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Form CPF 102ND : Campaign Finance Reportf

velll,grSu ^ rusuvv rwPvr ,,,d
Office of Campaign and Political Financece {tF}};Y:-c
{FF}[]i6'+ r rc';
,-,!i '-r-*" ^.

Office of Carpaign and Political Firuncc

One Ashburton Plm
Boston, MA 02108
(617)727-8352 Please print or t'?e all information, except sigrranrres.

F'ill in dates: Mq{t Drtr Yd

ReportingPeriodBeginni"g5qn t ZOOl Ending

Tyle of report: (Check one)

dAtn ary preceding prirnary flSth day preceding election Eyear-end report fldissolution EIO Oays after special election

Commlttee Mrillng Addres

S t-o -1K t/- q66 <


Line 1: Ending balance from previous report s----Q,q-a-
Line 2: Total receipts this period (p"g" 2,line ll) $-bZ-sr9SL
Line 3: Subtotal 6ine I plus line 2) $_h.zo,-_O O-
Line 4: Total expenditures this period (pase 3, line 14) $!-6-l-s-e-
Line 5: Ending balance (line 3 minus line 4) $Lss--a-
Line 6: Total in-kina-cort iU"ii""r thi;fi;a <p"r*) $l37,ab
LrneT: Total (all) outstanding liabilities @age 4) $__o__
Line 8: Name of bank(s) used

Altrdevit of Comrnlttcc Trcerurcr:

I c{dify that I have examined this report including attachcd schcdules and it k, to lhc bcd ofmy krrcwlodgc and bcliei a true and cornplctc dafcmcnt ofall carnpaign

canrpaign finance aaivity of all penons acling of thic contmitlrc in accor&ncc with thc requircments of
uuder thc authority or on bchalf lvfG.L c. 55.

4t1, 6-.- Slgncd undcr lhc pcnddce of perJur;r:


Alldedt of Cendlde0c: (ctrcck I bor onty)

EfCerdtdrtc wtth Commlttcc end no ecdvtt5r lndcpcrdcnt of tftc comml{tec
I c€rtify that I hsve examined thir repor! and arbch.d sch.&lc!, ard it 4 10 t}E bec ofnry krrcwlcdgc and bclie4, e tuc end corplcr. drfrmcd of all canqaigr
firurrccacrivity, olatlpcrronrectingunderttrceuthaigoronbchalfof thbcorrrnittocinacccdrnccwiththcrcquircarcntsofM.G.Lc.55, Ihavcnotrcccivcdany
conbibutions" irrrrrcd rny liabiliticr nor me& aay c:pcrditue oo my bcbalf &ring thir r?oding p€rio4
D Cgndtdrte wtthod cornnrlttcc Q! Crrdl&t wtth lndcpcndcnt rtMgr [Iln3 rcpntc rcport
I certify tlEt I have e:<amincd lhis report ,and alf:cled schcdulc end it ir, to tlrc bed of my krrcwlcdge lrd b€lie4 . true and completa stttfft€ot of all campaign

carnpaign financc activity of all pa-sqgr<*!g undgdfc authority or on bchalfof this cormnitcc in accordancc with rhc rcquircnrants of M.G.L c. J5.
the pcndtlcs of pcrlury:

slgnaturc @ ink)


M.G.L c. 55 requires tlut the tuane od residentiat ffiess be reported, in alplnbetical order, for all receipts
over $50 in a calendar yar. Conmttte* rmst kcep detailed accounls ad reeords of all receipts,
btt need only
mu# reprtedfor all personswln
itemize those receipts over $50. In additiw, ttre ocatption md employr be
contribute $200 or more in a alendar yeu-

ditional p8g€s are rcquircd to rcport ail rcceipb. PleaFe inc{rde rryr mmsriace name" cPF ID# and a
This page may be copied if
Nemc end Rcridentiel Addnrs Occupation & EmPIoYer
(atpbrbeticel listing (for confibutions of 8'00 q eg!
9*u I e^1- Bl.lsfo . t) n,'u, 9.huct a{
s,,/o-,d i J<, 8.' ^3qn,'^
z 6 s /!,n^.^ Av., 9.tfo^, CILzl
lrla.oli'h R""p I J

Robinso.; 7
M*-y Pq* ^qzeel

Line 9: Total receipts in errcess of $50 (q listed above)

Line l0: Total receipts $50 and under+ (not listed above)
Line ll: TOTAL RECEIPTS IN TIIE PERIOD fueronpago I, lhe 2

* Ifyou have itemiad rcceipts of $50 and under irpftde thn in line 9. Lirc f0 shoutd iachde only those reei6 nd itemized
Pege 2

M.G.L. c. 55 reEires committees to list, in atplnbetiul order, all etgerditures orer t50 in a reporting WiM-
Committees mttt teep detaited woutrts ad recu& of all qerdiams, krt need aiy itemize tlpw over 550.
ExperdiUres t50 ardnder may be addedtogetlur,frwt curmittee records, otdreported on line 13.

This page nay be copicd if additionat pagrs art r€quir€d to report all cx@itrcs. Pt€se include yorr oommittee namc' @F ID#
andaoac€ numberone*h

b"4"ddy. eorl t 449s N. 4$ Donuraia ?

lLt3O Co*rr^'. Aur,

!4o"r7t h, + G.,'il
ove-",Jrhl f-r'",|-s f.CI. B'i 153qo U^r"5:i ui*e,a*-rt

S*o ples, In.. Lt\ '*ruo.{ Ase. B.r5r^rrc55

Cq-l S

Liac 12: grydditut€s owr $50

Line 13: Pqeodnucs J50 andud€rr

Enter on pags I, lirrc 4

* Iflou
bave itemized cxperditrcs $50 and uder incturb $cn in lirc 12. Linc 13 shottld indudc only ttw crycndifuI€s not
itenized above.
Pegc 3
pteasc itesrize oontributors who have rnadc in-kird curtributions of morc than $50. In-kind oontributions $50 and undcr may be
added togetha, fiom the oommit€e's reoords, and irchded in line 16-

Datc From V[hom Rcccived* Rcsidentid Addrcss Ilescription of Value

Rcccived Contribution
qlz I Yalhe"|^a zLLl kelfoa, lLq 9A v,rfnda* S,' l3z. o6
2oo1 R-Llncorl Allr7"^, IAA azt3\

Line 15: In-kind over $50 37,A 6

Linc 16: In-kind $50 and under o
Enter on page 1, lire 6 Line 17: Totel fn-kind 7.ot-,
year' yoll must r€'port thc mne
* Ifan in*ind oonnribdion is rceivcd from a person who contribnrtes more than $50 in a calerdr
or morG in a calendar yerr, y(nl
and address of the oonrihrtoq in ddition, ir ru onriurcr has
girrcn an ryglegpte amount of $200
must also repo* the oontributot's occupation and erylsJnr.

M.G.L, e. 55 requtres committees to reponALL tiabilitieswhtch have heen rcported previously od are still outstanding aswell as
those liabilities inatrred &tring this reporting period.


include ),our cotunittec name CPF ID# and a

This page may be copied if additional pges are required to re,port all activity. Plese
page nurnberoneachPage. page 4


filrwilt:DiE ia
Form CPF 9: Disclosune of Credit Card Activity
Oflice of Campaign and Political Finance.

Of"o ofC.q*ferod Folidcd Firnre
Bodm,MA @t0t
Gn ??,7{p.52
Phsc prir* or t'?e alt information, *qt signanrcs.

Tylcofrcpore (CHonc)
deU, O"y ptuo.Oiog prinary tr8th day preeding deion tr1ur+nd fl l5th day of rrcnth @epository) trother.

CreditCardStatemeatPeriod w*tryd /AtI LOn 1 *aeOq/0qILOOt ,

Namc ofCommittee:

Name oflndividual(s) Authorized to Use Credit Card:

Bcginning Outstanding Balancc $o

Itemize ALL charge of more than $50
Date Vendor & Address Authorizcd By Purposc
6il54J" . (_.)p Scrttsdolc,AZ
Ant"fu"{ 'v)"b ir. * ServeatlSe 3q
7/1 /
2001 tqElgS
'N Hrt ^N.,Efiflezto F innt"l-
7tt3/ l4r7rL B^, + (p";ll Eun .' fl"J €". tuff,,-l-er_s lOa.oo
2,6^a lqZo G-- A".,. &,rlUfoat Ozt3S No roJ i-k
1t t1 (heraiqnf frinf5 f4i.?we I to,?? of canpeig.,
-. - 736.
",s340'JNiu,tA *-sA)',^l^
P. 0. 8..*
2oo4 1?48 FIn,'o, I ;'+^ ^"+. --
$rc1 5l a pl6 ,f,q ", Eon
Bvsl4css &-ds {-'. ito* <36, '3
7-.0nQ t-lq tJo,.,or) 4.,, All.*u.,oe1 AJu.o J ;. k 03

l. Charges more than $50 $5Aa.,{,

2. + Charges $50 and under $3f,3Y
3. + Interest chargesthis period $ l-)
N.B. A copy of the scdit card 4. = Total charges this paiod 1461.<n
statemenl must bc attached. 5. (-) Payrnents this period s€,6 t. r.)
6. Ending outstanding balancc $ o
Signed under_.1the pendties of pejury:

/i!49 4/
tt*x*r*,s sank l'
ffi$ ltloeya*rty$**thn&P
# Helo
S${L!$EsA}s*{,o6* ffiffi s Message Center(0 New)

Accnunt l{ist*ry
Customize the Account History view or vbw a different account by using the Account, Dates to Vtew and eStaterpnts & eNotices
Transactons to View filters below. ffi Mew eStiatenents
ffi Mew eNotices
s Go Paperless
Ilatestoview:Iglf 99:-"--sPgq[9"kF-F-tlg-9-,::
Transaction llata
ffi ffi
w Download&unt Data

Transactions to View: Al Transaclions

Available Balance: $468.66 LastStatementBahnce: $260't4

Last Deposit Amoun* $335.00Last Statement llate: 08/13X2009
Last Deposit Dat6: O9/1U2009 Last Activity Date: 09/1012009

Crcdits Balance
Date Description Ref.fI-Ghk.# Debits

09101/2009 DBT Purcfrase OVERNGHT PRINTS 888$22000 CA0725 $236.13 $154.01

09/01/2009 Direct Deposit PAYPAL TMNSFER $130.00 $3e0.14

08/10/2009 POS Debit Staples, lnc. ALLSTON MAO725 $86.03 $260.14

07120PJAW Direct Deposit PAYPAL TRANSFER $145.35 $346.17

O7fiU2gAg DBT Purchase HARRY'S BAR & GRILBRIGHTON MA0725 $100.00 $200.82

O7l13l2OOg Deposit $40.00 $300.82

07/09/2009 DBT Purctrase GODADDY.COM 480-S58855 AZA725 s39.34 $260.82

07/03i2009 Direct Deposit PAYPAL VERIFYBANK $0.03 $300.16

07/03/2009 Direct Deposit PAYPAL VERIFYBANK $0.13 $300.13

O1fi1l2OW Deposit $300.00 $300.00

herns listed have posted to your account. ltems resulting in a non-sufficient funds situation may not have been paid.

For Gustomer Service please call us at1{.77'229$428- Member FDIC @ Equal Housing Lender
qfivacv & Qecudty lTqrrns olUse lCitizens-Bank o_nline guaraqtee B @2009 Citirens Financial Group. All RQhts Reserved.

Citizens Bank is a brand name of RBS Citizens, N.A and Citizens Bank of Pennsytuania. Citizens Bank is a division of RBS Gitizens,
N.A and Citizens Bank accounts and other RBS Citizens, N.A accounts are not separately insured by the FDIC. Citizens Bank of
Pennsylvania is not part of RBS Citians, N.A

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