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Ancient Egypt: The Nine Spiritual Bodies

The Egyptians were aware of the Spiritual Bodies of the Human Being. This knowledge is still not accepted in Mainstream Psychology. Mainstream Psychologists call everything that is outside their Theory, a !normal or Para!"ormal. Some Psychologists #ccept the Para!"ormal and are trying to e$plain Phenomena like %ut of the Body E$periences and "ear!&eath E$periences. 'hen they do this they often make use of theories that were created in (hina, )ndia and Egypt a long time ago. These old theories show a remarka le resem lance. The Egyptians knew that the *niverse was a Self!+eferential Structure, a ,ractal. They knew that one principle repeats itself on every -evel. The Structure of the *niverse is repeated in the Human Body and the Human (ells. )f the *niverse is a "ine!,old pattern, the Spiritual Body also has to e a "ine!,old Pattern. The "ine Bodies were named +en .the "ame of the Body, the (hemical Structure, the Strong ,orce/, # .the Heart, the (enter, the (onsciousness, The (enter of 0ravity/, #kh .Shiner, The -uminous Body, the ,orce of &ecay, +adiation, the 'eak ,orce/, 1hai it .Shadow, #ura, the Electro Magnetic ,ield of the Body/, 1a, Ba , 1hat, Sahu and Sekhem. # person2s +en .his &"#, his Blueprint, &ate3Time 4 Place of Birth/ was given to them at irth and would live for as long as that name was spoken. # cartouche .a magical rope/ was often used to surround the name and protect it for eternity. The knowledge of the True "ame could destroy a man. )f some ody knew the &ate3Time and Place of a Person he could find out with the *se of #strology everything he wanted to know. )t was also elieved that if a man knew the name of a god or a demon, and addressed him y it, he was ound to answer him and to do whatever he wished.

The Scientists still don2t understand the concepts of 1a, Ba, 1hat and Sekhem. The concept of the Sahu is well known in many old cultures. )n Ti etan mysticism the Sahu is called the &harmakaya .5the Truth Body5/. )n the (hristian 0nostic tradition it is called, 5the Resurrection Body5. )n Sufism 5the Most Sacred Body 6 .wu7ud al!a8das/ and 5SupraCelestial Body 6 .asli ha8i8i/ and in Taoism, it is called 5the Diamond Body5. Those who have attained it are called 5the Immortals6 and 5the Skywalkers (the Djedi) The Sahu is an )nterStellar Space!Ship steered y the Soul .Ba/. )t accompanies the human eing in its endless cycle of irth, death, transformation, and re irth. The Sahu contains the Pro7ected Personalities .+en/ in the Matri$, the Memories .#kasha/, the spiritual #ims and Purposes of every )ncarnation of the Soul in every part of the Multi!9erse. )f we understand the "ine!,old Pattern it is not so difficult to map the first four Spiritual Bodies .+en, # , #kh, 1hai it/ to the ,our ,orces or ,our Elements of our Physical *niverse. The ne$t five Bodies are very different. They are related to the Egyptian *nderworld governed y %siris. The Egyptian *nderworld is a representation of our Seven Twin *niverses associated with what the current scientists call &ark Matter. The 1a .Dark Matter Chemical Body/, the Ba, (Dark Matter eart, The (enter, (onscioussness, Soul/, the 1hat .Dark Matter !theric Body/ and the Sahu .Dark Matter "i#ht Body/ e$ist in a different Space3Time. The Twin *niverses are only reacha le y the Portal of the Sekhem, the Singularity, the Primal 9oid, the Hole in Time. The 5&ark Matter6 Bodies can e controlled when the (hemical Body .Ego, Personality, 1a/ and (onsciousness .# , the Heart/ merge. #t that moment they are a le to use the Supra!(elestial Body, the Sahu, the 9essel. The Portal of Sekhem is only open during a short period of time at a special place on the Earth 0rid. This moment appears when we move from the Sign of the ,ishes to the Sign of #8uarius ."%':/. 'hen we want to operate the Time!Machine we have to Breath in our Sahu, the indestructi le (ontainer of the Human Soul, our -ight Body. To use our Sahu we have to (lean %urselves ("i$e %rom the eart, # /, Meditate .Becomin# the &'ser$er/ and Practice the Breathing Techni8ues of the %ld Scientists.

#ccording to (lesson Harvey we are living in a very special Time3Space. )t is the Time3Space that opens up the possi ility to use the Tremendous Power ehind the &ark Matter. This power makes it possi le to play with the -aws of 0ravity. 'e are a le to lift Heavy Masses .Telekinesis/. 'e are also a le to move to another Time3Space in the Multi!*niverse .The *nderworld/. The only thing that is still missing to operate the Machine, is a Magic (rystal, the Stone of &estiny, the BnBn!Stone. %ne of the .many/ theories is that this (rystal was stolen out of the Pyramid y Moses during the +eign of Pharao #khenaton, put into the #rc of the (onvenant, moved to (hartres y the 1nights Templars, taken over y the (athars and finally put into a Secret (ave close to -ourdes.

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