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Unit Plan Template

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Austria, Princess Erbie C. Eredia, Ma. Noreen R. austria_princess28 !a" ma.noreen_eredia !a" $amar $tate %ni&ersit! $amar Catbalogan City, Samar, V P"ilippines

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Unit Overview Unit Plan Title:

!nergy and t3s Sources

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential *uestion

s energy a power1

%nit *uestions

4hat are the various energy sources that can produce electricity1 5o these energy sources have its risks and bene*its1 %ow do energy trans*orm *rom the di**erent sources cited1 4hat are the *orms or classi*ications o* energy1 %ow is energy measured1 State the law o* conservation o* energy. s there a time that energy could possibly be scarce1

Content *uestions

Unit Summary:

!nergy is the capacity o* a physical system to per*orm work. !nergy exists in several *orms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical, or other *orms. There are lots o* energy sources in the country 6e.g., geothermal power plant, hydrothermal power plant, wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, etc. Students will be grouped into *ive and each group must bring a picture o* a speci*ic energy source and be able to give details on how it works and trans*orm. 'rom this, the students are expected to *amiliari7e the various sources.
Su !ect Area"s#: Click box6es8 o* the sub9ect6s8 that your (nit targets

:usiness !ducation !ngineering %ome !conomics "anguage $rts +usic School to Career Social Studies ;indergarten <rade / => <rade ? = @ /st 2ear %igh School

5rama 'oreign "anguage ndustrial Technology +athematics 0hysical !ducation Science Technology -nd 2ear %igh School >rd 2ear %igh School ?th 2ear %igh School !nglish as a Second "anguage

&ther: !nglish &ther: 'ilipino &ther: +akabayan

$ra%e &evel: Click box6es8 o* the grade level6s8 that your (nit targets

<i*ted and Talented )esource &ther

Targete% Phili''ine (asic )%ucation Curriculum Com'etencies

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IV. Energy and the Economy +. Appreciate t"e role o# ener)! )eneration, utili,ation and mana)ement and Conser&ation in economic de&elopment. +.+ 'escribe t"e de&elopment o# &arious ener)! resources in t"e countr!. +.2 E&aluate t"e ris-s and bene#its associated .it" ener)! de&elopment. /. 'emonstrate understandin) o# t"e tec"nolo)! o# electrical ener)! )eneration and transmission, and use. /.0 'escribe t"e ener)! trans#ormation in electrical plants. /.1 'escribe t"e transmission o# electric ener)! #rom a station to t"e communit! /.8 'iscuss t"e trans#ormation o# electrical ener)! to di##erent #orms
Stu%ent O !ectives*&earning Outcomes:

/. Students will identi*y various energy sources. -. Students will elucidate how energy trans*ormed *rom one *orm to another. >. Students will locate the speci*ic address or location o* di**erent identi*ied sources. ?. Students will analy7e the importance o* energy to mankind.

5ay / The teacher will introduce the (nit by discussing !nergy and how it helps the lives o* people in the economy. $*ter the discussion the teacher will give an assignment to the students on what bring *or tomorrows activity. n which, the class will be grouped into A and each group will bring - pictures o* energy sources which is not similar to the other groups and be able to give details on what is the picture all about. 5ay &n the next meeting the teacher will ask the group leaders o* each group to pick a number that will signi*y the order o* presentation and will explain the mechanics o* presenting. <roups will be rated by other group aside *rom the teacher itsel*. 5ay > Continue the presentation o* the other groups. $nd be*ore dismissing the class remind them about the assessment to be conducted tomorrow. 5ay ? The students will be assessed by giving the Bui7. :e*ore tackling the next topic ask Buestions re*erring to their knowledge about the risks and bene*its o* energy sources within the country 6 nBuiry approach8.
5ay A

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A''ro+imate Time ,ee%e%:

'ive C-=minute period.

Prere-uisite S.ills:

The students must: /. ;now how to use re*erences such as encyclopedias, science textbooks, etc. -. %ow to select reliable in*ormation when sur*ing the internet. The students should have: /. ;nowledge o* +icroso*t word, 0ower0oint presentation, 0ublisher. 'or gi*ted students should make out: /. %ow to create brochure.
/aterials an% 0esources 0e-uire% For Unit

2ec"nolo)! 3 4ard.are: 5Click boxes o* all eBuipment needed8 Camera "aser 5isk Computer6s8 0rinter 5igital Camera 0ro9ection System 5V5 0layer Scanner nternet Connection Television 2ec"nolo)! 3 $o#t.are: 6Click boxes o* all so*tware needed.8 5atabaseDSpreadsheet +ultimedia 4eb 0age 5evelopment !=mail So*tware mage 0rocessing 4ord 0rocessing !ncyclopedia on C5=)&+ !ncyclopedias Science textbooks +ap o* the 0hilippines %andouts :rochure 0ens :ond 0apers %andouts

VC) Video Camera Video Con*erencing !Buipment. &ther: 66666

4eb :rowser 5esktop 0ublishing &ther: 66666

Printed Materials:


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7nternet Resources:

http:DDwww.thebigger.comDchemistryDthermodynamicsD*irst=law= o*=thermodynamicsDwhat=is=energy=and=its=sourceD http:DDscienceray.comDtechnologyDenergy=and=its=sourcesD http:DDwww.claibornecon*erencecenter.orgDtypes=o*=energy= sourcesD http:DDwww.nap.eduDreportsDenergyDsources.html http:DDburnanenergy9ournal.comDma9or=sources=o*=energy=their= advantages=and=disadvantagesD http:DDwww.philippines.hvu.nlDleyte-.htm <uest speaker: $ny representative *rom 5&!. +entor: !ngr. $lbert $7carraga %eaded by the group leader who will assist their classmates that needs help when there is an activity that they cannot understand. $nd the leader also will be the one to answer the Buestions to be raised by their group mates. Create a brochure o* typical energy sources and be able to present its *eatures to the class. = The students will be assessed using a rubric *or their 0ower0oint presentation. = 'or evaluating the presentation, the teacher and peers will be the one to assess. = $lso by giving &b9ective Tests 6!ssay type, Eui77es8. !nergy, !nergy Sources, !nergy Trans*ormation.


Accommo%ations for 1ifferentiate% Instruction

Resource $tudent:

9i#ted $tudent:

Stu%ent Assessment:

2ey 3or% Search:

NT!"# T!$C% T& T%! '(T()! with support *rom +icroso*t ,-... ntel Corporation. $ll )ights )eserved

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