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Epilepsy & Behavior 26 (2013) 440449

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Epilepsy & Behavior

!o"rna l ho#e p a$e % && &'e l sevie r' co #( locate( yebeh


*ntiepileptic +r"$ e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior% -olec"lar tar$ets

.iero .er"cca a// -arco -"la
a b

-ontreal 0e"rolo$ical 1nstit"te/ -c2ill 3niversity/ -ontreal/ 4C/ Cana+a ivision o, 0e"rolo$y/ *#e+eo *vo$a+ro 3niversity/ 0ovara/ 1taly

a r t i c l e

i n , o

a b s t r a c t
8ith al#ost 100 years o, clinical e9perience/ antiepileptic +r"$s (*E s) re#ain the #ainstay o, epilepsy treat#ent' :hey s"ppress epileptic sei;"res by actin$ on a variety o, #echanis#s an+ #olec"lar tar$ets involve+ in the re$"lation o, ne"ronal e9citability' :hese incl"+e inhibitory<2*B*er$ic an+ e9citatory< $l"ta#ater$ic ne"rotrans#ission/ as &ell as ion (so+i"# an+ calci"#) con+"ctance thro"$h volta$e<$ate+ channels' 5n the other han+/ accr"in$ evi+ence in+icates that these #echanis#s an+ tar$ets are also i#pli< cate+ in the re$"lation o, #oo+ an+ behavior/ &hich #ay e9plain &hy each *E is associate+ &ith speci=c psychotropic e,,ects' :hese e,,ects/ ho&ever/ cannot be e9plaine+ solely on the basis o, the >no&n #o+e o, action o, each *E / an+ other #echanis#s or tar$ets are li>ely to be i#plicate+' 1n this article/ &e revie& positive an+ ne$ative e,,ects o, *E s on #oo+ an+ behavior/ +isc"ss p"tative "n+erlyin$ #echanis#s/ an+ hi$hli$ht >no&le+$e $aps &hich sho"l+ be a++resse+ in ,"t"re st"+ies' :his article is part o, a Special 1ss"e entitle+ ?:he @"t"re o, :ranslational Epilepsy )esearchA' B 2012 Elsevier 1nc' *ll ri$hts reserve+'

*rticle history% *ccepte+ 6 Septe#ber 2012 *vailable online 23 5ctober 2012 6ey&or+s% Epilepsy *ntiepileptic +r"$s epression .sychosis 7acosa#i+e )eti$abine

1' 1ntro+"ction :he intro+"ction o, appro9i#ately 1C ne& antiepileptic +r"$s (*E s) in the past 20 years has si$ni=cantly e9pan+e+ the phar#aco< lo$ical ar#a#entari"# ,or epilepsy D1E' *ltho"$h so#e o, these a$ents o,,er appreciable a+vanta$es in ter#s o, phar#aco>inetics/ tolerability/ an+ lo&er +r"$ interaction potential/ i#prove#ents in clinical o"t< co#e have ,allen short o, e9pectations/ &ith no #ore than 1C20F o, patients &ith sei;"res re,ractory to ol+er *E s attainin$ sei;"re ,ree< +o# &itho"t "nacceptable to9icity D2E' 1n this re$ar+/ treat#ent< e#er$ent a+verse psychiatric e,,ects have a consi+erable i#pact on health< relate+ G"ality o, li,e an+ #ay a,,ect patientsH co#pliance D3E' 5n the other han+/ *E s are &i+ely "se+ in psychiatric practice ,or a broa+ spectr"# o, psychiatric +isor+ers' :he pri#ary application is in #oo+ stabili;ation D4E/ b"t interestin$ +ata are also e#er$in$ ,or an9i< ety +isor+ers DCE an+ &ith+ra&al syn+ro#es D6E' 1n patients &ith epilepsy/ it is o,ten +i,=c"lt to +eter#ine &hich psy< chopatholo$ical #ani,estations are +"e speci=cally to *E therapy an+ &hich #ay be relate+ to other ,actors a,,ectin$ the patient' 1n ,act/ psy< chiatric co#plications o,ten have a #"lti,actorial ori$in &ith *E s bein$ only one o, #any p"tative ca"ses' -oreover/ the #echanis#s o, action o, several *E s are not al&ays >no&n &ith certainty' *s &ith sev< eral other +r"$ classes/ *E s have a +iversity o, actions on biolo$ical sys< te#sI only so#e o, &hich are relate+ to the +esire+ anti<sei;"re e,,ect
Correspon+in$ a"thor at% -ontreal 0e"rolo$ical 1nstit"te/ -c2ill 3niversity/ 3J01 3niversity Street/ )oo# 029/ -ontreal/ 4"ebec/ Cana+a K3* 2B4' E<#ail a++ress% piero'per"ccaLlibero'it (.' .er"cca)' 1C2C<C0C0(P see ,ront #atter B 2012 Elsevier 1nc' *ll ri$hts reserve+' http%((+9'+oi'or$(10'1016(!'yebeh'2012'09'01J

(:able 1)' :here,ore/ the psychotropic e,,ects o, *E s in epilepsy +erive ,ro# a n"#ber o, variables relate+ to the sin$le co#po"n+ (i'e'/ #echa< nis# o, action)/ to the "n+erlyin$ ne"rolo$ical con+ition (i'e'/ ne"robiol< o$y o, sei;"re control)/ an+ to the in+ivi+"al (i'e'/ ,a#ily history or personal history o, psychiatric +isor+ers) DME' 1n this article/ &e +isc"ss the role o, #echanis#s an+ #olec"lar tar$ets o, *E s in #oo+ an+ behavior/ revie& positive an+ ne$ative psychotropic e,,ects o, each *E (in chronolo$ical or+er o, licensin$/ :able 2)/ an+ hi$hli$ht c"rrent >no&le+$e $aps &hich sho"l+ be a++resse+ in ,"t"re st"+ies' 2' -echanis#s an+ #olec"lar tar$ets o, *E s in #oo+ an+ behavior 2'1' N<a#inob"tyric aci+ (2*B*) trans#ission 5ver the past 30 years/ conver$in$ evi+ence ,ro# ani#al an+ h"#an st"+ies has s"$$este+ that 2*B*er$ic #echanis#s #ay be i#plicate+ in the pathophysiolo$y o, #oo+ +isor+ers' *lterations in plas#a/ cerebrospinal O"i+/ an+ brain 2*B* levels have been ,o"n+ in e9peri#ental ani#al #o+els an+ in+ivi+"als &ith #a!or +epres< sive +isor+ers DJE' -oo+ stressors an+ psychotropic +r"$s can a,,ect 2*B*er$ic ,"nction/ an+/ conversely/ 2*B*er$ic a$ents e9ert an e,,ect on #oo+ DJE' 2a##a<a#inob"tyric aci+er$ic +ys,"nction has also been recently reporte+ to be relevant ,or the +evelop#ent o, behavioral proble#s/ s"ch as a$$ression D9E' Ben;o+ia;epines can be consi+ere+ the prototype o, psychotropic a$ents potentiatin$ the 2*B*er$ic syste#' :heir se+ative an+ an9iolytic

.' .er"cca/ -' -"la ( Epilepsy & Behavior 26 (2013) 440Q449 :able 1 ."tative #echanis#s o, action o, antiepileptic +r"$s (*E s)' *E s Volta$e<$ate+ R 0a channel bloc>a+e Barbit"rates .henytoin Ethos"9i#i+e Ben;o+ia;epines Carba#a;epine Valproate Vi$abatrin Tonisa#i+e 7a#otri$ine @elba#ate 2abapentin :opira#ate :ia$abine 59carba;epine 7evetiraceta# Stiripentol .re$abalin )"=na#i+e 7acosa#i+e Eslicarba;epine acetate )eti$abine RR RR S RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR Volta$e<$ate+ Ca channel bloc>a+e (channel s"btype) S S RR (:) R (7) R (:) RR (0/ ./ :) RR (0/ .(4/ )/ :) R (7) RR (0/ .(4) R (7) R (0/ .(4) R (0) RR (0/ .(4)


Enhance#ent o, 2*B* trans#ission RR S RR S R RR R R R S RR RR S S RR S

1nhibition o, $l"ta#ate trans#ission (receptor s"btype) S S R (0- *) R (0- *) S RR (0- */ *-.*) RR (0- *) RR (*-.*) R (0- *) S S

5ther a #echanis#s R R S R RR R R R S R R RR R RR

@irst $eneration

Secon+ $eneration

:hir+ $eneration

0aR U so+i"#/ Ca2R U calci"#' R secon+ary actionI RR pri#ary actionI not +escribe+I S controversial' a 1ncl"+e synaptic vesicle #o+"lation/ carbonic anhy+rase inhibition/ potassi"# channel activation/ an+ chlori+e channel co#ple9 interaction'

e,,ects are &i+ely reco$ni;e+' Ko&ever/ these a$ents #ay ca"se a para+o9ical +isinhibition syn+ro#e in chil+ren/ el+erly/ an+ in+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al +isabilities/ &hich is characteri;e+ by a$itation/ a$$res< siveness/ irritability/ an+ hyperactivity D10E' 1n a++ition/ the abr"pt +is< contin"ation o, ben;o+ia;epines can be acco#panie+ by severe sei;"re e9acerbation an+ chan$es in #ental stat"s/ incl"+in$ an9iety/ a$itation/ con,"sion/ +epression/ psychosis/ an+ even +eliri"# D11/12E' Several *E s potentiate 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission/ either by interactin$ &ith 2*B** receptors or by #o+i,yin$ the activity o, en;y#es an+ transporters involve+ in the t"rnover o, 2*B* (@i$' 1)' Enhance#ent o, 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission is consi+ere+ to be a pri#ary #echanis# o, action ,or barbit"rates/ vi$abatrin (V2B)/ stiripentol (S:.)/ an+ tia$abine (:2B)' )ob"st 2*B*er$ic e,,ects/ ho&ever/ are also +isplaye+ by other co#po"n+s/ s"ch as topira#ate (:.-) an+ valproate (V.*) (:able 1)' 2'2' 2l"ta#ate trans#ission :he role o, $l"ta#ater$ic +ys,"nction in the pathophysiolo$y o, #oo+ an+ behavioral +isor+ers has $aine+ attention only in recent years' 2l"ta#ater$ic ne"rotrans#ission is an i#portant co#ponent in the stress<responsive casca+e o, events "lti#ately lea+in$ to hippoca#< pal an+ cortical alterations associate+ &ith #oo+ +isor+ers D131CE' Stress increases e9tracell"lar $l"ta#ate concentrations D16E an+ alters $l"ta#ate receptor bin+in$ pro=les an+ s"b"nit e9pression in several brain re$ions D1M/1JE' * n"#ber o, st"+ies ,o"n+ that $l"ta#ate levels are increase+ in the plas#a o, patients &ith #oo+ +isor+ers D19/20E' @"rther#ore/ psychotropic +r"$s can alter the bin+in$ pro=le o, $l"ta< #ate receptors D1CE/ an+ several a$ents actin$ on $l"ta#ater$ic ne"ro< trans#ission e9ert positive e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior D9/1CE' 1nhibition o, $l"ta#ater$ic ne"rotrans#ission is the pri#ary or secon+ary #echanis# o, action ,or a n"#ber o, *E s (:able 1)/ b"t it is o, relevance ,or ,elba#ate (@7B)/ la#otri$ine (7:2)/ an+ :.(@i$' 1)' 2'3' Volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels :here has been a ten+ency to investi$ate the role o, ne"rotrans< #itter syste#s in the pathophysiolo$y o, #oo+ an+ behavioral

+isor+ers D21/22E/ &hereas other syste#s/ s"ch as +ist"rbances in so+i"# an+ calci"# transport/ have been e9a#ine+ to a lesser e9tent D22E' 0evertheless/ evi+ence that so+i"# ho#eostasis is altere+ in #oo+ +isor+ers e9ists' Early st"+ies ,o"n+ that erythrocyte an+ &hole bo+y intracell"lar so+i"# concentrations are increase+ in patients &ith +epression an+ bipolar +isor+er an+ ret"rn to nor#al levels &ith recovery D23/24E' @"rther#ore/ several e,,ective #oo+<stabili;in$ an+ anti+epressant treat#ents re+"ce intracell"lar so+i"# concentrations or inhibit/ thro"$h bloc>a+e o, volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels/ so+i"# inO"9 D2CE' 5, note/ bloc>a+e o, volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels also res"lts in inhibition o, $l"ta#ate release D26E/ &hich is itsel, associate+ &ith positive e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior' -any *E s act pri#arily as so+i"# channel bloc>ers (:able 1 an+ @i$' 1)/ incl"+in$ carba#a;epine (CBT)/ phenytoin (.K:)/ o9carba;epine (5VC)/ eslicarba;epine acetate (ES7)/ lacosa#i+e (7C-)/ an+ r"=na#i+e ()3@)' 5, note/ bloc>a+e o, volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels is also an i#portant #echanis# o, action ,or 7:2/ @7B/ :.-/ an+ ;onisa#i+e (T0S)' 2'4' Volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channels Volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channels are #"lti#eric proteins co#pose+ o, =ve co<asse#ble+ s"b"nits (W1/ W2/ X/ N/ an+ Y)/ &hich can be broa+ly classi=e+ into hi$h<volta$e<activate+ channels (,"rther s"b$ro"pe+ as 7</ )</ .(4</ an+ 0<types) an+ lo&< volta$e<activate+ channels (:<type)' Evi+ence that these channels/ partic"larly hi$h<volta$e< activate+ channels/ #ay be i#plicate+ in the pathophysiolo$y o, #oo+ +isor+ers e9ists' 2enetic variation in C*C0*1C/ a $ene enco+in$ the alpha 1C s"b"nit o, the 7<type volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channel/ has been associate+ &ith bipolar +isor+er/ +epression/ an+ schi;ophrenia D2ME' 1n so#e e9peri#ental #o+els/ volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channel anta$onists +isplay anti+epressant properties D2J/29E/ &hereas a$onists lea+ to +epressant<li>e e,,ects D30E' 1nhibition o, volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channels probably translates into a re+"ction in e9citatory ne"rotrans< #ission D31/32E/ &hich #ay be "lti#ately responsible ,or positive e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior' Ethos"9i#i+e (E:V) is a lo&<volta$e<activate+ :<type channel< bloc>er/ &hereas $abapentin (2B.) an+ pre$abalin (.2B) are hi$h< volta$e<activate+ channel bloc>ers thro"$h interaction &ith the W2 Y

:able 2 .ositive an+ ne$ative psychotropic properties o, *E s an+ their i#plications ,or the #ana$e#ent o, psychiatric co#orbi+ities in patients &ith epilepsy' *E s .sychotropic e,,ects :reat#ent reco##en+ations ,or psychiatric co#orbi+ities in patients &ith epilepsy .ositive -oo+ lability( bipolar +isor+er *n9iety epression *voi+ .sychosis

0e$ative @irst $eneration Barbit"rates epression Chil+ren an+ in+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al +isabilities% hyperactivity/ irritability/ an+ a$$ression .sychosis (partic"larly at hi$h ser"# levels) .sychosis Chil+ren/ el+erly an+ in+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al +isabilities% hyperactivity/ irritability/ an+ a$$ression .sychosis/ +epression Chil+ren% hyperactivity/ a$$ression/ an+ a$itation .sychosis/ +epression/ an+ irritability 1n+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al +isabilities% hyperactivity/ irritability/ an+ a$$ression *n9iety/ psychosis Chil+ren an+ in+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al +isabilities% hyperactivity/ a$$ression/ an+ irritability epression/ psychosis/ an+ irritability 1rritability 1rritability/ a$$ression/ +epression/ an+ psychosis Kyperactivity/ irritability/ an+ a$$ression epression

.henytoin Ethos"9i#i+e Ben;o+ia;epines

.ossible #oo+<stabili;in$ e,,ectsS *n9iolytic e,,ects



*voi+ *voi+

Secon+ $eneration

Carba#a;epine Valproate Vi$abatrin

-oo+<stabili;in$ e,,ects -oo+<stabili;in$ e,,ects

Consi+er Consi+er



Tonisa#i+e 7a#otri$ine

-oo+<stabili;in$ e,,ects .ossible #il+ anti+epressant e,,ectsS *n9iolytic e,,ects



*voi+ Consi+er


@elba#ate 2abapentin

*voi+ Consi+er



:ia$abine 59carba;epine 7evetiraceta# Stiripentol .re$abalin )"=na#i+e 7acosa#i+e Eslicarba;epine acetate )eti$abine

*nti<i#p"lsive e,,ects .ossible anti+epressant e,,ectsS .ossible #oo+<stabili;in$ e,,ectsS *n9iolytic e,,ects




*voi+ *voi+ Consi+er

*voi+ *voi+ *voi+

*voi+ *voi+

:hir+ $eneration

no e,,ects $enerally reporte+(no speci=c reco##en+ations' 1t sho"l+ be e#phasi;e+ that ,or so#e *E s/ partic"larly thir+<$eneration a$ents/ clinical e9perience is still very li#ite+'

#o+"latory site (:able 1)' Bloc>a+e o, volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channels is also an i#portant #echanis# ,or 7:2 an+ T0S (@i$' 1)' 2'C' 5ther #echanis#s :he serotoniner$ic syste# is &i+ely reco$ni;e+ to #o+"late a &i+e ran$e o, physiolo$ical ,"nctions/ incl"+in$ #oo+ an+ behavior' ecrease+ serotoniner$ic ne"rotrans#ission has been propose+ to play a >ey role in the pathophysiolo$y o, a,,ective +isor+ers/ an+ enhance#ent o, serotoniner$ic ne"rotrans#ission is the pri#ary #echanis# o, action ,or #any psychotropic a$ents D33/34E' *n in< crease in e9tracell"lar serotonin has been observe+ &ith V.* D3CE/ CBT D36E/ 5VC D3ME/ :.- D3JE/ an+ T0S in e9peri#ental #o+els D39E an+ in vitro ,or 7:2 D40E' :he +opa#iner$ic syste# has lon$ been lin>e+ &ith #oo+ an+ be< havioral +isor+ers' 1ncrease+ +opa#iner$ic ne"rotrans#ission appears to play a role in schi;ophrenia/ #ania/ an+ a$$ressive behavior/ &hereas +ecrease+ +opa#iner$ic ,"nction #ay be i#plicate+ in the pathophys< iolo$y o, +epression D9/41/42E' opa#iner$ic ne"rotrans#ission is a

#a!or tar$et ,or psychotropic a$ents D43E' *ntiepileptic +r"$s #ay also #o+"late +opa#iner$ic ,"nction' 1n e9peri#ental #o+els/ V.* sti#"lates brain +opa#ine t"rnover D44E/ &hereas CBT/ 5VC/ :.-/ an+ T0S increase e9tracell"lar +opa#ine levels D3M/3J/4CE' 1ncreasin$ evi+ence s"$$ests that #oo+ +isor+ers/ partic"larly bipolar +isor+er/ are associate+ &ith a +isr"ption in #echanis#s an+ ,actors that $overn cell s"rvival an+ ne"ral plasticity D46E' :hese incl"+e inositol biosynthesis/ the cyclic a+enine #onophosphate (c<*-.) re< sponse ele#ent<bin+in$ protein/ the brain<+erive+ ne"rotrophic ,actor (B 0@)/ the $lyco$en synthase >inase<3 (2S6<3)/ the e9tracell"lar si$nal<re$"late+ >inase path&ay/ the arachi+onic aci+ path&ay/ the cytoprotective protein bcl<2/ an+ #ito$en<activate+ protein >inases D46/4ME' So#e #oo+ stabili;ers an+ anti+epressants #ay act on these ,actors/ "lti#ately atten"atin$ or reversin$ +isease<relate+ i#pair< #ents in ne"ronal plasticity/ ne"ro$enesis/ or cell s"rvival' :he #oo+ stabili;ers V.* an+/ to a lesser e9tent/ CBT +o +isplay si#ilar actions D4ME' 1n so#e patients &ith epilepsy/ s"++en s"ppression o, sei;"res #ay act as a tri$$er ,or the precipitation o, psychiatric sy#pto#s/ a

@i$' 1' -olec"lar tar$ets o, *E s' -o+i=e+ ,ro# D1J0E'

pheno#enon calle+ ,orce+ nor#ali;ation/ beca"se it can be associ< ate+ &ith nor#ali;ation o, the EE2 D4J/49E' :he psychiatric +isor+er #ost co##only associate+ &ith ,orce+ nor#ali;ation is psychosis/ b"t other #ani,estations/ s"ch as hypo#ania(#ania/ +epression/ an+ an9iety/ have been +escribe+ DC0E' .ost"late+ "n+erlyin$ #echanis#s incl"+e on$oin$ epileptic activity in li#bic str"ct"res/ inhibition s"rro"n+in$ the epileptic ,oc"s/ an+ altere+ balance bet&een e9cit< atory an+ inhibitory ne"rotrans#ission DC1E' @orce+ nor#ali;ation has been reporte+ &ith #ost *E s an+ #ay/ at least in part/ e9plain &hy certain *E s have para+o9ical e,,ects in epilepsy co#pare+ &ith other in+ications (e'$'/ e9acerbatin$ #oo+ +ys,"nction in pa< tients &ith epilepsy vs' i#provin$ a,,ective +isor+ers in psychiatric pop"lations)' 3' @irst $eneration *E s 3'1' Barbit"rates Barbit"rates/ &hich potentiate 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission by actin$ as positive allosteric #o+"lators o, 2*B** receptors (@i$' 1)/ carry an increase+ ris> ,or a variety o, a+verse psychiatric e,,ects (:able 2)' .atients ta>in$ phenobarbital (.B) have been sho&n to be associate+ &ith a hi$h prevalence o, #a!or +epressive +isor+er (40F) an+ s"ici+al i+eation (4MF) DC2E' 1n a cross<sectional st"+y/ the "se o, pri#i+one (.)-) &as associate+ &ith a 4'0J<,ol+ (9CF con=+ence interval% 2'09M'9J) increase+ ris> o, sy#pto#s o, +epres< sion DC3E' * lon$ history o, e9pos"re to barbit"rates #ay carry the $reatest ris> o, +epression/ partic"larly in the settin$ o, polytherapy an+ a personal or ,a#ily history o, a,,ective +isor+ers DME' 1n chil+ren an+ in+ivi+"als &ith learnin$ +isabilities/ the "se o, barbit"rates can

also in+"ce a syn+ro#e characteri;e+ by inso#nia/ hyperactivity/ i#p"lsiveness/ an+ a$$ressive behavior D10/C4E/ si#ilar to that +e< scribe+ &ith ben;o+ia;epines D11E' 3'2' .henytoin .henytoin is an establishe+ *E &ith a rob"st capacity to bin+ to an+ prolon$ the inactivation o,/ #a##alian/ volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels' S#all ran+o#i;e+ st"+ies s"$$est that .K: #ay be "se,"l in the treat< #ent o, bipolar +isor+er (ac"te therapy ,or #anic episo+es DCCE an+ #aintenance treat#ent DC6E)/ #a!or +epressive +isor+er DCME/ an+ i#p"lsive a$$ression DCJE' 1n one o, these st"+ies/ 29 patients &ith i#p"lsive a$$ression &ere ran+o#i;e+ to .K: 300 #$(+ay (n U M)/ CBT 4C0 #$(+ay (n U M)/ V.* MC0 #$(+ay (n U M)/ an+ placebo (n U J) ,or 6 &ee>s DCJE' :he a$$ression score/ a $lobal severity in+e9 ,ro# the 5vert *$$ression Scale/ &as lo&er &ith .K: an+ V.* co#pare+ &ith placebo (p U 0'001 ,or each co#parison)/ &hereas no si$ni=cant +i,,erences &ere ,o"n+ bet&een CBT an+ placebo' 7ar$er st"+ies/ ho&ever/ are reG"ire+ to con=r# the e,,ectiveness o, .K: in these con+itions DC9E' .henytoin has been rarely associate+ &ith ne$ative e,,ects on #oo+ DME' :o9ic plas#a concentrations/ ho&ever/ have been associ< ate+ &ith +eliri"#/ a$itate+ psychosis/ an+ a pec"liar syn+ro#e charac< teri;e+ by lethar$y/ ata9ia/ ophthal#ople$ia/ invol"ntary #ove#ents/ an+ para+o9ical sei;"res D6062E' 3'3' Ethos"9i#i+e Ethos"9i#i+e acts pri#arily by bloc>in$ :<type volta$e<$ate+ cal< ci"# channels' So#e a"thors +escribe+ the occ"rrence o, psychotic

episo+es +"rin$ E:V therapy/ characteri;e+ by an9iety/ +epression/ vis"al an+ a"+itory hall"cinations/ an+ inter#ittent i#pair#ent o, conscio"sness D63/64E' :hese episo+es appeare+ ,ollo&in$ cessation o, sei;"res an+ nor#ali;ation o, the EE2 an+ resolve+ &ith the +is< contin"ation o, the *E an+ sei;"re rec"rrence' :his pheno#enon/ as +isc"sse+ previo"sly/ has been ter#e+ ,orce+ nor#ali;ation DC0E' 3'4' Carba#a;epine * prototypical so+i"# channel<bloc>in$ *E / CBT is approve+ by the @oo+ an+ r"$ *+#inistration (@ *) ,or the treat#ent o, ac"te #anic an+ #i9e+ episo+es o, bipolar 1 +isor+er D6CE' 1n t&o #"lticen< ter/ ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trials/ 443 bipolar +isor+er patients &ith #anic or #i9e+ episo+es &ere ran+o#i;e+ to Oe9ible<+ose (2001600 #$(+ay) e9ten+e+<release CBT (n U 22C) or placebo (n U 220) ,or a 3<&ee> perio+ D66/6ME' 1n both st"+ies/ the i#prove#ent in the Zo"n$ -ania )atin$ Scale score (the pri#ary e,=cacy en+ point) &as $reater &ith CBT treat#ent than &ith placebo (=rst st"+y/ p U 0'032I secon+ st"+y/ p b 0'001)' Carba#a;epine appears to be e,,ective ,or #aintenance treat#ent o, bipolar +isor+er D4ME/ altho"$h to a lesser e9tent co#pare+ &ith lithi"# D6J/69E' Ko&ever/ CBT has been s"$$este+ to be a better alternative ,or atypical #ani,estations o, bipolar +isor+er/ s"ch as rapi+ cyclin$ co"rse/ #oo+<incon$r"ent +el"sions/ or other co#orbi+ psychiatric(ne"rolo$ic con+itions DM0E' Carba#a;epine #ay also be e,< ,ective in "nipolar +epression DM1E/ &hereas its "tility in schi;ophrenia is still "ncertain DM2E' *+verse psychiatric e,,ects are rarely reporte+ in epilepsy' 3'C' Valproate *ltho"$h its pri#ary #echanis# o, action is yet to be i+enti=e+/ evi+ence that V.* raises brain levels o, 2*B* e9ists' :his #ay occ"r by actin$ at +i,,erent sta$es o, the #etabolis# o, 2*B*% i) inhibition o, 2*B* transa#inase/ ii) inhibition o, s"ccinic se#ial+ehy+e +ehy< +ro$enase/ an+ iii) activation o, $l"ta#ic aci+ +ecarbo9ylase DM3E' 1t sho"l+ be note+/ ho&ever/ that other #echanis#s have been lin>e+ to V.*/ s"ch as inhibition o, $l"ta#ater$ic ne"rotrans#ission/ inhibi< tion o, :<type calci"# c"rrents/ an+/ possibly/ bloc>a+e o, volta$e< $ate+ so+i"# channels DM3/M4E' Valproate has also been sho&n to e9ert epi$enetic e,,ects by inhibitin$ histone +eacetylase activity DMCE' 5verall/ each o, these #echanis#s co"l+ contrib"te to its psycho< tropic properties (:able 2)' Valproate is an e,,ective #oo+ stabili;er/ approve+ by the @ * ,or the treat#ent o, ac"te #ania D4ME' *ltho"$h it has no #aintenance in+ication in bipolar +isor+er/ it is consi+ere+ a =rst<line a$ent ,or #aintenance treat#ent as &ell DM6/MME' * C2< &ee>/ #"lticenter/ ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ parallel<$ro"p trial co#pare+ V.* (n U 1JM)/ lithi"# (n U 90)/ an+ placebo (n U 92) ,or #ainte< nance treat#ent in bipolar +isor+er DMJE' :he ti#e to +evelop#ent o, any #oo+ episo+e +i+ not +i,,er si$ni=cantly across the $ro"ps/ b"t a tren+ ,avore+ V.* over lithi"# (p U 0'06)' :he #e+ian ti#es to C0F s"rvival &itho"t any #oo+ episo+e &ere 40 &ee>s ,or V.*/ 24 &ee>s ,or lithi"#/ an+ 2J &ee>s ,or placebo' Valproate e9erts ben< e=cial e,,ects on several behavioral proble#s/ s"ch as hostility/ i#p"lsivity/ an+ a$$ression/ &hich #ay arise in +i,,erent clinical con< te9ts DM9E' 5n the contrary/ the inci+ence o, a+verse psychiatric e,,ects in patients &ith epilepsy is ne$li$ible' 4' Secon+ $eneration *E s 4'1' Vi$abatrin Vi$abatrin irreversibly inhibits 2*B* transa#inase/ the en;y#e responsible ,or +e$ra+in$ 2*B* to s"ccinic aci+ se#ial+ehy+e (@i$' 1)/ "lti#ately res"ltin$ in prolon$e+ elevation o, brain 2*B*

levels' -oo+ an+ behavior chan$es are i#portant a+verse e,,ects o,

V2B (:able 2)' * #eta<analysis o, +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ a+!"nctive treat#ent trials in a total o, M1M a+"lt patients &ith +r"$<resistant partial epilepsy/ sho&e+ that V2B/ co#pare+ &ith pla< cebo/ is associate+ &ith a hi$her inci+ence o, +epression (12'1F vs' 3'CF/ p b 0'001) an+ psychosis (2'CF vs' 0'3F/ p U 0'02J) DJ0E' epres< sion &as typically #il+/ an+ psychosis $enerally i#prove+ ,ollo&in$ +ose a+!"st#ent or +iscontin"ation o, V2B or a,ter antipsychotic treat#ent' 1n #onotherapy trials/ the inci+ence o, +epression appears to be lo&er ([ CF) DJ1E' 1n pe+iatric pop"lations/ "p to 14'2F o, patients receivin$ V2B +evelop behavioral chan$es/ incl"+in$ hyper>inesia/ a$$ression/ a$itation/ an+ inso#nia' )is> ,actors ,or +evelopin$ a+verse psychiatric e,,ects +"rin$ V2B therapy incl"+e hi$h startin$ an+ #ain< tenance +oses/ a past psychiatric history an+ a severe ,or# o, epilepsy DJ2/J3E' 4'2' Tonisa#i+e Tonisa#i+e is a secon+<$eneration *E &ith lon$stan+in$ e9perience in \apan an+ 6orea/ an+ &hich acts pre+o#inantly thro"$h bloc>a+e o, volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels an+ inactivation o, volta$e<$ate+ :<type calci"# channels DJ4E' 5ther #echanis#s/ ho&ever/ appear to be in< volve+' Tonisa#i+e bin+s to the 2*B*< ben;o+ia;epine receptor co#ple9 DJCE/ elevates brain levels o, 2*B* DJ6E/ re+"ces e9tracell"lar release o, $l"ta#ate DJME/ an+ inhibits carbonic anhy+rase DJ4E' :his broa+ #echa< nistic pro=le #ay "n+erlie the variety o, e,,ects o, this *E on #oo+ an+ behavior' * n"#ber o, "ncontrolle+ st"+ies s"$$est that T0S #ay be e,,ective in the treat#ent o, bipolar +isor+er DJJ/J9E' :hese =n+in$s/ ho&ever/ &ere not con=r#e+ in a recent #"lticenter/ ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble< blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trial D90E' Conversely/ in patients &ith epilepsy receivin$ T0S/ the occ"rrence o, a+verse psychiatric e,,ects #ay not be "nco##on (:able 2)' 1n a sin$le<center st"+y o, C44 patients/ the inci+ence o, a+verse psychi< atric e,,ects severe eno"$h to be associate+ &ith +iscontin"ation o, T0S &as 6'9F D91E' :he #ost co##on reason ,or +iscontin"ation &as +epression (n U 11)/ ,ollo&e+ by a$$ressive behavior (n U J)/ psychosis (n U 6)/ an+ irritability (n U C)' )is> ,actors ,or +iscontin"a< tion +"e to a+verse psychiatric e,,ects &ere past psychiatric history (p U 0'00C)/ sy#pto#atic $enerali;e+ epilepsy (p U 0'02M)/ an+ lo&er #a9i#"# T0S ser"# concentration (#ean U 1M'9 #$(7 vs' 34'M #$(7/ p b 0'001)' 4'3' 7a#otri$ine 7a#otri$ine has in+irect anti$l"ta#ater$ic e,,ects by actin$ at volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels to stabili;e ne"ronal #e#branes an+ $l"ta#ate release D92/93E' 7a#otri$ine has also been sho&n to #o+"< late calci"# con+"ctance involve+ in the release o, e9citatory a#ino aci+s in the cortico<striatal path&ay D94E an+ to a,,ect potassi"# con+"ctance D9CE' 1t #ay also increase the pro+"ction o, >yn"renic aci+/ an en+o$eno"s anta$onist at the $lycine bin+in$ site on the 0- * receptor D96E' 7:2 is @ *<approve+ ,or the #aintenance treat< #ent o, bipolar 11 +isor+er to prevent the occ"rrence o, #oo+ episo+es (+epression or hypo#ania) D9ME' Ko&ever/ 7:2 appears to be #ore e,,ective in preventin$ relapse o, +epression than #ania or hypo#a< nia D9JE' 7a#otri$ine #ay also be e,,ective in "nipolar +epression D99E/ at least in patients &ith epilepsy D100E/ &hereas its "se,"lness in schi;ophrenia is still "ncertain D101/102E' 7a#otri$ine has also been sho&n to have a bene=cial e,,ect on behavioral proble#s/ s"ch as i#p"lsivity an+ a$$ression D103/104E' * ,e& reports s"$$este+ that 7:2 #i$ht in+"ce behavioral prob< le#s in intellect"ally +isable+ patients &ith epilepsy' 1n a st"+y o, 19 patients/ 9 +isplaye+ a$$ressive behavior an+ 4 sho&e+ behavioral proble#s other than a$$ression ,ollo&in$ the intro+"ction o, 7:2 D10CE' Ko&ever/ it is "nclear &hether these behavioral proble#s/ at least in so#e patients/ co"l+ have been the res"lt o, the so<calle+ release pheno#enon D106E' 1n ,act/ in in+ivi+"als &ith intellect"al

+isabilities/ e,,ective treat#ents &ith a lo& se+ative potential #ay re< s"lt in increase+ alertness an+ sel,<assertion that #ay be #isinterprete+ as a+verse behavioral e,,ects' 4'4' @elba#ate *ltho"$h actin$ on a variety o, tar$ets/ @7B e9hibits rob"st anti$l"ta#ater$ic properties' :hese appear to be #e+iate+ by #o+"< lation o, strychnine<insensitive $lycine receptors associate+ &ith 0<#ethyl< <aspartate (0- *) receptors D10ME' @elba#ate is $enerally consi+ere+ a psycho<activatin$ a$ent D10JE' 1ts "se has been associate+ &ith i#prove#ents in alertness/ attention/ concentration/ as &ell as in social/ intellect"al/ an+ #otor ,"nctionin$ D10J/109E' 1ts a+verse psychiatric event pro=le is also consistent &ith an activatin$ pro=le' 1n a ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+/ parallel<$ro"p/ #onotherapy trial o, 40 patients &ith partial an+ secon+arily $enerali;e+ sei;"res "n+er$oin$ pres"r$ical eval"ation/ 6 o, the 21 @7B<treate+ patients &ith+re& ,ro# the st"+y +"e to treat#ent< e#er$ent a+verse e,,ects/ incl"+in$ psychosis/ an9iety/ sleepin$ +i,=< c"lties/ ab+o#inal +isco#,ort/ an+ orob"ccal +ys>inesia D110E' 4'C' 2abapentin 2abapentin #o+"lates calci"# c"rrents by bin+in$ to the W2 Y s"b"nit o, volta$e<$ate+ calci"# channels D1E' * n"#ber o, st"+ies s"$$este+ that 2B. #ay have an9iolytic properties DCE' 1n a +o"ble< blin+/ placebo<controlle+/ parallel<$ro"p trial/ 69 patients &ith social phobia &ere ran+o#i;e+ to Oe9ible<+ose (9003600 #$(+ay) 2B. (n U 34) or placebo (n U 3C) ,or 14 &ee>s D111E' Co#pare+ &ith place< bo/ 2B. &as associate+ &ith a si$ni=cant re+"ction in sy#pto#s o, so< cial phobia as #eas"re+ by +i,,erent patient< an+ physician<co#plete+ scales/ incl"+in$ the 7iebo&it; Social *n9iety Scale/ the Brie, Social .hobia Scale an+ the Social .hobia 1nventory' 1nitial open<label st"+ies s"$$este+ that 2B. co"l+ be e,,ective in the treat#ent o, bipolar +isor< +er D4ME' Ko&ever/ a ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+/ a++<on trial ,aile+ to +e#onstrate the s"periority o, 2B. over placebo in the ac"te therapy o, bipolar #ania D112E' Si#ilar res"lts &ere obtaine+ in patients &ith re,ractory bipolar or "nipolar #oo+ +isor+ers D113E' * s#all/ ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trial s"$$este+ that a+!"nctive 2B. #ay be "se,"l in #aintenance treat#ent o, bipolar +isor+er D114E/ b"t lar$er st"+ies are reG"ire+' :here are a ,e& reports s"$$estin$ that/ in chil+ren an+ patients &ith severe intellect"al +isabilities/ 2B. #ay in+"ce behavioral prob< le#s/ s"ch as hyperactivity an+ a$$ression D11C/116E' :hese =n+in$s/ ho&ever/ have not been con=r#e+ by other a"thors D106E' 4'6' :opira#ate :opira#ate is an *E &ith broa+<spectr"# e,=cacy/ an+ &hich acts on several #olec"lar tar$ets (:able 1)' 1n a++ition to potentiatin$ 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission/ :.- inhibits volta$e< $ate+ so+i"# an+ calci"# channels/ >ainate(W<a#ino<3< hy+ro9y<C<#ethyliso9a;ole< 4<proprionic aci+ (*-.*)<type $l"ta#ate receptors/ an+ carbonic anhy+rase' :he variety o, #echanis#s #ay e9plain &hy :.- has #i9e+ e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior D10JE (:able 2)' 1n patients &ith epilepsy/ :.- has been associate+ &ith a n"#ber o, ne$ative e,,ects on #oo+ an+ behavior' 1n a st"+y o, 431 consec"< tive patients/ a+verse psychiatric e,,ects +evelope+ in 103 (23'9F) D11ME' 1n partic"lar/ 46 (10'MF) patients e9perience+ +epression/ 16 (3'MF) psychotic sy#pto#s/ 24 (C'MF) a$$ressive behavior/ an+ 1M (3'9F) other behavioral proble#s' 1+enti=e+ ris> ,actors incl"+e+ hi$h startin$ +oses an+ rapi+ titration sche+"les/ a ,a#ily or personal psychiatric history/ a ,a#ily history o, epilepsy/ a personal history o, ,ebrile conv"lsions/ hippoca#pal sclerosis/ an+ tonic<atonic sei;"res


5n the other han+/ there is evi+ence in the psychiatric literat"re that :.- #ay be e,,ective in the treat#ent o, #a!or +epression' 1n a 10<&ee>/ ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trial o, 64 pa< tients &ith #a!or +epressive +isor+er/ :.- 200 #$(+ay #onotherapy &as associate+ &ith a 1MF i#prove#ent in the Ka#ilton epression )atin$ Scale scores (,ro# 23'1 to 19'2) co#pare+ &ith a 4F i#prove< #ent &ith placebo (,ro# 22'9 to 22'0I p U 0'02) D119E' Si#ilar res"lts &ere ,o"n+ ,or a++<on :.- in treat#ent<resistant #a!or +epressive +isor+er D120E' :opira#ate &as also ,o"n+ to be e,,ective ,or an$er an+ a$$ression associate+ &ith +epression D119E or bor+erline person< ality +isor+er D121/122E/ &hereas +ata in schi;ophrenia are conOictin$ D12312CE' espite initial reports s"$$estin$ that :.- can be e,,ective in bipolar an+ post<tra"#atic stress +isor+ers/ several ran+o#i;e+ con< trolle+ trials ,aile+ to +e#onstrate its s"periority co#pare+ &ith place< bo D126129E' .reli#inary +ata s"$$est so#e e,=cacy in obsessive co#p"lsive +isor+er DCE an+ eatin$ +isor+ers D130E' :he psychotropic potential o, :.- is li>ely to be lar$e an+ poly< #orpho"s D131E' @"rther st"+ies are +e=nitely nee+e+' 4'M' :ia$abine :ia$abine potentiates 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission by selectively inhibitin$ the 2*:<1 2*B* transporter/ &hich is responsible ,or the "pta>e o, 2*B* into ne"rons an+ s"rro"n+in$ $lial cells a,ter synap< tic release (@i$' 1)' ata on the psychotropic pro=le o, :2B are contro< versial' *ltho"$h case series an+ ,e& open<label st"+ies s"$$est that this *E #ay have bene=cial or no e,,ects on #oo+ an+ an9iety D132134E/ the inci+ence o, #oo+ +isor+ers across =ve ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo< controlle+/ a++<on trials &as hi$her in patients ta>in$ :2B co#pare+ &ith those on placebo (CF vs' 1F) D13CE' 0ervo"sness &as also #ore co##on &ith :2B than placebo (12F vs' 3F)D13CE' 0evertheless/ psychiatric proble#s appear to be #il+ to #o+erate/ occ"r +"rin$ titration/ an+ abate spontaneo"sly' :he ris> o, :2B<in+"ce+ psychiatric proble#s #ay be increase+ in patients &ith a personal history o, #oo+ +isor+ers DME' 4'J' 59carba;epine 59carba;epine is a 10<>eto analo$"e o, CBT an+ acts pre+o#inantly on volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels (:able 1)' 1nitial s#all/ "n+erpo&< ere+/ placebo<"ncontrolle+ st"+ies s"$$este+ that 5VC #ay be "se,"l in the ac"te therapy o, bipolar #ania/ b"t concl"sive evi+ence is lac>in$ D4ME' -oreover/ a ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trial in yo"n$ patients &ith #ania ,aile+ to +etect si$ni=cant +i,,erences be< t&een 5VC an+ placebo D136E' 8hether 5VC is e,,ective in the ac"te treat#ent o, bipolar +epression or the #aintenance treat#ent o, bipo< lar +isor+er also re#ains to be +eter#ine+ D4M/13M/13JE' 5n the other han+/ preli#inary evi+ence s"$$ests that 5VC #ay e9ert bene=cial e,,ects on behavioral +isor+ers/ partic"larly i#p"lsive a$$ression D139E' 1n patients &ith epilepsy/ 5VC is $enerally consi+ere+ to pose a lo& ris> ,or a+verse psychiatric e,,ects D140E (:able 2)' 4'9' 7evetiraceta# :he #echanis# o, action o, levetiraceta# (7EV) +i,,ers ,ro# that o, c"rrently available *E s an+ appears to be #e+iate+ by bin+in$ to the synaptic vesicle protein SV2* D141E' :his bin+in$ is tho"$ht to res"lt in an inhibition o, ne"rotrans#itter release ,ro# the en+ ter#inals D142E' 7evetiraceta# &as initially post"late+ to have #oo+<stabili;in$ an+ an9iolytic properties D143/144E' Ko&ever/ t&o ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trials ,aile+ to +e#on<

strate the s"periority o, 7EV over placebo in the treat#ent o, bipolar +epression D14CE an+ $enerali;e+ social an9iety +isor+er D146E' * ne$ative trial has also been reporte+ in i#p"lsive a$$ression D14ME' -oo+ an+ behavioral proble#s have been reporte+ in patients &ith epilepsy (:able 2)' 1n a sin$le<center st"+y o, C1M consec"tive

patients treate+ &ith 7EV/ C3 (10'1F) e9perience+ a+verse psychiatric e,,ects D14JE' :hirteen (2'CF) patients +evelope+ +epression/ 6 (1'2F) psychotic sy#pto#s/ 19 (3'CF) a$$ressive behavior/ 12 (2'3F) e#o< tional lability/ an+ 3 (0'6F) other behavioral proble#s/ s"ch as a$ita< tion/ an$er(hostile behavior/ an+ personality chan$es' )is> ,actors ,or +evelopin$ a+verse psychiatric e,,ects incl"+e+ a history o, ,ebrile conv"lsions/ a history o, stat"s epileptic"s/ an+ a previo"s psychiatric history D14JE' 8hether a ,aster titration sche+"le is also a ris> ,actor is controversial D14J/149E' 5, note/ a recent st"+y ,o"n+ an association bet&een $enetic variations in +opa#iner$ic activity an+ the ris> ,or a+verse psychiatric e,,ects +"rin$ 7EV therapy D1C0E' 4'10' Stiripentol Stiripentol is a secon+<$eneration *E &ith proven e,=cacy in severe #yoclonic epilepsy in in,ancy ( ravet syn+ro#e) D1C1E' Stiripentol potentiates 2*B*er$ic ne"rotrans#ission/ possibly by actin$ +irectly on 2*B** receptors as a positive allosteric #o+"lator D1C2E (@i$' 1)' Stiripentol can ca"se a+verse behavioral e,,ects/ s"ch as hyperactivity/ irritability/ a$$ressiveness/ an+ inso#nia' 1n a ran< +o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trial/ +ro&siness/ hyperac< tivity/ a$$ressiveness/ an+ inso#nia &ere reporte+ in 91F o, patients ta>in$ S:. an+ 2CF o, those on placebo D1C3E' *ltho"$h the inci+ence o, behavioral a+verse e,,ects is relatively hi$h/ so#e o, these can be ascribe+ to phar#aco>inetic(phar#aco+yna#ic interactions &ith conco#itant *E s an+ can be #ana$e+ by +ose a+!"st#ents D1C4E' *s ,or 7:2/ the so<calle+ release pheno#enon #ay be observe+ D106E' 4'11' .re$abalin

D166E' 8ell<+esi$ne+ st"+ies are reG"ire+ to e9pan+ on these preli#inary =n+in$s' C'2' 7acosa#i+e 7acosa#i+e is a ne& *E &ith recent @ *< an+ E-*<approval as a+!"nctive therapy ,or a+"lts &ith ,ocal sei;"res D16ME' :he pri#ary #echanis# o, action o, 7C- consists in enhance#ent o, slo& inacti< vation o, volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels &itho"t any apparent action on ,ast inactivation/ a #echanis# that +i,,ers ,ro# that o, other so+i< "# channel<bloc>in$ *E s D16J/169E' *ltho"$h it re#ains controver< sial/ 7C- #ay also act on the collapsin response #e+iator protein (C)-.)<2/ &hich #ay be involve+ in a9onal o"t$ro&th an+ ne"ronal +i,,erentiation D16ME' :here is ins",=cient e9perience &ith this *E to +ra& any concl"sion re$ar+in$ its psychotropic pro=le' @"rther a+ hoc st"+ies are nee+e+' C'3' Eslicarba;epine acetate Eslicarba;epine acetate is a novel *E recently approve+ by the E-* as a+!"nctive therapy ,or a+"lts &ith ,ocal sei;"res/ &ith or &itho"t secon+ary $enerali;ation D16ME' Eslicarba;epine acetate is itsel, a pro<+r"$ ,or eslicarba;epine/ &hich is the S<enantio#er o, the active #onohy+ro9y<#etabolite o, 5VC D16M/1M0E' 7i>e 5VC/ ES7 acts pri#arily by bloc>in$ volta$e<$ate+ so+i"# channels' 8hether ES7 an+ 5VC share si#ilar psychotropic properties re#ains to be +eter#ine+' C'4' )eti$abine

Si#ilarly to 2B./ .2B is a li$an+ ,or the W2Y s"b"nit o, volta$e< $ate+ calci"# channels' Several ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo< controlle+ trials ,o"n+ that .2B is e,,ective in $enerali;e+ an9iety +isor+er an+ social an9iety +isor+er DC/1CC1CJE' 1n one o, these st"+ies/ 2M3 el+erly patients &ith $enerali;e+ an9iety +isor+er &ere ran+o#i;e+ in a 2%1 ratio to Oe9ible<+ose (1C0600 #$(+ay) .2B (n U 1MM) or placebo (n U 96) ,or J &ee>s D1CCE' .re$abalin &as associate+ &ith $reater i#prove#ent/ startin$ in the secon+ &ee> o, treat#ent/ in the Ka#ilton )atin$ Scale ,or *n9iety (K)S*) total scores co#pare+ &ith placebo (p b 0'0C)' 2reat< er i#prove#ents &ere also ,o"n+ in the K)S* psychic an+ so#atic an9< iety ,actors an+ in the Ka#ilton )atin$ Scale ,or +epression total scores' *ltho"$h a ,e& reports s"$$est that .2B #ay be e,,ective in other #oo+ +isor+ers D1C9/160E/ evi+ence ,ro# ran+o#i;e+ controlle+ trials is lac>in$' 1n patients &ith epilepsy/ .2B +oes not appear to have si$ni=cant ne$ative e,,ects on #oo+ or behavior D161E/ altho"$h +epression has been reporte+ in so#e patients D162E' C' :hir+ $eneration *E s C'1' )"=na#i+e )"=na#i+e is a novel *E recently approve+ by the @ * an+ the E"ropean -e+icines *$ency (E-*) as a+!"nctive treat#ent ,or sei;"res associate+ &ith 7enno92asta"t syn+ro#e in chil+ren a$e+ ] 4 years an+ a+"lts' )"=na#i+e #o+"lates the activity o, volta$e< $ate+ so+i"# channels/ principally via prolon$ation o, the inactive state o, the channel D163E' :he initial e9perience &ith )3@ yiel+e+ conOictin$ +ata re$ar+in$ its psychotropic pro=le' 1n a poole+ analysis o, sa,ety an+ tolerability +ata ,ro# M clinical st"+ies in epilepsy/ )3@ &as not associate+ &ith an increase+ ris> o, a+verse psychiatric e,,ects D164E' 5,,<label "se o, )3@ in t&o patients &ith re,ractory bipolar +isor+er res"lte+ in re+"ction o, +epressive/ an9iety/ an+ obsessive ,eat"res &ith #oo+ stabili;ation in one case an+ re+"ction in +epression/ an9iety/ bin$e eatin$/ an+ alcohol cravin$ &ith #oo+ stabili;ation in the secon+ case D16CE' 1n t&o other si#ilar patients/ ho&ever/ its "se res"lte+ in activation o, s"ici+al i+eation

)eti$abine ():2)/ also >no&n as e;o$abine in the 3'S'/ is a novel *E &ith recent @ *< an+ the E-*<approval as a+!"nctive therapy ,or a+"lts &ith ,ocal sei;"res' )eti$abine is a =rst<in<class a$ent in that it opens ne"ronal 6vM (6C04) volta$e<$ate+ potassi"# channels/ &hich stabili;e via -<c"rrent restin$ #e#brane potentials D1M1E' ata ,ro# ani#al #o+els s"$$est that ):2 #ay have #oo+< stabili;in$ an+ an9iolytic e,,ects D1M2/1M3E' :hese =n+in$s/ ho&ever/ have not yet been con=r#e+ in h"#ans' Sparse +ata are available on the inci+ence o, a+verse psychiatric e,,ects in patients &ith epilepsy' 1n three pivotal ran+o#i;e+/ +o"ble<blin+/ placebo<controlle+ trials involvin$ ^ 1200 patients &ith +r"$<resistant epilepsy/ ):2/ &hen co#pare+ &ith placebo/ &as associate+ &ith a hi$her inci+ence o, con,"sional state (9F vs' 3F)/ psychotic sy#pto#s (1F vs' 0F)/ an+ vis"al(a"+itory hall"cina< tions (2F vs' b 1F) D1M41MME' -ost e,,ects +evelope+ +"rin$ the =rst ,e& &ee>s o, treat#ent an+ appeare+ to be relate+ to a rapi+ titration sche+"le D1MME' 6' 7i#itations o, c"rrent literat"re 1t sho"l+ be e#phasi;e+ that/ ,or the #a!ority o, *E s/ in,or#a< tion on #oo+ an+ behavioral e,,ects is either ina+eG"ate or #issin$' -oreover/ available investi$ations s",,er ,ro# a n"#ber o, #etho+o< lo$ical li#itations' -any observations co#e ,ro# case reports or "ncontrolle+ st"+ies' Beca"se psychiatric events can be relate+ to epilepsy itsel, rather than to its treat#ent/ establishin$ ca"see,,ect relationships can be proble#< atic' 5ne &ay to +eter#ine ca"sality is by sho&in$ +isappearance o, the a+verse event a,ter &ith+ra&in$ the s"specte+ precipitatin$ a$ent an+ re<appearance a,ter re<challen$e D1MJE' Ko&ever/ re<challen$e is "s"al< ly +i,=c"lt to !"sti,y on ethical $ro"n+s/ an+ s"ch st"+ies &o"l+ not nec< essarily in,or# abo"t the characteristics o, patients at ris>' ata ,ro# controlle+ trials also s",,er a n"#ber o, li#itationsI the #ost i#portant relates to the pa"city o, hea+<to<hea+ co#parisons "sin$ stan+ar+i;e+ assess#ent #etho+olo$y' 5ther li#itations o, controlle+ st"+ies in< cl"+e% (i) ,reG"ent "se o, an a++<on +esi$n/ so that any psychotropic

e,,ect co"l+ be attrib"table to phar#aco+yna#ic or phar#aco>inetic +r"$ interactionsI (ii) "se o, =9e+ +oses an+ titration sche+"les/ &hich o,ten +i,,er ,ro# those #ost co##only applie+ in clinical prac< ticeI (iii) e9cl"sion o, patients &ith psychiatric +isor+ers an+ other ris> $ro"psI an+ (iv) a ,ollo&<"p perio+ &hich #ay not be s",=cient to +etect e,,ects &ith a late onset D1M9E' 1n+ee+/ the ,act that the +ata on the psychotropic e,,ects o, *E s in epilepsy co#e ,ro# very hetero$< eno"s so"rces (i'e'/ case reports/ retrospective s"rveys/ observational st"+ies/ controlle+ clinical trials &ith +i,,erent +esi$ns an+ o"tco#e #eas"res) consi+erably li#its the possibility o, +ra&in$ +e=nite con< cl"sions abo"t the co#parative e,,ects o, in+ivi+"al co#po"n+s' M' Concl"sions *ntiepileptic +r"$s s"ppress sei;"res by actin$ on a variety o, #echanis#s an+ #olec"lar tar$ets involve+ in the re$"lation o, ne"< ronal e9citability' :hese incl"+e inhibitory (2*B*er$ic) an+ e9citato< ry ($l"ta#ater$ic) ne"rotrans#ission/ as &ell as ion (so+i"# an+ calci"#) con+"ctance thro"$h volta$e<$ate+ channels' Ko&ever/ these #echanis#s an+ tar$ets are also i#plicate+ in the re$"lation o, #oo+ an+ behavior/ &hich #ay e9plain &hy each *E is associate+ &ith speci=c psychotropic e,,ects' 5"r c"rrent "n+erstan+in$ o, the #echanis#s "n+erlyin$ #oo+ an+ behavior e,,ects o, *E s is ,ar ,ro# bein$ co#plete' @or so#e a$ents/ s"ch as 7EV or ):2/ &hich +o not act (or #ay only #ar$inally act) on the tra+itional tar$ets +escribe+ above/ #echanis#s responsi< ble ,or their psychotropic e,,ects are yet to be +iscovere+' 3n>no&n #echanis#s #ay also "n+erpin +i,,erences in psychotropic pro=les across a$ents &ith apparently si#ilar actions' 0ovel #olec"lar tar$ets/ s"ch as the synaptic vesicle protein SV2* or ne"ronal 6vM volta$e<$ate+ potassi"# channels/ &hose role in #oo+ an+ behavior has not been yet investi$ate+/ #ay acco"nt ,or speci=c psychotropic e,,ects' 1t is also note&orthy that >no&le+$e o, #oo+ an+ behavioral e,,ects o, *E s is either ina+eG"ate or co#pletely #issin$/ &ith available +ata bein$ obtaine+ ,ro# st"+ies &hich s",,er ,ro# #etho+olo$ical li#ita< tions' 8ell<+esi$ne+ investi$ations are "r$ently nee+e+' Better +e=nin$ psychotropic pro=les o, *E s &o"l+ ,"rther e9pan+ opport"nities to tailor treat#ent in patients &ith epilepsy an+ co"l+ potentially lea+ to i+enti=cation o, novel treat#ent strate$ies in psychiatric con+itions' )e,erences
D1E -"la -' 0e& antiepileptic +r"$s% #olec"lar tar$ets' Cent 0erv Syst *$ents -e+ Che# 2009I9%M9<J6' D2E \ohannessen 7an+#ar> C/ \ohannessen S1' .har#acolo$ical #ana$e#ent o, epilepsy% recent a+vances an+ ,"t"re prospects' r"$s 200JI6J%192C<39' D3E .er"cca ./ Carter \/ Vahle V/ 2illia# @2' *+verse antiepileptic +r"$ e,,ects% to&ar+ a clinically an+ ne"robiolo$ically relevant ta9ono#y' 0e"rolo$y 2009IM2% 1223<9' D4E Ettin$er *B' .sychotropic e,,ects o, antiepileptic +r"$s' 0e"rolo$y 2006I6M% 1916<2C' DCE -"la -/ .ini S/ Cassano 2B' :he role o, anticonv"lsant +r"$s in an9iety +isor+ers% a critical revie& o, the evi+ence' \ Clin .sychophar#acol 200MI2M% 263<M2' D6E Spina E/ .er"$i 2' *ntiepileptic +r"$s% in+ications other than epilepsy' Epileptic isor+ 2004I6%CM<MC' DME -"la -/ San+er \8' 0e$ative e,,ects o, antiepileptic +r"$s on #oo+ in patients &ith epilepsy' r"$ Sa, 200MI30%CCC<6M' DJE Sanacora 2/ Saricice> *' 2*B*er$ic contrib"tions to the pathophysiolo$y o, +epression an+ the #echanis# o, anti+epressant action' C0S 0e"rol isor+ r"$ :ar$ets 200MI6%12M<40' D9E Co#ai S/ :a" -/ 2obbi 2' :he psychophar#acolo$y o, a$$ressive behavior% a translational approach% part 1% ne"robiolo$y' \ Clin .sychophar#acol 2012I32% J3<94' D10E 7orin$ 8/ -arino S/ -ea+or 6\' 0e"ropsycholo$ical an+ behavioral e,,ects o, antiepilepsy +r"$s' 0e"ropsychol )ev 200MI1M%413<2C' D11E 5la!i+e / 7a+er -' epression ,ollo&in$ &ith+ra&al ,ro# lon$<ter# ben;o+ia;e< pine "se% a report o, ,o"r cases' .sychol -e+ 19J4I14%93M<40' D12E Ka"ser ./ evins>y 5/ e Bellis -/ :heo+ore 8K/ .ost )-' Ben;o+ia;epine &ith< +ra&al +eliri"# &ith catatonic ,eat"res' 5cc"rrence in patients &ith partial sei;"re +isor+ers' *rch 0e"rol 19J9I46%696<9'

D13E D14E D1CE







D22E D23E

D24E D2CE D26E






D33E D34E D3CE




D39E D40E

D41E D42E D43E D44E

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