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Hospital administration is one of the most competitive and challenging career you can embark on and one of the most rewarding. Doctors as Consultant, write prescriptions, diagnostic tests and perform surgery, right ? Well, who take care of Doctors, Nurses, technicians, ara medicals, !dministrative staff, the patient and countless other things that go into running a successful management " administration of the hospital " providing effective healthcare of superior #uality at low cost ? $hese important tasks are responsibility of a Hospital Administrator or Health Administrator

Hospital !dministration is concerned with planning, organi%ing, staffing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating health services for the community to provide ma&imum patient care of superior #uality at low cost. Hospital administrator is responsible for overall management of the hospital " healthcare services. Hospital !dministrator act as a liaisons between doctors, patients, staff and health insurance companies. !dministrators see that hospital operate efficiently and provide ade#uate medical care to patient with a human touch. Hospital administrator run the hospital on a day to day basis to render better patient care, with a prime ob'ective of patient satisfaction. Health management is now an area for professional managers. Healthcare is a sunrise sector in (ndian. (t is a )s. *+,,,, crore industry with great growth potentials within a decade. (ndia-s healthcare industry is wroth )s. *+,,,, crore i.e., roughly . per cent of the /ross Domestic roduct 0/D 1. $he industry is e&pected to grow by around 2+ per cent per year by the ne&t four year. $he healthcare service growth involves the entire gamut of operations like healthcare delivery, health insurance, third party administrators, healthcare software, medical e#uipment and health education. !ccording to a detailed study done by !sian Health 3ervices, the si%e of the healthcare industry in 244456,,, was at )s 46,.,, crore, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, unattached labs, diagnostic centres and alternative medicine. $he medical services sector lacks basic infrastructure and standardi%ation in #uality of services. Delivery of effective health care services re#uires training of professionals in core and specific aspects of healthcare management. Health services have a very elaborate and effective infrastructure in most developed countries and there is need for streamlining health facilities in (ndia.

rimary healthcare services include community child health care, family doctor service, essential hospital services etc. are provided essentially to the masses through 3tate and Central /overnment Health 3ervices. $hrough healthcare status of the people in (ndia has been improving, the country has to go a long way for a establishing an optimally functional system in the wake of the growing population. Hospital 7anagement education is e&pected to assume tremendous value for achieving these standards. rofessional services of trained manpower is currently being used increasingly in privately run hospitals.

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Hospital and healthcare managers or administrators have a wide range of responsibilities cover strategic planning, financial and human resource planning, maintenance of buildings, purchase and control of supplies, personnel management,etc. ! few institutes offer the course only to medical graduates with e&perience in medicine while there are other institutions offering a postgraduate programme open to all graduates. Health care managers and administrators oversee and direct the running of hospitals, nursing homes, and health care facilities. $hey are incharge for facilities, services, programmes, staff, budgets, and relations with other organi%ation. 8or all these years it was the medical practitioner who handled this e&tra responsibility along with paramedical staff almost with out any formal training. $oday the management of hospitals and health services has assumed a professional status.

Hospital Administration in a N$t Shell

$he hospital administrator plays a vital a role in saving lives, without having to take scalpel in hand. Hospital administrators manage hospitals, outpatient clinics, hospices, and drug5abuse treatment centers. Hospitals are open round the clock 9 6.:* 9 and administrators may be called in at any hour to make decisions and resolve disputes (n large hospitals, there may be several administrators, one for each department. (n smaller facilities, they oversee the day5to5day operations of all departments. !dministrators make sure hospitals operate efficiently and provide ade#uate medical care to patients. $heir responsibilities are numerous and sometimes re#uire the assistance of the medical and support staff. $hey act as liaisons between governing boards, medical staff, and department heads and integrate the activities of all departments so they function as a whole. 8ollowing policies set by a governing board of trustees, administrators plan, organi%e, direct, control and coordinate medical and health services. !dministrators recruit, hire, and sometimes train doctors, nurses, interns, and assistant administrators. !dministrators plan budgets and set rates for health services. (n research hospitals, administrators develop and e&pand programs and services for scientific research and preventive medicine. (n teaching hospitals, they aid in the education of new doctors. !dministrators plan departmental activities, evaluate doctors and other hospital employees, create and maintain policies, help develop procedures for medical treatments, #uality assurance, patient services, and public relations activities such as active participation in fund5raising and community health planning. Hospital administrators work long or irregular hours.. !dministrators also attend staff meetings, participate in health planning councils, go to fund5 raising events, and travel to professional association conventions. ! hospital administrator-s 'ob is difficult and demanding. $hey need to keep up with advances in medicine, computeri%ed diagnostic and treatment e#uipment, data processing technology, government regulations, health insurance changes, and financing options. While doctors strive to keep the blood flowing and the heart beating, the hospital administrator is doing his 'ob in keeping the hospital alive and healthy.

Hospital administrators are responsible for facilities, management of staff, e#uipments, and au&iliary services. $hey are responsible for recruitment of staff, supervision of the day to day work, maintenance and upkeep, replacement of e#uipment, handling budgets and making schedule for fee payments. $hey are involved in space allocation, preparation of roasters for duty, maintenance and repair of building and e#uipments, providing work facilities to employees, turnover of laundry etc. (n matters pertaining to e&pansion, restructuring, policy planning they work with the board of governors. $hey e&ecute the decisions of the ;oard often undertaking the entire responsibility of large pro'ects. $he

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!dministrator-s responsibilities include financial and human resource planning, controlling the purchase and distribution of supplies, building and e#uipment maintenance, managing investments in infrastructure, personnel management, disposal of hospital waste, evaluating competition, organi%ing support services such as laundry, catering etc. (n service training schedules, community progammes and in house meetings are other important activities of hospital managers. Health care administration is aimed at providing management skills to professionals responsible for delivery of healthcare services in the country. 7anaging primary health centers and government hospitals is the task assigned largely to doctors who may not essentially have managerial training. Nevertheless, the trends are likely to show changes in favour of professionals trained for managing health services. 7ost large and medium si%ed hospitals have a hospital administrator. $he hospital administrator is incharge of various aspects of healthcare administration < Hospital organi%ation, lanning and control, 7edical 3taff management, Demography and ;iostatistics, 7anagement of )esearch in Healthcare, =pidemiology and Community Health and 3trategic 7anagement in healthcare system. Currently there are two kind of professionals who opt for the programme 9 medical professionals and other graduates. (n very large hospitals generally the administrative set up has both medical and non5medical administrators. While the technical aspects such as procurement of e#uipments and medical e&pendables, recruitment and training of staff, management of professional and assignment of duties of other staff, maintenance and services, security, are looked after by graduates trained in health services management. Administration means getting things done " Management means the purposeful and effective use of resources 5 manpower, materials and finance for fulfilling a pre determined ob'ective. 7anagement is ultimately the art of making people more effective by using the intellectual tools of planning, organi%ing, directing and monitoring.

Management is a >S"IEN"E> because it proves, predicts, define, measure " utili%es knowledge. !t the same time it is an 'ART' because it feels, guesses, describe, e&press, communicates " practices. (t is also an 'PRO#ESSION' because it re#uires skills, knowledge and the development of a positive mental attitude. Si( M's are < Men) Mone*) Materials) Machiner*) Method) Mar+et

In the end) all management can ,e red$ced to three -ords . People) Prod$ct and Pro/it) People come /irst


MANAGEMENT 1 7anagement is an e&ecutive function involving the direction of human effort towards the reali%ation of the basic ob'ectives of the organi%ations. 7anagement is more popular to business enterprises where economic performance is of prime importance 7anagement is a doing function concerned with of implementation policies largely done and is influenced by the ob'ectives of organi%ations and is done usually at middle level management. 7anagement 5 @ou order others

ADMINISTRATION !dministration is a determinative function concerned with laying down of basic ob'ectives and broad policies of an organi%ations. (t is preferred in /overnment departments, Hospitals and other non business organi%ations. !dministration is a thinking process concerned with determination of policies done mainly at $op ?evel management and is influenced by outside forces and public opinion. !dministration 5 @ou order yourself

(n practice both the terms are used interchangeably because both involves the same principles " functions.


Hospital !dministration is a serious business since it covers a large number of activities. $he profession of hospital " healthcare administration is uni#ue because hospitals involve highly Aualified professionals dealing with the #uestion of life " death Hospital administration is more comple( than administration o/ an* other ,$siness instit$te 6 organi7ation ,eca$se . Hospital involve 6. Hrs., +BC day, years after years works. Hospital services involve high risk and #uick services. Hospital deal with human beings. Hospital is a medical " social institution. Hospital services is of emergency nature.

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Hospital work within the framework of =thical " ?egal issues. Hospital employs different categories of people with widely varying technical and highly #ualified educational background. Hospital work is highly stressful since it deal with a >Auestion of life and death>.


(n (ndia, !dministration " management is thousands of years old. 8ive thousand year ago, ?ord 3hri Drishna proved his decision making ability, cool approach to problems, public relation skills, intelligence, determination, dedication " counseling skills as a >!dministrator and a ?eader. $he scientific management started in ?ate 24C, in (ndia, when Department of 7anagement were established in (ndian Eniversities. $his followed the establishment of (ndian (nstitute of 7anagement 0((7>s1 beginning in 24B,. 8irst time, in 24+4 !merican College of Hospital !dministration designed a code of ethics for hospitals. !dministration or 7anagement is a science and an art like medical sciences. rofessional hospital " healthcare administrators have proven how hospitals can be managed effectively, economically and effectively in targeted time period.


!fter independence, (ndia is a rich heritage of administration. Hospital administration opened up a hoard of career opportunities, never seen before. (ndian health professionals in demand not only in (ndia but also in countries like the E3, ED, /ermany " Fapan. !bout 4,G of the work which the medical administrator do in administration does not re#uire medical knowledge on the other hand, people with medical background have no training in Hospital 7anagement. $his results in misutilisation of the technical manpower and inefficiency in !dministration. $oday>s organi%ations are facing their toughest competition in Decades. $he answer lies in doing a better 'ob of meeting and satisfying patient needs. =very organi%ation wanting to win. Hnly patient centered organi%ation will win, those that can deliver superior value to their target patients. $he healthcare services, which are good yesterday, barely meet the re#uirement of today and will be inade#uate tomorrow. (n the age of technological revolution, customer needs are continuously increasing, customer e&pect a speedy response of their #ueries, there is greater competition, which demands improvement in health services.


Hospital administrator are in great demand, (n fact, they are the most sought professionals in healthcare sector today. Hospitals are becoming a highly scientific and comple& medical center and are becoming hub of whole system of healthcare. 7edical sector becoming increasingly competitive and capital intensive the need for managing hospitals has become even more acute. (n today>s, world of advancing technology healthcare delivery represents an e&tremely comple& collection of diagnostic, operational and administrative processes. 7anagement skills in lanning, Hperation, 7arketing, 7aterials, $elemedicine, H(3 and Human )esource 7anagement are the need of the hour. $oday, we have about +.C lakh health institution in (ndia 0?arge, medium, small1. Hur health system is uni#ue as compared to other countries 5 there are /overnment, rivate, )eligious, (ndustrials, 7NC>s, !llopathic, !urveda, Homeopathy, ara medicals " Nature cure hospitals and institutions. $here are newer diseases, newer diagnostic technology etc. !ll these factors will re#uired trained hospital administrators. 3o , we are on the road to professionalise health care services. $herefore, this is the right and e&citing time to ensure an international future in the world>s largest and fastest growing hospital " healthcare industry. ;e a healthcare professional with a sharp 7anagerial " !dministrative prospective.

Ma9or :o, Responsi,ilit* . Hospital Administrator

;usiness Development and 3trategic lanning is responsible for leading, enhancing directing, organi%ing and monitoring all business development, strategic planning, marketing, public relations and business communications for Hospitals and Clinics to ensure its competitive presence in local, regional and national marketplaces. (n collaboration with Hospital ?eadership, develop, e&ecute and evaluate strategies and tactics to ensure organi%ation health and continued growth by identifying comprehensive, cost effective, legally compliant customer services. !ctivities include but are not limited to< Develop Hospitals " Clinics strategic plan to include, business, marketing and communications plans with annual strategic updates. rovide leadership on new technologies and clinical services to maintain competitive edge, including recommending cost5effective capital plan e&penditures and developing new clinical enhancements in collaboration with physicians. rovides leadership for strategic cost management and clinical pathway development including, decreased length of stay, charges, utili%ation and inventory management.1 rovides matri& leadership to 3ervice ?ine Directors to ensure business unit goals are aligned with strategic directions of the organi%ation, considering legal compliance and operations issues, promote research activities that gain recognitionI compile and analy%e clinical and operations outcomes dataI develop and e&ecute performance improvement plans, and actively participate in the development and monitoring on #uality indicators. Contribute to the overall financial strength of the organi%ation by participating in the development of budget plans for internal customers as re#uired to support endeavors related to personnel, e#uipment and supply needs

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including capital, operating, marketing, planning, communications and new services. rovide leadership for pricing, responding to payers re#uests for proposals, and strategic cost containment concepts. =stablish and maintain effective working relationships with physician leaders to promote practice enhancement and participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of critical services as defined through the strategic planning processI actively participate in physician recruitment and retention strategiesI and, enhance referral to physicians through growth strategies. Develop and e&ecute marketing and promotional strategies that facilitate business growth, increased awareness of available services and recognition as a premier healthcare provider. Collaborate with Hospital Community and ublic )elations to ensure synergy of service delivery and consistency in organi%ational messaging, when appropriate. !ttract, develop, retain and motivate a skilled, engaged, workforce focused on timely, accurate work results that are delivered in a manner reflecting service e&cellence. 7anage budget for assigned areas of responsibility. (n collaboration with !dministrative $eam peers, employ system5wide thinking to establishing priorities and addressing mission critical issues, including promoting a multidisciplinary approach to achieving strategic ob'ectives, ensuring patient and family needs are addressed, promoting e&cellence in customer service and satisfaction through development and implementation of information sharing mechanisms and timely communication with stakeholders. )epresents Hospital to peers in the healthcare industry and to the community at large as an active participant in professional associations and community activities. !ctively partner with e&ternal representatives to assure Hospital>s standing as a good community citi%en in a manner that ensures alignment with organi%ation interests.

Hospital administration is a challenging profession. $he Aualities of head " heart that hospital administrator seeks < 1 &EEN O0SER8ER < +B, Degree of vision, should be able to step back and look at the bigger picture and then devise solution. 3hould possess ability to have both macro and micro perspective on any issue before him. 2 E##E"TI8E "OMM!NI"ATOR . /ood administrator should be able to convey the things with clarity and as simply as possible without patroni%ing or scaring other with the command of his vast knowledge or intellect. 3 GOOD LISTNER . Hospital re#uires a lot of patience and sympathy. !t times people only need a good listener, e.g though their problems can not be solved 5 at times they may also reali%e this 5 but all that they need is to know that people in authority are aware of their frustrations and an&ieties. He should be able to understand this. 4 RESPE"T #OR #A"T & INTELLE"T!AL HONEST . !dministrator should not speak without facts and should have patience to find the whole truth.

C. SHO!LD 0EHA8E GRA"E#!LL; . !dministrator should never loose temper even under stress. B. TRANSPARENTL; HONEST . He should not be bluff. $ruth is always more convenient in today>s
busy world. He should know how to say no if that is what situation demands, without hurting people as far as possible. mus hav leadership skill. alm al < GOOD LEADER . ! hospital administrator t e Nowadays ost l corporate are reali%ing the importance of leadership in the management. He should be able to influence people to act with %eal and enthusiasm to achieve the target goal. He should be able to lead people and not seek directions from them in difficulty. He responsibili should inspire confidence 5 encourage them to give suggestions. $ake ty for the mistakes of your 'uniors if committed without motive, i.e. you should be able to know your men. PANI" . (n the face of problems difficulties, he should be able to keep cool even = SHO!LD NOT or in scary situations. When chips are down he should be able to stand i.e. hold his ground and be counted. 3hould be able to cope with change effortlessly in today>s ever changing environment and should not feel rattled by change. 3hould react o times we proportionately to the degree of change. Change is the currency f are living in. > GOOD :!DGE . $his is the most essential time. #uality for any administrator, you would need it all th e

1? SHO!LD 0E SENSITI8E < He should be sensitive to other>s suffering and problems even if they are self inflicted or you are not able to help much.

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11 SHO!LD 0E HA0IT!ALL; O0:E"TI8E . He should be habitually ob'ective with a deep sense of of fair play and 'ustice. @ou should not be hesitant to give credit where it is due and share honour if the situation rightfully demands so. 26. $(7= 7!N!/=7=N$ < $ime and tide waits for none. Hnce the time is lost it is lost forever. 3o a particular task should be completed in the allotted time frame. IN #INAL ANAL;SIS . He is a nice guy who does not mind even if he finishes second and lets somebody else win if that could bring cheer to someone>s life. !t times a gesture is all that you can do. ;ut remember sometimes even a gesture goes a long way.

Some other Attri,$tes & 5$alities o/ a Good Hospital Administrator

!bility to deal with people from diverse background is an essential #uality of hospital administrators. $hey should hence be sympathetic, tactful and patient listeners. roblem solving is re#uired at all times hence the ability to be a team leader with a positive approach is essential. Hospital administrators must understand organi%ational development, financial budgeting, material management, medical purchasing and maintenances, building regulations and above all must have good public relations skills. (nterest in service, in health care and in welfare are at the core of this profession. Hospital administrators convene meetings at various levels and hence need good communication skills. Hospital administrator must be diplomatic, tactful and infinitely patient. He must have strong analytical " decision making abilities. He must have e&cellent interpersonal and communication skills !dministrator must have good organi%ing capacity and must be firm but considerate while handling people. He must have a sense of responsibility and take his 'ob seriously. He must be an intelligent 'udge of human nature which #uality is essential while selecting personnel. He must be e&pert at educating and providing direction to his subordinates. He must be a man with a fine business sense so that he can secure value for money for the hospital. He must be capable of working with everyone cordially, regardless of their position of status in the hospital. He must have strong time management skill 0 ;eat $he Clock1. He must review performance and speak with power.

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GANESHA S;M0OLISM @ Portrait o/ an administrator A

0IG HEAD SMALL E;ES LARGE ;EARS ABE ROPE 0LESSING HAND TR!N& HIGH MODA&A LARGE STOMA"H MO!SE PRASADA < $hink ;ig < Concentrate < ?isten 7ore < $o cut off all bounds < $o pull you nearer

of attachment. to the highest goal.

< rotect spiritual path to supremacy. < High efficiency " adaptability. < )eward of 3adhana. < ace fully digests all good " bad in life. < Desire unless control, can cause havoc. Deep your desires under under control and do not allow them to take you for a ride. < $he whole world is at your feet and for your asking.

2 ,

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%hat MotiCates Indian Hospital Administrator

$oday, virtually all people practitioners as well as scholars 9 follow their own definitions of motivation. Esually one or more of the following words are included< desires, wants, wishes, aims, goals, needs, drives, motives and incentives. ;ased on the finding of various research studies carried out in this field in the past, we have attempted to catalogue strategies that operating managers can apply in order to create re#uisite Kdesires- within the+ir people to deliver their best to the organi%ation. ProCiding career gro-th) learning and deCelopment opport$nities . What a present day knowledge worker needs is ade#uate opportunities to learn and grow so that he remains employable in the current competitive business environment. ProCiding an e(citing and challenging -or+ enCironment . 3o that he can put all his e&isting skills to good use. Appreciating good per/ormance . ! manager should feel that he is a part of the team and his contribution is being noticed. ProCiding reg$lar /eed ,ac+ . !s Den ;lanchand, author of the One Minute Manger says, L8eedback is the breakfast of championsM i.e. they want to know how they are delivering. Soliciting emplo*eesD opinions . (n order to involve them in decisions that affect their 'obs. Opening channels o/ comm$nication . )egular #uestion and answer sessions, small group forums with the head of the organi%ation and an open door policy are some ways that might encourage managers to speak up. Ens$ring 9o, rotation . Demonstrate your respect for individuals by responding to signals they put out about how they want to be treated and the kinds of assignments that interest them. Personall* congrat$lating emplo*ees /or a 9o, -ell done . (n other words, make praise specific and timely. Maintaining /reE$ents contacts -ith *o$r people . (t will underscore the importance of your relationship with them. Dashing o// small) personal notes . Written congratulations are tangible, the effects of which last longer. GiCing them a good 9o, to do . (t has been felt that nothing saps employee motivation #uicker than routine and unchallenging work. Recogni7ing emplo*eeDs personal needs. $his can be done in terms of making arrangements for on5site day care, providing fle&ible work schedules and special e#uipment. #ostering a sense o/ camaraderie. ! company that creates this sense has gone a long way towards creating the kind of organi%ation that people want to work for. Doling o$t cash re-ards . !de#uate and e#uitable financial rewards should be based on performance 9 both of the company and of the individual. 22

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8inally, performance is about what happens every day. !nd, motivation is really about treating people with dignity 9 something today-s burned out, shell5shocked employees desperately need.


$he growth of healthcare service sector has increased the need for management professionals to mana hospita ge ls affairs. Hospital management has become the need of the hour today. !spirant should a b bl t ma diffic e e o ke ult decision and possess strong time management skills and a very high degree o perso commitme f nal nt. $herefore, there is a huge demand for professionals with right education and the appropria skil te ls. Hospitals in India depend on doctors only. $his has been a ma'or roadblock in improving the efficiency and productivity of healthcare sector. $he old trend of >most e&perienced and bureaucratic medical professionals> has become back dated in the changing scenario of hospital and healthcare sector. ;ecause of consumerism, $A7, =mergency medical units, H(3, e 5 health venture, credit rating firms, N/H, 7edical tourism, $elemedicine, ;ar coding and !sset 7anagement, 7aterials management, health insurance, $ ! " ($ revolution now re#uire trained man power speciali%ed in hospital management " administration . #or e//ectiCe management o/ hospital and healthcare delivery system in (ndia, hospital administrator are in great demand.

Some fact .

Toda*) >?F o/ the hospitals in !SA & 1??F Hospitals in !& are headed ,* the 'Non G medical Administrators' trained in hospital administration & management Sensing ,etter opport$nit* in hospital & healthcare sector) more and more people /rom non G medical ,ac+gro$nd are enrolling /or healthcare administration and management co$rses

2 6

Original Script ED!"ATION & TRAINING

The most accepted pro/essional ed$cations in the arena o/ hospital management is . Ph D 9 Health 7anagement 7aster in Doctorate 0MD G Hospital Administration1 M Phil 0Hospital " Health 3ystem 7anagement1 7aster of Hospital !dministration 0M H A1 7aster of Hospital 7anagement 0M H M1 M 0 A 5 Hospital 7anagement : Healthcare 3ervices.0 M0A1 os t /raduate Diploma in Hospital !dministration 0P G D H A.1

os /raduate Diploma in Hospital " Healthcare 7anagement t 0P G D H H M 1 ;achelor of Hospital 7anagement 00 H M1

Important Topic "oCered in Hospital & Healthcare Management "o$rses

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o rinciples of Hospital 7anagement Health =conomics Health olicy " Healthcare 3ystem Hospital lanning Hospital Designing Hrgani%ational ;ehaviour Hospital 3upportive 3ervices Hospital Core 3ervices Human )esources 7anagement in Hospital " Healthcare 7aterials 7anagement in Hospitals !ccounting " 8inance 7anagement in Healthcare Healthcare ;udgeting Healthcare ro'ect 7anagement ?egal !spect of 7edical rofession $otal Auality 7anagement 0$A71 in Hospital " Healthcare 3i& 3igma in Healthcare 7edical $ourism in (ndia Customer )elationship 7anagement 0C)71 in Healthcare 7edical =#uipment 7anagement $elemedicine ;io 7edical Waste 7anagement Healthcare (nsurance " $ ! management Hospital Hperation 7anagement 3trategy 7anagement 8ront Hffice 7anagement 7edical )ecords 7anagement (nventory Control in Healthcare Hospital : 7anagement (nformation 3ystem )esearch 7ethods Health ?aws


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o o o o o o o o o o o 7arketing of Hospital 3ervices Auality 7anagement !ccreditation Disaster 7anagement =pidemiology N/H management ;io statistics Customer 3atisfaction " atient Counseling Computers !pplications in Healthcare Cost Containment in Healthcare ro'ect Work


Healthca re manageri al

i the s world>s

larges an t d a r e

fastest growing industry. Healthcare professional with a sharp

i n great demand. Healthcare service market is being taken l i indus bigwi k over by the private sector try gs e 5 !pollo Hospitals /roup, =scort, /anga )am Hospital, 8ortis Healthcare, 7a& Healthcare , Wockhardt Hospitals, $ata and other healthcare players coming up NN

administrative " perspective

3ignificant potential for employment e&ists in the management of health care in our country. =vidently employment opportunities in health care are increasing day by day. 7any hospitals and pharmaceutical firms are looking for managers who have an in5depth understanding of Hospital " Healthcare management principles and their applications to health care delivery systems. (f you wish to work for a health care organi%ation as a manager or a consultant, or set up a nursing home or hospital, courses in healthcare management will provide the needed training. 3o, (ndia has a huge potential for hospital " healthcare growth and hence need for more " more healthcare managers : administrator is the need of the hour.

2 .

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Starting Salaries per month @Appro(imateA $he Chief =&ecutive Hfficer 0C=H1 Chief Hperating Hfficer Chief !dministrative Hfficer Director 9 !dministration Director 9 7edical Director 9 7arketing Director 9 7aterials 7anagement Director 9 H) Oice resident 9 7edical : 7arketing 7edical Director : 7edical 3uptd. !dditional 7edical 3uperintendent Foint : Dy. 7edical 3uperintendent !ssist 7edic ant al 3uperintendent 7edical !dministrator Dy. /eneral 7anager Hospit al 7anag er !dministrator !dministration 2,C,,, ,. 2,C,,, , 2,C,,, , 2,C,,, , 2C,,, , 2,C, ,, 2,,,, ,, 2,,, )s. C,,,, to ,, ) C,,, t 2,,,, s. , o ,, ) C,,,,, to 2,,,, s. ,,. )s. t J,,,, .,,,,, o ,. ) +,,, t *,,,,, s. ,, o . )s. t CC,,, 6,,,,, o ,. .C,, )s. 66,,, to , C,,, )s. 6C,,, to , ) s 6C,, t C,,,,, . ,, o . ) s 2C,,,, .C,,,, . to . ) s 2C,,, .C,,, . to , ) s . 2C,,,, to .C,,, ) s . 2C,,, to .C,,, ) s 26,,, . to +,,,, ) s 2C,,, to .C,,, )s. B,,,,, )s. B,,,,, )s. B,,,,, )s. C,,,,, ) C,,, s. ,, )s. C,,,,, ) C,,, s. ,, t o t o t o t o t o t o t o

7anager 9 7arketing 7anager 9 7aterials 7anager 9 Hperations !sst. 7anager level 7anger 5 H)

=&ecutive ?evel !ssistant =&ecutive

. ) s . ) s .

2,,, ,, J,, ,,

t o t o

+C,,, ,. 6,,, ,

SOME TOP RE"!ITERS 2. All India Instit$te o/ Medical Science 6. #ortis Healthcare Limited +. Ma( Healthcare Limited .. %oc+hardt Hospitals C. Indian Spinal In9$ries "entre B. Roc+land Hospital0la9i Hospital *. 0atra Hospital J. Escorts Hospitals 4. Apollo Hospitals 2,. 0om,a* Hospital 22. PD Hind$9a Hospital 26. Tata Memorial "entre @TM"A 2+. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital 2.. All M$ltispecilait* Hospitals 2C. All Healthcare Organi7ations & Instit$tes
2 C

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rofessional training in hospital management is open to #ualified doctors and any graduates. $he 'ob opportunities available to graduate will obviously be in general administration. Course in Hospital !dministration are offered at the post5graduate level. 3ome courses, however, are offered at the graduate level in health management. 7edical graduates 0graduates from other disciplines are admitted in some courses1 are admitted in the course. Duration of courses vary from one to three years. both part time and full time courses are available. Healthcare 7anagement Courses are open to graduates in any discipline 0in some cases only medical : nursing graduates are eligible1. (n addition to course work, candidates are re#uired to undertake a pro'ect in a specific area of health management and undergo a period of internship in a hospital organi%ation.

Hospital & Health Management "o$rses at a Glance

Instit$te 6 !niCersit* !ll (ndia institute of 7edical 3cience s !nsari Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,64 f Enivers Cent o Distan ity re r ce ?earnin Chaudhar Devil g, y al Eniversity, 3irsa, Haryana h. ,2BBB5 6.J6,+ www. National (nstt. of Health " Ne 8amily Welfare, 7unirka w Delhi 9 22,,B* Delhi Eniversity, 8aculty of 7gmt. 3tudies, Delhi 9 22,,,* (/NHE 7aid , an Delhi 9 22,,BJ "o$rse 6 D$ration 7ast i ers n !dministration 6:+ years Hospital Eligi,ilit* 6 Selection 7;;3 with + yrs e&perience in a hospital : sponsored graduates with * years e&perience in Hosp. !dmin. C years in general practice $heory : Clinical test : interview Hospital !ny /raduate

7;! 9 !dministration 9 6 @ears

/ Cert in Health " 8amily Welfare 7gt : Distance mode 2 yr 0Heal th Car e

7;;3 + yrs. =&perience course (n5 service candidates


0 $1

!dministration1 + yrs

3ponsored 7;;3 degree holder with C Hospit yrs, e&perience in al !dministration.


Ne w

./. Diploma in Hosp. " Health 7gt 2 yr

/rad from 7edical, dental Nursing harmacy " related Health area with 6.C Fawahar ?al Nehru Eniv. New Delhi 9 22,,C* 7ast er 07C H1 of Community Hea lth

yrs e&p. 7;;3 with C,G " 2yr work e&perience after intership or. 73c in Nursing with C,G " 2yr e&perience in community Health Nursing /raduation =ntrance $est conducted by professional =&amination ;oard

Devi !hilya Oishwavidyalaya, (nstt. of 7gmt 3tudies, $akshila Campus, Dhandwa )oad, (ndore 9 .C6,,2

7;! 0Hospital !dministration1 6 yrs


Original Script
h. ,*+256C6*C+6 un'ab Eniversity, 3ecto r 9 2., Chandigarh 2B,, 2. Dept. of Health 3ervices 3tudies $ata (nstitute of 3ocial 3ciences, 3ion 9 $rombay )d, Deonara, ; J+2+ 7umbai 9 .,,, JJ Diploma in Hospit al Degree e&am with C,G " 6yrs =&p.

9 !dministration 6yrs

7asters in hospital : Health !dministration 6 years

7;;3 : ;3c. Nursing:;!:;.Com.:;.3c 0!ny faculty1 with C,G 0.,G 3C:3$1 age below .Cyrs.

Dip 0 $ in Hosp. !dmn.1 2yrs Dip in Health =ducation 2 year Diploma in Hospital !dministration 2 yr. ./. Diploma in Hospital 7gt. 2yr ;.3c 0Hospital !dmn.1 2yr. / Dip. (n Health =du. 2yr. Dip in Hospital 7gt. 6 yrs / Diploma in Hospital " Health 7anagement / Diploma in 7edico ?egal 3ystems 2 yrs correspondence 7 hill Hospital " Health 3ystems 7anagement 0Distance rogram1 + 3emesters 7aster of ublic Health, 7aster of Health Care !dministration 6 years.

!dmission $est /D, (nterview 7;;3 : ;.3c. Nursing or working graduates in Hospital /raduation

(nternational (nstt. for opulation 3c, Deonar, 7umbai 9 .,,,JJ 3hiva 'i Eniversity Oidyanagar, Dolhapur, .2B, ,. 3ND$ Women-s Eniversity, Nathibai $hackersey )oad, 7umbai 9 .,, ,6, Eniversity of une /aneshkhind, une 9 .22 ,,* 3ymbiosis Centre of Health Care 7gmt, 3enapati ;apat )oad une 9 .22 ,,. ;irla (nstt. of $ech. " 3cience, illani in collaboration with C7C, Oellore ;ombay Hospital and $ulane Eniv. 7edical Centre, New Hrlean E3! (ndian (nstt. Hf health 7gmt, )esearch, 2, rabhu Dayal marg, 3anganer !irport, Faipur 9 +,6,22


/raduation !ppropriate first degree ; =D /raduation /raduates with C,G Written test, /roup discussion and (nterview 7;;3 and 2yr, e&p : sponsored 3ome seats for ;=:; harma: 73c:7;! with 2yr. e&p.

/raduates with C,G marks !(7!$ Darnatak Hpe a 3tate n Eniversit y, 7anasgangotri, 7ysore 9 C*, ,,B 7ani pal high er Diploma in Health " Hospital 7anagement 6 yrs /raduation

!cademy of

=ducation, 7anipal 9 C*B224

DH! 6 yrs, ;achelor of Health !dmn. info., 0;H(!1 +yrs

7;;3 2,P6 from any !rts : 3C: Commerce group with C,G 2 *

Original Script
)a'iv /andhi Eniv. of Health 3ciences, .th ; ;lock, Faya Nagar, ;angalore 9 CB,,.2 8ather muller 7edical College kankanady, mangalore 9 C*C,, 6 $amil Nadu Eni ;harathidasan v. alkalaiperur. $iruchirapalli 9 B6,,6 . 8ather 7uller medical College kankanady, 7angalore 9 C*C,, 6 Eni ;harathidasan v. alkalaiper ur, $iruchirappalli 9 B6,,6 . 7adur Dam ai, ra' Eniversity, alkal Naga 7adur ai r, ai 9 B6C,6 2 7.3c 0Hospital !dmn.1 6 yrs /raduates in 3cience

7.3c 0Hospital !dmn.1 6 yrs

/raduation in relevant discipline

/ Diploma in )ehabilitation management 2 yr

/raduation in relevant discipline

7.3c 0Hospital !dmn.1 6 yrs

/raduation in relevant discipline

/ Diploma in )ehabilitation 7anagement 2 yr


7H7 0Health : Hospital1 6 yrs. Dip. (n 7edical )ecords 7gm t, $otal Auality Hospita 7anagement in l, Wa Dialy rd 7gmt, sis 7gt., (ntensi ca 7g 7ed. ve re mt, , (magin 7 ;lo g gt, od ;ank 7anagement 2yr. 7 0Hospital Healt ;! " h 3ystems 7gt.1 6 yrs Diplo ma i n Hospita l

/raduation with C,G !fter ;3c Chem : ;otany : Qoology

3ri )amchandra 7edical Colleg )esearc instt e " h ., orur, Chennai 9 B,,22B $amil Nadu Dr. 7/) 7edical Eniversity, No. ., !nna 3alai,

/raduates : 7;;3 =ntrance e&am on !ll (ndia ;asis

!dmn. 2yr

7;;3 of Nursing:;!:;3c:= dn

7!:73c.:7ed:7 Nursing with 6yrs.

Chennai 9 B,, ,+6 (nstitut o Healt e f h


!dministration ; No. 22.B, Chennai 9 B,,,B2 =mail <

/ Dip. (n Health =dn 2yrs Dip: Diploma !dvanc / : e Dip. (n Hospital !dministrati on Nutrition and Dieterics Nursing !dministrati on Diet 7gmt Heal ca system th re s 2yr correspondence

3tanding /raduation of / Diploma

Christi an $herapudi B+6,, 6 !pollo institute

7edic al H

College , Oellor e 9 o Hospita f l

Dip. (n Hospital !dmn. 2yr

/raduates and diploma holder

7ast er


Hospita l

/raduates in any discipline with C,G marks. 2 J

Original Script
!dministration. !pollo Hospi Campu tal s, Fubilee hills, Hyderabad 9 C,,,++ Hindu'a !3C( (nstt. of healthcare management, !3C( Colle Hill ge ark, ;an'ara s, )oad S+, 5 Hyderabad C,,,+. Eniv. of Calcutta House Dolkata 9 *,, ,*+ Instit $te ;irla (nstitute of 3cience" $echnology, ilani. New Delhi @7C! (73 Fai 3ingh )oad, New Delhi h. 6++B242C (/NHE, New Delhi !lagappa Eniversity 3enate management 6 yrs =ntrance e&am : group discussion : (nterview held in the months of Fuly 7aster of stration Healthc are Hospital !dmini o and 7aster f !dministrati on 6 /raduation Written test, interview : group discussion

yrs residential Dip. (n Health =du. 9 4 months 7;;3

"o$rses 7. hil. Hospital " Health 3ystem 7anagement /DH!

Eligi,ilit* 7;!:7H!,7;; 3 !ny /raduate

/DHH7 7;! 5 Hospital 7anagement 7;! 5 Healthcare h.D " 7. hil 7H! /DHH7 /DH! 7;! 5 Healthcare

7edical /raduate !ny /raduate

Famia Hamdard, New Delhi www.' $ata (nstitute of 3ocial 3cience, 7umbai 7adurai Damra' Eniversity, 7adurai !ll (ndia (nstitute of ?ocal 3elf /overnment, New Delhi, 7umbai 3kkim 7anipal Eniversity

!ny /raduate !ny /raduate !ny /raduate !ny /raduate

!ny /raduate

List o/ Some Other Training "entres

2. 6. +. .. C.

!dministrative 3taff College of (ndia, ;ella Oista, Dhairatabad, )a' ;havan )oad, Hyderabad 9 C,, ,J6 0(n association with the Hindu'a 8oundation1 !ll (ndia (nstitute of ?ocal 3elf /overnment, 3thanikra' ;havan, CD ;arfiwala 7arg, !ndheri West, 7umbai 9 CJ !ll (ndia (nstitue of 7edical 3ciences 0!((731 !nsari Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,64. !pollo (nstitute of Hospital !dministration, !pollo Hospital Campus, Fubilee Hills, Hyderabad 9 C,, ,++. !3C( 9 Hindu'a (nstitute of Healthcare 7anagement, !3C( Colleage ark, ;an'ar Hills, )oad S+, Hyderabad 9 C,, ,+. 2 4

Original Script
B. *. J. 4. 2,. 22. 26. 2+. 2.. 2C. 2B.
;irla (nstitute of 3cience and $echnology, ilani 9 +++ ,+2, )a'asthan. ;irla (nstitute of $echnology, 7esra, )ancha 9 J+C 26C, Fharkhand Christian 7edical College, Oellore 9 B+6 ,,6 $N Department of 7anagement 3tudies, 7adurai Damara' Eniversity, alkalai Nagar, 7adurai 9 B6C ,62. 8aculty of 7anagement 3tudies, Eniversity of Delhi, Delhi 9 22, ,,*. (ndian (nstitute of Health 7anagement )esearch 0((H7)1, Hpp. 3anganer !irport, Faipur 9 +,6,22. (nstitute of 7anagement 3tudies, Devi !halya Oiswavidyalaya, (ndore 9 .C6 ,,2, 7adhya radesh. 7anipal !cademy of Higher =ducation, Eniversity ;uilding, 7adhav Nagar, 7anipal 9 C*B 224, Darnataka. National (nstitute of Health and 8amily Welfare, New 7ehrauli )oad, 7unirka, New Delhi 9 22, ,B* 3chool of 7edical =ducation, /andhi Nagar, Dottayam 9 BJB ,,J, Derala. $!$! (nstitute of 3ocial 3ciences, Deonar, 7umbai 9 JJ.

International Focus

2. 6. +.

!merican College of Health Care !dministrators, +6C, 3outh atrick 3treet, !le&andria, O! 66+2., !ssociation of Eniversity rograms in Health !dministration, 2422 North 8ort 7yer Derive, 3uite C,+, !rlington, O! 666,4. (nstitute of Health 3ervices 7anagement, +4, Chalton 3treet ?ondon NW(, 2FD


Harvard ;usiness )eview ;usiness $oday harmabi% Hospital )eview =&press Healthcare 7anagement !H! News !merican Fournal of 7anaged care !merican Fournal of 7edical Auality Clinical ?eadership and management )eview Hospice 7anagement !dvisor 7edico ?egal $imes by 3ymbiosis Health Health 8acility 7anagement Health 8orum Fournal Hospital ractice

6 ,

Original Script IndiaDs Ma9or Hospital & Healthcare "ons$ltanc* #irms

2. 3i& 3igma Hospital " Healthcare 7anagement Consultancy, New Delhi 3i& 3igma has developed an e&cellent reputation by providing value added consulting services in ro'ect lanning, 7angement " (mplementations, =#uipment lanning " rocurement, harmacy 7anagement, Hospital !ccreditation 0(3H,N!;?,N!;H1, Hospital 7arketing 3trategy, $A7 " 3i& 3igma, Hospital " Healthcare Courses planning " 7anagement, )ural Healthcare, Healthcare 7anpower lanning, )evenue /eneration Hf the Hospital etc

6. +. .. C. B. *. J.

!pollo Hospital =nterprises, Chennai NHE3 Hospital Consultancy Hospic, 7umbai 7edicontrivers (ndia, 7umbai !ce Oision Health Consultant rofessional Health lanner, Delhi D3! $echnopak, Delhi

Ho- to /ace InterCie-s S$ccess/$ll*

Presenting Onesel/ and Doc$ments

2Ese formal dress to appear for an interview 6!void using new clothes because one may not know how to function in them. +(t is not wise to change usual hair styles or clothing patterns as they will inconvenience the candidate. .Ese e&ecutive clothing, deep and bright clours may not suit the occasion. CClothes have to be clean and ironed to represent order and discipline. BCarry a pen in the pocket or in the folde.r *Carry all the documents in an order in a folder. J!void carrying documents in an envelope as it will take time to show them to the interviewers. 4Carry only relevant documents. 2, Copy of the application sent and biodata and certificate of #ualifying e&amination are
important documents. 22 Carrying certificates and documents in a plastic bag will not give an impression of #uality and class. 26 Do not present any certificate or document unless asked for. 2+ )emember to collect all the certificates given for perusal at the interview. Entr*) Seating and E(it

2Dnock at the door and then enter even if your name is called out. 6/reet the interviewers as soon as you enter, the lady first and the gentlemen thereafter. +3it down only after you are asked to. .)emember to say L$hank you- before being seated. C!void pulling a chair. (nstead, lift it if necessary and always enter from the right side of the chair. B3it without crossing legs and sit straight. *?ook at the interviewers instead of looking down. JDeep whatever paper materials you carry on your lap, and not on the table. 4;end forward while answering #uestions.

6 2

Original Script
2While answering a #uestioner, remember to look at the other interviewers also. !void fidgeting like
touching moustache, scratching nose or arranging hair. 6!void carrying anything like a key bunch or a pen in your hands. +!t the end of the interview, get up and move out only after thanking the interviewers. .While moving out, step back first, then turn and walk away. Ans-ering 5$estions

2?isten to #uestions carefully to comprehend. (f you have not understood a #uestion, politely 6/ive short answers unless asked for longer ones. =&ude confidence but not arrogance. +;e firm when you are sure, otherwise start statements with L( thinkM or K!s far as ( knowM .7outh all words clearly and speak loud enough to hear. C!nswer immediately without wasting time. B!void being humorous or ironical in your answers. *Deep looking at the interviewers and never at other things in the room or outside. J/ive authentic information about any details connected with your bio5data. 4(t is discourteous to take anything from the table in front of the interviewer. 2, !void tightening a tie or pulling at the dress while answering any #uestion. 22 !nswers should not be gtttiven in a raised voice even when the #uestion comes in that manner. 26 !nswer #uestions in simple single sentences. 2+ !void giving additional information unless asked for. 2. (f you are complimented for the answers, remember to think the interviewer. 2C (f your answer or opinions are re'ected by the interviewer, remember to say Ksorry-. 2B !void repeating answers, phrases or words. 2* ;e aware of mannerisms and avoid them.
Demeano$r and Interactions re#uest for a repeat.

2Deep a smiling face so as to welcome any #uestion. 6!void any disagreement with the interviewer unless it involves your belief systems. +(f or when an interviewee has to disagree with the interviewer do it politely after e&pressing regret or

asking for pardon. .(t is unwise to contradict an answer through a subse#uent answer. C(f an error is brought to the notice of a candidate, he should accept the same. BEse a language that is easy to understand but formal in its usage. *! candidate should avoid offering her hand for a hand shake. !ll the same, if offered by the interviewer, she should accept it. JWhile a male candidate has to stand up to shake hands, a lady may accept an offer while being seated. 4! candidate-s behaviour should convince the interviewer about the #uality of personality that the candidate has. 2, !void any e&hibition of emotion about an answer that a candidate consider very dear or correct. 22 $he inverviewee should not condemn or deprecate any other person, grup, community or nation during an interview. 26 (f or when a candidate is asked a bout achievements or successes she should take care to list only those which can be proved with evidence. 2+ $here is noting wrong in re#uesting an interviewer to ask a candidate #uestions on a sub'ect of her choice. 2. Hnce the sub'ect is announced as the favoured one, a candi5date should make sure that all #uestions are answered.


Original Script
5$estion !s$all* As+ed in InterCie-s $ell me about yourself What are your hobbies? Why do you want to be programmer : analyst : copywriterT.. etc? (f you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? Why didn-t you go for higher studies? What does success mean to you? Where do you plan to be C years from now? $ell us about your achievements What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why did you go to 3t, 3tephen-s:3)CC:Hindu Colleague? Why should we give you this 'ob? (f you were to write your own obituary, what would you write? What sub'ect did you like best in school:colleage? Why maths:=nglish: hysicsT..? Which newspapers: maga%ines do you read regularly? Which page in the newspaper do you turn to first? Which programmes do you watch on $O? What is your favourite book? What are you reading now? What do you like to do when you are free? 3uppose you are selected and posted in a remote area, will you be able to 'oin? What games do you play? When do you find time to play cricket : badminton: tennis T.? Why do you want to leave your present 'ob? Why do you change 'obs so fre#uently? How did you prepare yourself for the interview? What will you do if you are not selected? What will you do if you fail in this interview? Describe your dream 'ob? What kind of people do you en'oy working with? Who is you role model and why? How long do you plan to work here before moving out. What are you looking fro from life? Telephone InterCie-s $oday many firms conduct at least the initial screening interview over the phone. $he firm-s minimum goal is to eliminate the obviously inappropriate candidates. ! telephone interview may result from several different situations. 3ometimes, as a result of your networking, the employer begins a screening process immediately. 3ometimes you are called because you submitted a resume and call letter. Tips /or Telephone InterCie-s .G 6 +

Original Script
repare as you would for any other interview. $he fact that the main characters are unable to see each other doesn-t change the basic rule. 8orm a mental image of a bright, friendly person on the other end of the phone. Have paper handy in case you want to take notes Have some good #uestions to ask. ?et your voice show enthusiasm. ;e prepared for an interview lasting from fifteen minutes to one5half hour. Have your resume handy in case you want to refer to it. G$idelines 3it up straight and smile. @our composure comes through even when the caller can-t see you. 7ake an effort to sound alert and Kperky-. Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum during the interview. $he sounds of these activities carry over the phone. Do not be overly rela&ed or familiar 'ust because you are sitting at home. (mmediately write down the interviewers- names $here may be more than one person interviewing you. 3peak clearly and directly into the phone. $ake notes. Fot down key words of the #uestions as they are asked of your so you can be sure you are addressing the important elements. !lso, keep track of how you answered #uestions and information you are given about the employer. $hese notes will be valuable when you are preparing for the face5 to5face interview. Do not talk too much. Deep up your end of the conversation and answer all #uestions in full but don-t ramble. $ry to pick up cues from the employer in terms of how e&tensive your answers should be. @ou might ask, occasionally, something like Ldoes that answer your #uestion?M or LWould you like me to elaborate any more on thatM. Do not give Kyes- or Kno- answers if more detail is needed. )emember that this is your opportunity to let the interviewer known why you are a strong candidate for the position. (f a #uestion catches you off guard, 'ust ask for a moment to think about it, and then do your best. Don-t- call attention to weaknesses or areas that you lack. Do ask follow5up #uestions < LWhat are the ne&t steps in the interviewing process?M LWhat will be covered in the ne&t round?M LWhat are your seeking in a candidate?M )emember to say thank you at the end of the interview and e&press your continued interest in the position. !ddress the interviewers by name. 3end a formal thank you letter, along with any additional information the interviewers may have re#uested. Preparing a Res$me ! resume is a brief summary of one-s career written in a paragraph format. ! curriculum vitae or CO is a structured delineation of one-s educational #ualification and work e&perience. (n (ndia, both the terms are used interchangeably. ! standard CO will incorporate the following detail. Name, =ducation, rofessional #ualifications, work e&perience 0if any1, =&tra curricular interested, 3pecial achievements, )eferences. However, the essential parts of a CO can be divided into the following heads. 2. The Heading . $he heading will include one-s name, address, telephone number, e5mail 0if any1 and the position applied for. 6 .

Original Script
E(perience pro/ile . (f one has little or no work e&perience, then the resume could start with the side head L=ducationM. (f one has sufficient work e&perience, then it would be ideal to start the resume with the side head LWork e&perienceM. While writing the work e&perience, one must include all significant work in reverse chronological order. Ed$cation . =ducation is an important part of one-s resume. Hne must include one-s degree, speciali%ation, institutions attended, date of graduation, subsidiary sub'ects studied, and any special workshops, seminars, related courses or pro'ects. Additional In/ormation . !ny information that doesn-t fall under the above categories could come under additional information. $his could include your special interested, the languages you know, computer knowledge you possess and the honours and awards you have won. $he point is to impress your recruiter. Re/erences . Hne must include two or three reference in one-s resume to lend it credibility. @ou must obtain the prior permission of the persons you intend to present as references. $he references should be those who you have worked under or persons who have taught you at college.

+. ..


Emerging S$ccess/$l in Gro$p Disc$ssion Remem,er these DoDs and DonDts . /roup discussion has become an integral part of the selection procedure for 'ob recruitment, and admission to #uality academic programmes. $he strategy for success involves many do-s and don-ts. Here are a few vital points to be borne in mind at the time of preparation. /ather full details of controversial topics of public interest by following daily news, editorial comments and articles written by e&perts in news maga%ines. 7aintain a personal diary of events Develop language skills including basic grammar, pronunciation, and effective e&pressions. Ese simple yet forceful languageI don-t go for bombast. !rrange your facts logically. Don-t take e&treme positions. 7eet opposition with a smile. ;e broad5minded in your approach. Don-t be unduly emotional during discussions. Discuss and not dispute. (f you present an argument, give facts to support it. ;e impartial. Deep a balanced view. Don-t- insult a person or a group. !ppreciate good views e&pressed by others. ;e a good listener. Don-t try to monopolies the time given for the group. 3peak patiently and convincingly. Ese appropriate and relevant #uotations or proverbs to establish your pont. =ncourage a silent or shy member to speak. Don-t- use provocative language or gestures.UDon-t hi on the table to prove a point. ?ook at the members by turn. Don-t block other. Don-t retort strongly if someone attacks you. Continue to be pleasantI a smile helps a lot. ?ight humour is HDI don-t be a clown. 6 C

Original Script
Check your body language. (f someone asks your views, take it as an opportunity to speak. Don-t shy away from it. 3how willingness for co5operation and teamwork. ;e politeI show no sign of arrogance or superiority. Don-t- talk too fast sacrificing clarityI don-t be dragging either. Don-t shout or whisperI speak normally. !void mannerisms such as whisperI speak normally !void mannerisms such as Lyou seeM, L( meanM, 3ort ofM and L@a @aM. /ive priority to group interest and not self5interest. Never give an impression that you are confused. Ese e&pressions such as L!s you put it rightlyM and LWe should appreciate the views of L When you want to differ, use phrases such as L?et us look at this from a different angleM. Don-t 'ust repeat the view given by another participant. Don-t give crude or uncivili%ed views or uneatable e&pressions. (llustrate your views by e&amples. don-t get disheartened if one of your views is not being carried. Don-t- blow your trumpets. (f you get an opportunity to open the discussion or to conclude do it well. ;e punctual Dress neatly ;e confident of success.


Hospitals !pollo Hospital, Delhi http.66--- apollohospdelhi com 8ortis Healthcare ?imited, Delhi http.66--- /ortishealthcare com 7a& Healthcare ?td. http.66--- ma(healthcare com =&press Healthcare http.66e(presshealthcare com =scort Hospital http.66--- ehirc com )ockland Hospital, Delhi http.66--- roc+landhospital com All India Instit$te o/ Medical Science @AIIMSA http< GoCernment Medical "olleage and Hospital) "handigarh http< 6 B

Original Script
G$-ahati Medical colleage and Hospital http< Instit$te o/ "hild Health and Hospital /or "hildren http< :a-arharlal Instit$te o/ Postgrad$ate Medical and Research @:IPMERA www.' :a-aharlal Nehr$ "ancer Hospital and Research "entre) 0hopal http<::www.' Lala Ram S-ar$p Instit$te o/ T$,erc$losis and Respirator* Diseases National Instit$te o/ Mental Health and Ne$ro Sciences @NIMHANSA North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Instit$te o/ Health and Medical Sciences @NEIGRIHMSA http< Ra9asthan Mo,ile S$rgical !nit http<::ra' SGS Medical "ollege and &EM Hospital) M$m,ai http< Tata Memorial "entre @TM"A http< Medical Institutions All India Instit$te o/ Medical Science @AIIMSA http< "hhatrapati Shah$9i Mahara9 Medical !niCersit* http< GoCernment Medical "ollege and Hospital) "handigarh http< G$-ahati Medical "ollege and Hospital http< Instit$te o/ "hild Health and Hospital /or "hildren http< Instit$te o/ H$man 0ehaCioi$r and Allied Sciences @IH0ASA http< :a-arharlal Instit$te o/ Postgrad$ate Medical and Research @:IPMERA www.' &id-ai memorial Instit$te o/ Oncolog* @&MIOA http<::www.kar.nic.:kidwai Lala Ram S-ar$p Insti$tte o/ T$,erc$losis and Respirator* Diseases http< National Instit$te o/ A*$rCeda http< National Instit$te o/ Homoeopath* @NIHA http< National Instit$te o/ Mental Health and Ne$ro Sciences @NIMHANSA http< National Instit$te o/ Pharmace$tical Ed$cation and Research @NIPERA http< National T$,erc$losis Instit$te @NTIA 6 *

Original Script
http< North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Instit$te o/ Health and Medical Sciences @NEIGRIHMSA http< Post Grad$ate Instit$te o/ Medical Ed$cation and Research http< San9a* Gandhi Post Grad$ate Instit$te o/ Medical Sciences http< SGS Medical "olleage and &EM Hospital) M$m,ai http< SherGiG&ashmir Instit$te o/ Medical Science http< Tamil Nad$ Dr M G R Medical !niCersit* http< RESEAR"H "O!N"ILS6"ENTRES "entral "o$ncil /or Research in A*$rCeda and Siddha @""RASA http< "entral "o$ncil /or Research in Homeopath* @""RHA http< "entral "o$ncil /or Research in !nani Medicine @""R!MA http< "entral Dr$g Research Instit$te @"DRIA http< "entral Instit$te o/ Medicinal and Aromatic Plants @"IMAPA http< Delhi Medical "o$ncil http< Indian "o$ncil o/ Medical Research @I"MRA http< Instit$te o/ Genomics and IntegratiCe 0iolog* @IGI0A http< :a-aharlal Nehr$ "ancer Hospital and Research "entre) 0hopal http<::' &id-ai Memorail Instit$te o/ Oncolog* @&MIOA http< Malaria Research "entre @MR"A http< National Instit$te o/ Pharmace$tical Ed$cation and Research @NIPERA http< Post Grad$ate Instit$te o/ Medical Ed$cation and Research) "handigarh http< Tata Memorial "entre @TM"A http< Ot ers Delhi State AIDS "ontrol Societ* @DSA"SA http< Department o/ Indian S*stems o/ Medicines and Homoeopath* http< 6 J

Original Script
Directorate o/ Medical Ed$cation and Research @DMERA) Maharashtra http< #ood Sa/et*) India http< Health and #amil* %el/are Department) Delhi http< Health and #amil* %el/are Department) Himachal Pradesh http< Health and #amil* %el/are Department) Nagaland http< Health and #amil* %el/are Department) Orissa http< Health Department) Manip$r http< Hospital SerCices "ons$ltanc* "orporation @IA Limited @HS""A http< Indian Medlars "entre @INDMEDA http< Ministr* o/ Health and #amil* %el/are http< National AIDS "ontrol Organisation @NA"OA http< National #amil* Health S$rCe* @N#HSA http< National Medicinal Plants 0oard @NMP0A http< P$,lic Health Engineering Department) Ar$nchal Pradesh http< P$,lic Health engineering Department) "hhattisgarh http< P$,lic Health engineering Department) Madh*a Pradesh http< Tamil Nad$ Medical SerCices "orporation @TNMS"A http< Tamil Nad$ State Aids "ontrol Societ* @TNSA"SA http< %orld Health Organisation @%HOA http<

IMPORTANT HEALTH"ARE & MEDI"INE %E0SITES http.66--- medscape com http.66--- mdonline com http.66--- mdcons$lt com O//er Cital lin+s & $pdated medical happenings in eCer* area o/ *o$r interest 6 4

Original Script
7ed=&plorer5http<::www.mede& Directory of the healthcare sites, including business and professional Hardin Meta Director* o/ Internet Health So$rces J http< e&tensive list of large health5related link inde&es.

Locate ADoc comGhttp6--- locateadoc com 3earch for doctors in your area and ask doctors health related #uestion on line. Doctor Net 9 http< !n interactive medical network for physicians and the public. Healthcomm$nities com http< Hffers several channels, from neurology to oncology, that lead our browsers through physician monitored description of conditions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, management, and resources. e;ody.com5http< find information about cosmetic procedures such as refractive eye surgery, plastic surgery, dermatology, cosmetic dentistry, and orthodontics. $he 7ed =ngine5http< ! #uick overview of hundreds of on5line medical sources. $he 7ed:!rchive 9 http< rovides categori%ed links about numerous medical specialties, daily updated medical news and a medical online chat. ! 9 http< Directory of medical services and products, including doctors, home care, pharmacies, phspitals, medical products and health information. app Clinic 9 http< Directory of clinics and health services provided by this /eorgia based network. ?isting included the medical practices such as (nternal and 8amily medicine, Hb:/yn, ediatrics, bio of physicians and location maps. ;ioport 9 http< (ncludes links to medial news, research sites, universities and organi%ations and sites involved in genetics, aging and medical technology. ?ink to research databases and government health and biological resources. http< Directory of sites that may be of interest to health professionals and medicine students. Hospitals 9 Doctors 9 http< Eseful navigational took online for searching for E3 hospitals, doctors, health links and medical organi%ations. Hffers free download of medical images. + ,

Original Script
7D =&press 9 http<::www.mde& ortal for physician " health professionals including medical research, news, educatioan, statstics, office, business " travel sites. 9 http< Comprehensive summaries " links to over 2,B,, web sites in each speciality, categori%ed by diagnosis, therapy, disease " related topics. 9 http< Combination healthcare portal " tour for healthcare professionals " consumers. 8rom pharmaceuticals " medical recruiting sites to women-s " children-s health sites. 9 http< Hffers medical news about diseases " drugs updated every +, minutes. Hoslink 9 http< ! link portal for medical " biomedical professions covering all disciplines of hospital " athology. 3ite also contains links to free stuff " links to books " te&tbooks. V;ook " te&tbooks link to !m 8stateu-s 7edical ?ink age http<,*B:medXlinks.html ! large inde& of medical links for students to specialists in all fields of medicine. 9 http< 7edical web directory " education resources for medical students " professionals. E37?= 3tudy /uide, 7edical D! 3oftware and Web5communities. DHC$.org 9 http< ! portal for medical doctors. 3icklehut 7edical ?inks 9 http<'fung:. ?arge (nde& of 7edical links Wheretodo) http< :Health:!ll.htm ?ist of over .,, health " medical sites. e5?ynks 9 http< !n alphabeti%ed directory to a wide assortment of pharmaceutical, medical, " health related Web 3ites. !ll7ed=&hange 9 http<::allmede& ! directory of links for residents " practicing physicians. !ustralian 7edical 7all 9 http< ! Comprehensive searchable data base of 7ississippi physicians, health care professionals, providers, vendors, associations, organi%ations, Hot ?ines " other medical resources.


+ 2

Original Script
!eneral Healt Care "e# Site $Forei%n& MEDLINEpl$s /rom the National Li,rar* o/ Medicine http< Health/inder http< NOAH Ne- ;or+ Online Access to Health http< #amil* Doctor http< Medical Enc*clopedia http< Hardin Meta Director* o/ Internet Health So$rces http<::www.lib.u' Ma*o "linic http< Diseases) Disorders and Related Topics http< Health Lin+s. Diseases and "ommon "onditions http< Inteli Health http< Med %e, http<::www.7edWeb.=mory.=du:7edWeb:default.htm National Health In/ormation "enter http< The Merc+ Man$al o/ Medical In/ormation http< 8irt$al Hospital J "ommon Pro,lems in Ad$lts http< roblems:Common roblems.html Health "entral http< HealthLin+ http< Health To$ch Online /or 0etter Health http< Med Help International http< Medical Matri( http<::www.medmatri&.org:inde&.asp? MedicineNet com http< Med-e,pl$s com http< M*li/epath com http< Net %ellness http< ThriCeOnline com http<::thriveonline.o& + 6

Original Script
!eneral Healt "e# Sites ' for Healt (rofessionals 0iosites http< "lini %e, International J An inde( and ta,le o/ contents /or clinical in/ormation on the %orld %ide %e, http< Health %e, http< MedScape http< Dr$g In/oNet http< Need* Meds http< R( List J The Internet Dr$g Inde( http<::www.r& #ood and Dr$g Administration @#DAA http< "enter %atch6"linical Trials Listing SerCice http< Health #inder /or &ids http< &idshealth /or &ids http< &idshealth /or Teens http< 8irt$al "hildrenDs Hospital /or &ids http< atients:8orDids.html A0"s o/ Parenting http< &idsHealth org http< "ancerNet &idsD Home Page http< "hildren %ith Dia,etes http< &idd Sa/et* http< &ids !nderstanding Aids http<!(D3:!(D32.html

Tips4&ids http< :$st #or &ids. A Special Page #or &ids %ho St$tter http< &id7one http< "ool the 0$rn
+ +

Original Script

Senior)s "e# Sites

Ma*o "linic "om http< #amil* "aregiCer Alliance http< http< Administration on Aging ElderPage http< #irst GoC /or Seniors Health Section http<::www Merc+ Man$al o/ Geriatrics http< "omen *s Healt "e# Sites As+ NOAH A,o$t. %omenDs Health http<::www.noah5
HHS ! S #ood and Dr$g Administration @#DAA O//ice o/ %omenDs Health http< #IRS Health Reso$rces and SerCices Administration @HRSAA. %omenDs Health http< HHS O//ice on %omenDs Health http< HHS O//ice o %omenDs Health @O%HA. National %omenDs Health In/ormation "enter http< ihr com Internet Health Reso$rces. #or "ons$mers http< National %omenDs Health Reso$rce "enter @N%HR"A http< NIH National Instit$te o/ Mental Health @NTMHA %omenDs Mental Health "onsorti$m @%MH"A http<::www.nimh.nih. gov:wmhc:inde&.cfm NIH O//ice o/ Research on %omenDs Health http< Societ* /or %omenDs Health Research http< %e,MD Health* %omen http< better:her

Men *s Healt "e# Sites American Academ* o/ #amil* Ph*siciansG MenDs Health http< American "ancer Societ* Man to Man http<::www.cancer.or%:m6m:m6m.hthl
+ .

Original Script
As+ NOAH A,o$t. MenDs Health http< Memorial SloanG&ettering "ancer "enter. Prostate "ancer http< )H3$.htm MenDs Health Topics http< Ne- ;or+ Times MenDs Health http< !niCersit* o/ Pitts,$rgh Health Sciences Li,rar* MenDs Health http< In/ertilit* Reso$rces %e, Site http< Specific Healt (ro#lem "e# Sites Asthama and Allear* #o$ndation o/ Amercica http< "enters /or Disease "ontrol and preCention @"D"A http< H(O (nsite http< Internet Mental Health http< National Instit$te o/ Ne$rological Disorders and Stro+e @NINDSA) O//ice o/ Scienti/ic and Health Reports http< A !niCersit* o/ Penns*lCania "ancer "enter Reso$rce http< The American L$ng Association http< The #amil* 8illage http<

OTHER !SE#!L HEALTH SITES "enter %atch "linical Trials Listing SerCice http< "linical Trials goC http< "omparison o/ Health In/ormation Megasites http< Health "are In/ormation Reso$rces
+ C

Original Script
http< Inner ,od* G H$man anatom* http<


Hospital Name !ashlok Hospital !((73 !rmy Hospital 0)")1 ;ala'i Hospital ;alak )am Hospital ;atra Hospital ;hagat Hospital ;harti =ye Centre ;rahm 3hakti Hospital Central )ailway Hospital Chikitsa Hospital City Hospital Daya 7emorial Charitable $rust Deen Dayal Epadhyaya Hospital Deepa memorial Delhi Heart and ?ungs Delhi Heart ?ung (nstitute Dharamshila Cancer Hospital =scorts Heart (nst. " )esearch Centre =scorts Hospital, 8aridabab 8ortis Hospital, Noida 8ortis5Fessaram Hospital /.;. ant Hospital /u'armal 7odi Hos. !nd )es. Cen /uru Nanak =ye Centrw /uru $egh ;ahadur Hospital Hans Charitable Hospital Hari 7ohan =ye (nstitute Healing $ouch Hospital Hindu )ao Hospital Holy 8amily Hospital (ndian 3pinal (n'uries Centre (ndraprastha !pollo Hospital Faipur /olden Hospital Feevan !nmol Hospital Feewan 7ala Hospital Feewan Nursing Home and Hospital Dalawati 3aran Children Hospital Dhetrapal Hospital Dolmet Hospital +B "ontact N$m,ers 6B2BC4,2 0* lines, 6B2BCJB6, 6B2BCJB6 6BCJJ,,,, 6BCJ42C., 6BCJJ*,,, 6BCJJC,, 6CB4+*BC 6C6*4C4C, 6C6*4J6B 6+J2.6,., 6+J2..4+ 644CJ*.*, 6B,J+*.*, 6B,J*.JB, 6B,C*6J. 644C*.J6 6CCC2J4J, 6CC,CC,6 6C*J26++ 6*462BJ+ 66CB6,,., 662J4J4* 6BJC,,.., 6BJC,,++ C66CCCCC, 6CJB.2B, 6*66.J+B, 6B2BJJ,J 6C.4B+6,, 6C26C*.6, 6C26C*,, 66+*J+J., 66+*J+J, 6,+C+,J+C, 26+,C+J,+C, 6+C+J+C25CJ 66B2***25*C 6BJ6 C,,,, 6BJ6 C,,2 4C26456.2*,4B:*,4* 4C26,56.,,666 C2C,+666 6+6+.6.6, 6+6++,,2 6BJC6226, 6BJC622B 6+6+.B66, 6+6+.B26, 66CJB6B6 6C*6J4B4, 6C*J*BCC 6*6224C4, 6*BCJ.*. 6C*6J4B4, 6C*J*BCC 6BCB44C2, 6BCB.B.C, 6BJC6CJ+ 6+4+6+B6, 6+424*B4 6BJ.C4,,5,4 6BJ4J26*, BB.6J..J, .66C66C 6B46CJ,2, 6B46CJCJ 6*C6C4J4J544,, 6*C6C4J*5JB 66*C,+J, 6+C22.*.5** 6CJC24,6, 6CJC24+4, 6C*J.B+6, 6CJC,44C 6++..2B,, 6++..2B65B4 6C46.++B 6C*C6,C*, 6CJC.,2+, 6C*C6,CB5C*

Original Script

?ady Hardinge 7edical Colleage ?ala )am 3warup (nstitute of $.;. " !llied 3ciences ?ifeline Hospital ?NF N Hospital 7. . Heart Centre 7ahara'a !grasein Hospital 7ann Hospital 7ata Chanan Devi Hospital 7![ H=!?$H C!)= 7a& Hospital, Noida 7a& Hospital, anchsheel =nclave 7a& Hospital, 3aket 7a& Hospital, Wa%irpur 7/3 Hospital 7ool Chand D) Hospital 7oolchand Hospital Narender 7ohan Hospital National Chest (nstitute National Heart (nstitute North Delhi Nursing Home Hrthonova Hospital )a'an ;abu $.;. Hospital )a'iv /andhi Cancer )esearch (nstitute )am 7anohar ?ohia Hospital )ockland Hospital )oshanlala ;a'a' 7emorial hospital 3afdar'ung Hospital 3ahi Hospital 3an'ay /andhi Hospital 3hanti 7ukund Hospital 3hriram olyclinic 3ir /anga )am Hospital 3kin (nstitute and 3chool of Dermatology 3mt. 3ucheta Driplani Hospital 3ondhi Charitable hospital 3ociety 3outh oint Hospital 3t. 3tephen-s Hospital 3under ?al Fain Hospital $irath )am Hospital $irath )am 3hah Hospital Oasant ?ok Hospital O(7H!N3 Oimhans

6++B+*6J, 6++B+**J, 6++B+*CJ 6BJC.466 66C6,,,2, 66C6666B 6+6+6.,,, 6+6++.,,, 6+6+2B62 6B.2C,BC, 6B.J4+, 6C2,BB.C5C* 6+J.+2,C, 6+J.+.62 6CB2CCBC, 6CB66,C. C2B626+, 6B4++B,25B2, 4C26,56C.4444 6B.44JB65*, 6BC2JBB*, 6BC2C*C* 6*2CJJ.. 6C66B2,,5,+ 6BJ66B*4, 6BJ+6.B2, 6BJ++.,., 64J+C+,B, 64J+2C6+ 6,4J.,,62, *64,J.6,B2, 42.*+6*64, 42.*++.+J 6BJB.,26, 6B4B.,.. 6B.2.2CB 6*.662+2, 6*2++*J* 6BB,6.6J56.++ C2BC*CC.5CJ 6*26C66J, 6*62JJB2 6*,C2,22, 6*,C2,+, 6++B2,2., 6++BCC6C C2BJJ*C65B+, C2BJJ*C+ 6C*+*.*+ 6B2BC,B, 6.+2.,JB, 4J,6 6*426J.., 6*2B+JB. 66+*24645++ 6+C6,6*6, 6+C6*BC2 6C*+C6,C, 6CJC2.B+ 6B.2.+.4, 6B.26+C, 6++B+B4J, 6++B+*6J 6+J.J.B+ 64664J4J, 6466,,.J 6+4BB,6256* 6*.2+2JB, 6*.2+24., 6*66224. 6C66.6C, 6+4CB++B 6+4CB++B, 6+4*6,J*, 6+4*6.J* 6B2.4.66, 6B2.4.6+ 6B+2,C2,56, 6B+2,C2,5C6,

3pring 7eadows 85.., =ast Dailash

Delhi 24Hrs "hemist Shop 6C2B6,2J 6


Original Script
New Delhi 5 22,,BC 7ohindra Hospital 6BC2.CC2, 6BJC6JJ, 6BJC6JJ2

C5C /reen ark =&tn. New Delhi 9 22,,2B !ll (ndia Chemist 3hop No. 2, !((73 3afdar'ung 3ubway New Delhi 9 22,,64 Dolmet Hospital *5; usa )oad Darol ;agh New Delhi 9 22,,,C );3 Fesa )am Hospital W.=.!., Darol ;agh, New Delhi 9 22,,,C ;atra Hospital 2, $ughlakabad )oad (nstitutional !rea 7ehrauli ;adarpur )oad, New Delhi 9 22,,B6 3hahdara, /ulati 7edical 3tore CC2, 7ain ;a%ar, 3ahahdara New Delhi 9 22,,+6 $rans @amuna, 3avitri medicos, JC:C, 3hastri ark, Chander Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,C2 Holy !ngels Hospital 0Davai 3hop1 lot ; Community Center ;asant ?ok, Oasant Oihar New Delhi 9 22,,C* New ?ife Hospital 2B2B, /$; Nagar ;atra Cinema )oad Dinsway Camp New Delhi 3uper ;a%ar 7edical 3tores 3uper ;a%ar, Connaught lace New Delhi 9 22,,,2 Dr. )am 7anohar ?ohia Hospital ;ada Dharak 3ingh 7arg Near /ole Dak Dhana New Delhi 9 22,,,2 $irath )am Hospital )a'pur )oad Delhi 9 22,,C. (ndian )ed Cross 3ociety 3unil ;lood ;ank ;atra Hospital (ndraprastha !pollo Hospital 3ri Drishna ?aboratories 7edical ;ureau ;lood Donation 6. Hrs 3ervice

6B2B,*4B 6C*CC46+, 6C*JB2BC 6C*J2B6B 6B,C*6J., 644C*.J6, 644CJ*.*

66C,2C., 66C6,2.2 6B2.2664

6*.CBB,6, 6*6+6B.B

6+424*,B, 6+4+6+B6 6++BCC6C, 6++BCC*+

6C66.6C, 6+4CB++B

Delhi 0lood 0an+ 6+*2 2CC2, 6+*2 B..2 6.B4*B.B 64,C 26J,, 6B,J +*.* 6B46 CJCJ, 6B46 CJ,2 Doesn-t e&ist 6+4*CC,6, 6+4*,*.J 4B+62B2446 + J

Original Script
)otary ;lood ;ank ;lood ;ank Hrganisation !((73 0!urbindo 7arg1 ! 9 =dward 7aumenee 9 =ye ;ank Oenu Charitable 3ociety $imes =ye ;ank National =ye ;ank )otary Delhi Central =ye ;ank 3ir /anga )am Hospital Dr. ) Centre of Hphthalmic 3cience Holy 8amily Hospital Consumer rotection ;ureau : Cell : Help ;eni& 3olutions 66+, 6nd 8loor Dirti 3hikhar Distt. Centre, Fanakpuri, New Delhi 9 22,,CJ 3ulabh Health Care House No. 2.B ocket C ! )ohini, 3ector 9 J, New Delhi 64,C.,BB:B4 6C*6 2J*,, 6C*2 2,CC 6BCJJJ+J4, 6BC4+.,, Delhi E*e 0an+ 646C,4C6 646C,4C6, 646C22CC 6B..62JC, 6B6C62JC 6BCB,22,, 6BCB4.B2 64,C.,BB:.,B* 6C*+C6,C 6CJ2J+*6 6BJ.C4,,5,4 66*C2BC*, 4J222*C,B, 6CC*242,


Delhi K24 hrs "are HelplinesA )ace, 2J!:6 9 Doriwalan 6+B* B*B*, 6+BJC.62, 6+BJ.B6, New )ohtak )oad, 6+BJ.C6,, 6+BJ.C6, New Delhi 9 22,,,C 226 =, Near Narula $ent House 6+J.2C24, 6+J.6C24 Damala Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,,* $riveni Comple&, 66C,C.44, 66..6BCC =52, 22 26 ?a&mi Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,46 +,6, Dirti 7ahal, 24 )a'endra lace, 6CJ6B2B2 New Delhi 9 22,,,J ?egal !dvisor and Consultants 0Delhi1 6B.JB4+,, 6B662B6+ Fotwani and !ssociates J2, Natianl ark, ?a'pat Nagar, New Delhi 9 22,,,.

7aheshwari and Co. 3uite *,+, Nirmal $ower, 6B, ;arakhambha )oad, New Delhi 9 22,,,2 ;52,. /ulmohar ark New Delhi 9 22,,.4 8amily Health lan ?td. 7ed 3ave Health Care ltd. = 7editek 3olutions ?td. Eniversalmedi !id 3ervices ?td. )aksha $pa vt. ?td.

6++CC4J6, 6++2.2*,

C2B.2*C*, C2B.,+J2 List o/ The T P A Ds 6B46CJCJ, 6B46CJ,2, .2B*J42B52*524 6BB22,B2, CCB4J22,, 64C42,B25BB 4C526.6C,B6,BJ5*,, 4C26..,B6,B65*, 6++6,2,2, 6++6,2.+, 6+*2*C,+ 6B62B2J, 6B..*B,+, 4C26466C,,2:666 + 4

Original Script
=ast West !ssist vt. ?td. /enins (ndia ?td. Oipul 7edcorp 7ed5save Enited Health Care $.$.D. Health Care ark 7ediclaim 7edi !ssist (ndia vt. 3afeway 7ediclaim 7edicare Noida Hospital !mar 7edical Centre 0C/H31 ;hardwa'a 7edical Centre 0C/H31 Deepakshi Nursing Home =.3.(. Hospital Delh Dental Care $issue ath ?ab Dailash Hospital 7etro Hospital and heart (nstitute Oinayak Hospital Noida 7edi care Centre 8ortis Hospital Noida ;lood ;anks Oinayak Hospital 3hayog =nterprises /anesh 7edicos Ouinayak Hospital Dailash Hospital /urgaon Hospitals !l 9 ;ega Hospital ;hatnagar Nursing Home City Hospital Civil Hospital Delh 7edical Centre Dharmani !yur. Chikitsa Dendra Diwakar Nursing Home =ast and West hospital /etwell Child and 8racture Clinic /oel Nursing Home Dalyani Hosiptal 0C/H31 ?ala Nursing Home 0C/H31 7athur maternity and Child Care Cen. rivat Hospital 3ethi Hospital 3harma hospital $irath )am Ema 3an'eevani Health Care 0C/H31 Emkal Hospital 0C/H31 4C26,56C6.*,2 4J2,2642J, 6C,B,44 6.22++J, 6.22+C6 6CC,B4. 6CC,B4. 6......, 6..,... 4C26,56..6CCC56BBB 4C526,56...666, 6...+++ 6.C+J,25,4 4C526,5+4.CB,+5B,C 6...666 24 Hrs "hemist Shop @NoidaA 4J2,26C+J+ 6C22*CC, 6C22*.. 6...666 6......, 6..,... 6+.4J6B 6+6CJ2+ 6+6.JJB 6+6,2,6 6+,.*C+ 6+*6*6B 6+626., 6+66CCB 6+,J,CC 6+6C,*6 666+B2252B 6+66.2, 6+6**** 6+6,,C,, 4J2,26.CCB 6+62C+2 6++626. 6C6.6C, 6+4CB++B 6+C,4B, 6+JCBCB, 6+J4444 . , 6BCB.+.J, 6BC6*2+, 4C526,56.C*+2C+, 6.C,2,62, 4C26,56C+44B2 4C526.56.+J6*,5*C, 4C26.5.+,J+26 64C62,B25BB C2+6.6BB, C2CC,BC+, C2+6.6BJ CC+CC+BB, 2B,,..JJJC:*J*J C2C+4.4J, 6C*.*.CC C2B6.J.+, C2B6.J.C C2.6CB*25*6 C2C.,.2652+

Original Script

G$rgaon 0lood 0an+ (ndian )ed Cross 3ociety =ye Hospital 3an'ay 7edicos Hld )ailway )oad /urgaon 9 266,,2 arupkar 7edical 3tore, Ema 3an'eevani, Dakhsin 7arg, D?8 City 9 6 /urgaon C/H3 dispensary /urgaon la%a chemist H526 Autub =nclave 9 2 /urgaon 7ohan and Co. 3hopping mall dakshin 7arg, D?8 City 9 6, Autub =nclave 9 2 7other and Child Nursing Home !swini Hospitals =scorts Heart and )esearch Centre 7etro Heart (nstitute !nand Hospital Deep 7edical Centre 6+6,.BJ 4C26. 9 6J,42,, G$rgaon 24 Hrs "hemist Shop 6+,4C2+4 6+C,J4B,

6+6,C2B, 6+6,+B4 6CB2,B4, C,C,C,. 6+C,4B,

#arida,ad Hospitals 4C2645662BC,, 4C264566J4,B+ 4C26456.2B,4B 4C2645C,,6C2* 4C264566.6+6C 4C2645C,,J+C* C,,4+C. Noble Hospital 4C264566J+C*., C,,B.J. 3unflake Hospital and )es. Centre 4C264566B+CJ* ;adshah Dhan 4C26456.2B2B4 Civil hospital ;allabgarh 4C264566.2+B6 7C8 Civil Dispensary 4C2645664*CCC =3( 3ector 9 J 4C264566.2C66 =3( NH 9 + 4C26456.2+,+6 Casualty, =3( 3ector 5 J 4C264566.2,4J #arida,ad 0lood 0an+ ;.D. Hospital 4C26456.2B2B4 3unflag Hospital 66B+CJ.5CJ* =scorts 4C26456.2B,4B #arida,ad K24 Hrs "hemist ShopA opular Druggist and Chemicals 0=scorts1 4C26456.2B2B4 3unflag Hospital and )esearch Centre 4C264566B+CJ+ Gha7ia,ad 3antosh Hospital 6*42CJ4:4, Narinder 7ohan Hospital and Heart (nstitute 64.,C,2 @ashoda Hospital 6*C66+J, 6*C,,,25,.


Original Script

;ilaspur Hims Charitable Hospital Daramshala 3ai 7ahima 3hukla Hospital Dullu ;eas Hospital Chawala 7edical Centre and Nursing Home 3olan Him 7edicare centre

Himachal Pradesh ,24*J566.B.6 ,2J465666C6BJ ,24,6566.+26 ,24*C56+62JC ,2*46566.2BJ "handigarh

;hargava Nursing Home ;one and Foint 3urgical Chetenya Hospital (nscol $ertiary Care Centre 7ukat Hospital and Heart Hospital "hattisgarh 0hillai ;hillai 3can and research ?td. ;3) Cancer Hospital )evival 7edical Centre ;ilaspur ?uthra Hospital and )esearch Center )aipur Dhemka Hospital 3aggar $iwari Nusing Home Oidya Hospital and Didney Centre Har*ana !mbala City ;ave'a Hospital 7 D 3urgical Hospital )D7 Hospital Am,ala "antt Dhawan Hrthopedic and 8racture Hospital 7onga Hospital 0had$rgarh Delhi Hospital and Nursing Home

,2*65 6C.C2.* ,2*65 6*+..CC ,2*65 6B,.B2+ ,2*65 6+JJJJ+ ,2*65 6B26CC+

,*JJ56646J*, ,*JJ566466.4 ,*JJ5C6,+CC.2 ,**C6566B64* ,**256C64*BC 6.6.,C, 6.6B4*C 6.6B,4,

,2*25 6CC+C6* ,2*25 6CCB.CB ,2*25 6CCB*+2 ,2*25 6CCB*.2 ,2*25 6BC2*JJ ,2*25

6BB64C+ Hansi (nder 3ain Hospital Dalra Hospital Hissar !rora Hrthopedic Hospital Holy Hospital ,2BB+5 6CJ6,, ,2BB+5 6C.CBB ,2BB65 6*CJ,, ,2BB65 6.**6* . 6

Original Script
Fain Children Hospital )avindra Heart and Diabitic Centre Oikneuro and $rauma )esearch Hospital &aithal Dev Nursing Home 7CH Care clinic 7ittal 3urgical and 7aternity Hospital &arnal !ggarwal hospital !mar Child Hospital Haryana Nursing Home2 Haryana Nursing Home6 arveen Hospital $agore Hospital &$r$shetra !ggarwal Nursing Home ;hola Hrthopedic and Dental Hospital Pal-al /oyal Nursing Home Findal Nursing Home Panch+$la Daisetr Hospital Panipat Chabbra Hospital Dr. rem Hospital and anipat / C /upta Hospital ?ala Harbaghwan Dass 7adaan Hospital Re-ari Deep Hospital Dr. 3a&ena Nursing Home Dalawati Hospital and Damla Nursing Rohta+ Fiwan Nursing Home Dayal Nursing Home 7ittal 7aternity and Nursing Home Sirsa Dayal Nursing Home Holy Nursing Home Dhurana Child Health Care 3ama Nursing Home 3atyam Hospital 3oni Hrthopedic Hospital Sonepat ;atra Nursing Home and Heart Centre Handa Hosiptal Heart Care Centre Dohli Nursing Home 7ukhi Hospital Nursing Nav'eewan Hospital ,2BB656+.J,, ,2BB6566,,6, ,2BB656.*B,2 ,2*.B566.C22 ,2*.B566C4J2 ,2,*6566+4.4 ,2J.566CC.B6 ,2J.566J,B42 ,2J.566,2CJ* ,2J.566CB,B4 ,2J.566C22J+ ,2J.566*,2JJ ,2*..566,+CC ,2*..566,J.2 ,26*C56++6C* ,26*C56++C,2 ,2*656C**.46 ,2*.656BC2*** ,2*.656+242 ,2*.656BB,J.J ,2*.656B.C242 ,2*.656BC2.42 ,26*.5666+.6 ,26*.56CC46, ,26*.56666J. ,26B656C.+2B ,26B656..2CB ,26B656.+,.4 ,2BBB5662666 ,2BBB5666,22 ,2BBB566+,,6 ,2BBB56++++, ,2BBB566CB4B ,2BBB56+2,4+ ,26B.56.2,C2 ,26B.56.,2*. ,26B.56.2*C+ ,26B.56.6C+2 ,26B.56.6,.2 . +

Original Script
;am$nanagar Waryan 3ingh Hospital :amm$ & &ashmir 7edicare Nursing Home :har+hand Famshedpur 3teel City Clinic and )esearch Centre Well Oiew Health )esearch Nursing P$n9a, !bohar $alwar Nursing Home Amritsar !dlakha Hospital 7adaan Hospital Nayyar Hospital 3igma Heart (nstitute and 3peciality 0arnala Dr. Naresh Hospital " Heart Centre 0hatinda ;harti Heart Hospital #ero7p$r !nil ;aghi Hospital :alandhar ;;C Heart Centre City Hospital 3atyam Hospital " $rauma Centre $agoreheart Care and )esearch Centre L$dhiana !nand 3can Hospital Deep Hospital ;assi Hospital /upta Hospital reet Hospital vt. ?td. 3igma heart (nstitute " 3peciality Mohali Cheema 7edical Comple& 8ortis Heart " 7ultispeciality 3ilver Haks Hospital Ra9asthan A9mer !'mer Hospital /upta Nursing Home D3 Hospital ratap 7emorial Al-ar 7ittal Hospital 3olanki Hospital Oa'ayang @ospital and )esearch Centre ,2.C56B664,* 6.6*64, 6B,6J2J 6.6B.,B ,2..5+6*,2++ 6*,,.,, 6++2J,* . . ,2*256+*+,,, ,24256.+C,*, ,BC*56.6*,JC ,BC*56.++,4+

,2B+.566,,** ,2J+5662+,*B ,2J+56C*2*J4 ,2J+5666,,22 ,2J+56C,JCJ2 ,2B*564+.B,2 ,2B.5662+2+* ,2B+566,CCB ,2J25662+,*B ,2J2566+4B,, ,2J256.*,.,, ,2J2566,++66 ,2B256..4.*. ,2B256.,B26+ ,2B256+2+J*. ,2B256.+2B.. ,2B256.+2B.. ,2B256.,6222 ,2*6566*26J4 ,2*656+4B666 ,2*656622+,+

Original Script
0haratp$r !rora Hospital vt. ?td. Dr. /ovind /upta Hospital $ara mahendra Hospital :aip$r !grasen Hrthopedic Hospital !pe& Hospital ;eheti Hospital ;ani ark Hospital ;aghan 7ahaveer Cancer Hospital ;handari Hospital and )esearch Durga Devi 7emorial /hiya Hospital Faipur Hospital :odhp$r /oyal Hospital and )esearch Centre Fodhpur Hospital 3uncity Hospital and )esearch Centre &ota 3udha Hospital and 7edical )esearch Centre $$ Hospital and research Centre Sri Ganga Nagar Delhi Children Hospital Faipur 7other and )esearch Centre !daip$r !ravali Hospitals Dalpana Nursing Home 3araswati Chikitsalya and 7)( $antia Hospital !ttar Pradesh Agra !mit Faggi 7emorial Hosiptal 3hree )am Hospital Allaha,ad !lka Hospital Fain Hospital Feevan Fyoti Hospital arvati Hospital riti Hospital 0areill* 3heel Hospital 3hree /angacharan Hospital 0i9nor ;eena rakesh Hospital Nav'oti =ye Hospital 3an'ivini Nursing Home Gora+hp$r F Hospital )a' Nursing Home ,CB656++,B,, 6+C2.6B ,C+.656CBC.B. 6B26+. 6B,C,,2 6.BC*C2 6.B2++4 ,CJ256CJC,.J 6C2,,J+ ,2+.656B62*4 6B62*, 6B,*C6 ,CC25664C6C6 6+++**2 . C ,CB..5662C2* 66+4CC 66+**, ,2.256C66*J2 6*C2J*2 6*C..,J 66,+JB. 6*,,2,* 6C2*2.* 6+,*4*+ 6C.*6*4 6CC2C,, ,64256.+.2.. 6.+2CBB 6C.C.CC ,*..56.+B,6C 6.66BJJ ,2C.56.+2,CC 6.+2B64 ,64.56.+2666 6C6*6.. 6.2.+6C 6.66*6.

Original Script
:hansi ?)7 Fain Hospital &anp$r Danpur 7edical Centre )egency Hospital ?td. $ulsi Hospital &osi &alan ; ? Nursing Home ;ri'i Nursing Home Chauhan 7edicare vt. ?td. ?ife ?ine Hospital 7angla Hospital Oed Nursing Home L$c+no/upta Hospital ?ucknow Hospital 7ayo Hospital Neera Hospital 3hekhar Hospital Math$ra 7aheswari Hospital vt. ?td. 7ethidist Hospital Meer$t !shirwad Hospital and 7aternity Home Dhanvantri Diagnostic )esearch 7adhu Nursing Home 7angalam Hospital Morada,ad C =ye Care Centre Oardhan Nursing Home Sha9anp$r Danau'ia Nursing Home Danausia Nursing Home Oaranasi !pe& Hospital 7odi Hospital 3udha 3urgical Hospital 3rinath 3urgical Centre !ttranchal Dehrad$n Combined 7edical (nstitute Hald-ani Drishna Hospital and )esearch Centre Madh*a Pradesh !shok Nagar 07andi1 )a'shree Nursing Home 0hopal !'wani =ye Hospital !yushman Hospital ,2+C56*6,6+J ,C4.B5666.6B ,24,C56,+CC ,*CC56*.C*,, 6.664J, . B ,C2*56..+,J, ,C265664C2C6 6626,,2 6CCB.,. ,CBB656+6+4. 6+6B64 6+6C,4 6+.+,. 6+64CC 6+.+B4 ,C6656.*22CC 6.*,JCC 6+4JB2. 6+66,,+ 6+C6+C6 ,CBC56C+,+J2 ,CBC56C+,,,+ ,26256C6,.,, 6B.JCJ. 6*B+JC* 6C+.C+. ,C4256.426.C 6.4,+C. ,CJ.65666B.C 666B.C ,C.656+2B*J6 6C,J,.6 6+..CJ6 6C,JC,4

Original Script
;hopal 7emorial Hospital Chaudhari Nursing Home Ha'ela Hospital Fashdeep Hospital N7) Hospital )D Hospital and )esearch Centre Oardan Hospital 0orhanp$r /arg Hospital and 7aternity Nursing Fain Hospital De-as 7aheshwari Nursign Home )a'bharti Nursing Home 3alu'a Nursing Home Oinayak Hospital, G-alior Chandok Hospital and )esearch Centre Dubey Hrthohospital and 7aternity Home Dalyan 7emorial and DD 7aheshwari Nursing Home )oyal Hospital 3ahara Hospital Epadhyay Hospital and )esearch Centre Indore !rpan Hospital and )esearch Centre /okuldas Hospital ?td. DDcare Hospital 7ayur Hospital and )esearch Centre 3hankutla Devi Hospital and )esearch 3N/ Hospital Eni#ue 3uperspeciality Centre :a,alp$r !nanth (nstitute of 7eeical 3cience !yushman Hospital Fabalpur Hospital and )esearch Centre 7arblecity Hospital Nayak Nursing Home Natioanl Hospital / Hospital MHO% /et Well Hospital 7alwa Nursing Home rashanti Hospital Morena rawanti Nursing Home )a'poot Hrtho Hospital Ratlam 7aheshwari Hospital Sagar 6*.6626 624*J 6**++46 6**422, C6*,CJ* 6*C,*C. 6*BCB62 ,*+6C56C6+J. ,*+6C56C+J+4 ,*6*656C6J.4 66JJJ2 6C622, 6C2*4C ,*C256+62C,C 6+2,4C* 6+BJC*, 6+6BC4. 6++6*22 6++B64, 6.2,*2* ,*+256C.J2,2 6.42.6C 6C4C,,, 66+CC.,2:+ 6C6CCCC 6.4+422 6C,B.4. ,*B256C,.++, 6+24,2C 6.,J*J, 6+62,+C 6.26B26 6.,CCJB 6BC,B+6 ,*+6.56*+46. 6*6662 66BCB6 ,*C+6566C,* 6+C*C4 ,*.2656.+CJ. . *

Original Script
3agar Hadi )og Oibhag 3hu'alpur 7andi 7D7 7emorial Hospital !99an Dawal Hospital and )esearch Centre 3hinde Nursing and 7aternity Home 8idisha 7aa Hospital and )esearch Centre 7nnokun' 3urgicare ,*CJ656..*C4 ,*+B,56C2CC*, ,*+.56C+24B6 ,*+.566++,,6 ,*C46566++,,6 ,*C46566C2+,,

"olleag$e O//ering Hospital Administration

3r. No. 2. 6 +. .. C. &arnata+a Name of Colleague Dasturba 7edical Colleage 0D7C1 admashree Colleage Hf Hospital !dministration 8ather 7uller 7edical Colleague F.N. 7edical Colleage (nstitute of Health 7anagement )esearch 0(H7)1 Andhra Pradesh Ni%am-s (nstitute of 7edical 3ciences 0N(731 !pollo Hospital Campus Hwaisi Hospital and )esearch Centre !ddress 7anipal C*B 2,. 6+ /urukripa ?ayout, J, 8eet )oad, Nagarabaavi CB,,*6 Dankanady, 7angalore, C4,,2, Nehru Nagar, ;elgaum C4, ,2, C6:2 Doodlu /ate, 26th Dm, /arabhavi alya, ;angalore 9 CB,,BJ an'agutta, Hyderabad 9 C,,.J6 Fubilee Hills, Hyderabad 9 C,, ,,+ Deccan 3chool of management, D7)? K[- )oads, Danchanabagh 9 Hyderabad 9 C,, ,CJ ;ellavista, 3oma'iguda 9 Hyderabad 9 C,, ,J6 $irupati 9 C2* C,* Chandigarh 3rinagar New Delhi 9 22,,64 7aidan /arhi, New Delhik 9 22,,BJ . J

2. 6. +.

.. C. 2. 2. 2. 6.

!dministrative 3taff Colleage of (ndia 0!3C(1 3ri Oenkateshware (nstitute of 7edical 3ciences "handigarh ost /raduate (nstitute of 7edical =ducation " )esearch Centre :amm$ & &ashmir 3her5=5Dashmir (nstitute of 7edical 3cience Ne- Delhi !((73 (/NHE

Original Script
+. 2. 2. 6. +. N(H8W Ra9asthan (nstitute of Health 7anagement " )esearch 0(H7)1 Tamil Nad$ 3ri )amchandra 7edical College " )esearch Centre, orur, Chennai 9 B,,22B 7adurai kamra' Eniversity !ravind Hospital New 7ehrauli )oad, 7unirka, New Delhi 9 22,,B* 2, rashu Daya 7arg, 3anganer !irport, Faipur 9 +,6,22

7adurai !nna Nagar, 7adurai 9 B6C,6,

. 4

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