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- tJ.

O~~"r1""",1 011,., Tressury - InWrlil' R<:"",nIlC ~r.,oe

Form 1040
For t!~l llear Jan 1 • Dec 31, 2008, N othPl' t~
{Sl~r. 1.. ~.ltlJcIICII)~.) ELTJN R HUTCHISON
Usc the
IRS label.
Otherwise, (')LJ must C!ntcr your
plCCise print .i social !jecunly .i
or type. • numbf:!r (!;) .'lbOVil. ..

ChEclung abox ~elow will not

Election I:--.-----------------------------------J ch~ngc your tin or refund.
Campaign ~ Clul:k here if \IO~, or your 5PQ\1Se if ;ili,lQ jointly, \/Jant;3 to go to :tis f~nd? (see Instructtons). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ [RJ You [EJ Spouse
1 Single 4 H~oo of household (with qual·tying person). (Soe
Filing Status
2 X Mamec fllirlQ jointly (even It only OIlE h~ income) instructions.) If the qualifying person is a child
but not your dependent. enter this child's
Check only
a t.tarriec filing separately. Enlel ~pO~SC's SSN Jbo~c &. tull name here. ~ _
one box. IIllmc Ilere. ~ 5 D Qualifying wi(j()',l/(er) with dp,pend€nt r.hllc (s~p. i",;truclions)

Exemptions 6a X Yourself. It someone c<w (;/(,;lI/]"1 you ;:)$ il uC'pcndcnt, do not check box fa. . . . . . .. . .. } - :~:.'..~76~~.1l. 2
b X Souse. . " . ., . . . . . . . . .. Nfl. 01 c!liId'an -----=::...
(2) Dependent's (3) Dependent's (4) ,f I)tl6c who:
(; DC~rlde"1s: socia! securilV (el::ltioI1Shi["l Q~"IIIY,"~" IlIIed
nurrlbe( . to you Child rOI Clllld ";lhyou ..... 2_
1 Firsl n(lme
Las' name (~~ o~~~) • did
.. :'::"!-Ii~a
_=='::;"':':;;;';":':':::'___,I_-----__+--------W·':::·:':"·':':":.:.: no'


-=-==~\=~=-':'----+--...l,,:;:L-- ~ S4p••• tio'l
llOUSTON T HUTCHISON SON lmt'9) .. (•••
-=-.:::..:..:..-- -I-----l..:..:L_
If more than _______________-----lIL.... -..l. L-_~ri~_·l"\
011 fi(; not
lour dependents
see in:;lrucl,ons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---L ..l.- ....L_.J.I........I.I_Add numbN' I
d Total number Df exemDt,ons cl<:limcd.... . _...... . .. :~';,.~.. ~I 41
"} Wage~.
s"Iorics, tips. etc. Attach Form(s) W·2. .. . . . •.•. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . _ 1-7:---1 --=6..::0..::1:...<....;1=-5:;:-:::.8..:.....
Income 83 TaXilblc interest. AI1Llch Schedule B if r~quireU. . . .. . .......... b8~at- ---:5~1.=:9~.

b Tax-exempt intQ(c!~t. Do not include on line &'1 ...• ::::::.::·f '8bl 15 359 .·f~-·'.:
Attach Form{s) g'a Ordinary dividend!;. .o.ttach Schedule Sf reqUlr~J '1" ~ -. - f=9i::-a;::;±- -'7~3'-.J,'-6:::..6~7__'_.
W-2 h~re. Abu b Qualified dlvld~nd5 (see instIl) ,......... _ _. ~bl 65 101. ':~·l':."~,~
~ltach Forms
1(J TB;.;~ble r~func~. cre~lts. or cffsc1:; 01 zt.rte 3rJC locol Jnc,me1a~e$ ($00 ,n$'(l!cnons) . .... _ 10
W-2G .lnd tQg9·R
if tlx WJ!i. withheld. '1 AlImony received..... . ............•...................... ~'1:--t---------
1~ Bl~inp.~s income or (loss). Alta>;:h Schedule C or C·E2. 12
If you did not
get II W-2, 1::· Capilal QJln or (Io"~). At! Sen D if ~~qd. Ii nQ: rC'Qcl, ck 1C'fC. . . ... . .. ~ 0 1-::"3::--1-------::3::"',"'0:::-0=0-.
5ee In~trucil Dns. 10/1.
Other gains or (Io~es). Allach Form
IRA di:slribution:; ... .
16,a Pensions and <lnnuilil~ ~
47n... . . .. .. . ..
b Toxoblc amount (sec Jnstrs) !--'-1S'-"'-bl--
25,237 b Ta)l\able omount (see instrs). f-:'
I ... . . . .... . .. . . ..... f-1_4-:-:-t


17 Rental real estale, royal\les, Dorlncr~ips, 5 corporations, trusts, e~>;:. Attach Schedule E. 17 40 592.
En~luse, bu\ do lEi Fam\ income o( (loss). Attach Schedule F'. .•. .•........ . . .. . 1--'1.::.a-+ ~ _
n·)l Jttach. any 1~1 UnCn1pIO~'lllcnt compensation. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . t-:::l-=-~-:-t---_~::-::-~,=,,=,--
I 20a I 27 ( 14 7 ~ b ':Clxabl~ ~m~'~nt (*>~~. ir1st'rs):: J-=2;;.,Ob;;.r-
p,yment /lbO,
r>1~l~e LJS~ 2Cla Social security berlefts..... .. ...::2;;.;3;,.J
fe>rll1 1040-V. 21 Otn~rincome 21
22 Add the amo-lA';\s-;;-t;;' f,J;-ri'r; hl Coi~~n '071G~ "7 tl1ro~h-2T Thi~~-;';ur't;illli;;c-;;';e~ - - ';.l-::22::-+---....,,7;-:6~-1:--':"1";;O·4:--.
2;;, Educ~tor
expenses (:;ee Ir'lslruefiors). . . . . ... ... . .... _ 23 .::?:"
Adjusted 2,(; Certain bUSln~s (lqlOO~ts of re!:e:~istl:. performm~ cr1ists, <:nd. r~-b~~ I.q.::::
Gross g~vernlfl~nt or~:lals. MilCh Form 2\06 or 2106·EZ f--!=2~4-1- L' ·•.·" ··:;,1
Income 2~, Heollh Sewings uccount deduction. Att3ch FOfrl'l 8889 2S ;,:;.:c}
2f; MOVing expenses. Attach Form 3903 . . .. 26 I·,.~· .y;
2,' One·half of self-employment :ax. Attach Schedule SE . .. . . 'Z7 1,111"'0
2f1 Selt-ernploycd SEP, SIMPlE, .:lnd qualified piMt. " . . .. 28 I:f!~!;i
2!1 Self-employod heal1h in5urance lleducllclI (s:=e hS'J uClions) _.. 29 I;-}~:
~(I Penalty on c'lrly wlthdr<lw;): of ~~\lin£Jf.. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 30 I~"·{'
31 a III,m01Y ~ojd b Rec pienl's SSN. .. ~ • .. 31 a I,/·fl ,.
~: IRA oedu[;tion (~ee instructions) , 32 1·/:",:/
3~1 StudCIl\loan in1erest deduction (se'i! in~lructions} .. . 33 1/' '(.:
3.1,\ ~llcOtn <lnd tees det·<1.lJticti~d· AtlliJC:~\.FOhr"F(r 8~~~';- . .. . . .. . ~ :,,:~
3 ,> ...... ml's I: prod uctlOO XlVI es "" lit Ion. " viC cnrl ~:JW . . . . . .. ..• J~ I:, 'r;.
3(; Add linf'.!; n . 31a OlOO 32 - 35 ... ... . . .. ......••...... ..... .........•........ . .. r-.:-aEi::-t-_ _"'""'=~=--":"":,~O....;...
a~' Subtr~ct line 36 from lIn .. 2.2 Thi~ i" VCU( adiusted moss income. ... .. .. ~ 'K7 761 104.
BAA for Dlsclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see mstnlctlons. FDI.4010JL lO~1105 Form 1040 (2008)

3~~L~~~un~f~~,n~;7~~u~t~~g=~n~~~~)~, , , , .' , . , , . ~ 51 ~~: .2

Form 1040 (2008)
" ,. , ' , ' , ,.
Tax and
Credits ~Ia Check {IX][R] You were born before J"lnui:lry 2, 1944, D Blind, T01al boxes I ;;,:~'.:;:',':

If: Spouse was bom before January 2, 1944,
b If ~our spouse itemizes on a separate return, or you W€r~ il dUal-status ~hf:H~ Set! 'n>lis and ck h~re ~ 39b
C Check jf sta1dDrj dcductionocludes real eslJte tlxes cr diil:lster loss (>ee instructions), • . . .. • 39c

0 Blind. ch~cked ~ 39al

8 2 7;jft:".
for - _4(1 I~mlz('(j dCd, uctiOfl$ (from S,chedule A) or :;our mrdard deduction (see left marg.n). . .. . .. _. . .. . .. 1-..;40~+----~8__=7~5~7~4..::...
• Peopleany
checked wtJobox c-.41 Sclotracl line 40 from IlI\e 38 ." , ,.,."",.. .., _. , - .. , . _. . . .\-41..;":.,,...j- 530
on line 39.=1. 39b, 4~: If Ime 38 is over $1 19,975, or YC4apwJided rousing to e M,dIt.·estem :1Jsplaced indiVidual. S~ I nstructIOrl!i. .\;iol".:i.\
or 39c or who' Olherwlse, mulllpir iJ,SOO by lhelo~1 rlumber C'f e'(frnption~ c.BlmedJn line 6d _.. . .. _. ~42~i- ....:9""",3=-3,;;;2..;..
can be claimed .4~: Ta~ahll! in~ome. Subtr<lct Iinc ,12 from line 41.
as 3 dependent. If lne A2 I~ more th~n Ihe 41, e~r -0-, , •....• , . , .. , ., "'" '....... ... , •, , ..•.•... , ., . f-43..;.;;.-+ ..;;6..;;6;.,;4~1;;;.;.9~B..;....

:e:l::t:::i~[1S. ~I Tax (see ins!rs). Check if any lax I!> from: : E~~~~~~~l.~ .,... ,,,,,,,,,.,, ,,.,.1-44.:-t-__. . :1: . : .9.: :1J. . .:O: .:2~4~.

4~, AI~rniltivt: minimum tax (:;.;-c in$l(uclio'1~). All<:Jcll Form 6251.. . .. . . .,, - ' ... _. f..45..:.;:;.-+-- ---=-"='""'--co--=--=.O..:,..
Single or Married
1i1ing separately, 4(i ACo Ilncs 44 Llnd ~ , , ,... . ..f.".46,.;,;,+__~.;;;1..;;9..;;1;;.L.O:..=.2.:4..;....

$:',450 47 Foreign t.3)( credit. AHach Form 1116 if reqUired .. , , , . , , , , .. 47 22 9 .·;<,i~

Married filing ~I Credit for ~hi Id arid dependent c.'lre elpen~es. A.ttach Fcrm 2441 . . . .. . 48 200 . 1.;iX·,,·
jointly' or 4~1 Credit for the elderly or the disabled, Atlach Schf::du'e R.. , 49 :;·li:~'.!

OU<:lil1ying 5(i EducaMn credits. Attach Form 8863. , , ..... , . , ... , , .. , . . . 50 ;:';:;(
wldow(er), ,',,;,:';:: .
$1 O.~OO 51 Retirement S;.wl~ contributions credit Atlach Form 8880. 51 '¥y;,::~.

Head ot
~~; ~:~~~r~~ed;~~ i~~Dn: ~n~~ FOg: l If r~l~ 5695 . , : , . ~ :f;;:~1{,;
$8,ODO 5'1 DltJer crs tlom F~m: ao D3roJ b J 8801 C 0 54 i!J~~8if
' - - - - - - - - 5fi Add lines 47 through 54. 'fhese ,lre your tOlal credits .. , . , ..... , , .. , , .' . , , ., , .. , ., . , .... 1--'-55-'--+-_~__ .~~4_2......:..9....;...
Sti Subtr<lct Ilfle 55 from line 46. If line 5S IS more than line 46. enter -0-. .. 56 1 ~O 595.
5j' Self-e-npoymerJt tax. Al1aCh SCh~ule St.. '" , .. ", .. ,., ,.,.,.", .. ,., f-5.:....7--t _
Other Stl Unrcl)jrted social security and Med~~are till from form: il 4137 b C
89'S ..• , , D ,, , , . ,. ..,. f-5=.8=--t- _
'faxes S!l Addltl(.Yl~1 bx Gr IRAs :Jthcr qualified retl~emEf1glar:;, e1.C. AttaCh FOHn ill9 If r~qul~ed . . _.. 59
6(1 Add~tlOn~1 tal\'eS:.a [j AEIC paYI!I~lll, b ~ !i,)U$(,4'o'd tlllploynlcnt t~~es. A1ttl~11 Scllooule ff ~6()~~=~=======~~1~O::3~B~~O=.
61, Add Iln~ %-GO. This i3 VDlJr to~llnx. .... . .... , . .. ,."..... ' ... ' ..... ' .. ,.".,.,. ~ 61 200 975.
Payments 6~: FcdCI\llincomi:U!xwl1hllcldtramFarmsW·2and1D99." 62 155 391," :~(
If you h<:l-.e OJ
L 6~1 2008 estimated 1.1~ payments arid am:xmt oWl led feem 2OCJ7 re-JJrn. ' . , , , 6 3 11 0 380 '.:/i:~.\
qu':\llfying 6401 Earned illComc crcdit(EtC) .. ··1···· .... ,. _...... '""""'64.=,8;:+- -[,,,';(.:·,;,'.<".. :-:::1
child, .)tt<lCI'i b NonwKalJle comb.! p~y c!~ction. , .. ' "'1 64bl I.' . "'~/!;

Schedule Ele.
6!; ExcllSs social se:u'ity ~mJ tier 1 RRTA tn Withheld (s~ InstrucIIIll'IS). . r-=65=--t--_~ -----1'<,\,;,:;;,.:';';;""J
6ti Additional cl1,ld lax credit. Attach form 6812." ... , , . , , ,. . 66 ~;".\
67 "-moun! pjld with rcqU:SI for axtewoll 10 file (~ee instruction,). ... ... 67 .:,"
6ft r.rel1i~ 1rcm ~orm: a 02~J9 ]) 4126 ~ 0
SSOl d D88S5 D68 :<;f,~~
{j~' Flrs1-!lrne hOrr1~?;l)yer C(odil. All~cll Form 5405 .. ,. . . . . 69;i,!,~:(
7(1 Rl;ICOVl;!IY I('Qotc c,-edit (500 wOI·ksI1eet) •. , , . ,. , , . , , . 70 ..~::: .._
71 Il.dd lines 52 :~rouQh 7ll. These are vour total DlIVmerrts < < • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ~ 71 195 774.
Refund n If line r
is roorc !h:n lifIC 61, ~ubtract line 51 from line 71. n.~ I" the ~rT()ullt you overpaid. . ... .... 72
8irect deposit?
7~lll Amount of line 72 you W~t1t refunded to you. If Form B888 is at1r.chcd, check here. ~ 01--'-73::::...-8+---------
See In$lruclions
~ b Routing number \ I" c Type: I Checking 0 Savings hp,i
Clnd fill In
73c, ~nd 73d or • d Account number , .. ! II I:":;;'
I-orm 8888. 7~~ "-mOllnt of line 72 YOlI want applie~ to your 2OO'J estirn~ll'!d t~~ .... , ., ~ 74 1'"ii}1
Amount 7" Amount you owe. SUblract lirl~ 71 11l'll1 LI~ 01. FJr ul:!lolb \/II how l~ Pill, ~II€ In~1r ~\ion ... , ... , .... , , . ... 75 5 983_
You Owe 7(. E~tin-.ated t;;lX D~n;;llty (!;E!P. instruclillr\"'~ _., I 76 I 782. Y:C,'! '.:};:t',:.;;(;r:;~;~:;J~l':tl'~'<iN1;'{;'ii;;:~
Thir~ Party
Undm reno1tie. of perjury, I declsre lhEll I Mve ~llarnincd th,> return iln" ~ocnm""nyi"iJ r,o-,~ci\,I~~ "nd ';\~tl;)r'lI;"t~ .,nd h \~ k~\ of m~ kn(lWIClIQ" ""',1
Sign ocl,,:f, \'''Y .,... I,,,,,, (1)''''''.1, M.1 cCillplele. DllclaratoOl1 O! preparer (other man taxpayer) is based e>n ail informa~on of w1ich preparer h~ any "1C'..(led~c,
Here Y()ur ~llJIlalUl e
Joint rcti"Jrn?
See Instructions.
r<eep a copy
f'Jr your recards. . .~
SfXil.F..t'I'''; !oilJ"".,IL.rn. If .oi

PrOllilrc·'. ....
~atur9 ,.
Preparcr's FITTI'S fI"l~
(Or vOur;So;1 ..
Use Only :I01f'CmDli>vc~)" [IN
<:IP C.l\rKo PhOflC ft(l.

6,082. Form 1040 (2008)

FDIAOll2L 10!l3105

Underpayment of
Form 221 0 Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
O~p&rtm@nt 01 t/I~ Tre<>sllr1
~ See $ej)arate instructions.
Altoch",,,:tl O~
Ini~"l,~1 ~~W"'II,JE!' Service .. Attach to Form 1040.1040,6., 1040NR, 11J40NR·EZ, or1041. $OlQL~"'. No. Q


Do You Have To File Form 2210?
Complete lines 1 II-rough 7 belDw, Is line 7 less U)"Jn ~1 ,OOO?
Do not file Fonn 2210. You do not owe a iJen1llty.

Complel£' lines 8 iJn<l 9 below, Is line 6 equal 10 or mort! than line 97 You do nat 0'1'10 a penalty. 00 nol1ile Form ZZlD
(but If box E In Part II applies, you rnu~l lile POlQe 1

No l'f Form 2210).

You may owe a penalty. Does any box in Pari II below <lp;)ly? You must file form 2210, Does box B. C, or 0 apply?

YOLl must figure your penalty_

Do notlile Form 2210. You <ire nol reqUlrr'\! to figure your pcn.:Jlty
because the IRS will r,gur~ ;1 ;:Hld c;C'nd you a bill for any unpaid "ou ilrl" not rl"quired to fioure yO.Jr penalty becCluse the
amDunl. II you wam to flQurc it, you r:'Iay use ParI III or P<lrt IV as (l IRS will figure it :lnd ~end you a bill for ..ny urp<lid
worksheet and enter your penalty ",mount on your bx relurn, bul do ",mOLlnt. If you want 10 figure it, you may use Pari nl or
no1 file rorm mo. P"rt IV as a work:.heet aM entN your penally ClmOunl
on your tax return. bul file only page 1 of Form 2210.

[Parr) i:tfE§J Rcguil'cd Annual Payment (see instructions)

, Enter y our 2008 lOlX after credits from Form 1040, :,n!! 56 (~p. in$tructions if nat filing Form 1040). ... 1 190 595.
2 Other l~ Xl;'!$, ind.Jdin(] ~elf·employment tax (sec in:;\rucl,onG) , .. -- . _ ... ....... . - ... . . :2 10,380.
3 RdunrJ<l bl~ credits. Enter the tO~31 of VO')( !';,\rnpd income crEdit, additionClI child tax credit, credit for
federClI lax pale ,m tuels, hO<lllh cover'ngc tax credit, refundable crfJdil (or prior YCOlr minimum to.x, firsl·time
hOY'f',ebu yN credit. and recovery reb<Jle credit. .. .... ' , .. ..
, .... ,., ... " , ... ..
, •• I I " , , · . , . . -- 3 O.
4 Current year tax, Combine lines 1, 2, and 3. If less than $1,000, y<Ju do nol OWe;) pAn<'llty; do not file
Fonn 22. 10. o.
, .. " . , . . , ..
. ... . . . . . . . . .. ,.
, " ' " , ," " """'.",., . ..... - . .. - . .. ,.' . 4 200,975.
5 Multiply line 4 b)i 90% (.90) .. 0 .... .......... " ••• ,.". I
.., , .. ,.".,.o,,··W 180 878. ,0;i'&~;
EJ Withhol ding t<:1xes Do 1'101 incluce estimated ta.~ D;:-jyrrr~nh;. (:;t:t! ,n~',fl.lClions} .... . .. _ ... .. '" .. , . ,I., . G I,
7 Suolr<Jct line 6 from line 4. If less th<ln $1,000, you do not owe a penally; do flotlile Form 2210, .. , ... '" .. 7 I 45,581.
a Maximu m reQuirnd annual payment rosed On priQr' yC;;Jr'~ tOlX ($ec instructions). .... , .... , '." . ... " . , ..
" 8 210,354.
9 Require d <lInnuitl paymenl. Enter the smaller Of line 5 or line 8, , 0 ..... -' .. - .... ... . . ... - _. 9 !,
180 878.
Next: Is linQ 9 rnorc than line 6?
] No. You do 'lot owe a penalty. Do not file torm 2210 IAllcss b,'x E below applies.
~ Yes. You m<:,y owe a pe~lty. but do not file F'onn 22'10 unless one or more boxes in Part II below applies .
• If box B, c.,
or l> applies. yOu Y'f',~t flgLlro your penalty 3f1d file Form 2210,
• If only bOx A or E (or both) applies, tile only page 1 of Form 2:!10. Y01.J ore Mot rCQi.Jired to fjgure your j)C11OJlty; the IRS Will figure it
;Jnd sond y:>1J [\ bill fO! 3ny unpaid ..moun\. If you want 10 figure your penJlty, you may use Part III Of IV as CI work~hf:lf;!l c1rHJ f;!J1ll;'r
our nalt on your tall return, but file only page 1 (If Form mo.
,2arrJr.:,::;;f,;IVJ! Reasons for Filing. Check applicable boxes. If none apply, do not file Fonn 2210.
A 0 You rcqLJCSl2 waiver (see 'n5trl.Jr;t,on~) of yOur cn\lrc penalty. You mu!>t check thi<;. box ond file p;3«;le 1 01 Form 2210, but you <)rO not
reauired to f,gurr. your penalty.
B 0 You rCQI,JC'~t ~ waiver (see inslwctior'\!') of pml of your penally. You must figure your penally and WClI'lier Olrnount Olnd file Form 22- 0_
C [l Your incern; Vi'Jricd durinr;J tl1e year and your pon.;Jlty i~ roducod or eliminated when figured using the itnnv..l~(!d inc;:ome installment
- mrthod. YOll must figure 1he penalty u~ing Schedule AI and hie Form 2210.
D Dwi\lJh<:ld,
Your pen<llty is lower when figured by trealino the teder<lI :ncome tax withheld from your Im,:orne as paid on tile dates it '/Vas ilclucJlly
01 in equ.;1 3moun!!; on tho payment due dates. You must t'\lure your penalty .Jrld Form 2210. . til~

E 0 You filcc or 3re filing a jOint return for Qithor 2007 or 2008, out no: for both yeClrS, <lf1d line 8 above I!; sm"ller than line 5 i.1bow. Y()U
, mustlile pa(le 1 of Form ?210. h,JI you ijre not reguirt"d lo figure your penaltv (unless box 6, C, or 0 ::;leellcs).
BAA For Paperwork f~eduction Act Notice, sec sopOlra1e instructions. Form 2210 (2:>08)

FDIZ0313L ~Z'Z,iO'J
- p.4

P<lce 3;:JV;{;~j Rcaul~lr MethOd (See the InstrlJctioO!': ify.ou :UP. filino Form 1O4ONR or l040NR.EZ.)
l!,!t;; Payment Due Oates
Section A - Figure Your Underpayment (a) (b) (c) (d)
4/15108 6/15108 9/151Q8 1115/09
18 R~quired ins;tallr1ents. If box C in P;:M\ " .a~lie$,
enler the .omounls from Schedule AI, line ?~.
Olherwlse, ~nlQf 25% (.25) 01 lir.e 9, Form ?.210,
Ir each column, ", .
" " , . "0· • . .... ., .. " .... 18 45 219. 45 219. 45 220. 45 .220.
19 Estimated talC paid tlnd tax withheld (!>ee Jns1ruc·
tions). For column (A) only, ellso ontof tho amount
from line 19 c,n line 23. II line 19 is equal to Or more
than line 18 for <)11 p<Jymcnt periods. slo~here;
clo n01 owe 3 penalty. 00 not fi~ Fol'm 10 un ess
you checked;l box III Part II . .. . . . . .............. .. 19 38 849. 38 8<19. 38.848. 49,228.
CfH77p!off1 lines 20 fhrough 26 of one column r',::.,'<
,c· :;::':""
before going to Nne 20 of the next cell/mn.
20 enter tile ~moum, if any, from line 26 in 1he
p','violJs c.olumn .... ... .. ..... '., .
..... ... ZO . . ~
::",,' .,'
.-:' "',

21 Add linos 19 ~md 20 . , ,,..... ....

, .. .
21 " •••••• I ••••
'/. '1....~.J~:~'{,~~1~,; :.~'.~:'i:J.::).~ ~riot~, ).t~, 38 849. 38 848. 49,228.
22 Add tile 3mounts on linE's 24.& 25 In pre'o"ou:; column. 2Z ,.;,~r:}:::;':;;';k)~?%~f!.*-r(./;~t;;:~;-,:: 6,370. 12 740. 19 112.
23 Sul)lr<lclline 2.2 Irom tinc 21. If zero or le~r" enter ·0-.
For column (<l) only, enter the amount from line 19. . , . 23 38,849. 32,479. 26 108. 30 116 .
24 IIlinc 23 is zero, subtract lille 21 from line 22. ;'~'d'"
OtherwlsP-. €r:ter -0, . ... ... . . . ..
" .. ., - .. , ... 24 O. o. ~;f ~ . . . ).&1~'!jj:::j;
Z5 umleiOlymerrt. It line 18 il> ~u<ll to or mole tholl
line 2 , subLracl line 23 from line 18. Then go to
lint! 20 cf Ih~ ne;(t column. Otllerwise, go to II"'e 26 ~ 25 6 370. 12 740. 19 112. 15 104_
26 Overpayment, II line 23 i5 morc th~n line lB, :.f.""'·:it:;;''; .c
subtract line 18 from Jine 23. Then gc to line 2:
of the next C<J luna... . . .. . .... - . . . . . . .. _. .., ... 26 I : .N· ','i':\ "'''Ie'" _.'c.'''';;:''.. '',:.
Section B - Figure the Penalty (Complete lines 27 through 34 of one column before ooin{l to the next column.)
A ~":;':~}~ 4115/08 6J15/08
~ A~riI16. 2008 - June 3(1, 2008 Days D~'
p 27 Numot'!r (It d;lyS Irom tho drltc shDwn above Ilrle
(; 27 to the da1e the amount on lin'" 25 W<l~ p<.1id
fl or 6130108, Vlhicr.ever is cilrlier .
o Number of
28 Unde rptlym'~n t
on lone 2!i x days on (me 2"1
1 (~~ ,n!Jr\ICl,CllI$) 365 )( ,06 ... 28 $ 63.70 $
T July 1, :2008 - 5<'pt~mbl!r 30,2008
p 29 ~,umbcr ot days from 1~1t' dale silOwr, C1l;u,,~ 1111'"
E 29 to the date the amount on line 25 W{):) pOlio
R or 913D108, whichever IS e<lrli(!r . 29
a Numbf'!r Of
30 Undcr?oyrn~nl
on line 25 x days ~~Jine 29 x .OS ~
2 ir~ "''''vtl.('''';) 30 $
R 9/3(J/08
T October I, 2008 - D~ccml)cr 31,2008
p 31 '~umbcr of days from the dale shown OIbove linc
E: 31 to ~he date the (lmoun1 on line 25 was paid
R or , 2/31108, whichever IS earlier. . , . , .. , .,
a Numb0r of
() 32 Undorpoyrn~n1
On IInr: 2~; x day5 on line 31
366 ;x .06 ...
3 (~"'" .,;b <KI 0"6) $ $ $
R 12J31 lOB 12131108 12131/08 1/1 ~/09
T Janualry 1,2009 - April 15. 2009

P 33 Number of j;3YS from trle d.:!le shown above line

33 to tllO dale the amount on line 25 was J)ald
or 4/15/09. Whichever I,
e1lrli~r , , , . 33 15 9D
o NumbGr of
UlJ(J erpaym:H I I
o 34 on line 25 x d<l¥.U'p line 33
<'50~ I"~h..l'~li'
365 x .05 ~ 39.27$ 186.21
3S Penalty. Add all amounts on lines 28, 30. 32, ;;ind 34 In ali columns_ Enl(lr lhe 101al here <Jnd
0'1 Forn'l 1040, lin<~ 76: Form 1040A, IirIC' 48: Fcrm 1040NR. line 74: Form l040NR.EZ, line 26.
Do no~ file! form 2210 unl~ss YOU cheded a bel( in Part II,. "", ... ,.".",.". ., ... " .. ", ~ 35 $ 782.
Form 2210 (2008)

~DIZOJ1JL 02.'25J09
At..g :24 Og C.Y2ZZp _.. p.5

0M1l ~(l. 154.~.OO74

SCHEDULE A Itemized Deductions
(F' orm 1 (140)

[)epartrnt'nl 01 f1~ Tre_rry ~ Attach to ronn 1040.

Internal ko\lCfllJO Service (99) ... see Instructions for SChedule A (Form 104<l). S.Qu.-:,C<! No. 07

CaLltion. Do nol Inc!ude expenses reimbursed or paid by others. J!i;!./f
~==-~_- ~
..ll:ll SOC"",laI
.. _Ye", urlly nl6l1e...-bll_'


and 1 MedlC<11 and dental cxpcm~ (sec ,n~tructiJm)i' .. '1' . _ . . . . .. . • .. •• 1 2, 861. ft;r1~~
~:~scs 2 En!llramountfromFormlCl40,line3!l 2 I 761 104. ~'Jg;,! 57 083. J~;,~::
3 NUl11ply line 2 by 7.~% (.075) , .. ' L._3----'~ L.__---1".i.,.i .
4 Subtract [I'le 3 from line 1. If lim~ 3 IS ITIO'P. IhH'l liOl~ 1, f!nler -0-. . . ... 4 o.
TilX~ You 5 Smte and lcc.'-'ll (check OI Jone b01<); <!,i~:~;
Paid a [J
Income t~)(f!S, or "~off:,"~
1l[~General~ale~taxe~ 5 2 995.:t{;'};~.:
6 Rf!al Gstate iaxes (see Instructions). . . . . . .. .,. , .,, 1---"6-+ ,8...;.7..;6:...~~t·H;~::

(See , Per~on31 property t:lxes. . . . , .. .,... . . . _ 1-..,..;.7-+ -[·),";;;,,:·

instruction~.) 8 either t3xes. List type and amount .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :'~~;~~.~''" ,::;:/~~i~~~!

41 B/I.
tnterC!s,t 10 !iJr;1C mtg in1erest 31d pcints reported to you On Form lfJ:!l.. .... .. 10 46 029. t-~,~",/\

You Paid 11 Home morlQill/€ inleres: not repC1'lcd to you on Form 109E.I11101~ tc till) ~cr>on ::t)~7f I:z;.t·
frr>m 'Nhom you bought th8 oome, soa im.tructlan~ and shoo th2t perron's name, ""':'.' I':;~'"
IdCrltfYIn~ f1um!>cr, "~d ilddrcs~ -- }~{{i,~; I;~ !;,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l'
12 f>'1 rm 1Cll rp.portod to y()U 011 Form 1098. See instr:; for spcl rules ... , ,.",.. '2 89 .I;f}!~
Perso/VlI 13 Oualiflt~d mortgage insurance premiLlrr:; (see I n:;lruclions) , , , .. , 13 i~'::'"
is not
14 Illv~t;lrnl::!nllnlerl'::;1. A.\t()cll FOI'r'14952 if required. .::'i:;
deduclible, (Sec 1"Slrs.). . . .. . ' ". 14 ',i '::'.~'.
15 A.dd lines 10 t11roU'.I11 14...... ., 15 (16,118.
Gifts to 16 Giift:s by C<lSh or chec":. l'f you made any gift of $250 or ,j::',,';.: :i;';<~'
Charity 1110r~, see inst(~ . ,..... 16 S 597. :"-;'-'I\:"
qift and
mild", 17 (Ith':!( th<)n by cash or chcck If any gift of :::250 or :~I\:»;' ::;~':;;::
Qol ~ bl"r'1efl t ~~~re$500 ,i~~tr~ctio~5. :o~. rnUS~ .~t.l~ch ~ ~r~ .~83 if. . 1-.~...:,~..:,;_."I+ -1~~~~&;
(or it, see
in~~ructions, 18 CarryovP.r 'from pnor year ' . , ., ,., .. ,. .", .. '--1...;.8 -If;~;;;;;:-
19 Add lines 16 through 18, ....•...... , ,. 19 5,597.
Casualty and
Theft Losses 20 Car.ualtv or theflloss(e::,). Attactl Form 45Bl-. (Sec Instruction~.). .. . _.. , ... 20 o.
Job Expenses 21 LnreimbursC'd employee cxpcnse~ - lOb Ir.3\1el union due~, ;i1.:;:i, I",::';'::'
and Cerlaln J(lb CduC3tion, etc. Attach Form :l106 or 2106-EZ if '.,N:,/.: 1-",:
Miscell:lneous r tll1uir"'d. (Sf!~ inwuctions.) .. ~_ __ _ ::;,i;/,~ lif;~;.;::
22 lox preparation fee~, " .. "
" ~22=",.+_-----_-___I.')::',.,@;.:.<']
(See 23 Olhar c)(pCn~e5 - investment, sate deposit box, etc, Li5t r:,;/::'~)':; :jf~"'7
ins1ruc~iOr'ls.) type <:Ind tlmounl .. ~t:f:r ~;,;;;.

24 -;;.dd li;c;- 2i th~o~gh 23--: ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ - -,~ - ~.~ -.~-~.~- +.::.~;;;,:+-------.,:. "',
25 Enter amollnt lrofT! Form 1040, Ilm!;,8.. . .. 1 25 I 5~~:,;:, !,;,~;;;"
26 Multiply line ::?5 'J'f 2'% (.02). .. . . . . . .. . .. _., Z6 !j:;,::;;
V SlJblri-JCI line 26 from line 24. If lillC 26 is more thJn line 2..::., enler -0-, .. , , ' . , . , ... , , " ,,'.. 2., 0,
28 Olbcr - from list in the instructions. List ty;:;e and (l'TIQl,Jn\ ~ • );;:,\/.
Mi 51;;e-llilne(l\ls ____ ...... - __ - - - __ - - - __ ..... - __ - - - _ .... .0- .......... ~;;.;:.'?;;::.;

Z9 I~; Form 1040, 11n~ 38, over $1:i9,9:iO (oller $19,975 if REDUCTION
m~nif'rJ filing separa1ely)?
[J No. Your deduction is not limited. Add the in the tar right column
for lines 4 th'ou{',h?-8. Also, ent~' this amQur.t on Form 1040. line 40.
r~ Ye5. Yuur' do;l~u(;liOII ,n"y be limited. Set: instructions 'for the amount to enter.
- 6 012,
J -- 29 87,574.
~;.~;~f'i"', :I.~ :;~+-: " c,;'lt~ i"l: ':~: -'f :?;:~:l':IlI~'·: ; ;,~'ft:~ ~ ';w'~;); :~•
l ~&~I& +,\~·~;,ei-,~~\\;~

If YOU elect to itemize dOductioos cllfn thooah tr~' are 'es~ th:1n yoor ~tand8'd ~Jctlnn chP.d<; hl!rp- ..
n 'I'C/'/lf'''''''f! '~~'/~I!;&lr.(~~~."i;.:~, '~I'
'; ';~::·"nil.1I.:{··, """, "·V".:N:;,
'" "II

BAA For Paperwork Hoouctlon Act Notice, see Form 1040 instruction:;. ffiIA03C IL 031ct;oi09 SCllCdulc A (Form 1040) 200)3
A4) 24 09 0224J

~chedule B (Corm 1041) 2008

Name($) snown on Form 10<10.
- - p.6


Schedule B - Interest and Ordinary Dividends
1 Lisl name of pRyer. It nny interest 15 lrcm a seller-tinanccd rnortQOlQ~ Olncl the buyer used AmOllnt
Part I the prope.ty as ::J pmson<J1 residence, see the Inslruelior1s <Jnd list this intQ.cst first. Also,
Interest bhow 11101 buycr'~ social 5ecurity nl.Jrnber ilnd addre~s.. . , ..
,»~O.f_~.f.:~I_~_7_S~h _ 109.
(Sec ;l1strucbor.!:
~ar Form 1040.
,S:~_~~IJ]: ]_R.912.US1§. J~lN§~SJ _ ~.jl..:. _ 10.
i I r"le 3fl.) ,;rg_M_O.s~_ §'<L31 ~ _ 120.
~r_~OB~~_~~2 --- __ - _ 18.
_U~~ _E~~A~PJ.._~E_RY~Cj:§_~.Q1. _ 28.
Noto, 'f }10" _U~_S_E~~T...L[E.P.§~L_~~.QItg~tO~ _ 13.
r('!:C~I~ ;1 (io'"n
10)')·:'IT, Form ,j'JbRI_N~,!:O~_f.;!u.:.rg¥_ ~Q}]_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ , 221.
:O'~·OID, or
~.ub£hlu1e stc181i1ont
~((Jn :t btcMer';Qe
1lrm, 1i!";1 the flll'I'''1'S
"if'1"T'W': ~~. Itt": 1""'yt':1
aftll l.'11l.'( tho loti' I
(~ue(e~t ~1lOwn 00
tlut IQrrn,

2 Add the <lmount~ on line 1. . . .. . ..... " .. 1----'=2-l--- --:::5:.::1~9.:.....

3 Excludable lnte>rest on 5E!.ies IT !md I U.S. !;Dvil1ll:; bonds ISSUed .3fter 1989,
{l,ttach Form 8815 ", , , ,.,., ,., .. , .. , ,.~3~ _
4 Subtraclline 3 from line ? r:(llpr lhfl result here and on Form 1()4Jj line Sa,....... ..... .. 4 519.
Note. If Ime 4 I" OV~. $1.500 you l1lu~t COMplete Part III. Amount

Part II

In~~lnJ(':\lons for
~orm 1040,
line 9.3.)

Not".ll va"
reef tvi!d' 9 Form
1O'l~.OIV \)(
Sut>Sllllllc ~1~lclnl:"1
"'om 8 !lrokeraoe
film, I!'>.I :hl: lH'III'~
ni'rrll~ ;l:; U'c f,J.:Jycor
il 0<1 c~te' t~e
Or.r:"!I",'ry 1'1lVlrlMrts
s-t,-,)"""r- en th.;t rN'rrI.

73 667.
No1C'. If line 6 j<J over $1 500. VOIJ mLlSI complete Part III.

Part III You rnLl!>t complete this part if YOU (a) had over $1 ,SOD of t3xable interest or ordinary di~id€r'lds, or (b) 11<ld <J
forel<;ln account; O' (c::) r~cf>iv~d a distnbuhon from, or were (I or<lniOr of, o. <J !rZln:;fNor to. ~ foreign t.ust. Yes No
Z,~/i~:t,'!i: .~1';~,b'-:~, .;,:
7a At <lilY tlll1e during 2003, did YOIl MVfl ~ ... intarcst in o. a signature o. othe" authorrty cver a ~Inancla' accDunt 7.("f~:;i:~k(;::;~;:i
and ;n a foreign country, such !Os a bank 3ccount, securities account. or other financi::ll account? See il'1structioM /,:[J;.;;}b.)'I;;
Tn.Jsts for exceptions and filing requir~rne:"!ls lor Form m F 90·22.1 . . . . .. .., ,, , , X
b If 'Yes,' enter the n;;me ot the foreign country. ,.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ - _ - h{';';~I:'«r)
8 During 2008. did you rcc~ive a dis1ribLJtion from, Or ..... ere you the grantor of, or tr<lns18~or to, n foreign trust?
If 'Yes' vou may have to file Form 35?O. Sef'! in!'.truchons. . . . . . . . . . " .•.......•....•.•.. X
BAA For PapefWork Reduction Ad Notice, see Form 1040 Instructions. FDIA0401 L C9125IC18 S:hcdulc B (form 1040) 2008
At..g 24 09 02:2~

(Form 1040) Capital Gains and Losses
- p.7

OMIO No. 1~·0074

OOjJfll'1nlCl11. (J1 tloc TrCol\~tr~

"Allach to Form 1040 or F'orm 1040NR. ~see lnsltl.lctions for SchedlSle D (Form 1040). 2008
Intern31 Revsnue Serv,ce :99) .. Use Schedule ~l to lis1 additional trllnsactions for linl$ 1 and 8. Sequence No. 12


.:.1,., t"" '1 Short--rcrm Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held One Year Or Less

(a) o.e~"cption Of (b) D~,lr. ..r.Quirml (c) D.,1e !.O~ (d) Sales llflal (e) Cos! or OlI">er Mol! (f) <OJoin or (lou)
{s) rrom (di
(Me. ~:S)l. yr) (Mo, (lay. ;1) (soc irnl,~cl1On:;) (:>00 iflolfll\;tiomo) S(JW~CI

12 BLACKROCK MUNICIPAL VARIOUS 6/10/08 167. 174 . -7.

46.051 HEN"DERSON GLOBAL 12/10/07 11/19/08 559. 1 154. -60S.

12 PIMCO ~iIWNICIPAL VARIOUS 6/10/08 194. 180. 14.

38 PIMCO I:-fUNICIPAL I I vARIOUS 6/10/08 524. 534. -10.

1.072 EDS VARIOUS B/27/08 27. 22. 5.

2 Enter :;our short·term totals, if :::my, from Schedule D· ~ , ilne 2 .... 2 13. .~ ;.A,'~rJ ';~:;.:~~~;:~;~~~~i){!~:k;'{~·:, ~') ?:l'; 13.
,~_,.'- ~;I :::')!'l;:/i(;),-'i~t?l.>lfJlJ¥~,~ ~'" '~fi'~ A~·~i;i. ,,,,,~~,, V{1~ ~:,,~:q),~'t,. ;,':;:,

:3 T01al sho!'t·term sales price amDunts. P.dd !in~~ 1 and 2 in .,""" ., ''',~:I.1 ,·;N'i-'AJt '''.'';''''-1;'; .iJ~f
colurT1n (d). .. .. , ...... .. , . . ..... .... .
. . .. ." .. 3 1 484. \~:I,'~~'~;:;~~:!}~~;:;'I:~f#>;;;f~'ir:.\/
4 Short-term gain from Form 6252 C.lnd shOlt-lcrrn gZlin or (Iof.s) from Forms 4684. 6781, and 8824 ...... , .... 4
5 Net :;;l)ort-lcrm g.)ln or (105:5) from pMtnerships, S corporations, e!;tates, and trusts from Schedule(s) K-l .... 5
6 Shod-torm capltallDSS cL'lrryoll(!r. Enl~r the <lmount, if zny. Irom line 8 of yow Capital Loss CatJYo~r
Worksheet In thll instructions. .. _ ..... ...... .. -. . ... , ••• I." •. ' .•• ·, , , ' .. , , ,.,. ,
'. 0"'
... - .. _ . 6
7 Net ~hor1-l('rm capital gain or (loss), Combinp. linA~ 1 throu!1h 6 In column (~). . ... , ...... , .. " , .. ,., . ., '" 7 -590.
... .
!Part;u+Jid Long- ferm Capital Gams and Losses -
. ' ,. ",
i,""'- . Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) oes: ',ptlon CJI (b) oale 8ICQUIIO:l (c) D.lto so'Cl (d) ~"''''' Dr>;" (~) Co~;l or nth':1 h.r.e:. (I) GII;n or (IQ'")
i'r<1p"lly (Edll>Plo: (Iol~. U")'. "'; (1'.1". cay. \'01 {~OO ll1~('l)(t'Of"1S> (~t)1) l1'\St~lio':;;~ 5ubtr:]..;~ (~l fro." (d~
00 ,.1 )/,Yl CO)
267 BLACKRDCK MUNICIP1I.L VARIOUS 6/10/08 3 715. 3,976. -251.
~494.833 2U1RTFORD CAP1TAI
V.ARIOUS 11/19/08 2S 093. 50,637. -?_?-,~S_4}_._

494.346 HENDERSON GLOBAL VARIOUS 11/19/08 6 OOL 10,487. -1,\ 486.

270 PIMCO MUNICIPAL VARIOUS 6/10/08 4 368. 4,038. 330.

796 PIMCO MUNICIPAL I I VARIOUS 6/10/08 10 98l. 11. 858. -877.

9 Enter your long·'crm totals, 'f ;my, from Sc!',odule D·', l,ne 9.. 9 3 105. '::~;?~>;:~~tf~';~" ;';.f;,~~·;~.~(i~,:··!l/j:~'j~ ~: -570.
10 ~~I~~I~($~~~~ .~~~~. ~~~e ~~~u~t.~ •. ~ct.d linc!; .8 J~ .9 in
., " '0 53,263. ':~¥~'~~{~j~fJ1~(;~i:,.~~: '1~t:~i.~.~I¢·,:~~{f(~E:~\~\:t(~t:*8,~2,
11 G()in Irom Form 4797. Par11; IOrlg·lelrn gi.llrl rr'0r1 1 F"Qf'W. 2439 ,md 5252; and long-term gain or (105S) from
Forms 4684. 6781, <)1"1(.1 8824 _. . . . . . . . . .. .'" .... .. .. . . . . . .. ..,. .... . . , . . ......
12 Net long-term g<,in or (10;;;;) from partnerships. S corpofCllion:.. eslCllcs. <:ind trusts from ScJ1crjU:C(~) K·l .. ... 12 " 1 050.

13 c.lpital (\'1in d slribltions. Sc:e instrs ....... "' .. ......

' " ' .... .. " " ' "
, . . .. . .. . . .... . .... ..... . .. 13 6,794.
14 Lorlitlefm capito,1 .Ioss carryover. E'lter the Clmount. if My, from line 15 of your Capital Loss Canyoller
Wor sheet In t,c Instructions ... , .. "'" . .. , . , . . . ............. .
.. . . .. ..... . ..... . .. . ... 14
15 Net long-tenn capital gain or (loss). Combine lines B Ihrough 14 in colJrnn (r). Thtm go lo Parl 1/1 on
r;;'10P. :2 ...... - . . . . . .. ... . ..................••....•.•.... , ...•. '. " " , " " .. " , , . I ' " " " " ' •••• I" 15 -23,564.
BAA for Paperwork I~educhon Act Notice. !oee torm 1040 or ronn 104CNR Instructions. S~heclule 0 (Form 1040) 2008

rDIA06 ~ 2L 11100108
A~ 24 09 02:23p F q p.8

.:::S;Ch;C;d;UI;,C';O:(f;-:o~r:.:.;m~1~04;;:O~).:;2:;;.:OO;;:;:g---:E=.;L~T~O~N~R~AN=D:........::KA=T~H:.:..R=YN.::.:..-.::B....:;;H.=.UT=-C;:;;H;;,;.I;;;,:S;;,,;O;.:N,-=-- '-'_s1...,;_~ PD...'il<.:.c..=2

6""&'111"!~,\IJ"! Is umm,ny
l6 Combine Iincs 7 ,md 15 Olnd cntc-r tile (esult . -24 154.

tf I",e 15 1$;
• A gain, enter lhe 3m<lUnt 1rom line 160"1 Forrn 1040, line "3. or Form 1040NR, line 14, Then go to
tne 17 belo",.
• A los5, skip ines 17 throuoh 20 below, Then go to line 21. Also be 5U1C to complete line 22.
• Zero, sk,p lires 17 \hrOI,JQh 21 OOlow;)nc! enlor ·0- en Form 1040. line 13, or Form 1 MONR. line 14·.
Then 10 go Ii le 22.

17 Are lines 15 artd 16 both oaim:?

o Yes. Go to line 18,

o No. Skip lir,e~ 18 thmugh 21. anc go to :,ne 22,

18 Enter the amount. if Pony, Irom line 7 of the 2S% ROlle ailin Worksheet in thl: in:;lrI.JCllon:" .. , ......•.... , .

19 Ente' the aOloulll, il «ny, hom line 1B of Ihe Unrl!captured Section 1250 Gain Worksheet ir
the in:;tructions..

2'0 Arc lincs 18 tlnd 19 both zero or blank;

DYes. Complele Form 1040 through ~inc 43, or Form 1040NR through linC' 40. Then comploto lhl! Qualified
Di"idends arid Capital Gain TalC VVor~sheet In th~ Instructions tor Form 1040 (or In the Instructlon5 for
/-orrn 1O4ONH) , 00 not cornplcl0 li')C$ 21 <llxl 22 OCliJlY.

o No. Complet,~ Form 1040 lhrouoh line 43. or Form l(J4IJNR through 11n~ 40. Then cc>mplele the Schedule
D T:ltX Workshce~ in UlC Illstruclions. Do not cOlllplele Iln~ 21 311d 22 below.

Z1 It line 16 i~ (llo~';, ellll,!r here ond <:n Form J040, line 13, or Form lD40NR. Iinc 14, the smaller of:

Schedule D (porm 1040) 2008

FOIAOG121. 11,'08108
ALg 24 09 02:24p

(Form 1040)
- Continuation Sheet for Schedule 0 (Form 1040)
~ Sec instructions for Schedule 0 (Form 1(40).


Doo<Jrtn1<lnl 01 Itlo iro~s(J(,

llil"','''' f1~v~r~,~ :: .. ""c.. . 9) ~ Attach to ${:hcdulc 0 to list .lIdditional Iransadions forrille5 1 and 8.
NSlT1o(,) S~i)Wf\ en ,eturn


r·p.arfr!::};::] Shorl-Term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held One Year or Less
(8) ~C,t('i)lIofl 1)1 1)"(JP~ltlt (b) D;\I.. "c.quirad (c) Date so~1 (d) ~Ill'" ~,,(., (c) C<)'ol '" o~ •." I),.",., (I) or Oo.~l

, iC:"","p1c 100 .ho,,,,- XVZCo) (Mg, d"Y, yr) (Mo, ~'V, YO (""'0 ",slre«:1 ens) (!iN onstruct"'"~) (el '·Qn·, «I)


VARIOUS 4/1B/OB 13. O. 13.



2 Totals. Add Uk am~~nlS in coluMn (d). Also, combine It'le
amounts in col Jmn f). En1er tmw and on Schedule D, IlnC' 2 ... 2 II
13. [;1R¥f{l~t;i~11~£!~J:~!~;' 13.
DAA For P:lpetWor~; Red~ction Af;t tJOlict>, ~ Form 1040 or Form 1 040NR In~b-lJctlons. r:>IMCSGL OfJOGJOO Sehl'tdulc D-1 (Form 1040) 2008
ALg 24 09 02:24p

Schedule 0-1 (Fl;lrm lCHO 2008

._- p.10

Name(.) s~wn on relll," , D<? "~ll'nl/\r name anc sJc,al sacu1'l1Y nllmller. snown on PaQ9 1,


, .,
~pai'fniE~'ALong·TI~rrn capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) ~cr&nllon of ,,'epcrl)' (b) D.,tr. ""'lUi,"" (C) Ll~tc ~OIC:I (d) ::>i>leS ""c~ (t!) CoM IX Ol~r basis (f) Gain or (10••)
(S,~"pl", 100 shares XYZ Co) (lola. oay, yr) (Mo,dSy,yrl (~ 1~lru;:lilH'I~) (see ,nslJlI(;lions) 5ublracl (e: fr(lm (d)

111.776 ED~, VARIOUS 8/27/08 2 795. 3.675. -880,
VARIOUS 4I1S/06 310. 0, 310,

~mounls column Cd). Also, combine the

",: """'i-"~".''''''''''
7,11 ~~ ~1r:,0';:/'1~'~.'/-V;~'; "'i'·;;':/'ijll1;P'·
,~~ :(''it;! ~";"PI(";;''S;'
9 Totals. Add the in
l'lmounts in colur'ln -(n, Entf!r hare and on SchedlJle [) linp. q .. 9 3 105. '~'~:~fii:-~~~4\~rJ;~i~~~,;f~~~1 -570.
FDIA06S6L O6IOGI08 Sch(!d\!I~ D·' (Form 1040) 2008
Aug 24 09 02:24p


1_- p.11

Capi1al Gains and losses

(Form 1040)

D~ov·tnll!~f'l 01 lhc Tr~~"Jwr)'

~At\<Jch to Form 10110 or F'Oml '040N~. ~See Instrl,Jctions (or SChedule 0 (Form 1040). 2008
,r.:~Tlll Rt;"ve'l..Je SCr"o'ICC ~':::'I ~ Usc Schcdl,Jle 0-1 to list 3dditionaJ traMsactions for lines 1 and 8.
1 'Yo~r soci.1 ~ecuril)l fII.lIIlb~r


I Part L::=J Short·Term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held One Year or Less
(a) DO'er'f:>I'O" "I (b) Dale JCQ";'Nl (e)!);,I. ",,01 (d) Sa~ price (c) COSL or el,er Ms', (f) Gain or (10'.)
nrop<:1 ~" ([.... "'r>I~' (Mo. c!<'y. ,,) ('.la. D:'y. y,) (5'le ;n:;trlJ(.:H);~) (sec I~I'lJl,"\iQ"';) Subtract (0) ITorr (If)
100 sl\i1',s XYf. Cn)
VARIOUS 6/10/08 167, 174, -7.

16.051 HEHDERSON GL9 BAL 12/10/07, E/19/08 559. 1, 164. -605.

12 PIMCD r~mJICIPAL VARIOUS 6/10/08 194. 180. 14.

38 PIMCO MUNICIPAL II VARIOUS 6/10/08 524. 534. -10.


1.072 EDS VARIOOS 8/27/08 27. 22,1 5.

2 E:nl('" ,IOUf short· term totals. if any, jrOrTI ScllNJulc D·1. III"le 2., I 2 13. :"': .... . .':' .~~, I' .,.":,,i.:' 13.
.' . ··<·';·"'·.,'i;~~: ,;"; ;.:,.,;,.,;..,' "....... ..C> ,.. ,

Total short-lrmn sale's price amounts. Add line!> 1 (l"ll :2 "1 !;;1~',::;::::;,' ~ ;,~'.:
1 484. :~,!,,>,.:;,;;.,:;.,,},:; '. ,/:"
3 I ;:, !
(;01 uron (d) ..... ,., , ... .. . ". , 0_, •'" ._. ..... '" to·
4 3hort-tprm (jillr, from rcrm 6252 ond short-term rVlln or (Io:>s) trom Forms 46B4, 6781, ;md 8824 .. _. ., .. a
5 Nrt shDrt·term gain Or' (o~s) tron p.'lrtnC!r;'hl~s, S corporalions, c~t(Jtcs. and tru~ts from Sclledule(s) K·1 5
6 S'lorl-lCrtll C;)~ tal lo'>s c~rrycvcr. Enl!" Il~ ,),nou"l. If any from linP. R of your Capi1al Loss Carryoller
Worksheet rrl 111,0 Instructlon~ . . . . .. . . ••••••• 0 • • , 0, .. .. ,." 6
7 N~t shorl·term ';apiLalgain or (Io"!». C:,.,rr,h,r1() lInes 1 lhrouoh 6 ill column (f).. ... . ... 7 -590.
I Part II· .:: I Long-Term C<lprt:ll Gams and Losses - Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) I),~sc"nl'<)rl 01 (b) ~a16 acQUirCti (e) J.,I.. :so1d (d) s.,'~ n"e>: (e) C<,sl or el:lCi t>.l~I~ (f)Galn 0.(1099)
~:jIJ~1 'J (:::.Xi1'Tln l c (Mo. d.3y, yr) (~lo! roo(""ly, yr~ (~tl'l.! 1'1 ':':.1 'UC'IIQ f'l'S.) ~SOlJ ir~trLJdIOrl~) SllJtrC'ct (c) frtl'TI {rj:,
00 :,-I ... u~ XYZ :0:

267 BLACKROCK I-IDNICIPAL VARIOUS 6/10/08 3,715. 3,976. -261.
l<19Ji .833 HA.'\.TFORD CAPITAl
VARIOUS 11/19/08 25 093. SO ,__6}.7_._ -25,544.
494._3;18 f-JENDERSON GLOBAL VARlOUS 11119/08 6 OOL 10 487. -4 486.
270 PIMCO MUNICIPAL VARIOUS: 6/10/08 4 368. 4 038. 330,

796 PIMCO MUNICIPAL Il VARIOD 6/10/08 10 9Sl. 11.858. ' -877.

9 En1er your lon[I·1erm IOW'~. it ,my, from Sct'M'!dlJlc D·1, line 9. , , 9 3 lOS. V~:·~;'/·"· ,'o",.:,!·:' 'd, '.'
e .;.
., -570.
." '. ... ,M',

10 ~gl~~I~(2)ternl salels p:j~.C amo.unt$•. ~dd .Iill.~~ 8 ~n.d 9 in ..

10 53 263.
:i,:/;'i:,'.' '..:. ~'
<''5(,.. :', ::</: '\>{::,,';
j,., -;. "!':i:;

11 ·::;ain from Forr' 4797. Pari I; l~lIlCl·I("1l1

ga 11 from Forms 2439 and 62:2; and lorlQ-lcrrn QoJill or (IO~5) from
::'orms 46B4, 6'181 or.d 8824 .... .... . . .. . ........................... , ... ,., ....... " '.,. 11
12 Net lo,lg.tcrm 'Jain I)' (Ios;~.) from p;Jrlnerslllps, S corporal,OnS, 8~I<ltcs. and 1rusts from SCr'lcdulc(s) K·1 .. 12 1 050.

13 C"pi~JI gain ~iSl[ltUtlOr:5. Si:!~ In~l'" .... . . ... " . , .. .... ........ _II" •••• .... ..... " , .. ' . ' ... . ... 13 6 794.
14 Lonq·lerm cap tal lo~~
c;<lrryovN. Enter thl'. :lmOLnt. If <iny, fro,n line 15 of your Capitat Loss Carryover
Worlcshcct In the '1i:;lrLctior~ . , ,...... . ...... ,...... .. . ... , , . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . .•• , , , ., ... 14

15 Net fong·hum I~apital

gain Qr(loss). CO'llbine Ines 8 through 14 in CQlurnrl (r). Tllcn go to PC\rt ;,1 011
P,,(]': .. .... - .. " , . .... ... -." "
2. .. .. ,. "" , " . , .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . ... . .tl' 15
-23 564.
BAA For f'apcrworl< Reduction Act Nollec:, »cc Form 1040 or Form 1040NR lOstnJcllons. Sched\.lle D (FlJrrn .040) 2QCI:\
A~ 24 09 0224p

_ _~
- ~_ _:..;Pil~Ql.:;:C..::2

16 Combine hn~ 'i and 15 and p.nter the re,~ll ........... h..l~6:...+- -..:2:..:4~1c.:=:5.::.4...:....
'.; I' ,~". :

• A 9:1ln, entf~r th~ <Jfnoullt [,'om lille 1G on Form 1040, line IS. or FQrfn 1040NR,1,ne 11. Then ~o to
line 17 below.
• ;.. lo-;s, sklr Ilne~ 17 1l1rouQi" 20 below. Tllcn qO to line 21. Also be sure to ccmplete 'Ine 22.
• ZtrO, s"ip . nes ~ 7 through 21 :lelow <ll~d cnlcr ·0· on Form 1040, line 13, or Forrn ~ 040NR, li~c 14.
T~QJ to go line 22.

17 .OJe. iir,es 15 ~II'; • 6 both gC\ln~?

C Yes. Go te il1e 18.

~ No. Skip Ilr<ls 18 througl. 21 ;,)I)d go to line ::'?

18 Enl",' ll-c amount, if ;eny. from line 7 of the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet ,n tilt: Irl~lru(;\ions

19 En\er the ;:lmOLnt, if <lny, Irom line 18 of [he UntN:apwred Section 1250 G8in Worksheet ,n
the ill~tliJctions .

20 Aro IlIles 18 Jnd 19 both zero 0" bl,"rlk?

::J Yes. Corm; elc Form 1040 (!,ro.loh line 43, or F'orm 1040NR tl1rough II~e 40. Then COMplete the. Qualiji~".... :,.
Dividends .~nd Capital G:lin Tax Worksheet n the Insnctions :or Form 1040 (or in the lnstructlon~ for':", .~.
Form l04DhR). Do not complc:c lines ?ol :'If'ld 22 below. ..

o ND. C:Jrnplete Form 104D thr:llJ9h line 43, or Form l04~NR throl.lQh line 40. !hen complete the
- 0 Tax Worltsh~ct In the. Inslrucl'()II~. Do not co'nplete hnes 21 ~nd 22 bela......

21 I~ IlflE' '16 i~ fJ kISS. enter herr, ilnd on Form lOao, hllc 13.01 Form lJ4DNR. 'ine 14, :hp. smaller at

• Tile f05S 0"1 lin~ 16 or }

• ($3,000), or i' rn<JII'cd tiling ;E'p<Jr<Jlc1y. ($1.500)

Note. '.'.t1e., fi;IJrir'Q which am:>lJr'11 IS ~,milller. tre~l toll'. ClrnOl,Jn~s DS positive numbers.

22 D::o yel: have CjuOll,I'\JO divldc:lds or ~orrr '.040, line 9b, 0" Form l04C\lR. line tOb'
[R] Yes. CompletE' Form 1040 t11rough tir,e -13, or Form lC40NR lhrol-,Ih line 40. Then complete the QU:lllfl~d .. :
Dividend~ and Capital Gain Tax Wor1<sheet In :he In:;tru(;lIOll~ lor Fornl 1040 (or in th~ Instn,lCIIOf'lS for
Form 1040'lR).
o No. C(]l1lpl~tE Ire r~~t o~ For,n 1040 or jOorm 1040NR.

Schedule 0 (Form 1D<1{)) 2008

AL.g 24 09 CQ:25p

(torm 1C40)
Continuation Sheet for Schedule 0 (Form 1040)
~ Sec instruet!oJ1S for Schedule 0 (rorm lD40).


No. 1545·0074

;~=~\o 12A
DeD3rtn,nl of It><! -reBSU'V
~ntlJtfhll Rrvnr'llll~ G~r,tlce ~9g ~ Attach 10 Schedule D to list additional trclnsac::tions lor lines 1 and 8.


I Part I .>' l Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held One Year or Less
(a) l)~cr(llion 0 PCOi>'"·t;.· (b) Ddc '''''Il',,''d {c) Dote 001(1 (d) $vic. r>'o<;C (e) Co<t 00' other basi. (I) Gal" or (k>.~)
((Jl~lITIP c: 100 s,l)dI't:S XYZ Co) (Mo, "i1\'. yr) (M(>. (1',. I') (loC~ ;n5I,OCI;0''=') (S~~ ,nstructl~ns) S'Jt~l,lCI (ei !,om '.d)

1 0.335 PET:tO:"EUI-l & I ~S CORP 1

VMIOUS 4/18/06 13. O. , 13.

I "



2 1"oli1ls. Add th: "mOunl" in columCl ~. AI~[,). c"llibillC' the

l~ ",, , ,(,';, ; ;,':.,:,:; ":'>'.
<:lmou!1ls in co'urrln ~(f).
Enter here (;l on Schedule D. li"l-! 2 ~ 2 13. .i,;,: /:: ;";;,;",:<,:;';/ >:.;:,;:,:, 13.
BAA rorPaperwor~ R4!ducllon Act Notice, see Form 1040 or F'orrn 1040NR Instructit)l\S, rotoQ6S61.06lO6o'(j8 Schedule D·1 (Form 10l.-O) 2008
ALg 24 09 CQ25p p.14

SchedJlc 0·1 (Form H140' ?008 ALTERNATIVE MIlnMUM TAX


I'Partll' -[Long·Term Capital Gains and Losses - Assets Held Morc Than One Year
(3) o."-,t,iprion 0 oropr,ri:l (b) ::<>10 ,'<t', ,.. ;'t:<:l (c) D.1e 5cld (d) S~I.s P'Ie.> (e) ~I O' ¢ '.... b-,.i" cr> CIll" or (I~.,
([x~mrl. 100 ",ares J<YZ Co) (~,." ,I..q. 1') ('k>. "'.y. p) t~~CJ ir1'5tn,~j~t1'~~ (""e ,""I,uehon~) ~ublr3¢t (ej !ro", (\)
111.776 EDS VARIOUS 8/27/08 2.795. 3 675. -B80.
VARIOUS <;,/15/08 310. O. 310.




"'i"<:'''~;f{,' <;'
9 Totals. Add tI,e J'Tlollnl~ il' colu.rn (d) A15o, combine U,e I C,. '.-, •• ;"'::"~: '" ,
81TlOW.ts In co'ur'Hl'Cf). Enter here And on Schedule D. lint:! 9 .. 9 3.105. ")';'''''''." ': ,0'",(.",:(,.;', .. ":i'; -570.
Sc;hecuie 0·1 (Form lOLCl) 2008

........ _._._--- - .~...-

A43 24 09 02:25p p.15

SCHEDULE E Supplemental Income and Loss

(From rentill real estate. royalties, partnerships,
(Form 1040)

Ortf)l:"'\rtmr~ cf 1':11.:' T(~('.ul)'

S c:orporiltions, estates, trusls, REMICs, etc)
• Atblch tD Form 1040, 1040NR, or F'onn 1041.
~nterna. ~e,,1.i! SorvtCe (99) • Sec Inslructions lor SChedule E (Farm 1040).
t~(s: ShOw,1 cn (~tum


f;P~JiiJ~Y,fX1Incoml! or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties Note. If you are in tile busin~~ of nenll'lQ J~J'li11 [lrOperly, use
Sdledulc~; or C-EZ (~~~ I~SlfuctionS) If yoo Jle an indi'iidLal , -e~ri farm ren\;ll incotr~ or I~:; from F"orm 4835 on pag·. 2 line 40
1 List the type "'lld ;l.OOrASS of oach rental real estate I)rol)CrtY: 2 For each rental ~cal estate Yes No
A B_I~LB_O~._ RE_N:J?;L_ J~/_Cf~@'l __________________ j:H'Operty li~ted
or yoor f~rnily
on line 1, <!id~U
use it d'Jrln~ .
ORANGE CO'JNTY TX 77630 ~ 1Mr fo~ ~son~1 wpa;cs A X
B 011 & GAS
-- ------- --------- ------- ---- ----
for more lhan the (J·eatt;t of:
• 14 days, or
• 10% of tnc 101.11 dJys B
C RESID£N'TBL RENTAL r~nt8d at Fair 19I1tal ~alue?
1401 MOUN) 5T NACOGDOCHES TX 75961-4:J32 (Sec IOstruclIOf1~.) C X
ProDerties. Totals
Income; A
B C '(Acid rolurnns A B. and C.I
3 Rents received .. . .. .. "., . . .. 3 2 453. 1:3 210. 3 15,663.
01 ROy'Jllcs recc~lCd. .. . , .. " . .. 4 2.438. 4 33(358.

5 Adverlisil~ .. - .. ,- .. .. .. ,. """ . 5
6 AutQ <Jrd l(;lVe l (5('C In!;!rUCtioCiS). , ... 6
7 Clc;lning ond nlalnten3nc::e .. 7 .. ~:;': .. ' ,'~,

S Comr[li:;:;i()rl~ ..• , , .. " .. " ., ••• I'

<3 In:;lJranc~ .. .. . ...... , ... ..,. , 9 2 016.

10 lCQ<l1 aM otlle· profes510nC\1 fee~_ - "10
11 Managernent f,!es .. ....... . .... 11
12 Mortgage Interest p3id to banks, etc
(sec in5tructlor 5) .. ' ... , ,.' . ... 12 12
., .
13 Other it11erest . .. .... .. . . . , - 13
14 Rcp<.lirs. . , ' .
15 :3LJpplie~ . ... , ' ... , ...
. . ...... , ,

..... ... .
, .. 14
16 T<lxe~.. , . , .. . .. . ,.,. " ... . , W 4 330.
11 Ulilitie~ . .. ,. , , .. , , , ... 17 57.
18 Clh(;r (lis\) ~ ____________ '1'1)"·'.%' .,
OTHER EXPENSE: 332. .ii::"j
J'E-QQ..OfItO~_T10 124.

---------------------~ ;~1;j~1
---------------------- 18 J"" ,.".

---------------------- ::'!}r
~: :,,:.';,:'
-------~------------- ,1:[~~;f;P/
---~----------------- ~~J1:,:&
19 ,lIdd lines 5 thr'"LJ\lh lB. __ "" , " .. , 19 456. 7,853. 19 B.309.
20 Deprec;ldGorl e:q)€ns(: or depiction
(:,ee in::.lrlJCt,orl,) ... . . '.,. , , .... 20 366. 9.300. 20 9,666.
21 Total cxpcnsc~. Add lines 19 Clod 20... 2' 822. 17 153.
22 Income 0: (Ios~) from rental real es~t~ or
'oy~11y pr~perties.)llJJtractmt' 21 from line 3
(rents) or Ime 4 (rll¥"III~S). If the r~LJIt is J
(IOH), ~C<l instruct ~ns to find out it yOIi r:'dl':t :;,;>
',Ie Form lil98 . .. . .... . " .. , . , ... 22 2 453. 1,62.6. -3 943.1.
23 DedLcti tl~ reol.1 mol estate loss, n:;r.:',:.
Caution. Your remal leal eslatll loss an lin·; 22
may be lillllted. S€'! instnJctio1s :0 lind out if yUJ '::0~~i.~:t:··;
must tile Fonn 115E2. Real asrntll profc~iarJI~
nl"SI coowlclc line 43 on pair 2.. " , ' " , ... 23 -3 943. ~i[~!.
24 Income, Add POSitive arrounts shown on line ,,2. 00 not include any ',o~~c, .. " .. . " " . '" , ...... , "" .. Z4 34 989.
Z5 L.ossos, Add rCly~l\y los~e5 from line 22 ,md rcn~al real estate losses hom liOt::! 23. Er'IF!( lolfJl lossos here.. 25 -3 943.
26 Total rental reJI E~t.1te ;Ind royalty income or (loss), Comt)jn~ lines 2~ Jrd 25. Enter Ire
result Ilerc.1f Part; II. III. IV, 2nd line 40 an ~d~ 2 QJ n)t JllPly tD you, also enter t11is
~rnount en Form 11)40, line 17, or Form l04)NR, line 1 Otherw'$e, Inclu~e thi~ am~unt e.
in too totll on line 41 on Ilaql'! 7 . . . .... '" ," . _ . . . .. ... .
••••• I.
. • •. ,. I •••• '. '" . .. . .. 26 31 046.
BAA For ?aperworl( Reduction ACI Notice. see instructions. fDIZ2201L l1ra'>!OO Scredule E (Form 1040) 2008
ALg 24 09 0226p

(Form 1040)
- Supplemental Income and Loss
(From rental real estate, royaltill'S, parlnerships.
S corporations. es1ates, (rusts, REMICs, etc)


No, 15450Q074

~ Attach tt) Form 1040, 1040NR, or Form 1041 .

.. See lns.lru<:liQns for Schedule E (Form 1(40).
No"""".) 300"" or n-lJr~


[Rirt:f:":>.] Incomf~ or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties Note. If you a'e in t~e bU$i~css Jl renti1g oel:lcMI properly, use
Sr;hedul~ i~ w C·E..Z (see instructions) If yO\; ~C:ll1 ifldi'Jid~31 ~ePJrt
1arm rel1t.allllCorr,e or losslrom F'f>rm 4835 'In p8g~ Z liflC 40


Li:c;1 tile IvDe and address or CDch rental rlliil estate property:

I-- - - - - - _ •• - - -- - --- ------ - - ---- ---- ---- -

2 For 8ach rental real estate
prO~Cl'ty listed on line I, did you

or your family use it durmg the
lill1 year fcr ~(!'sonJI purposes
lor more ttliln ttle ;,aater of:
• I~ d;JyS, or
• 10% of the lolal day,
rented ~t fair r~ntal .aILe?
(See IrnitrtJctCflS.)


A c I (Add columns A, e. and C.j
3 Rents rE'celvM ... 3 3
4 RoyalLe<; received 4 30 920.
5 Advertisino;" .... ,
.. .. .... . ..... 5
6 Aulo ar,d travel (~,cc
instrucllo'ls).. 6
7 Cleaning and maintenance .. . . 7
8 Colllmi::;siom.. ..,.".,...... . . S
9 nsw,nce, , ,. ,.,."........ . .. 9
10 Legal and alhe" profeSSional fees. 10
11 ~'ar,iJ~emenl fN~$ , .... ' ,. .... . .. 11


18 ~;:::
f------+------+--------1, . ,';-.;,.

19 AddilnE'55~0~gh18 ,. ~1~9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1~9~~~~~~~~~
20 JepreClation e:,pe'lse or u~~ldion
0~~~r~lon0.", ,,·· ~2~O~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~O~~~~~~~~~
21 Total cxpense~, Add lines 19 and 20 r=2:;.:1'---t- +- -1I;.,;~~ +
22 Inccme or (loss) f:~m rr.nt~1 rf.J! es:are or 1;::'>::/
'OYolty prOperMs, 3ublroct lint:' 21 from line 3 I;';, ';;':: ,.
(ren~) or II"~ 4 (n'lall1t:'s). If the result IS J
:1m). sec innuclcns to lind cut If you M~l
fileFormGI98 " " 22 30920./
23 Dccluctlt:ie rent,;lr,,~1 P.$tlt~ Ic~~. ,::£,';:;::,:
Ciluliofl. '(our !llnl.1 1'1)<11 cstJte I~s en Iin~ 22 ,,, ;;'~'~'
Illily be limited. Se: instruction~ :ll liM out II you 1:;:1"":'
must file Fonn 85f2. R':al cst~tc profcs~lonals I:',.;;:
mu;t complulc !Hle ~3 on page 2 ... , ... " .• , 23 I".~,·t

24 Income. Acd POSitive amDunts shown on line 22, OQ not inclUde :lI1Y lo::;ses "'.""'" , .... ", .. ,. '.".. 24
25 Los~c:s. Add r("ally lo:;:;~~ frorn lint:! 2:2 Olnd rental roal c::s:alc losses fro III line 23, Enter total losses here, ,. 25
26 Total rrot:ll rc~1 cst<ltc and roYalty 11come or (loss). COO1bine lines 24 aIld 25, En~1 Ih~

re~u!\ !v.>re. If Port II, Ill, IV, aile: line 40 on PjliJo 2 do !lot ~p~ly to you, at~c eIlter thir.
Ci'rttlUnl (;" fDrm "~O, :1nE' 17, cr Form 100I0Nr?, line .. ~. Other¥JIS€1 locluoe In;s 1lmouI,l
11 It(: ;etal on line 41 on Pi'1e 2, . . . ... . ... ..' , . , . , . . ... , ... .... .. . .. .. ..'.' , ...
BAA rOt PapclWortl Reduction Act NotlC!!1 !'.cc mstruc110ns. FD:Z23011. l1.'llSIOl'. :Schedllie E (Form 104C) 2008
AL.9 24 09 0226p p.17

~r.hp.nllip. E (Form l04{1 2008 Altar:hmp.nt Sf! uonce No.1 3 Pa c 2:


Caution: The rRS com l;;lrcs amounts reported on your l.'l)( return with amounts showli on SchodulC(s) - .
.att~lh":: Income l)r Loss From Partnerships and S Corporations
NQw. ItyO \.I rc;:port <:l lo~;s trom an ?t-r1sk activity fer wttlch any ~mount f$ not at risk, you mUSl ch!:ck Ihe box in column (e) on line Z8 ;;md
Cltt<3Ch Form 6198. See InslrllCtl(lns.
:D Arc \'DU reportinc any loss not allow~ In a prior ycar due to the <It-r1s!< or basis limitations, a prior year unallowed
loss"from a paSSI'/f: activity (if thilllo:.;:> w<'!:!. not reported on Form 8582), or ume Imbursed partnership expenses? .. , 0 Yes ~ No
If YOU ?nsw~re d "( es, see lnstruc lIons bcore f compleI f 1l'lC: thO1$ !',l';!ctlon.
(b) Enter P (c) ChecK i" (ti) Employer (e) CIleck It
for p;;!rlnor:;hi p;
28 (~) Name
S for S foreign tdentlfic<JtlDtl any amount
por1ncrship lumb€ r is r'lot OIl ri5k
Passive Income and Loss NDngassive Inc;ome and Loss
(f) Pa:.~;ive los5 allow!!d ~g) Passive Income (h) Nonp;;lGsive loss (i) Section 179 (j) Nonpa5siv~
expen~(l deductlDn incOme from
(<:Jttnch Form 8582 It reGuirecJ) rom S(hedul~ K·l from Schedule K·' from !='orm 4562 Schedule K·'
A 9 546.

293 Tot;:, Is. .... ., . ,,, I; -.;:/; :.';"',: :. ,"<; .:;< 9,546. I;'/;;.}'f/)'~'( :'(,', ,:~::' :,j;.,i.:::';",,;::' ';:!r;::;.;::\./::~;:;

b rotals. , .... . ,,,,, ... 1 . :,:,.,;-:::,,,,.:,:,,: ... ',;"'",h;· .,0.,

. ,''';~ ." :...; .,; ";.> •

30 Add columns (g) ::lnd ~) of line 29<1, . .. . .... - .... , . " . I I II' .,., , , .. ... ...... . . ... . .. 30 9,546.
31 Add columns (t), (h), (ind (i) of line 29b , .. , .... " , "" . ... . . - ........ . .... ... _ . ... " , . ... , ., . 31
32 ~~\~cJ~~~~~:s~~gi'~~l~n~04rb~~~n.inco~t)or?oss).,~~mb,inc 'in~s. 30. and. 3: .E~terth~. res~lt. h~~~, ~nd, .. 32 9 546.
IPartJO·gL:l:.:.:n:.::c;.:::o~m~c::....::::..o,--r=Lo.: : . $.: : . s"'-'-F.;.;ro;;, ;m.;.;. .:E:; , ;s; , ; t=.Clt.:.;:c;.;s;. . :a: . :n.:. :d: . . . .:. T.:. .:ru=..:st=$
~--- ----r-------
33 r- (""a:L)-'..:N:.:::a.:..:.m:..:::e~ - +~(b=..i}~E~m.::.r:.:pl.:::.OL:.·/c::..:.r...:.I::;D.:.n.::::.;..o._

1 B
P..ssi\l~ Income and Loss Nonpa$$I\1~ Income and Loss
(c) Pa5sive deductioll or loss "llowed (d) PaS5IVe income (e) Dedvclion or loss (I) Other income
(;"11(... ,,11 Form 8582 if requirE'd) Schcd~lc K·1
trom Schedule K·1 from Schedule K·'

1 34.1 Totals. .. , , , . , , . . ........ .. " , , .... , .. , .....' ...;-.',

•. 1 •. ··.:: >:: >:.:,,;': ,', '
\:;'ii;'';>: .' , 'J"}".>.:' ::~
b Tolal~ ... ..... .. , . . .... .. ,)~;:,/ '" , 'Y~;;f-«: ',:/,~f(!}},(;,:,:;i.,-'r.:~!«,

35 Add column." (d) i,lnd (f) ot line 34<), , .. , , .. . . . ......... '. '" .,. I •••• •
. "" . ... .. ,.. .... .... , , 35 , ,

36 Add columns (c) and (e) of line 34b ... .... ., ........ "",." ...... ... " . ' "
' . . ... .... , . ... . 36
, '

37 T(ltlll estate and tru~t in<om~ Ot (loss). Combine lines 35 and 36. Ellter the
.. . ... .. . .. ...... ...... 'ZrI
result h"re ilnd include in th~ tot:;! I on :,r'IC 41 below..... ",., ... , ....... " '

IR:a r:tJv;~<.1 Income or Loss F'rom Real Estate MortClaqe Investment Conduits (REJYJICs) - Residual Holder
(b) Employer ~C} £>:ccss inclu~ion (d) n.xable Income (0) In<;omt') frarr
3S (a) Name identlflc.3tion n\JmbfCr r~m Sc~dules C/, sl (net 105S6 from SchedUles line: 3b a.
l,rlt! ~r.(~~ ,nS1rucliOns Sch'edules line 1b

39 Combine column5 Cd' 3nd (e) onlv. F.:nt~r tile result here and Inc:ludo in the total on hne 4' belQ~ , . , , , . ..
. "' . 39
IPart \/. .;,lL..:s::.::u:.:.:m~m:..:.:a=:...I...
-- --r_.--- _
40 Net farm rWltF,i1 income or (loss) from Form 4835. AI~o, COrnplele lin(- 42 below. , .. 4D
41 iotal income or ,:1055). Combine line:. 26, 32, 37, 39. <lnd 40. Enter the re::;ult here ar'ld or:
Form 1040, Illie ·.7, or Form 1040NR. line 16.", .. " , . ~ 41
42 Rec:ondliation 01 farming and fi!>hing income. EntAr your gross farmmg
;;nd flShlllg incollle reporled on Form 4835, line 7; Sr,hc:!dulo K·1 (Form 1065),
box 14. code S; :~chcdule K·' (form 11205), box 17, cCode I; ~l1d Sc;hel;lulc: K·'
(Form 1041), lino 14, code F (see in~lructions) . , ... , . ".
43 Reconciliation for "cOilI estate professionals. If you were <l "eol f::~lale
profess;,onal (SE!~! InstructiOr'l:'l), enter the net Income or (loss) you re~or1ed
anywhere on 'Form lG40 or Form 1040NR from all rental re<:al estate activities
in which yOu ma't'!rt<lll ~rtiCI Clt",d under the <lSSIIlf:! achvllV los~ rules. .. , . , , .
BAA FDIZ2J021. ()),'QI\IO~ Scheduln E (FDrm , 040) 2008
MGY L'-' Ut:' ULLOp p.18

Form 1116 Foreign Tax Credit

(Individual. Elitatl!. or Trust)
Atta<htoForm 1C40, 1040NR, 1041, Qr99ll-T.
... Sec SCJ)llrate instructions.
N"me 10 nD, ,r..; ~Wr'l (J') p;"t(JA 1 or yOt Ir V!~ rp.llJrn


U~I;! <J ~ltj)arlll" Forrr 1116 for each cL1tegory ot income listed be ow. See C~te90ries 01 Income In the im;~ructions. Check only one box u1
c~ch Form 1116. Report all <lmounts In U,S, doll,!r:; except wh!!re specified Irl PlIrt II below.
a ~ Passi",& cat0l:lOry Income c :::J
Section 901 (J) im;ome e 0 Lump-:;um distributions
b U
General caleOC>rjl income d ~ Certam income re·sDurced by treClty

t R..,;irJ.. nt of (Mmq 01 coun,ry) ... O. S . A.

N()~: If YOt. paid taxI::; to orlly one foreign covntry or U.S. pos~c~ion, usC' column A in P:Jrt I and line A m PrJrt II. If you paid ta>lC~ to more
than one forell'}rl 'au ·,try or U. s. possL'ssiol1, U~E' i'I sep.'lr",te colLlmn ''jna fine for ""ach country or possession.

1- _ _....:.F.:!.O~~~~Il"-='I1:..;~~u.'!.t.!Y_orU.S. Possession TOI~

A B C (Add columns A, G, and C.l
g Enter the name ol1h~ foreign <:OLlntry or
US. possession ..... , " . '" , ... " ., .. .. VARIOUS
1 a Gross inccme f10rn sources within country
$110'1\'1) <lbovc ,mel ot the type cl1ecked ",bove
{~cc in~trLJctioni):
~~~~~3~~~~T_~ _

Deductions and loss~s (CacnjDm SI]C' ifl5tru,tiom:;). :"::':,"co '.;;;':i..:;t, :j.j; ,~j1:!")" . :;}:;:.;: .• ':;~<,\
2 Expensc!'. dcfinilely relate<lto Ihe Income on lire 1a " .. ';'"

3> ~~~}:;~f~i~::t::::::::oOO" ",",,,on?",,;C;10iihii 3J!;i~j":!!!fii5.i~t; f~;:):r~!\it(;11\1 tf~

(sec instrvctIQm)"..... 1-_......:3=.9.t...:.1:.;8::.;1:..:..01- -1- -i,:,,': ..,:.
bather deduclion:; (t".l3'h sl~l~nr~lO. , . , •.. , """ ';'::"';';:'
c Add lines 3a Md 3lJ .. , . 39.181. ';;'''\
d Cro,~ foreign ~ou:(;(; Income (sC\' in,hotions) """ 777. I;,'
e Gross income from .111 sources (SI!Ii ,n'lruc~cns)., ... 782 085. ::
r DIvide line 3d 8, line 3e (seE' instnx:tions) . f---O~.O~O"'-O9':;:';9~3:...:.+-----+-----tO; .. ;:;<
9MulI,p y line ::Jc by line 3f ... , , ... , , . 3 9 ..~.'.-'

4 Pro rata share (,I ,ntcrt:>~l c)(pcn:;~ (5CC in!>truct:ons):

il Horne rnort~og( intcrest (use worksheet in
the instrudons:, .. , .. ,. .. - .. .. .. . ._
b Oloor i",lcrc5t expense, . , ... , . , , . " .,.
5 Losses from foreign SOurCOS. , , , . . . . l- -I- -+- -i,.::;:c:;,2~'

6 Add lines 2, 3g, 40). 4b, and 5 39. 6 39.

7 SubtractlJne 6 "rom lif'11' 1<'1. EntM 11l() result here ilnd on 'Ile 14 oaae 2 . 7 i. 738.
IParl:.II;.:1 Forei~n T<txes Paid or Accrued (sec im;trLlc1,ons)
c Credit i£ claimed For,"!)" til-xes p.. i(! or <'IeCruec
o hr t~,es (yO\.!
~ mLlSI checil one) In foreign c;urref'lc;y In U.S. dollor!;
~ [XI Paid
(i) n Accrued
TaxE5 wlHl~eld al

(I) Rents &

~ource Oil:
(n) Other
I3xes paid ,l-----or-----.,....---....-., taxes palo
(r) Olher
(S)T~tol ror~'o"
Ivxes rJ'o'ld or o](:~rlje\j
(lldd (:>!urlllS (0:'
(j) D(ll~ p<lid (k) (m) or accrued (o) (p) Rents & (q) or :lccruf'd throu"h (r?)
or ilccrl,Jcd :>ividcnds royallle:s Interest D~viClends royalties Interest

A 12/31/2008 331. 331.

S Add linc'io .~ lhwjtlh C, column (05). Enter the toti'll 1"\I'!rf~ ;,no !)n line 9 Pi'XlP.:1., ~ a: 331.
BAA F'or Paperwork Red\.lcliOI1 ~ct Notice, see se-pill'ate instructions. Form '''6 (2008)
fDIZ2&I::l. \2lCl9roa
ALg 24 09 02:27p _ p.19

~Fo~r;m;1~11;6~(2~00B~) ~E~L~~.~~O~N:R~AN~D~KA~T~R~R~Y1~~~BJHl!!OTlliC]HJ.I~S02!NL ~~ -.J• •r P~gP. 2

t-~at:t!llI·!'-1 Figuring ihc Credit

9 Enter the amount from line 8. Thcse arc your 1ot~1 for(!IQn t<lXl'!S paid or accrued ~;~;;y.,/!:C(
for the ca1egory 01 income checked above Part i. . . . . . . .. ... . .. , •..• , .•.. , . 9 331 W;~~:\·.

1 0 Carryback or carryover (attach detailed computation) .

l' Add Ilne~ 9 .md 10"" .. "."" 11 33 1. py)~!"j),

1Z ~eductlon in tcrelon ta~es (see Instructions) .. . ,.,.' , .. 1-1.;.;;:z~ "~~f~


13 Subtraclline 1? fr,)rt1 lir)l? 11. Ttlis 1$ ttl~ total amount of fDreign taxc~ aV<;liiOlbiC for credit (See instructlom;) ... ~1;;;.3,.,.r ..--:3:::.:3=1...:.....
:<i,,~' ~]:~\
14 ~r11erd;;lmthOVLn~ ftrOdnlslitnel 7. (Tb"'ifs IS YOdur t.:'lxi'lble in comhc or (Ios~) fro m sources,,:,·:.;,.~.~'.'.·'.':~.','.'.;~,'
au:sl 9 Ponl e Cl es e ore a Justmenls) for t e category Df Income ...
checked above Part I (see Instructions) .. , . . " , .. ,.".,.,. 14 738"~"'"

15 Adju5.1mcnt!> 10 lin:: 14 (sec in5.lrwcll"n~) '" . , , ,, ",. ,." J--:.'5=-+-_~ -l· :;ri;::;~
16 Comlllne II'M:! Ci'lIOIJr)1$ on lines 14 Clnd 15, Thl~ is your net foreign source taxable' •
,ncome, (if the result is z.ero or les~, you hal/e no toreign tax crcdlt lor tllC ;~f'f:!r
caleQory of irlcornl~ you checked abo'Je Part I. Skip lines 17 tllrolJ91l 21. However, :i}o:',!(
,f you (:Ife filing rnore lh,m one Form 1116, you must complete line 19.).......... 16 738. "'i''':'~''''
~ (; '. <.~:
17 Individuals: Eflter the .:Imount 1rom Form 1040, line 41
(minus ary amour,t on Form 8914, line 2). If you arc a
rJome:;iderll alien, t!rJle r :he amOunt [rom Form 104ONR.
line 38 (mlr1i,Y.; nn~ <lmount on Form 8914. line 2). Estates
and trusts: Enter \Iour tax.3bfe income without the deduction
:01 YO\J( exemplioT\ " ...... " "..... .. ....... ".... ....",,, , .. .. . 17
636 33l. :,1,.1""/'
.... ~


Caution: If)'OLi figl,rcd your t.JX using the lowcr r;Jtc5 0/1 qualif0d diviocnr;!" or c4Jpr/a/ giJirls, see instructions.
'8 Dillillp. line 16 by line 17. "line 15 is more thCln line 17, ente' '1~... _. _ . __ .. . , . 18 0.0012
19 Individuals: Enl",r 1/'11' GJrrlounl from FO'rT1 1040, linl;! 44. If yo~ are a nonreSident allen. enter tllo amount from
Form 1040NR, line 41.
Estates and trusts: Enter tile amount 'from Form 1041, SclledLlle G, line 1<1, or the lotal 01 rorm 990·T,
Iinc5 35 und 37 , . , .. , , . , , . , . . . . .. ..,.,.,... .".. ..",. _. .. ., _ ' ,. _ , .. ' 19 , 191,024.
Caution: If you .1rl~ completing line J9 for ,;;cp3r:Jtc c:Jlcgory tJ (Jump-$um di-;!ributlons), see instructions.
20 Multiply linr. 19 by I,n(: 18 (max"Ylum !lmount 01 cr0dit) . _... .. .. 20 I 229.
21 E.nler thl;! smaller or line 13 or line 20. If this i:; tile ol1ly i=orm 1116 you are tiling, ~kip
line:; 22 thrOllgh 21) <lnd ",nter lhi~ (lrnount on line 27. Otherwise, complete the ;;;ppropriatc
line In PClrt IV (seE! Instrl'Clions) , .. ., .... ,., .. ,. "". ... . .. .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... ~ 21 i 229.
[~~fnv;.l Summary of Credits From Separate Parts III (se€ In~tructic>n;,)
22 Credil for liIX$~ un pOl:;:;ive Cbl00'ory incornl;!.... , ' , , .. , . " . ' . ' ... ... '" " , , •• I .. , 22 ':}<::'
23 Credit tor lA)(E'S on \1O:>ni'lrOlI cmp.CJory inCOrM ..... .. . .. , '
' , ", , "", , "" , 23 ;:;;:'~'~~~:

24 Credit tor t.:lXCS on cert.:llt'l income rc·solJrccd by trc<lt~ . .... . ... . ... "" , . . 24
; : ... ~ ." :.
25 Credil for !8)(E'S on lum D·SlJm diqributions . "'.;. , " " " , ,
'" , ..
" , .. , . ' . 25 ;,t;?(::
26 ..
Add lines 22 throu~h 25.... , ... , ... , .. ". " , , , .... , .... , , .. , . ,.,. , .... . ..... ... . . .. ....... , ... , 26
n En~er the smaller 'JI line 19 o~ line 2& ... .. , .... . ... •••.. .
e· ".... ., .. ". e." "
." , .••• , 0 " " " 27 229.
25 Reduction of credil tor intern.:ltlonal boycott operatio"s. See instructions tor line 12 .... " " ... , '" . ..... , , 28
29 Subtr",ct line 28 from line 27. Ths i5 your foreign tax c.redit. Enter Ilere and on rOnTl 1040, line 47;
Form 1040NR, lin~ 44; Forl11 1D41 SchedlJle G line 2a; or F'orm 990· T, line 40a . . . . . . . .. .... .. • e ••••••
29 229.
Form 1116 (2008;.
.... p.20


form 11 16 Foreign Tax Credit
(Individual. Estate. or Trost)
... A\t;lCh to Form 1040.1Q.40NR, '041, or 99O-T.
~ See separate inslruetioos.
Use " sCP~r;]j" Forr.') l ' 16 for e.:lch ca\CQory of jnco~ tistc{) bl;!low See Categories of Income in the il"strucllons. Check only Drle bOli 01"1
each Form 1116. Repor\ 311 amc>unls in U.S, dollars except where sp€citled in Part II below.
a [mPassve C<ltcgory InCO,1le
b :J
O<!ner al category income
c :JSectlor9010) Income
d 0 Cenain Incorne re-sourced by lre;;ty
e o Lump-.<\I'rfl distributions

1 Res dent 01 (nDm.~ 01 country) ~ U _S . A.

l~artJ:l TaxClblc Income or Loss From Sources Outside the United States (for Category Checked Above)
Foreign Country or U.S. Possession Total
A B C . (Add i:(llumns A 8 and C,'I

IJ C~!(~ if \inp.1J i~ [~m~Rn!::l:ion fillYlrWfJI ~m~lng~ ~~

.HI ~plcyee, lOUf Mal eom~ns;lti()n from .ail sources IS

$15(),OOO or more, ard YOu used ,In .1lternilllYe Ilasls to
dcwmil1e it; 5Ilurce (ser. instnll:ljnl1~~ . . . .. . ....
Oeductions and 105S('S (Caulk,": See Instructions):
2. E~pens()s dClfinilcly related :0 the Inc:cmc 0:'1 li""l:! 1a .'.,
(3 ttach ~tatemC~lC.. , , , .

3 ~~~ ~~WM~~~e~~~~~~r cQductlon~

a Certain itemized de<JucliOn~ or stJ1dJrd deduction
1.:<;;:~~".~~tX;:]; tjx~i[: lj~Jif}~jj::; :tl1ii~3~0J~;2ffi~:{;; ;:~ ~;.
(~C'" Inslruelions) ., ,. I",· ";;';

bOther deducticns (atte.:11 $tal~rr enl). . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . I-------+----~--+_------_f:..'., ;;/

c Add lines 3a an( 3b ... . . . . . . . I::,:{:
d Gr~s foreign source Incomo (soo IllSlfl.(tIOm). . . . . . 944 . l'i"'~;;

e Gross ,nC01lC frem ~'I ~O\lI"Ces (~el~Sbll(lI(,,")""""""" f-"",",,:_7_8~2~ ,O,":,6~5:--:-'+- +- --1I:;·:.;:!;;:i:~

f Di ide line 3d by Ii ", 3," (:>l:'t! IIl:>tructIOns) I------..::O--'.c.;O;.O;...;;;1.;:2~O;..7;....+_------+_---~---U~,!:;:
g MuILlu1y line 3c t)' line 3f. .... ' . . . ~.":,,.

4 I"'ro rata sl1m" 0': Interest expen~e (soc'c ir1$lruCti('JrI~): !"'.)5":.i:.:;'-T

[: .•:-:, ::'. ~,S:U~,,~.;·0
..;::!ii':.:: ,;".. f,,'·, ·,..•~~i;~~"'0/'I~F~1~')·~:~2·;·,~··
Y .>,.:,'.. ", ;"C.;.,••. i":'~,·PI~':· :":

oil Home morlgilgo inlert!~( (use worksheet rn ,':':\i

1'lC inslrl.lcllons) , .
b O:I1er ,illcfC~l expcn:oe ,.
SO\Jrw~ ,
5 losses from foreign .
f--------i~-----+----....., Of:.. ,::
Add lines ::'. 3g, .1", 4b. and 5 .
Subtrl.lcl line 6 ~r~m line lao Enter the m:<>lJll her" ilnd on I:ne 14. P<ltw:2 ..•. .. 6
7 9401.
"PaliUI ForeiCin Taxes Paid or Accrued (:;ice instrucllons)
c Crp(1it is cl~imetl rorei~n taxes ~id Or aCCrued
o l~r hxes (YIlU
~ mU5t cOOd Orle) In foreign currency In L.S. dollars
T (h) rXl Taxes Withheld a1 source on;
(n) Other (r) Other (S)Tolal iOiCIQI1
~ ~) nA::crLJ~ foreign
Tilxe:; wl1h.,eld at source on: foreiQn t..u~!t- r.,ir:l ('I' ;xcrvo:1
taxo!'> paid taXO$ paid (.do «:IW"T1nS (0)
(j) Jatc P<:Jlc1 (k) 0) Rents & (m) or Jccru/ld (0) (p) Rents & (q) or accrued 1Iooo'Jh (r)
or accrued DiVidends rOY<lllies lnteresl Dividends royalti~s Interest

A 12/31/2008 331. 331.


e Add line:> A thrO~Qh C. column (s.). Entc! the lot<ll here and on :inc 9, page 2 , , . 331.
BAA For P~P~l'Work Fieduetion Act Notkc, ~t separate instnlcticn>. rwn 1116 (2008)

fD1L2bl2l 12/OSIQS
ALg 24 09 02:28p


.:..F;;:.:Of.:.:,m;..1:..,:1.:.;16:::...1=(2.::,:OO::.:;;8:..,)...;:E;;:,::1:.:T:.;O~N:.-:;R:......:.::AND:::::..--.:KA=T:;.:HR.::.:.:YN:.:.;..-=B:..-:.:H:.::.U.;:,TC,;;;H~I::.:S::.;O:.:N:.:..- ~
- ~

Page .2

[P~&lJl ,j Figuring the Credit

9 Enter the ",mount traIT1 line 8. These 2rc your lolt.ll foreign taxes paid or accr"cd
br th~ cate'gory of income checl<ed above Pdrl l . . . . . .. ,.... .... . .,, .,.. 9

10 C~rryb<lck or cClrry<:VC( (;Jttach det<iilfld computalion) . .... .. ... 10

11 Add 9 :lnd lG" .. , ..... ,."
12 R'i!cuctlon In foreigll tJ~es (see In!;tructlons) , . 12

13<ict liml 12 trom lil1e 11. This IS the tolal :lmount of for('igll 'axes ':lY;lilnble for credIt (5E!'e Instructions)." 331.
14 Enler amotlnl trom Iinr~
7. This is your taxable ,ncome or (loss) from :>OurCeS 1;:~;J.~i
cut~ide the UnitPod Slales (beforo <Jdjustmenh;) (or the category c.r i r l c D m e , ' , ; . ;
ch'='Cked abovC' Part I (see Instruction:;). , . . , ,,. " , 14 944 'j:;:>:;;;

~~ ;~~~~I:~~ :;,~~~:: :;e,~~:~~c~';dl)5,'

:rhl~l~v~ur'~~l'rO~~~~ "OI~I~~I~la't;le' I-l;.;;5-+--------l!nI;o'~:r;,~i;~,;~r:
income. (It the reslJIt is zero or leS5, have no (oreign t::lx credit for the 0,(,:
c<Jlr:gory ot Income yOIJ checked ",be'lie Pmt I. SlIip I;np~, 17 thrDi.l'iJh 21. However, 944. I'. '":~
ifYOl.J<Jrc tiling rTlor~ than one Form i116, you mus1 'ine 19,). ... r-.:.16:;...1- complete .;;..:~:.j,.·:%·,;:,'~.:.
;~I ;;i
17 Individuals: Enter r~1" amount from Form J04O, 1100 41 '0:
(mlnl.!~ ,my amoun~ on Form 8914, line ,2). If yOu <Ire:.; :.:"
'l!>mc::;ident alien, tlnter the aHlount from F'orm 1040NR. .l';:j·:~
line 38 (mil'"ll1!> any amount on Form 8914. line 2). Estates
arid trusls; Enter your taxable ir.come without the deduction Xi:
tor yuur exemption."".. "'''''''''''' ,......." '''', 17 679 693 '1,.<:1~.
Caution: If you fi':Jl1red your fax l.ismg the lower r<Jt85 on qUi3lrfled divi(j~nd,;; or capii'-'JI gains, s!Je instructIOns.
18 Di"id(> line 16 by li"le 17. II line lG is more than line 17, C'llter T " . .. ". " " " ' " . 18 0.0014
19 Individuals: Enter the omounl frorr'l r-Olnl 1040, IlnC' 4'1 if you are," rlonresidcnt Llllen, errter the nmount tram
Form 1040NF\, Ilrl:; 41.
Estiltps and trusts: Enlt!r Ihe amount from r-crm 1041, Schedule G, II~ 1<1, or the total of Form 990·T,
lines JG Cind 37. .. . " " .. - . . . . , , , .. , . ,. . ,.,.... _ ,. ,. , ,,' 19 186,B14.
Cautlon:lf you an~ r:ompleling line 19 fOf separflte cat~o(y c (lump-sum distributions), see instructJons.
20 Mdtlply line 19 by Iloe 1B (maximum amOUr1l of credit) .. , ., "... ... . ... ",.,.'",... .... ., .. , .. , , , . , 20 262.
21 EI1:er:he smaller JI lifle 13 or line 20. If thiS ,S the ol"lly Form 1115 you ~~re filing, skip
lines 22 throuoh 21) ~mC enter [hi!; amounl un line 27_ Otherw'5e, complete t:,e appropri;;l\c
l,rIP In P~rl IV (sef' in')tnJ(~lj()m;"\. . . . , , . . .. .", '" ", "... .. __ ,,.,... ~ 21 262.
[:p:!rtrv; i Summary of Credits From Separate Parts 111 (sC'e instructions">

22 Crec;it for tnllflS or pa~~ive CiJlcgory In::ome. .. ...... , ... ... .. " ' " 22 I'" "";,
'" , , " ,'

25 Credit for ta)(e~ or, general category ,ncome,., .... .. . .. , , ' ... , . , ... . ... 23
24 Credit for taxe'.; or certain inCljmA rQ·50urced by lrNty . , .. .. . , . .. ...... , 24 .;;;;.~' '1'.:;;
t' ,j',)(
" , '-,'
25 Credll (01 !.<lx,"s or lump-sum'. '" .. . . .. , ' .. " " ' " distribullDn~ , . .... .
25 ;l~~",i,.' .

26 Add line::. 22 t~rough 25 . .... ....... , ,." . ... .. ..... . . .. ..... .. " ' " , . , . . ... . . .. . ,." ... ..
. ' , ' .' , 26
27 Enter the smaller or Iln~ 190' 111lC'~ .. ' . , , .... . . ... , ... .. , .. , . ....... ... ... ' , ,' 0"." • ' , " , ' , ., .. 27 262.
28 Redl)c~ion of credit for intcrn<:lllonal boycott oper3Iion~. See ~Ilstructiom; for lin~ 12. _.. ... . . " " " " . .. .. 28
Z9 SUbtract line 2B (Dm line 2/', TI1is IS your foreign tax credi1. C::nlI;H here and on Form 1040, line 47;
F'orm 104QNR, Ilnf~ 44: F()rm I 041 ~c;nedule G line 2Cl' or Form 990·7 lim~ 40.,. . ..... '", .. " .... "'. ,
. 29 262
Form' "6 (2008)

FOIZ2C 12L 121CO:<l8

ALg 24 09 02:28p

Child and Dependent Care Expenses

._- O'AB NO.


~ Attal:h to Fonn 1040 or Form 1 040N~. 2008
~ See s~parate instructions. S4!Q<H""'" No. 21


I:P~rt'lt;:d Persons or OrQanizations Who Provided the Care - You must cemplet~ thiS parI.
(It yO\) h<l"c more than twa C3re provldcrs. see the ,nstruct,or':s.)

1 (a) CClrt! provlder'~ OClmc (b) Addrp-l>S (c) IGentilyin~no. (d) Amount pOlid
(no.• slreet, ,)pt no .. city. stale, Clnd ZIP code) (SSN or E ) (see inslrLJcllo'lS)

SEE STATEMENT -1 ~---------------------

Did yOLJ receive No ----I~~ Complete only Poll II below.
[ dependent care bellelit5? 1------- Yes ------"~~ Complete P~rt III en page 2 next.

Caution. If IIle care ,,';1$ provided In ycw" I)CITC, you may owo cmplo)'menl Ie-xcs. Sec the instructIOn.<- for Form 1040. lin~' 60, 01 Form ;QtlONR,
line 56.
11fj1,ar:tm~>;;~J'or Child and Dependent care Expenses
2 Informi'ltion <lootJt your qualifying perso S. 11 ()LJ have more ll'\i:)n twa ,€r$ons sec the instrl.lClions.
(a) QU;3lifying per5;on's name (b) Quatifying porson's ~oci;;\1 (c) Qualified
secLJrity number . expenses you
Incurred <And po,d In
2008 for thO person
bted i~ column (a)


3 Add lll", <J1l10unls in column (c) 01 I,ne 2, 00 no! cnter mort') than $3,OO~ for one ql.iOJl,fylng person or 1i6,OOO MM.J'Y<
for two or more ~r::;on:.;. If yOLi complettld Part III, enter ll'\c omount from lin", 35. . , ,."" 1.-:3~----.-::;l.1.I.::O:.:;O:.:;O~.~
4 Enter your earl1cd income. $<:,,, inl>truclions, . , . 4 463 130.

5 If m(Jrried filing jOintly. enter your '5Pouse's earned inco'11c (It your spouse WOlS (J student
:If was dlsablec, sell the Instruction',) all others. enter the ::JrTlOunt tram line 4. . . .. . .. 138 028.
6 Enler the smallest of line 3.4, or 5 ~,*,, -=1:J. 000 .

7 Enler tr,c, ilmoLn: from Form 1040. line 38, or Form 1040NR, line 35 ... 7 761 :'04.

8 Enter on line 8 lhe decimal amOu(l~ Shown below that JppliCS to Ihe amount on I,rc 7
If line 7 is: II linc 7 is:
But not Decimal l3ul not Oedmal
Ov~r over amount is OV\'r o\lcr amOl.l11t i$
$0- 15,000 .35 $29.000- 31,000 .27
1!;.,000- 17,000 .34 31.000 - 33,000 .26
17.000- 19.000 .33 33.000- 35,000 .2:J
19,000- 21,000 ,32 35,000- 37.000 24
x .20
21.000- 23,000 31 37,000 - 39,000 .::'3
23.000- 25,00030 39,000 - 41.000 ,22
25.000- 27.OCO .29 41 ,000 - 43,000 .21
27.000- 29,00028 43,000 - 1\0 limit .20

9 MUltiply line 6 !Jy the detim",1 <lr110unt on 11m, 8. If ~'ou p2rd 2007 expense,; In 2008, ~ee the instructions.. J-~9-+ ....:200.
10 Enter the <1r'TlOLJnt from Form 1040. line 46. orForm l040'-:R,Iine/l.3.. 10 191 024.
11 Enter the ar'll()unt trom Forrn 104C, line 47. or Farm 1040i\R. lin., 44.. ..... 11 229.
12 Subtract lin(' t 1 from li"e 10. 'I ..:",ro 01 Icss. s1op. You cannot take the cred,\. . r-:-12=-t-_ _~1..::9..:::0:.t...:.7,-=9::.:5::...c-'
13 Credit for cnilcl2lnd dependent care expenses. Enter the small~r of line 9 or line' 2
l'lCre ~nct 01"1 F'~rm 1040, lillll 4S or Form 1~ONR I'l"le 4!;.. '......... .."., .. ", 1S 200.
BAA For Paperworl: ReduC1lon Act Notice. S~ !Separ"le Inslnd1ons. ~orm 244l (200&)

F:lIAJ2121 11·'llOIOS
AL{l 24 09 0229p p.23

f'orm 2441 (200B) :~LTON R AND KATHRYN

;:::;;:~~_--.;;::;~~~===-.:....:.:..;:== ~ Page
ltirtfllC::j Dependent Care Benefits

14 Enter tile tolal amount oi dependent care benefits you received in 200S. Amounts yOIJ recei\lcd as an
Employee should Oe shown in box lOot YDur Form(s) W-2. 00 not include amounts rE!porlcd as ffilges
In bcx - of Form(s) W·2. If you werc self-employed or <l partner, Jnc',U<!e amounl\> you received under <l .>.NI, • .. :

depencl~n1 care i:ls~istonce program irom your sole proprietorship or pa-tnershlp , , . , . , , . 14 5 000.
15 ~n!cr th€ amOunl, jf any, you carried o\ler from 2007 an::i Us.ed In 2008 during the grace period.
Se!;' H"I.<;lrudions , .. . . . . . . . 15

lEi ~rll(:r :hc: amoul't, if <Jny, you forieited or c,micd forward to 2009. Soe in[;trLlction5 .. 16

17 Combine lincs 14 tI1rough ~6. Soe instruction:;., ., . 5 000.

18 £ntN Ihe total ,rmOlJnt oi qualified expenses Ineu'reu i~'1 :2<:08 for the C1\re of
the quali1yi rlg per~on(s) , . ,. ,. . . .. . . . .. . . 18 45 680.

19 Enter the small·~r of line 17 o~ 18 .. 19 5 000.

20 Enter tlilmed income. See in~lructions. 463 130,

21 Enter the ::lmount show,' below th<lt applies to you.
elf married fillfl1lointly. entl!r yOl,.lr $pou!;e's e~rnf;d ir,r.omc (If your ~
~POi.J~" w~s a student or ""JS disabled. see the instructions ~or line 5).
elf rl1fJrricd flJlriJ sel)(lr( see Ihe Ins\rucllons for the ~1m()(.J(',t to cnter.
• •0..11 cll' er :er the <,mount from line 20. .. 138 028 .

Z2 E:nlcr tilC smallest of line 19. 20. Or 21, .... 5 000.

23 Enter ttle ;;moulit from line 14 that you rccclVed from your sore proprietorship or p<lrtnerst"II~. It you did nOl
-eceiv0.flry such amounts, enler ·0- ,. . . ' ', , , . 23 O.
24 SUblrfJct line 2;: from line 17. " ., .. , 24 5 000. 'ri~~::.:;~ .:

25 Sn\H $5,000 (12,500 if mnrricd filing sep~r;)'cly ~nd you w~re rCCiuircd to enter your 5POu:;.f;!'~ ~"rn ..d .'i~lo,Jll

Illcome on Iln~ 21) . ,. . _ , ' , ,......... " .. , . ,. , . . .. . ,. ,. 25 5 DOD

26 Deducliblc bcnefit~. Enter tl-,e small~t of lino 22, 23, or 25. AiSO, include this amounl on 1I'Kl <lppropriate
Ilne(s) Of your return. See InstructiDns . . , .. , . 26 0
27 Enter 11-,(' smaller of II nc 22 or 25. .. .... .. .. 27 5 000.
28 E11er the <ltn<JLn: trorn line 26. . .. L.,;2::.;8~ --1''''''''''''j
29 ExclUded benefils, SutJ~r;:lclline 28 from line 27. If .::erc or Ics~. enter -0-. , ... 29 5 000.
30 Taxable bonofi':s. SuetrOl,l lin.. 29 from I'n~ '4. If "~I(} e>r less, enter -0-, A130, include this amount on ForM
1040, I,nc 7, or Form 1C40NR. I,llI'! B. On tre- dotted lir.c f]O~t 10 form 1(40, lint:' 7 or Forrr 1 D4oNR, line S.
enter 'OCG' . 30 0
TO claun the child ""f1<J c]r'per.denl care
credit com plf:'lf:' lines 31 through 35 below,

31 tnler $3,000 (~'5.000 if two or mere qualifying perSOlls) ... , ..... ". . -- '" . .. . ...... ,., , ..... . .. 31 6 000.
32 Add lines 26 and 29 .... , .. . . .. . . . .... , ., . . . . ..... -, ... .,. ' ",' .. , ....... . .. '" . 32 5,000.
33 Subtrc1clline 3:2 from line 31. If zmo or less, stop. You cnnnot take the c'eoit Exception. It you pclld 2007
expen~e~ In 20GS. see lhe Instructions tor 11r'1f:' 9, .......... ", ...... _............ """"""'" . 33 1,000.
34 ':<Jmplelf" tin!:' :! on paQe 1 of thi~ form. 00 not InclurJp. in column (c) any benefits shown on line 32 at)(w~.
Then. ~dd the .Jn10unts ir column (c) and en1e' :hC tolal here ... , ,. , .................. , .......... _. . 34 40,680.
35 Enter the smalJl!t of /inc 33 or 34. Also. enter this amoun on Ilnc 3 on paoe 1 0' tl1:s form LInd
comDI~I~ lirlt~ 4Ulrnl mh 1J, ,,,,,.,,, I , , , , I I I I , , I I I .,." I , , , , , , , " •••••••••• .• '" , """ . 35 1, Dca.
Form 2441 (2008)
Forrn4797 Sales of Business Property
- p24

(Also Involunmry Conversions and Recapture AmOlln1s

Under Soe<tions 179 ;)nd 280F(b)(2»
~ AU<lch to your tax retl.lm. ~ Sec separatl1 instructions.


1 Enter the "ross xoceeds from sales or e)(changc~ reported to you for 2::108 on Form(s) 1099·8 or 1099-S
(or subs11tute ""d,,mcn! that ou me mcllJdm o~ III"Je ?, 10 or 20 see m!'.tructlons "........ 1
fParf.lJ:r) Sales or Exchanges of Property Used in a Trade or Business and Involuntary Conversions From Other
Than Casualty or Theft - Most Property Held More Than 1 Year (see Instructions)
(g) GO;" or (Ion)
Sl.b1rr;ct ~f) 11Of"l'1 ~I~
:;um ot (~I ,m,j \..,

FROM K-l -6.

3 Gclln. It .'Iny, fro'n Form 4684, \;rIC 45 ..... , . . .... ,., ..... " " , 1-,;;;3-+ _
4 SectlC!r'\ 1'-31 g"ln from inst~lIment ~1E!s from Form 6252, Ine 2& or 37 ... ,.",." t---...:4-+ _
5 Sr.ctlon 1231 \.I.,n or (105<.) from; Ke·kmd exch"nges frOTl Form 8824.. " .. " .. , f-.:;5-f-~- _
(; Goin,;f any, lro-n line 32. Irorn cl l 1cr th3n c;l<;u;)lty or theft. . .. .. f-~(j-+--~---
"7 Combine I'nes 'i: throwgh 6. E,,1er I~" gain or (Io~~) IlClC ",rd 0" Ihl'> !lpprc;Jriale I,lie as tollows.. . ... . .. .. .. 7 -6.
Partnerships (oxcept elel;!ing 1111'gl: partncrs1'llps) 21nd S corporations. Report thl? gain.or (loss) following the .';;t'./<;~·;;/,:;!:.t:\!::;:;;,;\. ';;·;,
instrllctloliS fur "-orm 1065, Schedule K, I,no 10, or Form 112OS, Schedwle K, line 9. Skip lines 8. 9, 11, ard (/;;~ft;!il{fAi;f~~<:f:!it;~s
12 holOIN, ,"rt!'~~);;'~:K:!~~:[.~!r~~~;~:fh':;i'~::':~.
Individuals, p.,ntners, S corporiltion ~llaf~nolders, ilnd all othel'S. If line 7 i~ zero or a loss. enlGr lt1C ",mount from :<;·';:jj,?i'i;~·d.;,i:;/:;r;;j;;7,·:~·;:;y
IIt'~c 'on line l' bt'tlow and skip .Ilnes 8 and 9. If line 7 is 3 oain Jnd you did 110t hilve any prior YC<lr $Cetion 1231·;F';;;!:;4'\:;!J~~:;j{i;'is~.Ff~i\i
losses, or t~ey ""fC rec<"ptufcd In :m e3rller yetJr, enter the G<ll:'l from lone 7 C1~ a long ·term capl!." I gain on the ;..,.:/;:r;;;?;~~;~(i~;;',;\:;i,:":.'(:,":.
Schedule 0 (,Ier) With your return and skip Iln~:; 8, 9, 11, and 12 i:xllow, 'c·":",,.,,(,,;:,,<~''''''':'';''''7''''
8 Nonrccaptured net sechon 1231 losses from prior years (see in:;\rucl,ol's). . .. , " " " ' " f-~8'-t- _

9 SlJblr.'lct line 8 from line 7. It zero or lASS, er.ter -0-. If liliC.9 IS zero enlAr :110 gain ~om.ll"e 7 08 line 12 below, If I
; ne 9 IS rnor'c 11<:111 zero, cnter the ':HTlOIJrlI f,omllOO S on ll~ 12 be low ;,no erirH the g31n from hn€ 9 as a ;
lono-term capil ~I (Jain 0" thl> Schedule D til",d wltb yOur le~lItn r~pp instructIOns), .,.......... . .. ,... . .. . .. 9
\P'~rt~II,,,1 Ordinary Gains and Losses (see Instructions)
10 Ordinary galn~ and losses not incllJ{ied on lines i 1 thrOiJoh 16 (inchK:le property held 1 year or less):

" Lo~s, if ,my, fr(·m line 7. . ... , .. .. . " -6.

'2 (~in. if <:Iny. frC'T1 lin'" 7 or amount frorrl line 8. If <lppliC-'l~I!!, l~ ~~_~_ _
13 G..~in, if any, fr"rn llnl." 31,.. . . _.... , .. , , ... ,. , . ,. . f---=1,;;3'-t _
'4 Nel \/Olirl or (Io~.s) 1rom Form 4684, linc~ 373M 4il<l 1-'-1-'-A-+_~ _
'5 Orcinory gain f'om install'11ent Soles from Form 6252, ''Ie 25 or 36" ." .. ,... t--'1~5-+ _
16 OrdinMy (Jilin c,r {los:;) from like ' kine! p.xchar.ges from Form 8824 .. . .. , . , . , .. . f--'.'...6-+- _
17 Combine lines 10 \I1rougt11&. .. ..... , .. " . , . . . . . . . . . . . 17 -6 .
.~-2'I':'-"',";";~f,;·.,I:~" ,,-.; ;(~,.,,;':; "~."';:~'~":':
18 ~or :\11 e~copt Indlvid~<ll rcttlfns. enter t!"lCI amour,! Irom line 17 cn the 3()propriate li1e ot your letunl and skip line~/";:f:f.;~~"Y:~;{r~r~j,:·~i:4~?;J":,;:
~ P1nd b belo\\' , For ,ndi",idual returns, complete lincs o:l ::lI1d b belOW: ;::i~Y:(;)<}(;~f~C/~:':'?2J?;;
a r lt1e loss (,n line 11 includ~:, OJ lo~s from i=orm 4684. line 41, tolumn (t·)(ii). ':'nter thnl r~Jrl 01 tre lossl1erc. Enter ';;:,~c~j·;;~;;,/j1,.rj{;~i:::L\',::,,·;:
:hl:' p,Jr! of the 10C'....s Irom income·prodwcillg property on Sc~cdule A (~orrn 1040). line 28, Clnd thll part of the lo~ \};~;;J\/1~:if;;;.\'j~I;((:i:{~;lh~::
r'om property llsed as an employee QC1 Schedl.le A (Form .040). hne 2:; Identity as from 'Form 4797, line 18<,&,"'/ ,.j ',.. ,.«<:"<'"1;'''
Sec Jn51rucliol'1s .. . .. , .. , .... , . , , , ..... , . . . . . f-".;;.S-=,,+- _

b =<'cdelecrrlln" 1'1': gain or (lOSS) on line 17 ~)\cIWding the loss, ir ('lny, on line 1&. Enlcr here and on Form 104D,
line 14., . . '" , ,., . lGbl -6.
BAA For Psperwor~: Reduction Act No1ice, ~ee separate instructions. Form 4797 (2008)

fDIZlOC'l 12) 15IOP

Aug 24 09 02:29p p.25

C'MIl N<>. '!>45. aO/~

i'ocrn 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals

::'!~.JllI·I~lt ul UIU ;ro~... ~ury
~ SEe ~parate instructiofls. 2008
Irl~~'rlH.·1 n,:-y(n\l(": ~';;",r .... o- i¥;)
Attach to Form 1040 or Fonn 1040NR. SeQuen:e No. 32

\arne~s) UlOl'lr, 01 Form 1040 or F(),m lQl10M'l
[Par:. I', "I Alternative Minimum Taxable Income (See Instructions for how to camp-Ide each line. ' "
1 If fil:ng Schedule A~Form 1C4C), ",nler the <lllounL from Form 104{), line 41 (minu~ any amount on Form
8914, line 2} Done go Lo line 2, Olhc:rllilsc, enter th~ amount ((0171 Form 1040, line 38 (minus any amount on
Form 8914, line :!), ;lnd go to line 7. rr
k:5$ than zero, enter.3$ a ~~(llivo amount.).. ... .... .... , " " , , , 1 673 530.
2 Medical am) u(;nt.,l, Enter lhe smaller of SChp.cJul~ A (Fo'm 10 4 0), line A or 2,5% (,025) (Jr FOrm 1040,
38, Ir ..;<:'0 or Ics~, enter ·0- ... .. . .... . • I I I " . , " " " " " " . . .. ..... . .... . . .. .. , . " "
, -. _ . ~
.. 2
3 T;;xes from Schedule A (Form 1040), .. .,. ,
Iirw 9, ." ... ..... .. ....., . . .... . .. , , II, ••• , •. "'" 3 41 87l.
4 Enter the holYl(.' mortgage Inlerest ajjU5tment. it ::any, from line 5 of the worksheet in the instructions. , ... , . 4
5 MiscellaneoU'.j dcjuclion~ from Sche:lule A (Form 1040) line 27,.". , . , . " , . '" .. .... . .. . .. . .. ' 5
6 H FOnll 1040. Iir( 38, i~ ()ver $159,95D (over $79.')75 It morrice: filing separately), enter Ihl:! amount from
lillt! 11 of 111(: Itcnizcd Dtdudlons Worksheet in t~ Instrvctions for S~hcdulc A (Form 1040).,. , .... ' 6 -6 012.
7 If clairninIJ tht. sLmclard dedUCtion, f,.'nicr nny amDunt from ::orm 4684, :InC 1&1, os a neg<3t,ve amount. , ... 7
:3 "21~ r",(uncl l,clY I'orm 1040, lint! 10 or line 21 ... _ , .. " " ' .. ... . . . '." I ••• .. '. , ,. , " . 8
9 Illvc~~menl 'ntC'rco·l eXD~n:,t! (di~rcrcnce :Jetwcen r~'ilul;;H b~ ~nd.xMT) ... .. . .
" . " .. , ..... ,. , 9
10 Depiction (difference betw~!cn rCQJlwr t;:;x ;mc1 Ar.q , ... ...... ..... . '. , '. '" .,., ...... ", ... ' .. . .. - 10
11 N",t Cper;:lling loss dcducloon from Form ]040, line 21, Enter M'::J pos:tivo amount. ... . . .. .,.,. I , ... 11
12 Intclcst "rom spt::cili0d priv2te actl ....lty bon:!s C!xC!mpt from the regu!;;:r Icl)( , , . , .. . , . . . . .. .. .... . .... . .... 12 5Bl.
13 QU;'Jlifif>(J ~rrH:l11 blJf.incss st<ick (7% of g<:lin excluded U!'1der Si'!cl,cn 120.2~ . .... . . . . . . . .. , .. ,., .. . .... . -
, 13
14 Exerci<;r' of Incentive sIeck option~. (exscss of A~lT income o... ~r tax income). , . , '" . ",. , , , . ... , . 14
15 t:5tLltCS J:'Id trusts (mnount tWrn Sch~dulc K.] (Form 1041), bo)l, , 2, Cocl() A)... - .. ,. . , , . .... ., , , . 15
16 Electing I~H~e !Xl l'l~ISh1P5 (<Inlcunt Itom K·l (Form 1C65-8), box 6) . .... . , ..... . .... ." , , , 16
17 DISposlllon of pr(,pcrly (difference tolelween AM- nnd regular lax gain or loss) '" . ... . .... . . ...... ., . 17 l.
lB DcprCcI2tio1 on asse'.s prnccd in scrvic~ :.Her 1986 (difference between reQuldr IClx Clnd AIIllT) ... , 18
19 P~.. ~;"ivf' <lcti.... illcs (dlHerenco bctwc:cll AM" cmd regul"r loll; irlcom0. or loss~ , . .... , .. , .. ... .... " ' , ." . , . 19 -52.
2D Loss Ilrnil~Jtio,,~ (difference belw~+-!r AMT ;)l1d reguloJr tax incofT1e" or loS~), . , ......... . ... , . ., .. .. , , 20
21 Clrcul"tion cosl~ (di'fcfcncc between r"oul;)r k'lX <lnd Ar-Il), . .... , ...... ' .... , - . , . , . .. " . 21
22 Long-terrTl «'nll·flel" (rJ,tfc:rcnce between Ar-IT ;md regular t:-l~ income), .......... ... . ... .,." , .. , , 22
23 Mining <;o:;l:; (eJ,flcrcr,ce between reo"l;!r t<lX :Jnd ,ClMT) ... , . , " .. ••• , I. . , .. ,
" '
' ... , , ' . . ' 23
24 HC:;f:QrCr, and eXIJerirrK.lrllal cosls (difference between fcgLlm tax .md AMT, ," - .. . ...... . .... 24
25 Income from cerlain installment :.;()h.;~ l1cforc JJnuary 1, 1587., .. . ' . , . , - . .. .... .. , , , , , ••• I .. " , , 25
26 Inlanglble drillinG costs pnderL·I)Cc. , . . . . -. . . .. . , ..... .. .. . , ..... .. . . .. '." . " ... , , ' ' .. , ,. "'" 26
27 Oll)er Gdjustmenl.!,;;, incluc!ir\g incorno-boscd re:31ed .adjLlstnl{lnts . , ' ... .. , ... . . ...... -, . 7J
28 Altcrnntive !ax net oper<ltinp loss dcducliOn ' , ... . . . ....
.. . ., .. . ..... .." , .... . .. _ .
, , .... 28
29 Allllrn:llLvc minimum tax01b1e income. Combine linE!:'. 1 :lllolJOh 28. (If m.Jrried filing ~ep<lfJtely :md IlI'lc 29
j", mOl(: lll.m $214,900, ~r!r! instruct 0'15.),. , .... .. . . ..... , .. , ." , , ., " , , .... . ....
' , .. 29 709 919.
!part II I A!tcma1ive Minimum Tax
30 Exemption. (If yOJ w~r() LJl1u:r age 24 <it ttle er'd of MS, :;CC Instruction5.)
AND line 29 is THEN ~nlcr on
Ir YOl,Jr filing s1atus is • • • not Ovt;r , •. line 30 ...

SInQIr. or head o· houset\Old..... ,. . .. _.. . .. , . , $112,500 ,... . ' $45,200 } "'''':::'.

Marm:cl filing IOlrr::y or qll",lify,rlg wldow(er)... ., , 150,000 _ . 69,950 . " .. 30
Married filin~ sepClmtely ,... ." .. '
... 75.000. , _. 34,975
If Inc 29 is over the (lmoun~ shown
i:lbo,·e ror your filir.£ status. see instructions, ,.
31 Subtrnct line 30 from lin~ 29, If more tl-,.:m zero, ;]0 to line 32. If 7.NQ Dr less, enter -0· here and on lines 34 I .;.
,'JrlC) 35 flnd skip the re~l of Pm: " ... , . , . , . . . . .. , .. , . . .. ..... .. . , . . .. _.. ..,.' ......:....:..:.... , , , .. , f.:731.;."..1-_ _.......;.7...:0:....:9:...L..;9:o.::;.l=.9...:....
3Z • I r you ~rc llltn<; I-'orm 2555 1,)' 2555·EZ, sec inE.uuctlor:" lor ~hC! omount to e n t e r , · ; ,;:"
• If yvU rn~orted cap tBl g.linui,lrl/)uIIOI\$ dl·~clly o~ Pcrm 104~, line 13; ~!lll rAp<lrted Qualified dividend, Dn form ' " ,,:.
1[1.10, line ~J; or FU r.1U ~g"in on bc,lh 'incs lS ~n,j ·G of SchQ~ule r: (Fo·m 10.10) (~S refigured for the AMi,.r
fll!c:e~~Jry), complete Part III or r)a\~ 7. MU flli1l:r U"C Jlrolnt from line 5:; here. -'. .. 3:i: 186 814.
• All others: If lillc 31 .i~. $175,OOC or less ($87.58Q or :c·ss If married filing separiltely), .; "
multiply li,1e 31 by:2b% (.26> OUK·'.....IS(', n1111t'rly Ilrp ell hy ::'8% (.28) !JI)d subtract $3,500

($; ,750 ,f mmflcd filing scporotcly) trom tho re~ul:, _

33 Altcrn~tvc :nininum tox. toreigf"l t(l~: ¢redi~ (sec instruclion:.) " '.. . .. _.. ... ,.. . . ,1-=33=-+- ..:2:,;6:;,·.t.;;:."'.:,..
3.ll 1'!:'n\;:l(iVA minimum tox, Subtract I:ne 33 ('01T) I,oc.' 32.. . ,. . . . ' , ,. ,. "'."".". r--"'34""-+-__....;1;;..;.8,.;;;6.o...;;5;.;5;;.:~:;;.
• .;....
35 Tfl< Im·m Form l04Q, Ime 4'1 (mious OJny tLIX trom Form 4972 ~~no (lily forp.:gn t,llX crodlt 1rom Forn1 1040,
Inc 47). If vou u:;ed Schedule J to trgure your la~, \Il\.! <;rlK)unl rro~' line 44 ot Form 1040 must be fl'fiourp.d
withQut using Scnectulf! J (see InstrJctions).. , .. , , . . , . , , .' .".. ,.... . ,."... .., .. 190,795.
36 AMT, ::;I)otr~c;t lin!! 35 from line 34 If 7MO or If!!>!'., on!,:r ·0·. En1f-!r h<:!rf> ;snri an Form 1040. line 45. , , .. , , . .. 36 o.
BAA For f3PC-IWOrk I~cclucticn Act Notice. ~cc separate illstruclions, Form 6251 (2008)

F'orm 6251 (2008) ELTON R AND KATHRYN B HUTCHISON L £ Page 2

!Par(lIl"l Tax Co'nputation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates

37 Enter llle amour,' from Form 5?5i, dre ::n, If you ilrC fl\inQ Form 2555 cr 2555·EZ, enter tile amount from
inp. 3 at the worksll(~ct In the in!>tructID,1~. , .,. , _. , .. , . . ............• ' ,.. . .. ,'. f-,-S=='7:,.,.,.f-_ _--...:7....::0:...,:9:..L.9;;...=1.:;9....:.....

38 Er'1I<:' 11110 omol.lnl from line 6 (Jf lile QlI:.'IlifL('!Ci Dividend:; ,)nO Capit,,1 Gillrl I;;'.H'S
Ti::I)\ Wor~sheel in ~he inslWC:lons tor Forn 1040. line 44, or the amount from lj,.:_>:
m~ 13 at the S~h~dule D TOix WDr".stll:'e\ in the ;n:;\ructions 10r SCllcr;!ule D
(Form 1040), W~' Clcver <lppllcs (as rl:!(iglJrcd for the AlI/,T. it nec;e~ory) :/',::::;
( Instruclioll!.). If you me tiling Form 2555 or ?555-EZ, see the insfructio"l$
lor the ,Jmount 10 enter, . . . . .. , . , . . . . . . .. ' .. ,....... . .. , .. . . 38 65 101. ~::,;(/;::
39 Enler ;he amounl fr(J~n Schedulo D (Form 104.0), line 19 (as refigured lor (',0'
AMT. if nece~::;ht\l) (~ee In:;.lruction5). II you <Ire f ling Form 2555 or 2555-EZ,
';00 lhe i"15lructlon~ for thl! lImou:ll to ellte'-. .. . .. . ." , .. , .

40 It 'IOU did nol (;vnplcle " SCh(~dulc D T<J~ WOlksheet tor the rogul~r tax or tl'la
AMT, enter Irle ~mocrl !run /inc 33. Otherwise, acid Ime~ 3S end 39, and Mtp-r
t11v smaller ot 11-8! re5ull Or Ille; <lmount from line 10 of lIw Scll<..'dule D Tc~
W::JrI<shect (35 refl~1U~ecl lor the MIlT, II necess,1ry) If you arE) filing ForJT1 2555
or 2555-1'7. se~ Ul() irsl'uclions tor the 3rr:OlJlll te enter ... , ,.... . ... , .... , 40

41 E[I~N the sm..ller or line 37 or lil'le 40 _ , , . ...... ',. 41 65 101 .

42 ~"lJblri'lc: line 41 trcjffl l,nC) 37 .. " , . . .. , .... , .. . ... .. ....... ~42=-+-_ _6=--4~4:.r-;:.8..=1..::.B-,-.
43 f line 42 I~· $175,OOC or I(;'~~ ($87,500 0' les!'. i1 mcrried Idlng sepamlely), mvillpiv line 42 0\' 26% (.26).
O;hcrWIS>:, TnUI/ipiy line 42 by 21;1% (.28) Clnd suDtrilcl $3.500 ($1,750 It rni:llficd lilill£ separately) Irom
lh<: result. , ", . ', ,... ""'" . .. ,' .. , 1-43.,;.;;..,oi-: =-l"7,;...7,;..r...O.::,.4..:..:::...9.:.-.

44 ':J1\cr:
• $65.1OG II married 1ilin<J JOintly cr qualltYII'!) WiCOW(0 1·). } >" .;
• $32,5GO if s;-,)IC cr married filing scparately, Of ,. 44 65 1 0 0 . 1""<
• $43.6!:lO I~ he<:J(! Of l1oL5ehoki.
45 Enter \he cmel nt from linG 7 01 the Ov<llifiCd Di\lid",rdS .:l~rJ C;Jpllal Gain T1I1\ ',;
Worksheet in :r,e in:;lruclions for Form 1040, Iln~ 44, or l'lC ;Jmounl from line 14 )',. _,I

of the Schodulc: D T~~x WOlk:.heet in the Instructions (or ScIlccJulc C (Form "
H)40). whiche','y applies (<J$ fig'Jrcd for the rtlgul;;r tax). If you d1(j not complete
cj\~,er 1'I0rksl)cd for tile rt!lJulilr tax. ent", -0-. . .. ,. . . . . . .... f-,-04..;;5~ ....:5=:..=:.9::.9,1..;;;,O,.;:9;...;7-'.'-i

46 SUbtr.Jcl lin~ ~!j 1'0111 line 44, If ZNC or Ie,s, enti'r .(j •...

47 Enl<;. rrlC smaller of line 37 Dr I,n~ 38

48 Enter [he small~r o· line 46 01 I ne 47.. ,

49 SublrLlclline .1:: from line 47, .... 65 101- \ .~ ...

50 V.ultlply line 4<,) by' 15% (.15)..... .. .. ... . .. - ~ 50 9 765_

II line 39 is zer" or bl:lnk, skip lines 51 and 52 .. nd go l() line 53. Otherwlse, 00 to Iifle 51. 1\

51 Subtract linG 47 Irom lin... '11 ......... 1L:..51'---1'--

52 MUltiply linA 51 Dy 25% (25) . , ... " ' .... .. .. 5Z

53 Ad:! lines 113, E:O, ar·c 52 " ... ~5::..:3~_ _---'1:::..;8"-'6::.L...=8;.;:;1,.;;.4.:...

64 It lint;! 37 i,; $115,::100 or I(~:,::. ($87.500 or less if m[lTried lilrnq :;cp<lr~tcJY), multiplv Ilnf! 37 by 26% (.26), i
O\I1GrWI~C. multiply line :,/ by 28% (.28) ;:]nd ,;ublraCI :$3,5JO ($1.7:JO i, 'f1,;,r,;ed 1:lng sepm<ltc\y) from
11(' result .. . __ ,.... . ' . .. , ,. . " " " ' " i-==54~1- 1=9.::.5.J....=:.2~7..:7..:...

55 Enter the smi:l' Icr of line !l3 or line 54 here and on line 32. If you are filing Form 2555 or 2555.E:.Z. do I1(It
entO'r this ,-,mollnl en line 32. Inste<lti f:'n1L~r it on line 4 of the worksheel in the InstrlJclion~, .. , .. . .. ",. 55 186 814,
Form 6251 (2008)
A4] 24 09 CQ::?Dp
• p.27

SCHEDULE H Household Employment Taxes

(rorm 1040) (For Social Security, Medicare, Wilhheld Income, and
Federal Unemployment (FUTA) TOlXes) 2008
~ Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, 104Q.SS, or lC41.
I)cp~llmel1t or tne TrC<Ol)'1
I"[",,,al 1ot""""1Je liaNlCC (~'9 ~ See nparale instl1Jctions. o\tIach'l1(,'I~
S uerloe No,


A Did you pay anyone household employee cash W~f;i~ of $1 ,GOO Of more In 2008? (It af1Y t",o~etlold employee WiJS your sp:luse,
yO.Jr child under aJc 21, your palen!. or anyone und8r Olge 18, see the ,in(> A Instruclion::. before you answer Ihis question,)

[RJ Yes. Skip linES B ::md C and go to line 1.

D No. Go to lire B.

B Did rOll Withhold fedefGlI ,ncome lax durino 2008 for any hOl,(,cllOld employee?

~ Yes. Skip linE, C arid 1)0 to line 5.

...... ND. Go 10 lire C

C Did VOI.J pny total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any cClI1;!1dar quarter of 2007 cr 2008 10 all househol<J CITlPloyce$? (00 not count
cas~ W<lges paid i,n 2007 or 2008 to 1.Iour spouse, yo"r child uncer aoe /'1, or yOUf parent.)

D No.' Stop. DC) nol file 1hls schedulo.

o Yes. Skip lines 1·9 clnd ~IO to line 10 on pa{Jc 2. (CalendCJr yCOlf t3xp,:tyers having no household erlployee,:. II) 2008 do not have to
complete this form 10r 2008).

[P'art:ILrg Social Security, Medicare, and Federal Income Taxes

1 Tot::!1 CJsh wage~ ;;ubic:ct to socl.;1 security 13xes (~€e In5Ln.'Clion~) ... ".1 1 I
? S()r,ifl! secuflty ta<€s. Multiply line 1 by' 12.4% (.124).. " ... 2 6 967.

3 Tolill cash wdges ~.ublect1o Medic;)re taxes (lie!.: in~!ructlons). 1 3 I

.lJ Medi<.'~re tnx0S Mlilhrly linr. 3 by 2.9% (,029) '" . 4 1,629 .

5 Federal iflcomc t.lX wilhMICI, if ::lny .. ".. " .. 1-"5'-1- ..:1:.L...:6..=.O.:::-O~.

6 lobil stlci,,1 security, MeIH~~re, 3I1V ltldcr:l' income bxes. Add ;ines 2, 4. il~d 5. , . . . . ... . ... ", ... , '" . , j----=6'-t-_ _--=1::..:O:...L::lc.::9~6_'__.

7 Advance cClrned nCom~ credit (EIC) p<Jyrncnts, Ii any, . , , .. . . . . .. .,., .. "" .... .." .. f--o-=7~ _

8 Net taxes (subtract linc 7 from line G). , . . , ,., , . , , , , • , , , .. L....::8:-1-~_----"J"-", 1 .=.9.;;.6.;..'

9 Did you P3Y total c<I,:;h wngcs. of $l ,000 or more in any cCllerlj",r quarter of 2007 or ::lOOO to all household employ~cs.?
(Do not count c<J:.h wages p~ld In 2:Kl7 or 2008 ~o your SPOu!;C, your child vndAr age 21, or your paren1.)

=:J No. Stop. InClude the ~mount from line 8 <Jbovc on Form 10<10, line 60, ;;'00 <;Ileck box bon II1ilt line. It you oilrp. not required 10 file
Form 1')40, see the line 9 Instructions.

I%J Yes. Co lQ Ilnc.- lOon p<l"'t' 2.

BAA 'For Pn'Jilcy A.ct ~nd Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, sec separate Instructions. S:t"IE'dule H (Form 1040) 2008

"011\<;412L 11119108
AU:] 24 Og 02:31p p.28

Schf'dlJlc H (Form 1040' 2008

r:Rar:tJt-<"~'1I='cdcral Unemplovment (FUTAl Tax
Page 2


10 Did you pLl), unem ~Ioymcnt contributions 10 only one ::;lc["'?. " , ....... '. , ,. ' .. -'" .... .•• I " +', ••.•.••• .... , 10 X
11 Did you pay all 51<:lc unemployment cc·ntnbuhon,; for 2008 by April 15, 2009" Fiscal Y~CJr filers, sec instructions 11 X
lZ Werf:) af: W.::lg('~ th;lt "rc taxolJle for FUTA t::lX al~o t~iX<Jbl(' for your stClte's unemployment t.:lX? .... ..... . ..... ,., .. 12 X
Next: If you checked tile 'Yes' box en all the linel:> <lbolle, cOrT1plE:te Section A.
If you checked the 'tto' box on any of the lines above. skip Section A and complete Socl10n B.
Section A
13 N<)mc of the state wllcrc you paid uncmploym~!fll COrllr;.bulions.... , ,. • _
14 Stelle mporting rumbor as shown on Sf;:)te unemploymontlax returrL. •

15 Contributlon~ paid 10 your ~t:Jtc unemployment tund (se;; 'fiSllidiOolS) .. , 15

16 Total Cash wOlgcs subject to FUTA lax (:;ee inslru~tlons~ ... " ........ , ~16:...r ~

17 FUTA tax. MUltlplj IlIle 16 b .008, Enter thA result here, gki Section B. <'Iml .. 0 to lin!'! 26, ...... , ... ' 17
Section B
18 Cc:npletl:' (\11 columns below 111;)1 ~
(;)J (b) (e) (e) (1) (g) (h) (i)
r~amO' I' StJtc reporllng Taxable SI;:]~cexper 1er1ce Stale Mulliply Multiply Subtract column (g) Conlribu1lon~
of n umber <;l~ shown on wage:; rale period experience column (c) column trom column (f). paid 10 state
stale' st()tc L1nempl(l'/rr1~nt (LIS defined in rate by.054 (c) by I f ;;,~ro or less, unemployment
tax return sl..'1h? ac:t) column enter ·0·. fund
From TO (e)

TX 19 995. 1/08 12/0$ . 0010 1 080. 20. 1 060 . 20.

VA a 000. 1/08 12/08 432. 202. 230.

19 Totals .... 19 1 222.

20 AcId columns (h) ;)n(J (i) of line 19. . , ' 20 1 512 ..
21 Tolal t;'<l:jh wJges sub;ect to FUTA tax (:>f:C tl1C line 16 Jn51ruc\lo,1s)... 22 995.
22 Multiply linp.'1 bj' 5.2% (.06:2). , . . . , , .... , 1 426.
23 Multiply lin~ 21 b)' 5.4% (,OM) . 1,242.
24 En1er lh'" smaller of line 20 or line 23 . 2A 1, 242.
25 ruTA tax:. Sublra'ct 11M 24 from line Z2. Enter the "esuH hP.rp. ~nd :0 line :26 25 184.
1;'P,artdll';'1 Total H~us.ehold Employment Taxes
26 Ente.-r the amount from line 8, If you cI'lCcked the 'Yes' box Mi,ne C of pa(le 1, enter -0·.. 26 10 196.
2"1 Add line 17 (or line 25) (lmiline 26 (see instructions), 27 10,380.
28 P>.re you reQuired to file F(lrm 1MO"
IRl Yos. Stop. Ircludro the L1n1ount from 11M 27 above on rom, 1040. line
60. <lnd clleck DOX b on 11181 line. D<J flot complete Part IV below,
No. You may Il:1Ivc to CDml?lt:!~o Pilrl IV. See Instructicns
:Part>IV":;' Addr~.s and Signature - Complete thl:; pari only it regu~red. See thp. I,nc 28 instructions,

C·I:,-, Icow', Q' pO,t :>fIico. ~"I •. "'Id ZIt-' cooo

UMor PCn<' I..', of 1l~I"r~, I ell cl""" Ih,,1 I h~ye ~xa~'il'>(\r:llhi. !iCh~"'ulo. 'r1C luclil'J (l«t>mrJ"nyillQ !ltB'Jlmtnb. ~nd to II".. bo"l uI 'I'" M""'le<!llo aM ~Qlcl Ii is Irue. cyrect, iln(l comple'''. N" .
part Gl ;,ry ~~~nlel1t made 10, ,t;ol" UII"nlr>!cJvnw.,\ luro ~1~;rne<J as ~ crc~n w"". nr i,; ~" L"" JlKluCIold f,O'l' tho I);lyrrenl. \0 ~,nlilov~s. D~cl"'~tlQn c). r><"I';lr~( (ol''Ii!Ir lhan Ia~P"Y") " b~~
Ufl (in intr.rm;,iior' or wt'ICh Dr'O.'J4,rj~' ft;,J~ ,)n)' knou"hJet~.r,.

-=-~~-:-------------------------- ~~---------
t-'Ie I:aror': ~
Paid s'~n~t,,,~ ,.....Jl.- J...:::::.;.:~~~-'-'-.l...-J.L~---------

Use Only

f'D14.~I21 , 1,19108 $(hodule H (Form 1040) 2008

ALg 24 09 0231p p.29

OME' No, 1545.0074

Form 8606 Nondeductible IRAs
to- Sec separa'~ ins1ructions.
~,='T~~{~'s:~~rv :99) ~ At1aeh to Form 1040. F'OnTI 1040A. or F'orm 1040NR. ~~~;~l~O 4S

He>me acldres-; (ml'11IIl~( ~Ild street. Of po. bOA I~ ,n...ll! I'S fIQ( '(t~Irv.e.,.tlJd 10 your hcrT'lC'}
F"illin Addross
Only if You Are Filin(l
This Form by Itself I~ C~~ lown or f>DSI on,ce
and N<lt Witfi Your '
TalC Retl.lm
c-t"':':bj ~l-e-:C"'o-n-:-tr~i :-buu,....,..·o-n-s-t"'o""':T="ra
-c d""'it7'"jo-n-a"':"'1':":IR:-A:-s-an-d-:-::D~j s""t-:ri-;-b-u~ti-o-ns""""F""ro-m-"'T:-r-a""':'d it:-'j""o-n-a:-I,-=S:-=E==P:-,-a-n""'::d---
Complete ;rm pori only if one Of mo'e of the folloWlrIQ 8pply.
• You !Tilde nOl1deduct,ble cOl1trll)lJtions to (l tradlllonClI IRA fo~ 2008,
• YI)U leok dlstribullons from a traditiONll, SEP, or SMPLE IRA in 2008 and you mOld\) nondeductibll:! contributions to a ,rad,:ioni:ll
IRA in 2008 or <In p.<Jr1icr year, For this purp05e, a dl~lribulion does nol include <J rollover (othe' thM CJ rCP<lymcnl of.; qualified
diS<ls\or recovery OI~istilnce disfri~ution), Qualified chClrilDblc dl~tribuliOn. one·ti~ distribution to fund an HSA, conversion,
rech;:Yacterizalion, or rc:urn ot eertvln conlnt,utiol1s.
• You CUllvcrtc:d p;:;r!. bul not ;)11. of your lr<ld,tlonal, SEP, and SIMPLE IRA5 to Roth IRAs in 20D8 (excluding Clny portion VOL
recharClclcnzed) ilnd you made nondeductible contributions to a traditional IRA i~ ?008 or an earlier veor. -

1 Er,ler YCl,Jr ~oll(edu~tlble conlr,butions to tr!ldi~ion,!1 IR~s f~r 2008, including tho~e mildp. lcf 2008
fr om Ji'lnlJi). y 1, 200 .. thr<lugll Aprrl 15. 2009 (~ce Instr\)ctl<.'n~)... .... .. , .... , ....... .... "...... 1 6 ;,) 00 .
2 Entef yeur Iota: ;)11'1'15 in tradition;; I IRk; (sec: instflJc:tlor,~) . . .•. , , . , ,,. .. . . .. , . , , , ., .•. 2 50, 613"
3 Add lines I ::md 2." _...•.. ,., , .. " .. . , .• ".',.. . , " " f-3-.r--_---'S-.;6'""--'6;..;1;;;.8;..;....._
1'2008, diu you til-e it No __~__ ~ Enter th~ amourlt from II'ne 3 on I,'~e 14. ,--:;;"';
c;~lrilJution from t"~dition~l, ~ ~ ,, ;.. ' ."
SEP, or SIMPLE IMs, gr make Do not complete the rest 01 Pelrt I, ': .:.:.;:~:;.:;: .:
• RnttllRA conver!;, Oil? Yes ~ Go 10 line 4. .,',.... 11" ...

4 Entertho5C corlr1butions included on line I that were made from JiJl1'Jary 1, 2009, lhrougt- April 15, 20C9 ..• i-4~+- _
5 SUbtract line 4 'rom line 3. . , . , ., , , , .. , • , , .• , , , ., ',." ,.,. ,..",S;:.,.,f-- _

6 EnLer 111<.' value ~f

all yOllr 1raditioml, SEP, <lnd SIMPLe IRAs as of
Dcocmbcr 31, ~:008, pll,Jl; any outst.:'JnOing rollovers. SlJotr,,:~l any rcpaymenl3 or
'.1 ~:/~:<
:; : i;i:'y:

qualified ~i:;iJ~Lf;1 r'ccovery ;,!'>sisl::lnec distributions. If the result 1(; 7p.rl'l ~r 11.'ss,
enter -0- (~,cc il1structions)..... ... " . . . . . . . . . .... ".,... .. f-.:::.6--t-----------,Ii:P;:.... :
I;';·' .'
7 Enter yo,Jr distriDuti<)f's from \rodi:ional, SED, ::Jnd SIMPLE IRAs In 200S I.·..
Do nOI In"liJde rollovers (other t~ar'l repaymllnls of qualified disaster recovery :,;, :,;"',
assiSI<Jncc dl~tribulions), QU<llitlccl cror l l8blE' distributions, a one·~lmc:
di::;lriulI,J(ion to f1.lnd an HsA, conversiorn) lO <J Roth IRI\, Cfi'rta,n retumod
,~-;:; '.;,Sf
~;~~ri~~t~,~f,O~~r~C'1Cl!<lC'.~r.i~~i~~o f trodibonal I.~,C(l~I~', , ,. ..,.. 7 ::;;~;;.'
8 En1er th~ net a ..,ount yOI,J converted ffom traditional, ~EP, (;1n~ SIMPLE IRAs
to Roth lf~A~ in 2008. Do not Inc!ude 3mounl~ converted fl'\:.'If you I"tef
reCllllr:lcterized (:>c(; instruction:», AISoo enter this Clrr'()\ll)l <:n line 1& _.. 8
9 Add lines 6, 7, Clnd 8. . 9 _!-----t>::,~;!!
, ... ,1L-...::....
,;,;,.>. :,
10 Divide Lne 5 bv linr. 9. Enter the re~u!1 as a decim81 rounded to at lea:;t 3
places_ It the ((,~1,J1t i~ 1,000 or more, ellfe' '1.000' ", .. , , , ... , ..... 110 X . /',~ .
., -;..;.....-f'-'------lj:;:';:,
11 MultilJly .inc 8 b~' line 10. This IS the nonlGlX<lblc portion 01 :he omounl you
r:;onv(:ll-~d 10 RIJt1'1 IRAs. A150 enter Illis omount on line 17. . . .. .... .,,, 11
,:! C:
12 lo/,lI,JllrJ)ly lil:c 7 by line 10. This is thfi' nO'lI<.lX;)ble portion of )'OUf di!;!nbut,ons , lii~,:~<
lhDt you did not convert to:::l Roth IRA , .. , ", ", . . ,. iL..:,,:12;....J'- -I,:,..i,~::
13 Add lines 11 and 12, TI)i5 IS tre fl(lr'lt;lx,1ble portion of <Ill yo~r distributlcns. , .. '" , . .. " .. f-'-1~3_1 -:-_ _
14 SubtrEiCI line 1.3 from line 3. ThiS IS your to\~1 baSIS In tradition'" IRA!. lor 200B arK! eariler years ..... 114 i 56 ,6: B.
15a SlIblr;;:t line 1:~ from :in" 7. ,. "" ., _ ,", ""'" . 15a
b Amoun: Of~ 11m 153 3ltribut.1ble to QU<:llir,ed di!'>aster reccvery ClSSistance distribution-.; (scc instructions), Also
,mlCf 1I11~ amolJt: ()n Form 8930, line 13 " ,., , .. " "................. , .. ,. ,j--.:1.:::5.::b+- _

c TAxable llnlOUllt. Subtract liM 1Sb from 11,1e 15<l, If IIIDI'O' lIlan zero, ",I!';() include :h's amount on Form 1040.
Ime 1Sb; Form 104l)A, iiM 11 b: or Form l040NR. line 16b,."",. " ....•.. ",.'

Note: You may be SlJoje,t to .:)/'1 addi!iorli,ll ] 0% tax on the nmourpt on :;n~ r5c jf you were under
iJge 59-712 al tile time of the distribution (sec instructions).

BAA For Privacy Ad and Paperwork Reduction Act Notkc. see in!>tructions. Form 8606 (200B)

fD1A61" 2~ atl:l61C9
A.Lg :::'4 09 0231p

OMO No. 1~%·Oln

Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization

(Including In1onnation On Listed Property) 2008
[)e,Dar:..,,~.,t 0: 1h~ T,OMSltry
hllEJof"ki.t Revenue 5eorvloo "::)Sl rilte in~ll\Jctions, .. Attach to ur tllX return. 67
''';,)(\,'';8:=.; S~OWr') t,1I'' 1 Itturn


I:p.artrl Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179
Note: If y)u h,JVe any listed omperty, comolete PlJrt v before VOll r;omoiete Part I,
1 MGl)\irli\,Jm LinlOUI"l. SP.P. tile in5trl.ic\ion~, for a higl1ef Iimi: for certain businesses. . 1 $250,000.
2 Tutal cost of $CC tion 175 property pl.1!ced In &ervlce (S()C irstructJons), , , " , . f---'2=-+-_ _-:- _
3 T:1rcshold cost c·1 section 179 rroperly ooforc reduction in lirnilCltion (see im;truclions). . ~3~:--_ _2$....:8:.:0;.;O;.L.'::'O;;.:.O.;;O~.
4 Reduction in limrl«lior;. Subtracliine 3 from line 2. If Dr less, enter -D...... 1--....:4---!-' _
S Dell;)r liMitation for 100X ycar. Suljtr<tcr linc 4 from \!rIC 1. If zero or le:;~, f;ll1tcr ·0·. II rrnmietl filing
separately, snc 11structlons . . . . . . .. , .. . . . 5

- :-l-i:-.t-c-d-p-r-o-pe-.rt-y-.-'E-n-t-e-r-,:-':-) -~-m-':-':-:-':-:,-:-m-' '-'I:-:-:-:?9-. -.-.-.-..-.-.-,-,.-,-,-.-.,-,-,-.-.+1-(Ib_'}_<:'_"'_, ,1_ (1 _" _'_' '_>_'_·'~le~O_' .;.:_'_):~ ~ ~(~C~)~E~ ~C:~ed~_C_(>:S\~ ~:i~t:i~
8 TotDI elected cost Of sectIon \ 79 property. Add aTlounts ,:1 column (c), II(\C~ 6 and 7. f---'8:::--1- ~_ _
9 Tentative deduction. Ent~r the
smaller Of line 5 or line 8 .... " . , .. , , . . . ... 9
10 Carryov",r of disallowed doductlon tron line 13 ot your 2007 Form 4562.,., ... ,.... . .. ,.,., ....~'~o-+ _
11 EU~lnes5 iflcomr. 'imitation. Enl!;'r .he ~maJler of bVll,noss Income (not ~~" II1i:JI1 zerc) or :,ne S (~ee instrs) .. ~11.:-+- _
12 Section 179 eX~C'lse deduction. Add lines 9 rind 10. btr. not enter more th.:W line 11,... 12 do
13 C;)(ryo\lcr of disallowr:d deduction ~o 2009. Add line:; 9 omd 10 less line 1;:,. ~I 13 I
Not~: Do not [f!;e P;:lfl /I or Part iii bit/OW for fisted prc;rperly. Instead, use Pi';Ir1, V
l£Pat:t~)r.!"~1 SpeCial Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed proportv. !'See 'nstwctiol1s,)

14 dcpreo:.tion 1!I1Iowance lor Q\,J~llli~d property (olllCr than listed propcrly~ ~1<1(;",d ;,) ~Iv;ce rllJr;nQ the
Ii.lX ycc.r (see instructIOns)
.. , ........ ... . . . , . .... ... . .. " , . , . .. . ... . .. 14 ,", ,

15 Plope~,y subject to sp.ctlon 168(1)(1) elcction. ... . .. .. , . ... , . . . . - .. ... . . , . . .. . ... . , . 15

, ' ,

Other deprecicilion (illcluolnQ p,eRS), ....... , ... .. ' . .... . . ... " 16
J MACR~J. DepreciatIon (Do not 1I1c!(Jde Iisleel property.) (Sc~ lr'1st uctlons)
, 16 .. , ... ... . .. - . " ' " ' ~

, ,

!Part'lII, r

Section A
17 M:"CRS deductions for ~Sse15 plilCC'O in service ,n t;'x ~:l(S bEl\llnning befo(e 2CDB , ..

18 it you <lre eleclil~~ to grol/p (lny asscts pliJc~d ,n sQrvice curing the tilX ye~r into 01e or more \jeneral
"sset accounts, check here , . . . . . . . . . .. .",. ..". ,."........ . .. ~
Secti on B- Asse
t s PI aCe d·In ~ Nice D ' 2008 Tall Year USing th e Gen~1':I1 Deprecialion S,vslem

(..) (b) I\IJJII~' .,':; (c) [J"CI~ lOr' at'llroc'~ljon (d) (e) (f) (9) Dt,~I;,cl~hon
CI(l,,~jh:;.IhtJfI uf J"'JVI..l4~~' vaG< nl.Jccd {bl~ir-r.:r...";jinll[!~;frr1r.rll ~& I1ceo'lcry D"r·<)I1 COfl1101 lIK"iI' Mctl10d ct(.~f JI J(" ~ lOt •
11"\ scr\flCe on",. - .~ 1n!"."',dlCln:-.)

19<1 3-yr:ar eroperly, . . . .. . . ' ..":;:!...; ," '~~"

.,:";, '.
b 5-ycLlr prOperly .. .. .
. . ,.
c 7-ye<lr properly, . " , ... ",i:' .,
d ~ a·year properly ... . , . .. .,
e 15'ycor propert", , ,
f 2O.year propcr1\1...
" .....
".,.' ,
.'. : '.,,: ~ . .~, :,.
.. ",".' ..
."." ~~."

9 25-yciJr properlY, .. .. . .:.', '.:;;

.... ' .'. 25 vrs S/1
h RcsldentiClI renlill 7/23/08 14 615. 27.5 vrs MM S/L 244.
properly " ... "" .. VARIOUS 6 336_ 27.5 yrs MM S/L 93.
i Nonre!;i(),:;nti;J1 re.3l 39 VJ;S MM S/L
p'operly . . . . ...... .. MM S/L
.. ~cc uon c - A50sets PI II ccd In SCN! ce DurmQ 20081' ax Y ear usinQ the A tcrnb
ve Depreciation s.ystcm
20a Class lifc.. ... .. ".'~' . .". .. ;"
b 12·year, , , . " . . ..

. - ... II.:.
'l:" ..
. '. .. 12 '.Irs S/L
c 4D·year, . , , " . . .. , ,. , 40 v:r:s MM S/t
E.eart:lV "j Summ~ry (See II1$lruct,Cns)
21 ~i~lCd properly. t::ntef OJIHlU:1t from line 28. .... " ... " .. " ... ' .. " , .... .. ,.' .
, ... ." ... " , ,,,,, , 21
2~ Total. Add amounl, h;"n lil1C 12, lines 14 \hmuQ117 , lines 19 f.nd 2C ir column (Q). and "Ilf! 21. Enl~r '1CfC ~nG on
t:Je i'ppropri~tc 1i1r:~ of your r~I~II\, Partner~hips and S corporations - ~ee 1~~lrUctlO1S. " .. " , . ,. .. . " .... '" . 22 9 300.
f70r assets SIIUIN:~ obove ;,;nd pl<!ced in servlcr; ouring the cufrent Y~8r. enter I ~:'~.': I:jj~·~;("~;,.r~~~?;:f~<~.'~ ~;;1~\/0" ;.. ; .
t~ nmticn of IIl€ baSIS attributable to section 253A. costs, , , . .•. . . . . . . ., , , . , .. 23 I :'. ~~'. ':'" ,:,~,~:1' ':~'~,?:r!~()'f::~~\~t. {i. '~:(~;~y,~,~' 'I:
I, .. /i.;{.",;j( "'.~!.-"(~~"'-""·l"O<~'~ ~

BAA for Paperwor!( Reduction Act Notice, see sc-par'ilte instructions. °DI:rcdl2L 06:12IOS Form 4562 (2008)
ALg 24 09 0232p . _.... p31

Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization

(Including Information on Listccl Property) 2008
Dop;onmerl Dr 1M TrO'\~w)'
I'llemal R6\/{)no.~ !.ervice :99) .. See separate instf1letions. .. An<lc;h lo your tax retl.lm.
N~OO(~:, ~f) Ot'l Iotl"n


Sus Ir'lC"iS Qr :.dl'l,':,. to 'Which 1/"1S tonn rottltr.:..
!Parbh:'d Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179
Natf!: If 'nave any lisle d ()(OOertv. c;omOIf~
yOLo I te P.a. V be~ore yOU COtnOIete I Por t I r.
1 iV!<lxlmurT'l ,,'11DU It. See ,roc instructions lor <J higher lirl'lil for ccrtain busincS5C's. .. ..... . ... . " , , . .. .. , . 1 $250 000.
2 Total cost of I>t\(~tion 179 property placed in service (see InSlwctions) .. .... . ....
. .. oj, •• , ••• ,., •• " 2
3 Threshold r.ost (It section 179 property b~fDre reduclion in limitation (see instructior)s) .............. . . . . . . , 3 $800 COO.
4 Rpduction in limit~tlon. Sub\r()clline 3 from linc 2. If zero Qr less, c:nter -0·....... _ .. . '., , . , ... .. 4
5 ColI<lr IlmllJtlon .tor «)X year. Sublr<lct line 4 tram iir,O! 1. If zero or Ie'S.. , ()ntN ·0·. It marrieC riling
sep<lr;:;1oly. see Inslrucllons .. . . . .. ... . ....................... , . " .. . ..
., , , ...
... - .. .... , " 5
6 (i) D~>r:rl >011011 ()I >!'o!J'9n'l (lJ) C",\ (bu.'''''", ''''' nnly) (c) e:lcclc~ C,<lot

~)~.~/,.,J ";",.7~~,: r~ ,~';:~~;''':~ '!,i;?!'
~, ') ",.,'/'-.;,.I,.''Z....-""':7,,.;.;...~I!I'>,.'/I'

Llsled property Enter (he :lmounl trom line 29 ........

7 .... . ." I 7 1Sf;\A:~~
, _ ,I, ;i;iii',WtI{;)~?;,;)I;//Iii~
i. _If. ·J.wll I

8 Total eleded cost of section 179 pro;Jerty Add amounts Ln column (c), 'irw~ 6 <incj 7. .... . " .. , ... - . , 8 "

9 lentatil/e deduct,on. Enter tho smaller of linC' 5 or line 8 , ... ... . I'" . .... . ...... . " " , " " . .... 9 ...
10 Carryover of dls<Jllowed d47!dlJctlon from IiIW 13 ot your 2007 Form 4562 ............ ... -.- ' .. , ... - . . .. 10
11 Busine,s incom~ limlt;~tion. Enter the sm<lllcr of busine:;s i ~coml,) ('lot lee-...s l~<ln zoro) or line 5 (see in$t(~,) .• 11
12 Section '79 CAf'Cn:;e deduction. Add line 5 9 and 10, but dQ nol enter ITore tM.::;n I,nc 11 .... , .... , .... 12
13 Cmryovcr of dl~allowl-!(j deduction to 2009. Add IInl-!s 9 ~nd 10 loss line 12 ...
Note: Jo II! tie/ow for listed J;ro"erty Instead. tlsP. P'lrt V.
flot use Port II or Part
l' ;.'/~"'~> r-'i-.';,f,t,~· r·f,~'2:~{·({(i: ;,'.~':)':>': :

I:Pareu,/:! SpeciOlI Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not Include li<;t€>cl nropcrtv-' rSee il1struct:DClS.)

14 Special depreciation allowance tOf qualified property (ol'ler than listed property) ploced in service dl,Jrin!J Ihc: I
[::IX year (see i(~frl,Jctlons) ,.. . . _......... ~14.:-- _
15 Property subjcct to section 168(f)(1) election. .... ..... 1-'-'15::-,.- _
16 O(llc'depreciahon (Includino ACRS).... 16 I
l:part'.II1;;'1 MACRS Depreciation (00 not include li~.ted property.) (See inslrLJdion~)
section A

as:;~t ilcc.ounts c eck hare.. . ,..... . .,. .. . . . .. . .. , ,...... . ~

(a) (b) Month "n(I (C) ~,. to! 001>l&<;ii100" (d) (e) (I) (g) C"I"e"a110n
Clo";rc~:,,,n of prcrJ(',ly Jo'C~' plll<;~ (l>u'\lnesslinY<l'Jlmcnl I·"" J;~C",,,,,ry period CeI""",I"", M.t1<>d dctli1Ct~'"
lr"', .~QrVjr.r'! Ofi V- Vj~ Irl$;ffOCbOns)

....:.1g=a..:::3:-·;;e;;:.r".tv,~.-'-.:-."':",;..'' '-''-'-'f'''':''': :C:., \;;.f--------+------+----+------+--------

b 5·y'M pr()perl~ , .:;/';: f--------+------4------I--------I---------
-~C,..::7:.....y'-e:..:3-'-r...J:p-'-r.:;.opc;.;c;.;.r.;<b;~.-'-.'-'-.-'-..:.....-.~. ,~.:i:::...... ... . -'.:
d lO·vear proporIV.... , .. , ..,::,./.:';";.,:: ";:";::./',::,
~,...:....:;....:.=...t".._ =;'_~.L,;...:...:"':"':"':"'-'-!I.';;~. :.,':: 'I----~-+-----+---+--~--+--~~-
I!' 15·ve;-lr P'OPN·V..
. .... I.::: . i

f 20-ycar proper,. . .. .•.:, : . f--------+---::-:----+----+----:~=__-_+--------


9 25,¥e.:lr propf,:q... . . .... .. ..:.\ ... 25 vrs Sit

h renl<J1 27.5 vr5 MM S/L
:)foperly.. .... . , .. . .. 27.5 yrs MM S/L
I ~onresldenliHI rC<:l1 39 yrs MM SIt
property..... , . MM Sit
C - ASSl:ls P <'Ie-cd In Se1'\li(;e DurinCi 200B Tax Year Uslna the Alternative Dt!oreciation System
20a CI<lSS liie.. ..... ... . · · . ·.,"';:.::;.c··'..,,·· S/1.
:r"" ..'-'-.-'-' .•.:-.:...:...--'--11,,:;..
..-'-.:.-.,;,..; ,.7 ~.. . . :;; 12 yrs S/1
c ;lO-yeLlr ... .. ..... 40 yrs MM S/L



BAA For PClpc.-worl<. Redl.lchon Act l'Jobco, sec separate instructions. rnz(Il I2\. 06112/08 Fum. 4562 (2008)
ALg 24 09 02:3?:p _.
l.:.:.:::.:..:::....:.:.;~ Listed PrI'r
erty (Include alJlDmobijles, certain oUlcr vchicles cellular \elp.phones, cert~in COripu\crs, .md properly us.eo10r
emerlalnmen , rCCre::ltlon, or <'Iml;scment.)
Note: For i!Jlly vehicle for which YOu (ire US;rrq tn~ st::Jndard mileage rpte or o'educlin(} le()Se expense, corrrplede only 24a, 24b,
collHTm$ «J) through (c) cf Sect/or) A iJll of Section B I3T1d Sectien C if appl/C(ible .
Section A .- Dc praciation ~nd Other Information CClIl.ltion: See the instructions for limifs for DlilsseOO€f ;)ulomob,Jes.)
24a)c \QU 1'31'f eVidence te ~IJUnort the bl$i~esS/Ir\ICStrnCl'lt lise ~hilrJi:!<l? .. " I I Yes I I No 124b If 'Yes,' is tile evid01CC written? .. \ , , I Yes r lNo
(a) (b) (c) ! (d) (e) (t) (g) (h) (i)
- tI'" u· ~'Cp."IY (1,.1 Ja~ DI~D:"i Bus ,nessl
I Ilvt:!§ I
I cast<J! B~srs for dcp,,~~lturl Re<:OVflY Mc1ho<11 [),,~recialioo t:lected
\'It!r:I~t!'s tir5t) III Sc\'MOO "~I~I Il.lsis (busl ne-&S1'~'fC~rnc,:r11 f""iOd COOIICotiQn dcldLJGtlor"' SEcl'on 179
us.e orly) ~DSt

25 Speci.:ll dcprccl3tJ(I~ (lilowancc ,for qUCllificd liste~~proj)",rty p~':lce~).in service during the tax ye<Jr <lnd I ~pLii~J;,r~J.~9tj:~
us€'{! mom Ulan !S( ~ In n Qual~tied bl)SIMSS use ~~ In~tfuc,lons .. . .. ..... .... ." ... ,. . .. 25 ~d:.,'FI/r.~~..:?·W:;!:';;~·;';;.

Peor"'\' "'d F'.' 1m ;03 " " , ; " , b""n,,, """

=28 Add amounts 111 c(·lumn (h}. lines 25 thriJugll 27. Enter hp.rc and on 11"'" 21, p~gc I . . . , , ... ..... 128 ;< ' !N::W~1,
29 Add <lmo(lnls in column (I), line 25. Enter ~r~ and on line 7, j)-"lQC 1.. ... ,. .. . " . ",. , ", .... . .. .." , ...129
Section B - Informanon on Use of Vehicles
Comple:e thi~ section ff>( vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other 'more than 5% owner,' or reltltcd persoll. It yOll prOVided vehIcles
to your employ~C$, fir5t anSwer tho Quesliom; ir, Section C to &1')oP. il you meet an exception to completin{l tlli& section for those l,Iollicles
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
30 Total Du::.in055IinvestrT1er'll miles dnven V€hicle 1 V~/1iclc 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Vcll'cle 5 Vehicle 6
during the year (do not include
commuting miles) ..
" , ... . . . . . . , " ...
31 Tol31 comrnulin~ ~ljl("; driven dUflna the year. .. ... , .
32 Total other perSQllClI (noncommullng)
miles drivl;'r'l.. . . ,. , "" . . . ..
33 Tclal mjle~
driven dur'ng 1I1e 'lear, Add
lines 30 thrOUg:l :::2. " .. ". .... , ,., ..
Yes No Yos I No YIl!!S No Yes No Yes No Yes No
34 W(lS the vchicle clllJllable for pp.rsonal use i
dL.:ring off·duty hours? ... . " .. "'" r,'

35 Wa'], Ihe verllcle uscd pnm1lfily by a mOle

UkH' ~% UV!I{It:1 or'lted per:lOn-) .. .. , I I
36 I~ aneth" r Vcllicle "v.,il;Jblc for
Der;;Ol'l(,l1 u::.c? .. ..... . . . ""'" . ..
SectIon C - QUB!ltions for Employers Who PrQllidr Vehicles for Usc by T~lr EmplQyees
Answer l/lese ('jlll'!!>tian:; to determine if you r'T1f!HI an exception lo completing $'Qn B for vehicle::, usod by employee~ who are not more lhnn
5'0 owners Of rclJtecl ~efsons (see in:;lruction,)
Yes No
37 Do yuu (f10l1111~in il wntlen poiley SIClIC'n('nt that prohlbits :]11 pe'son(.l~ u::,c of vehicles, Incluc1ino commuting,
bi' your employees? .,.. .. .," " . "" ... ." . . , , ... ,...... . .. . .. ..... . .. '

38 Do ycu rnalrtBin il written policy sl<ltc1'lent lh..-l prohibits pe'sM::l1 U~(: of ~hides, except commlltlnq, by vour
emj)loyccs? See :he instruction!: 10r vehicles \.Jsr.d by corporate officers, directors, or 1 % or more own~r$ ..... '." , ,.,. '

39 Do you tre.,l alt u;c! of vehicles by cmploy,*,~ ;JS personal usc? , .. , ",., , " . .• ,.,. It •• "'.·· .... ,' .. , ,.' ,

40 Do you pro,-"de more tll()n five vl:!hiclt::s. to your employees, obtain loforrrli:ltion from i'OUr employees "bol.lllhc lise of the
vch"::'C'$. ~nd 'el~in the inform<liion receIVed? ... ." ..... , ........... , .... , ............ , .................... , ..
.Ill 00 you meel the ·eql.urcments con(A'~rnlllg qualified Jutomobile demonstration use? (S('C' inslructlomi,).... .. . , .. ", ...
Note: If your (lfl:;IVN to 37, 38, 39. ... 0 Of 41 IS 'Yes, • do not complete Sec lion 8 for the covered 1I6hicles, i;~;j~r:!;?lB ,~t;:*:f;~~3;;V:'i
[P-:artVI I Amort/z·)tlon
(3) (b) (c) (d) (0) (f)
DoSC/il,lion 0: C\')sls D:'.ite dlll{)'\liull~1 ,o,fTlOniZtlble C<:xlo Amom.:;>lion Arroortl;";1tIQn
bn~ n!; "m~L1'l <AI'.lir.n Pe1IQ(l 0( forthil; ,'ea'

42 AmMli;.:~tion of co~L<. th;:lt belll.,s (]IJr',nq vour ?OOR Lax year CSE!Po in:;lr uctiol1~);
B OF A VA MOR~GAGE I 5/15/08 2,000, 461 15 89.
43 Amor\lz<Jt!On of '::05ts t~a~ beQan before your 2008 lax year .. . . , I"" •• · .. , .. " .... ... ". , " .. 143
44 Total. Add Llmollnl!'; In column (I). See the ,nslruction'S for wnere to r~r>ort ... "" , ......... , ., . ..144 89.
Form 4562 (2008)

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