. Spatial distribution of fine roots in 25 cm2 in P2. FRD decreased from the planting row to
the 2-year-old stand the middle of the inter-row for this layer in P0, but not
in the two other profiles. There was no effect of
Although roots were observed down to 3 m, FRD spacing from the planting row in the deeper layers.
decreased sharply with depth in the three profiles
(Fig. 3). Regardless of the profile, the surface layer 3.4. Spatial distribution of fine roots in
had the highest density of roots. The number of root the 9-year-old stand
intersects counted in the 0–25 cm layer was 32, 32 and
36% of the total in P0, P1 and P2, respectively. A high Similar to the 2-year-old stand, FRD decreased
spatial heterogeneity in root distribution was observed sharply with depth in the three profiles (Fig. 3). The
under this layer (Fig. 4). number of root intersects in the 0–25 cm layer was 42,

Fig. 5. Change with age in vertical distribution of fine roots: data averaged for profiles P0, P1 and P2.
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57 51

45 and 53% of the total in P0, P1 and P2, respectively. Table 3

Change in FRD (root intersects per 25 cm2) with age and depth in
By contrast, the soil below a depth of 2 m had few fine
the three profilesa
roots (Fig. 4).
The main differences among the profiles was a Stand age Depth (cm) Profile, P0 Profile, P1 Profile, P2
much higher FRD in P0 under the stump (Fig. 3) 1 year 0–25 1.21 (1.44) 0.54 (0.79) 0.34 (0.67)
down to 1.15 m depth (1.2 vs. 0.2 root intersects per 25–100 0.33 (0.75) 0.24 (0.53) 0.20 (0.54)
25 cm2 for P1 and P2). Although less pronounced than 100–300 0.20 (0.42) 0.19 (0.48) 0.15 (0.64)
in the 2-year-old stand, there was also horizontal 2 years 0–25 2.49 (4.66) 2.62 (3.53) 2.69 (3.45)
heterogeneity in FRD in the 0–10 cm layer of soil 25–100 0.61 (0.87) 0.54 (0.83) 0.37 (0.67)
and no effect of spacing from the planting row as 100–300 0.44 (0.71) 0.50 (1.05) 0.45 (0.51)
determined by the automatic classification. In con- 9 years 0–25 2.60 (2.68) 2.05 (2.72) 2.83 (3.14)
trast, below this layer, FRD was higher under the 25–100 0.48 (0.82) 0.28 (0.57) 0.32 (0.78)
stump, in P0. 100–300 0.27 (1.07) 0.21 (0.53) 0.19 (0.78)
Standard errors are given in parentheses.
3.5. Effects of soil layer, profile placing and
stand age on FRD
The analysis showed significant effects of age and
Using the previous results, the analysis of variance depth (Table 2) and a significant age  depth interac-
took into account: tion ðP < 0:001Þ. FRD increased considerably
between 1 and 2 years. In contrast, FRD was not
 Three layers corresponding to the surface soil
significantly different at 2 and 9 years, but there
(between 0 and 25 cm depth) which is highly
was a trend of more fine roots in the 2-year-old stand
prospected by fine roots, an intermediate layer
(Fig. 5). We also observed that mean FRD decreased
(between 0.25 and 1 m depth) and the deeper layer
substantially with depth, from 1.93 root intersects per
(over 1 m in depth).
25 cm2 in the top soil layer to 0.38 root intersects per
 The three profiles P0, P1 and P2.
25 cm2 between 25 cm and 1 m in depth, and 0.29 root
 The 1-, 2- and 9-year-old stands, where FRD were
intersects per 25 cm2 beyond this depth.
The significant age  depth interaction illustrated
the differences in root densities of soil layers, accord-
ing to stand age (Table 3). There were proportionally
Table 2
more fine roots in surface soil as stands aged. The
Effect of age (year), profile (type) and depth (cm) on FRD (in root number of root intersects in the 0–25 cm of surface
intersects per 25 cm2)a was 24% of the total down to 3 m in the 1-year-old
stand, 33% in the 2-year-old stand and 47% in the
9-year-old stand. Two profiles of the latter stand also
Age had the highest FRD values in surface soil. In contrast,
1 0.38 a
the marked decrease in FRD in the deeper layers
2 1.19 b
9 1.03 b observed in the 9-year-old stand explained that the
total root intersects was lower than in the 2-year-old
P0 0.96 a
P1 0.80 a
P2 0.84 a
Depth 4. Discussion
0–25 1.93 a
25–100 0.38 a Results obtained from this study in several stands
100–300 0.29 b of a chronosequence were consistent with those
Letters indicate significant differences (threshold: 0.001) previously obtained in a 6.5-year-old stand. These
between modalities of factors using Bonferonni test. observations have revealed several major trends that
52 J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

characterise the establishment and the extension of the Surface soil had high root density with the number
root system of Eucalyptus clonal stands, planted under of fine root intersects in the 0–25 cm surface soil layer
the conditions of the Pointe-Noire region. representing 16–53% of the total root intersects (from
0 to 3 m) which depended on stand age and profile.
4.1. Root system dynamics Consistent results were observed in the 6.5-year-old
stand studied by Laclau et al. (2000a), where this
The clone quickly developed its root system, med- percentage was 35% for the profile P1.
ium-sized roots being observed at 1.5 m from the High densities of roots in the upper soil layers are
stump 3 months after planting, and roots explored common in pure and mixed forest stands (Santantonio
at least down to 3 m in the 1-year-old stand. These et al., 1977; Nambiar, 1983; Fabiao et al., 1991, 1995;
results show that the growth rate of the medium-sized Heilman et al., 1993; Fredericksen and Zedaker, 1995;
roots in the upper soil layers was at least 1.6 cm per Mello et al., 1997; Jama et al., 1998; Misra et al.,
day (average over a 3-month period) and approxi- 1998). This allows for efficient uptake of water and
mately 0.8 cm per day (average over a 1-year period) nutrients from these surface layers which are char-
in the deeper horizons. Field rhizotrons have been acterised by accumulation of organic matter, and by
established to confirm these results. It was also shown large amounts of available nutrients (Tiarks et al.,
that in the stands older than 6 months FRD was not 1998). This root pattern is particularly adapted to
significantly different among profiles. This indicates the nutrient poor soils of Pointe-Noire where tree
that after a few months root development was not growth is highly dependent on the soil organic matter
limited to areas close to the stump, but to the whole content and the production of mineral N (Bouillet
stand. These results are consistent with previous et al., 1999). The ability of Eucalyptus stands to
observations made in Congo on the same clone rapidly withdraw water and nutrients inputs has been
(Hamel, 1992), or on E: urophylla  E: grandis clones demonstrated by Laclau et al. (2000a) by comparing
(unpublished data). the change in calcium concentrations between
Similarly, Jama et al. (1998) confirmed the fast- throughfall and the soil solution. During the rainy
growing characteristics of the root system of Euca- season the concentration in the solution collected at
lyptus stands in Kenya. They found that 11 months a depth of 15 cm was around 30% of that measured
after planting roots developed to 4 m depth. Roots of under the forest floor, and decreased up to 10% during
Eucalyptus were observed in Brazil down to 3.9 m, 8 the dry season when there was little rain (less than
months after planting and down to 6.2 m on 2-year-old 1 mm) and the calcium concentration in rainfall was
stands (Pacheco and Louzada, 1991). high.
Mean FRD values decreased sharply with depth and
4.2. Root distribution with depth were lower than 0.5 root intersect per 25 cm2 below
2 m, regardless of stand age. However, these scarce
The models adjusted to FRD measurements for the roots play a crucial role in water uptake during the dry
each stand age showed the change in root distribution season, when the soil moisture of the upper layers is
during the stand rotation (Table 4 and Fig. 6). close to the wilting point (Laclau et al., 2001). Sana

Table 4
Change with stand age in the parameter estimates, coefficients of determination and RMSE of the model:
FRD ¼ a0  a1 depth þ b expðc depthÞ, with FRD in root intersects per 25 cm2, and depth in m

Stand age (year) R2 RMSE a0a a1a ba ca

1 0.935 0.080 0.346 0.00091 0.641 0.078

2 0.994 0.101 0.629 0.00091 8.059 0.382
6.5 0.972 0.195 1.019 0.00316 5.140 0.161
9 0.970 0.173 0.401 0.00099 5.495 0.132
All parameters were significantly different from 0.
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57 53

Fig. 6. Change with age in vertical distribution of fine roots: models FRD ¼ a0  a1 depth þ b expðc depthÞ, fitted on data averaged for
profiles P0, P1 and P2. Data for the 6.5-year-old stand obtained from Laclau et al. (2001).

(1997) showed that water uptake in a 5.5-year-old 4.3. Changes in root density with age
stand of the same clone, occurred down to a depth of
5 m during the dry season. Similar results were In a chronosequence of the same clone, Laclau et al.
obtained in Ivory Coast on deep Tertiary sandy soil (2000b) observed an increment in stand biomass
under adult oil-palm stands where roots exceeded 6 m (aerial parts plus big roots) of 8.3 Mg ha1 in the first
deep (Jourdan and Rey, 1997). The major role of deep year and 16.9 Mg ha1 in the second year. This greater
roots in supplying water to trees were also widely current annual increment coincided with an increase in
reported in forest stands (Nambiar and Sands, 1992; root density, which could be related to the higher
Dye, 1996; Roupsard et al., 1999). demand in water and nutrients. Between the first year
The development of a deep root system could and the second year, the mean value of FRD increased
explain that phosphorus is not a limiting factor for from 0.24 to 0.65 root intersect per 25 cm2. Other
the growth of the Eucalyptus plantations in the Pointe- authors reported, in the early growth stages, a close
Noire region (Safou-Matondo and Bouillet, 1999), and relationship between the current annual increment in
the low efficiency of use of this nutrient (Laclau et al., aerial biomass and in fine root biomass (Misra et al.,
2000a). The concentration of available phosphorus in 1998), or in medium-sized root biomass (Fabiao et al.,
the soil is not high (0.20 g kg1) but constant down to 1995; Misra et al., 1998). In our study, such relation-
6 m. Thus, the amount of this nutrient available for the ship was also observed in older stages when decrease
trees is large due to the considerable volume of soil in root density in deeper layers between 6.5 and 9
explored by roots. Moreover, the proportion of phos- years of age corresponded to a marked decrease in
phorus taken up from the deep horizons could con- growth (Mabounou, 2000).
siderably increase during the dry season when soil The increase with age in the percentage of roots in
moisture is higher in depth than in the surface soil the surface layer was consistent with the changes in
(Comerford et al., 1997). nutrient cycling in this ecosystem. Litterfall starts at
54 J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57

the end of the first year after planting (Nzila et al., Eucalyptus stand, stemflow averaged only 1.5% of
2002) and leads to a continuous accumulation in the throughfall, but the nutrient concentrations were much
forest floor, and a slight enrichment of organic carbon higher in stemflow than in throughfall (þ300% for K
in 0–10 cm of soil (Trouvé, 1995; Bernhard-Reversat or þ500% for P and Mn) (Laclau et al., 2000b). So,
and Loumeto, 1999). The increase in root density in under the stump, roots proliferated in an area of
surface soil may result from an increase in the con- preferential flow of water carrying high concentration
centration of nutrients in the solution of these top soil of nutrients. A similar root pattern was observed by
layers due to the decomposition of the forest floor Laclau et al. (2000a) in a 6.5-year-old stand, where the
(Laclau et al., 2000b). Then the biological cycle root development under the stump and the planting
becomes more and more active allowing the trees to row was even higher than in our study. It could be due
feed mainly from the upper layers, while, in the young to the soil decompaction resulting from the ripping of
stages, the deep layers might be proportionally more the planting line performed in that stand. This assump-
prospected by roots to supply the nutrient requirement tion is supported by the larger vertical ramification of
of the stand. big roots close to the stump and in the ripping row
observed by Bouillet et al. (1997) in a 4-year-old stand
4.4. Effect of the spacing from the planting row of the same clone.
Under surface soil there was also a strong variability
A high variability in FRD was observed in surface in root density. High MRD and FRD values were
soil but no gradient of decrease from the planting row measured in areas where the roots were grouped
to the middle of the inter-row. However the highest together, whereas there were areas without any root
FRD and MRD values were generally observed under intersects. This pattern of distribution could be
the stump. This trend is common for tree plantations explained by the existence of preferential pathways
(Fabiao et al., 1995; Pagès et al., 2000), but Nambiar for water infiltration, resulting from the severe hydro-
(1983) obtained the opposite result in a radiata pine phobicity of the surface soil (Laclau et al., 2001).
plantation, where the rooting density tended to These eucalypts might be able to concentrate their fine
increase towards the mid-point of the rows. In our roots under these preferential drainage channels,

Fig. 7. Time-course of soil water content in the 15–50 cm soil layer, simulated with a daily water balance model as compared to TDR
measurements (replicates of five probes). Soil water measured from 225 to 547 Julian days.
J.-P. Bouillet et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 43–57 55

where high amounts of nutrient are transferred in then would absorb more and more nutrients from the
gravitational solutions. upper horizons as the stand ages. A marked horizontal
heterogeneity was observed with more root prospect-
4.5. Hydrological models ing under the stump and under areas of preferential
drainage. This root distribution allows rapid nutrient
The results on FRD distribution have been used to uptake from soil solution, and reduces nutrient loss by
parameterise a hydrological bucket model (Granier deep drainage.
et al., 1999) applied for the 6.5-year-old stand. The Further research is needed to confirm and extend
predicted water content compared well with the mea- these results. In particular, works including more trees
surements obtained with time domain reflectometry and intermediate ages will focus on the influence of
probes (Laclau et al., 2001) (Fig. 7). The changes in the season, vegetal material or stand location on the
FRD distribution with age will be integrated into an development of the root system.
age-dependent hydrological models in order to estab-
lish water budgets for the whole rotation.
4.6. Silvicultural practices
The founders of UR2PI (Republic of Congo, CIRAD-
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