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by: Nadia Felita Sari (FKG Trisakti 2011 PAR 2)


(Write the main idea in the form of phrase, not sentence)


Your dentist has likely informed you the importance of regular brushing and
flossing. Without a doubt, these are the two important things you can do to
promote good oral health and to prevent future gum disease. However, they
are not only steps you should take. There are many all- natural treatments
that can enhance the health of your gums and prevent your future disease.



Tobacco use is the number one risk factor in oral cancer. Studies have shown
that at least seventy percents of those diagnosed where either current or
former tobacco users. Heavy use of alcohol among tobacco users has been
proven to have a 15% greater risks of developing oral cancer than non
tobacco and heavy alcohol users.



If your dentist does find a suspicious lesion in your mouth, he or she might
remove it, that will most likely send you to a specialist for a removal and
biopsy, which is painless procedure. If oral cancer is detected early enough,
it could possibly be treated with surgery alone. Radiation combined with
surgery would likely be used if the cancer in its advanced stages.


Retyped by: Nadia Felita Sari (FKG Trisakti 2011 PAR 2)


Several toothpaste brands on the market today offer to prevent from canker
sores. There is truth in their claims than these products will work for many.
This problem with much of the toothpaste on the market for canker sores
sufferers is that the toothpaste have a chemical called SLS. SLS is a detergent
and is quite rough on the mouth. SLS can certainty create conditions which
are right for canker sores outbreak.



Oral cancer is any cancerous tissue growth located in the mouth. Oral cancer
can develop in any part of the oral cavity. Oral cancer most commonly
involves the tissue of the lips or the tongue. It may also occur on the floor of
the mouth, gums, or palate.



Women with HIV/AIDS is too risk for developing cervical cancer because
cervical intraepitherial neoplasia (CIN) occurs in 11% - 29% of women with
HIV/AIDS. High grade CIN can turn into invasive cervical cancer, and women
AIDS are at higher risk for developing this type of cancer.


Retyped by: Nadia Felita Sari (FKG Trisakti 2011 PAR 2)


Although there is no doubt that streptococcus mutants is the most important

micro organism implicated in carries, the microbial ecology of the mouth is
highly complex. It is possible those strains of S. mutants may vary in their
virulence and that order oral bacteria which are capable of producing acids
from the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates may also be capable of
initiating caries.



The last step, which is the last purpose of odontectomy, is to remove the
impacted tooth. The maxillary molars are the most difficult to be extracted,
due to their three roots and their orientation, which is bended like an



Many people experience gingivitis to a varying degree. It is usually

developed during puberty or adulthood due to hormonal changes and may
persist or recur frequently depending on the oral hygiene status of the


Retyped by: Nadia Felita Sari (FKG Trisakti 2011 PAR 2)

10. The first key of down syndrome prevention is avoiding late production. A
simple preventive strategy that anyone can undertake is to complete the
family at a relatively young age. The risk of an affected pregnancy will
remain but could be substantially reduced.


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