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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD " "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
13-12-31 Happy New Year! and Prayer for the peace and welfare of
US anti judicial corruption activists !"# SHU$# and %&$$
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"f you wish to know, who the true dictator is, find out who you are not
permitted to criticize..." Voltaire
The disappearance of Billl Windsor shows that the situation in the United
States is deteriorating much faster than previously appreciated!

RCHARD FNE - former US prosecutor, falsely imprisoned in solitary in Los
Angeles (2009-10); ROGER SHULER - beaten and falsely imprisoned in
Alabama since October 2013; WLLAM WNDSOR - producer of the
documentary "Lawless America" - fate unknown.
Occupy Tel-Aviv, December 31 - today, news arrived here of the unknown fate
of notable US activist WLLAM WNDSOR - producer of the unreleased
documentary "Lawless America" .
And in October this year, we were informed of the beating and false
imprisonment of blogger ROGER SHULER in Alabama - continuing to this
RCHARD FNE - former US prosecutor, who exposed and rebuked the taking
of bribes by all California judges in Los Angeles County, was falsely
imprisoned in solitary for 18 months in 2009-10.
Let's pray for the Human Rights of the people of the United States, a failed
nation, falling into the abyss and posing great risks for the entire world in the
process, and in particular - for the peace and welfare of the brave activists,
who expose the central role of corruption of the courts and the legal
profession in the current socio-economic crisis there!
All three, Richard Fine, Roger Shuler, and Bill Windsor, are activists with
whom collaborated until my escape from the United States under clear and
imminent danger...
HEPPY N#' Y#E 2213!
[1] 13-12-25 What happened to unreleased Documentary Producer of
"Lawless America" BLL WNDSOR?
[2] 13-11-30 Alabama blogger ROGER SHULER first prison interview - so
Richard Fine redux....
[3] 11-04-23 Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of RCHARD
FNE - Review
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Occupy Tel Aviv
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the
courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of
the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report
regarding Human Rights in srael, with the note: "lack of integrity of the
electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees
courts in srael."
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nxnnn:nxn , n " x
oxnn5r:a ) NGO (
* xn:wnsnnna::5oxnn5r:an " :xwaoxnn5raa:o )
2013 ,( nvnnov " : j:vnuswnnna:wou:xnoan5anwn , na
ornnnuswnn , :xwannwnrnn:jnna ."
* xn:wnsnnna::5oxnn5r:an " nxaoxnn5raa:o " a )
2010 ,( nvnnov " : ns:ajnn5vvnuswnnnannnw ."

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