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What is electronic media?

Electronic Media are those communication mediums which are based on electronic or electromechanical means of production and most often distinguished from print media. The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public worldwide include radio, sound recordings, television, video recording and streaming internet content. It denotes, the main means of communicating with large number of people, especially television, radio, internet and satellite. The electronic media have four basic functions; to inform, entertain, educate and influence the public opinion. The !th century can be termed as the century of communication. The main mean of mass communication grew in succession as the century unfolded. Motion pictures arrived on scene in the first decade of this century. "egular radio broadcasts started in #$ !s. Television entered the arena in #$%!s, followed by cable television in #$&!s, and satellite television in #$'!s. (astly the personal computer gave access to Internet in #$)!s. It transformed the interconnected computer networ*s through +orld +ide +eb by the #$$!s. Growth of electronic media in Pakistan The electronic media in ,a*istan has made rapid progress. -nly three or four decades ago, radio and state owned T. was considered to be the main sources of information. Today, we have more than '' /atellite T. 0hannels, 1%2 cable operators, ) landing T. 0hannels from abroad li*e 330, 044, /*y, /tar etc. and more than # $ 5M /tations6on air and in some cases licences issued7 including %2 "adio 0hannels. The investment this year is e8pected 9/: #.& billion. Total investment in this sector is 9/: .& billion. The new ;obs li*ely to be created are #&!!!!. The indirect employment is ' million. The advertisement mar*et in !!) was 9/: %1# Million and in !!$ it was estimated as 9/: 2$# million. This growth has made available more *nowledge and up to date information in all spheres of life to the general public. T. started its test transmissions in #$2%. ,a*istan Television 0orporation was incorporated as a ;oint stoc* company in #$2' and in #$)% it was converted into a corporation under the 0ompanies -rdinance. ,T. has been a great source of entertainment. T. has also effectively disseminated information on a variety of sub;ects to its viewers. <owever, the ob;ectives set out for ,T. at the time of its inception were=> ? Instruction and enlightenment. ? Enrichment of *nowledge and information. ? +holesome entertainment. ? ,romotion of national outloo* and integration. ? ,resentation of news in a fair, ob;ective, factual manner free from deception by implication and omission. "ole of electric media in the development in ,a*istan. Electric media of ,a*istan is playing an important role in the development of ,a*istan. Electric media is aware Role of Pakistani Media in Promoting Democratic Traditions

,a*istan is a young country it came in to e8istence in @ugust #$%', during 22 years of its life, ,a*istan has been ruled by military dictators for more than %! years. Aet people in ,a*istan do not support dictatorships anymore. The last democratic government of ,a*istan ,eopleBs ,arty has left country in many crisis ,ower outages for long hours is common, economy is stagnant , terrorism is widespread, lac* of governance and lawlessness has made life of an average ,a*istani very difficult. /till, people in ,a*istan are resilient and believe that they can change their destiny. This willingness was seen on May##, !#1, when these people came out to vote to change their fate and destiny of the country. Three* e Taliban ,a*istan 6TT,7 a terrorist organiCation which has ta*en responsibility of hundreds of attac*s on ,a*istanis people and armed forces, had declared the general elections to be un>Islamic. Aet the voter turnout was very impressive. Despite clear threat from TT,, the ,a*istani people came out and caste their votes. Many analysts believe that it was the vibrant media that educated an average ,a*istani that their vote is important and that they must come out on the Election Day and cast their vote. The electronic media direct social change and values. The electronic media may be successful in stimulating the change in the tightly held ideas and rigid attitudes to bring desired change. The media can give direction to social change, and positively guide the society towards the desired goals. The electronic media and ,olicy Dialogue. The electronic media can greatly facilitate this e8ercise and help the people and government to discuss the issues concerning society, to fulfill their desires and achieve their respective ob;ectives. In ,a*istan, the people freEuently need to be ta*en into confidence for the initiation of new policies and initiatives. The ob;ective discussion on political and policy issues media can generate support of people for policies of the government. Social pro lems and media. The social problems of our society revolve around ignorance, traditionalism and bac*wardness. The ,a*istani society is in transition, social and ethnic issues have become hard, it happens in many societies, but need to be averted in tolerance. It is an established fact that blaming circumstances, whether disorders or e8ternal factors, for what is happening for ,a*istan is not going to do any good for ,a*istanBs survival as a dignified an honorable nation. The electronic media can partly address the challenge of societal transformation. The effect of media on national issues. The electronic media has also been highlighting financial irregularities, corrupt practices and inefficiencies of the government functionaries and negative fallouts on the society of the acts of the e8tremist elements to adopt an appropriate strategy for their eradication. The media have a measurable effect on public affairs. In the matter of local, national, economic and social issues, they help to create an informed citiCenry by clarifying the comple8 matters of public affairs which e8ist at the local and national levels. The

formation of public opinion towards the civic problems is generated. @s such the media give the public a better understanding of these issues with which it must deal and influence those who have to resolve these issues. !lectronic media communication and information Identification of social problems has always been a difficult ;ob as they fall into a grey area and conseEuently hard to be *nown. @dvances in communication and information dissemination, such as television, videos, Internet, and 0Ds, have increased the circulation of ideas, symbols, and images across national and regional borders. ,eople have access to new sources of news, facts, and entertainment. These media help rationaliCe, redirect, or impede changes that are underway through economic and social development.

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