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Paper Title** (use style: paper title)

Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)

Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organi ation line !: name of organi ation" a#ronyms a##eptable line $: %ity" %ountry line &: e'mail address if desired
AbstractThis electronic document is a live template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. ** CRITICAL: Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract. (Abstract) Key or!s"component# $ormattin%# style# stylin%# insert (key words)

Authors Name/s per !nd Affiliation (Author)

line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organi ation line !: name of organi ation" a#ronyms a##eptable line $: %ity" %ountry line &: e'mail address if desired (((. P)>PA)> @*,) PAP>) A>8*)> ST@B(NC


(NT)*+,%T(*N (HEADING 1)

Aefore you begin to format your paper" first :rite and sa0e the #ontent as a separate te=t file. Deep your te=t and graphi# files separate until after the te=t has been formatted and styled. +o not use hard tabs" and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. +o not add any Eind of pagination any:here in the paper. +o not number te=t heads' the template :ill do that for you. 8inally" #omplete #ontent and organi ational editing before formatting. Please taEe note of the follo:ing items :hen proofreading spelling and grammar: A. Abbre'iations and Acrony!s +efine abbre0iations and a#ronyms the first time they are used in the te=t" e0en after they ha0e been defined in the abstra#t. Abbre0iations su#h as (>>>" S(" -DS" %CS" s#" d#" and rms do not ha0e to be defined. +o not use abbre0iations in the title or heads unless they are una0oidable. #. (nits ,se either S( (-DS) or %CS as primary units. (S( units are en#ouraged.) >nglish units may be used as se#ondary units (in parentheses). An e=#eption :ould be the use of >nglish units as identifiers in trade" su#h as 1$.6'in#h disE dri0e9. A0oid #ombining S( and %CS units" su#h as #urrent in amperes and magneti# field in oersteds. This often leads to #onfusion be#ause e;uations do not balan#e dimensionally. (f you must use mi=ed units" #learly state the units for ea#h ;uantity that you use in an e;uation. +o not mi= #omplete spellings and abbre0iations of units: 1.b/m!9 or 1:ebers per s;uare meter9" not 1:ebers/m!9. Spell out units :hen they appear in te=t: 1. . . a fe: henries9" not 1. . . a fe: F9. ,se a ero before de#imal points: 1/.!69" not 1.!69. ,se 1#m$9" not 1##9. (bullet list)

This template" modified in -S .ord !//$ and sa0ed as 1.ord 23'!//$ 4 5.//26 7 )T89 for the P%" pro0ides authors :ith most of the formatting spe#ifi#ations needed for preparing ele#troni# 0ersions of their papers. All standard paper #omponents ha0e been spe#ified for three reasons: (1) ease of use :hen formatting indi0idual papers" (!) automati# #omplian#e to ele#troni# re;uirements that fa#ilitate the #on#urrent or later produ#tion of ele#troni# produ#ts" and ($) #onformity of style throughout a #onferen#e pro#eedings. -argins" #olumn :idths" line spa#ing" and type styles are built' in< e=amples of the type styles are pro0ided throughout this do#ument and are identified in itali# type" :ithin parentheses" follo:ing the e=ample. Some #omponents" su#h as multi' le0eled e;uations" graphi#s" and tables are not pres#ribed" although the 0arious table te=t styles are pro0ided. The formatter :ill need to #reate these #omponents" in#orporating the appli#able #riteria that follo:. ((. >AS> *8 ,S>

A. Selecting a e!plate (Heading ") 8irst" #onfirm that you ha0e the #orre#t template for your paper si e. This template has been tailored for output on the A& paper si e. (f you are using ,S letter'si ed paper" please #lose this file and do:nload the file for 1-S.?,Sltr?format9. #. $aintaining t%e Integrity o& t%e Speci&ications The template is used to format your paper and style the te=t. All margins" #olumn :idths" line spa#es" and te=t fonts are pres#ribed< please do not alter them. @ou may note pe#uliarities. 8or e=ample" the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is #ustomary. This measurement and others are deliberate" using spe#ifi#ations that anti#ipate your paper as one part of the entire pro#eedings" and not as an independent do#ument. Please do not re0ise any of the #urrent designations.

). E*uations The e;uations are an e=#eption to the pres#ribed spe#ifi#ations of this template. @ou :ill need to determine :hether or not your e;uation should be typed using either the

(dentify appli#able sponsor/s here. (f no sponsors" delete this te=t bo=. (sponsors)

Times Ne: )oman or the Symbol font (please no other font). To #reate multile0eled e;uations" it may be ne#essary to treat the e;uation as a graphi# and insert it into the te=t after your paper is styled. Number e;uations #onse#uti0ely. >;uation numbers" :ithin parentheses" are to position flush right" as in (1)" using a right tab stop. To maEe your e;uations more #ompa#t" you may use the solidus ( / )" the e=p fun#tion" or appropriate e=ponents. (tali#i e )oman symbols for ;uantities and 0ariables" but not CreeE symbols. ,se a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. Pun#tuate e;uations :ith #ommas or periods :hen they are part of a senten#e" as in + = . (1) (1) + = . (1)

There is no period after the 1et9 in the Batin abbre0iation 1et al.9. The abbre0iation 1i.e.9 means 1that is9" and the abbre0iation 1e.g.9 means 1for e=ample9.

An e=#ellent style manual for s#ien#e :riters is H3I. (J. ,S(NC TF> T>-PBAT>

After the te=t edit has been #ompleted" the paper is ready for the template. +upli#ate the template file by using the Sa0e As #ommand" and use the naming #on0ention pres#ribed by your #onferen#e for the name of your paper. (n this ne:ly #reated file" highlight all of the #ontents and import your prepared te=t file. @ou are no: ready to style your paper< use the s#roll do:n :indo: on the left of the -S .ord 8ormatting toolbar. A. Aut%ors and A&&iliations The template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated ea#h time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please Eeep your affiliations as su##in#t as possible (for e=ample" do not differentiate among departments of the same organi ation). This template :as designed for t:o affiliations. 1) +or aut%or,s o& only one a&&iliation (Heading -). o c%ange t%e de&ault/ ad0ust t%e te!plate as &ollows. a) Selection (Heading 1). Hig%lig%t all aut%or and a&&iliation lines. b) )%ange nu!ber o& colu!ns. Sele#t the %olumns i#on from the -S .ord Standard toolbar and then sele#t 11 %olumn9 from the sele#tion palette. c) Deletion. +elete the author and affiliation lines for the se#ond affiliation. d) +or aut%or,s o& !ore t%an two a&&iliations. o c%ange t%e de&ault/ ad0ust t%e te!plate as &ollows. e) Selection. Fighlight all author and affiliation lines. &) )%ange nu!ber o& colu!ns. Sele#t the 1%olumns9 i#on from the -S .ord Standard toolbar and then sele#t 11 %olumn9 from the sele#tion palette. g) Hig%lig%t aut%or and a&&iliation lines o& a&&iliation 1 and copy t%is selection. %) +or!atting. (nsert one hard return immediately after the last #hara#ter of the last affiliation line. Then paste do:n the #opy of affiliation 1. )epeat as ne#essary for ea#h additional affiliation. i) 2eassign nu!ber o& colu!ns. Pla#e your #ursor to the right of the last #hara#ter of the last affiliation line of an e0en numbered affiliation (e.g." if there are fi0e affiliations" pla#e your #ursor at end of fourth affiliation). +rag the #ursor up to highlight all of the abo0e author and affiliation lines. Co to %olumn i#on and sele#t 1! %olumns9. (f you ha0e an odd number of affiliations" the final affiliation :ill be #entered on the page< all pre0ious :ill be in t:o #olumns.

Note that the e;uation is #entered using a #enter tab stop. Ae sure that the symbols in your e;uation ha0e been defined before or immediately follo:ing the e;uation. ,se 1(1)9" not 1>;. (1)9 or 1e;uation (1)9" e=#ept at the beginning of a senten#e: 1>;uation (1) is . . .9 D. So!e )o!!on $istakes The :ord 1data9 is plural" not singular. The subs#ript for the permeability of 0a#uum /" and other #ommon s#ientifi# #onstants" is ero :ith subs#ript formatting" not a lo:er#ase letter 1o9. (n Ameri#an >nglish" #ommas" semi'/#olons" periods" ;uestion and e=#lamation marEs are lo#ated :ithin ;uotation marEs only :hen a #omplete thought or name is #ited" su#h as a title or full ;uotation. .hen ;uotation marEs are used" instead of a bold or itali# typefa#e" to highlight a :ord or phrase" pun#tuation should appear outside of the ;uotation marEs. A parentheti#al phrase or statement at the end of a senten#e is pun#tuated outside of the #losing parenthesis (liEe this). (A parentheti#al senten#e is pun#tuated :ithin the parentheses.) A graph :ithin a graph is an 1inset9" not an 1insert9. The :ord alternati0ely is preferred to the :ord 1alternately9 (unless you really mean something that alternates). +o not use the :ord 1essentially9 to mean 1appro=imately9 or 1effe#ti0ely9. (n your paper title" if the :ords 1that uses9 #an a##urately repla#e the :ord 1using9" #apitali e the 1u9< if not" Eeep using lo:er'#ased. Ae a:are of the different meanings of the homophones 1affe#t9 and 1effe#t9" 1#omplement9 and 1#ompliment9" 1dis#reet9 and 1dis#rete9" 1prin#ipal9 and 1prin#iple9. +o not #onfuse 1imply9 and 1infer9. The prefi= 1non9 is not a :ord< it should be Goined to the :ord it modifies" usually :ithout a hyphen.

#. Identi&y t%e Headings Feadings" or heads" are organi ational de0i#es that guide the reader through your paper. There are t:o types: #omponent heads and te=t heads. %omponent heads identify the different #omponents of your paper and are not topi#ally subordinate to ea#h other. >=amples in#lude A#Eno:ledgments and )eferen#es and" for these" the #orre#t style to use is 1Feading 69. ,se 1figure #aption9 for your 8igure #aptions" and 1table head9 for your table title. )un' in heads" su#h as 1Abstra#t9" :ill re;uire you to apply a style (in this #ase" itali#) in addition to the style pro0ided by the drop do:n menu to differentiate the head from the te=t. Te=t heads organi e the topi#s on a relational" hierar#hi#al basis. 8or e=ample" the paper title is the primary te=t head be#ause all subse;uent material relates and elaborates on this one topi#. (f there are t:o or more sub'topi#s" the ne=t le0el head (upper#ase )oman numerals) should be used and" #on0ersely" if there are not at least t:o sub'topi#s" then no subheads should be introdu#ed. Styles named 1Feading 19" 1Feading !9" 1Feading $9" and 1Feading &9 are pres#ribed. ). +igures and ables 1) 3ositioning +igures and ables. Pla#e figures and tables at the top and bottom of #olumns. A0oid pla#ing them in the middle of #olumns. Barge figures and tables may span a#ross both #olumns. 8igure #aptions should be belo: the figures< table heads should appear abo0e the tables. (nsert figures and tables after they are #ited in the te=t. ,se the abbre0iation 18ig. 19" e0en at the beginning of a senten#e.
TAAB> (. Table Head #opy TAAB> T@P> ST@B>S Table olumn Head
Table col&mn s&bhea! S&bhea! S&bhea!

1-agneti ation" -9" not Gust 1-9. (f in#luding units in the label" present them :ithin parentheses. +o not label a=es only :ith units. (n the e=ample" :rite 1-agneti ation (A/m)9 or 1-agneti ation MAHm(1)IN9" not Gust 1A/m9. +o not label a=es :ith a ratio of ;uantities and units. 8or e=ample" :rite 1Temperature (D)9" not 1Temperature/D9. A%DN*.B>+C->NT (HEADING 4) The preferred spelling of the :ord 1a#Eno:ledgment9 in Ameri#a is :ithout an 1e9 after the 1g9. A0oid the stilted e=pression" 1*ne of us (). A. C.) thanEs . . .9 (nstead" try 1). A. C. thanEs9. Put sponsor a#Eno:ledgments in the unnum' bered footnote on the first page. )>8>)>N%>S The template :ill number #itations #onse#uti0ely :ithin bra#Eets H1I. The senten#e pun#tuation follo:s the bra#Eet H!I. )efer simply to the referen#e number" as in H$IOdo not use 1)ef. H$I9 or 1referen#e H$I9 e=#ept at the beginning of a senten#e: 1)eferen#e H$I :as the first . . .9 Number footnotes separately in supers#ripts. Pla#e the a#tual footnote at the bottom of the #olumn in :hi#h it :as #ited. +o not put footnotes in the referen#e list. ,se letters for table footnotes. ,nless there are si= authors or more gi0e all authorsP names< do not use 1et al.9. Papers that ha0e not been published" e0en if they ha0e been submitted for publi#ation" should be #ited as 1unpublished9 H&I. Papers that ha0e been a##epted for publi#ation should be #ited as 1in press9 H6I. %apitali e only the first :ord in a paper title" e=#ept for proper nouns and element symbols. 8or papers published in translation Gournals" please gi0e the >nglish #itation first" follo:ed by the original foreign'language #itation H5I.
H1I C. >ason" A. Noble" and (. N. Sneddon" 1*n #ertain integrals of Bips#hit 'FanEel type in0ol0ing produ#ts of Aessel fun#tions"9 Phil. Trans. )oy. So#. Bondon" 0ol. A!&3" pp. 6!27661" April 1266. (referen#es) Q. %lerE -a=:ell" A Treatise on >le#tri#ity and -agnetism" $rd ed." 0ol. !. *=ford: %larendon" 1L2!" pp.5L73$. (. S. Qa#obs and %. P. Aean" 18ine parti#les" thin films and e=#hange anisotropy"9 in -agnetism" 0ol. (((" C. T. )ado and F. Suhl" >ds. Ne: @orE: A#ademi#" 125$" pp. !317$6/. D. >lissa" 1Title of paper if Eno:n"9 unpublished. ). Ni#ole" 1Title of paper :ith only first :ord #apitali ed"9 Q. Name Stand. Abbre0." in press. @. @oro u" -. Firano" D. *Ea" and @. Taga:a" 1>le#tron spe#tros#opy studies on magneto'opti#al media and plasti# substrate interfa#e"9 (>>> Transl. Q. -agn. Qapan" 0ol. !" pp. 3&/73&1" August 12L3 H+igests 2th Annual %onf. -agneti#s Qapan" p. $/1" 12L!I. -. @oung" The Te#hni#al .riterPs FandbooE. -ill Jalley" %A: ,ni0ersity S#ien#e" 12L2.

-ore table #opya

a. Sample of a Table footnote. ( able &ootnote)

.e suggest that you use a te=t bo= to insert a graphi# (:hi#h is ideally a $// dpi T(88 or >PS file" :ith all fonts embedded) be#ause" in an -S. do#ument" this method is some:hat more stable than dire#tly inserting a pi#ture. To ha0e non'0isible rules on your frame" use the -S.ord 18ormat9 pull'do:n menu" sele#t Te=t Ao= K %olors and Bines to #hoose No 8ill and No Bine.
8igure 1. >=ample of a figure #aption. (&igure caption)



8igure Babels: ,se L point Times Ne: )oman for 8igure labels. ,se :ords rather than symbols or abbre0iations :hen :riting 8igure a=is labels to a0oid #onfusing the reader. As an e=ample" :rite the ;uantity 1-agneti ation9" or


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