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Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.


ua nang Women's PosplLal
!anuary 2012
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

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CPMl ldenLlfles, analyzes and connecLs programs worklng Lo lmprove healLh and flnanclal
proLecLlon for Lhe poor. CPMl works Lhrough a 3456789 7: ;<85348 78=<3>?<5>73@ ln 16
counLrles where Lhere are large numbers of prlvaLe healLh care provlders. CPMl ls funded by
Lhe 8lll & Mellnda CaLes loundaLlon and Lhe 8ockefeller loundaLlon.

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ClP ls an lnsLlLuLlon of accumulaLed experLlse ln publlc healLh, communlLy developmenL, and
Lhe soclal sclences ln vleLnam. ClP sLrlves for gender equallLy and good healLh for all people
and alms Lo be one of Lhe leadlng agencles commlLLed Lo sLrengLhenlng and expandlng
research, Lralnlng and managemenL of publlc healLh programs and communlLy developmenL.
lor addlLlonal lnformaLlon, vlslL hLLp://

ClP ls collaboraLlng wlLh MLulCAM for lLs work ln Cambodla. MLulCAM ls Lhe non-proflL and
non-parLlsan membershlp organlzaLlon for nCCs acLlve ln Cambodla's healLh secLor. lor more
lnformaLlon, vlslL: hLLp://
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

C< #<3= D7E43F@ )7@;>5<G

.H "I4JK5>L4 0KEE<8M
ua nang Women's PosplLal ls one of Lhe flrsL hosplLals ln CenLral vleLnam Lo apply advanced
and modern Lechnologles Lo lLs pracLlces. 1he sLaff works under Lechnlcal supervlslon of Lhe
rovlnclal PealLh Servlce ueparLmenL. ua nang ls a prlvaLe hosplLal and lL runs lLs noL-for-proflL
operaLlon on Lhe basls of moblllzlng resources from varlous lndlvlduals and organlzaLlons lnslde
and ouLslde vleLnam.
1he ua nang Women's PosplLal was formally opened ln May of 2009. WlLh LoLal fundlng of vnu
73 bllllon (ralsed by Lhe AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and ulsadvanLaged Women and Chlldren
of ua nang clLy, along wlLh many organlzaLlons and lndlvldual donors), Lhls 630.17m2 hosplLal
uLlllzes Lhe hlgh-quallLy and charlLable examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL hosplLal model. 1he hosplLal
provldes 30 beds for lnpaLlenLs, examlnaLlon areas, LreaLmenL for ouLpaLlenLs lncludlng
examlnaLlon unlLs for breasL dlseases, obsLeLrlcs and gynecology, and paracllnlcal equlpmenL for
supporLlng dlagnosls and LreaLmenL.
WlLh Lhe alm of provldlng for Lhose ln need, Lhe hosplLal provldes medlcal examlnaLlon and
LreaLmenL for poor and dlsadvanLaged women ln uanang clLy elLher free of charge or on a
parLlal paymenL basls. 1he ua nang's AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and ulsadvanLaged Women
and Chlldren works LogeLher wlLh ueparLmenL of Labor, War lnvallds and Soclal Affalrs Lo
ldenLlfy and provlde "8ed Cards" for poor women ln Lhe clLy, who wlll geL prlorlLy LreaLmenL and
fee exempLlons when recelvlng servlces aL Lhe hosplLal. 1hls ls posslble Lhrough a cross-
subsldlzaLlon scheme where hlgher-lncome paLlenLs are charged on Lhe basls of regular hosplLal

ln addlLlon, Lhe hosplLal has also lnLroduced a conLracL mechanlsm, ln whlch lL slgns Lhe conLracL
wlLh ua nang's Soclal lnsurance Lo provlde examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL for dlseases under lLs
scope of work for Lhose wlLh healLh lnsurance.

..H N<J9=87K3O

1he reproducLlve healLh care program ln ua nang ClLy has achleved a number of poslLlve
changes ln recenL years. Worklng wlLh several local parLners
, Lhe clLy has enhanced lLs resource
allocaLlon Loward reproducLlve healLh (8P) and faclllLaLed Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of 8P acLlvlLles aL
each of lLs healLh levels: clLy, dlsLrlcL and commune. uesplLe Lhe achlevemenLs, a number of
obsLacles remaln. 1hese lnclude Lhe paLlenL overload ln upper level care faclllLles and a hlgh
prevalence of gynecologlcal dlseases.

The Obstetrics Department at Da Nang General Hospital, the Da Nang Reproductive Health Center, Maternal and
Child Health Protection/Family Planning Teams, Obstetrics Departments at District Health Centers, and Commune
Health Stations.
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

1he ua nang AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and ulsadvanLaged Women and Chlldren (Lhe
AssoclaLlon") ls a ua nang-based non-proflL organlzaLlon LhaL has been aL Lhe forefronL of Lhe
efforL Lo lmprove reproducLlve, maLernal and chlld healLh ln ua nang, almlng Lo asslsL poor and
vulnerable women and chlldren Lo overcome Lhelr slLuaLlon ln order Lo beLLer Lhemselves and
Lhelr communlLles. ln Lhe pasL 3 years, Lhe assoclaLlon has been able Lo moblllze more Lhan 292
bllllon vnu (approxlmaLely 14 mllllon uSu) from vleLnamese and forelgn lndlvlduals and
organlzaLlons and hundreds of Lhousands of uS dollars' worLh of equlpmenL, lncludlng 130
hosplLal beds, ln order Lo carry ouL boLh medlcal and non-medlcal charlLy programs for poor
women and chlldren. 1o supporL lLs cllnlcal servlces, Lhe AssoclaLlon founded Lwo speclalLy
hosplLals - Lhe only AssoclaLlon ln vleLnam Lo do so - a Women's PosplLal and a Cancer
PosplLal, Lhe former of whlch wlll be dlscussed here.

8oLh hosplLals have recelved lnfrasLrucLure lnvesLmenL of hundreds of bllllons vnu and operaLe
as nelLher enLlrely publlc nor prlvaLe enLlLles". As lL was esLabllshed by an nCC, lLs legal sLaLus
ls prlvaLe. Powever, lL malnly serves people under Lhe charlLy mandaLe, such as offerlng poor
women free cancer LreaLmenL and reduced-fee servlces for oLher dlseases. 8esldes LhaL, Lhe
hosplLal works closely wlLh deparLmenLs from governmenL, lncludlng rovlnclal ueparLmenL of
PealLh and rovlnclal ueparLmenL of Labor, War lnvallds and Soclal Affalrs.

...H (L48L>46 7: 5P4 E7O4G


ln recenL years, Lhe facL LhaL many poor women suffer from deadly and cosLly dlseases has
galned lncreased aLLenLlon ln vleLnamese socleLy. Seeklng Lo address Lhls lssue Lhrough Lhe
provlslon of hlgh quallLy and affordable healLh servlces Lo Lhe poor, Lhe AssoclaLlon began
conslderlng ways lL could deslgn a modern faclllLy LhaL would provlde cosLly examlnaLlons and
LreaLmenLs free of charge or aL exLremely reduced prlces. lmmedlaLely, Lhe prlmary crlLerla for
Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe hosplLal became hlgh quallLy and charlLy". 1o aLLend Lo poor paLlenLs, lL
was declded LhaL Lhe hosplLal would rely on cross-subsldlzaLlon - Laklng full fees from paLlenLs
wlLh more resources ln order Lo flnance care for Lhe poor. Lmphasls was placed on Lhe deslgn of
a modern, hlgh quallLy, faclllLy and Lhe recrulLmenL of hlghly-skllled docLors ln order Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe hosplLal was able Lo aLLracL enough rlch paLlenLs Lo subsldlze LreaLmenL for Lhe poor.

AfLer compleLlng lnlLlal plans for Lhe hosplLal deslgn, Lhe AssoclaLlon engaged ln broad
campalgns Lo obLaln flnanclal supporL for Lhe faclllLy's consLrucLlon, lncludlng reachlng ouL Lo ua
nang's communlLles, members of Lhe ClLy's Women's AssoclaLlon, and charlLable lndlvlduals
lnslde and ouLslde of Lhe counLry.

Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

ua nang Women's PosplLal began operaLlon on May 19
2009, afLer Lwo years of consLrucLlon.
1he hosplLal ls equlpped wlLh 30 lnpaLlenL beds, a number of examlnaLlon areas, ouLpaLlenL
LreaLmenL faclllLles, and paracllnlcal equlpmenL for supporLlng dlagnosls and LreaLmenL.
1he hosplLal was consLrucLed wlLh Lhe purpose of meeLlng Lhe care needs of a large number of
poor and dlsadvanLaged women. lL ls run as a non-publlc speclallzed Cb-Cyn faclllLy complylng
wlLh Lhe currenL regulaLlons seL ouL by Lhe MlnlsLry of PealLh and Lhe economlc-flnanclal
mechanlsm as seL ouL by Lhe Law of LnLerprlses and oLher relaLed laws. 1he hosplLal also
enforces hlgh servlce quallLy Lhrough compulsory compllance wlLh Lhe quallLy sLandards of Lhe
MlnlsLry of PealLh.

1he hosplLal provldes a vasL array of healLh care servlces for women, lncludlng:
! N84<@5 J<3J48 <3O J48L>J<G J<3J48Q LxamlnaLlon and dlagnosls of dlseases relaLed Lo Lhe
mammary gland, lncludlng breasL cancer screenlngs and blopsles uslng modern
equlpmenL such as 4-u ulLrasound machlne, dlglLal mammography, and M8l 1.3 1esla.
1hls ls Lhe key speclalLy of Lhe hosplLal and Lhe faclllLy ls looklng Lo rapldly scale-up Lhese
servlces wlLh addlLlonal lnvesLmenL. Screenlngs for cervlcal cancer (pap smear),
colposcopy, LreaLmenL of carclnoma ln slLu (dysphasla) Lhrough laser and cervlcal
conlzaLlon are also provlded. AddlLlonally, Lhe hosplLal offers operaLlons Lo LreaL
mammary gland dlseases and gynecologlcal dlseases: benlgn breasL Lumour, breasL
cancer, cervlcal flbrold, overlan Lumors, endomeLrlosls, cervlcal and corpus uLerl cancer,
eLc. 1he hosplLal also LreaLs breasL cancer and gynecologlcal cancer wlLh operaLlons,
chemlcal LreaLmenL, hormonlc LreaLmenL, and blologlcal LreaLmenL.
! RM34J7G7=MQ LxamlnaLlon and LreaLmenL of common gynecologlcal dlseases (performed
on an ln and ouLpaLlenL basls), lncludlng reproducLlve Lrack lnfecLlons, mensLruaLlon
dlsorder, endomeLrlosls, and cervlcal flbrold.
! (S@5458>J@Q rovlslon of anLenaLal examlnaLlon and perlodlc anLenaLal managemenL
LhroughouL Lhe pregnancy and dellvery.
! ,437;<K@4Q ConsulLaLlons and LreaLmenL regardlng pre-menopause and posL-
menopausal sympLoms.
! '485>G>5MQ rovlslon of ferLlllLy servlces, such as, dlagnosls, counsellng Lo Lhe couples and
LreaLmenL by lnLrauLerlne lnsemlnaLlon (lul). 1he hosplLal planned Lo expand servlce Lo
ln vlLro ferLlllzaLlon (lvl) ln Lhe near fuLure. Powever, aL Lhls momenL, Lhls servlce ls noL
subsldlzed for Lhe poor.
AlLhough speclallzlng ln women's care, Lhe hosplLal provldes a varleLy of sLandard hemaLologlcal
and blochemlcal LesLs and anaLomlcal paLhology servlces Lo dlagnose a wlde specLrum of
dlseases. ln facL, lLs advanced dlagnosLlc faclllLles are now aLLracLlng paLlenLs from oLher healLh
cenLers and dlfferenL parLs of Lhe counLry. 1he hosplLal's possesslon of an M8l 1.3 1esla - a
devlce LhaL ls able provlde dlagnosLlc lmaglng of Lhe enLlre body - ls allowlng lL Lo perform
nuclear medlclne lmaglng (nMl) for paLlenLs from oLher hosplLals or heaLh cenLers ln Lhe clLy
and cenLral reglon of vleLnam.
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

1he hosplLal uses cross-subsldlzaLlon from Lhe wealLhy Lo Lhe poor Lo flnance care for Lhe
underprlvlleged. lL provldes full and parLlal fee exempLlons for all poor and dlsadvanLaged
women ln ua nang. 1he ua nang AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and ulsadvanLaged Women and
Chlldren - Lhe owner of Lhe hosplLal - seLs Lhe fee exempLlon guldellnes and ls also Lhe body
responslble for paylng Lhe cosLs of Lhe healLhcare servlces provlded by Lhe hosplLal. 1he hosplLal
has also conLracLed wlLh ua nang's Soclal lnsurance Lo provlde examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL for
dlseases wlLhln lLs scope of coverage for holders of healLh lnsurance accordlng Lo Law on PealLh
lnsurance ln vleL nam. 1he healLh lnsurance covers almosL of all klnds of dlseases, lncludlng
surgerles, cancer, gynecologlcal dlseases.
AddlLlonally, Lhe hosplLal organlzes charlLable examlnaLlons for poor women ln Lhe communlLy
LhaL lL serves. 1hey wlll offer cervlcal and breasL cancer screenlngs for 194 poor women wlLh
733 examlnaLlon appolnLmenLs ln LoLal, allowlng for women Lo recelve more Lhan one

IV. Human Resources

1he ua nang AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and ulsadvanLaged Women and Chlldren ls Lhe lead
owner and operaLor of Lhe Women's PosplLal. ln addlLlon Lo seLLlng fee sLrucLure guldellnes and
paylng operaLlng cosLs, Lhe AssoclaLlon ls also responslble for moblllzlng addlLlonal supporL from
boLh domesLlc and forelgn sources.
MosL of Lhe organlzaLlon and managemenL of Lhe hosplLal ls governed by Lhe PosplLal's SLeerlng
CommlLLee, ln whlch, Lhe dlrecLor ls a member of Lhe AssoclaLlon and oLhers were selecLed
Lhrough human resource selecLlon procedures.
1he hosplLal's medlcal and operaLlonal acLlvlLles are carrled ouL by 103 sLaff, Lhe breakdown of
whlch ls as follows:
! uocLors: 17
! harmaclsLs: 3
! nurses: 23
! Mldwlves: 22
! 1echnlclans: 9
! PosplLal/Medlcal orderly: 9
! CLher sLaff: 21

ln parallel wlLh lLs medlcal servlces, Lhe PosplLal ls lmplemenLlng a human resource Lralnlng
pollcy ln order Lo be able Lo conLlnue offerlng advanced LreaLmenL wlLh Lhe mosL modern
medlcal equlpmenL avallable, such as a regular professlonal Lralnlng program for new
docLors/nurses and sendlng docLors Lo speclallzed hosplLals for furLher sLudy. 1hrough Lhls
pollcy, Lhe Women's hosplLal ls almlng Lo evenLually provlde human resource supporL Lo Lhe
Cancer PosplLal.

Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

/H $<8=45 B7;KG<5>73 T (K584<JP

1he LargeL cllenLs of Lhe Women's PosplLal are women ln general and poor women ln parLlcular
who reslde ln ua nang ClLy. WlLh Llme, Lhe PosplLal hopes Lo exLend lLs servlces Lo women ln
Lhe cenLral reglon of vleLnam. CurrenLly, Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe hosplLal's paLlenLs are local women
seeklng general ob-gyn servlces, alLhough lLs LaboraLory and lmage ulagnosls ueparLmenL
serves a large number of lndlvlduals from Lhe surroundlng areas who requlre a varleLy of care.
aLlenLs who recelve flnanclal supporL for examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL are women from poor
households and especlally very poor households ln ua nang. AlLhough Lhe governmenL provldes
medlcal lnsurance cards for people ln poor and very poor households, medlcal lnsurance usually
does noL cover all of fees for healLh servlces. As resulL, paLlenLs sLlll need Lo pay cerLaln
examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL fees ln almosL of all cases. 1he hosplLal glves fee exempLlon deLalls
as follows:
! A deducLlon of 30 of examlnaLlon and LreaLmenL fees for women from poor
households and 100 for women from very poor households. Accordlng Lo daLa
provlded by Lhe ua nang's ueparLmenL of Labour, War lnvallds and Soclal Affalrs, by Lhe
end of 2011, number of poor households ln ua nang ls abouL 13,000 and number of very
poor households ls 1,400.
! 100 of Lhe LreaLmenL fee ls walved for women sufferlng from cancer from poor
households and very poor households.
Women who have dlfflculL slLuaLlons buL do noL ellglble Lo recelve exempLlons are also
consldered Lo recelve supporL from Lhe hosplLal's fund.

/.H B48:78E<3J4 T ,73>578>3=

AfLer close Lo Lwo years of operaLlon, Lhe ua nang Women's PosplLal has been able Lo achleve
Lhe followlng:
! lncreased avallablllLy and dlverslLy of healLh care servlces for women, especlally poor
women, ln Lhe clLy.
! lncrease affordablllLy of servlces Lhrough provldlng lower cosL of servlces. 1he cosL of
hosplLal servlce fees ls abouL approxlmaLely 70-80 of Lhe cosL of servlce ln oLher non-
publlc hosplLals.
! Lnhanced paLlenL conLrol over care-seeklng declslons.
1he AssoclaLlon has been able Lo consLrucL a hosplLal servlce dellvery model - Lhe flrsL ln
vleLnam - LhaL moblllzes senLlmenLs of soclal responslblllLy Lo galn slgnlflcanL flnanclal
resources and supporL and esLabllshes an effecLlve cooperaLlon beLween a clvll socleLy
organlzaLlon, Lhe healLh secLor, and local governmenL agencles.
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

Cn average, Lhe hosplLal serves over 100 paLlenLs per day and has aLLended Lo a LoLal of 1,619
lnpaLlenLs as of AugusL 2010. PosplLal bed occupancy has also lncreased over Lhe flrsL half of
2010, as demonsLraLed ln CharL 1, below.

"#$%& '( )*+,-&$. /01 ,%*123&-4-&56 7$82$%5 9:': ; 72.5 9:':

(K5J7E4 (S@48L<5>73
8ecause Lhe ua nang Women's PosplLal has only recenLly begun operaLlons, a broad
performance assessmenL plan has noL yeL been deslgned. Powever, Lhe hosplLal keeps deLalled
records of lLs operaLlons and reporLs Lhese flgures Lo Lhe approprlaLe governmenL agencles on a
regular basls. Cn a monLhly basls, Lhe sLaff of Lhe hosplLal's Ceneral lannlng ueparLmenL
gaLhers daLa regardlng Lhe volume of paLlenL vlslLs recorded and number of procedures
performed. 1hls daLa ls Lhen senL Lo Lhe ua nang ueparLmenL of Labour, War lnvallds and Soclal
Affalrs and relaLed bodles for observaLlon and revlew ln Lhe seml annual revlew reporLs and
annual reporLs every slx monLhs.
1he lndlcaLors currenLly Lracked by Lhe hosplLal are llsLed ln 1able 1.
<$/.0 '( =81-3$&*%+ 3*..03&01 /5 >$ ?$8@ A*B08C+ )*+,-&$.
84G<54O 57
4I<E>3<5>73 <3O
584<5E435 :78
5P4 ;778
Cases of cervlcal
Cvarlan Lumors
durlng Lhe flrsL
Lhree monLhs of
number of
cllenLs recevlng
sesslons on
number of
people recelvlng
fee exempLlons
number of free
aLlenLs noL
among ua nang's
Ceneral surgery
ap smears
Cram LesLs
8lo chemlcal
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

durlng Lhe
mlddle and lasL
Lhree monLhs of
lllnesses relaLed
Lo falloplan
8reasL cancer
dlagnoses and
Cervlcal cancer
dlagnoses and
regnancy LesLs
CuLpaLlenL vlslLs,
LreaLmenL days
lnpaLlenL vlslLs,
LreaLmenL days
PosplLal bed
llsL of poor
households who
recelve fee
aLlenLs noL
recelvlng fee
exempLlons buL
supporL from Lhe
moblllzed fund

Mlcro organlsm
Semlnal fluld
lmage dlagnosls
ulLrasound, M8l
and x-ray

/..H !P<GG43=4@ <3O +4<83>3= +4@@73@
ua nang Women's PosplLal ls vleLnam's flrsL hosplLal operaLed by a soclal non-proflL
organlzaLlon, and as such, has faced a number of challenges and dlfflculLles. Cne parLlcular
dlfflculLy has been seLLlng Lhe prlce of servlces, speclflcally, accounLlng for boLh Lhe hlgh cosL of
modern medlcal equlpmenL, and Lhe ulLlmaLe deslre Lo serve Lhe poor.

/...H '>3<3J4

6.$&( 7())$89

1he hosplLal consldered a varleLy of facLors when seLLlng Lhe prlces of lLs servlces. llrsL, as Lhls ls
non-publlc hosplLal, Lhe prlces needed Lo cover operaLlng cosLs. Second, speclal conslderaLlon
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

had Lo be Laken Lo ensure LhaL prlces reflecLed paLlenLs' paylng capaclLy, applylng dlfferenLlal
fees beLween cllenLs wlLh and wlLhouL medlcal lnsurance and beLween Lhe poor and especlally
poor wlLh medlcal lnsurance. llnally, prlces had Lo remaln compeLlLlve wlLh oLher servlce
provlders. ln facL, Lhe hosplLal has had Lo reduce lLs prlces afLer revlewlng Lhe cosL of servlces ln
oLher hosplLal faclllLles ln ua nang ClLy, caLerlng Lo Lhe senLlmenL LhaL many paLlenLs do noL
llke free servlces wlLh low quallLy, buL Lhey appreclaLe hlgh quallLy servlces wlLh reasonable and
accepLable prlces" :;&&/.+$89 )/ /8( <(<=(. /0 )#( #('>)# %)'00 $8 )#( #/%-$)'>?.


1he hosplLal's lnlLlal operaLlng fund amounLed Lo 73,000,000,000 vnu (approxlmaLely 3.3
mllllon uSu). 1hls sum was moblllzed from local organlzaLlons and enLerprlses (e.g., vlnacaplLal
gave granL of one mllllon uSu, lmperlal 1obacco gave granL of 93,300 uSu) and conLrlbuLlons
from women ln Lhe clLy, whose donaLlons LoLaled close Lo 120,000 uSu. 1he hosplLal's flnanclal
deLalls are dlsplayed ln 1able 2, below.

<$/.0 9( >$ ?$8@ A*B08C+ )*+,-&$. ; D-8$83-$. =8E*%B$&-*8
0;73@784O :K3O :78 5P4 ;87U4J5 >E;G4E435<5>73Q FG6:::6:::H::: I?>6 *E J#-3#:
Land and consLrucLlon: 16,361,732,000 vnu
Medlcal equlpmenL and maLerlals: 31,000,000,000 vnu
CLher cosLs: 7,638,268,000 vnu
$75<G 5K837L48 7: VWWX <5 5P4 P7@;>5<GQ F6KF:6:::6::: I?>
lncomlngs: 8,042,000,000 vnu + 33,000,000 vnu band lnLeresL
CuLgolngs: 10,369,000,000 vnu
Cwner's caplLal: 4,264,000,000 vnu
8eglnnlng balance : 63,000,000 vnu
$75<G 5K837L48 7: 5P4 :>8@5 @>I E735P@ 7: VWYWQ F6LF'6:::6::: I?>
lncomlngs: 7,400,000,000 vnu
CuLgolngs: 7,200,000,000 vnu

Z.H R8765P BG<3
1he ua nang Women's PosplLal lnLends Lo lncrease lLs scope of servlces ln Lhe comlng years,
Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

! Lxpandlng Lhe ueparLmenL of lnferLlllLy Lo offer arLlflclal lnsemlnaLlon Lechnlques and ln
vlLro ferLlllzaLlon.
! Lnhanclng Lhe quallLy of several servlces ln order Lo screen and dlagnose addlLlonal obsLeLrlc
and gynecologlcal compllcaLlons.
! uevelop of pre perlLum dlagnosLlc Lechnologles for conLrlbuLlon Lo lmprove quallLy of

Case study 6. Da Nang Womens Hospital. CHMI Vietnam. CIHP/CCIHP. February 2012.

YH %4:4843J4@Q
ua nang Women's PosplLal 8ecelvlng and LreaLmenL ln Lhe flrsL elghL monLhs 2010".
PosplLal's webslLe: hLLp://
WeblsLe of ua nang ueparLmenL of Labour, War lnvallds and Soclal Affalrs (uCLlSA)

VH +>@5 7: .3548L>4644@Q
ur. 1rlnh Luong 1ran: vlce resldenL of ua nang's AssoclaLlon ln SupporL of oor and
ulsadvanLaged Women and Chlldren
Ms. Puynh 1hl 1hu van: AccounLlng unlL, ua nang Women's PosplLal
Ms. nguyen 1huy 1rang: Pead of Lhe lannlng and Ceneral unlL, ua nang Women's
Ms. Puynh 1hl Sen (63 yrs. old): CllenL

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