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List of oil spills

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a reverse-chronological list of oil spills that have occurred throughout the world and spill(s) that are currently ongoing. uantities are measured in tonnes of crude oil with one tonne roughly e!ual to "#$ %& gallons, or '."" (arrels, or ))*+ liters. This calculation uses a median value of #.$+$ for the specific gravity of light crude oil, actual values can range from #.$)* to #.$-", so the amounts shown (elow are ine.act. They are also estimates, (ecause the actual volume of an oil spill is difficult to measure e.actly.

) %nderway 1 2omplete " &ee also 3 4eferences + 5.ternal links

Spill / vessel Estimated Full Spilled Spilled flow rate cargo (min (max Link (tonnes/day) (tonnes) tonnes) tonnes)




6apoco r 7ower o 8arge )#"

$ 6ovem(er 7hilippines,5stancia, 9loil 1#)"to present (3) days)






Leaks caused (y Typhoon ;aiyan.

Taylor 5nergy wells %nited &tates,<ulf of 7latfor =e.ico m 1"#+)

)* &eptem(er 1##3to #.#" > #.#+ present (""$) days)




)#/*0 /'0

Leaks resulting from ;urricane 9van have (een largely contained, (ut not entirely. Ocean Saratoga is periodically onsite servicing and

attempting to seal the leaks. 8eing monitored (y the %nited &tates ?epartment of the 9nterior
6ote@ The Aflow rateA column applies to leaking wells, pipelines, etc., and is often used to estimate the total amount of oil spilled. The Afull cargoA column applies to vessels, vehicles, etc., and represents the ma.imum amount of oil that could (e spilled. The AspilledA columns indicate the total amount of oil that has (een released to the environment so far, and should (e (ased on official estimates found in referenced sources whenever possi(le. When official estimates vary, use the Amin tonnesA and Ama. tonnesA columns to show the range of estimates (minimum and ma.imum) in metric tonnes (i.e. ) tonne B ),### kg).

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Spill / !essel



"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


8ullen(aai oil spill

2uraCao, 8ullen(aai, 9sla refinery

) 6ovem(er 1#)"

unknown unknown


6orth ?akota pipeline spill

%nited &tates, 6orth ?akota, Tioga

1+ &eptem(er 1#)" > 1&eptem(er 1#)"




4ayong oil spill

Thailand, 4ayong:Do &amet, <ulf of Thailand

1' Euly 1#)"




Lac-=Fgantic derailment

2anada, uF(ec, Lac-=Fgantic * Euly 1#)"




2ushing storage terminal spill

%nited &tates, Gklahoma, 2ushing

)$ =ay 1#)"




1#)" =ayflower oil spill


"# =arch




Spill / !essel



"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


&tates, Hrkansas, =ayflower


=agnolia refinery spill

%nited &tates, Hrkansas, =agnolia

- =arch 1#)"




8ullen(aai oil spill

2uraCao, 8ullen(aai

' 6ovem(er 1#)1

unknown unknown


Hrthur Dill storage tank spill (;urricane &andy)

%nited &tates, 6ew Eersey, &ewaren

1- Gcto(er 1#)1




2uraCao oil spill

2uraCao, 9sla refinery and Ean )' Hugust 1#)1 Dok nature preserve

unknown unknown


&undre, Hl(erta oil spill

2anada, &undre

$ Eune 1#)1




<uarapiche oil spill

3 Fe(ruary IeneJuela, =aturKn, =onagas 1#)1




6igeria oil spill

6igeria, 8onga Field

1) ?ecem(er 1#))




TK Bremen

France, 8rittany, 5rdeven

)* ?ecem(er 1#))




2ampos 8asin oil spill

8raJil, 2ampos 8asin, Frade Field

' 6ovem(er 1#)) > )+ 6ovem(er 1#))




Spill / !essel


Dates + Gcto(er 1#)) > Hugust 1#)1 )# Hugust 1#)) > )" Hugust 1#))

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


4ena oil spill

6ew Lealand, Tauranga, 8ay of 7lenty




6orth &ea oil spill

%nited Dingdom, 6orth &ea, <annet Hlpha platform




1#)) Mellowstone 4iver oil spill 8ohai 8ay oil spill 1#)) Little 8uffalo oil spill =um(ai-%ran pipeline spill Fiume &anto power station =um(ai oil spill : =I MSC Chitra and =I Khalijia 3

%nited &tates, 8illings, =ontana, Mellowsto ) Euly 1#)) ne 4iver 2hina, 8ohai 8ay 2anada, Hl(erta 9ndia, =um(ai, Hra(ian &ea 9taly, &ardinia, 7orto Torres 3 Eune 1#)) > )Eune 1#)) 1- Hpril 1#)) 1) Eanuary 1#)) )) Eanuary 1#)) ' Hugust 1#)# > Hugust 1#)# 1' Euly 1#)# > ) Hugust 1#)# 1* Euly 1#)# )* Euly 1#)# > 1) Euly 1#)# )* Eune 1#)# > 1" Eune 1#)# )) Eune 1#)# > )1 Eune 1#)# 1+ =ay 1#)# 1+ =ay 1#)#




1#3 ",$## 3# )+

1#3 ",$## ++ )+

/"*0 /"'0




9ndia, =um(ai, Hra(ian &ea




8arataria 8ay oil spill

%nited &tates, 8arataria 8ay, <ulf of =e.ico %nited &tates, DalamaJoo 4iver, 2alhoun 2ounty,=ichigan 2hina, Mellow &ea




DalamaJoo 4iver oil spill





Ningang 7ort oil spill




Ee(el al-Layt oil spill

5gypt, 4ed &ea %nited &tates, &alt Lake 2ity, %tah %nited &tates, Hnchorage, Hlaska &ingapore, &ingapore &trait

unkno n

unkno n


4ed 8utte 2reek oil spill Trans-Hlaska 7ipeline spill =T Bunga Kelana 3

*+ 3## 1,###

)#' ),1## 1,+##




Spill / !essel


Dates ) =ay 1#)#

"in #onnes ",13* 3-1,### " ),+## )"# 3,### 1## unkno n 1"# "## $,$## 3,###

"ax #onnes -+,+## *1',### 3 ),+## )"# "#,### 1## unkno n 1*# "## $,$## 3,###


1#)# 5..on=o(il oil spill !eep ater "ori#on 1#)# <reat 8arrier 4eef oil spill : =I Shen $eng % 1#)# 7ort Hrthur oil spill Mellow 4iver oil spill =ontara oil spill &ull City oil spill 1##- LQderitJ oil spill 1##- ueensland oil spill West 2ork oil spill 1##$ 6ew Grleans oil spill 1##' Stat'jord oil spill

6igeria, 6iger ?elta


1# Hpril %nited &tates, <ulf of =e.ico 1#)# > )+ Euly 1#)# Hustralia <reat Deppel 9sland %nited &tates, 7ort Hrthur, " Hpril 1#)# 1" Eanuary 1#)#




+ Eanuary 2hina, 2hishui 4iver (&haan.i) 1#)# Hustralia, Timor &ea 6orway, 4ognsfOorden near &Pstein south of Langesund 6ami(ia, &outhern coast Hustralia, ueensland 9reland, &outhern coast %nited &tates, 6ew Grleans, Louisiana 6orway, 6orwegian &ea 1) Hugust 1##") Euly 1##$ Hpril 1##)# =arch 1##Fe(ruary 1##1$ Euly 1##$ )1 ?ecem(er 1##' ' ?ecem(er 1##' )) 6ovem(er 1##' ' 6ovem(er 1##' 1" Gcto(er 1##' > )' ?ecem(er 1##' 13 Euly 1##' )) Hugust







1##' Dorea oil spill

&outh Dorea, Mellow &ea %kraine 4ussia, &trait of Derch %nited &tates, &an Francisco, 2alifornia




Derch &trait oil spill




COSCO Busan oil spill




Kab %(%

=e.ico, 8ay of 2ampeche 2anada, 8urna(y, 8ritish 2olum(ia 7hilippines, <uimaras &trait




8urna(y Gil &pill <uimaras oil spill

1#) )'1

1#) ),+3#



Spill / !essel


Dates 1##*

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


Eiyeh power station oil spill 2itgo refinery oil spill 7rudhoe 8ay oil spill 8ass 5nterprises (;urricane Datrina) &hell (;urricane Datrina) 2hevron (;urricane Datrina)

Le(anon %nited &tates, Lake 2harles, Louisiana %nited &tates, Hlaska 6orth &lope, Hlaska %nited &tates, 2o. 8ay, Louisiana %nited &tates, 7ilottown, Louisiana %nited &tates, 5mpire, Louisiana

)3 Euly 1##* > )+ Euly 1##* )- Eune 1##* 1 =arch 1##* "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ "# Hugust 1##+ $ ?ecem(er 1##3 1* 6ovem(er 1##3 )* &eptem(er 1##3 > )&eptem(er 1##3 )* &eptem(er 1##3 > *

1#,### *,+## *+" )1,### ",3## ",1##

"#,### *,+## *$)1,### ",3## ",1##







%nited =urphy Gil %&H refinery &tates, =erau. and 2halmette, spill (;urricane Datrina) Louisiana 8ass 5nterprises (;urricane Datrina) 2hevron (;urricane Datrina) Ienice 5nergy &ervices 2ompany (;urricane Datrina) &hell 7ipeline Gil (;urricane Datrina) &undown 5nergy (;urricane Datrina) =I Selendang )yu %nited &tates, 7ointe R la ;ache, Louisiana %nited &tates, 7ort Fourchon, Louisiana %nited &tates, Ienice, Louisiana %nited &tates, 6airn, Louisiana %nited &tates, West 7otash, Louisiana %nited &tates, %nalaska 9sland, Hlaska %nited &tates, ?elaware 4iver, 7auls(oro, 6ew Eersey





),+## )'# $) 33 31 ),+*#

),+## )'# $) 33 31 ),+*#







)thos %




=7-$# ?elta 1#A pipeline (;urricane 9van) =7-*- 6akika )$A S =7)+) 6akika )$A pipeline (;urricane 9van)

%nited &tates, Louisiana




%nited &tates, Louisiana




Spill / !essel


Dates Gcto(er 1##3

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes

Link(s) tank collapse (;urricane 9van)

%nited &tates, Louisiana

)* &eptem(er 1##3 > )' &eptem(er 1##3 1$ Euly 1##" 1' Hpril 1##" )" 6ovem(er 1##1 * Gcto(er 1##1




Tasman Spirit 8ouchard 6o. )1# *restige oil spill +imburg ((om(ing) =anguinhos refinery Trans-Hlaska 7ipeline gunshot spill 1##) &hell Gg(odo oil spill 1##) &hell Ggoniland oil spill *etrobras 3, Hmorgos oil spill

7akistan, Darachi %nited &tates, 8uJJards 8ay, 8ourne, =assachusetts &pain, <alicia Memen, <ulf of Hden

1$,### "1# *",### )1,1## "3 -"1 -,+## unkno n 1'3 ),)+#

"#,### "1# *",### )1,1## -' -"1 unkno n unkno n 1'3 ),)+#




1" 8raJil, <uana(ara 8ay, 4io de 6ovem(er Eaneiro 1##) %nited &tates, Hlaska 6igeria 6igeria 8raJil, 4oncador Gil Field, 2ampos 8asin Taiwan, &outhern coast 3 Gcto(er 1##) 1+ Eune 1##) =ay 1##) )+ =arch 1##) )3 Eanuary 1##) Eanuary 1##) ) Hugust 1###









5cuador, <alapagos 9slands 2anada, 2hetwynd, 8ritish 2olum(ia




7ine 4iver 7roOect ?eep &pill Treasure 7etro(ras pipeline .rika

$+# )## ),3## ),)## )+,###

$+# )## ),3## ),)## 1+,###


6orway, ;elland ;ansen ridge Eune 1### &outh Hfrica, 2ape Town Eune 1###

/)#+0 /)#10

8raJil, <uana(ara 8ay, 4io de Eanuary 1### Eaneiro France, 8ay of 8iscay )1 ?ecem(er )---



Spill / !essel


Dates 3 Fe(ruary )--- > =arch )--)1 Eanuary )--$ ?ecem(er )--'

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


=I $e Carissa

%nited &tates, 2oos 8ay, Gregon 6igeria Eapan, &ea of Eapan




=o(il 6igeria oil spill $akhodka -ulie $/

+,+## *,13# +$*

+,+## *,13# +$*



1' %nited &tates, 7ortland, =aine &eptem(er )--* %nited Dingdom, 7em(rokeshire %nited &tates, 4hode 9sland %nited Hra( 5mirates 7uerto 4ico %nited Dingdom, &hetland &pain, H 2oruTa =oJam(i!ue, =aputo %J(ekistan )+ Fe(ruary )--* )- Eanuary )--* ") =arch )--3 ' Eanuary )--3 + Eanuary )--" " ?ecem(er )--1 1* Hpril )--1 1 =arch )--1


Sea .mpress 6orth 2ape Seki oil spill Morris -/ Berman oil spill =I Braer Hegean &ea Katina * Fergana Ialley Kirki )BT Summer =T "a0en

3#,### 1,+## )+,-## 1,*## $+,### '3,### '1,### 1$+,### )',1$# 1*#,### )33,###

'1,### 1,+## )+,-## 1,*## $+,### '3,### '1,### 1$+,### )',1$# 1*#,### )33,###









Hustralia, 9ndian ocean, off the 1) Euly coast of Western Hustralia )--) Hngola, '## nmi (),"## km, $)# mi) offshore 9taly, =editerranean &ea near <enoa 9ra!, 7ersian <ulf 1$ =ay )--) )) Hpril )--) 1" Eanuary )--)





<ulf War oil spill




Mega Borg )merican Trader

%nited &tates, <ulf of =e.ico, $ Eune +' mi (-1 km) &5 )--# of<alveston, %nited &tates, 8olsa 2hica ' Fe(ruary


)*,+#) -$)



Spill / !essel



"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


&tate 8each, 2alifornia %nited &tates, 6ew Eersey, &ewaren &pain, "+# nmi (*+# km, 3## mi) off Las 7almas de <ran 2anaria %nited &tates, ?elaware 4iver, =arcus ;ook,7ennsylvania %nited &tates, 7rince William &ound, Hlaska 2anada, '## nmi (),"## km, $)# mi) off 6ova &cotia %nited &tates, Floreffe, 7ennsylvania

)--# ) Eanuary )--# )?ecem(er )-$13 Eune )-$13 =arch )-$)# 6ovem(er )-$$ 1 Eanuary )-$$



Hrthur Dill pipeline spill




Khark 1 *residente 2i0era .xxon 3alde# Odyssey Hshland oil spill $o0a

'#,### --" "',### )"1,### )#,### '#,###

$#,### --" )#3,### )"1,### )#,### '#,###






* 9ran, <ulf of 9ran, Dharg 9sland ?ecem(er )-$+ %nited &tates, ?elaware 4iver, =arcus ;ook,7ennsylvania %nited &tates, 2olum(ia 4iver, Longview, Washington &outh Hfrica, &aldanha 8ay 9ran, 7ersian <ulf France, 8rittany <reece, 7ylos 1$ &eptem(er )-$+ )- =arch )-$3 * Hugust )-$" 3 Fe(ruary )-$" ' =arch )-$# 1" Fe(ruary )-$# )+ 6ovem(er )-') 6ovem(er )-')- Euly )-'-


4rand .agle && Mobil Oil Castillo de Bell0er 6owruJ Field 7latform Tanio 5renes Serenade

),3## ++# 1+1,### 1*#,### )",+## )##,###

),3## *+# 1+1,### 1*#,### )",+## )##,###







=T 5ndependen6a

Turkey, 8osphorus %nited &tates, <alveston 8ay, Trinidad and To(ago




Burmah )gate )tlantic .mpress : )egean Captain

$,33# 1$',###

$,33# 1$',###



Spill / !essel


Dates " Eune )-'- > 1" =arch )-$# $ Eanuary )-')* =arch )-'$ )+ Fe(ruary )-'$

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


9.toc 9 oil spill

=e.ico, 8ay of 2ampeche, <ulf of =e.ico 9reland, 8antry 8ay France, 8rittany %nited &tates, Hlaska




Betelgeuse )moco Cadi# Trans-Hlaska 7ipeline sa(otage (y e.plosives 3enpet : 3enoil collision 5kofisk oil field "a aiian *atriot Borag )rgo Merchant $.*CO %7( oil spill 8r9uiola 6iger ?elta Corinthos -akob Maersk IL22 Metula Sea Star Os ego:4uardian : Texan ita collision ;a'ra

*3,### 11",### 1,)*1

*3,### 11',### 1,)*1




)* &outh Hfrica, 2ape &t. Francis ?ecem(er )-'' 6orway, 6orth &ea %nited &tates, "## nmi (+*# km, "+# mi) off ;onolulu,;awaii Taiwan, 6orthern coast %nited &tates, 6antucket 9sland, =assachusetts 11 Hpril )-'' 1* Fe(ruary )-'' ' Fe(ruary )-'' )+ ?ecem(er )-'*

1*,*## 1',*## -+,### "3,### 1+,### ),### )##,### 1+$,### "+,'## $$,### +#,### ))+,### )#,### 1',###

"#,+## 1',*## -+,### "3,### 1$,### ),### )##,### "1$,### "+,'## $$,### +),### ))+,### )#,### 1',###
/)3+0 /-30 /)"*0/)"'0




%nited &tates, &aint Lawrence 1" Eune 4iver )-'* &pain, H 2oruTa 6igeria, 6iger ?elta %nited &tates, ?elaware 4iver, =arcus ;ook,7ennsylvania 7ortugal, Gporto 2hile, &trait of =agellan 9ran, <ulf of Gman &outh Hfrica, &til(aai &outh Hfrica, 2ape Hgulhas )1 =ay )-'* )-'* > )--* ") Eanuary )-'+ 1- Eanuary )-'+ - Hugust )-'3 )?ecem(er )-'1 1) Hugust )-'1 1)






Spill / !essel


Dates Fe(ruary )-')

"in #onnes

"ax #onnes


)ri#ona Standard : Oregon Standard collision Othello )-*- &anta 8ar(ara oil spill Torrey Canyon

%nited &tates, &an Francisco 8ay &weden, TrUlhavet 8ay %nited &tates, &anta 8ar(ara, 2alifornia %nited Dingdom, 2ornwall and 9sles of &cilly %nited &tates, Gcean 2ity, =aryland %nited &tates, Hvila 8each, 2alifornia %nited &tates, <uadalupe, 2alifornia

)' Eanuary )-') 1# =arch )-'# 1$ Eanuary )-*)$ =arch )-*' "# ?ecem(er )-+$ )-+#Vs > )--* )-+#Vs > )--3

1,'## +#,### )#,### $#,###

1,'## *#,### )3,### ))-,###





)'rican <ueen oil spill Hvila 8each pipeline <uadalupe Gil Field <reenpoint, 8rooklyn oil spill && &rank "/ Buck : && *resident Coolidge collision Lakeview <usher

1),### ),"## 1-,### ++,1##

1),### ),"## 1-,### -',3##




%nited &tates, 6ewtown )-3#s > 2reek, <reenpoint, 8rooklyn, 6ew )-+#s Mork %nited &tates, &an Francisco 8ay, 2alifornia %nited &tates, Dern 2ounty, 2alifornia * =arch )-"'





)3 =arch )-)# > )# ),1"#,### ),1"#,### &eptem(er )-)) 14 December 1907 7,400 7,400


Thomas W. Lawson

United Kingdom, Isles of Scilly

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