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VOLUME 01 ISSUE 04 November 2013

Rs - 300/-

November 2013

Nico Ranasinghe
Photography - Harshani Perera Make up - Salon Tobe

November 2013









m agazine

Marketing Manager
Nimesha Ann Hewage Ryder Entertainment and Media (Pvt) Ltd 10 / 1, Angampitiya Road, Ethulkotte, Kotte Tel - 0115 926 101


Harshani Perera


Benuri Kithmini Fiona Blake

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Bathiya Perera

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Printed by

November 2013

Stand against


abuse !!!

iq od k o iuqL mCIKhg wdorhla ;ju

KANNELIYA the evergreen tropical

November 2013




Get the tests done say no to womb


iqkaorj isug leue;a;la olajkafka ;reKshka muKla fkdj Tjqka W;aiyd lrkjd'

52 - 55

is;kak hula'''
44 - 46

yevg jevg
lkHd Ndjh lshk ldrKh .ek l;d lrk tl we;a; jYfhkau ysjla'''

.idfjka ksudh'''

wdorfha ysr
ffjria u.ska iEfok , frda. iqj lrkak neye

26 - 31

fudfyd;l iqjfha iodld,sl fokdj''''

zz'''wms fokakd wr n,kak hkak ysgmq *s,a tlg ug tkak fjkafka keye'

56 - 59

48 - 50 Tng Yajdio'''@
November 2013

zz''''ukd,shka fndfyda g ;u ux., khg fmr rEm,djkH lghq;= fj; fhduq h hq;=hehs mejfiakjd''''ZZ

fojk Wm;g''''

35 - 36

wdorhla ;ju keye'''

kj, ldYh jk vn,a g%n,a ;%mgfha m%Odk p;hla i|yd rx.kfhka odhl jk weh ;ju;a ysu,a fh!jkfha miqjk wysxil iqkaor ;reKshls' fma%CIlhkaf.a ys;a ;=< wdorKShj /Kq fg,s ksudK lsysmhlu rx.kfhka odhl jQ weh j;udkh jk g kj mrmqf oCI rx.k Ys,amskshls' kka kCIs m%shidoa jk wehf.a ksjykghs fujr l,dmfha l,d ;Srej fjkajqfka'
ug r`.mdkak wjia:dj ,enqfKa uq,skau Wiia fm< lr,d bjrjqkdu' tA WKqyqu lsh, fhda tllg .sydka fmfrf.a' Bg miafi ug rx.khg wjia:dj ,enqfKa cdkl isjOk uy;auhd wOHCIKh lrmq jiaidkh isyskh lshk fg,s kdgh yryd'

f ojiaj, fudkjo w;a jevlghq;= ''''@

w;skau ;sr.; jq vn,a g%n,a ;%mgfha uu rx.kfhka iyNd.s jqKd' ka th iskud Yd,dj, ;sr.; fjkjd' tA i|yd ,efnk m%;spdr;a tlal ;uhs ld,h .; lrkafka' Bg wu;rj ldYh jk iy ldYh ug ;sfhk fg,s kdgHj, jevlghq;= j, ;uhs f kj, ksr;fj,d bkafka' uf.a wOHdmk lghq;=;a f iu`.u islrkjd'

Tn jemqr rx.kfhka odhl fj,d ;sfhkafka fg,s kdgH i|yd w;a w;alSulao ;%mghlg inkaOu'''@
ya'''''''uu jemqr leu;s rEmjdyskshg' tAl ksidu ;uhs uu fg,s kdgHj, fmkSisk m%udKh je' kuq;a uu iyNd.s jqK iQ ;%mgh w;a w;alSula ksid th fldfydu fjhso lsh, ug lshkak neye' kg ;sr.; jkjd uu rx.kfhka odhl jqk vn,a g%n,a lshk ;%mgh' th ;d;a;sf.a ksudKhla' ug tys iu wOHCIKfhka inkaOfjkak wjia:dj ,enqKd' kg tmuKhs ;%mg inkaOfhka inkaO fj,d ;sfhkafka' ya uu wdihs ;%mgj,;a r`.mdkak n,uq'

m%:ufhkau leurdjg uqyqKkAfka" t lshkafk f fCIA;%hg msfikafka'''''@

ya''''uq,skau leurdjg uqyqKkafka''''@ tA wjia:dj ug wu;l keye' ug wjqre folyudf ;uhs ;d;a;f.a wmdfha ;;a;amr wiQydrody lshk ;%mgfha ud,kS f*dakafiald uy;ahf.a hKsh yehg r``.mEf' tAfla fonia lsysmhla mjd ;snqKd' kuq;a tA ug t;r u;lhla keye' ug u;l ;sfhk ld,hl uu fhduqfj,d ysfha ksfokh me;a;g' mqx mex jevigyk yryd wjqre y;l muK ld,hla tA i`oyd odhl;ajh ,ndkakg me;af;ka lsis odhl;ajhla ;snqfKA keye' f.oka lsis n,mEula ;snqfK;a keye rx.khg tkak tmd lsh,d' fudlo f.oka wms lrk yeufohlgu iyfhda.h fokjd' kuq;a mdif,a ;snqKq kS;s ;s;a tlal r.mEug fhduq jqfka keye' kuq;a tA ldf,a wjia:djla ,enqK;a uu ys;kafk keye rx.khg uu fhduqfjhs lsh,d' fudlo uu y ,echs r`.mdkak' fmdldf,a jqk;a uu fldjg ke., wdhs;a neye, tkjd' tA ldf,a b`oka uf.a wdidj ;snqfKA wOHCIKh lrkak' fudlo fol jif bkak fldg;a uu fmd kdgHhla ks;a;= lsysmhl hd`Mfjda lsysmfofkla od,d wOHCIKh l<d' tAfla ;sr msgm; uuhs ,sf' tfla fldgia lsysmhla ;du;a ;sfhkjd w .dj b;=refj,d'

ifydaofhda fokak f;darf.k ;sfhkafk fome;a;la fudlo tA'''@ flfkla fg,s kdgH ;j flfkla ;%mg fudloao f fjki'''@
ya''''tAl ys;, lrmq tlla fkf' uu fg,s kdgH" fYaIs ;%mg lsh,d fYaIs Ifkdahs fokaku fmd ldf,a b`okau r.mdkak oCIhs' tA fokak fmd ldf,a b`okau tA i`oyd wdYd l<d' fYaIfhkau fYaIs" fmd ldf,a b`okau thdg ;snqK wdidj rx.kYS,amskshla fjkak' thd ;%mg n,kak;a f.dvla wdid l<d' tAl thdf.a leue;a; mjqf,a Tlafldu tAlg f.!rjh lrkjd' fudlo tAl thdf.a u;h leue;a;fka' iuyrg bfha thd fjkia fjkak mq`Mjka tAl uu yhgu lshkak okafk keye'

November 2013

November 2013

uu fg,sIka tlgu iSudfj,d lsh, uu lshkafk keye' uu ljodj;a lsh,;a keye tfyu ;%mgj, r`.mdkafk keye lsh,' ug ,efnk wjia:d wkqj ;uhs uu iyNd.s fjkafk' ,efnk p;j,ska f;dardfrd .ekSula lr,d fyd`o fohlg iyNd.s fjkjd' iskudf rx.kfha fhfokafk keye lsh, uf.a tfyu u;hla keye' uu fCIa;% foflau rx.kfha fhfokak leu;shs'

ka n,mE isfjkjd fldfyduo Tng ta inkaOfhka ;sfnk w;als @

tfyuk ug fCIa;%hg meKsf n,mE we;s jqfka keye f fjklkq;a ldf.kaj;a f,dl= fyda fmd lsh, lsisu n,mEula t,a,fj,d keye ux jev lroa' yefud;a tlalu uu yu hd`Mhs' msg b`oka n,k flfkla th olskafk fldfyduo lsh, uu okafk keye' uu fCIa;%fha jev lroa yefuda tlalu fndfydau ;%YS,sj jevlghq;= lrkjd ke;ak ug jev lrkak wudrehs' wOHCIljrhdg h hq;= f.!rjh fukau rx.kfha fhfok wks;a Ys,amskag;a hhq;= f.!rjh tf,iu ,d uu uf.a jevlghq;= lrf.k hkjd' wmsg n,mEula tkjd k tkafk wfma l%shdl,dmh wkqjfka' tAl ksid tfia fkdfjkak wms yeish hq;=hehs ud Yajdi lrkjd'

l klg fmr fCIa;%h ;=, udOH ;=,;a mqx wkafoda,kd;aul l;djla me;sr .shd 2 fudloao f m,ys,j @
ya Th lshkafka frdaIdka whshhs udhs inkaOfhka me;sreK l;dj fjkak k' ;sfhk m%Yafk frdIdka whshhs udhs w;r fm%au inkaOhla ;sfhkjd lsh, uu k.;af;;a bkagfk yryd uhs' tAl b;ska fndrejla fudlo tl me;s,d k lsysmhla hkfldgu je l;d nylg ,lafkd th tu ld,hg muKlau isud .sfha th fndrejla ksidfka' fudlo uu frdIdka whshg f.dvla wdofrhs fudlo thd uf.a whshd flfkla jf.a ;du;a wms fyd`o hd`Mfjda'

fYaIshs Thhs w;ka ljqre jefhka ckm%shhs lsh,o ys;kafk@

fYaIs ckm%shhs uu;a lla ckm%shhs lsh, uu ys;kjd' ug f.dvla fokd l;dlrkjd tA wkqj uu ys;kjd uu lla ckm%shhs lsh,d' fYaIsg;a fndfyda wh leu;shs' ug;a fndfyda wh leu;shs wms ;=kafokdgu leu;s wh;a bkakjd ug wlue;s wh;a bkakjd tA wkqj ug lshkak nE ljqo jefhkau ckm%sh lsh,d'

r`.mEu /lshdjla f,i tA lshkafka jD;a;shla f,i lrkako n,dfmdfrd;a;=j@ ke;sk fjk;a jD;a;shlg fhduq fjkako woyi@
jD;a;shla yg r`.mEu ,xldf lrkak mq`Mjka k fyd`ohs' fudlo wfma ;d;a;f.a jD;a;sh;a l,dj' kuq;a fmdvla ka mj;sk jd;djrKh;a tlal wudrehs th lrkak' fudlo j;a fjkak k wksjdfhkau iar wdodh ud. hla ;sfhkak kfka' tAl ksid uu wOHdmk lghq;= lrkjd tA yryd /lshdjlg fhduq

November 2013

kjlfhla f,i fCIa;%hg msiSf fndfyda fokdf.

fjkak;a uu f.dvla leue;af;ka bkakjd' kuq;a ;du ys;,d keye jD;a;sh ugka rx.kfha fhfokjo keoao lsh,' lshk tl;a fkdaohla f,i lrkak wudrehs fudlo tA i`oyd ld,h Y%uh ;j fndfyd foaj,a lem lkak k' fudlo fl;a jD;a;shlafka b;ska tl;a tlal tA i`oyd fokak k f.!rjh h hq;=hs lsh,d uu Yajdi lrkjd' flfia fj;;a bfha ;uhs tA .ek ;SrKhla .kak fjkafk uu uf.a wOHdmk lghq;=;a bjr lr,d Bg miqj tA .ek ;SrKh lrkjd'

,xldj ;=< yeoEula ke;sj rx.kfha fhfokak mq`Mjka lsh, Tn Yajdi lrkj @
fufyuhs uu;a uq,ska r`.mdkak tkfldg fldfykaj;a yeoEula lr,d ;snqfKa keye' kg;a uu yeula lrkafk keye' b;sx wmsg wfma ;sfhk wjia:d tlal w;ska tk flfkl=g fuhd ms<sn`o okafk keye" fuhd bf.k f.k keye lsh, lshkak neye' fudlo fldfyka y ;eklska thd mgka.kak k' tA wjia:djg wms yefudau Wo lrkak k' fYaIfhkau m%khkaf.ka tA iyfhda.h ,efnkak k' tA f,i mgkaf.k ;uhs thd yeoEula lrkafk' tfyu ke;sj fupr udi .dKla bf.kf.k r`.mdkak lsh, ldgj;a lshkak neye' m,uq ksudKfhkau iShg iShla mk; fjkak k lsh, lshkak neye' tA;a m%khkag Tjqkaf. m,uq wjfha wo kjlhkag tfiau fjkjd' wms;a ;j wjqre oyhlska ;r fyd`o rx.kYs,amska fjhs'

wdorh iy jdyh lshk foa'''@

kgk tfyu jqjukdjla keye' fudlo ;sfhk ldh nyq,;ajh;a tlal' fudlo wOHdmkh l,d lghq;=;a iu. ldh nyq, fj,d bkak ksid bfh ;uhs tA .ek ys;kak fjkafk jdy fhdackd k tkjd f.dvla' ;du tA .ek ys;,;a keye f.oka tfyu n,mEul=;a keye wOHdmk lghq;a ;sfhk ksid bfh tA .ek ys;, n,kjd'

tA lshkafk ;du wdorhla keye@

ya''' keye'
November 2013

iaro @
igyk - fnkq ls;aKs PdhdrEm- yIKs fmfrd

Stand against

abuse !!!
hild is the precious and utmost outcome of a relationship between a man and woman. Bearing parenthood means endless responsibilities till the child becomes an independent individual who is capable of taking care of him or herself. Undoubtedly not only the parents, but the whole society possesses the responsibility of giving the maximum cooperation to make a child grown into an adult untouched by any unnecessary harm in a secured environment. Though it is one of the most concerned and discussed topics for years, still child abuse takes place everywhere in the world. It is something bitter to hear and hard to bear, but it is the truth. In Sri Lanka, it has become a burning social issue which has to be stopped as soon as possible with the maximum assistance of all the related parties.

November 2013

If you have a kid, it is your entire responsibility to take care of him or her wherever you are and whatever you do.Sometimes abused children do not reveal the true story and they hide it due to many reasons. Therefore it is your responsibility to make sure that your child is quite comfortable with you and he or she can tell you anything happened while you are away.

What is child abuse?

Child abuse is generally defined as, Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional illtreatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the childs health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Whatever the form, whatever the harm done to a child, is considered an abuse and it is a punishable offence. Reports reveal that all forms of child abuse cases are reported from different places of the country and 70-75 percent of the reported cases are rape cases. Most of these cases are traced to underage love affairs where girls under 16 have been sexually abused with consent. But legally it is considered as rape even though the girl's consent is there. Child abuse is there in Sri Lanka for years. It is clear that child abuse is on increase since several incidents take place every month. Most of the people believe that if someone can abuse a child without concerning the human values, he or she must be sent through tough punishments since it is one of the worst offences done on the earth. It is a highly emphasized fact that there should be a change in the legal process to reduce these offences. Though the remaining laws are enough, they must be activated and operated in a better way without taking time.

Parents hold the ultimate responsibility of the security of a child. Children should be grown with immense love and protection of parents. They should feel that parents are always behind them and they are comfortable enough to tell anything to the parents. Home, school or even the way to school should be a secured one for every child to enjoy their childhood with happiness and freedom. Children should not be given unnecessary technology based things such as mobile phones, computers, internet facility or excessive exposure to the television. This could directly result in spoiling children to make them use by an unwanted adult in an abusive way. One of the main measures to minimize child abuse issue is, grassroot level awareness programmes. So far the Child Development and Womens Affairs ministry has been doing a large number of such programmes especially in rural areas as well as in schools. There is a visible increase in child abuse case figures due to two main reasons. One is, the hotline 1929 on which anyone can easily reach National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) to complain anything regarding child abuse and the other reason is, people are more aware of the issue and they are motivated to report the cases than hiding them. However, all types of abuse cases are reported and child rape cases remain the worst. According to many researches done recently, one of the main reasons for child abuse is poverty of the society. When parents

November 2013

are very poor, they tend to work to earn money and leave the children at home alone during the day time without any security. Offenders take advantage of this and commit the abusive things. It is visible that most of the child abuse cases take place due to the negligence of parents. There are parents who keep on working and taking care of their other businesses than protecting their children. They should be more careful of the safety of their children. Another point is most of the girls are raped either by a blood relative or a very trusted person. Once an abuse had taken place the child will go through that pain forever. Hence, the best thing is to prevent such things from happening. NCPA takes care of those who have victimized and make them go through both physical and mental treatments. Special attention is given to the psycho-social counse ling treatments to make them mentally strong and socialize as normal children. NCPA has newly launched a childrens home to keep the victims and it has recruited new psycho-social counselors and child development officers who are assigned on divisional secretariat basis to strengthen the awareness and protection of children. This issue cannot be addressed only through laws. Therefore, it is every humans responsibility to be humane to make the children secured and consider child as a child who is incapable of resisting a forced abuse both mentally or physically. Strengthening family values and considering family as the most important social unit is urgently necessary to minimize

There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules.

November 2013

child abuse. Love others kids as yours and make them safe to create a child friendly society.
Fiona Blake


November 2013

Nico Ranasinghe

November 2013


November 2013

zwhsfhda uu ka fudlo lrkafka" fldfyduo flg iyNd.s fjkafka" tA jf.a ys;kak krlhs' fudlo wms fmr iqodkulska fydka ,Eia;s fj,d bkakjk wmsg wmyiq keye f l;jH i|yd uqyqKu'

iq od k o
iuqL mCIKhg
m<uq mshjr jkafka wms leu;s /lshdjla f;darf.k whm;la fhduqlsuhs' fojk mshjr f,i Tnj /lshdjg n|jd .ekSu iqiqhs lsh, wdh;kh ;SrKh lf<d;a Tng iuqL mCIKhg le|ula ,efnkjd' Tkak T;k b|ka ;uhs ka wmsg m%Yak mekk.skafka' fudllao we|f.k hkafka" fudkjo f.kshkafka" fldfyduo uqyqK fokafka lsh,d' /lshdjla ,nd.ekSu i|yd iuqL mCIKhlg iyNd.Su tla w;lska wNsfhda.hla' tA /lshdjla i|yd iyNd.Su;a tla w;lg f,dl= wdidjla fjkak k' fudlo wmsg tA wdh;kfha bkak m%Odk fmf<A ks<Odka uqK.efykak wjia:djla ,efnkjd' ;j tA wdh;kh .ek ia;r fidhdn,kak Wkka fjkjd'

November November 2013 2013

iE,a wOHdmkfhka miq fndfyda g ;reK mrmqf isk Tn /lshdjla wfmalaIdfjka whm;la fhduql, g Tng ,efnk le|ul m%:ufhka iuqL mCIKhlg hdug isjk fohls' b;ska iuqL mCIKhlg hkak l,ska wms fmdvla ys;kak k fkao fldfyduo tA foaj,a ms<sfj,g lrkafka lsh,d' tfyu fkdue;s jqfkd;a fjkafka wmsg m<uq iuqL mCIKfhkau /lshdj wysfjk tlhs' wkak tAl ksid tA .ek ys;k ;reK Tng ;uhs f Wmfoia'

iuqL mCIKhlg le| ,enqku iuyr msia fndfydafihska nhfjkjd' tmd fj,d jf.a l;d lrkjd' zzwhsfhda uu ka fudlo lrkafka" fldfyduo flg iyNd.s jkafka" tA jf.a ys;kak krlhs' fudlo wms fmr iqodkulska fydka ,eia;sfj,d bkakjk wmsg wmyiq keye f l;jH i|yd uqyqKu' iuqL mCIKhlg .ek Okd;aulj ys;kak yeugu' iuqL mCIKhl wyk m%YAk .ek jemqr ie,ls,su;a fjkak' iuqL mCIKfha fndfyda g Tnf.ka wyk lreKla ;uhs ;uqka .ek lshkak lsh,d' t;k woyia lrkafka ;ukaf.a wOHdmk iqiql' tA g fmr Tng ;snQ jD;a;Sh iqiql" yelshdjka" fmr /lshdjka isl<d wdh;k jeks foahs' Bg wu;rj ;uka hk wdh;kh ms<sn| ia;r kf.k isu jeo.;au lreKla' Tn wh lrkafka l=uk wdldrfha jD;a;shlgo" Bg wod, f;dr;=re" wdh;kfha ;sfhka ksmehq ldhhka wd ia;r kisu jeo.;a' tg Tng lsis fudfyd;l iuqL mCIKhg uqyqKu wmyiq ldhhla fkdf' fudkh fyda wdh;khlska wmsg /lshdjla i|yd fmkS isug wh m;la ,enqKq miq" wm tu wdh;kfha iuqL mCIKhg hEug fmr tys ia;r k isu fnfyka ys;lr fjkjd' fudlo wms wdh;kh .ek iy wfma jD;a;sh .ek fyd| wjfndaOhlska kSulska .sh g th;a /lshdj ,nd.ekSug ;j;a tla m%fhdackj;a idOlhla' ;j;a m%YAkhla ;uhs wehs wmsj tA /lshdj i|yd iqiqjkafka lshk tl' tfyu ke;ak wehs wm tA i|yd wh lf,a lshk tl' fuh fndfyda jeo.;a' fudlo fuys ;uhs wms lshkak fka wehs wms f i|yd wh lf<a' ta wms fuu /lshdj i|yd iqiq fjkak fya;=' Tng ;sfhk yelshdjka" kqu jeks lreKq .ek wms fYaIfhkau kf.k bkak k' wms wh l< /lshdj .ek fukau tA i|yd Tn iqiqjkafka wehs lsh,d' Tfnka wik ;j;a m%YAkhla ;uhs Tnf.a j,;djhka fudkjo lsh,d'

uf.a j,;djh ;uhs ug fudlla y jevla kafkd;a tAl bjr fjklu biamdiqjla keye'

fuu m%YAkh yu jeo.;a' fudlo Tjqka fnfydag W;aiy lrkafka Tnj /lshdjg fkd.ek isughs' tys wms yu miaika W;a;r h hq;=hs' tA Tjqkag Tnj wjYHuhs lshd yef`.k mo W;a;r h hq;=hs' h fgl Tf j,;djhu Tnj /lshdjla i|yd f;dard.ekSug fya;=jla h yelshs' ^Wod - uf.a j,;djh ;uhs ug fudlla y jevla kafkd;a tAl bjr fjklu biamdiqjla keye'& wehs Tn g fmr /lshdj isl< wdh;kfhka bj;afjkafka @ fujeks m%Yakhlska wdh;kh k.kak W;aiy lrkafka Tn g fmr /lshd l, ia:dkfhka Tn bj;a jqKdo@ tfia ke;sk bj;a l<do@ Tn /lshd fidhka hkafklao@ Tn udi ;=klg jvd tla / lshdjl /`,d bkafka keoao@ lshk ldrKd k.ekSu i|ydhs' Tn lsisfgl;a l,ska jev lrmq wdh;kh .ek jer lshkak tmd' fudlo tg w;a wdh;kh ys;kak mqjka Tn ljodu fyda ojil t;ekska bj;a f ygu jer lshhs lsh,d' tA ksid yeugu j.n,d .kak Tn ka fmr /lshdj isl, wdh;kh .ek f.!rjkShj l;d lrkak' fukak f m%Yak .ek yhgu kf.k Bg wod, lreKq .ek ie,ls,su;a fj,d

November 2013

follg fyda ;=klg fyda fmr wm fj; okajkjd iuqL mCIKh meje;afjk kh' iuqK mCIKj, fojk mCIKh i|yd fhdul< miq mqx flhla ,efnk fudfydf;a" j;=r lla mdkhlr uki u`ola ksoyia lr.kak' tg bkamiq mCIKhg fydka iyNd.s h yelshs' j;udkfha fndfydag wikq ,nk m%Yakhla ;uhs iuqL mlaIKhg iyNd.s fjkak mqjka Wfoao@ yjio@ lshk m%Yakh ' tg fndfydag W;aiy lrkak Wfoa jrej f;dard.kq ,nkak' fudlo oj,a jref riakh je' l,n,ld;ajh wvq Wfoa kejqnjla ys;a ;=, ;sfhkjd' t;fldg wmsg Okd;aul udkisl;ajhlska iuqKL mCIKhg iyNd.s fjkak mqjka' yeugu /lshdjlA ,nd .ekSug hk g th ,efnkjduhs lshk is;s,af,ka hkak' tfyu ke;sj tl Iqj keyefka lshk udkisl;ajfhka hkak tmd' tg th uqyqfKka fmakjd'

iuqL mCIKhg uqyqKfokak' fudlo tA m%Yak wksjdhfhkau wyk m%Yak ksid' Bg wu;rj wksjdhfhkau ;ukaf.a whm; ms<sn| fyd| kSulska iuqL mCIKhg iyNd.s fjkak' iuqL mCIKh fj,dfj Tn fldfydu;a uola l,n,ld iajrEmhlska isk ksid' yenehs tA nj fkdfkk yeisfrkak' yeugu fl,ska n,df.k l;dlrkak' u n,df.k W;a;r fkdfokak' wyk m%Yakj,g meye,sj W;a;rfokak' talhs wms yeugu Tng mejiqf iuqL mCIKhg iyNd.s ug fmr ie,iqulska jevlrkak lsh,d' ;uka wk weu .ek ie,ls,su;a fjkak' im;a;=" fia .ek ie,ls,su;a fjkak' im;a;=f Wv hg;a fydka msis lrkak' fudlo j;udkfha wdh;k fiajlhdf.a kqu ms<sfj, .ek;a uis,su;a fjkjd tA .ek jemqr ysf;a ;shd. kak'
November 2013

kEu wdh;khla fiajlfhl= fjkqfjka Tjqkaf.a ld,h fukau uqo,ao jeh lrkq ,nk neka" Tjqka yeugu W;aiyd lrkafka ;uka /lshdjla i|yd n|jd.kakd fiajHdf.a Wmu ldhlaYu;djhhs'
iuqL mCIKhlg hk g /lshdjg wod, iy;slm;a fjku *hs,a ljrhl /f.k hkak' Bg wu;rj ;sfhk iy;slm;a ;j;a *hs,a ljrhl /f.k f.dia wjYH jqjfyd;a muKla m%fhdackhg .kak' /lshdjg wh lsug fmr tA i|yd Tng ;sh hq;= wju iqiql fyda ;sfhs uid n,kak' tfia fkdue;sk wh lsfuka j,lskak' iuqL mCIKhg iyNd.s f W;aijhlg iyNd.s jk whqka we me< fkdwkak' idhla f;dar.kq ,nkafka k pd idhla f;dard.kak' fYaIfhkau id cel tl w;a lmmq" f.dvla fldg tajd wkafka keye' tys yu ms<sfj,g w;a iys; Wiska je id cel ;uhs f;dard.; hq;af;a' tA idh wk g;a kdNsh

iuqL mCIKhg iyNd`.S ug fmr k l,ska kskaog hkak' l,ska ie,iqlr ;snqKg Bg fmr k rd;%sfha lsisfohla fidhka ksurkak fjkafka keye' fudlo wdh;khlska ojia

.djg we|,d id cel tlla w`kak' flma tlla Nd;d lrk g;a yeu gu Wfoa jrejlg .e,fmk pd flma tlla Nd;d lrkak' iuqL mCIKhl yekafIala lrk g fyd|g ;ka yekafIala lrkak' fudlo tg Tnf.a fm!I;ajh ms<sn| k.kak mq`Mjka' tAl ksid kshfmd;= lm,d ,iaikg ms<sfj,g msisjg ;nd.kak' w;a Trf,daiqj jeo.;au fohla' ke;ak Tn fj,djg jev fkdlrk flfkla lsh,d Tjqkag ysf;kak mqjka' yenehs w;a Trf,daiqj me<|f.k .shdg jevla fjkafka keye" Tn iuqL mCIKhg fj,djg iyNd.s fkdjqfkd;a' tal ksid yeugu fj,djg l,ska wod, ia:dkhg hkak' mrlal= fjkjg jvd th fyd|hs' Tn /f.k hk w;a nE.h;a ms<sfj,g msisjg /f.k hkak' tfyu ke;sjqfkd;a l,n,hg th jD; l< g we;=f,a ;sfnk ishu foaj,a t<shg fmfkkak mqjka' wmsg ysf;kak mqjka mCIK ks,Odka bkafka we;=f,afkaa lsh,d' kuq;a Tn fydka u;l ;shd.kak wdh;khlg .shdyu wms thg mh ;shmq fj,df isgu wmj wka wh iska ksCIKh lrkjd lsh,d' kEu wdh;khla fiajlhl= fjkqfjka Tjqkaf.a ld,h fukau uqo,ao jeh lrkq ,nk neka" Tjqka yeugu W;aiyd lrkafka ;uka

/lshdjla i|yd n|jd.kakd fiajHdf.a Wmu ldhlaYu;djhhs' fndfyda g j;udkfha isk ;reK msi iuqL mCIK i|yd iyNd.s fjkak iqodk fjkafka Bg l,ska ojfia' wehs f ;reK mrmqf wh fufyu lrkak fya;=j@ we;a;gu thg m%Odku fya;=j ;sfnkafka fkdie,ls,su;alu' tfyu;a ke;s k fcd tlla ;snqK;a tlhs" ke;;a tlhs lshk foa Wv ;uhs Tjqka j;a fjkafka' yenehs t;k fjkafka wka;su fudfydf;a ,Eia;sfj,d ie,iqula fkdue;sj .shg ;ukag ,efnkak ;sfhk /lshdjla jqj;a fkd,ehdf m%jk;djhla' flfia fj;;a tA i|yd orK m%jdyk ho" we me< i|yd ho wd f ishu foaj,a fukau ;j flfkl=f.a fukau ld,h kslrefKa kdia;s lsuls' tA i|yd wms jehlrk Yla;sh mjd wmf;a hdula ;uhs is fjkafka' tAl ksid Bg jvd fyd|hs tA i|yd iydNd.sfkd isu' wksl ;uhs ;uka wh lrkak l,ska ys;kak /lshdj i|yd ;uka fhduqfjkjdo keoao lsh,d' ke;sk Tnf.a ld,h fukau ;jflkl=f.a wjia:djla wmf;a hkq we;'
igyk - yIKs fmfrd

November 2013

Wmfoia - m%jSk ksrEmk YS,amS pq,amoafukaka


November 2013


,af,la fld,af,l=;a je hg m;afjkfldg ;ukaf.a reoaO ,sx.slhka flfrys wdlYkh fjkjfka" tA Tjqfkdjqka .ek f;dr;=re fydhkak .kakjd' ;uka reoaO ,sx. slhkaf.a ys; .kak l%u fydhkjfka' tA w;ka fl,af,da ;uhs f.dvlau f foaj,a fydhkafka lsh,d u;hla k ;sfhkjd' tA;a wms lshkafka keye fld,af,da f foaj,a fydhkafka keye lsh,d' Tjqkq;a fydhkjd yenehs t<smsg fkfuhs fydfrka fydfrka' fldfydu fldfydu y wms f lrkafka fl,af,da f.dvla leu;s fohla .ek ia;r lla lSu muKhs' fl,af,da yrsu leu;shs fld,af,da .ek fydhkak' wkak tAl wms okak ksidu ;uhs yeuodu jf.a f l,dmfha;a fld,af,da .ek lreKq lla lshkak ys;=f' iuyrg f foaj,a Tn okakjd fjkak;a mqjka fkdokakj fjkak;a mqjka' tfyu;a ke;sk w;alSfukau w;aoel,d ;sfhkak;a mqjka' lula kE fldfydu jqk;a fmdvla lshj,d n,kakflda Thdg;a fl .e,fmkjo lsh,d'

yokjd lshkafk ta fld,a,d fl,a,g isrdjgu leu;shs' 6' wms wfma inkaf .ek l;d lrkak fka lshk jpk yh fld,af,la wykak wlue;su jpk yhla' 7' fld,af,la uu Thdg miafi l;d lrkak lsh, l;d fkdlr ysfhd;a" ta lshkafka ta fld,a,g wu;l fj,;a fkfjhs" fld,a,f.a w;ska Thdf.a fkdnf ke;sfj,;a fkfjhs" fld,a, ue,;a fkfjhs" ta fld,a,g Thd tlal l;d lrkak Wjukdjla kE lshk tlhs' 8' fld,a,kag fndfydag wka;su ;SrKhla lsh, tlla kE' 9' wjqre 3lg jvd tlg ysgmq fl,af,laj od, hk tl fld,af,lag lrkak wudreu jevla' 10' fld,af,d 4la ;r fi jqfkd;a Wka wksjdfhka l;d lrkafka l%Svdjla .ek' 11' fld,af,da fIdmsx hkak leu;s cd;shla fkfjhs' lf hk tl ;r tmd lrmq jevla fld,a,kag ;j;a kE' 12' fudlla y iSka tlla wjq,a .sfhd;a fld,af,d ;ukagu nek .kakjd iEfykak' fld,af,da je/oao wkqka msgg odkak yokj wvqhs' 13' fld,a,kag blaukag fjkia fjkak mqjka" ta jqk;a bjiSu k lla wvqhs' 14' fld,af,da fi tl;a tlal bkakfldg fld jf.a bkak fld,af,da ;uqkaf.a fl,a, ,.oS bkafka mQiameg jf.a' yenehs ta fl,a,kag nfha fkfjhs" ta fld,a,kaf.a ye' 15' ;uqkaf.a wudf.a fha fl,a,kag fld,af,da f.dvla leu;shs' 16' fld,af,laj tmd lsh, ysjgj;a lshkak tmd' fld,a,kag we;a;gu tmd fjkjd' 17' fld,af,da fl,af,da ;r ixf kE' 18' fld,af,da ljodj;a fl,af,da jf.a ;ukaf.a im;a;= fldpr ,sfikjo jf.a foaj,a .ek l;dlrkafka kE' 19' fld,af,da ;uqka .ek lrk w.hls j,g fl,a,kag jvd fydka m%;spdr olajkjd
November 2013

zz'''lka fkdlsjg fl,af,da y leu;shsfka fld,af,da .ek f;dr;=re k.kak''' iuyrg tA yeufjf,au ;ukaf.a fld,a,g ;uka ;uhs thdg f.dvla .e,fmkafka lsh,d fmkajkak fjkak;a mqjka'''ZZ
1' fld,af,da jemqr leu;s ,iaiku fmdIa fl,a,kag lshk tl fndre' fld,af,da jemqr leu;s ms<sfj,g bkak pd fl,a,kag' 2' fld,af,la ;ukaf.a yevrej .ek kEjg jvd ie,ls,su;a fjkjd k ta lshkafka ta fld,a,g yevrej wefrkak fjk .kak fohla kE' 3' fld,af,la ;j fld,af,laf.ka Wmfoia .kak wlue;s jqkdg fl,af,laf.ka Wmfoia .kak leu;shs' 4' fld,af,la yd ne ne,aug fmakjg jvd fld,a,kag;a m%Yak ;sfhkjd' 5' fld,af,la fl,af,la fjkqfjka lEula


November 2013


November 2013



November 2013


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013

November 2013

lkHd Ndjh lshk ldrKh .ek l;d lrk tl we;a; jYfhkau ysjla''' m<uq tlafu fhdaks ud.fhka rerh jykh jk$fkdjk lshk ldrKh u; ia;%shlf.a , mdYqoah uekSu fudavhskag fyd| l%uhla i fjk tlla fkfjhs

hia fohlska f;drj fl,a,ka fukau fld,a,kao fuh lsfhjdg lke;' fld,a,kag kegg ls WKk ldf,au ^fl,a,kag fudlla lsh,o lshkafka''@& ta .ek oek isu jeo.;ah''' f foaj,a h fgl Tng wod, fkdjqk;a fujeks foa kisu jeo.;a fudlo j;ajk ld,h ;=, ljodu fyda f foaj,a Tng ke;;a Tf ys;jf;l=g y mejiSug wjYH jkq we; tfyka fufyka l;d ke;=j wms wfma l;dj mgka .uq ke;ak ;j llska Tn fuh lshu kj;d oukak mqjka' fmdvla ys;kak wo ldf,a fld,af,la fl,af,la hd Wkdg miafia fudlo lrkafka'''@ Tkak uq,skau fld,a,hs fl,a,hs hd`MjqKd ;reK fld,af,d fl,af,da lkafk bmkaox ykal+re;a fkfjhskx''' idudkHfhka ku ms iy .EKq mrdKj, ;sfhk .;shla ;ud ;udf.a reoaO ,sx.slhskag wdlYKh u''' , ye.S my,u''' l uy wuq;= fohla fkfjhs''' jhiska fudarf.k toa ku .eyeKshl fyda mqreIhl=gu reoaO ,sx.slhska .ek ye`.Sula''wdlIKhla we;sfjkjd'' tfyu fkdfjkjd k ta fydafudak l%shdld;ajfha fudkjd kuq;a wjq,la ;sfhkjkx ;rhs'''tfyu fydafudak wjq,la ke;s yeu tldgu ye`.S oekS lsh,d fohla ;sfhkjd''' ug;a ;snqKd''

.idfjka ksudh'''
fldhs foa l<;a isys l,amkdfjka'' fydh,d n,,d wdrlaIs;j lrkak u;l ;shd.;af;d;a fyd|hs'''
;ud .e .ekSu''' Th W;a;;r fma%uh''' fma%uh k rd.fhka f;dr lshk l;dj .ek yefudau okafka keye''yenehs fld,af,la Wkdkx Th ldf, ;uqkaf.a , wjhj m%dKj;a u;a''' , in|;d .ek leue;a;la we;su;a idudkH fohla''' ldka;d mdYajh .ek lshkak ;sfhkafk;a Th lu ;ud''' ta;a wfma iudch iska ldka;d mdYajfha whg ,d ;sfhk wk;=re we`. rdYshla yskaod ta wh ms whg jvd lla Th inkaOj hla olajkjd'' tal widOdrKhs lsh,d lshkak neye''' fudlo msfhl=g .EKsfhla tlal ,sx.slj tl;= fuka miqj udkislj we;sjk wjq,la i Ydlj lsisu wjq,la fkdjk ksid;a'' .eyekshlg udkisl wjq,lg tyd .sh Ydl wjq,a rdYshlg uqyqKfokak fjk ksid;a''' thska m<uq foa ;uhsfka lkHdNdjh''' wms ljqre;a lshk cmka fldh fyj;a m<uq , tl;=fu .eyeKsh iska ish fhdaks ud.fhka rerh je.srh hq;=h lshk ldrKh ;ud .eyeKshlg we;s lkHdNdjh Tmamq l<yels ms<s.;u yels l%uh fjkafka'''^wfma Wka nkak l,ska ffjoH mlaIKhlg fkdhk ksid& tfyu lr.kak ne Wkdkx weh lkHdhl fyj;a f jkf;la , tlaula is fkdl< msis ;reKshla fkdjk njg ;SrKh fjkjd''' ta ksid ia;%shlg ms whl=g jvd , yeisulg fhduqu .egjla fj,d ;sfhkjd'' wks;a ldrKh ;ud .e .ekSu'''mshl=g lsisu wdldrhlska m%Yakhla fkdjk''tfy;a ia;%shlg fndfyda g h yels krlu foa tfyu neju mskag , tl;= ul ys;kak k ,sx.slj ifma%IKh fjk frda. .ek wer fjk we;s fohla keye' ta;a .eyeKshlg , frda. yerekq l, ish lkHdNdjh fukau .e.ekSug we;s yelshdj lshk ldrKd fol .eku wjOdkh fhduqlsug isfjkjd''' fj lshoa ysf;kafka k ljqo lshkafka f,dafla idOdrKhs lsh,d''@ fl uy widOdrK f,dalhla'' ta;a f l;dj ta .ek fkfjhs''' f l;d lrkak hkafka .idj .ek'' ta .ek ug ,shkak ys;=fka fukak f ,smsh yskaohs''' idudkHfhka wo ld,fha msfhl=;a .eyeKsfhl=;a wdor inkaO;djhla we;s lr.;a;dg miqj ta fofokd w;r jdyhg fmr is jk , in|;d we;sug we;s yelshdj jehs''' talg fya;= ;sfhkjd' tlla ;ud wd ld,hg jvd wo fjk fldg jdyh lshk ldrKdj wfma wh fndfydau Nhdkl fohla yehg ie,lSu''' jdyhla jkakg fmr imqrd.; hq;=h lshd i,lkq ,nk ,hsia;=j lreKq rdYShlska iuka;u''' iar wdodh ud.hla''' bv lv j, ks;H yslu'' ksjdihl whs;sh''' r: jdyk'' wd fN!;sl im;ayS ysl ke;sj jdyhlau kqiqiq fohlah'' yd tu ksid tu wjYH;djhka imQK lrf.k wjidkfhys jdy jk f;la ish ldhsl wjYH;djhka imqrd.ekSug fkdu

wdorfha ysr

November 2013

ksid tf;la l,la n,d isug fkdyels wh ;ukag yels ugka ,sx.slj tl;=jk ud.hkag fhduqfjk tl j,lajkak mqjka fohla fkfjhs' ta;a tfyu lghq;= lrk whg ;uka lrk foa .ek ksis wOHdmkhla''wjfndaOhla ke;sk''@ wkak t;khs .egj ;sfhkafka''' idudkH ukqIHhska jYfhka , wjYH;d we;s Wk;a'' ta .ek y wjfndaOhla ke;s wh ksid f ldrKdj wjika fjkafka ;j;a fl,af,la''ia;%shla wirK fuka''' we;eg lkHdNdjh wysfuka''tfia;a ke;sk .e.ekSfuka''' lkHdNdjh lshk ldrKh .ek l;d lrk tl we;a;jYfhkau ysjla''' m<uq tlafu fhdaks ud.fhka rerh jykh jk$fkdjk lshk ldrKh u; ia;%shlf.a , mdY+oah uekSu fudavhskag fyd| l%uhla i fjk tlla fkfjhs lshk tlhs uf.a u;h''' Wm;skau lkHdmg,hla msysgd ke;s wh iskjd fukau l%Svd wdfhys fhf;a''<ud wjfha fkdoekqj;alu ksid ,sx. ud.j,g we;=jk h h ndysr foa ksid;a wd jYfhka lkHdmg,h ke;s fyda ydks jQ wh isug yelshdj ;sh lkHdmg,fhka ia;%shlf.a msis lu uekSu fld;r rlg idOdrKo''@ ta ;rlao''' wehs iajhx kaokh''' mshl=g yelshdj ;sfhkjk Th wrl fl fmkakkafka ke;sj ish leue;a; u; ksoyfia iajhx kaokfhys fhug''wehs .eyeKshg talg ;ykula''' wehg;a ta i|yd wjia:dj ;sh hq;=hs'' ta fjkqfjka h fohla ish leue;af;kau ish fhdaks ud.hg we;= lr .ekSug wehg we;s whs;shg ndOl odkak wmsg we;s whs;sh fudllao''@ ^Th ldrKh .ek iEfyk wdikak fya;=jla ug ;sfhkjd''' talg fya;=j f uE;l ux jevlrk ;ekg wdikak ludka; Yd,djl fiajh l< fialdjlf.a ish ydkslr .ekSu;a fya;=Wkd''' weh h.sfha f., je, od .ekSfuka''' thg fya;= Wfka wehg t,a, jQ wmydi Wmydi Wyq,d .ekSug fkdyelsu''' ta wmydi Wmydij,g fya;= Wfka wehf.a iajhx kaok lghq;a;la f,djg fy,su''' wE; .ulska we;a fkajdislj is weh ish fhdaks ud.hg we;=<;a lr.;a fohl fldgila le tys isru ksid wjidkfha ffjoH m%;sldr i|yd fhduq u;a''tu ldrKh ish wdh;kh ;=< m%isoaOu;a wjik wehish kid .;a;d''' lreuhl uy;''' ish Yrh ;ukag Wjukd wkaoug yd wksfll=g ysyerhla fkdjk f,iska Nd;dl< wehg jrola lshkakg yskd

fjkakg wks;a Wkag we;s whs;sh l=ulao''@ta ldrKh ug fndfydau ;ka ys;g n,mEjd lsfjd;a tal we;a;''' wehs wehg ;yko iajhx kaokh''@ tA Yrfha fldgi wehf. ao tfyu ke;a;x iudchg whs;s lE,a,lao''@& lkHd mg,hg ydksu'' iajhx kaokhg we;s whs;sh Wrd .ekSu fukau thsg;a jvd h yels Nhdklu lreK ;ud .e.ekSu''' jdy fkd ;sh ia;%shl .e.ekSu mj;sk iudcfha yehg n,j;a lreuhla''' wms fldhs ;rx hqKqhs lsjqj;a''' f,dl= f,dl= foaj,a .ek l;d l<;a''' fldfya y fl,af,la nkak l,ska nv Wfkd;a tal .ek mg ..yd l;d lrkak wfma iudcfha fmdrj,a miai .ykafka keye' yhg f fjkl,a f,dalfha ljodj;au isoaO fkdjqk wuq;=u fohla hg i,l,d wuq;=u if;la yd n,k hg wr .e .;a; ia;%shj olskak wfma wh mqu leu;shs''' f,dl=u ysj ;ud mskx lula keye lshuq''' .EKq;a fu;k tA f.dvg jefgk tlhs''' yhg thd,d yeisfrkafka ljodj;a msfhla tlal nqh .;af;a ke;s'''.dkg ;ud tfjf,g .EKq;a wr nv fjp .eyeKshg wmydi lrkafka uv .ykafka''' b;sx tfyu iudchl jdyhg fmr .e .;a .EKsfhl=g .;yels l%shdud. fudkjo''@ ish kid .ekSu''' ^iudchg ;sfhk fyd|u W;a;f'''u< tlS u<d'' tal t;ekska bjrhs'' yenehs f,dl=u ysj ;ud uq,ska wrlsg yskdWk Wkq;a thska miafia mgka .kakjd l uefrkak ;rx fohlao lsh,d ;uqkaf.a iqoaOjka; foaYkdj meje;au''& orejd yod .ekSu''' ^.;yels t;ru ;SrKh yd wiSreu ;SrKh''' wjcd;l f,an,h jk orejf.kq;a iuyrg ojil wehgu fpdaokdj t,a,h yelshs''' tfyu tfla rf f,dafla Wkaf.a l;d .ek wykak fohla keyefka'''& orejd ke;s lsu fyj;a .idj''' ^wjia:dkql+,j l< yels fyd|u foa''' ;udg iudcfhka t,a,h yels fpdaokd u. yeu''orejdf.a mjd fpdaokdj,g W;a;r neug isfuka je,lSu''' ;ud nv l< tldf.a ys; iekiSu jeks ldrKd /ila tla jr lr.; yelsu''& iuyr g lh lshkak mqjka Th mgm,a fndrefka''tfyu fjkafka keye lsh,d'' ta;a ux okak foa yryd lshkak ;sfhk foa ;ud ishhg wkQjla fydr .id uOHia:dk j, Th foa fjkjd lshk tl'''uE;l ug

November 2013

i,a,s yn fjkjkx Wka ;ukaf.a jj Wk;a f.k;a fodia;rg fohs wd wrka m,hx lsh,d''' tfyjq tfla tfyu ;ekaj, bkak kdl fyhkaf.ka we;s m,la keye' Wkq;a kslx wr .Ksld uvxj, bkak uev,d jf.a i thska tyd tjqka fkfjhs'''

yuqWk Th inkaO w;aoelS we;s lsysm fofklag wkqj we;a;gu ishhg wkQjla wkjir .id uOHia:dkj, isoaOfjkjd''' fuf,da ryla ke;s'' oelalu wuq;= wdidjla we;s fkdjk .EKq yerekq l, weyeg lkg fmak''fYaIfhkau wvq jhiaj,ska .enru yryd .idjkag fhduqjk .eyeKq <uqka je fofkl=g f foag uQKmdkak isoaO fjkjd''' ta;a tfyu lrkafka fldfyduo''@ ta jf.a ;ekaj, .EKq flfkl=;a bkakjfka kug y kia flfkla lsh,d''@ ys;,d n,kak wuq wuqf kS urkak Wo fok kia flfkla .ek'' tlu foa ;uqkag ta ksuere j,g yjq,aug fyd|g f.jk ksid ta foag w;aWo fok .Eksfhla ;j lShla y jemqr kaku .idjla lr.kak

f foaj,a we;a;gu wog;a f iudcfha isoaO fjk''fygg;a isoaO fjk foaj,a''' yenehs

November 2013

tk .EKq <uhg fodia;r w;jr lrk tlg reoaO fjkak ;rx ukqiailula fyda jD;a;Sh iodpdrhla ;sfhao''@ i,a,s yn fjkjkx Wka ;ukaf.a jj Wk;a f.k;a fodia;rg fohs wd wrka m,hx lsh,d''' tfyjq tfla tfyu ;ekaj, bkak kdl fyhkaf.ka we;s m,la keye' Wkq;a kslx wr .Ksld uvxj, bkak uev,d jf.a i thska tyd tjqka fkfjhs''' wksl ;uqkaf.a riaidj /flkafka fodia;rf.a /lshdj yd ;Dma;sh u; lshk foa oek.;a;g miafia Wkau ;ud t;kg tk .EKq <uhskaj fodia;rg k hg ihsia lr,d fokafk;a''' iuyrg fodia;r ;uqkaf.a ldrKdj lr .kakl,a fl,a,f.a w;mh w,a,f.k bkak lg lx bkak fyhkq;a ke;sj fkfjhs'''


wyk fldg wmsg lla wudrehs ;ud'' ta;a we;a; ieugu ;s;a;hs lshkafka kslx fkfjhs''' f wy, my,l ysh t`vre fjod lshk ydohd .ek fndfydau ia;r okak Woh ug ynfj,d ;sfhkjd''' ^t`vre ms;a; Wo lrf.k .idjka lrkak fhduqWk yskaohs Tyqg t`vre fjod lshk ku ,enqfka''',su iqiq ke;s fyhska fkd,sh''' ia;rj,g wkqj t`vre fjod .idj orejka ke;s whg orem, ,ndu;a isoaO lrmq flfkla'' ys;d .;Elsfka''' t`vre fjod ;j;a fydr fjoa rf k;rx bkakjd''' ta yq`.la ;ekaj, isoaO fjkafka ;j ;j;a ldka;djka IKhg ,lau i fjk fohla fkdjk nj;a lshkak k''' we;a;gu .idj fyd| W;a;rhlao''@ lsisfia;au ke;''' .idjlska ia;%shlg whym;la kd lsis hym;la ke;'''

fma%uh k rd.fhka f;dr lshk l;dj .ek yefudau okafka keye''yenehs fld,af,la Wkdkx Th ldf, ;uqkaf.a , wjhj m%dKj;a u;a''' , in|;d .ek leue;a;la we;su;a idudkH fohla'''
.idf ish ;ho wjodkug ,laug je wjia:djla ;su'''wu;a l%uhka u.ska isjk .idjlska miqj kej; ms<sis| .ekSulg we;s yelshdj ke;sj hdug je bvla ;su'''.idfjka miqj .e.ekSug fya;= jQ mshd ;ukaj w;yer oeu'''f foaj,a isoaO fjkak we;s yelshdj b;du;a b<,hs''' wu;a l%u Nd;h ksid yd ksis f,i jdkqyrKh fkdl< WmlrK Nd;h ksid;a''' .idfjka miqj we;sjk ixl+,;djhka j,g ksis ms<sh fkdfhu jeks foa ksid;a .idjg ,lajk ;eke;a;shf.a ; wjodku b;d by<hs''' ta wu;a l%u Nd;h ksid yd'' .idfjka miqj ksis f,iska .NdIh msis fkdlsu jeks ldrKd u; kej; ms<sis| .ekSulg we;s yelshdj wysu ms<sld yd fjk;a frda.dndOhkag uqyqKug is u;a h yelshs''' Th Tlafldau;a w;f ;uka .e.ekSug fya;=Wk tld ;uka w;er hdf yelshdj;a w;sYhskau by<hs'' wehs tfyu fjkafka''' talg ldrKd lsysmhla ;sfhkjd''' ;uqkag odj Wmkak bkak tldj urkak mqjka tldg ta urmq tldf.a wuj od,d hk tl uy lcla fkfjhs''' ta ;rlao'' fndfydag .id uOHia:dkj, .idj lrk tld fl,a,g w;jr lrkjd lshk ldrKdj tajg fl,a,j tlal hk Wka fydkau okakjd''' fudlo ;ukag ta ;ek w,a,,d fok Wkau we;eg we;a; lshk yskaod''' b;sx .idj lrkak .sh ;ek fodia;r;a w;jr lrmq tlSj ndr .kak leu;so wrE''@ W!g .eKs tlal nqhkak mqjka Wkdg iy <uhd urkak tlal hkak mqjka Wkdg wkqka iska w;jrlrmq fyda''wkqkaf.a w;la .Ejqk fhdakS ud.hla ys tlshlaj nkak wfma Wka leu;s keye''' talhs we;a;'' wks;a foa ;ud ksireNdjh'' oeka <uhd ke;s lrkak ;Skaj .;a;g .idj l< ksid wkd.;fha fl,a,g orejka ,ef yelshdj wvqh yels nj okakd ksid ksire <|laj ne| .kak;a Th Woh leu;s keye''' wdkak ta ldrKd yskaod wjOdrKfhka lshkak ;sfhk foa k .idj hkq l< yels fyd|u foa fkdjk njhs'' fYaIfhkau .eKQ <uhs flg leu;s fjkafka fld,a,d ;ukaj od,d hhs lsh,d nhg''' ta yskaod <uhd ke;s lrx y fld,a,d ;shd.kak ys;=jg wka;sug isoaO fjkafka <uhhs fld,a,hs fokaku ke;s

November 2013

fj,d''' uefrkak fmdgl=;a yodf.k'' j| .Eksfhla yehg j;a fjkakhs''' ta yskaod ia;%S mdYajh .idjg reoaO fjkak wkjYH .e.ekS j,ska m%fi fjkak j.n,d .; hq;=hs''' rf Wka fldfydu nK lsj;a wka;sug l=K lkak fjkafka ;uqkag lshk foa wu;l lrkak tmd''' ta lshkafka WU,d nkl,a fudkj;au fkdlr ixjrj ysgm,a,d lshk tlo''@ wfmdhs ke;''' tfyu lrkak mqjkakx fyd|hs'' ta;a ux uq,skau lsjfka''wms bmkaox ykal+re lk Wka fkfjhs lsh,d''' ta yskaod Th lshk ;rx iodpdrh wdrlaid lrf.k bkak mqjkalula keye''' ta yskaod fldhs foa l<;a isysl,amkdfjka'' fydh,d n,,d wdrlaIs;j lrkak u;l

;shd .;af;d;a fyd|hs''' yenehs b;sx wfma oekg ;sfhk wOHdmk l%uh hgf;a ;j Y; jIhlgj;a wdrlaIs;j ndysr , l%shdjka islrkafka flfiao hk ud;Dldj mdi,a fm< fmd;aj,gkx tk tlla keye''' wkak t;khs .egj ;sfhkafka''' kuq;a ljqreka fyda l%shd;aul jydu ta foaj,a .ek jd orejka oekqj;a lsu b;du;a blaukska hhq;= njhs uf.a ye`.Su''' iodpdf iodpdf lsh lsh ta .ek l;d fkdlrk tl ojila .dfka rf fldfya fyda flfkla lg m;afjk tl ;rhs isoaO fjkafka'''ta ksid yels blaukska iajhx kaokh hkq l=ulao''@ th islrk wdldrhka fudkjdo'' tys we;s h yels wys;lr foa fudkjdo''@ tu wys;lr ;;ajhka u. yrjd.kafka flfiao''@ ndysr , l%shdldrl hkq l=ulao''@ wdrlaIs;j tjeks foa lrkafka flfiao''@ we;sh yels .eg fudkjdo''@ thska w; fokafka flfiao''@ hk ldrKd fol wksjdhfhkau mdi,a fm,fmd;aj,g tkak k ta Ihhka b.ekau i|yd iqiqu mqo. a ,hska fhduql s u;a jeo.;a''' wksjdhfhkau oekg mdi,aj, ,sx. l s oHd mdv W.kajkakg ksh; .=rejreka thska bj;a lsu;a l< hq;h = ' s '' fudlo lsfjd;a wms ljqre;a okak m''' Th mdvj,g wdju wfma .=rejre oekg lrkafka ?m igyka we`o,d fldgia k lsuhs'' yels blaukska ta mdvfuka ,siai,d .sys,a,d B <`. mdvug hk tl iy mqjkakx tu mdvu ojig mx;shu. yer isg thska miqk wks;a mdvug fl,skau hdu ksidhs''' uxod wfma ldf,kx Wfka tfyuhs'' oeka fldfyduo lsh,d okak <uhs lsfjd;a fyd|hs''' wka;sug wmsg Wfka urodfka m;a;r ,E,s hg yx.,d l=Kk mqx m;a;r lE,sj,ska wOHdmksl lreKq fydhkak''' ta;a ta m;a;rj, ;sfhk fndfyda foa widudkH nj wmsg f;are .sfha ta ta ldrKd w;akak .;a;g miafihs'' ta yskaod ta yrla l=K,d lreKdlr,d mdi,aj, , wOHdmkh .ek u;aj lshd fok l%uj;a jevms<sfj,lg hd hq;=h'''tfia;a ke;fyd;a fyg kg;a ly,aj, fialdfjda flfi,a lE,s ysrlrf.k hhkakg mqjk''' .id uOHia:dkhkays fydr fjoakag fi,a, nvq jkq we;'''
wka;cd.h weiqfka

November 2013

Jewellery as a mode of living process

Neema Yomanthi Palliyaguru Bachelor of Design (Jewellery Design) Dept of Integrated Design University of Moratuwa

hroughout the human civilization, they used jewellery for so many purposes, such as to enhance the beauty, for attraction, to express the personal ideas, to express the belongings, for self-protection etc. considering on the purposes of jewellery, it has an initiate bond with the human body and the wearer psychology. Wearer is connected with the jewellery with his/her mind Because of this bond; a piece of jewellery can do many more things beyond a simple obvious aspect. Using concepts for the new designs are being common in current society. Jewellery, fashion, architecture are some remarkable design fields which using concepts for generate new ideas for the society. The Live concept which is combined with the nature refreshes minds and body. According to the present society, live concept has become a trend and evidently it is an essential for the human. Because, it is related to the past societies and lifestyles, currently people are busy

November 2013

and are far from nature. Nature is not only plants but also humans, animals. Thus they become isolated. In this situation live concepts play a major role in our lives through many design fields. Basically Live can divide in to several sections. What makes the feel of live? Among them growing is notable because its the most close to the live. Because, growing happening for living. Growing concept already used in jewellery and up to date it is a wearable and marketable piece. But Growing concept has potential to go ahead and developed. My attempt is to search on potential areas to develop the growing concept and apply them on jewellery as a conceptual idea to experience and feel the live. In fact growing is a process. Most growing processes in nature take hundreds of years to grow up. In my project I am talking about the growing concept in a deep level which runs through a short time duration. I am targeting on specific target groups (high class, for runner in society, love to be unique, love fashions, knowledgeable in fashions, try with new trends etc) and I think they will be highly attracted to this concept.

The concept of growing is defined in many ways. Basically it defined as Undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity. In my project the process of growing on jewellery is happening with the body movements and with relevant to the time. This is a series of conceptual jewelry series to depict the notion which has the potential of developing into a marketable main stream product. My collections are categorized according to the natural growth. They are, sound growth, texture growth, structure growth, color growth and smell growth. All my designs grow majorly with the wearers movements and that movements decide the lifetime/life cycle of the design. Wearing places of my designs on the body are decided by its mechanism and body movements which are not limited to the conventional wearing. Sound growing Olinda seeds will dropped out side with wearers movement while increasing the empty space in the mesh. Then seeds have more space to move and increasing the sound. Color growing Color is growing from oxidizing process of the metal pieces. Basically design has two parts. They are Small sphere and large sphere.

Vinegar is containing in the large sphere and its touch the rotating small sphere. Then the metal pieces will oxidize. The growing process is depending on the wearers movement and time that the spices touch the vinegar. Fragrance growing Basically design has two cylinders and the outer cylinder could rotate around the inner cylinder when it touches the wearers body. There are awls between the two cylinders for opposite directions and Naran peaks are containing between them. When the outer cylinder is rotate the peaks will bruise and the fragrance will come out through the holes of outer cylinder. Texture growing The texture growing process is depending on the movements of wearers fingers. The design is fixed to the palm. Initially the design has no any plain without any texture. When wearer move her hand the texture will gradually growing. Structure growing
The design is fixed to the mouth and head. It has polythene bags which are connected to each other from center and they are hanging on a metal frame. Initially all are gathering. When wearer pumps air from her mouth to the polythene bags they are blowing with air and runs around the metal frame while growing a structure.

November 2013


November 2013

fojk Wm;g''''
kd,shla ug iqodk jk flfkla jirlg fmrj;a ;ukaf.a ux., kh ms<sn|j iqodk ula is l< hq;=hs ;ukag wjYH ia:dkh" ;ukaf.a tl" ;uka fhdod .kakd mdg j." u,a j." iyNd.s lr.kakd fhfy<shka yd u,a l=ur l=uhka ljqo" fldmuK ixLHdjlao" ;ukaf.a PdhdrEm Ys,amshd ljqo" fYaIfhkau tkg ;ukaj iqkaor lsug iqiq rEm,djkH Ys,amsksh fyda Ys,amshd ljqo jeks fndfyda l;jHhka m%udKhla is lsug ;sf' Tn f;dard.kq ,nk rEm,djkH wdh;kh fj; ;ukaf.a ux., kh .ek l;d lsug .sh miq ;ukaf.a ysf;a ;sfhk woyi Tyqg fyda wehg mejish hq;=h' yenehs Tn th l< hq;af;a iSudjla iys;jhs' ke;fyd;a rEm,djkH Ys,amshdf. ka we;s ksudK;aul yelshdfjka Tng m%fhdackhla .ekSug fkdyelsjkq we; tneka Tyq iu. idlPdlr ;ukag .e,fmk m tkg ierfikafka l=uk whqrlskao lshd ;SrKh lr.; yelsjkq we;' Wvrg whqkao" my;rg whqkao" tfia;a ke;sk bkahka wdldrhgo hkak ;srKh l< yelsf' fujeks Yd, l;jHhka m%udKhla ie,iq lr.ekSug Tn jirl muK ld,hlg fmr wdrN lrkjd k fnfyka iqNodhlf tg Tng isjk m%udKhka wvqjkq we;'

zz''''ukd,shka fndfyda g ;u ux., khg fmr rEm,djkH lghq;= fj; fhduq h hq;=hehs mejfiakjd''''ZZ
rEm,djkH Ys,amshd $ Ys,amsksh iu. l;d l< miq Tng yelshdj ;sfnk ;ukaf.a rej .ek fukau .ek Tyq $ weh iu. l;dnyd lsug tg Tng ld,hla ;sfhkjd Bg iqqiq m yev.eisug Tnf.a iu ms<sn| m%Yakhla k th ksrdlrKh lr.ekSug iy Tn uola ;rndre k tA i|ydo wjYH ms<sh iy m%;sldr Tng ,nd.ekSug yelshdj ;sfhkjd' fuu ld,h w;r;=r fuf,i iqodk jq miqj;a Tn ux., khg fmrk oyj,a ld,h jk;=re fjfyi jev lghq;=j, ksr; jqjfyd;a tkg Tnf.a ,iaik iy msmqka nj wvq Tn u,dksl isk iajNdjhla fmfkkakg mqjka neka Tn ux., khg fmr ishu jevlghq;= wkawh fj; fnod ksoyfia ld,h .;lrkafka k uek' f ish,a, fuf,i isfjoa uE;l ;sfhk m%Yakhla ;ud jdy kfha ukd,shg jvd weh ye| isk idh lems,d fmak tl ukd, hqj, mjd ;ukag jvd ;ukaf.a

November 2013

we me< lemS fmfkk f,i ieriSug fm<,d ;sfhkjd fudllao flg fya;=j@ fufyuhs w;S;hg jvd j;udkh jk g ux., khg jemqr uqo,a m%udKhla ho lrkak j;udk mrmqr fm<,d bkakjd' b;ska th;a iu. fyd| weula fmkqu iys; weula wvq .dkg ,enqK;a th ;ukaf.a ys;g y ke;s fjkak mqjka' tl ksid wl f,i ho lr,d tjeks foaj,a lr.kakjd' b;ska t;k ;ukag fjk ;ukaf.a iajrEmhg jk foa .ek ys;kak Tjqka fm<fUkafka keye' kuq;a Tjqka thska neyer fj,d ;ukag iqiq fya ksudKhla fj; fhduq fjkjd k fyd|hs' tys jkdlu .ek ys;kafka ke;sj kuq;a b;ska ;ukaf.a ;sfhk j;afmdfydi;al fmkajkak ;sfhk wjia:djla f,i jdy ux.,Hh Wmfhda.s lr.kakjd jeks foaj;a is fjkjd h fgl' w;S;fha k we;a;u ux.,Hhla lshkafka Nla;su;aj lrmq i;=g msreKq ;ekla kuq;a j;udkfha k ux., kh lshkafka ,dis;djla tfyu;a ke;ak ,dis;d laula tfyu;a ke;ak fndfydag ukd,shka W;aiy lrkafka tkg ;j;a ljfrl=f.a wdldrhg wkqlrKhla lsughs' ta yg wkak m<kak" fydag,a f;dar. kak" ieris,s lrkak" we;a;gu fudllao fuhg fya;=j fj,d ;sfhkafka@ tl k we;a;' j;udkh fjk g ux., kh ,dis;djla fj,d kuq;a wm f;are .; hq;=hs th ;fha jeo.;a ojila lsh,d tAl ksid wka wh wkqlrKh lrkak .syska ;ukaf.a ,iaik ojfia ;uka wj,iaik fkd bkak lghq;= lrkak mqjkak fyd|hs' ;j flfkl= we|me<| isk fohska wmg wmf.a ksudK i|yd h;dla rg foaj,a ,nd.; yelshdj ;snqK;a thu wkqlrKh lsu k fkd.e,fmk fohlaf' wkqlrKfhao rEm,djkH Ys,amshdf.a fyda Ys,amskshf.a Wmfoaia ,nd. kafka k fnfyka ys;lrf'
November 2013

hq;af;a @ we;a;gu wo jkg k ukd,hka mjd ux., khg fmr rEm,djkHd.dr fj; hEu is lrkq ,nkjd tkg mukla fkdj idudkH ;fhao ;ukaf.a | fyda fmj;sh iu. rEm,djkHd.drhla fj; hdu jrola fkdf kuq;a ukd,shla ;u ux., khg fmr fYaI rEm,djkH i;aldr i|yd lsysmjrla fhduq hhq;= hehs lshk u;h uu k ms<s.kafka keye fudlo tkod wm wmf.a iu msisj ksishdldrj mj;ajdf.k hkq ,nkjdk fYafhka tu foaj,a lsu wjYH fkdjk neks' ud fj; mefKk ukd< hqj, i|yd uu tjeks foa mjikafka keye kuq;a Tjqka leu;s k Tjqkag wjYHk tjeks rEm,djkH i;aldrhka wm islrkq ,nkjd' l,ska %uka lrkjd lshk tl tlsfkld yod.;a;= foaj,a ila wksjdH foaj,a fkdf' ug f;fkafka keye wehs tf,i is lrkq ,nkak hehs mjikafka lsh,d flfia fj;;a ;fha ,iaiku kfha ,iaiku flkd yg bkak Tng.a ysf;;a wdYdjla we;s th yhdldrj is lr.kak Tn;a ie,iq lrkak tg tk ;j;a ,iaik f'
igyk - fnkqrs ls;ausKs

ukd,shka fndfydag ;u ux., khg fmr rEm,djkH lghq;= fj; fhduqh hq;=hehs mejfiakjdfiau ukd,hka ta i|yd fhduq fjk m%jk;djhla fkdue;s njla fmks hkjd' kuq;a Tyq;a rEm,djkH i|yd fhduq h hq;=hehs mejfikjd' wehs tf,i l<

Wmfoia - m%jSk rEm,djkHYS,amskS .h;%s vhia ief,daka - .h;%s

November 2013

yev.ekajSu - ief,daka .h;%s


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013

Wedding Photography

Ryder Enterainment & Media (Pvt) Ltd. No.1/10, AngampitiyaRoad, Ethulkotte/Email: Tel: +94 117 628 670/+94 115 926 100/1



November 2013


November 2013


November 2013

ysf;a i;=ka rjqula huq'''

November 2013

yevg jevg


ykhla lshkafka fndfydag fndfyda fofkl=f.a isyskhla' tA w;ru fld,af,la uq,skau jdykhla lsh,d .kak ySk ujkafka nhsisl,hlafka' w;S;fha fld,af,da ;rlau yskujmq nhsisl,h .kak j;udkfha fjkfldg fl,af,d;a ySk ujkjd' ld tlla .kak l,ska ka ldf,a fl,af,da fld,af,da f.dvla leu;shs ;ukag yqrenqyqhg yevg hkak mq`Mjka nhsisl,hla .kak' th yhg ,dis;djla fj,d' tA ,dis;djg Wojla yg ;uhs wms wo f h;=re meh .ek Tng ykajkafka' fydkav iud.u iska ykajd fok kj;u ksIamdokhla ;uhs f w;au w;a ial+g h;=re meh' n,kak Tng;a th lug .e,fmkjdo lsh,d'

kj;u fydKavd Activai tflda ;dCIKh iu.ska

fydKavd tflda ;dCIKh hkq tkaf isjk hdka;%sl ls%hdldFjh jeoshqKq lsu ;=<ska n,h wmf;a hdulska f;drj jvd;a by< bkaOk msueiaula ,nd .ekSuhs' fydKavd tflda ;dCIKh hgf;a je oshqKq lrk ,o iamdla ma,.a iy is,skavr ysi ksid bkaOk oykh ldhCIu lrhs' msiagkh T*afi (off set) lr we;s ksid tkaf foou iy f.u wju jk w;r tys l,ameje;au jef' >IKh wju lsug msiagka j< iy fnhdx Ths,a iS,a jeoshqKq lr we;' n,h wmf;a hdu wju lsug msiagkfha iy msiagka mskaj, nr o wvqlr we;'

iqfYaIS .=Kdx.
15] l jemqr bkaOk b;shla ,ndfok wYaj n, 08 l jeoshqKq lrk ,o Od;djh 110 l HET ;dCIKh iys; tkau (Honda Eco Technology ) nka wvq ksid b;d myiqfjka yeisrf yelshdj (Easy to Handle) wiqk hg nvq f.khdug we;s je bv lv' (More Storage Capacity) iafldaia jdhqfmrKh (Viscous Air Filter) kv;a;= wju jk f,i ksmojd we;s kj iafldaia jdhq fmrKh kv;a;= ho wju lrk w;r tkafuys wdhq ld,ho je lrhs' kj;u kv;a;= wkjYH (Maintenance Free Battery) negrsh
November 2013

fuu negrsh kv;a;= lsrSu wkjYHh' Nd;d fkdlrk g;a ickh u b;d wjuh' m`MuloS weis ldka fkdf' isis,a wjia:dfoS o mk.ekau b;d

myiqh' fld f%la Combi Brake (Easy Brake Operation) j mi frdaol ,Sjrh (Brake Leaver) ;o lsfoS bos iy miq mi frdaol moaO;s folu tljr l%udkql+,j l%shd;aul jk ksid wvq rloS wdrCIldj ial+grh kj;d.; yelsh' kj;u hq rys; bosrs iy miqmi frdao ksid ( Tubeless Tyre) je YajdikSh njlska hqla;hs' CIKslj jdhq ldkaula isfkdf' nrska wvq u' frdaoh fmr,Sug olajk m%;sfrdaoh wvq (Rolling Resistant) ksid bkaOk mrsfNdackh wvqf'

November 2013


November 2013

Tng Yajdio'''@
zz'''wms fokakd wr n,kak hkak ysgmq *s,a tlg ug tkak fjkafka keye' T*sia tfla yiais jevla jegqKd' Thd fldfydu;a ksjdvq .;a; ksid Thd leu;s jevla od.kak'''ZZ

f;a wms fndfyda foa f;dard.ekS islrkq ,nkjd' tA tjeks f;dard.ekS tmd jQ g whskalr oud myiqfjka fjk;a fohla lrd fhduqfjkjd' h fgl fuh fN!;sl im;a inkaOfhka fndfyda f,fyis myiq lghq;a;la jqj;a ;fha jeo.;au jk jdyfha k f;dard .ekSu tljrla muKla ksishdlrj islsug fkdyels jqjfyd;a Tng th ;h mqrdjgu miq ;eug fya;=jla h yelshs' b;ska wkak tA lreK ysf;a ;shdf.k u`ola uis,sjka;j f lreKq ldrKd .ek;a ys;,d n,kak' Tf f;a wkd.;fha Tf iylre fyda iyld iu. ,iaik hq.hlg md;nkak 48 iqodk jk oji .ek jir lsysmhlg fmr is iemiq lrkjd fukau is;kjd Tf iylre fyda iyldh fydka f;are .kak ld,h lla vx.= lrkak' h fgl Tn j;udkfha tA i|yd jehlrk ld,h Tng wkd.;fha ;fha ksjer ;SrKhlg u. i,ikq we;'

jdyh lshkafka we;a;gu isyskhla' th f;a fojk Wm;la lsh,d wfma wu,d ;d;a;,d jeysfhda lshkjd wms wy,d ;sfhkjd' b;ska tA oji i|yd wjYH lrk iqiq ia:dkhla" rEm,djkH i|yd wjYH lghq;=" we me<" PdhdrEm wd ldhhka fndfydauhla ms<sn|j wms f.dvla ie,ls,su;a fjkjd' kuq;a Tnf.a iyldh$iylre ms<sn|j Tng wjfndaOhl ;sfnkjo''@ Tyq$weh is;k wdldrh" .egjla i|d.kakd wdldrh" Tn ksCIKh lr,d ;sfnkjo'''@ tneka jdyhg fmr iy jdyfhka miq ;h .ek wjfndaOhla ;su ms<sn|j wms ufkdaoHd;aul me;slvla Tiafia idlPd lruq'

November 2013

zz''''uu u,als uu ;j udi 03 lska nkjd' fldfyduy ug k fkag Hotel tl;a nqla l<d' Dress tl Photos, DJ yeufoau y' tA;a ug f,dl= nhla ;sfhkjd Life tl fudk hg fjkiafjhso lsh,d' W;hs uuhs ;du l;dlr,d kE' nekaog miafia wms bkafka thdf.a f.oro@ ke;ak fjk f.orlo@ lsh,d th;a tlal l;d lr,d fr.kak;a nE' fldfydu;a b;ska thd uf.a Husband ksid thd

b;ska yefudau tl jf.a kE lshkafka tA ksid ;uhs' wms tlsfkldf.a fjkia inkaO;djhl fuu fjkial ykd. ekSu b;du;a jeo.;a fohla' jdy ug m%:u f jf.a foaj,a .ek;a wjOdkh fhduq lrkak' tA fudlo Ydl fi!LH fukAu udkisl fi!LHho b;du;a jeo.;ajk ksid'

zz''''uu u,als uu ;j udi 03 lska nkjd fldfyduy ug k fkag Hotel tl;a nqla l<d Dress tl
Photos, DJ

fofokdf. au fm!reI;ajh ms<sn| fofokdgu wjfndaOhla ;su

(Personality Assessment)

yeufoau y tA;a ug f,dl= nhla ;sfhkjd Life tl fudk hg fjkiafjhso lsh,d

lshk foa wykaku fjkjfka'''ZZ nekaog miafia Th foaj,a yhhs lsh,d yefudau lshkjd' fujeks l;d Tn fldf;l=;a wid we;s' we;a;gu jdyfhka miafia yeufohlau yhkjo''@ Tn k.; hq;= ryila ;sfnkjd' wdorh lshkafka nqoauh mm:hla' ;SrK .ekSu" m%Yakhla i|d .ekSu lshkafka nqoauh mm:' wmf.a fud<h ;=< ixksfokh ;sfnk fuu mm: yefokafka Tn l=vd ld,fha isghs' l=vd ld,fha mirh" foudmshkaf.a yeis rgd" fukau ndysr mirfhka ,nd .kakd w;alS wkqj Tnf.a fud<fha mm: ksudKh fjkjd'

Tnf.a iylre fyda iyldh .ek fl yekaula lrkak lsfjd;a" Tn Tyq fyda weh .ek lshkafka fudkjf.a fohlao''@ f.dvla flaka;s hkjd" ks;ru jdo lrkjd" iel lrkjd" tfyu ke;ak Tn lshk fohg;a Tyq$weh weyql fokjd' Tn .ek fydh,d n,kjd' fujeks fYaIs; ,laIK j,ska tu mqoa.,hdf.a fm!reI;ajh ms<sn| wjfndaOhla ,nd.; yelshs' ms<s.;a ufkdaoHd;aul mCIKhla ;=<ska fuh ykd .eksf yelshdj j;udkh jk g wmg ,e ;sfnkjd'

ikaksfokh (Communication)
jpkhla .sh r uu tfyu lsf ys;,d fkfuhs' Th ;r iShia .kak tmd' fuh inkaO;dj, wmsg fndfyda fj,djg wykak ,efnk jdlHhla' Tng;a ydks fkdjk f,i wka whg;a ydks fkdjk f,i woyia m%ldY lsu b;du;a jeo.;a inkaO;djhl meje;aug ikaksfok
November 2013

zz''''f.dvla flaka;s hkjd" ks;ru jdo lrkjd" iel lrkjd" tfyu ke;ak Tn lshk fohg;a weyql fokjd" ud .ek fydh,d n,kjd''''ZZ
l=i,;d fndfydarg bjy,a fjkjd' n,kak Tn f jdlH foflka jvd;a leu;s l=uk jdlHhgo lshd,d' zz'''wms fokakd wr n,kak hkak ysgmq *s,a tlg ug tkak fjkafka keye' T*sia tfla yiais jevla jegqKd' Thd fldfydu;a ksjdvq .;a; ksid Thd leu;s jevla od.kak'''ZZ zz'''uu Thd;a tlal *s,a tl n,kak hkak f.dvla wdidfjka ysfha' Th;a tlal ld,h .;lrkjd ;r i;=gla ug ;j;a kE' Thd ksjdvqjl=;a ud fkao ''@ ug y lhs wms ,nk i;sfha huq' uu wksjdhfhkau tkjd'''ZZ

wd;;sh wjulr .ekSu (Stress


ksid inkaO;dj, .eg we;su b;d iq,N fohla' tfukau jdyhg fmr Wm;a md,k l%u ms<sn|jo fofokdu ksis wjfndaOhla ,nd.ekSu w;HjYH ldrKhla' fuu ishu lreKq ms<sn|j oHd;aul wjfndaOhla ,nd.ekSu i|yd m,mqre ufkdaffjoHjrfhla fyda ufkdaoHd WmfoaYljrfhl= fhduqu b;du;a jeo.;a' Pre marital Counseling tfyu;a ke;ak jdyhg fmr ufkdaoHd WmfoaYkh ;=<ska Tnf.a ;h ;j;a iqkaorlr .ekSug yelsf' Tn;a <`.u jdy ug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk flfkla k Hotel tlla book lrkak l,ska f ms<sn|j;a wjOdkh fhduqlrkak' Wmfoia iy igyk" ;s<sKs fiQh - ufkdaffjoH WmfoaYsld

wms kEu flfkla wd;;shg m;afjkjd' wd;;sfha ,CIK ykd .ekSu wd;;shg m;ah yels wjia:d ykd .ekSu ms<sn|j oHd;aul wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSu fuys is flf' wd;;sh iy inkaO;dj, .eg ms<sn|j jD; l;d nyla ;=<ska wd;;sh wjulr .ekSu ms<sn|j Tng kqula ,nd.; yelshs'

, wOHdmkh iy Wm;a md,k l%u (Sex

education & Family Planning)

November 2013

wdorh" jdyh" ,;ajh lshkafka tlsfklg neKq idOl ,;ajh lshkafka l=ulao''@ ,;ajh yd neKq ;Hd u; fudkjdo@ ms<sn| oHd;aul m%fYhla Tng wjYHhs' tA ms<sn|j jD;j l;d fkdlsu wm jeks rgl ;sfnk m%Odk .egjla' , .eg


November 2013

is;kak hula'''
weiahg l`Mu i|yd f.or m%;sldrhla
Tn ksjfia Nd; lrkq ,nk mqx f;a mel tl" f;a lgy j;alsfuka miqj sisfkdlr Ys;rKfha ;nd th YS; jq miq weiau; l fj,djla ;nd f.k isg msis j;=ka weia fidaod ykak' Bg wu;rj msmsCoaCod fm;so weia u; ;nkak mqjks' Bg wu;rj k weia l`Mu i|yd .,ajkq ,nk Wiia m%;sfhka hq;a l%S j.hla fyda fc,a j.hla Nd; lsugo Tng yelshdj we;' fj<|fmdf,a we;s ;udg iqiq l%Sj.hla f;dard .kak'

ks;r ks;r ysiflia i|yd O yev.eka lsu t;r iqiq ke;

ysiflia i|yd Ths,a %uka" uid %uka lsu lsis m%YAkhla keye' kuq;a ysiflia i|yd O fjkial lrkjd k" tA lshkafka fndkaka" iaf%ka jeks foa islrkjk ysiflia i|yd isjk ydksh jehs' tfyu jqKdg miafia k b;ska rEm,djkHd. drhlska lshk fmdaIKSh i;aldrhka wksjdhfhkau islrkak fjkjd'

fyahd v%h Nd;h ieugu iqiq ke;

fyahd v%h tlla ks;r ks;r Nd; lsu t;ru fyd| fohla fkfuhs' fudlo th lla fkk riakhla ksid th t;r iqnodhl keye' wmg wjYHu f,djl muKla ysiflia i|yd fyahd v%hd Nd; lsu ;uhs fyd|ufoa fjkafka' ief,daka tllg .syska ysiflia yokg th Nd;h b;ska lrkaku fjkjfka' tA wereKu ks;r ks;r fyahd v%h Nd;fhka ysiflia leu ysiflia j, u jeks ish yels ydksh jehs'

November 2013

f*aI,a tlla f.oru l< fkdyels jkafka ukao

f.oru f*aI,a islsu t;ru wkqu; l< fkdyels fohla fudlo f*aI,a tlla is lrkak ;j flfkl=f.a iyhla wjYH fjkjd' tfyu ke;sj ;ksju f*aI,a tlla islrkak Tng wmyiq l;jHla' tfiau uqyqK fydka laf,akai lrf.k mela tlla lr.ekSu yelshdj Tng ;sfhkjd' wjYH lrk iug .e,fmk mela tlla f;dardf.k ;uhs Nd; lrkak k' tfyu ke;sj ksjfia Tn idod.kakd foaj,aj,g f,dl= j.lsula orkak neye' tl ksid uu reoaOhs Th ksjfia yod.kak lshk foaj,a yo,d .kjg' fudlo" fj<|mf,a ;sfhkjd fyd| mela j.' b;sx tjeks fohla wrf.k Nd; lsu ;uhs fyd|u foa fjkafka' ke;sj f*aI,a tlla fjkak k uid tlla lr,d fndfydau ksoyfia meh tlydurl foll ld,hla ;j flfkl=f.a Wmldrhla we;sj islrk i;aldrhla ;uhs f*aI,a tlla lshkafka'

f;d,a wdf,amk ksid f;d,a wjmeye.ekaf

f;d,a wdf,amk ks;r Nd;h md lrk tl iuyrg fyd| ke;sfjkak mqjka' ta ksIamdokh fyd| ke;sk" wms md lrk ksIamdokh m%;sfhka wvqk" tjekakla Nd;fhka f;d,aj, meyeh fjkia fjkjd ld,hla Nd;fha' tAl ksid ,smand tlla Nd;d lr,d Bg Wka f;d,a wdf,amk Nd; lrkak mqjkak we;sjk ydksh wju lr.kak mqjka' tAl ksid yeugu m%;sfhka by< ksmehq Nd;hg fm<fUkak' yenehs yefudagu tjeks yelshdjla fkdue;sk u;l we;sj ,smand tlla Nd; lr,d f;d,a wdf,amk .,ajkak yqrejkak'

ksis whqka flma l< g ydkslr n,mE fkdue;

flma lshk foa ;=< gka ;sfhkjd" fudhsiaprhsiska ;sfhkjd" tl ksid km;d Nd; l<d lsh,d ydkshla keye' yenehs l< hq;= fYaIu foa ;uhs flma odkak fmr;a miq;a l,hq;= ls%hdj,shka ksishdldrj islrk tl' flma tllg fmr fydka uqyqK msis lr, .e,fmk l%S j.hla Nd; lr,d Bg Wka flma tl odkak mqrefjkak k' tfiau flma tl bj;a lsu jeo.;a fjkjd' oji wjidkfha laf,akai Nd;fhka flma tl bj;a lrkak k tfyu fkdlf<d;a b;ska wys;lr n,mE iug we;s fjkak mqjka'

November 2013

ksjfiau kshfmd;= msis lr.ksuq

kshfmd;= k wksjdhfhkau ksjfia msis l< hq;= fjkjd' th wmg km;du jqj;a l< yels fohls' l=iaisfha wylodk foys lene,a,lska jqjo kshfmd;= msis l< yels fjkjd' tA tlalu i;shlg jrlaj;a uo riafka j;=rlg fnd fjdIA fyda yeka fjdIA od, fmk tk;=re l,;d we`.s,s tys .s,ajd kd 10la muK fmf`.kak yer kshfmd;= fydka ueo iqoao m;% lsu l< hq;= fjkjd' tfiau kshj, wdf,amk lrk jK i;s.Kka ;shdf.k bkak fyd|keye' tfiau jK wdf,amkfhao m<uqj wdrlaIs; wf,amkhla .,ajd bkamiq jKdf,amkh islr thg;a Wka ;j;a jKh wdrlaId lr.ekSug fgdma flda tlla .e,au is l< hq;=hs'

ysiflia iNdykh ksjfiau

f.or lrkak mqjka fyd|u i;aldrh ;uhs f;,a i;aldrh' Bg je hula ksjfia lsu wmyiqhs' ksjfia wmsg mqjka fydka f;,a .d, ysialn,;a tlalu l f,djla uid lr,d fyd|g oe;s ;sfhk mkdjlska ysialn,;a tlal uid jk wdldrhg l f,djla mSr,d" bkamiq wmsg mqjka WKqj;=rj,ska fm`.jq ;=jdhla fydka l<d wrf.k ysi T;d l fj,djla riakh hk;=re b|,d ;=ka y;r j;djla tf,i isl< miq fydka iakdkh lr ysiflia fidaodykak' fujeks i;aldr lsfu fldKAvh me,Su" fldKavfha h<snj wvqu" fldKaf jeu jeks foag Wmldrhlajkq ,nkjd'

iajdNdl ysiflia fjkia lsf wksjdhfhkau vef fjkjd

iafg% lsu fyda * lsu inkaO fudkh fyda fohla isl< miq flal,a tlg fldKaf vef fj,d ;sfhkafka' t;fldg b;ska tajd ke;sfjkak wmsg lkaIk j. iy Iemq j. Nd; l,hq;= fjkjd' t;fldg ;uhs wjYH yg fldKafvg wjYH m%;sldr ,efnkafka' b;ska wms wfma ;sfhk iaNdl fldKavh fjkia l< miq wksjdhfhkau Bg wod, i;aldr ksis f,i l< hq;= fjkjd'

November 2013

wjg ms<siaiqk iu kej; ksjfia iq l< fkdyelshs

wjg ms<siaiqkdg miq k f.or i;aldrhla fndfydag l< fkdyelshs' thg rEm,djkHd.drhla fj; hdug isfjkjd' l< yels tlu foak wms l,ska kqj;a tA i|yd ms<sh lsuhs' wfma iu fndfydag ysre t<shg ksrdjrKh lr.kafka ke;sj ika fm%dfglaIka tlla ;sfhk l%s j. .e,au isl, hq;=hs' ;j;a uqyqfKa wremeyeh i|yd wmsg mqjka f*hdkia l%S tlla f;dardf.k wdf,am lrkak'

ysiafydars i|yd m%;sldrhla

ysiafyd j. k lsysmhla ;sfhkjd' tlla l=vq wdldrfhka yef,k ysiafyd" wksl ysia lnf,a l%S wdldrfhka ;sfnk ysiafyd' fuh isjkafka ysialnf,a ;;a;ajh wkqjh' u;l ;shd.kak fYaIfhkau ysiafyd yefokafka ysifliaj, ;sfnk wmsis nj ksihs' tA ksid ks;r ks;r ysiflia iy ysia ln, fidaod msis lr.kak' ysifliaj, iy ysia lnf,a ,s iy oyh /kq g ysiafida fndau jemqr isfjkjd' ta ysiafyd ksid w;sjk w;=re m%;sm,o ;sfhkjd' uqyqfKa ,s we;su" l`M jK we weug wmyiq u'

iqkaorj isug leue;a;la olajkafka ;reKshka muKla fkdj ;reKhkao j;udkfha fndfyda fihka ;u rEmh .ek uis,su;a fjkjd' tA ;uhs ;ukaf.a fmj;sh ,iaikg ;shd.kak;a Tjqka W;aiyd lrkjd'

/lshdjla lrk fndfyda ;reKshka fukau ;reKfhdao j;udkh jkg rEm,djkHd.dr fj; hdu je jYfhka olakg ,efnkjd' yeu gu ;ukaf.a iqkaor;ajh" rEmh" ysiflia .ek ys;k Tjqkag Tjqkaf.a ldhHnyq,lajh fukau ld, f,dj fkdue;s lu ksid rEm,djkHd.drhlg hdug fkdyelsfjk wjia:djka ;sfhkak mqjka' b;ska f ishu foaj,a mqx mqx Wmfoia jqKdg Tnf.a iqkaor;ajh .ek is;sf f,dl= foaj,a' Tnf.a iqkaor uqyqK" fldKavh /l.ekSug Tn .kakd W;aiydhg mqu mqx w;aje,la fjkakhs f l ,sf'
igyk - fnkq ls;aKs Wmfoia m%k rEm,djkHYs,amskS .h;%s vhia

November 2013

fudfyd;l iqjfha iodld,sl fokdj''''

orh ksid h h wjia:dj, wmsg m%Yak we;sfjkak mqjka' tlsfkld fjkqfjka .y.kafka kSurd.kafka f ;sfhk wdorh ksidu jqkdg wdorh lrk flkd w;skau ;ukaf.a ;h kdi fjkafka fkdkqj;alu ksihs' ;ukag fkdkqj;aj je, we;s frda. ksid ;ukaf.a fukau ;ukaf.a fmj;shf.a fyda fmj;df.a ;hg lror /ilg weo ouk wjia:d ke;=jdu fkdf' f lshkak hkafka tA .ek mqx lreKla' iudc frda. lsh,d w:l:kh lrk frda. 27la muK mj;skjd' kuq;a fuu frda. ffjoH oHdf k ykajkafka ,sx.dY%s; frda. f,ihs' f w;r ,xldf nyq,j lsh yelafla bka frda. 06 jeks m%udKhla ^tAia" f.dfkdahd" ymsia fymghsia'&

ffjria frda.hla lshkafka , tl;= ula ksid yefok frda.hlao@

fufyuhs ,sx.dYs%; frda. lshkafka , tl;= ula ksid yefok frda. uqLh fhdaks ud.h lshk wjhjhka inkaO fj,d is jk l%shdj,shl iEfok frda. , frda. f,i ykajkq ,nkjd' tA ,sx. dY%s; frda. , fkdjk l%u lsysmhlskq;a ifma%CIKh jkjd' f,a im,a ,nd oSf tkak;a lgq yhdldrj Nd;d fkdlsu fyfrdahska Nd;h tfiau ,sx.dY%S; frda. ;sfhkjd' ffjria nelahd f,i;a' nelahdj,ska iefok ,sx.dY%s; frda. blauKg iqjl< yels jqjo ffjria u.ska iEfok , frda. iqjlrkak neye ffjria ldKavhg wh;a , frda. ;uhs t'whs'" ymsia iy fymghsia lshkafka fuu frda. wmg iqjlrkak neye' yenehs md,kh lrkak mq`Mjka'

, frda.hla lshkafka we;a;gu fudllao @

fufyuhs ,sx.dY%s; frda. lshkafka ,sx. sl tl;=ula ksid yefok frda. uqLh fhdaks ud.h lshk wjhjhka inkaO fj,d is jk l%shdj,shl iEfok frda. , frda. f,i ykajkq ,nkjd'

YS% ,xldf fndfydag lsh yelafla lsk ,sx.slfrda. ;;a;ajhka o@

November 2013

fndfydag .eyeKq <uhskag fukau ms <uhskag we;s jk ;;a;ajhla ;uhs f bls,s likjd lshkfoa' f ;;a;ajh ,sx.dY%s; frda.s ;;a;ajhlao tfia fkdue;sk vyh ksid fyda tl .g ysrg we ye`o isu ksid isjk fohlao@
iudch iska bls,s likjd lshk kka yeka jqjo th ffjoH oHdf ykajkq ,nkafka ,Sr widokhla ksid we;sjk ;;ajhla f,ihs' ,Sr wdidok ksid ;uhs fndfyda g f bls,s likjd lshk ;;a;ajh we;s jkafka' thska tla frda.s ;;a;ajhla ;uhs lekaks,d lshkafka'

fndfyda g YS% ,xldf nyq,j mj;s iudc frda.hla lsh, wmsg f j.j,ska tlla ykajkak neye' h h m%foaYj, nyq,j me;s hk iudc frda. ;sfhkjd' Bg wu;rj f.dfkdahdj lshk frda.h inkaOfhka .uqj jeks m%foaYhl fndfydafihska wmsg frda.ska yuqfjkjd' Bg wu;rj ymsia lshkafka ffjrihla ksid iefok frda.hla'

fuu ,Sr widok ksid we;sjk frda. iudc frda. hehs fndfydag iudcfha hh ug j, ckhd w:l;kh lrkjd' we;a;gu th tjeks ;;a;ajhl fmrks;a;la fjkak;a mqjka' fkdfjkak;a mqjka' wm by;ska i|yka l< lekaks,d lshk ,sr widok ;;a;ajh ,sx.dY%s; frda.s ;;a;ajhla fjkak;a mqjka' fkdfjkak;a mqjka' fndfydag fujeks wdidok we;sjkafka orejka ,efnkak bkak whg iy we me< yqjudre lrka Nd;d lrk whghs' yefudau Nd; lrk ;=jd mdfhao fuu ,Sr wdidoksl ;;a;ajhka we;s h yelshs' ,xldf nyq,ju ;sfhk frda.s;;ajhka ;uhs isms,sia f.dafkdahd ymsia lshk frda.s ;;a;ajhka fymghsia " twhs lekaks,d" yehd .eyeKq orejka iy ms orejka h wjia:dj, fuu frda.s ;;a;ajhkag uqyqKmdkq ,nkafka ;ukaf.a fkdkqj;alu ksidhs iuyr frda.hka u;=mska lssis whqrlska fkdfmkqk;a Yrfha w;=<; ; ld,hu jqK;a ;sfnkak mq`Mjks' ymsia lshk ffjrih Yrh we;=,; ;uhs ;sfnkafka' th jkajr tkjd ke;s fjkjd' jeks iajNdjhla .kq ,nkjd fuys ;=jd, we;s h yelshs'

,sx.dY%s;j ,s yg .ekSu u.ska ;uhs fuu ymsia lshk frda.s ;;a;ajh we;sjkafka tAjd l klska mqmqrd hdfuka ;=jd, we;sh yelshs' tA ;=jd,;a yu fokdld ;;a;ajhla f.k fokjd" fukau j;=r .e,af b;d fokdld ;;a;ajhla we;s lrkq ,nkjd' wms fndfydarg f,a mCIKhlska ;uhs fuu frda.s ;;a;ajhka fidhd.kq ,nkafka' kuq;a thg fmr fujeks ;=jd, iy ,s j;=r .e,af fokdld ;;a;ajhla f.k foak th ymsia lsh,d fndfyda g ykd.; yels jkjd' j;udkfha fuu , frda.s ;;a;ajhka jemqru olskak mq`Mjka ;reK fha isk wh w;r Tjqkaf.a fkdkqj;alu uq,slu fya;=j' Bg;a wu;rj , tlaula ms<sn| y wjfndaOhla fkdue;slu , tla is h fohla jq miqj ;uhs Tjqka tA foaj,a .ek ys;kak l;d lrkak mgka .kafka' kuq;a h hq;af;a Bg m%:u tA .ek is;suhs' wdrlaIdld f,i fuu , tl;= islrkq ,nkjdk we;a;gu frda.;;ajhka j,lajd .kak mq`Mjks' ;reKhka we,afldfyd,a Nd;h;a iu. isjk fkdie,ls,su;a , tla u.skao fuu , frda. we;sfjkjd'

November 2013

.eyeKs h l iy mq r eIhl= ,s x .s l j tla ug wu;rj iudcfha ie`.,d mj;s k iu,s x . s l inka O ;dj,o fuu ,s x .s l frda . je<h yels h s ' fndfyda g ms ms tla j, ,s x .s l frda . je<u jef,i is ula ola k g ,efnkjd' Tjq k a fndfyda g fuu ,s x .s l tla f .= o ud.h iy uq L h Nd; ls u ks i d fhda k s ud.h Nd;djg jvd ,s x .s l frda . tls f kldg ifma % C IKh u jejYfhka is fjkjd' fuys yms i a " fymghs ia " tA ia jeks frda . s ;;a ; a j hka we;s h yels h s ' ;reK mrmqf fkdkqj;alu ksid fukau iudcfha isk jeys msio fuu frda.hka ms<sn| fukau fuhska je<lSu ms<sn| fkdkSu ksid wkd.;h jk g frda.ska jeh yelshs' uE;l wdmq jd;djlg wkqj;a f jk g;a tAia frda.skaf.a m%udKh 400lska muK je fj,d ;sfhkjd' thg fya;= k fndfydahs' ixpdrlhska jeu" iu, in|;d jeu" fkdkqj;alu" , tlaul wdrCIld l%u Nd; fkdlsu fmrg jvd <uhska inkaO;d i|yd ksrdjrKh u" wka;cd,h yryd ,sx. sl l%shdj,ska mqreu" f yg n,kg wkd.;fha ;;a;ajh jgyd .ekSug Tng wmyiq fkdjkq we;' b;ska wm fuu frda. iqjlsf l%u l;d lrkjd fjkqjg je jYfhka l;d l< hq;af;a th j<lajd .ekSf l%uhka .ekhs' foudmshkag;a tys j.lSu ksrka;rfhkau mejfrkjd' f jk g ttiat lKavdhj,g iy mdi,a <uqkag iy fj<| l,dmfha isk .eyeKq orejkag , frda. j,lajd.ekSu ms<sn|j jevuq`M u.ska kqj;a ls is lrkq ,nkjd' Bg wu;rj yuqod fin`Mka i|ydo jevuq`M mj;ajkq ,nkjd' wms Tjqkag fndfydag lshkafka wdrlaIdld , tla is lrk f,ihs' fydag,a" yuqod l|jqre jeks ia:dk j, fuu wdrlaIdld , tlaulg wjYH WmlrK fkdf,a iemhSu mjd wm iska islrkq ,enqjd' tA fjkh lreKla ksid fkdj wmg Tjqkaf.a , tla kj;d,Sug fkdyelsh" kuq;a ,sx. sl frda.hlska wdrlaCIdlr.; yelshs hk woyfia isgh' Y%S ,xldf ;sfhk ixialD;sh;a tlal .;a;yu fmdvla wudrehs wdrlaIs; , tlau i|yd ksiqka fhduq lsu fudlo tA i|yd WmlrK , .ekSug fm<fUk m%udKh wvqhs' fkdf,a iemhS isl<;a th .ekSug bm;a ug ue,slula olajk ;;a;ajhla ;uhs fmakafka' tA fudkfoa jqk;a ,dxlSh ixialD;sh;a tlal wfkla rgj,g jvd idfmaCId jYfhka , frda. wvqhs ,xldj mqrd ;sfhk , frda. idhkj,ska wdrlaIdld , WmlrK fkd,fha ,nd.

November 2013

ekSug yelshdj ;sfhkjd' , frda.j,ska je<lSu Tn ieugu W;aiy .kak' , frda.hla ksid Tnf.a uq ;hu wjq,aiy.; ;;a;ajhlg m;ah yelshs' ;ukaf.a wdorKSh mjq, ke;s hdu" ;ukaf.a /lshdj ke;su" foia .uka i|yd wjir fkdue;s u" iudcfhka fldkau jeks foa ish yelshs' f ish,a, .ek uola is;kak' fuh ys`Mjg iskdish hq;= lreKla fkdf' Tn wdYdj ksid fyda fkdie,ls,su;alu ksid is lrkq ,nk l%shdjka Tf uq f;au kdYlrkq we;' rdcH /lshdjl ffjoH mCIKh i|yd f jk g , frda. mCIKh wksjdh ;sf' tfiau foia.; fo th tfiauh' kuq;a jdyjq Tnf.a mjqf,a wdorKSh iudlhkag f nj mejiSu ffjoH jrhd iskaj;a" fjk;a wfhl= iskaj;a is fkdlrkq ,nhs' th is l< hq;af;a Tn leu;sk muKla Tn siskauh' ksy`vj ;ksju ys;kak tjeks ;;a;ajhla Wod jqjfyd;a l=ula lrkakg isfo lshd' ;h ke;slr.ekSug fmr th wdrlaId lr .ekSug W;aiyd .kak' wm Tng mjikafka fndfydag tla wdorhlg tla wfhl= iu. , tlaulg isudfjkak lshdh' kuq;a th Tnf.a leue;a;hs' tfia fkdue;s k wdrlaIdld f,i Tnf.a wdYdjka bgqlr.kak' yenehs ;fha fudfydf;a isjk jer ksid wkd.;fha |ug isfjk l%shdjka fkdlrkak'

November 2013

nelahd j,ska iefoak ,sx.dY%; S frda. blauKg iqjl, yels jqjo ffjria u.ska iEfok , frda. iqj lrkak neye ffjria ldKavhg wh;a , frda. ;uhs t whs ymsia iy yemghsia lshkafka fuu frda. wmg iqj lrkak neye yenehs md,kh lrkak mq`Mjka

igyk - fnkq ls;aKs



Get the tests done say no to womb

It is not clear exactly what causes womb cancer, but certain things can increase your risk of developing the condition. A hormone imbalance is one of the most important risks for womb cancer. Specifically, your risk is increased if you have high levels of a hormone called estrogen in your body.
he womb is the organ where a baby develops when a woman is pregnant. It is a muscular organ with a lining called the endometrium. It is very important for women to take a very good care of their wombs since women are vulnerable to womb cancers. There are several types of cancers which occur within the womb. The common womb cancers are cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and 60 endometrial cancer.
November 2013

in the neck of the womb. Cervical cancer starts in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. Middle aged women (40-50) are mostly vulnerable. It is occurred due to a virus. It can be easily detected during the pre-cancer situation by doing a Pap smear test which is painless at a medical clinic. It is very safe, if it is detected during the precancer situation. Vaccination is available for this cancer and it should be done during the small ages to prevent it. There are some symptoms to identify the cancer. Main symptoms are, abnormal bleeding. Unusual heavy discharge which could be foul smelling, watery or thick, post coital bleeding

Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is the commonest cancer which is often seen among women and it occurs

and bleeding in between regular menstrual periods. If these symptoms are visible, there is a great possibility of occurring a cervical cancer. Treatments are available for this cancer. In the pre cancer situation, the local excision or burning can be done. When it is cancer, extensive surgery to remove a lot of parts of the womb and radiotherapy can be done. Radiotherapy is a treatment to destroy cancer cells with radiation. It can be given externally or internally. But the surgery is effective only in early stages. In the late stages it can be treated only with radio therapy. Cervical cancer associates with early sex and multiple partners.

Ovarian cancer
The next common one is ovarian cancer. Many types of ovarian cancers are there. This can be occurred in very young age, middle age or in old age. So there is no specific age to do tests. This is a dangerous cancer occurs in the womb since there are no specific symptoms to discover it. Sometimes the patient does not know anything till it becomes worst. It is a risky situation as it diagnoses late. Abnormal pain, distension may occur. Diagnose can be done by tests. Lump test and scan test will help diagnose it. This can be occurred due to genetic causes. Family planning pills help reduce the possibility of an ovarian cancer. The basic treatment is a surgery. If it is done early, you can save some parts of the ovary,

Cancer of the womb (uterus) is a common cancer that affects the female reproductive system. It is also called uterine cancer and endometrial cancer. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of womb cancer. If you have been through the menopause, any vaginal bleeding is considered to be abnormal. If you have not yet been through the menopause, unusual bleeding may include bleeding between your periods.

November 2013

It is not always possible to prevent womb cancer, but some things are thought to reduce your risk. This includes maintaining a healthy weight and the long-term use of some types of contraception. Having a healthy balanced diet is very important to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore every woman should be aware of this and keen on their weight level.
but if it is late, everything should be removed including ovary and other affected parts.

PAP smear test done free of charge. If any cancer related issues are detected they direct you to the relevant health institutes to get further treatments. It is a visible fact that most of the women are not interested in these tests. But these clinics help women get the tests done very easily even without spending money. Go and get the tests done and keep your health status properly. Fiona Blake

Endometrial cancer
Endometrial cancer is the third commonest cancer which occurs within the womb. Endometrial cancer starts in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus (womb). Endometrium is the Inner lining of the womb. This is also called cancer in the body of the womb. It commonly occurs in old age. Main symptom is bleeding after menopause. If bleeding starts more than one year later to the menopause, probably it can be an endometrial cancer. The first treatment is removal of womb by a surgery, and radio therapy can also be done. Women who possess an excessive Estrogen exposure, who are fat and whose menstruation occurs for a long time are susceptible to this. Apart from these common cancers there are some other cancers which rarely occur within womb. Some of them are vulva cancer, vaginal cancer, fallopian tube cancer, hydatidiform mole. These cancers are rarely seen among women.
November 2013

To prevent cancers, women should be aware of the cancers and the tests that they can take. Once they take tests, they are safe and can be prevented from cancers related to womb. There are well woman clinics conducted by public health midwives within every MOH area where women can get the

A number of things can cause this hormone imbalance, including the menopause, obesity, diabetes and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There is also a small increase in the risk of womb cancer with long-term use of the breast cancer drug tamoxifen.


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013


November 2013

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November 2013





November 2013


November 2013

KANNELIYA t is a breathtaking journey which heals your heart with endless beauty of greenish nature. The journey is hard with many obstacles, but as you go through, it will create ever lasting memories in your heart. There are many ways to enter Kanneliya, 1. From Galle through Makumbura, Nakiyadeniya and Udugama (distance 48km) 2. From Matara through Akuressa, Bangama, Udugama (distance 52Km) End of the journey you will enter the beautiful Kanneliya forest which is strong with its size and sources. Its southern margin is Nakiyadeniya forest and its South-east margin is Dediyagala forest. With these forests, Kanneliya remains a series of forests which covers a large land space. It is usually called KDN (Kanneliya, Dediyagala, Nakiyadeniya) to make it easy to identify. The size of this forest is about 10,139 Hectare.
November 2013

the evergreen tropical beauty

5306 hectares which paves a perfect way to enjoy the beauty of the nature and to carry out any environmental explorations done by the environmentalists. Kanneliya is a huge collection of natural resources which has declared a reservation by UNESCO on 6 July 1934. And it has further declared a biosphere under the Man and biosphere reserve programme. Therefore you should keep it in your mind and remember that you enter into a highly valuable place which is untouched by any harmful act so far. To enter the place, you have to go through small scale trees, bushes, paddy fields and hilly areas. Since you enjoy the beauty of the places you keep on passing, you wont get tired. Now you have to step forward just like a sylvan who is self-controlled to make sure that you do not harm the forest. Definitely you have to have a glass water bottle, some snacks and a telescope in your back pack. Make sure that you have tied the cords of your shoes well. Kanneliya which is enriched with high bio-diversity is consisted of several layers such as Emergent layer , Canopy layer, Understory layer, Forest floor. In these layers there are many trees such as, Hora, Boo hora, Dun, Dorana,and also there are endemic trees such as Atamba, Kirihambiliya, Theeniyadun, Aridda Diyana, Welipiyanna, Batukeena etc. Many other trees you can see there

This valuable forest is recognized as one of the unique places in South Asian region which is enriched with high biodiversity and it is highly recognized by the environmentalists around the world. Kanneliya forest itself consists of

December to February - Lower chance of rain. Streams generally rich after rain. Good time to visit Kanneliya for waterfalls. March to April - Less chance of rain. But water levels would also be less. Good time to visit Kanneliya for Hiking May to July - Higher change of rain. Time your visit after high monsoon activity to see waterfalls in full flow
are, Athuketiya, Diyapara, Hedawaka, Madol, Galmora, Weli, Kaha. Some of them are shorter trees make the ground layer strong. Altogether with these layers Kanneliya remains a perfect green house laboratory for those who are interested in environment matters. Apart from all the major tree varieties, there are about 7 8 fern varieties which are also very important. Within Kanneliya forest 22 varieties of fern have been discovered and 9 of them are endemic varieties. Ginihota, Maha hedaya, Kuda hedaya, Kurulu kuudu meewana are some of them which are in different shapes and make the forest colourful. You have to be very calm and attentive in the forest and observe every little thing since some of the trees, birds, flowers, mushrooms and reptiles are very unique and you may never see them again.

August, September Can be quite dry. Good for hiking but water levels will be low. October, November - Higher chance of rain. Time your visit after high monsoon activity to see waterfalls in full flow
November 2013

While you walk along the forest you would see many rare trees such as Walkopi, Badura, Diyathaliya in valleys and in middle dips there are trees like Pulun Yakahalu and Panamora. And also in hilly areas you can see Kalu mandora, Hedawaka and Wal Diwul. These trees will make your journey more meaningful. With a high bio-diversity Kanneliya is enriched with a large number of animal species. You can observe both unique and common animals within this forest and it is internationally significant as biosphere conservation due to its unique value. Among the mentioned animal verities, mammals are little less compared to other animals. Among them, Goona, Batu Lena, Hedgehog, Rilawa, are very common but leopard verities are very unique.

Many reptiles
In Kanneliya forest, it is quite sure that you can observe many types of reptiles such as green pit Viper, Python, ahara kukka, polonthelissa, gomara thudella, dangara danda, Kabara radanakaya, pulli dath katiya, snake and there are worms such as dumutu kanaulla, kalu wakutulla etc. 36 reptiles are found in Kannelya so far which belong to 6 reptile categories. 17 of them are endemic reptiles in Sri Lanka.

Beautiful water resources

Kanneliya is further nurtured with its water resources such as Kanneliya ela which is a branch of Gin River and Udugama ela and Kanneliya ela. This is a wet evergreen forest which possesses an annual rainfall of 3500 4000 mm. To enjoy this excessive rainfall there are 38 fresh water fish varieties in the water resources of Kanneliya. If you observe carefully, you can find out these fish varieties as well as little crab varieties. Further you can enjoy the freedom and happiness of frogs who sing in water. Among them, there is an endangered frog called Galpara Madiya (Nannophrys Ceylonenisis) which is given special attention.

November 2013

There are several orchid varieties in Kanneliya which make the forest beautiful and fragrant. Among them, Iruraja, Wanaraja and Narilatha remain very specific since they are unique and limited to Kanneliya. Apart from these beautiful trees, there are a lot of medicinal plants such as Weniwela, Kothala Himbutu and Kokum etc. People live close to Kanneliya have used most of the medicinal plants and only a little amount remains now.

Different types of lizards increase the beauty of this forest. Pinum katussa, Yak katussa, Kuda madilla, Siwuru handalana katussa, Gira katussa and Karamal bodilima are some of the lizards which you can see if you are interested in. Chathuranguli huna, pela gehuna, sihin huna, ralodara diwasari huna are seen around and there are many kinds of foxes as well. Some of the fish varieties in the waters of Kanneliya are, Kalu anda, iri handaya, mal pethiya, ipili kadaya, katu kuriya, galpadiya, pathirana salaya, thalkossa, mal pulutta, abhirawa, walpoththa and gan theliya.

Birds, reptiles, butterflies, mammals, fish varieties are highly spread in this forest and those who want to observe them and do researches, could easily get access to what they want in Kanneliya.
as, Neela parindaya, kalu dassa, diya sariya, rajathapathi, siyoth piya which are endemic species. Among them, Siduru neelaya which was found in 2009 in Kanneliya was earlier considered a butterfly which has left the universe permanently. With its reappearance in Kanneliya, it was good news for those who are interested in butterflies all over the world. Later the investigations confirmed that it truly lives within Sri Lanka currently.

Butterfly paradise
Apart from all these things, the most beautiful creatures, the butterflies make this forest a beautiful place. Kanneliya is a butterfly paradise which is consisted of different butterflies such

When it comes to forests, birds remain one of the most significant parts who make the silent forest enriched with different sounds. There are 59 bird varieties in Kanneliya. Among them, Lanka gira maliththa, bata ati kukula, hisa kalu kondaya, ran nalal kottoruwa, haban kukula and pila pichcha are common birds.

November 2013

Attractions and activities Hiking: Hiking is something every nature lover wants to do. In Kanneliya, There are two main trails that takes you deep in to the forest. Kabbale mountain trail takes you up to a summit point from where you can enjoy the panoramic view of the surrounding. Trail to Narangas Ella goes deep in to the forest passing several points of interest such as the Giant Navada tree.

Natural Bath: Streams flowing through Kanneiya give you memorable opportunities to take a dip in clean, cool waters. Some of the popular natural pools of Kanneliya are the pool in front of the Kanneliya conservation center, the pool behind the conservation center and a natural pool behind the Kanneliya Forest resort. These pools will give you the pure natural feeling of a bath in the cleanest water.
Kabbale kanda way
November 2013

Naragas ella manpetha

You can complete this journey within 6 hours due to your courage and strength. Its distance is about 45km through which you can see huge puswel and nawada trees. While you are going straight you will find a dark area which is difficult but very adventurous to go through. Once you do it, you will feel great. Naran gas ella which is nurtured by Nannikiththa ela makes the area more attractive and valuable. Naran gas ella is 70 m high its width is 4m. It is believed that it has got this name because of the lemon trees grown near it. To enjoy all these beauties, you have to make your way to this valuable rain forest, kanneliya. It will give you everlasting memories in a greenhouse untouched by any harm. Fiona Blake

Kabbale kanda is a magnificent hill area belongs to Kanneliya forest. The greenish hill adds an extra beauty to the value of the forest. The natural way to reach this hill is the longest travel you go through within the forest which is hard but very beautiful. Passing many water streams and different trees and bushes, finally you can climb the hill and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding.


November 2013

November 2013

No.1/10, Angampitiya Road, Ethulkotte, Kotte. Email:

0115 926 100/1

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