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!"#$: To conduct a sociological analysis of the construction and portrayal of race/ethnicity, sex/gender, social class, and/or sexual orientation for at least two hours on one of the following media genres: music videos, video games, television, film, literature, magazines, the Internet, or news. In addressing the following items you must provide rich detail. You should be describing but also analyzing. The completed assignment should be 3 ! pages in length. STEP ONE DESCRI%E YO&R PRO'ECT 1. "elect the form of media you wish to analyze and if needed, the specific items you will be analyzing. #or example, if you are analyzing video games, specify $%I&% games you will be studying.

2. 'ecord the pertinent information about your selection. That is, if it is an %() series detail what it is, when it aired, who produced it, etc. If it is a video game, when was it released, what is its rating, etc. (oo*s should include all publishing information. +tc. 3. ,escribe the piece of media in detail. #or example, if it is a movie, what is the setting and plot, who are the characters, etc. If it is a music video, give information about the song and details about the video.

4. -ive information about the age, race, sex, class, sexual orientation if possible, and other pertinent details about the characters.

5. You may choose to focus primarily on one area. sex/gender, race/ethnicity, social class, or sexual orientation. %owever, you should also touch on other forms to the degree that they are relevant. That is, be aware of the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. STEP TWO COND&CT YO&R ANALYSIS %ere are some examples of how you might go about doing this research. E(AMPLE #1: T)$ D$!i*+i", "- M.l$/F$0.l$ R$l.+i",# i, Mu#i* 1i2$"# /erform a content analysis of 0T1, 1%2, &0T, etc. $atch one hour each of two different channels. &ompare and contrast the main ideas/themes of music videos. %ow are males and females dressed3 %ow are minority group members treated/represented3 $hat activities are they engaged in3 %ow do they act3 $hat ideologies are being reflected3 'esisted3 'eproduced3 %ow3 4lways use specific examples to support your arguments. "ome guiding 5uestions. 6,on7t forget to concentrate on the differences in the depiction of racial/ethnic minorities and various social classes8

4re women depicted in a constant state of arousal3 ,oes this vary by racial/ethnic

4re women usually in competition with each other for men3 ,oes this vary by
racial/ethnic bac*ground3

4re women depicted as if they en9oy/desire being on display and ripping their clothes off
for men3 ,oes this vary by racial/ethnic bac*ground3 racial/ethnic bac*ground3 racial/ethnic bac*ground3 bac*ground3

,o the women portrayed say :no: when they really mean :yes:3 ,oes this vary by ,o women seem incapable of saying :no: to sexual advances3 ,oes this vary by $hat activities are males and females engaged in3 ,oes this vary by racial/ethnic $hat is the social role of the main characters 6male vs. female83 $hat messages are
being sent3 ,oes this vary by racial/ethnic bac*ground3

%ow does socialization play a role3 $hat privileges can you recognize3 $hat ideologies can you recognize3 4re they being reflected or resisted3

E(AMPLE #2: T)$ D$!i*+i", "- R.*$/E+),i*i+34 Cl.##4 5 G$,2$ ", T1 " -il0# $atch two different shows/films of the same genre 6e.g. sitcom, animated comedy, drama, action, etc.8 for at least one hour each. The two shows can be either. 628 from the same time period 6e.g., :"tand and ,eliver; and :4merican %istory <;8 or 6=8 from different time periods 6e.g., :&hico and the 0an: and :>ash (ridges; i.e., an historical comparison.) ,iscuss and analyze the differences and similarities in the interaction between the characters on the shows you choose. ,on?t forget to include social and historical context in your analysis, i.e., what was happening socially and historically when these shows were produced3 "ome guiding 5uestions.

In what ways do ma9ority and minority characters reflect or resist traditional stereotypes3 %ow do the characters meet 6or not meet8 these standards perceived by the other
characters on the show3

%ow does socialization play a role3 $hat privileges can you recognize3 $hat ideologies/messages can you identify3 4re they being reflected or resisted3
E(AMPLE #3: T)$ D$!i*+i", "- R.*$4 Cl.##4 5 G$,2$ i, 1i2$" G.0$#

,iscuss and analyze the differences and similarities in the interaction between the characters on the video games you choose. #ocus on the race, class, and gender of the characters in the game. "pecifically describe what roles the characters are playing. "ome guiding 5uestions.

$ho is the hero and/or heroine of the game3 $hat is the ob9ective of the game3 $ho are the main characters3 $ho are the minor characters3 4re there victims in the game3 If so, what race, class, gender are they3 $hat types of things are the characters doing in the game3 6(e sure to brea* this down by
race, class and gender.8

%ow does socialization play a role3 $hat privileges can you recognize3 $hat ideologies can you recognize3 4re they being reflected or resisted3


,escribe what this exercise has taught you about the role of media in constructing and maintaining cultural ideologies regarding race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.


$hat do you believe to be the role of individuals in affecting these media portrayals. That is, while we focus on the effects of media on individuals, what is the effect of individuals and groups on media3


,o you believe the effects of media on cultural ideologies and individuals have changed over time with the increase in technology and if so, how. /rovide details.

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