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Dispositions Report Fairmont State University School of Education

Candidates Name: Person Completing the Report: Date: Setting:

Classroom Instructor Methods Instructor PDS Host Teacher PDS Coordinator FSU/PDS Liaison Other

If Rarely is checked, please provide an explanation in the Comments section. Responsible Attendance and Punctuality Preparedness and Engagement Appearance and Demeanor Initiative Ethics Fairness





Reflective Self-Assessment Sound judgment Critical thinking Responsive Communication skills Collaborative Respectful Comments:

Fairmont State University Dispositions Rubric Responsible

Attendance and Punctuality Rarely Occasionally Clearly unacceptable Minimum performance. performance. Frequently Occasionally is late or late or absent to class or absent to class or placement. Fails to take placement and is responsibility in contacting inconsistent in contacting instructor or host teacher instructor or host teacher when absent. concerning attendance. Preparedness and Engagement Rarely Occasionally Clearly unacceptable Minimum performance. performance. Sometimes late in meeting Frequently fails to submit deadlines and being work or be prepared for prepared for class or class or placement placement responsibilities. responsibilities. Multiple Sometimes engaged and excuses given for lack of responsive in the class or preparation. placement. Appearance and Demeanor Rarely Occasionally Clearly unacceptable Minimum performance. performance. Generally casual in Lacks judgment in selection appearance and demeanor of appropriate attire for the appropriate to the setting. setting. Demonstrates a weak presence, or demeanor that is inappropriate. Initiative Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Passive, depends on others for direction, ideas, and guidance. Needs to be supervised closely most of the time. Frequently Solid performance. Adheres to the attendance policy. Contacts instructor or host teacher in advance of absence. Only late to class or placement once. Always Outstanding performance. Perfect attendance. Never late to class or placement.

Frequently Solid performance. Consistently meets deadlines and is prepared for class or placement responsibilities. Often engaged and responsive in the classroom or placement.

Always Outstanding performance. Always meets deadlines and has materials ready for use. Actively engaged, enthusiastically participates and is responsive in the classroom or placement.

Frequently Solid performance Consistently professional in appearance and demeanor appropriate to the setting. Provides a positive and appropriate model for students and others.

Always Outstanding performance Always professional in appearance and demeanor appropriate to the setting. Exhibits a positive and commanding presence. Displays an outstanding model for students and others.

Occasionally Minimum performance. Works effectively with limited supervision. May require direction or guidance at times.

Frequently Solid performance. Demonstrates productive personal, academic, and workplace work habits. Shows initiative and independence. Responsible and reliable.

Always Outstanding performance. Goes beyond what is expected in taking initiative in class or placement responsibilities (resourceful, adaptive, self-starter). Does not require supervision and is trustworthy in completion of all tasks. Takes responsibility for own learning.

Ethics Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Violates professional standards for legal and ethical behaviors.

Occasionally Minimum performance. Shows an awareness of legal and ethical behaviors, but does not consistently apply that awareness.

Frequently Solid performance. Models the ethical standards expected in the learning environment and the community. Demonstrates honesty, respect and discretion in interactions and work products.

Always Outstanding performance. Consistently meets criteria at a demanding level. Is honest, discreet, principled, and just. Demonstrates knowledge, skills, or performance that goes beyond what is reasonably expected.

Fairness Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Shows overt bias toward certain groups of individuals through actions or statements. Does not make provisions for diversity in response to varied learner needs.

Occasionally Minimum performance. Infrequently acknowledges contributions made by different groups in the classroom or placement through statements and actions. There is occasional evidence in demeanor and work products which demonstrate accommodations made to address the needs of diverse learners.

Frequently Solid performance. Usually demonstrates a commitment to fairness by ensuring all students receive an equitable opportunity to succeed. Is respectful to peers and tolerant of others ideas and differences. Provides a safe, healthy, caring, respectful environment free from bias, discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

Always Outstanding performance. Always demonstrates a commitment to fairness ensuring all students receive an equitable opportunity to succeed. Is supportive of peers and students, nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory, caring, and equitable. Embraces and assimilates others ideas and differences. Demonstrates knowledge, skills, or performance that goes beyond what is reasonably expected.

Self-assessment Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Defensive, unreceptive to feedback and supervision. Fails to take responsibility for mistakes: blames others for the outcomes. Occasionally Minimum performance. Receptive to feedback, but infrequently implements suggestions. Takes responsibility for mistakes, but rarely reflects on them or take steps to remedy errors. May need help in recognizing areas needing improvement. Frequently Solid performance. Receptive to feedback and implements suggestions. Personally reflects on successes and mistakes and seeks to improve. Always Outstanding performance. Seeks constructive feedback and immediately implements suggestions. Demonstrates proficiency in the reflective cycle which results in improved performance.

Sound judgment - Critical thinking Rarely Occasionally Clearly unacceptable Minimum performance. performance. Struggles Reasons through problems,

Frequently Solid performance. Demonstrates sound

Always Outstanding performance. Always demonstrates sound

with initial analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information. Frequently makes poor decisions.

but unable to see multiple sides of an issue. Sporadically makes good decisions.

judgment by considering consequences of actions, and consistently makes reasonable decisions. Thinks critically, perceives multiple sides of an issue, and develops creative responses.

judgment and critical thought resulting in wise decisions and creative choices. Uses a reasoned approach to analyze situations, embraces consequences of actions, and seeks to address multiple perspectives in decisions.

Communication Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. May be deficient in more than one area. Written work demonstrates frequent grammatical errors and is often unclear and disorganized. Makes frequent speaking errors; is inarticulate, and hesitates to express one self. Does not actively listen to peers or students. Occasionally Minimum performance. May be deficient in only one area. Organizes and expresses ideas in writing with occasional errors. Can verbally express ideas relatively free of grammatical errors. Demonstrates limited active listening skills (acknowledging comments, paraphrasing, asking questions, etc.) Frequently Solid performance. Displays professional and appropriate communication and interpersonal skills. Considers context and audience in both face-toface and virtual environments [nonverbal, verbal, digital, print communications]. Actively listens and responds to speaker. Always Outstanding performance. Always demonstrates proficiency in all forms of communication. Expertly addresses context and audience in both face-to-face and virtual environments [nonverbal, verbal, digital, print communications]. Written, oral, and digital communications are free of errors. Demonstrates all aspects of active listening and validates the speakers comments by responding in an appropriate manner.

Collaborative Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Fails to cooperate and work with others. In collaborative settings, may not fulfill their basic responsibilities, may choose to work independently, or does not contribute to the work of the group. Respectful Rarely Clearly unacceptable performance. Overtly demonstrates insensitivity or disrespect toward individuals or groups of individuals (inattentive,

Occasionally Minimum performance. Reluctant to cooperate and work with others. Contributes minimally in collaborative settings.

Frequently Solid performance. Works cooperatively, contributes, and participates collaboratively in a safe and mutually respectful manner.

Always Outstanding performance. Displays exceptional skill in working in a collaborative environment. Leads or constructively supports the groups efforts to coproduce an effective product or outcome.

Occasionally Minimum performance. Does not overtly show disrespect, but may do so subtly by tone of voice, interrupting the speaker, non-verbal gestures, or lack

Frequently Solid performance. Interacts with diverse individuals in respectful ways. Is helpful, mannerly, and encouraging of

Always Outstanding performance. Always demonstrates a respectful demeanor (tone of voice, body language, word choice) in working with professionals, peers, and

impolite, discouraging, demeaning, etc.). Lessons lack sensitivity to the needs of diverse learners.

of attentive behaviors. Indicates some awareness of individual needs.

professionals, peers and students. Demonstrates the belief that all students can learn. Designs lessons to provide differentiation for individuals and groups. Is able to identify the needs of students and usually reflects on what is required to meet learner needs.

students. Respectfully disagrees when appropriate, but does so graciously and with civility. Accurately identifies the needs of students and always reflects on what is required to meet learner needs.

Revised 8/5/12

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