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CALCULATION OF CRITERIA KETUNTASAN MINIMAL ( KKM ) School Subject : : SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo Mathematics Understanding algebraic from,funtion,and straight

line Indicator - Student understand Addition and Subtrction of algebraic - Student understand multiplication, division and powering algebraic form 1. Students are able to determine the factors of algebraic form a. ax ay ax y
a 2 b 2 a b a b

Grade Academic Year

: :

VIII / 1 2012/2013

Standard Competence : No. 1. Basic Competence 1.1. Doing algebraic form


KKM from factor Power Complexities Support 76 76 75 84

Intake 80

KKM PK 80 80 80

80 80

84 85

1.2. Change algebraic form into factor

1.3. Understanding relation and function

b. x2 bx c 0 and ax2 bx c 0 for a>1 1. Students can a function with some words that has relation with daily problems. 2. Students able to state a function with function notation

75 76 76 76 76 76

85 84 80 84 80 80

80 80 84 80 84 84

80 80 80 80 80 80

1.4. Determining the value of a


1. Student can calculate the value of a function 2. Students can calculate the value of a variable when the value function and its formula are known 3. Students can will the formula of a function if the value are known


Basic Competence 1.5. Making the graphic of a

simple algebraic function on Cartesian coordinate

Indicator 1. Students can will arrange table function 2. Student can draw a graphic of a function on a Cartesian coordinate 3. Students can draw a graphic of a function on a Cartesian coordinate when its domain is real number set

KKM from factor Power Complexities Support 76 76 84 80

Intake 80 84

KKM PK 80 80

76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76

80 84 84 80 84 84 80 80 84 80

84 80 80 84 80 80 84 84 80 84

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

1.6. Determining the gradient

and Straight Line Equations (SLE)


Students know the definition of gradient Student will able determining the gradient of straight line Student will be able determining the equation of a line which passing through two points Student will be able determining the equation of a line if gradient is given and passing through a point Student will be able draw straight line





2.1. Solve LESTV

1. Student will be able mention the defference between linear equation with two variables 2. Student will be able LESTV in Various Variables 3. Student will be able determine the solution set of LESTV by substitute, eliminate, and graphic menthos

2.2. Making mathematics models from daily life

1. Students will be able making model mathematics from daily life that related with LESTV


Basic Competence that related with LESTV

Indicator 2. Students will be able LESTV in various variable 3. Students will be able determine the solution set of LESTV by substitute, eliminate, and graphic methods

KKM from factor Power Complexities Support 76 76 76 76 84 80 84 84

Intake 80 84 80 80

KKM PK 80 80 80 80


3.1.Applying Pythagorean Theorem in problem solving

1. Students will be able to find Pythagorean Theorem 2. Students will be able calculate the length of the right triangle side when 2 sides are known

3.2.Solving the problem on plain figure that related with Pythagorean Theorem

1. Student will be able calculate the diagonal of a plain figure such as square, rectangle, rhombus, etc





The Headmaster of SMP 2 Purworejo

Purworejo, July 16,2012 Mathematics Teacher

Drs. Tamsir Marsudi Utomo, MM NIP.19620628 198803 1 009

Safrudin Fajar Nugroho, M.Pd NIP.19710423 199401 1 002

CALCULATION OF CRITERIA KETUNTASAN MINIMAL (KKM) School Subject : : SMP N 2 Purworejo Mathematics : Grade : Academic Year : VIII / 2 2012/2013

Standard Competence

GEOMETRY AND MEASUREMENT Determining the elements of circle, its parts and its size Indicator 1. Students understand the definition of a circle 2. Students know the elements of a circle 3. Students know the parts of a circle 4. Students able to find the value of 1. Students are able to determine the circumference of a circle 2. Students are able to determine the area of a circle 3. Students are able to apply the circumference of circle in problem solving 4. Students are able to apply the area of circle in problem solving 1. Students are able to know the relation of center angle, the length of the arc and the area of sector 2. Students are able to apply it on problem solving 3. Students are able to know the relation of center angle and circular angle and its properties 4. Students are able to apply it on problem solving KKM from factor Power Complexities Intake Support 76 84 80 75 76 76 74 76 76 74 75 85 80 84 86 84 80 86 85 80 84 80 80 80 84 80 80 KKM PK 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Basic Competence 4. 1 Determining the elements and the parts of circle

4. 2 Calculating the circumference, and the area of circle

4. 3 Applying the relationship of center angle, the length of the arc and the area of sector

74 74

82 83

82 83

80 80





Basic Competence 4. 4 Calculating the length of common tangent line of two circles

Indicator 1. Students are able to draw the tangent line and understand its properties 2. Students are able to calculate the length of tangent line passing through a point out the circle 3. Students are able to draw inside common tangent lines 4. Students are able to calculate the length of inside common tangent lines 5. Students are able to draw outside common tangent lines 6. Students are able to calculate the length of outside common tangent lines 1. Students are able to understand the definition of inscribed triangle 2. Students are able to draw inscribed triangle 3. Students are able to find the length of the radius of inscribed triangle 4. Students are able to understand the definition of circumscribed triangle 5. Students are able to draw circumscribed triangle 6. Students are able to find the length of the radius of circumscribed triangle KKM

KKM from factor Power Complexities Intake Support 74 83 83 76 82 82

KKM PK 80 80

76 75 74 76 76 75 76 76 75 76 76

82 85 82 82 83 83 82 84 80 84 80

82 80 82 82 81 82 82 80 85 80 84

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

4. 5 Draw a inscribed and circumscribed triangle


School Subject

: :

SMP N 2 Purworejo Mathematics

Grade : Academic Year :

VIII / 2 2012/2013

Standard Competence: GEOMETRY AND MEASUREMENT Understanding the Characteristic of cube, cuboids, prism, pyramid, its elements and its size KKM from factor Basic Competence Indicator Power Complexities Intake Support 5. 1 Identifying the characteristics of cube, cuboids, prism, 1. Students are able to understand 76 80 84 pyramid, its elements and its size the definition of cube 2. Students are able to identify the 75 80 85 properties of cube and its elements 76 84 80 3. Students are able to understand the definition of cuboids 74 82 84 4. Students are able to identify the properties of cuboids and its elements 5. Students are able to understand 76 80 84 the definition of prism 6. Students are able to identify the 75 80 85 properties of prism and its elements 76 80 84 7. Students are able to understand the definition of pyramid 74 83 83 8. Students identify the properties of pyramid and its elements 5. 2 Making the net of cube, cuboids, prism, pyramid 1. Students are able to make the net 74 83 83 of cube 2. Students are able to make the net 76 82 82 of cuboids

KKM PK 80 80 80 80

80 80 80 80

80 80

Basic Competence

Indicator 3. Students are able to make the net of prism 4. Students are able to make the net of pyramid 1. Students are able to calculate surface area of cube 2. Students are able to calculate surface area of cuboids 3. Students are able to calculate surface area of prism 4. Students are able to calculate surface area of pyramid 5. Students are able to calculate volume of cube 6. Students are able to calculate volume of cuboids 7. Students are able to calculate volume of prism 8. Students are able to calculate volume of pyramid KKM

KKM from factor Power Complexities Intake Support 75 80 85 76 74 75 74 74 74 76 75 74 76 80 83 80 83 83 83 80 80 83 82 84 83 85 83 83 83 84 85 83 82

KKM PK 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

5. 3 Calculating surface area and volume of cube, cuboids, prism, pyramid

The Headmaster of SMP 2 Purworejo

Purworejo, July 16,2012 Mathematics Teacher

Drs. Tamsir Marsudi Utomo, MM NIP.19620628 198803 1 009

Safrudin Fajar Nugroho, M.Pd NIP.19710423 199401 1 002

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