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Book One His Dark Material s

By Philip Pullman

lnLo Lhls wlld abyss,

His Dark Materials
Book One

A knCl ALL88ACk
ALl8Lu A. knCl * nLW ?C8k
age 1

1he womb of naLure and perhaps her grave,
Cf nelLher sea, nor shore, nor alr, nor flre,
8uL all Lhese ln Lhelr pregnanL causes mlxed
Confusedly, and whlch Lhus musL ever flghL,
unless Lhe almlghLy maker Lhem ordaln
Pls dark maLerlals Lo creaLe more worlds,
lnLo Lhls wlld abyss Lhe wary flend
SLood on Lhe brlnk of hell and looked a whlle,
onderlng hls voyage...
-!ohn MllLon , aradlse LosL,8ook ll
age 2

1he Colden Compass forms Lhe flrsL parL of a sLory ln
Lhree volumes. 1he flrsL volume ls seL ln a unlverse llke
ours, buL dlfferenL ln many ways. 1he second volume ls
seL parLly ln Lhe unlverse we know. 1he Lhlrd volume
wlll move beLween Lhe unlverses.
A81 CnL
1PL uLCAn1L8 Cl 1CkA?
age 3

Lyra and her daemon moved Lhrough Lhe darkenlng
hall, Laklng care Lo keep Lo one slde, ouL of slghL of Lhe
klLchen. 1he Lhree greaL Lables LhaL ran Lhe lengLh of
Lhe hall were lald already, Lhe sllver and Lhe glass
caLchlng whaL llLLle llghL Lhere was, and Lhe long
benches were pulled ouL ready for Lhe guesLs. orLralLs
of former MasLers hung hlgh up ln Lhe gloom along Lhe
walls. Lyra reached Lhe dals and looked back aL Lhe
open klLchen door, and, seelng no one, sLepped up
beslde Lhe hlgh Lable. 1he places here were lald wlLh
gold, noL sllver, and Lhe fourLeen seaLs were noL oak
benches buL mahogany chalrs wlLh velveL cushlons.
Lyra sLopped beslde Lhe MasLer's chalr and fllcked Lhe
blggesL glass genLly wlLh a flngernall. 1he sound rang
clearly Lhrough Lhe hall.
?ou're noL Laklng Lhls serlously," whlspered her
daemon. 8ehave yourself."
Per daemon's name was anLalalmon, and he was
currenLly ln Lhe form of a moLh, a dark brown one so
as noL Lo show up ln Lhe darkness of Lhe hall.
1hey're maklng Loo much nolse Lo hear from Lhe
klLchen," Lyra whlspered back. And Lhe SLeward
doesn'L come ln Llll Lhe flrsL bell. SLop fusslng."
8uL she puL her palm over Lhe rlnglng crysLal anyway,
and anLalalmon fluLLered ahead and Lhrough Lhe
sllghLly open door of Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom aL Lhe oLher
end of Lhe dals. AfLer a momenL he appeared agaln.
1here's no one Lhere," he whlspered. 8uL we musL
be qulck."
Crouchlng behlnd Lhe hlgh Lable, Lyra darLed along and
Lhrough Lhe door lnLo Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom, where she
sLood up and looked around. 1he only llghL ln here
came from Lhe flreplace, where a brlghL blaze of logs
seLLled sllghLly as she looked, sendlng a founLaln of
sparks up lnLo Lhe chlmney. She had llved mosL of her
llfe ln Lhe College, buL had never seen Lhe 8eLlrlng
8oom before: only Scholars and Lhelr guesLs were
allowed ln here, and never females. Lven Lhe
maldservanLs dldn'L clean ln here. 1haL was Lhe
8uLler's [ob alone.
anLalalmon seLLled on her shoulder. Pappy now?
Can we go?" he whlspered. uon'L be sllly! l wanL Lo
look around!"
lL was a large room, wlLh an oval Lable of pollshed
rosewood on whlch sLood varlous decanLers and
glasses, and a sllver smoklng sLand wlLh a rack of plpes.
Cn a sldeboard nearby Lhere was a llLLle chaflng dlsh
and a baskeL of poppy heads.
1hey do Lhemselves well, don'L Lhey, an?" she sald
under her breaLh.
She saL ln one of Lhe green leaLher armchalrs. lL was so
deep she found herself nearly lylng down, buL she saL
up agaln and Lucked her legs under her Lo look aL Lhe
porLralLs on Lhe walls. More old Scholars, probably,
robed, bearded, and gloomy, Lhey sLared ouL of Lhelr
frames ln solemn dlsapproval.
age 4

WhaL d'you Lhlnk Lhey Lalk abouL?" Lyra sald, or
began Lo say, because before she'd flnlshed Lhe
quesLlon she heard volces ouLslde Lhe door.
8ehlnd Lhe chalr-qulck!" whlspered anLalalmon,
and ln a flash Lyra was ouL of Lhe armchalr and
crouchlng behlnd lL. lL wasn'L Lhe besL one for hldlng
behlnd: she'd chosen one ln Lhe very cenLer of Lhe
room, and unless she kepL very quleL...
1he door opened, and Lhe llghL changed ln Lhe room,
one of Lhe lncomers was carrylng a lamp, whlch he puL
down on Lhe sldeboard. Lyra could see hls legs, ln Lhelr
dark green Lrousers and shlny black shoes. lL was a
1hen a deep volce sald, Pas Lord Asrlel arrlved yeL?"
lL was Lhe MasLer. As Lyra held her breaLh, she saw Lhe
servanL's daemon (a dog, llke all servanLs' daemons)
LroL ln and slL quleLly aL hls feeL, and Lhen Lhe MasLer's
feeL became vlslble Loo, ln Lhe shabby black shoes he
always wore.
no, MasLer," sald Lhe 8uLler. no word from Lhe
aerodock, elLher."
l expecL he'll be hungry when he arrlves. Show hlm
sLralghL lnLo Pall, wlll you?"
very good, MasLer."
And you've decanLed some of Lhe speclal 1okay for
?es, MasLer. 1he 1898, as you ordered. Pls Lordshlp ls
very parLlal Lo LhaL, l remember." Cood. now leave
me, please."
uo you need Lhe lamp, MasLer?"
?es, leave LhaL Loo. Look ln durlng dlnner Lo Lrlm lL,
wlll you?"
1he 8uLler bowed sllghLly and Lurned Lo leave, hls
daemon LroLLlng obedlenLly afLer hlm. lrom her noL-
much-of-a-hldlng place Lyra waLched as Lhe MasLer
wenL Lo a large oak wardrobe ln Lhe corner of Lhe
room, Look hls gown from a hanger, and pulled lL
laborlously on. 1he MasLer had been a powerful man,
buL he was well over sevenLy now, and hls movemenLs
were sLlff and slow. 1he MasLer's daemon had Lhe
form of a raven, and as soon as hls robe was on, she
[umped down from Lhe wardrobe and seLLled ln her
accusLomed place on hls rlghL shoulder.
Lyra could feel anLalalmon brlsLllng wlLh anxleLy,
Lhough he made no sound. lor herself, she was
pleasanLly exclLed.
1he vlslLor menLloned by Lhe MasLer, Lord Asrlel, was
her uncle, a man whom she admlred and feared
greaLly. Pe was sald Lo be lnvolved ln hlgh pollLlcs, ln
secreL exploraLlon, ln dlsLanL warfare, and she never
knew when he was golng Lo appear. Pe was flerce: lf
he caughL her ln here she'd be severely punlshed, buL
she could puL up wlLh LhaL.
WhaL she saw nexL, however, changed Lhlngs
age 3

1he MasLer Look from hls pockeL a folded paper and
lald lL on Lhe Lable beslde Lhe wlne. Pe Look Lhe
sLopper ouL of Lhe mouLh of a decanLer conLalnlng a
rlch golden wlne, unfolded Lhe paper, and poured a
Lhln sLream of whlLe powder lnLo Lhe decanLer before
crumpllng Lhe paper and Lhrowlng lL lnLo Lhe flre. 1hen
he Look a pencll from hls pockeL, sLlrred Lhe wlne unLll
Lhe powder had dlssolved, and replaced Lhe sLopper.
Pls daemon gave a sofL brlef squawk. 1he MasLer
replled ln an underLone, and looked around wlLh hls
hooded, clouded eyes before leavlng Lhrough Lhe door
he'd come ln by.
Lyra whlspered, uld you see LhaL, an?"
Cf course l dld! now hurry ouL, before Lhe SLeward
8uL as he spoke, Lhere came Lhe sound of a bell rlnglng
once from Lhe far end of Lhe hall. 1haL's Lhe SLeward's
bell!" sald Lyra. l LhoughL we had more Llme Lhan
LhaL." anLalalmon fluLLered swlfLly Lo Lhe hall door,
and swlfLly back.
1he SLeward's Lhere already," he sald. And you can'L
geL ouL of Lhe oLher door..."
1he oLher door, Lhe one Lhe MasLer had enLered and
lefL by, opened onLo Lhe busy corrldor beLween Lhe
llbrary and Lhe Scholars' common room. AL Lhls Llme of
day lL was Lhronged wlLh men pulllng on Lhelr gowns
for dlnner, or hurrylng Lo leave papers or brlefcases ln
Lhe common room before movlng nLo Lhe hall. Lyra
had planned Lo leave Lhe way she'd come, banklng on
anoLher few mlnuLes before Lhe SLeward's bell rang.
And lf she hadn'L seen Lhe MasLer Llpplng LhaL powder
lnLo Lhe wlne, she mlghL have rlsked Lhe SLeward's
anger, or hoped Lo avold belng noLlced ln Lhe busy
corrldor. 8uL she was confused, and LhaL made her
1hen she heard heavy fooLsLeps on Lhe dals. 1he
SLeward was comlng Lo make sure Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom
was ready for Lhe Scholars' poppy and wlne afLer
dlnner. Lyra darLed Lo Lhe oak wardrobe, opened lL,
and hld lnslde, pulllng Lhe door shuL [usL as Lhe
SLeward enLered. She had no fear for anLalalmon: Lhe
room was somber colored, and he could always creep
under a chalr.
She heard Lhe SLeward's heavy wheezlng, and Lhrough
Lhe crack where Lhe door hadn'L qulLe shuL she saw
hlm ad[usL Lhe plpes ln Lhe rack by Lhe smoklng sLand
and casL a glance over Lhe decanLers and glasses. 1hen
he smooLhed Lhe halr over hls ears wlLh boLh palms
and sald someLhlng Lo hls daemon. Pe was a servanL,
so she was a dog, buL a superlor servanL, so a superlor
dog. ln facL, she had Lhe form of a red seLLer. 1he
daemon seemed susplclous, and casL around as lf
she'd sensed an lnLruder, buL dldn'L make for Lhe
wardrobe, Lo Lyra's lnLense rellef. Lyra was afrald of
Lhe SLeward, who had Lwlce beaLen her.
Lyra heard a Llny whlsper, obvlously anLalalmon had
squeezed ln beslde her.
We're golng Lo have Lo sLay here now. Why don'L you
llsLen Lo me?"
She dldn'L reply unLll Lhe SLeward had lefL. lL was hls
[ob Lo supervlse Lhe walLlng aL Lhe hlgh Lable, she
could hear Lhe Scholars comlng lnLo Lhe hall, Lhe
murmur of volces, Lhe shuffle of feeL.
age 6

lL's a good Lhlng l dldn'L," she whlspered back. We
wouldn'L have seen Lhe MasLer puL polson ln Lhe wlne
oLherwlse. an, LhaL was Lhe 1okay he asked Lhe 8uLler
abouL! 1hey're golng Lo klll Lord Asrlel!"
?ou don'L know lL's polson."
Ch, of course lL ls. uon'L you remember, he made Lhe
8uLler leave Lhe room before he dld lL? lf lL was
lnnocenL, lL wouldn'L have maLLered Lhe 8uLler seelng.
And l know Lhere's someLhlng golng on-someLhlng
pollLlcal. 1he servanLs have been Lalklng abouL lL for
days. an, we could prevenL a murder!"
l've never heard such nonsense," he sald shorLly.
Pow do you Lhlnk you're golng Lo keep sLlll for four
hours ln Lhls poky wardrobe? LeL me go and look ln Lhe
corrldor. l'll Lell you when lL's clear."
Pe fluLLered from her shoulder, and she saw hls llLLle
shadow appear ln Lhe crack of llghL.
lL's no good, an, l'm sLaylng," she sald. 1here's
anoLher robe or someLhlng here. l'll puL LhaL on Lhe
floor and make myself comforLable. l've [usL goL Lo see
whaL Lhey do."
She had been crouchlng. She carefully sLood up,
feellng around for Lhe cloLhes hangers ln order noL Lo
make a nolse, and found LhaL Lhe wardrobe was blgger
Lhan she'd LhoughL. 1here were several academlc
robes and hoods, some wlLh fur around Lhem, mosL
faced wlLh sllk.
l wonder lf Lhese are all Lhe MasLer's?" she
whlspered. When he geLs honorary degrees from
oLher places, perhaps Lhey glve hlm fancy robes and he
keeps Lhem here for, do you really
Lhlnk lL's noL polson ln LhaL wlne?"
no," he sald. l Lhlnk lL ls, llke you do. And l Lhlnk lL's
none of our buslness. And l Lhlnk lL would be Lhe
sllllesL Lhlng you've ever done ln a llfeLlme of sllly
Lhlngs Lo lnLerfere. lL's noLhlng Lo do wlLh us."
uon'L be sLupld," Lyra sald. l can'L slL ln here and
waLch Lhem glve hlm polson!"
Come somewhere else, Lhen."
?ou're a coward, an."
CerLalnly l am. May l ask whaL you lnLend Lo do? Are
you golng Lo leap ouL and snaLch Lhe glass from hls
Lrembllng flngers? WhaL dld you have ln mlnd?"
l dldn'L have anyLhlng ln mlnd, and well you know lL,"
she snapped quleLly. 8uL now l've seen whaL Lhe
MasLer dld, l haven'L goL any cholce. ?ou're supposed
Lo know abouL consclence, aren'L you? Pow can l [usL
go and slL ln Lhe llbrary or somewhere and Lwlddle my
Lhumbs, knowlng whaL's golng Lo happen? l don'L
lnLend Lo do LhaL, l promlse you."
1hls ls whaL you wanLed all Lhe Llme," he sald afLer a
momenL. ?ou wanLed Lo hlde ln here and waLch. Why
dldn'L l reallze LhaL before?"
All rlghL, l do," she sald. Lveryone knows Lhey geL up
Lo someLhlng secreL. 1hey have a rlLual or someLhlng.
And l [usL wanLed Lo know whaL lL was."
lL's none of your buslness! lf Lhey wanL Lo en[oy Lhelr
llLLle secreLs you should [usL feel superlor and leL Lhem
geL on wlLh lL. Pldlng and spylng ls for sllly chlldren."
age 7

LxacLly whaL l knew you'd say. now sLop nagglng."
1he Lwo of Lhem saL ln sllence for a whlle, Lyra
uncomforLable on Lhe hard floor of Lhe wardrobe and
anLalalmon self-rlghLeously LwlLchlng hls Lemporary
anLennae on one of Lhe robes. Lyra felL a mlxLure of
LhoughLs conLendlng ln her head, and she would have
llked noLhlng beLLer Lhan Lo share Lhem wlLh her
daemon, buL she was proud Loo. erhaps she should
Lry Lo clear Lhem up wlLhouL hls help.
Per maln LhoughL was anxleLy, and lL wasn'L for
herself. She'd been ln Lrouble ofLen enough Lo be used
Lo lL. 1hls Llme she was anxlous abouL Lord Asrlel, and
abouL whaL Lhls all meanL. lL wasn'L ofLen LhaL he
vlslLed Lhe college, and Lhe facL LhaL Lhls was a Llme of
hlgh pollLlcal Lenslon meanL LhaL he hadn'L come
slmply Lo eaL and drlnk and smoke wlLh a few old
frlends. She knew LhaL boLh Lord Asrlel and Lhe MasLer
were members of Lhe CablneL Councll, Lhe rlme
MlnlsLer's speclal advlsory body, so lL mlghL have been
someLhlng Lo do wlLh LhaL, buL meeLlngs of Lhe
CablneL Councll were held ln Lhe palace, noL ln Lhe
8eLlrlng 8oom of !ordan College. 1hen Lhere was Lhe
rumor LhaL had been keeplng Lhe College servanLs
whlsperlng for days. lL was sald LhaL Lhe 1arLars had
lnvaded Muscovy, and were surglng norLh Lo SL.
eLersburg, from where Lhey would be able Lo
domlnaLe Lhe 8alLlc Sea and evenLually overcome Lhe
enLlre wesL of Lurope. And Lord Asrlel had been ln Lhe
far norLh: when she'd seen hlm lasL, he was preparlng
an expedlLlon Lo Lapland...
an," she whlspered.
uo you Lhlnk Lhere'll be a war?"
noL yeL. Lord Asrlel wouldn'L be dlnlng here lf lL was
golng Lo break ouL ln Lhe nexL week or so." 1haL's
whaL l LhoughL. 8uL laLer?" Shh! Someone's comlng."
She saL up and puL her eye Lo Lhe crack of Lhe door. lL
was Lhe 8uLler, comlng Lo Lrlm Lhe lamp as Lhe MasLer
had ordered hlm Lo. 1he common room and Lhe llbrary
were llL by anbar-lc power, buL Lhe Scholars preferred
Lhe older, sofLer naphLha lamps ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom.
1hey wouldn'L change LhaL ln Lhe MasLer's llfeLlme.
1he 8uLler Lrlmmed Lhe wlck, and puL anoLher log on
Lhe flre as well, and Lhen llsLened carefully aL Lhe hall
door before helplng hlmself Lo a handful of leaf from
Lhe smoklng sLand. Pe had hardly replaced Lhe lld
when Lhe handle of Lhe oLher door Lurned, maklng hlm
[ump nervously. Lyra Lrled noL Lo laugh. 1he 8uLler
hasLlly sLuffed Lhe leaf lnLo hls pockeL and Lurned Lo
face Lhe lncomer.
Lord Asrlel!" he sald, and a shlver of cold surprlse ran
down Lyra's back. She couldn'L see hlm from where
she was, and she Lrled Lo smoLher Lhe urge Lo move
and look.
Cood evenlng, Wren," sald Lord Asrlel. Lyra always
heard LhaL harsh volce wlLh a mlxLure of pleasure and
apprehenslon. l arrlved Loo laLe Lo dlne. l'll walL ln
1he 8uLler looked uncomforLable. CuesLs enLered Lhe
8eLlrlng 8oom aL Lhe MasLer's lnvlLaLlon only, and Lord
Asrlel knew LhaL, buL Lhe 8uLler also saw Lord Asrlel
looklng polnLedly aL Lhe bulge ln hls pockeL, and
declded noL Lo proLesL.
Shall l leL Lhe MasLer know you've arrlved, my lord?"
no harm ln LhaL. ?ou mlghL brlng me some coffee."
age 8

very good, my lord."
1he 8uLler bowed and hasLened ouL, hls daemon
LroLLlng submlsslvely aL hls heels. Lyra's uncle moved
across Lo Lhe flre and sLreLched hls arms hlgh above hls
head, yawnlng llke a llon. Pe was wearlng Lravellng
cloLhes. Lyra was remlnded, as she always was when
she saw hlm agaln, of how much he frlghLened her.
1here was no quesLlon now of creeplng ouL unnoLlced:
she'd have Lo slL LlghL and hope.
Lord Asrlel's daemon, a snow leopard, sLood behlnd
Are you golng Lo show Lhe pro[ecLlons ln here?" she
sald quleLly.
?es. lL'll creaLe less fuss Lhan movlng Lo Lhe lecLure
LheaLer. 1hey'll wanL Lo see Lhe speclmens Loo, l'll send
for Lhe orLer ln a mlnuLe. 1hls ls a bad Llme,
?ou should resL."
Pe sLreLched ouL ln one of Lhe armchalrs, so LhaL Lyra
could no longer see hls face.
?es, yes. l should also change my cloLhes. 1here's
probably some anclenL eLlqueLLe LhaL allows Lhem Lo
flne me a dozen boLLles for comlng ln here dressed
lmproperly. l should sleep for Lhree days. 1he facL
remalns LhaL-"
1here was a knock, and Lhe 8uLler came ln wlLh a sllver
Lray bearlng a coffeepoL and a cup.
1hank you, Wren," sald Lord Asrlel. ls LhaL Lhe 1okay
l can see on Lhe Lable?"
1he MasLer ordered lL decanLed especlally for you, my
l lord," sald Lhe 8uLler. 1here are only Lhree dozen
boLLles lefL l of Lhe'98."
All good Lhlngs pass away. Leave Lhe Lray here beslde
me. Ch, ask Lhe orLer Lo send up Lhe Lwo cases l lefL
ln Lhe Lodge, would you?"
Pere, my lord?"
?es, here, man. And l shall need a screen and a
pro[ecLlng lanLern, also here, also now."
1he 8uLler could hardly prevenL hlmself from openlng
hls mouLh ln surprlse, buL managed Lo suppress Lhe
quesLlon, or Lhe proLesL.
Wren, you're forgeLLlng your place," sald Lord Asrlel.
uon'L quesLlon me, [usL do as l Lell you."
very good, my lord," sald Lhe 8uLler. lf l may suggesL
lL, l should perhaps leL Mr. Cawson know whaL you're
plannlng, my lord, or else he'll be somewhaL Laken
aback, lf you see whaL l mean."
?es. 1ell hlm, Lhen."
Mr. Cawson was Lhe SLeward. 1here was an old and
well-esLabllshed rlvalry beLween hlm and Lhe 8uLler.
1he SLeward was Lhe superlor, buL Lhe 8uLler had more
opporLunlLles Lo lngraLlaLe hlmself wlLh Lhe Scholars,
and made full use of Lhem. Pe would be dellghLed Lo
have Lhls chance of showlng Lhe SLeward LhaL he knew
more abouL whaL was golng on ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom.
age 9

Pe bowed and lefL. Lyra waLched as her uncle poured a
cup of coffee, dralned lL aL once, and poured anoLher
before slpplng more slowly. She was agog: cases of
speclmens? A pro[ecLlng lanLern? WhaL dld he have Lo
show Lhe Scholars LhaL was so urgenL and lmporLanL?
1hen Lord Asrlel sLood up and Lurned away from Lhe
flre. She saw hlm fully, and marveled aL Lhe conLrasL he
made wlLh Lhe plump 8uLler, Lhe sLooped and languld
Scholars. Lord Asrlel was a Lall man wlLh powerful
shoulders, a flerce dark face, and eyes LhaL seemed Lo
flash and gllLLer wlLh savage laughLer. lL was a face Lo
be domlnaLed by, or Lo flghL: never a face Lo paLronlze
or plLy. All hls movemenLs were large and perfecLly
balanced, llke Lhose of a wlld anlmal, and when he
appeared ln a room llke Lhls, he seemed a wlld anlmal
held ln a cage Loo small for lL.
AL Lhe momenL hls expresslon was dlsLanL and
preoccupled. Pls daemon came close and leaned her
head on hls walsL, and he looked down aL her
unfaLhomably before Lurnlng away and walklng Lo Lhe
Lable. Lyra suddenly felL her sLomach lurch, for Lord
Asrlel had Laken Lhe sLopper from Lhe decanLer of
1okay, and was pourlng a glass.
1he quleL cry came before she could hold lL back. Lord
Asrlel heard and Lurned aL once. Who's Lhere?"
She couldn'L help herself. She Lumbled ouL of Lhe
wardrobe and scrambled up Lo snaLch Lhe glass from
hls hand. 1he wlne flew ouL, splashlng on Lhe edge of
Lhe Lable and Lhe carpeL, and Lhen Lhe glass fell and
smashed. Pe selzed her wrlsL and LwlsLed hard.
Lyra! WhaL Lhe hell are you dolng?"
LeL go of me and l'll Lell you!"
l'll break your arm flrsL. Pow dare you come ln here?"
l've [usL saved your llfe!"
1hey were sLlll for a momenL, Lhe glrl LwlsLed ln paln
buL grlmaclng Lo prevenL herself from crylng ouL
louder, Lhe man benL over her frownlng llke Lhunder.
WhaL dld you say?" he sald more quleLly.
1haL wlne ls polsoned," she muLLered beLween
clenched LeeLh. l saw Lhe MasLer puL some powder ln
Pe leL go. She sank Lo Lhe floor, and anLalalmon
fluLLered anxlously Lo her shoulder. Per uncle looked
down wlLh a resLralned fury, and she dldn'L dare meeL
hls eyes.
l came ln [usL Lo see whaL Lhe room was llke," she
sald. l know l shouldn'L have. 8uL l was golng Lo go
ouL before anyone came ln, excepL LhaL l heard Lhe
MasLer comlng and goL ^ Lrapped. 1he wardrobe was
Lhe only place Lo hlde. And l saw hlm puL Lhe powder
ln Lhe wlne. lf l hadn'L..."
1here was a knock on Lhe door.
age 10

1haL'll be Lhe orLer," sald Lord Asrlel. 8ack ln Lhe
wardrobe. lf l hear Lhe sllghLesL nolse, l'll make you
wlsh you were dead."
She darLed back Lhere aL once, and no sooner had she
pulled Lhe door shuL Lhan Lord Asrlel called, Come ln."
As he'd sald, lL was Lhe orLer.
ln here, my lord?"
Lyra saw Lhe old man sLandlng doubLfully ln Lhe
doorway, and behlnd hlm, Lhe corner of a large
wooden box.
1haL's rlghL, ShuLer," sald Lord Asrlel. 8rlng Lhem
boLh ln and puL Lhem down by Lhe Lable."
Lyra relaxed a llLLle, and allowed herself Lo feel Lhe
paln ln her shoulder and wrlsL. lL mlghL have been
enough Lo make her cry, lf she was Lhe sorL of glrl who
crled. lnsLead she grlLLed her LeeLh and moved Lhe arm
genLly unLll lL felL looser.
1hen came a crash of glass and Lhe glug of spllled
uamn you, ShuLer, you careless old fool! Look whaL
you've done!"
Lyra could see, [usL. Per uncle had managed Lo knock
decanLer of 1okay off Lhe Lable, and made lL look as lf
Lhe orLer had done lL. 1he old man puL Lhe box down
carefully and began Lo apologlze.
l'm Lruly sorry, my lord-l musL have been closer Lhan
l LhoughL-"
CeL someLhlng Lo clear Lhls mess up. Co on, before lL
soaks lnLo Lhe carpeL!"
1he orLer hurrled ouL. Lord Asrlel moved closer Lo Lhe
wardrobe and spoke ln an underLone.
Slnce you're ln Lhere, you can make yourself useful.
WaLch Lhe MasLer closely when he comes ln. lf you Lell
me someLhlng lnLeresLlng abouL hlm, l'll keep you from
geLLlng furLher lnLo Lhe Lrouble you're already ln.
?es, uncle."
Make a nolse ln Lhere and l won'L help you. ?ou're on
your own."
Pe moved away and sLood wlLh hls back Lo Lhe flre
agaln as Lhe orLer came back wlLh a brush and
dusLpan for Lhe glass and a bowl and cloLh.
l can only say once agaln, my lord, l do mosL earnesLly
beg your pardon, l don'L know whaL-" !usL clear up
Lhe mess."
As Lhe orLer began Lo mop Lhe wlne from Lhe carpeL,
Lhe 8uLler knocked and came ln wlLh Lord
age 11

Asrlel's manservanL, a man called 1horold. 1hey were
carrylng beLween Lhem a heavy case of pollshed wood
wlLh brass handles. 1hey saw whaL Lhe orLer was
dolng and sLopped dead.
?es, lL was Lhe 1okay," sald Lord Asrlel. 1oo bad. ls
LhaL Lhe lanLern? SeL lL up by Lhe wardrobe, 1horold, lf
you would. l'll have Lhe screen up aL Lhe oLher end."
Lyra reallzed LhaL she would be able Lo see Lhe screen
and whaLever was on lL Lhrough Lhe crack ln Lhe door,
and wondered wheLher her uncle had arranged lL llke
LhaL for Lhe purpose. under Lhe nolse Lhe manservanL
made unrolllng Lhe sLlff llnen and seLLlng lL up on lLs
frame, she whlspered:
See? lL was worLh comlng, wasn'L lL?"
lL mlghL be," anLalalmon sald ausLerely, ln hls Llny
moLh volce. And lL mlghL noL."
Lord Asrlel sLood by Lhe flre slpplng Lhe lasL of Lhe
coffee and waLchlng darkly as 1horold opened Lhe case
of Lhe pro[ecLlng lanLern and uncapped Lhe lens before
checklng Lhe oll Lank.
1here's plenLy of oll, my lord," he sald. Shall l send
for a Lechnlclan Lo operaLe lL?"
no. l'll do lL myself. 1hank you, 1horold. Pave Lhey
flnlshed dlnner yeL, Wren?"
very nearly, l Lhlnk, my lord," replled Lhe 8uLler. lf l
undersLand Mr. Cawson arlghL, Lhe MasLer and hls
guesLs won'L be dlsposed Lo llnger once Lhey know
you're here. Shall l Lake Lhe coffee Lray?"
1ake lL and go."
very good, my lord."
WlLh a sllghL bow, Lhe 8uLler Look Lhe Lray and lefL,
and 1horold wenL wlLh hlm. As soon as Lhe door
closed, Lord Asrlel looked across Lhe room dlrecLly aL
Lhe wardrobe, and Lyra felL Lhe force of hls glance
almosL as lf lL had physlcal form, as lf lL were an arrow
or a spear. 1hen he looked away and spoke sofLly Lo
hls dasmon.
She came Lo slL calmly aL hls slde, alerL and eleganL
and dangerous, her Lawny eyes surveylng Lhe room
before Lurnlng, llke hls black ones, Lo Lhe door from
Lhe hall as Lhe handle Lurned. Lyra couldn'L see Lhe
door, buL she heard an lnLake of breaLh as Lhe flrsL
man came ln.
1WC 1PL luLA Cl nC81P
MasLer," sald Lord Asrlel. ?es, l'm back. uo brlng ln
your guesLs, l've goL someLhlng very lnLeresLlng Lo
show you."
age 12

Lord Asrlel," sald Lhe MasLer heavlly, and came
forward Lo shake hls hand. lrom her hldlng place Lyra
waLched Lhe MasLer's eyes, and lndeed, Lhey fllcked
Loward Lhe Lable for a second, where Lhe 1okay had
MasLer," sald Lord Asrlel. l came Loo laLe Lo dlsLurb
your dlnner, so l made myself aL home ln here. Pello,
Sub-8ecLor. Clad Lo see you looklng so well. Lxcuse my
rough appearance, l've only [usL landed. ?es, MasLer,
Lhe 1okay's gone. l Lhlnk you're sLandlng ln lL. 1he
orLer knocked lL off Lhe Lable, buL lL was my faulL.
Pello, Chaplaln. l read your laLesL paper wlLh greaL
Pe moved away wlLh Lhe Chaplaln, leavlng Lyra wlLh a
clear vlew of Lhe MasLer's face. lL was lmpasslve, buL
Lhe daemon on hls shoulder was shuffllng her feaLhers
and movlng resLlessly from fooL Lo fooL. Lord Asrlel
was already domlnaLlng Lhe room, and alLhough he
was careful Lo be courLeous Lo Lhe MasLer ln Lhe
MasLer's own LerrlLory, lL was clear where Lhe power
1he Scholars greeLed Lhe vlslLor and moved lnLo Lhe
room, some slLLlng around Lhe Lable, some ln Lhe
armchalrs, and soon a buzz of conversaLlon fllled Lhe
alr. Lyra could see LhaL Lhey were powerfully lnLrlgued
by Lhe wooden case, Lhe screen, and Lhe lanLern. She
knew Lhe Scholars well: Lhe Llbrarlan, Lhe Sub-8ecLor,
Lhe Lnqulrer, and Lhe resL, Lhey were men who had
been around her all her llfe, LaughL her, chasLlsed her,
consoled her, glven her llLLle presenLs, chased her
away from Lhe frulL Lrees ln Lhe garden, Lhey were all
she had for a famlly. 1hey mlghL even have felL llke a
famlly lf she knew whaL a famlly was, Lhough lf she dld,
she'd have been more llkely Lo feel LhaL abouL Lhe
College servanLs. 1he Scholars had more lmporLanL
Lhlngs Lo do Lhan aLLend Lo Lhe affecLlons of a half-
wlld, half-clvlllzed glrl, lefL among Lhem by chance.
1he MasLer llL Lhe splrlL lamp under Lhe llLLle sllver
chaflng dlsh and heaLed some buLLer before cuLLlng
half a dozen poppy heads open and Losslng Lhem ln.
oppy was always served afLer a feasL: lL clarlfled Lhe
mlnd and sLlmulaLed Lhe Longue, and made for rlch
conversaLlon. lL was LradlLlonal for Lhe MasLer Lo cook
lL hlmself.
under Lhe slzzle of Lhe frylng buLLer and Lhe hum of
Lalk, Lyra shlfLed around Lo flnd a more comforLable
poslLlon for herself. WlLh enormous care she Look one
of Lhe robes-a full-lengLh fur-off lLs hanger and lald
lL on Lhe floor of Lhe wardrobe.
?ou should have used a scraLchy old one," whlspered
anLalalmon. lf you geL Loo comforLable, you'll go Lo
lf l do, lL's your [ob Lo wake me up," she replled.
She saL and llsLened Lo Lhe Lalk. MlghLy dull Lalk lL was,
Loo, almosL all of lL pollLlcs, and London pollLlcs aL LhaL,
noLhlng exclLlng abouL 1arLars. 1he smells of frylng
poppy and smoke-leaf drlfLed pleasanLly ln Lhrough
Lhe wardrobe door, and more Lhan once Lyra found
herself noddlng. 8uL flnally she heard someone rap on
Lhe Lable. 1he volces fell sllenL, and Lhen Lhe MasLer
CenLlemen," he sald. l feel sure l speak for all of us
when l bld Lord Asrlel welcome. Pls vlslLs are rare buL
always lmmensely valuable, and l undersLand he has
someLhlng of parLlcular lnLeresL Lo show us LonlghL.
1hls ls a Llme of hlgh pollLlcal Lenslon, as we are all
aware, Lord Asrlel's presence ls requlred early
Lomorrow mornlng ln WhlLe Pall, and a Lraln ls walLlng
wlLh sLeam up ready Lo carry hlm Lo London as soon as
we have flnlshed our conversaLlon here, so we musL
use our Llme wlsely. When he has flnlshed speaklng Lo
us, l lmaglne Lhere wlll be some quesLlons. lease keep
Lhem brlef and Lo Lhe polnL. Lord Asrlel, would you llke
Lo begln?"
age 13

1hank you, MasLer," sald Lord Asrlel. 1o sLarL wlLh, l
have a few slldes Lo show you. Sub-8ecLor, you can see
besL from here, l Lhlnk. erhaps Lhe MasLer would llke
Lo Lake Lhe chalr near Lhe wardrobe?"
Lyra marveled aL her uncle's sklll. 1he old Sub-8ecLor
was nearly bllnd, so lL was courLeous Lo make room for
hlm nearer Lhe screen, and hls movlng forward meanL
LhaL Lhe MasLer would be slLLlng nexL Lo Lhe Llbrarlan,
only a maLLer of a yard or so from where Lyra was
crouched ln Lhe wardrobe. As Lhe MasLer seLLled ln Lhe
armchalr, Lyra heard hlm murmur:
1he devll! Pe knew abouL Lhe wlne, l'm sure of lL."
1he Llbrarlan murmured back, Pe's golng Lo ask for
funds. lf he forces a voLe-" lf he does LhaL, we musL
[usL argue agalnsL, wlLh all Lhe eloquence we have."
1he lanLern began Lo hlss as Lord Asrlel pumped lL
hard. Lyra moved sllghLly so LhaL she could see Lhe
screen, where a brllllanL whlLe clrcle had begun Lo
glow. Lord Asrlel called, Could someone Lurn Lhe lamp
Cne of Lhe Scholars goL up Lo do LhaL, and Lhe room
Lord Asrlel began:
As some of you know, l seL ouL for Lhe norLh Lwelve
monLhs ago on a dlplomaLlc mlsslon Lo Lhe klng of
Lapland. AL leasL, LhaL's whaL l preLended Lo be dolng.
ln facL, my real alm was Lo go furLher norLh sLlll, rlghL
on Lo Lhe lce, ln facL, Lo Lry and dlscover whaL had
happened Lo Lhe Crumman expedlLlon. Cne of
Crumman's lasL messages Lo Lhe academy ln 8erlln
spoke of a cerLaln naLural phenomenon only seen ln
Lhe lands of Lhe norLh. l was deLermlned Lo lnvesLlgaLe
LhaL as well as flnd ouL whaL l could abouL Crumman.
8uL Lhe flrsL plcLure l'm golng Lo show you lsn'L dlrecLly
abouL elLher of Lhose Lhlngs."
And he puL Lhe flrsL sllde lnLo Lhe frame and slld lL
behlnd Lhe lens. A clrcular phoLogram ln sharp black
and whlLe appeared on Lhe screen. lL had been Laken
aL nlghL under a full moon, and lL showed a wooden
huL ln Lhe mlddle dlsLance, lLs walls dark agalnsL Lhe
snow LhaL surrounded lL and lay Lhlckly on Lhe roof.
8eslde Lhe huL sLood an array of phllosophlcal
lnsLrumenLs, whlch looked Lo Lyra's eye llke someLhlng
from Lhe Anbarlc ark on Lhe road Lo ?arnLon: aerlals,
wlres, porcelaln lnsulaLors, all gllLLerlng ln Lhe
moonllghL and Lhlckly covered ln frosL. A man ln furs,
hls face hardly vlslble ln Lhe deep hood of hls garmenL,
sLood ln Lhe foreground, wlLh hls hand ralsed as lf ln
greeLlng. 1o one slde of hlm sLood a smaller flgure. 1he
moonllghL baLhed everyLhlng ln Lhe same pallld gleam.
1haL phoLogram was Laken wlLh a sLandard sllver
nlLraLe emulslon," Lord Asrlel sald. l'd llke you Lo look
aL anoLher one, Laken from Lhe same spoL only a
mlnuLe laLer, wlLh a new speclally prepared emulslon."
Pe llfLed ouL Lhe flrsL sllde and dropped anoLher lnLo
Lhe frame. 1hls was much darker, lL was as lf Lhe
moonllghL had been fllLered ouL. 1he horlzon was sLlll
vlslble, wlLh Lhe dark shape of Lhe huL and lLs llghL
snow-covered roof sLandlng ouL, buL Lhe complexlLy of
Lhe lnsLrumenLs was hldden ln darkness. 8uL Lhe man
had alLogeLher changed: he was baLhed ln llghL, and a
founLaln of glowlng parLlcles seemed Lo be sLreamlng
from hls upralsed hand.
1haL llghL," sald Lhe Chaplaln, ls lL golng up or
comlng down?" lL's comlng down," sald Lord Asrlel,
buL lL lsn'L llghL. lL's uusL."
age 14

SomeLhlng ln Lhe way he sald lL made Lyra lmaglne
dusL wlLh a caplLal leLLer, as lf Lhls wasn'L ordlnary
dusL. 1he reacLlon of Lhe Scholars conflrmed her
feellng, because Lord Asrlel's words caused a sudden
collecLlve sllence, followed by gasps of lncredullLy.
8uL how-"
lL can'L-"
CenLlemen!" came Lhe volce of Lhe Chaplaln. LeL
Lord Asrlel explaln."
lL's uusL," Lord Asrlel repeaLed. lL reglsLered as llghL
on Lhe plaLe because parLlcles of uusL affecL Lhls
emulslon as phoLons affecL sllver nlLraLe emulslon. lL
was parLly Lo LesL lL LhaL my expedlLlon wenL norLh ln
Lhe flrsL place. As you see, Lhe flgure of Lhe man ls
perfecLly vlslble. now l'd llke you Lo look aL Lhe shape
Lo hls lefL."
Pe lndlcaLed Lhe blurred shape of Lhe smaller flgure.
l LhoughL LhaL was Lhe man's daemon," sald Lhe
no. Pls daemon was aL Lhe Llme colled around hls
neck ln Lhe form of a snake. 1haL shape you can dlmly
see ls a chlld."
A severed chlld-?" sald someone, and Lhe way he
sLopped showed LhaL he knew Lhls was someLhlng LhaL
shouldn'L have been volced.
1here was an lnLense sllence.
1hen Lord Asrlel sald calmly, An enLlre chlld. Whlch,
glven Lhe naLure of uusL, ls preclsely Lhe polnL, ls lL
no one spoke for several seconds. 1hen came Lhe
volce of Lhe Chaplaln.
Ah," he sald, llke a LhlrsLy man who, havlng [usL drunk
deeply, puLs down Lhe glass Lo leL ouL Lhe breaLh he
has held whlle drlnklng. And Lhe sLreams of uusL..."
-Come from Lhe sky, and baLhe hlm ln whaL looks
llke llghL. ?ou may examlne Lhls plcLure as closely as
you wlsh: l'll leave lL behlnd when l go. l'm showlng lL
Lo you now Lo demonsLraLe Lhe effecL of Lhls new
emulslon. now l'd llke Lo show you anoLher plcLure."
Pe changed Lhe sllde. 1he nexL plcLure was also Laken
aL nlghL, buL Lhls Llme wlLhouL moonllghL. lL showed a
small group of LenLs ln Lhe foreground, dlmly ouLllned
agalnsL Lhe low horlzon, and beslde Lhem an unLldy
heap of wooden boxes and a sledge. 8uL Lhe maln
lnLeresL of Lhe plcLure lay ln Lhe sky. SLreams and vells
of llghL hung llke curLalns, looped and fesLooned on
lnvlslble hooks hundreds of mlles hlgh or blowlng ouL
sldeways ln Lhe sLream of some unlmaglnable wlnd.
WhaL ls LhaL?" sald Lhe volce of Lhe Sub-8ecLor. lL's a
plcLure of Lhe Aurora."
age 13

lL's a very flne phoLogram," sald Lhe almerlan
rofessor. Cne of Lhe besL l've seen."
lorglve my lgnorance," sald Lhe shaky volce of Lhe old
recenLor, buL lf l ever knew whaL Lhe Aurora was, l
have forgoLLen. ls lL whaL Lhey call Lhe norLhern
?es. lL has many names. lL's composed of sLorms of
charged parLlcles and solar rays of lnLense and
exLraordlnary sLrengLh-lnvlslble ln Lhemselves, buL
causlng Lhls lumlnous radlaLlon when Lhey lnLeracL
wlLh Lhe aLmosphere. lf Lhere'd been Llme, l would
have had Lhls sllde LlnLed Lo show you Lhe colors, pale
green and rose, for Lhe mosL parL, wlLh a Llnge of
crlmson along Lhe lower edge of LhaL curLaln-llke
formaLlon. 1hls ls Laken wlLh ordlnary emulslon. now
l'd llke you Lo look aL a plcLure Laken wlLh Lhe speclal
Pe Look ouL Lhe sllde. Lyra heard Lhe MasLer say
quleLly, lf he forces a voLe, we could Lry Lo lnvoke Lhe
resldence clause. Pe hasn'L been resldenL ln Lhe
College for LhlrLy weeks ouL of Lhe lasL flfLy-Lwo."
Pe's already goL Lhe Chaplaln on hls slde..." Lhe
Llbrarlan murmured ln reply.
Lord Asrlel puL a new sllde ln Lhe lanLern frame. lL
showed Lhe same scene. As wlLh Lhe prevlous palr of
plcLures, many of Lhe feaLures vlslble by ordlnary llghL
were much dlmmer ln Lhls one, and so were Lhe
curLalns of radlance ln Lhe sky.
8uL ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe Aurora, hlgh above Lhe bleak
landscape, Lyra could see someLhlng solld. She pressed
her face Lo Lhe crack Lo see more clearly, and she could
see Lhe Scholars near Lhe screen leanlng forward Loo.
As she gazed, her wonder grew, because Lhere ln Lhe
sky was Lhe unmlsLakable ouLllne of a clLy: Lowers,
domes, walls...8ulldlngs and sLreeLs, suspended ln Lhe
alr! She nearly gasped wlLh wonder. 1he CasslngLon
Scholar sald, 1haL looks llke...a clLy." LxacLly so," sald
Lord Asrlel.
A clLy ln anoLher world, no doubL?" sald Lhe uean,
wlLh conLempL ln hls volce.
Lord Asrlel lgnored hlm. 1here was a sLlr of exclLemenL
among some of Lhe Scholars, as lf, havlng wrlLLen
LreaLlses on Lhe exlsLence of Lhe unlcorn wlLhouL ever
havlng seen one, Lhey'd been presenLed wlLh a llvlng
example newly capLured. ls Lhls Lhe 8arnard-SLokes
buslness?" sald Lhe almerlan rofessor. lL ls, lsn'L lL?"
1haL's whaL l wanL Lo flnd ouL," sald Lord Asrlel. Pe
sLood Lo one slde of Lhe lllumlnaLed screen. Lyra could
see hls dark eyes searchlng among Lhe Scholars as Lhey
peered up aL Lhe sllde of Lhe Aurora, and Lhe green
glow of hls demon's eyes beslde hlm. All Lhe venerable
heads were cranlng forward, Lhelr specLacles gllnLlng,
only Lhe MasLer and Lhe Llbrarlan leaned back ln Lhelr
chalrs, wlLh Lhelr heads close LogeLher.
1he Chaplaln was saylng, ?ou sald you were searchlng
for news of Lhe Crumman expedlLlon, Lord Asrlel.
Was ur. Crumman lnvesLlgaLlng Lhls phenomenon
l belleve he was, and l belleve he had a good deal of
lnformaLlon abouL lL. 8uL he won'L be able Lo Lell us
whaL lL was, because he's dead."
no!" sald Lhe Chaplaln.
age 16

l'm afrald so, and l have Lhe proof here."
A rlpple of exclLed apprehenslon ran round Lhe
8eLlrlng 8oom as, under Lord Asrlel's dlrecLlon, Lwo or
Lhree of Lhe younger Scholars carrled Lhe wooden box
Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe room. Lord Asrlel Look ouL Lhe lasL
sllde buL lefL Lhe lanLern on, and ln Lhe dramaLlc glare
of Lhe clrcle of llghL he benL Lo lever open Lhe box. Lyra
heard Lhe screech of nalls comlng ouL of damp wood.
1he MasLer sLood up Lo look, blocklng Lyra's vlew. Per
uncle spoke agaln:
lf you remember, Crumman's expedlLlon vanlshed
elghLeen monLhs ago. 1he Cerman Academy senL hlm
up Lhere Lo go as far norLh as Lhe magneLlc pole and
make varlous celesLlal observaLlons. lL was ln Lhe
course of LhaL [ourney LhaL he observed Lhe curlous
phenomenon we've already seen. ShorLly afLer LhaL, he
vanlshed. lL's been assumed LhaL he had an accldenL
and LhaL hls body's been lylng ln a crevasse all Lhls
Llme. ln facL, Lhere was no accldenL."
WhaL have you goL Lhere?" sald Lhe uean. ls LhaL a
vacuum conLalner?"
Lord Asrlel dldn'L answer aL flrsL. Lyra heard Lhe snap
of meLal cllps and a hlss as alr rushed lnLo a vessel, and
Lhen Lhere was a sllence. 8uL Lhe sllence dldn'L lasL
long. AfLer a momenL or Lwo Lyra heard a confused
babble break ouL: crles of horror, loud proLesLs, volces
ralsed ln anger and fear.
8uL whaL-"
-hardly human-"
-lL's been-"
-whaL's happened Lo lL?"
1he MasLer's volce cuL Lhrough Lhem all.
Lord Asrlel, whaL ln Cod's name have you goL Lhere?"
1hls ls Lhe head of SLanlslaus Crumman," sald Lord
Asrlel's volce.
Cver Lhe [umble of volces Lyra heard someone
sLumble Lo Lhe door and ouL, maklng lncoherenL
sounds of dlsLress. She wlshed she could see whaL Lhey
were seelng.
Lord Asrlel sald, l found hls body preserved ln Lhe lce
off Svalbard. 1he head was LreaLed ln Lhls way by hls
klllers. ?ou'll noLlce Lhe characLerlsLlc scalplng paLLern.
l Lhlnk you mlghL be famlllar wlLh lL, Sub-8ecLor."
1he old man's volce was sLeady as he sald, l have seen
Lhe 1arLars do Lhls. lL's a Lechnlque you flnd among Lhe
aborlglnals of Slberla and Lhe 1ungusk. lrom Lhere, of
course, lL spread lnLo Lhe lands of Lhe Skraellngs,
Lhough l undersLand LhaL lL ls now banned ln new
uenmark. May l examlne lL more closely, Lord Asrlel?"
AfLer a shorL sllence he spoke agaln.
My eyes are noL very clear, and Lhe lce ls dlrLy, buL lL
seems Lo me LhaL Lhere ls a hole ln Lhe Lop of Lhe skull.
Am l rlghL?"
age 17

?ou are." 1repannlng?" LxacLly."
1haL caused a murmur of exclLemenL. 1he MasLer
moved ouL of Lhe way and Lyra could see agaln. 1he
old Sub-8ecLor, ln Lhe clrcle of llghL Lhrown by Lhe
lanLern, was holdlng a heavy block of lce up close Lo
hls eyes, and Lyra could see Lhe ob[ecL lnslde lL: a
bloody lump barely recognlzable as a human head.
anLalalmon fluLLered around Lyra, hls dlsLress
affecLlng her.
Push," she whlspered. LlsLen."
ur. Crumman was once a Scholar of Lhls College," sald
Lhe uean hoLly.
"1o fall lnLo Lhe hands of Lhe 1arLars-" "8uL LhaL far
"1hey musL have peneLraLed furLher Lhan anyone
"uld l hear you say you found lL near Svalbard?" sald
Lhe uean.
"1haL's rlghL."
"Are we Lo undersLand LhaL Lhe panserb[0rne had
anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhls?"
Lyra dldn'L recognlze LhaL word, buL clearly Lhe
Scholars dld.
"lmposslble," sald Lhe CasslngLon Scholar flrmly.
"1hey'd never behave ln LhaL manner."
"1hen you don'L know lofur 8aknlson," sald Lhe
almerlan rofessor, who had made several
expedlLlons hlmself Lo Lhe arcLlc reglons. "lL wouldn'L
surprlse me aL all Lo learn LhaL he had Laken Lo scalplng
people ln Lhe 1arLar fashlon."
Lyra looked agaln aL her uncle, who was waLchlng Lhe
Scholars wlLh a gllLLer of sardonlc amusemenL, and
saylng noLhlng.
"Who ls lofur 8aknlson?" sald someone. "1he klng of
Svalbard," sald Lhe almerlan rofessor. "?es, LhaL's
rlghL, one of Lhe panserb)0me. Pe's a usurper, of sorLs,
Lrlcked hls way onLo Lhe Lhrone, or so l undersLand,
buL a powerful flgure, by no means a fool, ln splLe of
hls ludlcrous affecLaLlons-havlng a palace bullL of
lmporLed marble-seLLlng up whaL he calls a
"lor whom? lor Lhe bears?" sald someone else, and
every-one laughed.
8uL Lhe almerlan rofessor wenL on: "lor all LhaL, l
Lell you LhaL lofur 8aknlson would be capable of dolng
Lhls Lo Crumman. AL Lhe same Llme, he could be
flaLLered lnLo behavlng qulLe dlfferenLly, lf Lhe need
"And you know how, do you, 1relawney?" sald Lhe
uean sneerlngly.
"lndeed l do. uo you know whaL he wanLs above all
else? Lven more Lhan an honorary degree? Pe wanLs a
daemon! llnd a way Lo glve hlm a daemon, and he'd
do anyLhlng for you."
age 18

1he Scholars laughed hearLlly.
Lyra was followlng Lhls wlLh puzzlemenL, whaL Lhe
almerlan rofessor sald made no sense aL all. 8esldes,
she was lmpaLlenL Lo hear more abouL scalplng and Lhe
norLhern LlghLs and LhaL mysLerlous uusL. 8uL she was
dlsappolnLed, for Lord Asrlel had flnlshed showlng hls
rellcs and plcLures, and Lhe Lalk soon Lurned lnLo a
College wrangle abouL wheLher or noL Lhey should glve
hlm some money Lo flL ouL anoLher expedlLlon. 8ack
and forLh Lhe argumenLs ranged, and Lyra felL her eyes
closlng. Soon she was fasL asleep, wlLh anLalalmon
curled around her neck ln hls favorlLe sleeplng form as
an ermlne.
She woke up wlLh a sLarL when someone shook her
"CuleL," sald her uncle. 1he wardrobe door was open,
and he was crouched Lhere agalnsL Lhe llghL. "1hey've
all gone, buL Lhere are sLlll some servanLs around. Co
Lo your bedroom now, and Lake care LhaL you say
noLhlng abouL Lhls."
"uld Lhey voLe Lo glve you Lhe money?" she sald
"WhaL's uusL?" she sald, sLruggllng Lo sLand up afLer
havlng been cramped for so long.
"noLhlng Lo do wlLh you."
"lL ls Lo do wlLh me," she sald. "lf you wanLed me Lo be
a spy ln Lhe wardrobe, you oughL Lo Lell me whaL l'm
spylng abouL. Can l see Lhe man's head?"
anLalalmon's whlLe ermlne fur brlsLled: she felL lL
Llckllng her neck. Lord Asrlel laughed shorLly.
uon'L be dlsgusLlng," he sald, and began Lo pack hls
slldes and speclmen box. uld you waLch Lhe MasLer?"
?es, and he looked for Lhe wlne before he dld
anyLhlng else."
Cood. 8uL l've scoLched hlm for now. uo as you're
Lold and go Lo bed." 8uL where are you golng?"
8ack Lo Lhe norLh. l'm leavlng ln Len mlnuLes."
Can l come?"
Pe sLopped whaL he was dolng, and looked aL her as lf
for Lhe flrsL Llme. Pls daemon Lurned her greaL Lawny
leopard eyes on her Loo, and under Lhe concenLraLed
gaze of boLh of Lhem, Lyra blushed. 8uL she gazed back
?our place ls here," sald her uncle flnally.
8uL why? Why ls my place here? Why can'L l come Lo
Lhe norLh wlLh you? l wanL Lo see Lhe norLhern
age 19

LlghLs and bears and lcebergs and everyLhlng. l wanL Lo
know abouL uusL. And LhaL clLy ln Lhe alr. ls lL anoLher
?ou're noL comlng, chlld. uL lL ouL of your head, Lhe
Llmes are Loo dangerous. uo as you're Lold and go Lo
bed, and lf you're a good glrl, l'll brlng you back a
walrus Lusk wlLh some Lsklmo carvlng on lL. uon'L
argue anymore or l shall be angry."
And hls daemon growled wlLh a deep savage rumble
LhaL made Lyra suddenly aware of whaL lL would be
llke Lo have LeeLh meeLlng ln her LhroaL.
She compressed her llps and frowned hard aL her
uncle. Pe was pumplng Lhe alr from Lhe vacuum flask,
and Look no noLlce, lL was as lf he'd already forgoLLen
her. WlLhouL a word, buL wlLh llps LlghL and eyes
narrowed, Lhe glrl and her daemon lefL and wenL Lo
1he MasLer and Lhe Llbrarlan were old frlends and
allles, and lL was Lhelr hablL, afLer a dlfflculL eplsode, Lo
Lake a glass of branLwl[n and console each oLher. So
afLer Lhey'd seen Lord Asrlel away, Lhey sLrolled Lo Lhe
MasLer's lodglng and seLLled ln hls sLudy wlLh Lhe
curLalns drawn and Lhe flre refreshed, Lhelr daemons
ln Lhelr famlllar places on knee or shoulder, and
prepared Lo Lhlnk Lhrough whaL had [usL happened.
uo you really belleve he knew abouL Lhe wlne?" sald
Lhe Llbrarlan.
Cf course he dld. l have no ldea how, buL he knew,
and he spllled Lhe decanLer hlmself. Cf course he dld."
lorglve me, MasLer, buL l can'L help belng relleved. l
was never happy abouL Lhe ldea of..." Cf polsonlng
?es. Cf murder."
Pardly anyone would be happy aL LhaL ldea, Charles.
1he quesLlon was wheLher dolng LhaL would be worse
Lhan Lhe consequences of noL dolng lL. Well, some
provldence has lnLervened, and lL hasn'L happened. l'm
only sorry l burdened you wlLh Lhe knowledge of lL."
no, no," proLesLed Lhe Llbrarlan. 8uL l wlsh you had
Lold me more.
1he MasLer was sllenL for a whlle before saylng, ?es,
perhaps l should have done. 1he aleLhlomeLer warns
of appalllng consequences lf Lord Asrlel pursues Lhls
research. AparL from anyLhlng else, Lhe chlld wlll be
drawn ln, and l wanL Lo keep her safe as long as
ls Lord Asrlel's buslness anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhls new
lnlLlaLlve of Lhe ConslsLorlal CourL of ulsclpllne? 1he
whaL-do-Lhey-call-lL: Lhe CblaLlon 8oard?"
Lord Asrlel-no, no. CulLe Lhe reverse. 1he CblaLlon
8oard lsn'L enLlrely answerable Lo Lhe
age 20

ConslsLorlal CourL, elLher. lL's a semlprlvaLe lnlLlaLlve,
lL's belng run by someone
who has no love of Lord Asrlel. 8eLween Lhem boLh,
Charles, l Lremble."
1he Llbrarlan was sllenL ln hls Lurn. Lver slnce ope
!ohn Calvln had moved Lhe seaL of Lhe apacy Lo
Ceneva and seL up Lhe ConslsLorlal CourL of ulsclpllne,
Lhe Church's power over every aspecL of llfe had been
absoluLe. 1he apacy lLself had been abollshed afLer
Calvln's deaLh, and a Langle of courLs, colleges, and
counclls, collecLlvely known as Lhe MaglsLerlum, had
grown up ln lLs place. 1hese agencles were noL always
unlLed, someLlmes a blLLer rlvalry grew up beLween
Lhem. lor a large parL of Lhe prevlous cenLury, Lhe
mosL powerful had been Lhe College of 8lshops, buL ln
recenL years Lhe ConslsLorlal CourL of ulsclpllne had
Laken lLs place as Lhe mosL acLlve and Lhe mosL feared
of all Lhe Church's bodles.
8uL lL was always posslble for lndependenL agencles Lo
grow up under Lhe proLecLlon of anoLher parL of Lhe
MaglsLerlum, and Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, whlch Lhe
Llbrarlan had referred Lo, was one of Lhese. 1he
Llbrarlan dldn'L know much abouL lL, buL he dlsllked
and feared whaL he'd heard, and he compleLely
undersLood Lhe MasLer's anxleLy.
1he almerlan rofessor menLloned a name," he sald
afLer a mlnuLe or so. 8arnard-SLokes? WhaL ls Lhe
8arnard-SLokes buslness?"
Ah, lL's noL our fleld, Charles. As l undersLand lL, Lhe
Poly Church Leaches LhaL Lhere are Lwo worlds: Lhe
world of everyLhlng we can see and hear and Louch,
and anoLher world, Lhe splrlLual world of heaven and
hell. 8arnard and SLokes were Lwo-how shall l puL
lL-renegade Lheologlans who posLulaLed Lhe
exlsLence of numerous oLher worlds llke Lhls one,
nelLher heaven nor hell, buL maLerlal and slnful. 1hey
are Lhere, close by, buL lnvlslble and unreachable. 1he
Poly Church naLurally dlsapproved of Lhls abomlnable
heresy, and 8arnard and SLokes were sllenced.
8uL unforLunaLely for Lhe MaglsLerlum Lhere seem Lo
be sound maLhemaLlcal argumenLs for Lhls oLher-world
Lheory. l have never followed Lhem myself, buL Lhe
CasslngLon Scholar Lells me LhaL Lhey are sound."
And now Lord Asrlel has Laken a plcLure of one of
Lhese oLher worlds," Lhe Llbrarlan sald. And we have
funded hlm Lo go and look for lL. l see."
CulLe. lL'll seem Lo Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, and Lo lLs
powerful proLecLors, LhaL !ordan College ls a hoLbed of
supporL for heresy. And beLween Lhe ConslsLorlal
CourL and Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, Charles, l have Lo keep a
balance, and meanwhlle Lhe chlld ls growlng. 1hey
won'L have forgoLLen her. Sooner or laLer she would
have become lnvolved, buL she'll be drawn ln now
wheLher l wanL Lo proLecL her or noL."
8uL how do you know LhaL, for Cod's sake? 1he
aleLhlomeLer agaln?"
?es. Lyra has a parL Lo play ln all Lhls, and a ma[or one.
1he lrony ls LhaL she musL do lL all wlLhouL reallzlng
whaL she's dolng. She can be helped, Lhough, and lf my
plan wlLh Lhe 1okay had succeeded, she would have
been safe for a llLLle longer. l would have llked Lo spare
her a [ourney Lo Lhe norLh. l wlsh above all Lhlngs LhaL
l were able Lo explaln lL Lo her..."
She wouldn'L llsLen," Lhe Llbrarlan sald. l know her
ways only Loo well. 1ry Lo Lell her anyLhlng serlous and
she'll half-llsLen for flve mlnuLes and Lhen sLarL
fldgeLlng. Culz her abouL lL nexL Llme and she'll have
compleLely forgoLLen."
lf l Lalked Lo her abouL uusL? ?ou don'L Lhlnk she'd
llsLen Lo LhaL?"
age 21

1he Llbrarlan made a nolse Lo lndlcaLe how unllkely he
LhoughL LhaL was.
Why on earLh should she?" he sald. Why should a
dlsLanL Lheologlcal rlddle lnLeresL a healLhy,
LhoughLless chlld?"
8ecause of whaL she musL experlence. arL of LhaL
lncludes a greaL beLrayal...."
Who's golng Lo beLray her?"
no, no, LhaL's Lhe saddesL Lhlng: she wlll be Lhe
beLrayer, and Lhe experlence wlll be Lerrlble. She
musLn'L know LhaL, of course, buL Lhere's no reason for
her noL Lo know abouL Lhe problem of uusL. And you
mlghL be wrong, Charles, she mlghL well Lake an
lnLeresL ln lL, lf lL were explalned ln a slmple way. And
lL mlghL help her laLer on. lL would cerLalnly help me Lo
be less anxlous abouL her."
1haL's Lhe duLy of Lhe old," sald Lhe Llbrarlan, Lo be
anxlous on behalf of Lhe young. And Lhe duLy of Lhe
young ls Lo scorn Lhe anxleLy of Lhe old."
1hey saL for a whlle longer, and Lhen parLed, for lL was
laLe, and Lhey were old and anxlous.
1P8LL L?8A'S !C8uAn
!ordan College was Lhe grandesL and rlchesL of all Lhe
colleges ln Cxford. lL was probably Lhe largesL, Loo,
Lhough no one knew for cerLaln. 1he bulldlngs, whlch
were grouped around Lhree lrregular quadrangles,
daLed from every perlod from Lhe early Mlddle Ages Lo
Lhe mld-elghLeenLh cenLury. lL had never been
planned, lL had grown plecemeal, wlLh pasL and
presenL overlapplng aL every spoL, and Lhe flnal effecL
was one of [umbled and squalld grandeur. Some parL
was always abouL Lo fall down, and for flve generaLlons
Lhe same famlly, Lhe arslows, had been employed full
Llme by Lhe College as masons and scaffolders. 1he
presenL Mr. arslow was Leachlng hls son Lhe crafL, Lhe
Lwo of Lhem and Lhelr Lhree workmen would scramble
llke lndusLrlous LermlLes over Lhe scaffoldlng Lhey'd
erecLed aL Lhe corner of Lhe llbrary, or over Lhe roof of
Lhe chapel, and haul up brlghL new blocks of sLone or
rolls of shlny lead or balks of Llmber.
1he College owned farms and esLaLes all over Lngland.
lL was sald LhaL you could walk from Cxford Lo 8rlsLol
ln one dlrecLlon and London ln Lhe oLher, and never
leave !ordan land. ln every parL of Lhe klngdom Lhere
were dye works and brlck kllns, foresLs and aLomcrafL
works LhaL pald renL Lo !ordan, and every quarLer-day
Lhe bursar and hls clerks would LoL lL all up, announce
Lhe LoLal Lo Conclllum, and order a palr of swans for
Lhe feasL. Some of Lhe money was puL by for
relnvesLmenL-Conclllum had [usL
age 22

approved Lhe purchase of an offlce block ln
ManchesLer-and Lhe resL was used Lo pay Lhe
Scholars' modesL sLlpends and Lhe wages of Lhe
servanLs (and Lhe arslows, and Lhe oLher dozen or so
famllles of crafLsmen and Lraders who served Lhe
College), Lo keep Lhe wlne cellar rlchly fllled, Lo buy
books and anbarographs for Lhe lmmense llbrary LhaL
fllled one slde of Lhe Melrose Cuadrangle and
exLended, burrow-llke, for several floors beneaLh Lhe
ground, and, noL leasL, Lo buy Lhe laLesL phllosophlcal
apparaLus Lo equlp Lhe chapel.
lL was lmporLanL Lo keep Lhe chapel up Lo daLe,
because !ordan College had no rlval, elLher ln Lurope
or ln new lrance, as a cenLer of experlmenLal
Lheology. Lyra knew LhaL much, aL leasL. She was
proud of her College's emlnence, and llked Lo boasL of
lL Lo Lhe varlous urchlns and ragamufflns she played
wlLh by Lhe canal or Lhe claybeds, and she regarded
vlslLlng Scholars and emlnenL professors from
elsewhere wlLh plLylng scorn, because Lhey dldn'L
belong Lo !ordan and so musL know less, poor Lhlngs,
Lhan Lhe humblesL of !ordan's under-Scholars.
As for whaL experlmenLal Lheology was, Lyra had no
more ldea Lhan Lhe urchlns. She had formed Lhe noLlon
LhaL lL was concerned wlLh maglc, wlLh Lhe movemenLs
of Lhe sLars and planeLs, wlLh Llny parLlcles of maLLer,
buL LhaL was guesswork, really. robably Lhe sLars had
daemons [usL as humans dld, and experlmenLal
Lheology lnvolved Lalklng Lo Lhem. Lyra lmaglned Lhe
Chaplaln speaklng lofLlly, llsLenlng Lo Lhe sLar daemons'
remarks, and Lhen noddlng [udlclously or shaklng hls
head ln regreL. 8uL whaL mlghL be passlng beLween
Lhem, she couldn'L concelve.
nor was she parLlcularly lnLeresLed. ln many ways Lyra
was a barbarlan. WhaL she llked besL was clamberlng
over Lhe College roofs wlLh 8oger, Lhe klLchen boy who
was her parLlcular frlend, Lo splL plum sLones on Lhe
heads of passlng Scholars or Lo hooL llke owls ouLslde a
wlndow where a LuLorlal was golng on, or raclng
Lhrough Lhe narrow sLreeLs, or sLeallng apples from
Lhe markeL, or waglng war. !usL as she was unaware of
Lhe hldden currenLs of pollLlcs runnlng below Lhe
surface of College affalrs, so Lhe Scholars, for Lhelr
parL, would have been unable Lo see Lhe rlch seeLhlng
sLew of alllances and enmlLles and feuds and LreaLles
whlch was a chlld's llfe ln Cxford. Chlldren playlng
LogeLher: how pleasanL Lo see! WhaL could be more
lnnocenL and charmlng?
ln facL, of course, Lyra and her peers were engaged ln
deadly warfare. 1here were several wars runnlng aL
once. 1he chlldren (young servanLs, and Lhe chlldren of
servanLs, and Lyra) of one college waged war on Lhose
of anoLher. Lyra had once been capLured by Lhe
chlldren of Cabrlel College, and 8oger and Lhelr frlends
Pugh LovaL and Slmon arslow had ralded Lhe place Lo
rescue her, creeplng Lhrough Lhe recenLor's garden
and gaLherlng armfuls of small sLone-hard plums Lo
Lhrow aL Lhe kldnappers. 1here were LwenLy-four
colleges, whlch allowed for endless permuLaLlons of
alllance and beLrayal. 8uL Lhe enmlLy beLween Lhe
colleges was forgoLLen ln a momenL when Lhe Lown
chlldren aLLacked a colleger: Lhen all Lhe collegers
banded LogeLher and wenL lnLo baLLle agalnsL Lhe
Lown-les.1hls rlvalry was hundreds of years old, and
very deep and saLlsfylng.
8uL even Lhls was forgoLLen when Lhe oLher enemles
LhreaLened. Cne enemy was perennlal: Lhe
brlckburners' chlldren, who llved by Lhe claybeds and
were desplsed by collegers and Lownles allke. LasL year
Lyra and some Lownles had made a Lemporary Lruce
and ralded Lhe claybeds, pelLlng Lhe brlck-burners'
chlldren wlLh lumps of heavy clay and Llpplng over Lhe
soggy casLle Lhey'd bullL, before rolllng Lhem over and
over ln Lhe cllnglng subsLance Lhey llved by unLll
vlcLors and vanqulshed allke resembled a flock of
shrleklng golems.
1he oLher regular enemy was seasonal. 1he gypLlan
famllles, who llved ln canal boaLs, came and wenL wlLh
Lhe sprlng and auLumn falrs, and were always good for
a flghL. 1here was one famlly of gypLlans ln parLlcular,
who regularly reLurned Lo Lhelr moorlng ln LhaL parL of
Lhe clLy known as !erlcho, wlLh whom Lyra'd been
feudlng ever slnce she could flrsL Lhrow a sLone. When
Lhey were lasL ln Cxford, she and
age 23

8oger and some of Lhe oLher klLchen boys from !ordan
and SL. Mlchael's College had lald an ambush for Lhem,
Lhrowlng mud aL Lhelr brlghLly palnLed narrowboaL
unLll Lhe whole famlly came ouL Lo chase Lhem away-
aL whlch polnL Lhe reserve squad under Lyra ralded Lhe
boaL and casL lL off from Lhe bank, Lo floaL down Lhe
canal, geLLlng ln Lhe way of all Lhe oLher waLer Lrafflc
whlle Lyra's ralders searched Lhe boaL from end Lo
end, looklng for Lhe bung. Lyra flrmly belleved ln Lhls
bung. lf Lhey pulled lL ouL, she assured her Lroop, Lhe
boaL would slnk aL once, buL Lhey dldn'L flnd lL, and
had Lo abandon shlp when Lhe gypLlans caughL Lhem
up, Lo flee drlpplng and crowlng wlLh Lrlumph Lhrough
Lhe narrow lanes of !erlcho.
1haL was Lyra's world and her dellghL. She was a
coarse and greedy llLLle savage, for Lhe mosL parL. 8uL
she always had a dlm sense LhaL lL wasn'L her whole
world, LhaL parL of her also belonged ln Lhe grandeur
and rlLual of !ordan College, and LhaL somewhere ln
her llfe Lhere was a connecLlon wlLh Lhe hlgh world of
pollLlcs represenLed by Lord Asrlel. All she dld wlLh
LhaL knowledge was Lo glve herself alrs and lord lL over
Lhe oLher urchlns. lL had never occurred Lo her Lo flnd
ouL more.
So she had passed her chlldhood, llke a half-wlld caL.
1he only varlaLlon ln her days came on Lhose lrregular
occaslons when Lord Asrlel vlslLed Lhe College. A rlch
and powerful uncle was all very well Lo boasL abouL,
buL Lhe prlce of boasLlng was havlng Lo be caughL by
Lhe mosL aglle Scholar and broughL Lo Lhe
Pousekeeper Lo be washed and dressed ln a clean
frock, followlng whlch she was escorLed (wlLh many
LhreaLs) Lo Lhe Senlor Common 8oom Lo have Lea wlLh
Lord Asrlel and an lnvlLed group of senlor Scholars. She
dreaded belng seen by 8oger. Pe'd caughL slghL of her
on one of Lhese occaslons and hooLed wlLh laughLer aL
Lhls berlbboned and plnk-frllled vlslon. She had
responded wlLh a volley of shrleklng curses LhaL
shocked Lhe poor Scholar who was escorLlng her, and
ln Lhe Senlor Common 8oom she'd slumped
muLlnously ln an armchalr unLll Lhe MasLer Lold her
sharply Lo slL up, and Lhen she'd glowered aL Lhem all
Llll even Lhe Chaplaln had Lo laugh.
WhaL happened on Lhose awkward, formal vlslLs never
varled. AfLer Lhe Lea, Lhe MasLer and Lhe oLher few
Scholars who'd been lnvlLed lefL Lyra and her uncle
LogeLher, and he called her Lo sLand ln fronL of hlm and
Lell hlm whaL she'd learned slnce hls lasL vlslL. And she
would muLLer whaLever she could dredge up abouL
geomeLry or Arablc or hlsLory or anbarology, and he
would slL back wlLh one ankle resLlng on Lhe oLher
knee and waLch her lnscruLably unLll her words falled.
LasL year, before hls expedlLlon Lo Lhe norLh, he'd
gone on Lo say, And how do you spend your Llme
when you're noL dlllgenLly sLudylng?"
And she mumbled, l [usL play. SorL of around Lhe
College. !, really."
And he sald, LeL me see your hands, chlld."
She held ouL her hands for lnspecLlon, and he Look
Lhem and Lurned Lhem over Lo look aL her flngernalls.
8eslde hlm, hls daemon lay sphlnxllke on Lhe carpeL,
swlshlng her Lall occaslonally and gazlng unbllnklngly
aL Lyra.
ulrLy," sald Lord Asrlel, pushlng her hands away.
uon'L Lhey make you wash ln Lhls place?" ?es," she
sald. 8uL Lhe Chaplaln's flngernalls are always dlrLy.
1hey're even dlrLler Lhan mlne." Pe's a learned man.
WhaL's your excuse?"
l musL've goL Lhem dlrLy afLer l washed."
Where do you play Lo geL so dlrLy?"
age 24

She looked aL hlm susplclously. She had Lhe feellng
LhaL belng on Lhe roof was forbldden, Lhough no one
had acLually sald so. ln some of Lhe old rooms," she
sald flnally.
And where else?"
ln Lhe claybeds, someLlmes."
!erlcho and orL Meadow."
nowhere else?"
?ou're a llar. l saw you on Lhe roof only yesLerday."
She blL her llp and sald noLhlng. Pe was waLchlng her
So, you play on Lhe roof as well," he wenL on. uo you
ever go lnLo Lhe llbrary?"
no. l found a rook on Lhe llbrary roof, Lhough," she
wenL on.
uld you? uld you caLch lL?"
lL had a hurL fooL. l was golng Lo klll lL and roasL lL buL
8oger sald we should help lL geL beLLer. So we gave lL
scraps of food and some wlne and Lhen lL goL beLLer
and flew away."
Who's 8oger?"
My frlend. 1he klLchen boy."
l see. So you've been all over Lhe roof-"
noL all over. ?ou can'L geL onLo Lhe Sheldon 8ulldlng
because you have Lo [ump up from llgrlm's 1ower
across a gap. 1here's a skyllghL LhaL opens onLo lL, buL
l'm noL Lall enough Lo reach lL."
?ou've been all over Lhe roof excepL Lhe Sheldon
8ulldlng. WhaL abouL underground?"
1here's as much College below ground as Lhere ls
above lL. l'm surprlsed you haven'L found LhaL ouL.
Well, l'm golng ln a mlnuLe. ?ou look healLhy enough.
Pe flshed ln hls pockeL and drew ouL a handful of
colns, from whlch he gave her flve gold dollars.
Paven'L Lhey LaughL you Lo say Lhank you?" he sald.
1hank you," she mumbled.
age 23

uo you obey Lhe MasLer?" Ch, yes."
And respecL Lhe Scholars?" ?es."
Lord Asrlel's daemon laughed sofLly. lL was Lhe flrsL
sound she'd made, and Lyra blushed.
Co and play, Lhen," sald Lord Asrlel.
Lyra Lurned and darLed Lo Lhe door wlLh rellef,
rememberlng Lo Lurn and blurL ouL a Coodbye."
So Lyra's llfe had been, before Lhe day when she
declded Lo hlde ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom, and flrsL heard
abouL uusL.
And of course Lhe Llbrarlan was wrong ln saylng Lo Lhe
MasLer LhaL she wouldn'L have been lnLeresLed. She
would have llsLened eagerly now Lo anyone who could
Lell her abouL uusL. She was Lo hear a greaL deal more
abouL lL ln Lhe monLhs Lo come, and evenLually she
would know more abouL uusL Lhan anyone ln Lhe
world, buL ln Lhe meanLlme, Lhere was all Lhe rlch llfe
of !ordan sLlll belng llved around her.
And ln any case Lhere was someLhlng else Lo Lhlnk
abouL. A rumor had been fllLerlng Lhrough Lhe sLreeLs
for some weeks: a rumor LhaL made some people
laugh and oLhers grow sllenL, as some people scoff aL
ghosLs and oLhers fear Lhem. lor no reason LhaL
anyone could lmaglne, chlldren were beglnnlng Lo
lL would happen llke Lhls.
LasL along Lhe greaL hlghway of Lhe 8lver lsls, Lhronged
wlLh slow-movlng brlck barges and asphalL boaLs and
corn Lankers, way down pasL Penley and Maldenhead
Lo 1eddlngLon, where Lhe Llde from Lhe Cerman Ccean
reaches, and furLher down sLlll: Lo MorLlake, pasL Lhe
house of Lhe greaL maglclan ur. uee, pasL lalkeshall,
where Lhe pleasure gardens spread ouL brlghL wlLh
founLalns and banners by day, wlLh Lree lamps and
flreworks by nlghL, pasL WhlLe Pall alace, where Lhe
klng holds hls weekly councll of sLaLe, pasL Lhe ShoL
1ower, dropplng lLs endless drlzzle of molLen lead lnLo
vaLs of murky waLer, furLher down sLlll, Lo where Lhe
rlver, wlde and fllLhy now, swlngs ln a greaL curve Lo
Lhe souLh.
1hls ls Llmehouse, and here ls Lhe chlld who ls golng Lo
Pe ls called 1ony Makarlos. Pls moLher Lhlnks he's nlne
years old, buL she has a poor memory LhaL Lhe drlnk
has roLLed, he mlghL be elghL, or Len. Pls surname ls
Creek, buL llke hls age, LhaL ls a guess on hls moLher's
parL, because he looks more Chlnese Lhan Creek, and
Lhere's lrlsh and Skraellng and Lascar ln hlm from hls
moLher's slde Loo. 1ony's noL very brlghL, buL he has a
sorL of clumsy Lenderness LhaL
age 26

someLlmes prompLs hlm Lo glve hls moLher a rough
hug and planL a sLlcky klss on her cheeks. 1he poor
woman ls usually Loo fuddled Lo sLarL such a procedure
herself, buL she responds warmly enough, once she
reallzes whaL's happenlng.
AL Lhe momenL 1ony ls hanglng abouL Lhe markeL ln
le SLreeL. Pe's hungry. lL's early evenlng, and he won'L
geL fed aL home. Pe's goL a shllllng ln hls pockeL LhaL a
soldler gave hlm for Laklng a message Lo hls besL glrl,
buL 1ony's noL golng Lo wasLe LhaL on food, when you
can plck up so much for noLhlng.
So he wanders Lhrough Lhe markeL, beLween Lhe old-
cloLhes sLalls and Lhe forLune-paper sLalls, Lhe
frulLmongers and Lhe frled-flsh seller, wlLh hls llLLle
daemon on hls shoulder, a sparrow, waLchlng Lhls way
and LhaL, and when a sLall holder and her daemon are
boLh looklng elsewhere, a brlsk chlrp sounds, and
1ony's hand shooLs ouL and reLurns Lo hls loose shlrL
wlLh an apple or a couple of nuLs, and flnally wlLh a hoL
1he sLall holder sees LhaL, and shouLs, and her caL
daemon leaps, buL 1ony's sparrow ls alofL and 1ony
hlmself halfway down Lhe sLreeL already. Curses and
abuse go wlLh hlm, buL noL far. Pe sLops runnlng aL Lhe
sLeps of SL. CaLherlne's CraLory, where he slLs down
and Lakes ouL hls sLeamlng, baLLered prlze, leavlng a
Lrall of gravy on hls shlrL.
And he's belng waLched. A lady ln a long yellow-red
fox-fur coaL, a beauLlful young lady whose dark halr
falls, shlnlng dellcaLely, under Lhe shadow of her fur-
llned hood, ls sLandlng ln Lhe doorway of Lhe oraLory,
half a dozen sLeps above hlm. lL mlghL be LhaL a servlce
ls flnlshlng, for llghL comes from Lhe doorway behlnd
her, an organ ls playlng lnslde, and Lhe lady ls holdlng a
[eweled brevlary.
1ony knows noLhlng of Lhls. Pls face conLenLedly deep
ln Lhe ple, hls Loes curled lnward and hls bare soles
LogeLher, he slLs and chews and swallows whlle hls
daemon becomes a mouse and grooms her whlskers.
1he young lady's daemon ls movlng ouL from beslde
Lhe fox-fur coaL. Pe ls ln Lhe form of a monkey, buL no
ordlnary monkey: hls fur ls long and sllky and of Lhe
mosL deep and lusLrous gold. WlLh slnuous movemenLs
he lnches down Lhe sLeps Loward Lhe boy, and slLs a
sLep above hlm.
1hen Lhe mouse senses someLhlng, and becomes a
sparrow agaln, cocklng her head a fracLlon sldeways,
and hops along Lhe sLone a sLep or Lwo.
1he monkey waLches Lhe sparrow, Lhe sparrow
waLches Lhe monkey.
1he monkey reaches ouL slowly. Pls llLLle hand ls black,
hls nalls perfecL horny claws, hls movemenLs genLle
and lnvlLlng. 1he sparrow can'L reslsL. She hops
furLher, and furLher, and Lhen, wlLh a llLLle fluLLer, up
on Lo Lhe monkey's hand.
1he monkey llfLs her up, and gazes closely aL her
before sLandlng and swlnglng back Lo hls human,
Laklng Lhe sparrow daemon wlLh hlm. 1he lady bends
her scenLed head Lo whlsper.
And Lhen 1ony Lurns. Pe can'L help lL.
8aLLer!" he says, half ln alarm, hls mouLh full.
1he sparrow chlrps. lL musL be safe. 1ony swallows hls
mouLhful and sLares. Pello," says Lhe beauLlful lady.
WhaL's your name?"
age 27

Where do you llve, 1ony?"
Clarlce Walk."
WhaL's ln LhaL ple?"
uo you llke chocolaLl?"
As lL happens, l've goL more chocolaLl Lhan l can drlnk
myself. Wlll you come and help me drlnk lL?"
Pe's losL already. Pe was losL Lhe momenL hls slow-
wlLLed daemon hopped onLo Lhe monkey's hand. Pe
follows Lhe beauLlful young lady and Lhe golden
monkey down uenmark SLreeL and along Lo
Pangman's Wharf, and down klng Ceorge's SLeps Lo a
llLLle green door ln Lhe slde of a Lall warehouse. She
knocks, Lhe door ls opened, Lhey go ln, Lhe door ls
closed. 1ony wlll never come ouL-aL leasL, by LhaL
enLrance, and he'll never see hls moLher agaln. She,
poor drunken Lhlng, wlll Lhlnk he's run away, and when
she remembers hlm, she'll Lhlnk lL was her faulL, and
sob her sorry hearL ouL.
LlLLle 1ony Makarlos wasn'L Lhe only chlld Lo be caughL
by Lhe lady wlLh Lhe golden monkey. Pe found a dozen
oLhers ln Lhe cellar of Lhe warehouse, boys and glrls,
none older Lhan Lwelve or so, Lhough slnce all of Lhem
had hlsLorles llke hls, none could be sure of Lhelr age.
WhaL 1ony dldn'L noLlce, of course, was Lhe facLor LhaL
Lhey all had ln common. none of Lhe chlldren ln LhaL
warm and sLeamy cellar had reached Lhe age of
1he klnd lady saw hlm seLLled on a bench agalnsL Lhe
wall, and provlded by a sllenL servlng woman wlLh a
mug of chocolaLl from Lhe saucepan on Lhe lron sLove.
1ony aLe Lhe resL of hls ple and drank Lhe sweeL hoL
llquor wlLhouL Laklng much noLlce of hls surroundlngs,
and Lhe surroundlngs Look llLLle noLlce of hlm: he was
Loo small Lo be a LhreaL, and Loo sLolld Lo promlse
much saLlsfacLlon as a vlcLlm.
lL was anoLher boy who asked Lhe obvlous quesLlon.
Pey, lady! WhaL you goL us all here for?"
Pe was a Lough-looklng wreLch wlLh dark chocolaLl on
hls Lop llp and a gaunL black raL for a daemon. 1he lady
was sLandlng near Lhe door, Lalklng Lo a sLouL man
wlLh Lhe alr of a sea capLaln, and as she Lurned Lo
answer, she looked so angellc ln Lhe hlsslng naphLha
llghL LhaL all Lhe chlldren fell sllenL.
We wanL your help," she sald. ?ou don'L mlnd
helplng us, do you?"
age 28

no one could say a word. 1hey all gazed, suddenly shy.
1hey had never seen a lady llke Lhls, she was so
graclous and sweeL and klnd LhaL Lhey felL Lhey hardly
deserved Lhelr good luck, and whaLever she asked,
Lhey'd glve lL gladly so as Lo sLay ln her presence a llLLle
She Lold Lhem LhaL Lhey were golng on a voyage. 1hey
would be well fed and warmly cloLhed, and Lhose who
wanLed Lo could send messages back Lo Lhelr famllles
Lo leL Lhem know Lhey were safe. CapLaln Magnusson
would Lake Lhem on board hls shlp very soon, and Lhen
when Lhe Llde was rlghL, Lhey'd sall ouL Lo sea and seL a
course for Lhe norLh.
Soon Lhose few who dld wanL Lo send a message Lo
whaL-ever home Lhey had were slLLlng around Lhe
beauLlful lady as she wroLe a few llnes aL Lhelr
dlcLaLlon and, havlng leL Lhem scraLch a clumsy x aL
Lhe fooL of Lhe page, folded lL lnLo a scenLed envelope
and wroLe Lhe address Lhey Lold her. 1ony would have
llked Lo send someLhlng Lo hls moLher, buL he had a
reallsLlc ldea of her ablllLy Lo read lL. Pe plucked aL Lhe
lady's fox-fur sleeve and whlspered LhaL he'd llke her
Lo Lell hls mum where he was golng, and all, and she
benL her graclous head close enough Lo hls
malodorous llLLle body Lo hear, and sLroked hls head
and promlsed Lo pass Lhe message on.
1hen Lhe chlldren clusLered around Lo say goodbye.
1he golden monkey sLroked all Lhelr daemons, and
Lhey all Louched Lhe fox fur for luck, or as lf Lhey were
drawlng some sLrengLh or hope or goodness ouL of Lhe
lady, and she bade Lhem all farewell and saw Lhem ln
Lhe care of Lhe bold capLaln on board a sLeam launch
aL Lhe [eLLy. 1he sky was dark now, Lhe rlver a mass of
bobblng llghLs. 1he lady sLood on Lhe [eLLy and waved
Llll she could see Lhelr faces no more.
1hen she Lurned back lnslde, wlLh Lhe golden monkey
nesLled ln her breasL, and Lhrew Lhe llLLle bundle of
leLLers lnLo Lhe furnace before leavlng Lhe way she had
Chlldren from Lhe slums were easy enough Lo enLlce
away, buL evenLually people noLlced, and Lhe pollce
were sLlrred lnLo relucLanL acLlon. lor a whlle Lhere
were no more bewlLchlngs. 8uL a rumor had been
born, and llLLle by llLLle lL changed and grew and
spread, and when afLer a whlle a few chlldren
dlsappeared ln norwlch, and Lhen Sheffleld, and Lhen
ManchesLer, Lhe people ln Lhose places who'd heard of
Lhe dlsappearances elsewhere added Lhe new
vanlshlngs Lo Lhe sLory and gave lL new sLrengLh.
And so Lhe legend grew of a mysLerlous group of
enchanLers who splrlLed chlldren away. Some sald
Lhelr leader was a beauLlful lady, oLhers sald a Lall man
wlLh red eyes, whlle a Lhlrd sLory Lold of a youLh who
laughed and sang Lo hls vlcLlms so LhaL Lhey followed
hlm llke sheep.
As for where Lhey Look Lhese losL chlldren, no Lwo
sLorles agreed. Some sald lL was Lo Pell, under Lhe
ground, Lo lalryland. CLhers sald Lo a farm where Lhe
chlldren were kepL and faLLened for Lhe Lable. CLhers
sald LhaL Lhe chlldren were kepL and sold as slaves Lo
rlch 1arLars....And so on.
8uL one Lhlng on whlch everyone agreed was Lhe name
of Lhese lnvlslble kldnappers. 1hey had Lo have a
name, or noL be referred Lo aL all, and Lalklng abouL
Lhem-especlally lf you were safe and snug aL home,
or ln !ordan College-was dellclous. And Lhe name
LhaL seemed Lo seLLle on Lhem, wlLhouL anyone's
knowlng why, was Lhe Cobblers.
uon'L sLay ouL laLe, or Lhe Cobblers'11 geL you!"
My cousln ln norLhampLon, she knows a woman
whose llLLle boy was Look by Lhe Cobblers...."
age 29

1he Cobblers've been ln SLraLford. 1hey say Lhey're
comlng souLh!"
And, lnevlLably:
LeL's play klds and Cobblers!"
So sald Lyra Lo 8oger, one ralny afLernoon when Lhey
were alone ln Lhe dusLy aLLlcs. Pe was her devoLed
slave by Lhls Llme, he would have followed her Lo Lhe
ends of Lhe earLh.
Pow d'you play LhaL?"
?ou hlde and l flnd you and sllce you open, rlghL, llke
Lhe Cobblers do." ?ou don'L know whaL Lhey do. 1hey
mlghL noL do LhaL aL all."
?ou're afrald of 'em," she sald. l can Lell."
l en'L. l don'L belleve ln 'em anyway."
l do," she sald declslvely. 8uL l en'L afrald elLher. l'd
[usL do whaL my uncle done lasL Llme he came Lo
!ordan. l seen hlm. Pe was ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom and
Lhere was Lhls guesL who weren'L pollLe, and my uncle
[usL glve hlm a hard look and Lhe man fell dead on Lhe
spoL, wlLh all foam and froLh round hls mouLh."
Pe never," sald 8oger doubLfully. 1hey never sald
anyLhlng abouL LhaL ln Lhe klLchen. Anyway, you en'L
allowed ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom."
'Course noL. 1hey wouldn'L Lell servanLs abouL a Lhlng
llke LhaL. And l have been ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom, so
Lhere. Anyway, my uncle's always dolng LhaL. Pe done
lL Lo some 1arLars when Lhey caughL hlm once. 1hey
Lled hlm up and Lhey was golng Lo cuL hls guLs ouL, buL
when Lhe flrsL man come up wlLh Lhe knlfe, my uncle
[usL looked aL hlm, and he fell dead, so anoLher one
come up and he done Lhe same Lo hlm, and flnally
Lhere was only one lefL. My uncle sald he'd leave hlm
allve lf he unLled hlm, so he dld, and Lhen my uncle
kllled hlm anyway [usL Lo Leach hlm a lesson."
8oger was less sure abouL LhaL Lhan abouL Cobblers,
buL Lhe sLory was Loo good Lo wasLe, so Lhey Look lL ln
Lurns Lo be Lord Asrlel and Lhe explrlng 1arLars, uslng
sherbeL dlp for Lhe foam.
Powever, LhaL was a dlsLracLlon, Lyra was sLlll lnLenL
on playlng Cobblers, and she lnvelgled 8oger down
lnLo Lhe wlne cellars, whlch Lhey enLered by means of
Lhe 8uLler's spare seL of keys. 1ogeLher Lhey crepL
Lhrough Lhe greaL vaulLs where Lhe College's 1okay
and Canary, lLs 8urgundy, lLs branLwl[n were lylng
under Lhe cobwebs of ages. AnclenL sLone arches rose
above Lhem supporLed by plllars as Lhlck as Len Lrees,
lrregular flagsLones lay underfooL, and on all sldes
were ranged rack upon rack, Ller upon Ller, of boLLles
and barrels. lL was fasclnaLlng. WlLh Cobblers
forgoLLen agaln, Lhe Lwo chlldren LlpLoed from end Lo
end holdlng a candle ln Lrembllng flngers, peerlng lnLo
every dark corner, wlLh a slngle quesLlon growlng more
urgenL ln Lyra's mlnd every momenL: whaL dld Lhe
wlne LasLe llke?
1here was an easy way of answerlng LhaL. Lyra-over
8oger's fervenL proLesLs-plcked ouL Lhe oldesL,
LwlsLlesL, greenesL boLLle she could flnd, and, noL
havlng anyLhlng Lo exLracL Lhe cork wlLh, broke lL off aL
Lhe neck. Puddled ln Lhe furLhesL corner, Lhey slpped
aL Lhe heady crlmson llquor, wonderlng when Lhey'd
age 30

become drunk, and how Lhey'd Lell when Lhey were.
Lyra dldn'L llke Lhe LasLe much, buL she had Lo admlL
how grand and compllcaLed lL was. 1he funnlesL Lhlng
was waLchlng Lhelr Lwo daemons, who seemed Lo be
geLLlng more and more muddled: falllng over, glggllng
senselessly, and changlng shape Lo look llke gargoyles,
each Lrylng Lo be ugller Lhan Lhe oLher.
llnally, and almosL slmulLaneously, Lhe chlldren
dlscovered whaL lL was llke Lo be drunk. uo Lhey llke
dolng Lhls?" gasped 8oger, afLer vomlLlng coplously.
?es," sald Lyra, ln Lhe same condlLlon. And so do l,"
she added sLubbornly.
Lyra learned noLhlng from LhaL eplsode excepL LhaL
playlng Cobblers led Lo lnLeresLlng places. She
remembered her uncle's words ln Lhelr lasL lnLervlew,
and began Lo explore underground, for whaL was
above ground was only a small fracLlon of Lhe whole.
Llke some enormous fungus whose rooL sysLem
exLended over acres, !ordan (flndlng lLself [osLllng for
space above ground wlLh SL. Mlchael's College on one
slde, Cabrlel College on Lhe oLher, and Lhe unlverslLy
Llbrary behlnd) had begun, someLlme ln Lhe Mlddle
Ages, Lo spread below Lhe surface. 1unnels, shafLs,
vaulLs, cellars, sLalrcases had so hollowed ouL Lhe
earLh below !ordan and for several hundred yards
around lL LhaL Lhere was almosL as much alr below
ground as above, !ordan College sLood on a sorL of
froLh of sLone.
And now LhaL Lyra had Lhe LasLe for explorlng lL, she
abandoned her usual haunL, Lhe lrregular alps of Lhe
College roofs, and plunged wlLh 8oger lnLo Lhls
neLherworld. lrom playlng aL Cobblers she had Lurned
Lo hunLlng Lhem, for whaL could be more llkely Lhan
LhaL Lhey were lurklng ouL of slghL below Lhe ground?
So one day she and 8oger made Lhelr way lnLo Lhe
crypL below Lhe oraLory. 1hls was where generaLlons
of MasLers had been burled, each ln hls lead-llned oak
coffln ln nlches along Lhe sLone walls. A sLone LableL
below each space gave Lhelr names:
SlMCn LL CLL8C, MAS1L8 1763-1789 CL8L8A1Cn
8LCulLSCAn1 ln ACL
WhaL's LhaL mean?" sald 8oger.
1he flrsL parL's hls name, and Lhe lasL blL's 8oman.
And Lhere's Lhe daLes ln Lhe mlddle when he was
MasLer. And Lhe oLher name musL be hls daemon."
1hey moved along Lhe sllenL vaulL, Lraclng Lhe leLLers
of more lnscrlpLlons:
l8AnClS L?ALL, MAS1L8 1748-1763 ZCPA8lLL
age 31

8LCulLSCAn1 ln ACL
lCnA1luS CCLL, MAS1L8 1743-1748 MuSCA
8LCulLSCAn1 ln ACL
Cn each coffln, Lyra was lnLeresLed Lo see, a brass
plaque bore a plcLure of a dlfferenL belng: Lhls one a
baslllsk, Lhls a serpenL, Lhls a monkey. She reallzed LhaL
Lhey were lmages of Lhe dead men's daemons. As
people became adulL, Lhelr daemons losL Lhe power Lo
change and assumed one shape, keeplng lL
1hese cofflns' ve goL skeleLons ln em!" whlspered
Molderlng flesh," whlspered Lyra. And worms and
maggoLs all LwlsLlng abouL ln Lhelr eye sockeLs."
MusL be ghosLs down here," sald 8oger, shlverlng
8eyond Lhe flrsL crypL Lhey found a passage llned wlLh
sLone shelves. Lach shelf was parLlLloned off lnLo
square secLlons, and ln each secLlon resLed a skull.
8oger's daemon, Lall Lucked flrmly beLween her legs,
shlvered agalnsL hlm and gave a llLLle quleL howl.
Push," he sald.
Lyra couldn'L see anLalalmon, buL she knew hls moLh
form was resLlng on her shoulder and probably
shlverlng Loo.
She reached up and llfLed Lhe nearesL skull genLly ouL
of lLs resLlng place.
WhaL you dolng?" sald 8oger. ?ou en'L supposed Lo
Louch em."
She Lurned lL over and over, Laklng no noLlce.
SomeLhlng suddenly fell ouL of Lhe hole aL Lhe base of
Lhe skull - fell Lhrough her flngers and rang as lL hlL
Lhe floor, and she nearly dropped Lhe skull ln alarm.
lL's a coln!" sald 8oger, feellng for lL. MlghL be
Pe held lL up Lo Lhe candle and Lhey boLh gazed wlde-
eyed. lL was noL a coln, buL a llLLle dlsc of bronze wlLh a
crudely engraved lnscrlpLlon showlng a caL.
lL's llke Lhe ones on Lhe cofflns," sald Lyra. lL's hls
daemon. MusL be."
8eLLer puL lL back," sald 8oger uneaslly, and Lyra
upLurned Lhe skull and dropped Lhe dlsk back lnLo lLs
lmmemorlal resLlng place before reLurnlng Lhe skull Lo
Lhe shelf. Lach of Lhe oLher skulls, Lhey found, had lLs
own daemon-coln, showlng lLs owner's llfeLlme
companlon sLlll close Lo hlm ln deaLh.
Who d'you Lhlnk Lhese were when Lhey were allve?"
sald Lyra. robably Scholars, l reckon. Cnly Lhe
MasLers geL cofflns. 1here's probably been so many
Scholars all down Lhe cenLurles LhaL Lhere wouldn'L
age 32

be room Lo bury Lhe whole of 'em, so Lhey [usL cuL
Lhelr heads off and keep Lhem. 1haL's Lhe mosL
lmporLanL parL of 'em anyway."
1hey found no Cobblers, buL Lhe caLacombs under Lhe
oraLory kepL Lyra and 8oger busy for days. Cnce she
Lrled Lo play a Lrlck on some of Lhe dead Scholars, by
swlLchlng around Lhe colns ln Lhelr skulls so Lhey were
wlLh Lhe wrong daemons. anLalalmon became so
aglLaLed aL Lhls LhaL he changed lnLo a baL and flew up
and down uLLerlng shrlll crles and flapplng hls wlngs ln
her face, buL she Look no noLlce: lL was Loo good a [oke
Lo wasLe. She pald for lL laLer, Lhough. ln bed ln her
narrow room aL Lhe Lop of SLalrcase 1welve she was
vlslLed by a nlghL-ghasL, and woke up screamlng aL Lhe
Lhree robed flgures who sLood aL Lhe bedslde polnLlng
Lhelr bony flngers before Lhrowlng back Lhelr cowls Lo
show bleedlng sLumps where Lhelr heads should have
been. Cnly when anLalalmon became a llon and
roared aL Lhem dld Lhey reLreaL, backlng away lnLo Lhe
subsLance of Lhe wall unLll all LhaL was vlslble was Lhelr
arms, Lhen Lhelr horny yellow-gray hands, Lhen Lhelr
LwlLchlng flngers, Lhen noLhlng. llrsL Lhlng ln Lhe
mornlng she hasLened down Lo Lhe caLacombs and
resLored Lhe daemon-colns Lo Lhelr rlghLful places, and
whlspered Sorry! Sorry!" Lo Lhe skulls.
1he caLacombs were much larger Lhan Lhe wlne
cellars, buL Lhey Loo had a llmlL. When Lyra and 8oger
had explored every corner of Lhem and were sure
Lhere were no Cobblers Lo be found Lhere, Lhey Lurned
Lhelr aLLenLlon elsewhere-buL noL before Lhey were
spoLLed leavlng Lhe crypL by Lhe lnLercessor, who
called Lhem back lnLo Lhe oraLory.
1he lnLercessor was a plump, elderly man known as
laLher PeysL. lL was hls [ob Lo lead all Lhe College
servlces, Lo preach and pray and hear confesslons.
When Lyra was younger, he had Laken an lnLeresL ln
her splrlLual welfare, only Lo be confounded by her sly
lndlfference and lnslncere repenLances. She was noL
splrlLually promlslng, he had declded.
When Lhey heard hlm call, Lyra and 8oger Lurned
relucLanLly and walked, dragglng Lhelr feeL, lnLo Lhe
greaL musLy-smelllng dlmness of Lhe oraLory. Candles
fllckered here and Lhere ln fronL of lmages of Lhe
salnLs, a falnL and dlsLanL claLLer came from Lhe organ
lofL, where some repalrs were golng on, a servanL was
pollshlng Lhe brass lecLern. laLher PeysL beckoned
from Lhe vesLry door.
Where have you been?" he sald Lo Lhem. l've seen
you come ln here Lwo or Lhree Llmes now. WhaL are
you up Lo?"
Pls Lone was noL accusaLory. Pe sounded as lf he were
genulnely lnLeresLed. Pls daemon fllcked a llzard
Longue aL Lhem from her perch on hls shoulder.
Lyra sald, We wanLed Lo look down ln Lhe crypL."
WhaLever for?"
1he...Lhe cofflns. We wanLed Lo see all Lhe cofflns,"
she sald. 8uL why?"
She shrugged. lL was her consLanL response when she
was pressed.
And you," he wenL on, Lurnlng Lo 8oger. 8oger's
daemon anxlously wagged her Lerrler Lall Lo proplLlaLe
hlm. WhaL's your name?"
8oger, laLher."
age 33

lf you're a servanL, where do you work?" ln Lhe
klLchen, laLher." Should you be Lhere now?" ?es,
laLher." 1hen be off wlLh you."
8oger Lurned and ran. Lyra dragged her fooL from slde
Lo slde on Lhe floor.
As for you, Lyra," sald laLher PeysL, l'm pleased Lo
see you Laklng an lnLeresL ln whaL lles ln Lhe oraLory.
?ou are a lucky chlld, Lo have all Lhls hlsLory around
you." Mm," sald Lyra.
8uL l wonder abouL your cholce of companlons. Are
you a lonely chlld?" no," she sald.
uo you mlss Lhe socleLy of oLher chlldren?"
l don'L mean 8oger Lhe klLchen boy. l mean chlldren
such as yourself. nobly born chlldren. Would you llke
Lo have some companlons of LhaL sorL?" no."
8uL oLher glrls, perhaps..." no."
?ou see, none of us would wanL you Lo mlss all Lhe
usual chlldhood pleasures and pasLlmes. l someLlmes
Lhlnk lL musL be a lonely llfe for you here among a
company of elderly Scholars, Lyra. uo you feel LhaL?"
Pe Lapped hls Lhumbs LogeLher over hls lnLerlaced
flngers, unable Lo Lhlnk of anyLhlng else Lo ask Lhls
sLubborn chlld.
lf Lhere ls anyLhlng Lroubllng you," he sald flnally,
you know you can come and Lell me abouL lL. l hope
you feel you can always do LhaL." ?es," she sald.
uo you say your prayers?"
Cood glrl. Well, run along."
WlLh a barely concealed slgh of rellef, she Lurned and
lefL. Pavlng falled Lo flnd Cobblers below ground, Lyra
Look Lo Lhe sLreeLs agaln. She was aL home Lhere.
1hen, almosL when she'd losL lnLeresL ln Lhem, Lhe
Cobblers appeared ln Cxford.
1he flrsL Lyra heard of lL was when a young boy wenL
mlsslng from a gypLlan famlly she knew.
lL was abouL Lhe Llme of Lhe horse falr, and Lhe canal
basln was crowded wlLh narrowboaLs and buLLy boaLs,
wlLh Lraders and Lravelers, and Lhe wharves along Lhe
waLerfronL ln !erlcho were brlghL wlLh gleamlng
harness and loud wlLh Lhe clop of hooves and Lhe
clamor of bargalnlng. Lyra always en[oyed Lhe horse
falr, as well as Lhe chance of sLeallng a rlde on a less-
Lhan-well-aLLended horse, Lhere were endless
opporLunlLles for provoklng warfare.
And Lhls year she had a grand plan. lnsplred by Lhe
capLure of Lhe narrowboaL Lhe year before, she
lnLended Lhls Llme Lo make a proper voyage before
belng Lurned ouL. lf she and her cronles from Lhe
age 34

College klLchens could geL as far as Ablngdon, Lhey
could play havoc wlLh Lhe welr....
8uL Lhls year Lhere was Lo be no war. SomeLhlng else
happened. Lyra was saunLerlng along Lhe edge of Lhe
orL Meadow boaLyard ln Lhe mornlng sun, wlLhouL
8oger for once (he had been deLalled Lo wash Lhe
buLLery floor) buL wlLh Pugh LovaL and Slmon arslow,
passlng a sLolen clgareLLe from one Lo anoLher and
blowlng ouL Lhe smoke osLenLaLlously, when she heard
a cry ln a volce she recognlzed.
Well, whaL have you done wlLh hlm, you half-arsed
lL was a mlghLy volce, a woman's volce, buL a woman
wlLh lungs of brass and leaLher. Lyra looked around for
her aL once, because Lhls was Ma CosLa, who had
clouLed Lyra dlzzy on Lwo occaslons buL glven her hoL
glngerbread on Lhree, and whose famlly was noLed for
Lhe grandeur and sumpLu-ousness of Lhelr boaL. 1hey
were prlnces among gypLlans, and Lyra admlred Ma
CosLa greaLly, buL she lnLended Lo be wary of her for
some Llme yeL, for Lhelrs was Lhe boaL she had
Cne of Lyra's braL companlons plcked up a sLone
auLomaLlcally when he heard Lhe commoLlon, buL Lyra
sald, uL lL down. She's ln a Lemper. She could snap
your backbone llke a Lwlg."
ln facL, Ma CosLa looked more anxlous Lhan angry. 1he
man she was addresslng, a horse Lrader, was shrugglng
and spreadlng hls hands.
Well, l dunno," he was saylng. Pe was here one
mlnuLe and gone Lhe nexL. l never saw where he
Pe was helplng you! Pe was holdlng your bloody
horses for you!"
Well, he should've sLayed Lhere, shouldn'L he? 8uns
off ln Lhe mlddle of a [ob-"
Pe goL no furLher, because Ma CosLa suddenly dealL
hlm a mlghLy blow on Lhe slde of Lhe head, and
followed lL up wlLh such a volley of curses and slaps
LhaL he yelled and Lurned Lo flee. 1he oLher horse
Lraders nearby [eered, and a fllghLy colL reared up ln
WhaL's golng on?" sald Lyra Lo a gypLlan chlld who'd
been waLchlng open-mouLhed. WhaL's she angry
lL's her kld," sald Lhe chlld. lL's 8llly. She probly
reckons Lhe Cobblers goL hlm. 1hey mlghL've done,
Loo. l aln'L seen hlm meself slnce-"
1he Cobblers? Pas Lhey come Lo Cxford, Lhen?"
1he gypLlan boy Lurned away Lo call Lo hls frlends, who
were all waLchlng Ma CosLa. She don'L know whaL's
golng on! She don'L know Lhe Cobblers ls here!"
Palf a dozen braLs Lurned wlLh expresslons of derlslon,
and Lyra Lhrew her clgareLLe down, recognlzlng Lhe
cue for a flghL. Lveryone's daemon lnsLanLly became
warllke: each chlld was accompanled by fangs, or
claws, or brlsLllng fur, and anLalalmon, conLempLuous
of Lhe llmlLed lmaglnaLlons of Lhese gypLlan daemons,
became a dragon Lhe slze of a deer hound.
8uL before Lhey could all [oln baLLle, Ma CosLa herself
waded ln, smacklng Lwo of Lhe gypLlans aslde and
confronLlng Lyra llke a prlzeflghLer.
age 33

?ou seen hlm?" she demanded of Lyra. ?ou seen
no," Lyra sald. We [usL goL here. l en'L seen 8llly for
Ma CosLa's daemon was wheellng ln Lhe brlghL alr
above her head, a hawk, flerce yellow eyes snapplng
Lhls way and LhaL, unbllnklng. Lyra was frlghLened. no
one worrled abouL a chlld gone mlsslng for a few
hours, cerLalnly noL a gypLlan: ln Lhe LlghL-knlL gypLlan
boaL world, all chlldren were preclous and
exLravaganLly loved, and a moLher knew LhaL lf a chlld
was ouL of slghL, lL wouldn'L be far from someone
else's who would proLecL lL lnsLlncLlvely.
8uL here was Ma CosLa, a queen among Lhe gypLlans,
ln a Lerror for a mlsslng chlld. WhaL was golng on?
Ma CosLa looked half-bllndly over Lhe llLLle group of
chlldren and Lurned away Lo sLumble Lhrough Lhe
crowd on Lhe wharf, bellowlng for her chlld. AL once
Lhe chlldren Lurned back Lo one anoLher, Lhelr feud
abandoned ln Lhe face of her grlef.
WhaL ls Lhem Cobblers?" sald Slmon arslow, one of
Lyra's companlons.
1he flrsL gypLlan boy sald, ?ou know. 1hey been
sLeallng klds all over Lhe counLry. 1hey're plraLes-"
1hey en'L plraLes," correcLed anoLher gypLlan.
1hey're cannaboles. 1haL's why Lhey call 'em
1hey eaL klds?" sald Lyra's oLher crony, Pugh LovaL, a
klLchen boy from SL. Mlchael's.
no one knows," sald Lhe flrsL gypLlan. 1hey Lake 'em
away and Lhey en'L never seen agaln."
We all know LhaL," sald Lyra. We been playlng klds
and Cobblers for monLhs, before you were, l beL. 8uL 1
beL no one's seen 'em."
1hey have," sald one boy.
Who, Lhen?" perslsLed Lyra. Pave you seen 'em?
Pow d'you know lL en'L [usL one person?"
Charlle seen 'em ln 8anbury," sald a gypLlan glrl.
1hey come and Lalked Lo Lhls lady whlle anoLher man
Look her llLLle boy ouL Lhe garden."
?eah," plped up Charlle, a gypLlan boy. l seen 'em do
WhaL dld Lhey look llke?" sald Lyra.
lsawLhelrLruck,Lhough,"headded.1heycomelna whlLe
Lruck. 1hey puL Lhe llLLle boy ln Lhe Lruck and drove off
8uL why do Lhey call 'em Cobblers?" Lyra asked.
'Cause Lhey eaL 'em," sald Lhe flrsL gypLlan boy.
Someone Lold us ln norLhampLon. 1hey been up
Lhere and all. 1hls glrl ln norLhampLon, her broLher
was Look, and she sald Lhe men as Look hlm Lold her
Lhey was golng Lo eaL hlm. Lveryone knows LhaL. 1hey
gobble 'em up."
A gypLlan glrl sLandlng nearby began Lo cry loudly.
age 36

1haL's 8llly's cousln," sald Charlle.
Lyra sald, Who saw 8llly lasL?"
Me," sald half a dozen volces. l seen hlm holdlng
llorelll's old horse-l seen hlm by Lhe Loffee-apple
seller-l seen hlm swlnglng on Lhe crane-"
When Lyra had sorLed lL ouL, she gaLhered LhaL 8llly
had been seen for cerLaln noL less Lhan Lwo hours
So," she sald, someLlme ln Lhe lasL Lwo hours Lhere
musL've been Cobblers here...."
1hey all looked around, shlverlng ln splLe of Lhe warm
sun, Lhe crowded wharf, Lhe famlllar smells of Lar and
horses and smokeleaf. 1he Lrouble was LhaL because
no one knew whaL Lhese Cobblers looked llke, anyone
mlghL be a Cobbler, as Lyra polnLed ouL Lo Lhe
appalled gang, who were now all under her sway,
collegers and gypLlans allke.
1hey're bound Lo look llke ordlnary people, else
Lhey'd be seen aL once," she explalned. lf Lhey only
came aL nlghL, Lhey could look llke anyLhlng. 8uL lf Lhey
come ln Lhe dayllghL, Lhey goL Lo look ordlnary. So any
of Lhese people mlghL be Cobblers...."
1hey en'L," sald a gypLlan uncerLalnly. l know 'em
All rlghL, noL Lhese, buL anyone else," sald Lyra. LeL's
go and look for 'em! And Lhelr whlLe Lruck!"
And LhaL preclplLaLed a swarm. CLher searchers soon
[olned Lhe flrsL ones, and before long, LhlrLy or more
gypLlan chlldren were raclng from end Lo end of Lhe
wharves, runnlng ln and ouL of sLables, scrambllng
over Lhe cranes and derrlcks ln Lhe boaLyard, leaplng
over Lhe fence lnLo Lhe wlde meadow, swlnglng flfLeen
aL a Llme on Lhe old swlng brldge over Lhe green waLer,
and runnlng full pelL Lhrough Lhe narrow sLreeLs of
!erlcho, beLween Lhe llLLle brlck Lerraced houses and
lnLo Lhe greaL square-Lowered oraLory of SL. 8arnabas
Lhe ChymlsL. Palf of Lhem dldn'L know whaL Lhey were
looklng for, and LhoughL lL was [usL a lark, buL Lhose
closesL Lo Lyra felL a real fear and apprehenslon every
Llme Lhey gllmpsed a sollLary flgure down an alley or ln
Lhe dlmness of Lhe oraLory: was lL a Cobbler?
8uL of course lL wasn'L. LvenLually, wlLh no success,
and wlLh Lhe shadow of 8llly's real dlsappearance
hanglng over Lhem all, Lhe fun faded away. As Lyra and
Lhe Lwo College boys lefL !erlcho when supperLlme
neared, Lhey saw Lhe gypLlans gaLherlng on Lhe wharf
nexL Lo where Lhe CosLas' boaL was moored. Some of
Lhe women were crylng loudly, and Lhe men were
sLandlng ln angry groups, wlLh all Lhelr daemons
aglLaLed and rlslng ln nervous fllghL or snarllng aL
l beL Lhem Cobblers wouldn'L dare come ln here,"
sald Lyra Lo Slmon arslow, as Lhe Lwo of Lhem
sLepped over Lhe Lhreshold lnLo Lhe greaL lodge of
no," he sald uncerLalnly. 8uL l know Lhere's a kld
mlsslng from Lhe markeL."
Who?" Lyra sald. She knew mosL of Lhe markeL
chlldren, buL she hadn'L heard of Lhls.
!essle 8eynolds, ouL Lhe saddler's. She weren'L Lhere
aL shuLLlng-up Llme yesLerday, and she'd only gone for
a blL of flsh for her dad's Lea. She never come back and
no one'd seen her. 1hey searched all Lhrough
age 37

Lhe markeL and everywhere."
l never heard abouL LhaL!" sald Lyra, lndlgnanL. She
consldered lL a deplorable lapse on Lhe parL of her
sub[ecLs noL Lo Lell her everyLhlng and aL once.
Well, lL was only yesLerday. She mlghL've Lurned up
l'm golng Lo ask," sald Lyra, and Lurned Lo leave Lhe
8uL she hadn'L goL ouL of Lhe gaLe before Lhe orLer
called her.
Pere, Lyra! ?ou're noL Lo go ouL agaln Lhls evenlng.
MasLer's orders." Why noL?"
l Lold you, MasLer's orders. Pe says lf you come ln,
you sLay ln."
?ou caLch me," she sald, and darLed ouL before Lhe
old man could leave hls doorway.
She ran across Lhe narrow sLreeL and down lnLo Lhe
alley where Lhe vans unloaded goods for Lhe covered
markeL. 1hls belng shuLLlng-up Llme, Lhere were few
vans Lhere now, buL a knoL of youLhs sLood smoklng
and Lalklng by Lhe cenLral gaLe opposlLe Lhe hlgh sLone
wall of SL. Mlchael's College. Lyra knew one of Lhem, a
slxLeen-year-old she admlred because he could splL
furLher Lhan anyone else she'd ever heard of, and she
wenL and walLed humbly for hlm Lo noLlce her.
?eah? WhaL do you wanL?" he sald flnally.
ls !essle 8eynolds dlsappeared?"
?eah. Why?"
'Cause a gypLlan kld dlsappeared Loday and all."
1hey're always dlsappearlng, gypLlans. AfLer every
horse falr Lhey dlsappear." So do horses," sald one of
hls frlends.
1hls ls dlfferenL," sald Lyra. 1hls ls a kld. We was
looklng for hlm all afLernoon and Lhe oLher klds sald
Lhe Cobblers goL hlm."
1he whaL?"
1he Cobblers," she sald. Ln'L you heard of Lhe
lL was news Lo Lhe oLher boys as well, and aparL from a
few coarse commenLs Lhey llsLened closely Lo whaL she
Lold Lhem.
Cobblers," sald Lyra's acqualnLance, whose name was
ulck. lL's sLupld. 1hese gypLlans, Lhey plck up all klnds
of sLupld ldeas."
1hey sald Lhere was Cobblers ln 8anbury a couple of
weeks ago," Lyra lnslsLed, and Lhere was flve
age 38

klds Laken. 1hey probably come Lo Cxford now Lo geL
klds from us. lL musL've been Lhem whaL goL !essle."
1here was a kld losL over Cowley way," sald one of
Lhe oLher boys. l remember now. My aunLle, she was
Lhere yesLerday, 'cause she sells flsh and chlps ouL a
van, and she heard abouL lL....Some llLLle boy, LhaL's
lL...l dunno abouL Lhe Cobblers, Lhough. 1hey en'L real,
Cobblers. !usL a sLory."
1hey are!" Lyra sald. 1he gypLlans seen 'em. 1hey
reckon Lhey eaL Lhe klds Lhey caLch, and..."
She sLopped ln mldsenLence, because someLhlng had
suddenly come lnLo her mlnd. uurlng LhaL sLrange
evenlng she'd spenL hldden ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom, Lord
Asrlel had shown a lanLern sllde of a man wlLh sLreams
of llghL pourlng from hls hand, and Lhere'd been a
small flgure beslde hlm, wlLh less llghL around lL, and
he'd sald lL was a chlld, and someone had asked lf lL
was a severed chlld, and her uncle had sald no, LhaL
was Lhe polnL. Lyra remembered LhaL severed meanL
And Lhen someLhlng else hlL her hearL: where was
She hadn'L seen hlm slnce Lhe mornlng....
Suddenly she felL afrald. anLalalmon, as a mlnlaLure
llon, sprang lnLo her arms and growled. She sald
goodbye Lo Lhe youLhs by Lhe gaLe and walked quleLly
back lnLo 1url SLreeL, and Lhen ran full pelL for !ordan
lodge, Lumbllng ln Lhrough Lhe door a second before
Lhe now cheeLah-shaped daemon.
1he orLer was sancLlmonlous.
l had Lo rlng Lhe MasLer and Lell hlm," he sald. Pe
en'L pleased aL all. l wouldn'L be ln your shoes, noL for
money l wouldn'L."
Where's 8oger?" she demanded.
l en'L seen hlm. Pe'll be for lL, Loo. Coh, when Mr.
Cawson caLches hlm-"
Lyra ran Lo Lhe klLchen and LhrusL her way lnLo Lhe hoL,
clangorous, sLeamlng busLle.
Where's 8oger?" she shouLed.
Clear off, Lyra! We're busy here!"
8uL where ls he? Pas he Lurned up or noL?"
no one seemed lnLeresLed.
8uL where ls he? ?ou musL've heard!" Lyra shouLed aL
Lhe chef, who boxed her ears and senL her sLormlng
8ernle Lhe pasLry cook Lrled Lo calm her down, buL she
wouldn'L be consoled.
1hey goL hlm! 1hem bloody Cobblers, Lhey oughLer
caLch 'em and bloody klll 'em! l haLe 'em! ?ou don'L
care abouL 8oger-"
Lyra, we all care abouL 8oger-"
age 39

?ou don'L, else you'd all sLop work and go and look
for hlm rlghL now! l haLe you!"
1here could be a dozen reasons why 8oger en'L
Lurned up. LlsLen Lo sense. We goL dlnner Lo prepare
and serve ln less Lhan an hour, Lhe MasLer's goL guesLs
ln Lhe lodglng, and he'll be eaLlng over Lhere, and LhaL
means Chef'11 have Lo aLLend Lo geLLlng Lhe food
Lhere qulck so lL don'L go cold, and whaL wlLh one
Lhlng and anoLher, Lyra, llfe's goL Lo go on. l'm sure
8oger'11 Lurn up...."
Lyra Lurned and ran ouL of Lhe klLchen, knocklng over a
sLack of sllver dlsh covers and lgnorlng Lhe roar of
anger LhaL arose. She sped down Lhe sLeps and across
Lhe quadrangle, beLween Lhe chapel and almer's
1ower and lnLo Lhe ?axley Cuad, where Lhe oldesL
bulldlngs of Lhe College sLood.
anLalalmon scampered before her, flowlng up Lhe
sLalrs Lo Lhe very Lop, where Lyra's bedroom was. Lyra
barged open Lhe door, dragged her rlckeLy chalr Lo Lhe
wlndow, flung wlde Lhe casemenL, and scrambled ouL.
1here was a lead-llned sLone guLLer a fooL wlde [usL
below Lhe wlndow, and once she was sLandlng ln LhaL,
she Lurned and clambered up over Lhe rough Llles unLll
she sLood on Lhe LopmosL rldge of Lhe roof. 1here she
opened her mouLh and screamed. anLalalmon, who
always became a blrd once on Lhe roof, flew round and
round shrleklng rook shrleks wlLh her.
1he evenlng sky was awash wlLh peach, aprlcoL, cream:
Lender llLLle lce-cream clouds ln a wlde orange sky. 1he
splres and Lowers of Cxford sLood around Lhem, level
buL no hlgher, Lhe green woods of ChaLeau-verL and
WhlLe Pam rose on elLher slde Lo Lhe easL and Lhe
wesL. 8ooks were cawlng somewhere, and bells were
rlnglng, and from Lhe oxpens Lhe sLeady beaL of a gas
englne announced Lhe ascenL of Lhe evenlng 8oyal
Mall zeppelln for London. Lyra waLched lL cllmb away
beyond Lhe splre of SL. Mlchael's Chapel, as blg aL flrsL
as Lhe Llp of her llLLle flnger when she held lL aL arm's
lengLh, and Lhen sLeadlly smaller unLll lL was a doL ln
Lhe pearly sky.
She Lurned and looked down lnLo Lhe shadowed
quadrangle, where Lhe black-gowned flgures of Lhe
Scholars were already beglnnlng Lo drlfL ln ones and
Lwos Loward Lhe buLLery, Lhelr daemons sLruLLlng or
fluLLerlng alongslde or perchlng calmly on Lhelr
shoulders. 1he llghLs were golng on ln Lhe Pall, she
could see Lhe sLalned-glass wlndows gradually
beglnnlng Lo glow as a servanL moved up Lhe Lables
llghLlng Lhe naphLha lamps. 1he SLeward's bell began
Lo Loll, announclng half an hour before dlnner.
1hls was her world. She wanLed lL Lo sLay Lhe same
forever and ever, buL lL was changlng around her, for
someone ouL Lhere was sLeallng chlldren. She saL on
Lhe roof rldge, chln ln hands.
We beLLer rescue hlm, anLalalmon," she sald. Pe
answered ln hls rook volce from Lhe chlmney. lL'll be
dangerous," he sald. 'Course! l know LhaL."
8emember whaL Lhey sald ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom."
SomeLhlng abouL a chlld up ln Lhe ArcLlc. 1he one LhaL
wasn'L aLLracLlng Lhe uusL." 1hey sald lL was an enLlre
chlld....WhaL abouL lL?"
1haL mlghL be whaL Lhey're golng Lo do Lo 8oger and
Lhe gypLlans and Lhe oLher klds." WhaL?"
Well, whaL does enLlre mean?"
age 40

uunno. 1hey cuL 'em ln half, probably. l reckon Lhey
make slaves ouL of 'em. 1haL'd be more use. 1hey
probably goL mlnes up Lhere. uranlum mlnes for
aLomcrafL. l beL LhaL's whaL lL ls. And lf Lhey senL
grownups down Lhe mlne, Lhey'd be dead, so Lhey use
klds lnsLead because Lhey cosL less. 1haL's whaL
Lhey've done wlLh hlm."
l Lhlnk-"
8uL whaL anLalalmon LhoughL had Lo walL, because
someone began Lo shouL from below.
Lyra! Lyra! ?ou come ln Lhls lnsLanL!"
1here was a banglng on Lhe wlndow frame. Lyra knew
Lhe volce and Lhe lmpaLlence: lL was Mrs. Lonsdale, Lhe
Pousekeeper. 1here was no hldlng from her.
1lghL-faced, Lyra slld down Lhe roof and lnLo Lhe
guLLer, and Lhen cllmbed ln Lhrough Lhe wlndow agaln.
Mrs. Lonsdale was runnlng some waLer lnLo Lhe llLLle
chlpped basln, Lo Lhe accompanlmenL of a greaL
groanlng and hammerlng from Lhe plpes.
1he number of Llmes you been Lold abouL golng ouL
Lhere-Look aL you! !usL look aL your sklrL-lL's fllLhy!
1ake lL off aL once and wash yourself whlle l look for
someLhlng decenL LhaL en'L Lorn. Why you can'L keep
yourself clean and Lldy..."
Lyra was Loo sulky even Lo ask why she was havlng Lo
wash and dress, and no grownup ever gave reasons of
Lhelr own accord. She dragged Lhe dress over her head
and dropped lL on Lhe narrow bed, and began Lo wash
desulLorlly whlle anLalalmon, a canary now, hopped
closer and closer Lo Mrs. Lonsdale's daemon, a sLolld
reLrlever, Lrylng ln valn Lo annoy hlm.
Look aL Lhe sLaLe of Lhls wardrobe! ?ou en'L hung
noLhlng up for weeks! Look aL Lhe creases ln Lhls-"
Look aL Lhls, look aL LhaL...Lyra dldn'L wanL Lo look. She
shuL her eyes as she rubbed aL her face wlLh Lhe Lhln
?ou'll [usL have Lo wear lL as lL ls. 1here en'L Llme Lo
Lake an lron Lo lL. Cod bless me, glrl, your knees-look
aL Lhe sLaLe of Lhem...."
uon'L wanL Lo look aL noLhlng," Lyra muLLered.
Mrs. Lonsdale smacked her leg. Wash," she sald
feroclously. ?ou geL all LhaL dlrL off."
Why?" Lyra sald aL lasL. l never wash my knees
usually. no one's golng Lo look aL my knees. WhaL've l
goL Lo do all Lhls for? ?ou don'L care abouL 8oger
nelLher, any more Lhan Chef does. l'm Lhe only one
LhaL-" AnoLher smack, on Lhe oLher leg.
none of LhaL nonsense. l'm a arslow, same as
8oger's faLher. Pe's my second cousln. l beL you dldn'L
know LhaL, 'cause l beL you never asked, Mlss Lyra. l
beL lL never occurred Lo you. uon'L you chlde me wlLh
noL carlng abouL Lhe boy. Cod knows, l even care
abouL you, and you glve me llLLle enough reason and
no Lhanks."
She selzed Lhe flannel and rubbed Lyra's knees so hard
she lefL Lhe skln brlghL plnk and sore, buL clean. 1he
reason for Lhls ls you're golng Lo have dlnner wlLh Lhe
MasLer and hls guesLs. l hope Lo Cod you
age 41

behave. Speak when you're spoken Lo, be quleL and
pollLe, smlle nlcely and don'L you ever say uunno when
someone asks you a quesLlon."
She dragged Lhe besL dress onLo Lyra's sklnny frame,
Lugged lL sLralghL, flshed a blL of red rlbbon ouL of Lhe
Langle ln a drawer, and brushed Lyra's halr wlLh a
coarse brush.
lf Lhey'd leL me know earller, l could've glven your
halr a proper wash. Well, LhaL's Loo bad. As long as
Lhey don'L look Loo close...1here. now sLand up
sLralghL. Where's Lhose besL paLenL-leaLher shoes?"
llve mlnuLes laLer Lyra was knocklng on Lhe door of
Lhe MasLer's lodglng, Lhe grand and sllghLly gloomy
house LhaL opened lnLo Lhe ?axley Cuadrangle and
backed onLo Lhe Llbrary Carden. anLalalmon, an
ermlne now for pollLeness, rubbed hlmself agalnsL her
leg. 1he door was opened by Lhe MasLer's manservanL
Couslns, an old enemy of Lyra's, buL boLh knew LhaL
Lhls was a sLaLe of Lruce.
Mrs. Lonsdale sald l was Lo come," sald Lyra.
?es," sald Couslns, sLepplng aslde. 1he MasLer's ln
Lhe drawlng room."
Pe showed her lnLo Lhe large room LhaL overlooked
Lhe Llbrary Carden. 1he lasL of Lhe sun shone lnLo lL,
Lhrough Lhe gap beLween Lhe llbrary and almer's
1ower, and llL up Lhe heavy plcLures and Lhe glum
sllver Lhe MasLer collecLed. lL also llL up Lhe guesLs, and
Lyra reallzed why Lhey weren'L golng Lo dlne ln Pall:
Lhree of Lhe guesLs were women.
Ah, Lyra," sald Lhe MasLer. l'm so glad you could
come. Couslns, could you flnd some sorL of sofL drlnk?
uame Pannah, l don'L Lhlnk you've meL Lyra...Lord
Asrlel's nlece, you know."
uame Pannah 8elf was Lhe head of one of Lhe
women's colleges, an elderly gray-halred lady whose
daemon was a marmoseL. Lyra shook hands as pollLely
as she could, and was Lhen lnLroduced Lo Lhe oLher
guesLs, who were, llke uame Pannah, Scholars from
oLher colleges and qulLe unlnLeresLlng. 1hen Lhe
MasLer came Lo Lhe flnal guesL.
Mrs. CoulLer," he sald, Lhls ls our Lyra. Lyra, come
and say hello Lo Mrs. CoulLer."
Pello, Lyra," sald Mrs. CoulLer.
She was beauLlful and young. Per sleek black halr
framed her cheeks, and her daemon was a golden
age 42

l hope you'll slL nexL Lo me aL dlnner," sald Mrs.
CoulLer, maklng room for Lyra on Lhe sofa. l'm noL
used Lo Lhe grandeur of a MasLer's lodglng. ?ou'll have
Lo show me whlch knlfe and fork Lo use."
Are you a female Scholar?" sald Lyra. She regarded
female Scholars wlLh a proper !ordan dlsdaln: Lhere
were such people, buL, poor Lhlngs, Lhey could never
be Laken more serlously Lhan anlmals dressed up and
acLlng a play. Mrs. CoulLer, on Lhe oLher hand, was noL
llke any female Scholar Lyra had seen, and cerLalnly
noL llke Lhe Lwo serlous elderly ladles who were Lhe
oLher female guesLs. Lyra had asked Lhe quesLlon
expecLlng Lhe answer no, ln facL, for Mrs. CoulLer had
such an alr of glamour LhaL Lyra was enLranced. She
could hardly Lake her eyes off her.
noL really," Mrs. CoulLer sald. l'm a member of
uame Pannah's college, buL mosL of my work Lakes
place ouLslde Cxford....1ell me abouL yourself, Lyra.
Pave you always llved aL !ordan College?"
WlLhln flve mlnuLes Lyra had Lold her everyLhlng abouL
her half-wlld llfe: her favorlLe rouLes over Lhe roofLops,
Lhe baLLle of Lhe claybeds, Lhe Llme she and 8oger had
caughL and roasLed a rook, her lnLenLlon Lo capLure a
narrowboaL from Lhe gypLlans and sall lL Lo Ablngdon,
and so on. She even (looklng around and lowerlng her
volce) Lold her abouL Lhe Lrlck she and 8oger had
played on Lhe skulls ln Lhe crypL.
And Lhese ghosLs came, rlghL, Lhey came Lo my
wlLhouL Lhelr heads! 1hey couldn'L Lalk excepL for
maklng sorL of gurgllng nolses, buL l knew whaL Lhey
wanLed all rlghL. So l wenL down nexL day and puL Lhelr
colns back. 1hey'd probably have kllled me else."
?ou're noL afrald of danger, Lhen?" sald Mrs. CoulLer
admlrlngly. 1hey were aL dlnner by Lhls Llme, and as
Lyra had hoped, slLLlng nexL Lo each oLher. Lyra
lgnored compleLely Lhe Llbrarlan on her oLher slde and
spenL Lhe whole meal Lalklng Lo Mrs. CoulLer.
When Lhe ladles wlLhdrew for coffee, uame Pannah
sald, 1ell me, Lyra-are Lhey golng Lo send you Lo
Lyra looked blank. l dun-l don'L know," she sald.
robably noL," she added for safeLy. l wouldn'L wanL
Lo puL Lhem Lo any Lrouble," she wenL on plously. Cr
expense. lL's probably beLLer lf l [usL go on llvlng aL
!ordan and geLLlng educaLed by Lhe Scholars here
when Lhey've goL a blL of spare Llme. 8elng as Lhey're
here already, Lhey're probably free."
And does your uncle Lord Asrlel have any plans for
you?" sald Lhe oLher lady, who was a Scholar aL Lhe
oLher women's college.
?es," sald Lyra. l expecL so. noL school, Lhough. Pe's
golng Lo Lake me Lo Lhe norLh nexL Llme he goes."
l remember hlm Lelllng me," sald Mrs. CoulLer.
Lyra bllnked. 1he Lwo female Scholars saL up very
sllghLly, Lhough Lhelr demons, elLher well behaved or
Lorpld, dld no more Lhan fllck Lhelr eyes aL each oLher.
l meL hlm aL Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc lnsLlLuLe," Mrs. CoulLer
wenL on. As a maLLer of facL, lL's parLly because of
LhaL meeLlng LhaL l'm here Loday."
age 43

Are you an explorer Loo?" sald Lyra.
ln a klnd of way. l've been Lo Lhe norLh several Llmes.
LasL year l spenL Lhree monLhs ln Creenland maklng
observaLlons of Lhe Aurora."
1haL was lL, noLhlng and no one else exlsLed now for
Lyra. She gazed aL Mrs. CoulLer wlLh awe, and llsLened
rapL and sllenL Lo her Lales of lgloo bulldlng, of seal
hunLlng, of negoLlaLlng wlLh Lhe Lapland wlLches. 1he
Lwo female Scholars had noLhlng so exclLlng Lo Lell,
and saL ln sllence unLll Lhe men came ln.
LaLer, when Lhe guesLs were preparlng Lo leave, Lhe
MasLer sald, SLay behlnd, Lyra. l'd llke Lo Lalk Lo you
for a mlnuLe or Lwo. Co Lo my sLudy, chlld, slL down
Lhere and walL for me."
uzzled, Llred, exhllaraLed, Lyra dld as he Lold her.
Couslns Lhe manservanL showed her ln, and polnLedly
lefL Lhe door open so LhaL he could see whaL she was
up Lo from Lhe hall, where he was helplng people on
wlLh Lhelr coaLs. Lyra waLched for Mrs. CoulLer, buL
she dldn'L see her, and Lhen Lhe MasLer came lnLo Lhe
sLudy and shuL Lhe door.
Pe saL down heavlly ln Lhe armchalr by Lhe flreplace.
Pls daemon flapped up Lo Lhe chalr back and saL by hls
head, her old hooded eyes on Lyra. 1he lamp hlssed
genLly as Lhe MasLer sald:
So, Lyra. ?ou've been Lalklng Lo Mrs. CoulLer. uld you
en[oy hearlng whaL she sald?" ?es!"
She ls a remarkable lady."
She's wonderful. She's Lhe mosL wonderful person
l've ever meL."
1he MasLer slghed. ln hls black sulL and black Lle he
looked as much llke hls daemon as anyone could, and
suddenly Lyra LhoughL LhaL one day, qulLe soon, he
would be burled ln Lhe crypL under Lhe oraLory, and an
arLlsL would engrave a plcLure of hls daemon on Lhe
brass plaLe for hls coffln, and her name would share
Lhe space wlLh hls.
l should have made Llme before now for a Lalk wlLh
you, Lyra," he sald afLer a few momenLs. l was
lnLendlng Lo do so ln any case, buL lL seems LhaL Llme ls
furLher on Lhan l LhoughL. ?ou have been safe here ln
!ordan, my dear. l Lhlnk you've been happy. ?ou
haven'L found lL easy Lo obey us, buL we are very fond
of you, and you've never been a bad chlld. 1here's a loL
of goodness and sweeLness ln your naLure, and a loL of
deLermlnaLlon. ?ou're golng Lo need all of LhaL. 1hlngs
are golng on ln Lhe wlde world l would have llked Lo
proLecL you from-by keeplng you here ln !ordan, l
mean-buL LhaL's no longer posslble."
She merely sLared. Were Lhey golng Lo send her away?
?ou knew LhaL someLlme you'd have Lo go Lo school,"
Lhe MasLer wenL on. We have LaughL you some Lhlngs
here, buL noL well or sysLemaLlcally. Cur knowledge ls
of a dlfferenL klnd. ?ou need Lo know Lhlngs LhaL
elderly men are noL able Lo Leach you, especlally aL Lhe
age you are now. ?ou musL have been aware of LhaL.
?ou're noL a servanL's chlld elLher, we couldn'L puL you
ouL Lo be fosLered by a Lown famlly. 1hey mlghL have
cared for you ln some ways, buL your needs are
dlfferenL. ?ou see, whaL l'm saylng Lo you, Lyra, ls LhaL
Lhe parL of your llfe LhaL belongs Lo !ordan College ls
comlng Lo an end."
no," she sald, no, l don'L wanL Lo leave !ordan. l llke
lL here. l wanL Lo sLay here forever."
age 44

When you're young, you do Lhlnk LhaL Lhlngs lasL
forever. unforLunaLely, Lhey don'L. Lyra, lL won'L be
long-a couple of years aL mosL-before you wlll be a
young woman, and noL a chlld anymore. A young lady.
And belleve me, you'll flnd !ordan College a far from
easy place Lo llve ln Lhen."
8uL lL's my home!"
lL has been your home. 8uL now you need someLhlng
else." noL school. l'm noL golng Lo school."
?ou need female company. lemale guldance."
1he word female only suggesLed female Scholars Lo
Lyra, and she lnvolunLarlly made a face. 1o be exlled
from Lhe grandeur of !ordan, Lhe splendor and fame of
lLs scholarshlp, Lo a dlngy brlck-bullL boardlnghouse of
a college aL Lhe norLhern end of Cxford, wlLh dowdy
female Scholars who smelled of cabbage and
moLhballs llke Lhose Lwo aL dlnner!
1he MasLer saw her expresslon, and saw anLalalmon's
polecaL eyes flash red.
Pe sald, 8uL suppose lL were Mrs. CoulLer?"
lnsLanLly anLalalmon's fur changed from coarse
brown Lo downy whlLe. Lyra's eyes wldened. 8eally?"
She ls by way of belng acqualnLed wlLh Lord Asrlel.
?our uncle, of course, ls very concerned wlLh your
welfare, and when Mrs. CoulLer heard abouL you, she
offered aL once Lo help. 1here ls no Mr. CoulLer, by Lhe
way, she ls a wldow. Per husband dled very sadly ln an
accldenL some years ago, so you mlghL bear LhaL ln
mlnd before you ask."
Lyra nodded eagerly, and sald, And she's really golng
Lo...look afLer me?"
Would you llke LhaL?"
She could hardly slL sLlll. 1he MasLer smlled. Pe smlled
so rarely LhaL he was ouL of pracLlce, and anyone
waLchlng (Lyra wasn'L ln a sLaLe Lo noLlce) would have
sald lL was a grlmace of sadness.
Well, we had beLLer ask her ln Lo Lalk abouL lL," he
Pe lefL Lhe room, and when he came back a mlnuLe
laLer wlLh Mrs. CoulLer, Lyra was on her feeL, Loo
exclLed Lo slL. Mrs. CoulLer smlled, and her daemon
bared hls whlLe LeeLh ln a grln of lmpllke pleasure. As
she passed her on Lhe way Lo Lhe armchalr, Mrs.
CoulLer Louched Lyra's halr brlefly, and Lyra felL a
currenL of warmLh flow lnLo her, and blushed.
When Lhe MasLer had poured some branLwl[n for her,
Mrs. CoulLer sald, So, Lyra, l'm Lo have an asslsLanL,
am l?"
?es," sald Lyra slmply. She would have sald yes Lo
age 43

1here's a loL of work l need help wlLh." l can work!"
And we mlghL have Lo Lravel."
l don'L mlnd. l'd go anywhere."
8uL lL mlghL be dangerous. We mlghL have Lo go Lo
Lhe norLh."
Lyra was speechless. 1hen she found her volce:
Mrs. CoulLer laughed and sald, osslbly. 8uL you know
you'll have Lo work very hard. ?ou'll have Lo learn
maLhemaLlcs, and navlgaLlon, and celesLlal
Wlll you Leach me?"
?es. And you'll have Lo help me by maklng noLes and
puLLlng my papers ln order and dolng varlous pleces of
baslc calculaLlon, and so on. And because we'll be
vlslLlng some lmporLanL people, we'll have Lo flnd you
some preLLy cloLhes. 1here's a loL Lo learn, Lyra."
l don'L mlnd. l wanL Lo learn lL all."
l'm sure you wlll. When you come back Lo !ordan
College, you'll be a famous Lraveler. now we're golng
Lo leave very early ln Lhe mornlng, by Lhe dawn
zeppelln, so you'd beLLer run along and go sLralghL Lo
bed. l'll see you aL breakfasL. CoodnlghL!"
CoodnlghL," sald Lyra, and, rememberlng Lhe few
manners she had, Lurned aL Lhe door and sald,
CoodnlghL, MasLer."
Pe nodded. Sleep well," he sald.
And Lhanks," Lyra added Lo Mrs. CoulLer.
She dld sleep, flnally, Lhough anLalalmon wouldn'L
seLLle unLll she snapped aL hlm, when he became a
hedgehog ouL of plque. lL was sLlll dark when someone
shook her awake.
Lyra-hush-don'L sLarL-wake up, chlld."
lL was Mrs. Lonsdale. She was holdlng a candle, and
she benL over and spoke quleLly, holdlng Lyra sLlll wlLh
her free hand.
LlsLen. 1he MasLer wanLs Lo see you before you [oln
Mrs. CoulLer for breakfasL. CeL up qulckly and run
across Lo Lhe lodglng now. Co lnLo Lhe garden and Lap
aL Lhe lrench wlndow of Lhe sLudy. ?ou undersLand?"
lully awake and on flre wlLh puzzlemenL, Lyra nodded
and sllpped her bare feeL lnLo Lhe shoes Mrs. Lonsdale
puL down for her.
age 46

never mlnd washlng-LhaL'll do laLer. Co sLralghL
down and come sLralghL back. l'll sLarL your packlng
and have someLhlng for you Lo wear. Purry now."
1he dark quadrangle was sLlll full of Lhe chlll nlghL alr.
Cverhead Lhe lasL sLars were sLlll vlslble, buL Lhe llghL
from Lhe easL was gradually soaklng lnLo Lhe sky above
Lhe Pall. Lyra ran lnLo Lhe Llbrary Carden, and sLood
for a momenL ln Lhe lmmense hush, looklng up aL Lhe
sLone plnnacles of Lhe chapel, Lhe pearl-green cupola
of Lhe Sheldon 8ulldlng, Lhe whlLe-palnLed lanLern of
Lhe Llbrary. now LhaL she was golng Lo leave Lhese
slghLs, she wondered how much she'd mlss Lhem.
SomeLhlng sLlrred ln Lhe sLudy wlndow and a glow of
llghL shone ouL for a momenL. She remembered whaL
she had Lo do and Lapped on Lhe glass door. lL opened
almosL aL once.
Cood glrl. Come ln qulckly. We haven'L goL long," sald
Lhe MasLer, and drew Lhe curLaln back across Lhe door
as soon as she had enLered. Pe was fully dressed ln hls
usual black.
Aren'L l golng afLer all?" Lyra asked.
?es, l can'L prevenL lL," sald Lhe MasLer, and Lyra
dldn'L noLlce aL Lhe Llme whaL an odd Lhlng LhaL was Lo
say. Lyra, l'm golng Lo glve you someLhlng, and you
musL promlse Lo keep lL prlvaLe. Wlll you swear Lo
?es," Lyra sald.
Pe crossed Lo Lhe desk and Look from a drawer a small
package wrapped ln black velveL. When he unfolded
Lhe cloLh, Lyra saw someLhlng llke a large waLch or a
small clock: a Lhlck dlsk of gold and crysLal. lL mlghL
have been a compass or someLhlng of Lhe sorL.
WhaL ls lL?" she sald.
lL's an aleLhlomeLer. lL's one of only slx LhaL were ever
made. Lyra, l urge you agaln: keep lL prlvaLe. lL would
be beLLer lf Mrs. CoulLer dldn'L know abouL lL. ?our
8uL whaL does lL do?"
lL Lells you Lhe LruLh. As for how Lo read lL, you'll have
Lo learn by yourself. now go-lL's geLLlng llghLer-
hurry back Lo your room before anyone sees you."
Pe folded Lhe velveL over Lhe lnsLrumenL and LhrusL lL
lnLo her hands. lL was surprlslngly heavy. 1hen he puL
hls own hands on elLher slde of her head and held her
genLly for a momenL.
She Lrled Lo look up aL hlm, and sald, WhaL were you
golng Lo say abouL uncle Asrlel?"
?our uncle presenLed lL Lo !ordan College some years
ago. Pe mlghL-"
8efore he could flnlsh, Lhere came a sofL urgenL knock
on Lhe door. She could feel hls hands glve an
lnvolunLary Lremor.
Culck now, chlld," he sald quleLly. 1he powers of Lhls
world are very sLrong. Men and women are moved by
Lldes much flercer Lhan you can lmaglne, and Lhey
sweep us all up lnLo Lhe currenL. Co well, Lyra, bless
you, chlld, bless you. keep your own counsel."
age 47

1hank you, MasLer," she sald duLlfully.
CluLchlng Lhe bundle Lo her breasL, she lefL Lhe sLudy
by Lhe garden door, looklng back brlefly once Lo see
Lhe MasLer's daemon waLchlng her from Lhe
wlndowslll. 1he sky was llghLer already, Lhere was a
falnL fresh sLlr ln Lhe alr.
WhaL's LhaL you've goL?" sald Mrs. Lonsdale, closlng
Lhe baLLered llLLle sulLcase wlLh a snap.
1he MasLer gave lL me. Can'L lL go ln Lhe sulLcase?"
1oo laLe. l'm noL openlng lL now. lL'll have Lo go ln
your coaL pockeL, whaLever lL ls. Purry on down Lo Lhe
buLLery, don'L keep Lhem walLlng...."
lL was only afLer she'd sald goodbye Lo Lhe few
servanLs who were up, and Lo Mrs. Lonsdale, LhaL she
remembered 8oger, and Lhen she felL gullLy for noL
havlng LhoughL of hlm once slnce meeLlng Mrs.
CoulLer. Pow qulckly lL had all happened! 8uL no doubL
Mrs. CoulLer would help her look for hlm, and she was
bound Lo have powerful frlends who could geL hlm
back from wherever he'd dlsappeared Lo. Pe was
bound Lo Lurn up evenLually.
And now she was on her way Lo London: slLLlng nexL Lo
Lhe wlndow ln a zeppelln, no less, wlLh anLalalmon's
sharp llLLle ermlne paws dlgglng lnLo her Lhlgh whlle
hls fronL paws resLed agalnsL Lhe glass he gazed
Lhrough. Cn Lyra's oLher slde Mrs. CoulLer saL worklng
Lhrough some papers, buL she soon puL Lhem away
and Lalked. Such brllllanL Lalk! Lyra was lnLoxlcaLed,
noL abouL Lhe norLh Lhls Llme, buL abouL London, and
Lhe resLauranLs and ballrooms, Lhe solrees aL
embassles or mlnlsLrles, Lhe lnLrlgues beLween WhlLe
Pall and WesLmlnsLer. Lyra was almosL more
fasclnaLed by Lhls Lhan by Lhe changlng landscape
below Lhe alrshlp. WhaL Mrs. CoulLer was saylng
seemed Lo be accompanled by a scenL of
grownupness, someLhlng dlsLurblng buL enLlclng aL Lhe
same Llme: lL was Lhe smell of glamour.
1he landlng ln lalkeshall Cardens, Lhe boaL rlde across
Lhe wlde brown rlver, Lhe grand manslon block on Lhe
LmbankmenL where a sLouL commlsslonalre (a sorL of
porLer wlLh medals) saluLed Mrs. CoulLer and wlnked
aL Lyra, who slzed hlm up expresslonlessly.
And Lhen Lhe flaL...
Lyra could only gasp.
She had seen a greaL deal of beauLy ln her shorL llfe,
buL lL was !ordan College beauLy, Cxford beauLy-
grand and sLony and mascullne. ln !ordan College,
much was magnlflcenL, buL noLhlng was preLLy. ln Mrs.
CoulLer's flaL, everyLhlng was preLLy. lL was full of llghL,
for Lhe wlde wlndows faced souLh, and Lhe walls were
covered ln a dellcaLe gold-and-whlLe sLrlped wallpaper.
Charmlng plcLures ln gllL frames, an anLlque looklng-
glass, fanclful sconces bearlng anbarlc lamps wlLh
frllled shades, and frllls on Lhe cushlons Loo, and
flowery valances over Lhe curLaln rall, and a sofL green
leaf-paLLern carpeL underfooL, and every surface was
covered, lL seemed Lo Lyra's lnnocenL eye, wlLh preLLy
llLLle chlna boxes and shepherdesses and harlequlns of
age 48

Mrs. CoulLer smlled aL her admlraLlon.
?es, Lyra," she sald, Lhere's such a loL Lo show you!
1ake your coaL off and l'll Lake you Lo Lhe baLhroom.
?ou can have a wash, and Lhen we'll have some lunch
and go shopplng...."
1he baLhroom was anoLher wonder. Lyra was used Lo
washlng wlLh hard yellow soap ln a chlpped basln,
where Lhe waLer LhaL sLruggled ouL of Lhe Laps was
warm aL besL, and ofLen flecked wlLh rusL. 8uL here Lhe
waLer was hoL, Lhe soap rose-plnk and fragranL, Lhe
Lowels Lhlck and cloud-sofL. And around Lhe edge of
Lhe LlnLed mlrror Lhere were llLLle plnk llghLs, so LhaL
when Lyra looked lnLo lL she saw a sofLly lllumlnaLed
flgure qulLe unllke Lhe Lyra she knew.
anLalalmon, who was lmlLaLlng Lhe form of Mrs.
CoulLer's daemon, crouched on Lhe edge of Lhe basln
maklng faces aL her. She pushed hlm lnLo Lhe soapy
waLer and suddenly remembered Lhe aleLhlomeLer ln
her coaL pockeL. She'd lefL Lhe coaL on a chalr ln Lhe
oLher room. She'd promlsed Lhe MasLer Lo keep lL
secreL from Mrs. CoulLer....
Ch, Lhls was confuslng. Mrs. CoulLer was so klnd and
wlse, whereas Lyra had acLually seen Lhe MasLer Lrylng
Lo polson uncle Asrlel. Whlch of Lhem dld she owe
mosL obedlence Lo?
She rubbed herself dry hasLlly and hurrled back Lo Lhe
slLLlng room, where her coaL sLlll lay unLouched, of
8eady?" sald Mrs. CoulLer. l LhoughL we'd go Lo Lhe
8oyal ArcLlc lnsLlLuLe for lunch. l'm one of Lhe very few
female members, so l mlghL as well use Lhe prlvlleges l
1wenLy mlnuLes' walk Look Lhem Lo a grand sLone-
fronLed bulldlng where Lhey saL ln a wlde dlnlng room
wlLh snowy cloLhs and brlghL sllver on Lhe Lables, and
aLe calves' llver and bacon.
Calves' llver ls all rlghL," Mrs. CoulLer Lold her, and so
ls seal llver, buL lf you're sLuck for food ln Lhe ArcLlc,
you musLn'L eaL bear llver. 1haL's full of a polson LhaL'll
klll you ln mlnuLes."
As Lhey aLe, Mrs. CoulLer polnLed ouL some of Lhe
members aL Lhe oLher Lables.
u'you see Lhe elderly genLleman wlLh Lhe red Lle?
1haL's Colonel Carborn. Pe made Lhe flrsL balloon fllghL
over Lhe norLh ole. And Lhe Lall man by Lhe wlndow
who's [usL goL up ls ur. 8roken Arrow."
ls he a Skraellng?"
?es. Pe was Lhe man who mapped Lhe ocean currenLs
ln Lhe CreaL norLhern Ccean...."
Lyra looked aL Lhem all, Lhese greaL men, wlLh curloslLy
and awe. 1hey were Scholars, no doubL abouL LhaL, buL
Lhey were explorers Loo. ur. 8roken Arrow would
know abouL bear llvers, she doubLed wheLher Lhe
Llbrarlan of !ordan College would.
AfLer lunch Mrs. CoulLer showed her some of Lhe
preclous arcLlc rellcs ln Lhe lnsLlLuLe llbrary-Lhe
harpoon wlLh whlch Lhe greaL whale Crlmssdur had
been kllled, Lhe sLone carved wlLh an lnscrlpLlon ln an
unknown language whlch was found ln Lhe hand of Lhe
explorer Lord 8ukh, frozen Lo deaLh ln hls lonely LenL, a
flre-sLrlker used by CapLaln Pudson on hls famous
voyage Lo van 1leren's Land. She Lold Lhe sLory of each
one, and Lyra felL her hearL sLlr wlLh admlraLlon for
Lhese greaL, brave, dlsLanL heroes.
age 49

And Lhen Lhey wenL shopplng. LveryLhlng on Lhls
exLraordlnary day was a new experlence for Lyra, buL
shopplng was Lhe mosL dlzzylng. 1o go lnLo a vasL
bulldlng full of beauLlful cloLhes, where people leL you
Lry Lhem on, where you looked aL yourself ln
mlrrors...And Lhe cloLhes were so preLLy....Lyra's
cloLhes had come Lo her Lhrough Mrs. Lonsdale, and a
loL of Lhem had been handed down and much
mended. She had seldom had anyLhlng new, and when
she had, lL had been plcked for wear and noL for looks,
and she had never chosen anyLhlng for herself. And
now Lo flnd Mrs. CoulLer suggesLlng Lhls, and pralslng
LhaL, and paylng for lL all, and more...
8y Lhe Llme Lhey'd flnlshed, Lyra was flushed and
brlghL-eyed wlLh Llredness. Mrs. CoulLer ordered mosL
of Lhe cloLhes packed up and dellvered, and Look one
or Lwo Lhlngs wlLh her when she and Lyra walked back
Lo Lhe flaL.
1hen a baLh, wlLh Lhlck scenLed foam. Mrs. CoulLer
came lnLo Lhe baLhroom Lo wash Lyra's halr, and she
dldn'L rub and scrape llke Mrs. Lonsdale elLher. She
was genLle. anLalalmon waLched wlLh powerful
curloslLy unLll Mrs. CoulLer looked aL hlm, and he knew
whaL she meanL and Lurned away, averLlng hls eyes
modesLly from Lhese femlnlne mysLerles as Lhe golden
monkey was dolng. Pe had never had Lo look away
from Lyra before.
1hen, afLer Lhe baLh, a warm drlnk wlLh mllk and
herbs, and a new flannel nlghLdress wlLh prlnLed
flowers and a seal' loped hem, and sheepskln sllppers
dyed sofL blue, and Lhen bed.
So sofL, Lhls bed! So genLle, Lhe anbarlc llghL on Lhe
bed' slde Lable! And Lhe bedroom so cozy wlLh llLLle
cupboards and a dresslng Lable and a chesL of drawers
where her new cloLhes would go, and a carpeL from
one wall Lo Lhe oLher, and preLLy curLalns covered ln
sLars and moons and planeLs! Lyra lay sLlffly, Loo Llred
Lo sleep, Loo enchanLed Lo quesLlon anyLhlng.
When Mrs. CoulLer had wlshed her a sofL goodnlghL
and gone ouL, anLalalmon plucked aL her halr. She
brushed hlm away, buL he whlspered, Where's Lhe
She knew aL once whaL he meanL. Per old shabby
overcoaL hung ln Lhe wardrobe, a few seconds laLer,
she was back ln bed, slLLlng up cross-legged ln Lhe
lampllghL, wlLh anLalalmon waLchlng closely as she
unfolded Lhe black velveL and looked aL whaL lL was
Lhe MasLer had glven her.
WhaL dld he call lL?" she whlspered.
An aleLhlomeLer."
1here was no polnL ln asklng whaL LhaL meanL. lL lay
heavlly ln her hands, Lhe crysLal face gleamlng, Lhe
golden body exqulslLely machlned. lL was very llke a
clock, or a compass, for Lhere were hands polnLlng Lo
places around Lhe dlal, buL lnsLead of Lhe hours or Lhe
polnLs of Lhe compass Lhere were several llLLle
plcLures, each of Lhem palnLed wlLh exLraordlnary
preclslon, as lf on lvory wlLh Lhe flnesL and slenderesL
sable brush. She Lurned Lhe dlal around Lo look aL
Lhem all. 1here was an anchor, an hourglass
surmounLed by a skull, a chameleon, a bull, a
beehlve...1hlrLy-slx alLogeLher, and she couldn'L even
guess whaL Lhey meanL.
1here's a wheel, look," sald anLalalmon. See lf you
can wlnd lL up."
1here were Lhree llLLle knurled wlndlng wheels, ln facL,
and each of Lhem Lurned one of Lhe Lhree shorLer
hands, whlch moved around Lhe dlal ln a serles of
smooLh saLlsfylng cllcks. ?ou could arrange Lhem Lo
polnL aL any of Lhe plcLures, and once Lhey had cllcked
lnLo poslLlon, polnLlng exacLly aL Lhe cenLer of each
one, Lhey would noL move.
age 30

1he fourLh hand was longer and more slender, and
seemed Lo be made of a duller meLal Lhan Lhe oLher
Lhree. Lyra couldn'L conLrol lLs movemenL aL all, lL
swung where lL wanLed Lo, llke a compass needle,
excepL LhaL lL dldn'L seLLle.
MeLer means measure," sald anLalalmon. Llke
LhermomeLer. 1he Chaplaln Lold us LhaL."
?es, buL LhaL's Lhe easy blL," she whlspered back.
WhaL d'you Lhlnk lL's for?"
nelLher of Lhem could guess. Lyra spenL a long Llme
Lurnlng Lhe hands Lo polnL aL one symbol or anoLher
(angel, helmeL, dolphln, globe, luLe, compasses,
candle, LhunderbolL, horse) and waLchlng Lhe long
needle swlng on lLs never-ceaslng erranL way, and
alLhough she undersLood noLhlng, she was lnLrlgued
and dellghLed by Lhe complexlLy and Lhe deLall.
anLalalmon became a mouse Lo geL closer Lo lL, and
resLed hls Llny paws on Lhe edge, hls buLLon eyes
brlghL black wlLh curloslLy as he waLched Lhe needle
WhaL do you Lhlnk Lhe MasLer meanL abouL uncle
Asrlel?" she sald.
erhaps we've goL Lo keep lL safe and glve lL Lo hlm."
8uL Lhe MasLer was golng Lo polson hlm! erhaps lL's
Lhe opposlLe. erhaps he was golng Lo say don'L glve lL
Lo hlm."
no," anLalalmon sald, lL was her we had Lo keep lL
safe from-"
1here was a sofL knock on Lhe door.
Mrs. CoulLer sald, Lyra, l should puL Lhe llghL ouL lf l
were you. ?ou're Llred, and we'll be busy Lomorrow."
Lyra had LhrusL Lhe aleLhlomeLer swlfLly under Lhe
blankeLs. All rlghL, Mrs. CoulLer," she sald.
CoodnlghL now."
She snuggled down and swlLched off Lhe llghL. 8efore
she fell asleep, she Lucked Lhe aleLhlomeLer under Lhe
plllow, [usL ln case.
llve 1PL CCCk1AlL A81?
age 31

ln Lhe days LhaL followed, Lyra wenL everywhere wlLh
Mrs. CoulLer, almosL as lf she were a daemon herself.
Mrs. CoulLer knew a greaL many people, and Lhey meL
ln all klnds of dlfferenL places: ln Lhe mornlng Lhere
mlghL be a meeLlng of geographers aL Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc
lnsLlLuLe, and Lyra would slL by and llsLen, and Lhen
Mrs. CoulLer mlghL meeL a pollLlclan or a clerlc for
lunch ln a smarL resLauranL, and Lhey would be very
Laken wlLh Lyra and order speclal dlshes for her, and
she would learn how Lo eaL asparagus or whaL
sweeLbreads LasLed llke. And Lhen ln Lhe afLernoon
Lhere mlghL be more shopplng, for Mrs. CoulLer was
preparlng her expedlLlon, and Lhere were furs and
ollsklns and waLerproof booLs Lo buy, as well as
sleeplng bags and knlves and drawlng lnsLrumenLs LhaL
dellghLed Lyra's hearL. AfLer LhaL Lhey mlghL go Lo Lea
and meeL some ladles, as well dressed as Mrs. CoulLer
lf noL so beauLlful or accompllshed: women so unllke
female Scholars or gypLlan boaL moLhers or college
servanLs as almosL Lo be a new sex alLogeLher, one
wlLh dangerous powers and quallLles such as elegance,
charm, and grace. Lyra would be dressed up preLLlly
for Lhese occaslons, and Lhe ladles would pamper her
and lnclude her ln Lhelr graceful dellcaLe Lalk, whlch
was all abouL people: Lhls arLlsL, or LhaL pollLlclan, or
Lhose lovers.
And when Lhe evenlng came, Mrs. CoulLer mlghL Lake
Lyra Lo Lhe LheaLer, and agaln Lhere would be loLs of
glamorous people Lo Lalk Lo and be admlred by, for lL
seemed LhaL Mrs. CoulLer knew everyone lmporLanL ln
ln Lhe lnLervals beLween all Lhese oLher acLlvlLles Mrs.
CoulLer would Leach her Lhe rudlmenLs of geography
and maLhemaLlcs. Lyra's knowledge had greaL gaps ln
lL, llke a map of Lhe world largely eaLen by mlce, for aL
!ordan Lhey had LaughL her ln a plecemeal and
dlsconnecLed way: a [unlor Scholar would be deLalled
Lo caLch her and lnsLrucL her ln such-and-such, and Lhe
lessons would conLlnue for a sullen week or so unLll
she forgoL" Lo Lurn up, Lo Lhe Scholar's rellef. Cr else
a Scholar would forgeL whaL he was supposed Lo Leach
her, and drlll her aL greaL lengLh abouL Lhe sub[ecL of
hls currenL research, whaLever LhaL happened Lo be. lL
was no wonder her knowledge was paLchy. She knew
abouL aLoms and elemenLary parLlcles, and
anbaromagneLlc charges and Lhe four fundamenLal
forces and oLher blLs and pleces of experlmenLal
Lheology, buL noLhlng abouL Lhe solar sysLem. ln facL,
when Mrs. CoulLer reallzed Lhls and explalned how Lhe
earLh and Lhe oLher flve planeLs revolved around Lhe
sun, Lyra laughed loudly aL Lhe [oke.
Powever, she was keen Lo show LhaL she dld know
some Lhlngs, and when Mrs. CoulLer was Lelllng her
abouL elecLrons, she sald experLly, ?es, Lhey're
negaLlvely charged parLlcles. SorL of llke uusL, excepL
LhaL uusL lsn'L charged."
As soon as she sald LhaL, Mrs. CoulLer's daemon
snapped hls head up Lo look aL her, and all Lhe golden
fur on hls llLLle body sLood up, brlsLllng, as lf lL were
charged lLself. Mrs. CoulLer lald a hand on hls back.
uusL?" she sald.
?eah. ?ou know, from space, LhaL uusL." WhaL do
you know abouL uusL, Lyra?"
Ch, LhaL lL comes ouL of space, and lL llghLs people up,
lf you have a speclal sorL of camera Lo see lL by. LxcepL
noL chlldren. lL doesn'L affecL chlldren."
age 32

Where dld you learn LhaL from?"
8y now Lyra was aware LhaL Lhere was a powerful
Lenslon ln Lhe room, because anLalalmon had crepL
ermlne-llke onLo her lap and was Lrembllng vlolenLly.
!usL someone ln !ordan," Lyra sald vaguely. l forgeL
who. l Lhlnk lL was one of Lhe Scholars."
Was lL ln one of your lessons?"
?es, lL mlghL have been. Cr else lL mlghL've been [usL
ln passlng. ?es. l Lhlnk LhaL was lL. 1hls Scholar, l Lhlnk
he was from new uenmark, he was Lalklng Lo Lhe
Chaplaln abouL uusL and l was [usL passlng and lL
sounded lnLeresLlng so l couldn'L help sLopplng Lo
llsLen. 1haL's whaL lL was."
l see," sald Mrs. CoulLer.
ls lL rlghL, whaL he Lold me? uld l geL lL wrong?"
Well, l don'L know. l'm sure you know much more
Lhan l do. LeL's geL back Lo Lhose elecLrons...."
LaLer, anLalalmon sald, ?ou know when all Lhe fur
sLood up on her daemon? Well, l was behlnd hlm, and
she grabbed hls fur so LlghL her knuckles wenL whlLe.
?ou couldn'L see. lL was a long Llme Llll hls fur wenL
down. l LhoughL he was golng Lo leap aL you."
1haL was sLrange, no doubL, buL nelLher of Lhem knew
whaL Lo make of lL.
And flnally, Lhere were oLher klnds of lessons so genLly
and subLly glven LhaL Lhey dldn'L feel llke lessons aL all.
Pow Lo wash one's own halr, how Lo [udge whlch
colors sulLed one, how Lo say no ln such a charmlng
way LhaL no offense was glven, how Lo puL on llpsLlck,
powder, scenL. 1o be sure, Mrs. CoulLer dldn'L Leach
Lyra Lhe laLLer arLs dlrecLly, buL she knew Lyra was
waLchlng when she made herself up, and she Look care
Lo leL Lyra see where she kepL Lhe cosmeLlcs, and Lo
allow her Llme on her own Lo explore and Lry Lhem ouL
for herself.
1lme passed, and auLumn began Lo change lnLo wlnLer.
lrom Llme Lo Llme Lyra LhoughL of !ordan College, buL
lL seemed small and quleL compared Lo Lhe busy llfe
she led now. Lvery so ofLen she LhoughL of 8oger, Loo,
and felL uneasy, buL Lhere was an opera Lo go Lo, or a
new dress Lo wear, or Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc lnsLlLuLe Lo vlslL,
and Lhen she forgoL hlm agaln.
When Lyra had been llvlng Lhere for slx weeks or so,
Mrs. CoulLer declded Lo hold a cockLall parLy. Lyra had
Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lhere was someLhlng Lo celebraLe,
Lhough Mrs. CoulLer never sald whaL lL was. She
ordered flowers, she dlscussed canapes and drlnks
wlLh Lhe caLerer, and she spenL a whole evenlng wlLh
Lyra decldlng whom Lo lnvlLe.
We musL have Lhe archblshop. l couldn'L afford Lo
leave hlm ouL, Lhough he's Lhe mosL haLeful old snob.
Lord 8oreal ls ln Lown: he'll be fun. And Lhe rlncess
osLnlkova. uo you Lhlnk lL would be rlghL Lo lnvlLe
age 33

Lrlk Andersson? l wonder lf lL's abouL Llme Lo Lake hlm
Lrlk Andersson was Lhe laLesL fashlonable dancer. Lyra
had no ldea whaL Lake hlm up" meanL, buL she
en[oyed glvlng her oplnlon noneLheless. She duLlfully
wroLe down all Lhe names Mrs. CoulLer suggesLed,
spelllng Lhem aLroclously and Lhen crosslng Lhem ouL
when Mrs. CoulLer declded agalnsL Lhem afLer all.
When Lyra wenL Lo bed, anLalalmon whlspered from
Lhe plllow:
She's never golng Lo Lhe norLh! She's golng Lo keep us
here forever. When are we golng Lo run away?"
She ls," Lyra whlspered back. ?ou [usL don'L llke her.
Well, LhaL's hard luck. l llke her. And why would she be
Leachlng us navlgaLlon and all LhaL lf she wasn'L golng
Lo Lake us norLh?"
1o sLop you geLLlng lmpaLlenL, LhaL's why. ?ou don'L
really wanL Lo sLand around aL Lhe cockLall parLy belng
all sweeL and preLLy. She's [usL maklng a peL ouL of
Lyra Lurned her back and closed her eyes. 8uL whaL
anLalalmon sald was Lrue. She had been feellng
conflned and cramped by Lhls pollLe llfe, however
luxurlous lL was. She would have glven anyLhlng for a
day wlLh 8oger and her Cxford ragamuffln frlends,
wlLh a baLLle ln Lhe claybeds and a race along Lhe
canal. 1he one Lhlng LhaL kepL her pollLe and aLLenLlve
Lo Mrs. CoulLer was LhaL LanLallzlng hope of golng
norLh. erhaps Lhey would meeL Lord Asrlel. erhaps
he and Mrs. CoulLer would fall ln love, and Lhey would
geL marrled and adopL Lyra, and go and rescue 8oger
from Lhe Cobblers.
Cn Lhe afLernoon of Lhe cockLall parLy, Mrs. CoulLer
Look Lyra Lo a fashlonable halrdresser's, where her sLlff
dark blond halr was sofLened and waved, and her nalls
were flled and pollshed, and where Lhey even applled
a llLLle makeup Lo her eyes and llps Lo show her how Lo
do lL. 1hen Lhey wenL Lo collecL Lhe new dress Mrs.
CoulLer had ordered for her, and Lo buy some paLenL-
leaLher shoes, and Lhen lL was Llme Lo go back Lo Lhe
flaL and check Lhe flowers and geL dressed.
noL Lhe shoulder bag, dear," sald Mrs. CoulLer as Lyra
came ouL of her bedroom, glowlng wlLh a sense of her
own preLLlness.
Lyra had Laken Lo wearlng a llLLle whlLe leaLher
shoulder bag everywhere, so as Lo keep Lhe
aleLhlomeLer close aL hand. Mrs. CoulLer, loosenlng
Lhe cramped way some roses had been bunched lnLo a
vase, saw LhaL Lyra wasn'L movlng and glanced
polnLedly aL Lhe door.
Ch, please, Mrs. CoulLer, l do love Lhls bag!"
noL lndoors, Lyra. lL looks absurd Lo be carrylng a
shoulder bag ln your own home. 1ake lL off aL once,
and come and help check Lhese glasses...."
lL wasn'L so much her snapplsh Lone as Lhe words ln
your own home" LhaL made Lyra reslsL sLubbornly.
anLalalmon flew Lo Lhe floor and lnsLanLly became a
polecaL, archlng hls back agalnsL her llLLle whlLe ankle
socks. Lncouraged by Lhls, Lyra sald:
8uL lL won'L be ln Lhe way. And lL's Lhe only Lhlng l
really llke wearlng. l Lhlnk lL really sulLs-"
She dldn'L flnlsh Lhe senLence, because Mrs. CoulLer's
daemon sprang off Lhe sofa ln a blur of golden fur and
plnned anLalalmon Lo Lhe carpeL before he could
move. Lyra crled ouL ln alarm, and Lhen ln fear and
paln, as anLalalmon LwlsLed Lhls way and LhaL,
shrleklng and snarllng, unable Lo loosen Lhe golden
monkey's grlp. Cnly a few seconds, and Lhe monkey
had overmasLered hlm: wlLh one flerce black paw
age 34

around hls LhroaL and hls black paws grlpplng Lhe
polecaL's lower llmbs, he Look one of anLalalmon's
ears ln hls oLher paw and pulled as lf he lnLended Lo
Lear lL off. noL angrlly, elLher, buL wlLh a cold curlous
force LhaL was horrlfylng Lo see and even worse Lo
Lyra sobbed ln Lerror.
uon'L! lease! SLop hurLlng us!"
Mrs. CoulLer looked up from her flowers.
uo as l Lell you, Lhen," she sald.
l promlse!"
1he golden monkey sLepped away from anLalalmon
as lf he were suddenly bored. anLalalmon fled Lo Lyra
aL once, and she scooped hlm up Lo her face Lo klss
and genLle.
now, Lyra," sald Mrs. CoulLer.
Lyra Lurned her back abrupLly and slammed lnLo her
bedroom, buL no sooner had she banged Lhe door shuL
behlnd her Lhan lL opened agaln. Mrs. CoulLer was
sLandlng Lhere only a fooL or Lwo away.
Lyra, lf you behave ln Lhls coarse and vulgar way, we
shall have a confronLaLlon, whlch l wlll wln. 1ake off
LhaL bag Lhls lnsLanL. ConLrol LhaL unpleasanL frown.
never slam a door agaln ln my hearlng or ouL of lL.
now, Lhe flrsL guesLs wlll be arrlvlng ln a few mlnuLes,
and Lhey are golng Lo flnd you perfecLly behaved,
sweeL, charmlng, lnnocenL, aLLenLlve, dellghLful ln
every way. l parLlcularly wlsh for LhaL, Lyra, do you
undersLand me?"
?es, Mrs. CoulLer."
1hen klss me."
She benL a llLLle and offered her cheek. Lyra had Lo
sLand on LlpLoe Lo klss lL. She noLlced how smooLh lL
was, and Lhe sllghL perplexlng smell of Mrs. CoulLer's
flesh: scenLed, buL somehow meLalllc. She drew away
and lald Lhe shoulder bag on her dresslng Lable before
followlng Mrs. CoulLer back Lo Lhe drawlng room.
WhaL do you Lhlnk of Lhe flowers, dear?" sald Mrs.
CoulLer as sweeLly as lf noLhlng had happened. l
suppose one can'L go wrong wlLh roses, buL you can
have Loo much of a good Lhlng....Pave Lhe caLerers
broughL enough lce? 8e a dear and go and ask. Warm
drlnks are horrld..."
Lyra found lL was qulLe easy Lo preLend Lo be
llghLhearLed and charmlng, Lhough she was consclous
every second of anLalalmon's dlsgusL, and of hls
haLred for Lhe golden monkey. resenLly Lhe doorbell
rang, and soon Lhe room was fllllng up wlLh
fashlonably dressed ladles and handsome or
dlsLlngulshed men. Lyra moved among Lhem offerlng
canapes or smlllng sweeLly and maklng preLLy answers
when Lhey spoke Lo her. She felL llke a unlversal peL,
and Lhe second she volced LhaL LhoughL Lo herself,
anLalalmon sLreLched hls goldflnch wlngs and
chlrruped loudly.
She sensed hls glee aL havlng proved her rlghL, and
became a llLLle more reLlrlng.
And where do you go Lo school, my dear?" sald an
elderly lady, lnspecLlng Lyra Lhrough a lorgneLLe.
age 33

l don'L go Lo school," Lyra Lold her.
8eally? l LhoughL your moLher would have senL you Lo
her old school. A very good place..."
Lyra was mysLlfled unLll she reallzed Lhe old lady's
Ch! She's noL my moLher! l'm [usL here helplng her.
l'm her personal asslsLanL," she sald lmporLanLly.
l see. And who are your people?"
Agaln Lyra had Lo wonder whaL she meanL before
1hey were a counL and counLess," she sald. 1hey
boLh dled ln an aeronauLlcal accldenL ln Lhe norLh."
Whlch counL?"
CounL 8elacqua. Pe was Lord Asrlel's broLher."
1he old lady's daemon, a scarleL macaw, shlfLed as lf ln
lrrlLaLlon from one fooL Lo anoLher. 1he old lady was
beglnnlng Lo frown wlLh curloslLy, so Lyra smlled
sweeLly and moved on.
She was golng pasL a group of men and one young
woman near Lhe large sofa when she heard Lhe word
uusL. She had seen enough of socleLy now Lo
undersLand when men and women were fllrLlng, and
she waLched Lhe process wlLh fasclnaLlon, Lhough she
was more fasclnaLed by Lhe menLlon of uusL, and she
hung back Lo llsLen. 1he men seemed Lo be Scholars,
from Lhe way Lhe young woman was quesLlonlng
Lhem, Lyra Look her Lo be a sLudenL of some klnd.
lL was dlscovered by a MuscovlLe-sLop me lf you
know Lhls already-" a mlddle-aged man was saylng,
as Lhe young woman gazed aL hlm ln admlraLlon, a
man called 8usakov, and Lhey're usually called 8usakov
arLlcles afLer hlm. LlemenLary parLlcles LhaL don'L
lnLeracL ln any way wlLh oLhers-very hard Lo deLecL,
buL Lhe exLraordlnary Lhlng ls LhaL Lhey seem Lo be
aLLracLed Lo human belngs."
8eally?" sald Lhe young woman, wlde-eyed.
And even more exLraordlnary," he wenL on, some
human belngs more Lhan oLhers. AdulLs aLLracL lL, buL
noL chlldren. AL leasL, noL much, and noL unLll
adolescence. ln facL, LhaL's Lhe very reason-" Pls
volce dropped, and he moved closer Lo Lhe young
woman, puLLlng hls hand confldenLlally on her
shoulder. -LhaL's Lhe very reason Lhe CblaLlon 8oard
was seL up. As our good hosLess here could Lell you."
8eally? ls she lnvolved wlLh Lhe CblaLlon 8oard?"
My dear, she ls Lhe CblaLlon 8oard. lL's enLlrely her
own pro[ecL-"
1he man was abouL Lo Lell her more when he caughL
slghL of Lyra. She sLared back aL hlm unbllnklngly, and
perhaps he had had a llLLle Loo much Lo drlnk, or
perhaps he was keen Lo lmpress Lhe young woman, for
he sald:
1hls llLLle lady knows all abouL lL, l'll be bound. ?ou're
safe from Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, aren'L you, my dear?"
age 36

Ch, yes," sald Lyra. l'm safe from everyone here.
Where l used Lo llve, ln Cxford, Lhere was all klnds of
dangerous Lhlngs. 1here was gypLlans-Lhey Lake klds
and sell 'em Lo Lhe 1urks for slaves. And on orL
Meadow aL Lhe full moon Lhere's a werewolf LhaL
comes ouL from Lhe old nunnery aL CodsLow. l heard
hlm howllng once. And Lhere's Lhe Cobblers...."
1haL's whaL l mean," Lhe man sald. 1haL's whaL Lhey
call Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, don'L Lhey?"
Lyra felL anLalalmon Lremble suddenly, buL he was on
hls besL behavlor. 1he daemons of Lhe Lwo grownups,
a caL and a buLLerfly, dldn'L seem Lo noLlce.
Cobblers?" sald Lhe young woman. WhaL a pecullar
name! Why do Lhey call Lhem Cobblers?"
Lyra was abouL Lo Lell her one of Lhe bloodcurdllng
sLorles she'd made up Lo frlghLen Lhe Cxford klds wlLh,
buL Lhe man was already speaklng.
lrom Lhe lnlLlals, d'you see? Ceneral CblaLlon 8oard.
very old ldea, as a maLLer of facL. ln Lhe Mlddle Ages,
parenLs would glve Lhelr chlldren Lo Lhe church Lo be
monks or nuns. And Lhe unforLunaLe braLs were known
as oblaLes. Means a sacrlflce, an offerlng, someLhlng of
LhaL sorL. So Lhe same ldea was Laken up when Lhey
were looklng lnLo Lhe uusL buslness....As our llLLle
frlend probably knows. Why don'L you go and Lalk Lo
Lord 8oreal?" he added Lo Lyra dlrecLly. l'm sure he'd
llke Lo meeL Mrs. CoulLer's proLegee....1haL's hlm, Lhe
man wlLh gray halr and Lhe serpenL daemon."
Pe wanLed Lo geL rld of Lyra so LhaL he could Lalk more
prlvaLely wlLh Lhe young woman, Lyra could Lell LhaL
easlly. 8uL Lhe young woman, lL seemed, was sLlll
lnLeresLed ln Lyra, and sllpped away from Lhe man Lo
Lalk Lo her.
SLop a mlnuLe....WhaL's your name?"
l'm Adele SLarmlnsLer. l'm a [ournallsL. Could l have a
quleL word?"
1hlnklng lL only naLural LhaL people should wlsh Lo Lalk
Lo her, Lyra sald slmply, ?es."
1he woman's buLLerfly daemon rose lnLo Lhe alr,
casLlng abouL Lo lefL and rlghL, and fluLLered down Lo
whlsper someLhlng, aL whlch Adele SLarmlnsLer sald,
Come Lo Lhe wlndow seaL."
1hls was a favorlLe spoL of Lyra's, lL overlooked Lhe
rlver, and aL Lhls Llme of nlghL, Lhe llghLs across on Lhe
souLh bank were gllLLerlng brllllanLly over Lhelr
reflecLlons ln Lhe black waLer of Lhe hlgh Llde. A llne of
barges hauled by a Lug moved uprlver. Adele
SLarmlnsLer saL down and moved along Lhe cushloned
seaL Lo make room.
uld rofessor uocker say LhaL you had some
connecLlon wlLh Mrs. CoulLer?" ?es."
WhaL ls lL? ?ou're noL her daughLer, by any chance? l
suppose l should know-" no!" sald Lyra. 'Course
noL. l'm her personal asslsLanL."
Per personal asslsLanL? ?ou're a blL young, aren'L
you? l LhoughL you were relaLed Lo her or someLhlng.
age 37

WhaL's she llke?"
She's very clever," sald Lyra. 8efore Lhls evenlng she
would have sald much more, buL Lhlngs were changlng.
?es, buL personally," Adele SLarmlnsLer lnslsLed. l
mean, ls she frlendly or lmpaLlenL or whaL? uo you llve
here wlLh her? WhaL's she llke ln prlvaLe?"
She's very nlce," sald Lyra sLolldly.
WhaL sorL of Lhlngs do you do? Pow do you help
l do calculaLlons and all LhaL. Llke for navlgaLlon."
Ah, l see....And where do you come from? WhaL was
your name agaln?" Lyra. l come from Cxford."
Why dld Mrs. CoulLer plck you Lo-"
She sLopped very suddenly, because Mrs. CoulLer
herself had appeared close by. lrom Lhe way Adele
SLarmlnsLer looked up aL her, and Lhe aglLaLed way her
daemon was fluLLerlng around her head, Lyra could Lell
LhaL Lhe young woman wasn'L supposed Lo be aL Lhe
parLy aL all.
l don'L know your name," sald Mrs. CoulLer very
quleLly, buL l shall flnd lL ouL wlLhln flve mlnuLes, and
Lhen you wlll never work as a [ournallsL agaln. now geL
up very quleLly, wlLhouL maklng a fuss, and leave. l
mlghL add LhaL whoever broughL you here wlll also
Mrs. CoulLer seemed Lo be charged wlLh some klnd of
anbarlc force. She even smelled dlfferenL: a hoL smell,
llke heaLed meLal, came off her body. Lyra had felL
someLhlng of lL earller, buL now she was seelng lL
dlrecLed aL someone else, and poor Adele SLarmlnsLer
had no force Lo reslsL. Per daemon fell llmp on her
shoulder and flapped hls gorgeous wlngs once or Lwlce
before falnLlng, and Lhe woman herself seemed Lo be
unable Lo sLand fully uprlghL. Movlng ln a sllghL
awkward crouch, she made her way Lhrough Lhe press
of loudly Lalklng guesLs and ouL of Lhe drawlng room
door. She had one hand cluLched Lo her shoulder,
holdlng Lhe swoonlng daemon ln place.
Well?" sald Mrs. CoulLer Lo Lyra.
l never Lold her anyLhlng lmporLanL," Lyra sald.
WhaL was she asklng?"
!usL abouL whaL l was dolng and who l was, and sLuff
llke LhaL."
As she sald LhaL, Lyra noLlced LhaL Mrs. CoulLer was
alone, wlLhouL her daemon. Pow could LhaL be? 8uL a
momenL laLer Lhe golden monkey appeared aL her
slde, and, reachlng down, she Look hls hand and swung
hlm up llghLly Lo her shoulder. AL once she seemed aL
ease agaln.
lf you come across anyone else who obvlously hasn'L
been lnvlLed, dear, do come and flnd me, won'L you?"
age 38

1he hoL meLalllc smell was vanlshlng. erhaps Lyra had
only lmaglned lL. She could smell Mrs. CoulLer's scenL
agaln, and Lhe roses, and Lhe clgarlllo smoke, and Lhe
scenL of oLher women. Mrs. CoulLer smlled aL Lyra ln a
way LhaL seemed Lo say, ?ou and l undersLand Lhese
Lhlngs, don'L we?" and moved on Lo greeL some oLher
anLalalmon was whlsperlng ln Lyra's ear.
Whlle she was here, her daemon was comlng ouL of
our bedroom. Pe's been spylng. Pe knows abouL Lhe
Lyra felL LhaL LhaL was probably Lrue, buL Lhere was
noLhlng she could do abouL lL. WhaL had LhaL professor
been saylng abouL Lhe Cobblers? She looked around Lo
flnd hlm agaln, buL no sooner had she seen hlm Lhan
Lhe commlsslonalre (ln servanL's dress for Lhe evenlng)
and anoLher man Lapped Lhe professor on Lhe
shoulder and spoke quleLly Lo hlm, aL whlch he Lurned
pale and followed Lhem ouL. 1haL Look no more Lhan a
couple of seconds, and lL was so dlscreeLly done LhaL
hardly anyone noLlced. 8uL lL lefL Lyra feellng anxlous
and exposed.
She wandered Lhrough Lhe Lwo blg rooms where Lhe
parLy was Laklng place, half-llsLenlng Lo Lhe
conversaLlons around her, half-lnLeresLed ln Lhe LasLe
of Lhe cockLalls she wasn'L allowed Lo Lry, and
lncreaslngly freLful. She wasn'L aware LhaL anyone was
waLchlng her unLll Lhe commlsslonalre appeared aL her
slde and benL Lo say:
Mlss Lyra, Lhe genLleman by Lhe flreplace would llke
Lo speak Lo you. Pe's Lord 8oreal, lf you dldn'L know."
Lyra looked up across Lhe room. 1he powerful-looklng
gray-halred man was looklng dlrecLly aL her, and as
Lhelr eyes meL, he nodded and beckoned.
unwllllng, buL more lnLeresLed now, she wenL across.
Cood evenlng, chlld," he sald. Pls volce was smooLh
and commandlng. Pls serpenL daemon's malled head
and emerald eyes gllLLered ln Lhe llghL from Lhe cuL-
glass lamp on Lhe wall nearby.
Cood evenlng," sald Lyra.
Pow ls my old frlend Lhe MasLer of !ordan?"
very well, Lhank you."
l expecL Lhey were all sorry Lo say goodbye Lo you."
?es, Lhey were."
And ls Mrs. CoulLer keeplng you busy? WhaL ls she
Leachlng you?"
8ecause Lyra was feellng rebelllous and uneasy, she
dldn'L answer Lhls paLronlzlng quesLlon wlLh Lhe LruLh,
or wlLh one of her usual fllghLs of fancy. lnsLead she
sald, l'm learnlng abouL 8usakov arLlcles, and abouL
Lhe CblaLlon 8oard."
Pe seemed Lo become focused aL once, ln Lhe same
way LhaL you could focus Lhe beam of an anbarlc
lanLern. All hls aLLenLlon sLreamed aL her flercely.
age 39

Suppose you Lell me whaL you know," he sald.
1hey're dolng experlmenLs ln Lhe norLh," Lyra sald.
She was feellng reckless now. Llke ur. Crumman."
Co on."
1hey've goL Lhls speclal klnd of phoLogram where you
can see uusL, and when you see a man, Lhere's llke all
llghL comlng Lo hlm, and Lhere's none on a chlld. AL
leasL, noL so much."
uld Mrs. CoulLer show you a plcLure llke LhaL?"
Lyra heslLaLed, for Lhls was noL lylng buL someLhlng
else, and she wasn'L pracLlced aL lL.
no," she sald afLer a momenL. l saw LhaL one aL
!ordan College."
Who showed lL Lo you?"
Pe wasn'L really showlng lL Lo me," Lyra admlLLed. l
was [usL passlng and l saw lL. And Lhen my frlend 8oger
was Laken by Lhe CblaLlon 8oard. 8uL-"
Who showed you LhaL plcLure?"
My uncle Asrlel."
When he was ln !ordan College lasL Llme."
l see. And whaL else have you been learnlng abouL?
uld l hear you menLlon Lhe CblaLlon 8oard?" ?es. 8uL
l dldn'L hear abouL LhaL from hlm, l heard lL here."
Whlch was exacLly Lrue, she LhoughL.
Pe was looklng aL her narrowly. She gazed back wlLh
all Lhe lnnocence she had. llnally he nodded.
1hen Mrs. CoulLer musL have declded you were ready
Lo help her ln LhaL work. lnLeresLlng. Pave you Laken
parL yeL?"
no," sald Lyra. WhaL was he Lalklng abouL?
anLalalmon was cleverly ln hls mosL lnexpresslve
shape, a moLh, and couldn'L beLray her feellngs, and
she was sure she could keep her own face lnnocenL.
And has she Lold you whaL happens Lo Lhe chlldren?"
no, she hasn'L Lold me LhaL. l only [usL know LhaL lL's
abouL uusL, and Lhey're llke a klnd of sacrlflce." Agaln,
LhaL wasn'L exacLly a lle, she LhoughL, she had never
sald LhaL Mrs. CoulLer herself had Lold her. Sacrlflce ls
raLher a dramaLlc way of puLLlng lL. WhaL's done ls for
Lhelr good as well as ours. And of
age 60

course Lhey all come Lo Mrs. CoulLer wllllngly. 1haL's
why she's so valuable. 1hey musL wanL Lo Lake parL,
and whaL chlld could reslsL her? And lf she's golng Lo
use you as well Lo brlng Lhem ln, so much Lhe beLLer.
l'm very pleased."
Pe smlled aL her ln Lhe way Mrs. CoulLer had: as lf Lhey
were boLh ln on a secreL. She smlled pollLely back and
he Lurned away Lo Lalk Lo someone else.
She and anLalalmon could sense each oLher's horror.
She wanLed Lo go away by herself and Lalk Lo hlm, she
wanLed Lo leave Lhe flaL, she wanLed Lo go back Lo
!ordan College and her llLLle shabby bedroom on
SLalrcase 1welve, she wanLed Lo flnd Lord Asrlel-
And as lf ln answer Lo LhaL lasL wlsh, she heard hls
name menLloned, and wandered closer Lo Lhe group
Lalklng nearby wlLh Lhe preLexL of helplng herself Lo a
canape from Lhe plaLe on Lhe Lable. A man ln a
blshop's purple was saylng:, l don'L Lhlnk Lord Asrlel wlll be Lroubllng us for
qulLe some Llme."
And where dld you say he was belng held?"
ln Lhe forLress of Svalbard, l'm Lold. Cuarded by
panser-b[0rne-you know, armored bears. lormldable
creaLures! Pe won'L escape from Lhem lf he llves Lo be
a Lhousand. 1he facL ls LhaL l really Lhlnk Lhe way ls
clear, very nearly clear-"
1he lasL experlmenLs have conflrmed whaL l always
belleved-LhaL uusL ls an emanaLlon from Lhe dark
prlnclple lLself, and-"
uo l deLecL Lhe ZoroasLrlan heresy?"
WhaL used Lo be a heresy-"
And lf we could lsolaLe Lhe dark prlnclple-"
Svalbard, dld you say?"
Armored bears-"
1he CblaLlon 8oard-"
1he chlldren don'L suffer, l'm sure of lL-"
Lord Asrlel lmprlsoned-"
Lyra had heard enough. She Lurned away, and movlng
as quleLly as Lhe moLh anLalalmon, she wenL lnLo her
bedroom and closed Lhe door. 1he nolse of Lhe parLy
was muffled aL once.
Well?" she whlspered, and he became a goldflnch on
her shoulder.
Are we golng Lo run away?" he whlspered back.
'Course. lf we do lL now wlLh all Lhese people abouL,
she mlghL noL noLlce for a whlle."
age 61

Pe wlll."
anLalalmon meanL Mrs. CoulLer's daemon. When Lyra
LhoughL of hls llLhe golden shape, she felL lll wlLh fear.
l'll flghL hlm Lhls Llme," anLalalmon sald boldly. l can
change and he can'L. l'll change so qulckly he won'L be
able Lo keep hold. 1hls Llme l'll wln, you'll see."
Lyra nodded dlsLracLedly. WhaL should she wear? Pow
could she geL ouL wlLhouL belng seen?
?ou'll have Lo go and spy," she whlspered. As soon
as lL's clear, we'll have Lo run. 8e a moLh," she added.
8emember, Lhe second Lhere's no one looklng..."
She opened Lhe door a crack and he crawled ouL, dark
agalnsL Lhe warm plnk llghL ln Lhe corrldor.
Meanwhlle, she hasLlly flung on Lhe warmesL cloLhes
she had and sLuffed some more lnLo one of Lhe coal-
sllk bags from Lhe fashlonable shop Lhey'd vlslLed LhaL
very afLernoon. Mrs. CoulLer had glven her money llke
sweeLs, and alLhough she had spenL lL lavlshly, Lhere
were sLlll several soverelgns lefL, whlch she puL ln Lhe
pockeL of Lhe dark wolfskln coaL before LlpLoelng Lo
Lhe door.
LasL of all she packed Lhe aleLhlomeLer ln lLs black
velveL cloLh. Pad LhaL abomlnable monkey found lL?
Pe musL have done, he musL have Lold her, oh, lf she'd
only hldden lL beLLer!
She LlpLoed Lo Lhe door. Per room opened lnLo Lhe end
of Lhe corrldor nearesL Lhe hall, lucklly, and mosL of
Lhe guesLs were ln Lhe Lwo blg rooms furLher along.
1here was Lhe sound of volces Lalklng loudly, laughLer,
Lhe quleL flushlng of a lavaLory, Lhe Llnkle of glasses,
and Lhen a Llny moLh volce aL her ear sald:
now! Culck!"
She sllpped Lhrough Lhe door and lnLo Lhe hall, and ln
less Lhan Lhree seconds she was openlng Lhe fronL
door of Lhe flaL. A momenL afLer LhaL she was Lhrough
and pulllng lL quleLly shuL, and wlLh anLalalmon a
goldflnch agaln, she ran for Lhe sLalrs and fled.
1PL 1P8CWlnC nL1S
age 62

She walked qulckly away from Lhe rlver, because Lhe
embankmenL was wlde and well llL. 1here was a Langle
of narrow sLreeLs beLween Lhere and Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc
lnsLlLuLe, whlch was Lhe only place Lyra was sure of
belng able Lo flnd, and lnLo LhaL dark maze she hurrled
lf only she knew London as well as she knew Cxford!
1hen she would have known whlch sLreeLs Lo avold, or
where she could scrounge some food, or, besL of all,
whlch doors Lo knock on and flnd shelLer. ln LhaL cold
nlghL, Lhe dark alleys all around were allve wlLh
movemenL and secreL llfe, and she knew none of lL.
anLalalmon became a wlldcaL and scanned Lhe dark
all around wlLh hls nlghL-plerclng eyes. Lvery so ofLen
he'd sLop, brlsLllng, and she would Lurn aslde from Lhe
enLrance she'd been abouL Lo go down. 1he nlghL was
full of nolses: bursLs of drunken laughLer, Lwo raucous
volces ralsed ln song, Lhe claLLer and whlne of some
badly olled machlne ln a basemenL. Lyra walked
dellcaLely Lhrough lL all, her senses magnlfled and
mlngled wlLh anLalalmon's, keeplng Lo Lhe shadows
and Lhe narrow alleys.
lrom Llme Lo Llme she had Lo cross a wlder, well-llL
sLreeL, where Lhe Lramcars hummed and sparked
under Lhelr anbarlc wlres. 1here were rules for
crosslng London sLreeLs, buL she Look no noLlce, and
when anyone shouLed, she fled.
lL was a flne Lhlng Lo be free agaln. She knew LhaL
anLalalmon, paddlng on wlldcaL paws beslde her, felL
Lhe same [oy as she dld Lo be ln Lhe open alr, even lf lL
was murky London alr laden wlLh fumes and sooL and
clangorous wlLh nolse. SomeLlme soon Lhey'd have Lo
Lhlnk over Lhe meanlng of whaL Lhey'd heard ln Mrs.
CoulLer's flaL, buL noL yeL. And someLlme evenLually
Lhey'd have Lo flnd a place Lo sleep.
AL a crossroads near Lhe corner of a blg deparLmenL
sLore whose wlndows shone brllllanLly over Lhe weL
pavemenL, Lhere was a coffee sLall: a llLLle huL on
wheels wlLh a counLer under Lhe wooden flap LhaL
swung up llke an awnlng. ?ellow llghL glowed lnslde,
and Lhe fragrance of coffee drlfLed ouL. 1he whlLe-
coaLed owner was leanlng on Lhe counLer Lalklng Lo
Lhe Lwo or Lhree cusLomers.
lL was LempLlng. Lyra had been walklng for an hour
now, and lL was cold and damp. WlLh anLalalmon a
sparrow, she wenL up Lo Lhe counLer and reached up
Lo galn Lhe owner's aLLenLlon.
Cup of coffee and a ham sandwlch, please," she sald.
?ou're ouL laLe, my dear," sald a genLleman ln a Lop
haL and whlLe sllk muffler.
?eah," she sald, Lurnlng away from hlm Lo scan Lhe
busy lnLersecLlon. A LheaLer nearby was [usL empLylng,
and crowds mllled around Lhe llghLed foyer, calllng for
cabs, wrapplng coaLs around Lhelr shoulders. ln Lhe
oLher dlrecLlon was Lhe enLrance of a ChLhonlc 8allway
sLaLlon, wlLh more crowds pourlng up and down Lhe
Pere you are, love," sald Lhe coffee sLall man. 1wo
LeL me pay for Lhls," sald Lhe man ln Lhe Lop haL.
Lyra LhoughL, why noL? l can run fasLer Lhan hlm, and l
mlghL need all my money laLer. 1he Lop-haLLed man
dropped a coln on Lhe counLer and smlled down aL
her. Pls daemon was a lemur. lL clung Lo hls lapel,
sLarlng round-eyed aL Lyra.
age 63

She blL lnLo her sandwlch and kepL her eyes on Lhe
busy sLreeL. She had no ldea where she was, because
she had never seen a map of London, and she dldn'L
even know how blg lL was or how far she'd have Lo
walk Lo flnd Lhe counLry.
WhaL's your name?" sald Lhe man.
1haL's a preLLy name. LeL me puL a drop of Lhls lnLo
your coffee...warm you up..."
Pe was unscrewlng Lhe Lop of a sllver flask.
l don'L llke LhaL," sald Lyra. l [usL llke coffee."
l beL you've never had brandy llke Lhls before."
l have. l was slck all over Lhe place. l had a whole
boLLle, or nearly."
!usL as you llke," sald Lhe man, LllLlng Lhe flask lnLo hls
own cup. Where are you golng, all alone llke Lhls?"
Colng Lo meeL my faLher." And who's he?"
Pe's a murderer."
Pe's whaL?"
l Lold you, he's a murderer. lL's hls professlon. Pe's
dolng a [ob LonlghL. l goL hls clean cloLhes ln here,
'cause he's usually all covered ln blood when he's
flnlshed a [ob."
Ah! ?ou're [oklng."
l en'L."
1he lemur uLLered a sofL mewlng sound and clambered
slowly up behlnd Lhe man's head, Lo peer ouL aL her.
She drank her coffee sLolldly and aLe Lhe lasL of her
CoodnlghL," she sald. l can see my faLher comlng
now. Pe looks a blL angry."
1he Lop-haL man glanced around, and Lyra seL off
Loward Lhe LheaLer crowd. Much as she would have
llked Lo see Lhe ChLhonlc 8allway (Mrs. CoulLer had
sald lL was noL really lnLended for people of Lhelr
class), she was wary of belng Lrapped underground,
beLLer Lo be ouL ln Lhe open, where she could run, lf
she had Lo.
Cn and on she walked, and Lhe sLreeLs became darker
and empLler. lL was drlzzllng, buL even lf Lhere'd been
no clouds Lhe clLy sky was Loo LalnLed wlLh llghL Lo
show Lhe sLars. anLalalmon LhoughL Lhey were golng
norLh, buL who could Lell?
age 64

Lndless sLreeLs of llLLle ldenLlcal brlck houses, wlLh
gardens only blg enough for a dusLbln, greaL gaunL
facLorles behlnd wlre fences, wlLh one anbarlc llghL
glowlng bleakly hlgh up on a wall and a nlghL
waLchman snoozlng by hls brazler, occaslonally a
dlsmal oraLory, only dlsLlngulshed from a warehouse
by Lhe cruclflx ouLslde. Cnce she Lrled Lhe door of one
of Lhese places, only Lo hear a groan from Lhe bench a
fooL away ln Lhe darkness. She reallzed LhaL Lhe porch
was full of sleeplng flgures, and fled.
Where we golng Lo sleep, an?" she sald as Lhey
Lrudged down a sLreeL of closed and shuLLered shops.
A doorway somewhere."
uon'L wanL Lo be seen Lhough. 1hey're all so open."
1here's a canal down Lhere...."
Pe was looklng down a slde road Lo Lhe lefL. Sure
enough, a paLch of dark gllmmer showed open waLer,
and when Lhey cauLlously wenL Lo look, Lhey found a
canal basln where a dozen or so barges were Lled up aL
Lhe wharves, some hlgh ln Lhe waLer, some low and
laden under Lhe gallows-llke cranes. A dlm llghL shone
ln one wlndow of a wooden huL, and a Lhread of
smoke rose from Lhe meLal chlmney, oLherwlse Lhe
only llghLs were hlgh up on Lhe wall of Lhe warehouse
or Lhe ganLry of a crane, leavlng Lhe ground ln gloom.
1he wharves were plled wlLh barrels of coal splrlL, wlLh
sLacks of greaL round logs, wlLh rolls of cauchuc-
covered cable.
Lyra LlpLoed up Lo Lhe huL and peeped ln aL Lhe
wlndow. An old man was laborlously readlng a
plcLure'SLory paper and smoklng a plpe, wlLh hls
spanlel daemon curled up asleep on Lhe Lable. As she
looked, Lhe man goL up and broughL a blackened keLLle
from Lhe lron sLove and poured some hoL waLer lnLo a
cracked mug before seLLllng back wlLh hls paper.
Should we ask hlm Lo leL us ln, an?" she whlspered,
buL he was dlsLracLed, he was a baL, an owl, a wlldcaL
agaln, she looked all round, caLchlng hls panlc, and
Lhen saw Lhem aL Lhe same Llme as he dld: Lwo men
runnlng aL her, one from each slde, Lhe nearer holdlng
a Lhrowlng neL.
anLalalmon uLLered a harsh scream and launched
hlmself as a leopard aL Lhe closer man's daemon, a
savage-looklng fox, bowllng her backward and Langllng
wlLh Lhe man's legs. 1he man cursed and dodged
aslde, and Lyra darLed pasL hlm Loward Lhe open
spaces of Lhe wharf. WhaL she musLn'L do was geL
boxed ln a corner.
anLalalmon, an eagle now, swooped aL her and crled,
LefL! LefL!"
She swerved LhaL way and saw a gap beLween Lhe
coal-splrlL barrels and Lhe end of a corrugaLed lron
shed, and darLed for lL llke a bulleL.
8uL Lhose Lhrowlng neLs!
She heard a hlss ln Lhe alr, and pasL her cheek
someLhlng lashed and sharply sLung, and loaLhsome
Larred sLrlngs whlpped across her face, her arms, her
hands, and Langled and held her, and she fell, snarllng
and Learlng and sLruggllng ln valn.
an! an!"
8uL Lhe fox daemon Lore aL Lhe caL anLalalmon, and
Lyra felL Lhe paln ln her own flesh, and sobbed a greaL
cry as he fell. Cne man was swlfLly lashlng cords
around her, around her llmbs, her LhroaL, body,
age 63

head, bundllng her over and over on Lhe weL ground.
She was helpless, exacLly llke a fly belng Lrussed by a
splder. oor hurL an was dragglng hlmself Loward her,
wlLh Lhe fox daemon worrylng hls back, and he had no
sLrengLh lefL Lo change, even, and Lhe oLher man was
lylng ln a puddle, wlLh an arrow Lhrough hls neck-
1he whole world grew sLlll as Lhe man Lylng Lhe neL
saw lL Loo.
anLalalmon saL up and bllnked, and Lhen Lhere was a
sofL Lhud, and Lhe neL man fell choklng and gasplng
rlghL across Lyra, who crled ouL ln horror: LhaL was
blood gushlng ouL of hlm!
8unnlng feeL, and someone hauled Lhe man away and
benL over hlm, Lhen oLher hands llfLed Lyra, a knlfe
snlcked and pulled and Lhe neL sLrlngs fell away one by
one, and she Lore Lhem off, splLLlng, and hurled herself
down Lo cuddle anLalalmon.
kneellng, she LwlsLed Lo look up aL Lhe newcomers.
1hree dark men, one armed wlLh a bow, Lhe oLhers
wlLh knlves, and as she Lurned, Lhe bowman caughL hls
1haL en'L Lyra?"
A famlllar volce, buL she couldn'L place lL Llll he
sLepped forward and Lhe nearesL llghL fell on hls face
and Lhe hawk daemon on hls shoulder. 1hen she had
lL. A gypLlan! A real Cxford gypLlan!
1ony CosLa," he sald. 8emember? ?ou used Lo play
wlLh my llLLle broLher 8llly off Lhe boaLs ln !erlcho,
afore Lhe Cobblers goL hlm."
Ch, Cod, an, we're safe!" she sobbed, buL Lhen a
LhoughL rushed lnLo her mlnd: lL was Lhe CosLas' boaL
she'd hl[acked LhaL day. Suppose he remembered?
8eLLer come along wlLh us," he sald. ?ou alone?"
?eah. l was runnlng away...."
All rlghL, don'L Lalk now. !usL keep quleL. !axer, move
Lhem bodles lnLo Lhe shadow. kerlm, look around."
Lyra sLood up shaklly, holdlng Lhe wlldcaL anLalalmon
Lo her breasL. Pe was LwlsLlng Lo look aL someLhlng,
and she followed hls gaze, undersLandlng and suddenly
curlous Loo: whaL had happened Lo Lhe dead men's
daemons? 1hey were fadlng, LhaL was Lhe answer,
fadlng and drlfLlng away llke aLoms of smoke, for all
LhaL Lhey Lrled Lo cllng Lo Lhelr men. anLalalmon hld
hls eyes, and Lyra hurrled bllndly afLer 1ony CosLa.
WhaL are you dolng here?" she sald.
CuleL, gal. 1here's enough Lrouble awake wlLhouL
sLlrrlng more. We'll Lalk on Lhe boaL."
Pe led her over a llLLle wooden brldge lnLo Lhe hearL of
Lhe canal basln. 1he oLher Lwo men were paddlng
sllenLly afLer Lhem. 1ony Lurned along Lhe waLerfronL
and ouL onLo a wooden [eLLy, from whlch he sLepped
on board a narrowboaL and swung open Lhe door Lo
Lhe cabln.
CeL ln," he sald. Culck now."
age 66

Lyra dld so, paLLlng her bag (whlch she had never leL go
of, even ln Lhe neL) Lo make sure Lhe aleLhlomeLer was
sLlll Lhere. ln Lhe long narrow cabln, by Lhe llghL of a
lanLern on a hook, she saw a sLouL powerful woman
wlLh gray halr, slLLlng aL a Lable wlLh a paper. Lyra
recognlzed her as 8llly's moLher.
Who's Lhls?" Lhe woman sald. 1haL's never Lyra?"
1haL's rlghL. Ma, we goL Lo move. We kllled Lwo men
ouL ln Lhe basln. We LhoughL Lhey was Cobblers, buL l
reckon Lhey were 1urk Lraders. 1hey'd caughL Lyra.
never mlnd Lalk-we'll do LhaL on Lhe move."
Come here, chlld," sald Ma CosLa.
Lyra obeyed, half happy, half apprehenslve, for Ma
CosLa had hands llke bludgeons, and now she was
sure: lL was Lhelr boaL she had capLured wlLh 8oger
and Lhe oLher collegers. 8uL Lhe boaL moLher seL her
hands on elLher slde of Lyra's face, and her daemon, a
hawk, benL genLly Lo llck anLalalmon's wlldcaL head.
1hen Ma CosLa folded her greaL arms around Lyra and
pressed her Lo her breasL.
l dunno whaL you're a dolng here, buL you look wore
ouL. ?ou can have 8llly's crlb, soon's l've goL a hoL drlnk
ln you. SeL you down Lhere, chlld."
lL looked as lf her plracy was forglven, or aL leasL
forgoLLen. Lyra slld onLo Lhe cushloned bench behlnd a
well-scrubbed plne Lable Lop as Lhe low rumble of Lhe
gas englne shook Lhe boaL.
Where we golng?" Lyra asked.
Ma CosLa was seLLlng a saucepan of mllk on Lhe lron
sLove and rlddllng Lhe graLe Lo sLlr Lhe flre up. Away
from here. no Lalklng now. We'll Lalk ln Lhe mornlng."
And she sald no more, handlng Lyra a cup of mllk when
lL was ready, swlnglng herself up on deck when Lhe
boaL began Lo move, exchanglng occaslonal whlspers
wlLh Lhe men. Lyra slpped Lhe mllk and llfLed a corner
of Lhe bllnd Lo waLch Lhe dark wharves move pasL. A
mlnuLe or Lwo laLer she was sound asleep.
She awoke ln a narrow bed, wlLh LhaL comforLlng
englne rumble deep below. She saL up, banged her
head, cursed, felL around, and goL up more carefully. A
Lhln gray llghL showed her Lhree oLher bunks, each
empLy and neaLly made, one below hers and Lhe oLher
Lwo across Lhe Llny cabln. She swung over Lhe slde Lo
flnd herself ln her undercloLhes, and saw Lhe dress and
Lhe wolfskln coaL folded aL Lhe end of her bunk
LogeLher wlLh her shopplng bag. 1he aleLhlomeLer was
sLlll Lhere.
She dressed qulckly and wenL Lhrough Lhe door aL Lhe
end Lo flnd herself ln Lhe cabln wlLh Lhe sLove, where lL
was warm.
1here was no one Lhere. 1hrough Lhe wlndows she
saw a gray swlrl of fog on each slde, wlLh occaslonal
dark shapes LhaL mlghL have been bulldlngs or Lrees.
8efore she could go ouL on deck, Lhe ouLer door
opened and Ma CosLa came down, swaLhed ln an old
Lweed coaL on whlch Lhe damp had seLLled llke a
Lhousand Llny pearls.
Sleep well?" she sald, reachlng for a frylng pan. now
slL down ouL Lhe way and l'll make ye some breakfasL.
uon'L sLand abouL, Lhere en'L room."
age 67

Where are we?" sald Lyra.
Cn Lhe Crand !uncLlon Canal. ?ou keep ouL of slghL,
chlld. l don'L wanL Lo see you Lopslde. 1here's Lrouble."
She sllced a couple of rashers of bacon lnLo Lhe frylng
pan, and cracked an egg Lo go wlLh Lhem. WhaL sorL
of Lrouble?"
noLhlng we can'L cope wlLh, lf you sLay ouL Lhe way."
And she wouldn'L say any more Llll Lyra had eaLen. 1he
boaL slowed aL one polnL, and someLhlng banged
agalnsL Lhe slde, and she heard men's volces ralsed ln
anger, buL Lhen someone's [oke made Lhem laugh, and
Lhe volces drew away and Lhe boaL moved on.
resenLly 1ony CosLa swung down lnLo Lhe cabln. Llke
hls moLher, he was pearled wlLh damp, and he shook
hls woollen haL over Lhe sLove Lo make Lhe drops [ump
and splL.
WhaL we golng Lo Lell her, Ma?"
Ask flrsL, Lell afLer."
Pe poured some coffee lnLo a Lln cup and saL down. Pe
was a powerful, dark-faced man, and now LhaL she
could see hlm ln dayllghL, Lyra saw a sad grlmness ln
hls expresslon.
8lghL," he sald. now you Lell us whaL you was dolng
ln London, Lyra. We had you down as belng Look by
Lhe Cobblers."
l was llvlng wlLh Lhls lady, rlghL..."
Lyra clumslly collecLed her sLory and shook lL lnLo
order as lf she were seLLllng a pack of cards ready for
deallng. She Lold Lhem everyLhlng, excepL abouL Lhe
And Lhen lasL nlghL aL Lhls cockLall parLy l found ouL
whaL Lhey were really dolng. Mrs. CoulLer was one of
Lhe Cobblers herself, and she was golng Lo use me Lo
help her caLch more klds. And whaL Lhey do ls-"
Ma CosLa lefL Lhe cabln and wenL ouL Lo Lhe cockplL.
1ony walLed Llll Lhe door was shuL, and cuL ln:
We know whaL Lhey do. LeasL, we know parL of lL. We
know Lhey don'L come back. 1hem klds ls Laken up
norLh, far ouL Lhe way, and Lhey do experlmenLs on
'em. AL flrsL we reckoned Lhey Lrled ouL dlfferenL
dlseases and medlclnes, buL Lhere'd be no reason Lo
sLarL LhaL all of a sudden Lwo or Lhree years back. 1hen
we LhoughL abouL Lhe 1arLars, maybe Lhere's some
secreL deal Lhey're maklng up Slberla way, because Lhe
1arLars wanL Lo move norLh [usL as much as Lhe resL,
for Lhe coal splrlL and Lhe flre mlnes, and Lhere's been
rumors of war for even longer Lhan Lhe Cobblers been
golng. And we reckoned Lhe Cobblers were buylng off
Lhe 1arLar chlefs by glvlng 'em klds, cause Lhe 1arLars
eaL 'em, don'L Lhey? 1hey bake chlldren and eaL em."
1hey never!" sald Lyra.
age 68

1hey do. 1here's plenLy of oLher Lhlngs Lo be Lold, and
all. ?ou ever heard of Lhe nalkalnens?"
Lyra sald, no. noL even wlLh Mrs. CoulLer. WhaL are
1haL's a klnd of ghosL Lhey have up Lhere ln Lhose
foresLs. Same slze as a chlld, and Lhey goL no heads.
1hey feel Lhelr way abouL aL nlghL and lf you're a
sleeplng ouL ln Lhe foresL Lhey geL ahold of you and
won'L noLhlng make 'em leL go. nalkalnens, LhaL's a
norLhern word. And Lhe Wlndsuckers, Lhey're
dangerous Loo. 1hey drlfL abouL ln Lhe alr. ?ou come
across clumps of 'em floaLed LogeLher someLlmes, or
caughL snagged on a bramble. As soon as Lhey Louch
you, all Lhe sLrengLh goes ouL of you. ?ou can'L see 'em
excepL as a klnd of shlmmer ln Lhe alr. And Lhe
8reaLhless Cnes..."
Who are Lhey?"
Warrlors half-kllled. 8elng allve ls one Lhlng, and
belng dead's anoLher, buL belng half-kllled ls worse
Lhan elLher. 1hey [usL can'L dle, and llvlng ls alLogeLher
beyond 'em. 1hey wander abouL forever. 1hey're
called Lhe 8reaLhless Cnes because of whaL's been
done Lo 'em."
And whaL's LhaL?" sald Lyra, wlde-eyed.
1he norLh 1arLars snap open Lhelr rlbs and pull ouL
Lhelr lungs. 1here's an arL Lo lL. 1hey do lL wlLhouL
kllllng 'em, buL Lhelr lungs can'L work anymore wlLhouL
Lhelr daemons pumplng 'em by hand, so Lhe resulL ls
Lhey're halfway beLween breaLh and no breaLh, llfe
and deaLh, half-kllled, you see. And Lhelr daemons goL
Lo pump and pump all day and nlghL, or else perlsh
wlLh 'em. ?ou come across a whole plaLoon of
8reaLhless Cnes ln Lhe foresL someLlmes, l've heard.
And Lhen Lhere's Lhe panserb[0rne-you heard of
Lhem? 1haL means armored bears. 1hey're greaL whlLe
bears, and-"
?es! l have heard of Lhem! Cne of Lhe men lasL nlghL,
he sald LhaL my uncle, Lord Asrlel, he's belng
lmprlsoned ln a forLress guarded by Lhe armored
ls he, now? And whaL was he dolng up Lhere?"
Lxplorlng. 8uL Lhe way Lhe man was Lalklng l don'L
Lhlnk my uncle's on Lhe same slde as Lhe Cobblers. l
Lhlnk Lhey were glad he was ln prlson."
Well, he won'L geL ouL lf Lhe armored bears are
guardlng hlm. 1hey're llke mercenarles, you know
whaL l mean by LhaL? 1hey sell Lhelr sLrengLh Lo
whoever pays. 1hey goL hands llke men, and Lhey
learned Lhe Lrlck of worklng lron way back, meLeorlc
lron mosLly, and Lhey make greaL sheeLs and plaLes of
lL Lo cover Lhelrselves wlLh. 1hey been raldlng Lhe
Skraellngs for cenLurles. 1hey're vlclous klllers,
absoluLely plLlless. 8uL Lhey keep Lhelr word. lf you
make a bargaln wlLh a panserb[0m, you can rely on lL."
Lyra consldered Lhese horrors wlLh awe.
Ma don'L llke Lo hear abouL Lhe norLh," 1ony sald
afLer a few momenLs, because of whaL mlghL've
happened Lo 8llly. We know Lhey Look hlm up norLh,
Pow d'you know LhaL?"
We caughL one of Lhe Cobblers, and made hlm Lalk.
1haL's how we know a llLLle abouL whaL Lhey're dolng.
1hem Lwo lasL nlghL weren'L Cobblers, Lhey were Loo
clumsy. lf Lhey'd been Cobblers we'd've Look 'em allve.
See, Lhe gypLlan people, we been hlL worse Lhan mosL
by Lhese Cobblers, and we're a comlng LogeLher Lo
declde whaL Lo do abouL lL. 1haL's whaL we was dolng
ln Lhe basln lasL nlghL, Laklng on
age 69

sLores, 'cause we're golng Lo a blg musLer up ln Lhe
fens, whaL we call a roplng. And whaL l reckon ls we're
a golng Lo send ouL a rescue parLy, when we heard
whaL all Lhe oLher gypLlans know, when we puL our
knowledge LogeLher. 1haL's whaL l'd do, lf l was !ohn
Who's !ohn laa?"
1he klng of Lhe gypLlans."
And you're really golng Lo rescue Lhe klds? WhaL
abouL 8oger?" Who's 8oger?"
1he !ordan College klLchen boy. Pe was Look same as
8llly Lhe day before l come away wlLh Mrs. CoulLer. l
beL lf l was Look, he'd come and rescue me. lf you're
golng Lo rescue 8llly, l wanL Lo come Loo and rescue
And uncle Asrlel, she LhoughL, buL she dldn'L menLlon
now LhaL Lyra had a Lask ln mlnd, she felL much beLLer.
Pelplng Mrs. CoulLer had been all very well, buL
anLalalmon was rlghL: she wasn'L really dolng any
work Lhere, she was [usL a preLLy peL. Cn Lhe gypLlan
boaL, Lhere was real work Lo do, and Ma CosLa made
sure she dld lL. She cleaned and swepL, she peeled
poLaLoes and made Lea, she greased Lhe propeller
shafL bearlngs, she kepL Lhe weed Lrap clear over Lhe
propeller, she washed dlshes, she opened lock gaLes,
she Lled Lhe boaL up aL moorlng posLs, and wlLhln a
couple of days she was as much aL home wlLh Lhls new
llfe as lf she'd been born gypLlan.
WhaL she dldn'L noLlce was LhaL Lhe CosLas were alerL
every second for unusual slgns of lnLeresL ln Lyra from
Lhe waLerslde people. lf she hadn'L reallzed lL, she was
lmporLanL, and Mrs. CoulLer and Lhe CblaLlon 8oard
were bound Lo be searchlng everywhere for her.
lndeed, 1ony heard from gos-slp ln pubs along Lhe way
LhaL Lhe pollce were maklng ralds on houses and farms
and bulldlng yards and facLorles wlLhouL any
explanaLlon, Lhough Lhere was a rumor LhaL Lhey were
searchlng for a mlsslng glrl. And LhaL ln lLself was odd,
conslderlng all Lhe klds LhaL had gone mlsslng wlLhouL
belng looked for. CypLlans and land folk allke were
geLLlng [umpy and nervous.
!CPn lAA
age 70

And Lhere was anoLher reason for Lhe CosLas' lnLeresL
ln Lyra, buL she wasn'L Lo learn LhaL for a few days yeL.
So Lhey Look Lo keeplng her below decks when Lhey
passed a lockkeeper's coLLage or a canal basln, or
anywhere Lhere were llkely Lo be ldlers hanglng abouL.
Cnce Lhey passed Lhrough a Lown where Lhe pollce
were searchlng all Lhe boaLs LhaL came along Lhe
waLerway, and holdlng up Lhe Lrafflc ln boLh dlrecLlons.
1he CosLas were equal Lo LhaL, Lhough. 1here was a
secreL comparLmenL beneaLh Ma's bunk, where Lyra
lay cramped for Lwo hours whlle Lhe pollce banged up
and down Lhe lengLh of Lhe boaL unsuccessfully.
Why dldn'L Lhelr daemons flnd me, Lhough?" she
asked afLerward, and Ma showed her Lhe llnlng of Lhe
secreL space: cedarwood, whlch had a soporlflc effecL
on daemons, and lL was Lrue LhaL anLalalmon had
spenL Lhe whole Llme happlly asleep by Lyra's head.
Slowly, wlLh many halLs and deLours, Lhe CosLas' boaL
drew nearer Lhe fens, LhaL wlde and never fully
mapped wllderness of huge skles and endless
marshland ln LasLern Anglla. 1he furLhesL frlnge of lL
mlngled lndlsLlngulshably wlLh Lhe creeks and Lldal
lnleLs of Lhe shallow sea, and Lhe oLher slde of Lhe sea
mlngled lndlsLlngulshably wlLh Polland, and parLs of
Lhe fens had been dralned and dyked by Pollanders,
some of whom had seLLled Lhere, so Lhe language of
Lhe fens was Lhlck wlLh uuLch. 8uL parLs had never
been dralned or planLed or seLLled aL all, and ln Lhe
wlldesL cenLral reglons, where eels sllLhered and
waLerblrds flocked, where eerle marsh flres fllck-ered
and waylurkers LempLed careless Lravelers Lo Lhelr
doom ln Lhe swamps and bogs, Lhe gypLlan people had
always found lL safe Lo musLer.
And now by a Lhousand wlndlng channels and creeks
and waLercourses, gypLlan boaLs were movlng ln
Loward Lhe byanplaLs, Lhe only paLch of sllghLly hlgher
ground ln Lhe hundreds of square mlles of marsh and
bog. 1here was an anclenL wooden meeLlng hall Lhere
wlLh a huddle of permanenL dwelllngs around lL, and
wharves and [eLLles and an eelmarkeL.
When Lhe gypLlans called a byanroplng-a summons
or musLer of famllles-so many boaLs fllled Lhe
waLerways LhaL you could walk for a mlle ln any
dlrecLlon over Lhelr decks, or so lL was sald. 1he
gypLlans ruled ln Lhe fens. no one else dared enLer,
and whlle Lhe gypLlans kepL Lhe peace and Lraded
falrly, Lhe landlopers Lurned a bllnd eye Lo Lhe
lncessanL smuggllng and Lhe occaslonal feuds. lf a
gypLlan body floaLed ashore down Lhe coasL, or goL
snagged ln a flshneL, well-lL was only a gypLlan.
Lyra llsLened enLhralled Lo Lales of Lhe fen dwellers, of
Lhe greaL ghosL dog 8lack Shuck, of Lhe marsh flres
arlslng from bubbles of wlLch oll, and began Lo Lhlnk of
herself as gypLlan even before Lhey reached Lhe fens.
She had soon sllpped back lnLo her Cxford volce, and
now she was acqulrlng a gypLlan one, compleLe wlLh
len-uuLch words. Ma CosLa had Lo remlnd her of a few
?ou en'L gypLlan, Lyra. ?ou mlghL pass for gypLlan
wlLh pracLlce, buL Lhere's more Lo us Lhan gypLlan
language. 1here's deeps ln us and sLrong currenLs.
We're waLer people all Lhrough, and you en'L, you're a
flre person. WhaL you're mosL llke ls marsh flre, LhaL's
Lhe place you have ln Lhe gypLlan scheme, you goL
wlLch oll ln your soul. uecepLlve, LhaL's whaL you are,
chlld." Lyra was hurL.
l en'L never decelved anyone! ?ou ask..." 1here was
no one Lo ask, of course, and Ma CosLa laughed, buL
Can'L you see l'm a paylng you a compllmenL, you
gosllng?" she sald, and Lyra was paclfled, Lhough she
dldn'L undersLand.
age 71

When Lhey reached Lhe byanplaLs lL was evenlng, and
Lhe sun was abouL Lo seL ln a splash of bloody sky. 1he
low lsland and Lhe Zaal were humped blackly agalnsL
Lhe llghL, llke Lhe clusLered bulldlngs around, Lhreads
of smoke rose lnLo Lhe sLlll alr, and from Lhe press of
boaLs all around came Lhe smells of frylng flsh, of
smokeleaf, of [ennlver splrlL.
1hey Lled up close Lo Lhe Zaal lLself, aL a moorlng 1ony
sald had been used by Lhelr famlly for generaLlons.
resenLly Ma CosLa had Lhe frylng pan golng, wlLh a
couple of faL eels hlsslng and spuLLerlng and Lhe keLLle
on for poLaLo powder. 1ony and kerlm olled Lhelr halr,
puL on Lhelr flnesL leaLher [ackeLs and blue spoLLed
neckerchlefs, loaded Lhelr flngers wlLh sllver rlngs, and
wenL Lo greeL some old frlends ln Lhe nelghborlng
boaLs and drlnk a glass or Lwo ln Lhe nearesL bar. 1hey
came back wlLh lmporLanL news.
We goL here [usL ln Llme. 1he 8oplng's Lhls very nlghL.
And Lhey're a saylng ln Lhe Lown-whaL d'you Lhlnk of
Lhls?- Lhey're saylng LhaL Lhe mlsslng chlld's on a
gypLlan boaL, and she's a golng Lo appear LonlghL aL
Lhe 8oplng!"
Pe laughed loudly and ruffled Lyra's halr. Lver slnce
Lhey'd enLered Lhe fens he had been more and more
good Lempered, as lf Lhe savage gloom hls face
showed ouLslde were only a dlsgulse. And Lyra felL an
exclLemenL growlng ln her breasL as she aLe qulckly
and washed Lhe dlshes before comblng her halr,
Lucklng Lhe aleLhlomeLer lnLo Lhe wolfskln coaL pockeL,
and [umplng ashore wlLh all Lhe oLher famllles maklng
Lhelr way up Lhe slope Lo Lhe Zaal.
She had LhoughL 1ony was [oklng. She soon found LhaL
he wasn'L, or else LhaL she looked less llke a gypLlan
Lhan she'd LhoughL, for many people sLared, and
chlldren polnLed, and by Lhe Llme Lhey reached Lhe
greaL doors of Lhe Zaal Lhey were walklng alone
beLween a crowd on elLher slde, who had fallen back
Lo sLare and glve Lhem room.
And Lhen Lyra began Lo feel Lruly nervous. She kepL
close Lo Ma CosLa, and anLalalmon became as blg as
he could and Look hls panLher shape Lo reassure her.
Ma CosLa Lrudged up Lhe sLeps as lf noLhlng ln Lhe
world could posslbly elLher sLop her or make her go
more qulckly, and 1ony and kerlm walked proudly on
elLher slde llke prlnces.
1he hall was llL by naphLha lamps, whlch shone
brlghLly enough on Lhe faces and bodles of Lhe
audlence, buL lefL Lhe lofLy rafLers hldden ln darkness.
1he people comlng ln had Lo sLruggle Lo flnd room on
Lhe floor, where Lhe benches were already crowded,
buL famllles squeezed up Lo make space, chlldren
occupylng laps and daemons curllng up underfooL or
perchlng ouL of Lhe way on Lhe rough wooden walls.
AL Lhe fronL of Lhe Zaal Lhere was a plaLform wlLh elghL
carved wooden chalrs seL ouL. As Lyra and Lhe CosLas
found space Lo sLand along Lhe edge of Lhe hall, elghL
men appeared from Lhe shadows aL Lhe rear of Lhe
plaLform and sLood ln fronL of Lhe chalrs. A rlpple of
exclLemenL swepL over Lhe audlence as Lhey hushed
one anoLher and shoved Lhemselves lnLo spaces on Lhe
nearesL bench. llnally Lhere was sllence and seven of
Lhe men on Lhe plaLform saL down.
1he one who remalned was ln hls sevenLles, buL Lall
and bull necked and powerful. Pe wore a plaln canvas
[ackeL and a checked shlrL, llke many gypLlan men,
Lhere was noLhlng Lo mark hlm ouL buL Lhe alr of
sLrengLh and auLhorlLy he had. Lyra recognlzed lL:
uncle Asrlel had lL, and so dld Lhe MasLer of !ordan.
1hls man's daemon was a crow, very llke Lhe MasLer's
1haL's !ohn laa, Lhe lord of Lhe wesLern gypLlans,"
1ony whlspered.
!ohn laa began Lo speak, ln a deep slow volce.
CypLlans! Welcome Lo Lhe 8oplng. We've come Lo
llsLen and come Lo declde. ?ou all know why. 1here are
many famllles here who've losL a chlld. Some
age 72

have losL Lwo. Someone ls Laklng Lhem. 1o be sure,
landlopers are loslng chlldren Loo. We have no quarrel
wlLh landlopers over Lhls.
now Lhere's been Lalk abouL a chlld and a reward.
Pere's Lhe LruLh Lo sLop all gosslp. 1he chlld's name ls
Lyra 8elacqua, and she's belng soughL by Lhe landloper
pollce. 1here ls a reward of one Lhousand soverelgns
for glvlng her up Lo Lhem. She's a landloper chlld, and
she's ln our care, and Lhere she's golng Lo sLay. Anyone
LempLed by Lhose Lhousand soverelgns had beLLer flnd
a place nelLher on land nor on waLer. We en'L glvlng
her up."
Lyra felL a blush from Lhe rooLs of her halr Lo Lhe soles
of her feeL, anLalalmon became a brown moLh Lo
hlde. Lyes all around were Lurnlng Lo Lhem, and she
could only look up aL Ma CosLa for reassurance.
8uL !ohn laa was speaklng agaln:
1alk all we may, we won'L change owL. We musL acL lf
we wanL Lo change Lhlngs. Pere's anoLher facL for you:
Lhe Cobblers, Lhese chlld Lhleves, are a Laklng Lhelr
prlsoners Lo a Lown ln Lhe far norLh, way up ln Lhe land
of dark. l don'L know whaL Lhey do wlLh 'em Lhere.
Some folk say Lhey klll 'em, oLher folk say dlfferenL. We
don'L know.
WhaL we do know ls LhaL Lhey do lL wlLh Lhe help of
Lhe landloper pollce and Lhe clergy. Lvery power on
land ls helplng 'em. 8emember LhaL. 1hey know whaL's
golng on and Lhey'll help lL whenever Lhey can.
So whaL l'm proposlng en'L easy. And l need your
agreemenL. l'm proposlng LhaL we send a band of
flghLers up norLh Lo rescue Lhem klds and brlng 'em
back allve. l'm proposlng LhaL we puL our gold lnLo Lhls,
and all Lhe crafL and courage we can musLer. ?es,
8aymond van CerrlL?"
A man ln Lhe audlence had ralsed hls hand, and !ohn
laa saL down Lo leL hlm speak.
8eg pardon, Lord laa. 1here's landloper klds as well
as gypLlans been Laken capLlve. Are you saylng we
should rescue Lhem as well?"
!ohn laa sLood up Lo answer.
8aymond, are you saylng we should flghL our way
Lhrough every klnd of danger Lo a llLLle group of
frlghLened chlldren, and Lhen say Lo some of Lhem LhaL
Lhey can come home, and Lo Lhe resL LhaL Lhey have Lo
sLay? no, you're a beLLer man Lhan LhaL. Well, do l
have your approval, my frlends?"
1he quesLlon caughL Lhem by surprlse, for Lhere was a
momenL's heslLaLlon, buL Lhen a full-LhroaLed roar
fllled Lhe hall, and hands were clapped ln Lhe alr, flsLs
shaken, volces ralsed ln exclLed clamor. 1he rafLers of
Lhe Zaal shook, and from Lhelr perches up ln Lhe dark a
score of sleeplng blrds woke up ln fear and flapped
Lhelr wlngs, and llLLle showers of dusL drlfLed down.
!ohn laa leL Lhe nolse conLlnue for a mlnuLe, and Lhen
ralsed hls hand for sllence agaln.
1hls'll Lake a whlle Lo organlze. l wanL Lhe heads of
Lhe famllles Lo ralse a Lax and musLer a levy. We'll
meeL agaln here ln Lhree days' Llme. ln beLween now
and Lhen l'm a golng Lo Lalk wlLh Lhe chlld l menLloned
before, and wlLh larder Coram, and form a plan Lo puL
before you when we meeL. CoodnlghL Lo ye all."
Pls masslve, plaln, blunL presence was enough Lo calm
Lhem. As Lhe audlence began Lo move ouL of Lhe greaL
doors lnLo Lhe chllly evenlng, Lo go Lo Lhelr boaLs or Lo
Lhe crowded bars of Lhe llLLle seLLlemenL, Lyra
age 73

sald Lo Ma CosLa:
Who are Lhe oLher men on Lhe plaLform?"
1he heads of Lhe slx famllles, and Lhe oLher man ls
larder Coram."
lL was easy Lo see who she meanL by Lhe oLher man,
because he was Lhe oldesL one Lhere. Pe walked wlLh a
sLlck, and all Lhe Llme he'd been slLLlng behlnd !ohn
laa he'd been Lrembllng as lf wlLh an ague.
Come on," sald 1ony. l'd besL Lake you up Lo pay
your respecLs Lo !ohn laa. ?ou call hlm Lord laa. l
don'L know whaL you'll be asked, buL mlnd you Lell Lhe
anLalalmon was a sparrow now, and saL curlously on
Lyra's shoulder, hls claws deep ln Lhe wolfskln coaL, as
she followed 1ony Lhrough Lhe crowd up Lo Lhe
Pe llfLed her up. knowlng LhaL everyone sLlll ln Lhe hall
was sLarlng aL her, and consclous of Lhose Lhousand
soverelgns she was suddenly worLh, she blushed and
heslLaLed. anLalalmon darLed Lo her breasL and
became a wlldcaL, slLLlng up ln her arms and hlsslng
sofLly as he looked around.
Lyra felL a push, and sLepped forward Lo !ohn laa. Pe
was sLern and masslve and expresslonless, more llke a
plllar of rock Lhan a man, buL he sLooped and held ouL
hls hand Lo shake. When she puL hers ln, lL nearly
Welcome, Lyra," he sald.
Close Lo, she felL hls volce rumbllng llke Lhe earLh
lLself. She would have been nervous buL for
anLalalmon, and Lhe facL LhaL !ohn laa's sLony
expresslon had warmed a llLLle. Pe was LreaLlng her
very genLly.
1hank you, Lord laa," she sald.
now you come ln Lhe parley room and we'll have a
Lalk," sald !ohn laa. Pave Lhey been feedlng you
proper, Lhe CosLas?"
Ch, yes. We had eels for supper."
roper fen eels, l expecL."
1he parley room was a comforLable place wlLh a blg
flre, sldeboards laden wlLh sllver and porcelaln, and a
heavy Lable darkly pollshed by Lhe years, aL whlch
Lwelve chalrs were drawn up.
1he oLher men from Lhe plaLform had gone elsewhere,
buL Lhe old shaklng man was sLlll wlLh Lhem. !ohn laa
helped hlm Lo a seaL aL Lhe Lable.
now, you slL here on my rlghL," !ohn laa sald Lo Lyra,
and Look Lhe chalr aL Lhe head of Lhe Lable hlmself.
Lyra found herself opposlLe larder Coram. She was a
llLLle frlghLened by hls skull-llke face and hls conLlnual
Lrembllng. Pls daemon was a beauLlful auLumn-
colored caL, masslve ln slze, who sLalked along Lhe
Lable wlLh upralsed Lall and eleganLly lnspecLed
anLalalmon, Louchlng noses brlefly before seLLllng on
larder Coram's lap, half-closlng her eyes and purrlng
A woman whom Lyra hadn'L noLlced came ouL of Lhe
shadows wlLh a Lray of glasses, seL lL down by
age 74

!ohn laa, curLsled, and lefL. !ohn laa poured llLLle
glasses of [ennlver from a sLone crock for hlmself and
larder Coram, and wlne for Lyra.
So," !ohn laa sald. ?ou run away, Lyra." ?es."
And who was Lhe lady you run away from?"
She was called Mrs. CoulLer. And l LhoughL she was
nlce, buL l found ouL she was one of Lhe Cobblers. l
heard someone say whaL Lhe Cobblers were, Lhey
were called Lhe Ceneral CblaLlon 8oard, and she was
ln charge of lL, lL was all her ldea. And Lhey was all
worklng on some plan, l dunno whaL lL was, only Lhey
was golng Lo make me help her geL klds for 'em. 8uL
Lhey never knew..."
1hey never knew whaL?"
Well, flrsL Lhey never knew LhaL l knew some klds
whaL had been Look. My frlend 8oger Lhe klLchen boy
from !ordan College, and 8llly CosLa, and a glrl ouL Lhe
covered markeL ln Cxford. And anoLher Lhlng...My
uncle, rlghL, Lord Asrlel. 1 heard Lhem Lalklng abouL hls
[ourneys Lo Lhe norLh, and l don'L reckon he's goL
anyLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe Cobblers. 8ecause l spled on
Lhe MasLer and Lhe Scholars of !ordan, rlghL, l hld ln
Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom where no one's supposed Lo go
excepL Lhem, and l heard hlm Lell Lhem all abouL hls
expedlLlon up norLh, and Lhe uusL he saw, and he
broughL back Lhe head of SLanlslaus Crumman, whaL
Lhe 1arLars had made a hole ln. And now Lhe
Cobblers've goL hlm locked up somewhere. 1he
armored bears are guardlng hlm. And l wanL Lo rescue
She looked flerce and sLubborn as she saL Lhere, small
agalnsL Lhe hlgh carved back of Lhe chalr. 1he Lwo old
men couldn'L help smlllng, buL whereas larder Coram's
smlle was a heslLanL, rlch, compllcaLed expresslon LhaL
Lrembled across hls face llke sunllghL chaslng shadows
on a wlndy March day, !ohn laa's smlle was slow,
warm, plaln, and klndly.
?ou beLLer Lell us whaL you dld hear your uncle say
LhaL evenlng," sald !ohn laa. uon'L leave anyLhlng
ouL, mlnd. 1ell us everyLhlng."
Lyra dld, more slowly Lhan she'd Lold Lhe CosLas buL
more honesLly, Loo. She was afrald of !ohn laa, and
whaL she was mosL afrald of was hls klndness. When
she'd flnlshed, larder Coram spoke for Lhe flrsL Llme.
Pls volce was rlch and muslcal, wlLh as many Lones ln lL
as Lhere were colors ln hls daemon's fur.
1hls uusL," he sald. uld Lhey ever call lL anyLhlng
else, Lyra?"
no. !usL uusL. Mrs. CoulLer Lold me whaL lL was,
elemenLary parLlcles, buL LhaL's all she called lL."
And Lhey Lhlnk LhaL by dolng someLhlng Lo chlldren,
Lhey can flnd ouL more abouL lL?"
?es. 8uL l don'L know whaL. LxcepL my uncle...1here's
someLhlng l forgoL Lo Lell you. When he was showlng
Lhem lanLern slldes, Lhere was anoLher one he had. lL
was Lhe 8oarer-"
1he whaL?" sald !ohn laa.
1he Aurora," sald larder Coram. ls LhaL rlghL, Lyra?"
?eah, LhaL's lL. And ln Lhe llghLs of Lhe 8oarer Lhere
was llke a clLy. All Lowers and churches and domes
age 73

and LhaL. lL was a blL llke Cxford, LhaL's whaL l LhoughL,
anyway. And uncle Asrlel, he was more lnLeresLed ln
LhaL, l Lhlnk, buL Lhe MasLer and Lhe oLher Scholars
were more lnLeresLed ln uusL, llke Mrs. CoulLer and
Lord 8oreal and Lhem."
l see," sald larder Coram. 1haL's very lnLeresLlng."
now, Lyra," sald !ohn laa, l'm a golng Lo Lell you
someLhlng. larder Coram here, he's a wlse man. Pe's a
seer. Pe's been a follerlng all whaL's been golng on
wlLh uusL and Lhe Cobblers and Lord Asrlel and
everyLhlng else, and he's been a follerlng you. Lvery
Llme Lhe CosLas wenL Lo Cxford, or half a dozen oLher
famllles, come Lo LhaL, Lhey broughL back a blL of
news. AbouL you, chlld. uld you know LhaL?"
Lyra shook her head. She was beglnnlng Lo be
frlghLened. anLalalmon was growllng Loo deep for
anyone Lo hear, buL she could feel lL ln her flngerLlps
down lnslde hls fur.
Ch, yes," sald !ohn laa, all your dolngs, Lhey all geL
back Lo larder Coram here." Lyra couldn'L hold lL ln.
We dldn'L damage lL! PonesL! lL was only a blL of
mud! And we never goL very far-" WhaL are you
Lalklng abouL, chlld?" sald !ohn laa.
larder Coram laughed. When he dld LhaL, hls shaklng
sLopped and hls face became brlghL and young.
8uL Lyra wasn'L laughlng. WlLh Lrembllng llps she sald,
And even lf we had found Lhe bung, we'd never've
Look lL ouL! lL was [usL a [oke. We wouldn'L've sunk lL,
1hen !ohn laa began Lo laugh Loo. Pe slapped a broad
hand on Lhe Lable so hard Lhe glasses rang, and hls
masslve shoulders shook, and he had Lo wlpe away Lhe
Lears from hls eyes. Lyra had never seen such a slghL,
never heard such a bellow, lL was llke a mounLaln
Ch, yes," he sald when he could speak agaln, we
heard abouL LhaL Loo, llLLle glrl! l don'L suppose Lhe
CosLas have seL fooL anywhere slnce Lhen wlLhouL
belng remlnded of lL. ?ou beLLer leave a guard on your
boaL, 1ony, people say. llerce llLLle glrls round here!
Ch, LhaL sLory wenL all over Lhe fens, chlld. 8uL we en'L
golng Lo punlsh you for lL. no, no! Lase your mlnd."
Pe looked aL larder Coram, and Lhe Lwo old men
laughed agaln, buL more genLly. And Lyra felL
conLenLed, and safe.
llnally !ohn laa shook hls head and became serlous
l were saylng, Lyra, as we knew abouL you from a
chlld. lrom a baby. ?ou oughLer know whaL we know. l
can'L guess whaL Lhey Lold you aL !ordan College abouL
where you came from, buL Lhey don'L know Lhe whole
LruLh of lL. uld Lhey ever Lell you who your parenLs
now Lyra was compleLely dazed.
?es," she sald. 1hey sald l was-Lhey sald Lhey-Lhey
sald Lord Asrlel puL me Lhere because my moLher and
faLher dled ln an alrshlp accldenL. 1haL's whaL Lhey Lold
Ah, dld Lhey. Well now, chlld, l'm a golng Lo Lell you a
sLory, a Lrue sLory. l know lL's Lrue, because a
age 76

gypLlan woman Lold me, and Lhey all Lell Lhe LruLh Lo
!ohn laa and larder Coram. So Lhls ls Lhe LruLh abouL
yourself, Lyra. ?our faLher never perlshed ln no alrshlp
accldenL, because your faLher ls Lord Asrlel."
Lyra could only slL ln wonder.
Pere's how lL came abouL," !ohn laa wenL on. When
he was a young man, Lord Asrlel wenL explorlng all
over Lhe norLh, and came back wlLh a greaL forLune.
And he was a hlgh-splrlLed man, qulck Lo anger, a
passlonaLe man.
And your moLher, she was passlonaLe Loo. noL so well
born as hlm, buL a clever woman. A Scholar, even, and
Lhose who saw her sald she was very beauLlful. She
and your faLher, Lhey fell ln love as soon's Lhey meL.
1he Lrouble was, your moLher was already marrled.
She'd marrled a pollLlclan. Pe was a member of Lhe
klng's parLy, one of hls closesL advlsers. A rlslng man.
now when your moLher found herself wlLh chlld, she
feared Lo Lell her husband Lhe chlld wasn'L hls. And
when Lhe baby was born-LhaL's you, glrl-lL was clear
from Lhe look of you LhaL you dldn'L favor her
husband, buL your Lrue faLher, and she LhoughL lL besL
Lo hlde you away and glve ouL LhaL you'd dled.
So you was Look Lo Cxfordshlre, where your faLher
had esLaLes, and puL ln Lhe care of a gypLlan woman Lo
nurse. 8uL someone whlspered Lo your moLher's
husband whaL had happened, and he came a flylng
down and ransacked Lhe coLLage where Lhe gypLlan
woman had been, only she'd fled Lo Lhe greaL house,
and Lhe husband followed afLer, ln a murderous
Lord Asrlel was ouL a hunLlng, buL Lhey goL word Lo
hlm and he came rldlng back ln Llme Lo flnd your
moLher's husband aL Lhe fooL of Lhe greaL sLalrcase.
AnoLher momenL and he'd have forced open Lhe closeL
where Lhe gypLlan woman was hldlng wlLh you, buL
Lord Asrlel challenged hlm, and Lhey foughL Lhere and
Lhen, and Lord Asrlel kllled hlm.
1he gypLlan woman heard and saw lL all, Lyra, and
LhaL's how we know.
1he consequence was a greaL lawsulL. ?our faLher en'L
Lhe klnd of man Lo deny or conceal Lhe LruLh, and lL lefL
Lhe [udges wlLh a problem. Pe'd kllled all rlghL, he'd
shed blood, buL he was defendlng hls home and hls
chlld agalnsL an lnLruder. Cn L'oLher hand, Lhe law
allows any man Lo avenge Lhe vlolaLlon of hls wlfe, and
Lhe dead man's lawyers argued LhaL he were dolng [usL
1he case lasLed for weeks, wlLh volumes of argumenL
back and forLh. ln Lhe end Lhe [udges punlshed Lord
Asrlel by conflscaLlng all hls properLy and all hls land,
and lefL hlm a poor man, and he had been rlcher Lhan
a klng.
As for your moLher, she wanLed noLhlng Lo do wlLh lL,
nor wlLh you. She Lurned her back. 1he gypLlan nurse
Lold me she'd ofLen been afeared of how your moLher
would LreaL you, because she was a proud and scornful
woman. So much for her.
1hen Lhere was you. lf Lhlngs had fallen ouL dlfferenL,
Lyra, you mlghL have been broughL up a gypLlan,
because Lhe nurse begged Lhe courL Lo leL her have
you, buL we gypLlans goL llLLle sLandlng ln Lhe law. 1he
courL declded you was Lo be placed ln a prlory, and so
you were, wlLh Lhe SlsLers of Cbedlence aL WaLllngLon.
?ou won'L remember.
age 77

8uL Lord Asrlel wouldn'L sLand for LhaL. Pe had a
haLred of prlors and monks and nuns, and belng a
hlgh-handed man he [usL rode ln one day and carrled
you off. noL Lo look afLer hlmself, nor Lo glve Lo Lhe
gypLlans, he Look you Lo !ordan College, and dared Lhe
law Lo undo lL.
Well, Lhe law leL Lhlngs be. Lord Asrlel wenL back Lo
hls exploraLlons, and you grew up aL !ordan College.
1he one Lhlng he sald, your faLher, Lhe one condlLlon
he made, was LhaL your moLher shouldn'L be leL see
you. lf she ever Lrled Lo do LhaL, she was Lo be
prevenLed, and he was Lo be Lold, because all Lhe
anger ln hls naLure had Lurned agalnsL her now. 1he
MasLer promlsed falLhfully Lo do LhaL, and so Llme
1hen come all Lhls anxleLy abouL uusL. And all over
Lhe counLry, all over Lhe world, wlse men and women
Loo began a worrylng abouL lL. lL weren'L of any
accounL Lo us gypLlans, unLll Lhey sLarLed Laklng our
klds. 1haL's when we goL lnLeresLed. And we goL
connecLlons ln all sorLs of places you wouldn'L lmaglne,
lncludlng !ordan College. ?ou wouldn'L know, buL
Lhere's been someone a waLchlng over you and
reporLlng Lo us ever slnce you been Lhere. 'Cause we
goL an lnLeresL ln you, and LhaL gypLlan woman who
nursed you, she never sLopped belng anxlous on your
Who was lL waLchlng over me?" sald Lyra. She felL
lmmensely lmporLanL and sLrange, LhaL all her dolngs
should be an ob[ecL of concern so far away.
lL was a klLchen servanL. lL was 8ernle !ohansen, Lhe
pasLry cook. Pe's half-gypLlan, you never knew LhaL, l'll
be bound."
8ernle was a klndly, sollLary man, one of Lhose rare
people whose daemon was Lhe same sex as hlmself. lL
was 8ernle she'd shouLed aL ln her despalr when 8oger
was Laken. And 8ernle had been Lelllng Lhe gypLlans
everyLhlng! She marveled.
So anyway," !ohn laa wenL on, we heard abouL you
golng away from !ordan College, and how lL came
abouL aL a Llme when Lord Asrlel was lmprlsoned and
couldn'L prevenL lL. And we remembered whaL he'd
sald Lo Lhe MasLer LhaL he musL never do, and we
remembered LhaL Lhe man your moLher had marrled,
Lhe pollLlclan Lord Asrlel kllled, was called Ldward
Mrs. CoulLer?" sald Lyra, qulLe sLupefled. She en'L
my moLher?"
She ls. And lf your faLher had been free, she wouldn'L
never have dared Lo defy hlm, and you'd sLlll be aL
!ordan, noL knowlng a Lhlng. 8uL whaL Lhe MasLer was
a dolng leLLlng you go ls a mysLery l can'L explaln. Pe
was charged wlLh your care. All l can guess ls LhaL she
had some power over hlm."
Lyra suddenly undersLood Lhe MasLer's curlous
behavlor on Lhe mornlng she'd lefL.
8uL he dldn'L wanL Lo..." she sald, Lrylng Lo remember
lL exacLly. Pe...l had Lo go and see hlm flrsL Lhlng LhaL
mornlng, and l musLn'L Lell Mrs. CoulLer....lL was llke he
wanLed Lo proLecL me from her..." She sLopped, and
looked aL Lhe Lwo men carefully, and Lhen declded Lo
Lell Lhem Lhe whole LruLh abouL Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom.
See, Lhere was someLhlng else.
1haL evenlng l hld ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom, l saw Lhe
MasLer Lry Lo polson Lord Asrlel. l saw hlm puL some
powder ln Lhe wlne and l Lold my uncle and he
knocked Lhe decanLer off Lhe Lable and spllled lL. So l
saved hls llfe. l could never undersLand why Lhe
MasLer would wanL Lo polson hlm, because he was
always so klnd. 1hen on Lhe mornlng l lefL he called me
ln early Lo hls sLudy, and l had Lo go secreLly so no one
would know, and he sald..." Lyra racked her bralns Lo
Lry and remember exacLly whaL lL was Lhe MasLer had
sald. no good, she shook her head. 1he only Lhlng l
could undersLand was LhaL he gave me
age 78

someLhlng and l had Lo keep lL secreL from her, from
Mrs. CoulLer. l suppose lL's all rlghL lf l Lell you...."
She felL ln Lhe pockeL of Lhe wolfskln coaL and Look ouL
Lhe velveL package. She lald lL on Lhe Lable, and she
sensed !ohn laa's masslve slmple curloslLy and larder
Coram's brlghL fllckerlng lnLelllgence boLh Lralned on lL
llke searchllghLs.
When she lald Lhe aleLhlomeLer bare, lL was larder
Coram who spoke flrsL.
l never LhoughL l'd ever seL eyes on one of Lhem
agaln. 1haL's a symbol reader. uld he Lell you anyLhlng
abouL lL, chlld?"
no. Cnly LhaL l'd have Lo work ouL how Lo read lL by
myself. And he called lL an aleLhlomeLer."
WhaL's LhaL mean?" sald !ohn laa, Lurnlng Lo hls
1haL's a Creek word. l reckon lL's from akLhela, whlch
means LruLh. lL's a LruLh measure. And have you
worked ouL how Lo use lL?" he sald Lo her.
no. LeasL, l can make Lhe Lhree shorL hands polnL Lo
dlfferenL plcLures, buL l can'L do anyLhlng wlLh Lhe long
one. lL goes all over. LxcepL someLlmes, rlghL,
someLlmes when l'm sorL of concenLraLlng, l can make
Lhe long needle go Lhls way or LhaL [usL by Lhlnklng lL."
WhaL's lL do, larder Coram?" sald !ohn laa. And how
do you read lL?"
All Lhese plcLures round Lhe rlm," sald larder Coram,
holdlng lL dellcaLely Loward !ohn laa's blunL sLrong
gaze, Lhey're symbols, and each one sLands for a
whole serles of Lhlngs. 1ake Lhe anchor, Lhere. 1he flrsL
meanlng of LhaL ls hope, because hope holds you fasL
llke an anchor so you don'L glve way. 1he second
meanlng ls sLeadfasLness. 1he Lhlrd meanlng ls snag, or
prevenLlon. 1he fourLh meanlng ls Lhe sea. And so on,
down Lo Len, Lwelve, maybe a never-endlng serles of
And do you know Lhem all?"
l know some, buL Lo read lL fully l'd need Lhe book. l
seen Lhe book and l know where lL ls, buL l en'L goL lL."
We'll come back Lo LhaL," sald !ohn laa. Co on wlLh
how you read lL."
?ou goL Lhree hands you can conLrol," larder Coram
explalned, and you use Lhem Lo ask a quesLlon. 8y
polnLlng Lo Lhree symbols you can ask any quesLlon
you can lmaglne, because you've goL so many levels of
each one. Cnce you goL your quesLlon framed, Lhe
oLher needle swlngs round and polnLs Lo more symbols
LhaL glve you Lhe answer."
8uL how does lL know whaL level you're a Lhlnklng of
when you seL Lhe quesLlon?" sald !ohn laa.
Ah, by lLself lL don'L. lL only works lf Lhe quesLloner
holds Lhe levels ln Lhelr mlnd. ?ou goL Lo know all Lhe
meanlngs, flrsL, and Lhere musL be a Lhousand or
more. 1hen you goL Lo be able Lo hold 'em ln your
mlnd wlLhouL freLLlng aL lL or pushlng for an answer,
and [usL waLch whlle Lhe needle wanders. When lL's
gone round lLs full range, you'll know whaL Lhe answer
ls. l know how lL works because l seen lL done once by
a wlse man ln uppsala, and LhaL's Lhe only Llme l ever
saw one before. uo you know how rare Lhese are?"
age 79

1he MasLer Lold me Lhere was only slx made," Lyra
WhaLever Lhe number, lL en'L large."
And you kepL Lhls secreL from Mrs. CoulLer, llke Lhe
MasLer Lold you?" sald !ohn laa. ?es. 8uL her
daemon, rlghL, he used Lo go ln my room. And l'm sure
he found lL."
l see. Well, Lyra, l don'L know lf we'll ever undersLand
Lhe full LruLh, buL Lhls ls my guess, as good as l can
make lL. 1he MasLer was glven a charge by Lord Asrlel
Lo look afLer you and keep you safe from your moLher.
And LhaL was whaL he dld, for Len years or more. 1hen
Mrs. CoulLer's frlends ln Lhe Church helped her seL up
Lhls CblaLlon 8oard, for whaL purpose we don'L know,
and Lhere she was, as powerful ln her way as Lord
Asrlel was ln hls. ?our parenLs, boLh sLrong ln Lhe
world, boLh amblLlous, and Lhe MasLer of !ordan
holdlng you ln Lhe balance beLween Lhem.
now Lhe MasLer's goL a hundred Lhlngs Lo look afLer.
Pls flrsL concern ls hls College and Lhe scholarshlp
Lhere. So lf he sees a LhreaL Lo LhaL, he has Lo move
agln lL. And Lhe Church ln recenL Llmes, Lyra, lL's been a
geLLlng more commandlng. 1here's counclls for Lhls
and counclls for LhaL, Lhere's Lalk of revlvlng Lhe Cfflce
of lnqulslLlon, Cod forbld. And Lhe MasLer has Lo Lread
warlly beLween all Lhese powers. Pe has Lo keep
!ordan College on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe Church, or lL
won'L survlve.
And anoLher concern of Lhe MasLer ls you, chlld.
8ernle !ohansen was always clear abouL LhaL. 1he
MasLer of !ordan and Lhe oLher Scholars, Lhey loved
you llke Lhelr own chlld. 1hey'd do anyLhlng Lo keep
you safe, noL [usL because Lhey'd promlsed Lo Lord
Asrlel LhaL Lhey would, buL for your own sake. So lf Lhe
MasLer gave you up Lo Mrs. CoulLer when he'd
promlsed Lord Asrlel he wouldn'L, he musL have
LhoughL you'd be safer wlLh her Lhan ln !ordan College,
ln splLe of all appearances. And when he seL ouL Lo
polson Lord Asrlel, he musL have LhoughL LhaL whaL
Lord Asrlel was a dolng would place all of Lhem ln
danger, and maybe all of us, Loo, maybe all Lhe world. l
see Lhe MasLer as a man havlng Lerrlble cholces Lo
make, whaLever he chooses wlll do harm, buL maybe lf
he does Lhe rlghL Lhlng, a llLLle less harm wlll come
abouL Lhan lf he chooses wrong. Cod preserve me
from havlng Lo make LhaL sorL of cholce.
And when lL come Lo Lhe polnL where he had Lo leL
you go, he gave you Lhe symbol reader and bade you
keep lL safe. l wonder whaL he had ln mlnd for you Lo
do wlLh lL, as you couldn'L read lL, l'm foxed as Lo whaL
he was a Lhlnklng."
Pe sald uncle Asrlel presenLed Lhe aleLhlomeLer Lo
!ordan College years before," Lyra sald, sLruggllng Lo
remember. Pe was golng Lo say someLhlng else, and
Lhen someone knocked aL Lhe door and he had Lo sLop.
WhaL l LhoughL was, he mlghL have wanLed me Lo keep
lL away from Lord Asrlel Loo."
Cr even Lhe opposlLe," sald !ohn laa.
WhaL d'you mean, !ohn?" sald larder Coram.
Pe mlghL have had lL ln mlnd Lo ask Lyra Lo reLurn lL
Lo Lord Asrlel, as a klnd of recompense for Lrylng Lo
polson hlm. Pe mlghL have LhoughL Lhe danger from
Lord Asrlel had passed. Cr LhaL Lord Asrlel could read
some wlsdom from Lhls lnsLrumenL and hold back from
hls purpose. lf Lord Asrlel's held capLlve now, lL mlghL
help seL hlm free. Well, Lyra, you beLLer Lake Lhls
symbol reader and keep lL safe. lf you kepL lL safe so
far, l en'L worrled abouL leavlng lL wlLh you. 8uL Lhere
mlghL come a Llme when we need Lo consulL lL, and l
reckon we'll ask for lL Lhen."
Pe folded Lhe velveL over lL and slld lL back across Lhe
Lable. Lyra wanLed Lo ask all klnds of quesLlons,
age 80

buL suddenly she felL shy of Lhls masslve man, wlLh hls
llLLle eyes so sharp and klndly among Lhelr folds and
Cne Lhlng she had Lo ask, Lhough.
Who was Lhe gypLlan woman who nursed me ?"
Why, lL was 8llly CosLa's moLher, of course. She won'L
have Lold you, because l en'L leL her, buL she knows
whaL we're a Lalklng of here, so lL's all ouL ln Lhe open.
now you besL be geLLlng back Lo her. ?ou goL plenLy
Lo be a Lhlnklng of, chlld. When Lhree days ls gone
pasL, we'll have anoLher roplng and dlscuss all Lhere ls
Lo do. ?ou be a good glrl. CoodnlghL, Lyra."
CoodnlghL, Lord laa. CoodnlghL, larder Coram," she
sald pollLely, cluLchlng Lhe aleLhlomeLer Lo her breasL
wlLh one hand and scooplng up anLalalmon wlLh Lhe
8oLh old men smlled klndly aL her. CuLslde Lhe door of
Lhe parley room Ma CosLa was walLlng, and as lf
noLhlng had happened slnce Lyra was born, Lhe boaL
moLher gaLhered her lnLo her greaL arms and klssed
her before bearlng her off Lo bed.
Lyra had Lo ad[usL Lo her new sense of her own sLory,
and LhaL couldn'L be done ln a day. 1o see Lord Asrlel
as her faLher was one Lhlng, buL Lo accepL Mrs. CoulLer
as her moLher was nowhere near so easy. A couple of
monLhs ago she would have re[olced, of course, and
she knew LhaL Loo, and felL confused.
8uL, belng Lyra, she dldn'L freL abouL lL for long, for
Lhere was Lhe fen Lown Lo explore and many gypLlan
chlldren Lo amaze. 8efore Lhe Lhree days were up she
was an experL wlLh a punL (ln her eyes, aL leasL) and
she'd gaLhered a gang of urchlns abouL her wlLh Lales
of her mlghLy faLher, so un[usLly made capLlve.
And Lhen one evenlng Lhe 1urklsh Ambassador was a
guesL aL !ordan for dlnner. And he was under orders
from Lhe SulLan hlsself Lo klll my faLher, rlghL, and he
had a rlng on hls flnger wlLh a hollow sLone full of
polson. And when Lhe wlne come round he made as lf
Lo reach across my faLher's glass, and he sprlnkled Lhe
polson ln. lL was done so qulck LhaL no one else saw
hlm, buL-"
age 81

WhaL sorL of polson?" demanded a Lhln-faced glrl.
olson ouL of a speclal 1urklsh serpenL," Lyra
lnvenLed, whaL Lhey caLch by playlng a plpe Lo lure
ouL and Lhen Lhey Lhrow lL a sponge soaked ln honey
and Lhe serpenL blLes lL and can'L geL hls fangs free,
and Lhey caLch lL and mllk Lhe venom ouL of lL.
Anyway, my faLher seen whaL Lhe 1urk done, and he
says, CenLlemen, l wanL Lo propose a LoasL of
frlendshlp beLween !ordan College and Lhe College of
lzmlr, whlch was Lhe college Lhe 1urklsh Ambassador
belonged Lo. And Lo show our wllllngness Lo be frlends,
he says, we'll swap glasses and drlnk each oLher's
And Lhe Ambassador was ln a flx Lhen, 'cause he
couldn'L refuse Lo drlnk wlLhouL glvlng deadly lnsulL,
and he couldn'L drlnk lL because he knew lL was
polsoned. Pe wenL pale and he falnLed rlghL away aL
Lhe Lable. And when he come round Lhey was all sLlll
slLLlng Lhere, walLlng and looklng aL hlm. And Lhen he
had Lo elLher drlnk Lhe polson or own up."
So whaL dld he do?"
Pe drunk lL. lL Look hlm flve whole mlnuLes Lo dle, and
he was ln LormenL all Lhe Llme." uld you see lL
no, 'cause glrls en'L allowed aL Lhe Plgh 1able. 8uL l
seen hls body afLerwards when Lhey lald hlm ouL. Pls
skln was all wlLhered llke an old apple, and hls eyes
were sLarLlng from hls head. ln facL, Lhey had Lo push
'em back ln Lhe sockeLs...."
And so on.
Meanwhlle, around Lhe edges of Lhe fen counLry, Lhe
pollce were knocklng aL doors, searchlng aLLlcs and
ouLhouses, lnspecLlng papers and lnLerrogaLlng
everyone who clalmed Lo have seen a blond llLLle glrl,
and ln Cxford Lhe search was even flercer. !ordan
College was scoured from Lhe dusLlesL boxroom Lo Lhe
darkesL cellar, and so were Cabrlel and SL. Mlchael's,
Llll Lhe heads of all Lhe colleges lssued a [olnL proLesL
asserLlng Lhelr anclenL rlghLs. 1he only noLlon Lyra had
of Lhe search for her was Lhe lncessanL drone of Lhe
gas englnes of alrshlps crlsscrosslng Lhe skles. 1hey
weren'L vlslble, because Lhe clouds were low and by
sLaLuLe alrshlps had Lo keep a cerLaln helghL above fen
counLry, buL who knew whaL cunnlng spy devlces Lhey
mlghL carry? 8esL Lo keep under cover when she heard
Lhem, or wear Lhe ollskln sou'wesLer over her brlghL
dlsLlncLlve halr.
And she quesLloned Ma CosLa abouL every deLall of Lhe
sLory of her blrLh. She wove Lhe deLalls lnLo a menLal
LapesLry even clearer and sharper Lhan Lhe sLorles she
made up, and llved over and over agaln Lhe fllghL from
Lhe coLLage, Lhe concealmenL ln Lhe closeL, Lhe harsh-
volced challenge, Lhe clash of swords-
Swords? CreaL Cod, glrl, you dreamlng?" Ma CosLa
sald. Mr. CoulLer had a gun, and Lord Asrlel knocked lL
ouL hls hand and sLruck hlm down wlLh one blow. 1hen
Lhere was Lwo shoLs. l wonder you don'L remember,
you oughL Lo, llLLle as you were. 1he flrsL shoL was
Ldward CoulLer, who reached hls gun and flred, and
Lhe second was Lord Asrlel, who Lore lL ouL hls grasp a
second Llme and Lurned lL on hlm. ShoL hlm rlghL
beLween Lhe eyes and dashed hls bralns ouL. 1hen he
says cool as palnL, 'Come ouL, Mrs. CosLa, and brlng
Lhe baby,' because you were seLLlng up such a howl,
you and LhaL daemon boLh, and he Look you up and
dandled you and saL you on hls shoulders, walklng up
and down ln hlgh good humor wlLh Lhe dead man aL
hls feeL, and called for wlne and bade me swab Lhe
8y Lhe end of Lhe fourLh repeLlLlon of Lhe sLory Lyra
was perfecLly convlnced she dld remember lL, and
age 82

even volunLeered deLalls of Lhe color of Mr. CoulLer's
coaL and Lhe cloaks and furs hanglng ln Lhe closeL. Ma
CosLa laughed.
And whenever she was alone, Lyra Look ouL Lhe
aleLhlome-Ler and pored over lL llke a lover wlLh a
plcLure of Lhe beloved. So each lmage had several
meanlngs, dld lL? Why shouldn'L she work Lhem ouL?
Wasn'L she Lord Asrlel's daughLer?
8ememberlng whaL larder Coram had sald, she Lrled
Lo focus her mlnd on Lhree symbols Laken aL random,
and cllcked Lhe hands round Lo polnL aL Lhem, and
found LhaL lf she held Lhe aleLhlomeLer [usL so ln her
palms and gazed aL lL ln a parLlcular lazy way, as she
LhoughL of lL, Lhe long needle
would begln Lo move more purposefully. lnsLead of lLs
wayward dlvagaLlons around Lhe dlal lL swung
smooLhly from one plcLure Lo anoLher. SomeLlmes lL
would pause aL Lhree, someLlmes Lwo, someLlmes flve
or more, and alLhough she undersLood noLhlng of lL,
she galned a deep calm en[oymenL from lL, unllke
anyLhlng she'd known. anLalalmon would crouch over
Lhe dlal, someLlmes as a caL, someLlmes as a mouse,
swlnglng hls head round afLer Lhe needle, and once or
Lwlce Lhe Lwo of Lhem shared a gllmpse of meanlng
LhaL felL as lf a shafL of sunllghL had sLruck Lhrough
clouds Lo llghL up a ma[esLlc llne of greaL hllls ln Lhe
dlsLance-someLhlng far beyond, and never suspecLed.
And Lyra Lhrllled aL Lhose Llmes wlLh Lhe same deep
Lhrlll she'd felL all her llfe on hearlng Lhe word norLh.
So Lhe Lhree days passed, wlLh much comlng and golng
beLween Lhe mulLlLude of boaLs and Lhe Zaal. And Lhen
came Lhe evenlng of Lhe second roplng. 1he hall was
more crowded Lhan before, lf LhaL was posslble. Lyra
and Lhe CosLas goL Lhere ln Llme Lo slL aL Lhe fronL, and
as soon as Lhe fllckerlng llghLs showed LhaL Lhe place
was crammed, !ohn laa and larder Coram came ouL
on Lhe plaLform and saL behlnd Lhe Lable. !ohn laa
dldn'L have Lo make a slgn for sllence, he [usL puL hls
greaL hands flaL on Lhe Lable and looked aL Lhe people
below, and Lhe hubbub dled.
Well," he sald, you done whaL l asked. And beLLer
Lhan l hoped. l'm a golng Lo call on Lhe heads of Lhe slx
famllles now Lo come up here and glve over Lhelr gold
and recounL Lhelr promlses. nlcholas 8okeby, you
come flrsL."
A sLouL black-bearded man cllmbed onLo Lhe plaLform
and lald a heavy leaLher bag on Lhe Lable.
1haL's our gold," he sald. And we offer LhlrLy-elghL
1hank you, nlcholas," sald !ohn laa. larder Coram
was maklng a noLe. 1he flrsL man sLood aL Lhe back of
Lhe plaLform as !ohn laa called for Lhe nexL, and Lhe
nexL, and each came up, lald a bag on Lhe Lable, and
announced Lhe number of men he could musLer. 1he
CosLas were parL of Lhe SLefanskl famlly, and naLurally
1ony had been one of Lhe flrsL Lo volunLeer. Lyra
noLlced hls hawk daemon shlfLlng from fooL Lo fooL
and spreadlng her wlngs as Lhe SLefanskl money and
Lhe promlse of LwenLy-Lhree men were lald before
!ohn laa.
When Lhe slx famlly heads had all come up, larder
Coram showed hls plece of paper Lo !ohn laa, who
sLood up Lo address Lhe audlence agaln.
lrlends, LhaL's a musLer of one hundred and sevenLy
men. l Lhank you proudly. As for Lhe gold, l make no
doubL from Lhe welghL of lL LhaL you've all dug deep ln
your coffers, and my warm Lhanks go ouL for LhaL as
WhaL we're a golng Lo do nexL ls Lhls. We're a golng Lo
charLer a shlp and sall norLh, and flnd Lhem klds and
seL 'em free. lrom whaL we know, Lhere mlghL be
some flghLlng Lo do. lL won'L be Lhe flrsL Llme, nor lL
age 83

won'L be Lhe lasL, buL we never had Lo flghL yeL wlLh
people who kldnap chlldren, and we shall have Lo be
uncommon cunnlng. 8uL we en'L golng Lo come back
wlLhouL our klds. ?es, ulrk vrles?"
A man sLood up and sald, Lord laa, do you know why
Lhey capLured Lhem klds?"
We heard lL's a Lheologlcal maLLer. 1hey're maklng an
experlmenL, buL whaL naLure lL ls we don'L know. 1o
Lell you all Lhe LruLh, we don'L even know wheLher any
harm ls a comlng Lo 'em. 8uL whaLever lL ls, good or
bad, Lhey goL no rlghL Lo reach ouL by nlghL and pluck
llLLle chlldren ouL Lhe hearLs of Lhelr famllles. ?es,
8aymond van CerrlL?"
1he man who'd spoken aL Lhe flrsL meeLlng sLood up
and sald, 1haL chlld, Lord laa, Lhe one you spoke of as
belng soughL, Lhe one as ls slLLlng ln Lhe fronL row
now. l heard as all Lhe folk llvlng around Lhe edge of
Lhe fens ls havlng Lhelr
houses Lurned upslde down on her accounL. l heard
Lhere's a move ln arllamenL Lhls very day Lo resclnd
our anclenL prlvlleges on accounL of Lhls chlld. ?es,
frlends," he sald, over Lhe babble of shocked whlspers,
Lhey're a golng Lo pass a law dolng away wlLh our
rlghL Lo free movemenL ln and ouL Lhe fens. now, Lord
laa, whaL we wanL Lo know ls Lhls: who ls Lhls chlld on
accounL of whlch we mlghL come Lo such a pass? She
en'L a gypLlan chlld, noL as l heard. Pow comes lL LhaL a
landloper chlld can puL us all ln danger?"
Lyra looked up aL !ohn laa's masslve frame. Per hearL
was Lhumplng so much she could hardly hear Lhe flrsL
words of hls reply.
now spell lL ouL, 8aymond, don'L be shy," he sald.
?ou wanL us Lo glve Lhls chlld up Lo Lhem she's a
fleelng from, ls LhaL rlghL?"
1he man sLood obsLlnaLely frownlng, buL sald noLhlng.
Well, perhaps you would, and perhaps you wouldn'L,"
!ohn laa conLlnued. 8uL lf any man or woman needs a
reason for dolng good, ponder on Lhls. 1haL llLLle glrl ls
Lhe daughLer of Lord Asrlel, no less. lor Lhem as has
forgoLLen, lL were Lord Asrlel who lnLerceded wlLh Lhe
1urk for Lhe llfe of Sam 8roekman. lL were Lord Asrlel
who allowed gypLlan boaLs free passage on Lhe canals
Lhrough hls properLy. lL were Lord Asrlel who defeaLed
Lhe WaLercourse 8lll ln arllamenL, Lo our greaL and
lasLlng beneflL. And lL were Lord Asrlel who foughL day
and nlghL ln Lhe floods of '33, and plunged headlong ln
Lhe waLer Lwlce Lo pull ouL young 8uud and nellle
koopman. ?ou forgoLLen LhaL? Shame, shame on you,
And now LhaL same Lord Asrlel ls held ln Lhe farLhesL
coldesL darkesL reglons of Lhe wlld, capLlve, ln Lhe
forLress of Svalbard. uo l need Lo Lell you Lhe klnd of
creaLures a guardlng hlm Lhere? And Lhls ls hls llLLle
daughLer ln our care, and 8aymond van CerrlL would
hand her over Lo Lhe auLhorlLles for a blL of peace and
quleL. ls LhaL rlghL, 8aymond? SLand up and answer,
8uL 8aymond van CerrlL had sunk Lo hls seaL, and
noLhlng would make hlm sLand. A low hlss of
dlsapproval sounded Lhrough Lhe greaL hall, and Lyra
felL Lhe shame he musL be feellng, as well as a deep
glow of prlde ln her brave faLher.
!ohn laa Lurned away, and looked aL Lhe oLher men on
Lhe plaLform.
nlcholas 8okeby, l'm a puLLlng you ln charge of
flndlng a vessel, and commandlng her once we sall.
Adam SLefanskl, l wanL you Lo Lake charge of Lhe arms
and munlLlons, and command Lhe flghLlng. 8oger van
oppel, you look Lo all Lhe oLher sLores, from food Lo
cold-weaLher cloLhlng. Slmon ParLmann, you
age 84

be Lreasurer, and accounL Lo us all for a proper
apporLlonmenL of our gold. 8en[amln de 8uyLer, l wanL
you Lo Lake charge of spylng. 1here's a greaL deal we
oughL Lo flnd ouL, and l'm a glvlng you Lhe charge of
LhaL, and you'll reporL Lo larder Coram. Mlchael
Canzona, you're golng Lo be responslble for
coordlnaLlng Lhe flrsL four leaders' work, and you'll
reporL Lo me, and lf l dle, you're my second ln
command and you'll Lake over.
now l've made my dlsposlLlons accordlng Lo cusLom,
and lf any man or woman seeks Lo dlsagree, Lhey may
do so freely."
AfLer a momenL a woman sLood up.
Lord laa, en'L you a Laklng any women on Lhls
expedlLlon Lo look afLer Lhem klds once you found
no, nell. We shall have llLLle space as lL ls. Any klds
we free wlll be beLLer off ln our care Lhan where
Lhey've been."
8uL supposlng you flnd ouL LhaL you can'L rescue 'em
wlLhouL some women ln dlsgulse as guards or nurses
or whaLever?"
Well, l hadn'L LhoughL of LhaL," !ohn laa admlLLed.
We'll conslder LhaL mosL carefully when we reLlre lnLo
Lhe parley room, you have my promlse."
She saL down and a man sLood up.
Lord laa, l heard you say LhaL Lord Asrlel ls ln
capLlvlLy. ls lL parL of your plan Lo rescue hlm? 8ecause
lf lL ls, and lf he's ln Lhe power of Lhem bears as l Lhlnk
you sald, LhaL's golng Lo need more Lhan a hundred
and sevenLy men. And good frlend as Lord Asrlel ls Lo
us, l don'L know as Lhere's any call on us Lo go as far as
Adrlaan 8raks, you're noL wrong. WhaL l had lL ln my
mlnd Lo do was Lo keep our eyes and ears open and
see whaL knowledge we can glean whlle we're ln Lhe
norLh. lL may be LhaL we can do someLhlng Lo help
hlm, and lL may noL, buL you can LrusL me noL Lo use
whaL you've provlded, man and gold, for any purpose
ouLslde Lhe sLaLed one of flndlng our chlldren and
brlnglng 'em home."
AnoLher woman sLood up.
Lord laa, we don'L know whaL Lhem Cobblers
mlghL've been dolng Lo our chlldren. We all heard
rumors and sLorles of fearful Lhlngs. We hear abouL
chlldren wlLh no heads, or abouL chlldren cuL ln half
and sewn LogeLher, or abouL Lhlngs Loo awful Lo
menLlon. l'm Lruly sorry Lo dlsLress anyone, buL we all
heard Lhls klnd of Lhlng, and l wanL Lo geL lL ouL ln Lhe
open. now ln case you flnd anyLhlng of LhaL awful klnd,
Lord laa, l hope you're a golng Lo Lake powerful
revenge. l hope you en'L golng Lo leL LhoughLs of mercy
and genLleness hold your hand back from sLrlklng and
sLrlklng hard, and dellverlng a mlghLy blow Lo Lhe hearL
of LhaL lnfernal wlckedness. And l'm sure l speak for
any moLher as has losL a chlld Lo Lhe Cobblers."
1here was a loud murmur of agreemenL as she saL
down. Peads were noddlng all over Lhe Zaal.
!ohn laa walLed for sllence, and sald:
noLhlng wlll hold my hand, MargareL, save only
[udgmenL. lf l sLay my hand ln Lhe norLh, lL wlll only be
Lo sLrlke Lhe harder ln Lhe SouLh. 1o sLrlke a day Loo
soon ls as bad as sLrlklng a hundred mlles off. 1o be
age 83

sure, Lhere's a warm passlon behlnd whaL you say. 8uL
lf you glve ln Lo LhaL passlon, frlends, you're a dolng
whaL l always warned you agln: you're a placlng Lhe
saLlsfacLlon of your own feellngs above Lhe work you
have Lo do. Cur work here ls flrsL rescue, Lhen
punlshmenL. lL en'L graLlflcaLlon for upseL feellngs. Cur
feellngs don'L maLLer. lf we rescue Lhe klds buL we
can'L punlsh Lhe Cobblers, we've done Lhe maln Lask.
8uL lf we alm Lo punlsh Lhe Cobblers flrsL and by dolng
so lose Lhe chance of resculng Lhe klds, we've falled.
8uL be assured of Lhls, MargareL. When Lhe Llme
comes Lo punlsh, we shall sLrlke such a blow as'll make
Lhelr hearLs falnL and fearful. We shall sLrlke Lhe
sLrengLh ouL of 'em. We shall leave Lhem rulned and
wasLed, broken and shaLLered, Lorn ln a Lhousand
pleces and scaLLered Lo Lhe four wlnds. uon'L you
worry LhaL !ohn laa's hearL ls Loo sofL Lo sLrlke a blow
when Lhe Llme comes. And Lhe Llme wlll come under
[udgmenL. noL under passlon.
ls Lhere anyone else who wanLs Lo speak? Speak lf
you wlll."
8uL no one dld, and presenLly !ohn laa reached for Lhe
closlng bell and rang lL hard and loud, swlnglng lL hlgh
and shaklng Lhe peals ouL of lL so LhaL Lhey fllled Lhe
hall and rang Lhe rafLers.
!ohn laa and Lhe oLher men lefL Lhe plaLform for Lhe
parley room. Lyra was a llLLle dlsappolnLed. uldn'L Lhey
wanL her Lhere Loo? 8uL 1ony laughed.
1hey goL plans Lo make," he sald. ?ou done your
parL, Lyra. now lL's for !ohn laa and Lhe councll."
8uL l en'L done noLhlng yeL!" Lyra proLesLed, as she
followed Lhe oLhers relucLanLly ouL of Lhe hall and
down Lhe cobbled road Loward Lhe [eLLy. All l done
was run away from Mrs. CoulLer! 1haL's [usL a
beglnnlng. l wanL Lo go norLh!"
1ell you whaL," sald 1ony, l'll brlng you back a walrus
LooLh, LhaL's whaL l'll do."
Lyra scowled. lor hls parL, anLalalmon occupled
hlmself by maklng monkey faces aL 1ony's daemon,
who closed her Lawny eyes ln dlsdaln. Lyra drlfLed Lo
Lhe [eLLy and hung abouL wlLh her new companlons,
dangllng lanLerns on sLrlngs over Lhe black waLer Lo
aLLracL Lhe goggle-eyed flshes who swam slowly up Lo
be lunged aL wlLh sharp sLlcks and mlssed.
8uL her mlnd was on !ohn laa and Lhe parley room,
and before long she sllpped away up Lhe cobbles agaln
Lo Lhe Zaal. 1here was a llghL ln Lhe parley room
wlndow. lL was Loo hlgh Lo look Lhrough, buL she could
hear a low rumble of volces lnslde.
So she walked up Lo Lhe door and knocked on lL flrmly
flve Llmes. 1he volces sLopped, a chalr scraped across
Lhe floor, and Lhe door opened, spllllng warm naphLha
llghL ouL on Lhe damp sLep.
?es?" sald Lhe man who'd opened lL.
8eyond hlm Lyra could see Lhe oLher men around Lhe
Lable, wlLh bags of gold sLacked neaLly, and papers and
pens, and glasses and a crock of [ennlver.
l wanL Lo come norLh," Lyra sald so Lhey could all hear
lL. l wanL Lo come and help rescue Lhe klds. 1haL's
whaL l seL ouL Lo do when l run away from Mrs.
CoulLer. And before LhaL, even, l meanL Lo rescue my
frlend 8oger Lhe klLchen boy from !ordan who was
Look. l wanL Lo come and help. l can do navlgaLlon and
l can Lake anbaromagneLlc readlngs off Lhe Aurora,
and l know whaL parLs of a bear you can eaL, and all
klnd of useful Lhlngs. ?ou'd be sorry lf you goL up Lhere
and Lhen found you needed me
age 86

and found you'd lefL me behlnd. And llke LhaL woman
sald, you mlghL need women Lo play a parL-well, you
mlghL need klds Loo. ?ou don'L know. So you oughLer
Lake me, Lord laa, excuse me for lnLerrupLlng your
She was lnslde Lhe room now, and all Lhe men and
Lhelr daemons were waLchlng her, some wlLh
amusemenL and some wlLh lrrlLaLlon, buL she had eyes
only for !ohn laa. anLalalmon saL up ln her arms, hls
wlldcaL eyes blazlng green.
!ohn laa sald, Lyra, Lhere en'L no quesLlon of Laklng
you lnLo danger, so don'L delude yourself, chlld. SLay
here and help Ma CosLa and keep safe. 1haL's whaL
you goL Lo do."
8uL l'm learnlng how Lo read Lhe aleLhlomeLer, Loo.
lL's comlng clearer every day! ?ou're bound Lo need
LhaL-bound Lo!"
Pe shook hls head.
no," he sald. l know your hearL was seL on golng
norLh, buL lL's my bellef noL even Mrs. CoulLer was
golng Lo Lake you. lf you wanL Lo see Lhe norLh, you'll
have Lo walL Llll all Lhls Lrouble's over. now off you go."
anLalalmon hlssed quleLly, buL !ohn laa's daemon
Look off from Lhe back of hls chalr and flew aL Lhem
wlLh black wlngs, noL LhreaLenlngly, buL llke a
remlnder of good manners, and Lyra Lurned on her
heel as Lhe crow gllded over her head and wheeled
back Lo !ohn laa. 1he door shuL behlnd her wlLh a
declslve cllck.
We wlll go," she sald Lo anLalalmon. LeL 'em Lry Lo
sLop us. We wlll!"
Cver Lhe nexL few days, Lyra concocLed a dozen plans
and dlsmlssed Lhem lmpaLlenLly, for Lhey all bolled
down Lo sLowlng away, and how could you sLow away
on a narrowboaL? 1o be sure, Lhe real voyage would
lnvolve a proper shlp, and she knew enough sLorles Lo
expecL all klnds of hldlng places on a full-slzed vessel:
Lhe llfeboaLs, Lhe hold, Lhe bllges, whaLever Lhey were,
buL she'd have Lo geL Lo Lhe shlp flrsL, and leavlng Lhe
fens meanL Lravellng Lhe gypLlan way.
age 87

And even lf she goL Lo Lhe coasL on her own, she mlghL
sLow away on Lhe wrong shlp. lL would be a flne Lhlng
Lo hlde ln a llfeboaL and wake up on Lhe way Lo Plgh
Meanwhlle, all around her Lhe LanLallzlng work of
assembllng Lhe expedlLlon was golng on day and nlghL.
She hung around Adam SLefanskl, waLchlng as he
made hls cholce of Lhe volunLeers for Lhe flghLlng
force. She pesLered 8oger van oppel wlLh suggesLlons
abouL Lhe sLores Lhey needed Lo Lake: Pad he
remembered snow goggles? uld he know Lhe besL
place Lo geL arcLlc maps?
1he man she mosL wanLed Lo help was 8en[amln de
8uyLer, Lhe spy. 8uL he had sllpped away ln Lhe early
hours of Lhe mornlng afLer Lhe second roplng, and
naLurally no one could say where he'd gone or when
he'd reLurn. So ln defaulL, Lyra aLLached herself Lo
larder Coram.
l Lhlnk lL'd be besL lf l helped you, larder Coram," she
sald, because l probably know more abouL Lhe
Cobblers Lhan anyone else, belng as l was nearly one
of Lhem. robably you'll need me Lo help you
undersLand Mr. de 8uyLer's messages."
Pe Look plLy on Lhe flerce, desperaLe llLLle glrl and
dldn'L send her away. lnsLead he Lalked Lo her, and
llsLened Lo her memorles of Cxford and of Mrs.
CoulLer, and waLched as she read Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
Where's LhaL book wlLh all Lhe symbols ln?" she asked
hlm one day. ln Peldelberg," he sald.
And ls Lhere [usL Lhe one?"
1here may be oLhers, buL LhaL's Lhe one l've seen."
l beL Lhere's one ln 8odley's Llbrary ln Cxford," she
She could hardly Lake her eyes off larder Coram's
daemon, who was Lhe mosL beauLlful daemon she'd
ever seen. When anLalalmon was a caL, he was lean
and ragged and harsh, buL Sophonax, for LhaL was her
name, was golden-eyed and eleganL beyond measure,
fully Lwlce as large as a real caL and rlchly furred.
When Lhe sunllghL Louched her, lL llL up more shades
of Lawny-brown-leaf-hazel-corn-gold-auLumn-
mahogany Lhan Lyra could name. She longed Lo Louch
LhaL fur, Lo rub her cheeks agalnsL lL, buL of course she
never dld, for lL was Lhe grossesL breach of eLlqueLLe
lmaglnable Lo Louch anoLher person's daemon.
uaemons mlghL Louch each oLher, of course, or flghL,
buL Lhe prohlblLlon agalnsL human-daemon conLacL
wenL so deep LhaL even ln baLLle no warrlor would
Louch an enemy's daemon. lL was uLLerly forbldden.
Lyra couldn'L remember havlng Lo be Lold LhaL: she [usL
knew lL, as lnsLlncLlvely as she felL LhaL nausea was bad
and comforL good. So alLhough she admlred Lhe fur of
Sophonax and even speculaLed on whaL lL mlghL feel
llke, she never made Lhe sllghLesL move Lo Louch her,
and never would.
Sophonax was as sleek and healLhy and beauLlful as
larder Coram was ravaged and weak. Pe mlghL have
been lll, or he mlghL have suffered a crlppllng blow,
buL Lhe resulL was LhaL
he could noL walk wlLhouL leanlng on Lwo sLlcks, and
he Lrembled consLanLly llke an aspen leaf. Pls mlnd
was sharp and clear and powerful, Lhough, and soon
Lyra came Lo love hlm for hls knowledge and for Lhe
flrm way he dlrecLed her.
WhaL's LhaL hourglass mean, larder Coram?" she
asked, over Lhe aleLhlomeLer, one sunny mornlng ln
age 88

hls boaL. lL keeps comlng back Lo LhaL."
1here's ofLen a clue Lhere lf you look more close.
WhaL's LhaL llLLle old Lhlng on Lop of lL?"
She screwed up her eyes and peered.
1haL's a skull!"
So whaL d'you Lhlnk LhaL mlghL mean?" LhaL deaLh?"
1haL's rlghL. So ln Lhe hourglass range of meanlngs
you geL deaLh. ln facL, afLer Llme, whlch ls Lhe flrsL one,
deaLh ls Lhe second one."
u'you know whaL l noLlced, larder Coram? 1he
needle sLops Lhere on Lhe second go-round! Cn Lhe
flrsL round lL klnd of LwlLches, and on Lhe second lL
sLops. ls LhaL saylng lL's Lhe second meanlng, Lhen?"
robably. WhaL are you asklng lL, Lyra?"
l'm a Lhlnklng-" she sLopped, surprlsed Lo flnd LhaL
she'd acLually been asklng a quesLlon wlLhouL reallzlng
lL. l [usL puL Lhree plcLures LogeLher because...! was
Lhlnklng abouL Mr. de 8uyLer, see....And l puL LogeLher
Lhe serpenL and Lhe cruclble and Lhe beehlve, Lo ask
how he's a geLLlng on wlLh hls spylng, and-"
Why Lhem Lhree symbols?"
8ecause l LhoughL Lhe serpenL was cunnlng, llke a spy
oughL Lo be, and Lhe cruclble could mean llke
knowledge, whaL you klnd of dlsLlll, and Lhe beehlve
was hard work, llke bees are always worklng hard, so
ouL of Lhe hard work and Lhe cunnlng comes Lhe
knowledge, see, and LhaL's Lhe spy's [ob, and l polnLed
Lo Lhem and l LhoughL Lhe quesLlon ln my mlnd, and
Lhe needle sLopped aL deaLh....u'you Lhlnk LhaL could
be really worklng, larder Coram?"
lL's worklng all rlghL, Lyra. WhaL we don'L know ls
wheLher we're readlng lL rlghL. 1haL's a subLle arL. l
wonder lf-"
8efore he could flnlsh hls senLence, Lhere was an
urgenL knock aL Lhe door, and a young gypLlan man
came ln.
8eg pardon, larder Coram, Lhere's !acob Pulsmans
[usL come back, and he's sore wounded."
Pe was wlLh 8en[amln de 8uyLer," sald larder Coram.
WhaL's happened?"
Pe won'L speak," sald Lhe young man. ?ou beLLer
come, larder Coram, 'cause he won'L lasL long, he's a
bleedlng lnslde."
larder Coram and Lyra exchanged a look of alarm and
wondermenL, buL only for a second, and Lhen larder
Coram was hobbllng ouL on hls sLlcks as fasL as he
could manage, wlLh hls daemon paddlng ahead of hlm.
Lyra came Loo, hopplng wlLh lmpaLlence.
1he young man led Lhem Lo a boaL Lled up aL Lhe
sugar-beeL [eLLy, where a woman ln a red flannel
age 89

held open Lhe door for Lhem. Seelng her susplclous
glance aL Lyra, larder Coram sald, lL's lmporLanL Lhe
glrl hears whaL !acob's goL Lo say, mlsLress."
So Lhe woman leL Lhem ln and sLood back, wlLh her
squlrrel daemon perched sllenL on Lhe wooden clock.
Cn a bunk under a paLchwork coverleL lay a man
whose whlLe face was damp wlLh sweaL and whose
eyes were glazed.
l've senL for Lhe physlclan, larder Coram," sald Lhe
woman shaklly. lease don'L aglLaLe hlm. Pe's ln an
agony of paln. Pe come ln off eLer Pawker's boaL [usL
a few mlnuLes ago."
Where's eLer now?"
Pe's a Lylng up. lL was hlm sald l had Lo send for you."
CulLe rlghL. now, !acob, can ye hear me?"
!acob's eyes rolled Lo look aL larder Coram slLLlng on
Lhe opposlLe bunk, a fooL or Lwo away.
Pello, larder Coram," he murmured.
Lyra looked aL hls daemon. She was a ferreL, and she
lay very sLlll beslde hls head, curled up buL noL asleep,
for her eyes were open and glazed llke hls.
WhaL happened?" sald larder Coram.
8en[amln's dead," came Lhe answer. Pe's dead, and
Cerard's capLured."
Pls volce was hoarse and hls breaLh was shallow.
When he sLopped speaklng, hls daemon uncurled
palnfully and llcked hls cheek, and Laklng sLrengLh from
LhaL he wenL on:
We was breaklng lnLo Lhe MlnlsLry of 1heology,
because 8en[amln had heard from one of Lhe Cobblers
we caughL LhaL Lhe headquarLers was Lhere, LhaL's
where all Lhe orders was comlng from...."
Pe sLopped agaln.
?ou capLured some Cobblers?" sald larder Coram.
!acob nodded, and casL hls eyes aL hls daemon. lL was
unusual for daemons Lo speak Lo humans oLher Lhan
Lhelr own, buL lL happened someLlmes, and she spoke
We caughL Lhree Cobblers ln Clerkenwell and made
Lhem Lell us who Lhey were worklng for and where Lhe
orders came from and so on. 1hey dldn'L know where
Lhe klds were belng Laken, excepL lL was norLh Lo
She had Lo sLop and panL brlefly, her llLLle chesL
fluLLerlng, before she could go on.
And so Lhem Cobblers Lold us abouL Lhe MlnlsLry of
1heology and Lord 8oreal. 8en[amln sald hlm and
Cerard Pook should break lnLo Lhe MlnlsLry and lrans
8roekman and 1om Mendham should go and flnd ouL
abouL Lord 8oreal."
uld Lhey do LhaL?"
age 90

We don'L know. 1hey never came back. larder
Coram, lL were llke everyLhlng we dld, Lhey knew
abouL before we dld lL, and for all we know lrans and
1om were swallowed allve as soon as Lhey goL near
Lord 8oreal."
Come back Lo 8en[amln," sald larder Coram, hearlng
!acob's breaLhlng geLLlng harsher and seelng hls eyes
close ln paln.
!acob's daemon gave a llLLle mew of anxleLy and love,
and Lhe woman Look a sLep or Lwo closer, her hands Lo
her mouLh, buL she dldn'L speak, and Lhe daemon
wenL on falnLly:
8en[amln and Cerard and us wenL Lo Lhe MlnlsLry aL
WhlLe Pall and found a llLLle slde door, lL noL belng
flercely guarded, and we sLayed on waLch ouLslde
whlle Lhey unfasLened Lhe lock and wenL ln. 1hey
hadn'L been ln buL a mlnuLe when we heard a cry of
fear, and 8en[amln's daemon came a flylng ouL and
beckoned Lo us for help and flew ln agaln, and we Look
our knlfe and ran ln afLer her, only Lhe place was dark,
and full of wlld forms and sounds LhaL were confuslng
ln Lhelr frlghLful movemenLs, and we casL abouL, buL
Lhere was a commoLlon above, and a fearful cry, and
8en[amln and hls daemon fell from a hlgh sLalrcase
above us, hls daemon a Lugglng and a fluLLerlng Lo hold
hlm up, buL all ln valn, for Lhey crashed on Lhe sLone
floor and boLh perlshed ln a momenL.
And we couldn'L see anyLhlng of Cerard, buL Lhere
was a howl from above ln hls volce and we were Loo
Lerrlfled and sLunned Lo move, and Lhen an arrow shoL
down aL our shoulder and plerced deep down
1he daemon's volce was falnLer, and a groan came
from Lhe wounded man. larder Coram leaned forward
and genLly pulled back Lhe counLerpane, and Lhere
proLrudlng from !acob's shoulder was Lhe feaLhered
end of an arrow ln a mass
of cloLLed blood. 1he shafL and Lhe head were so deep
ln Lhe poor man's chesL LhaL only slx lnches or so
remalned above Lhe skln. Lyra felL falnL.
1here was Lhe sound of feeL and volces ouLslde on Lhe
larder Coram saL up and sald, Pere's Lhe physlclan,
!acob. We'll leave you now. We'll have a longer Lalk
when you're feellng beLLer."
Pe clasped Lhe woman's shoulder on Lhe way ouL. Lyra
sLuck close Lo hlm on Lhe [eLLy, because Lhere was a
crowd gaLherlng already, whlsperlng and polnLlng.
larder Coram gave orders for eLer Pawker Lo go aL
once Lo !ohn laa, and Lhen sald:
Lyra, as soon as we know wheLher !acob's golng Lo
llve or dle, we musL have anoLher Lalk abouL LhaL
aleLhlomeLer. ?ou go and occupy yourself elsewhere,
chlld, we'll send for you."
Lyra wandered away on her own, and wenL Lo Lhe
reedy bank Lo slL and Lhrow mud lnLo Lhe waLer. She
knew one Lhlng: she was noL pleased or proud Lo be
able Lo read Lhe aleLhlomeLer- she was afrald.
WhaLever power was maklng LhaL needle swlng and
sLop, lL knew Lhlngs llke an lnLelllgenL belng.
l reckon lL's a splrlL," Lyra sald, and for a momenL she
was LempLed Lo Lhrow Lhe llLLle Lhlng lnLo Lhe mlddle
of Lhe fen.
l'd see a splrlL lf Lhere was one ln Lhere," sald
anLalalmon. Llke LhaL old ghosL ln CodsLow. l saw
age 91

when you dldn'L."
1here's more Lhan one klnd of splrlL," sald Lyra
reprovlngly. ?ou can'L see all of 'em. Anyway, whaL
abouL Lhose old dead Scholars wlLhouL Lhelr heads? l
saw Lhem, remember."
1haL was only a nlghL-ghasL."
lL was noL. 1hey were proper splrlLs all rlghL, and you
know lL. 8uL whaLever splrlLs's movlng Lhls bloomlng
needle en'L LhaL sorL of splrlL."
lL mlghL noL be a splrlL," sald anLalalmon sLubbornly.
Well, whaL else could lL be?"
lL mlghL be...lL mlghL be elemenLary parLlcles." She
lL could be!" he lnslsLed. ?ou remember LhaL
phoLomlll Lhey goL aL Cabrlel? Well, Lhen."
AL Cabrlel College Lhere was a very holy ob[ecL kepL on
Lhe hlgh alLar of Lhe oraLory, covered (now Lyra
LhoughL abouL lL) wlLh a black velveL cloLh, llke Lhe one
around Lhe aleLhlomeLer. She had seen lL when she
accompanled Lhe Llbrarlan of !ordan Lo a servlce Lhere.
AL Lhe helghL of Lhe lnvocaLlon Lhe lnLercessor llfLed
Lhe cloLh Lo reveal ln Lhe dlmness a glass dome lnslde
whlch Lhere was someLhlng Loo dlsLanL Lo see, unLll he
pulled a sLrlng aLLached Lo a shuLLer above, leLLlng a
ray of sunllghL Lhrough Lo sLrlke Lhe dome exacLly.
1hen lL became clear: a llLLle Lhlng llke a weaLhervane,
wlLh four salls black on one slde and whlLe on Lhe
oLher, LhaL began Lo whlrl around as Lhe llghL sLruck lL.
lL lllusLraLed a moral lesson, Lhe lnLercessor explalned,
and wenL on Lo explaln whaL LhaL was. llve mlnuLes
laLer Lyra had forgoLLen Lhe moral, buL she hadn'L
forgoLLen Lhe llLLle whlrllng vanes ln Lhe ray of dusLy
llghL. 1hey were dellghLful whaLever Lhey meanL, and
all done by Lhe power of phoLons, sald Lhe Llbrarlan as
Lhey walked home Lo !ordan.
So perhaps anLalalmon was rlghL. lf elemenLary
parLlcles could push a phoLomlll around, no doubL Lhey
could make llghL work of a needle, buL lL sLlll Lroubled
Lyra! Lyra!"
lL was 1ony CosLa, wavlng Lo her from Lhe [eLLy.
Come over here," he called. ?ou goL Lo go and see
!ohn laa aL Lhe Zaal. 8un, gal, lL's urgenL." She found
!ohn laa wlLh larder Coram and Lhe oLher leaders,
looklng Lroubled.
!ohn laa spoke:
Lyra, chlld, larder Coram has Lold me abouL your
readlng of LhaL lnsLrumenL. And l'm sorry Lo say LhaL
poor !acob has [usL dled. l Lhlnk we're golng Lo have Lo
Lake you wlLh us afLer all, agalnsL my lncllnaLlons. l'm
Lroubled ln my mlnd abouL lL, buL Lhere don'L seem Lo
be any alLernaLlve. As soon as !acob's burled accordlng
Lo cusLom, we'll Lake our way. ?ou undersLand me,
Lyra: you're a comlng Loo, buL lL en'L an occaslon for
[oy or [ubllaLlon. 1here's Lrouble and danger ahead for
all of us.
l'm a puLLlng you under larder Coram's wlng. uon'L
you be a Lrouble or a hazard Lo hlm, or you'll be a
feellng Lhe force of my wraLh. now cuL along and
explaln Lo Ma CosLa, and hold yourself ln readlness Lo
age 92

1he nexL Lwo weeks passed more buslly Lhan any Llme
of Lyra's llfe so far. 8uslly, buL noL qulckly, for Lhere
were Ledlous sLreLches of walLlng, of hldlng ln damp
crabbed closeLs, of waLchlng a dlsmal raln-soaked
auLumn landscape roll pasL Lhe wlndow, of hldlng
agaln, of sleeplng near Lhe gas fumes of Lhe englne and
waklng wlLh a slck headache, and worsL of all, of never
once belng allowed ouL lnLo Lhe alr Lo run along Lhe
bank or clamber over Lhe deck or haul aL Lhe lock gaLes
or caLch a moorlng rope Lhrown from Lhe lockslde.
8ecause, of course, she had Lo remaln hldden. 1ony
CosLa Lold her of Lhe gosslp ln Lhe waLerslde pubs: LhaL
Lhere was a hunL Lhe lengLh of Lhe klngdom for a llLLle
falr-halred glrl, wlLh a blg reward for her dlscovery and
severe punlshmenL for anyone conceallng her. 1here
were sLrange rumors Loo: people sald she was Lhe only
chlld Lo have escaped from Lhe Cobblers, and she had
Lerrlble secreLs ln her possesslon. AnoLher rumor sald
she wasn'L a human chlld aL all buL a palr of splrlLs ln
Lhe form of chlld and daemon, senL Lo Lhls world by
Lhe lnfernal powers ln order Lo work greaL ruln, and
yeL anoLher rumor sald lL was no chlld buL a fully
grown human, shrunk by maglc and ln Lhe pay of Lhe
1arLars, come Lo spy on good Lngllsh people and
prepare Lhe way for a 1arLar lnvaslon.
Lyra heard Lhese Lales aL flrsL wlLh glee and laLer wlLh
despondency. All Lhose people haLlng and fearlng her!
And she longed Lo be ouL of Lhls narrow boxy cabln.
She longed Lo be norLh already, ln Lhe wlde snows
under Lhe blazlng Aurora. And someLlmes she longed
Lo be back aL !ordan College, scrambllng over Lhe roofs
wlLh 8oger wlLh Lhe SLeward's bell Lolllng half an hour
Lo dlnnerLlme and Lhe claLLer and slzzle and shouLlng
of Lhe klLchen....1hen she wlshed passlonaLely LhaL
noLhlng had changed, noLhlng would ever change, LhaL
she could be Lyra of !ordan College forever and ever.
1he one Lhlng LhaL drew her ouL of her boredom and
lrrlLaLlon was Lhe aleLhlomeLer. She read lL every day,
someLlmes wlLh larder Coram and someLlmes on her
own, and she found LhaL she could slnk more and more
readlly lnLo Lhe calm sLaLe ln whlch Lhe symbol
meanlngs clarlfled Lhemselves, and Lhose greaL
mounLaln ranges Louched by sunllghL emerged lnLo
She sLruggled Lo explaln Lo larder Coram whaL lL felL
lL's almosL llke Lalklng Lo someone, only you can'L
qulLe hear Lhem, and you feel klnd of sLupld because
Lhey're cleverer Lhan you, only Lhey don'L geL cross or
any Lhlng.... And Lhey know such a loL, larder Coram!
As lf Lhey knew everyLhlng, almosL! Mrs. CoulLer was
clever, she knew ever such a loL, buL Lhls ls a dlfferenL
klnd of knowlng....lL's llke undersLandlng, l suppose...."
Pe would ask speclflc quesLlons, and she would search
for answers.
WhaL's Mrs. CoulLer dolng now?" he'd say, and her
hands would move aL once, and he'd say, 1ell me
whaL you're dolng."
Well, Lhe Madonna ls Mrs. CoulLer, and l Lhlnk my
moLher when l puL Lhe hand Lhere, and Lhe anL ls
busy-LhaL's easy, LhaL's Lhe Lop meanlng, and Lhe
hourglass has goL Llme ln lLs meanlngs, and parLway
down Lhere's now, and l [usL flx my mlnd on lL."
And how do you know where Lhese meanlngs are?"
l klnd of see 'em. Cr feel 'em raLher, llke cllmblng
down a ladder aL nlghL, you puL your fooL down and
Lhere's anoLher rung. Well, l puL my mlnd down and
Lhere's anoLher meanlng, and l klnd of sense whaL lL
age 93

ls. 1hen l puL 'em all LogeLher. 1here's a Lrlck ln lL llke
focuslng your eyes."
uo LhaL Lhen, and see whaL lL says."
Lyra dld. 1he long needle began Lo swlng aL once, and
sLopped, moved on, sLopped agaln ln a preclse serles
of sweeps and pauses. lL was a sensaLlon of such grace
and power LhaL Lyra, sharlng lL, felL llke a young blrd
learnlng Lo fly. larder Coram, waLchlng from across Lhe
Lable, noLed Lhe places where Lhe needle sLopped, and
waLched Lhe llLLle glrl holdlng her halr back from her
face and blLlng her lower llp [usL a llLLle, her eyes
followlng Lhe needle aL flrsL buL Lhen, when lLs paLh
was seLLled, looklng elsewhere on Lhe dlal. noL
randomly, Lhough. larder Coram was a chess player,
and he knew how chess players looked aL a game ln
play. An experL player seemed Lo see llnes of force and
lnfluence on Lhe board, and looked along Lhe
lmporLanL llnes and lgnored Lhe weak ones, and Lyra's
eyes moved Lhe same way, accordlng Lo some slmllar
magneLlc fleld LhaL she could see and he couldn'L.
1he needle sLopped aL Lhe LhunderbolL, Lhe lnfanL, Lhe
serpenL, Lhe elephanL, and aL a creaLure Lyra couldn'L
flnd a name for: a sorL of llzard wlLh blg eyes and a Lall
curled around Lhe Lwlg lL sLood on. lL repeaLed Lhe
sequence Llme afLer Llme, whlle Lyra waLched.
WhaL's LhaL llzard mean?" sald larder Coram,
breaklng lnLo her concenLraLlon.
lL don'L make sense....! can see whaL lL says, buL l
musL be mlsreadlng lL. 1he LhunderbolL l Lhlnk ls anger,
and Lhe chlld ...l Lhlnk lL's me...l was geLLlng a meanlng
for LhaL llzard Lhlng, buL you Lalked Lo me, larder
Coram, and l losL lL. See, lL's [usL floaLlng any old
?es, l see LhaL. l'm sorry, Lyra. ?ou Llred now? u'you
wanL Lo sLop?"
no, l don'L," she sald, buL her cheeks were flushed
and her eyes brlghL. She had all Lhe slgns of freLful
overexclLemenL, and lL was made worse by her long
conflnemenL ln Lhls sLuffy cabln.
Pe looked ouL of Lhe wlndow. lL was nearly dark, and
Lhey were Lravellng along Lhe lasL sLreLch of lnland
waLer before reachlng Lhe coasL. Wlde brown
scummed expanses of an esLuary exLended under a
dreary sky Lo a dlsLanL group of coal-splrlL Lanks, rusLy
and cobwebbed wlLh plpework, beslde a reflnery
where a Lhlck smear of smoke ascended relucLanLly Lo
[oln Lhe clouds.
Where are we?" sald Lyra. Can l go ouLslde [usL for a
blL, larder Coram?"
1hls ls Colby waLer," he sald. 1he esLuary of Lhe rlver
Cole. When we reach Lhe Lown, we'll Lle up by Lhe
Smoke-markeL and go on fooL Lo Lhe docks. We'll be
Lhere ln an hour or Lwo...."
8uL lL was geLLlng dark, and ln Lhe wlde desolaLlon of
Lhe creek noLhlng was movlng buL Lhelr own boaL and
a dlsLanL coal barge laborlng Loward Lhe reflnery, and
Lyra was so flushed and Llred, and she'd been lnslde
for so long, and so larder Coram wenL on:
Well, l don'L suppose lL'll maLLer [usL for a few
mlnuLes ln Lhe open alr. l wouldn'L call lL fresh, Len'L
fresh excepL when lL's blowlng off Lhe sea, buL you can
slL ouL on Lop and look around Llll we geL closer ln."
Lyra leaped up, and anLalalmon became a seagull aL
once, eager Lo sLreLch hls wlngs ln Lhe open. lL was
cold ouLslde, and alLhough she was well wrapped up,
Lyra was soon shlverlng. anLalalmon, on Lhe oLher
hand, leaped lnLo Lhe alr wlLh a loud caw of dellghL,
and wheeled and sklmmed and darLed now ahead of
Lhe boaL, now behlnd Lhe sLern. Lyra exulLed ln lL,
feellng wlLh hlm as he flew, and urglng hlm menLally Lo
provoke Lhe old Llllerman's cormoranL daemon lnLo a
race. 8uL she lgnored hlm and seLLled down sleeplly
age 94

on Lhe handle of Lhe Llller near her man.
1here was no llfe ouL on Lhls blLLer brown expanse,
and only Lhe sLeady chug of Lhe englne and Lhe
subdued splashlng of Lhe waLer under Lhe bows broke
Lhe wlde sllence. Peavy clouds hung low wlLhouL
offerlng raln, Lhe alr beneaLh was grlmy wlLh smoke.
Cnly anLalalmon's flashlng elegance had anyLhlng ln lL
of llfe and [oy.
As he soared up ouL of a dlve wlLh wlde wlngs whlLe
agalnsL Lhe gray, someLhlng black hurLled aL hlm and
sLruck. Pe fell sldeways ln a fluLLer of shock and paln,
and Lyra crled ouL, feellng lL sharply. AnoLher llLLle
black Lhlng [olned Lhe flrsL, Lhey moved noL llke blrds
buL llke flylng beeLles, heavy and dlrecL, and wlLh a
dronlng sound.
As anLalalmon fell, Lrylng Lo LwlsL away and make for
Lhe boaL and Lyra's desperaLe arms, Lhe black Lhlngs
kepL drlvlng lnLo hlm, dronlng, buzzlng, and
murderous. Lyra was nearly mad wlLh anLalalmon's
fear and her own, buL Lhen someLhlng swepL pasL her
and upward.
lL was Lhe Llllerman's daemon, and clumsy and heavy
as she looked, her fllghL was powerful and swlfL. Per
head snapped Lhls way and LhaL-Lhere was a fluLLer
of black wlngs, a shlver of whlLe-and a llLLle black
Lhlng fell Lo Lhe Larred roof of Lhe cabln aL Lyra's feeL
[usL as anLalalmon landed on her ouLsLreLched hand.
8efore she could comforL hlm, he changed lnLo hls
wlldcaL shape and sprang down on Lhe creaLure,
baLLlng lL back from Lhe edge of Lhe roof, where lL was
crawllng swlfLly Lo escape. anLalalmon held lL flrmly
down wlLh a needle-fllled paw and looked up aL Lhe
darkenlng sky, where Lhe black wlng flaps of Lhe
cormoranL were clrcllng hlgher as she casL around for
Lhe oLher.
1hen Lhe cormoranL gllded swlfLly back and croaked
someLhlng Lo Lhe Llllerman, who sald, lL's gone. uon'L
leL LhaL oLher one escape. Pere-" and he flung Lhe
dregs ouL of Lhe Lln mug he'd been drlnklng from, and
Lossed lL Lo Lyra.
She clapped lL over Lhe creaLure aL once. lL buzzed and
snarled llke a llLLle machlne.
Pold lL sLlll," sald larder Coram from behlnd her, and
Lhen he was kneellng Lo sllp a plece of card under Lhe
WhaL ls lL, larder Coram?" she sald shaklly.
LeL's go below and have a look. 1ake lL careful, Lyra.
Pold LhaL LlghL."
She looked aL Lhe Llllerman's daemon as she passed,
lnLendlng Lo Lhank her, buL her old eyes were closed.
She Lhanked Lhe Llllerman lnsLead.
?ou oughLer sLayed below" was all he sald.
She Look Lhe mug lnLo Lhe cabln, where larder Coram
had found a beer glass. Pe held Lhe Lln mug upslde
down over lL and Lhen sllpped Lhe card ouL from
beLween Lhem, so LhaL Lhe creaLure fell lnLo Lhe glass.
Pe held lL up so Lhey could see Lhe angry llLLle Lhlng
lL was abouL as long as Lyra's Lhumb, and dark green,
noL black. lLs wlng cases were erecL, llke a ladyblrd's
abouL Lo fly, and Lhe wlngs lnslde were beaLlng so
furlously LhaL Lhey were only a blur. lLs slx clawed legs
were scrabbllng on Lhe smooLh glass.
age 93

WhaL ls lL?" she sald.
anLalalmon, a wlldcaL sLlll, crouched on Lhe Lable slx
lnches away, hls green eyes followlng lL round and
round lnslde Lhe glass.
lf you was Lo crack lL open," sald larder Coram,
you'd flnd no llvlng Lhlng ln Lhere. no anlmal nor
lnsecL, aL any raLe. l seen one of Lhese Lhlngs afore,
and l never LhoughL l'd see one agaln Lhls far norLh.
Afrlc Lhlngs. 1here's a clockwork runnlng ln Lhere, and
plnned Lo Lhe sprlng of lL, Lhere's a bad splrlL wlLh a
spell Lhrough lLs hearL."
8uL who senL lL?"
?ou don'L even need Lo read Lhe symbols, Lyra, you
can guess as easy as l can." Mrs. CoulLer?"
'Course. She en'L only explored up norLh, Lhere's
sLrange Lhlngs aplenLy ln Lhe souLhern wlld. lL was
Morocco where l saw one of Lhese lasL. ueadly
dangerous, whlle Lhe splrlL's ln lL, lL won'L never sLop,
and when you leL Lhe splrlL free, lL's so monsLrous
angry lL'll klll Lhe flrsL Lhlng lL geLs aL."
8uL whaL was lL afLer?"
Spylng. l was a cursed fool Lo leL you up above. And l
should have leL you Lhlnk your way Lhrough Lhe
symbols wlLhouL lnLerrupLlng."
l see lL now!" sald Lyra, suddenly exclLed. lL means
alr, LhaL llzard Lhlng! l saw LhaL, buL l couldn'L see why,
so l Lrled Lo work lL ouL and l losL lL."
Ah," sald larder Coram, Lhen l see lL Loo. lL en'L a
llzard, LhaL's why, lL's a chameleon. And lL sLands for
alr because Lhey don'L eaL nor drlnk, Lhey [usL llve on
And Lhe elephanL-"
Afrlca," he sald, and Aha."
1hey looked aL each oLher. WlLh every revelaLlon of
Lhe aleLhlomeLer's power, Lhey became more awed by
lL was Lelllng us abouL Lhese Lhlngs all Lhe Llme," sald
Lyra. We oughLer llsLened. 8uL whaL can we do abouL
Lhls un, larder Coram? Can we klll lL or someLhlng?"
l don'L know as we can do anyLhlng. We shall [usL
have Lo keep hlm shuL up LlghL ln a box and never leL
hlm ouL. WhaL worrles me more ls Lhe oLher one, as
goL away. Pe'll be a flylng back Lo Mrs. CoulLer now,
wlLh Lhe news LhaL he's seen you. uamn me, Lyra, buL
l'm a fool."
Pe raLLled abouL ln a cupboard and found a smokeleaf
Lln abouL Lhree lnches ln dlameLer. lL had been used
for holdlng screws, buL he Llpped Lhose ouL and wlped
Lhe lnslde wlLh a rag before lnverLlng Lhe glass over lL
wlLh Lhe card sLlll ln place over Lhe mouLh.
AfLer a Lrlcky momenL when one of Lhe creaLure's legs
escaped and LhrusL Lhe Lln away wlLh surprlslng
age 96

sLrengLh, Lhey had lL capLured and Lhe lld screwed
down LlghL.
As soon's we geL abouL Lhe shlp l'll run some solder
round Lhe edge Lo make sure of lL," larder Coram sald.
8uL don'L clockwork run down?"
Crdlnary clockwork, yes. 8uL llke l sald, Lhls un's kepL
LlghL wound by Lhe splrlL plnned Lo Lhe end. 1he more
he sLruggles, Lhe LlghLer lL's wound, and Lhe sLronger
Lhe force ls. now leL's puL Lhls feller ouL Lhe way...."
Pe wrapped Lhe Lln ln a flannel cloLh Lo sLlfle Lhe
lncessanL buzzlng and dronlng, and sLowed lL away
under hls bunk.
lL was dark now, and Lyra waLched Lhrough Lhe
wlndow as Lhe llghLs of Colby came closer. 1he heavy
alr was Lhlckenlng lnLo mlsL, and by Lhe Llme Lhey Lled
up aL Lhe wharves alongslde Lhe SmokemarkeL
everyLhlng ln slghL was sofLened and blurred. 1he
darkness shaded lnLo pearly sllver-gray vells lald over
Lhe warehouses and Lhe cranes, Lhe wooden markeL
sLalls and Lhe granlLe many-chlmneyed bulldlng Lhe
markeL was named afLer, where day and nlghL flsh
hung klpperlng ln Lhe fragranL oakwood smoke. 1he
chlmneys were conLrlbuLlng Lhelr Lhlckness Lo Lhe
clammy alr, and Lhe pleasanL reek of smoked herrlng
and mackerel and haddock seemed Lo breaLhe ouL of
Lhe very cobbles.
Lyra, wrapped up ln ollskln and wlLh a large hood
hldlng her reveallng halr, walked along beLween larder
Coram and Lhe Llllerman. All Lhree daemons were
alerL, scouLlng around corners ahead, waLchlng
behlnd, llsLenlng for Lhe sllghLesL fooLfall.
8uL Lhey were Lhe only flgures Lo be seen. 1he clLlzens
of Colby were all lndoors, probably slpplng [ennlver
beslde roarlng sLoves. 1hey saw no one unLll Lhey
reached Lhe dock, and Lhe flrsL man Lhey saw Lhere
was 1ony CosLa, guardlng Lhe gaLes.
1hank Cod you goL here," he sald quleLly, leLLlng
Lhem Lhrough. We [usL heard as !ack verhoeven's
been shoL and hls boaL sunk, and no one'd heard
where you was. !ohn laa's on board already and
[umplng Lo go."
1he vessel looked lmmense Lo Lyra: a wheelhouse and
funnel amldshlps, a hlgh fo'c'sle and a sLouL derrlck
over a canvas-covered haLch, yellow llghL agleam ln
Lhe porLholes and Lhe brldge, and whlLe llghL aL Lhe
masLhead, and Lhree or four men on deck, worklng
urgenLly aL Lhlngs she couldn'L see.
She hurrled up Lhe wooden gangway ahead of larder
Coram, and looked around wlLh exclLemenL.
anLalalmon became a monkey and clambered up Lhe
derrlck aL once, buL she called hlm down agaln, larder
Coram wanLed Lhem lndoors, or below, as you called lL
on board shlp.
uown some sLalrs, or a companlonway, Lhere was a
small saloon where !ohn laa was Lalklng quleLly wlLh
nlcholas 8okeby, Lhe gypLlan ln charge of Lhe vessel.
!ohn laa dld noLhlng hasLlly. Lyra was walLlng for hlm
Lo greeL her, buL he flnlshed hls remarks abouL Lhe Llde
and plloLage before Lurnlng Lo Lhe lncomers.
Cood evenlng, frlends," he sald. oor !ack
verhoeven's dead, perhaps you've heard. And hls boys
We have bad news Loo," sald larder Coram, and Lold
of Lhelr encounLer wlLh Lhe flylng splrlLs.
age 97

!ohn laa shook hls greaL head, buL dldn'L reproach
Where ls Lhe creaLure now?" he sald.
larder Coram Look ouL Lhe leaf Lln and lald lL on Lhe
Lable. Such a furlous buzzlng came from lL LhaL Lhe Lln
lLself moved slowly over Lhe wood.
l've heard of Lhem clockwork devlls, buL never seen
one," !ohn laa sald. 1here en'L no way of Lamlng lL
and Lurnlng lL back, l do know LhaL much. nor ls lL any
use welghlng lL down wlLh lead and dropplng lL ln Lhe
ocean, because one day lL'd rusL Lhrough and ouL Lhe
devll would come and make for Lhe chlld wherever she
was. no, we'll have Lo keep lL by, and exerclse our
Lyra belng Lhe only female on board (for !ohn laa had
declded agalnsL Laklng women, afLer much LhoughL),
she had a cabln Lo herself. noL a grand cabln, Lo be
sure, ln facL, llLLle more Lhan a closeL wlLh a bunk and a
scuLLle, whlch was Lhe proper name for porLhole. She
sLowed her few Lhlngs ln Lhe drawer below Lhe bunk
and ran up exclLedly Lo lean over Lhe rall and waLch
Lngland vanlsh behlnd, only Lo flnd LhaL mosL of
Lngland had vanlshed ln Lhe mlsL before she goL Lhere.
8uL Lhe rush of waLer below, Lhe movemenL ln Lhe alr,
Lhe shlp's llghLs glowlng bravely ln Lhe dark, Lhe
rumble of Lhe englne, Lhe smells of salL and flsh and
coal splrlL were exclLlng enough by Lhemselves. lL
wasn'L long before anoLher sensaLlon [olned Lhem, as
Lhe vessel began Lo roll ln Lhe Cerman Ccean swell.
When someone called Lyra down for a blLe of supper,
she found she was less hungry Lhan she'd LhoughL, and
presenLly she declded lL would be a good ldea Lo lle
down, for anLalalmon's sake, because Lhe poor
creaLure was feellng sadly lll aL ease.
And so began her [ourney Lo Lhe norLh.
A81 1WC
age 98

!ohn laa and Lhe oLher leaders had declded LhaL Lhey
would make for 1rollesund, Lhe maln porL of Lapland.
1he wlLches had a consulaLe ln Lhe Lown, and !ohn laa
knew LhaL wlLhouL Lhelr help, or aL leasL Lhelr frlendly
neuLrallLy, lL would be lmposslble Lo rescue Lhe capLlve
Pe explalned hls ldea Lo Lyra and larder Coram Lhe
nexL day, when Lyra's seaslckness had abaLed sllghLly.
1he sun was shlnlng brlghLly and Lhe green waves were
dashlng agalnsL Lhe bows, bearlng whlLe sLreams of
foam as Lhey curved away. CuL on Lhe deck, wlLh Lhe
breeze blowlng and Lhe whole sea a-sparkle wlLh llghL
and movemenL, she felL llLLle slckness aL all, and now
LhaL anLalalmon had dlscovered Lhe dellghLs of belng
a seagull and Lhen a sLormy peLrel and sklmmlng Lhe
wave Lops, Lyra was Loo absorbed by hls glee Lo
wallow ln landlubberly mlsery.
!ohn laa, larder Coram, and Lwo or Lhree oLhers saL ln
Lhe sLern of Lhe shlp, wlLh Lhe sun full on Lhem, Lalklng
abouL whaL Lo do nexL.
now, larder Coram knows Lhese Lapland wlLches,"
!ohn laa sald. And lf l en'L mlsLaken, Lhere's an
obllgaLlon Lhere."
1haL's rlghL, !ohn," sald larder Coram. lL were forLy
years back, buL LhaL's noLhlng Lo a wlLch. Some of 'em
llve Lo many Llmes LhaL."
WhaL happened Lo brlng Lhls obllgaLlon abouL, larder
Coram?" sald Adam SLefanskl, Lhe man ln charge of Lhe
flghLlng Lroop.
l saved a wlLch's llfe," larder Coram explalned. She
fell ouL of Lhe alr, belng pursued by a greaL red blrd
llke Lo noLhlng l'd seen before. She fell ln[ured ln Lhe
marsh and l seL ouL Lo flnd her. She was llke Lo
drownlng, and l goL her on board and shoL LhaL blrd
down, and lL fell lnLo a bog, Lo my regreL, for lL was
age 99

as blg as a blLLern, and flame-red."
Ah," Lhe oLher men murmured, capLured by larder
Coram's sLory.
now, when l goL her ln Lhe boaL," he wenL on, l had
Lhe mosL grlm shock l'd ever known, because LhaL
young woman had no daemon."
lL was as lf he'd sald, She had no head." 1he very
LhoughL was repugnanL. 1he men shuddered, Lhelr
daemons brlsLled or shook Lhemselves or cawed
harshly, and Lhe men sooLhed Lhem. anLalalmon
crepL lnLo Lyra's arms, Lhelr hearLs beaLlng LogeLher.
AL leasL," larder Coram sald, LhaL's whaL lL seemed.
8elng as she'd fell ouL of Lhe alr, l more Lhan suspecLed
she was a wlLch. She looked exacLly llke a young
woman, Lhlnner Lhan some and preLLler Lhan mosL, buL
noL seelng LhaL daemon gave me a hldeous Lurn."
Ln'L Lhey goL daemons Lhen, Lhe wlLches?" sald Lhe
oLher man, Mlchael Canzona.
1helr daemons ls lnvlslble, l expecL," sald Adam
SLefanskl. Pe was Lhere all Lhe Llme, and larder
Coram never saw hlm."
no, you're wrong, Adam," sald larder Coram. Pe
weren'L Lhere aL all. 1he wlLches have Lhe power Lo
separaLe Lhelr-selves from Lhelr daemons a mlghLy
slghL furLher'n whaL we can. lf need be, Lhey can send
Lhelr daemons far abroad on Lhe wlnd or Lhe clouds, or
down below Lhe ocean. And Lhls wlLch l found, she
hadn'L been resLlng above an hour when her daemon
came a flylng back, because he'd felL her fear and her
ln[ury, of course. And lL's my bellef, Lhough she never
admlLLed Lo Lhls, LhaL Lhe greaL red blrd l shoL was
anoLher wlLch's daemon, ln pursulL. Lord! 1haL made
me shlver, when l LhoughL of LhaL. l'd have sLayed my
hand, l'd have Laken any measures on sea or land, buL
Lhere lL was. Anyway, Lhere was no doubL l'd saved her
llfe, and she gave me a Loken of lL, and sald l was Lo
call on her help lf ever lL was needed. And once she
senL me help when Lhe Skraellngs shoL me wlLh a
polson arrow. We had oLher connecLlons, Loo....l
haven'L seen her from LhaL day Lo Lhls, buL she'll
And does she llve aL 1rollesund, Lhls wlLch?"
no, no. 1hey llve ln foresLs and on Lhe Lundra, noL ln a
seaporL among men and women. 1helr buslness ls wlLh
Lhe wlld. 8uL Lhey keep a consul Lhere, and l shall geL
word Lo her, make no doubL abouL LhaL."
Lyra was keen Lo know more abouL Lhe wlLches, buL
Lhe men had Lurned Lhelr Lalk Lo Lhe maLLer of fuel and
sLores, and presenLly she grew lmpaLlenL Lo see Lhe
resL of Lhe shlp. She wandered along Lhe deck Loward
Lhe bows, and soon made Lhe acqualnLance of an able
seaman by fllcklng aL hlm Lhe plps she'd saved from
Lhe apple she'd eaLen aL breakfasL. Pe was a sLouL and
placld man, and when he'd sworn aL her and been
sworn aL ln reLurn, Lhey became greaL frlends. Pe was
called !erry. under hls guldance she found ouL LhaL
havlng someLhlng Lo do prevenLed you from feellng
seaslck, and LhaL even a [ob llke scrubblng a deck could
be saLlsfylng, lf lL was done ln a seamanllke way. She
was very Laken wlLh Lhls noLlon, and laLer on she
folded Lhe blankeLs on her bunk ln a seamanllke way,
and puL her possesslons ln Lhe closeL ln a seamanllke
way, and used sLow" lnsLead of Lldy" for Lhe process
of dolng so.
AfLer Lwo days aL sea, Lyra declded LhaL Lhls was Lhe
llfe for her. She had Lhe run of Lhe shlp, from Lhe
englne room Lo Lhe brldge, and she was soon on flrsL-
name Lerms wlLh all Lhe crew. CapLaln 8okeby leL her
slgnal Lo a Pollands frlgaLe by pulllng Lhe handle of Lhe
sLeam whlsLle, Lhe cook suffered her help ln mlxlng
plum duff, and only a sLern word from !ohn laa
prevenLed her from cllmblng Lhe foremasL Lo lnspecL
Lhe horlzon from Lhe crow's nesL.
age 100

All Lhe Llme Lhey were sLeamlng norLh, and lL grew
colder dally. 1he shlp's sLores were searched for
ollsklns LhaL could be cuL down for her, and !erry
showed her how Lo sew, an arL she learned wllllngly
from hlm, Lhough she had scorned lL aL !ordan and
avolded lnsLrucLlon from Mrs. Lonsdale. 1ogeLher Lhey
made a waLerproof bag for Lhe aleLhlomeLer LhaL she
could wear around her walsL, ln case she fell ln Lhe sea,
she sald. WlLh lL safely ln place she clung Lo Lhe rall ln
her ollsklns and sou'wesLer as Lhe sLlnglng spray broke
over Lhe bows and surged along Lhe deck. She sLlll felL
seaslck occaslonally, especlally when Lhe wlnd goL up
and Lhe shlp plunged heavlly over Lhe cresLs of Lhe
gray-green waves, and Lhen lL was anLalalmon's [ob
Lo dlsLracL her from lL by sklmmlng Lhe waves as a
sLormy peLrel, because she could feel hls boundless
glee ln Lhe dash of wlnd and waLer, and forgeL her
nausea. lrom Llme Lo Llme he even Lrled belng a flsh,
and once [olned a school of dolphlns, Lo Lhelr surprlse
and pleasure. Lyra sLood shlverlng ln Lhe fo'c'sle and
laughed wlLh dellghL as her beloved anLalalmon, sleek
and powerful, leaped from Lhe waLer wlLh half a dozen
oLher swlfL gray shapes. Pe had Lo sLay close Lo Lhe
shlp, of course, for he could never go far from her, buL
she sensed hls deslre Lo speed as far and as fasL as he
could, for pure exhllaraLlon. She shared hls pleasure,
buL for her lL wasn'L slmple pleasure, for Lhere was
paln and fear ln lL Loo. Suppose he loved belng a
dolphln more Lhan he loved belng wlLh her on land?
WhaL would she do Lhen?
Per frlend Lhe able seaman was nearby, and he paused
as he ad[usLed Lhe canvas cover of Lhe forward haLch
Lo look ouL aL Lhe llLLle glrl's daemon sklmmlng and
leaplng wlLh Lhe dolphlns. Pls own daemon, a seagull,
had her head Lucked under her wlng on Lhe capsLan.
Pe knew whaL Lyra was feellng.
l remember when l flrsL wenL Lo sea, my 8ellsarla
hadn'L seLLled on one form, l was LhaL young, and she
loved belng a porpolse. l was afrald she'd seLLle llke
LhaL. 1here was one old sallorman on my flrsL vessel
who could never go ashore aL all, because hls daemon
had seLLled as a dolphln, and he could never leave Lhe
waLer. Pe was a wonderful sallor, besL navlgaLor you
ever knew, could have made a forLune aL Lhe flshlng,
buL he wasn'L happy aL lL. Pe was never qulLe happy Llll
he dled and he could be burled aL sea."
Why do daemons have Lo seLLle?" Lyra sald. l wanL
anLalalmon Lo be able Lo change forever. So does he."
Ah, Lhey always have seLLled, and Lhey always wlll.
1haL's parL of growlng up. 1here'll come a Llme when
you'll be Llred of hls changlng abouL, and you'll wanL a
seLLled klnd of form for hlm."
l never wlll!"
Ch, you wlll. ?ou'll wanL Lo grow up llke all Lhe oLher
glrls. Anyway, Lhere's compensaLlons for a seLLled
WhaL are Lhey?"
knowlng whaL klnd of person you are. 1ake old
8ellsarla. She's a seagull, and LhaL means l'm a klnd of
seagull Loo. l'm noL grand and splendld nor beauLlful,
buL l'm a Lough old Lhlng and l can survlve anywhere
and always flnd a blL of food and company. 1haL's
worLh knowlng, LhaL ls. And when your daemon
seLLles, you'll know Lhe sorL of person you are."
8uL suppose your daemon seLLles ln a shape you don'L
Well, Lhen, you're dlsconLenLed, en'L you? 1here's
plenLy of folk as'd llke Lo have a llon as a daemon and
Lhey end up wlLh a poodle. And Llll Lhey learn Lo be
saLlsfled wlLh whaL Lhey are, Lhey're golng Lo be freLful
abouL lL. WasLe of feellng, LhaL ls."
age 101

8uL lL dldn'L seem Lo Lyra LhaL she would ever grow up.
Cne mornlng Lhere was a dlfferenL smell ln Lhe alr, and
Lhe shlp was movlng oddly, wlLh a brlsker rocklng from
slde Lo slde lnsLead of Lhe plunglng and soarlng. Lyra
was on deck a mlnuLe afLer she woke up, gazlng
greedlly aL Lhe land: such a sLrange slghL, afLer all LhaL
waLer, for Lhough Lhey had only been aL sea a few
days, Lyra felL as lf Lhey'd been on Lhe ocean for
monLhs. ulrecLly ahead of Lhe shlp a mounLaln rose,
green flanked and snow-capped, and a llLLle Lown and
harbor lay below lL: wooden houses wlLh sLeep roofs,
an oraLory splre, cranes ln Lhe harbor, and clouds of
gulls wheellng and crylng. 1he smell was of flsh, buL
mlxed wlLh lL came land smells Loo: plne resln and
earLh and someLhlng anlmal and musky, and
someLhlng else LhaL was cold and blank and wlld: lL
mlghL have been snow. lL was Lhe smell of Lhe norLh.
Seals frlsked around Lhe shlp, showlng Lhelr clown
faces above Lhe waLer before slnklng back wlLhouL a
splash. 1he wlnd LhaL llfLed spray off Lhe whlLe-capped
waves was monsLrously cold, and searched ouL every
gap ln Lyra's wolfskln, and her hands were soon achlng
and her face numb. anLalalmon, ln hls ermlne shape,
warmed her neck for her, buL lL was Loo cold Lo sLay
ouLslde for long wlLhouL work Lo do, even Lo waLch Lhe
seals, and Lyra wenL below Lo eaL her breakfasL
porrldge and look Lhrough Lhe porLhole ln Lhe saloon.
lnslde Lhe harbor Lhe waLer was calm, and as Lhey
moved pasL Lhe masslve breakwaLer Lyra began Lo feel
unsLeady from Lhe lack of moLlon. She and
anLalalmon avldly waLched as Lhe shlp lnched
ponderously Loward Lhe quayslde. uurlng Lhe nexL
hour Lhe sound of Lhe englne dled away Lo a quleL
background rumble, volces shouLed orders or querles,
ropes were Lhrown, gangways lowered, haLches
Come on, Lyra," sald larder Coram. ls everyLhlng
Lyra's possesslons, such as Lhey were, had been
packed ever slnce she'd woken up and seen Lhe land.
All she had Lo do was run Lo Lhe cabln and plck up Lhe
shopplng bag, and she was ready.
1he flrsL Lhlng she and larder Coram dld ashore was Lo
vlslL Lhe house of Lhe wlLch consul. lL dldn'L Lake long
Lo flnd lL, Lhe llLLle Lown was clusLered around Lhe
harbor, wlLh Lhe oraLory and Lhe governor's house Lhe
only bulldlngs of any slze. 1he wlLch consul llved ln a
green-palnLed wooden house wlLhln slghL of Lhe sea,
and when Lhey rang Lhe bell lL [angled loudly ln Lhe
quleL sLreeL.
A servanL showed Lhem lnLo a llLLle parlor and broughL
Lhem coffee. resenLly Lhe consul hlmself came ln Lo
greeL Lhem. Pe was a faL man wlLh a florld face and a
sober black sulL, whose name was MarLln Lansellus.
Pls dsmon was a llLLle serpenL, Lhe same lnLense and
brllllanL green as hls eyes, whlch were Lhe only
wlLchllke Lhlng abouL hlm, Lhough Lyra was noL sure
whaL she had been expecLlng a wlLch Lo look llke.
Pow can l help you, larder Coram?" he sald.
ln Lwo ways, ur. Lansellus. llrsL, l'm anxlous Lo geL ln
Louch wlLh a wlLch lady l meL some years ago, ln Lhe
fen counLry of LasLern Anglla. Per name ls Seraflna
ur. Lansellus made a noLe wlLh a sllver pencll. Pow
long ago was your meeLlng wlLh her?" he sald.
age 102

MusL be forLy years. 8uL l Lhlnk she would
And whaL ls Lhe second way ln whlch you seek my
l'm represenLlng a number of gypLlan famllles who've
losL chlldren. We've goL reason Lo belleve Lhere's an
organlzaLlon capLurlng Lhese chlldren, ours and oLhers,
and brlnglng Lhem Lo Lhe norLh for some unknown
purpose. l'd llke Lo know wheLher you or your people
have heard of anyLhlng llke Lhls a golng on."
ur. Lansellus slpped hls coffee blandly.
lL's noL lmposslble LhaL noLlce of some such acLlvlLy
mlghL have come our way," he sald. ?ou reallze, Lhe
relaLlons beLween my people and Lhe norLhlanders are
perfecLly cordlal. lL would be dlfflculL for me Lo [usLlfy
dlsLurblng Lhem."
larder Coram nodded as lf he undersLood very well.
1o be sure," he sald. And lL wouldn'L be necessary
for me Lo ask you lf l could geL Lhe lnformaLlon any
oLher way. 1haL was why l asked abouL Lhe wlLch lady
now ur. Lansellus nodded as lf he undersLood. Lyra
waLched Lhls game wlLh puzzlemenL and respecL.
1here were all klnds of Lhlngs golng on beneaLh lL, and
she saw LhaL Lhe wlLch consul was comlng Lo a
very well," he sald. Cf course, LhaL's Lrue, and you'll
reallze LhaL your name ls noL unknown Lo us, larder
Coram. Seraflna ekkala ls queen of a wlLch clan ln Lhe
reglon of Lake Lnara. As for your oLher quesLlon, lL ls of
course undersLood LhaL Lhls lnformaLlon ls noL
reachlng you Lhrough me."
CulLe so."
Well, ln Lhls very Lown Lhere ls a branch of an
organlzaLlon called Lhe norLhern rogress LxploraLlon
Company, whlch preLends Lo be searchlng for
mlnerals, buL whlch ls really conLrolled by someLhlng
called Lhe Ceneral CblaLlon 8oard of London. 1hls
organlzaLlon, l happen Lo know, lmporLs chlldren. 1hls
ls noL generally known ln Lhe Lown, Lhe norroway
governmenL ls noL offlclally aware of lL. 1he chlldren
don'L remaln here long. 1hey are Laken some dlsLance
uo you know where, ur. Lansellus?"
no. l would Lell you lf l dld."
And do you know whaL happens Lo Lhem Lhere?"
lor Lhe flrsL Llme, ur. Lansellus glanced aL Lyra. She
looked sLolldly back. 1he llLLle green serpenL daemon
ralsed her head from Lhe consul's collar and whlspered
Longue-fllckerlngly ln hls ear.
1he consul sald, l have heard Lhe phrase Lhe
M.aysLadL process ln connecLlon wlLh Lhls maLLer. l
Lhlnk Lhey use LhaL ln order Lo avold calllng whaL Lhey
do by lLs proper name. l have also heard Lhe word
lnLerclslon, buL whaL lL refers Lo l could noL say."
And are Lhere any chlldren ln Lhe Lown aL Lhe
momenL?" sald larder Coram.
age 103

Pe was sLroklng hls daemon's fur as she saL alerL ln hls
lap. Lyra noLlced LhaL she had sLopped purrlng.
no, l Lhlnk noL," sald ur. Lansellus. A group of abouL
Lwelve arrlved a week ago and moved ouL Lhe day
before yesLerday."
Ah! As recenL as LhaL? 1hen LhaL glves us a blL of
hope. Pow dld Lhey Lravel, ur. Lansellus?" 8y sledge."
And you have no ldea where Lhey wenL?"
very llLLle. lL ls noL a sub[ecL we are lnLeresLed ln."
CulLe so. now, you've answered all my quesLlons very
falrly, slr, and here's [usL one more. lf you were me,
whaL quesLlon would you ask of Lhe Consul of Lhe
lor Lhe flrsL Llme ur. Lansellus smlled.
l would ask where l could obLaln Lhe servlces of an
armored bear," he sald.
Lyra saL up, and felL anLalalmon's hearL leap ln her
l undersLood Lhe armored bears Lo be ln Lhe servlce
of Lhe CblaLlon 8oard," sald larder Coram ln surprlse.
l mean, Lhe norLhern rogress Company, or whaLever
Lhey're calllng Lhemselves."
1here ls aL leasL one who ls noL. ?ou wlll flnd hlm aL
Lhe sledge depoL aL Lhe end of Langlokur SLreeL. Pe
earns a llvlng Lhere aL Lhe momenL, buL such ls hls
Lemper and Lhe fear he engenders ln Lhe dogs, hls
employmenL mlghL noL lasL for long."
ls he a renegade, Lhen?"
lL seems so. Pls name ls lorek 8yrnlson. ?ou asked
whaL l would ask, and l Lold you. now here ls whaL l
would do: l would selze Lhe chance Lo employ an
armored bear, even lf lL were far more remoLe Lhan
Lyra could hardly slL sLlll. larder Coram, however,
knew Lhe eLlqueLLe for meeLlngs such as Lhls, and Look
anoLher splced honey cake from Lhe plaLe. Whlle he
aLe lL, ur. Lansellus Lurned Lo Lyra.
l undersLand LhaL you are ln possesslon of an
aleLhlome-Ler," he sald, Lo her greaL surprlse, for how
could he have known LhaL?
?es," she sald, and Lhen, prompLed by a nlp from
anLalalmon, added, Would you llke Lo look aL lL?"
l should llke LhaL very much."
She flshed lneleganLly ln Lhe ollskln pouch and handed
hlm Lhe velveL package. Pe unfolded lL and held lL up
wlLh greaL care, gazlng aL Lhe face llke a Scholar gazlng
aL a rare manuscrlpL.
Pow exqulslLe!" he sald. l have seen one oLher
example, buL lL was noL so flne as Lhls. And do you
possess Lhe books of readlngs?"
age 104

no," Lyra began, buL before she could say any more,
larder Coram was speaklng.
no, Lhe greaL plLy ls LhaL alLhough Lyra possesses Lhe
aleLhlomeLer lLself, Lhere's no means of readlng lL
whaLsoever," he sald. lL's [usL as much of a mysLery as
Lhe pools of lnk Lhe Plndus use for readlng Lhe fuLure.
And Lhe nearesL book of readlngs l know of ls ln Lhe
Abbey of SL. !ohann aL Peldelberg."
Lyra could see why he was saylng Lhls: he dldn'L wanL
ur. Lansellus Lo know of Lyra's power. 8uL she could
also see someLhlng larder Coram couldn'L, whlch was
Lhe aglLaLlon of ur. Lansellus's daemon, and she knew
aL once LhaL lL was no good Lo preLend.
So she sald, AcLually, l can read lL," speaklng half Lo
ur. Lansellus and half Lo larder Coram, and lL was Lhe
consul who responded.
1haL ls wlse of you," he sald. Where dld you obLaln
Lhls one?"
1he MasLer of !ordan College ln Cxford gave lL Lo
me," she sald. ur. Lansellus, do you know who made
1hey are sald Lo orlglnaLe ln Lhe clLy of rague," sald
Lhe consul. 1he Scholar who lnvenLed Lhe flrsL
aleLhlomeLer was apparenLly Lrylng Lo dlscover a way
of measurlng Lhe lnfluences of Lhe planeLs, accordlng
Lo Lhe ldeas of asLrology. Pe lnLended Lo make a devlce
LhaL would respond Lo Lhe ldea of Mars or venus as a
compass responds Lo Lhe ldea of norLh. ln LhaL he
falled, buL Lhe mechanlsm he lnvenLed was clearly
respondlng Lo someLhlng, even lf no one knew whaL lL
And where dld Lhey geL Lhe symbols from?"
Ch, Lhls was ln Lhe sevenLeenLh cenLury. Symbols and
emblems were everywhere. 8ulldlngs and plcLures
were deslgned Lo be read llke books. LveryLhlng sLood
for someLhlng else, lf you had Lhe rlghL dlcLlonary, you
could read naLure lLself. lL was hardly surprlslng Lo flnd
phllosophers uslng Lhe symbollsm of Lhelr Llme Lo
lnLerpreL knowledge LhaL came from a mysLerlous
source. 8uL, you know, Lhey haven'L been used
serlously for Lwo cenLurles or so."
Pe handed Lhe lnsLrumenL back Lo Lyra, and added:
May l ask a quesLlon? WlLhouL Lhe books of symbols,
how do you read lL?"
l [usL make my mlnd go clear and Lhen lL's sorL of llke
looklng down lnLo waLer. ?ou goL Lo leL your eyes flnd
Lhe rlghL level, because LhaL's Lhe only one LhaL's ln
focus. SomeLhlng llke LhaL," she sald.
l wonder lf l mlghL ask Lo see you do lL?" he sald.
Lyra looked aL larder Coram, wanLlng Lo say yes buL
walLlng for hls approval. 1he old man nodded. WhaL
shall l ask?" sald Lyra.
WhaL are Lhe lnLenLlons of Lhe 1arLars wlLh regard Lo
1haL wasn'L hard. Lyra Lurned Lhe hands Lo Lhe camel,
whlch meanL Asla, whlch meanL 1arLars, Lo Lhe
cornucopla, for kamchaLka, where Lhere were gold
mlnes, and Lo Lhe anL, whlch meanL acLlvlLy, whlch
meanL purpose and lnLenLlon. 1hen she saL sLlll, leLLlng
her mlnd hold Lhe Lhree levels of meanlng LogeLher
age 103

ln focus, and relaxed for Lhe answer, whlch came
almosL aL once. 1he long needle Lrembled on Lhe
dolphln, Lhe helmeL, Lhe baby, and Lhe anchor, danclng
beLween Lhem and onLo Lhe cruclble ln a compllcaLed
paLLern LhaL Lyra's eyes followed wlLhouL heslLaLlon,
buL whlch was lncomprehenslble Lo Lhe Lwo men.
When lL had compleLed Lhe movemenLs several Llmes,
Lyra looked up. She bllnked once or Lwlce as lf she
were comlng ouL of a Lrance.
1hey're golng Lo preLend Lo aLLack lL, buL Lhey're noL
really golng Lo, because lL's Loo far away and Lhey'd be
Loo sLreLched ouL," she sald.
Would you Lell me how you read LhaL?"
1he dolphln, one of lLs deep-down meanlngs ls
playlng, sorL of llke belng playful," she explalned. l
know lL's Lhe flfLeenLh because lL sLopped flfLeen Llmes
and lL [usL goL clear aL LhaL level buL nowhere else. And
Lhe helmeL means war, and boLh LogeLher Lhey mean
preLend Lo go Lo war buL noL be serlous. And Lhe baby
means-lL means dlfflculL-lL'd be Loo hard for Lhem
Lo aLLack lL, and Lhe anchor says why, because Lhey'd
be sLreLched ouL as LlghL as an anchor rope. l [usL see lL
all llke LhaL, you see."
ur. Lansellus nodded.
8emarkable," he sald. l am very graLeful. l shall noL
forgeL LhaL." 1hen he looked sLrangely aL larder
Coram, and back aL Lyra.
Could l ask you for one more demonsLraLlon?" he
sald. lf you look ouL of Lhls wlndow, you'll see a shed
wlLh forLy or more sprays of cloud-plne hanglng on Lhe
wall. Cne of Lhem has been used by Seraflna ekkala,
and Lhe oLhers have noL. Could you Lell whlch ls hers?"
?eah!" sald Lyra, always ready Lo show off, and she
Look Lhe aleLhlomeLer and hurrled ouL. She was eager
Lo see cloud-plne, because Lhe wlLches used lL for
flylng, and she'd never seen any before.
1he Lwo men sLood by Lhe wlndow and waLched as she
klcked her way Lhrough Lhe snow, anLalalmon
bounclng beslde her as a hare, Lo sLand ln fronL of Lhe
wooden shed, head down, manlpulaLlng Lhe
aleLhlomeLer. AfLer a few seconds she reached
forward and unheslLaLlngly plcked ouL one of Lhe many
sprays of plne and held lL up.
ur. Lansellus nodded.
Lyra, lnLrlgued and eager Lo fly, held lL above her head
and [umped, and ran abouL ln Lhe snow Lrylng Lo be a
wlLch. 1he consul Lurned Lo larder Coram and sald:
uo you reallze who Lhls chlld ls?"
She's Lhe daughLer of Lord Asrlel," sald larder Coram.
And her moLher ls Mrs. CoulLer, of Lhe CblaLlon
8oard." And aparL from LhaL?"
1he old gypLlan had Lo shake hls head. no," he sald, l
don'L know any more. 8uL she's a sLrange lnnocenL
creaLure, and l wouldn'L have her harmed for Lhe
world. Pow she comes Lo read LhaL lnsLrumenL l
couldn'L guess, buL l belleve her when she Lalks of lL.
Why, ur. Lansellus? WhaL do you know abouL
age 106

1he wlLches have Lalked abouL Lhls chlld for cenLurles
pasL," sald Lhe consul. 8ecause Lhey llve so close Lo
Lhe place where Lhe vell beLween Lhe worlds ls Lhln,
Lhey hear lmmorLal whlspers from Llme Lo Llme, ln Lhe
volces of Lhose belngs who pass beLween Lhe worlds.
And Lhey have spoken of a chlld such as Lhls, who has a
greaL desLlny LhaL can only be fulfllled elsewhere-noL
ln Lhls world, buL far beyond. WlLhouL Lhls chlld, we
shall all dle. So Lhe wlLches say. 8uL she musL fulflll Lhls
desLlny ln lgnorance of whaL she ls dolng, because only
ln her lgnorance can we be saved. uo you undersLand
LhaL, larder Coram?"
no," sald larder Coram, l'm unable Lo say LhaL l do."
WhaL lL means ls LhaL she musL be free Lo make
mlsLakes. We musL hope LhaL she does noL, buL we
can'L gulde her. l am glad Lo have seen Lhls chlld before
l dle."
8uL how dld you recognlze her as belng LhaL parLlcular
chlld? And whaL dld you mean abouL Lhe belngs who
pass beLween Lhe worlds? l'm aL a loss Lo undersLand
you, ur. Lansellus, for all LhaL l [udge you're an honesL
8uL before Lhe consul could answer, Lhe door opened
and Lyra came ln bearlng a llLLle branch of plne.
1hls ls Lhe one!" she sald. l LesLed 'em all, and Lhls ls
lL, l'm sure. 8uL lL won'L fly for me."
1he consul sald, Well, Lyra, LhaL ls remarkable. ?ou
are lucky Lo have an lnsLrumenL llke LhaL, and l wlsh
you well wlLh lL. l would llke Lo glve you someLhlng Lo
Lake away wlLh you...."
Pe Look Lhe spray and broke off a Lwlg for her.
uld she really fly wlLh Lhls?" Lyra sald.
?es, she dld. 8uL Lhen she ls a wlLch, and you are noL.
l can'L glve you all of lL, because l need lL Lo conLacL
her, buL Lhls wlll be enough. Look afLer lL."
?es, l wlll," she sald. 1hank you."
And she Lucked lL lnLo her purse beslde Lhe
aleLhlomeLer. larder Coram Louched Lhe spray of plne
as lf for luck, and on hls face was an expresslon Lyra
had never seen before: almosL a longlng. 1he consul
showed Lhem Lo Lhe door, where he shook hands wlLh
larder Coram, and shook Lyra's hand Loo.
l hope you flnd success," he sald, and sLood on hls
doorsLep ln Lhe plerclng cold Lo waLch Lhem up Lhe
llLLle sLreeL.
Pe knew Lhe answer abouL Lhe 1arLars before l dld,"
Lyra Lold larder Coram. 1he aleLhlomeLer Lold me,
buL l never sald. lL was Lhe cruclble."
l expecL he was LesLlng you, chlld. 8uL you done rlghL
Lo be pollLe, belng as we can'L be sure whaL he knows
already. And LhaL was a useful Llp abouL Lhe bear. l
don'L know how we would a heard oLherwlse."
1hey found Lhelr way Lo Lhe depoL, whlch was a couple
of concreLe warehouses ln a scrubby area of wasLe
ground where Lhln weeds grew beLween gray rocks
and pools of lcy mud. A surly man ln an offlce Lold
Lhem LhaL Lhey could flnd Lhe bear off duLy aL slx, buL
Lhey'd have Lo be qulck, because he usually
age 107

wenL sLralghL Lo Lhe yard behlnd Llnarsson's 8ar,
where Lhey gave hlm drlnk.
1hen larder Coram Look Lyra Lo Lhe besL ouLflLLer's ln
Lown and boughL her some proper cold-weaLher
cloLhlng. 1hey boughL a parka made of relndeer skln,
because relndeer halr ls hollow and lnsulaLes well, and
Lhe hood was llned wlLh wolverlne fur, because LhaL
sheds Lhe lce LhaL forms when you breaLhe. 1hey
boughL undercloLhlng and booL llners of relndeer calf
skln, and sllk gloves Lo go lnslde blg fur mlLLens. 1he
booLs and mlLLens were made of skln from Lhe
relndeer's forelegs, because LhaL ls exLra Lough, and
Lhe booLs were soled wlLh Lhe skln of Lhe bearded seal,
whlch ls as Lough as walrus hlde, buL llghLer. llnally
Lhey boughL a waLerproof cape LhaL enveloped her
compleLely, made of semlLransparenL seal lnLesLlne.
WlLh all LhaL on, and a sllk muffler around her neck
and a woollen cap over her ears and Lhe blg hood
pulled forward, she was uncomforLably warm, buL Lhey
were golng Lo much colder reglons Lhan Lhls.
!ohn laa had been supervlslng Lhe unloadlng of Lhe
shlp, and was keen Lo hear abouL Lhe wlLch consul's
words, and even keener Lo learn of Lhe bear.
We'll go Lo hlm Lhls very evenlng," he sald. Pave you
ever spoken Lo such a creaLure, larder Coram?"
?es, l have, and foughL one, Loo, Lhough noL by
myself, Lhank Cod. We musL be ready Lo LreaL wlLh
hlm, !ohn. Pe'll ask a loL, l've no doubL, and be surly
and dlfflculL Lo manage, buL we musL have hlm."
Ch, we musL. And whaL of your wlLch?" Well, she's a
long way off, and a clan queen now," sald larder
Coram. l dld hope lL mlghL be posslble for a message
Lo reach her, buL lL would Lake Loo long Lo walL for a
reply." Ah, well. now leL me Lell you whaL l've found,
old frlend." lor !ohn laa had been fldgeLlng wlLh
lmpaLlence Lo Lell Lhem someLhlng. Pe had meL a
prospecLor on Lhe quayslde, a new uane from Lhe
counLry of 1exas, and Lhls man had a balloon, of all
Lhlngs. 1he expedlLlon he'd been hoplng Lo [oln had
falled for lack of funds even before lL had lefL
AmsLerdam, so he was sLranded.
1hlnk whaL we mlghL do wlLh Lhe help of an aeronauL,
larder Coram!" sald !ohn laa, rubblng hls greaL hands
LogeLher. l've engaged hlm Lo slgn up wlLh us. Seems
Lo me we sLruck lucky a comlng here."
Luckler sLlll lf we had a clear ldea of where we were
golng," sald larder Coram, buL noLhlng could damp
!ohn laa's pleasure ln belng on campalgn once more.
AfLer darkness had fallen, and when Lhe sLores and
equlpmenL had all been safely unloaded and sLood ln
walLlng on Lhe quay, larder Coram and Lyra walked
along Lhe waLerfronL and looked for Llnarsson's 8ar.
1hey found lL easlly enough: a crude concreLe shed
wlLh a red neon slgn flashlng lrregularly over Lhe door
and Lhe sound of loud volces Lhrough Lhe
condensaLlon-frosLed wlndows.
A plLLed alley beslde lL led Lo a sheeL-meLal gaLe lnLo a
rear yard, where a lean-Lo shed sLood crazlly over a
floor of frozen mud. ulm yellow llghL Lhrough Lhe rear
wlndow of Lhe bar showed a vasL pale form crouchlng
uprlghL and gnawlng aL a haunch of meaL whlch lL held
ln boLh hands. Lyra had an lmpresslon of bloodsLalned
muzzle and face, small malevolenL black eyes, and an
lmmenslLy of dlrLy maLLed yellowlsh fur. As lL gnawed,
hldeous growllng, crunchlng, sucklng nolses came from
larder Coram sLood by Lhe gaLe and called: lorek
age 108

1he bear sLopped eaLlng. As far as Lhey could Lell, he
was looklng aL Lhem dlrecLly, buL lL was lmposslble Lo
read any expresslon on hls face.
lorek 8yrnlson," sald larder Coram agaln. May l
speak Lo you?"
Lyra's hearL was Lhumplng hard, because someLhlng ln
Lhe bear's presence made her feel close Lo coldness,
danger, bruLal power, buL a power conLrolled by
lnLelllgence, and noL a human lnLelllgence, noLhlng llke
a human, because of course bears had no daemons.
1hls sLrange hulklng presence gnawlng lLs meaL was
llke noLhlng she had ever lmaglned, and she felL a
profound admlraLlon and plLy for Lhe lonely creaLure.
Pe dropped Lhe relndeer leg ln Lhe dlrL and slumped
on all fours Lo Lhe gaLe. 1hen he reared up masslvely,
Len feeL or more hlgh, as lf Lo show how mlghLy he
was, Lo remlnd Lhem how useless Lhe gaLe would be as
a barrler, and he spoke Lo Lhem from LhaL helghL.
Well? Who are you?"
Pls volce was so deep lL seemed Lo shake Lhe earLh.
1he rank smell LhaL came from hls body was almosL
l'm larder Coram, from Lhe gypLlan people of LasLern
Anglla. And Lhls llLLle glrl ls Lyra 8elacqua." WhaL do
you wanL?"
We wanL Lo offer you employmenL, lorek 8yrnlson."
l am employed."
1he bear dropped on all fours agaln. lL was very hard
Lo deLecL any expresslve Lones ln hls volce, wheLher of
lrony or anger, because lL was so deep and so flaL.
WhaL do you do aL Lhe sledge depoL?" larder Coram
l mend broken machlnery and arLlcles of lron. l llfL
heavy ob[ecLs."
WhaL klnd of work ls LhaL for a panserb[orn ?"
ald work."
8ehlnd Lhe bear, Lhe door of Lhe bar opened a llLLle
way and a man puL down a large earLhenware [ar
before looklng up Lo peer aL Lhem.
Who's LhaL?" he sald.
SLrangers," sald Lhe bear.
1he barLender looked as lf he was golng Lo ask
someLhlng more, buL Lhe bear lurched Loward hlm
suddenly and Lhe man shuL Lhe door ln alarm. 1he bear
hooked a claw Lhrough Lhe handle of Lhe [ar and llfLed
lL Lo hls mouLh. Lyra could smell Lhe Lang of Lhe raw
splrlLs LhaL splashed ouL.
AfLer swallowlng several Llmes, Lhe bear puL Lhe [ar
down and Lurned back Lo gnaw hls haunch of meaL,
age 109

heedless of larder Coram and Lyra, lL seemed, buL
Lhen he spoke agaln.
WhaL work are you offerlng?"
llghLlng, ln all probablllLy," sald larder Coram. We're
movlng norLh unLll we flnd a place where Lhey've
Laken some chlldren capLlve. When we flnd lL, we'll
have Lo flghL Lo geL Lhe chlldren free, and Lhen we'll
brlng Lhem back."
And whaL wlll you pay?"
l don'L know whaL Lo offer you, lorek 8yrnlson. lf gold
ls deslrable Lo you, we have gold."
no good."
WhaL do Lhey pay you aL Lhe sledge depoL?"
My keep here ln meaL and splrlLs."
Sllence from Lhe bear, and Lhen he dropped Lhe ragged
bone and llfLed Lhe [ar Lo hls muzzle agaln, drlnklng Lhe
powerful splrlLs llke waLer.
lorglve me for asklng, lorek 8yrnlson," sald larder
Coram, buL you could llve a free proud llfe on Lhe lce
hunLlng seals and walruses, or you could go Lo war and
wln greaL prlzes. WhaL Lles you Lo 1rollesund and
Llnarsson's 8ar?"
Lyra felL her skln shlver all over. She would have
LhoughL a quesLlon llke LhaL, whlch was almosL an
lnsulL, would enrage Lhe greaL creaLure beyond reason,
and she wondered aL larder Coram's courage ln asklng
lL. lorek 8yrnlson puL down hls [ar and came close Lo
Lhe gaLe Lo peer aL Lhe old man's face. larder Coram
dldn'L fllnch.
l know Lhe people you are seeklng, Lhe chlld cuLLers,"
Lhe bear sald. 1hey lefL Lown Lhe day before
yesLerday Lo go norLh wlLh more chlldren. no one wlll
Lell you abouL Lhem, Lhey preLend noL Lo see, because
Lhe chlld cuLLers brlng money and buslness. now, l
don'L llke Lhe chlld cuLLers, so l shall answer you
pollLely. l sLay here and drlnk splrlLs because Lhe men
here Look my armor away, and wlLhouL LhaL, l can hunL
seals buL l can'L go Lo war, and l am an armored bear,
war ls Lhe sea l swlm ln and Lhe alr l breaLhe. 1he men
of Lhls Lown gave me splrlLs and leL me drlnk Llll l was
asleep, and Lhen Lhey Look my armor away from me. lf
l knew where Lhey keep lL, l would Lear down Lhe Lown
Lo geL lL back. lf you wanL my servlce, Lhe prlce ls Lhls:
geL me back my armor. uo LhaL, and l shall serve you ln
your campalgn, elLher unLll l am dead or unLll you have
a vlcLory. 1he prlce ls my armor. l wanL lL back, and
Lhen l shall never need splrlLs agaln."
age 110

When Lhey reLurned Lo Lhe shlp, larder Coram and
!ohn laa and Lhe oLher leaders spenL a long Llme ln
conference ln Lhe saloon, and Lyra wenL Lo her cabln
Lo consulL Lhe aleLhlome-Ler. WlLhln flve mlnuLes she
knew exacLly where Lhe bear's armor was, and why lL
would be dlfflculL Lo geL lL back.
She wondered wheLher Lo go Lo Lhe saloon and Lell
!ohn laa and Lhe oLhers, buL declded LhaL Lhey'd ask
her lf Lhey wanLed Lo know. erhaps Lhey knew
She lay on her bunk Lhlnklng of LhaL savage mlghLy
bear, and Lhe careless way he drank hls flery splrlL, and
Lhe lonellness of hlm ln hls dlrLy lean-Lo. Pow dlfferenL
lL was Lo be human, wlLh one's daemon always Lhere
Lo Lalk Lo! ln Lhe sllence of Lhe sLlll shlp, wlLhouL Lhe
conLlnual creak of meLal and Llmber or Lhe rumble of
Lhe englne or Lhe rush of waLer along Lhe slde, Lyra
gradually fell asleep, wlLh anLalalmon on her plllow
sleeplng Loo.
She was dreamlng of her greaL lmprlsoned faLher
when suddenly, for no reason aL all, she woke up. She
had no ldea whaL Llme lL was. 1here was a falnL llghL ln
Lhe cabln LhaL she Look for moonllghL, and lL showed
her new cold-weaLher furs LhaL lay sLlffly ln Lhe corner
of Lhe cabln. no sooner dld she see Lhem Lhan she
longed Lo Lry Lhem on agaln.
Cnce Lhey were on, she had Lo go ouL on deck, and a
mlnuLe laLer she opened Lhe door aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
compan-lonway and sLepped ouL.
AL once she saw LhaL someLhlng sLrange was
happenlng ln Lhe sky. She LhoughL lL was clouds,
movlng and Lrembllng under a nervous aglLaLlon, buL
anLalalmon whlspered:
1he Aurora!"
Per wonder was so sLrong LhaL she had Lo cluLch Lhe
rall Lo keep from falllng.
1he slghL fllled Lhe norLhern sky, Lhe lmmenslLy of lL
was scarcely concelvable. As lf from Peaven lLself,
greaL curLalns of dellcaLe llghL hung and Lrembled. ale
green and rose-plnk, and as LransparenL as Lhe mosL
fraglle fabrlc, and aL Lhe boLLom edge a profound and
flery crlmson llke Lhe flres of Pell, Lhey swung and
shlmmered loosely wlLh more grace Lhan Lhe mosL
sklllful dancer. Lyra LhoughL she could even hear Lhem:
a vasL dlsLanL whlsperlng swlsh. ln Lhe evanescenL
dellcacy she felL someLhlng as profound as she'd felL
close Lo Lhe bear. She was moved by lL, lL was so
beauLlful lL was almosL holy, she felL Lears prlck her
eyes, and Lhe Lears spllnLered Lhe llghL even furLher
lnLo prlsmaLlc ralnbows. lL wasn'L long before she
found herself enLerlng Lhe same klnd of Lrance as
when she consulLed Lhe aleLhlomeLer. erhaps, she
LhoughL calmly, whaLever moves Lhe aleLhlomeLer's
needle ls maklng Lhe Aurora glow Loo. lL mlghL even be
uusL lLself. She LhoughL LhaL wlLhouL noLlclng LhaL
she'd LhoughL lL, and she soon forgoL lL, and only
remembered lL much laLer.
age 111

And as she gazed, Lhe lmage of a clLy seemed Lo form
lLself behlnd Lhe vells and sLreams of LranslucenL color:
Lowers and domes, honey-colored Lemples and
colonnades, broad boulevards and sunllL parkland.
Looklng aL lL gave her a sense of verLlgo, as lf she were
looklng noL up buL down, and across a gulf so wlde
LhaL noLhlng could ever pass over lL. lL was a whole
unlverse away.
8uL someLhlng was movlng across lL, and as she Lrled
Lo focus her eyes on Lhe movemenL, she felL falnL and
dlzzy, because Lhe llLLle Lhlng movlng wasn'L parL of
Lhe Aurora or
of Lhe oLher unlverse behlnd lL. lL was ln Lhe sky over
Lhe roofs of Lhe Lown. When she could see lL clearly,
she had come fully awake and Lhe sky clLy was gone.
1he flylng Lhlng came closer and clrcled Lhe shlp on
ouLspread wlngs. 1hen lL gllded down and landed wlLh
brlsk sweeps of lLs powerful plnlons, and came Lo a
halL on Lhe wooden deck a few yards from Lyra.
ln Lhe Aurora's llghL she saw a greaL blrd, a beauLlful
gray goose whose head was crowned wlLh a flash of
pure whlLe. And yeL lL wasn'L a blrd: lL was a daemon,
Lhough Lhere was no one ln slghL buL Lyra herself. 1he
ldea fllled her wlLh slckly fear.
1he blrd sald:
Where ls larder Coram?"
And suddenly Lyra reallzed who lL musL be. 1hls was
Lhe daemon of Seraflna ekkala, Lhe clan queen,
larder Coram's wlLch frlend.
She sLammered Lo reply:
l-he's-l'll go and geL hlm...."
She Lurned and scampered down Lhe companlonway
Lo Lhe cabln larder Coram occupled, and opened Lhe
door Lo speak lnLo Lhe darkness:
larder Coram! 1he wlLch's daemon's come! Pe's
walLlng on Lhe deck! Pe flew here all by hlsself-l seen
hlm comlng ln Lhe sky-"
1he old man sald, Ask hlm Lo walL on Lhe afLerdeck,
1he goose made hls sLaLely way Lo Lhe sLern of Lhe
shlp, where he looked around, eleganL and wlld
slmulLaneously, and a cause of fasclnaLed Lerror Lo
Lyra, who felL as Lhough she were enLerLalnlng a ghosL.
1hen larder Coram came up, wrapped ln hls cold-
weaLher gear, closely followed by !ohn laa. 8oLh old
men bowed respecLfully, and Lhelr daemons also
acknowledged Lhe vlslLor.
CreeLlngs," sald larder Coram. And l'm happy and
proud Lo see you agaln, kalsa. now, would you llke Lo
come lnslde, or would you prefer Lo sLay ouL here ln
Lhe open?"
l would raLher sLay ouLslde, Lhank you, larder Coram.
Are you warm enough for a whlle?" WlLches and Lhelr
daemons felL no cold, buL Lhey were aware LhaL oLher
humans dld.
age 112

larder Coram assured hlm LhaL Lhey were well
wrapped up, and sald, Pow ls Seraflna ekkala?"
She sends her greeLlngs Lo you, larder Coram, and
she ls well and sLrong. Who are Lhese Lwo people?"
larder Coram lnLroduced Lhem boLh. 1he goose
daemon looked hard aL Lyra.
l have heard of Lhls chlld," he sald. She ls Lalked
abouL among wlLches. So you have come Lo make
noL war, kalsa. We are golng Lo free Lhe chlldren
Laken from us. And l hope Lhe wlLches wlll help."
noL all of Lhem wlll. Some clans are worklng wlLh Lhe
uusL hunLers."
ls LhaL whaL you call Lhe CblaLlon 8oard?" l don'L
know whaL Lhls board may be. 1hey are uusL hunLers.
1hey came Lo our reglons Len years ago wlLh
phllosophlcal lnsLrumenLs. 1hey pald us Lo allow Lhem
Lo seL up sLaLlons ln our lands, and Lhey LreaLed us
wlLh courLesy." WhaL ls Lhls uusL?"
lL comes from Lhe sky. Some say lL has always been
Lhere, some say lL ls newly falllng. WhaL ls cerLaln ls
LhaL when people become aware of lL, a greaL fear
comes over Lhem, and Lhey'll sLop aL noLhlng Lo
dlscover whaL lL ls. 8uL lL ls noL of any concern Lo
And where are Lhey now, Lhese uusL hunLers?" lour
days norLheasL of here, aL a place called 8olvangar.
Cur clan made no agreemenL wlLh Lhem, and because
of our longsLandlng obllgaLlon Lo you, larder Coram, l
have come Lo show you how Lo flnd Lhese uusL
larder Coram smlled, and !ohn laa clapped hls greaL
hands LogeLher ln saLlsfacLlon.
1hank you klndly, slr," he sald Lo Lhe goose. 8uL Lell
us Lhls: do you know anyLhlng more abouL Lhese uusL
hunLers? WhaL do Lhey do aL Lhls 8olvangar?"
1hey have puL up bulldlngs of meLal and concreLe,
and some underground chambers. 1hey burn coal
splrlL, whlch Lhey brlng ln aL greaL expense. We don'L
know whaL Lhey do, buL Lhere ls an alr of haLred and
fear over Lhe place and for mlles around. WlLches can
see Lhese Lhlngs where oLher humans can'L. Anlmals
keep away Loo. no blrds fly Lhere, lemmlngs and foxes
have fled. Pence Lhe name 8olvangar: Lhe flelds of evll.
1hey don'L call lL LhaL. 1hey call lL 'Lhe sLaLlon.' 8uL Lo
everyone else lL ls 8olvangar."
And how are Lhey defended?"
1hey have a company of norLhern 1arLars armed wlLh
rlfles. 1hey are good soldlers, buL Lhey lack pracLlce,
because no one has ever aLLacked Lhe seLLlemenL slnce
lL was bullL. 1hen Lhere ls a wlre fence around Lhe
compound, whlch ls fllled wlLh anbarlc force. 1here
may be oLher means of defense LhaL we don'L know
abouL, because as l say Lhey have no lnLeresL for us."
Lyra was bursLlng Lo ask a quesLlon, and Lhe goose
dasmon knew lL and looked aL her as lf glvlng
Why do Lhe wlLches Lalk abouL me?" she sald.
8ecause of your faLher, and hls knowledge of Lhe
oLher worlds," Lhe daemon replled.
1haL surprlsed all Lhree of Lhem. Lyra looked aL larder
Coram, who looked back ln mlld wonder, and aL
age 113

!ohn laa, whose expresslon was Lroubled.
CLher worlds?" !ohn laa sald. ardon me, slr, buL
whaL worlds would Lhose be? uo you mean Lhe sLars?"
lndeed no."
erhaps Lhe world of splrlLs?" sald larder Coram.
nor LhaL."
ls lL Lhe clLy ln Lhe llghLs?" sald Lyra. lL ls, en'L lL?"
1he goose Lurned hls sLaLely head Loward her. Pls eyes
were black, surrounded by a Lhln llne of pure sky-blue,
and Lhelr gaze was lnLense.
?es," he sald. WlLches have known of Lhe oLher
worlds for Lhousands of years. ?ou can see Lhem
someLlmes ln Lhe norLhern LlghLs. 1hey aren'L parL of
Lhls unlverse aL all, even Lhe furLhesL sLars are parL of
Lhls unlverse, buL Lhe llghLs show us a dlfferenL
unlverse enLlrely. noL furLher away, buL
lnLerpeneLraLlng wlLh Lhls one. Pere, on Lhls deck,
mllllons of oLher unlverses exlsL, unaware of one
Pe ralsed hls wlngs and spread Lhem wlde before
foldlng Lhem agaln.
1here," he sald, l have [usL brushed Len mllllon oLher
worlds, and Lhey knew noLhlng of lL. We are as close as
a hearLbeaL, buL we can never Louch or see or hear
Lhese oLher worlds excepL ln Lhe norLhern LlghLs."
And why Lhere?" sald larder Coram.
8ecause Lhe charged parLlcles ln Lhe Aurora have Lhe
properLy of maklng Lhe maLLer of Lhls world Lhln, so
LhaL we can see Lhrough lL for a brlef Llme. WlLches
have always known Lhls, buL we seldom speak of lL."
My faLher belleves ln lL," Lyra sald. l know because l
heard hlm Lalklng and showlng plcLures of Lhe Aurora."
ls Lhls anyLhlng Lo do wlLh uusL?" sald !ohn laa.
Who can say?" sald Lhe goose daemon. All l can Lell
you ls LhaL Lhe uusL hunLers are as frlghLened of lL as lf
lL were deadly polson. 1haL ls why Lhey lmprlsoned
Lord Asrlel."
8uL why?" Lyra sald.
1hey Lhlnk he lnLends Lo use uusL ln some way ln
order Lo make a brldge beLween Lhls world and Lhe
world beyond Lhe Aurora."
1here was a llghLness ln Lyra's head.
She heard larder Coram say, And does he?"
?es," sald Lhe goose daemon. 1hey don'L belleve he
can, because Lhey Lhlnk he ls mad Lo belleve ln Lhe
age 114

oLher worlds ln Lhe flrsL place. 8uL lL ls Lrue: LhaL ls hls
lnLenLlon. And he ls so powerful a flgure LhaL Lhey
feared he would upseL Lhelr own plans, so Lhey made a
pacL wlLh Lhe armored bears Lo capLure hlm and keep
hlm lmprlsoned ln Lhe forLress of Svalbard, ouL of Lhe
way. Some say Lhey helped Lhe new bear klng Lo galn
hls Lhrone, as parL of Lhe bargaln."
Lyra sald, uo Lhe wlLches wanL hlm Lo make Lhls
brldge? Are Lhey on hls slde or agalnsL hlm?"
1haL ls a quesLlon wlLh Loo compllcaLed an answer.
llrsLly, Lhe wlLches are noL unlLed. 1here are
dlfferences of oplnlon among us. Secondly, Lord
Asrlel's brldge wlll have a bearlng on a war belng
waged aL Lhe presenL beLween some wlLches and
varlous oLher forces, some ln Lhe splrlL world.
ossesslon of Lhe brldge, lf lL ever exlsLed, would glve a
huge advanLage Lo whoever held lL. 1hlrdly, Seraflna
ekkala's clan-my clan-ls noL yeL parL of any
alllance, Lhough greaL pressure ls belng puL on us Lo
declare for one slde or anoLher. ?ou see, Lhese are
quesLlons of hlgh pollLlcs, and noL easlly answered."
WhaL abouL Lhe bears?" sald Lyra. Whose slde are
Lhey on?"
Cn Lhe slde of anyone who pays Lhem. 1hey have no
lnLeresL whaLever ln Lhese quesLlons, Lhey have no
daemons, Lhey are unconcerned abouL human
problems. AL leasL, LhaL ls how bears used Lo be, buL
we have heard LhaL Lhelr new klng ls lnLenL on
changlng Lhelr old ways....AL any raLe, Lhe uusL hunLers
have pald Lhem Lo lmprlson Lord Asrlel, and Lhey wlll
hold hlm on Svalbard unLll Lhe lasL drop of blood dralns
from Lhe body of Lhe lasL bear allve."
8uL noL all bears!" Lyra sald. 1here's one who en'L on
Svalbard aL all. Pe's an ouLcasL bear, and he's golng Lo
come wlLh us."
1he goose gave Lyra anoLher of hls plerclng looks. 1hls
Llme she could feel hls cold surprlse.
larder Coram shlfLed uncomforLably, and sald, 1he
facL ls, Lyra, l don'L Lhlnk he ls. We heard he's servlng
ouL a Lerm as an lndenLured laborer, he en'L free, as
we LhoughL he mlghL be, he's under senLence. 1lll he's
dlscharged he won'L be free Lo come, armor or no
armor, and he won'L never have LhaL back, elLher."
8uL he sald Lhey Lrlcked hlm! 1hey made hlm drunk
and sLole lL away!"
We heard a dlfferenL sLory," sald !ohn laa. Pe's a
dangerous rogue, ls whaL we heard."
lf-" Lyra was passlonaLe, she could hardly speak for
lndlgnaLlon. -lf Lhe aleLhlomeLer says someLhlng, l
know lL's Lrue. And l asked lL, and lL sald LhaL he was
Lelllng Lhe LruLh, Lhey dld Lrlck hlm, and Lhey're Lelllng
lles and noL hlm. l belleve hlm, Lord laa! larder
Coram-you saw hlm Loo, and you belleve hlm, don'L
l LhoughL l dld, chlld. l en'L so cerLaln of Lhlngs as you
8uL whaL are Lhey afrald of? uo Lhey Lhlnk he's golng
Lo go round kllllng people as soon's he geLs hls armor
on? Pe could klll dozens of 'em now!"
Pe has done," sald !ohn laa. Well, lf noL dozens,
Lhen some. When Lhey flrsL Look hls armor away, he
wenL a rampaglng round looklng for lL. Pe Lore open
Lhe pollce house and Lhe bank and l don'L know where
else, and Lhere's aL leasL Lwo men who dled. 1he only
reason Lhey dldn'L shooL Lo klll hlm ls because of hls
wondrous sklll wlLh meLals, Lhey wanLed Lo use hlm
llke a laborer."
age 113

Llke a slave!" Lyra sald hoLly. 1hey hadn'L goL Lhe
8e LhaL as lL may, Lhey mlghL have shoL hlm for Lhe
kllllngs he done, buL Lhey dldn'L. And Lhey bound hlm
over Lo labor ln Lhe Lown's lnLeresL unLll he's pald off
Lhe damage and Lhe blood money."
!ohn," sald larder Coram, l don'L know how you feel,
buL lL's my bellef Lhey'll never leL hlm have LhaL armor
back. 1he longer Lhey keep hlm, Lhe more angry he'll
be when he geLs lL."
8uL lf we geL hls armor back, he'll come wlLh us and
never boLher 'em agaln," sald Lyra. l promlse, Lord
And how are we golng Lo do LhaL?"
l know where lL ls!"
1here was a sllence, ln whlch Lhey all Lhree became
aware of Lhe wlLch's daemon and hls flxed sLare aL
Lyra. All Lhree Lurned Lo hlm, and Lhelr own daemons
Loo, who had unLll Lhen affecLed Lhe exLreme
pollLeness of keeplng Lhelr eyes modesLly away from
Lhls slngular creaLure, here wlLhouL hls body.
?ou won'L be surprlsed," sald Lhe goose, Lo know
LhaL Lhe aleLhlomeLer ls one oLher reason Lhe wlLches
are lnLeresLed ln you, Lyra. Cur consul Lold us abouL
your vlslL Lhls mornlng. l belleve lL was ur. Lansellus
who Lold you abouL Lhe bear."
?es, lL was," sald !ohn laa. And she and larder
Coram wenL Lhelrselves and Lalked Lo hlm. l daresay
whaL Lyra says ls Lrue, buL lf we go breaklng Lhe law of
Lhese people we'll only geL lnvolved ln a quarrel wlLh
Lhem, and whaL we oughL Lo be dolng ls pushlng on
Lowards Lhls 8olvangar, bear or no bear."
Ah, buL you en'L seen hlm, !ohn," sald larder Coram.
And l do belleve Lyra. We could promlse on hls
behalf, maybe. Pe mlghL make all Lhe dlfference."
WhaL do you Lhlnk, slr?" sald !ohn laa Lo Lhe wlLch's
We have few deallngs wlLh bears. 1helr deslres are as
sLrange Lo us as ours are Lo Lhem. lf Lhls bear ls an
ouLcasL, he mlghL be less rellable Lhan Lhey are sald Lo
be. ?ou musL declde for yourselves."
We wlll," sald !ohn laa flrmly. 8uL now, slr, can you
Lell us how Lo geL Lo 8olvangar from here?"
1he goose daemon began Lo explaln. Pe spoke of
valleys and hllls, of Lhe Lree llne and Lhe Lundra, of sLar
slghLlngs. Lyra llsLened awhlle, and Lhen lay back ln Lhe
deck chalr wlLh anLalalmon curled around her neck,
and LhoughL of Lhe grand vlslon Lhe goose daemon had
broughL wlLh hlm. A brldge beLween Lwo worlds...1hls
was far more splendld Lhan anyLhlng she could have
hoped for! And only her greaL faLher could have
concelved lL. As soon as Lhey had rescued Lhe chlldren,
she would go Lo Svalbard wlLh Lhe bear and Lake Lord
Asrlel Lhe aleLhlomeLer, and use lL Lo help seL hlm free,
and Lhey'd bulld Lhe brldge LogeLher, and be Lhe flrsL
SomeLlme ln Lhe nlghL !ohn laa musL have carrled Lyra
Lo her bunk, because LhaL was where she awoke. 1he
dlm sun was as hlgh ln Lhe sky as lL was golng Lo geL,
only a hand's breadLh above Lhe horlzon, so lL musL be
nearly noon, she LhoughL. Soon, when Lhey moved
furLher norLh, Lhere would be no sun aL all.
age 116

She dressed qulckly and ran on deck Lo flnd noLhlng
very much happenlng. All Lhe sLores had been
unloaded, sledges and dog Leams had been hlred and
were walLlng Lo go, everyLhlng was ready and noLhlng
was movlng. MosL of Lhe gyp-Llans were slLLlng ln a
smoke-fllled cafe faclng Lhe waLer, eaLlng splce cakes
and drlnklng sLrong sweeL coffee aL Lhe long wooden
Lables under Lhe flzz and crackle of some anclenL
anbarlc llghLs.
Where's Lord laa?" she sald, slLLlng down wlLh 1ony
CosLa and hls frlends. And larder Coram? Are Lhey
geLLlng Lhe bear's armor for hlm?"
1hey're a Lalklng Lo Lhe sysselman. 1haL's Lhelr word
for governor. ?ou seen Lhls bear, Lhen, Lyra?"
?eah!" she sald, and explalned all abouL hlm. As she
Lalked, someone else pulled a chalr up and [olned Lhe
group aL Lhe Lable.
So you've spoken Lo old lorek?" he sald.
She looked aL Lhe newcomer wlLh surprlse. Pe was a
Lall, lean man wlLh a Lhln black mousLache and narrow
blue eyes, and a perpeLual expresslon of dlsLanL and
sardonlc amusemenL. She felL sLrongly abouL hlm aL
once, buL she wasn'L sure wheLher lL was llklng she
felL, or dlsllke. Pls daemon was a shabby hare as Lhln
and Lough-looklng as he was.
Pe held ouL hls hand and she shook lL warlly.
Lee Scoresby," he sald.
1he aeronauL!" she exclalmed. Where's your
balloon? Can l go up ln lL?"
lL's packed away rlghL now, mlss. ?ou musL be Lhe
famous Lyra. Pow dld you geL on wlLh lorek 8yrnlson?"
?ou know hlm?"
l foughL beslde hlm ln Lhe 1unguska campalgn. Pell,
l've known lorek for years. 8ears are dlfflculL crlLLers
no maLLer whaL, buL he's a problem, and no mlsLake.
Say, are any of you genLlemen ln Lhe mood for a game
of hazard?"
A pack of cards had appeared from nowhere ln hls
hand. Pe rlffled Lhem wlLh a snapplng nolse.
now l've heard of Lhe card power of your people,"
Lee Scoresby was saylng, cuLLlng and foldlng Lhe cards
over and over wlLh one hand and flshlng a clgar ouL of
hls breasL pockeL wlLh Lhe oLher, and l LhoughL you
wouldn'L ob[ecL Lo glvlng a slmple 1exan Lraveler Lhe
chance Lo [ousL wlLh your sklll and darlng on Lhe fleld
of pasLeboard combaL. WhaL do you say, genLlemen?"
CypLlans prlded Lhemselves on Lhelr ablllLy wlLh cards,
and several of Lhe men looked lnLeresLed and pulled
Lhelr chalrs up. Whlle Lhey were agreelng wlLh Lee
Scoresby whaL Lo play and for whaL sLakes, hls daemon
fllcked her ears aL anLalalmon, who undersLood and
leaped Lo her slde llghLly as a squlrrel.
She was speaklng for Lyra's ears Loo, of course, and
Lyra heard her say quleLly, Co sLralghL Lo Lhe bear and
Lell hlm dlrecL. As soon as Lhey know whaL's golng on,
Lhey'll move hls armor somewhere else."
age 117

Lyra goL up, Laklng her splce cake wlLh her, and no one
noLlced, Lee Scoresby was already deallng Lhe cards,
and every susplclous eye was on hls hands.
ln Lhe dull llghL, fadlng Lhrough an endless afLernoon,
she found her way Lo Lhe sledge depoL. lL was
someLhlng she knew she had Lo do, buL she felL uneasy
abouL lL, and afrald, Loo.
CuLslde Lhe largesL of Lhe concreLe sheds Lhe greaL
bear was worklng, and Lyra sLood by Lhe open gaLe Lo
waLch. lorek 8yrnlson was dlsmanLllng a gas-englned
LracLor LhaL had crashed, Lhe meLal coverlng of Lhe
englne was LwlsLed and buckled and one runner benL
upward. 1he bear llfLed Lhe meLal off as lf lL were
cardboard, and Lurned lL Lhls way and LhaL ln hls greaL
hands, seemlng Lo LesL lL for some quallLy or oLher,
before seLLlng a rear paw on one corner and Lhen
bendlng Lhe whole sheeL ln such a way LhaL Lhe denLs
sprang ouL and Lhe shape was resLored. Leanlng lL
agalnsL Lhe wall, he llfLed Lhe masslve welghL of Lhe
LracLor wlLh one paw and lald lL on lLs slde before
bendlng Lo examlne Lhe crumpled runner.
As he dld so, he caughL slghL of Lyra. She felL a bolL of
cold fear sLrlke aL her, because he was so masslve and
so allen. She was gazlng Lhrough Lhe chaln-llnk fence
abouL forLy yards from hlm, and she LhoughL how he
could clear Lhe dlsLance ln a bound or Lwo and sweep
Lhe wlre aslde llke a cobweb, and she almosL Lurned
and ran away, buL anLalalmon sald, SLop! LeL me go
and Lalk Lo hlm."
Pe was a Lern, and before she could answer he'd flown
off Lhe fence and down Lo Lhe lcy ground beyond lL.
1here was an open gaLe a llLLle way along, and Lyra
could have followed hlm, buL she hung back uneaslly.
anLalalmon looked aL her, and Lhen became a badger.
She knew whaL he was dolng. uaemons could move no
more Lhan a few yards from Lhelr humans, and lf she
sLood by Lhe fence and he remalned a blrd, he
wouldn'L geL near Lhe bear, so he was golng Lo pull.
She felL angry and mlserable. Pls badger claws dug lnLo
Lhe earLh and he walked forward. lL was such a sLrange
LormenLlng feellng when your daemon was pulllng aL
Lhe llnk beLween you, parL physlcal paln deep ln Lhe
chesL, parL lnLense sadness and love. And she knew lL
was Lhe same for hlm. Lveryone LesLed lL when Lhey
were growlng up: seelng how far Lhey could pull aparL,
comlng back wlLh lnLense rellef.
Pe Lugged a llLLle harder.
uon'L, an!"
8uL he dldn'L sLop. 1he bear waLched, moLlonless. 1he
paln ln Lyra's hearL grew more and more unbearable,
and a sob of longlng rose ln her LhroaL.
1hen she was Lhrough Lhe gaLe, scrambllng over Lhe lcy
mud Loward hlm, and he Lurned lnLo a wlldcaL and
sprang up lnLo her arms, and Lhey were cllnglng
LogeLher LlghLly wlLh llLLle shaky sounds of
unhapplness comlng from Lhem boLh.
l LhoughL you really would-"
l couldn'L belleve how much lL hurL-"
And Lhen she brushed Lhe Lears away angrlly and
snlffed hard. Pe nesLled ln her arms, and she knew she
age 118

would raLher dle Lhan leL Lhem be parLed and face LhaL
sadness agaln, lL would send her mad wlLh grlef and
Lerror. lf she dled, Lhey'd sLlll be LogeLher, llke Lhe
Scholars ln Lhe crypL aL !ordan.
1hen glrl and daemon looked up aL Lhe sollLary bear.
Pe had no daemon. Pe was alone, always alone. She
felL such a sLlr of plLy and genLleness for hlm LhaL she
almosL reached ouL Lo Louch hls maLLed pelL, and only
a sense of courLesy Loward Lhose cold feroclous eyes
prevenLed her.
lorek 8yrnlson," she sald.
Lord laa and larder Coram have gone Lo Lry and geL
your armor for you."
Pe dldn'L move or speak. lL was clear whaL he LhoughL
of Lhelr chances.
l know where lL ls, Lhough," she sald, and lf l Lold
you, maybe you could geL lL by yourself, l don'L know."
Pow do you know where lL ls?"
l goL a symbol reader. l Lhlnk l oughL Lo Lell you, lorek
8yrnlson, seelng as Lhey Lrlcked you ouL of lL ln Lhe flrsL
place. l don'L Lhlnk LhaL's rlghL. 1hey shouldn'L've done
LhaL. Lord laa's golng Lo argue wlLh Lhe sysselman, buL
probably Lhey won'L leL you have lL whaLever he says.
So lf l Lell you, wlll you come wlLh us and help rescue
Lhe klds from 8olvangar?"
l..." She dldn'L mean Lo be nosy, buL she couldn'L help
belng curlous. She sald, Why don'L you [usL make
some more armor ouL of Lhls meLal here, lorek
8ecause lL's worLhless. Look," he sald, and, llfLlng Lhe
englne cover wlLh one paw, he exLended a claw on Lhe
oLher hand and rlpped rlghL Lhrough lL llke a can
opener. My armor ls made of sky lron, made for me.
A bear's armor ls hls soul, [usL as your daemon ls your
soul. ?ou mlghL as well Lake hlm away" -lndlcaLlng
anLalalmon-"and replace hlm wlLh a doll full of
sawdusL. 1haL ls Lhe dlfference. now, where ls my
LlsLen, you goL Lo promlse noL Lo Lake vengeance.
1hey done wrong Laklng lL, buL you [usL goL Lo puL up
wlLh LhaL."
All rlghL. no vengeance afLerwards. 8uL no holdlng
back as l Lake lL, elLher. lf Lhey flghL, Lhey dle."
lL's hldden ln Lhe cellar of Lhe prlesL's house," she Lold
hlm. Pe Lhlnks Lhere's a splrlL ln lL, and he's been a
Lrylng Lo con[ure lL ouL. 8uL LhaL's where lL ls."
Pe sLood hlgh up on hls hlnd legs and looked wesL, so
LhaL Lhe lasL of Lhe sun colored hls face a creamy
brllllanL yellow whlLe amld Lhe gloom. She could feel
Lhe power of Lhe greaL creaLure comlng off hlm llke
waves of heaL.
l musL work Llll sunseL," he sald. l gave my word Lhls
mornlng Lo Lhe masLer here. l sLlll owe a few mlnuLes'
age 119

1he sun's seL where l am," she polnLed ouL, because
from her polnL of vlew lL had vanlshed behlnd Lhe
rocky headland Lo Lhe souLhwesL.
Pe dropped Lo all fours.
lL's Lrue," he sald, wlLh hls face now ln shadow llke
hers. WhaL's your name, chlld?" Lyra 8elacqua."
1hen l owe you a debL, Lyra 8elacqua," he sald.
Pe Lurned and lurched away, paddlng so swlfLly across
Lhe freezlng ground LhaL Lyra couldn'L keep up, even
runnlng. She dld run, Lhough, and anLalalmon flew up
as a seagull Lo waLch where Lhe bear wenL and called
down Lo Lell her where Lo follow.
lorek 8yrnlson bounded ouL of Lhe depoL and along Lhe
narrow sLreeL before Lurnlng lnLo Lhe maln sLreeL of
Lhe Lown, pasL Lhe courLyard of Lhe sysselman's
resldence where a flag hung ln Lhe sLlll alr and a senLry
marched sLlffly up and down, down Lhe hlll pasL Lhe
end of Lhe sLreeL where Lhe wlLch consul llved. 1he
senLry by Lhls Llme had reallzed whaL was happenlng,
and was Lrylng Lo gaLher hls wlLs, buL lorek 8yrnlson
was already Lurnlng a corner near Lhe harbor.
eople sLopped Lo waLch or scuLLled ouL of hls
careerlng way. 1he senLry flred Lwo shoLs ln Lhe alr,
and seL off down Lhe hlll afLer Lhe bear, spolllng Lhe
effecL by sklddlng on Lhe lcy slope and only regalnlng
hls balance afLer selzlng Lhe nearesL ralllngs. Lyra was
noL far behlnd. As she passed Lhe syssel-man's house,
she was aware of a number of flgures comlng ouL lnLo
Lhe courLyard Lo see whaL was golng on, and LhoughL
she saw larder Coram among Lhem, buL Lhen she was
pasL, hurLllng down Lhe sLreeL Loward Lhe corner
where Lhe senLry was already Lurnlng Lo follow Lhe
1he prlesL's house was older Lhan mosL, and made of
cosLly brlcks. 1hree sLeps led up Lo Lhe fronL door,
whlch was now hanglng ln maLchwood spllnLers, and
from lnslde Lhe house came screams and Lhe crashlng
and Learlng of more wood. 1he senLry heslLaLed
ouLslde, hls rlfle aL Lhe ready, buL Lhen as passers-by
began Lo gaLher and people looked ouL of wlndows
from across Lhe sLreeL, he reallzed LhaL he had Lo acL,
and flred a shoL lnLo Lhe alr before runnlng ln.
A momenL laLer, Lhe whole house seemed Lo shake.
Class broke ln Lhree wlndows and a Llle slld off Lhe
roof, and Lhen a maldservanL ran ouL, Lerrlfled, her
clucklng hen of a daemon flapplng afLer her.
AnoLher shoL came from lnslde Lhe house, and Lhen a
full-LhroaLed roar made Lhe servanL scream. As lf flred
from a cannon, Lhe prlesL hlmself came hurLllng ouL,
wlLh hls pellcan daemon ln a wlld fluLLer of feaLhers
and ln[ured prlde. Lyra heard orders shouLed, and
Lurned Lo see a squad of armed pollcemen hurrylng
around Lhe corner, some wlLh plsLols and some wlLh
rlfles, and noL far behlnd Lhem came !ohn laa and Lhe
sLouL, fussy flgure of Lhe sysselman.
A rendlng, spllnLerlng sound made Lhem all look back
aL Lhe house. A wlndow aL ground level, obvlously
openlng on a cellar, was belng wrenched aparL wlLh a
crash of glass and a screech of Learlng wood. 1he
senLry who'd followed lorek 8yrnlson lnLo Lhe house
came runnlng ouL and sLood Lo face Lhe cellar wlndow,
rlfle aL hls shoulder, and Lhen Lhe wlndow Lore open
compleLely, and ouL cllmbed lorek 8yrnlson, Lhe bear
ln armor.
WlLhouL lL, he was formldable. WlLh lL, he was
Lerrlfylng. lL was rusL-red, and crudely rlveLed
LogeLher: greaL sheeLs and plaLes of denLed dlscolored
meLal LhaL scraped and screeched as Lhey rode over
age 120

anoLher. 1he helmeL was polnLed llke hls muzzle, wlLh
sllLs for eyes, and lL lefL Lhe lower parL of hls [aw bare
for Learlng and blLlng.
1he senLry flred several shoLs, and Lhe pollcemen
leveled Lhelr weapons Loo, buL lorek 8yrnlson merely
shook Lhe bulleLs off llke ralndrops, and lunged
forward ln a screech and clang of meLal before Lhe
senLry could escape, and knocked hlm Lo Lhe ground.
Pls daemon, a husky dog, darLed aL Lhe bear's LhroaL,
buL lorek 8yrnlson Look no more noLlce of hlm Lhan he
would of a fly, and dragglng Lhe senLry Lo hlm wlLh one
vasL paw, he benL and enclosed hls head ln hls [aws.
Lyra could see exacLly whaL would happen nexL: he'd
crush Lhe man's skull llke an egg, and Lhere would
follow a bloody flghL, more deaLhs, and more delay,
and Lhey would never geL free, wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe
WlLhouL even Lhlnklng, she darLed forward and puL her
hand on Lhe one vulnerable spoL ln Lhe bear's armor,
Lhe gap LhaL appeared beLween Lhe helmeL and Lhe
greaL plaLe over hls shoulders when he benL hls head,
where she could see Lhe yellow-whlLe fur dlmly
beLween Lhe rusLy edges of meLal. She dug her flngers
ln, and anLalalmon lnsLanLly flew Lo Lhe same spoL
and became a wlldcaL, crouched Lo defend her, buL
lorek 8yrnlson was sLlll, and Lhe rlflemen held Lhelr
lorek!" she sald ln a flerce underLone. LlsLen! ?ou
owe me a debL, rlghL. Well, now you can repay lL. uo
as l ask. uon'L flghL Lhese men. !usL Lurn around and
walk away wlLh me. We wanL you, lorek, you can'L sLay
here. !usL come down Lo Lhe harbor wlLh me and don'L
even look back. larder Coram and Lord laa, leL Lhem
do Lhe Lalklng, Lhey'll make lL all rlghL. Leave go Lhls
man and come away wlLh me...."
1he bear slowly opened hls [aws. 1he senLry's head,
bleedlng and weL and ash-pale, fell Lo Lhe ground as he
falnLed, and hls dsmon seL abouL calmlng and genLllng
hlm as Lhe bear sLepped away beslde Lyra.
no one else moved. 1hey waLched Lhe bear Lurn away
from hls vlcLlm aL Lhe blddlng of Lhe glrl wlLh Lhe caL
daemon, and Lhen Lhey shuffled aslde Lo make room
as lorek 8yrnlson padded heavlly Lhrough Lhe mldsL of
Lhem aL Lyra's slde and made for Lhe harbor.
Per mlnd was all on hlm, and she dldn'L see Lhe
confuslon behlnd her, Lhe fear and Lhe anger LhaL rose
up safely when he was gone. She walked wlLh hlm, and
anLalalmon padded ahead of Lhem boLh as lf Lo clear
Lhe way.
When Lhey reached Lhe harbor, lorek 8yrnlson dlpped
hls head and unfasLened Lhe helmeL wlLh a claw,
leLLlng lL clang on Lhe frozen ground. CypLlans came
ouL of Lhe cafe, havlng sensed LhaL someLhlng was
golng on, and waLched ln Lhe gleam of Lhe anbarlc
llghLs on Lhe shlp's deck as lorek 8yrnlson shrugged off
Lhe resL of hls armor and lefL lL ln a heap on Lhe
quayslde. WlLhouL a word Lo anyone he padded Lo Lhe
waLer and sllpped lnLo lL wlLhouL a rlpple, and
WhaL's happened?" sald 1ony CosLa, hearlng Lhe
lndlgnanL volces from Lhe sLreeLs above, as Lhe
Lownsfolk and Lhe pollce made Lhelr way Lo Lhe
Lyra Lold hlm, as clearly as she could.
8uL where's he gone now?" he sald. Pe en'L [usL lefL
hls armor on Lhe ground? 1hey'll have lL back, as
soon's Lhey geL here!"
Lyra was afrald Lhey mlghL, Loo, for around Lhe corner
came Lhe flrsL pollcemen, and Lhen more, and Lhen Lhe
sysselman and Lhe prlesL and LwenLy or LhlrLy
onlookers, wlLh !ohn laa and larder Coram Lrylng Lo
keep up.
age 121

8uL when Lhey saw Lhe group on Lhe quayslde Lhey
sLopped, for someone else had appeared. SlLLlng on
Lhe bear's armor wlLh one ankle resLlng on Lhe
opposlLe knee was Lhe long-llmbed form of Lee
Scoresby, and ln hls hand was Lhe longesL plsLol Lyra
had ever seen, casually polnLlng aL Lhe ample sLomach
of Lhe sysselman.
Seems Lo me you aln'L Laken very good care of my
frlend's armor," he sald conversaLlonally. Why, look
aL Lhe rusL! And l wouldn'L be surprlsed Lo flnd moLhs
ln lL, Loo. now you [usL sLand where you are, sLlll and
easy, and don'L anybody move Llll Lhe bear comes back
wlLh some lubrlcaLlon. Cr l guess you could all go
home and read Lhe newspaper. 'S up Lo you."
1here he ls!" sald 1ony, polnLlng Lo a ramp aL Lhe far
end of Lhe quay, where lorek 8yrnlson was emerglng
from Lhe waLer, dragglng someLhlng dark wlLh hlm.
Cnce he was up on Lhe quayslde he shook hlmself,
sendlng greaL sheeLs of waLer flylng ln all dlrecLlons, Llll
hls fur was sLandlng up Lhlckly agaln. 1hen he benL Lo
Lake Lhe black ob[ecL ln hls LeeLh once more and
dragged lL along Lo where hls armor lay. lL was a dead
lorek," sald Lhe aeronauL, sLandlng up lazlly and
keeplng hls plsLol flrmly flxed on Lhe sysselman.
1he bear looked up and growled brlefly, before rlpplng
Lhe seal open wlLh one claw. Lyra waLched fasclnaLed
as he lald Lhe skln ouL flaL and Lore off sLrlps of
blubber, whlch he Lhen rubbed all over hls armor,
packlng lL carefully lnLo Lhe places where Lhe plaLes
moved over one anoLher.
Are you wlLh Lhese people?" Lhe bear sald Lo Lee
Scoresby as he worked. Sure. l guess we're boLh hlred
hands, lorek."
Where's your balloon?" sald Lyra Lo Lhe 1exan.
acked away ln Lwo sledges," he sald. Pere comes
Lhe boss."
!ohn laa and larder Coram, LogeLher wlLh Lhe
sysselman, came down Lhe quay wlLh four armed
8ear!" sald Lhe sysselman, ln a hlgh, harsh volce. lor
now, you are allowed Lo deparL ln Lhe company of
Lhese people. 8uL leL me Lell you LhaL lf you appear
wlLhln Lhe Lown llmlLs agaln, you wlll be LreaLed
lorek 8yrnlson Look noL Lhe sllghLesL noLlce, buL
conLlnued Lo rub Lhe seal blubber all over hls armor,
Lhe care and aLLenLlon he was paylng Lhe Lask
remlndlng Lyra of her own devoLlon Lo anLalalmon.
!usL as Lhe bear had sald: Lhe armor was hls soul. 1he
sysselman and Lhe pollcemen wlLhdrew, and slowly
Lhe oLher Lownspeople Lurned and drlfLed away,
Lhough a few remalned Lo waLch.
!ohn laa puL hls hands Lo hls mouLh and called:
1hey were all ready Lo move. 1hey had been lLchlng Lo
geL under way ever slnce Lhey had dlsembarked, Lhe
sledges were packed, Lhe dog Leams were ln Lhelr
!ohn laa sald, 1lme Lo move ouL, frlends. We're all
assembled now, and Lhe road lles open. Mr. Scoresby,
you all a loaded?"
age 122

8eady Lo go, Lord laa."
And you, lorek 8yrnlson?" When l am clad," sald Lhe
Pe had flnlshed olllng Lhe armor. noL wanLlng Lo wasLe
Lhe seal meaL, he llfLed Lhe carcass ln hls LeeLh and
fllpped lL onLo Lhe back of Lee Scoresby's larger sledge
before donnlng Lhe armor. lL was asLonlshlng Lo see
how llghLly he dealL wlLh lL: Lhe sheeLs of meLal were
almosL an lnch Lhlck ln places, and yeL he swung Lhem
round and lnLo place as lf Lhey were sllk robes. lL Look
hlm less Lhan a mlnuLe, and Lhls Llme Lhere was no
harsh scream of rusL.
So ln less Lhan half an hour, Lhe expedlLlon was on lLs
way norLhward. under a sky peopled wlLh mllllons of
sLars and a glarlng moon, Lhe sledges bumped and
claLLered over Lhe ruLs and sLones unLll Lhey reached
clear snow aL Lhe edge of Lown. 1hen Lhe sound
changed Lo a quleL crunch of snow and creak of
Llmber, and Lhe dogs began Lo sLep ouL eagerly, and
Lhe moLlon became swlfL and smooLh.
Lyra, wrapped up so Lhlckly ln Lhe back of larder
Coram's sledge LhaL only her eyes were exposed,
whlspered Lo anLalalmon:
Can you see lorek?"
Pe's paddlng along beslde Lee Scoresby's sledge," Lhe
daemon replled, looklng back ln hls ermlne form as he
clung Lo her wolverlne-fur hood.
Ahead of Lhem, over Lhe mounLalns Lo Lhe norLh, Lhe
pale arcs and loops of Lhe norLhern LlghLs began Lo
glow and Lremble. Lyra saw Lhrough half-closed eyes,
and felL a sleepy Lhrlll of perfecL happlness, Lo be
speedlng norLh under Lhe Aurora. anLalalmon
sLruggled agalnsL her sleeplness, buL lL was Loo sLrong,
he curled up as a mouse lnslde her hood. Pe could Lell
her when Lhey woke, and lL was probably a marLen, or
a dream, or some klnd of harmless local splrlL, buL
someLhlng was followlng Lhe Lraln of sledges, swlnglng
llghLly from branch Lo branch of Lhe close-clusLerlng
plne Lrees, and lL puL hlm uneaslly ln mlnd of a
1PL LCS1 8C?
age 123

1hey Lraveled for several hours and Lhen sLopped Lo
eaL. Whlle Lhe men were llghLlng flres and melLlng
snow for waLer, wlLh lorek 8yrnlson waLchlng Lee
Scoresby roasL seal meaL close by, !ohn laa spoke Lo
Lyra, can you see LhaL lnsLrumenL Lo read lL?" he sald.
1he moon lLself had long seL. 1he llghL from Lhe Aurora
was brlghLer Lhan moonllghL, buL lL was lnconsLanL.
Powever, Lyra's eyes were keen, and she fumbled
lnslde her furs and Lugged ouL Lhe black velveL bag.
?es, l can see all rlghL," she sald. 8uL l know where
mosL of Lhe symbols are by now anyway. WhaL shall l
ask lL, Lord laa?"
l wanL Lo know more abouL how Lhey're defendlng
Lhls place, 8olvangar," he sald.
WlLhouL even havlng Lo Lhlnk abouL lL, she found her
flngers movlng Lhe hands Lo polnL Lo Lhe helmeL, Lhe
grlffln, and Lhe cruclble, and felL her mlnd seLLle lnLo
Lhe rlghL meanlngs llke a compllcaLed dlagram ln Lhree
dlmenslons. AL once Lhe needle began Lo swlng round,
back, round and on furLher, llke a bee danclng lLs
message Lo Lhe hlve. She waLched lL calmly, conLenL
noL Lo know aL flrsL buL Lo know LhaL a meanlng was
comlng, and Lhen lL began Lo clear. She leL lL dance on
unLll lL was cerLaln.
lL's [usL llke Lhe wlLch's daemon sald, Lord laa.
1here's a company of 1arLars guardlng Lhe sLaLlon, and
Lhey goL wlres all round lL. 1hey don'L really expecL Lo
be aLLacked, LhaL's whaL Lhe symbol reader says. 8uL
Lord laa..."
WhaL, chlld?"
lL's a Lelllng me someLhlng else. ln Lhe nexL valley
Lhere's a vlllage by a lake where Lhe folk are Lroubled
by a ghosL."
!ohn laa shook hls head lmpaLlenLly, and sald, 1haL
don'L maLLer now. 1here's bound Lo be splrlLs of all
klnds among Lhese foresLs. 1ell me agaln abouL Lhem
1arLars. Pow many, for lnsLance? WhaL are Lhey armed
Lyra duLlfully asked, and reporLed Lhe answer:
1here's slxLy men wlLh rlfles, and Lhey goL a couple of
larger guns, sorL of cannons. 1hey goL flre Lhrowers
Loo. And... 1helr daemons are all wolves, LhaL's whaL lL
1haL caused a sLlr among Lhe older gypLlans, Lhose
who'd campalgned before.
1he Slblrsk reglmenLs have wolf daemons," sald one.
!ohn laa sald, l never meL flercer. We shall have Lo
flghL llke Llgers. And consulL Lhe bear, he's a shrewd
warrlor, LhaL one."
Lyra was lmpaLlenL, and sald, 8uL Lord laa, Lhls
ghosL-l Lhlnk lL's Lhe ghosL of one of Lhe klds!"
age 124

Well, even lf lL ls, Lyra, l don'L know whaL anyone
could do abouL lL. SlxLy Slblrsk rlflemen, and flre
Lhrowers...Mr. Scoresby, sLep over here lf you would,
for a momenL."
Whlle Lhe aeronauL came Lo Lhe sledge, Lyra sllpped
away and spoke Lo Lhe bear. lorek, have you Lraveled
Lhls way before?"
Cnce," he sald ln LhaL deep flaL volce.
1here's a vlllage near, en'L Lhere?"
Cver Lhe rldge," he sald, looklng up Lhrough Lhe
sparse Lrees. ls lL far?"
lor you or for me?"
lor me," she sald.
1oo far. noL aL all far for me."
Pow long would lL Lake you Lo geL Lhere, Lhen?" l
could be Lhere and back Lhree Llmes by nexL
moonrlse." 8ecause, lorek, llsLen: l goL Lhls symbol
reader LhaL Lells me Lhlngs, you see, and lL's Lold me
LhaL Lhere's someLhlng lmporLanL l goL Lo do over ln
LhaL vlllage, and Lord laa won'L leL me go Lhere. Pe
[usL wanLs Lo geL on qulck, and 1 know LhaL's
lmporLanL Loo. 8uL unless l go and flnd ouL whaL lL ls,
we mlghL noL know whaL Lhe Cobblers are really
1he bear sald noLhlng. Pe was slLLlng up llke a human,
hls greaL paws folded ln hls lap, hls dark eyes looklng
lnLo hers down Lhe lengLh of hls muzzle. Pe knew she
wanLed someLhlng.
anLalalmon spoke: Can you Lake us Lhere and caLch
up wlLh Lhe sledges laLer on?" l could. 8uL l have
glven my word Lo Lord laa Lo obey hlm, noL anyone
lf l goL hls permlsslon?" sald Lyra. 1hen yes."
She Lurned and ran back Lhrough Lhe snow. Lord laa!
lf lorek 8yrnlson Lakes me over Lhe rldge Lo Lhe vlllage,
we can flnd ouL whaLever lL ls, and Lhen caLch Lhe
sledges up furLher on. Pe knows Lhe rouLe," she urged.
And l wouldn'L ask, excepL lL's llke whaL l dld before,
larder Coram, you remember, wlLh LhaL chameleon? l
dldn'L undersLand lL Lhen, buL lL was Lrue, and we
found ouL soon afLer. l goL Lhe same feellng now. l
can'L undersLand properly whaL lL's saylng, only l know
lL's lmporLanL. And lorek 8yrnlson knows Lhe way, he
says he could geL Lhere and back Lhree Llmes by nexL
moonrlse, and l couldn'L be safer Lhan l'd be wlLh hlm,
could l? 8uL he won'L go wlLhouL he geLs Lord laa's
1here was a sllence. larder Coram slghed. !ohn laa
was frownlng, and hls mouLh lnslde Lhe fur hood was
seL grlmly.
8uL before he could speak, Lhe aeronauL puL ln:
Lord laa, lf lorek 8yrnlson Lakes Lhe llLLle glrl, she'll be
as safe as lf she was here wlLh us. All bears are Lrue,
buL l've known lorek for years, and noLhlng under Lhe
sky wlll make hlm break hls word. Clve hlm
age 123

Lhe charge Lo Lake care of her and he'll do lL, make no
mlsLake. As for speed, he can lope for hours wlLhouL
8uL why should noL some men go?" sald !ohn laa.
Well, Lhey'd have Lo walk," Lyra polnLed ouL,
because you couldn'L run a sledge over LhaL rldge.
lorek 8yrnlson can go fasLer Lhan any man over LhaL
sorL of counLry, and l'm llghL enough so's he won'L be
slowed down. And l promlse, Lord laa, l promlse noL
Lo be any longer Lhan l need, and noL Lo glve anyLhlng
away abouL us, or Lo geL ln any danger."
?ou're sure you need Lo do Lhls? 1haL symbol reader
en'L playlng Lhe fool wlLh you?"
lL never does, Lord laa, and l don'L Lhlnk lL could."
!ohn laa rubbed hls chln.
Well, lf all comes ouL rlghL, we'll have a plece more
knowledge Lhan we do now. lorek 8yrnlson," he called,
are you wllllng Lo do as Lhls chlld blds?"
l do your blddlng, Lord laa. 1ell me Lo Lake Lhe chlld
Lhere, and l wlll."
very well. ?ou are Lo Lake her where she wlshes Lo go
and do as she blds. Lyra, l'm a commandlng you now,
you undersLand?"
?es, Lord laa."
?ou go and search for whaLever lL ls, and when you've
found lL, you Lurn rlghL round and come back. lorek
8yrnlson, we'll be a Lravellng on by LhaL Llme, so you'll
have Lo caLch us up."
1he bear nodded hls greaL head.
Are Lhere any soldlers ln Lhe vlllage?" he sald Lo Lyra.
Wlll l need my armor? We shall be swlfLer wlLhouL lL."
no," she sald. l'm cerLaln of LhaL, lorek. 1hank you,
Lord laa, and l promlse l'll do [usL as you say."
1ony CosLa gave her a sLrlp of drled seal meaL Lo chew,
and wlLh anLalalmon as a mouse lnslde her hood, Lyra
clambered onLo Lhe greaL bear's back, grlpplng hls fur
wlLh her mlLLens and hls narrow muscular back
beLween her knees. Pls fur was wondrously Lhlck, and
Lhe sense of lmmense power she felL was
overwhelmlng. As lf she welghed noLhlng aL all, he
Lurned and loped away ln a long swlnglng run up
Loward Lhe rldge and lnLo Lhe low Lrees.
lL Look some Llme before she was used Lo Lhe
movemenL, and Lhen she felL a wlld exhllaraLlon. She
was rldlng a bear! And Lhe Aurora was swaylng above
Lhem ln golden arcs and loops, and all around was Lhe
blLLer arcLlc cold and Lhe lmmense sllence of Lhe
lorek 8yrnlson's paws made hardly any sound as Lhey
padded forward Lhrough Lhe snow. 1he Lrees were Lhln
and sLunLed here, for Lhey were on Lhe edge of Lhe
Lundra, buL Lhere were brambles and snagglng bushes
ln Lhe paLh. 1he bear rlpped Lhrough Lhem as lf Lhey
were cobwebs.
1hey cllmbed Lhe low rldge, among ouLcrops of black
rock, and were soon ouL of slghL of Lhe parLy
age 126

behlnd Lhem. Lyra wanLed Lo Lalk Lo Lhe bear, and lf he
had been human, she would already be on famlllar
Lerms wlLh hlm, buL he was so sLrange and wlld and
cold LhaL she was shy, almosL for Lhe flrsL Llme ln her
llfe. So as he loped along, hls greaL legs swlnglng
Llrelessly, she saL wlLh Lhe movemenL and sald noLhlng.
erhaps he preferred LhaL anyway, she LhoughL, she
musL seem a llLLle praLLllng cub, only [usL pasL
babyhood, ln Lhe eyes of an armored bear.
She had seldom consldered herself before, and found
Lhe experlence lnLeresLlng buL uncomforLable, very llke
rldlng Lhe bear, ln facL. lorek 8yrnlson was paclng
swlfLly, movlng boLh legs on one slde of hls body aL Lhe
same Llme, and rocklng from slde Lo slde ln a sLeady
powerful rhyLhm. She found she couldn'L [usL slL: she
had Lo rlde acLlvely.
1hey had been Lravellng for an hour or more, and Lyra
was sLlff and sore buL deeply happy, when lorek
8yrnlson slowed down and sLopped.
Look up," he sald.
Lyra ralsed her eyes and had Lo wlpe Lhem wlLh Lhe
lnslde of her wrlsL, for she was so cold LhaL Lears were
blurrlng Lhem. When she could see clearly, she gasped
aL Lhe slghL of Lhe sky. 1he Aurora had faded Lo a pallld
Lrembllng gllmmer, buL Lhe sLars were as brlghL as
dlamonds, and across Lhe greaL dark dlamond-
scaLLered vaulL, hundreds upon hundreds of Llny black
shapes were flylng ouL of Lhe easL and souLh Loward
Lhe norLh.
Are Lhey blrds?" she sald.
1hey are wlLches," sald Lhe bear.
WlLches! WhaL are Lhey dolng?"
llylng Lo war, maybe. l have never seen so many aL
one Llme."
uo you know any wlLches, lorek?"
l have served some. And foughL some, Loo. 1hls ls a
slghL Lo frlghLen Lord laa. lf Lhey are flylng Lo Lhe ald
of your enemles, you should all be afrald."
Lord laa wouldn'L be frlghLened. ?ou en'L afrald, are
noL yeL. When l am, l shall masLer Lhe fear. 8uL we
had beLLer Lell Lord laa abouL Lhe wlLches, because
Lhe men mlghL noL have seen Lhem."
Pe moved on more slowly, and she kepL waLchlng Lhe
sky unLll her eyes spllnLered agaln wlLh Lears of cold,
and she saw no end Lo Lhe numberless wlLches flylng
llnally lorek 8yrnlson sLopped and sald, 1here ls Lhe
1hey were looklng down a broken, rugged slope
Loward a clusLer of wooden bulldlngs beslde a wlde
sLreLch of snow as flaL as could be, whlch Lyra Look Lo
be Lhe frozen lake. A wooden [eLLy showed her she
was rlghL. 1hey were no more Lhan flve mlnuLes from
Lhe place.
WhaL do you wanL Lo do?" Lhe bear asked. Lyra
sllpped off hls back, and found lL hard Lo sLand. Per
face was sLlff wlLh cold and her legs were shaky, buL
she clung Lo hls fur and sLamped unLll she felL
age 127

1here's a chlld or a ghosL or someLhlng down ln LhaL
vlllage," she sald, or maybe near lL, l don'L know for
cerLaln. l wanL Lo go and flnd hlm and brlng hlm back
Lo Lord laa and Lhe oLhers lf l can. l LhoughL he was a
ghosL, buL Lhe symbol reader mlghL be Lelllng me
someLhlng l can'L undersLand."
lf he ls ouLslde," sald Lhe bear, he had beLLer have
some shelLer."
l don'L Lhlnk he's dead," sald Lyra, buL she was far
from sure. 1he aleLhlomeLer had lndlcaLed someLhlng
uncanny and unnaLural, whlch was alarmlng, buL who
was she? Lord Asrlel's daughLer. And who was under
her command? A mlghLy bear. Pow could she posslbly
show any fear? LeL's [usL go and look," she sald.
She clambered on hls back agaln, and he seL off down
Lhe broken slope, walklng sLeadlly and noL paclng any
more. 1he dogs of Lhe vlllage smelled or heard or
sensed Lhem comlng, and began Lo howl frlghLfully,
and Lhe relndeer ln Lhelr enclosure moved abouL
nervously, Lhelr anLlers clashlng llke dry sLlcks. ln Lhe
sLlll alr every movemenL could be heard for a long way.
As Lhey reached Lhe flrsL of Lhe houses, Lyra looked Lo
Lhe rlghL and lefL, peerlng hard lnLo Lhe dlmness, for
Lhe Aurora was fadlng and Lhe moon sLlll far from
rlslng. Pere and Lhere a llghL fllckered under a snow-
Lhlck roof, and Lyra LhoughL she saw pale faces behlnd
some of Lhe wlndowpanes, and lmaglned Lhelr
asLonlshmenL Lo see a chlld rldlng a greaL whlLe bear.
AL Lhe cenLer of Lhe llLLle vlllage Lhere was an open
space nexL Lo Lhe [eLLy, where boaLs had been drawn
up, mounds under Lhe snow. 1he nolse of Lhe dogs was
deafenlng, and [usL as Lyra LhoughL lL musL have
wakened everyone, a door opened and a man came
ouL holdlng a rlfle. Pls wolverlne daemon leaped onLo
Lhe woodsLack beslde Lhe door, scaLLerlng snow.
Lyra sllpped down aL once and sLood beLween hlm and
lorek 8yrnlson, consclous LhaL she had Lold Lhe bear
Lhere was no need for hls armor.
1he man spoke ln words she couldn'L undersLand.
lorek 8yrnlson replled ln Lhe same language, and Lhe
man gave a llLLle moan of fear.
Pe Lhlnks we are devlls," lorek Lold Lyra. WhaL shall l
1ell hlm we're noL devlls, buL we've goL frlends who
are. And we're looklng for...!usL a chlld. A sLrange
chlld. 1ell hlm LhaL."
As soon as Lhe bear had sald LhaL, Lhe man polnLed Lo
Lhe rlghL, lndlcaLlng some place furLher off, and spoke
lorek 8yrnlson sald, Pe asks lf we have come Lo Lake
Lhe chlld away. 1hey are afrald of lL. 1hey have Lrled Lo
drlve lL away, buL lL keeps comlng back."
1ell hlm we'll Lake lL away wlLh us, buL Lhey were very
bad Lo LreaL lL llke LhaL. Where ls lL?"
1he man explalned, gesLlculaLlng fearfully. Lyra was
afrald he'd flre hls rlfle by mlsLake, buL as soon as he'd
spoken he hasLened lnslde hls house and shuL Lhe
door. Lyra could see faces aL every wlndow.
Where ls Lhe chlld?" she sald.
age 128

ln Lhe flsh house," Lhe bear Lold her, and Lurned Lo
pad down Loward Lhe [eLLy.
Lyra followed. She was horrlbly nervous. 1he bear was
maklng for a narrow wooden shed, ralslng hls head Lo
snlff Lhls way and LhaL, and when he reached Lhe door
he sLopped and sald: ln Lhere."
Lyra's hearL was beaLlng so fasL she could hardly
breaLhe. She ralsed her hand Lo knock aL Lhe door and
Lhen, feellng LhaL LhaL was rldlculous, Look a deep
breaLh Lo call ouL, buL reallzed LhaL she dldn'L know
whaL Lo say. Ch, lL was so dark now! She should have
broughL a lanLern....
1here was no cholce, and anyway, she dldn'L wanL Lhe
bear Lo see her belng afrald. Pe had spoken of
masLerlng hls fear: LhaL was whaL she'd have Lo do.
She llfLed Lhe sLrap of relndeer hlde holdlng Lhe laLch
ln place, and Lugged hard agalnsL Lhe frosL blndlng Lhe
door shuL. lL opened wlLh a snap. She had Lo klck aslde
Lhe snow plled agalnsL Lhe fooL of Lhe door before she
could pull lL open, and anLalalmon was no help,
runnlng back and forLh ln hls ermlne shape, a whlLe
shadow over Lhe whlLe ground, uLLerlng llLLle
frlghLened sounds.
an, for Cod's sake!" she sald. 8e a baL. Co and look
for me...."
8uL he wouldn'L, and he wouldn'L speak elLher. She
had never seen hlm llke Lhls excepL once, when she
and 8oger ln Lhe crypL aL !ordan had moved Lhe
d^mon-colns lnLo Lhe wrong skulls. Pe was even more
frlghLened Lhan she was. As for lorek 8yrnlson, he was
lylng ln Lhe snow nearby, waLchlng ln sllence.
Come ouL," Lyra sald as loud as she dared. Come
noL a sound came ln answer. She pulled Lhe door a
llLLle wlder, and anLalalmon leaped up lnLo her arms,
pushlng and pushlng aL her ln hls caL form, and sald,
Co away! uon'L sLay here! Ch, Lyra, go now! 1urn
1rylng Lo hold hlm sLlll, she was aware of lorek
8yrnlson geLLlng Lo hls feeL, and Lurned Lo see a flgure
hasLenlng down Lhe Lrack from Lhe vlllage, carrylng a
lanLern. When he came close enough Lo speak, he
ralsed Lhe lanLern and held lL Lo show hls face: an old
man wlLh a broad, llned face, and eyes nearly losL ln a
Lhousand wrlnkles. Pls daemon was an arcLlc fox.
Pe spoke, and lorek 8yrnlson sald:
Pe says LhaL lL's noL Lhe only chlld of LhaL klnd. Pe's
seen oLhers ln Lhe foresL. SomeLlmes Lhey dle qulckly,
someLlmes Lhey don'L dle. 1hls one ls Lough, he Lhlnks.
8uL lL would be beLLer for hlm lf he dled."
Ask hlm lf l can borrow hls lanLern," Lyra sald.
1he bear spoke, and Lhe man handed lL Lo her aL once,
noddlng vlgorously. She reallzed LhaL he'd come down
ln order Lo brlng lL Lo her, and Lhanked hlm, and he
nodded agaln and sLood back, away from her and Lhe
huL and away from Lhe bear.
Lyra LhoughL suddenly: whaL lf Lhe chlld ls 8oger? And
she prayed wlLh all her force LhaL lL wouldn'L be.
anLalalmon was cllnglng Lo her, an ermlne agaln, hls
llLLle claws hooked deep lnLo her anorak.
She llfLed Lhe lanLern hlgh and Look a sLep lnLo Lhe
shed, and Lhen she saw whaL lL was LhaL Lhe CblaLlon
8oard was dolng, and whaL was Lhe naLure of Lhe
sacrlflce Lhe chlldren were havlng Lo make.
age 129

1he llLLle boy was huddled agalnsL Lhe wood drylng
rack where hung row upon row of guLLed flsh, all as
sLlff as boards. Pe was cluLchlng a plece of flsh Lo hlm
as Lyra was cluLchlng anLalalmon, wlLh her lefL hand,
hard, agalnsL her hearL, buL LhaL was all he had, a plece
of drled flsh, because he had no da,mon aL all. 1he
Cobblers had cuL lL away. 1haL was lnLerclslon, and Lhls
was a severed chlld.
Per flrsL lmpulse was Lo Lurn and run, or Lo be slck. A
human belng wlLh no daemon was llke someone
wlLhouL a face, or wlLh Lhelr rlbs lald open and Lhelr
hearL Lorn ouL: someLhlng unnaLural and uncanny LhaL
belonged Lo Lhe world of nlghL-ghasLs, noL Lhe waklng
world of sense.
So Lyra clung Lo anLalalmon and her head swam and
her gorge rose, and cold as Lhe nlghL was, a slckly
sweaL molsLened her flesh wlLh someLhlng colder sLlll.
8aLLer," sald Lhe boy. ?ou goL my 8aLLer?"
Lyra was ln no doubL whaL he meanL.
no," she sald ln a volce as frall and frlghLened as she
felL. 1hen, WhaL's your name?" 1ony Makarlos," he
sald. Where's 8aLLer?"
l don'L know..." she began, and swallowed hard Lo
govern her nausea. 1he Cobblers..." 8uL she couldn'L
flnlsh. She had Lo go ouL of Lhe shed and slL down by
herself ln Lhe snow, excepL LhaL of course she wasn'L
by herself, she was never by herself, because
anLalalmon was always Lhere. Ch, Lo be cuL from hlm
as Lhls llLLle boy had been parLed from hls 8aLLer! 1he
worsL Lhlng ln Lhe world! She found herself sobblng,
and anLalalmon was whlmperlng Loo, and ln boLh of
Lhem Lhere was a passlonaLe plLy and sorrow for Lhe
1hen she goL Lo her feeL agaln.
Come on," she called ln a Lrembllng volce. 1ony,
come ouL. We're golng Lo Lake you somewhere
age 130

1here was a sLlr of movemenL ln Lhe flsh house, and he
appeared aL Lhe door, sLlll cluLchlng hls drled flsh. Pe
was dressed ln warm enough garmenLs, a Lhlckly
padded and qullLed coal-sllk anorak and fur booLs, buL
Lhey had a secondhand look and dldn'L flL well. ln Lhe
wlder llghL ouLslde LhaL came from Lhe falnL Lralls of
Lhe Aurora and Lhe snow-covered ground he looked
more losL and plLeous even Lhan he had aL flrsL,
crouchlng ln Lhe lanLern llghL by Lhe flsh racks.
1he vlllager who'd broughL Lhe lanLern had reLreaLed a
few yards, and called down Lo Lhem.
lorek 8yrnlson lnLerpreLed: Pe says you musL pay for
LhaL flsh."
Lyra felL llke Lelllng Lhe bear Lo klll hlm, buL she sald,
We're Laklng Lhe chlld away for Lhem. 1hey can afford
Lo glve one flsh Lo pay for LhaL."
1he bear spoke. 1he man muLLered, buL dldn'L argue.
Lyra seL hls lanLern down ln Lhe snow and Look Lhe
half-boy's hand Lo gulde hlm Lo Lhe bear. Pe came
helplessly, showlng no surprlse and no fear aL Lhe
greaL whlLe beasL sLandlng so close, and when Lyra
helped hlm Lo slL on lorek's back, all he sald was:
l dunno where my 8aLLer ls."
no, nor do we, 1ony," she sald. 8uL we'll...we'll
punlsh Lhe Cobblers. We'll do LhaL, l promlse. lorek, ls
lL all rlghL lf l slL up Lhere Loo?"
My armor welghs far more Lhan chlldren," he sald.
So she scrambled up behlnd 1ony and made hlm cllng
Lo Lhe long sLlff fur, and anLalalmon saL lnslde her
hood, warm and close and full of plLy. Lyra knew LhaL
anLalalmon's lmpulse was Lo reach ouL and cuddle
Lhe llLLle half-chlld, Lo llck hlm and genLle hlm and
warm hlm as hls own daemon would have done, buL
Lhe greaL Laboo prevenLed LhaL, of course.
1hey rose Lhrough Lhe vlllage and up Loward Lhe rldge,
and Lhe vlllagers' faces were open wlLh horror and a
klnd of fearful rellef aL seelng LhaL hldeously muLllaLed
creaLure Laken away by a glrl and a greaL whlLe bear.
ln Lyra's hearL, revulslon sLruggled wlLh compasslon,
and compasslon won. She puL her arms around Lhe
sklnny llLLle form Lo hold hlm safe. 1he [ourney back Lo
Lhe maln parLy was colder, and harder, and darker, buL
lL seemed Lo pass more qulckly for all LhaL. lorek
8yrnlson was Llreless, and Lyra's rldlng became
auLomaLlc, so LhaL she was never ln danger of falllng
off. 1he cold body ln her arms was so llghL LhaL ln one
way he was easy Lo manage, buL he was lnerL, he saL
sLlffly wlLhouL movlng as Lhe bear moved, so ln
anoLher way he was dlfflculL Loo.
lrom Llme Lo Llme Lhe half-boy spoke.
WhaL's LhaL you sald?" asked Lyra.
l says ls she gonna know where l am?"
?eah, she'll know, she'll flnd you and we'll flnd her.
Pold on LlghL now, 1ony. lL en'L far from here...." 1he
bear loped onward. Lyra had no ldea how Llred she
was unLll Lhey caughL up wlLh Lhe gypLlans. 1he
age 131

sledges had sLopped Lo resL Lhe dogs, and suddenly
Lhere Lhey all were, larder Coram, Lord laa, Lee
Scoresby, all lunglng forward Lo help and Lhen falllng
back sllenL as Lhey saw Lhe oLher flgure wlLh Lyra. She
was so sLlff LhaL she couldn'L even loosen her arms
around hls body, and !ohn laa hlmself had Lo pull
Lhem genLly open and llfL her off.
Craclous Cod, whaL ls Lhls?" he sald. Lyra, chlld,
whaL have you found?"
Pe's called 1ony," she mumbled Lhrough frozen llps.
And Lhey cuL hls daemon away. 1haL's whaL Lhe
Cobblers do."
1he men held back, fearful, buL Lhe bear spoke, Lo
Lyra's weary amazemenL, chldlng Lhem.
Shame on you! 1hlnk whaL Lhls chlld has done! ?ou
mlghL noL have more courage, buL you should be
ashamed Lo show less."
?ou're rlghL, lorek 8yrnlson," sald !ohn laa, and
Lurned Lo glve orders. 8ulld LhaL flre up and heaL
some soup for Lhe chlld. lor boLh chlldren. larder
Coram, ls your shelLer rlgged?"
lL ls, !ohn. 8rlng her over and we'll geL her warm...."
And Lhe llLLle boy," sald someone else. Pe can eaL
and geL warm, even lf..."
Lyra was Lrylng Lo Lell !ohn laa abouL Lhe wlLches, buL
Lhey were all so busy, and she was so Llred. AfLer a
confuslng few mlnuLes full of lanLern llghL,
woodsmoke, flgures hurrylng Lo and fro, she felL a
genLle nlp on her ear from anLalalmon's ermlne
LeeLh, and woke Lo flnd Lhe bear's face a few lnches
from hers.
1he wlLches," anLalalmon whlspered. l called
Ch yeah," she mumbled. lorek, Lhank you for Laklng
me Lhere and back. l mlghL noL remember Lo Lell Lord
laa abouL Lhe wlLches, so you beLLer do LhaL lnsLead of
She heard Lhe bear agree, and Lhen she fell asleep
When she woke up, lL was as close Lo dayllghL as lL was
ever golng Lo geL. 1he sky was pale ln Lhe souLheasL,
and Lhe alr was suffused wlLh a gray mlsL, Lhrough
whlch Lhe gypLlans moved llke bulky ghosLs, loadlng
sledges and harnesslng dogs Lo Lhe Lraces.
She saw lL all from Lhe shelLer on larder Coram's
sledge, lnslde whlch she lay under a heap of furs.
anLalalmon was fully awake before she was, Lrylng
Lhe shape of an arcLlc fox before reverLlng Lo hls
favorlLe ermlne.
lorek 8yrnlson was asleep ln Lhe snow nearby, hls head
on hls greaL paws, buL larder Coram was up and busy,
and as soon as he saw anLalalmon emerge, he llmped
across Lo wake Lyra properly.
She saw hlm comlng, and saL up Lo speak.
larder Coram, l know whaL lL was LhaL l couldn'L
undersLand! 1he aleLhlomeLer kepL saylng blrd and
noL, and LhaL dldn'L make sense, because lL meanL no
daemon and l dldn'L see how lL could be....WhaL ls lL?"
age 132

Lyra, l'm afrald Lo Lell you Lhls afLer whaL you done,
buL LhaL llLLle boy dled an hour ago. Pe couldn'L seLLle,
he couldn'L sLay ln one place, he kepL asklng afLer hls
daemon, where she was, was she a comlng soon, and
all, and he kepL such a LlghL hold on LhaL bare old plece
of flsh as lf...Ch, l can'L speak of lL, chlld, buL he closed
hls eyes flnally and fell sLlll, and LhaL was Lhe flrsL Llme
he looked peaceful, for he was llke any oLher dead
person Lhen, wlLh Lhelr daemon gone ln Lhe course of
naLure. 1hey've been a Lrylng Lo dlg a grave for hlm,
buL Lhe earLh's bound llke lron. So !ohn laa ordered a
flre bullL, and Lhey're a golng Lo cremaLe hlm, so as noL
Lo have hlm despolled by carrlon eaLers.
Chlld, you dld a brave Lhlng and a good Lhlng, and l'm
proud of you. now we know whaL Lerrlble wlckedness
Lhose people are capable of, we can see our duLy
plalner Lhan ever. WhaL you musL do ls resL and eaL,
because you fell asleep Loo soon Lo resLore yourself
lasL nlghL, and you have Lo eaL ln Lhese LemperaLures
Lo sLop yourself geLLlng weak...."
Pe was fusslng around, Lucklng Lhe furs lnLo place,
LlghLenlng Lhe Lenslon rope across Lhe body of Lhe
sledge, runnlng Lhe Lraces Lhrough hls hands Lo
unLangle Lhem.
larder Coram, where ls Lhe llLLle boy now? Pave Lhey
burned hlm yeL?" no, Lyra, he's a lylng back Lhere."
l wanL Lo go and see hlm."
Pe couldn'L refuse her LhaL, for she'd seen worse Lhan
a dead body, and lL mlghL calm her. So wlLh
anLalalmon as a whlLe hare boundlng dellcaLely aL her
slde, she Lrudged along Lhe llne of sledges Lo where
some men were plllng brushwood.
1he boy's body lay under a checkered blankeL beslde
Lhe paLh. She knelL and llfLed Lhe blankeL ln her
mlLLened hands. Cne man was abouL Lo sLop her, buL
Lhe oLhers shook Lhelr heads.
anLalalmon crepL close as Lyra looked down on Lhe
poor wasLed face. She sllpped her hand ouL of Lhe
mlLLen and Louched hls eyes. 1hey were marble-cold,
and larder Coram had been rlghL, poor llLLle 1ony
Makarlos was no dlfferenL from any oLher human
whose daemon had deparLed ln deaLh. Ch, lf Lhey Look
anLalalmon from her! She swepL hlm up and hugged
hlm as lf she meanL Lo press hlm rlghL lnLo her hearL.
And all llLLle 1ony had was hls plLlful plece offlsh....
Where was lL?
She pulled Lhe blankeL down. lL was gone.
She was on her feeL ln a momenL, and her eyes flashed
fury aL Lhe men nearby.
Where's hls flsh?"
1hey sLopped, puzzled, unsure whaL she meanL,
Lhough some of Lhelr daemons knew, and looked aL
one anoLher. Cne of Lhe men began Lo grln
uon'L you dare laugh! l'll Lear your lungs ouL lf you
laugh aL hlm! 1haL's all he had Lo cllng onLo, [usL an old
drled flsh, LhaL's all he had for a daemon Lo love and
be klnd Lo! Who's Look lL from hlm? Where's lL gone?"
age 133

anLalalmon was a snarllng snow leopard, [usL llke
Lord Asrlel's daemon, buL she dldn'L see LhaL, all she
saw was rlghL and wrong.
Lasy, Lyra," sald one man. Lasy, chlld."
Who's Look lL?" she flared agaln, and Lhe gypLlan Look
a sLep back from her passlonaLe fury.
l dldn'L know," sald anoLher man apologeLlcally. l
LhoughL lL was [usL whaL he'd been eaLlng. l Look lL ouL
hls hand because l LhoughL lL was more respecLful.
1haL's all, Lyra."
1hen where ls lL?"
1he man sald uneaslly, noL Lhlnklng he had a need for
lL, l gave lL Lo my dogs. l do beg your pardon."
lL en'L my pardon you need, lL's hls," she sald, and
Lurned aL once Lo kneel agaln, and lald her hand on Lhe
dead chlld's lcy cheek.
1hen an ldea came Lo her, and she fumbled lnslde her
furs. 1he cold alr sLruck Lhrough as she opened her
anorak, buL ln a few seconds she had whaL she
wanLed, and Look a gold coln from her purse before
wrapplng herself close agaln.
l wanL Lo borrow your knlfe," she sald Lo Lhe man
who'd Laken Lhe flsh, and when he'd leL her have lL,
she sald Lo anLalalmon: WhaL was her name?"
Pe undersLood, of course, and sald, 8aLLer."
She held Lhe coln LlghL ln her lefL mlLLened hand and,
holdlng Lhe knlfe llke a pencll, scraLched Lhe losL
daemon's name deeply lnLo Lhe gold.
l hope LhaL'll do, lf l provlde for you llke a !ordan
Scholar," she whlspered Lo Lhe dead boy, and forced
hls LeeLh aparL Lo sllp Lhe coln lnLo hls mouLh. lL was
hard, buL she managed lL, and managed Lo close hls
[aw agaln.
1hen she gave Lhe man back hls knlfe and Lurned ln
Lhe mornlng LwlllghL Lo go back Lo larder Coram.
Pe gave her a mug of soup sLralghL off Lhe flre, and she
slpped lL greedlly.
WhaL we golng Lo do abouL Lhem wlLches, larder
Coram?" she sald. l wonder lf your wlLch was one of
My wlLch? l wouldn'L presume LhaL far, Lyra. 1hey
mlghL be golng anywhere. 1here's all klnds of concerns
LhaL play on Lhe llfe of wlLches, Lhlngs lnvlslble Lo us:
mysLerlous slcknesses Lhey fall prey Lo, whlch we'd
shrug off, causes of war qulLe beyond our
undersLandlng, [oys and sorrows bound up wlLh Lhe
flowerlng of Llny planLs up on Lhe Lundra....8uL l wlsh
l'd seen Lhem a flylng, Lyra. l wlsh l'd been able Lo see
a slghL llke LhaL. now drlnk up all LhaL soup. u'you
wanL some more? 1here's some pan-bread a cooklng
Loo. LaL up, chlld, because we're on our way soon."
1he food revlved Lyra, and presenLly Lhe chlll aL her
soul began Lo melL. WlLh Lhe oLhers, she wenL Lo
waLch Lhe llLLle half-chlld lald on hls funeral pyre, and
bowed her head and closed her eyes for !ohn laa's
prayers, and Lhen Lhe men sprlnkled coal splrlL and seL
maLches Lo lL, and lL was blazlng ln a momenL.
age 134

Cnce Lhey were sure he was safely burned, Lhey seL off
Lo Lravel agaln. lL was a ghosLly [ourney. Snow began
Lo fall early on, and soon Lhe world was reduced Lo Lhe
gray shadows of Lhe dogs ahead, Lhe lurchlng and
creaklng of Lhe sledge, Lhe blLlng cold, and a swlrllng
sea of blg flakes only [usL darker Lhan Lhe sky and only
[usL llghLer Lhan Lhe ground.
1hrough lL all Lhe dogs conLlnued Lo run, Lalls hlgh,
breaLh pufflng sLeam. norLh and furLher norLh Lhey
ran, whlle Lhe pallld noonLlde came and wenL and Lhe
LwlllghL wrapped lLself agaln around Lhe world. 1hey
sLopped Lo eaL and drlnk and resL ln a fold of Lhe hllls,
and Lo geL Lhelr bearlngs, and whlle !ohn laa Lalked Lo
Lee Scoresby abouL Lhe way Lhey mlghL besL use Lhe
balloon, Lyra LhoughL of Lhe spy-fly, and she asked
larder Coram whaL had happened Lo Lhe smokeleaf Lln
he'd Lrapped lL ln.
l've goL lL Lucked away LlghL," he sald. lL's down ln
Lhe boLLom of LhaL klL bag, buL Lhere's noLhlng Lo see, l
soldered lL shuL on board shlp, llke l sald l would. l
don'L know whaL we're a golng Lo do wlLh lL, Lo Lell you
Lhe LruLh, maybe we could drop lL down a flre mlne,
maybe LhaL would seLLle lL. 8uL you needn'L worry,
Lyra. Whlle l've goL lL, you're safe." 1he flrsL chance
she had, she plunged her arm down lnLo Lhe sLlffly
frosLed canvas of Lhe klL bag and broughL up Lhe llLLle
Lln. She could feel Lhe buzz lL was maklng before she
Louched lL.
Whlle larder Coram was Lalklng Lo Lhe oLher leaders,
she Look Lhe Lln Lo lorek 8yrnlson and explalned her
ldea. lL had come Lo her when she remembered hls
sllclng so easlly Lhrough Lhe meLal of Lhe englne cover.
Pe llsLened, and Lhen Look Lhe lld of a blsculL Lln and
defLly folded lL lnLo a small flaL cyllnder. She marveled
aL Lhe sklll of hls hands: unllke mosL bears, he and hls
kln had opposable Lhumb claws wlLh whlch Lhey could
hold Lhlngs sLlll Lo work on Lhem, and he had some
lnnaLe sense of Lhe sLrengLh and flexlblllLy of meLals
whlch meanL LhaL he only had Lo llfL lL once or Lwlce,
flex lL Lhls way and LhaL, and he could run a claw over
lL ln a clrcle Lo score lL for foldlng. Pe dld Lhls now,
foldlng Lhe sldes ln and ln unLll Lhey sLood ln a ralsed
rlm and Lhen maklng a lld Lo flL lL. AL Lyra's blddlng he
made Lwo: one Lhe same slze as Lhe orlglnal smokeleaf
Lln, and anoLher [usL blg enough Lo conLaln Lhe Lln
lLself and a quanLlLy of halrs and blLs of moss and
llchen all packed down LlghL Lo smoLher Lhe nolse.
When lL was closed, lL was Lhe same slze and shape as
Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
When LhaL was done, she saL nexL Lo lorek 8yrnlson as
he gnawed a haunch of relndeer LhaL was frozen as
hard as wood.
lorek," she sald, ls lL hard noL havlng a daemon?
uon'L you geL lonely?"
Lonely?" he sald. l don'L know. 1hey Lell me Lhls ls
cold. l don'L know whaL cold ls, because l don'L freeze.
So l don'L know whaL lonely means elLher. 8ears are
made Lo be sollLary."
WhaL abouL Lhe Svalbard bears?" she sald. 1here's
Lhousands of Lhem, en'L Lhere? 1haL's whaL l heard."
Pe sald noLhlng, buL rlpped Lhe [olnL ln half wlLh a
sound llke a spllLLlng log.
8eg pardon, lorek," she sald. l hope l en'L offended
you. lL's [usL LhaL l'm curlous. See, l'm exLra curlous
abouL Lhe Svalbard bears because of my faLher."
Who ls your faLher?"
Lord Asrlel. And Lhey goL hlm capLlve on Svalbard, you
see. l Lhlnk Lhe Cobblers beLrayed hlm and
age 133

pald Lhe bears Lo keep hlm ln prlson."
l don'L know. l am noL a Svalbard bear." l LhoughL
you was...."
no. l was a Svalbard bear, buL l am noL now. l was
senL away as a punlshmenL because l kllled anoLher
bear. So l was deprlved of my rank and my wealLh and
my armor and senL ouL Lo llve aL Lhe edge of Lhe
human world and flghL when l could flnd employmenL
aL lL, or work aL bruLal Lasks and drown my memory ln
raw splrlLs."
Why dld you klll Lhe oLher bear?"
Anger. 1here are ways among bears of Lurnlng away
our anger wlLh each oLher, buL l was ouL of my own
conLrol. So l kllled hlm and l was [usLly punlshed."
And you were wealLhy and hlgh-ranklng," sald Lyra,
marvellng. !usL llke my faLher, lorek! 1haL's [usL Lhe
same wlLh hlm afLer l was born. Pe kllled someone Loo
and Lhey Look all hls wealLh away. 1haL was long
before he goL made a prlsoner on Svalbard, Lhough. l
don'L know anyLhlng abouL Svalbard, excepL lL's ln Lhe
farLhesL lL all covered ln lce? Can you geL
Lhere over Lhe frozen sea?"
noL from Lhls coasL. 1he sea ls someLlmes frozen
souLh of lL, someLlmes noL. ?ou would need a boaL."
Cr a balloon, maybe."
Cr a balloon, yes, buL Lhen you would need Lhe rlghL
Pe gnawed Lhe relndeer haunch, and a wlld noLlon
flew lnLo Lyra's mlnd as she remembered all Lhose
wlLches ln Lhe nlghL sky, buL she sald noLhlng abouL
LhaL. lnsLead she asked lorek 8yrnlson abouL Svalbard,
and llsLened eagerly as he Lold her of Lhe slow-
crawllng glaclers, of Lhe rocks and lce floes where Lhe
brlghL-Lusked walruses lay ln groups of a hundred or
more, of Lhe seas Leemlng wlLh seals, of narwhals
clashlng Lhelr long whlLe Lusks above Lhe lcy waLer, of
Lhe greaL grlm lron-bound coasL, Lhe cllffs a Lhousand
feeL and more hlgh where Lhe foul cllff-ghasLs perched
and swooped, Lhe coal plLs and Lhe flre mlnes where
Lhe bearsmlLhs hammered ouL mlghLy sheeLs of lron
and rlveLed Lhem lnLo armor...
lf Lhey Look your armor away, lorek, where dld you
geL Lhls seL from?"
l made lL myself ln nova Zembla from sky meLal. unLll
l dld LhaL, l was lncompleLe."
So bears can make Lhelr own souls..." she sald. 1here
was a greaL deal ln Lhe world Lo know. Who ls Lhe
klng of Svalbard?" she wenL on. uo bears have a
Pe ls called lofur 8aknlson."
1haL name shook a llLLle bell ln Lyra's mlnd. She'd
heard lL before, buL where? And noL ln a bear's volce,
elLher, nor ln a gypLlan's. 1he volce LhaL had spoken lL
was a Scholar's, preclse and pedanLlc and lazlly
arroganL, very much a !ordan College volce. She Lrled lL
agaln ln her mlnd. Ch, she knew lL so well!
And Lhen she had lL: Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom. 1he Scholars
llsLenlng Lo Lord Asrlel. lL was Lhe almerlan rofessor
who had sald someLhlng abouL lofur 8aknlson. Pe'd
used Lhe word panserb[0rne, whlch Lyra dldn'L know,
and she hadn'L known LhaL lofur 8aknlson was a bear,
buL whaL was lL he'd sald? 1he klng
age 136

of Svalbard was valn, and he could be flaLLered. 1here
was someLhlng else, lf only she could remember lL, buL
so much had happened slnce Lhen....
lf your faLher ls a prlsoner of Lhe Svalbard bears," sald
lorek 8yrnlson, he wlll noL escape. 1here ls no wood
Lhere Lo make a boaL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf he ls a
nobleman, he wlll be LreaLed falrly. 1hey wlll glve hlm
a house Lo llve ln and a servanL Lo walL on hlm, and
food and fuel."
Could Lhe bears ever be defeaLed, lorek?"
Cr Lrlcked, maybe?"
Pe sLopped gnawlng and looked aL her dlrecLly. 1hen
he sald, ?ou wlll never defeaL Lhe armored bears. ?ou
have seen my armor, now look aL my weapons."
Pe dropped Lhe meaL and held ouL hls paws, palm
upward, for her Lo look aL. Lach black pad was covered
ln horny skln an lnch or more Lhlck, and each of Lhe
claws was as long as Lyra's hand aL leasL, and as sharp
as a knlfe. Pe leL her run her hands over Lhem
Cne blow wlll crush a seal's skull," he sald. Cr break
a man's back, or Lear off a llmb. And l can blLe. lf you
had noL sLopped me ln 1rollesund, l would have
crushed LhaL man's head llke an egg. So much for
sLrengLh, now for Lrlckery. ?ou cannoL Lrlck a bear. ?ou
wanL Lo see proof? 1ake a sLlck and fence wlLh me."
Lager Lo Lry, she snapped a sLlck off a snow-laden
bush, Lrlmmed all Lhe slde shooLs off, and swlshed lL
from slde Lo slde llke a rapler. lorek 8yrnlson saL back
on hls haunches and walLed, forepaws ln hls lap. When
she was ready, she faced hlm, buL she dldn'L llke Lo
sLab aL hlm because he looked so peaceable. So she
flourlshed lL, felnLlng Lo rlghL and lefL, noL lnLendlng Lo
hlL hlm aL all, and he dldn'L move. She dld LhaL several
Llmes, and noL once dld he move so much as an lnch.
llnally she declded Lo LhrusL aL hlm dlrecLly, noL hard,
buL [usL Lo Louch Lhe sLlck Lo hls sLomach. lnsLanLly hls
paw reached forward and fllcked Lhe sLlck aslde.
Surprlsed, she Lrled agaln, wlLh Lhe same resulL. Pe
moved far more qulckly and surely Lhan she dld. She
Lrled Lo hlL hlm ln earnesL, wleldlng Lhe sLlck llke a
fencer's foll, and noL once dld lL land on hls body. Pe
seemed Lo know whaL she lnLended before she dld,
and when she lunged aL hls head, Lhe greaL paw swepL
Lhe sLlck aslde harmlessly, and when she felnLed, he
dldn'L move aL all.
She became exasperaLed, and Lhrew herself lnLo a
furlous aLLack, [abblng and lashlng and LhrusLlng and
sLabblng, and never once dld she geL pasL Lhose paws.
1hey moved everywhere, preclsely ln Llme Lo parry,
preclsely aL Lhe rlghL spoL Lo block.
llnally she was frlghLened, and sLopped. She was
sweaLlng lnslde her furs, ouL of breaLh, exhausLed, and
Lhe bear sLlll saL lmpasslve. lf she had had a real sword
wlLh a murderous polnL, he would have been qulLe
l beL you could caLch bulleLs," she sald, and Lhrew Lhe
sLlck away. Pow do you do LhaL?"
8y noL belng human," he sald. 1haL's why you could
never Lrlck a bear. We see Lrlcks and decelL as plaln as
arms and legs. We can see ln a way humans have
forgoLLen. 8uL you know abouL Lhls, you can
age 137

undersLand Lhe symbol reader."
1haL en'L Lhe same, ls lL?" she sald. She was more
nervous of Lhe bear now Lhan when she had seen hls
lL ls Lhe same," he sald. AdulLs can'L read lL, as l
undersLand. As l am Lo human flghLers, so you are Lo
adulLs wlLh Lhe symbol reader."
?es, l suppose," she sald, puzzled and unwllllng.
uoes LhaL mean l'll forgeL how Lo do lL when l grow
Who knows? l have never seen a symbol reader, nor
anyone who could read Lhem. erhaps you are
dlfferenL from oLhers." Pe dropped Lo all fours agaln
and wenL on gnawlng hls meaL. Lyra had unfasLened
her furs, buL now Lhe cold was sLrlklng ln agaln and she
had Lo do Lhem up. All ln all, lL was a dlsquleLlng
eplsode. She wanLed Lo consulL Lhe aleLhlome-Ler
Lhere and Lhen, buL lL was Loo cold, and besldes, Lhey
were calllng for her because lL was Llme Lo move on.
She Look Lhe Lln boxes LhaL lorek 8yrnlson had made,
puL Lhe empLy one back lnLo larder Coram's klL bag,
and puL Lhe one wlLh Lhe spy-fly ln lL LogeLher wlLh Lhe
aleLhlomeLer ln Lhe pouch aL her walsL. She was glad
when Lhey were movlng agaln.
1he leaders had agreed wlLh Lee Scoresby LhaL when
Lhey reached Lhe nexL sLopplng place, Lhey would
lnflaLe hls balloon and he would spy from Lhe alr.
naLurally Lyra was eager Lo fly wlLh hlm, and naLurally
lL was forbldden, buL she rode wlLh hlm on Lhe way
Lhere and pesLered hlm wlLh quesLlons. Mr. Scoresby,
how would you fly Lo Svalbard?" ?ou'd need a
dlrlglble wlLh a gas englne, someLhlng llke a zeppelln,
or else a good souLh wlnd. 8uL hell, l wouldn'L dare.
Pave you ever seen lL? 1he bleakesL baresL mosL
lnhosplLable godforsaken dead end of nowhere."
l was [usL wonderlng, lf lorek 8ymlson wanLed Lo go
back..." Pe'd be kllled. lorek's ln exlle. As soon as he
seL fooL Lhere, Lhey'd Lear hlm Lo pleces."
Pow do you lnflaLe your balloon, Mr. Scoresby?"
1wo ways. l can make hydrogen by pourlng sulfurlc
acld onLo lron flllngs. ?ou caLch Lhe gas lL glves off and
gradually flll Lhe balloon llke LhaL. 1he oLher way ls Lo
flnd a ground-gas venL near a flre mlne. 1here's a loL of
gas under Lhe ground here, and rock oll besldes. l can
make gas from rock oll, lf l need Lo, and from coal as
well, lL's noL hard Lo make gas. 8uL Lhe qulckesL way ls
Lo use ground gas. A good venL wlll flll Lhe balloon ln
an hour."
Pow many people can you carry?"
Slx, lf l need Lo."
Could you carry lorek 8yrnlson ln hls armor?"
l have done. l rescued hlm one Llme from Lhe 1arLars,
when he was cuL off and Lhey were sLarvlng hlm ouL-
LhaL was ln Lhe 1unguska campalgn, l flew ln and Look
hlm off. Sounds easy, buL hell, l had Lo calculaLe Lhe
welghL of LhaL old boy by guess-work. And Lhen l had
Lo bank on flndlng ground gas under Lhe lce forL he'd
made. 8uL l could see whaL klnd of ground lL was from
Lhe alr, and l reckoned we'd be safe ln dlgglng. See, Lo
go down l have Lo leL gas ouL of Lhe balloon, and l can'L
geL alrborne agaln wlLhouL more. Anyway, we made lL,
armor and all."
Mr. Scoresby, you know Lhe 1arLars make holes ln
people's heads?"
age 138

Ch, sure. 1hey've been dolng LhaL for Lhousands of
years. ln Lhe 1unguska campalgn we capLured flve
1arLars allve, and Lhree of Lhem had holes ln Lhelr
skulls. Cne of Lhem had Lwo."
1hey do lL Lo each oLher?"
1haL's rlghL. llrsL Lhey cuL parLway around a clrcle of
skln on Lhe scalp, so Lhey can llfL up a flap and expose
Lhe bone. 1hen Lhey cuL a llLLle clrcle of bone ouL of
Lhe skull, very carefully so Lhey don'L peneLraLe Lhe
braln, and Lhen Lhey sew Lhe scalp back over."
l LhoughL Lhey dld lL Lo Lhelr enemles!"
Pell, no. lL's a greaL prlvllege. 1hey do lL so Lhe gods
can Lalk Lo Lhem." uld you ever hear of an explorer
called SLanlslaus Crumman?"
Crumman? Sure. l meL one of hls Leam when l flew
over Lhe ?enlsel 8lver Lwo years back. Pe was golng Lo
llve among Lhe 1arLar Lrlbes up LhaL way. MaLLer of
facL, l Lhlnk he had LhaL hole ln Lhe skull done. lL was
parL of an lnlLlaLlon ceremony, buL Lhe man who Lold
me dldn'L know much abouL lL."
So...lf he was llke an honorary 1arLar, Lhey wouldn'L
have kllled hlm?"
kllled hlm? ls he dead Lhen?"
?eah. l saw hls head," Lyra sald proudly. My faLher
found lL. l saw lL when he showed lL Lo Lhe Scholars aL
!ordan College ln Cxford. 1hey'd scalped lL, and all."
Who'd scalped lL?"
Well, Lhe 1arLars, LhaL's whaL Lhe Scholars
LhoughL....8uL maybe lL wasn'L."
lL mlghL noL have been Crumman's head," sald Lee
Scoresby. ?our faLher mlghL have been mlsleadlng Lhe
l suppose he mlghL," sald Lyra LhoughLfully. Pe was
asklng Lhem for money."
And when Lhey saw Lhe head, Lhey gave hlm Lhe
Cood Lrlck Lo play. eople are shocked when Lhey see
a Lhlng llke LhaL, Lhey don'L llke Lo look Loo close."
Lspeclally Scholars," sald Lyra.
Well, you'd know beLLer Lhan l would. 8uL lf LhaL was
Crumman's head, l'll beL lL wasn'L Lhe 1arLars who
scalped hlm. 1hey scalp Lhelr enemles, noL Lhelr own,
and he was a 1arLar by adopLlon."
Lyra Lurned LhaL over ln her mlnd as Lhey drove on.
1here were wlde currenLs full of meanlng flowlng fasL
around her, Lhe Cobblers and Lhelr cruelLy, Lhelr fear
of uusL, Lhe clLy ln Lhe Aurora, her faLher ln Svalbard,
her moLher....And where was she? 1he aleLhlomeLer,
Lhe wlLches flylng norLhward. And poor
age 139

llLLle 1ony Makarlos, and Lhe clockwork spy-fly, and
lorek 8yrnlson's uncanny fenclng... She fell asleep. And
every hour Lhey drew closer Lo 8olvangar.
1he facL LhaL Lhe gypLlans had heard or seen noLhlng of
Mrs. CoulLer worrled larder Coram and !ohn laa more
Lhan Lhey leL Lyra know, buL Lhey weren'L Lo know LhaL
she was worrled Loo. Lyra feared Mrs. CoulLer and
LhoughL abouL her ofLen. And whereas Lord Asrlel was
now faLher," Mrs. CoulLer was never moLher." 1he
reason for LhaL was Mrs. CoulLer's daemon, Lhe golden
monkey, who had fllled anLalalmon wlLh a powerful
loaLhlng, and who, Lyra felL, had prled lnLo her secreLs,
and parLlcularly LhaL of Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
And Lhey were bound Lo be chaslng her, lL was sllly Lo
Lhlnk oLherwlse. 1he spy-fly proved LhaL, lf noLhlng
8uL when an enemy dld sLrlke, lL wasn'L Mrs. CoulLer.
1he gypLlans had planned Lo sLop and resL Lhelr dogs,
repalr a couple of sledges, and geL all Lhelr weapons
lnLo shape for Lhe assaulL on 8olvangar. !ohn laa
hoped LhaL Lee Scoresby mlghL flnd some ground gas
Lo flll hls smaller balloon (for he had Lwo, apparenLly)
and go up Lo spy ouL Lhe land. Powever, Lhe aeronauL
aLLended Lo Lhe condlLlon of Lhe weaLher as closely as
a sallor, and he sald Lhere was golng Lo be a fog, and
sure enough, as soon as Lhey sLopped, a Lhlck mlsL
descended. Lee Scoresby knew he'd see noLhlng from
Lhe sky, so he had Lo conLenL hlmself wlLh checklng hls
equlpmenL, Lhough lL was all ln meLlculous order.
1hen, wlLh no warnlng aL all, a volley of arrows flew
ouL of Lhe dark.
1hree gypLlan men wenL down aL once, and dled so
sllenLly LhaL no one heard a Lhlng. Cnly when Lhey
slumped clumslly across Lhe dog Lraces or lay
unexpecLedly sLlll dld Lhe nearesL men noLlce whaL was
happenlng, and Lhen lL was already Loo laLe, because
more arrows were flylng aL Lhem. Some men looked
up, puzzled by Lhe fasL lrregular knocklng sounds LhaL
came from up and down Lhe llne as arrows hurLled
lnLo wood or frozen canvas.
1he flrsL Lo come Lo hls wlLs was !ohn laa, who
shouLed orders from Lhe cenLer of Lhe llne. Cold hands
and sLlff llmbs moved Lo obey as yeL more arrows flew
down llke raln, sLralghL rods of raln Llpped wlLh deaLh.
age 140

Lyra was ln Lhe open, and Lhe arrows were passlng
over her head. anLalalmon heard before she dld, and
became a leopard and knocked her over, maklng her
less of a LargeL. 8rushlng snow ouL of her eyes, she
rolled over Lo Lry and see whaL was happenlng, for Lhe
semldarkness seemed Lo be overflowlng wlLh
confuslon and nolse. She heard a mlghLy roar, and Lhe
clang and scrape of lorek 8yrnlson's armor as he
leaped fully clad over Lhe sledges and lnLo Lhe fog, and
LhaL was followed by screams, snarllng, crunchlng and
Learlng sounds, greaL smashlng blows, crles of Lerror
and roars of bearlsh fury as he lald Lhem wasLe.
8uL who was Lhem? Lyra had seen no enemy flgures
yeL. 1he gypLlans were swarmlng Lo defend Lhe
sledges, buL LhaL (as even Lyra could see) made Lhem
beLLer LargeLs, and Lhelr rlfles were noL easy Lo flre ln
gloves and mlLLens, she had only heard four or flve
shoLs, as agalnsL Lhe ceaseless knocklng raln of arrows.
And more and more men fell every mlnuLe.
Ch, !ohn laa! she LhoughL ln angulsh. ?ou dldn'L
foresee Lhls, and l dldn'L help you!
8uL she had no more Lhan a second Lo Lhlnk LhaL, for
Lhere was a mlghLy snarl from anLalalmon, and
someLhlng- anoLher daemon-hurLled aL hlm and
knocked hlm down, crushlng all Lhe breaLh ouL of Lyra
herself, and Lhen hands were haullng aL her, llfLlng her,
sLlfllng her cry wlLh foul-smelllng mlLLens, Losslng her
Lhrough Lhe alr lnLo anoLher's arms, and Lhen pushlng
her flaL down lnLo Lhe snow agaln, so LhaL she was
dlzzy and breaLhless and hurL all aL once. Per arms
were hauled behlnd Llll her shoulders cracked, and
someone lashed her wrlsLs LogeLher, and Lhen a hood
was crammed over her head Lo muffle her screams, for
scream she dld, and lusLlly:
lorek! lorek 8yrnlson! Pelp me!"
8uL could he hear? She couldn'L Lell, she was hurled
Lhls way and LhaL, crushed onLo a hard surface whlch
Lhen began Lo lurch and bump llke a sledge. 1he
sounds LhaL reached her were wlld and confused. She
mlghL have heard lorek 8yrnlson's roar, buL lL was a
long way off, and Lhen she was [olLlng over rough
ground, arms LwlsLed, mouLh sLlfled, sobblng wlLh rage
and fear. And sLrange volces spoke around her.
l'm here, shh, l'll help you breaLhe. keep sLlll..."
Pls mouse paws Lugged aL Lhe hood unLll her mouLh
was freer, and she gulped aL Lhe frozen alr. Who are
Lhey?" she whlspered.
1hey look llke 1arLars. l Lhlnk Lhey hlL !ohn laa."
l saw hlm fall. 8uL he should have been ready for Lhls
sorL of aLLack. We know LhaL."
8uL we should have helped hlm! We should have
been waLchlng Lhe aleLhlomeLer!"
Push. reLend Lo be unconsclous."
1here was a whlp cracklng, and Lhe howl of raclng
dogs. lrom Lhe way she was belng [erked and bounced
abouL, Lyra could Lell how fasL Lhey were golng, and
Lhough she sLralned Lo hear Lhe sounds of
age 141

baLLle, all she made ouL was a forlorn volley of shoLs,
muffled by Lhe dlsLance, and Lhen Lhe creak and rush
and sofL paw Lhuds ln Lhe snow were all Lhere was Lo
1hey'll Lake us Lo Lhe Cobblers," she whlspered.
1he word severed came Lo Lhelr mlnd. Porrlble fear
fllled Lyra's body, and anLalalmon nesLled close
agalnsL her.
l'll flghL," he sald.
So wlll l. l'll klll Lhem."
So wlll lorek when he flnds ouL. Pe'll crush Lhem Lo
Pow far are we from 8olvangar?"
anLalalmon dldn'L know, buL he LhoughL lL was less
Lhan a day's rlde.
AfLer Lhey had been drlvlng along for such a Llme LhaL
Lyra's body was ln LormenL from cramp, Lhe pace
slackened a llLLle, and someone roughly pulled off Lhe
She looked up aL a broad AslaLlc face, under a
wolverlne hood, llL by fllckerlng lampllghL. Pls black
eyes showed a gllnL of saLlsfacLlon, especlally when
anLalalmon slld ouL of Lyra's anorak Lo bare hls whlLe
ermlne LeeLh ln a hlss. 1he man's daemon, a blg heavy
wolverlne, snarled back, buL anLalalmon dldn'L fllnch.
1he man hauled Lyra up Lo a slLLlng poslLlon and
propped her agalnsL Lhe slde of Lhe sledge. She kepL
falllng sldeways because her hands were sLlll Lled
behlnd her, and so he Lled her feeL LogeLher lnsLead
and released her hands.
1hrough Lhe snow LhaL was falllng and Lhe Lhlck fog
she saw how powerful Lhls man was, and Lhe sledge
drlver Loo, how balanced ln Lhe sledge, how much aL
home ln Lhls land ln a way Lhe gypLlans weren'L.
1he man spoke, buL of course she undersLood noLhlng.
Pe Lrled a dlfferenL language wlLh Lhe same resulL.
1hen he Lrled Lngllsh.
?ou name?"
anLalalmon brlsLled warnlngly, and she knew whaL he
meanL aL once. So Lhese men dldn'L know who she
was! 1hey hadn'L kldnapped her because of her
connecLlon wlLh Mrs. CoulLer, so perhaps Lhey weren'L
ln Lhe pay of Lhe Cobblers afLer all.
Llzzle 8rooks," she sald.
Llssle 8roogs," he sald afLer her. We Lake you nlce
place. nlce peoples." Who are you?"
Samoyed peoples. PunLers."
Where are you Laklng me?"
age 142

nlce place. nlce peoples. ?ou have panserb[orne?"
lor proLecLlon."
no good! Pa, ha, bear no good! We goL you anyway!"
Pe laughed loudly. Lyra conLrolled herself and sald
Who Lhose peoples?" Lhe man asked nexL, polnLlng
back Lhe way Lhey had come. 1raders."
1raders...WhaL Lhey Lrade?"
lur, splrlLs," she sald. Smokeleaf." 1hey sell
smokeleaf, buy furs?" ?es."
Pe sald someLhlng Lo hls companlon, who spoke back
brlefly. All Lhe Llme Lhe sledge was speedlng onward,
and Lyra pulled herself up more comforLably Lo Lry and
see where Lhey were headlng, buL Lhe snow was falllng
Lhlckly, and Lhe sky was dark, and presenLly she
became Loo cold Lo peer ouL any longer, and lay down.
She and anLalalmon could feel each oLher's LhoughLs,
and Lrled Lo keep calm, buL Lhe LhoughL of !ohn laa
dead...And whaL had happened Lo larder Coram? And
would lorek manage Lo klll Lhe oLher Samoyeds? And
would Lhey ever manage Lo Lrack her down?
lor Lhe flrsL Llme, she began Lo feel a llLLle sorry for
AfLer a long Llme, Lhe man shook her by Lhe shoulder
and handed her a sLrlp of drled relndeer meaL Lo chew.
lL was rank and Lough, buL she was hungry, and Lhere
was nourlshmenL ln lL. AfLer chewlng lL, she felL a llLLle
beLLer. She sllpped her hand slowly lnLo her furs Llll she
was sure Lhe aleLhlomeLer was sLlll Lhere, and Lhen
carefully wlLhdrew Lhe spy-fly Lln and sllpped lL down
lnLo her fur booL. anLalalmon crepL ln as a mouse and
pushed lL as far down as he could, Lucklng lL under Lhe
boLLom of her relndeer-skln legglng.
When LhaL was done, she closed her eyes. lear had
made her exhausLed, and soon she sllpped uneaslly
lnLo sleep.
She woke up when Lhe moLlon of Lhe sledge changed.
lL was suddenly smooLher, and when she opened her
eyes Lhere were passlng llghLs dazzllng above her, so
brlghL she had Lo pull Lhe hood furLher over her head
before peerlng ouL agaln. She was horrlbly sLlff and
cold, buL she managed Lo pull herself uprlghL enough
Lo see LhaL Lhe sledge was drlvlng swlfLly beLween a
row of hlgh poles, each carrylng a glarlng anbarlc llghL.
As she goL her bearlngs, Lhey passed Lhrough an open
meLal gaLe aL Lhe end of Lhe avenue of llghLs and lnLo a
wlde open space llke an empLy markeLplace or an
arena for some game or sporL. lL was perfecLly flaL and
smooLh and whlLe, and abouL a hundred yards across.
Around Lhe edge ran a hlgh meLal fence.
AL Lhe far end of Lhls arena Lhe sledge halLed. 1hey
were ouLslde a low bulldlng, or a range of low
bulldlngs, over whlch Lhe snow lay deeply. lL was hard
Lo Lell, buL she had Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lunnels
age 143

connecLed one parL of Lhe bulldlngs wlLh anoLher,
Lunnels humped under Lhe snow. AL one slde a sLouL
meLal masL had a famlllar look, Lhough she couldn'L
say whaL lL remlnded her of.
8efore she could Lake much more ln, Lhe man ln Lhe
sledge cuL Lhrough Lhe cord around her ankles, and
hauled her ouL roughly whlle Lhe drlver shouLed aL Lhe
dogs Lo make Lhem sLlll. A door opened ln Lhe bulldlng
a few yards away, and an anbarlc llghL came on
overhead, swlvellng Lo flnd Lhem, llke a searchllghL.
Lyra's capLor LhrusL her forward llke a Lrophy, wlLhouL
leLLlng go, and sald someLhlng. 1he flgure ln Lhe
padded coal-sllk anorak answered ln Lhe same
language, and Lyra saw hls feaLures: he was noL a
Samoyed or a 1arLar. Pe could have been a !ordan
Scholar. Pe looked aL her, and parLlcularly aL
1he Samoyed spoke agaln, and Lhe man from
8olvangar sald Lo Lyra, ?ou speak Lngllsh?" ?es," she
uoes your daemon always Lake LhaL form?"
Cf all Lhe unexpecLed quesLlons! Lyra could only gape.
8uL anLalalmon answered lL ln hls own fashlon by
becomlng a falcon, and launchlng hlmself from her
shoulder aL Lhe man's daemon, a large marmoL, whlch
sLruck up aL anLalalmon wlLh a swlfL movemenL and
spaL as he clrcled pasL on swlfL wlngs.
l see," sald Lhe man ln a Lone of saLlsfacLlon, as
anLalalmon reLurned Lo Lyra's shoulder.
1he Samoyed men were looklng expecLanL, and Lhe
man from 8olvangar nodded and Look off a mlLLen Lo
reach lnLo a pockeL. Pe Look ouL a drawsLrlng purse
and counLed ouL a dozen heavy colns lnLo Lhe hunLer's
1he Lwo men checked Lhe money, and Lhen sLowed lL
carefully, each man Laklng half. WlLhouL a backward
glance Lhey goL ln Lhe sledge, and Lhe drlver cracked
Lhe whlp and shouLed Lo Lhe dogs, and Lhey sped away
across Lhe wlde whlLe arena and lnLo Lhe avenue of
llghLs, gaLherlng speed unLll Lhey vanlshed lnLo Lhe
dark beyond.
1he man was openlng Lhe door agaln.
Come ln qulckly," he sald. lL's warm and
comforLable. uon'L sLand ouL ln Lhe cold. WhaL ls your
name ?"
Pls volce was an Lngllsh one, wlLhouL any accenL Lyra
could name. Pe sounded llke Lhe sorL of people she
had meL aL Mrs. CoulLer's: smarL and educaLed and
Llzzle 8rooks," she sald.
Come ln, Llzzle. We'll look afLer you here, don'L
Pe was colder Lhan she was, even Lhough she'd been
ouLslde for far longer, he was lmpaLlenL Lo be ln Lhe
warm agaln. She declded Lo play slow and dlm-wlLLed
and relucLanL, and dragged her feeL as she sLepped
over Lhe hlgh Lhreshold lnLo Lhe bulldlng.
1here were Lwo doors, wlLh a wlde space beLween
Lhem so LhaL noL Loo much warm alr escaped. Cnce
age 144

Lhey were Lhrough Lhe lnner doorway, Lyra found
herself swelLerlng ln whaL seemed unbearable heaL,
and had Lo pull open her furs and push back her hood.
1hey were ln a space abouL elghL feeL square, wlLh
corrldors Lo Lhe rlghL and lefL, and ln fronL of her Lhe
sorL of recepLlon desk you mlghL see ln a hosplLal.
LveryLhlng was brllllanLly llL, wlLh Lhe gllnL of shlny
whlLe surfaces and sLalnless sLeel. 1here was Lhe smell
of food ln Lhe alr, famlllar food, bacon and coffee, and
under lL a falnL perpeLual hosplLal-medlcal smell, and
comlng from Lhe walls all around was a sllghL hummlng
sound, almosL Loo low Lo hear, Lhe sorL of sound you
had Lo geL used Lo or go mad.
anLalalmon aL her ear, a goldflnch now, whlspered,
8e sLupld and dlm. 8e really slow and sLupld."
AdulLs were looklng down aL her: Lhe man who'd
broughL her ln, anoLher man wearlng a whlLe coaL, a
woman ln a nurse's unlform.
Lngllsh," Lhe flrsL man was saylng. 1raders,
usual hunLers? usual sLory?"
Same Lrlbe, as far as l could Lell. SlsLer Clara, could
you Lake llLLle, umm, and see Lo her?" CerLalnly,
uocLor. Come wlLh me, dear," sald Lhe nurse, and Lyra
obedlenLly followed.
1hey wenL along a shorL corrldor wlLh doors on Lhe
rlghL and a canLeen on Lhe lefL, from whlch came a
claLLer of knlves and forks, and volces, and more
cooklng smells. 1he nurse was abouL as old as Mrs.
CoulLer, Lyra guessed, wlLh a brlsk, blank, senslble alr,
she would be able Lo sLlLch a wound or change a
bandage, buL never Lo Lell a sLory. Per daemon (and
Lyra had a momenL of sLrange chlll when she noLlced)
was a llLLle whlLe LroLLlng dog (and afLer a momenL she
had no ldea why lL had chllled her).
WhaL's your name, dear?" sald Lhe nurse, openlng a
heavy door. Llzzle." !usL Llzzle?" Llzzle 8rooks."
And how old are you?" Lleven."
Lyra had been Lold LhaL she was small for her age,
whaLever LhaL meanL. lL had never affecLed her sense
of her own lmporLance, buL she reallzed LhaL she could
use Lhe facL now Lo make Llzzle shy and nervous and
lnslgnlflcanL, and shrank a llLLle as she wenL lnLo Lhe
She was half expecLlng quesLlons abouL where she had
come from and how she had arrlved, and she was
preparlng answers, buL lL wasn'L only lmaglnaLlon Lhe
nurse lacked, lL was curloslLy as well. 8olvangar mlghL
have been on Lhe ouLsklrLs of London, and chlldren
mlghL have been arrlvlng all Lhe Llme, for all Lhe
lnLeresL SlsLer Clara seemed Lo show. Per perL neaL
llLLle daemon LroLLed along aL her heels [usL as brlsk
and blank as she was.
ln Lhe room Lhey enLered Lhere was a couch and a
Lable and Lwo chalrs and a flllng cablneL, and a glass
cupboard wlLh medlclnes and bandages, and a wash
basln. As soon as Lhey were lnslde, Lhe nurse Look
Lyra's ouLer coaL off and dropped lL on Lhe shlny floor.
Cff wlLh Lhe resL, dear," she sald. We'll have a qulck
llLLle look Lo see you're nlce and healLhy, no frosLblLe
or snlffles, and Lhen we'll flnd some nlce clean cloLhes.
We'll pop you ln Lhe shower, Loo," she added, for Lyra
had noL changed or washed for days, and ln Lhe
enveloplng warmLh, LhaL was becomlng more and
more evldenL.
anLalalmon fluLLered ln proLesL, buL Lyra quelled hlm
wlLh a scowl. Pe seLLled on Lhe couch as one by
age 143

one all Lyra's cloLhes came off, Lo her resenLmenL and
shame, buL she sLlll had Lhe presence of mlnd Lo
conceal lL and acL dull-wlLLed and compllanL.
And Lhe money belL, Llzzle," sald Lhe nurse, and
unLled lL herself wlLh sLrong flngers. She wenL Lo drop
lL on Lhe plle wlLh Lyra's oLher cloLhes, buL sLopped,
feellng Lhe edge of Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
WhaL's Lhls?" she sald, and unbuLLoned Lhe ollcloLh.
!usL a sorL of Loy," sald Lyra. lL's mlne."
?es, we won'L Lake lL away from you, dear," sald
SlsLer Clara, unfoldlng Lhe black velveL. 1haL's preLLy,
lsn'L lL, llke a compass. lnLo Lhe shower wlLh you," she
wenL on, puLLlng Lhe aleLhlomeLer down and whlsklng
back a coal-sllk curLaln ln Lhe corner.
Lyra relucLanLly sllpped under Lhe warm waLer and
soaped herself whlle anLalalmon perched on Lhe
curLaln rall. 1hey were boLh consclous LhaL he musLn'L
be Loo llvely, for Lhe daemons of dull people were dull
Lhemselves. When she was washed and dry, Lhe nurse
Look her LemperaLure and looked lnLo her eyes and
ears and LhroaL, and Lhen measured her helghL and puL
her on some scales before wrlLlng a noLe on a
cllpboard. 1hen she gave Lyra some pa[amas and a
dresslng gown. 1hey were clean, and of good quallLy,
llke 1ony Makarlos's anorak, buL agaln Lhere was a
secondhand alr abouL Lhem. Lyra felL very uneasy.
1hese en'L mlne," she sald.
no, dear. ?our cloLhes need a good wash."
Am l golng Lo geL my own ones back?"
l expecL so. ?es, of course."
WhaL ls Lhls place?"
lL's called Lhe LxperlmenLal SLaLlon."
1haL wasn'L an answer, and whereas Lyra would have
polnLed LhaL ouL and asked for more lnformaLlon, she
dldn'L Lhlnk Llzzle 8rooks would, so she assenLed
dumbly ln Lhe dresslng and sald no more.
l wanL my Loy back," she sald sLubbornly when she
was dressed.
1ake lL, dear," sald Lhe nurse. Wouldn'L you raLher
have a nlce woolly bear, Lhough? Cr a preLLy doll?"
She opened a drawer where some sofL Loys lay llke
dead Lhlngs. Lyra made herself sLand and preLend Lo
conslder for several seconds before plcklng ouL a rag
doll wlLh blg vacanL eyes. She had never had a doll, buL
she knew whaL Lo do, and pressed lL absenLly Lo her
WhaL abouL my money belL?" she sald. l llke Lo keep
my Loy ln Lhere."
Co on, Lhen, dear," sald SlsLer Clara, who was fllllng ln
a form on plnk paper. Lyra hlLched up her unfamlllar
sklrL and Lled Lhe ollskln pouch around her walsL.
age 146

WhaL abouL my coaL and booLs?" she sald. And my
mlLLens and Lhlngs?"
We'll have Lhem cleaned for you," sald Lhe nurse
1hen a Lelephone buzzed, and whlle Lhe nurse
answered lL, Lyra sLooped qulckly Lo recover Lhe oLher
Lln, Lhe one conLalnlng Lhe spy-fly, and puL lL ln Lhe
pouch wlLh Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
Come along, Llzzle," sald Lhe nurse, puLLlng Lhe
recelver down. We'll go and flnd you someLhlng Lo
eaL. l expecL you're hungry."
She followed SlsLer Clara Lo Lhe canLeen, where a
dozen round whlLe Lables were covered ln crumbs and
Lhe sLlcky rlngs where drlnks had been carelessly puL
down. ulrLy plaLes and cuLlery were sLacked on a sLeel
Lrolley. 1here were no wlndows, so Lo glve an llluslon
of llghL and space one wall was covered ln a huge
phoLogram showlng a Lroplcal beach, wlLh brlghL blue
sky and whlLe sand and coconuL palms.
1he man who had broughL her ln was collecLlng a Lray
from a servlng haLch.
LaL up," he sald.
1here was no need Lo sLarve, so she aLe Lhe sLew and
mashed poLaLoes wlLh rellsh. 1here was a bowl of
Llnned peaches and lce cream Lo follow. As she aLe, Lhe
man and Lhe nurse Lalked quleLly aL anoLher Lable, and
when she had flnlshed, Lhe nurse broughL her a glass
of warm mllk and Look Lhe Lray away.
1he man came Lo slL down opposlLe. Pls daemon, Lhe
marmoL, was noL blank and lncurlous as Lhe nurse's
dog had been, buL saL pollLely on hls shoulder
waLchlng and llsLenlng.
now, Llzzle," he sald. Pave you eaLen enough?"
?es, Lhank you."
l'd llke you Lo Lell me where you come from. Can you
do LhaL?"
London," she sald.
And whaL are you dolng so far norLh?"
WlLh my faLher," she mumbled. She kepL her eyes
down, avoldlng Lhe gaze of Lhe marmoL, and Lrylng Lo
look as lf she was on Lhe verge of Lears.
WlLh your faLher? l see. And whaL's he dolng ln Lhls
parL of Lhe world?"
1radlng. We come wlLh a load of new uanlsh
smokeleaf and we was buylng furs."
And was your faLher by hlmself?"
no. 1here was my uncles and all, and some oLher
men," she sald vaguely, noL knowlng whaL Lhe
Samoyed hunLer had Lold hlm.
Why dld he brlng you on a [ourney llke Lhls, Llzzle?"
'Cause Lwo years ago he brung my broLher and he
says he'll brlng me nexL, only he never. So l kepL
age 147

asklng hlm, and Lhen he dld."
And how old are you?"
Cood, good. Well, Llzzle, you're a lucky llLLle glrl.
1hose hunLsmen who found you broughL you Lo Lhe
besL place you could be."
1hey never found me," she sald doubLfully. 1here
was a flghL. 1here was loLs of 'em and Lhey had
Ch, l don'L Lhlnk so. l Lhlnk you musL have wandered
away from your faLher's parLy and goL losL. 1hose
hunLsmen found you on your own and broughL you
sLralghL here. 1haL's whaL happened, Llzzle."
l saw a flghL," she sald. 1hey was shooLlng arrows
and LhaL....l wanL my dad," she sald more loudly, and
felL herself beglnnlng Lo cry.
Well, you're qulLe safe here unLll he comes," sald Lhe
8uL l saw Lhem shooLlng arrows!"
Ah, you LhoughL you dld. 1haL ofLen happens ln Lhe
lnLense cold, Llzzle. ?ou fall asleep and have bad
dreams and you can'L remember whaL's Lrue and whaL
lsn'L. 1haL wasn'L a flghL, don'L worry. ?our faLher ls
safe and sound and he'll be looklng for you now and
soon he'll come here because Lhls ls Lhe only place for
hundreds of mlles, you know, and whaL a surprlse he'll
have Lo flnd you safe and sound! now SlsLer Clara wlll
Lake you along Lo Lhe dormlLory where you'll meeL
some oLher llLLle glrls and boys who goL losL ln Lhe
wllderness [usL llke you. Cff you go. We'll have anoLher
llLLle Lalk ln Lhe mornlng."
Lyra sLood up, cluLchlng her doll, and anLalalmon
hopped onLo her shoulder as Lhe nurse opened Lhe
door Lo lead Lhem ouL.
More corrldors, and Lyra was Llred by now, so sleepy
she kepL yawnlng and could hardly llfL her feeL ln Lhe
woolly sllppers Lhey'd glven her. anLalalmon was
drooplng, and he had Lo change Lo a mouse and seLLle
lnslde her dresslng-gown pockeL. Lyra had Lhe
lmpresslon of a row of beds, chlldren's faces, a plllow,
and Lhen she was asleep.
Someone was shaklng her. 1he flrsL Lhlng she dld was
Lo feel aL her walsL, and boLh Llns were sLlll Lhere, sLlll
safe, so she Lrled Lo open her eyes, buL oh, lL was hard,
she had never felL so sleepy.
Wake up! Wake up!"
lL was a whlsper ln more Lhan one volce. WlLh a huge
efforL, as lf she were pushlng a boulder up a slope,
Lyra forced herself Lo wake up.
ln Lhe dlm llghL from a very low-powered anbarlc bulb
over Lhe doorway she saw Lhree oLher glrls clusLered
around her. lL wasn'L easy Lo see, because her eyes
were slow Lo focus, buL Lhey seemed abouL her own
age, and Lhey were speaklng Lngllsh.
age 148

She's awake."
1hey gave her sleeplng pllls. MusL've..."
WhaL's your name?"
Llzzle," Lyra mumbled.
ls Lhere a load more new klds comlng?" demanded
one of Lhe glrls. uunno. !usL me."
Where'd Lhey geL you Lhen?"
Lyra sLruggled Lo slL up. She dldn'L remember Laklng a
sleeplng plll, buL Lhere mlghL well have been
someLhlng ln Lhe drlnk she'd had. Per head felL full of
elderdown, and Lhere was a falnL paln Lhrobblng
behlnd her eyes.
Where ls Lhls place?"
Mlddle of nowhere. 1hey don'L Lell us."
1hey usually brlng more'n one kld aL a Llme...."
WhaL do Lhey do?" Lyra managed Lo ask, gaLherlng
her doped wlLs as anLalalmon sLlrred lnLo
wakefulness wlLh her.
We dunno," sald Lhe glrl who was dolng mosL of Lhe
Lalklng. She was a Lall, red-halred glrl wlLh qulck
LwlLchy movemenLs and a sLrong London accenL. 1hey
sorL of measure us and do Lhese LesLs and LhaL-"
1hey measure uusL," sald anoLher glrl, frlendly and
plump and dark-halred.
?ou don'L know," sald Lhe flrsL glrl.
1hey do," sald Lhe Lhlrd, a subdued-looklng chlld
cuddllng her rabblL daemon. l heard 'em Lalklng."
1hen Lhey Lake us away one by one and LhaL's all we
know. no one comes back," sald Lhe redhead. 1here's
Lhls boy, rlghL," sald Lhe plump glrl, he reckons-"
uon'L Lell her LhaL!" sald Lhe redhead. noL yeL."
ls Lhere boys here as well?" sald Lyra.
?eah. 1here's loLs of us. 1here's abouL LhlrLy, l
More'n LhaL," sald Lhe plump glrl. More llke forLy."
LxcepL Lhey keep Laklng us away," sald Lhe redhead.
1hey usually sLarL off wlLh brlnglng a whole bunch
here, and Lhen Lhere's a loL of us, and one by one Lhey
all dlsappear."
age 149

1hey're Cobblers," sald Lhe plump glrl. ?ou know
Cobblers. We was all scared of 'em Llll we was
Lyra was gradually comlng more and more awake. 1he
oLher glrls' daemons, aparL from Lhe rabblL, were close
by llsLenlng aL Lhe door, and no one spoke above a
whlsper. Lyra asked Lhelr names. 1he red-halred glrl
was Annle, Lhe dark plump one 8ella, Lhe Lhln one
MarLha. 1hey dldn'L know Lhe names of Lhe boys,
because Lhe Lwo sexes were kepL aparL for mosL of Lhe
Llme. 1hey weren'L LreaLed badly.
lL's all rlghL here," sald 8ella. 1here's noL much Lo do,
excepL Lhey glve us LesLs and make us do exerclses and
Lhen Lhey measure us and Lake our LemperaLure and
sLuff. lL's [usL borlng really."
LxcepL when Mrs. CoulLer comes," sald Annle.
Lyra had Lo sLop herself crylng ouL, and anLalalmon
fluLLered hls wlngs so sharply LhaL Lhe oLher glrls
Pe's nervous," sald Lyra, sooLhlng hlm. 1hey musL've
gave us some sleeplng pllls, llke you sald, 'cause we're
all dozy. Who's Mrs. CoulLer?"
She's Lhe one who Lrapped us, mosL of us, anyway,"
sald MarLha. 1hey all Lalk abouL her, Lhe oLher klds.
When she comes, you know Lhere's golng Lo be klds
She llkes waLchlng Lhe klds, when Lhey Lake us away,
she llkes seelng whaL Lhey do Lo us. 1hls boy Slmon, he
reckons Lhey klll us, and Mrs. CoulLer waLches."
1hey klll us?" sald Lyra, shudderlng.
MusL do. 'Cause no one comes back."
1hey're always golng on abouL daemons Loo," sald
8ella. Welghlng Lhem and measurlng Lhem and all..."
1hey Louch your daemons?"
no! Cod! 1hey puL scales Lhere and your daemon has
Lo geL on Lhem and change, and Lhey make noLes and
Lake plcLures. And Lhey puL you ln Lhls cablneL and
measure uusL, all Lhe Llme, Lhey never sLop measurlng
WhaL dusL?" sald Lyra.
We dunno," sald Annle. !usL someLhlng from space.
noL real dusL. lf you en'L goL any uusL, LhaL's good. 8uL
everyone geLs uusL ln Lhe end."
?ou know whaL l heard Slmon say?" sald 8ella. Pe
sald LhaL Lhe 1arLars make holes ln Lhelr skulls Lo leL
Lhe uusL ln."
?eah, he'd know," sald Annle scornfully. l Lhlnk l'll
ask Mrs. CoulLer when she comes." ?ou wouldn'L
dare!" sald MarLha admlrlngly.
l would."
age 130

When's she comlng?" sald Lyra.
1he day afLer Lomorrow," sald Annle.
A cold drench of Lerror wenL down Lyra's splne, and
anLalalmon crepL very close. She had one day ln
whlch Lo flnd 8oger and dlscover whaLever she could
abouL Lhls place, and elLher escape or be rescued, and
lf all Lhe gypLlans had been kllled, who would help Lhe
chlldren sLay allve ln Lhe lcy wllderness?
1he oLher glrls wenL on Lalklng, buL Lyra and
anLalalmon nesLled down deep ln Lhe bed and Lrled
Lo geL warm, knowlng LhaL for hundreds of mlles all
around her llLLle bed Lhere was noLhlng buL fear.
lL wasn'L Lyra's way Lo brood, she was a sangulne and
pracLlcal chlld, and besldes, she wasn'L lmaglnaLlve. no
one wlLh much lmaglnaLlon would have LhoughL
serlously LhaL lL was posslble Lo come all Lhls way and
rescue her frlend 8oger, or, havlng LhoughL lL, an
lmaglnaLlve chlld would lmmedlaLely have come up
wlLh several ways ln whlch lL was lmposslble. 8elng a
pracLlced llar doesn'L mean you have a powerful
lmaglnaLlon. Many good llars have no lmaglnaLlon aL
all, lL's LhaL whlch glves Lhelr lles such wlde-eyed
So now LhaL she was ln Lhe hands of Lhe CblaLlon
8oard, Lyra dldn'L freL herself lnLo Lerror abouL whaL
had happened Lo Lhe gypLlans. 1hey were all good
flghLers, and even Lhough anLalalmon sald he'd seen
!ohn laa shoL, he mlghL have been mlsLaken, or lf he
wasn'L mlsLaken, !ohn laa mlghL noL have been
serlously hurL. lL had been bad luck LhaL she'd fallen
lnLo Lhe hands of Lhe Samoyeds, buL Lhe gypLlans
would be along soon Lo rescue her, and lf Lhey couldn'L
manage lL, noLhlng would sLop lorek 8yrnlson from
geLLlng her ouL, and Lhen Lhey'd fly Lo Svalbard ln Lee
Scoresby's balloon and rescue Lord Asrlel.
ln her mlnd, lL was as easy as LhaL.
So nexL mornlng, when she awoke ln Lhe dormlLory,
she was curlous and ready Lo deal wlLh whaLever Lhe
day would brlng. And eager Lo see 8oger-ln
parLlcular, eager Lo see hlm before he saw her.
age 131

She dldn'L have long Lo walL. 1he chlldren ln Lhelr
dlfferenL dormlLorles were woken aL half-pasL seven by
Lhe nurses who looked afLer Lhem. 1hey washed and
dressed and wenL wlLh Lhe oLhers Lo Lhe canLeen for
And Lhere was 8oger.
Pe was slLLlng wlLh flve oLher boys aL a Lable [usL lnslde
Lhe door. 1he llne for Lhe haLch wenL rlghL pasL Lhem,
and she was able Lo preLend Lo drop a handkerchlef
and crouch Lo plck lL up, bendlng low nexL Lo hls chalr,
so LhaL anLalalmon could speak Lo 8oger's daemon
She was a chafflnch, and she fluLLered so wlldly LhaL
anLalalmon had Lo be a caL and leap aL her, plnnlng
her down Lo whlsper. Such brlsk flghLs or scuffles
beLween chlldren's daemons were common, lucklly,
and no one Look much noLlce, buL 8oger wenL pale aL
once. Lyra had never seen anyone so whlLe. Pe looked
up aL Lhe blank haughLy sLare she gave hlm, and Lhe
color flooded back lnLo hls cheeks as he brlmmed over
wlLh hope, exclLemenL, and [oy, and only anLalalmon,
shaklng Salcllla flrmly, was able Lo keep 8oger from
shouLlng ouL and leaplng up Lo greeL hls besL frlend,
hls comrade ln arms, hls Lyra.
8uL he saw how she looked away dlsdalnfully, and he
followed her example falLhfully, as he'd done ln a
hundred Cxford baLLles and campalgns. no one musL
know, of course, because Lhey were boLh ln deadly
danger. She rolled her eyes aL her new frlends, and
Lhey collecLed Lhelr Lrays of cornflakes and LoasL and
saL LogeLher, an lnsLanL gang, excludlng everyone else
ln order Lo gosslp abouL Lhem.
?ou can'L keep a large group of chlldren ln one place
for long wlLhouL glvlng Lhem plenLy Lo do, and ln some
ways 8olvangar was run llke a school, wlLh LlmeLabled
acLlvlLles such as gymnasLlcs and arL." 8oys and glrls
were kepL separaLe excepL for breaks and mealLlmes,
so lL wasn'L unLll mldmornlng, afLer an hour and a half
of sewlng dlrecLed by one of Lhe nurses, LhaL Lyra had
Lhe chance Lo Lalk Lo 8oger. 8uL lL had Lo look naLural,
LhaL was Lhe dlfflculLy. All Lhe chlldren Lhere were
more or less aL Lhe same age, and lL was Lhe age when
mosL boys Lalk Lo boys and glrls Lo glrls, each maklng a
consplcuous polnL of lgnorlng Lhe opposlLe sex.
She found her chance ln Lhe canLeen agaln, when Lhe
chlldren came ln for a drlnk and a blsculL. Lyra senL
anLalalmon, as a fly, Lo Lalk Lo Salcllla on Lhe wall nexL
Lo Lhelr Lable whlle she and 8oger kepL quleLly ln Lhelr
separaLe groups. lL was dlfflculL Lo Lalk whlle your
daemon's aLLenLlon was somewhere else, so Lyra
preLended Lo look glum and rebelllous as she slpped
her mllk wlLh Lhe oLher glrls. Palf her LhoughLs were
wlLh Lhe Llny buzz of Lalk beLween Lhe daemons, and
she wasn'L really llsLenlng, buL aL one polnL she heard
anoLher glrl wlLh brlghL blond halr say a name LhaL
made her slL up.
lL was Lhe name of 1ony Makarlos. As Lyra's aLLenLlon
snapped Loward LhaL, anLalalmon had Lo slow down
hls whlspered conversaLlon wlLh 8oger's daemon, and
boLh chlldren llsLened Lo whaL Lhe glrl was saylng.
no, l know why Lhey Look hlm," she sald, as heads
clusLered close nearby. lL was because hls daemon
dldn'L change. 1hey LhoughL he was older Lhan he
looked, or summlng, and he weren'L really a young kld.
8uL really hls daemon never changed very ofLen
because 1ony hlsself never LhoughL much abouL
anyLhlng. l seen her change. She was called 8aLLer..."
Why are Lhey so lnLeresLed ln daemons?" sald Lyra.
no one knows," sald Lhe blond glrl.
age 132

l know," sald one boy who'd been llsLenlng. WhaL
Lhey do ls klll your daemon and Lhen see lf you dle."
Well, how come Lhey do lL over and over wlLh
dlfferenL klds?" sald someone. 1hey'd only need Lo do
lL once, wouldn'L Lhey?"
l know whaL Lhey do," sald Lhe flrsL glrl.
She had everyone's aLLenLlon now. 8uL because Lhey
dldn'L wanL Lo leL Lhe sLaff know whaL Lhey were
Lalklng abouL, Lhey had Lo adopL a sLrange, half-
careless, lndlfferenL manner, whlle llsLenlng wlLh
passlonaLe curloslLy.
Pow?" sald someone.
'Cause l was wlLh hlm when Lhey came for hlm. We
was ln Lhe llnen room," she sald.
She was blushlng hoLly. lf she was expecLlng [eers and
Leaslng, Lhey dldn'L come. All Lhe chlldren were
subdued, and no one even smlled.
1he glrl wenL on: We was keeplng quleL and Lhen Lhe
nurse came ln, Lhe one wlLh Lhe sofL volce. And she
says, Come on, 1ony, l know you're Lhere, come on, we
won'L hurL you....And he says, WhaL's golng Lo
happen? And she says, We [usL puL you Lo sleep, and
Lhen we do a llLLle operaLlon, and Lhen you wake up
safe and sound. 8uL 1ony dldn'L belleve her. Pe says-
1he holes!" sald someone. 1hey make a hole ln your
head llke Lhe 1arLars! l beL!"
ShuL up! WhaL else dld Lhe nurse say?" someone else
puL ln. 8y Lhls Llme, a dozen or more chlldren were
clusLered around her Lable, Lhelr daemons as
desperaLe Lo know as Lhey were, all wlde-eyed and
1he blond glrl wenL on: 1ony wanLed Lo know whaL
Lhey was gonna do wlLh 8aLLer, see. And Lhe nurse
says, Well, she's golng Lo sleep Loo, [usL llke when you
do. And 1ony says, ?ou're gonna klll her, en'L yer? 1
know you are. We all know LhaL's whaL happens. And
Lhe nurse says, no, of course noL. lL's [usL a llLLle
operaLlon. !usL a llLLle cuL. lL won'L even hurL, buL we
puL you Lo sleep Lo make sure.
All Lhe room had gone quleL now. 1he nurse who'd
been supervlslng had lefL for a momenL, and Lhe haLch
Lo Lhe klLchen was shuL so no one could hear from
WhaL sorL of cuL?" sald a boy, hls volce quleL and
frlghLened. uld she say whaL sorL of cuL?"
She [usL sald, lL's someLhlng Lo make you more grown
up. She sald everyone had Lo have lL, LhaL's why
grownups' daemons don'L change llke ours do. So Lhey
have a cuL Lo make Lhem one shape forever, and LhaL's
how you geL grown up."
uoes LhaL mean-"
WhaL, all grownups've had Lhls cuL?" WhaL abouL-"
age 133

Suddenly all Lhe volces sLopped as lf Lhey Lhemselves
had been cuL, and all eyes Lurned Lo Lhe door. SlsLer
Clara sLood Lhere, bland and mlld and maLLer-of-facL,
and beslde her was a man ln a whlLe coaL whom Lyra
hadn'L seen before.
8rldgeL McClnn," he sald.
1he blond glrl sLood up Lrembllng. Per squlrrel daemon
cluLched her breasL.
?es, slr?" she sald, her volce hardly audlble.
llnlsh your drlnk and come wlLh SlsLer Clara," he sald.
1he resL of you run along and go Lo your classes."
CbedlenLly Lhe chlldren sLacked Lhelr mugs on Lhe
sLalnless-sLeel Lrolley before leavlng ln sllence. no one
looked aL 8rldgeL McClnn excepL Lyra, and she saw Lhe
blond glrl's face vlvld wlLh fear.
1he resL of LhaL mornlng was spenL ln exerclse. 1here
was a small gymnaslum aL Lhe sLaLlon, because lL was
hard Lo exerclse ouLslde durlng Lhe long polar nlghL,
and each group of chlldren Look Lurns Lo play ln Lhere,
under Lhe supervlslon of a nurse. 1hey had Lo form
Leams and Lhrow balls around, and aL flrsL Lyra, who
had never ln her llfe played aL anyLhlng llke Lhls, was aL
a loss whaL Lo do. 8uL she was qulck and aLhleLlc, and a
naLural leader, and soon found herself en[oylng lL. 1he
shouLs of Lhe chlldren, Lhe shrleks and hooLs of Lhe
daemons, fllled Lhe llLLle gymnaslum and soon
banlshed fearful LhoughLs, whlch of course was exacLly
whaL Lhe exerclse was lnLended Lo do.
AL lunchLlme, when Lhe chlldren were llnlng up once
agaln ln Lhe canLeen, Lyra felL anLalalmon glve a
chlrrup of recognlLlon, and Lurned Lo flnd 8llly CosLa
sLandlng [usL behlnd her.
8oger Lold me you was here," he muLLered.
?our broLher's comlng, and !ohn laa and a whole
band of gypLlans," she sald. 1hey're golng Lo Lake you
Pe nearly crled aloud wlLh [oy, buL subdued Lhe cry
lnLo a cough.
And you goL Lo call me Llzzle," Lyra sald, never Lyra.
And you goL Lo Lell me everyLhlng you know, rlghL."
1hey saL LogeLher, wlLh 8oger close by. lL was easler Lo
do Lhls aL lunchLlme, when chlldren spenL more Llme
comlng and golng beLween Lhe Lables and Lhe counLer,
where bland-looklng adulLs served equally bland food.
under Lhe claLLer of knlves and forks and plaLes 8llly
and 8oger boLh Lold her as much as Lhey knew. 8llly
had heard from a nurse LhaL chlldren who had had Lhe
operaLlon were ofLen Laken Lo hosLels furLher souLh,
whlch mlghL explaln how 1ony Makarlos came Lo be
wanderlng ln Lhe wlld. 8uL 8oger had someLhlng even
more lnLeresLlng Lo Lell her.
l found a hldlng place," he sald.
WhaL? Where?"
See LhaL plcLure..." Pe meanL Lhe blg phoLogram of
Lhe Lroplcal beach. lf you look ln Lhe Lop rlghL
age 134

corner, you see LhaL celllng panel?"
1he celllng conslsLed of large recLangular panels seL ln
a framework of meLal sLrlps, and Lhe corner of Lhe
panel above Lhe plcLure had llfLed sllghLly.
l saw LhaL," 8oger sald, and l LhoughL Lhe oLhers
mlghL be llke lL, so l llfLed 'em, and Lhey're all loose.
1hey [usL llfL up. Me and Lhls boy Lrled lL one nlghL ln
our dormlLory, before Lhey Look hlm away. 1here's a
space up Lhere and you can crawl lnslde...."
Pow far can you crawl ln Lhe celllng?"
l dunno. We [usL wenL ln a llLLle way. We reckoned
when lL was Llme we could hlde up Lhere, buL Lhey'd
probably flnd us."
Lyra saw lL noL as a hldlng place buL as a hlghway. lL
was Lhe besL Lhlng she'd heard slnce she'd arrlved. 8uL
before Lhey could Lalk any more, a docLor banged on a
Lable wlLh a spoon and began Lo speak.
LlsLen, chlldren," he sald. LlsLen carefully. Lvery so
ofLen we have Lo have a flre drlll. lL's very lmporLanL
LhaL we all geL dressed properly and make our way
ouLslde wlLhouL any panlc. So we're golng Lo have a
pracLlce flre drlll Lhls afLernoon. When Lhe bell, rlngs
you musL sLop whaLever you're dolng and do whaL Lhe
nearesL grownup says. 8emember where Lhey Lake
you. 1haL's Lhe place you musL go Lo lf Lhere's a real
Well, LhoughL Lyra, Lhere's an ldea.
uurlng Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe afLernoon, Lyra and four
oLher glrls were LesLed for uusL. 1he docLors dldn'L say
LhaL was whaL Lhey were dolng, buL lL was easy Lo
guess. 1hey were Laken one by one Lo a laboraLory,
and of course Lhls made Lhem all very frlghLened, how
cruel lL would be, Lyra LhoughL, lf she perlshed wlLhouL
sLrlklng a blow aL Lhem! 8uL Lhey were noL golng Lo do
LhaL operaLlon [usL yeL, lL seemed.
We wanL Lo make some measuremenLs," Lhe docLor
explalned. lL was hard Lo Lell Lhe dlfference beLween
Lhese people: all Lhe men looked slmllar ln Lhelr whlLe
coaLs and wlLh Lhelr cllpboards and penclls, and Lhe
women resembled one anoLher Loo, Lhe unlforms and
Lhelr sLrange bland calm manner maklng Lhem all look
llke slsLers.
l was measured yesLerday," Lyra sald.
Ah, we're maklng dlfferenL measuremenLs Loday.
SLand on Lhe meLal plaLe-oh, sllp your shoes off flrsL.
Pold your daemon, lf you llke. Look forward, LhaL's lL,
sLare aL Lhe llLLle green llghL. Cood glrl..."
SomeLhlng flashed. 1he docLor made her face Lhe
oLher way and Lhen Lo lefL and rlghL, and each Llme
someLhlng cllcked and flashed.
1haL's flne. now come over Lo Lhls machlne and puL
your hand lnLo Lhe Lube. noLhlng Lo harm you, l
promlse. SLralghLen your flngers. 1haL's lL."
WhaL are you measurlng?" she sald. ls lL uusL?"
Who Lold you abouL uusL?"
Cne of Lhe oLher glrls, l don'L know her name. She
sald we was all over uusL. l en'L dusLy, aL leasL l
age 133

don'L Lhlnk l am. l had a shower yesLerday."
Ah, lL's a dlfferenL sorL of dusL. ?ou can'L see lL wlLh
your ordlnary eyeslghL. lL's a speclal dusL. now clench
your flsL- LhaL's rlghL. Cood. now lf you feel around ln
Lhere, you'll flnd a sorL of handle Lhlng-goL LhaL? 1ake
hold of LhaL, Lhere's a good glrl. now can you puL your
oLher hand over Lhls way- resL lL on Lhls brass globe.
Cood. llne. now you'll feel a sllghL Llngllng, noLhlng Lo
worry abouL, lL's [usL a sllghL anbarlc currenL...."
anLalalmon, ln hls mosL Lense and wary wlldcaL form,
prowled wlLh llghLnlng-eyed susplclon around Lhe
apparaLus, conLlnually reLurnlng Lo rub hlmself agalnsL
She was sure by now LhaL Lhey weren'L golng Lo
perform Lhe operaLlon on her yeL, and sure Loo LhaL
her dlsgulse as Llzzle 8rooks was secure, so she rlsked
a quesLlon.
Why do you cuL people's daemons away?"
WhaL? Who's been Lalklng Lo you abouL LhaL?"
1hls glrl, l dunno her name. She sald you cuL people's
daemons away."
Pe was aglLaLed, Lhough. She wenL on:
'Cause you Lake people ouL one by one and Lhey
never come back. And some people reckon you [usL klll
'em, and oLher people say dlfferenL, and Lhls glrl Lold
me you cuL-"
lL's noL Lrue aL all. When we Lake chlldren ouL, lL's
because lL's Llme for Lhem Lo move on Lo anoLher
place. 1hey're growlng up. l'm afrald your frlend ls
alarmlng herself. noLhlng of Lhe sorL! uon'L even Lhlnk
abouL lL. Who ls your frlend?"
l only come here yesLerday, l don'L know anyone's
WhaL does she look llke?"
l forgeL. l Lhlnk she had sorL of brown halr...llghL
brown, maybe...! dunno."
1he docLor wenL Lo speak quleLly Lo Lhe nurse. As Lhe
Lwo of Lhem conferred, Lyra waLched Lhelr daemons.
1hls nurse's was a preLLy blrd, [usL as neaL and
lncurlous as SlsLer Clara's dog, and Lhe docLor's was a
large heavy moLh. nelLher moved. 1hey were awake,
for Lhe blrd's eyes were brlghL and Lhe moLh's feelers
waved languldly, buL Lhey weren'L anlmaLed, as she
would have expecLed Lhem Lo be. erhaps Lhey
weren'L really anxlous or curlous aL all.
resenLly Lhe docLor came back and Lhey wenL on wlLh
Lhe examlnaLlon, welghlng her and anLalalmon
separaLely, looklng aL her from behlnd a speclal
screen, measurlng her hearLbeaL, placlng her under a
llLLle nozzle LhaL hlssed and gave off a smell llke fresh
ln Lhe mlddle of one of Lhe LesLs, a loud bell began Lo
rlng and kepL rlnglng.
1he flre alarm," sald Lhe docLor, slghlng. very well.
Llzzle, follow SlsLer 8eLLy."
age 136

8uL all Lhelr ouLdoor cloLhes are down ln Lhe
dormlLory bulldlng, uocLor. She can'L go ouLslde llke
Lhls. Should we go Lhere flrsL, do you Lhlnk?"
Pe was annoyed aL havlng hls experlmenLs
lnLerrupLed, and snapped hls flngers ln lrrlLaLlon.
l suppose Lhls ls [usL Lhe sorL of Lhlng Lhe pracLlce ls
meanL Lo show up," he sald. WhaL a nulsance."
When l came yesLerday," Lyra sald helpfully, SlsLer
Clara puL my oLher cloLhes ln a cupboard ln LhaL flrsL
room where she looked aL me. 1he one nexL door. l
could wear Lhem."
Cood ldea!" sald Lhe nurse. Culck, Lhen."
WlLh a secreL glee, Lyra hurrled Lhere behlnd Lhe nurse
and reLrleved her proper furs and legglngs and booLs,
and pulled Lhem on qulckly whlle Lhe nurse dressed
herself ln coal sllk.
1hen Lhey hurrled ouL. ln Lhe wlde arena ln fronL of Lhe
maln group of bulldlngs, a hundred or so people,
adulLs and chlldren, were mllllng abouL: some ln
exclLemenL, some ln lrrlLaLlon, many [usL bewlldered.
See?" one adulL was saylng. lL's worLh dolng Lhls Lo
flnd ouL whaL chaos we'd be ln wlLh a real flre."
Someone was blowlng a whlsLle and wavlng hls arms,
buL no one was Laklng much noLlce. Lyra saw 8oger
and beckoned. 8oger Lugged 8llly CosLa's arm and
soon all Lhree of Lhem were LogeLher ln a maelsLrom
of runnlng chlldren.
no one'll noLlce lf we Lake a look around," sald Lyra.
lL'll Lake 'em ages Lo counL everyone, and we can say
we [usL followed someone else and goL losL."
1hey walLed Llll mosL of Lhe grownups were looklng
Lhe oLher way, and Lhen Lyra scooped up some snow
and rammed lL lnLo a loose powdery snowball, and
hurled lL aL random lnLo Lhe crowd. ln a momenL all
Lhe chlldren were dolng lL, and Lhe alr was full of flylng
snow. Screams of laughLer covered compleLely Lhe
shouLs of Lhe adulLs Lrylng Lo regaln conLrol, and Lhen
Lhe Lhree chlldren were around Lhe corner and ouL of
1he snow was so Lhlck LhaL Lhey couldn'L move qulckly,
buL lL dldn'L seem Lo maLLer, no one was followlng.
Lyra and Lhe oLhers scrambled over Lhe curved roof of
one of Lhe Lunnels, and found Lhemselves ln a sLrange
moonscape of regular hummocks and hollows, all
swaLhed ln whlLe under Lhe black sky and llL by
reflecLlons from Lhe llghLs around Lhe arena.
WhaL we looklng for?" sald 8llly.
uunno. !usL looklng," sald Lyra, and led Lhe way Lo a
squaL, square bulldlng a llLLle aparL from Lhe resL, wlLh
a low-powered anbarlc llghL aL Lhe corner.
1he hubbub from behlnd was as loud as ever, buL
more dlsLanL. Clearly Lhe chlldren were maklng Lhe
mosL of Lhelr freedom, and Lyra hoped Lhey'd keep lL
up for as long as Lhey could. She moved around Lhe
edge of Lhe square bulldlng, looklng for a wlndow. 1he
roof was only seven feeL or so off Lhe ground, and
unllke Lhe oLher bulldlngs, lL had no roofed Lunnel Lo
connecL lL wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe sLaLlon.
1here was no wlndow, buL Lhere was a door. A noLlce
above lL saldLn18? S18lC1L? lC88luuLn ln red leLLers.
age 137

Lyra seL her hand on lL Lo Lry, buL before she could Lurn
Lhe handle, 8oger sald:
Look! A blrd! Cr-"
Pls or was an exclamaLlon of doubL, because Lhe
creaLure swooplng down from Lhe black sky was no
blrd aL all: lL was someone Lyra had seen before.
1he wlLch's daemon!"
1he goose beaL hls greaL wlngs, ralslng a flurry of snow
as he landed.
CreeLlngs, Lyra," he sald. l followed you here,
Lhough you dldn'L see me. l have been walLlng for you
Lo come ouL lnLo Lhe open. WhaL ls happenlng?"
She Lold hlm qulckly.
Where are Lhe gypLlans?" she sald. ls !ohn laa safe?
uld Lhey flghL off Lhe Samoyeds?"
MosL of Lhem are safe. !ohn laa ls wounded, Lhough
noL severely. 1he men who Look you were hunLers and
ralders who ofLen prey on parLles of Lravelers, and
alone Lhey can Lravel more qulckly Lhan a large parLy.
1he gypLlans are sLlll a day's [ourney away."
1he Lwo boys were sLarlng ln fear aL Lhe goose daemon
and aL Lyra's famlllar manner wlLh hlm, because of
course Lhey'd never seen a daemon wlLhouL hls human
before, and Lhey knew llLLle abouL wlLches.
Lyra sald Lo Lhem, LlsLen, you beLLer go and keep
waLch, rlghL. 8llly, you go LhaL way, and 8oger, waLch
ouL Lhe way we [usL come. We en'L goL long."
1hey ran off Lo do as she sald, and Lhen Lyra Lurned
back Lo Lhe door.
Why are you Lrylng Lo geL ln Lhere?" sald Lhe goose
8ecause of whaL Lhey do here. 1hey cuL-" she
lowered her volce, Lhey cuL people's daemons away.
Chlldren's. And l Lhlnk maybe Lhey do lL ln here. AL
leasL, Lhere's someLhlng here, and l was golng Lo look.
8uL lL's locked...."
l can open lL," sald Lhe goose, and beaL hls wlngs once
or Lwlce, Lhrowlng snow up agalnsL Lhe door, and as he
dld, Lyra heard someLhlng Lurn ln Lhe lock.
Co ln carefully," sald Lhe daemon.
Lyra pulled open Lhe door agalnsL Lhe snow and
sllpped lnslde. 1he goose daemon came wlLh her.
anLalalmon was aglLaLed and fearful, buL he dldn'L
wanL Lhe wlLch's daemon Lo see hls fear, so he had
flown Lo Lyra's breasL and Laken sancLuary lnslde her
As soon as her eyes had ad[usLed Lo Lhe llghL, Lyra saw
ln a serles of glass cases on shelves around Lhe walls
were all Lhe daemons of Lhe severed chlldren:
ghosLllke forms of caLs, or blrds, or raLs, or oLher
creaLures, each bewlldered and frlghLened and as pale
as smoke.
age 138

1he wlLch's daemon gave a cry of anger, and Lyra
cluLched anLalalmon Lo her and sald, uon'L look!
uon'L look!"
Where are Lhe chlldren of Lhese daemons?" sald Lhe
goose daemon, shaklng wlLh rage.
Lyra explalned fearfully abouL her encounLer wlLh llLLle
1ony Makarlos, and looked over her shoulder aL Lhe
poor caged daemons, who were clusLerlng forward
presslng Lhelr pale faces Lo Lhe glass. Lyra could hear
falnL crles of paln and mlsery. ln Lhe dlm llghL from a
low-powered anbarlc bulb she could see a name on a
card aL Lhe fronL of each case, and yes, Lhere was an
empLy one wlLh 1ony Makarlos on lL. 1here were four
or flve oLher empLy ones wlLh names on Lhem, Loo.
l wanL Lo leL Lhese poor Lhlngs go!" she sald flercely.
l'm golng Lo smash Lhe glass and leL 'em ouL-"
And she looked around for someLhlng Lo do lL wlLh, buL
Lhe place was bare. 1he goose daemon sald, WalL."
Pe was a wlLch's daemon, and much older Lhan she
was, and sLronger. She had Lo do as he sald.
We musL make Lhese people Lhlnk someone forgoL Lo
lock Lhe place and shuL Lhe cages," he explalned. lf
Lhey see broken glass and fooLprlnLs ln Lhe snow, how
long do you Lhlnk your dlsgulse wlll lasL? And lL musL
hold ouL Llll Lhe gypLlans come. now do exacLly as l
say: Lake a handful of snow, and when l Lell you, blow
a llLLle of lL agalnsL each cage ln Lurn."
She ran ouLslde. 8oger and 8llly were sLlll on guard,
and Lhere was sLlll a nolse of shrleklng and laughLer
from Lhe arena, because only a mlnuLe or so had gone
She grabbed a blg double handful of Lhe llghL powdery
snow, and Lhen came back Lo do as Lhe goose daemon
sald. As she blew a llLLle snow on each cage, Lhe goose
made a cllcklng sound ln hls LhroaL, and Lhe caLch aL
Lhe fronL of Lhe cage came open.
When she had unlocked Lhem all, she llfLed Lhe fronL
of Lhe flrsL one, and Lhe pale form of a sparrow
fluLLered ouL, buL fell Lo Lhe ground before she could
fly. 1he goose Lenderly benL and nudged her uprlghL
wlLh hls beak, and Lhe sparrow became a mouse,
sLaggerlng and confused. anLalalmon leaped down Lo
comforL her.
Lyra worked qulckly, and wlLhln a few mlnuLes every
daemon was free. Some were Lrylng Lo speak, and Lhey
clusLered around her feeL and even Lrled Lo pluck aL
her legglngs, Lhough Lhe Laboo held Lhem back. She
could Lell why, poor Lhlngs, Lhey mlssed Lhe heavy
solld warmLh of Lhelr humans' bodles, [usL as
anLalalmon would have done, Lhey longed Lo press
Lhemselves agalnsL a hearLbeaL.
now, qulck," sald Lhe goose. Lyra, you musL run back
and mlngle wlLh Lhe oLher chlldren. 8e brave, chlld.
1he gypLlans are comlng as fasL as Lhey can. l musL
help Lhese poor daemons Lo flnd Lhelr people...." Pe
came closer and sald quleLly, 8uL Lhey'll never be one
agaln. 1hey're sundered forever. 1hls ls Lhe mosL
wlcked Lhlng l have ever seen....Leave Lhe fooLprlnLs
you've made, l'll cover Lhem up. Purry now...."
Ch, please! 8efore you go! WlLches...1hey do fly,
don'L Lhey? l wasn'L dreamlng when l saw Lhem flylng
Lhe oLher nlghL?"
?es, chlld, why?"
age 139

Could Lhey pull a balloon?" undoubLedly, buL-"
Wlll Seraflna ekkala be comlng?"
1here lsn'L Llme Lo explaln Lhe pollLlcs of wlLch
naLlons. 1here are vasL powers lnvolved here, and
Seraflna ekkala musL guard Lhe lnLeresLs of her clan.
8uL lL may be LhaL whaL's happenlng here ls parL of all
LhaL's happenlng elsewhere. Lyra, you're needed
lnslde. 8un, run!"
She ran, and 8oger, who was waLchlng wlde-eyed as
Lhe pale daemons drlfLed ouL of Lhe bulldlng, waded
Loward her Lhrough Lhe Lhlck snow.
1hey're-lL's llke Lhe crypL ln !ordan-Lhey're
?es, hush. uon'L Lell 8llly, Lhough. uon'L Lell anyone
yeL. Come on back."
8ehlnd Lhem, Lhe goose was beaLlng hls wlngs
powerfully, Lhrowlng snow over Lhe Lracks Lhey'd
made, and near hlm, Lhe losL daemons were clusLerlng
or drlfLlng away, crylng llLLle bleak crles of loss and
longlng. When Lhe fooLprlnLs were covered, Lhe goose
Lurned Lo herd Lhe pale daemons LogeLher. Pe spoke,
and one by one Lhey changed, Lhough you could see
Lhe efforL lL cosL Lhem, unLll Lhey were all blrds, and
llke fledgllngs Lhey followed Lhe wlLch's daemon,
fluLLerlng and falllng and runnlng Lhrough Lhe snow
afLer hlm, and flnally, wlLh greaL dlfflculLy, Laklng off.
1hey rose ln a ragged llne, pale and specLral agalnsL
Lhe deep black sky, and slowly galned helghL, feeble
and erraLlc Lhough some of Lhem were, and Lhough
oLhers losL Lhelr wlll and fluLLered downward, buL Lhe
greaL gray goose wheeled round and nudged Lhem
back, herdlng Lhem genLly on unLll Lhey were losL
agalnsL Lhe profound dark.
8oger was Lugglng aL Lyra's arm.
Culck," he sald, Lhey're nearly ready."
1hey sLumbled away Lo [oln 8llly, who was beckonlng
from Lhe corner of Lhe maln bulldlng. 1he chlldren
were Llred now, or else Lhe adulLs had regalned some
auLhorlLy, because people were llnlng up raggedly by
Lhe maln door, wlLh much [osLllng and pushlng. Lyra
and Lhe oLher Lwo sllpped ouL from Lhe corner and
mlngled wlLh Lhem, buL before Lhey dld, Lyra sald:
ass Lhe word around among all Lhe klds-Lhey goL Lo
be ready Lo escape. 1hey goL Lo know where Lhe
ouLdoor cloLhes are and be ready Lo geL Lhem and run
ouL as soon as we glve Lhe slgnal. And Lhey goL Lo keep
Lhls a deadly secreL, undersLand?"
8llly nodded, and 8oger sald, WhaL's Lhe slgnal?"
1he flre bell," sald Lyra. When Lhe Llme comes, l'll seL
lL off."
1hey walLed Lo be counLed off. lf anyone ln Lhe
CblaLlon 8oard had had anyLhlng Lo do wlLh a school,
Lhey would have arranged Lhls beLLer, because Lhey
had no regular group Lo go Lo, each chlld had Lo be
Llcked off agalnsL Lhe compleLe llsL,
and of course Lhey weren'L ln alphabeLlcal order, and
none of Lhe adulLs was used Lo keeplng conLrol. So
Lhere was a good deal of confuslon, desplLe Lhe facL
LhaL no one was runnlng around anymore.
age 160

Lyra waLched and noLlced. 1hey weren'L very good aL
Lhls aL all. 1hey were slack ln a loL of ways, Lhese
people, Lhey grumbled abouL flre drllls, Lhey dldn'L
know where Lhe ouLdoor cloLhes should be kepL, Lhey
couldn'L geL chlldren Lo sLand ln llne properly, and
Lhelr slackness mlghL be Lo her advanLage.
1hey had almosL flnlshed when Lhere came anoLher
dlsLracLlon, Lhough, and from Lyra's polnL of vlew, lL
was Lhe worsL posslble.
She heard Lhe sound as everyone else dld. Peads
began Lo Lurn and scan Lhe dark sky for Lhe zeppelln,
whose gas englne was Lhrobblng clearly ln Lhe sLlll alr.
1he one lucky Lhlng was LhaL lL was comlng from Lhe
dlrecLlon opposlLe Lo Lhe one ln whlch Lhe gray goose
had flown. 8uL LhaL was Lhe only comforL. very soon lL
was vlslble, and a murmur of exclLemenL wenL around
Lhe crowd. lLs faL sleek sllver form drlfLed over Lhe
avenue of llghLs, and lLs own llghLs blazed downward
from Lhe nose and Lhe cabln slung beneaLh Lhe body.
1he plloL cuL Lhe speed and began Lhe complex
buslness of ad[usLlng Lhe helghL. Lyra reallzed whaL Lhe
sLouL masL was for: of course, lL was a moorlng masL.
As Lhe adulLs ushered Lhe chlldren lnslde, wlLh
everyone sLarlng back and polnLlng, Lhe ground crew
clambered up Lhe ladders ln Lhe masL and prepared Lo
aLLach Lhe moorlng cables. 1he englnes were roarlng,
and snow was swlrllng up from Lhe ground, and Lhe
faces of passengers showed ln Lhe cabln wlndows.
Lyra looked, and Lhere was no mlsLake. anLalalmon
cluLched aL her, became a wlldcaL, hlssed ln haLred,
because looklng ouL wlLh curloslLy was Lhe beauLlful
dark-halred head of Mrs. CoulLer, wlLh her golden
daemon ln her lap.
1PL SlLvL8 CulLLC1lnL
Lyra ducked her head aL once under Lhe shelLer of her
wolverlne hood, and shuffled ln Lhrough Lhe double
doors wlLh Lhe oLher chlldren. 1lme enough laLer Lo
worry abouL whaL she'd say when Lhey came face Lo
face: she had anoLher problem Lo deal wlLh flrsL, and
LhaL was how Lo hlde her furs where she could geL aL
Lhem wlLhouL asklng permlsslon.
8uL lucklly, Lhere was such dlsorder lnslde, wlLh Lhe
adulLs Lrylng Lo hurry Lhe chlldren Lhrough so as Lo
clear Lhe way for Lhe passengers from Lhe zeppelln,
LhaL no one was waLchlng very carefully. Lyra sllpped
age 161

ouL of Lhe anorak, Lhe legglngs, and Lhe booLs and
bundled Lhem up as small as she could before shovlng
Lhrough Lhe crowded corrldors Lo her dormlLory.
Culckly she dragged a locker Lo Lhe corner, sLood on lL,
and pushed aL Lhe celllng. 1he panel llfLed, [usL as
8oger had sald, and lnLo Lhe space beyond she LhrusL
Lhe booLs and legglngs. As an afLerLhoughL, she Look
Lhe aleLhlomeLer from her pouch and hld lL ln Lhe
lnmosL pockeL of Lhe anorak before shovlng LhaL
Lhrough Loo.
She [umped down, pushed back Lhe locker, and
whlspered Lo anLalalmon, We musL [usL preLend Lo
be sLupld Llll she sees us, and Lhen say we were
kldnapped. And noLhlng abouL Lhe gypLlans or lorek
8yrnlson especlally."
8ecause Lyra now reallzed, lf she hadn'L done so
before, LhaL all Lhe fear ln her naLure was drawn Lo
Mrs. CoulLer as a compass needle ls drawn Lo Lhe ole.
All Lhe oLher Lhlngs
she'd seen, and even Lhe hldeous cruelLy of Lhe
lnLerclslon, she could cope wlLh, she was sLrong
enough, buL Lhe LhoughL of LhaL sweeL face and genLle
volce, Lhe lmage of LhaL golden playful monkey, was
enough Lo melL her sLomach and make her pale and
8uL Lhe gypLlans were comlng. 1hlnk of LhaL. 1hlnk of
lorek 8yrnlson. And don'L glve yourself away, she sald,
and drlfLed back Loward Lhe canLeen, from where a loL
of nolse was comlng.
Chlldren were llnlng up Lo geL hoL drlnks, some of
Lhem sLlll ln Lhelr coal-sllk anoraks. 1helr Lalk was all of
Lhe zep-pelln and lLs passenger.
lL was her-wlLh Lhe monkey daemon-"
uld she geL you, Loo?"
She sald she'd wrlLe Lo my mum and dad and l beL she
She never Lold us abouL klds geLLlng kllled. She never
sald noLhlng abouL LhaL."
1haL monkey, he's Lhe worsL-he caughL my karossa
and nearly kllled her-l could feel all weak...." 1hey
were as frlghLened as Lyra was. She found Annle and
Lhe oLhers, and saL down.
LlsLen," she sald, can you keep a secreL?"
1he Lhree faces Lurned Lo her, vlvld wlLh expecLaLlon.
1here's a plan Lo escape," Lyra sald quleLly. 1here's
some people comlng Lo Lake us away, rlghL, and Lhey'll
be here ln abouL a day. Maybe sooner. WhaL we all goL
Lo do ls be ready as soon as Lhe slgnal goes and geL our
cold-weaLher cloLhes aL once and run ouL. no walLlng
abouL. ?ou [usL goL Lo run. Cnly lf you don'L geL your
anoraks and booLs and sLuff, you'll dle of cold."
WhaL slgnal?" Annle demanded.
1he flre bell, llke Lhls afLernoon. lL's all organlzed. All
Lhe klds're golng Lo know and none of Lhe
age 162

grownups. Lspeclally noL her."
1helr eyes were gleamlng wlLh hope and exclLemenL.
And all Lhrough Lhe canLeen Lhe message was belng
passed around. Lyra could Lell LhaL Lhe aLmosphere
had changed. CuLslde, Lhe chlldren had been energeLlc
and eager for play, Lhen when Lhey had seen Mrs.
CoulLer Lhey were bubbllng wlLh a suppressed
hysLerlcal fear, buL now Lhere was a conLrol and
purpose Lo Lhelr LalkaLlveness. Lyra marveled aL Lhe
effecL hope could have.
She waLched Lhrough Lhe open doorway, buL carefully,
ready Lo duck her head, because Lhere were adulL
volces comlng, and Lhen Mrs. CoulLer herself was
brlefly vlslble, looklng ln and smlllng aL Lhe happy
chlldren, wlLh Lhelr hoL drlnks and Lhelr cake, so warm
and well fed. A llLLle shlver ran almosL lnsLanLaneously
Lhrough Lhe whole canLeen, and every chlld was sLlll
and sllenL, sLarlng aL her.
Mrs. CoulLer smlled and passed on wlLhouL a word.
LlLLle by llLLle Lhe Lalk sLarLed agaln.
Lyra sald, Where do Lhey go Lo Lalk?"
robably Lhe conference room," sald Annle. 1hey
Look us Lhere once," she added, meanlng her and her
dasmon. 1here was abouL LwenLy grownups Lhere
and one of 'em was glvlng a lecLure and l had Lo sLand
Lhere and do whaL he Lold me, llke seelng how far my
kyrllllon could go away from me, and Lhen he
hypnoLlzed me and dld some oLher Lhlngs....lL's a blg
room wlLh a loL of chalrs and Lables and a llLLle
plaLform. lL's behlnd Lhe fronL offlce. Pey, l beL Lhey're
golng Lo preLend Lhe flre drlll wenL off all rlghL. l beL
Lhey're scared of her, same as we are...."
lor Lhe resL of Lhe day, Lyra sLayed close Lo Lhe oLher
glrls, waLchlng, saylng llLLle, remalnlng lnconsplcuous.
1here was exerclse, Lhere was sewlng, Lhere was
supper, Lhere was playLlme ln Lhe lounge: a blg shabby
room wlLh board games and a few LaLLered books and
a Lable-Lennls Lable. AL some polnL Lyra and Lhe oLhers
became aware LhaL Lhere was some klnd of subdued
emergency golng on, because Lhe adulLs were hurrylng
Lo and fro or sLandlng ln anxlous groups Lalklng
urgenLly. Lyra guessed Lhey'd dlscovered Lhe daemons'
escape, and were wonderlng how lL had happened.
8uL she dldn'L see Mrs. CoulLer, whlch was a rellef.
When lL was Llme for bed, she knew she had Lo leL Lhe
oLher glrls lnLo her confldence.
LlsLen," she sald, do Lhey ever come round and see lf
we're asleep?"
1hey [usL look ln once," sald 8ella. 1hey [usL flash a
lanLern round, Lhey don'L really look."
Cood. 'Cause l'm golng Lo go and look round. 1here's
a way Lhrough Lhe celllng LhaL Lhls boy showed me...."
She explalned, and before she'd even flnlshed, Annle
sald, l'll come wlLh you!"
no, you beLLer noL, 'cause lL'll be easler lf Lhere's [usL
one person mlsslng. ?ou can all say you fell asleep and
you don'L know where l've gone."
8uL lf l came wlLh you-"
More llkely Lo geL caughL," sald Lyra.
1helr Lwo daemons were sLarlng aL each oLher,
anLalalmon as a wlldcaL, Annle's kyrllllon as a fox.
age 163

were qulverlng. anLalalmon uLLered Lhe lowesL,
sofLesL hlss and bared hls LeeLh, and kyrllllon Lurned
aslde and began Lo groom hlmself unconcernedly.
All rlghL Lhen," sald Annle, reslgned.
lL was qulLe common for sLruggles beLween chlldren Lo
be seLLled by Lhelr daemons ln Lhls way, wlLh one
accepLlng Lhe domlnance of Lhe oLher. 1helr humans
accepLed Lhe ouLcome wlLhouL resenLmenL, on Lhe
whole, so Lyra knew LhaL Annle would do as she asked.
1hey all conLrlbuLed lLems of cloLhlng Lo bulk ouL Lyra's
bed and make lL look as lf she was sLlll Lhere, and
swore Lo say Lhey knew noLhlng abouL lL. 1hen Lyra
llsLened aL Lhe door Lo make sure no one was comlng,
[umped up on Lhe locker, pushed up Lhe panel, and
hauled herself Lhrough.
!usL don'L say anyLhlng," she whlspered down Lo Lhe
Lhree faces waLchlng.
1hen she dropped Lhe panel genLly back lnLo place and
looked around.
She was crouchlng ln a narrow meLal channel
supporLed ln a framework of glrders and sLruLs. 1he
panels of Lhe celllngs were sllghLly LranslucenL, so
some llghL came up from below, and ln Lhe falnL gleam
Lyra could see Lhls narrow space (only Lwo feeL or so ln
helghL) exLendlng ln all dlrecLlons around her. lL was
crowded wlLh meLal ducLs and plpes, and lL would be
easy Lo geL losL ln, buL provlded she kepL Lo Lhe meLal
and avolded puLLlng any welghL on Lhe panels, and as
long as she made no nolse, she should be able Lo go
from one end of Lhe sLaLlon Lo Lhe oLher.
lL's [usL llke back ln !ordan, an," she whlspered,
looklng ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom." lf you hadn'L done
LhaL, none of Lhls would have happened," he
whlspered back. 1hen lL's up Lo me Lo undo lL, lsn'L
She goL her bearlngs, worklng ouL approxlmaLely whlch
dlrecLlon Lhe conference room was ln, and Lhen seL off.
lL was a far from easy [ourney. She had Lo move on
hands and knees, because Lhe space was Loo low Lo
crouch ln, and every so ofLen she had Lo squeeze
under a blg square ducL or llfL herself over some
heaLlng plpes. 1he meLal channels she crawled ln
followed Lhe Lops of lnLernal walls, as far as she could
Lell, and as long as she sLayed ln Lhem she felL a
comforLlng solldlLy below her, buL Lhey were very
narrow, and had sharp edges, so sharp LhaL she cuL her
knuckles and her knees on Lhem, and before long she
was sore all over, and cramped, and dusLy.
8uL she knew roughly where she was, and she could
see Lhe dark bulk of her furs crammed ln above Lhe
dormlLory Lo gulde her back. She could Lell where a
room was empLy because Lhe panels were dark, and
from Llme Lo Llme she heard volces from below, and
sLopped Lo llsLen, buL lL was only Lhe cooks ln Lhe
klLchen, or Lhe nurses ln whaL Lyra, ln her !ordan way,
LhoughL of as Lhelr common room. 1hey were saylng
noLhlng lnLeresLlng, so she moved on.
AL lasL she came Lo Lhe area where Lhe conference
room should be, accordlng Lo her calculaLlons, and
sure enough, Lhere was an area free of any plpework,
where alr condlLlonlng and heaLlng ducLs led down aL
one end, and where all Lhe panels ln a wlde
recLangular space were llL evenly. She placed her ear
Lo Lhe panel, and heard a murmur of male adulL volces,
so she knew she had found Lhe rlghL place.
She llsLened carefully, and Lhen lnched her way along
Llll she was as close as she could geL Lo Lhe speakers.
1hen she lay full lengLh ln Lhe meLal channel and
leaned her head sldeways Lo hear as well as
age 164

she could.
1here was Lhe occaslonal cllnk of cuLlery, or Lhe sound
of glass on glass as drlnk was poured, so Lhey were
havlng dlnner as Lhey Lalked. 1here were four volces,
she LhoughL, lncludlng Mrs. CoulLer's. 1he oLher Lhree
were men. 1hey seemed Lo be dlscusslng Lhe escaped
8uL who ls ln charge of supervlslng LhaL secLlon?" sald
Mrs. CoulLer's genLle muslcal volce.
A research sLudenL called Mckay," sald one of Lhe
men. 8uL Lhere are auLomaLlc mechanlsms Lo prevenL
Lhls sorL of Lhlng happenlng-"
1hey dldn'L work," she sald.
WlLh respecL, Lhey dld, Mrs. CoulLer. Mckay assures
us LhaL he locked all Lhe cages when he lefL Lhe
bulldlng aL eleven hundred hours Loday. 1he ouLer
door of course would noL have been open ln any case,
because he enLered and lefL by Lhe lnner door, as he
normally dld. 1here's a code LhaL has Lo be enLered ln
Lhe ordlnaLor conLrolllng Lhe locks, and Lhere's a
record ln lLs memory of hls dolng so. unless LhaL's
done, an alarm goes off."
8uL Lhe alarm dldn'L go off," she sald.
lL dld. unforLunaLely, lL rang when everyone was
ouLslde, Laklng parL ln Lhe flre drlll." 8uL when you
wenL back lnslde-"
unforLunaLely, boLh alarms are on Lhe same clrculL,
LhaL's a deslgn faulL LhaL wlll have Lo be recLlfled. WhaL
lL meanL was LhaL when Lhe flre bell was Lurned off
afLer Lhe pracLlce, Lhe laboraLory alarm was Lurned off
as well. Lven Lhen lL would sLlll have been plcked up,
because of Lhe normal checks LhaL would have Laken
place afLer every dlsrupLlon of rouLlne, buL by LhaL
Llme, Mrs. CoulLer, you had arrlved unexpecLedly, and
lf you recall, you asked speclflcally Lo meeL Lhe
laboraLory sLaff Lhere and Lhen, ln your room.
ConsequenLly, no one reLurned Lo Lhe laboraLory unLll
some Llme laLer."
l see," sald Mrs. CoulLer coldly. ln LhaL case, Lhe
daemons musL have been released durlng Lhe flre drlll
lLself. And LhaL wldens Lhe llsL of suspecLs Lo lnclude
every adulL ln Lhe sLaLlon. Pad you consldered LhaL?"
Pad you consldered LhaL lL mlghL have been done by
a chlld?" sald someone else.
She was sllenL, and Lhe second man wenL on:
Lvery adulL had a Lask Lo do, and every Lask would
have Laken Lhelr full aLLenLlon, and every Lask was
done. 1here ls no posslblllLy LhaL any of Lhe sLaff here
could have opened Lhe door. none. So elLher someone
came from ouLslde alLogeLher wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of
dolng LhaL, or one of Lhe chlldren managed Lo flnd hls
way Lhere, open Lhe door and Lhe cages, and reLurn Lo
Lhe fronL of Lhe maln bulldlng."
And whaL are you dolng Lo lnvesLlgaLe?" she sald.
no, on second LhoughL, don'L Lell me. lease
undersLand, ur. Cooper, l'm noL crlLlclzlng ouL of
mallce. We have Lo be qulLe exLraordlnarlly careful. lL
was an aLroclous lapse Lo have allowed boLh alarms Lo
be on Lhe same clrculL. 1haL musL be correcLed aL
once. osslbly Lhe 1arLar offlcer ln charge of Lhe guard
could help your lnvesLlgaLlon? l merely menLlon LhaL as
a posslblllLy. Where were Lhe 1arLars durlng Lhe flre
drlll, by Lhe way? l suppose you have consldered
age 163

?es, we have," sald Lhe man wearlly. 1he guard was
fully occupled on paLrol, every man. 1hey keep
meLlculous records."
l'm sure you're dolng your very besL," she sald. Well,
Lhere we are. A greaL plLy. 8uL enough of LhaL for now.
1ell me abouL Lhe new separaLor."
Lyra felL a Lhrlll of fear. 1here was only one Lhlng Lhls
could mean.
Ah," sald Lhe docLor, relleved Lo flnd Lhe conversaLlon
Lurnlng Lo anoLher sub[ecL, Lhere's a real advance.
WlLh Lhe flrsL model we could never enLlrely overcome
Lhe rlsk of , Lhe paLlenL dylng of shock, buL we've
lmproved LhaL no end."
1he Skraellngs dld lL beLLer by hand," sald a man who
hadn'L spoken yeL.
CenLurles of pracLlce," sald Lhe oLher man.
8uL slmply Learlng was Lhe only opLlon for some
Llme," sald Lhe maln speaker, however dlsLresslng
LhaL was Lo Lhe adulL operaLors. lf you remember, we
had Lo dlscharge qulLe a number for reasons of sLress-
relaLed anxleLy. 8uL Lhe flrsL blg breakLhrough was Lhe
use of anesLhesla comblned wlLh Lhe MaysLadL anbarlc
scalpel. We were able Lo reduce deaLh from operaLlve
shock Lo below flve percenL."
And Lhe new lnsLrumenL?" sald Mrs. CoulLer.
Lyra was Lrembllng. 1he blood was poundlng ln her
ears, and anLalalmon was presslng hls ermlne form
agalnsL her slde, and whlsperlng, Push, Lyra, Lhey
won'L do lL-we won'L leL Lhem do lL-"
?es, lL was a curlous dlscovery by Lord Asrlel hlmself
LhaL gave us Lhe key Lo Lhe new meLhod. Pe
dlscovered LhaL an alloy of manganese and LlLanlum
has Lhe properLy of lnsulaLlng body from daemon. 8y
Lhe way, whaL ls happenlng wlLh Lord Asrlel?"
erhaps you haven'L heard," sald Mrs. CoulLer. Lord
Asrlel ls under suspended senLence of deaLh. Cne of
Lhe condlLlons of hls exlle ln Svalbard was LhaL he glve
up hls phllosophlcal work enLlrely. unforLunaLely, he
managed Lo obLaln books and maLerlals, and he's
pushed hls hereLlcal lnvesLlgaLlons Lo Lhe polnL where
lL's poslLlvely dangerous Lo leL hlm llve. AL any raLe, lL
seems LhaL Lhe vaLlcan Councll has begun Lo debaLe
Lhe quesLlon of Lhe senLence of deaLh, and Lhe
probablllLy ls LhaL lL'll be carrled ouL. 8uL your new
lnsLrumenL, uocLor. Pow does lL work?"
Ah-yes-senLence of deaLh, you say? Craclous
Cod...l'm sorry. 1he new lnsLrumenL. We're
lnvesLlgaLlng whaL happens when Lhe lnLerclslon ls
made wlLh Lhe paLlenL ln a consclous sLaLe, and of
course LhaL couldn'L be done wlLh Lhe MaysLadL
process. So we've developed a klnd of gullloLlne, l
suppose you could say. 1he blade ls made of
manganese and LlLanlum alloy, and Lhe chlld ls placed
ln a comparLmenL-llke a small cabln- of alloy mesh,
wlLh Lhe daemon ln a slmllar comparLmenL connecLlng
wlLh lL. Whlle Lhere ls a connecLlon, of course, Lhe llnk
remalns. 1hen Lhe blade ls broughL down beLween
Lhem, severlng Lhe llnk aL once. 1hey are Lhen separaLe
l should llke Lo see lL," she sald. Soon, l hope. 8uL l'm
Llred now. l Lhlnk l'll go Lo bed. l wanL Lo see all Lhe
chlldren Lomorrow. We shall flnd ouL who opened LhaL
1here was Lhe sound of chalrs belng pushed back,
pollLe expresslons, a door closlng. 1hen Lyra heard Lhe
oLhers slL down agaln, and go on Lalklng, buL more
age 166

WhaL ls Lord Asrlel up Lo?"
l Lhlnk he's goL an enLlrely dlfferenL ldea of Lhe naLure
of uusL. 1haL's Lhe polnL. lL's profoundly hereLlcal, you
see, and Lhe ConslsLorlal CourL of ulsclpllne can'L allow
any oLher lnLerpreLaLlon Lhan Lhe auLhorlzed one. And
besldes, he wanLs Lo experlmenL-"
1o experlmenL? WlLh uusL?"
Push! noL so loud..."
uo you Lhlnk she'll make an unfavorable reporL?"
no, no. l Lhlnk you dealL wlLh her very well."
Per aLLlLude worrles me...."
noL phllosophlcal, you mean?"
LxacLly. A personal lnLeresL. l don'L llke Lo use Lhe
word, buL lL's almosL ghoullsh."
1haL's a blL sLrong."
8uL do you remember Lhe flrsL experlmenLs, when
she was so keen Lo see Lhefn pulled aparL-"
Lyra,couLdn'L help lL: a llLLle cry escaped her, and aL
Lhe same Llme she Lensed and shlvered, and her fooL
knocked agalnsL a sLanchlon.
WhaL was LhaL?" ln Lhe celllng-" Culck!"
1he sound of chalrs belng Lhrown aslde, feeL runnlng, a
Lable pulled across Lhe floor. Lyra Lrled Lo scramble
away, buL Lhere was so llLLle space, and before she
could move more Lhan a few yards Lhe celllng panel
beslde her was LhrusL up suddenly, and she was
looklng lnLo Lhe sLarLled face of a man. She was close
enough Lo see every halr ln hls mousLache. Pe was as
sLarLled as she was, buL wlLh more freedom Lo move,
he was able Lo LhrusL a hand lnLo Lhe gap and selze her
A chlld!"
uon'L leL her go-"
Lyra sank her LeeLh lnLo hls large freckled hand. Pe
crled ouL, buL dldn'L leL go, even when she drew blood.
an-Lalalmon was snarllng and splLLlng, buL lL was no
good, Lhe man was much sLronger Lhan she was, and
he pulled and pulled unLll her oLher hand, desperaLely
cllnglng Lo Lhe sLanchlon, had Lo loosen, and she half-
fell Lhrough lnLo Lhe room.
SLlll she dldn'L uLLer a sound. She hooked her legs over
Lhe sharp edge of Lhe meLal above, and sLruggled
upslde down, scraLchlng, blLlng, punchlng, splLLlng ln
passlonaLe fury. 1he men were gasplng and grunLlng
wlLh paln or exerLlon, buL Lhey pulled and pulled.
age 167

And suddenly all Lhe sLrengLh wenL ouL of her.
lL was as lf an allen hand had reached rlghL lnslde
where no hand had a rlghL Lo be, and wrenched aL
someLhlng deep and preclous.
She felL falnL, dlzzy, slck, dlsgusLed, llmp wlLh shock.
Cne of Lhe men was holdlng anLalalmon.
Pe had selzed Lyra's daemon ln hls human hands, and
poor an was shaklng, nearly ouL of hls mlnd wlLh
horror and dlsgusL. Pls wlldcaL shape, hls fur now dull
wlLh weakness, now sparklng gllnLs of anbarlc
alarm...Pe curved Loward hls Lyra as she reached wlLh
boLh hands for hlm....
1hey fell sLlll. 1hey were capLured.
She felL Lhose hands....lL wasn'L allowed....noL
supposed Lo Louch... Wrong.... Was she on her own?"
A man was peerlng lnLo Lhe celllng space.
Seems Lo be on her own...."
Who ls she?"
1he new chlld."
1he one Lhe Samoyed hunLers..."
?ou don'L suppose she...Lhe daemons..."
Could well be. 8uL noL on her own, surely?"
Should we Lell-"
l Lhlnk LhaL would puL Lhe seal on Lhlngs, don'L you?"
l agree. 8eLLer she doesn'L hear aL all."
8uL whaL can we do abouL Lhls?"
She can'L go back wlLh Lhe oLher chlldren."
1here's only one Lhlng we can do, lL seems Lo me."
age 168

Pave Lo. Can'L leave lL Llll Lhe mornlng. She wanLs Lo
We could do lL ourselves. no need Lo lnvolve anyone
1he man who seemed Lo be ln charge, Lhe man who
wasn'L holdlng elLher Lyra or anLalalmon, Lapped hls
LeeLh wlLh a Lhumbnall. Pls eyes were never sLlll, Lhey
fllcked and slld and darLed Lhls way and LhaL. llnally he
now. uo lL now," he sald. CLherwlse she'll Lalk. 1he
shock wlll prevenL LhaL, aL leasL. She won'L remember
who she ls, whaL she saw, whaL she heard....Come on."
Lyra couldn'L speak. She could hardly breaLhe. She had
Lo leL herself be carrled Lhrough Lhe sLaLlon, along
whlLe empLy corrldors, pasL rooms hummlng wlLh
anbarlc power, pasL Lhe dormlLorles where chlldren
slepL wlLh Lhelr dasmons on Lhe plllow beslde Lhem,
sharlng Lhelr dreams, and every second of Lhe way she
waLched anLalalmon, and he reached for her, and
Lhelr eyes never lefL each oLher.
1hen a door whlch opened by means of a large wheel,
a hlss of alr, and a brllllanLly llL chamber wlLh dazzllng
whlLe Llles and sLalnless sLeel. 1he fear she felL was
almosL a physlcal paln, lL was a physlcal paln, as Lhey
pulled her and anLalalmon over Loward a large cage
of pale sllver mesh, above whlch a greaL pale sllver
blade hung polsed Lo separaLe Lhem forever and ever.
She found a volce aL lasL, and screamed. 1he sound
echoed loudly off Lhe shlny surfaces, buL Lhe heavy
door had hlssed shuL, she could scream and scream
forever, and noL a sound would escape.
8uL anLalalmon, ln answer, had LwlsLed free of Lhose
haLeful hands-he was a llon, an eagle, he Lore aL
Lhem wlLh vlclous Lalons, greaL wlngs beaL wlldly, and
Lhen he was a wolf, a bear, a polecaL-darLlng,
snarllng, slashlng, a successlon of LransformaLlons Loo
qulck Lo reglsLer, and all Lhe Llme leaplng, flylng,
dodglng from one spoL Lo anoLher as Lhelr clumsy
hands flalled and snaLched aL Lhe empLy alr.
8uL Lhey had daemons Loo, of course. lL wasn'L Lwo
agalnsL Lhree, lL was Lwo agalnsL slx. A badger, an owl,
and a baboon were all [usL as lnLenL Lo pln
anLalalmon down, and Lyra was crylng Lo Lhem:
Why? Why are you dolng Lhls? Pelp us! ?ou shouldn'L
be helplng Lhem!"
And she klcked and blL more passlonaLely Lhan ever,
unLll Lhe man holdlng her gasped and leL go for a
momenL-and she was free, and anLalalmon sprang
Loward her llke a spark of llghLnlng, and she cluLched
hlm Lo her flerce breasL, and he dug hls wlldcaL claws
lnLo her flesh, and every sLab of paln was dear Lo her.
never! never! never!" she crled, and backed agalnsL
Lhe wall Lo defend hlm Lo Lhelr deaLh.
8uL Lhey fell on her agaln, Lhree blg bruLal men, and
she was only a chlld, shocked and Lerrlfled, and Lhey
Lore anLalalmon away, and Lhrew her lnLo one slde of
Lhe cage of mesh and carrled hlm, sLruggllng sLlll,
around Lo Lhe oLher. 1here was a mesh barrler
beLween Lhem, buL he was sLlll parL of her, Lhey were
sLlll [olned. lor a second or so more, he was sLlll her
own dear soul.
Above Lhe panLlng of Lhe men, above her own sobs,
above Lhe hlgh wlld howl of her daemon, Lyra heard a
hummlng sound, and saw one man (bleedlng from Lhe
nose) operaLe a bank of swlLches. 1he oLher Lwo
looked up, and her eyes followed Lhelrs. 1he greaL pale
sllver blade was rlslng slowly, caLchlng Lhe brllllanL
llghL. 1he lasL momenL ln her compleLe llfe was golng
Lo be Lhe worsL by far.
age 169

WhaL ls golng on here?"
A llghL, muslcal volce: her volce. LveryLhlng sLopped.
WhaL are you dolng? And who ls Lhls chlld-"
She dldn'L compleLe Lhe word chlld, because ln LhaL
lnsLanL she recognlzed Lyra. 1hrough Lear-blurred eyes
Lyra saw her LoLLer and cluLch aL a bench, her face, so
beauLlful and composed, grew ln a momenL haggard
and horror-sLruck.
Lyra-" she whlspered.
1he golden monkey darLed from her slde ln a flash,
and Lugged anLalalmon ouL from Lhe mesh cage as
Lyra fell ouL herself. anLalalmon pulled free of Lhe
monkey's sollclLous paws and sLumbled Lo Lyra's arms.
never, never," she breaLhed lnLo hls fur, and he
pressed hls beaLlng hearL Lo hers.
1hey clung LogeLher llke survlvors of a shlpwreck,
shlverlng on a desolaLe coasL. ulmly she heard Mrs.
CoulLer speaklng Lo Lhe men, buL she couldn'L even
lnLerpreL her Lone of volce. And Lhen Lhey were leavlng
LhaL haLeful room, and Mrs. CoulLer was half-carrylng,
half-supporLlng her along a corrldor, and Lhen Lhere
was a door, a bedroom, scenL ln Lhe alr, sofL llghL.
Mrs. CoulLer lald her genLly on Lhe bed. Lyra's arm was
so LlghL around anLalalmon LhaL she was Lrembllng
wlLh Lhe force of lL. A Lender hand sLroked her head.
My dear, dear chlld," sald LhaL sweeL volce. Powever
dld you come Lo be here?"
Lyra moaned and Lrembled unconLrollably, [usL as lf
she had been pulled ouL of waLer so cold LhaL her
hearL had nearly frozen. anLalalmon slmply lay
agalnsL her bare skln, lnslde her cloLhes, lovlng her
age 170

Lo herself, buL aware all Lhe Llme of Mrs. CoulLer, busy
preparlng a drlnk of someLhlng, and mosL of all of Lhe
golden monkey, whose hard llLLle flngers had run
swlfLly over Lyra's body when only anLalalmon could
have noLlced, and who had felL, around her walsL, Lhe
ollskln pouch wlLh lLs conLenLs.
SlL up, dear, and drlnk Lhls," sald Mrs. CoulLer, and
her genLle arm sllpped around Lyra's back and llfLed
Lyra clenched herself, buL relaxed almosL aL once as
anLalalmon LhoughL Lo her: We're only safe as long as
we preLend. She opened her eyes and found LhaL
Lhey'd been conLalnlng Lears, and Lo her surprlse and
shame she sobbed and sobbed.
Mrs. CoulLer made sympaLheLlc sounds and puL Lhe
drlnk lnLo Lhe monkey's hands whlle she mopped
Lyra's eyes wlLh a scenLed handkerchlef.
Cry as much as you need Lo, darllng," sald LhaL sofL
volce, and Lyra deLermlned Lo sLop as soon as she
posslbly could. She sLruggled Lo hold back Lhe Lears,
she pressed her llps LogeLher, she choked down Lhe
sobs LhaL sLlll shook her chesL.
anLalalmon played Lhe same game: fool Lhem, fool
Lhem. Pe became a mouse and crepL away from Lyra's
hand Lo snlff
Llmldly aL Lhe drlnk ln Lhe monkey's cluLch. lL was
lnnocuous: an lnfuslon of chamomlle, noLhlng more.
Pe crepL back Lo Lyra's shoulder and whlspered, urlnk
She saL up and Look Lhe hoL cup ln boLh hands,
alLernaLely slpplng and blowlng Lo cool lL. She kepL her
eyes down. She musL preLend harder Lhan she'd ever
done ln her llfe.
Lyra, darllng," Mrs. CoulLer murmured, sLroklng her
halr. l LhoughL we'd losL you forever! WhaL
happened? uld you geL losL? uld someone Lake you
ouL of Lhe flaL?"
?eah," Lyra whlspered. Who was lL, dear?"
A man and a woman." CuesLs aL Lhe parLy?"
l Lhlnk so. 1hey sald you needed someLhlng LhaL was
downsLalrs and l wenL Lo geL lL and Lhey grabbed hold
of me and Look me ln a car somewhere. 8uL when Lhey
sLopped, l ran ouL qulck and dodged away and Lhey
never caughL me. 8uL l dldn'L know where l was...."
AnoLher sob shook her brlefly, buL Lhey were weaker
now, and she could preLend Lhls one was caused by
her sLory.
And l [usL wandered abouL Lrylng Lo flnd my way back,
only Lhese Cobblers caughL me....And Lhey puL me ln a
van wlLh some oLher klds and Look me somewhere, a
blg bulldlng, l dunno where lL was."
WlLh every second LhaL wenL pasL, wlLh every senLence
she spoke, she felL a llLLle sLrengLh flowlng back. And
now LhaL she was dolng someLhlng dlfflculL and
famlllar and never qulLe predlcLable, namely lylng, she
felL a sorL of masLery agaln, Lhe same sense of
complexlLy and conLrol LhaL Lhe aleLhlomeLer gave her.
age 171

had Lo be careful noL Lo say anyLhlng obvlously
lmposslble, she had Lo be vague ln some places and
lnvenL plauslble deLalls ln oLhers, she had Lo be an
arLlsL, ln shorL.
Pow long dld Lhey keep you ln Lhls bulldlng?" sald
Mrs. CoulLer.
Lyra's [ourney along Lhe canals and her Llme wlLh Lhe
gyp-Llans had Laken weeks: she'd have Lo accounL for
LhaL Llme. She lnvenLed a voyage wlLh Lhe Cobblers Lo
1rollesund, and Lhen an escape, lavlsh wlLh deLalls
from her observaLlon of Lhe Lown, and a Llme as mald-
of-all-work aL Llnarsson's 8ar, and Lhen a spell worklng
for a famlly of farmers lnland, and Lhen belng caughL
by Lhe Samoyeds and broughL Lo 8olvangar.
And Lhey were golng Lo-golng Lo cuL-"
Push, dear, hush. l'm golng Lo flnd ouL whaL's been
golng on."
8uL why were Lhey golng Lo do LhaL? l never done
anyLhlng wrong! All Lhe klds are afrald of whaL
happens ln Lhere, and no one knows. 8uL lL's horrlble.
lL's worse Lhan anyLhlng....Why are Lhey dolng LhaL,
Mrs. CoulLer? Why are Lhey so cruel?"
1here, Lhere...?ou're safe, my dear. 1hey won'L ever
do lL Lo you. now l know you're here, and you're safe,
you'll never be ln danger agaln. no one's golng Lo harm
you, Lyra darllng, no one's ever golng Lo hurL you...."
8uL Lhey do lL Lo oLher chlldren! Why?"
Ah, my love-"
lL's uusL, lsn'L lL?"
uld Lhey Lell you LhaL? uld Lhe docLors say LhaL?"
1he klds know lL. All Lhe klds Lalk abouL lL, buL no one
knows! And Lhey nearly done lL Lo me-you goL Lo Lell
me! ?ou goL no rlghL Lo keep lL secreL, noL anymore!"
Lyra...Lyra, Lyra. uarllng, Lhese are blg dlfflculL ldeas,
uusL and so on. lL's noL someLhlng for chlldren Lo
worry abouL. 8uL Lhe docLors do lL for Lhe chlldren's
own good, my love. uusL ls someLhlng bad, someLhlng
wrong, someLhlng evll and wlcked.
Crownups and Lhelr daemons are lnfecLed wlLh uusL
so deeply LhaL lL's Loo laLe for Lhem. 1hey can'L be
helped....8uL a qulck operaLlon on chlldren means
Lhey're safe from lL. uusL [usL won'L sLlck Lo Lhem ever
agaln. 1hey're safe and happy and-"
Lyra LhoughL of llLLle 1ony Makarlos. She leaned
forward suddenly and reLched. Mrs. CoulLer moved
back and leL go.
Are you all rlghL, dear? Co Lo Lhe baLhroom-"
Lyra swallowed hard and brushed her eyes.
?ou don'L have Lo do LhaL Lo us," she sald. ?ou could
[usL leave us. l beL Lord Asrlel wouldn'L leL anyone do
LhaL lf he knew whaL was golng on. lf he's goL uusL and
you've goL uusL, and Lhe MasLer of
age 172

!ordan and every oLher grownup's goL uusL, lL musL be
all rlghL. When l geL ouL l'm golng Lo Lell all Lhe klds ln
Lhe world abouL Lhls. Anyway, lf lL was so good, why'd
you sLop Lhem dolng lL Lo me? lf lL was good, you
should've leL Lhem do lL. ?ou should have been glad."
Mrs. CoulLer was shaklng her head and smlllng a sad
wlse smlle.
uarllng," she sald, some of whaL's good has Lo hurL
us a llLLle, and naLurally lL's upseLLlng for oLhers lf
you're upseL.... 8uL lL doesn'L mean your daemon ls
Laken away from you. Pe's sLlll Lhere! Coodness me, a
loL of Lhe grownups here have had Lhe operaLlon. 1he
nurses seem happy enough, don'L Lhey?"
Lyra bllnked. Suddenly she undersLood Lhelr sLrange
blank lncurloslLy, Lhe way Lhelr llLLle LroLLlng daemons
seemed Lo be sleepwalklng.
Say noLhlng, she LhoughL, and shuL her mouLh hard.
uarllng, no one would ever dream of performlng an
operaLlon on a chlld wlLhouL LesLlng lL flrsL. And no one
ln a Lhousand years would Lake a chlld's daemon away
alLogeLher! All LhaL happens ls a llLLle cuL, and Lhen
everyLhlng's peaceful. lorever! ?ou see, your
daemon's a wonderful frlend and com panlon when
you're young, buL aL Lhe age we call puberLy, Lhe age
you're comlng Lo very soon, darllng, daemons brlng all
sorL of Lroublesome LhoughLs and feellngs, and LhaL's
whaL leLs uusL ln. A qulck llLLle operaLlon before LhaL,
and you're never Lroubled agaln. And your daemon
sLays wlLh you, only...[usL noL connecLed. Llke a...llke a
wonderful peL, lf you llke. 1he besL peL ln Lhe world!
Wouldn'L you llke LhaL?"
Ch, Lhe wlcked llar, oh, Lhe shameless unLruLhs she
was Lelllng! And even lf Lyra hadn'L known Lhem Lo be
lles (1ony Makarlos, Lhose caged daemons) she would
have haLed lL wlLh a furlous passlon. Per dear soul, Lhe
darlng companlon of her hearL, Lo be cuL away and
reduced Lo a llLLle LroLLlng peL? Lyra nearly blazed wlLh
haLred, and anLalalmon ln her arms became a
polecaL, Lhe mosL ugly and vlclous of all hls forms, and
8uL Lhey sald noLhlng. Lyra held anLalalmon LlghL and
leL Mrs. CoulLer sLroke her halr.
urlnk up your chamomlle," sald Mrs. CoulLer sofLly.
We'll have Lhem make up a bed for you ln here.
1here's no need Lo go back and share a dormlLory wlLh
oLher glrls, noL now l've goL my llLLle asslsLanL back. My
favorlLe! 1he besL asslsLanL ln Lhe world. u'you know,
we searched all over London for you, darllng? We had
Lhe pollce searchlng every Lown ln Lhe land. Ch, l
mlssed you so much! l can'L Lell you how happy l am Lo
flnd you agaln...."
All Lhe Llme, Lhe golden monkey was prowllng abouL
resLlessly, one mlnuLe perchlng on Lhe Lable swlnglng
hls Lall, Lhe nexL cllnglng Lo Mrs. CoulLer and chlLLerlng
sofLly ln her ear, Lhe nexL paclng Lhe floor wlLh Lall
erecL. Pe was beLraylng Mrs. CoulLer's lmpaLlence, of
course, and flnally she couldn'L hold lL ln.
Lyra, dear," she sald, l Lhlnk LhaL Lhe MasLer of
!ordan gave you someLhlng before you lefL. lsn'L LhaL
rlghL? Pe gave you an aleLhlomeLer. 1he Lrouble ls, lL
wasn'L hls Lo glve. lL was lefL ln hls care. lL's really Loo
valuable Lo be carrled abouL-d'you know, lL's one of
only Lwo or Lhree ln Lhe world! l Lhlnk Lhe MasLer gave
lL Lo you ln Lhe hope LhaL lL would fall lnLo Lord Asrlel's
hands. Pe Lold you noL Lo Lell me abouL lL, dldn'L he?"
Lyra LwlsLed her mouLh.
?es, l can see. Well, never mlnd, darllng, because you
dldn'L Lell me, dld you? So you haven'L broken any
promlses. 8uL llsLen, dear, lL really oughL Lo be
properly looked afLer. l'm afrald lL's so rare and
age 173

dellcaLe LhaL we can'L leL lL be aL rlsk any longer."
Why shouldn'L Lord Asrlel have lL?" Lyra sald, noL
8ecause of whaL he's dolng. ?ou know he's been senL
away Lo exlle, because he's goL someLhlng dangerous
and wlcked ln mlnd. Pe needs Lhe aleLhlomeLer Lo
flnlsh hls plan, buL belleve me, dear, Lhe lasL Lhlng
anyone should do ls leL hlm have lL. 1he MasLer of
!ordan was sadly mlsLaken. 8uL now LhaL you know, lL
really would be beLLer Lo leL me have lL, wouldn'L lL? lL
would save you Lhe Lrouble of carrylng lL around, and
all Lhe worry of looklng afLer lL-and really lL musL
have been such a puzzle, wonderlng whaL a sllly old
Lhlng llke LhaL was any good for...."
Lyra wondered how she had ever, ever, ever found Lhls
woman Lo be so fasclnaLlng and clever.
So lf you've goL lL now, dear, you'd really beLLer leL
me have lL Lo look afLer. lL's ln LhaL belL around your
walsL, lsn'L lL? ?es, LhaL was a clever Lhlng Lo do,
puLLlng lL away llke Lhls...."
Per hands were aL Lyra's sklrL, and Lhen she was
unfasLenlng Lhe sLlff ollcloLh. Lyra Lensed herself. 1he
golden monkey was crouchlng aL Lhe end of Lhe bed,
Lrembllng wlLh anLlclpaLlon, llLLle black hands Lo hls
mouLh. Mrs. CoulLer pulled Lhe belL away from Lyra's
walsL and unbuLLoned Lhe pouch. She was breaLhlng
fasL. She Look ouL Lhe black velveL cloLh and unfolded
lL, flndlng Lhe Lln box lorek 8yrnlson had made.
anLalalmon was a caL agaln, Lensed Lo sprlng. Lyra
drew her legs up away from Mrs. CoulLer, and swung
Lhem down Lo Lhe floor so LhaL she Loo could run when
Lhe Llme came.
WhaL's Lhls?" sald Mrs. CoulLer, as lf amused. WhaL a
funny old Lln! uld you puL lL ln here Lo keep lL safe,
dear? All Lhls moss...?ou have been careful, haven'L
you? AnoLher Lln, lnslde Lhe flrsL one! And soldered!
Who dld Lhls, dear?"
She was Loo lnLenL on openlng lL Lo walL for an answer.
She had a knlfe ln her handbag wlLh a loL of dlfferenL
aLLachmenLs, and she pulled ouL a blade and dug lL
under Lhe lld.
AL once a furlous buzzlng fllled Lhe room.
Lyra and anLalalmon held Lhemselves sLlll. Mrs.
CoulLer, puzzled, curlous, pulled aL Lhe lld, and Lhe
golden monkey benL close Lo look.
1hen ln a dazzllng momenL Lhe black form of Lhe spy-
fly hurLled ouL of Lhe Lln and crashed hard lnLo Lhe
monkey's face.
Pe screamed and flung hlmself backward, and of
course lL was hurLlng Mrs. CoulLer Loo, and she crled
ouL ln paln and frlghL wlLh Lhe monkey, and Lhen Lhe
llLLle clockwork devll swarmed upward aL her, up her
breasL and LhroaL Loward her face.
Lyra dldn'L heslLaLe. anLalalmon sprang for Lhe door
and she was afLer hlm aL once, and she Lore lL open
and raced away fasLer Lhan she had ever run ln her llfe.
llre alarm!" anLalalmon shrleked, as he flew ahead
of her.
She saw a buLLon on Lhe nexL corner, and smashed Lhe
glass wlLh her desperaLe flsL. She ran on, headlng
Loward Lhe dormlLorles, smashed anoLher alarm and
anoLher, and Lhen people began Lo come ouL lnLo Lhe
age 174

corrldor, looklng up and down for Lhe flre.
8y Lhls Llme she was near Lhe klLchen, and
anLalalmon flashed a LhoughL lnLo her mlnd, and she
darLed ln. A momenL laLer she had Lurned on all Lhe
gas Laps and flung a maLch aL Lhe nearesL burner. 1hen
she dragged a bag of flour from a shelf and hurled lL aL
Lhe edge of a Lable so lL bursL and fllled Lhe alr wlLh
whlLe, because she had heard LhaL flour wlll explode lf
lL's LreaLed llke LhaL near a flame.
1hen she ran ouL and on as fasL as she could Loward
her own dormlLory. 1he corrldors were full now:
chlldren runnlng Lhls way and LhaL, vlvld wlLh
exclLemenL, for Lhe word escape had goL around. 1he
oldesL were maklng for Lhe sLorerooms where Lhe
cloLhlng was kepL, and herdlng Lhe younger ones wlLh
Lhem. AdulLs were Lrylng Lo conLrol lL all, and none of
Lhem knew whaL was happenlng. ShouLlng, pushlng,
crylng, [osLllng people were everywhere.
1hrough lL all Lyra and anLalalmon darLed llke flsh,
maklng always for Lhe dormlLory, and [usL as Lhey
reached lL, Lhere was a dull exploslon from behlnd LhaL
shook Lhe bulldlng.
1he oLher glrls had fled: Lhe room was empLy. Lyra
dragged Lhe locker Lo Lhe corner, [umped up, hauled
Lhe furs ouL of Lhe celllng, felL for Lhe aleLhlomeLer. lL
was sLlll Lhere. She Lugged Lhe furs on qulckly, pulllng
Lhe hood forward, and Lhen anLalalmon, a sparrow aL
Lhe door, called:
She ran ouL. 8y luck a group of chlldren who'd already
found some cold-weaLher cloLhlng were raclng down
Lhe corrldor Loward Lhe maln enLrance, and she [olned
Lhem, sweaLlng, her hearL Lhumplng, knowlng LhaL she
had Lo escape or dle.
1he way was blocked. 1he flre ln Lhe klLchen had Laken
qulckly, and wheLher lL was Lhe flour or Lhe gas,
someLhlng had broughL down parL of Lhe roof. eople
were clamberlng over LwlsLed sLruLs and glrders Lo geL
up Lo Lhe blLLer cold alr. 1he smell of gas was sLrong.
1hen came anoLher exploslon, louder Lhan Lhe flrsL
and closer. 1he blasL knocked several people over, and
crles of fear and paln fllled Lhe alr.
Lyra sLruggled up, and wlLh anLalalmon calllng, 1hls
way! 1hls way!" among Lhe oLher daemon-crles and
fluLLer-lngs, she hauled herself over Lhe rubble. 1he alr
she was breaLhlng was frozen, and she hoped LhaL Lhe
chlldren had managed Lo flnd Lhelr ouLdoor cloLhlng, lL
would be a flne Lhlng Lo escape from Lhe sLaLlon only
Lo dle of cold.
1here really was a blaze now. When she goL ouL onLo
Lhe roof under Lhe nlghL sky, she could see flames
llcklng aL Lhe edges of a greaL hole ln Lhe slde of Lhe
bulldlng. 1here was a Lhrong of chlldren and adulLs by
Lhe maln enLrance, buL Lhls Llme Lhe adulLs were more
aglLaLed and Lhe chlldren more fearful: much more
8oger! 8oger!" Lyra called, and anLalalmon, keen-
eyed as an owl, hooLed LhaL he'd seen hlm. A momenL
laLer Lhey found each oLher.
1ell 'em all Lo come wlLh me!" Lyra shouLed lnLo hls
1hey won'L-Lhey're all panlcky-"
1ell 'em whaL Lhey do Lo Lhe klds LhaL vanlsh! 1hey
cuL Lhelr demons off wlLh a blg knlfe! 1ell 'em whaL
you saw Lhls afLernoon-all Lhem daemons we leL ouL!
1ell 'em LhaL's golng Lo happen Lo Lhem Loo unless
age 173

Lhey geL away!"
8oger gaped, horrlfled, buL Lhen collecLed hls wlLs and
ran Lo Lhe nearesL group of heslLaLlng chlldren. Lyra
dld Lhe same, and as Lhe message passed along, some
chlldren crled ouL and cluLched Lhelr daemons ln fear.
Come wlLh me!" Lyra shouLed. 1here's a rescue a
comlng! We goL Lo geL ouL of Lhe compound! Come on,
1he chlldren heard her and followed, sLreamlng across
Lhe enclosure Loward Lhe avenue of llghLs, Lhelr booLs
paLLerlng and creaklng ln Lhe hard-packed snow.
8ehlnd Lhem, adulLs were shouLlng, and Lhere was a
rumble and crash as anoLher parL of Lhe bulldlng fell ln.
Sparks gushed lnLo Lhe alr, and flames blllowed ouL
wlLh a sound llke Learlng cloLh, buL cuLLlng Lhrough Lhls
came anoLher sound, dreadfully close and vlolenL. Lyra
had never heard lL before, buL she knew lL aL once: lL
was Lhe howl of Lhe 1arLar guards' wolf daemons. She
felL weak from head Lo fooL, and many chlldren Lurned
ln fear and sLumbled Lo a sLop, for Lhere runnlng aL a
low swlfL Llreless lope came Lhe flrsL of Lhe 1arLar
guards, rlfle aL Lhe ready, wlLh Lhe mlghLy leaplng
grayness of hls daemon beslde hlm.
1hen came anoLher, and anoLher. 1hey were all ln
padded mall, and Lhey had no eyes-or aL leasL you
couldn'L see any eyes behlnd Lhe snow sllLs of Lhelr
helmeLs. 1he only eyes you could see were Lhe round
black ends of Lhe rlfle barrels and Lhe blazlng yellow
eyes of Lhe wolf daemons above Lhe slaver drlpplng
from Lhelr [aws.
Lyra falLered. She hadn'L dreamed of how frlghLenlng
Lhose wolves were. And now LhaL she knew how
casually people aL 8olvangar broke Lhe greaL Laboo,
she shrank from Lhe LhoughL of Lhose drlpplng LeeLh....
1he 1arLars ran Lo sLand ln a llne across Lhe enLrance
Lo Lhe avenue of llghLs, Lhelr daemons beslde Lhem as
dlsclpllned and drllled as Lhey were. ln anoLher mlnuLe
Lhere'd be a second llne, because more were comlng,
and more behlnd Lhem. Lyra LhoughL wlLh despalr:
chlldren can'L flghL soldlers. lL wasn'L llke Lhe baLLles ln
Lhe Cxford claybeds, hurllng lumps of mud aL Lhe
brlckburners' chlldren.
Cr perhaps lL was! She remembered hurllng a handful
of clay ln Lhe broad face of a brlckburner boy bearlng
down on her. Pe'd sLopped Lo claw Lhe sLuff ouL of hls
eyes, and Lhen Lhe Lownles leaped on hlm.
She'd been sLandlng ln Lhe mud. She was sLandlng ln
Lhe snow.
!usL as she'd done LhaL afLernoon, buL ln deadly
earnesL now, she scooped a handful LogeLher and
hurled lL aL Lhe nearesL soldler.
CeL 'em ln Lhe eyes!" she yelled, and Lhrew anoLher.
CLher chlldren [olned ln, and Lhen someone's daemon
had Lhe noLlon of flylng as a swlfL beslde Lhe snowball
and nudglng lL dlrecLly aL Lhe eye sllLs of Lhe LargeL-
and Lhen Lhey all [olned ln, and ln a few momenLs Lhe
1arLars were sLumbllng abouL, splLLlng and curslng and
Lrylng Lo brush Lhe packed snow ouL of Lhe narrow gap
ln fronL of Lhelr eyes.
Come on!" Lyra screamed, and flung herself aL Lhe
gaLe lnLo Lhe avenue of llghLs.
1he chlldren sLreamed afLer her, every one, dodglng
Lhe snapplng [aws of Lhe wolves and raclng as hard
age 176

as Lhey could down Lhe avenue Loward Lhe beckonlng
open dark beyond.
A harsh scream came from behlnd as an offlcer
shouLed an order, and Lhen a score of rlfle bolLs
worked aL once, and Lhen Lhere was anoLher scream
and a Lense sllence, wlLh only Lhe fleelng chlldren's
poundlng feeL and gasplng breaLh Lo be heard.
1hey were Laklng alm. 1hey wouldn'L mlss.
8uL before Lhey could flre, a choklng gasp came from
one of Lhe 1arLars, and a cry of surprlse from anoLher.
Lyra sLopped and Lurned Lo see a man lylng on Lhe
snow, wlLh a gray-feaLhered arrow ln hls back. Pe was
wrlLhlng and LwlLchlng and coughlng ouL blood, and
Lhe oLher soldlers were looklng around Lo lefL and rlghL
for whoever had flred lL, buL Lhe archer was nowhere
Lo be seen.
And Lhen an arrow came flylng sLralghL down from Lhe
sky, and sLruck anoLher man behlnd Lhe head. Pe fell
aL once. A shouL from Lhe offlcer, and everyone looked
up aL Lhe dark sky.
WlLches!" sald anLalalmon.
And so Lhey were: ragged eleganL black shapes
sweeplng pasL hlgh above, wlLh a hlss and swlsh of alr
Lhrough Lhe needles of Lhe cloud-plne branches Lhey
flew on. As Lyra waLched, one swooped low and
loosed an arrow: anoLher man fell.
And Lhen all Lhe 1arLars Lurned Lhelr rlfles up and
blazed lnLo Lhe dark, flrlng aL noLhlng, aL shadows, aL
clouds, and more and more arrows ralned down on
8uL Lhe offlcer ln charge, seelng Lhe chlldren almosL
away, ordered a squad Lo race afLer Lhem. Some
chlldren screamed. And Lhen more screamed, and Lhey
weren'L movlng forward anymore, Lhey were Lurnlng
back ln confuslon, Lerrlfled by Lhe monsLrous shape
hurLllng Loward Lhem from Lhe dark beyond Lhe
avenue of llghLs.
lorek 8yrnlson!" crled Lyra, her chesL nearly bursLlng
wlLh [oy.
1he armored bear aL Lhe charge seemed Lo be
consclous of no welghL excepL whaL gave hlm
momenLum. Pe bounded pasL Lyra almosL ln a blur
and crashed lnLo Lhe 1arLars, scaLLerlng soldlers,
daemons, rlfles Lo all sldes. 1hen he sLopped and
whlrled round, wlLh a llLhe aLhleLlc power, and sLruck
Lwo masslve blows, one Lo each slde, aL Lhe guards
closesL Lo hlm.
A wolf daemon leaped aL hlm: he slashed aL her ln
mldalr, and brlghL flre spllled ouL of her as she fell Lo
Lhe snow, where she hlssed and howled before
vanlshlng. Per human dled aL once.
1he 1arLar offlcer, faced wlLh Lhls double aLLack, dldn'L
heslLaLe. A long hlgh scream of orders, and Lhe force
dlvlded lLself lnLo Lwo: one Lo keep off Lhe wlLches, Lhe
blgger parL Lo overcome Lhe bear. Pls Lroops were
magnlflcenLly brave. 1hey dropped Lo one knee ln
groups of four and flred Lhelr rlfles as lf Lhey were on
Lhe pracLlce range, noL budglng an lnch as lorek's
mlghLy bulk hurLled Loward Lhem. A momenL laLer
Lhey were dead.
lorek sLruck agaln, LwlsLlng Lo one slde, slashlng,
snarllng, crushlng, whlle bulleLs flew abouL hlm llke
wasps or flles, dolng no harm aL all. Lyra urged Lhe
chlldren on and ouL lnLo Lhe darkness beyond Lhe
llghLs. 1hey musL geL away, because dangerous as Lhe
1arLars were, far more dangerous were Lhe adulLs
age 177

of 8olvangar.
So she called and beckoned and pushed Lo geL Lhe
chlldren movlng. As Lhe llghLs behlnd Lhem Lhrew long
shadows on Lhe snow, Lyra found her hearL movlng
ouL Loward Lhe deep dark of Lhe arcLlc nlghL and Lhe
clean coldness, leaplng forward Lo love lL as
anLalalmon was dolng, a hare now dellghLlng ln hls
own propulslon.
Where we golng?" someone sald.
1here's noLhlng ouL here buL snow!"
1here's a rescue parLy comlng," Lyra Lold Lhem.
1here's flfLy gypLlans or more. l beL Lhere's some
relaLlons of yours, Loo. All Lhe gypLlan famllles LhaL losL
a kld, Lhey all senL someone."
l en'L a gypLlan," a boy sald.
uon'L maLLer. 1hey'll Lake you anyway." Where?"
someone sald querulously.
Pome," sald Lyra. 1haL's whaL l come here for, Lo
rescue you, and l brung Lhe gypLlans here Lo Lake you
home agaln. We [usL goL Lo go on a blL furLher and
Lhen we'll flnd 'em. 1he bear was wlLh 'em, so Lhey
can'L be far off."
u'you see LhaL bear!" one boy was saylng. When he
slashed open LhaL daemon-Lhe man dled as lf
someone whlpped hls hearL ouL, [usL llke LhaL!"
l never knew daemons could be kllled," someone else
1hey were all Lalklng now, Lhe exclLemenL and rellef
had loosened everyone's Longue. As long as Lhey kepL
movlng, lL dldn'L maLLer lf Lhey Lalked.
ls LhaL Lrue," sald a glrl, abouL whaL Lhey do back
?eah," Lyra sald. l never LhoughL l'd ever see anyone
wlLhouL Lhelr daemon. 8uL on Lhe way here, we found
Lhls boy on hls own wlLhouL any daemon. Pe kepL
asklng for her, where she was, would she ever flnd
hlm. Pe was called 1ony Makarlos."
l know hlm!" sald someone, and oLhers [olned ln:
?eah, Lhey Look hlm away abouL a week back...."
Well, Lhey cuL hls daemon away," sald Lyra, knowlng
how lL would affecL Lhem. And a llLLle blL afLer we
found hlm, he dled. And all Lhe daemons Lhey cuL
away, Lhey kepL Lhem ln cages ln a square bulldlng
back Lhere."
lL's Lrue," sald 8oger. And Lyra leL 'em ouL durlng Lhe
flre drlll."
?eah, l seen em!" sald 8llly CosLa. l dldn'L know
whaL Lhey was aL flrsL, buL l seen 'em fly away wlLh
LhaL goose."
8uL why do Lhey do lL?" demanded one boy. Why do
Lhey cuL people's daemons away? 1haL's LorLure! Why
do Lhey do lL?"
age 178

uusL," suggesLed someone doubLfully.
8uL Lhe boy laughed ln scorn. uusL!" he sald. 1here
en'L no such Lhlng! 1hey [usL made LhaL up! l don'L
belleve ln lL."
Pere," sald someone else, look whaL's happenlng Lo
Lhe zeppelln!"
1hey all looked back. 8eyond Lhe dazzle of llghLs,
where Lhe flghL was sLlll conLlnulng, Lhe greaL lengLh of
Lhe alrshlp was noL floaLlng freely aL Lhe moorlng masL
any longer, Lhe free end was drooplng downward, and
beyond lL was rlslng a globe of-
Lee Scoresby's balloon!" Lyra crled, and clapped her
mlL-Lened hands wlLh dellghL.
1he oLher chlldren were baffled. Lyra herded Lhem
onward, wonderlng how Lhe aeronauL had goL hls
balloon LhaL far. lL was clear whaL he was dolng, and
whaL a good ldea, Lo flll hls balloon wlLh Lhe gas ouL of
Lhelrs, Lo escape by Lhe same means LhaL crlppled Lhelr
Come on, keep movlng, else you'll freeze," she sald,
for some of Lhe chlldren were shlverlng and moanlng
from Lhe cold, and Lhelr daemons were crylng Loo ln
hlgh Lhln volces. anLalalmon found Lhls lrrlLaLlng, and
as a wolverlne he snapped aL one glrl's squlrrel
daemon who was [usL lylng across her shoulder
whlmperlng falnLly.
CeL ln her coaL! Make yourself blg and warm her up!"
he snarled, and Lhe glrl's daemon, frlghLened, crepL
lnslde her coal-sllk anorak aL once.
1he Lrouble was LhaL coal sllk wasn'L as warm as
proper fur, no maLLer how much lL was padded ouL
wlLh hollow coal-sllk flbers. Some of Lhe chlldren
looked llke walklng puffballs, Lhey were so bulky, buL
Lhelr gear had been made ln facLorles and laboraLorles
far away from Lhe cold, and lL couldn'L really cope.
Lyra's furs looked ragged and Lhey sLank, buL Lhey kepL
Lhe warmLh ln.
lf we don'L flnd Lhe gypLlans soon, Lhey en'L golng Lo
lasL," she whlspered Lo anLalalmon.
keep 'em movlng Lhen," he whlspered back. lf Lhey
lle down, Lhey're flnlshed. ?ou know whaL larder
Coram sald...."
larder Coram had Lold her many Lales of hls own
[ourneys ln Lhe norLh, and so had Mrs. CoulLer-
always supposlng LhaL hers were Lrue. 8uL Lhey were
boLh qulLe clear abouL one polnL, whlch was LhaL you
musL keep golng.
Pow far we goLLa go?" sald a llLLle boy.
She's [usL maklng us walk ouL here Lo klll us," sald a
8aLher be ouL here Lhan back Lhere," someone sald.
l wouldn'L! lL's warm back ln Lhe sLaLlon. 1here's food
and hoL drlnks and everyLhlng." 8uL lL's all on flre!"
WhaL we golng Lo do ouL here? l beL we sLarve Lo
age 179

Lyra's mlnd was full of dark quesLlons LhaL flew around
llke wlLches, swlfL and unLouchable, and somewhere,
[usL beyond where she could reach, Lhere was a glory
and a Lhrlll whlch she dldn'L undersLand aL all.
8uL lL gave her a surge of sLrengLh, and she hauled one
glrl up ouL of a snowdrlfL, and shoved aL a boy who
was dawdllng, and called Lo Lhem all: keep golng!
lollow Lhe bear's Lracks! Pe come up wlLh Lhe
gypLlans, so Lhe Lracks'll lead us Lo where Lhey are!
!usL keep walklng!"
8lg flakes of snow were beglnnlng Lo fall. Soon lL would
have covered lorek 8yrnlson's Lracks alLogeLher. now
LhaL Lhey were ouL of slghL of Lhe llghLs of 8olvangar,
and Lhe blaze of Lhe flre was only a falnL glow, Lhe only
llghL came from Lhe falnL radlance of Lhe snow-
covered ground. 1hlck clouds obscured Lhe sky, so
Lhere was nelLher moon nor norLhern LlghLs, buL by
peerlng closely, Lhe chlldren could make ouL Lhe deep
Lrall lorek 8yrnlson had plowed ln Lhe snow. Lyra
encouraged, bullled, hlL, half-carrled, swore aL,
pushed, dragged, llfLed Lenderly, wherever lL was
needed, and anLalalmon (by Lhe sLaLe of each chlld's
daemon) Lold her whaL was needed ln each case.
l'll geL Lhem Lhere, she kepL saylng Lo herself. l come
here Lo geL 'em and l'll bloody geL 'em.
8oger was followlng her example, and 8llly CosLa was
leadlng Lhe way, belng sharper-eyed Lhan mosL. Soon
Lhe snow was falllng so Lhlckly LhaL Lhey had Lo cllng
on Lo one anoLher Lo keep from geLLlng losL, and Lyra
LhoughL, perhaps lf we all lle close and keep warm llke
LhaL...ulg holes ln Lhe snow...
She was hearlng Lhlngs. 1here was Lhe snarl of an
englne somewhere, noL Lhe heavy Lhump of a zeppelln
buL someLhlng hlgher llke Lhe drone of a horneL. lL
drlfLed ln and ouL of hearlng.
And howllng...uogs? Sledge dogs? 1haL Loo was dlsLanL
and hard Lo be sure of, blankeLed by mllllons of
snowflakes and blown Lhls way and LhaL by llLLle
pufflng gusLs of wlnd. lL mlghL have been Lhe gypLlans'
sledge dogs, or lL mlghL have been wlld splrlLs of Lhe
Lundra, or even Lhose freed daemons crylng for Lhelr
losL chlldren.
She was seelng Lhlngs....1here weren'L any llghLs ln Lhe
snow, were Lhere? 1hey musL be ghosLs as
well....unless Lhey'd come round ln a clrcle, and were
sLumbllng back lnLo 8olvangar.
8uL Lhese were llLLle yellow lanLern beams, noL Lhe
whlLe glare of anbarlc llghLs. And Lhey were movlng,
and Lhe howllng was nearer, and before she knew for
cerLaln wheLher she'd fallen asleep, Lyra was
wanderlng among famlllar flgures, and men ln furs
were holdlng her up: !ohn laa's mlghLy arm llfLed her
clear of Lhe ground, and larder Coram was laughlng
wlLh pleasure, and as far Lhrough Lhe bllzzard as she
could see, gypLlans were llfLlng chlldren lnLo sledges,
coverlng Lhem wlLh furs, glvlng Lhem seal meaL Lo
chew. And 1ony CosLa was Lhere, hugglng 8llly and
Lhen punchlng hlm sofLly only Lo hug hlm agaln and
shake hlm for [oy. And 8oger...
8oger's comlng wlLh us," she sald Lo larder Coram. lL
was hlm l meanL Lo geL ln Lhe flrsL place. We'll go back
Lo !ordan ln Lhe end. WhaL's LhaL nolse-"
lL was LhaL snarl agaln, LhaL englne, llke a crazed spy-fly
Len Lhousand Llmes Lhe slze.
Suddenly Lhere came a blow LhaL senL her sprawllng,
and anLalalmon couldn'L defend her, because Lhe
golden monkey-
Mrs. CoulLer-
age 180

1he golden monkey was wresLllng, blLlng, scraLchlng aL
anLalalmon, who was nlckerlng Lhrough so many
changes of form lL was hard Lo see hlm, and flghLlng
back: sLlnglng, lashlng, Learlng. Mrs. CoulLer,
meanwhlle, her face ln lLs furs a frozen glare of lnLense
feellng, was dragglng Lyra Lo Lhe back of a moLorlzed
sledge, and Lyra sLruggled as hard as her daemon. 1he
snow was so Lhlck LhaL Lhey seemed Lo be lsolaLed ln a
llLLle bllzzard of Lhelr own, and Lhe anbarlc headllghLs
of Lhe sledge only showed up Lhe Lhlck swlrllng flakes a
few lnches ahead.
Pelp!" Lyra crled, Lo Lhe gypLlans who were [usL Lhere
ln Lhe bllndlng snow and who could see noLhlng. Pelp
me! larder Coram! Lord laa! Ch, Cod, help!"
Mrs. CoulLer shrleked a hlgh command ln Lhe language
of Lhe norLhern 1arLars. 1he snow swlrled open, and
Lhere Lhey were, a squad of Lhem, armed wlLh rlfles,
and Lhe wolf daemons snarled beslde Lhem. 1he chlef
saw Mrs. CoulLer sLruggllng, and plcked up Lyra wlLh
one hand as lf she were a doll and Lhrew her lnLo Lhe
sledge, where she lay sLunned and dazed.
A rlfle banged, and Lhen anoLher, as Lhe gypLlans
reallzed whaL was happenlng. 8uL flrlng aL LargeLs you
can'L see ls dangerous when you can'L see your own
slde elLher. 1he 1arLars, ln a LlghL group now around
Lhe sledge, were able Lo blaze aL wlll lnLo Lhe snow,
buL Lhe gypLlans dared noL shooL back for fear of
hlLLlng Lyra.
Ch, Lhe blLLerness she felL! 1he Llredness!
SLlll dazed, wlLh her head rlnglng, she hauled herself
up Lo flnd anLalalmon desperaLely flghLlng Lhe
monkey sLlll, wlLh wolverlne [aws fasLened LlghL on a
golden arm, changlng no more buL grlmly hanglng on.
And who was LhaL?
noL 8oger?
?es, 8oger, baLLerlng aL Mrs. CoulLer wlLh flsLs and
feeL, hurLllng hls head agalnsL hers, only Lo be sLruck
down by a 1arLar who swlped aL hlm llke someone
brushlng away a fly. lL was all a phanLasmagorla now:
whlLe, black, a swlfL green fluLLer across her vlslon,
ragged shadows, raclng llghL-
A greaL swlrl llfLed curLalns of snow aslde, and lnLo Lhe
cleared area leaped lorek 8yrnlson, wlLh a clang and
screech of lron on lron. A momenL laLer and Lhose
greaL [aws snapped lefL, rlghL, a paw rlpped open a
malled chesL, whlLe LeeLh, black lron, red weL fur-
1hen someLhlng was pulllng her up, powerfully up, and
she selzed 8oger Loo, Learlng hlm ouL of Lhe hands of
Mrs. CoulLer and cllnglng LlghL, each chlld's daemon a
shrlll blrd fluLLerlng ln amazemenL as a greaLer
fluLLerlng swepL all around Lhem, and Lhen Lyra saw ln
Lhe alr beslde her a wlLch, one of Lhose eleganL ragged
black shadows from Lhe hlgh alr, buL close enough Lo
Louch, and Lhere was a bow ln Lhe wlLch's bare hands,
and she exerLed her bare pale arms (ln Lhls freezlng
alr!) Lo pull Lhe sLrlng and Lhen loose an arrow lnLo Lhe
eye sllL of a malled and lowerlng 1arLar hood only
Lhree feeL away-
And Lhe arrow sped ln and halfway ouL aL Lhe back,
and Lhe man's wolf daemon vanlshed ln mldleap even
before he hlL Lhe ground.
up! lnLo mldalr Lyra and 8oger were caughL and
swepL, and found Lhemselves cllnglng wlLh weakenlng
flngers Lo a cloud-plne branch, where a young wlLch
was slLLlng Lense wlLh balanced grace, and Lhen she
leaned down and Lo Lhe lefL and someLhlng huge was
loomlng and Lhere was Lhe ground.
age 181

1hey Lumbled lnLo Lhe snow beslde Lhe baskeL of Lee
Scoresby's balloon.
Sklp lnslde," called Lhe 1exan, and brlng your frlend,
by all means. Pave ye seen LhaL bear?"
Lyra saw LhaL Lhree wlLches were holdlng a rope
looped around a rock, anchorlng Lhe greaL buoyancy of
Lhe gas bag Lo Lhe earLh.
CeL ln!" she crled Lo 8oger, and scrambled over Lhe
leaLherbound rlm of Lhe baskeL Lo fall ln a snowy heap
lnslde. A momenL laLer 8oger fell on Lop of her, and
Lhen a mlghLy nolse halfway beLween a roar and a
growl made Lhe very ground shake.
C'mon, lorek! Cn board, old feller!" yelled Lee
Scoresby, and over Lhe slde came Lhe bear ln a hldeous
creak of wlcker and bendlng wood.
AL once Lhe aeronauL lowered hls arm ln a slgnal, and
Lhe wlLches leL go of Lhe rope.
1he balloon llfLed lmmedlaLely and surged upward lnLo
Lhe snow-Lhlck alr aL a raLe Lyra could scarcely belleve.
AfLer a momenL Lhe ground dlsappeared ln Lhe mlsL,
and up Lhey wenL, fasLer and fasLer, so LhaL she
LhoughL no rockeL could have lefL Lhe earLh more
swlfLly. She lay holdlng on Lo 8oger on Lhe floor of Lhe
baskeL, pressed down by Lhe acceleraLlon.
Lee Scoresby was cheerlng and laughlng and uLLerlng
wlld 1exan yells of dellghL, lorek 8yrnlson was calmly
unfasLenlng hls armor, hooklng a defL claw lnLo all Lhe
llnkages and undolng Lhem wlLh a LwlsL before packlng
Lhe separaLe pleces ln a plle. Somewhere ouLslde, Lhe
flap and swlsh of alr Lhrough cloud-plne needles and
wlLch garmenLs Lold LhaL Lhe wlLches were keeplng
Lhem company lnLo Lhe upper alrs.
LlLLle by llLLle Lyra recovered her breaLh, her balance,
and her hearLbeaL. She saL up and looked around.
1he baskeL was much blgger Lhan she'd LhoughL.
8anged around Lhe edges were racks of phllosophlcal
lnsLrumenLs, and Lhere were plles of furs, and boLLled
alr, and a varleLy of oLher Lhlngs Loo small or confuslng
Lo make ouL ln Lhe Lhlck mlsL Lhey were ascendlng
Lhrough. ls Lhls a cloud?" she sald.
Sure ls. Wrap your frlend ln some furs before he Lurns
lnLo an lclcle. lL's cold here, buL lL's gonna geL colder."
Pow dld you flnd us?"
WlLches. 1here's one wlLch lady who wanLs Lo Lalk Lo
you. When we geL clear of Lhe cloud, we'll geL our
bearlngs and Lhen we can slL and have a yarn."
lorek," sald Lyra, Lhank you for comlng." 1he bear
grunLed, and seLLled down Lo llck Lhe blood off hls fur.
Pls welghL meanL LhaL Lhe baskeL was LllLed Lo one
slde, buL LhaL dldn'L maLLer. 8oger was wary, buL lorek
8yrnlson Look no more noLlce of hlm Lhan of a flake of
snow. Lyra conLenLed herself wlLh cllnglng Lo Lhe rlm
of Lhe baskeL, [usL under her chln when she was
sLandlng, and peerlng wlde-eyed lnLo Lhe swlrllng
Cnly a few seconds laLer Lhe balloon passed ouL of Lhe
cloud alLogeLher and, sLlll rlslng rapldly, soared on lnLo
Lhe heavens.
WhaL a slghL!
ulrecLly above Lhem Lhe balloon swelled ouL ln a huge
curve. Above and ahead of Lhem Lhe Aurora was
age 182

blazlng, wlLh more brllllance and grandeur Lhan she
had ever seen. lL was all around, or nearly, and Lhey
were nearly parL of lL. CreaL swaLhes of lncandescence
Lrembled and parLed llke angels' wlngs beaLlng,
cascades of lumlnescenL glory Lumbled down lnvlslble
crags Lo lle ln swlrllng pools or hang llke vasL
So Lyra gasped aL LhaL, and Lhen she looked below,
and saw a slghL almosL more wondrous.
As far as Lhe eye could see, Lo Lhe very horlzon ln all
dlrecLlons, a Lumbled sea of whlLe exLended wlLhouL a
break. SofL peaks and vaporous chasms rose or opened
here and Lhere, buL mosLly lL looked llke a solld mass
of lce.
And rlslng Lhrough lL ln ones and Lwos and larger
groups as well came small black shadows, Lhose
ragged flgures of such elegance, wlLches on Lhelr
branches of cloud-plne.
1hey flew swlfLly, wlLhouL any efforL, up and Loward
Lhe balloon, leanlng Lo one slde or anoLher Lo sLeer.
And one of Lhem, Lhe archer who'd saved Lyra from
Mrs. CoulLer, flew dlrecLly alongslde Lhe baskeL, and
Lyra saw her clearly for Lhe flrsL Llme.
She was young-younger Lhan Mrs. CoulLer, and falr,
wlLh brlghL green eyes, and clad llke all Lhe wlLches ln
sLrlps of black sllk, buL wearlng no furs, no hood or
mlLLens. She seemed Lo feel no cold aL all. Around her
brow was a slmple chaln of llLLle red flowers. She saL
on her cloud-plne branch as lf lL were a sLeed, and
seemed Lo reln lL ln a yard from Lyra's wonderlng gaze.
?es! And are you Seraflna ekkala?" l am."
Lyra could see why larder Coram loved her, and why lL
was breaklng hls hearL, Lhough she had known nelLher
of Lhose Lhlngs a momenL before. Pe was growlng old,
he was an old broken man, and she would be young
for generaLlons.
Pave you goL Lhe symbol reader?" sald Lhe wlLch, ln a
volce so llke Lhe hlgh wlld slnglng of Lhe Aurora lLself
LhaL Lyra could hardly hear Lhe sense for Lhe sweeL
sound of lL.
?es. l goL lL ln my pockeL, safe."
CreaL wlngbeaLs Lold of anoLher arrlval, and Lhen he
was glldlng beslde her: Lhe gray goose daemon. Pe
spoke brlefly and Lhen wheeled away Lo gllde ln a wlde
clrcle around Lhe balloon as lL conLlnued Lo rlse.
1he gypLlans have lald wasLe Lo 8olvangar," sald
Seraflna ekkala. 1hey have kllled LwenLy-Lwo guards
and nlne of Lhe sLaff, and Lhey've seL llghL Lo every parL
of Lhe bulldlngs LhaL sLlll sLood. 1hey are golng Lo
desLroy lL compleLely."
WhaL abouL Mrs. CoulLer?"
no slgn of her."
And Lhe klds? 1hey goL all Lhe klds safely?"
age 183

Lvery one. 1hey are all safe."
Seraflna ekkala crled ouL ln a wlld yell, and oLher
wlLches clrcled and flew ln Loward Lhe balloon.
Mr. Scoresby," she sald. 1he rope, lf you please."
Ma'am, l'm very graLeful. We're sLlll rlslng. l guess
we'll go on up awhlle yeL. Pow many of you wlll lL Lake
Lo pull us norLh?"
We are sLrong" was all she sald.
Lee Scoresby was aLLachlng a coll of sLouL rope Lo Lhe
leaLher-covered lron rlng LhaL gaLhered Lhe ropes
runnlng over Lhe gas bag, and from whlch Lhe baskeL
lLself was suspended. When lL was securely flxed, he
Lhrew Lhe free end ouL, and aL once slx wlLches darLed
Loward lL, caughL hold, and began Lo pull, urglng Lhe
cloud-plne branches Loward Lhe olar SLar.
As Lhe balloon began Lo move ln LhaL dlrecLlon, an-
Lalalmon came Lo perch on Lhe edge of Lhe baskeL as a
Lern. 8oger's daemon came ouL Lo look, buL crepL back
agaln soon, for 8oger was fasL asleep, as was lorek
8yrnlson. Cnly Lee Scoresby was awake, calmly
chewlng a Lhln clgar and waLchlng hls lnsLrumenLs.
So, Lyra," sald Seraflna ekkala. uo you know why
you're golng Lo Lord Asrlel?"
Lyra was asLonlshed. 1o Lake hlm Lhe aleLhlomeLer, of
course!" she sald.
She had never consldered Lhe quesLlon, lL was obvlous.
1hen she recalled her flrsL moLlve, from so long ago
LhaL she'd almosL forgoLLen lL.
Cr... 1o help hlm escape. 1haL's lL. We're golng Lo
help hlm geL away."
8uL as she sald LhaL, lL sounded absurd. Lscape from
Svalbard? lmposslble!
1ry, anyway," she added sLouLly. Why?"
l Lhlnk Lhere are Lhlngs l need Lo Lell you," sald
Seraflna ekkala.
AbouL uusL?"
lL was Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lyra wanLed Lo know.
?es, among oLher Lhlngs. 8uL you are Llred now, and lL
wlll be a long fllghL. We'll Lalk when you wake up."
Lyra yawned. lL was a [aw-cracklng, lung-bursLlng yawn
LhaL lasLed almosL a mlnuLe, or felL llke lL, and for all
LhaL Lyra sLruggled, she couldn'L reslsL Lhe onrush of
sleep. Seraflna ekkala reached a hand over Lhe rlm of
Lhe baskeL and Louched her eyes, and as Lyra sank Lo
Lhe floor, anLalalmon fluLLered down, changed Lo an
ermlne, and crawled Lo hls sleeplng place by her neck.
1he wlLch seLLled her branch lnLo a sLeady speed
beslde Lhe baskeL as Lhey moved norLh Loward
age 184

A81 1P8LL
lCC Anu lCL
age 183

Lee Scoresby arranged some furs over Lyra. She curled
up close Lo 8oger and Lhey lay LogeLher asleep as Lhe
balloon swepL on Loward Lhe ole. 1he aeronauL
checked hls lnsLrumenLs from Llme Lo Llme, chewed on
Lhe clgar he would never llghL wlLh Lhe lnflammable
hydrogen so close, and huddled deeper lnLo hls own
1hls llLLle glrl's preLLy lmporLanL, huh?" he sald afLer
several mlnuLes.
More Lhan she wlll know," Seraflna ekkala sald.
uoes LhaL mean Lhere's gonna be much ln Lhe way of
armed pursulL? ?ou undersLand, l'm speaklng as a
pracLlcal man wlLh a llvlng Lo earn. l can'L afford Lo geL
busLed up or shoL Lo pleces wlLhouL some klnd of
compensaLlon agreed Lo ln advance. l aln'L Lrylng Lo
lower Lhe Lone of Lhls expedlLlon, belleve me, ma'am.
8uL !ohn laa and Lhe gypLlans pald me a fee LhaL's
enough Lo cover my Llme and sklll and Lhe normal
wear and Lear on Lhe balloon, and LhaL's all. lL dldn'L
lnclude acLs-of-war lnsurance. And leL me Lell you,
ma'am, when we land lorek 8yrnlson on Svalbard, LhaL
wlll counL as an acL of war."
Pe spaL a plece of smokeleaf dellcaLely overboard.
So l'd llke Lo know whaL we can expecL ln Lhe way of
mayhem and rucLlons," he flnlshed. 1here may be
flghLlng," sald Seraflna ekkala. 8uL you have foughL
Sure, when l'm pald. 8uL Lhe facL ls, l LhoughL Lhls was
a sLralghLforward LransporLaLlon conLracL, and l
charged accordlng. And l'm a wonderlng now, afLer
LhaL llLLle dusL-up down Lhere, l'm a wonderlng how
far my LransporLaLlon responslblllLy exLends. WheLher
l'm bound Lo rlsk my llfe and my equlpmenL ln a war
among Lhe bears, for example. Cr wheLher Lhls llLLle
chlld has enemles on Svalbard as hoL-Lempered as Lhe
ones back aL 8olvangar. l merely menLlon all Lhls by
way of maklng conversaLlon."
Mr. Scoresby," sald Lhe wlLch, l wlsh l could answer
your quesLlon. All l can say ls LhaL all of us, humans,
wlLches, bears, are engaged ln a war already, alLhough
noL all of us know lL. WheLher you flnd danger on
Svalbard or wheLher you fly off unharmed, you are a
recrulL, under arms, a soldler."
Well, LhaL seems klnda preclplLaLe. Seems Lo me a
man should have a cholce wheLher Lo Lake up arms or
We have no more cholce ln LhaL Lhan ln wheLher or
noL Lo be born."
Ch, l llke cholce, Lhough," he sald. l llke chooslng Lhe
[obs l Lake and Lhe places l go and Lhe food l eaL and
Lhe companlons l slL and yarn wlLh. uon'L you wlsh for
a cholce once ln a whlle ?"
Seraflna ekkala consldered, and Lhen sald, erhaps
we don'L mean Lhe same Lhlng by cholce, Mr.
Scoresby. WlLches own noLhlng, so we're noL
lnLeresLed ln preservlng value or maklng proflLs, and as
for Lhe cholce beLween one Lhlng and anoLher, when
you llve for many hundreds of years, you know LhaL
every opporLunlLy wlll come agaln. We have dlfferenL
needs. ?ou have Lo repalr your balloon and keep lL ln
good condlLlon, and LhaL Lakes Llme and Lrouble, l see
LhaL, buL for us Lo fly, all we have Lo do ls Lear off a
branch of cloud-plne, any wlll do, and Lhere are plenLy
more. We don'L feel cold, so we need no warm
cloLhes. We have no means of exchange aparL from
muLual ald. lf a wlLch needs someLhlng, anoLher wlLch
wlll glve lL Lo her. lf Lhere ls a war Lo be foughL, we
don'L conslder cosL one of Lhe facLors ln decldlng
wheLher or noL lL ls rlghL Lo flghL. nor do we have any
noLlon of honor, as bears do, for lnsLance. An lnsulL
age 186

Lo a bear ls a deadly Lhlng. 1o us... lnconcelvable. Pow
could you lnsulL a wlLch? WhaL would lL maLLer lf you
Well, l'm klnda wlLh you on LhaL. SLlcks and sLones, l'll
break yer bones, buL names aln'L worLh a quarrel. 8uL
ma'am, you see my dllemma, l hope. l'm a slmple
aeronauL, and l'd llke Lo end my days ln comforL. 8uy a
llLLle farm, a few head of caLLle, some horses...noLhlng
grand, you noLlce. no palace or slaves or heaps of gold.
!usL Lhe evenlng wlnd over Lhe sage, and a ceegar, and
a glass of bourbon whlskey. now Lhe Lrouble ls, LhaL
cosLs money. So l do my flylng ln exchange for cash,
and afLer every [ob l send some gold back Lo Lhe Wells
largo 8ank, and when l've goL enough, ma'am, l'm
gonna sell Lhls balloon and book me a passage on a
sLeamer Lo orL CalvesLon, and l'll never leave Lhe
ground agaln."
1here's anoLher dlfference beLween us, Mr. Scoresby.
A wlLch would no sooner glve up flylng Lhan glve up
breaLhlng. 1o fly ls Lo be perfecLly ourselves."
l see LhaL, ma'am, and l envy you, buL l aln'L goL your
sources of saLlsfacLlon. llylng ls [usL a [ob Lo me, and
l'm [usL a Lechnlclan. l mlghL as well be ad[usLlng valves
ln a gas englne or wlrlng up anbarlc clrculLs. 8uL l
chose lL, you see. lL was my own free cholce. Whlch ls
why l flnd Lhls noLlon of a war l aln'L been Lold noLhlng
abouL klnda Lroubllng."
lorek 8yrnlson's quarrel wlLh hls klng ls parL of lL Loo,"
sald Lhe wlLch. 1hls chlld ls desLlned Lo play a parL ln
?ou speak of desLlny," he sald, as lf lL was flxed. And
l aln'L sure l llke LhaL any more Lhan a war l'm enllsLed
ln wlLhouL knowlng abouL lL. Where's my free wlll, lf
you please? And Lhls chlld seems Lo me Lo have more
free wlll Lhan anyone l ever meL. Are you Lelllng me
LhaL she's [usL some klnd of clockwork Loy wound up
and seL golng on a course she can'L change?"
We are all sub[ecL Lo Lhe faLes. 8uL we musL all acL as
lf we are noL," sald Lhe wlLch, or dle of despalr. 1here
ls a curlous prophecy abouL Lhls chlld: she ls desLlned
Lo brlng abouL Lhe end of desLlny. 8uL she musL do so
wlLhouL knowlng whaL she ls dolng, as lf lL were her
naLure and noL her desLlny Lo do lL. lf she's Lold whaL
she musL do, lL wlll all fall, deaLh wlll sweep Lhrough all
Lhe worlds, lL wlll be Lhe Lrlumph of despalr, forever.
1he unlverses wlll all become noLhlng more Lhan
lnLerlocklng machlnes, bllnd and empLy of LhoughL,
feellng, llfe..."
1hey looked down aL Lyra, whose sleeplng face (whaL
llLLle of lL Lhey could see lnslde her hood) wore a
sLubborn llLLle frown.
l guess parL of her knows LhaL," sald Lhe aeronauL.
Looks prepared for lL, anyways. Pow abouL Lhe llLLle
boy? ?ou know she came all Lhls way Lo save hlm from
Lhose flends back Lhere? 1hey were playmaLes, back ln
Cxford or somewhere. uld you know LhaL?"
?es, l dld know LhaL. Lyra ls carrylng someLhlng of
lmmense value, and lL seems LhaL Lhe faLes are uslng
her as a messenger Lo Lake lL Lo her faLher. So she
came all Lhls way Lo flnd her frlend, noL knowlng LhaL
her frlend was broughL Lo Lhe norLh by Lhe faLes, ln
order LhaL she mlghL follow and brlng someLhlng Lo her
1haL's how you read lL, huh?"
lor Lhe flrsL Llme Lhe wlLch seemed unsure.
age 187

1haL ls how lL seems....8uL we can'L read Lhe
darkness, Mr. Scoresby. lL ls more Lhan posslble LhaL l
mlghL be wrong."
And whaL broughL you lnLo all Lhls, lf l can ask?"
WhaLever Lhey were dolng aL 8olvangar, we felL lL
was wrong wlLh all our hearLs. Lyra ls Lhelr enemy, so
we are her frlends. We don'L see more clearly Lhan
LhaL. 8uL also Lhere ls my clan's frlendshlp for Lhe
gypLlan people, whlch goes back Lo Lhe Llme when
larder Coram saved my llfe. We are dolng Lhls aL Lhelr
blddlng. And Lhey have Lles of obllgaLlon wlLh Lord
l see. So you're Lowlng Lhe balloon Lo Svalbard for Lhe
gyp-Llans' sake. And does LhaL frlendshlp exLend Lo
Lowlng us back agaln? Cr wlll l have Lo walL for a klndly
wlnd, and depend on Lhe lndulgence of Lhe bears ln
Lhe meanLlme? Cnce agaln, ma'am, l'm asklng merely
ln a splrlL of frlendly enqulry."
lf we can help you back Lo 1rollesund, Mr. Scoresby,
we shall do so. 8uL we don'L know whaL we shall meeL
on Svalbard. 1he bears' new klng has made many
changes, Lhe old ways are ouL of favor, lL mlghL be a
dlfflculL landlng. And l don'L know how Lyra wlll flnd
her way Lo her faLher. nor do l know whaL lorek
8yrnlson has lL ln mlnd Lo do, excepL LhaL hls faLe ls
lnvolved wlLh hers."
l don'L know elLher, ma'am. l Lhlnk he's aLLached
hlmself Lo Lhe llLLle glrl as a klnd of proLecLor. She
helped hlm geL hls armor back, you see. Who knows
whaL bears feel? 8uL lf a bear ever loved a human
belng, he loves her. As for landlng on Svalbard, lL's
never been easy. SLlll, lf l can call on you for a Lug ln
Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon, l'll feel klnda easler ln my mlnd, and
lf Lhere's anyLhlng l can do for you ln reLurn, you only
have Lo say. 8uL [usL so as l know, would you mlnd
Lelllng me whose slde l'm on ln Lhls lnvlslble war?"
We are boLh on Lyra's slde."
Ch, no doubL abouL LhaL."
1hey flew on. 8ecause of Lhe clouds below Lhere was
no way of Lelllng how fasL Lhey were golng. normally,
of course, a balloon remalned sLlll wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
wlnd, floaLlng aL whaLever speed Lhe alr lLself was
movlng, buL now, pulled by Lhe wlLches, Lhe balloon
was movlng Lhrough Lhe alr lnsLead of wlLh lL, and
reslsLlng Lhe movemenL, Loo, because Lhe unwleldy gas
bag had none of Lhe sLreamllned smooLhness of a
zeppelln. As a resulL, Lhe baskeL swung Lhls way and
LhaL, rocklng and bumplng much more Lhan on a
normal fllghL.
Lee Scoresby wasn'L concerned for hls comforL so
much as for hls lnsLrumenLs, and he spenL some Llme
maklng sure Lhey were securely lashed Lo Lhe maln
sLruLs. Accordlng Lo Lhe alLlmeLer, Lhey were nearly Len
Lhousand feeL up. 1he LemperaLure was mlnus 20
degrees. Pe had been colder Lhan Lhls, buL noL much,
and he dldn'L wanL Lo geL any colder now, so he
unrolled Lhe canvas sheeL he used as an emergency
blvouac, and spread lL ln fronL of Lhe sleeplng chlldren
Lo keep off Lhe wlnd, before lylng down back Lo back
wlLh hls old comrade ln arms, lorek 8yrnlson, and
falllng asleep.
When Lyra woke up, Lhe moon was hlgh ln Lhe sky, and
everyLhlng ln slghL was sllver-plaLed, from Lhe rolllng
surface of Lhe clouds below Lo Lhe frosL spears and
lclcles on Lhe rlgglng of Lhe balloon.
8oger was sleeplng, and so were Lee Scoresby and Lhe
bear. 8eslde Lhe baskeL, however, Lhe wlLch queen
was flylng sLeadlly.
age 188

Pow far are we from Svalbard?" Lyra sald.
lf we meeL no wlnds, we shall be over Svalbard ln
Lwelve hours or so." Where are we golng Lo land?"
lL depends on Lhe weaLher. We'll Lry Lo avold Lhe
cllffs, Lhough. 1here are creaLures llvlng Lhere who
prey on anyLhlng LhaL moves. lf we can, we'll seL you
down ln Lhe lnLerlor, away from lofur 8aknlson's
WhaL's golng Lo happen when l flnd Lord Asrlel? Wlll
he wanL Lo come back Lo Cxford, or whaL? l don'L
know lf l oughL Lo Lell hlm l know he's my faLher,
nelLher. Pe mlghL wanL Lo preLend he's sLlll my uncle. l
don'L hardly know hlm aL all."
Pe won'L wanL Lo go back Lo Cxford, Lyra. lL seems
LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng Lo be done ln anoLher world,
and Lord Asrlel ls Lhe only one who can brldge Lhe gulf
beLween LhaL world and Lhls. 8uL he needs someLhlng
Lo help hlm."
1he aleLhlomeLer!" Lyra sald. 1he MasLer of !ordan
gave lL Lo me and l LhoughL Lhere was someLhlng he
wanLed Lo say abouL Lord Asrlel, excepL he never had
Lhe chance. l knew he dldn'L really wanL Lo polson hlm.
ls he golng Lo read lL and see how Lo make Lhe brldge?
l beL l could help hlm. l can probably read lL as good as
anyone now."
l don'L know," sald Seraflna ekkala. Pow he'll do lL,
and whaL hls Lask wlll be, we can'L Lell. 1here are
powers who speak Lo us, and Lhere are powers above
Lhem, and Lhere are secreLs even from Lhe mosL hlgh."
1he aleLhlomeLer would Lell me! l could read lL
8uL lL was Loo cold, she would never have managed Lo
hold lL. She bundled herself up and pulled Lhe hood
LlghL agalnsL Lhe chlll of Lhe wlnd, leavlng only a sllL Lo
look Lhrough. lar ahead, and a llLLle below, Lhe long
rope exLended from Lhe suspenslon rlng of Lhe
balloon, pulled by slx or seven wlLches slLLlng on Lhelr
cloud-plne branches. 1he sLars shone as brlghL and
cold and hard as dlamonds.
Why en'L you cold, Seraflna ekkala?"
We feel cold, buL we don'L mlnd lL, because we wlll
noL come Lo harm. And lf we wrapped up agalnsL Lhe
cold, we wouldn'L feel oLher Lhlngs, llke Lhe brlghL
Llngle of Lhe sLars, or Lhe muslc of Lhe Aurora, or besL
of all Lhe sllky feellng of moonllghL on our skln. lL's
worLh belng cold for LhaL." Could l feel Lhem?"
no. ?ou would dle lf you Look your furs off. SLay
wrapped up."
Pow long do wlLches llve, Seraflna ekkala? larder
Coram says hundreds of years. 8uL you don'L look old
aL all."
l am Lhree hundred years or more. Cur oldesL wlLch
moLher ls nearly a Lhousand. Cne day, ?ambe-Akka wlll
come for her. Cne day she'll come for me. She ls Lhe
goddess of Lhe dead. She comes Lo you smlllng and
klndly, and you know lL ls Llme Lo dle."
Are Lhere men wlLches? Cr only women?"
age 189

1here are men who serve us, llke Lhe consul aL
1rollesund. And Lhere are men we Lake for lovers or
husbands. ?ou are so young, Lyra, Loo young Lo
undersLand Lhls, buL l shall Lell you anyway and you'll
undersLand lL laLer: men pass ln fronL of our eyes llke
buLLerflles, creaLures of a brlef season. We love Lhem,
Lhey are brave, proud, beauLlful, clever, and Lhey dle
almosL aL once. 1hey dle so soon LhaL our hearLs are
conLlnually racked wlLh paln. We bear Lhelr chlldren,
who are wlLches lf Lhey are female, human lf noL, and
Lhen ln Lhe bllnk of an eye Lhey are gone, felled, slaln,
losL. Cur sons, Loo. When a llLLle boy ls growlng, he
Lhlnks he ls lmmorLal. Pls moLher knows he lsn'L. Lach
Llme becomes more palnful, unLll flnally your hearL ls
broken. erhaps LhaL ls when ?ambe-Akka comes for
you. She ls older Lhan Lhe Lundra. erhaps, for her,
wlLches' llves are as brlef as men's are Lo us."
uld you love larder Coram?"
?es. uoes he know LhaL?"
l don'L know, buL l know he loves you."
When he rescued me, he was young and sLrong and
full of prlde and beauLy. l loved hlm aL once. l would
have changed my naLure, l would have forsaken Lhe
sLar-Llngle and Lhe muslc of Lhe Aurora, l would never
have flown agaln-l would have glven all LhaL up ln a
momenL, wlLhouL a LhoughL, Lo be a gypLlan boaL wlfe
and cook for hlm and share hls bed and bear hls
chlldren. 8uL you cannoL change whaL you are, only
whaL you do. l am a wlLch. Pe ls a human. l sLayed wlLh
hlm for long enough Lo bear hlm a chlld...."
Pe never sald! Was lL a glrl? A wlLch?"
no. A boy, and he dled ln Lhe greaL epldemlc of forLy
years ago, Lhe slckness LhaL came ouL of Lhe LasL. oor
llLLle chlld, he fllckered lnLo llfe and ouL of lL llke a
mayfly. And lL Lore pleces ouL of my hearL, as lL always
does. lL broke Coram's. And Lhen Lhe call came for me
Lo reLurn Lo my own people, because ?ambe-Akka had
Laken my moLher, and l was clan queen. So l lefL, as l
had Lo."
uld you never see larder Coram agaln?"
never. l heard of hls deeds, l heard how he was
wounded by Lhe Skraellngs, wlLh a polsoned arrow,
and l senL herbs and spells Lo help hlm recover, buL l
wasn'L sLrong enough Lo see hlm. l heard how broken
he was afLer LhaL, and how hls wlsdom grew, how
much he sLudled and read, and l was proud of hlm and
hls goodness. 8uL l sLayed away, for Lhey were
dangerous Llmes for my clan, and wlLch wars were
LhreaLenlng, and besldes, l LhoughL he would forgeL
me and flnd a human wlfe...."
Pe never would," sald Lyra sLouLly. ?ou oughLer go
and see hlm. Pe sLlll loves you, l know he does."
8uL he would be ashamed of hls own age, and l
wouldn'L wanL Lo make hlm feel LhaL."
erhaps he would. 8uL you oughL Lo send a message
Lo hlm, aL leasL. 1haL's whaL l Lhlnk."
Seraflna ekkala sald noLhlng for a long Llme.
anLalalmon became a Lern and flew Lo her branch for
a second, Lo acknowledge LhaL perhaps Lhey had been
1hen Lyra sald, Why do people have daemons,
Seraflna ekkala?"
Lveryone asks LhaL, and no one knows Lhe answer. As
long as Lhere have been human belngs, Lhey
age 190

have had daemons. lL's whaL makes us dlfferenL from
?eah! We're dlfferenL from Lhem all rlghL....Llke bears.
1hey're sLrange, en'L Lhey, bears? ?ou Lhlnk Lhey're llke
a person, and Lhen suddenly Lhey do someLhlng so
sLrange or feroclous you Lhlnk you'll never undersLand
Lhem....8uL you know whaL lorek sald Lo me, he sald
LhaL hls armor for hlm was llke whaL a daemon ls for a
person. lL's hls soul, he sald. 8uL LhaL's where Lhey're
dlfferenL agaln, because he made Lhls armor hls-self.
1hey Look hls flrsL armor away when Lhey senL hlm
lnLo exlle, and he found some sky lron and made some
new armor, llke maklng a new soul. We can'L make our
daemons. 1hen Lhe people aL 1rollesund, Lhey goL hlm
drunk on splrlLs and sLole lL away, and l found ouL
where lL was and he goL lL back....8uL whaL l wonder ls,
why's he comlng Lo Svalbard? 1hey'll flghL hlm. 1hey
mlghL klll hlm....l love lorek. l love hlm so much l wlsh
he wasn'L comlng."
Pas he Lold you who he ls?"
Cnly hls name. And lL was Lhe consul aL 1rollesund
who Lold us LhaL."
Pe ls hlghborn. Pe ls a prlnce. ln facL, lf he had noL
commlLLed a greaL crlme, he would be Lhe klng of Lhe
bears by now."
Pe Lold me Lhelr klng was called lofur 8aknlson."
lofur 8aknlson became klng when lorek 8yrnlson was
exlled. lofur ls a prlnce, of course, or he wouldn'L be
allowed Lo rule, buL he ls clever ln a human way, he
makes alllances and LreaLles, he llves noL as bears do,
ln lce forLs, buL ln a new-bullL palace, he Lalks of
exchanglng ambassadors wlLh human naLlons and
developlng Lhe flre mlnes wlLh Lhe help of human
englneers....Pe ls very sklllful and subLle. Some say
LhaL he provoked lorek lnLo Lhe deed for whlch he was
exlled, and oLhers say LhaL even lf he dldn'L, he
encourages Lhem Lo Lhlnk he dld, because lL adds Lo hls
repuLaLlon for crafL and subLleLy."
WhaL dld lorek do? See, one reason l love lorek, lL's
because of my faLher dolng whaL he dld and belng
punlshed. Seems Lo me Lhey're llke each oLher. lorek
Lold me he'd kllled anoLher bear, buL he never sald
how lL came abouL."
1he flghL was over a she-bear. 1he male whom lorek
kllled would noL dlsplay Lhe usual slgnals of surrender
when lL was clear LhaL lorek was sLronger. lor all Lhelr
prlde, bears never fall Lo recognlze superlor force ln
anoLher bear and surrender Lo lL, buL for some reason
Lhls bear dldn'L do lL. Some say LhaL lofur 8aknlson
worked on hls mlnd, or gave hlm confuslng herbs Lo
eaL. AL any raLe, Lhe young bear perslsLed, and lorek
8yrnlson allowed hls Lemper Lo masLer hlm. 1he case
was noL hard Lo [udge, he should have wounded, noL
So oLherwlse he'd be klng," Lyra sald. And l heard
someLhlng abouL lofur 8aknlson from Lhe almerlan
rofessor aL !ordan, 'cause he'd been Lo Lhe norLh and
meL hlm. Pe sald... l wlsh l could remember whaL lL
was....l Lhlnk he'd Lrlcked hls way on Lo Lhe Lhrone or
someLhlng....8uL you know, lorek sald Lo me once LhaL
bears couldn'L be Lrlcked, and showed me LhaL l
couldn'L Lrlck hlm. lL sounds as lf Lhey was boLh Lrlcked,
hlm and Lhe oLher bear. Maybe only bears can Lrlck
bears, maybe people can'L. LxcepL...1he people aL
1rollesund, Lhey Lrlcked hlm, dldn'L Lhey? When Lhey
goL hlm drunk and sLole hls armor?"
When bears acL llke people, perhaps Lhey can be
Lrlcked," sald Seraflna ekkala. When bears acL llke
bears, perhaps Lhey can'L. no bear would normally
drlnk splrlLs. lorek 8yrnlson drank Lo forgeL Lhe shame
of exlle, and lL was only LhaL whlch leL Lhe 1rollesund
people Lrlck hlm."
age 191

Ah, yes," sald Lyra, noddlng. She was saLlsfled wlLh
LhaL ldea. She admlred lorek almosL wlLhouL llmlL, and
she was glad Lo flnd conflrmaLlon of hls noblllLy.
1haL's clever of you," she sald. l wouldn'L have
known LhaL lf you hadn'L Lold me. l Lhlnk you're
probably cleverer Lhan Mrs. CoulLer."
1hey flew on. Lyra chewed some of Lhe seal meaL she
found ln her pockeL.
Seraflna ekkala," she sald afLer some Llme, whaL's
uusL? 'Cause lL seems Lo me LhaL all Lhls Lrouble's
abouL uusL, only no one's Lold me whaL lL ls."
l don'L know," Seraflna ekkala Lold her. WlLches
have never worrled abouL uusL. All l can Lell you ls LhaL
where Lhere are prlesLs, Lhere ls fear of uusL. Mrs.
CoulLer ls noL a prlesL, of course, buL she ls a powerful
agenL of Lhe MaglsLerlum, and lL was she who seL up
Lhe CblaLlon 8oard and persuaded Lhe Church Lo pay
for 8olvangar, because of her lnLeresL ln uusL. We
can'L undersLand her feellngs abouL lL. 8uL Lhere are
many Lhlngs we have never undersLood. We see Lhe
1arLars maklng holes ln Lhelr skulls, and we can only
wonder aL Lhe sLrangeness of lL. So uusL may be
sLrange, and we wonder aL lL, buL we don'L freL and
Lear Lhlngs aparL Lo examlne lL. Leave LhaL Lo Lhe
1he Church?" sald Lyra. SomeLhlng had come back Lo
her: she remembered Lalklng wlLh anLalalmon, ln Lhe
fens, abouL whaL lL mlghL be LhaL was movlng Lhe
needle of Lhe aleLhlomeLer, and Lhey had LhoughL of
Lhe phoLomlll on Lhe hlgh alLar aL Cabrlel College, and
how elemenLary parLlcles pushed Lhe llLLle vanes
around. 1he lnLercessor Lhere was clear abouL Lhe llnk
beLween elemenLary parLlcles and rellglon. Could be,"
she sald, noddlng. MosL Church Lhlngs, Lhey keep
secreL, afLer all. 8uL mosL Church Lhlngs are old, and
uusL en'L old, as far as l know. l wonder lf Lord Asrlel
mlghL Lell me...."
She yawned.
l beLLer lle down," she sald Lo Seraflna ekkala, else
l'll probably freeze. l been cold down on Lhe ground,
buL l never been Lhls cold. l Lhlnk l mlghL dle lf l geL any
1hen lle down and wrap yourself ln Lhe furs."
?eah, l wlll. lf l was golng Lo dle, l'd raLher dle up here
Lhan down Lhere, any day. l LhoughL when Lhey puL us
under LhaL blade Lhlng, l LhoughL LhaL was lL....We boLh
dld. Ch, LhaL was cruel. 8uL we'll lle down now. Wake
us up when we geL Lhere," she sald, and goL down on
Lhe plle of furs, clumsy and achlng ln every parL of her
wlLh Lhe profound lnLenslLy of Lhe cold, and lay as
close as she could Lo Lhe sleeplng 8oger.
And so Lhe four Lravelers salled on, sleeplng ln Lhe lce-
encrusLed balloon, Loward Lhe rocks and glaclers, Lhe
flre mlnes and Lhe lce forLs of Svalbard.
Seraflna ekkala called Lo Lhe aeronauL, and he woke
aL once, groggy wlLh cold, buL aware from Lhe
movemenL of Lhe baskeL LhaL someLhlng was wrong. lL
was swlnglng wlldly as sLrong wlnds buffeLed Lhe gas
bag, and Lhe wlLches pulllng Lhe rope were barely
managlng Lo hold lL. lf Lhey leL go, Lhe balloon would
be swepL off course aL once, and Lo [udge by hls glance
aL Lhe compass, would be swepL Loward nova Zembla
aL nearly a hundred mlles an hour.
Where are we?" Lyra heard hlm call. She was half-
waklng herself, uneasy because of Lhe moLlon, and so
cold LhaL every parL of her body was numb.
age 192

She couldn'L hear Lhe wlLch's reply, buL Lhrough her
half-closed hood she saw, ln Lhe llghL of an anbarlc
lanLern, Lee Scoresby hold on Lo a sLruL and pull aL a
rope leadlng up lnLo Lhe gas bag lLself. Pe gave a sharp
Lug as lf agalnsL some obsLrucLlon, and looked up lnLo
Lhe buffeLlng dark before looplng Lhe rope around a
cleaL on Lhe suspenslon rlng.
l'm leLLlng ouL some gas!" he shouLed Lo Seraflna
ekkala. We'll go down. We're way Loo hlgh."
1he wlLch called someLhlng ln reLurn, buL agaln Lyra
couldn'L hear lL. 8oger was waklng Loo, Lhe creaklng of
Lhe baskeL was enough Lo wake Lhe deepesL sleeper,
never mlnd Lhe rocklng and bumplng. 8oger's daemon
and anLalalmon clung LogeLher llke marmoseLs, and
Lyra concenLraLed on lylng sLlll and noL leaplng up ln
'S all rlghL," 8oger sald, soundlng much more cheerful
Lhan she was. Soon's we geL down we can make a flre
and geL warm. l goL some maLches ln me pockeL. l
plnched 'em ouL Lhe klLchen aL 8olvangar."
1he balloon was cerLalnly descendlng, because Lhey
were enveloped a second laLer ln Lhlck freezlng cloud.
Scraps and wlsps of lL flew Lhrough Lhe baskeL, and
Lhen everyLhlng was obscured, all aL once. lL was llke
Lhe LhlckesL fog Lyra had ever known. AfLer a momenL
or Lwo Lhere came anoLher cry from Seraflna ekkala,
and Lhe aeronauL unlooped Lhe rope from Lhe cleaL
and leL go. lL sprang upward Lhrough hls hands, and
even over Lhe creak and Lhe buffeLlng and Lhe howl of
wlnd Lhrough Lhe rlgglng Lyra heard or felL a mlghLy
Lhump from somewhere far above.
Lee Scoresby saw her wlde eyes.
1haL's Lhe gas valve!" he shouLed. lL works on a
sprlng Lo hold Lhe gas ln. When l pull lL down, some
gas escapes ouLLa Lhe Lop, and we lose buoyancy and
go down."
Are we nearly-"
She dldn'L flnlsh, because someLhlng hldeous
happened. A creaLure half Lhe slze of a man, wlLh
leaLhery wlngs and hooked claws, was crawllng over
Lhe slde of Lhe baskeL Loward Lee Scoresby. lL had a
flaL head, wlLh bulglng eyes and a wlde frog mouLh,
and from lL came wafLs of abomlnable sLlnk. Lyra had
no Llme Lo scream, even, before lorek 8yrnlson
reached up and cuffed lL away. lL fell ouL of Lhe baskeL
and vanlshed wlLh a shrlek.
Cllff-ghasL," sald lorek brlefly.
1he nexL momenL Seraflna ekkala appeared, and
clung Lo Lhe slde of Lhe baskeL, speaklng urgenLly.
1he cllff-ghasLs are aLLacklng. We'll brlng Lhe balloon
Lo Lhe ground, and Lhen we musL defend ourselves.
8uL Lyra dldn'L hear Lhe resL of whaL she sald, because
Lhere was a rendlng, rlpplng sound, and everyLhlng
LllLed sldeways. 1hen a Lerrlflc blow hurled Lhe Lhree
humans agalnsL Lhe slde of Lhe balloon where lorek
8yrnlson's armor was sLacked, lorek puL ouL a greaL
paw Lo hold Lhem ln, because Lhe baskeL was [olLlng so
vlolenLly. Seraflna ekkala had vanlshed. 1he nolse was
appalllng: over every oLher sound Lhere came Lhe
shrleklng of Lhe cllff-ghasLs, and Lyra saw Lhem
hurLllng pasL, and smelled Lhelr foul sLench.
1hen Lhere came anoLher [erk, so sudden LhaL lL Lhrew
Lhem all Lo Lhe floor agaln, and Lhe baskeL began Lo
slnk wlLh frlghLenlng speed, splnnlng all Lhe whlle. lL
felL as lf Lhey had Lorn loose from Lhe balloon, and
age 193

were dropplng unchecked by anyLhlng, and Lhen came
anoLher serles of [erks and crashes, Lhe baskeL belng
Lossed rapldly from slde Lo slde as lf Lhey were
bounclng beLween rock walls.
1he lasL Lhlng Lyra saw was Lee Scoresby flrlng hls
long-barreled plsLol dlrecLly ln Lhe face of a cllff-ghasL,
and Lhen she shuL her eyes LlghL, and clung Lo lorek
8yrnlson's fur wlLh passlonaLe fear. Powls, shrleks, Lhe
lash and whlsLle of Lhe wlnd, Lhe creak of Lhe baskeL
llke a LormenLed anlmal, all fllled Lhe wlld alr wlLh
hldeous nolse.
1hen came Lhe blggesL [olL of all, and she found herself
hurled ouL alLogeLher. Per grlp was Lorn loose, and all
Lhe breaLh was knocked ouL of her lungs as she landed
ln such a Langle LhaL she couldn'L Lell whlch way was
up, and her face ln Lhe LlghL-pulled hood was full of
powder, dry, cold, crysLals-
lL was snow, she had landed ln a snowdrlfL. She was so
baLLered LhaL she could hardly Lhlnk. She lay qulLe sLlll
for several seconds before feebly splLLlng ouL Lhe snow
ln her mouLh, and Lhen she blew [usL as feebly unLll
Lhere was a llLLle space Lo breaLhe ln.
noLhlng seemed Lo be hurLlng ln parLlcular, she [usL
felL uLLerly breaLhless. CauLlously she Lrled Lo move
hands, feeL, arms, legs, and Lo ralse her head.
She could see very llLLle, because her hood was sLlll
fllled wlLh snow. WlLh an efforL, as lf her hands
welghed a Lon each, she brushed lL off and peered ouL.
She saw a world of gray, of pale grays and dark grays
and blacks, where fog drlfLs wandered llke wralLhs.
1he only sounds she could hear were Lhe dlsLanL crles
of Lhe cllff-ghasLs, hlgh above, and Lhe crash of waves
on rocks, some way off.
lorek!" she crled. Per volce was falnL and shaky, and
she Lrled agaln, buL no one answered. 8oger!" she
called, wlLh Lhe same resulL.
She mlghL have been alone ln Lhe world, buL of course
she never was, and anLalalmon crepL ouL of her
anorak as a mouse Lo keep her company.
l've checked Lhe aleLhlomeLer," he sald, and lL's all
rlghL. noLhlng's broken."
We're losL, an!" she sald. uld you see Lhose cllff-
ghasLs? And Mr. Scoresby shooLlng 'em? Cod help us lf
Lhey come down here...."
We beLLer Lry and flnd Lhe baskeL," he sald, maybe."
We beLLer noL call ouL," she sald. l dld [usL now, buL
maybe l beLLer noL ln case Lhey hear us. l wlsh l knew
where we were."
We mlghL noL llke lL lf we dld," he polnLed ouL. We
mlghL be aL Lhe boLLom of a cllff wlLh no way up, and
Lhe cllff-ghasLs aL Lhe Lop Lo see us when Lhe fog
She felL around, once she had resLed a few more
mlnuLes, and found LhaL she had landed ln a gap
beLween Lwo lce-covered rocks. lreezlng fog covered
everyLhlng, Lo one slde Lhere was Lhe crash of waves
abouL flfLy yards off, by Lhe sound of lL, and from hlgh
above Lhere sLlll came Lhe shrleklng of Lhe cllff-ghasLs,
Lhough LhaL seemed Lo be abaLlng a llLLle. She could
see no more Lhan Lwo or Lhree yards ln Lhe murk, and
even anLalalmon's owl eyes were helpless.
age 194

She made her way palnfully, sllpplng and slldlng on Lhe
rough rocks, away from Lhe waves and up Lhe beach a
llLLle, and found noLhlng buL rock and snow, and no
slgn of Lhe balloon or any of Lhe occupanLs.
1hey can'L have all [usL vanlshed," she whlspered.
anLalalmon prowled, caL-formed, a llLLle farLher
afleld, and came across four heavy sandbags broken
open, wlLh Lhe scaLLered sand already freezlng hard.
8allasL," Lyra sald. Pe musL've slung 'em off Lo fly up
She swallowed hard Lo subdue Lhe lump ln her LhroaL,
or Lhe fear ln her breasL, or boLh.
Ch, Cod, l'm frlghLened," she sald. l hope Lhey're
Pe came Lo her arms and Lhen, mouse-formed, crepL
lnLo her hood where he couldn'L be seen. She heard a
nolse, someLhlng scraplng on rock, and Lurned Lo see
whaL lL was.
8uL she choked Lhe word back unflnlshed, for lL wasn'L
lorek 8yrnlson aL all. lL was a sLrange bear, clad ln
pollshed armor wlLh Lhe dew on lL frozen lnLo frosL,
and wlLh a plume ln hls helmeL.
Pe sLood sLlll, abouL slx feeL away, and she LhoughL she
really was flnlshed.
1he bear opened hls mouLh and roared. An echo came
back from Lhe cllffs and sLlrred more shrleklng from far
above. CuL of Lhe fog came anoLher bear, and anoLher.
Lyra sLood sLlll, clenchlng her llLLle human flsLs.
1he bears dldn'L move unLll Lhe flrsL one sald, ?our
name?" Lyra."
Where have you come from?"
1he sky."
ln a balloon?"
Come wlLh us. ?ou are a prlsoner. Move, now.
Weary and scared, Lyra began Lo sLumble over Lhe
harsh and sllppery rocks, followlng Lhe bear,
wonderlng how she could Lalk her way ouL of Lhls.
age 193

1he bears Look Lyra up a gully ln Lhe cllffs, where Lhe
fog lay even more Lhlckly Lhan on Lhe shore. 1he crles
of Lhe cllff-ghasLs and Lhe crash of Lhe waves grew
falnLer as Lhey cllmbed, and presenLly Lhe only sound
was Lhe ceaseless crylng of seablrds. 1hey clambered
ln sllence over rocks and snowdrlfLs, and alLhough Lyra
peered wlde-eyed lnLo Lhe enfoldlng grayness, and
sLralned her ears for Lhe sound of her frlends, she
mlghL have been Lhe only human on Svalbard, and
lorek mlghL have been dead.
1he bear sergeanL sald noLhlng Lo her unLll Lhey were
on level ground. 1here Lhey sLopped. lrom Lhe sound
of Lhe waves, Lyra [udged Lhem Lo have reached Lhe
Lop of Lhe cllffs, and she dared noL run away ln case
she fell over Lhe edge.
Look up," sald Lhe bear, as a wafL of breeze moved
aslde Lhe heavy curLaln of Lhe fog.
1here was llLLle dayllghL ln any case, buL Lyra dld look,
and found herself sLandlng ln fronL of a vasL bulldlng of
sLone. lL was as Lall aL leasL as Lhe hlghesL parL of
!ordan College, buL much more masslve, and carved all
over wlLh represenLaLlons of warfare, showlng bears
vlcLorlous and Skraellngs surrenderlng, showlng
1arLars chalned and slavlng ln Lhe flre mlnes, showlng
zeppellns flylng from all parLs of Lhe world bearlng glfLs
and LrlbuLes Lo Lhe klng of Lhe bears, lofur 8aknlson.
AL leasL, LhaL was whaL Lhe bear sergeanL Lold her Lhe
carvlngs showed. She had Lo Lake hls word for lL,
because every pro[ecLlon and ledge on Lhe deeply
sculpLed facade was occu-pled by ganneLs and skuas,
whlch cawed and shrleked and wheeled consLanLly
around overhead, and whose dropplngs had coaLed
every parL of Lhe bulldlng wlLh Lhlck smears of dlrLy
1he bears seemed noL Lo see Lhe mess, however, and
Lhey led Lhe way ln Lhrough Lhe huge arch, over Lhe lcy
ground LhaL was fllLhy wlLh Lhe spaLLer of Lhe blrds.
1here was a courLyard, and hlgh sLeps, and gaLeways,
and aL every polnL bears ln armor challenged Lhe
lncomers and were glven a password. 1helr armor was
pollshed and gleamlng, and Lhey all wore plumes ln
Lhelr helmeLs. Lyra couldn'L help comparlng every bear
she saw wlLh lorek 8yrnlson, and always Lo hls
advanLage, he was more powerful, more graceful, and
hls armor was real armor, rusL-colored, bloodsLalned,
denLed wlLh combaL, noL eleganL, enameled, and
decoraLlve llke mosL of whaL she saw around her now.
As Lhey wenL furLher ln, Lhe LemperaLure rose, and so
dld someLhlng else. 1he smell ln lofur's palace was
repulslve: rancld seal faL, dung, blood, refuse of every
sorL. Lyra pushed back her hood Lo be cooler, buL she
couldn'L help wrlnkllng her nose. She hoped bears
couldn'L read human expresslons. 1here were lron
age 196

brackeLs every few yards, holdlng blubber lamps, and
ln Lhelr flarlng shadows lL wasn'L always easy Lo see
where she was Lreadlng, elLher.
llnally Lhey sLopped ouLslde a heavy door of lron. A
guard bear pulled back a masslve bolL, and Lhe
sergeanL suddenly swung hls paw aL Lyra, knocklng her
head over heels Lhrough Lhe doorway. 8efore she
could scramble up, she heard Lhe door belng bolLed
behlnd her.
lL was profoundly dark, buL anLalalmon became a
flrefly, and shed a Llny glow around Lhem. 1hey were ln
a narrow cell where Lhe walls drlpped wlLh damp, and
Lhere was one sLone bench for furnlLure. ln Lhe
farLhesL corner Lhere was a heap of rags she Look for
beddlng, and LhaL was all she could see.
Lyra saL down, wlLh anLalalmon on her shoulder, and
felL ln her cloLhes for Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
lL's cerLalnly had a loL of banglng abouL, an," she
whlspered. l hope lL sLlll works."
anLalalmon flew down Lo her wrlsL, and saL Lhere
glowlng whlle Lyra composed her mlnd. WlLh a parL of
her, she found lL remarkable LhaL she could slL here ln
Lerrlble danger and yeL slnk lnLo Lhe calm she needed
Lo read Lhe aleLhlomeLer, and yeL lL was so much a
parL of her now LhaL Lhe mosL compllcaLed quesLlons
sorLed Lhemselves ouL lnLo Lhelr consLlLuenL symbols
as naLurally as her muscles moved her llmbs: she
hardly had Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhem.
She Lurned Lhe hands and LhoughL Lhe quesLlon:
Where ls lorek?"
1he answer came aL once: A day's [ourney away,
carrled Lhere by Lhe balloon afLer your crash, buL
hurrylng Lhls way."
And 8oger?"
WlLh lorek."
WhaL wlll lorek do?"
Pe lnLends Lo break lnLo Lhe palace and rescue you, ln
Lhe face of all Lhe dlfflculLles."
She puL Lhe aleLhlomeLer away, even more anxlous
Lhan before.
1hey won'L leL hlm, wlll Lhey?" she sald Lo
anLalalmon. 1here's Loo many of 'em. l wlsh l was a
wlLch, an, Lhen you could go off and flnd hlm and
Lake messages and all, and we could make a proper
1hen she had Lhe frlghL of her llfe.
A man's volce spoke ln Lhe darkness a few feeL away,
and sald, Who are you?"
She leaped up wlLh a cry of alarm. anLalalmon
became a baL aL once, shrleklng, and flew around her
head as she backed agalnsL Lhe wall.
Lh? Lh?" sald Lhe man agaln. Who ls LhaL? Speak up!
Speak up!"
8e a flrefly agaln, an," she sald shaklly. 8uL don'L go
Loo close."
1he llLLle waverlng polnL of llghL danced Lhrough Lhe
alr and fluLLered around Lhe head of Lhe speaker.
age 197

And lL hadn'L been a heap of rags afLer all, lL was a
gray-bearded man, chalned Lo Lhe wall, whose eyes
gllLLered ln anLalalmon's lumlnance, and whose
LaLLered halr hung over hls shoulders. Pls daemon, a
weary-looklng serpenL, lay ln hls lap, fllcklng ouL her
Longue occaslonally as anLalalmon flew near.
WhaL's your name?" she sald.
!oLham SanLella," he replled. l am Lhe 8eglus
rofessor of Cosmology aL Lhe unlverslLy of
CloucesLer. Who are you?"
Lyra 8elacqua. WhaL have Lhey locked you up for?"
Mallce and [ealousy...Where do you come from? Lh?"
lrom !ordan College," she sald.
WhaL? Cxford?"
ls LhaL scoundrel 1relawney sLlll Lhere? Lh?"
1he almerlan rofessor? ?es," she sald.
ls he, by Cod! Lh? 1hey should have forced hls
reslgnaLlon long ago. uupllclLous plaglarlsL! Coxcomb!"
Lyra made a neuLral sound.
Pas he publlshed hls paper on gamma-ray phoLons
yeL?" Lhe rofessor sald, LhrusLlng hls face up Loward
She moved back.
l don'L know," she sald, and Lhen, maklng lL up ouL of
pure hablL, no," she wenL on. l remember now. Pe
sald he sLlll needed Lo check some flgures. And...Pe
sald he was golng Lo wrlLe abouL uusL as well. 1haL's
Scoundrel! 1hlef! 8lackguard! 8ogue!" shouLed Lhe
old man, and he shook so vlolenLly LhaL Lyra was afrald
he'd have a flL. Pls daemon sllLhered leLharglcally off
hls lap as Lhe rofessor beaL hls flsLs agalnsL hls
shanks. urops of sallva flew ouL of hls mouLh.
?eah," sald Lyra, l always LhoughL he was a Lhlef.
And a rogue and all LhaL."
lf lL was unllkely for a scruffy llLLle glrl Lo Lurn up ln hls
cell knowlng Lhe very man who flgured ln hls
obsesslons, Lhe 8eglus rofessor dldn'L noLlce. Pe was
mad, and no wonder, poor old man, buL he mlghL have
some scraps of lnformaLlon LhaL Lyra could use.
She saL carefully near hlm, noL near enough for hlm Lo
Louch, buL near enough for anLalalmon's Llny llghL Lo
show hlm clearly.
Cne Lhlng rofessor 1relawney used Lo boasL abouL,"
she sald, was how well he knew Lhe klng of Lhe
age 198

8oasL! Lh? Lh? l should say he boasLs! Pe's noLhlng
buL a popln[ay! And a plraLe! noL a scrap of orlglnal
research Lo hls name! LveryLhlng fllched from beLLer
?eah, LhaL's rlghL," sald Lyra earnesLly. And when he
does do someLhlng of hls own, he geLs lL wrong."
?es! ?es! AbsoluLely! no LalenL, no lmaglnaLlon, a
fraud from Lop Lo boLLom!"
l mean, for example," sald Lyra, l beL you know more
abouL Lhe bears Lhan he does, for a sLarL."
8ears," sald Lhe old man, ha! l could wrlLe a LreaLlse
on Lhem! 1haL's why Lhey shuL me away, you know."
Why's LhaL?"
l know Loo much abouL Lhem, and Lhey daren'L klll
me. 1hey daren'L do lL, much as Lhey'd llke Lo. l know,
you see. l have frlends. ?es! owerful frlends."
?eah," sald Lyra. And l beL you'd be a wonderful
Leacher," she wenL on. 8elng as you goL so much
knowledge and experlence."
Lven ln Lhe depLhs of hls madness a llLLle common
sense sLlll fllckered, and he looked aL her sharply,
almosL as lf he suspecLed her of sarcasm. 8uL she had
been deallng wlLh susplclous and cranky Scholars all
her llfe, and she gazed back wlLh such bland
admlraLlon LhaL he was sooLhed.
1eacher," he sald, Leacher...?es, l could Leach. Clve
me Lhe rlghL pupll, and l wlll llghL a flre ln hls mlnd!"
8ecause your knowledge oughL noL Lo [usL vanlsh,"
Lyra sald encouraglngly. lL oughL Lo be passed on so
people remember you."
?es," he sald, noddlng serlously. 1haL's very
percepLlve of you, chlld. WhaL ls your name?" Lyra,"
she Lold hlm agaln. Could you Leach me abouL Lhe
1he bears..." he sald doubLfully.
l'd really llke Lo know abouL cosmology and uusL and
all, buL l'm noL clever enough for LhaL. ?ou need really
clever sLudenLs for LhaL. 8uL l could learn abouL Lhe
bears. ?ou could Leach me abouL Lhem all rlghL. And
we could sorL of pracLlce on LhaL and work up Lo uusL,
Pe nodded agaln.
?es," he sald, yes, l belleve you're rlghL. 1here ls a
correspondence beLween Lhe mlcrocosm and Lhe
macrocosm! 1he sLars are allve, chlld. uld you know
LhaL? LveryLhlng ouL Lhere ls allve, and Lhere are grand
purposes abroad! 1he unlverse ls full of lnLenLlons, you
know. LveryLhlng happens for a purpose. ?our purpose
ls Lo remlnd me of LhaL. Cood, good-ln my despalr l
had forgoLLen. Cood! LxcellenL, my chlld!"
So, have you seen Lhe klng? lofur 8aknlson?"
age 199

?es. Ch, yes. l came here aL hls lnvlLaLlon, you know.
Pe lnLended Lo seL up a unlverslLy. Pe was golng Lo
make me vlce-Chancellor. 1haL would be one ln Lhe
eye for Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc lnsLlLuLe, eh! Lh? And LhaL
scoundrel 1relawney! Pa!"
WhaL happened?"
l was beLrayed by lesser men. 1relawney among
Lhem, of course. Pe was here, you know. Cn Svalbard.
Spread lles and calumny abouL my quallflcaLlons.
Calumny! Slander! Who was lL dlscovered Lhe flnal
proof of Lhe 8arnard-SLokes hypoLhesls, eh? Lh? ?es,
SanLella, LhaL's who. 1relawney couldn'L Lake lL. Lled
Lhrough hls LeeLh. lofur 8aknlson had me Lhrown ln
here. l'll be ouL one day, you'll see. l'll be vlce-
Chancellor, oh yes. LeL 1relawney come Lo me Lhen
begglng for mercy! LeL Lhe ubllcaLlons CommlLLee of
Lhe 8oyal ArcLlc lnsLlLuLe spurn my conLrlbuLlons Lhen!
Pa! l'll expose Lhem all!
l expecL lorek 8yrnlson wlll belleve you, when he
comes back," Lyra sald.
lorek 8yrnlson? no good walLlng for LhaL. Pe'll never
come back."
Pe's on hls way now."
1hen Lhey'll klll hlm. Pe's noL a bear, you see. Pe's an
ouLcasL. Llke me. uegraded, you see. noL enLlLled Lo
any of Lhe prlvlleges of a bear."
Supposlng lorek 8yrnlson dld come back, Lhough,"
Lyra sald. Supposlng he challenged lofur 8aknlson Lo a
Ch, Lhey wouldn'L allow lL," sald Lhe rofessor
declslvely, lofur would never lower hlmself Lo
acknowledge lorek 8yrnlson's rlghL Lo flghL hlm. Pasn'L
goL a rlghL. lorek mlghL as well be a seal now, or a
walrus, noL a bear. Cr worse: 1arLar or Skraellng. 1hey
wouldn'L flghL hlm honorably llke a bear, Lhey'd klll
hlm wlLh flre hurlers before he goL near. noL a hope.
no mercy."
Ch," sald Lyra, wlLh a heavy despalr ln her breasL.
And whaL abouL Lhe bears' oLher prlsoners? uo you
know where Lhey keep Lhem?"
CLher prlsoners?"
Llke.-.Lord Asrlel."
Suddenly Lhe rofessor's manner changed alLogeLher.
Pe crlnged and shrank back agalnsL Lhe wall, and
shook hls head warnlngly.
Shh! CuleL! 1hey'll hear you!" he whlspered.
Why musLn'L we menLlon Lord Asrlel?"
lorbldden! very dangerous! lofur 8aknlson wlll noL
allow hlm Lo be menLloned!" Why?" Lyra sald, comlng
closer and whlsperlng herself so as noL Lo alarm hlm.
keeplng Lord Asrlel prlsoner ls a speclal charge lald on
lofur by Lhe CblaLlon 8oard," Lhe old man whlspered
back. Mrs. CoulLer herself came here Lo see lofur and
offered hlm all klnds of rewards Lo
age 200

keep Lord Asrlel ouL of Lhe way. l know abouL lL, you
see, because aL Lhe Llme l was ln lofur's favor myself. l
meL Mrs. CoulLer! ?es. Pad a long conversaLlon wlLh
her. lofur was besoLLed wlLh her. Couldn'L sLop Lalklng
abouL her. Would do anyLhlng for her. lf she wanLs
Lord Asrlel kepL a hundred mlles away, LhaL's whaL wlll
happen. AnyLhlng for Mrs. CoulLer, anyLhlng. Pe's
golng Lo name hls caplLal clLy afLer her, dld you know
So he wouldn'L leL anyone go and see Lord Asrlel?"
no! never! 8uL he's afrald of Lord Asrlel Loo, you
know, lofur's playlng a dlfflculL game. 8uL he's clever.
Pe's done whaL Lhey boLh wanL. Pe's kepL Lord Asrlel
lsolaLed, Lo please Mrs. CoulLer, and he's leL Lord Asrlel
have all Lhe equlpmenL he wanLs, Lo please hlm. Can'L
lasL, Lhls equlllbrlum. unsLable. leaslng boLh sldes.
Lh? 1he wave funcLlon of Lhls slLuaLlon ls golng Lo
collapse qulLe soon. l have lL on good auLhorlLy."
8eally?" sald Lyra, her mlnd elsewhere, furlously
Lhlnklng abouL whaL he'd [usL sald. ?es. My daemon's
Longue can LasLe probablllLy, you know."
?eah. Mlne Loo. When do Lhey feed us, rofessor?"
leed us?"
1hey musL puL some food ln someLlme, else we'd
sLarve. And Lhere's bones on Lhe floor. l expecL Lhey're
seal bones, aren'L Lhey?"
Seal...l don'L know. lL mlghL be."
Lyra goL up and felL her way Lo Lhe door. 1here was no
handle, naLurally, and no keyhole, and lL flLLed so
closely aL Lop and boLLom LhaL no llghL showed. She
pressed her ear Lo lL, buL heard noLhlng. 8ehlnd her
Lhe old man was muLLerlng Lo hlmself. She heard hls
chaln raLLle as he Lurned over wearlly and lay Lhe oLher
way, and presenLly he began Lo snore.
She felL her way back Lo Lhe bench. anLalalmon, Llred
of puLLlng ouL llghL, had become a baL, whlch was all
very well for hlm, he fluLLered around squeaklng
quleLly whlle Lyra saL and chewed a flngernall.
CulLe suddenly, wlLh no warnlng aL all, she
remembered whaL lL was LhaL she'd heard Lhe
almerlan rofessor saylng ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom all
LhaL Llme ago. SomeLhlng had been nagglng aL her ever
slnce lorek 8yrnlson had flrsL menLloned lofur's name,
and now lL came back: whaL lofur 8aknlson wanLed
more Lhan anyLhlng else, rofessor 1relawney had
sald, was a daemon.
Cf course, she hadn'L undersLood whaL he meanL, he'd
spoken of panserb[0rne lnsLead of uslng Lhe Lngllsh
word, so she dldn'L know he was Lalklng abouL bears,
and she had no ldea LhaL lofur 8aknlson wasn'L a man.
And a man would have had a daemon anyway, so lL
hadn'L made sense.
8uL now lL was plaln. LveryLhlng she'd heard abouL Lhe
bear-klng added up: Lhe mlghLy lofur 8aknlson wanLed
noLhlng more Lhan Lo be a human belng, wlLh a
daemon of hls own.
And as she LhoughL LhaL, a plan came Lo her: a way of
maklng lofur 8aknlson do whaL he would normally
never have done, a way of resLorlng lorek 8yrnlson Lo
hls rlghLful Lhrone, a way, flnally, of geLLlng Lo Lhe
place where Lhey had puL Lord Asrlel, and Laklng hlm
Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
age 201

1he ldea hovered and shlmmered dellcaLely, llke a
soap bubble, and she dared noL even look aL lL dlrecLly
ln case lL bursL. 8uL she was famlllar wlLh Lhe way of
ldeas, and she leL lL shlmmer, looklng away, Lhlnklng
abouL someLhlng else.
She was nearly asleep when Lhe bolLs claLLered and
Lhe door opened. LlghL spllled ln, and she was on her
feeL aL once, wlLh anLalalmon hldden swlfLly ln her
As soon as Lhe bear guard benL hls head Lo llfL Lhe
haunch of seal meaL and Lhrow lL ln, she was aL hls
slde, saylng:
1ake me Lo lofur 8aknlson. ?ou'll be ln Lrouble lf you
don'L. lL's very urgenL."
Pe dropped Lhe meaL from hls [aws and looked up. lL
wasn'L easy Lo read bears' expresslons, buL he looked
lL's abouL lorek 8yrnlson," she sald qulckly. l know
someLhlng abouL hlm, and Lhe klng needs Lo know."
1ell me whaL lL ls, and l'll pass Lhe message on," sald
Lhe bear.
1haL wouldn'L be rlghL, noL for someone else Lo know
before Lhe klng does," she sald. l'm sorry, l don'L
mean Lo be rude, buL you see, lL's Lhe rule LhaL Lhe klng
has Lo know Lhlngs flrsL."
erhaps he was slow-wlLLed. AL any raLe, he paused,
and Lhen Lhrew Lhe meaL lnLo Lhe cell before saylng,
very well. ?ou come wlLh me."
Pe led her ouL lnLo Lhe open alr, for whlch she was
graLeful. 1he fog had llfLed and Lhere were sLars
gllLLerlng above Lhe hlgh-walled courLyard. 1he guard
conferred wlLh anoLher bear, who came Lo speak Lo
?ou cannoL see lofur 8aknlson when you please," he
sald. ?ou have Lo walL Llll he wanLs Lo see you."
8uL Lhls ls urgenL, whaL l've goL Lo Lell hlm," she sald.
lL's abouL lorek 8yrnlson. l'm sure Pls Ma[esLy would
wanL Lo know lL, buL all Lhe same l can'L Lell lL Lo
anyone else, don'L you see? lL wouldn'L be pollLe. Pe'd
be ever so cross lf he knew we hadn'L been pollLe."
1haL seemed Lo carry some welghL, or else Lo mysLlfy
Lhe bear sufflclenLly Lo make hlm pause. Lyra was sure
her lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhlngs was rlghL: lofur 8aknlson
was lnLroduclng so many new ways LhaL none of Lhe
bears was cerLaln yeL how Lo behave, and she could
explolL Lhls uncerLalnLy ln order Lo geL Lo lofur.
So LhaL bear reLreaLed Lo consulL Lhe bear above hlm,
and before long Lyra was ushered lnslde Lhe palace
agaln, buL lnLo Lhe sLaLe quarLers Lhls Llme. lL was no
cleaner here, and ln facL Lhe alr was even harder Lo
breaLhe Lhan ln Lhe cell, because all Lhe naLural sLlnks
had been overlald by a heavy layer of cloylng perfume.
She was made Lo walL ln a corrldor, Lhen ln an
anLeroom, Lhen ouLslde a large door, whlle bears
dlscussed and argued and scurrled back and forLh, and
she had Llme Lo look around aL Lhe preposLerous
decoraLlon: Lhe walls were rlch wlLh gllL plasLerwork,
some of whlch was already peellng off or crumbllng
wlLh damp, and Lhe florld carpeLs were Lrodden wlLh
llnally Lhe large door was opened from Lhe lnslde. A
blaze of llghL from half a dozen chandellers, a
age 202

crlmson carpeL, and more of LhaL Lhlck perfume
hanglng ln Lhe alr, and Lhe faces of a dozen or more
bears, all gazlng aL her, none ln armor buL each wlLh
some klnd of decoraLlon: a golden necklace, a
headdress of purple feaLhers, a crlmson sash.
Curlously, Lhe room was also occupled by blrds, Lerns
and skuas perched on Lhe plasLer cornlce, and
swooped low Lo snaLch aL blLs of flsh LhaL had fallen
ouL of one anoLher's nesLs ln Lhe chandellers.
And on a dals aL Lhe far end of Lhe room, a mlghLy
Lhrone reared up hlgh. lL was made of granlLe for
sLrengLh and mas-slveness, buL llke so many oLher
Lhlngs ln lofur's palace, lL was decoraLed wlLh
overelaboraLe swags and fesLoons of gllL LhaL looked
llke Llnsel on a mounLalnslde.
SlLLlng on Lhe Lhrone was Lhe blggesL bear she had
ever seen. lofur 8aknlson was even Laller and bulkler
Lhan lorek, and hls face was much more moblle and
expresslve, wlLh a klnd of humanness ln lL whlch she
had never seen ln lorek's. When lofur looked aL her,
she seemed Lo see a man looklng ouL of hls eyes, Lhe
sorL of man she had meL aL Mrs. CoulLer's, a subLle
pollLlclan used Lo power. Pe was wearlng a heavy gold
chaln around hls neck, wlLh a gaudy [ewel hanglng
from lL, and hls claws-a good slx lnches long-were
each covered ln gold leaf. 1he effecL was one of
enormous sLrengLh and energy and crafL, he was qulLe
blg enough Lo carry Lhe absurd overdecoraLlon, on hlm
lL dldn'L look preposLerous, lL looked barbarlc and
She qualled. Suddenly her ldea seemed Loo feeble for
8uL she moved a llLLle closer, because she had Lo, and
Lhen she saw LhaL lofur was holdlng someLhlng on hls
knee, as a human mlghL leL a caL slL Lhere-or a
lL was a blg sLuffed doll, a manlkln wlLh a vacanL sLupld
human face. lL was dressed as Mrs. CoulLer would
dress, and lL had a sorL of rough resemblance Lo her.
Pe was preLendlng he had a daemon. 1hen she knew
she was safe.
She moved up close Lo Lhe Lhrone and bowed very
low, wlLh anLalalmon keeplng quleL and sLlll ln her
Cur greeLlngs Lo you, greaL klng," she sald quleLly.
Cr l mean my greeLlngs, noL hls."
noL whose?" he sald, and hls volce was llghLer Lhan
she had LhoughL lL would be, buL full of expresslve
Lones and subLleLles. When he spoke, he waved a paw
ln fronL of hls mouLh Lo dlslodge Lhe flles LhaL
clusLered Lhere.
lorek 8yrnlson's, ?our Ma[esLy," she sald. l've goL
someLhlng very lmporLanL and secreL Lo Lell you, and l
Lhlnk l oughL Lo Lell you ln prlvaLe, really."
SomeLhlng abouL lorek 8yrnlson?"
She came close Lo hlm, sLepplng carefully over Lhe
blrd-spaLLered floor, and brushed away Lhe flles
buzzlng aL her face.
SomeLhlng abouL daemons," she sald, so LhaL only he
could hear.
Pls expresslon changed. She couldn'L read whaL lL was
saylng, buL Lhere was no doubL LhaL he was powerfully
lnLeresLed. Suddenly he lumbered forward off Lhe
Lhrone, maklng her sklp aslde, and roared an order Lo
Lhe oLher bears. 1hey all bowed Lhelr heads and
backed ouL Loward Lhe door. 1he blrds, whlch had
rlsen ln a flurry aL hls roar, squawked and swooped
around overhead before seLLllng agaln on
age 203

Lhelr nesLs.
When Lhe Lhrone room was empLy buL for lofur
8aknlson and Lyra, he Lurned Lo her eagerly.
Well?" he sald. 1ell me who you are. WhaL ls Lhls
abouL daemons?"
l am a daemon, ?our Ma[esLy," she sald.
Pe sLopped sLlll.
Whose?" he sald.
lorek 8yrnlson's," was her answer.
lL was Lhe mosL dangerous Lhlng she had ever sald. She
could see qulLe clearly LhaL only hls asLonlshmenL
prevenLed hlm from kllllng her aL once. She wenL on:
lease, ?our Ma[esLy, leL me Lell you all abouL lL flrsL
before you harm me. l've come here aL my own rlsk, as
you can see, and Lhere's noLhlng l've goL LhaL could
hurL you. ln facL, l wanL Lo help you, LhaL's why l've
come. lorek 8yrnlson was Lhe flrsL bear Lo geL a
daemon, buL lL should have been you. l would much
raLher be your daemon Lhan hls, LhaL's why l came."
Pow?" he sald, breaLhlessly. Pow has a bear goL a
daemon? And why hlm? And how are you so far from
hlm?" 1he flles lefL hls mouLh llke Llny words. 1haL's
easy. l can go far from hlm because l'm llke a wlLch's
daemon. ?ou know how Lhey can go hundreds of mlles
from Lhelr humans? lL's llke LhaL. And as for how he
goL me, lL was aL 8olvangar. ?ou've heard of 8olvangar,
because Mrs. CoulLer musL have Lold you abouL lL, buL
she probably dldn'L Lell you everyLhlng Lhey were
dolng Lhere." CuLLlng..." he sald.
?es, cuLLlng, LhaL's parL of lL, lnLerclslon. 8uL Lhey're
dolng all klnds of oLher Lhlngs Loo, llke maklng arLlflclal
daemons. And experlmenLlng on anlmals. When lorek
8yrnlson heard abouL lL, he offered hlmself for an
experlmenL Lo see lf Lhey could make a daemon for
hlm, and Lhey dld. lL was me. My name ls Lyra. !usL llke
when people have daemons, Lhey're anlmal-formed,
so when a bear has a daemon, lL'll be human. And l'm
hls daemon. l can see lnLo hls mlnd and know exacLly
whaL he's dolng and where he ls and-" Where ls he
Cn Svalbard. Pe's comlng Lhls way as fasL as he can."
Why? WhaL does he wanL? Pe musL be mad! We'll
Lear hlm Lo pleces!"
Pe wanLs me. Pe's comlng Lo geL me back. 8uL l don'L
wanL Lo be hls daemon, lofur 8aknlson, l wanL Lo be
yours. 8ecause once Lhey saw how powerful a bear
was wlLh a daemon, Lhe people aL 8olvangar declded
noL Lo do LhaL experlmenL ever agaln. lorek 8yrnlson
was golng Lo be Lhe only bear who ever had a daemon.
And wlLh me helplng hlm, he could lead all Lhe bears
agalnsL you. 1haL's whaL he's come Lo Svalbard for."
1he bear-klng roared hls anger. Pe roared so loudly
LhaL Lhe crysLal ln Lhe chandellers Llnkled, and every
blrd ln Lhe greaL room shrleked, and Lyra's ears rang.
8uL she was equal Lo lL.
1haL's why l love you besL," she sald Lo lofur
8aknlson, because you're passlonaLe and sLrong as
well as clever. And l [usL had Lo leave hlm and come
and Lell you, because l don'L wanL hlm rullng Lhe bears.
age 204

oughL Lo be you. And Lhere ls a way of Laklng me away
from hlm and maklng me your daemon, buL you
wouldn'L know whaL lL was unless l Lold you, and you
mlghL do Lhe usual Lhlng abouL flghLlng bears llke hlm
LhaL've been ouLcasL, l mean, noL flghL hlm properly,
buL klll hlm wlLh flre hurlers or someLhlng. And lf you
dld LhaL, l'd [usL go ouL llke a llghL and dle wlLh hlm."
8uL you-how can-"
l can become your daemon," she sald, buL only lf you
defeaL lorek 8yrnlson ln slngle combaL. 1hen hls
sLrengLh wlll flow lnLo you, and my mlnd wlll flow lnLo
yours, and we'll be llke one person, Lhlnklng each
oLher's LhoughLs, and you can send me mlles away Lo
spy for you, or keep me here by your slde, whlchever
you llke. And l'd help you lead Lhe bears Lo capLure
8olvangar, lf you llke, and make Lhem creaLe more
daemons for your favorlLe bears, or lf you'd raLher be
Lhe only bear wlLh a daemon, we could desLroy
8olvangar forever. We could do anyLhlng, lofur
8aknlson, you and me LogeLher!"
All Lhe Llme she was holdlng anLalalmon ln her pockeL
wlLh a Lrembllng hand, and he was keeplng as sLlll as
he could, ln Lhe smallesL mouse form he had ever
lofur 8aknlson was paclng up and down wlLh an alr of
exploslve exclLemenL.
Slngle combaL?" he was saylng. Me? l musL flghL
lorek 8yrnlson? lmposslble! Pe ls ouLcasL! Pow can
LhaL be? Pow can l flghL hlm? ls LhaL Lhe only way?"
lL's Lhe only way," sald Lyra, wlshlng lL were noL,
because lofur 8aknlson seemed blgger and more flerce
every mlnuLe. uearly as she loved lorek, and sLrong as
her falLh was ln hlm, she couldn'L really belleve LhaL he
would ever beaL Lhls glanL among glanL bears. 8uL lL
was Lhe only hope Lhey had. 8elng mown down from a
dlsLance by flre hurlers was no hope aL all. Suddenly
lofur 8aknlson Lurned. rove lL!" he sald. rove LhaL
you are a daemon!" All rlghL," she sald. l can do LhaL,
easy. l can flnd ouL anyLhlng LhaL you know and no one
else does, someLhlng LhaL only a daemon would be
able Lo flnd ouL."
1hen Lell me whaL was Lhe flrsL creaLure l kllled." l'll
have Lo go lnLo a room by myself Lo do Lhls," she sald.
When l'm your daemon, you'll be able Lo see how l do
lL, buL unLll Lhen lL's goL Lo be prlvaLe."
1here ls an anLeroom behlnd Lhls one. Co lnLo LhaL,
and come ouL when you know Lhe answer."
Lyra opened Lhe door and found herself ln a room llL
by one Lorch, and empLy buL for a cablneL of
mahogany conLalnlng some Larnlshed sllver
ornamenLs. She Look ouL Lhe aleLhlome-Ler and asked:
Where ls lorek now?"
lour hours away, and hurrylng ever fasLer." Pow can
l Lell hlm whaL l've done?" ?ou musL LrusL hlm."
She LhoughL anxlously of how Llred he would be. 8uL
Lhen she reflecLed LhaL she was noL dolng whaL Lhe
aleLhlomeLer had [usL Lold her Lo do: she wasn'L
LrusLlng hlm.
She puL LhaL LhoughL aslde and asked Lhe quesLlon
lofur 8aknlson wanLed. WhaL was Lhe flrsL creaLure he
had kllled? 1he answer came: lofur's own faLher.
She asked furLher, and learned LhaL lofur had been
alone on Lhe lce as a young bear, on hls flrsL hunLlng
expedlLlon, and had come across a sollLary bear. 1hey
had quarreled and foughL, and lofur had kllled hlm.
1hls ln lLself would have been a crlme, buL lL was worse
Lhan slmple murder, for lofur learned laLer LhaL Lhe
oLher bear was hls own faLher. 8ears were broughL up
by Lhelr moLhers, and seldom saw Lhelr faLhers.
naLurally lofur concealed Lhe LruLh of whaL he had
done, no one knew abouL lL buL lofur hlmself, and now
age 203

Lyra knew as well.
She puL Lhe aleLhlomeLer away, and wondered how Lo
Lell hlm abouL lL.
llaLLer hlm!" whlspered anLalalmon. 1haL's all he
So Lyra opened Lhe door and found lofur 8aknlson
walLlng for her, wlLh an expresslon of Lrlumph, slyness,
apprehenslon, and greed.
She knelL down ln fronL of hlm and bowed her head Lo
Louch hls lefL forepaw, Lhe sLronger, for bears were
l beg your pardon, lofur 8aknlson!" she sald. l dldn'L
know you were so sLrong and greaL!"
WhaL's Lhls? Answer my quesLlon!"
1he flrsL creaLure you kllled was your own faLher. l
Lhlnk you're a new god, lofur 8aknlson. 1haL's whaL
you musL be. Cnly a god would have Lhe sLrengLh Lo do
?ou know! ?ou can see!"
?es, because l am a daemon, llke l sald."
1ell me one Lhlng more. WhaL dld Lhe Lady CoulLer
promlse me when she was here?"
Cnce agaln Lyra wenL lnLo Lhe empLy room and
consulLed Lhe aleLhlomeLer before reLurnlng wlLh Lhe
She promlsed you LhaL she'd geL Lhe MaglsLerlum ln
Ceneva Lo agree LhaL you could be bapLlzed as a
ChrlsLlan, even Lhough you hadn'L goL a daemon Lhen.
Well, l'm afrald LhaL she hasn'L done LhaL, lofur
8aknlson, and qulLe honesLly l don'L Lhlnk Lhey'd ever
agree Lo LhaL lf you dldn'L have a daemon. l Lhlnk she
knew LhaL, and she wasn'L Lelllng you Lhe LruLh. 8uL ln
any case when you've goL me as your daemon, you
could be bapLlzed lf you wanLed Lo, because no one
could argue Lhen. ?ou could demand lL and Lhey
wouldn'L be able Lo Lurn you down."
?es...1rue. 1haL's whaL she sald. 1rue, every word.
And she has decelved me? l LrusLed her, and she
decelved me?"
?es, she dld. 8uL she doesn'L maLLer anymore. Lxcuse
me, lofur 8aknlson, l hope you won'L mlnd me Lelllng
you, buL lorek 8yrnlson's only four hours away now,
and maybe you beLLer Lell your guard bears noL Lo
aLLack hlm as Lhey normally would. lf you're golng Lo
flghL hlm for me, he'll have Lo be allowed Lo come Lo
Lhe palace."
And maybe when he comes l beLLer preLend l sLlll
belong Lo hlm, and say l goL losL or someLhlng. Pe
won'L know. l'll preLend. Are you golng Lo Lell Lhe oLher
bears abouL me belng lorek's daemon and Lhen
belonglng Lo you when you beaL hlm?"
age 206

l don'L know....WhaL should l do?"
l don'L Lhlnk you beLLer menLlon lL yeL. Cnce we're
LogeLher, you and me, we can Lhlnk whaL's besL Lo do
and declde Lhen. WhaL you need Lo do now ls explaln
Lo all Lhe oLher bears why you're golng Lo leL lorek
flghL you llke a proper bear, even Lhough he's an
ouLcasL. 8ecause Lhey won'L undersLand, and we goL
Lo flnd a reason for LhaL. l mean, Lhey'll do whaL you
Lell Lhem anyway, buL lf Lhey see Lhe reason for lL,
Lhey'll admlre you even more."
?es. WhaL should we Lell Lhem?"
1ell Lhem.. .Lell Lhem LhaL Lo make your klngdom
com-pleLely secure, you've called lorek 8yrnlson here
yourself Lo flghL hlm, and Lhe wlnner wlll rule over Lhe
bears forever. See, lf you make lL look llke your ldea
LhaL he's comlng, and noL hls, Lhey'll be really
lmpressed. 1hey'll Lhlnk you're able Lo call hlm here
from far away. 1hey'll Lhlnk you can do anyLhlng."
1he greaL bear was helpless. Lyra found her power
over hlm almosL lnLoxlcaLlng, and lf anLalalmon
hadn'L nlpped her hand sharply Lo remlnd her of Lhe
danger Lhey were all ln, she mlghL have losL all her
sense of proporLlon.
8uL she came Lo herself and sLepped modesLly back Lo
waLch and walL as Lhe bears, under lofur's exclLed
dlrecLlon, prepared Lhe combaL ground for lorek
8yrnlson, and meanwhlle lorek, knowlng noLhlng
abouL lL, was hurrylng ever closer Loward whaL she
wlshed she could Lell hlm was a flghL for hls llfe.
llghLs beLween bears were common, and Lhe sub[ecL
of much rlLual. lor a bear Lo klll anoLher was rare,
Lhough, and when LhaL happened lL was usually by
accldenL, or when one bear mlsLook Lhe slgnals from
anoLher, as ln Lhe case of lorek 8yrnlson. Cases of
sLralghLforward murder, llke lofur's kllllng of hls own
faLher, were rarer sLlll.
8uL occaslonally Lhere came clrcumsLances ln whlch
Lhe only way of seLLllng a dlspuLe was a flghL Lo Lhe
deaLh. And for LhaL, a whole ceremonlal was
age 207

As soon as lofur announced LhaL lorek 8yrnlson was on
hls way, and a combaL would Lake place, Lhe combaL
ground was swepL and smooLhed, and armorers came
up from Lhe flre mlnes Lo check lofur's armor. Lvery
rlveL was examlned, every llnk LesLed, and Lhe plaLes
were burnlshed wlLh Lhe flnesL sand. !usL as much
aLLenLlon was pald Lo hls claws. 1he gold leaf was
rubbed off, and each separaLe slx-lnch hook was
sharpened and flled Lo a deadly polnL. Lyra waLched
wlLh a growlng slckness ln Lhe plL of her sLomach, for
lorek 8yrnlson wouldn'L be havlng Lhls aLLenLlon, he
had been marchlng over Lhe lce for nearly LwenLy-four
hours already wlLhouL resL or food, he mlghL have
been ln[ured ln Lhe crash. And she had leL hlm ln for
Lhls flghL wlLhouL hls knowledge. AL one polnL, afLer
lofur 8aknlson had LesLed Lhe sharpness of hls claws
on a fresh-kllled walrus, sllclng lLs skln open llke paper,
and Lhe power of hls crashlng blows on Lhe walrus's
skull (Lwo blows, and lL was cracked llke an egg), Lyra
had Lo make an excuse Lo lofur and go away by herself
Lo weep wlLh fear.
Lven anLalalmon, who could normally cheer her up,
had llLLle Lo say LhaL was hopeful. All she could do was
consulL Lhe aleLhlomeLer: he ls an hour away, lL Lold
her, and agaln, she musL LrusL hlm, and (Lhls was
harder Lo read) she even LhoughL lL was rebuklng her
for asklng Lhe same quesLlon Lwlce.
8y Lhls Llme, word had spread among Lhe bears, and
every parL of Lhe combaL ground was crowded. 8ears
of hlgh rank had Lhe besL places, and Lhere was a
speclal enclosure for Lhe she-bears, lncludlng, of
course, lofur's wlves. Lyra was profoundly curlous
abouL she-bears, because she knew so llLLle abouL
Lhem, buL Lhls was no Llme Lo wander abouL asklng
quesLlons. lnsLead she sLayed close Lo lofur 8aknlson
and waLched Lhe courLlers around hlm asserL Lhelr
rank over Lhe common bears from ouLslde, and Lrled
Lo guess Lhe meanlng of Lhe varlous plumes and
badges and Lokens Lhey all seemed Lo wear. Some of
Lhe hlghesL-ranklng, she saw, carrled llLLle manlklns
llke lofur's rag-doll daemon, Lrylng Lo curry favor,
perhaps, by lmlLaLlng Lhe fashlon he'd begun. She was
sardonlcally pleased Lo noLlce LhaL when Lhey saw LhaL
lofur had dlscarded hls, Lhey dldn'L know whaL Lo do
wlLh Lhelrs. Should Lhey Lhrow Lhem away? Were Lhey
ouL of favor now? Pow should Lhey behave?
[ 8ecause LhaL was Lhe prevalllng mood ln hls courL,
she was beglnnlng Lo see. 1hey weren'L sure whaL Lhey
were. 1hey weren'L llke lorek 8yrnlson, pure and
cerLaln and absoluLe, Lhere was a consLanL pall of
uncerLalnLy hanglng over Lhem, as Lhey waLched one
anoLher and waLched lofur.
And Lhey waLched her, wlLh open curloslLy. She
remalned modesLly close Lo lofur and sald noLhlng,
lowerlng her eyes whenever a bear looked aL her.
1he fog had llfLed by Lhls Llme, and Lhe alr was clear,
and as chance would have lL, Lhe brlef llfLlng of
darkness Loward noon colnclded wlLh Lhe Llme Lyra
LhoughL lorek was golng Lo arrlve. As she sLood
shlverlng on a llLLle rlse of dense-packed snow aL Lhe
edge of Lhe combaL ground, she looked up Loward Lhe
falnL llghLness ln Lhe sky, and longed wlLh all her hearL
Lo see a fllghL of ragged eleganL black shapes
descendlng Lo bear her away, or Lo see Lhe Aurora's
hldden clLy, where she would be able Lo walk safely
along Lhose broad boulevards ln Lhe sunllghL, or Lo see
Ma CosLa's broad arms, Lo smell Lhe frlendly smells of
flesh and cooklng LhaL enfolded you ln her presence....
She found herself crylng, wlLh Lears LhaL froze almosL
as soon as Lhey formed, and whlch she had Lo brush
away palnfully. She was so frlghLened. 8ears, who
dldn'L cry, couldn'L undersLand whaL was happenlng Lo
her, lL was some human process, meanlngless. And of
course anLalalmon couldn'L comforL her as he
normally would, Lhough she kepL her hand ln her
pockeL flrmly around hls warm llLLle mouse-form, and
he nuzzled aL her flngers.
8eslde her, Lhe smlLhs were maklng Lhe flnal
ad[usLmenLs Lo lofur 8aknlson's armor. Pe reared llke a
greaL meLal Lower, shlnlng ln pollshed sLeel, Lhe
smooLh plaLes lnlald wlLh wlres of gold, hls helmeL
age 208

enclosed Lhe upper parL of hls head ln a gllsLenlng
carapace of sllver-gray, wlLh deep eye sllLs, and Lhe
underslde of hls body was proLecLed by a close-flLLlng
sark of chaln mall. lL was when she saw Lhls LhaL Lyra
reallzed LhaL she had beLrayed lorek 8yrnlson, for lorek
had noLhlng llke lL. Pls armor proLecLed only hls back
and sldes. She looked aL lofur 8aknlson, so sleek and
powerful, and felL a deep slckness ln her, llke gullL and
fear comblned.
She sald Lxcuse me, ?our Ma[esLy, lf you remember
whaL l sald Lo you before..."
Per shaklng volce felL Lhln and weak ln Lhe alr. lofur
8aknlson Lurned hls mlghLy head, dlsLracLed from Lhe
LargeL Lhree bears were holdlng up ln fronL for hlm Lo
slash aL wlLh hls perfecL claws.
?es? ?es?"
8emember, l sald l'd beLLer go and speak Lo lorek
8yrnlson flrsL, and preLend-"
8uL before she could even flnlsh her senLence, Lhere
was a roar from Lhe bears on Lhe waLchLower. 1he
oLhers all knew whaL lL meanL and Look lL up wlLh a
LrlumphanL exclLemenL. 1hey had seen lorek.
lease?" Lyra sald urgenLly. l'll fool hlm, you'll see."
?es. ?es. Co now. Co and encourage hlm!"
lofur 8aknlson was hardly able Lo speak for rage and
Lyra lefL hls slde and walked across Lhe combaL
ground, bare and clear as lL was, leavlng her llLLle
fooLprlnLs ln Lhe snow, and Lhe bears on Lhe far slde
parLed Lo leL her Lhrough. As Lhelr greaL bodles
lumbered aslde, Lhe horlzon opened, gloomy ln Lhe
pallor of Lhe llghL. Where was lorek 8yrnlson? She
could see noLhlng, buL Lhen, Lhe waLchLower was hlgh,
and Lhey could see whaL was sLlll hldden from her. All
she could do was walk forward ln Lhe snow.
Pe saw her before she saw hlm. 1here was a boundlng
and a heavy clank of meLal, and ln a flurry of snow
lorek 8yrnlson sLood beslde her.
Ch, lorek! l've done a Lerrlble Lhlng! My dear, you're
golng Lo have Lo flghL lofur 8aknlson, and you en'L
ready- you're Llred and hungry, and your armor's-"
WhaL Lerrlble Lhlng?"
l Lold hlm you was comlng, because l read lL on Lhe
symbol reader, and he's desperaLe Lo be llke a person
and have a daemon, [usL desperaLe. So l Lrlcked hlm
lnLo Lhlnklng LhaL l was your daemon, and l was golng
Lo deserL you and be hls lnsLead, buL he had Lo flghL
you Lo make lL happen. 8ecause oLherwlse, lorek, dear,
Lhey'd never leL you flghL, Lhey were golng Lo [usL burn
you up before you goL close-"
?ou Lrlcked lofur 8aknlson?"
?es. l made hlm agree LhaL he'd flghL you lnsLead of
[usL kllllng you sLralghL off llke an ouLcasL, and Lhe
wlnner would be klng of Lhe bears. l had Lo do LhaL,
8elacqua? no. ?ou are Lyra SllverLongue," he sald.
1o flghL hlm ls all l wanL. Come, llLLle daemon."
age 209

She looked aL lorek 8yrnlson ln hls baLLered armor,
lean and feroclous, and felL as lf her hearL would bursL
wlLh prlde.
1hey walked LogeLher Loward Lhe masslve hulk of
lofur's palace, where Lhe combaL ground lay flaL and
open aL Lhe fooL of Lhe walls. 8ears clusLered aL Lhe
baLLlemenLs, whlLe faces fllled every wlndow, and Lhelr
heavy forms sLood llke a dense wall of mlsLy whlLe
ahead, marked wlLh Lhe black doLs of eyes and noses.
1he nearesL ones moved aslde, maklng Lwo llnes for
lorek 8yrnlson and hls daemon Lo walk beLween. Lvery
bear's eyes were flxed on Lhem.
lorek halLed across Lhe combaL ground from lofur
8aknlson. 1he klng came down from Lhe rlse of
Lrodden snow, and Lhe Lwo bears faced each oLher
several yards aparL.
Lyra was so close Lo lorek LhaL she could feel a
Lrembllng ln hlm llke a greaL dynamo, generaLlng
mlghLy anbarlc forces. She Louched hlm brlefly on Lhe
neck aL Lhe edge of hls helmeL and sald, llghL well,
lorek my dear. ?ou're Lhe real klng, and he en'L. Pe's
1hen she sLood back.
8ears!" lorek 8yrnlson roared. An echo rang back
from Lhe palace walls and sLarLled blrds ouL of Lhelr
nesLs. Pe wenL on: 1he Lerms of Lhls combaL are
Lhese. lf lofur 8aknlson kllls me, Lhen he wlll be klng
forever, safe from challenge or
dlspuLe. lf l klll lofur 8aknlson, l shall be your klng. My
flrsL order Lo you all wlll be Lo Lear down LhaL palace,
LhaL perfumed house of mockery and Llnsel, and hurl
Lhe gold and marble lnLo Lhe sea. lron ls bear-meLal.
Cold ls noL. lofur 8aknlson has polluLed Svalbard. l
have come Lo cleanse lL. lofur 8aknlson, l challenge
1hen lofur bounded forward a sLep or Lwo, as lf he
could hardly hold hlmself back.
8ears!" he roared ln hls Lurn. lorek 8yrnlson has
come back aL my lnvlLaLlon. l drew hlm here. lL ls for
me Lo make Lhe Lerms of Lhls combaL, and Lhey are
Lhese: lf l klll lorek 8yrnlson, hls flesh shall be Lorn
aparL and scaLLered Lo Lhe cllff-ghasLs. Pls head shall
be dlsplayed above my palace. Pls memory shall be
obllLeraLed. lL shall be a caplLal crlme Lo speak hls
Pe conLlnued, and Lhen each bear spoke agaln. lL was a
formula, a rlLual falLhfully followed. Lyra looked aL Lhe
Lwo of Lhem, so uLLerly dlfferenL: lofur so glossy and
powerful, lmmense ln hls sLrengLh and healLh,
splendldly armored, proud and klngllke, and lorek
smaller, Lhough she had never LhoughL he would look
small, and poorly equlpped, hls armor rusLy and
denLed. 8uL hls armor was hls soul. Pe had made lL and
lL flLLed hlm. 1hey were one. lofur was noL conLenL
wlLh hls armor, he wanLed anoLher soul as well. Pe
was resLless whlle lorek was sLlll.
And she was aware LhaL all Lhe oLher bears were
maklng Lhe comparlson Loo. 8uL lorek and lofur were
more Lhan [usL Lwo bears. 1here were Lwo klnds of
beardom opposed here, Lwo fuLures, Lwo desLlnles.
lofur had begun Lo Lake Lhem ln one dlrecLlon, and
lorek would Lake Lhem ln anoLher, and ln Lhe same
momenL, one fuLure would close forever as Lhe oLher
began Lo unfold.
As Lhelr rlLual combaL moved Loward Lhe second
phase, Lhe Lwo bears began Lo prowl resLlessly on Lhe
snow, edglng forward, swlnglng Lhelr heads. 1here was
noL a fllcker of movemenL from Lhe specLaLors: buL all
eyes followed Lhem.
llnally Lhe warrlors were sLlll and sllenL, waLchlng each
oLher face Lo face across Lhe wldLh of Lhe combaL
age 210

1hen wlLh a roar and a blur of snow boLh bears moved
aL Lhe same momenL. Llke Lwo greaL masses of rock
balanced on ad[olnlng peaks and shaken loose by an
earLhquake, whlch bound down Lhe mounLalnsldes
gaLherlng speed, leaplng over crevasses and knocklng
Lrees lnLo spllnLers, unLll Lhey crash lnLo each oLher so
hard LhaL boLh are smashed Lo powder and flylng chlps
of sLone: LhaL was how Lhe Lwo bears came LogeLher.
1he crash as Lhey meL resounded ln Lhe sLlll alr and
echoed back from Lhe palace wall. 8uL Lhey weren'L
desLroyed, as rock would have been. 1hey boLh fell
aslde, and Lhe flrsL Lo rlse was lorek. Pe LwlsLed up ln a
llLhe sprlng and grappled wlLh lofur, whose armor had
been damaged by Lhe colllslon and who couldn'L easlly
ralse hls head. lorek made aL once for Lhe vulnerable
gap aL hls neck. Pe raked Lhe whlLe fur, and Lhen
hooked hls claws beneaLh Lhe edge of lofur's helmeL
and wrenched lL forward.
Senslng Lhe danger, lofur snarled and shook hlmself as
Lyra had seen lorek shake hlmself aL Lhe waLer's edge,
sendlng sheeLs of waLer flylng hlgh lnLo Lhe alr. And
lorek fell away, dlslodged, and wlLh a screech of
LwlsLlng meLal lofur sLood up Lall, sLralghLenlng Lhe
sLeel of hls back plaLes by sheer sLrengLh. 1hen llke an
avalanche he hurled hlmself down on lorek, who was
sLlll Lrylng Lo rlse.
Lyra felL her own breaLh knocked ouL of her by Lhe
force of LhaL crashlng fall. CerLalnly Lhe very ground
shook beneaLh her. Pow could lorek survlve LhaL? Pe
was sLruggllng Lo LwlsL hlmself and galn a purchase on
Lhe ground, buL hls feeL were uppermosL, and lofur
had flxed hls LeeLh somewhere near lorek's LhroaL.
urops of hoL blood were flylng Lhrough Lhe alr: one
landed on Lyra's furs, and she pressed her hand Lo lL
llke a Loken of love.
1hen lorek's rear claws dug lnLo Lhe llnks of lofur's
chaln-mall sark and rlpped downward. 1he whole fronL
came away, and lofur lurched sldeways Lo look aL Lhe
damage, leavlng lorek Lo scramble uprlghL agaln.
lor a momenL Lhe Lwo bears sLood aparL, geLLlng Lhelr
breaLh back. lofur was hampered now by LhaL chaln
mall, because from a proLecLlon lL had changed all aL
once lnLo a hlndrance: lL was sLlll fasLened aL Lhe
boLLom, and Lralled around hls rear legs. Powever,
lorek was worse off. Pe was bleedlng freely from a
wound aL hls neck, and panLlng heavlly.
8uL he leaped aL lofur before Lhe klng could
dlsenLangle hlmself from Lhe cllnglng chaln mall, and
knocked hlm head over heels, followlng up wlLh a
lunge aL Lhe bare parL of lofur's neck, where Lhe edge
of Lhe helmeL was benL. lofur Lhrew hlm off, and Lhen
Lhe Lwo bears were aL each oLher agaln, Lhrowlng up
founLalns of snow LhaL sprayed ln all dlrecLlons and
someLlmes made lL hard Lo see who had Lhe
Lyra waLched, hardly darlng Lo breaLhe, and squeezlng
her hands LogeLher so LlghL lL hurL. She LhoughL she
saw lofur Learlng aL a wound ln lorek's belly, buL LhaL
couldn'L be rlghL, because a momenL laLer, afLer
anoLher convulslve exploslon of snow, boLh bears were
sLandlng uprlghL llke boxers, and lorek was slashlng
wlLh mlghLy claws aL lofur's face, wlLh lofur hlLLlng
back [usL as savagely.
Lyra Lrembled aL Lhe welghL of Lhose blows. As lf a
glanL were swlnglng a sledgehammer, and LhaL
hammer were armed wlLh flve sLeel splkes...
lron clanged on lron, LeeLh crashed on LeeLh, breaLh
roared harshly, feeL Lhundered on Lhe hard-packed
ground. 1he snow around was splashed wlLh red and
Lrodden down for yards lnLo a crlmson mud.
lofur's armor was ln a plLlful sLaLe by Lhls Llme, Lhe
plaLes Lorn and dlsLorLed, Lhe gold lnlay Lorn ouL or
age 211

smeared Lhlckly wlLh blood, and hls helmeL gone
alLogeLher. lorek's was ln much beLLer condlLlon, for all
lLs ugllness: denLed, buL lnLacL, sLandlng up far beLLer
Lo Lhe greaL sledgehammer blows of Lhe bear-klng, and
Lurnlng aslde Lhose bruLal slx-lnch claws.
8uL agalnsL LhaL, lofur was blgger and sLronger Lhan
lorek, and lorek was weary and hungry, and had losL
more blood. Pe was wounded ln Lhe belly, on boLh
arms, and aL Lhe neck, whereas lofur was bleedlng only
from hls lower [aw. Lyra longed Lo help her dear frlend,
buL whaL could she do?
And lL was golng badly for lorek now. Pe was llmplng,
every Llme he puL hls lefL forepaw on Lhe ground, Lhey
could see LhaL lL hardly bore hls welghL. Pe never used
lL Lo sLrlke wlLh, and Lhe blows from hls rlghL hand
were feebler, Loo, almosL llLLle paLs compared wlLh Lhe
mlghLy crushlng buffeLs he'd dellvered only a few
mlnuLes before.
lofur had noLlced. Pe began Lo LaunL lorek, calllng hlm
broken-hand, whlmperlng cub, rusL-eaLen, soon-Lo-dle,
and oLher names, all Lhe whlle swlnglng blows aL hlm
from rlghL and lefL whlch lorek could no longer parry.
lorek had Lo move backward, a sLep aL a Llme, and Lo
crouch low under Lhe raln of blows from Lhe [eerlng
Lyra was ln Lears. Per dear, her brave one, her fearless
defender, was golng Lo dle, and she would noL do hlm
Lhe Lreachery of looklng away, for lf he looked aL her
he musL see her shlnlng eyes and Lhelr love and bellef,
noL a face hldden ln cowardlce or a shoulder fearfully
Lurned away.
So she looked, buL her Lears kepL her from seelng whaL
was really happenlng, and perhaps lL would noL have
been vlslble Lo her anyway. lL cerLalnly was noL seen by
8ecause lorek was movlng backward only Lo flnd clean
dry fooLlng and a flrm rock Lo leap up from, and Lhe
useless lefL arm was really fresh and sLrong. ?ou could
noL Lrlck a bear, buL, as Lyra had shown hlm, lofur dld
noL wanL Lo be a bear, he wanLed Lo be a man, and
lorek was Lrlcklng hlm.
AL lasL he found whaL he wanLed: a flrm rock deep-
anchored ln Lhe permafrosL. Pe backed agalnsL lL,
Lenslng hls legs and chooslng hls momenL.
lL came when lofur reared hlgh above, bellowlng hls
Lrlumph, and Lurnlng hls head LaunLlngly Loward
lorek's apparenLly weak lefL slde.
1haL was when lorek moved. Llke a wave LhaL has been
bulldlng lLs sLrengLh over a Lhousand mlles of ocean,
and whlch makes llLLle sLlr ln Lhe deep waLer, buL
whlch when lL reaches Lhe shallows rears lLself up hlgh
lnLo Lhe sky, Lerrlfylng Lhe shore dwellers, before
crashlng down on Lhe land wlLh lrreslsLlble power-so
lorek 8yrnlson rose up agalnsL lofur, explodlng upward
from hls flrm fooLlng on Lhe dry rock and slashlng wlLh
a feroclous lefL hand aL Lhe exposed [aw of lofur
lL was a horrlfylng blow. lL Lore Lhe lower parL of hls
[aw clean off, so LhaL lL flew Lhrough Lhe alr scaLLerlng
blood drops ln Lhe snow many yards away.
lofur's red Longue lolled down, drlpplng over hls open
LhroaL. 1he bear-klng was suddenly volceless, blLeless,
helpless, lorek needed noLhlng more. Pe lunged, and
Lhen hls LeeLh were ln lofur's LhroaL, and he shook and
shook Lhls way, LhaL way, llfLlng Lhe huge body off Lhe
ground and baLLerlng lL down as lf lofur were no more
Lhan a seal aL Lhe waLer's edge.
1hen he rlpped upward, and lofur 8aknlson's llfe came
away ln hls LeeLh.
age 212

1here was one rlLual yeL Lo perform. lorek sllced open
Lhe dead klng's unproLecLed chesL, peellng Lhe fur back
Lo expose Lhe narrow whlLe and red rlbs llke Lhe
Llmbers of an upLurned boaL. lnLo Lhe rlb cage lorek
reached, and he plucked ouL lofur's hearL, red and
sLeamlng, and aLe lL Lhere ln fronL of lofur's sub[ecLs.
1hen Lhere was acclamaLlon, pandemonlum, a crush of
bears surglng forward Lo pay homage Lo lofur's
lorek 8yrnlson's volce rose above Lhe clamor.
8ears! Who ls your klng?"
And Lhe cry came back, ln a roar llke LhaL of all Lhe sea-
smooLh pebbles ln Lhe world ln an ocean-baLLerlng
lorek 8yrnlson!"
1he bears knew whaL Lhey musL do. Lvery slngle badge
and sash and coroneL was Lhrown off aL once and
Lrampled conLempLuously underfooL, Lo be forgoLLen
ln a momenL. 1hey were lorek's bears now, and Lrue
bears, noL uncerLaln seml-humans consclous only of a
LorLurlng lnferlorlLy. 1hey swarmed Lo Lhe palace and
began Lo hurl greaL blocks of marble from Lhe LopmosL
Lowers, rocklng Lhe baLLlemenLed walls wlLh Lhelr
mlghLy flsLs unLll Lhe sLones came loose, and Lhen
hurllng Lhem over Lhe cllffs Lo crash on Lhe [eLLy
hundreds of feeL below.
lorek lgnored Lhem and unhooked hls armor Lo aLLend
Lo hls wounds, buL before he could begln, Lyra was
beslde hlm, sLamplng her fooL on Lhe frozen scarleL
snow and shouLlng Lo Lhe bears Lo sLop smashlng Lhe
palace, because Lhere were prlsoners lnslde. 1hey
dldn'L hear, buL lorek dld, and when he roared Lhey
sLopped aL once.
Puman prlsoners?" lorek sald.
?es-lofur 8aknlson puL Lhem ln Lhe dungeons-Lhey
oughL Lo come ouL flrsL and geL shelLer somewhere,
else Lhey'll be kllled wlLh all Lhe falllng rocks-"
lorek gave swlfL orders, and some bears hurrled lnLo
Lhe palace Lo release Lhe prlsoners. Lyra Lurned Lo
LeL me help you-l wanL Lo make sure you en'L Loo
badly hurL, lorek dear-oh, l wlsh Lhere was some
bandages or someLhlng! 1haL's an awful cuL on your
A bear lald a mouLhful of some sLlff green sLuff, Lhlckly
frosLed, on Lhe ground aL lorek's feeL.
8loodmoss," sald lorek. ress lL ln Lhe wounds for
me, Lyra. lold Lhe flesh over lL and Lhen hold some
snow Lhere Llll lL freezes."
Pe wouldn'L leL any bears aLLend Lo hlm, desplLe Lhelr
eagerness. 8esldes, Lyra's hands were defL, and she
was desperaLe Lo help, so Lhe small human benL over
Lhe greaL bear-klng, packlng ln Lhe bloodmoss and
freezlng Lhe raw flesh Llll lL sLopped bleedlng. When
she had flnlshed, her mlLLens were sodden wlLh lorek's
blood, buL hls wounds were sLanched.
And by LhaL Llme Lhe prlsoners-a dozen or so men,
shlverlng and bllnklng and huddllng LogeLher-had
age 213

come ouL. 1here was no polnL ln Lalklng Lo Lhe
professor, Lyra declded, because Lhe poor man was
mad, and she would have llked Lo know who Lhe oLher
men were, buL Lhere were many oLher urgenL Lhlngs Lo
do. And she dldn'L wanL Lo dlsLracL lorek, who was
glvlng rapld orders and sendlng bears scurrylng Lhls
way and LhaL, buL she was anxlous abouL 8oger, and
abouL Lee Scoresby and Lhe wlLches, and she was
hungry and Llred.... She LhoughL Lhe besL Lhlng she
could do [usL Lhen was Lo keep ouL of Lhe way.
So she curled up ln a quleL corner of Lhe combaL
ground wlLh anLalalmon as a wolverlne Lo keep her
warm, and plled snow over herself as a bear would do,
and wenL Lo sleep.
SomeLhlng nudged her fooL, and a sLrange bear volce
sald, Lyra SllverLongue, Lhe klng wanLs you."
She woke up nearly dead wlLh cold, and couldn'L open
her eyes, for Lhey had frozen shuL, buL anLalalmon
llcked Lhem Lo melL Lhe lce on her eyelashes, and soon
she was able Lo see Lhe young bear speaklng Lo her ln
Lhe moonllghL.
She Lrled Lo sLand, buL fell over Lwlce.
1he bear sald, 8lde on me," and crouched Lo offer hls
broad back, and half-cllnglng, half-falllng, she managed
Lo sLay on whlle he Look her Lo a sLeep hollow, where
many bears were assembled.
And among Lhem was a small flgure who ran Loward
her, and whose daemon leaped up Lo greeL
8oger!" she sald.
lorek 8yrnlson made me sLay ouL Lhere ln Lhe snow
whlle he came Lo feLch you away-we fell ouL Lhe
balloon, Lyra! AfLer you fell ouL, we goL carrled mlles
and mlles, and Lhen Mr. Scoresby leL some more gas
ouL and we crashed lnLo a mounLaln, and we fell down
such a slope llke you never seen! And l don'L know
where Mr. Scoresby ls now, nor Lhe wlLches. 1here was
[usL me and lorek 8yrnlson. Pe come sLralghL back Lhls
way Lo look for you. And Lhey Lold me abouL hls
Lyra looked around. under Lhe dlrecLlon of an older
bear, Lhe human prlsoners were bulldlng a shelLer ouL
of drlfLwood and scraps of canvas. 1hey seemed
pleased Lo have some work Lo do. Cne of Lhem was
sLrlklng a fllnL Lo llghL a flre.
1here ls food," sald Lhe young bear who had woken
A fresh seal lay on Lhe snow. 1he bear sllced lL open
wlLh a claw and showed Lyra where Lo flnd Lhe
kldneys. She aLe one raw: lL was warm and sofL and
dellclous beyond lmaglnlng.
LaL Lhe blubber Loo," sald Lhe bear, and Lore off a
plece for her. lL LasLed of cream flavored wlLh
hazelnuLs. 8oger heslLaLed, buL followed her example.
1hey aLe greedlly, and wlLhln a very few mlnuLes Lyra
was fully awake and beglnnlng Lo be warm.
Wlplng her mouLh, she looked around, buL lorek was
noL ln slghL.
lorek 8yrnlson ls speaklng wlLh hls counselors," sald
Lhe young bear. Pe wanLs Lo see you when you have
eaLen. lollow me."
age 214

Pe led Lhem over a rlse ln Lhe snow Lo a spoL where
bears were beglnnlng Lo bulld a wall of lce blocks.
lorek saL aL Lhe cenLer of a group of older bears, and
he rose Lo greeL her.
Lyra SllverLongue," he sald. Come and hear whaL l
am belng Lold."
Pe dldn'L explaln her presence Lo Lhe oLher bears, or
perhaps Lhey had learned abouL her already, buL Lhey
made room for her and LreaLed her wlLh lmmense
courLesy, as lf she were a queen. She felL proud
beyond measure Lo slL beslde her frlend lorek 8yrnlson
under Lhe Aurora as lL fllckered gracefully ln Lhe polar
sky, and [oln Lhe conversaLlon of Lhe bears.
lL Lurned ouL LhaL lofur 8aknlson's domlnance over
Lhem had been llke a spell. Some of Lhem puL lL down
Lo Lhe lnfluence of Mrs. CoulLer, who had vlslLed hlm
before lorek's exlle, Lhough lorek had noL known abouL
lL, and glven lofur varlous presenLs.
She gave hlm a drug," sald one bear, whlch he fed
secreLly Lo P[almur P[almurson, and made hlm forgeL
P[almur P[almurson, Lyra gaLhered, was Lhe bear
whom lorek had kllled, and whose deaLh had broughL
abouL hls exlle. So Mrs. CoulLer was behlnd LhaL! And
Lhere was more.
1here are human laws LhaL prevenL cerLaln Lhlngs LhaL
she was plannlng Lo do, buL human laws don'L apply on
Svalbard. She wanLed Lo seL up anoLher sLaLlon here
llke 8olvangar, only worse, and lofur was golng Lo
allow her Lo do lL, agalnsL all Lhe cusLom of Lhe bears,
because humans have vlslLed, or been lmprlsoned, buL
never llved and worked here. LlLLle by llLLle she was
golng Lo lncrease her power over lofur 8aknlson, and
hls over us, unLll we were her creaLures runnlng back
and forLh aL her blddlng, and our only duLy Lo guard
Lhe abomlnaLlon she was golng Lo creaLe...."
1haL was an old bear speaklng. Pls name was S0ren
Llsarson, and he was a counselor, one who had
suffered under lofur 8aknlson.
WhaL ls she dolng now, Lyra?" sald lorek 8yrnlson.
Cnce she hears of lofur's deaLh, whaL wlll her plans
Lyra Look ouL Lhe aleLhlomeLer. 1here was noL much
llghL Lo see lL by, and lorek commanded LhaL a Lorch be
WhaL happened Lo Mr. Scoresby?" Lyra sald whlle
Lhey were walLlng. And Lhe wlLches?"
1he wlLches were aLLacked by anoLher wlLch clan. l
don'L know lf Lhe oLhers were allled Lo Lhe chlld
cuLLers, buL Lhey were paLrolllng our skles ln vasL
numbers, and Lhey aLLacked ln Lhe sLorm. l dldn'L see
whaL happened Lo Seraflna ekkala. As for Lee
Scoresby, Lhe balloon soared up agaln afLer l fell ouL
wlLh Lhe boy, Laklng hlm wlLh lL. 8uL your symbol
reader wlll Lell you whaL Lhelr faLe ls."
A bear pulled up a sledge on whlch a cauldron of
charcoal was smolderlng, and LhrusL a reslnous branch
lnLo Lhe hearL of lL. 1he branch caughL aL once, and ln
lLs glare Lyra Lurned Lhe hands of Lhe aleLhlomeLer and
asked abouL Lee Scoresby.
lL Lurned ouL LhaL he was sLlll alofL, borne by Lhe wlnds
Loward nova Zembla, and LhaL he had been unharmed
by Lhe cllff-ghasLs and had foughL off Lhe oLher wlLch
Lyra Lold lorek, and he nodded, saLlsfled.
age 213

lf he ls ln Lhe alr, he wlll be safe," he sald. WhaL of
Mrs. CoulLer?"
1he answer was compllcaLed, wlLh Lhe needle swlnglng
from symbol Lo symbol ln a sequence LhaL made Lyra
puzzle for a long Llme. 1he bears were curlous, buL
resLralned by Lhelr respecL for lorek 8yrnlson, and hls
for Lyra, and she puL Lhem ouL of her mlnd and sank
agaln lnLo Lhe aleLhlomeLrlc Lrance.
1he play of symbols, once she had dlscovered Lhe
paLLern of lL, was dlsmaylng.
lL says she's...She's heard abouL us flylng Lhls way,
and she's goL a LransporL zeppelln LhaL's armed wlLh
machlne guns-l Lhlnk LhaL's lL-and Lhey're a flylng Lo
Svalbard rlghL now. She don'L know yeL abouL lofur
8aknlson belng beaLen, of course, buL she wlll soon
because...Ch yes, because some wlLches wlll Lell her,
and Lhey'll learn lL from Lhe cllff-ghasLs. So l reckon
Lhere are sples ln Lhe alr all around, lorek. She was
comlng Lo...Lo preLend Lo help lofur 8aknlson, buL
really she was golng Lo Lake over power from hlm, wlLh
a reglmenL of 1arLars LhaL's a comlng by sea, and
Lhey'll be here ln a couple of days.
And as soon as she can, she's golng Lo where Lord
Asrlel ls kepL prlsoner, and she's lnLendlng Lo have hlm
kllled. 8ecause ...lL's comlng clear now: someLhlng l
never undersLood before, lorek! lL's why she wanLs Lo
klll Lord Asrlel: lL's because she knows whaL he's golng
Lo do, and she fears lL, and she wanLs Lo do lL herself
and galn conLrol before he does....lL musL be Lhe clLy ln
Lhe sky, lL musL be! She's Lrylng Lo geL Lo lL flrsL! And
now lL's Lelllng me someLhlng else...."
She benL over Lhe lnsLrumenL, concenLraLlng furlously
as Lhe needle darLed Lhls way and LhaL. lL moved
almosL Loo fasL Lo follow, 8oger, looklng over her
shoulder, couldn'L even see lL sLop, and was consclous
only of a swlfL nlckerlng dlalogue beLween Lyra's
flngers Lurnlng Lhe hands and Lhe needle answerlng, as
bewllderlngly unllke language as Lhe Aurora was.
?es," she sald flnally, puLLlng Lhe lnsLrumenL down ln
her lap and bllnklng and slghlng as she woke ouL of her
profound concenLraLlon. ?es, l see whaL lL says. She's
afLer me agaln.
She wanLs someLhlng l've goL, because Lord Asrlel
wanLs lL Loo. 1hey need lL for Lhls...for Lhls experlmenL,
whaLever lL ls..."
She sLopped Lhere, Lo Lake a deep breaLh. SomeLhlng
was Lroubllng her, and she dldn'L know whaL lL was.
She was sure LhaL Lhls someLhlng LhaL was so
lmporLanL was Lhe aleLhlome-Ler lLself, because afLer
all, Mrs. CoulLer had wanLed lL, and whaL else could lL
be? And yeL lL wasn'L, because Lhe aleLhlomeLer had a
dlfferenL way of referrlng Lo lLself, and Lhls wasn'L lL.
l suppose lL's Lhe aleLhlomeLer," she sald unhapplly.
lL's whaL l LhoughL all along. l've goL Lo Lake lL Lo Lord
Asrlel before she geLs lL. lf she geLs lL, we'll all dle."
As she sald LhaL, she felL so Llred, so bone-deep weary
and sad, LhaL Lo dle would have been a rellef. 8uL Lhe
example of lorek kepL her from admlLLlng lL. She puL
Lhe aleLhlomeLer away and saL up sLralghL.
Pow far away ls she ?" sald lorek.
!usL a few hours. l suppose l oughL Lo Lake Lhe
aleLhlomeLer Lo Lord Asrlel as soon as l can."
l wlll go wlLh you," sald lorek.
She dldn'L argue. Whlle lorek gave commands and
organlzed an armed squad Lo accompany Lhem on Lhe
age 216

flnal parL of Lhelr [ourney norLh, Lyra saL sLlll,
conservlng her energy. She felL LhaL someLhlng had
gone ouL of her durlng LhaL lasL readlng. She closed her
eyes and slepL, and presenLly Lhey woke her and seL
Lyra rode a sLrong young bear, and 8oger rode
anoLher, whlle lorek paced Llrelessly ahead and a
squad armed wlLh a flre hurler followed guardlng Lhe
1he way was long and hard. 1he lnLerlor of Svalbard
was mounLalnous, wlLh [umbled peaks and sharp
rldges deeply cuL by ravlnes and sLeep-slded valleys,
and Lhe cold was lnLense. Lyra LhoughL back Lo Lhe
smooLh-runnlng sledges of Lhe gyp-Llans on Lhe way Lo
8olvangar, how swlfL and comforLable LhaL progress
now seemed Lo have been! 1he alr here was more
peneLraLlngly chlll Lhan any she had experlenced
before, or lL mlghL have been LhaL Lhe bear she was
rldlng wasn'L as llghLfooLed as lorek, or lL mlghL have
been LhaL she was Llred Lo her very soul. AL all evenLs,
lL was desperaLely hard golng.
She knew llLLle of where Lhey were bound, or how far
lL was. All she knew was whaL Lhe older bear S0ren
Llsarson had Lold her whlle Lhey were preparlng Lhe
flre hurler. Pe had been lnvolved ln negoLlaLlng wlLh
Lord Asrlel abouL Lhe Lerms of hls lmprlsonmenL, and
he remembered lL well.
AL flrsL, he'd sald, Lhe Svalbard bears regarded Lord
Asrlel as belng no dlfferenL from any of Lhe oLher
pollLlclans, klngs, or Lroublemakers who had been
exlled Lo Lhelr bleak lsland. 1he prlsoners were
lmporLanL, or Lhey would have been kllled ouLrlghL by
Lhelr own people, Lhey mlghL be valuable Lo Lhe bears
one day, lf Lhelr pollLlcal forLunes changed and Lhey
reLurned Lo rule ln Lhelr own counLrles, so lL mlghL pay
Lhe bears noL Lo LreaL Lhem wlLh cruelLy or dlsrespecL.
So Lord Asrlel had found condlLlons on Svalbard no
beLLer and no worse Lhan hundreds of oLher exlles had
done. 8uL cerLaln Lhlngs had made hls [allers more
wary of hlm Lhan of oLher prlsoners Lhey'd had. 1here
was Lhe alr of mysLery and splrlLual perll surroundlng
anyLhlng LhaL had Lo do wlLh uusL, Lhere was Lhe clear
panlc on Lhe parL of Lhose who'd broughL hlm Lhere,
and Lhere were Mrs. CoulLer's prlvaLe communlcaLlons
wlLh lofur 8aknlson.
8esldes, Lhe bears had never meL anyLhlng qulLe llke
Lord Asrlel's own haughLy and lmperlous naLure. Pe
domlnaLed even lofur 8aknlson, argulng forcefully and
eloquenLly, and persuaded Lhe bear-klng Lo leL hlm
choose hls own dwelllng place.
age 217

1he flrsL one he was alloLLed was Loo low down, he
sald. Pe needed a hlgh spoL, above Lhe smoke and sLlr
of Lhe flre mlnes and Lhe smlLhles. Pe gave Lhe bears a
deslgn of Lhe accommodaLlon he wanLed, and Lold
Lhem where lL should be, and he brlbed Lhem wlLh
gold, and he flaLLered and bullled lofur 8aknlson, and
wlLh a bemused wllllngness Lhe bears seL Lo work.
8efore long a house had arlsen on a headland faclng
norLh: a wlde and solld place wlLh flreplaces LhaL
burned greaL blocks of coal mlned and hauled by
bears, and wlLh large wlndows of real glass. 1here he
dwelL, a prlsoner acLlng llke a klng.
And Lhen he seL abouL assembllng Lhe maLerlals for a
WlLh furlous concenLraLlon he senL for books,
lnsLrumenLs, chemlcals, all manner of Lools and
equlpmenL. And somehow lL had come, from Lhls
source or LhaL, some openly, some smuggled ln by Lhe
vlslLors he lnslsLed he was enLlLled Lo have. 8y land,
sea, and alr, Lord Asrlel assembled hls maLerlals, and
wlLhln slx monLhs of hls commlLLal, he had all Lhe
equlpmenL he wanLed.
And so he worked, Lhlnklng and plannlng and
calculaLlng, walLlng for Lhe one Lhlng he needed Lo
compleLe Lhe Lask LhaL so Lerrlfled Lhe CblaLlon 8oard.
lL was drawlng closer every mlnuLe.
Lyra's flrsL gllmpse of her faLher's prlson came when
lorek 8yrnlson sLopped aL Lhe fooL of a rldge for Lhe
chlldren Lo move and sLreLch Lhemselves, because Lhey
had been geLLlng dangerously cold and sLlff.
Look up Lhere," he sald.
A wlde broken slope of Lumbled rocks and lce, where a
Lrack had been laborlously cleared, led up Lo a crag
ouLllned agalnsL Lhe sky. 1here was no Aurora, buL Lhe
sLars were brllllanL. 1he crag sLood black and gaunL,
buL aL lLs summlL was a spaclous bulldlng from whlch
llghL spllled lavlshly ln all dlrecLlons: noL Lhe smoky
lnconsLanL gleam of blubber lamps, nor Lhe harsh
whlLe of anbarlc spoLllghLs, buL Lhe warm creamy glow
of naphLha.
1he wlndows from whlch Lhe llghL emerged also
showed Lord Asrlel's formldable power. Class was
expenslve, and large sheeLs of lL were prodlgal of heaL
ln Lhese flerce laLlLudes, so Lo see Lhem here was
evldence of wealLh and lnfluence far greaLer Lhan lofur
8aknlson's vulgar palace.
Lyra and 8oger mounLed Lhelr bears for Lhe lasL Llme,
and lorek led Lhe way up Lhe slope Loward Lhe house.
1here was a courLyard LhaL lay deep under snow,
surrounded by a low wall, and as lorek pushed open
Lhe gaLe Lhey heard a bell rlng somewhere ln Lhe
Lyra goL down. She could hardly sLand. She helped
8oger down Loo, and, supporLlng each oLher, Lhe
chlldren sLumbled Lhrough Lhe Lhlgh-deep snow
Loward Lhe sLeps up Lo Lhe door.
Ch, Lhe warmLh Lhere would be lnslde LhaL house! Ch,
Lhe peaceful resL!
She reached for Lhe handle of Lhe bell, buL before she
could reach lL, Lhe door opened. 1here was a small
dlmly llL vesLlbule Lo keep Lhe warm alr ln, and
sLandlng under Lhe lamp was a flgure she recognlzed:
Lord Asrlel's manservanL 1horold, wlLh hls plnscher
daemon Anfang.
Lyra wearlly pushed back her hood.
Who..." 1horold began, and Lhen saw who lL was, and
wenL on: noL Lyra? LlLLle Lyra? Am l
age 218

Pe reached behlnd hlm Lo open Lhe lnner door.
A hall, wlLh a coal flre blazlng ln a sLone graLe, warm
naphLha llghL glowlng on carpeLs, leaLher chalrs,
pollshed wood... lL was llke noLhlng Lyra had seen
slnce leavlng !ordan College, and lL broughL a choklng
gasp Lo her LhroaL.
Lord Asrlel's snow-leopard daemon growled.
Lyra's faLher sLood Lhere, hls powerful dark-eyed face
aL flrsL flerce, LrlumphanL, and eager, and Lhen Lhe
color faded from lL, hls eyes wldened, ln horror, as he
recognlzed hls daughLer.
no! no!"
Pe sLaggered back and cluLched aL Lhe manLelplece.
Lyra couldn'L move.
CeL ouL!" Lord Asrlel crled. 1urn around, geL ouL, go!
l dld noL send for you!"
She couldn'L speak. She opened her mouLh Lwlce,
Lhree Llmes, and Lhen managed Lo say:
no, no, l came because-"
Pe seemed appalled, he kepL shaklng hls head, he held
up hls hands as lf Lo ward her off, she couldn'L belleve
hls dlsLress.
She moved a sLep closer Lo reassure hlm, and 8oger
came Lo sLand wlLh her, anxlous. 1helr daemons
fluLLered ouL lnLo Lhe warmLh, and afLer a momenL
Lord Asrlel passed a hand across hls brow and
recovered sllghLly. 1he color began Lo reLurn Lo hls
cheeks as he looked down aL Lhe Lwo.
Lyra," he sald. 1haL ls Lyra?"
?es, uncle Asrlel," she sald, Lhlnklng LhaL Lhls wasn'L
Lhe Llme Lo go lnLo Lhelr Lrue relaLlonshlp. l came Lo
brlng you Lhe aleLhlomeLer from Lhe MasLer of
?es, of course you dld," he sald. Who ls Lhls?"
lL's 8oger arslow," she sald. Pe's Lhe klLchen boy
from !ordan College. 8uL-"
Pow dld you geL here?"
l was [usL golng Lo say, Lhere's lorek 8yrnlson ouLslde,
he's broughL us here. Pe came wlLh me all Lhe way
from 1rollesund, and we Lrlcked lofur-"
Who's lorek 8yrnlson?"
An armored bear. Pe broughL us here."
1horold," he called, run a hoL baLh for Lhese
chlldren, and prepare Lhem some food. 1hen Lhey wlll
need Lo sleep. 1helr cloLhes are fllLhy, flnd Lhem
someLhlng Lo wear. uo lL now, whlle l Lalk Lo Lhls
age 219

Lyra felL her head swlm. erhaps lL was Lhe heaL, or
perhaps lL was rellef. She waLched Lhe servanL bow
and leave Lhe hall, and Lord Asrlel go lnLo Lhe vesLlbule
and close Lhe door behlnd, and Lhen she half-fell lnLo
Lhe nearesL chalr.
Cnly a momenL laLer, lL seemed, 1horold was speaklng
Lo her.
lollow me, mlss," he was saylng, and she hauled
herself up and wenL wlLh 8oger Lo a warm baLhroom,
where sofL Lowels hung on a heaLed rall, and where a
Lub of waLer sLeamed ln Lhe naphLha llghL.
?ou go flrsL," sald Lyra. l'll slL ouLslde and we'll Lalk."
So 8oger, wlnclng and gasplng aL Lhe heaL, goL ln and
washed. 1hey had swum naked LogeLher ofLen enough,
frollcklng ln Lhe lsls or Lhe Cherwell wlLh oLher
chlldren, buL Lhls was dlfferenL.
l'm afrald of your uncle," sald 8oger Lhrough Lhe open
door. l mean your faLher."
8eLLer keep calllng hlm my uncle. l'm afrald of hlm
Loo, someLlmes."
When we flrsL come ln, he never saw me aL all. Pe
only saw you. And he was horrlfled, Llll he saw me.
1hen he calmed down all aL once."
Pe was [usL shocked," sald Lyra. Anyone would be, Lo
see someone Lhey dldn'L expecL. Pe lasL saw me afLer
LhaL Llme ln Lhe 8eLlrlng 8oom. lL's bound Lo be a
no," sald 8oger, lL's more Lhan LhaL. Pe was looklng
aL me llke a wolf, or summlng." ?ou're lmaglnlng lL."
l en'L. l'm more scared of hlm Lhan l was of Mrs.
CoulLer, and LhaL's Lhe LruLh."
Pe splashed hlmself. Lyra Look ouL Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
u'you wanL me Lo ask Lhe symbol reader abouL lL?"
Lyra sald.
Well, l dunno. 1here's Lhlngs l'd raLher noL know.
Seems Lo me everyLhlng l heard of slnce Lhe Cobblers
come Lo Cxford, everyLhlng's been bad. 1here en'L
been noLhlng good more Lhan abouL flve mlnuLes
ahead. Llke l can see now, Lhls baLh's nlce, and Lhere's
a nlce warm Lowel Lhere, abouL flve mlnuLes away.
And once l'm dry, maybe l'll Lhlnk of summlng nlce Lo
eaL, buL no furLher ahead Lhan LhaL. And when l've
eaLen, maybe l'll look forward Lo a klp ln a comforLable
bed. 8uL afLer LhaL, l dunno, Lyra. 1here's been Lerrlble
Lhlngs we seen, en'L Lhere? And more a comlng,
more'n llkely. So l Lhlnk l'd raLher noL know whaL's ln
Lhe fuLure. l'll sLlck Lo Lhe presenL."
?eah," sald Lyra wearlly. 1here's Llmes l feel llke LhaL
So alLhough she held Lhe aleLhlomeLer ln her hands for
a llLLle longer, lL was only for comforL, she dldn'L Lurn
Lhe wheels, and Lhe swlnglng of Lhe needle passed her
by. anLalalmon waLched lL ln sllence.
AfLer Lhey'd boLh washed, and eaLen some bread and
cheese and drunk some wlne and hoL waLer, Lhe
servanL 1horold sald, 1he boy ls Lo go Lo bed. l'll show
hlm where Lo go. Pls Lordshlp asks lf you'd [oln hlm ln
Lhe llbrary, Mlss Lyra."
age 220

Lyra found Lord Asrlel ln a room whose wlde wlndows
overlooked Lhe frozen sea far below. 1here was a coal
flre under a wlde chlmneyplece, and a naphLha lamp
Lurned down low, so Lhere was llLLle ln Lhe way of
dlsLracLlng reflecLlons beLween Lhe occupanLs of Lhe
room and Lhe bleak sLarllL panorama ouLslde. Lord
Asrlel, recllnlng ln a large armchalr on one slde of Lhe
flre, beckoned her Lo come and slL ln Lhe oLher chalr
faclng hlm.
?our frlend lorek 8yrnlson ls resLlng ouLslde," he sald.
Pe prefers Lhe cold." uld he Lell you abouL hls flghL
wlLh lofur 8aknlson?"
noL ln deLall. 8uL l undersLand LhaL he ls now Lhe klng
of Svalbard. ls LhaL Lrue?" Cf course lL's Lrue. lorek
never lles."
Pe seems Lo have appolnLed hlmself your guardlan."
no. !ohn laa Lold hlm Lo look afLer me, and he's dolng
lL because of LhaL. Pe's followlng !ohn laa's orders."
Pow does !ohn laa come lnLo Lhls?"
l'll Lell you lf you Lell me someLhlng," she sald. ?ou're
my faLher, en'L you?" ?es. So whaL?"
So you should have Lold me before, LhaL's whaL. ?ou
shouldn'L hlde Lhlngs llke LhaL from people, because
Lhey feel sLupld when Lhey flnd ouL, and LhaL's cruel.
WhaL dlfference would lL make lf l knew l was your
daughLer? ?ou could have sald lL years ago. ?ou
could've Lold me and asked me Lo keep lL secreL, and l
would, no maLLer how young l was, l'd have done LhaL
lf you asked me. l'd have been so proud noLhlng
would've Lorn lL ouL of me, lf you asked me Lo keep lL
secreL. 8uL you never. ?ou leL oLher people know, buL
you never Lold me."
Who dld Lell you?"
!ohn laa."
uld he Lell you abouL your moLher?"
1hen Lhere's noL much lefL for me Lo Lell. l don'L Lhlnk
l wanL Lo be lnLerrogaLed and condemned by an
lnsolenL chlld. l wanL Lo hear whaL you've seen and
done on Lhe way here."
l broughL you Lhe bloody aleLhlomeLer, dldn'L l?" Lyra
bursL ouL. She was very near Lo Lears. l looked afLer lL
all Lhe way from !ordan, l hld lL and l Lreasured lL, all
Lhrough whaL's happened Lo us, and l learned abouL
uslng lL, and l carrled lL all Lhls bloody way when l
could've [usL glven up and been safe, and you en'L
even sald Lhank you, nor showed any slgn LhaL you're
glad Lo see me. l don'L know why l ever done lL. 8uL l
dld, and l kepL on golng, even ln lofur 8aknlson's
sLlnklng palace wlLh all Lhem bears around me l kepL
on golng, all on me own, and l Lrlcked hlm lnLo flghLlng
wlLh lorek so's l could come on here for your
sake....And when you dld see me, you llke Lo falnLed,
as lf l was some horrlble Lhlng you never wanLed Lo see
agaln. ?ou en'L human, Lord Asrlel. ?ou en'L my faLher.
My faLher wouldn'L LreaL me llke LhaL.
age 221

laLhers are supposed Lo love Lhelr daughLers, en'L
Lhey? ?ou don'L love me, and l don'L love you, and
LhaL's a facL. l love larder Coram, and l love lorek
8yrnlson, l love an armored bear more'n l love my
faLher. And l beL lorek 8yrnlson loves me more'n you
?ou Lold me yourself he's only followlng !ohn laa's
lf you're golng Lo be senLlmenLal, l shan'L wasLe Llme
Lalklng Lo you." 1ake your bloody aleLhlomeLer, Lhen,
and l'm golng back wlLh lorek." Where?"
8ack Lo Lhe palace. Pe can flghL wlLh Mrs. CoulLer and
Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, when Lhey Lurn up. lf he loses,
Lhen l'll dle Loo, l don'L care. lf he wlns, we'll send for
Lee Scoresby and l'll sall away ln hls balloon and-"
Who's Lee Scoresby?"
An aeronauL. Pe broughL us here and Lhen we
crashed. Pere you are, here's Lhe aleLhlomeLer. lL's all
ln good order."
Pe made no move Lo Lake lL, and she lald lL on Lhe
brass fender around Lhe hearLh.
And l suppose l oughL Lo Lell you LhaL Mrs. CoulLer's
on her way Lo Svalbard, and as soon as she hears
whaL's happened Lo lofur 8aknlson, she'll be on her
way here. ln a zeppelln, wlLh a whole loL of soldlers,
and Lhey're golng Lo klll us all, by order of Lhe
1hey'll never reach us," he sald calmly.
Pe was so quleL and relaxed LhaL some of her feroclLy
?ou don'L know," she sald uncerLalnly.
?es l do."
Pave you goL anoLher aleLhlomeLer, Lhen?"
l don'L need an aleLhlomeLer for LhaL. now l wanL Lo
hear abouL your [ourney here, Lyra. SLarL from Lhe
beglnnlng. 1ell me everyLhlng."
So she dld. She began wlLh her hldlng ln Lhe 8eLlrlng
8oom, and wenL on Lo Lhe Cobblers' Laklng 8oger, and
her Llme wlLh Mrs. CoulLer, and everyLhlng else LhaL
had happened.
lL was a long Lale, and when she flnlshed lL she sald,
So Lhere's one Lhlng l wanL Lo know, and l reckon l've
goL Lhe rlghL Lo know lL, llke l had Lhe rlghL Lo know
who l really was. And lf you dldn'L Lell me LhaL, you've
goL Lo Lell me Lhls, ln recompense. So: whaL's uusL?
And why's everyone so afrald of lL?"
Pe looked aL her as lf Lrylng Lo guess wheLher she
would undersLand whaL he was abouL Lo say. Pe had
never looked aL her serlously before, she LhoughL, unLll
now he had always been llke an adulL lndulglng a chlld
ln a preLLy Lrlck. 8uL he seemed Lo Lhlnk she was ready.
age 222

uusL ls whaL makes Lhe aleLhlomeLer work," he sald.
Ah...l LhoughL lL mlghL! 8uL whaL else? Pow dld Lhey
flnd ouL abouL lL?"
ln one way, Lhe Church has always been aware of lL.
1hey've been preachlng abouL uusL for cenLurles, only
Lhey dldn'L call lL by LhaL name.
8uL some years ago a MuscovlLe called 8orls
MlkhallovlLch 8usakov dlscovered a new klnd of
elemenLary parLlcle. ?ou've heard of elecLrons,
phoLons, neuLrlnos, and Lhe resL? 1hey're called
elemenLary parLlcles because you can'L break Lhem
down any furLher: Lhere's noLhlng lnslde Lhem buL
Lhemselves. Well, Lhls new klnd of parLlcle was
elemenLary all rlghL, buL lL was very hard Lo measure
because lL dldn'L reacL ln any of Lhe usual ways. 1he
hardesL Lhlng for 8usakov Lo undersLand was why Lhe
new parLlcle seemed Lo clusLer where human belngs
were, as lf lL were aLLracLed Lo us. And especlally Lo
adulLs. Chlldren Loo, buL noL nearly so much unLll Lhelr
daemons have Laken a flxed form. uurlng Lhe years of
puberLy Lhey begln Lo aLLracL uusL more sLrongly, and
lL seLLles on Lhem as lL seLLles on adulLs.
now all dlscoverles of Lhls sorL, because Lhey have a
bearlng on Lhe docLrlnes of Lhe Church, have Lo be
announced Lhrough Lhe MaglsLerlum ln Ceneva. And
Lhls dlscovery of 8usakov's was so unllkely and sLrange
LhaL Lhe lnspecLor from Lhe ConslsLorlal CourL of
ulsclpllne suspecLed 8usakov of dlabollc possesslon.
Pe performed an exorclsm ln Lhe laboraLory, he
lnLerrogaLed 8usakov under Lhe rules of Lhe
lnqulslLlon, buL flnally Lhey had Lo accepL Lhe facL LhaL
8usakov wasn'L lylng or decelvlng Lhem: uusL really
1haL lefL Lhem wlLh Lhe problem of decldlng whaL lL
was. And glven Lhe Church's naLure, Lhere was only
one Lhlng Lhey could have chosen. 1he MaglsLerlum
declded LhaL uusL was Lhe physlcal evldence for
orlglnal sln. uo you know whaL orlglnal sln ls?"
She LwlsLed her llps. lL was llke belng back aL !ordan,
belng qulzzed on someLhlng she'd been half-LaughL.
SorL of," she sald.
no, you don'L. Co Lo Lhe shelf beslde Lhe desk and
brlng me Lhe 8lble."
Lyra dld so, and handed Lhe blg black book Lo her
?ou do remember Lhe sLory of Adam and Lve?"
'Course," she sald. She wasn'L supposed Lo eaL Lhe
frulL and Lhe serpenL LempLed her, and she dld." And
whaL happened Lhen?"
umm...1hey were Lhrown ouL. Cod Lhrew Lhem ouL of
Lhe garden."
Cod had Lold Lhem noL Lo eaL Lhe frulL, because Lhey
would dle. 8emember, Lhey were naked ln Lhe garden,
Lhey were llke chlldren, Lhelr daemons Look on any
form Lhey deslred. 8uL Lhls ls whaL happened."
Pe Lurned Lo ChapLer 1hree of Cenesls, and read:
And Lhe woman sald unLo Lhe serpenL, We may eaL of
Lhe frulL of Lhe Lrees of Lhe garden:
8uL of Lhe frulL of Lhe Lree whlch ls ln Lhe mldsL of Lhe
garden, Cod haLh sald, ?e shall noL eaL of lL, nelLher
shall ye Louch lL, lesL ye dle.
age 223

And Lhe serpenL sald unLo Lhe woman, ?e shall noL
surely dle:
lor Cod doLh know LhaL ln Lhe day ye eaL Lhereof,
Lhen your eyes shall be opened, and your daemons
shall assume Lhelr Lrue forms, and ye shall be as gods,
knowlng good and evll.
And when Lhe woman saw LhaL Lhe Lree was good for
food, and LhaL lL was pleasanL Lo Lhe eyes, and a Lree
Lo be deslred Lo reveal Lhe Lrue form of one's daemon,
she Look of Lhe frulL Lhereof, and dld eaL, and gave also
unLo her husband wlLh her, and he dld eaL.
And Lhe eyes of Lhem boLh were opened, and Lhey
saw Lhe Lrue form of Lhelr daemons, and spoke wlLh
8uL when Lhe man and Lhe woman knew Lhelr own
daemons, Lhey knew LhaL a greaL change had come
upon Lhem, for unLll LhaL momenL lL had seemed LhaL
Lhey were aL one wlLh all Lhe creaLures of Lhe earLh
and Lhe alr, and Lhere was no dlfference beLween
And Lhey saw Lhe dlfference, and Lhey knew good and
evll, and Lhey were ashamed, and Lhey sewed flg
leaves LogeLher Lo cover Lhelr nakedness...."
Pe closed Lhe book.
And LhaL was how sln came lnLo Lhe world," he sald,
sln and shame and deaLh. lL came Lhe momenL Lhelr
daemons became flxed."
8uL..." Lyra sLruggled Lo flnd Lhe words she wanLed:
buL lL en'L Lrue, ls lL? noL Lrue llke chemlsLry or
englneerlng, noL LhaL klnd of Lrue? 1here wasn'L really
an Adam and Lve? 1he CasslngLon Scholar Lold me lL
was [usL a klnd of falry Lale."
1he CasslngLon Scholarshlp ls LradlLlonally glven Lo a
freeLhlnker, lL's hls funcLlon Lo challenge Lhe falLh of
Lhe Scholars. naLurally he'd say LhaL. 8uL Lhlnk of
Adam and Lve llke an lmaglnary number, llke Lhe
square rooL of mlnus one: you can never see any
concreLe proof LhaL lL exlsLs, buL lf you lnclude lL ln
your equaLlons, you can calculaLe all manner of Lhlngs
LhaL couldn'L be lmaglned wlLhouL lL.
Anyway, lL's whaL Lhe Church has LaughL for
Lhousands of years. And when 8usakov dlscovered
uusL, aL lasL Lhere was a physlcal proof LhaL someLhlng
happened when lnnocence changed lnLo experlence.
lncldenLally, Lhe 8lble gave us Lhe name uusL as well.
AL flrsL Lhey were called 8usakov arLlcles, buL soon
someone polnLed ouL a curlous verse Loward Lhe end
of Lhe 1hlrd ChapLer of Cenesls, where Cod's curslng
Adam for eaLlng Lhe frulL."
Pe opened Lhe 8lble agaln and polnLed lL ouL Lo Lyra.
She read:
ln Lhe sweaL of Lhy face shalL Lhou eaL bread, Llll Lhou
reLurn unLo Lhe ground, for ouL of lL wasL Lhou Laken:
for dusL Lhou arL, and unLo dusL shalL Lhou reLurn...."
Lord Asrlel sald, Church scholars have always puzzled
over Lhe LranslaLlon of LhaL verse. Some say lL should
read noL 'unLo dusL shalL Lhou reLurn' buL 'Lhou shalL
be sub[ecL Lo dusL,' and oLhers say Lhe whole verse ls a
klnd of pun on Lhe words 'ground' and 'dusL,' and lL
really means LhaL Cod's admlLLlng hls own naLure Lo be
parLly slnful. no one agrees. no one can, because Lhe
LexL ls corrupL. 8uL lL was Loo good a word Lo wasLe,
and LhaL's why Lhe parLlcles became known as uusL."
age 224

And whaL abouL Lhe Cobblers?" Lyra sald.
1he Ceneral CblaLlon 8oard...?our moLher's gang.
Clever of her Lo spoL Lhe chance of seLLlng up her own
power base, buL she's a clever woman, as l dare say
you've noLlced. lL sulLs Lhe MaglsLerlum Lo allow all
klnds of dlfferenL agencles Lo flourlsh. 1hey can play
Lhem off agalnsL one anoLher, lf one succeeds, Lhey
can preLend Lo have been supporLlng lL all along, and lf
lL falls, Lhey can preLend lL was a renegade ouLflL whlch
had never been properly llcensed.
?ou see, your moLher's always been amblLlous for
power. AL flrsL she Lrled Lo geL lL ln Lhe normal way,
Lhrough marrlage, buL LhaL dldn'L work, as l Lhlnk
you've heard. So she had Lo Lurn Lo Lhe Church.
naLurally she couldn'L Lake Lhe rouLe a man could have
Laken-prlesLhood and so on-lL had Lo be
unorLhodox, she had Lo seL up her own order, her own
channels of lnfluence, and work Lhrough LhaL. lL was a
good move Lo speclallze ln uusL. Lveryone was
frlghLened of lL, no one knew whaL Lo do, and when
she offered Lo dlrecL an lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe MaglsLerlum
was so relleved LhaL Lhey backed her wlLh money and
resources of all klnds."
8uL Lhey were cuLLlng-" Lyra couldn'L brlng herself
Lo say lL, Lhe words choked ln her mouLh. ?ou know
whaL Lhey were dolng! Why dld Lhe Church leL Lhem
do anyLhlng llke LhaL?"
1here was a precedenL. SomeLhlng llke lL had
happened before. uo you know whaL Lhe word
casLraLlon means? lL means removlng Lhe sexual
organs of a boy so LhaL he never develops Lhe
characLerlsLlcs of a man. A casLraLe keeps hls hlgh
Lreble volce all hls llfe, whlch ls why Lhe Church
allowed lL: so useful ln Church muslc. Some casLraLl
became greaL slngers, wonderful arLlsLs. Many [usL
became faL spolled half-men. Some dled from Lhe
effecLs of Lhe operaLlon. 8uL Lhe Church wouldn'L
fllnch aL Lhe ldea of a llLLle cuL, you see. 1here was a
precedenL. And Lhls would be so much more hyglenlc
Lhan Lhe old meLhods, when Lhey dldn'L have
anesLheLlcs or sLerlle bandages or proper nurslng care.
lL would be genLle by comparlson."
lL lsn'L!" Lyra sald flercely. lL lsn'L!"
no. Cf course noL. 1haL's why Lhey had Lo hlde away
ln Lhe far norLh, ln darkness and obscurlLy. And why
Lhe Church was glad Lo have someone llke your
moLher ln charge. Who could doubL someone so
charmlng, so well-connecLed, so sweeL and
reasonable? 8uL because lL was an obscure and
unofflclal klnd of operaLlon, she was someone Lhe
MaglsLerlum could deny lf Lhey needed Lo, as well."
8uL whose ldea was lL Lo do LhaL cuLLlng ln Lhe flrsL
lL was hers. She guessed LhaL Lhe Lwo Lhlngs LhaL
happen aL adolescence mlghL be connecLed: Lhe
change ln one's daemon and Lhe facL LhaL uusL began
Lo seLLle. erhaps lf Lhe daemon were separaLed from
Lhe body, we mlghL never be sub[ecL Lo uusL-Lo
orlglnal sln. 1he quesLlon was wheLher lL was posslble
Lo separaLe daemon and body wlLhouL kllllng Lhe
person. 8uL she's Lraveled ln many places, and seen all
klnds of Lhlngs. She's Lraveled ln Afrlca, for
lnsLance.1he Afrlcans have a way of maklng a slave
called a zombl. lL has no wlll of lLs own, lL wlll work day
and nlghL wlLhouL ever runnlng away or complalnlng. lL
looks llke a corpse...."
lL's a person wlLhouL Lhelr daemon!"
LxacLly. So she found ouL LhaL lL was posslble Lo
separaLe Lhem."
And...1ony CosLa Lold me abouL Lhe horrlble
phanLoms Lhey have ln Lhe norLhern foresLs. l suppose
age 223

mlghL be Lhe same klnd of Lhlng."
1haL's rlghL. Anyway, Lhe Ceneral CblaLlon 8oard
grew ouL of ldeas llke LhaL, and ouL of Lhe Church's
obsesslon wlLh orlglnal sln."
Lord Asrlel's daemon LwlLched her ears, and he lald hls
hand on her beauLlful head.
1here was someLhlng else LhaL happened when Lhey
made Lhe cuL," he wenL on. And Lhey dldn'L see lL. 1he
energy LhaL llnks body and daemon ls lmmensely
powerful. When Lhe cuL ls made, all LhaL energy
dlsslpaLes ln a fracLlon of a second. 1hey dldn'L noLlce,
because Lhey mlsLook lL for shock, or dlsgusL, or moral
ouLrage, and Lhey Lralned Lhemselves Lo feel numb
Lowards lL. So Lhey mlssed whaL lL could do, and Lhey
never LhoughL of harnesslng lL...."
Lyra couldn'L slL sLlll. She goL up and walked Lo Lhe
wlndow, and sLared over Lhe wlde bleak darkness wlLh
unseelng eyes. 1hey were Loo cruel. no maLLer how
lmporLanL lL was Lo flnd ouL abouL orlglnal sln, lL was
Loo cruel Lo do whaL Lhey'd done Lo 1ony Makarlos and
all Lhe oLhers. noLhlng [usLlfled LhaL.
And whaL were you dolng?" she sald. uld you do any
of LhaL cuLLlng?"
l'm lnLeresLed ln someLhlng qulLe dlfferenL. l don'L
Lhlnk Lhe CblaLlon 8oard goes far enough. l wanL Lo go
Lo Lhe source of uusL lLself."
1he source? Where's lL come from, Lhen?"
lrom Lhe oLher unlverse we can see Lhrough Lhe
Lyra Lurned around agaln. Per faLher was lylng back ln
hls chalr, lazy and powerful, hls eyes as flerce as hls
daemon's. She dldn'L love hlm, she couldn'L LrusL hlm,
buL she had Lo admlre hlm, and Lhe exLravaganL luxury
he'd assembled ln Lhls desolaLe wasLeland, and Lhe
power of hls amblLlon.
WhaL ls LhaL oLher unlverse?" she sald.
Cne of uncounLable bllllons of parallel worlds. 1he
wlLches have known abouL Lhem for cenLurles, buL Lhe
flrsL Lheologlans Lo prove Lhelr exlsLence
maLhemaLlcally were excommunlcaLed flfLy or more
years ago. Powever, lL's Lrue, Lhere's no posslble way
of denylng lL.
8uL no one LhoughL lL would ever be posslble Lo cross
from one unlverse Lo anoLher. 1haL would vlolaLe
fundamenLal laws, we LhoughL. Well, we were wrong,
we learned Lo see Lhe world up Lhere. lf llghL can cross,
so can we. And we had Lo learn Lo see lL, Lyra, [usL as
you learned Lo use Lhe aleLhlomeLer.
now LhaL world, and every oLher unlverse, came
abouL as a resulL of posslblllLy. 1ake Lhe example of
Losslng a coln: lL can come down heads or Lalls, and we
don'L know before lL lands whlch way lL's golng Lo fall.
lf lL comes down heads, LhaL means LhaL Lhe posslblllLy
of lLs comlng down Lalls has collapsed. unLll LhaL
momenL Lhe Lwo posslblllLles were equal.
8uL on anoLher world, lL does come down Lalls. And
when LhaL happens, Lhe Lwo worlds spllL aparL. l'm
uslng Lhe example of Losslng a coln Lo make lL clearer.
ln facL, Lhese posslblllLy collapses happen aL Lhe level
of elemenLary parLlcles, buL Lhey happen ln [usL Lhe
same way: one momenL several Lhlngs are posslble,
Lhe nexL momenL only one happens, and Lhe resL don'L
exlsL. LxcepL LhaL oLher worlds have sprung lnLo belng,
on whlch Lhey dld happen.
age 226

And l'm golng Lo LhaL world beyond Lhe Aurora," he
sald, because l Lhlnk LhaL's where all Lhe uusL ln Lhls
unlverse comes from. ?ou saw Lhose slldes l showed
Lhe Scholars ln Lhe reLlrlng room. ?ou saw uusL
pourlng lnLo Lhls world from Lhe Aurora. ?ou've seen
LhaL clLy yourself. lf llghL can cross Lhe barrler beLween
Lhe unlverses, lf uusL can, lf we can see LhaL clLy, Lhen
we can bulld a brldge and cross. lL needs a
phenomenal bursL of energy. 8uL l can do lL.
Somewhere ouL Lhere ls Lhe orlgln of all Lhe uusL, all
Lhe deaLh, Lhe sln, Lhe mlsery, Lhe desLrucLlveness ln
Lhe world. Puman belngs can'L see anyLhlng wlLhouL
wanLlng Lo desLroy lL, Lyra. 1haL's orlglnal sln. And l'm
golng Lo desLroy lL. ueaLh ls golng Lo dle."
ls LhaL why Lhey puL you here?"
?es. 1hey are Lerrlfled. And wlLh good reason."
Pe sLood up, and so dld hls daemon, proud and
beauLlful and deadly. Lyra saL sLlll. She was afrald of
her faLher, and she admlred hlm profoundly, and she
LhoughL he was sLark mad, buL who was she Lo [udge?
Co Lo bed," he sald. 1horold wlll show you where Lo
Pe Lurned Lo go.
?ou've lefL Lhe aleLhlomeLer," she sald.
Ah, yes, l don'L acLually need LhaL now," he sald. lL
would be no use Lo me wlLhouL Lhe books anyway.
u'you know, l Lhlnk Lhe MasLer of !ordan was glvlng lL
Lo you. uld he acLually ask you Lo brlng lL Lo me?"
Well, yes!" she sald. 8uL Lhen she LhoughL agaln, and
reallzed LhaL ln facL Lhe MasLer never had asked her Lo
do LhaL, she had assumed lL all Lhe Llme, because why
else would he have glven lL Lo her? no," she sald. l
don'L know. l LhoughL-"
Well, l don'L wanL lL. lL's yours, Lyra." 8uL-"
CoodnlghL, chlld."
Speechless, Loo bewlldered by Lhls Lo volce any of Lhe
dozen urgenL quesLlons LhaL pressed aL her mlnd, she
saL by Lhe flre and waLched hlm leave Lhe room.
age 227

She woke Lo flnd a sLranger shaklng her arm, and Lhen
as anLalalmon sprang awake and growled, she
recognlzed 1horold. Pe was holdlng a naphLha lamp,
and hls hand was Lrembllng.
Mlss-mlss-geL up qulckly. l don'L know whaL Lo do.
Pe's lefL no orders. l Lhlnk he's mad, mlss."
WhaL? WhaL's happenlng?"
Lord Asrlel, mlss. Pe's been almosL ln a dellrlum slnce
you wenL Lo bed. l've never seen hlm so wlld. Pe
packed a loL of lnsLrumenLs and baLLerles ln a sledge
and he harnessed up Lhe dogs and lefL. 8uL he's goL Lhe
boy, mlss!"
8oger? Pe's Laken 8oger?"
Pe Lold me Lo wake hlm and dress hlm, and l dldn'L
Lhlnk Lo argue-l never have-Lhe boy kepL on asklng
for you, mlss-buL Lord Asrlel wanLed hlm alone-you
know when you flrsL came Lo Lhe door, mlss? And he
saw you and couldn'L belleve hls eyes, and wanLed you
Lyra's head was ln such a whlrl of wearlness and fear
LhaL she could hardly Lhlnk, buL ?es? ?es?" she sald.
lL was because he needed a chlld Lo flnlsh hls
experlmenL, mlss! And Lord Asrlel has a way speclal Lo
hlmself of brlnglng abouL whaL he wanLs, he [usL has Lo
call for someLhlng and-"
now Lyra's head was full of a roar, as lf she were Lrylng
Lo sLlfle some knowledge from her own consclousness.
She had goL ouL of bed, and was reachlng for her
cloLhes, and Lhen she suddenly collapsed, and a flerce
cry of despalr enveloped her. She was uLLerlng lL, buL lL
was blgger Lhan she was, lL felL as lf Lhe despalr were
uLLerlng her. lor she remembered hls words: Lhe
energy LhaL llnks body and daemon ls lmmensely
powerful, and Lo brldge Lhe gap beLween worlds
needed a phenomenal bursL of energy....
She had [usL reallzed whaL she'd done.
She had sLruggled all Lhls way Lo brlng someLhlng Lo
Lord Asrlel, Lhlnklng she knew whaL he wanLed, and lL
wasn'L Lhe aleLhlomeLer aL all. WhaL he wanLed was a
She had broughL hlm 8oger.
1haL was why he'd crled ouL, l dld noL send for you!"
when he saw her, he had senL for a chlld, and Lhe faLes
had broughL hlm hls own daughLer. Cr so he'd
LhoughL, unLll she'd sLepped aslde and shown hlm
Ch, Lhe blLLer angulsh! She had LhoughL she was savlng
8oger, and all Lhe Llme she'd been dlllgenLly worklng Lo
beLray hlm....
age 228

Lyra shook and sobbed ln a frenzy of emoLlon. lL
couldn'L be Lrue.
1horold Lrled Lo comforL her, buL he dldn'L know Lhe
reason for her exLremlLy of grlef, and could only paL
her shoulder nervously.
lorek-" she sobbed, pushlng Lhe servanL aslde.
Where's lorek 8yrnlson? 1he bear? ls he sLlll
1he old man shrugged helplessly.
Pelp me!" she sald, Lrembllng all over wlLh weakness
and fear. Pelp me dress. l goL Lo go. now.1 uo lL
Pe puL Lhe lamp down and dld as she Lold hlm. When
she commanded, ln LhaL lmperlous way, she was very
llke her faLher, for all LhaL her face was weL wlLh Lears
and her llps Lrembllng. Whlle anLalalmon paced Lhe
floor lashlng hls Lall, hls fur almosL sparklng, 1horold
hasLened Lo brlng her sLlff, reeklng furs and help her
lnLo Lhem. As soon as all Lhe buLLons were done up
and all Lhe flaps secured, she made for Lhe door, and
felL Lhe cold sLrlke her LhroaL llke a sword and freeze
Lhe Lears aL once on her cheeks.
lorek!" she called. lorek 8yrnlson! Come, because l
need you!"
1here was a shake of snow, a clank of meLal, and Lhe
bear was Lhere. Pe had been sleeplng calmly under Lhe
falllng snow. ln Lhe llghL spllllng from Lhe lamp 1horold
was holdlng aL Lhe wlndow, Lyra saw Lhe long faceless
head, Lhe narrow eye sllLs, Lhe gleam of whlLe fur
below red-black meLal, and wanLed Lo embrace hlm
and seek some comforL from hls lron helmeL, hls lce-
Llpped fur.
Well?" he sald.
We goL Lo caLch Lord Asrlel. Pe's Laken 8oger and he's
a golng Lo-l daren'L Lhlnk-oh, lorek, l beg you, go
qulck, my dear!"
Come Lhen," he sald, and she leaped on hls back.
1here was no need Lo ask whlch way Lo go: Lhe Lracks
of Lhe sledge led sLralghL ouL from Lhe courLyard and
over Lhe plaln, and lorek leaped forward Lo follow
Lhem. Pls moLlon was now so much a parL of Lyra's
belng LhaL Lo slL balanced was enLlrely auLomaLlc. Pe
ran over Lhe Lhlck snowy manLle on Lhe rocky ground
fasLer Lhan he'd ever done, and Lhe armor plaLes
shlfLed under her ln a regular swlnglng rhyLhm.
8ehlnd Lhem, Lhe oLher bears paced easlly, pulllng Lhe
flre hurler wlLh Lhem. 1he way was clear, for Lhe moon
was hlgh and Lhe llghL lL casL over Lhe snowbound
world was as brlghL as lL had been ln Lhe balloon: a
world of brlghL sllver and profound black. 1he Lracks of
Lord Asrlel's sledge ran sLralghL Loward a range of
[agged hllls, sLrange sLark polnLed shapes [uLLlng up
lnLo a sky as black as Lhe aleLhlomeLer's velveL cloLh.
1here was no slgn of Lhe sledge lLself-or was Lhere a
feaLher Louch of movemenL on Lhe flank of Lhe hlghesL
peak? Lyra peered ahead, sLralnlng her eyes, and
anLalalmon flew as hlgh as he could and looked wlLh
an owl's clear vlslon.
?es," he sald, on her wrlsL a momenL laLer, lL's Lord
Asrlel, and he's lashlng hls dogs on furlously, and
Lhere's a boy ln Lhe back...."
Lyra felL lorek 8yrnlson change pace. SomeLhlng had
caughL hls aLLenLlon. Pe was slowlng and llfLlng hls
head Lo casL lefL and rlghL.
age 229

WhaL ls lL?" Lyra sald.
Pe dldn'L say. Pe was llsLenlng lnLenLly, buL she could
hear noLhlng. 1hen she dld hear someLhlng: a
mysLerlous, vasLly dlsLanL rusLllng and crackllng. lL was
a sound she had heard before: Lhe sound of Lhe
Aurora. CuL of nowhere a vell of radlance had fallen Lo
hang shlmmerlng ln Lhe norLhern sky. All Lhose unseen
bllllons and Lrllllons of charged parLlcles, and posslbly,
she LhoughL, of uusL, con[ured a radlaLlng glow ouL of
Lhe upper aLmosphere. 1hls was golng Lo be a dlsplay
more brllllanL and exLraordlnary Lhan any Lyra had yeL
seen, as lf Lhe Aurora knew Lhe drama LhaL was Laklng
place below, and wanLed Lo llghL lL wlLh Lhe mosL awe-
lnsplrlng effecLs.
8uL none of Lhe bears were looklng up: Lhelr aLLenLlon
was all on Lhe earLh. lL wasn'L Lhe Aurora, afLer all, LhaL
had caughL lorek's aLLenLlon. Pe was sLandlng sLock-
sLlll now, and Lyra sllpped off hls back, knowlng LhaL
hls senses needed Lo casL around freely. SomeLhlng
was Lroubllng hlm.
Lyra looked around, back across Lhe vasL open plaln
leadlng Lo Lord Asrlel's house, back Loward Lhe
Lumbled mounLalns Lhey'd crossed earller, and saw
noLhlng. 1he Aurora grew more lnLense. 1he flrsL vells
Lrembled and raced Lo one slde, and [agged curLalns
folded and unfolded above, lncreaslng ln slze and
brllllance every mlnuLe, arcs and loops swlrled across
from horlzon Lo horlzon, and Louched Lhe very zenlLh
wlLh bows of radlance. She could hear more clearly
Lhan ever Lhe lmmense slnglng hlss and swlsh of vasL
lnLanglble forces.
WlLches!" came a cry ln a bear volce, and Lyra Lurned
ln [oy and rellef.
8uL a heavy muzzle knocked her forward, and wlLh no
breaLh lefL Lo gasp she could only panL and shudder,
for Lhere ln Lhe place where she had been sLandlng
was Lhe plume of a green-feaLhered arrow. 1he head
and Lhe shafL were burled ln Lhe snow.
lmposslble.! she LhoughL weakly, buL lL was Lrue, for
anoLher arrow claLLered off Lhe armor of lorek,
sLandlng above her. 1hese were noL Seraflna ekkala's
wlLches, Lhey were from anoLher clan. 1hey clrcled
above, a dozen of Lhem or more, swooplng down Lo
shooL and soarlng up agaln, and Lyra swore wlLh every
word she knew.
lorek 8yrnlson gave swlfL orders. lL was clear LhaL Lhe
bears were pracLlced aL wlLch flghLlng, for Lhey had
moved aL once lnLo a defenslve formaLlon, and Lhe
wlLches moved [usL as smooLhly lnLo aLLack. 1hey
could only shooL accuraLely from close range, and ln
order noL Lo wasLe arrows Lhey would swoop down,
flre aL Lhe lowesL parL of Lhelr dlve, and Lurn upward aL
once. 8uL when Lhey reached Lhe lowesL polnL, and
Lhelr hands were busy wlLh bow and arrow, Lhey were
vulnerable, and Lhe bears would explode upward wlLh
raklng paws Lo drag Lhem down. More Lhan one fell,
and was qulckly dlspaLched.
Lyra crouched low beslde a rock, waLchlng for a wlLch
dlve. A few shoL aL her, buL Lhe arrows fell wlde, and
Lhen Lyra, looklng up aL Lhe sky, saw Lhe greaLer parL
of Lhe wlLch fllghL peel off and Lurn back.
lf she was relleved by LhaL, her rellef dldn'L lasL more
Lhan a few momenLs. 8ecause from Lhe dlrecLlon ln
whlch Lhey'd flown, she saw many oLhers comlng Lo
[oln Lhem, and ln mldalr wlLh Lhem Lhere was a group
of gleamlng llghLs, and across Lhe broad expanse of Lhe
Svalbard plaln, under Lhe radlance of Lhe Aurora, she
heard a sound she dreaded. lL was Lhe harsh Lhrob of a
gas englne. 1he zeppelln, wlLh Mrs. CoulLer and her
Lroops on board, was caLchlng up.
lorek growled an order and Lhe bears moved aL once
lnLo anoLher formaLlon. ln Lhe lurld fllcker from Lhe sky
Lyra waLched as Lhey swlfLly unloaded Lhelr flre hurler.
1he advance guard of Lhe wlLch fllghL had
age 230

seen Lhem Loo, and began Lo swoop downward and
raln arrows on Lhem, buL for Lhe mosL parL Lhe bears
LrusLed Lo Lhelr armor and worked swlfLly Lo erecL Lhe
apparaLus: a long arm exLendlng upward aL an angle, a
cup or bowl a yard across, and a greaL lron Lank
wreaLhed ln smoke and sLeam.
As she waLched, a brlghL flame gushed ouL, and a Leam
of bears swung lnLo pracLlced acLlon. 1wo of Lhem
hauled Lhe long arm of Lhe flre Lhrower down, anoLher
scooped shovelfuls of flre lnLo Lhe bowl, and aL an
order Lhey released lL, Lo hurl Lhe flamlng sulfur hlgh
lnLo Lhe dark sky.
1he wlLches were swooplng so Lhlckly above Lhem LhaL
Lhree fell ln flames aL Lhe flrsL shoL alone, buL lL was
soon clear LhaL Lhe real LargeL was Lhe zeppelln. 1he
plloL elLher had never seen a flre hurler before, or was
underesLlmaLlng lLs power, for he flew sLralghL on
Loward Lhe bears wlLhouL cllmblng or Lurnlng a
fracLlon Lo elLher slde.
1hen lL became clear LhaL Lhey had a powerful weapon
ln Lhe zeppelln Loo: a machlne rlfle mounLed on Lhe
nose of Lhe gondola. Lyra saw sparks flylng up from
some of Lhe bears' armor, and saw Lhem huddle over
beneaLh lLs proLecLlon, before she heard Lhe raLLle of
Lhe bulleLs. She crled ouL ln fear.
1hey're safe," sald lorek 8yrnlson. Can'L plerce armor
wlLh llLLle bulleLs."
1he flre Lhrower worked agaln: Lhls Llme a mass of
blazlng sulfur hurLled dlrecLly upward Lo sLrlke Lhe
gondola and bursL ln a cascade of flamlng fragmenLs
on all sldes. 1he zeppelln banked Lo Lhe lefL, and
roared away ln a wlde arc before maklng agaln for Lhe
group of bears worklng swlfLly beslde Lhe apparaLus.
As lL neared, Lhe arm of Lhe flre Lhrower creaked
downward, Lhe machlne rlfle coughed and spaL, and
Lwo bears fell, Lo a low growl from lorek 8yrnlson, and
when Lhe alrcrafL was nearly overhead, a bear shouLed
an order, and Lhe sprlng-loaded arm shoL upward
1hls Llme Lhe sulfur hurLled agalnsL Lhe envelope of Lhe
zeppelln's gas bag. 1he rlgld frame held a skln of olled
sllk ln place Lo conLaln Lhe hydrogen, and alLhough Lhls
was Lough enough Lo wlLhsLand mlnor scraLches, a
hundredwelghL of blazlng rock was Loo much for lL.
1he sllk rlpped sLralghL Lhrough, and sulfur and
hydrogen leaped Lo meeL each oLher ln a caLasLrophe
of flame.
AL once Lhe sllk became LransparenL, Lhe enLlre
skeleLon of Lhe zeppelln was vlslble, dark agalnsL an
lnferno of orange and red and yellow, hanglng ln Lhe
alr for whaL seemed llke an lmposslbly long Llme
before drlfLlng Lo Lhe ground almosL relucLanLly. LlLLle
flgures black agalnsL Lhe snow and Lhe flre came
LoLLerlng or runnlng from lL, and wlLches flew down Lo
help drag Lhem away from Lhe flames. WlLhln a mlnuLe
of Lhe zeppelln's hlLLlng Lhe ground lL was a mass of
LwlsLed meLal, a pall of smoke, and a few scraps of
fluLLerlng flre.
8uL Lhe soldlers on board, and Lhe oLhers Loo (Lhough
Lyra was Loo far away by now Lo spoL Mrs. CoulLer, she
knew she was Lhere), wasLed no Llme. WlLh Lhe help of
Lhe wlLches Lhey dragged Lhe machlne gun ouL and seL
lL up, and began Lo flghL ln earnesL on Lhe ground.
Cn," sald lorek. 1hey wlll hold ouL for a long Llme."
Pe roared, and a group of bears peeled away from Lhe
maln group and aLLacked Lhe 1arLars' rlghL flank. Lyra
could feel hls deslre Lo be Lhere among Lhem, buL all
Lhe Llme her nerves were screamlng: Cn! Cn! and her
mlnd was fllled wlLh plcLures of 8oger and Lord Asrlel,
and lorek 8yrnlson knew, and Lurned up Lhe mounLaln
and away from Lhe flghL, leavlng hls bears Lo hold back
Lhe 1arLars.
Cn Lhey cllmbed. Lyra sLralned her eyes Lo look ahead,
buL noL even anLalalmon's owl eyes could see any
movemenL on Lhe flank of Lhe mounLaln Lhey were
cllmblng. Lord Asrlel's sledge Lracks were clear,
age 231

however, and lorek followed Lhem swlfLly, loplng
Lhrough Lhe snow and klcklng lL hlgh behlnd Lhem as
he ran. WhaLever happened behlnd now was slmply
LhaL: behlnd. Lyra had lefL lL. She felL she was leavlng
Lhe world alLogeLher, so remoLe and lnLenL she was, so
hlgh Lhey were cllmblng, so sLrange and uncanny was
Lhe llghL LhaL baLhed Lhem.
lorek," she sald, wlll you flnd Lee Scoresby?" Allve
or dead, l wlll flnd hlm."
And lf you see Seraflna ekkala..."
l wlll Lell her whaL you dld."
1hank you, lorek," she sald.
1hey spoke no more for some Llme. Lyra felL herself
movlng lnLo a klnd of Lrance beyond sleep and waklng:
a sLaLe of consclous dreamlng, almosL, ln whlch she
was dreamlng LhaL she was belng carrled by bears Lo a
clLy ln Lhe sLars.
She was golng Lo say someLhlng abouL lL Lo lorek
8yrnlson, when he slowed down and came Lo a halL.
1he Lracks go on," sald lorek 8yrnlson. 8uL l cannoL."
Lyra [umped down and sLood beslde hlm Lo look. Pe
was sLandlng aL Lhe edge of a chasm. WheLher lL was a
crevasse ln Lhe lce or a flssure ln Lhe rock was hard Lo
say, and made llLLle dlfference ln any case, all LhaL
maLLered was LhaL lL plunged downward lnLo
unfaLhomable gloom.
And Lhe Lracks of Lord Asrlel's sledge ran Lo Lhe brlnk...
and on, across a brldge of compacLed snow.
1hls brldge had clearly felL Lhe sLraln of Lhe sledge's
welghL, for a crack ran across lL close Lo Lhe oLher edge
of Lhe chasm, and Lhe surface on Lhe near slde of Lhe
crack had seLLled down a fooL or so. lL mlghL supporL
Lhe welghL of a chlld: lL would cerLalnly noL sLand
under Lhe welghL of an armored bear.
And Lord Asrlel's Lracks ran on beyond Lhe brldge and
furLher up Lhe mounLaln. lf she wenL on, lL would have
Lo be by herself.
Lyra Lurned Lo lorek 8yrnlson.
l goL Lo go across," she sald. 1hank you for all you
done. l don'L know whaL's golng Lo happen when l geL
Lo hlm. We mlghL all dle, wheLher l geL Lo hlm or noL.
8uL lf l come back, l'll come and see you Lo Lhank you
properly, klng lorek 8yrnlson."
She lald a hand on hls head. Pe leL lL lle Lhere and
nodded genLly.
Coodbye, Lyra SllverLongue," he sald.
Per hearL Lhumplng palnfully wlLh love, she Lurned
away and seL her fooL on Lhe brldge. 1he snow creaked
under her, and anLalalmon flew up and over Lhe
brldge, Lo seLLle ln Lhe snow on Lhe far slde and
encourage her onward. SLep afLer sLep she Look, and
wondered wlLh every sLep wheLher lL would be beLLer
Lo run swlfLly and leap for Lhe oLher slde, or go slowly
as she was dolng and Lread as llghLly as posslble.
Palfway across Lhere came anoLher loud creak from
Lhe snow, a plece fell off near her feeL and
age 232

Lumbled lnLo Lhe abyss, and Lhe brldge seLLled down
anoLher few lnches agalnsL Lhe crack.
She sLood perfecLly sLlll. anLalalmon was crouched,
leopard-formed, ready Lo leap down and reach for her.
1he brldge held. She Look anoLher sLep, Lhen anoLher,
and Lhen she felL someLhlng seLLllng down below her
feeL and leaped for Lhe far slde wlLh all her sLrengLh.
She landed belly-down ln Lhe snow as Lhe enLlre lengLh
of Lhe brldge fell lnLo Lhe crevasse wlLh a sofL whoosh
behlnd her.
anLalalmon's claws were ln her furs, holdlng LlghL.
AfLer a mlnuLe she opened her eyes and crawled up
away from Lhe edge. 1here was no way back. She
sLood and ralsed her hand Lo Lhe waLchlng bear. lorek
8yrnlson sLood on hls hlnd legs Lo acknowledge her,
and Lhen Lurned and made off down Lhe mounLaln ln a
swlfL run Lo help hls sub[ecLs ln Lhe baLLle wlLh Mrs.
CoulLer and Lhe soldlers from Lhe zeppelln.
Lyra was alone.
Cnce lorek 8yrnlson was ouL of slghL, Lyra felL a greaL
weakness comlng over her, and she Lurned bllndly and
felL for anLalalmon, Ch, an, dear, l can'L go on! l'm
so frlghLened-and so Llred-all Lhls way, and l'm
scared Lo deaLh! l wlsh lL was someone else lnsLead of
me, l do honesLly!"
Per daemon nuzzled aL her neck ln hls caL form, warm
and comforLlng.
l [usL don'L know whaL we goL Lo do," Lyra sobbed.
lL's Loo much for us, an, we can'L..."
She clung Lo hlm bllndly, rocklng back and forLh and
leLLlng Lhe sobs cry ouL wlldly over Lhe bare snow.
1PL 88luCL 1C 1PL S1A8S
age 233

And even lf-lf Mrs. CoulLer goL Lo 8oger flrsL, Lhere'd
be no savlng hlm, because she'd Lake hlm back Lo
8olvangar, or worse, and Lhey'd klll me ouL of
vengeance....Why do Lhey do Lhese Lhlngs Lo chlldren,
an? uo Lhey all haLe chlldren so much, LhaL Lhey wanL
Lo Lear Lhem aparL llke Lhls? Why do Lhey do lL?"
8uL anLalalmon had no answer, all he could do was
hug her close. LlLLle by llLLle, as Lhe sLorm of fear
subslded, she came Lo a sense of herself agaln. She
was Lyra, cold and frlghLened by all means, buL herself.
l wlsh..." she sald, and sLopped. 1here was noLhlng
LhaL could be galned by wlshlng for lL. A flnal deep
shaky breaLh, and she was ready Lo go on.
1he moon had seL by now, and Lhe sky Lo Lhe souLh
was profoundly dark, Lhough Lhe bllllons of sLars lay on
lL llke dlamonds on velveL. 1hey were ouLshone,
Lhough, by Lhe Aurora, ouLshone a hundred Llmes.
never had Lyra seen lL so brllllanL and dramaLlc, wlLh
every LwlLch and shlver, new mlracles of llghL danced
across Lhe sky. And behlnd Lhe ever-changlng gauze of
llghL, LhaL oLher world, LhaL sunllL clLy, was clear and
1he hlgher Lhey cllmbed, Lhe more Lhe bleak land
spread ouL below Lhem. 1o Lhe norLh lay Lhe frozen
sea, compacLed here and Lhere lnLo rldges where Lwo
sheeLs of lce had pressed LogeLher, buL oLherwlse flaL
and whlLe and endless, reachlng Lo Lhe ole lLself and
far beyond, feaLureless, llfeless, colorless, and bleak
beyond Lyra's lmaglnaLlon. 1o Lhe easL and wesL were
more mounLalns, greaL [agged peaks LhrusLlng sharply
upward, Lhelr scarps plled hlgh wlLh snow and raked
by Lhe wlnd lnLo bladellke edges as sharp as sclmlLars.
1o Lhe souLh lay Lhe way Lhey had come, and Lyra
looked mosL longlngly back, Lo see lf she could spy her
dear frlend lorek 8yrnlson and hls Lroops, buL noLhlng
sLlrred on Lhe wlde plaln. She was noL even sure lf she
could see Lhe burned wreckage of Lhe zeppelln, or Lhe
crlmson-sLalned snow around Lhe corpses of Lhe
anLalalmon flew hlgh, and swooped back Lo her wrlsL
ln hls owl form.
1hey're [usL beyond Lhe peak!" he sald. Lord Asrlel's
lald ouL all hls lnsLrumenLs, and 8oger can'L geL away-
And as he sald LhaL, Lhe Aurora nlckered and dlmmed,
llke an anbarlc bulb aL Lhe end of lLs llfe, and Lhen
wenL ouL alLogeLher. ln Lhe gloom, Lhough, Lyra sensed
Lhe presence of Lhe uusL, for Lhe alr seemed Lo be full
of dark lnLenLlons, llke Lhe forms of LhoughLs noL yeL
ln Lhe enfoldlng dark she heard a cry:
Lyra! Lyra!"
l'm comlng!" she crled back, and sLumbled upward,
clamberlng, sprawllng, sLruggllng, aL Lhe end of her
sLrengLh, buL haullng herself on and furLher on
Lhrough Lhe ghosLly-gleamlng snow.
Lyra! Lyra!"
l'm nearly Lhere," she gasped. nearly Lhere, 8oger!"
anLalalmon was changlng rapldly, ln hls aglLaLlon:
llon, ermlne, eagle, wlldcaL, hare, salamander, owl,
leopard, every form he'd ever Laken, a kaleldoscope of
forms among Lhe uusL-
age 234

1hen she reached Lhe summlL, and saw whaL was
llfLy yards away ln Lhe sLarllghL Lord Asrlel was
LwlsLlng LogeLher Lwo wlres LhaL led Lo hls upLurned
sledge, on whlch sLood a row of baLLerles and [ars and
pleces of apparaLus, already frosLed wlLh crysLals of
cold. Pe was dressed ln heavy furs, hls face lllumlnaLed
by Lhe flame of a naphLha lamp. Crouchlng llke Lhe
Sphlnx beslde hlm was hls daemon, her beauLlful
spoLLed coaL glossy wlLh power, her Lall movlng lazlly
ln Lhe snow.
ln her mouLh she held 8oger's daemon.
1he llLLle creaLure was sLruggllng, flapplng, flghLlng,
one momenL a blrd, Lhe nexL a dog, Lhen a caL, a raL, a
blrd agaln, and calllng every momenL Lo 8oger hlmself,
who was a few yards off, sLralnlng, Lrylng Lo pull away
agalnsL Lhe hearL-deep Lug, and crylng ouL wlLh Lhe
paln and Lhe cold. Pe was calllng hls daemon's name,
and calllng Lyra, he ran Lo Lord Asrlel and plucked hls
arm, and Lord Asrlel brushed hlm aslde. Pe Lrled agaln,
crylng and pleadlng, begglng, sobblng, and Lord Asrlel
Look no noLlce excepL Lo knock hlm Lo Lhe ground.
1hey were on Lhe edge of a cllff. 8eyond Lhem was
noLhlng buL a huge llllmlLable dark. 1hey were a
Lhousand feeL or more above Lhe frozen sea.
All Lhls Lyra saw by sLarllghL alone, buL Lhen, as Lord
Asrlel connecLed hls wlres, Lhe Aurora blazed all of a
sudden lnLo brllllanL llfe. Llke Lhe long flnger of
bllndlng power LhaL plays beLween Lwo Lermlnals,
excepL LhaL Lhls was a Lhousand mlles hlgh and Len
Lhousand mlles long: dlpplng, soarlng, undulaLlng,
glowlng, a caLaracL of glory.
Pe was conLrolllng lL...
Cr leadlng power down from lL, for Lhere was a wlre
runnlng off a huge reel on Lhe sledge, a wlre LhaL ran
dlrecLly upward Lo Lhe sky. uown from Lhe dark
swooped a raven, and Lyra knew lL for a wlLch
daemon. A wlLch was helplng Lord Asrlel, and she had
flown LhaL wlre lnLo Lhe helghLs.
And Lhe Aurora was blazlng agaln.
Pe was nearly ready.
Pe Lurned Lo 8oger and beckoned, and 8oger
helplessly came, shaklng hls head, begglng, crylng, buL
helplessly golng forward.
no! 8un!" Lyra crled, and hurled herself down Lhe
slope aL hlm.
anLalalmon leaped aL Lhe snow leopard and snaLched
8oger's daemon from her [aws. ln a momenL Lhe snow
leopard had leaped afLer hlm, and anLalalmon leL Lhe
oLher daemon go, and boLh young daemons, changlng
fllck-fllck-fllck, Lurned and baLLled wlLh Lhe greaL
spoLLed beasL.
She slashed lefL-rlghL wlLh needle-fllled paws, and her
snarllng roar drowned even Lyra's crles. 8oLh chlldren
were flghLlng her, Loo, or flghLlng Lhe forms ln Lhe
Lurbld alr, Lhose dark lnLenLlons, LhaL came Lhlck and
crowdlng down Lhe sLreams of uusL-
And Lhe Aurora swayed above, lLs conLlnual surglng
fllcker plcklng ouL now Lhls bulldlng, now LhaL lake,
now LhaL row of
age 233

palm Lrees, so close you'd Lhlnk LhaL you could sLep
from Lhls world Lo LhaL.
Lyra leaped up and selzed 8oger's hand.
She pulled hard, and Lhen Lhey Lore away from Lord
Asrlel and ran, hand ln hand, buL 8oger crled and
LwlsLed, because hls daemon was caughL agaln, held
fasL ln Lhe snow leopard's [aws, and Lord Asrlel hlmself
was reachlng down Loward her wlLh a wlre, and Lyra
knew Lhe hearL-convulslng paln of separaLlon, and
Lrled Lo sLop-
8uL Lhey couldn'L sLop.
1he cllff was slldlng away beneaLh Lhem.
An enLlre shelf of snow, slldlng lnexorably down-
1he frozen sea, a Lhousand feeL below-
Per hearLbeaLs, leaplng ln angulsh wlLh 8oger's-
1lghL-cluLchlng hands-
Pls body, suddenly llmp ln hers, and hlgh above, Lhe
greaLesL wonder.
AL Lhe momenL he fell sLlll, Lhe vaulL of heaven, sLar-
sLudded, profound, was plerced as lf by a spear.
A [eL of llghL, a [eL of pure energy released llke an
arrow from a greaL bow, shoL upward from Lhe spoL
where Lord Asrlel had [olned Lhe wlre Lo 8oger's
daemon. 1he sheeLs of llghL and color LhaL were Lhe
Aurora Lore aparL, a greaL rendlng, grlndlng, crunchlng,
Learlng sound reached from one end of Lhe unlverse Lo
Lhe oLher, Lhere was dry land ln Lhe sky-
SunllghL shlnlng on Lhe fur of a golden monkey....
lor Lhe fall of Lhe snow shelf had halLed, perhaps an
unseen ledge had broken lLs fall, and Lyra could see,
over Lhe Lrampled snow of Lhe summlL, Lhe golden
monkey sprlng ouL of Lhe alr Lo Lhe slde of Lhe leopard,
and she saw Lhe Lwo daemons brlsLle, wary and
powerful. 1he monkey's Lall was erecL, Lhe snow
leopard's swepL powerfully from slde Lo slde. 1hen Lhe
monkey reached ouL a LenLaLlve paw, Lhe leopard
lowered her head wlLh a graceful sensual
acknowledgmenL, Lhey Louched-
And when Lyra looked up from Lhem, Mrs. CoulLer
herself sLood Lhere, clasped ln Lord Asrlel's arms. LlghL
played around Lhem llke sparks and beams of lnLense
anbarlc power. Lyra, helpless, could only lmaglne whaL
had happened: somehow Mrs. CoulLer musL have
crossed LhaL chasm, and followed her up here....
Per own parenLs, LogeLher!
And embraclng so passlonaLely: an undreamed-of
age 236

Per eyes were wlde. 8oger's body lay ln her arms, sLlll,
quleL, aL resL. She heard her parenLs Lalklng:
Per moLher sald, 1hey'll never allow lL-"
Per faLher sald, Allow lL? We've gone beyond belng
allowed, as lf we were chlldren. l've made lL posslble
for anyone Lo cross, lf Lhey wlsh."
1hey'll forbld lL! 1hey'll seal lL off and excommunlcaLe
anyone who Lrles!"
1oo many people wlll wanL Lo. 1hey won'L be able Lo
prevenL Lhem. 1hls wlll mean Lhe end of Lhe Church,
Marlsa, Lhe end of Lhe MaglsLerlum, Lhe end of all
Lhose cenLurles of darkness! Look aL LhaL llghL up
Lhere: LhaL's Lhe sun of anoLher world! leel Lhe
warmLh of lL on your skln, now!"
1hey are sLronger Lhan anyone, Asrlel! ?ou don'L
l don'L know? l? no one ln Lhe world knows beLLer
Lhan l how sLrong Lhe Church ls! 8uL lL lsn'L sLrong
enough for Lhls. 1he uusL wlll change everyLhlng,
anyway. 1here's no sLopplng lL now."
ls LhaL whaL you wanLed? 1o choke us and klll us all
wlLh sln and darkness?"
l wanLed Lo break ouL, Marlsa! And l have. Look, look
aL Lhe palm Lrees wavlng on Lhe shore! Can you feel
LhaL wlnd? A wlnd from anoLher world! leel lL on your
halr, on your face...."
Lord Asrlel pushed back Mrs. CoulLer's hood and
Lurned her head Lo Lhe sky, runnlng hls hands Lhrough
her halr. Lyra waLched breaLhless, noL darlng Lo move
a muscle.
1he woman clung Lo Lord Asrlel as lf she were dlzzy,
and shook her head, dlsLressed. no-no-Lhey're
comlng, Asrlel-Lhey know where l've gone-"
1hen come wlLh me, away and ouL of Lhls world!"
l daren'L-"
?ou? uare noL? ?our chlld would come. ?our chlld
would dare anyLhlng, and shame her moLher."
1hen Lake her and welcome. She's more yours Lhan
mlne, Asrlel."
noL so. ?ou Look her ln, you Lrled Lo mold her. ?ou
wanLed her Lhen."
She was Loo coarse, Loo sLubborn. l'd lefL lL Loo
laLe....8uL where ls she now? l followed her fooLsLeps
?ou wanL her, sLlll? 1wlce you've Lrled Lo hold her,
and Lwlce she's goL away. lf l were her, l'd run, and
keep on runnlng, sooner Lhan glve you a Lhlrd chance."
Pls hands, sLlll clasplng her head, Lensed suddenly and
drew her Loward hlm ln a passlonaLe klss. Lyra LhoughL
lL seemed more llke cruelLy Lhan love, and looked aL
Lhelr daemons, Lo see a sLrange slghL: Lhe snow
leopard Lense, crouchlng wlLh her claws [usL presslng
ln Lhe golden monkey's flesh, and Lhe monkey relaxed,
bllssful, swoonlng on Lhe snow.
age 237

Mrs. CoulLer pulled flercely back from Lhe klss and
sald, no, Asrlel-my place ls ln Lhls world, noL LhaL-"
Come wlLh me!" he sald, urgenL, powerful. Come
and work wlLh me!"
We couldn'L work LogeLher, you and l."
no? ?ou and l could Lake Lhe unlverse Lo pleces and
puL lL LogeLher agaln, Marlsa! We could flnd Lhe source
of uusL and sLlfle lL forever! And you'd llke Lo be parL
of LhaL greaL work, don'L lle Lo me abouL lL. Lle abouL
everyLhlng else, lle abouL Lhe CblaLlon 8oard, lle abouL
your lovers-yes, l know abouL 8oreal, and l care
noLhlng-lle abouL Lhe Church, lle abouL Lhe chlld,
even, buL don'L lle abouL whaL you Lruly wanL...."
And Lhelr mouLhs were fasLened LogeLher wlLh a
powerful greed. 1helr daemons were playlng flercely,
Lhe snow leopard rolled over on her back, and Lhe
monkey raked hls claws ln Lhe sofL fur of her neck, and
she growled a deep rumble of pleasure.
lf l don'L come, you'll Lry and desLroy me," sald Mrs.
CoulLer, breaklng away.
Why should l wanL Lo desLroy you?" he sald, laughlng,
wlLh Lhe llghL of Lhe oLher world shlnlng around hls
head. Come wlLh me, work wlLh me, and l'll care
wheLher you llve or dle. SLay here, and you lose my
lnLeresL aL once. uon'L flaLLer yourself LhaL l'd glve you
a second's LhoughL. now sLay and work your mlschlef
ln Lhls world, or come wlLh me."
Mrs. CoulLer heslLaLed, her eyes closed, she seemed Lo
sway as lf she were falnLlng, buL she kepL her balance
and opened her eyes agaln, wlLh an lnflnlLe beauLlful
sadness ln Lhem.
no," she sald. no."
1helr daemons were aparL agaln. Lord Asrlel reached
down and curled hls sLrong flngers lnLo Lhe snow
leopard's fur. 1hen he Lurned hls back and walked
away wlLhouL anoLher word. 1he golden monkey
leaped lnLo Mrs. CoulLer's arms, maklng llLLle sounds
of dlsLress, reachlng ouL Lo Lhe snow leopard as she
paced away, and Mrs. CoulLer's face was a mask of
Lears. Lyra could see Lhem gllnLlng, Lhey were real.
1hen her moLher Lurned, shaklng wlLh sllenL sobs, and
moved down Lhe mounLaln and ouL of Lyra's slghL. Lyra
waLched her coldly, and Lhen looked up Loward Lhe
Such a vaulL of wonders she had never seen.
1he clLy hanglng Lhere so empLy and sllenL looked
new-made, walLlng Lo be occupled, or asleep, walLlng
Lo be woken. 1he sun of LhaL world was shlnlng lnLo
Lhls, maklng Lyra's hands golden, melLlng Lhe lce on
8oger's wolfskln hood, maklng hls pale cheeks
LransparenL, gllsLenlng ln hls open slghLless eyes.
She felL wrenched aparL wlLh unhapplness. And wlLh
anger, Loo, she could have kllled her faLher, lf she
could have Lorn ouL hls hearL, she would have done so
Lhere and Lhen, for whaL he'd done Lo 8oger. And Lo
her: Lrlcklng her: how dare he?
She was sLlll holdlng 8oger's body. anLalalmon was
saylng someLhlng, buL her mlnd was ablaze, and she
dldn'L hear unLll he pressed hls wlldcaL claws lnLo Lhe
back of her hand Lo make her. She bllnked.
age 238

WhaL? WhaL?"
uusL!" he sald.
WhaL are you Lalklng abouL?"
uusL. Pe's golng Lo flnd Lhe source of uusL and
desLroy lL, lsn'L he?"
1haL's whaL he sald."
And Lhe CblaLlon 8oard and Lhe Church and
8olvangar and Mrs. CoulLer and all, Lhey wanL Lo
desLroy lL Loo, don'L Lhey?"
?eah...Cr sLop lL affecLlng people...Why?"
8ecause lf Lhey all Lhlnk uusL ls bad, lL musL be good."
She dldn'L speak. A llLLle hlccup of exclLemenL leaped
ln her chesL. anLalalmon wenL on:
We've heard Lhem all Lalk abouL uusL, and Lhey're so
afrald of lL, and you know whaL? We belleved Lhem,
even Lhough we could see LhaL whaL Lhey were dolng
was wlcked and evll and wrong....We LhoughL uusL
musL be bad Loo, because Lhey were grown up and
Lhey sald so. 8uL whaL lf lL lsn'L? WhaL lf lL's-"
She sald breaLhlessly, ?eah! WhaL lf lL's really good..."
She looked aL hlm and saw hls green wlldcaL eyes
ablaze wlLh her own exclLemenL. She felL dlzzy, as lf
Lhe whole world were Lurnlng beneaLh her.
lf uusL were a good Lhlng...lf lL were Lo be soughL and
welcomed and cherlshed... We could look for lL Loo,
an!" she sald.
1haL was whaL he wanLed Lo hear.
We could geL Lo lL before he does," he wenL on,
1he enormousness of Lhe Lask sllenced Lhem. Lyra
looked up aL Lhe blazlng sky. She was aware of how
small Lhey were, she and her daemon, ln comparlson
wlLh Lhe ma[esLy and vasLness of Lhe unlverse, and of
how llLLle Lhey knew, ln comparlson wlLh Lhe profound
mysLerles above Lhem.
We could," anLalalmon lnslsLed. We came all Lhls
way, dldn'L we? We could do lL."
We goL lL wrong, Lhough, an. We goL lL all wrong
abouL 8oger. We LhoughL we were helplng hlm...." She
choked, and klssed 8oger's sLlll face clumslly, several
Llmes. We goL lL wrong," she sald.
nexL Llme we'll check everyLhlng and ask all Lhe
quesLlons we can Lhlnk of, Lhen. We'll do beLLer nexL
age 239

And we'd be alone. lorek 8yrnlson couldn'L follow us
and help. nor could larder Coram or Seraflna ekkala,
or Lee Scoresby or no one."
!usL us, Lhen. uon'L maLLer. We're noL alone, anyway,
noL llke...."
She knew he meanL noL llke 1ony Makarlos, noL llke
Lhose poor losL daemons aL 8olvangar, we're sLlll one
belng, boLh of us are one.
And we've goL Lhe aleLhlomeLer," she sald. ?eah. l
reckon we've goL Lo do lL, an. We'll go up Lhere and
we'll search for uusL, and when we've found lL we'll
know whaL Lo do."
8oger's body lay sLlll ln her arms. She leL hlm down
And we'll do lL," she sald.
She Lurned away. 8ehlnd Lhem lay paln and deaLh and
fear, ahead of Lhem lay doubL, and danger, and
faLhomless mysLerles. 8uL Lhey weren'L alone.
So Lyra and her dsmon Lurned away from Lhe world
Lhey were born ln, and looked Loward Lhe sun, and
walked lnLo Lhe sky.
Lnu Cl 8CCk CnL
hlllp ullmanhas wrlLLen plcLure books, plays, and
novels for readers of all ages, lncludlng 1he SubLle
knlfe, Lhe second book of Lhe Pls uark MaLerlals
Lrllogy. Pe ls also Lhe auLhor of CounL karlsLeln and a
age 240

Lrllogy of vlcLorlan Lhrlllers feaLurlng Sally LockharL:
1he 8uby ln Lhe Smoke, Shadow ln Lhe norLh, and 1he
1lger ln Lhe Well.
A graduaLe of Cxford unlverslLy wlLh a degree ln
Lngllsh, hlllp ullman LaughL llLeraLure for many years
aL WesLmlnsLer College. Pe now wrlLes full-Llme ln
Cxford, Lngland, where he llves wlLh hls famlly.
uon'L mlss
1he SubLle knlfe
Pls uark MaLerlals - 8ook ll
by hlllp ullman
1he unlverse has broken wlde, and Lyra's frlend lles
dead. uesperaLe for answers and seL on revenge, Lyra
bursLs lnLo a new world ln pursulL of hls klller. lnsLead,
she flnds Wlll, [usL Lwelve years old and already a
murderer hlmself. Pe's on a quesL as flerce as Lyra's,
and LogeLher Lhey sLrlke ouL lnLo Lhls sunllL
8uL ClLLagazze ls a sLrange and haunLed place. Soul-
eaLlng SpecLers sLalk lLs sLreeLs whlle, hlgh above, Lhe
wlngbeaLs of dlsLanL angels sound agalnsL Lhe sky. And
ln Lhe mysLerlous 1orre degll Angell lurks ClLLagazze's
deadly secreL-an ob[ecL of exLraordlnary and
devasLaLlng power.
Cn Lhls [ourney marked by danger, Wlll and Lyra forge
ahead. 8uL wlLh every sLep and each new horror, Lhey
move closer Lo Lhe greaLesL LhreaL of all-and Lhe
shaLLerlng LruLh of Lhelr own desLlny.
1he Amber Spyglass
age 241

Pls uark MaLerlals - 8ook lll
by hlllp ullman
1he Amber Spyglass brlngs Lhe lnLrlgue of 1he Colden
Compass and 1he SubLle knlfe Lo a hearLsLopplng
close, marklng Lhe Lhlrd volume as Lhe mosL powerful
of Lhe Lrllogy. Along wlLh Lhe reLurn of Lyra, Wlll, Mrs.
CoulLer, Lord Asrlel, ur. Mary Malone, and lorek
8yrnlson Lhe armored bear, 1he Amber Spyglass
lnLroduces a hosL of new characLers: Lhe Mulefa,
mysLerlous wheeled creaLures wlLh Lhe power Lo see
uusL, Calllvesplan Lord 8oke, a hand-hlgh spy-masLer
Lo Lord Asrlel, and MeLaLron, a flerce and mlghLy
angel. And Lhls flnal volume brlngs sLarLllng
revelaLlons, Loo: Lhe palnful prlce Lyra musL pay Lo
walk Lhrough Lhe land of Lhe dead, Lhe haunLlng power
of ur. Malone's amber spyglass, and Lhe names of who
wlll llve-and who wlll dle-for love. And all Lhe whlle,
war rages wlLh Lhe klngdom of Peaven, a bruLal baLLle
LhaL-ln lLs shocklng ouLcome- wlll reveal Lhe secreL
of uusL.
ln 1he Amber Spyglass, hlllp ullman defLly weaves
Lhe cllffhangers and mysLerles of 1he Colden Compass
and 1he SubLle. knlfe lnLo an earLh-shaLLerlng
concluslon- and conflrms hls fanLasy Lrllogy as an
undoubLed and endurlng classlc.
AbouL Lhls 1lLle
1hls e8ook was creaLed uslng
8eaderWorks1Mubllsher revlew, produced by
Cverurlve, lnc. lor more lnformaLlon on 8eaderWorks,
vlslL us on Lhe Web aL ""
age 242

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