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Pover cuts. Tra!!ic jams.

PetroI expenses
Excessive vorkIoad.
Water shortage.

WaIer shorIage. PeIrol expehses.
Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic
|ams. . Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer
shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses.
Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses.
Lxcessive workload. 1ra!!ic |ams. Power uIs.
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1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive
workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol
expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage.
Power cuIs. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload.
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|ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. 1ra!!ic
|ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer
shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload.
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Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol
expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage.
1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs.
WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive
workload. Power cuIs. WaIer|ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive
workload. Power cuIs. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive
workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol
expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage.
1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs.
WaIer1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload.
Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic |ams. PeIrol expehses.
Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer shorIage. 1ra!!ic
|ams. PeIrol expehses. Lxcessive workload. Power cuIs. WaIer
Lxcessive workload.
WaIer shorIage.
Met Easy Met Easy
for ease o! veaIth creation and protection
Unit-Linked Li!e Insurance PIan (Non Par)
mein kuch toh hai
A simpIe tick & take pIan
No heaIth check-up required
For more details please refer to page 2.
MetLi!e India Insurance Co. Ltd.
8rigade Seshamahal, 5, Vahi Vilas Road,
8asavahagudi, 8ahgalore - 560 004
1el: +91-080-2643 8638
VisiI us aI www.meIli!
IRDA RegisIraIioh humber: 117
IRDA Uhique IdehIi!icaIioh Number !or MeI Lasy is 117L037V01
Insurance is the subject matter oI the solicitation. LD/2009-10/EC185/370.
*Premium sms charges as applicable.
For ahy assisIahce please cohIacI us aI :
1oll Free:1800-425-8989 or Lmail: IndiaServicemetIi!
or sms* ALIfE Io 56161
The participation by the bank's customers shall be purely on a voluntary basis.
The contract oI insurances is between the insurer and the insured and not between the bank and the insured.
Hi, my hame is RohiI ahd I wahI Io share wiIh you Ihe
sIory o! my li!e.
Mahy years ago, wheh I was ih college, Ihe whole
world seemed like a playgrouhd - buhkihg classes,
parIyihg wiIh !riehds ahd plahhihg spohIaheous |auhIs
Io hew places.
As li!e moved oh, iI broughI wiIh iI mahy hew
experiehces ahd hew respohsibiliIies like my |ob,
marriage ahd childreh. I was Iheh !orced Io plah !or Ihe
!uIure o! my !amily. 1his was !ar !rom easy. O!Ieh,
challehges o! everyday li!e ahd Ihe ahxieIy o! ah
uhcerIaih !uIure goI me worried.
1haI's wheh I heard o! MeI Lasy, a UhiI-Lihked producI
!rom MeILi!e. A simple Iick & Iake plah IhaI is easy Io
buy, ahd provides me wiIh Ihe ease o! lohg-Ierm
wealIh creaIioh ahd proIecIioh.
Now, I doh'I have Io spehd Iime worryihg abouI whaI
Ihe !uIure holds !or me. Lach highI, I go Io sleep a
cohIehI mah, reassured IhaI all Ihe heeds o! my loved
ohes will be Iakeh care o!.
1hahk you MeI Lasy !or makihg my li!e so easy.
Met Easy
WealIh creaIioh ahd proIecIioh- Ihe righI combihaIioh Io give you Ihe besI
value-was hever so simple!
MeILi!e presehIs MeI Lasy - A simpIi!ied Unit-
Linked PIan - IhaI provides you Ihe behe!iI o!
ihsurahce proIecIioh !or your !amily ahd Ihe
opporIuhiIy Io sysIemaIically build wealIh !or
your key lohg-Ierm !ihahcial milesIohes. CeI your
childreh's educaIioh/marriage or your owh
reIiremehI, you cah plah wiIh Ihe help o! markeI-
lihked ihvesImehI opIiohs. Ahd you are hoI
required Io uhdergo ahy medical examihaIioh.
Plahhihg !or your key !ihahcial milesIohes was
hever so simple.
AUnit-Linked PIan !or guaranteed protection !or your Ioved ones
Li!e Ihsurahce behe!iI wiIh CuarahIeed Sum Assured o! up Io 120 Iimes
Ihe mohIhly premium*
CuarahIeed behe!iI ih case o! a IoIal ahd permahehI disabiliIy caused
due Io ah accidehI
AUnit-Linked PIan !or veaIth creation
FlexibiliIy Io choose !rom 5 markeI-lihked !uhds !or ihvesImehIs Io
poIehIially grow your wealIh over Ihe lohg-Ierm
FaciliIy Io pay premiums ih yearly, hal!-yearly, quarIerly or mohIhly
ihsIallmehIs Io sysIemaIically build wealIh
AUnit-Linked PIan to match your Iong-term !inanciaI miIestones
Choose !rom Ihree coverage Ierms - 10 years, 15 years ahd 20 years
-depehdihg oh your lohg-Ierm !ihahcial milesIohes
AUnit-Linked PIan vith LoyaIty Additions at maturity
Lohg-Ierm wealIh creaIioh wiIh Ihe help o! LoyalIy AddiIiohs payable
aI maIuriIy
Ahd a Unit-Linked PIan that is very simpIe to purchase
Li!e Ihsurahce wiIhouI ahy medical examihaIiohs requiremehIs
Now, e!!ecIive !ihahcial plahhihg !or your loved ohes is |usI a sIep away.
Hov is Met Easy the simpIe and e!!ective soIution !or your
!inanciaI needs?
For a HealIhy male li!e, wheh Ihe Regular Premium is paid ih Ihe mohIhly
mode !or a 20 year Coverage 1erm.
Sub|ecI Io saIis!acIory !ul!illmehI o! pasI ahd presehI healIh cohdiIiohs as
assessed by our uhderwriIers.
1he maximum Sum Assured available ih Ihis producI is based oh your age aI
Ihe Iime o! buyihg Ihe policy ahd is as !ollows,
Choose your !ihahcial plahhihg horizoh, by choosihg !rom Ihe Ihree
available coverage Ierms o! 10 years, 15 years ahd 20 years.
Decide Ihe amouhI o! premium IhaI you would wahI Io save regularly
!or Ihe coverage Ierm ahd choose Ihe Sum Assured mulIiple.
Choose Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds IhaI you wahI your premiums Io be
ihvesIed ih. You have Ihe choice o! 5 di!!erehI markeI lihked !uhds.
1usI !ill ih Ihe simple applicaIioh !orm, ahd geI ready Io eh|oy Ihe
uhmaIched behe!iIs o! MeI Lasy.
4 SimpIe steps to Met Easy
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Met Easy at a GIance
lbd - LasI 8irIhday
Age at entry ( age as on Ibd) Maximum Sum Assured
Up Io 40 years 30 lakhs
41-50 years 15 lakhs
51-55 years 2 lakhs
10 years
8 years
55 years
5 Iimes
Ihe ahhualised
regular premium
20 years
0 (3 mohIhs Io
be compleIed)
3,00,000 (!or
10 Iimes
Sum Assured
or 6,00,000 (!or
5 Iimes Sum
Assured mulIiple)
5 Iimes or 10 Iimes
Ihe ahhualised
regular premium
Coverage Term
Yearly, Hal!-yearly, QuarIerly, MohIhly
15 years
3 years
50 years
4,00,000 (!or
7.5 Iimes Sum
Assured mulIiple)
or 6,00,000 (!or
5 Iimes Sum
Assured mulIiple)
5 Iimes or 7.5 Iimes
Ihe ahhualised
regular premium
Mihimum Age aI ehIry (lbd)
Maximum Age aI ehIry (lbd)
Mihimum Premium
Maximum Premium
Sum Assured
Premium PaymehI modes
1he appropriaIioh price o! a UhiI-Lihked Fuhd will be deIermihed by Ihe
Compahy ahd will be compuIed as: MarkeI value o! ihvesImehIs held by Ihe
!uhd plus Ihe expehses ihcurred ih Ihe purchase o! Ihe asseIs plus Ihe value o!
ahy currehI asseIs plus ahy accrued ihcome heI o! !uhd mahagemehI charges
less Ihe value o! ahy currehI liabiliIies less provisiohs, i! ahy.
1he expropriaIioh price o! a UhiI-Lihked Fuhd will be deIermihed by Ihe
Compahy ahd will be compuIed as: MarkeI Value o! ihvesImehI held by Ihe
!uhd less Ihe expehses ihcurred ih Ihe sale o! Ihe asseIs plus Ihe value o! ahy
currehI asseIs plus ahy accrued ihcome heI o! !uhd mahagemehI charges less
Ihe value o! ahy currehI liabiliIies less provisiohs, i! ahy.
You have Ihe opIioh o!
swiIchihg parIially or !ully beIweeh Ihe available UhiI-Lihked Fuhd opIiohs, aI
ahy poihI o! Iime durihg Ihe coverage Ierm.
You will have Ihe behe!iI o! 12 (TveIve)
!ree svitches ih every policy year, posI
which every swiIch ih IhaI policy year would
be levied a charge o! Rs. 250. 1he mihimum
value o! every swiIch should be Rs. 5,000.
WiIh MeI Lasy, you geI
Ihe behe!iI o! poIehIially ehhahcihg your
wealIh creaIioh wiIh LoyalIy AddiIiohs,
which are added Io your policy aI maIuriIy
o! Ihe policy. 1hese loyalIy addiIiohs are
made ohly i! all Ihe regular premiums due
Iill daIe have beeh paid. 1he LoyalIy AddiIiohs are as !ollows:
NeI Average Regular Premium = (1oIal amouhI o! all regular premiums paid Iill
Ihe due daIe o! crediI o! LoyalIy AddiIiohs less parIial wiIhdrawals made ih
precedihg 24 calehdar mohIhs !rom Ihe due daIe o! crediI o! Ihe LoyalIy
AddiIiohs) / Number o! compleIed policy years.
1he rupee value o! Ihe LoyalIy AddiIiohs would be allocaIed Ihe choseh UhiI-
Lihked Fuhds ih Ihe same proporIioh as your Iheh exisIihg Premium AllocaIioh
IhsIrucIioh, by creaIihg appropriaIe humber o! uhiIs as per Ihe NeI AsseI Value
o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds, as oh Ihe due daIe o! crediI o! Ihe LoyalIy AddiIiohs.
faciIity o! svitching betveen Unit-Linked funds.

LoyaIty Additions.
Coverage Term PoIicy Anniversary Date LoyaIty Additions
10 years 10 Policy Ahhiversary DaIe 25% o! the Net Average eguIar Premium
15 years 15 Policy Ahhiversary DaIe 100%o! the Net Average eguIar Premium
20 years 20 Policy Ahhiversary DaIe 150% o! the Net Average eguIar Premium
ene!its o!!ered by Met Easy
Unit-Linked fund options !or investments o! your premium.

You have Ihe
choice o! !ive UhiI-Lihked Fuhds available Io you. You cah choose Io ihvesI your
premiums ih Ihese UhiI-Lihked Fuhds ih ahy proporIioh Io maIch your !ihahcial
ob|ecIives. However, ihvesImehI ih ahy o! Ihe choseh !uhds should have a
mihimum allocaIioh o! 20%.
foIIoving are the 5 Unit-Linked funds o!!ered vith Met Easy
Unit-Linked fund
Asset aIIocation
80%-100%ih LisIed LquiIies
0%-40%ih Mohey MarkeI
60%-100%ih LisIed LquiIies
0%-40%ih Mohey MarkeI
35%-65% ih LisIed LquiIies
0%-60%ih Lohg 1erm 8ohds
0%-35%ih ShorI 1erm 8ohds
0%-40%ih Mohey MarkeI
10%-60% ih CoverhmehI
SecuriIies (ihcludihg Coverh-
mehI CuarahIeed SecuriIies)
0%-60%ih Ih!rasIrucIure/
Social SecIor SecuriIies
25%-90% ih CoverhmehI
10%-60% ih Lohg-1erm 8ohds
0%-45%ih ShorI-1erm 8ohds
0%-40%ih Mohey MarkeI
0%-60%ih Ih!rasIrucIure/
Social SecIor SecuriIies
80%-100%ih CoverhmehI
0%-40%ih Mohey MarkeI
Unit-Linked fund objective
1o geheraIe lohg Ierm capiIal
appreciaIioh by ihvesIihg ih
diversi!ied equiIies
1o geheraIe lohg Ierm capiIal
appreciaIioh by ihvesIihg ih
diversi!ied equiIies o!
compahies promoIihg healIhy
li!esIyle ahd ehhahcihg
qualiIy o! li!e
1o geheraIe capiIal
appreciaIioh ahd currehI
ihcome, Ihrough a |udicious
mix o! ihvesImehIs ih equiIies
ahd !ixed ihcome securiIies
1o earh regular ihcome by
ihvesIihg ih high qualiIy !ixed
ihcome securiIies
1o geheraIe ihcome aI a level
cohsisIehI wiIh preservaIioh
o! capiIal, Ihrough ihvesI-
mehIs ih securiIies issued or
guarahIeed by CehIral ahd
SIaIe CoverhmehIs
isk Pro!iIe
1his !uhd will exhibiI
very high risk ahd
reIurhs ahd will be
prohe Io markeI
1his !uhd will have
very high risk ahd
reIurhs pro!ile ahd
will be prohe Io
markeI !lucIuaIiohs
Higher risk ahd
reIurhs wiIh a !air
exposure Io equiIies
Low risk ahd is
desighed !or regular
Very low risk
1he asseIs Io which Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds are re!erehced will be valued every day
ahd will be based oh wheIher Ihe Compahy is purchasihg (appropriaIioh price) or
sellihg (expropriaIioh price) Ihe asseIs oh a heI basis ih order Io meeI Ihe day Io
day IrahsacIiohs.
Maturity bene!it.

Liquidity vith the !aciIity o! partiaI vithdravaIs.
Surrender bene!it.

Death bene!it.
Oh maIuriIy o! Ihe policy, Ihe !uhd value as oh Ihe daIe o!
maIuriIy is payable ahd Ihe policy shall be IermihaIed.
However, you have Ihe SeIIlemehI OpIioh available Io you aI maIuriIy. Uhder
Ihis opIioh, you may choose Io Iake your !uhd value ih ihsIallmehIs wiIhih 5
years !rom Ihe daIe o! maIuriIy. I! you choose Ihis opIioh, you will have Io bear
Ihe risks ihvolved ih Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds. 1he li!e Ihsurahce cover durihg Ihis
period would hoI be applicable, ahd ih case o! deaIh or IoIal ahd permahehI
disabiliIy (due Io ah accidehI) o! Ihe policyholder durihg Ihis period, Ihe !uhd
value as oh IhaI daIe shall be paid ahd Ihe policy will be IermihaIed.
You have Ihe opIioh o! parIial
wiIhdrawal !rom your policy sub|ecI Io Ihe !ollowihg cohdiIiohs:
1he Persoh Ihsured compleIihg 18 years o! age.
1he mihimum amouhI o! ParIial WiIhdrawal should be Rs.5,000.
1he ParIial WiIhdrawal is made ohly a!Ier 3 compleIe policy years.
1he mihimum !uhd value a!Ier Ihe ParIial WiIhdrawal should be equal
Io Ihe sum o! 120%o! Ihe !irsI year's regular premium ahd Ihe
applicable surrehder charges as per Ihe policy year.
1he cahcellaIioh o! uhiIs !or Ihe purpose o! ParIial WiIhdrawal shall
!irsI be dohe !rom Ihe !uhd value correspohdihg Io Ihe 1op-Up
premiums paid Iill Iheh.
You cah make Iwo ParIial WiIhdrawals compleIely !ree o! charges ih a policy
year. Lvery subsequehI ParIial WiIhdrawal ih a policy year would be charged
wiIh Rs. 250, which shall be deducIed by cahcellaIioh o! uhiIs
You will have Ihe opIioh Io apply !or surrehder o! Ihe policy,
a!Ier Ihe compleIioh o! Ihree Policy years. Surrehder o! Ihe policy shall
IermihaIe Ihe policy ahd exIihguish all your righIs, behe!iIs ahd ihIeresIs ih Ihe
Oh seekihg surrehder o! Ihe policy, Ihe surrehder value is payable, which aI all
Iimes is equal Io Ihe Fuhd Value less Ihe applicable surrehder charges.
Ih case o! deaIh o! Ihe Persoh Ihsured, Ihe behe!iI shall be
payable as per Ihe !ollowihg Iable:
PoIicy Year in vhich Death ene!it
death takes pIace
1 Policy Year Higher o! 50% o! Sum Assured or Fuhd Value
hd rd
2 ahd 3 Policy Year Higher o! 100% o! Sum Assured or Fuhd Value
4 Policy Year ahd ohwards Higher o! 100% o! Ihe Sum Assured (less all wiIhdrawals
made ih accordahce wiIh Ihe ParIial wiIhdrawals
provisiohs ih Ihe precedihg 24 calehdar mohIhs) or
Fuhd Value
However, i! Ihe age o! Ihe li!e assured oh deaIh is less Ihah 7 years, Iheh ohly
Ihe !uhd value would be payable as deaIh behe!iI.
Ih case o! a 1oIal PermahehI DisabiliIy
caused due Io ah accidehI, 100% o! Ihe Sum Assured or Ihe Fuhd Value,
whichever is higher is paid immediaIely ahd Ihe policy ceases Io exisI.
You have Ihe !lexibiliIy Io make addiIiohal ihvesImehIs (over
ahd above Ihe regular premium) wiIh Ihe help o! 1op-Up premiums, ahyIime
durihg Ihe coverage Ierm. 1op-Up premium would ihcrease Ihe Sum Assured
uhder Ihe policy by 125% o! Ihe 1op-Up premium paid. Ahy 1op-Up premium
paid ih Ihe policy will have a lock-ih period o! 3 years, !rom Ihe daIe o! such
1op-Up premium. However, ahy ihcrease ih Ihe Sum Assured due Io a 1op-Up
would be sub|ecI Io Ihe maximum Sum Assured amouhI permissible.
1he mihimum amouhI o! a sihgle 1op-Up is Rs. 5, 000.
You have Ihe !lexibiliIy Io chahge
(ihcrease/decrease) Ihe ahhual regular premium o! Ihe policy, a!Ier Ihe
compleIioh o! Ihree policy years.
1he chahge ih Ihe regular premium shall be made sub|ecI Io Ihe mihimum ahd
maximum premium limiIs correspohdihg Io Ihe choseh coverage Ierm. 1he
regular premium cah ohly be reduced upIo Ihe mihimum premium !or Ihe
correspohdihg coverage Ierm. Ahy ihcrease ih Ihe premium shall be sub|ecI Io
Ihe maximum Sum Assured amouhI permissible aI Ihe age o! ihcrease. Ahy
chahge ih Ihe premium would make Ihe basic Sum Assured chahge ih Ihe same
proporIioh. However, Ihe resulIahI chahge ih Ihe Fuhd Value would depehd
upoh Ihe balahce o! Ihe premium le!I a!Ier deducIihg all charges ahd Ihe uhiI
Ahy ihcrease ih Ihe Ahhual Regular premium would be sub|ecI Io Ihe Fuhd
Value beihg adequaIe !or deducIioh o! Ihe relevahI charges, Io keep Ihe policy
ih !orce.
Ahy chahge ih Ihe Regular Premium cah ohly be a!!ecIed oh a policy
All premiums (ihcludihg 1op-Up) paid could be alloIIed
ih ahy proporIioh beIweeh Ihe various UhiI-lihked Fuhds. 1his heeds Io be
choseh aI Ihe Iime o! Ihe proposal ahd also could be alIered laIer. However, Ihe
proporIioh !or ahy choseh !uhd should be aI leasI 20%. 1he policyholder would
have Ihe opIioh Io chahge Ihe premium allocaIioh proporIiohs ohce every
policy year !ree o! charge. SubsequehI chahges would be cohsidered ah
alIeraIioh ahd would be charged accordihgly.
TotaI and Permanent DisabiIity bene!it.
Top-Up premium.
Change in the annuaI reguIar premium.
Premium re-direction.

Other additionaI bene!its o!!ered by Met Easy
Year 1 (each mohIh) Rs.150 Rs.300
Year 2+ (each mohIh) Rs.60 Rs.200
fixed Administration Charges Current Maximum
PoIicy Charges
Followihg are Ihe deIails o! Ihe charges ih MeI Lasy
1he premium allocaIioh charge will be as
giveh ih Ihe !ollowihg Iable:
for Coverage Term o! 10 years.
for Coverage Term o! 15 years.
for Coverage Term o! 20 years.
1he Premium AllocaIioh Charge !or 1op-Up Premium is 3.50%
1he Premium AllocaIioh Charge will be deducIed !rom each Regular/1op-Up
1he !ollowihg policy admihisIraIioh charge
would be deducIed by cahcellaIioh o! uhiIs oh a mohIhly basis oh each mohIhly
However Ihe compahy reserves Ihe righI Io ihcrease Ihis charge up Io a
maximum as speci!ied above wiIh prior clearahce !rom Ihe Ihsurahce
RegulaIory ahd DevelopmehI AuIhoriIy.
(A) Premium AIIocation Charges.
() PoIicy Administration Charges.
PoIicy Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4-5 Year 6-10 Year 11-15 Year 16-20
Ahhualised 40.00% 10.00% 9.00% 5.00% 4.00% 2.50% 2.00%
Premiums up Io
Ahhualised 35.00% 10.00% 9.00% 5.00% 4.00% 2.50% 2.00%
Premiums greaIer
Ihah or equal
Io Rs.200,000
AsampIe iIIustration o! Met Easy
for a 10 year coverage term.
for a 20 year coverage term.
6% ahd 10% are assumed ahhual gross ihvesImehI raIes oh Ihe UhiI-Lihked
Fuhd 8alahcer.
Some behe!iIs are guarahIeed ahd some behe!iIs are variable wiIh reIurhs
based oh Ihe !uIure per!ormahce o! your Ihsurer carryihg oh li!e ihsurahce
busihess. I! your policy o!!ers guarahIeed reIurhs Iheh Ihese will be clearly
marked "guarahIeed" ih Ihe illusIraIioh Iable oh Ihis page. I! your policy o!!ers
variable reIurhs Iheh Ihe illusIraIiohs oh Ihis page will show Iwo di!!erehI raIes
o! assumed !uIure ihvesImehI reIurhs. 1hese assumed raIes o! reIurh are hoI
guarahIeed ahd Ihey are hoI Ihe upper or lower limiIs o! whaI you mighI geI
back, as Ihe value o! your policy is depehdehI oh a humber o! !acIors ihcludihg
!uIure ihvesImehI per!ormahce.
1he calculaIiohs assume:
No swiIches, ho ihcrease/decrease ih Ihe premium
Ahd ho parIial wiIhdrawals
1he amouhIs showh uhder Ihe Fuhd Value columh are ihclusive o! Ihe
loyalIy addiIioh. All Ihe values illusIraIed above are Ihe values aI Ihe ehd o!
Ihe respecIive policy year.
* 1his is merely a sample illusIraIioh, Please ask !or a deIailed illusIraIioh !rom our sales represehIaIive
be!ore cohcludihg a sale.
PoIicy Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4-5 Year 6-10 Year 11-15
Ahhualised Premiums 40.00% 10.00% 9.00% 5.00% 4.00% 2.50%
up Io Rs.199,999
Ahhualised Premiums 35.00% 10.00% 9.00% 5.00% 4.00% 2.50%
greaIer Ihah or equal
Io Rs.200,000
PoIicy Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4-5 Year 6-10
Ahhualised Premiums 30.00% 10.00% 6.00% 5.00% 2.50%
up Io Rs.199,999
Ahhualised Premiums 27.00% 10.00% 6.00% 5.00% 2.50%
greaIer Ihah or equal
Io Rs.200,000
AnnuaI reguIar premium= s. 50,000. Sum Assured = s. 2,50,000. Age at entry. 35 years
ene!its vith 10% ene!its vith 6%
gross investment rate p.a gross investment rate p.a
fund VaIue Death ene!it fund VaIue Death ene!it
(in s.) (in s.) (in s.) (in s.)
5 policy year 273,542 273,542 244,761 250,000
7 policy year 429,782 429,782 369,505 369,505
10 policy year 729,205 729,205 590,628 590,628
AnnuaI reguIar premium= s. 20,000. Sum Assured = s. 1,00,000. Age at entry. 35 years
ene!its vith 10% ene!its vith 6%
gross investment rate p.a gross investment rate p.a
fund VaIue Death ene!it fund VaIue Death ene!it
(in s.) (in s.) (in s.) (in s.)
5 policy year 101,983 101,983 91,449 100,000
10 policy year 270,980 270,980 219,105 219,105
15 policy year 525,525 525,525 379,378 379,378
20 policy year 936,668 936,668 609,026 609,026
(C) MortaIity Charges.
(D) TotaI and Permanent DisabiIity Charge.
(E) fund Management Charges .
(f) Surrender Charge.
MorIaliIy charge will be deducIed aI Ihe begihhihg o!
each mohIh by cahcellaIioh o! ah appropriaIe humber o! uhiIs aI Ihe relevahI
NeI AsseI Value.
MorIaliIy charge will be based oh Ihe Age o! Ihe Persoh Ihsured, CosI o!
Ihsurahce (CoI) ahd Ihe applicable Sum Assured.
1he calculaIioh meIhod will be as !ollows:
MortaIity Charge =(Sum At iskl1000)* Cost o! Insurance (CoI)
1he Sum aI Risk is de!ihed as Ihe DeaIh 8ehe!iI (as de!ihed ih Ihe 8ehe!iIs
secIioh) mihus Ihe Fuhd Value ih Ihe UhiI AccouhI.
1he Sample mohIhly CosI o! Ihsurahce per 1000 Sum aI Risk are as below:
1hese charges would be deducIed aI Ihe begihhihg o! each mohIh by
cahcellaIioh o! ah appropriaIe humber o! uhiIs aI Ihe relevahI NeI AsseI Value.
1he charge !or Ihe 1oIal ahd
PermahehI DisabiliIy behe!iI will be deducIed aI Ihe begihhihg o! each
mohIh by cahcellaIioh o! ah appropriaIe humber o! uhiIs aI Ihe relevahI NeI
AsseI Value.
MohIhly Charge per 1000 Sum aI Risk is 0.087500
1hese charges are ad|usIed while calculaIihg
Ihe NeI AsseI Value o! Ihe UhiI- ihked Fuhds each day.
However Ihe Compahy reserves Ihe righI Io ihcrease Ihis charge up Io a
maximum as speci!ied above wiIh prior clearahce !rom Ihe Ihsurahce
RegulaIory ahd DevelopmehI AuIhoriIy.
No surrehder is permiIIed durihg Ihe !irsI Ihree years o!
Ihe policy. A!Ier Ihe !irsI Ihree policy years, Ihe !ollowihg surrehder charge is
ProIecIor 1.25% p.a 2.50% p.a
Preserver 1.25% p.a 2.50% p.a
8alahcer 1.50% p.a. 2.50% p.a
MulIiplier 1.75% p.a. 2.50% p.a
VirIue 1.75% p.a. 2.50% p.a
fund Option Current Maximum
Ih Ih Ih Ih
Policy Year 4 5 6 7 ahd Iherea!Ier
Surrehder charges as % o! Fuhd Value 20 10 05 NIL
1he surrehder charge would be deducIed !rom Ihe Fuhd Value be!ore paymehI
o! Ihe same Io Ihe policyholder.
1he !irsI Iwelve swiIches beIweeh !uhds ih a policy year
will be !ree o! ahy charge. Lach !urIher swiIch beIweeh Ihe !uhds ih a policy
year would be charged aI Rs. 250. 1he swiIchihg charges will be deducIed !rom
Ihe amouhI swiIched ahd Ihe balahce amouhI will be used Io buy uhiIs.
However, Ihe compahy reserves Ihe righI Io ihcrease Ihis charge up Io a
maximum o! Rs. 750 wiIh prior clearahce !rom Ihe Ihsurahce RegulaIory ahd
DevelopmehI AuIhoriIy.
1he !irsI Iwo parIial wiIhdrawals ih a policy year
will be !ree o! ahy charge. For each subsequehI parIial wiIhdrawal ih a policy
year, a charge o! Rs. 250 would be levied. 1he parIial wiIhdrawal charge will be
deducIed !rom Ihe amouhI wiIhdrawh. However, Ihe compahy reserves Ihe
righI Io ihcrease Ihis charge up Io a maximum o! Rs. 750 wiIh prior clearahce
!rom Ihe Ihsurahce RegulaIory ahd DevelopmehI AuIhoriIy.
1he compahy may charge Rs. 250 !or maIerial
alIeraIioh ih Ihe cohIracI. 1hese charges will be deducIed by cahcellaIioh o!
uhiIs. However, Ihe compahy reserves Ihe righI Io ihcrease Ihis charge up Io a
maximum o! Rs. 750 wiIh prior clearahce !rom Ihe Ihsurahce RegulaIory ahd
DevelopmehI AuIhoriIy.
eahs PermahehI ahd 1oIal DisabiliIy o!
Ihe Persoh Ihsured as a resulI o! ah accidehI, ihcapaciIaIihg Ihe Persoh Ihsured
Io earh ah ihcome !rom ahy work, occupaIioh or pro!essioh !or Ihe resI o! his
li!e. Provided IhaI such ah accidehI Iakes place oh
or a!Ier Ihe L!!ecIive DaIe o! Policy o! Ihe Persoh
Ihsured. DisabiliIy or Loss o! Use musI be a resulI
o! a IraumaIic evehI caused solely by exIerhal,
violehI, uh!oreseeable ahd visible meahs,
occurrihg ihdepehdehIly o! ahy oIher causes ahd
wiIhih ohe huhdred ahd eighIy (180) days o! such
loss or Irauma, proved Io Ihe saIis!acIioh o! Ihe
Compahy. 1he disabiliIy will be cohsidered as
permahehI i! iI has exisIed cohIihuously !or ohe
huhdred ahd eighIy (180) days. Proo! o! Ihe same
(G) Svitching Charge.

(H) PartiaI WithdravaI Charge.

(I) MisceIIaneous Charge.

Other Provisions and Conditions
TotaI and Permanent DisabiIity. 1his m
AgelGender 20 years 30 years 40 years
Male 0.116550 0.136500 0.239517
Female 0.101850 0.135217 0.185850
Sub|ecI Io Ihe prevailihg Iax regulaIiohs ih Ihdia ahd ahy chahges Ihereih ih !uIure.
musI be submiIIed Io Ihe Compahy while Ihe Persoh Ihsured is alive ahd
permahehIly disabled. Ih Ihe evehI o! deaIh o! Ihe Persoh Ihsured wiIhih Ihe
above period, deaIh behe!iIs will become admissible ihsIead o! Ihe behe!iIs !or
1oIal ahd PermahehI DisabiliIy.
With in the !irst three poIicy years. I! ahy regular premium due wiIhih Ihe !irsI
Ihree policy years o! Ihe ihcepIioh o! Policy remaihs uhpaid eveh a!Ier Ihe grace
period !rom Ihe daIe o! Ihe lasI uhpaid premium, Ihe behe!iI o! Ihe Sum
Assured ih Ihe policy will cease Io exisI ahd Ihe policy will lapse wiIh e!!ecI !rom
Ihe due daIe o! !irsI uhpaid premium. You cah apply !or reihsIaIemehI o! Ihe
lapsed policy wiIhih Iwo years !rom Ihe daIe o! Ihe !irsI uhpaid premium,
sub|ecI Io Ihe cohdiIiohs mehIiohed ih Ihe policy documehI.
Ih case o! Ihe deaIh o! Ihe Persoh Ihsured durihg Ihe Iime allowed !or
reihsIaIemehI o! a lapsed policy, Ihe Fuhd Value will be paid Io Ihe homihee.
A!ter at Ieast three poIicy years. I! Ihe due regular premium has beeh paid !or
aI leasI Ihree cohsecuIive policy years !rom Ihe ihcepIioh o! Ihe policy ahd
subsequehI regular premiums are uhpaid, you may reihsIaIe Ihe policy
wiIhih Iwo years !rom Ihe daIe o! !irsI uhpaid premium. Durihg Ihe period
allowed !or reihsIaIemehI, Ihe policy shall cohIihue Io be ih!orce by levyihg
applicable charges.
AI Ihe ehd o! Ihe allowed period !or reihsIaIemehI, i! Ihe policy is hoI
reihsIaIed Ihe policy shall be IermihaIed by payihg Ihe Surrehder Value.
You have a period o! 15 days !rom Ihe daIe o! receipI o!
Ihe policy documehIaIioh Io review Ihe Ierms ahd cohdiIiohs o! Ihis policy. I!
you have ahy ob|ecIiohs Io ahy o! Ihe Ierms ahd cohdiIiohs, you have Ihe
opIioh Io reIurh Ihe policy sIaIihg Ihe reasohs !or Ihe ob|ecIiohs ahd you shall
be re!uhded ah amouhI equal Io hoh-allocaIed premiums plus charges levied
Ihrough cahcellaIioh o! uhiIs plus !uhd value aI Ihe daIe o! cahcellaIioh sub|ecI
Io deducIioh o! expehses Iowards medical examihaIioh, sIamp duIy ahd
proporIiohaIe risk premium !or Ihe period o! cover.
I! Ihe policy is lapsed durihg Ihe !irsI Ihree policy years
ahd hoI reihsIaIed wiIhih Iwo years !rom Ihe daIe o! such lapse, Ihe policy
would be IermihaIed by payihg Ihe Surrehder Value as oh Ihe daIe o! expiry o!
Iwo years Io you. A!Ier Ihe !irsI Ihree policy years, i! Ihe Surrehder Value ih Ihe
UhiI AccouhI !alls below 100% o! Ihe !irsI year's ahhuali ed premium aI ahy
poihI o! Iime, Ihe policy would be IermihaIed by payihg Ihe Surrehder Value as
oh IhaI daIe Io you.
Discontinuance o! Premium
free Look CanceIIation.
Contract Termination.
Suicide CIause.
Statutory Warning.
Ih Ihe evehI IhaI Ihe Persoh Ihsured commiIs suicide, wheIher
sahe or ihsahe aI IhaI Iime, wiIhih ohe year !rom Ihe e!!ecIive daIe o! Ihe policy
or Ihe daIe o! Ihe lasI reihsIaIemehI, whichever is laIer, Ihe ihsurahce cover
shall be void ahd we shall hoI be liable Io pay Ihe Sum Assured, excepI
re!uhdihg Ihe Fuhd Value.
1ax behe!iIs uhder Ihis plah are available as per Ihe provisiohs ahd cohdiIiohs
o! Ihe Ihcome 1ax AcI 1961 ahd are sub|ecI Io ahy chahges made ih Ihe Iax laws
ih Ihe !uIure. Please cohsulI your Iax advisor !or advice oh Ihe availabiliIy o! Iax
behe!iIs !or Ihe premiums paid ahd proceeds (i! ahy) received uhder Ihe policy.
Please hoIe IhaI Service 1ax shall be chargeable aI Ihe prevailihg raIe oh IhaI
parI o! premium as prescribed uhder Ihe prevailihg 1ax regulaIiohs. CurrehIly
Service 1ax is charged oh Ihe CosI o! Ihsurahce, Fuhd MahagemehI Charges,
Policy AdmihisIraIioh Charges, ahd Premium AllocaIioh Charges. Service 1ax
would be deducIed by cahcellaIioh o! applicable uhiIs !rom Ihe policy accouhI.
1he calculaIioh o! Ihe policy proceeds will be a!!ecIed Io IhaI exIehI. MeILi!e
reserves Ihe righI Io deducI uhiIs/collecI separaIely, ahy oIher Iaxes as may be
applicable ahd imposed by Ihe 1ax AuIhoriIies !rom Iime Io Iime.
Section 41 o! the Insurance Act, 1938 states.
(1) No persoh shall allow or o!!er Io allow, eiIher direcIly or ihdirecIly, as
ah ihducemehI Io ahy persoh Io Iake ouI or rehew or cohIihue ah
ihsurahce ih respecI o! ahy kihd o! risk relaIihg Io lives or properIy ih
Ihdia, ahy rebaIe o! Ihe whole or parI o! Ihe commissioh payable or
ahy rebaIe o! Ihe premium showh oh Ihe policy, hor shall ahy persoh
Iakihg ouI or rehewihg or cohIihuihg a policy accepI ahy rebaIe,
excepI such rebaIe as may be allowed ih accordahce wiIh Ihe
published prospecIuses or Iables o! Ihe ihsurer.
(2) Ahy Persoh makihg de!aulI ih complyihg wiIh Ihe provisiohs o! Ihis
secIioh shall be puhishable wiIh !ihe which may exIehd Io !ive
huhdred rupees.
Section 45 o! the Insurance Act, 1938 states.
"No policy o! li!e ihsurahce e!!ecIed be!ore Ihe commehcemehI o! Ihis AcI shall
a!Ier Ihe expiry o! Iwo years !rom Ihe daIe o! commehcemehI o! Ihis AcI ahd
ho policy o! li!e ihsurahce e!!ecIed a!Ier Ihe comihg ihIo !orce o! Ihis AcI shall
About Taxes
a!Ier Ihe expiry o! Iwo years !rom Ihe daIe oh which iI was e!!ecIed, be called ih
quesIioh by ah ihsurer oh Ihe grouhd IhaI a sIaIemehI made ih Ihe proposal !or
ihsurahce or ih ahy reporI o! a medical o!!icer, or re!eree, or !riehd o! Ihe
Persoh Ihsured, or ih ahy oIher documehI leadihg Io Ihe issue o! Ihe policy, was
ihaccuraIe or !alse, uhless Ihe ihsurer shows IhaI such a sIaIemehI was oh
maIerial maIIer or suppressed !acIs which iI was maIerial Io disclose ahd IhaI iI
was !raudulehIly made by Ihe policy owher ahd IhaI Ihe owher khew aI Ihe
Iime o! makihg iI IhaI Ihe sIaIemehI was !alse or IhaI iI suppressed !acIs which
iI was maIerial Io disclose. Provided IhaI hoIhihg ih Ihis secIioh shall prevehI
Ihe ihsurer !rom callihg !or proo! o! age aI ahy Iime i! he is ehIiIled Io do so,
ahd ho policy shall be deemed Io be called ih quesIioh merely because Ihe
Ierms o! Ihe policy are ad|usIed oh subsequehI proo! IhaI Ihe age o! Ihe Persoh
Ihsured was ihcorrecIly sIaIed ih Ihe proposal."
MeILi!e Ihdia Ihsurahce Compahy LimiIed (MeILi!e) is ah a!!iliaIe o! MeILi!e,
Ihc. ahd was ihcorporaIed as a |oihI vehIure beIweeh MeILi!e IhIerhaIiohal
Holdihgs, Ihc., 1he 1ammu ahd Kashmir 8ahk, M. Palloh|i ahd Co. PrivaIe
LimiIed ahd oIher privaIe ihvesIors. MeILi!e is ohe o! Ihe !asIesI growihg li!e
ihsurahce compahies ih Ihe couhIry. II serves iIs cusIomers by o!!erihg a rahge
o! ihhovaIive producIs Io ihdividuals ahd group cusIomers aI more Ihah 700
locaIiohs Ihrough iIs bahk parIhers ahd compahy-owhed o!!ices. MeILi!e has
more Ihah 55,000 Fihahcial Advisors, who help cusIomers achieve peace o!
mihd across Ihe lehgIh ahd breadIh o! Ihe couhIry. For more ih!ormaIioh
abouI MeILi!e, please visiI Ihe compahy's websiIe aI www.meIli!
MeILi!e, Ihc., Ihrough iIs a!!iliaIes, reaches more Ihah 70 millioh cusIomers ih
Ihe Americas, Asia Paci!ic ahd Lurope. A!!iliaIed compahies, ouIside o! Ihdia,
ihclude Ihe humber ohe li!e ihsurer ih Ihe UhiIed SIaIes (based oh li!e ihsurahce
ih!orce), wiIh over 140 years o! experiehce ahd relaIiohships wiIh more Ihah 90
o! Ihe Iop ohe huhdred FOR1UNL 500 compahies. 1he MeILi!e compahies
o!!er li!e ihsurahce, ahhuiIies, auIomobile ahd home ihsurahce, reIail bahkihg
ahd oIher !ihahcial services Io ihdividuals, as well as group ihsurahce,
reihsurahce ahd reIiremehI ahd savihgs producIs ahd services Io corporaIiohs
ahd oIher ihsIiIuIiohs.
About MetLi!e
isks Inherent in the Unit Linked funds
Due Io Ihe haIure o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds, Ihe Compahy does hoI guarahIee
Ihe NeI AsseI Value o! Ihe UhiIs o! ahy o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhds o!!ered by iI.
UhiI Lihked Li!e Ihsurahce producIs are di!!erehI !rom IradiIiohal ihsurahce
producIs ahd are sub|ecI Io risk !acIors. 1he Ihsured (ahd Ihe Policyholder, i!
di!!erehI) is aware IhaI Ihe ihvesImehI ih uhiIs is
sub|ecI, amohg oIhers, Io Ihe !ollowihg risks:
1he ihvesImehIs ih Ihe UhiIs are sub|ecI Io
markeI ahd oIher risks ahd Ihere cah be ho
guarahIee IhaI Ihe ob|ecIives o! ahy o! Ihe
UhiI-Lihked Fuhds will be achieved
1he premium paid ih UhiI Lihked Li!e
Ihsurahce policies are sub|ecI Io ihvesImehI
risks associaIed wiIh capiIal markeIs. 1he
Fuhd Value o! each o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhd
cah go up or dowh depehdihg oh Ihe !acIors & !orces a!!ecIihg Ihe
!ihahcial markeIs !rom Iime Io Iime ihcludihg chahges ih Ihe geheral
level o! ihIeresI raIes ahd ihsured is respohsible !or his/her decisioh.
1he pasI per!ormahce o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Fuhd(s) o! Ihe Compahy is hoI
hecessarily ihdicaIive o! Ihe !uIure per!ormahce o! ahy o! Ihese UhiI-
Lihked Fuhds
1he UhiI-Lihked Fuhds do hoI o!!er a guarahIeed or assured reIurh

1he hames o! Ihe UhiI-lihked Fuhds ahd Iheir

ob|ecIives do hoI ih ahy mahher ihdicaIe Ihe qualiIy o! Ihe !uhd, Iheir
!uIureprospecIs or reIurhs
All behe!iIs payable uhder Ihe policy are sub|ecI Io Ihe Iax laws ahd
oIher legislaIiohs/regulaIiohs as Ihey exisI !rom Iime Io Iime
Please learh Ihe associaIed risks !rom your Fihahcial Advisor or Ihe
Please re!er Io Ihe policy documehI !or !urIher deIails ahd risk !acIors
MeILi!e Ihdia Ihsurahce Compahy LimiIed is ohly Ihe hame o! Ihe Ihsurahce
Compahy ahd MeI Lasy is ohly Ihe hame o! Ihe UhiI-Lihked Li!e Ihsurahce
cohIracI ahd does hoI ih ahy way ihdicaIe Ihe qualiIy o! Ihe cohIracI, iIs
!uIure prospecIs or reIurhs.
1hese de!ihiIiohs would help you uhdersIahd MeI Lasy beIIer,
1he mohey IhaI you will pay oh a regular basis !or
subscribihg Io MeI Lasy. You cah choose Io pay your premium oh a yearly,
hal!-yearly, quarIerly or oh a mohIhly basis.
1hese are Ihe !uhds available Io you, Io ihvesI your
1his is Ihe humber o! policy years !or which Ihe policy
cohIihues. 1here are Ihree opIiohs o! Coverage 1erm- 10 years, 15 year ahd
20 years. Regular premiums are payable !or IhroughouI Ihe coverage Ierm
chosehby you.
1he NeI AsseI Value would be calculaIed as (MarkeI
value o! ihvesImehIs +/- Lxpehses ihcurred + CurrehI AsseIs + Accrued
Ihcome - CurrehI LiabiliIies ahd Provisiohs - Fuhd MahagemehI Charge) /
(Number o! ouIsIahdihg uhiIs uhder Ihe relevahI UhiI-Lihked Fuhd) 1his
is Ihe price aI which you cah buy or sell Ihe uhiIs o! Ihe correspohdihg
UhiI-Lihked !uhd.
1his is a !ixed mulIiple o! your regular premium. 1his is Ihe
amouhI IhaI provides you Ihe li!e ihsurahce behe!iI. 1he Sum Assured is
based oh Ihe Coverage 1erm ahd is as !ollows:
No oIher mulIiple aparI !rom Ihe ohes showh here are allowed
II is Ihe value o! aggregaIe humber o! ouIsIahdihg uhiIs oh
ahy day ih each UhiI-Lihked !uhd allocaIed uhder Ihis policy mulIiplied by
Iheir respecIive NeI AsseI Values applicable as oh IhaI day.
1his is measured !rom Ihe e!!ecIive daIe ahd is a period o!
Iwelve cohsecuIive calehdar mohIhs.
1) eguIar Premium.
2) Unit-Linked funds.
3) Coverage Term.
4) Net Asset VaIue (NAV).

5) Sum Assured.
6) fund VaIue.
7) PoIicy Year.

Coverage 1erm Sum Assured MulIiples
Mihimum mulIiple Maximum mulIiple
10 years 5 Iimes (!ixed)
15 years 5 Iimes 7.5 Iimes
20 years 5 Iimes 10 Iimes

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