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Le Programme I sadresse aux participants ayant un niveau lmentaire (Elementary Level) qui correspond au pr-requis du niveau de lenseignement secondaire. Lobjectif gnral du Programme I est de consolider les notions de base dj acquises au lyce par les participants a ce cours et dvelopper leurs connaissances des fondamentaux danglais professionnel puisque le contexte de lapprentissage est business-related English. Manuel de reference suggr: Business Basics by David Grant and Robert McLarty/Oxford University Press. PROGRAMME II : BUSINESS WRITING Le Programme II sadresse aux participants ayant un niveau pre-intermediate- intermediate qui donc maitrisent les fondamentaux de la langue anglaise. Lobjectif principal du Programme II est de permettre aux participants ce cours de maitriser la rdaction des business letters et des business reports car dans le cadre conomique actuel de la mondialisation, toutes les communications se font essentiellement par e-mail. Manuels de reference suggrs : 1- Company to Company / A communicative approach to business correspondence in English (Third Edition) by Andrew Littlejohn / Cambridge University Press. 2- Business Reports in English by Jeremy Comfort, Rod Revell and Chris Stott / Cambridge University Press. PROGRAMME III : ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND FINANCE Le Programme III sadresse aux participants ayant un niveau intermediate- upper intermediate et exerant dans les mtiers de la finance. Lobjectif gnral du Programme III est de permettre aux participants dtre oprationnels professionnellement, mais en anglais et tre dans la capacit dassister des meetings et prparer des prsentations en anglais et de les faire par eux-mmes. Manuel de reference suggr : English for International Banking and Finance by Jim Corbett / Cambridge University Press. TEST DE PLACEMENT : Un test de placement sera administre pour dterminer le niveau de chaque participant et le placer dans lun des trois programmes pour assurer lhomognit des groupes.

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PROGRAMME I : POUR ELEMENTARY LEVEL Thme gnral : Business Basics 1-1 People in business Unit 1 : You and your company 1-2 Talking about your company 1-3 Company facts and figures 2-1 Choosing a hotel Unit 2 : Preparing a trip 2-2 Flying out 2-3 Arriving 3-1 Finding your way Unit 3 : Away on business 3-2 Going out 3-3 Eating out 4-1 Meeting new people Unit 4 : Visiting a company 4-2 Reporting on a trip 4-3 Describing company structure 5-1 Current activities Unit 5 : New developments 5-2 Company developments 5-3 Personal developments 6-1 Dates and schedules Unit 6 : Arrangements 6-2 Getting connected 6-3 Arranging to meet 7-1 Comparisons and contrasts Unit 7 : Describing and 7-2 Describing products and services comparing 7-3 Evaluating products 8-1 Success stories Unit 8 : Life stories 8-2 Making money 8-3 Company history 9-1 Making decisions Unit 9 : Dealing with problems 9-2 Thinking ahead 9-3 Complaining and apologizing 10-1 Suggesting and recommending Unit 10 : People at work 10-2 Responsibilities and regulations 10-3 Checking and correcting information 11-1 Recruitment processes Unit 11 : Getting a job 11-2 Applying for a job 11-3 Staff profiles 12-1 Changing careers Unit 12 : The world of work 12-2 Work environments 12-3 Saying goodbye

Nombre total dheures de cours : 108 heures Nombre dheures de cours par Unit : 9 heures Objectif pdagogique: Permettre aux participants au Programme I dacqurir les notions de base de la langue anglaise dans un contexte de business. Objectifs techniques : Dvelopper des connaissances en anglais sur la base des quatre aptitudes (skills) : listening, speaking, reading, writing. Dvelopper ces connaissances selon une rpartition des points enseignes en quatre catgories : Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Communication skills. Cot du programme I : 45.000 DA/HT (TVA 7%).
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PROGRAMME II : POUR PRE-INTERMEDIATEINTERMEDIATE LEVEL Thme Gnral 1 : Business correspondence 1A Study section : Letter layout, Unit 1 thedate,opening/closing,subject headings 1B Activity section : Misplaced orders 2A Study section : Parts of a letter,beginning and ending Unit 2 2B Activity section: A business trip 2C The writing process: Steps in writing a letter 3A Study section: Referring, giving good/bad news,saying what you can and cannot do,giving reasons Unit 3 3B Activity section: Holiday time 3C The writing process: Making a plan 4A Study section: Requesting action,apologizing,requesting information,faxes Unit 4 4B Activity section: From quote to sale Sous-themes 4C The writing process: Getting help 5A Study section: Making mild and strong complaints,making a point,warning Unit 5 5B Activity section: Whos responsible? 5C The writing process: Drafting 6A Study section: Personal business letters,electronic mail Unit 6 6B Activity section: Repair or replace? 6C The writing process: checking your work (1) 7A Study section: Informal business letters Unit 7 7B Activity section: A credit check 7C The writing process: Checking your work (2) 8A Study section: Revision and consolidation Unit 8 8B Activity section: A trade fair Nombre total dheures de cours : 48 heures Nombre dheures de cours par Unit : 6 heures Thme Gnral 2 : Business Reports Unit 1 Collecting the information Unit 2 Using graphs and statistics Selecting and organising the Unit 3 material Unit 4 Presenting findings Unit 5 Concluding and recommending Summarising Unit 6 Appendix


Nombre total dheures de cours : 50 heures Nombre dheures de cours par Unit : 7 heures. Objectif pdagogique : Permettre aux participants dapprendre communiquer par crit en anglais Objectif technique : Acqurir les notions et techniques de rdaction de lettres et rapports en anglais. Cot du programme II : 40.000 DA/HT (TVA 7%).

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PROGRAMME III: POUR INTERMEDIATE- UPPER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Theme General: English for International Banking and Finance A-The organization of a large American bank Unit 1: Bank B-The organization of a London merchant bank organization C-The organization of a Scandinavian savings bank D-A description from an annual report A-The performance of a large American bank Unit 2 : Bank B- The income of a London merchant bank performance C- The costs of a London merchant bank D- The financial statements of a British bank A-The basic principles of Forex dealing Unit 3: Foreign B- A currency deal with a corporate customer exchange C- An interbank currency deal D- Currency movements A-Negotiating terms B-Discussing an interest rate Unit 4: Meetings C-Discussing a service fee D-An overdraft facility A-Introducing the topic B-Describing the advantages of a banking facility Unit 5: A Presentation C-More advantages of a banking facility D-A follow-up letter offering services A-The trade-related services of a London clearing bank B-Problems with payments under documentary letters of Unit 6: Trade finance credit C-Closing a discussion D- A documentary credit A-Trading in the currency markets B-Company and stock market news Unit 7: Financial news C-News on the commodity markets D-A bank in difficulties A-A package deal B-Raising long-term funds Unit 8: Projects C-Early contact about financing a project D-A telex offer about a syndicated loan A-Debt-related problems of the developing countries B-Debt-related problems facing international banking Unit 9: Trends C-Changes in the financial services industry D-Electronic banking

Nombre total dheures de cours : 54 heures Nombre dheures de cours par Unit : 6 heures Objectif pdagogique : Permettre aux participants de comprendre et sexprimer aisment en anglais financier. Objectifs techniques : Maitriser la terminologie et les concepts de la finance en anglais. Maitriser la prparation dune prsentation en anglais. Cot du programme III : 22.500 DA/HT (TVA 7%).

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