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pertained to the controlling group Companhia Energtica de Minas Gerais CEMIG, Luce Empreendimentos e Participaes S.A. and Rio Minas Energia Participaes S.A (RME) company controlled by Redentor Energia S.A. Below, a summary of related-party transactions occurred in the periods ended 2013 and 2012:
9.30.2013 Reference Purchase of electric power Light SESA x CEMIG Purchase of electric power Light SESA x CEMIG Sale of electric power Light Energia x CEMIG System usage charges SESA x CEMIG Network usage charges Light SESA x CEMIG Network usage charges Light Energia x CEMIG Sale of electric power Light Ger x Light Energia Sale of electric power Light Ger x CEMIG Network usage charges Light SESA x Light GER Consulting service Light SESA x Axxion Pension Plan Debt Agreement Light Asset Liability Asset 12.31.2012 Liability 9.30.2013 Revenue (Expense) (34,053) 9.30.2012 Revenue (Expense) (38,818)















































i. Agreements executed with related parties

(A) Strategic agreement - Purchase of electric power between Light SESA and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: R$614,049 Duration: Jan/2006 to Dec/2038 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: 30% of remaining balance

Remaining balance: R$266,546 (B) Strategic agreement - Purchase of electric power between Light SESA and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: R$37,600 Duration: Jan/2010 to Dec/2039 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: 30% of remaining balance Remaining balance: R$57,874 (C) Strategic agreement - Sale of electric power between Light Energia and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: R$156,239 Duration: Jan/2005 to Dec/2013 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$994 (D) Strategic agreement Collection of distribution system usage charges between Light SESA and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: N/A Duration: as of Nov/2003 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$197 (E) Strategic agreement Commitment to the basic electric network usage charges between Light SESA and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: N/A Duration: as of Dec/2002 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A

Remaining balance: R$392 (F) Strategic agreement - Commitment to the basic electric network usage charges between Light Energia and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: N/A Duration: as of Dec/2002 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$11 (G) Strategic agreement Sale of electric power between Lightger and Light Energia Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: Lightger (jointly-owned subsidiary) Original amount: R$217,213 Duration: Dec/2002 to Jan/2028 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: N/A (H) Strategic agreement - Sale of electric power between Lightger and CEMIG Balance sheet groups: Trade payables x Trade receivables Relationship: CEMIG (party of the controlling group) Original amount: R$208,818 Duration: Dec/2010 to Jun/2028 Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: N/A (I) Strategic agreement Commitment to the basic electric network usage charges between Light SESA and Lightger Balance sheet groups: Trade payables Relationship: Lightger (under common control) Original amount: N/A Duration: as of Dec/2010. Undetermined duration. Terms of agreement: Price established in the regulated market Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$21

(J) Strategic agreement Consulting services between Light SESA and Axxiom Balance sheet groups: Other payables Relationship: Light Axxion (under common control) Original amount: N/A Duration: as of Dec/2010. Undetermined maturity. Conditions of agreement: IGP-M Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$327

(K) Pension plan Fundao de Seguridade Social (Social Security Foundation) BRASLIGHT Balance sheet groups: Post-employment benefit Relationship: Braslight Original amount: R$535,052 Duration: Jun/2001 to Jun/2026 Conditions of agreement: IPCA + 6% p.a. Conditions of termination or expiration: N/A Remaining balance: R$1,058,406 The subsidiary Light Energia has a purchase agreement of 400 MW of installed power capacity from the portfolio projects of its jointly-owned subsidiary Renova Energia S.A., and 200 MW will be made available from 2015 to 2035 and 200 MW from 2016 to 2036. Related-party transactions have been executed in accordance with the agreements between the parties. ii. Management compensation Policy regarding compensation of the Board of Directors, Executive Board and Fiscal Council (consolidated). Below is the pro-rata share of each component to the aggregate compensation for the first nine months of 2013.
Consolidated Board of Directors Fixed Compensation (%) Variable Compensation (%) Other (%) Total 100% 100.0 Statutory Board of Executive Offcers 61% 34% 5% 100.0

Fiscal Council 100% 100.0

Compensation paid by the Company to the Board of Directors, Executive Board and Fiscal Council in the first nine months of 2013:

Consolidated Board of Directors Statutory Board of Executive Offcers 8.0 491 409 82 491 6,993 4,137 658 2,198 3,844 3,182 662 531 11,368

Nine-month period

Fiscal Council


Number of members


21.2 1,234 1,028 206 1,234


39.2 8,718 5,574 658 2,486 3,844 3,182 662 531 13,093

Fixed compensation for the period Salary or compensation for management services rendered Direct and indirect benefits Other (c) Variable compensation for the period Bonus Other Benefits due to the termination of exercise of position Total compensation per body

Average compensation of the Board of Directors, Executive Board and Fiscal Council in the first nine months of 2013:

Consolidated Board of Directors 21.2 99 49 48 Statutory Board of Executive Offcers 8.0 79 39 41 1,958 988 1,146

Nine-month period

Fiscal Council

Number of members



Highest individual compensation (b) Lowest individual compensation

(b) (b)

Average individual compensation

(a) (b)

Number of members calculated through the periods weighted average. Excluding Social Security and FGTS charges. (c) Including Social Security and FGTS charges. Overall management compensation at the parent company Light S.A. for the first nine months of 2013 is R$1,609.

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