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KPSS 2012 -2013

KPSS Final review of Endocrine & GI Systems

Done by: Heba Kobah

KPSS 2012 -2013

1. Identify this structure:

2. Identify this structure:

KPSS 2012 -2013

3. Identify this part specifically:

4. Identify this part of the colon:

KPSS 2012 -2013

5. Identify this part specifically:

6. What is the hormone present in these follicles?

KPSS 2012 -2013

7. The four costs that cover the digestive system from the outermost to the innermost are: a. Serosa, Muscularis, Submucosa, Mucosa b. Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis, Serosa c. Serosa, Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis d. Mucosa, Submucosa, Serosa, Muscularis 8. The stomach contains __________ of muscles a. 1 types b. 2 types c. 3 types d. 4 types 9. In infants, ___________ is secreted in the stomach to solidify milk protein a. Pepsin b. Renin c. Gastric lipase d. Trypsin 10. Pyloric sphincter opens in the _________ a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Ileum d. Ascending colon 11. Mesentry, a connective tissue, attaches the small intestine to the ____________ ? a. Anterior abdominal wall b. Posterior abdominal wall c. Sides of the abdominal wall d. Mesentry is not a connective tissue 12. Goblet cells, in the small intestine, secrete __________ a. Maltase b. Mucus c. Lactase d. Peptidases 13. The pancreas empties it's secretions into the _____________ a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Ileum d. None of the above 14. If we need to emulsify fat, which enzyme do we use? a. Bilirubin b. Amylase c. Bile salts d. Trypsin

KPSS 2012 -2013

15. Which lobe of the pituitary gland is known as neurohypophysis part? a. Anterior lobe b. Posterior lobe c. Both A & B d. None of the above 16. Excess amount of growth hormone in adult will lead to? a. Dwarfism b. Gigantism c. Acromegaly d. Will not affect anything since the patient is adult 17. How many tropic hormones does the pituitary gland secrete? a. 2 hormones b. 3 hormones c. 4 hormones d. 5 hormones 18. How does parathyroid hormone affect the Ca and PO4 levels? a. Increase Ca levels and decrease PO4 levels in the blood b. Increase Ca levels and increase PO4 levels in the blood c. Decrease Ca levels and increase PO4 levels in the blood d. Decrease Ca levels and decrease PO4 levels in the blood 19. How many hormoes does the thymus gland secrete? a. 2 hormones b. 3 hormones c. 4 hormones d. 5 hormones 20. Cortisone is an example of which type of the following hormones? a. Mineralocorticoids b. Glucocorticoids c. Gonadocorticoids d. Adrenalines & Noradrenalines 21. Insulin is secreted from which type of islets of Langerhans? a. Alpha cells b. Beta cells c. Delta cells d. None of the above

__________________ The End _______________________

KPSS 2012 -2013

Answer Key: Practical Part:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hard palate Sublingual gland Cardia Transvers colon Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland Thyroglobulin

Theoretical Part:
7. a 8. c 9. b 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. a 14. c 15. b 16. c 17. c 18. a 19. c 20. b 21. b

______________ Good Luck _______________

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