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A Fit Guide to Surviving the Holidays!

Its Your Life Think Fit! Get Fit! Stay Fit!

Kevin Garnier 6 6!"#6$ %H& 6$"!'$6 %()*& https+)),,,

*a-le of (ontents
Merry Christmas . 3 3 Healthy Holiday Drink Recipes .. 4 3 Healthy Holiday Appetizers 5 25 Insider ips to !i"htin" the Holiday #$l"e . % 3 at Home Holiday &orko$ts .......................... ' ips to C$t ()) Calories at *ach Meal (3 ips to Red$ce Cholesterol and !at . (5 Checklist and !inal +ote (,

.erry (hristmas!

Here-s my !R** to ./0 1Holiday 2$r3i3al 4$ide5 6hich is 7am8packed 6ith healthy recipes9 :itness tips9 and at8home 6orko$ts :or :i"htin" the holiday ;$l"e<< .o$ can :ind additional :itness in:ormation in the 1+otes5 section on the !ace;ook 6e;site= https://666.:ace;>pasadena.:itness I: yo$-re lookin" :or acco$nta;ility9 moti3ation9 and most importantly9 R*20? 29 I enco$ra"e yo$ to participate in the @asadena !itness #ootcamp A(B 6hich commences on Can$ary 2nd9 2)(4. It is the per:ect 6ay to make yo$r +e6 .ear-s Resol$tion o: 14ettin" in shape5 :or 2)(49 a reality< C$st email me at ke3in." :or more details< #est o: l$ck 6ith yo$r health and :itness "oals o3er the holiday season and the +e6 .ear< I hope to see yo$ rested9 ready and rearin" to "o in Can$ary at #ootcamp (B. Remem;er E 1It-s .o$r ?i:e E hink !it< 4et !it< 2tay !it<5

Fe3in 4arnier @ersonal rainer G !itness #ootcamp Instr$ctor

3 Healthy Holiday Drink


2 cups of Seltzer 2 cups of Pomegranate Lemon twists


0irections: Mix seltzer and Pomegranate juice in bowl and then garnish with lemon twists !o add alcohol: add 2 cups of champagne" decrease both pomegranate juice # seltzer to $ cup each" and add cup %od&a 'Ser%es ( ) $2* +alories" , g +arbs" - mg Sodium" ,2 mg Potassium.

Santa (laus+
/( oz pin& grapefruit juice $2 oz raspberr0 juice $ 1uart raspberr0 sherbet 2 liters ginger ale

0irections: Pour pin& grapefruit juice and ginger ale into a punch bowl 2dd raspberr0 juice or $2 oz frozen raspberries 'stir to thaw. 2dd sherbet and stir until melted

1o,!fat 2ggnog
34/ cup organic sugar $4/ teaspoon cinnamon $4/ teaspoon freshl0 grated nutmeg $ egg / egg whites $ cups organic mil& $ cups fat free half)and)half $ teaspoon %anilla extract $4/ cup rum or brand0 'optional. 'can use rum extract instead. 5reshl0 grated nutmeg to garnish

0irections: +ombine sugar" cinnamon and nutmeg in a large bowl 2dd egg and egg whites" and beat with a mixer for 3)/ minutes 6entl0 heat fat free

mil& in a large saucepan 6raduall0 stir egg mixture into the hot mil& 7eat" stirring constantl0" until mixture is slightl0 thic&ened Stir in %anilla extract and remo%e from heat Let the mil& and egg mixture cool a little before blending with fat)free half) and)half mil& +o%er and chill in the refrigerator 8efore ser%ing" add rum or brand0 if desired and sprin&le with freshl0 grated nutmeg on top Ser%es /

Healthy Holiday Appeti3er

Stuffed .ushrooms+
2/ large button mushrooms" cleaned and stems remo%ed" reser%ing stems 2 tablespoons onion" finel0 chopped $4/ cup celer0" finel0 chopped $4/ cup unsalted organic butter 2 cups bread crumbs 'whole wheat. Juice from $42 lemon 'about $ tablespoon. 2 tablespoons dr0 sherr0 'or substitute apple juice. 2 teaspoons dried parsle0 $42 teaspoon garlic powder $42 teaspoon salt $42 teaspoon dried basil $4/ teaspoon dried oregano $4/ teaspoon blac& pepper 34/ cup freshl0 grated Parmesan cheese" di%ided

$ Preheat o%en to /99 degrees 2 2rrange mushrooms" ca%it0 facing upwards" on a lightl0 greased ba&ing sheet Set aside 5inel0 chop the reser%ed mushroom stems 7eat a small fr0ing pan o%er medium heat: melt butter and saut; the mushroom stems" onion" and celer0 until soft" about 3 minutes

3 <n a large mixing bowl" combine breadcrumbs" lemon juice" sherr0" parsle0" garlic powder" salt" basil" oregano" pepper" and $42 cup Parmesan Mix well 2dd saut;ed %egetables and mix well to combine / =sing a small spoon" stuff the prepared mushrooms 8a&e in the preheated o%en for about $2 minutes" or until stuffing starts to brown >emo%e mushrooms from the o%en and sprin&le with remaining Parmesan cheese !urn the o%en to broil and return the mushrooms to the o%en" until the cheese has browned nicel0 Ser%e warm from the o%en Ma&es 2/

Her-ed *omato (heese Spread+

$)cup low)fat cream cheese 2 clo%es garlic" minced $ tablespoon freshl0 snipped or frozen chi%es $ tablespoon snipped dill or seasoning / tomatoes" peeled" seeded and diced

?irections: <n a medium bowl" combine cheese" garlic" chi%es" and dill 2dd tomatoes and mix well 6ood as a spread for !riscuits or whole grain crac&ers

1emon!Garlic .arinated Shrimp+

3 tablespoons minced garlic 2 tablespoons @ABB C cup lemon juice C cup minced fresh parsle0 teaspoon &osher salt teaspoon pepper $ C pounds coo&ed shrimp

0irections: Place garlic and oil in a small s&illet and coo& o%er medium heat until fragrant" about $ minute 2dd lemon juice" parsle0" salt" and pepper !oss with shrimp in a large bowl +hill until read0 to ser%e Ser%es $2 +an be made ahead of time and refrigerated for up to 2 hours

"4 *ips to Fighting the Holiday 5ulge

$ Start your day strong ,ith a healthy -reakfast. <f 0ou donDt" 0ou will tend to o%ereat the rest of the da0 6ood rule to follow: eat brea&fast li&e a &ing" lunch li&e a prince" and supper li&e a pauper 2 (ur- your appetite ?rin& a glass of water before e%er0 meal <t will help 0ou fill up faster and help 0ou eat less 3 Slo, do,n. @at slower and taste 0our food <t ta&es about 29 minutes for 0our brain to recognize how much is in 0our stomach <t is a good idea to ta&e a brea& after 0ou eat to lessen the temptation to go for another ser%ingE / Stay active @xercise with 0our famil0 and go for a wal& or jog outsideE Sign up for a !ur&e0 !rot or +hristmas Jingle 8ell >un -& to do with 0our famil0 o%er the holida0s - Keep a food diary. !rac&ing e%er0thing 0ou put into 0our bod0 will help to point out 0our wea&nesses Fou will then be able to focus on limiting 0our inta&e of certain foods and spot when 0ou missed a meal Ghat 0ou measure 0ou can manageE ( (hoose to eat clean 6!#67 of the time. @at more protein" %egetables and fruit and health0 fats li&e nuts and seeds 2 handful of almonds or a freshl0 sliced apple is a great snac& to curb 0our hungerE , 0on8t go any,here hungry. !r0 to arri%e at an0 holida0 parties ha%ing alread0 eaten something health0 !hat wa0 0ou wonDt be too prone to

digging into high)calorie part0 foods 2lso" bring a health0 option to a holida0 part0E * .aintain portion (ontrol. Pa0 attention to how much 0ou put on 0our plate =se smaller plates Moderation is one of the most important elements in weight control H especiall0 at holida0 partiesE I (hoose ,ater over Alcohol. ?rin&ing water in place of alcohol will &eep 0ou h0drated and &eep 0our energ0 le%el high 2lso H it is amazing how 1uic&l0 calories in alcoholic drin&s can add upE !r0 not to drin& 0our calories for the da0E $9 0on8t eat things if you don8t like them Sounds simple enoughE <f 0ou put it on 0our plate and it doesnDt taste as good as 0ou thought" wh0 eat itJ $$ 0on8t give up! 5alling out of habits 0ou are tr0ing to accomplish for a few da0s" ?B@S KB! mean 0our effort is hopeless Simpl0 ac&nowledge that 0ou Lslipped upD or ate poorl0 and get bac& on 0our plan Kew da0" new startE $2 29ercise on days you eat a holiday meal. !r0 to get a wor&out in on the da0s 0ou &now 0ou will ha%e a big holida0 supper that da0 Four metabolism will be running higher and chances are 0ou will choose better foodsE $3 0ecide ho, many drinks you are going to have -efore the party. +hoose light and clear alcohol o%er dar&" and alternate between an alcohol be%erage 'if 0ou are drin&ing. and water 'same goes for soda. !his cuts $99Ds of caloriesEEEE $/ 2at more vegeta-les. !r0 to fill half of 0our plate with %egetables $- :rap up leftovers immediately. <f 0ou wrap them up" 0ou less li&el0 to eat them mindlessl0 when 0ou are alread0 full $( Say ;no< to keeping unhealthy leftovers in the refrigerator. !hese foods will tempt 0ouE <t is best to &eep 0our &itchen full of health0 foods so when hunger stri&es" 0ou donDt ha%e high calorie options to choose between $, =se the dirty napkin trick. Ghen 0ou want to stop eating throw a dirt0 nap&in o%er 0our food $* *hro, the snack plate a,ay. Ghen at a part0" if the plate is plastic" toss it <f it is a dish put it in the sin& !he longer 0ou hold on to 0our plate" the more 0ou will eat $I *rim all the fat. <f 0ou are coo&ing it" do it before 0ou coo& it <f 0ou didnDt coo& it" just trim it off before eating

29 Split dessert ,ith some-ody. !his wa0 0ou will onl0 ha%e half the caloriesE 2$ Set goals for yourself over the holidays. >ead them first thing in the morning" throughout the da0 and before bed Share these goals with somebod0 to help 0ou sta0 accountableE 22 5rush your teeth 8rush 0our teeth after 0ou eat so that 0ou wonDt continue eating Br" &eep chewing gum with 0ou and do that insteadE 23 1eave the kitchen. ?onDt hang out b0 the food table at home or at parties !oo much mindless eatingE 2/ >f eating out? put half the meal in a -o9 -efore you start eating. !his will help 0ou with portion controlE 2- Ma&e a wor&out calendar for 0ourselfE +ommit to a certain number of da0s per wee& that 0ou exercise Mar& them off with a mar&er to show 0our progress

At-Home Holiday Workouts!!

5rought to you -y+ Kevin Garnier https+)),,, ess

5urn off the e9tra calories you eat during the holidays ,ith these $ ,orkouts! .ake this a ;@o Gain< Holiday Season!!
!r0 this through the 7olida0sM

Add to the (hallenge+ *o9ic Free *uesdays ! @o /rocessed Foods A11 0AA!

7olida0 GB>NB=! O$
PLuc&0 ,DsQ
Garm)up '-)$9 min. Gor&out
+omplete , rounds in best time: , jumping jac&s , s1uats , wal&ing lunges 'each side. , bicep curls 'each side. , tricep dips 'on a chair or bench. , push)ups , crunches 3)- min rest +ore wor& H complete $)3 rounds 29 A crunches 29 A)obli1ue crunches 'left. 29 A)obli1ue crunches 'right.

+ool)down '-)$9 min.

S!>@!+7 B=! G@LLE

7BL<?2F GB>NB=! O2

P!2KN !BP !BK@>Q

Garm)up '-)$9 min. Gor&out
+omplete $)3 sets of $2)$- reps +hest press 'with dumbbells. Shoulder press Jumping jac&s +omplete $)3 sets of $2)$- reps !ricep &ic&bac&s 'left arm. !ricep &ic&bac&s 'right arm. 7ammer curls 'biceps. Jumping jac&s 3)- min rest

+ore wor& H complete $)3 rounds

I9 sec hold plan& 39 sec full sit ups 39 sec straight legged crunches

+ool)down '-)$9 min.

S!>@!+7 B=! G@LLE

7BL<?2F GB>NB=! O3
P7BL<?2F ladder challengeQ
Garm)up '-)$9 min. Gor&out
+omplete in best time possible: $99 Jump rope *9 8ic0cle crunches '/94side. (9 Jumping jac&s /9 8icep curls 29 S1uats $9 push)ups - burpees 3)- min rest

+ore wor& H complete $)3 rounds

39 sec crunches 39 sec re%erse crunches 'I9B angle. 39 sec crunches 'legs straight up.

+ool)down '-)$9 min.

S!>@!+7 B=! G@LLE

*ips to (ut At 1east C66 (alories at 2ach .eal

5reakfast+ Select almond or organic mil& instead of regular mil& !r0 a green smoothieE =se a small glass for 0our juice '/oz . and a small bowl for 0our cereal4 steel cut oats 7a%e a bowl of fruit +hoose a 0ogurt with no sweeteners and ha%e onl0 one ser%ing '!r0 6ree& 0ogurt. =se a nonstic& s&illet and coo&ing spra0 in place of butter or margarine to prepare 0our eggs !r0 tur&e0 sausage or bacon or +anadian bacon for less saturated fat and lower sodium than regular sausage or bacon 5ill 0our omelet with onions" peppers" spinach" and mushrooms instead of cheese and meat =se 2 egg whites and one egg for 0our omelets or scrambled eggs or use egg substitutes all together !rade regular butter for organic butter 1unch D 0inner+ Put lettuce" tomato" onions and pic&les on 0our tur&e0 burger or %eggie burger instead of cheese 6rill 0our sandwich using nonstic& coo&ing spra0 instead of butter Stuff a pita poc&et with more fresh %egetables and meat and cheese Pic& tuna in water o%er tuna in oil !r0 a %eggie burger or tur&e0 burger Substitute low)fat sour cream in recipes +hoose $R cottage cheese S&im the fat off soups" stews" and sauces before ser%ing @njo0 0our salad with no croutons 2dd sliced almonds for a good crunch =se light salad dressing instead of regular and choose non)cream0 t0pes" and get it on the side Bli%e oil and %inegar is a great choice" also !rim all fat from beef" por&" and chic&en 'remo%e the s&in from chic&en. 8a&e" broil" or grill chic&en and fish rather than fr0ing >emember to limit meat portions to 3)/ ounces 'a dec& of cards.

2dd %egetables to 0our spaghetti sauce li&e" zucchini" green peppers" mushrooms" and onions 2dd blueberries" strawberries" mango" almonds" and4or chic&en to a mixed green salad or spinach salad =se $ tablespoon less organic butter or oil in 0our recipes '0ou canDt tell the difference. =se reduced fat cheese in casseroles and appetizers Season steamed %egetables with fresh lemon and herbs instead of butter =se %egetable coo&ing spra0 and nonstic& coo&ware instead of butter" margarine" or oil when coo&ing on 0our sto%e top

0essert+ !a&e a sli%er" bite" or taste of dessert instead of a full portion 7a%e a single scoop ice cream cone instead of se%eral scoops in a bowl +hoose an inside piece of ca&e" where there is less icing Put berries on top of angel food ca&e and light cool whip Select a cupca&e instead of a slice of ca&e 7a%e low)calorie frozen 0ogurt or sherbet instead of ice cream @at a dish of fresh fruit instead of other higher calorie desserts +hoose apple" peach or blueberr0 o%er pecan or cream pie 5ollow the low fat directions when preparing brownies" ca&e" and coo&ie mixes +ut a half of piece of ca&e or pie Substitute half or all the oil in a recipe with applesauce when ba&ing Snacks+ 8lend a smoothie out of 6ree& 0ogurt" frozen and fresh fruit 5reeze grapes or watermelon wedges for a Popsicle)li&e treat ?onDt eat from a bag use a little bowl 'chips and coo&ies" etc . !r0 hummus with %eggies or pita wedges 2 piece of fruit ?ip apples in low)fat caramel +eler0 in lite cream cheese Aeggies in low)fat dressing 'no 75+S. 5ruit in a 0ogurt $R cottage cheese with fruit 2 handful of almonds 5or chocolate cra%ings" choose dar& chocolate ',9R cacao at least. 0rinks+ Loo& at 0our labelsE Man0 drin&s are calorie busters Gatch ser%ing sizes in containers" especiall0 a single bottle +hoose water as much as possible

Gatch sugar content in juices and drin&s also chec& them against total carboh0drates ?rin& light beer instead of regular and tr0 to limit it to $ or 2 glasses +hoose almond mil& o%er dair0 +hoose raw hone0" coconut sugar" aga%e" or ste%ia o%er sugar for sweetener

0ining Eut+ Limit 0ourself to $ ser%ing of bread" crac&ers or chips or donDt ha%e an0 at all 2s& for a cup of soup instead of a bowl and tr0 not to get a cream soup Aegetable" minestrone" or other broth soups are best 2s& for dressings and sauces on the side =se for taste and tr0 not to use it all ?ip 0our for& into 0our dressing" then into 0our salad Brder a %inaigrette dressing instead of a ma0onnaise)based dressing 2s& for no cheese on 0our salad 2s& for the %egetable for the da0" instead of potato" rice" or pasta side Select an appetizer as 0our main dish: add soup" salad" or %egetable side dish +hoose a health0 option item designated on the menu 2s& for a half)portion or donDt eat e%er0thing on 0our plate =se fresh lemon to season 0our fish instead of tartar sauce +hoose a side salad instead of fries when ordering fast food

*ips to Feduce (holesterol and Fat

$ 2 3 Stream" boil" and ba&e %egetables rather than fr0 Season %egetables with herbs and spices instead of fatt0 sauces and butter !r0 fla%ored %inegars or lemon juice on salads or use smaller ser%ings of oil)based or low)fat salad dressings

/ ( , * I $9 $$ $2

!r0 whole)grain flour to enhance fla%ors of ba&ed goods made with less fat and fewer or no cholesterol calorie ingredients >eplace whole mil& with organic mil& or almond mil& in soups" puddings" and ba&ed goods Substitute plain 6ree& 0ogurt or blender)whipped low)fat cottage cheese for sour cream or ma0onnaise +hoose lean cuts of meat" and trim fat from meat and poultr0 before and after coo&ing Same with s&in >oast" ba&e" broil" or simmer meat" poultr0 and fish rather than fr0ing +oo& meat and poultr0 broth on a rac& so the fat will drain off Limit egg 0ol&s to one per ser%ing when ma&ing scrambled eggs =se more egg whites as a substitute =se two egg whites in place of one whole egg in recipes such as coo&ies and puddings =se applesauce instead of oil in ba&ing goods

(hecklist to see ho, you are doing!

=se these 1uestions to chec& how 0ou are doing Ghat is measured can be managedE ?o 0ou &eep a food and exercise journalJ ?o 0ou eat brea&fastJ ?o 0ou PStri%e for 5i%eQ 'at least 2 fruit ser%ings and 3 %egetables ser%ings.J ?o 0ou eat 0our 3 meals # 2 snac&s a da0" e%en if 0ouDre not hungr0J ?o 0ou drin& half 0our bod0 weight in ounces of water dail0J ?o 0ou get 2-)39 grams of fiber a da0J ?o 0ou mix carboh0drates # protein in most meals and snac&sJ ?o 0ou get enough sleepJ ?o 0ou ha%e a set &itchen curfew timeJ ?o 0ou exerciseJ ?o 0ou ha%e someone as a support personJ ?o 0ou put 0ourself in tempting situations to o%ereat or ma&e bad eating choicesJ *hinking a-out the a-ove Guestions? ho, do you think you8re doingH *he more you say? ;Aes< to these Guestions? the more successful you ,ill -e! > hope you8ve enIoyed my ;Holiday Survival Guide< for the "6C$ Holiday Season. >f you are looking for a healthier lifestyle in "6C' and you are ready to get started? give me a call today!! > ,ill help you reach the goals you set for yourself and get you in the -est shape of your life! 0on8t forget to visit /asadena Fitness on Face-ook at !! https+)),,, Stay healthy my friends!


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