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Placement :- Placement is allocation of new employees to job. Proper placement builds a competent and satisfied work force.

Not only, the candidates be suitable to the job but also the should be suitable to the person. When candidates reports for duty they should be placed in the right job. A misplaced employees is a frustrated employees. According to MICHEAL J.CIOUS " placement is the determination of the jobs to which an

accepted candidates is to be assigned his assignment to that job." POINTS TO BE NOTED WHILE PLACEMENT
! "irst, placement is for a probation period. #sually e$tending from % to & months. 'rientation and perser(ice training are gi(en to the employees during the probation period. )f the performance is satisfactory during probation period the employees is gi(en a tenure *permanent + posting!. )f the performance is unsatisfactory, the probation period may be e$tended or the employees is asked to ,uit the job. &! -ome employees may themsel(es like to ,uit job during probation period, if they are not satisfied with the job or placement. .! Placement in(ol(es assigning a specific rank and responsibility to the selected candidates. )t implies matching of job re,uirement with the ,ualification of the candidates. /! Promotion, transfer and demotion also re,uire placement. 0! 1isplaced employees perform below e$pectation correcti(e action should be taken to place them properly. -o, that they become fit for the job. %! Placement should relate with legal pro(isions. BENEFITS OF PROPER PLACEMENT: 2 3educed employee turno(er, absenteeism and accident. 2 )mpro(e employees morale and satisfaction. 2 4etter adjustment to job matches the e$pectation.



ROLE OF HR IN A FIRM COMPETITIVENESS 63 has huge role in increasing the firm competiti(eness. )f the employees are not suit to the job in which s7he is working organi8ation cannot achie(e the goal. )n a high competiti(e business en(ironment the sur(i(al of an organi8ation is becoming together. 9he competiti(e ad(antage can be best achie(ed by seeking impro(ement in the management of people. )n other words, competiti(e strength of an organi8ation can be raised through better utili8ation of 63. so, role of 63 in a firm competiti(e are as fallows :2 -taffing is a basic function. 6uman resources are critical resources for the organi8ation. 6ence, this resources needs to be properly managed. )t ensures the right people at the right time and place to enhance their performance. 2 63 ensures the recruitment and selection of the right type of people. )t seeks and attitude attracts ,ualified applicants to fill (acancies. 2 63 pro(ides planning for the effecti(e utili8ation of efforts and potentialities of indi(idual and groups. 2 63 pro(ides ser(ices to the entire organi8ation. 9he e$pertise a(ailable with the 63 specialist help the total organi8ation in the proper management of 63. 2 63 maintains cordial job relationship by pro(iding opportunity for self de(elopment through training and promotion programme. 2 63 ensures social justice by uniform application for the rules and regulation with the special consideration for uni,ue indi(idual differences of employees. 63 function is thus important for organi8ation to succeed in a fast changing en(ironment. 'rgani8ation can become dynamic and grow only through efforts and competences of the 63. 63 is the only function which makes an organi8ation different from others. EVALUATING EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE 5'N5:P9:Performance is systematic format appraisal *e(aluation! of an employees performance on the job and his potential for assuming future responsibilities. )t e(aluates the contribution of each employee to the accomplishment of organi8ation goal. )t pro(ides feedback so that employee know where they stand, where they ought to be going, and how they are going to get their, it assesses the ,uality of each e(aluation. :mployees performance e(aluation is an important dimension of 63 management for organi8ation, performance is directly link with its producti(ity, efficiency and ultimately with achie(ement of organi8ational objecti(es. At the sametime, employees career de(elopment reward and moti(ation are directly linked with their effecti(e performance. According to WAYNEE CASLO, "performance evaluation is a review of the job relevant

strengths and weakness of an individual or a team in an organization." According to DALES S.BEACH, "performance evaluation is the systematic evaluation of individual with respect to their performance on the ob and their potential for development."
PURPOSES OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A. T !e"a!# em$l %ee& :- 9he result of performance appraisal is useful to make decision on rewards, awards and benefits to the employees. 3ewards doesn;t only

include salary and compensation but also other benefits to the employees, such as power status, self fulfillments, freedom at work. 4. T #e'el $ an# m t('ate em$l %ee& :- 9he result of performance appraisal can be used to de(elop and moti(ate employees by recogni8ing their performance strength and weakness. )f employees ha(e weakness they should be de(elop to remo(e that weakness. 5. T !e'(e" $ tent(al(t% ) em$l %ee& :- :(aluated information is used to find the future capability of an indi(idual to hold a higher managerial position. 'n the basis of current job performance, employees are de(eloped to succeed their superior in the future. <. E'al*ate e))ect('ene&& ) &elect( n te&t :- Another purpose of performance e(aluation results can be compared with the scores of selection test to find out the (alidation of selection tests. After e(aluation such test can be made more effecti(e for selection purpose in future. :. F ! $e!) !mance )ee#+ac, :- Another purpose of performance e(aluation is job related strengths and weakness of employees are identified. "eedback can be gi(en to employees about their performance rating. ".T!a(n(n- an# #e'el $ment #ec(&( n :- Performance e(aluation results indicate knowledge skills and attitudinal deficiencies in employee. 9hey ser(e as guide for identifying training and de(elopment needs. =. F ! $! m t( n an# t!an&)e! :- Performance e(aluation results ser(e as a basis for (arious 63 decisions like promoting, outstanding, and promising performance and transfer employees to achie(e a better fit between people and job. 6. -uper(isory understanding :- periodic performance e(aluation encourage super(isors to obser(e the job performance of their sub-ordinate and take an interest in helping them. 9his facilitates common mutual understanding between the super(isor and subordinate. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCESS OR STEPS Performance e(aluation re(iews job rele(ant strengths and weakness of an indi(idual in organi8ation. )t identifies performance and 63< action to rectify such deficiencies. 9he performance e(aluation process consists of the following steps :. &ett(n- a$$!a(&al +.ect('e& /0 "or the appraisal, it is necessary to define appraisal objecti(es clearly. &. &ett(n- t1e $e!) !mance &tan#a!# /09 starting point of performance appraisal is the establishment of performance standard. Performance standard contain this information what is to be done and how well it is to be done. 'nce the objecti(e of appraisal is set, the ne$t step is to de(eloped performance standard based on the information from the job analysis and job description. .. c mm*n(cate& t1e e2$ectat( n /0 'nce performance standard set, they should be clearly communicated to the employees concerned. 9he communication should be two way so that there will not be any barrier to implementation the managerial performance e$pectation. /. ma,(n- t1e a$$!a(&al 3c llect( n ) act*al $e!) !mance4 :- )n this step, information and actual performance is collected using (arious means, such as direct obser(ation, statistics reports and other written document. 0. c m$a!(n- act*al an# &tan#a!# $e!) !mance /0 After collecting information on the actual performance le(el of employees. 9his information is to be compared with e$pected performance set by the management performance may be abo(e as below.

%. #(&c*&&( n ) a$$!a(&al "(t1 t1e em$l %ee& /0 Whate(er may be the outcome of the e(aluation, it should be presented before the concerned employees and of the result should be discussed with him7her. >. ta,(n- c !!ect('e act( n /0 )f performance is below the standard, the manager should de(elop action to connect the beha(ior of the employees to impro(e his7her performance in the future. ESSENTIAL OF EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM a! !ele'ance /0 9he performance appraisal system is said to ha(e rele(ance. When there is a clear link between organi8ation objecti(es and performance standard. b! Sen&(t('(t% /0 9he performance e(aluation system should be capable of distinguish and effecti(e perform on ineffecti(e performance. c! Rel(a+(l(t% /0 3eliability depends on the chances of close obser(ation for the appraisal to e(aluate job beha(ior and performance of the employees. d! Acce$ta+(l(t% /0 9o make an appraisal system acceptable, all parties, managers, subordinate, appraisal must be in(ol(ed and they should support it. e! P!act(+(l(t% /0 9he appraisal techni,ues and instructions should be easy to understand and use. METHODS OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A wide (ariety of performance e(aluation method e$ist. 9hey are? A. G!a$1(c !at(n- &cale /0 9his is the most commonly used method of performance appraisal. #sing this methods, a set of performance factors is identified, including such characteristics as ,uality of work, technical knowledge co-operati(e spirit, functuality and initiati(e. 9he appraisal go through the set of factors, rating them. "or e$ample, on a scale to 0 where the highest number would denote the best rating whereas the lowest number would denote the poor raring 4. Alte!nat('e !at(n- met1 # /0 )n this method, the appraiser rank all employees from the best to poorest on the merits of performance on particular traits, such as ,uality of work and knowledge of work. #sing this techni,ues the e(aluator has to indicate carefully about who is the higher performer on the particular job factor and also the lower performer. 5. Pa(!e# c m$a!(& n /- 9he e(aluator compare each employees with e(ery other employees on a one-on-one basis in terms of each employees are formed. 4etter performer in each pair is identified. 9he o(erall rank of the employees is determined by the number of time chosen as better performer in total pair. <. F !ce# c1 (ce met1 # /0 )t consists of a special type of checklist. checklist item are arranged in groups. #sing this method the appraisal is forced to choose between two or more least descripti(e of the employees being appraised. 1ostly two job characteristics i.e job performance and potential for promotion are used to e(aluate employees in different categories. :. C!(t(cal (nc(#ent met1 # /0 )n this method, the appraiser is re,uired to record incident of the employees positi(e and negati(e actions and then form the basis of the appraisal reports. 9his method focuses on job performance. 9his consists of written descriptions of effecti(e or ineffecti(e workers beha(ior related to performance in critical situations. -uch situation are termed as incidents. 9he critical incidents are analy8ed to e(aluate employees performance. ". N !mat('e ) !m& /0 #sing this method, the appraisor writes a narrati(e about strength, weakness, pre(ious performance and potential of employees. )n addition, the appraisor also suggested impro(ements in current weakness.

=. Be1a'( !all% anc1 !e# !at(n- &cale 3BARS4 /0 9his method of appraising is relati(ely new forms of methods. 9his methods is a combination of critical incident method and rating scale methods. 9he rating scale is @anchored@ with critical incident to make the e(aluation job specific the critical incidents ser(es as e$ample of effecti(e performance. 9he rating sale represents a range of description statement of job beha(ior (arying from least to the most effecti(e. 9he formats of 4A3- consists of a set of statement which describe key aspects of performance in a particular job and ha(e been scale on a single dimension ranging from e(ery poor beha(ior to outstanding beha(ior. 6. Mana-ement +% +.ect('e 3MBO4 /0 Performance appraisor is based on how well the time bound objecti(e ha(e been accomplishes. 9he objecti(es are jointly set by manager and the subordinate. 9he emphasis is not an acti(ities but result achie(ed. 9his approach is to own as 14'. 9he step in(ol(e in 14' are? 2 2 2 2 2 2 -et the organi8ational goals and plans. -etting goals for managerial position. <iscuss departmental goals. <efine e$pected results. Performance re(iew. Pro(ide feedback.

EMERGING CONCEPT AND ISSUES IN PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ). C*!!ent $e!) !mance !(ente# /0 Performance e(aluation has not recei(ed ade,uate attention in 631. )t is largely confined to appraising current performance on the job. )t is not much concerned about the employees potential for assuming future responsibilities. )). In) !mal an# &*+.ect('e /0 1ost of the pri(ate sector enterprises lacks systematic performance appraisal system. Personal judgment and subjecti(e assessment of ownermanager ser(e as the key criteria for performance. ))). P! m t( n /0 9he main purpose of performance e(aluation in most organi8ation is the promotion of employees. )t doesn;t pro(ide performance feedback to employees. Nor it is used as a basis for reward management or identification of training and de(elopment need. 1ost organi8ation carry out @wholesome@ performance e(aluation hen an employment is up for promotions. )A. Lac, ) t!an&$a!enc% /0 Performance e(aluation lacks transparency. 9he performance standards are not properly communicated to employees. Performance appraisal is not discussed with the employees. Performance appraisal doesn;t initiate correcti(e actions. A. T!a(ne# a$$!a(& ! /0 Another issues in performance e(aluation is that there is shortage of trained appraisor because e(idence indicates that the training of appraisor can make more accurate rater. )f the trainer is not properly trained then he can;t properly rate employees. A). Fee#+ac, /0 :mployees like to know how they are doing the @annual re(iew@ where the manager shares the sub-ordinates e(aluation with them can become a issue in many organi8ation because if the performance is negati(e be must not communicate with employees. A)). S1 !ta-e ) m*lt($le !ate! /0 As the number of rater increase, the probability of attaining more accurate information increase. 4ut in most organi8ation only one rater appraise the employees. )f a person has had ten super(isors where, nine ha(e rated him e$cellent and one poor, now we can o(erlook the one poor e(aluation.

A))). S1 !ta-e ) &elect('e !at(n- /0 )t has been suggested that appraisor should rate in those areas in which they can significant job knowledge. )f the rater make e(aluation on only those dimensions on which they are in a good position to rate. We can increase the appraise agreement and make the e(aluation a more (alid process. 4ut in most organi8ation, we follow the fi$ed rating areas.

5'N5:P9 : 5areer means ad(ancement of a profession of a long se,uence of job. -o, career de(elopment at the long-term career effecti(eness and success of organi8ational personnel. 5areer de(elopment is a milestone to ensure long run interest of employees working in organi8ation. -o, employees training and management de(elopment effort should be compatible with an indi(iduals career de(elopment in the organi8ation. 4ut a successful career program should look toward de(eloping people for the long term needs of the organi8ation and capable dealing with the organi8ation dynamic changes that will take place, o(ertime in attempting to match indi(iduals abilities and aspiration with the needs of the organi8ation. 9he organi8ation can use its employees to the full e$tent and at the sametime it has to pro(ide them chances to build their careers. 1oreo(er to understand career in the organi8ation, it is necessary to know about internal and e$ternal career? A. Inte!nal ca!ee! /0 )t refers to the indi(idual subjecti(e thinking and e(aluation his7her career. 9he concept of career is (ery subjecti(e because it has a number of intangible indicators which are difficult to e(aluate on study. "or e$ample, an ambition to go ahead, to achie(e (ery specific plans, such as specific rank, position, income, skill by age /B. 4. E2te!nal ca!ee! /0 )t refers to the more or less objecti(e or realistic description of official progression steps through a gi(en occupation. 9his has clear and tangible indicators e(aluated and judged. "or e$ample, occupation, job le(el, mobility, opportunity task characteristics etc. According to BYARS AND RUE, @ career development is an going formalized efforts

that focus on developing and enriching HR in the light of both the employees and the organization needs."
-o, career de(elopment is re,uired to implement career plans. )t comprises personal impro(ement undertaken by an employees to achie(e designed to assist employees in de(eloping their career. INDIVIDUAL CAREER STAGES . -! "t1 &ta-e 3+(!t1 t 56 %!&4 /0 )nfluence by teachers, parents, and friends beha(e and react to different situations. &. e2$l !at( n &ta-e 357 t 86 %!&4 /0 <e(eloping age an indi(idual goals, moti(es, and ambitious will be de(eloped. .. e&ta+l(&1ment a-e 387 t 66 %!&4 /0 )n this stage indi(idual passes through recruitment, selection, orientation, sociali8ation and job placement. /. ma(ntenance &ta-e 367 t 97 %!&4 /0 1id career he work hard to achie(e ma$imum producti(ity, he tries to become teacher. 0. #ecl(ne a-e 399 an# a+ 'e4 /0 Near to retirement ages in this stage. )ndi(idual feels decline in power and authority. NEED FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT 9o increase managerial competence.

9o increase technical competence. Cob security. 5reati(ity. 9o reduced employees turno(er. 9o identify training and de(elopment needs. Autonomy and independence.

OBJECTIVES OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT 2 9o integrate en(ironmental demand and personal concern. 2 9o reduce employees turno(er. 2 1oti(ate employees. 2 9o increase organi8ational performance. 2 9o enhance institutional social well beings. SUGGESTION FOR MORE CAREER DEVELOPMENT 3METHODS4 9he methods or tools that managers can utili8e to better match the career of their subordinate are as fallows? a! C1allen-(n- (n(t(al . +& /0 9here is a increasing body of e(idence indicating that employees who recei(es especially challenging job assignment early in their career do better on later idea. Apparently initial challenging particularly a person to perform well is subse,uent years. b! D(&&em(nat( n ) ca!ee! $t( n /- -urprisingly many employees lack any substanti(e information about career option. As a mangers identify career. 9hey should make this information a(ailable. <issemination of career option information helps ambitious employees to de(elop his desired skills that s7he lacks. c! J + $ &t(n- /- 9o pro(ide information to all employees about job opening. 9he posting lists include the ability, e$perience and seniority re,uirement to ,uality for (acancies. d! A&&e&&ment cente!& /- Assessment center also ha(e rele(ance as a career de(elopment tool. 4y putting people through assessment center we obtain obser(able e(idence of their ability to do a contain job. e! Ca!ee! c *n&el(n- /- 'ne of the most logical parts of career de(elopment perform is career counseling. 9his can appropriately be made part of an indi(idual annual performance re(iews. )f the employees e$press unrealistic aspiration, the manager should be prepare to gi(e a frank appraisal of where and how the indi(idual feel-short an acti(ity that is rarely enjoyable. f! Ca!ee! #e'el $ment " !,&1 $& /- 1anagement should consider the (alue of groups workshop to facilitates career de(elopment. 4y bringing together groups of employees as their super(isors and managers problems and misperception can be identified and it is hopes resol(ed. g! C nt(n*(n- e#*cat( n an# t!a(n(n- /- 9he training and educational de(elopment acti(ities help to reduce the possibilities that employees will find themsel(es with absolute skills. When this de(elopment acti(ities are carefully align with an indi(iduals aspirations and anticipated future organi8ational needs, they become an essential elements in an employees career growth. 9he education and training in an effecti(e career de(elopment program could include on-the-job training educational or skills causes offered by personnel. Within the organi8ation or outside courses pro(ide by colleges, uni(ersities or speciali8ed consultant. h! Pe!( #(c . + c1an-e& /0 9o encourage employees to continue their education and training so as to pre(ent absence and stimulate career growth, managers should

beware that periodic job changes can achie(e similar promotion, transfers or assignment organi8ed around new

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