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Table of Contents Introduction Rolling Dice Character Creation Attributes and Edges Races . Animal Golem uman "ere#ol$ &ombie Classes . (eister "arrior "ea*on "itch +raits (adness Rules ,estiar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2 3 6 8 10 11 12 13 1! 1% 16 1' 18 1) 20 21 22 28 31 3) !!

/"elcome to Death "ea*on (eister Academ-. (ore commonl- .no#n as the D"(A. It stands as a de$ence against the $orces o$ e0il #hich #ould *lunge the #orld into chaos and drag humanit- into the 0er- de*ths o$ $ear and madness. +he demons .no#n as .ishin and their and their insatiable hunger $or destruction. +o ensure the .ishin ne0er regain their hold on this #orld this academ- #as $ounded b- the Grim Rea*er1 Death himsel$.2 3 4arrator /5o basicall- #e are an organi6ation that e7ists to *rotect and *reser0e *eace. I guess it8s not e7actl- a t-*ical school. 9h #ell that isn8t im*ortant $or no#. :et8s roll u* our slee0es and get to #or..2 3 :ord Death This is Soul Eater 5c-thes1 $l-ing brooms1 nin;as1 .ishin1 souls... 5oul Eater is a <sometimes= dar. $antas- at it8s $inest1 $ull o$ action1 more action1 and *er0- ; +he heroes are o0er the to*. +he 0illains are *o#er$ul. +he #orld has a strange $eel <oh #ait that is the madness=. +he stor- is $amiliar to those #ho #atched and read it but it hasn8t been told li.e this be$ore. It has

anime elements that s*ea. to the audience. It8s all o0er the *lace> e0er-thing is e0er-#here al#a-s. And it8s $un. Characters run $ast. 5ouls get eaten. "e #ant to cheer $or the good gu-s and #atch the bad ones die. And1 sometimes1 #e #ant to be a *art o$ that #orld. This is a Roleplaying Game It8s a game o$ -our imagination1 #here -ou tell stories b- being a main character <ma-be not a good gu-= ? that -ou create. It8s a game that o$$ers a #hole lot o$ choices. 5o manchoices in $act that it a modern com*uter game loo. li.e *ong1 because it is onl- limited b- #hat -ou can imagine. +he stor- i$ li.e an anime e7ce*t that it *lace in -our head. +here is no scri*t to the mo0ie> -ou decide #hat -our character does. +he game master is the director <i$ he can e0en ma.e -ou listen= and the s*ecial e$$ects designer <#hen -ou are to la6- to do it -oursel$=1 deciding #hat the stor- is about and being schi6o*hrenic1 I mean controlling all o$ the other characters. e also has to learn the rules1 tell -ou #hat reactions -our actions result in1 and describe things that ha**en. ,ut together #ith the *o#er o$ $riendshi* <or lac. thereo$= the *la-ers and the gamemaster create a stor-1 and ho*e$ull- ha0e a good time. This is the Soul Eater Roleplaying Game Combine the $abulous elements o$ 5oul Eater #ith the imagination3*o#ered engine o$ a role*la-ing game1 and the anime #orld dra#s closer. E0er-thing -ou need is in this @DA e7ce*t the dice <I guess -ou could use an online roller but it ;ust isn8t the same=. "hen -ou8re read-1 scroll through this @DA. It lets -ou do #hat -ou #ant <or *re0ent -ou $rom doing it #hen rules get in0ol0ed=. Bou can be good or e0il1

sane or not1 EA+ or 49+. "hen -ou *la- the 5oul Eater Role*la-ing Game1 -ou create a <ho*e$ull-= uniCue character that gets a home inside o$ the imagination o$ -ou and -our $riends. 9ne *erson1 the gamemaster gets to control all o$ the other characters> the 0illains> -our allies> that cat. +he gamemaster also gets to be the #orld> that house> that club> the sun> the ground -our on. And the gamemaster and the *la-ers get to interact in a *lethora o$ #a-s. An-thing can ha**en <i$ the rules sa- so andDor i$ the gamemaster sa-s so=. Eust tr- it. 4o# *re*are -oursel$ $or tomorro# is -our $irst da- at the D"(A. Characters Bour characters are the main characters o$ this anime. "e call them the *la-ers <although harsh gamemasters ma- call -ou $odder=. Each characters li$e is di$$erent <usuall-=. Bou might be... A tough meister. A #itch #ho #ishes to obtain *o#er through s*ells. A cra6- #ith a sa#. A man onl- $or his ne7t cu* o$ co$$ee. An unsha0en hobo li0ing in the alle-s. A meanie that reall- has a heart o$ gold. A -oung nobleman $rom a rich $amil-. An Arachno*hobian s*-. A .night stuc. out o$ his o#n time. A Cuic. assassin #ho doesn8t .no# #hat the #ord means. A man trained to $ight an- number o$ o**onents #ith as man- s#ords as it 9r an- character -ou can thin. o$. lay

What You Need To

ere is a list o$ recommended things to ha0e i$ -ou #ant to *la-F +he most recent 0ersion o$ this @DA.

+he character sheet $or this game. A #hole lot o$ $our sided dice <d!=1 some si7 sided dice <d6=1 some eight sided dice <d8=1 some ten sided dice <d10=1 and a $e# t#el0e sided dice <d12=.


An imagination. 5ome *eo*le to *la- #ith.

+he rules sho# dice rolls #ith abridged *hrases such as /1d6G2d!G112 #hich means /one si7 sided die *lus t#o $our sided die *lus one2 <generating a number bet#een ! and ). +he $irst number tells -ou ho# man- o$ that die to roll <all o$ these are added together=1 the number a$ter the 8d8 tells -ou ho# man- sides those dice ha0e1 and the lone numerical 0alue tells -ou #hat is added to or subtracted $rom the dice roll. Rolling !ice +he core mechanic $or 5oul Eater is rolling dice to determine i$ -ou hit or miss1 succeed or $ail1 li0e or die. 4ote that a die roll need not be made $or e0er-thing1 mostl- combat1 s*ellcasting1 and ;um*ing1 etc. +o determine the outcome $ollo# these ste*sF 1. Roll the dice rele0ant to an edge and it8s corres*onding abilit-. 2. Add the totals u*. 3. Reroll an- die that had a ma7 0alue <called e7*losions1 EHF ! on a d!1 6 on a d61 8 on a d81 etc=. !. Add those to the total. %. Re*eat ste*s 3 and ! until no ma7 0alues come u* then *roceed to ste* 6. 6. Add other modi$iers. '. Com*are it to the target number o$ o**osing roll. I$ the result is eCual to or greater than the target number <set b- the rules1 gamemaster1 or o**osed roll= -ou succeed. I$ -ou succeed b- $our more than the target number this causes a raise. Raises ha0e di$$erent e$$ects based on the goal o$ the roll. o#e0er i$ the result is lo#er than the target number -ou $ail.

Remember enemies can get raises and e7*losions as #ell. "mportant# Bou must understand that -ou ne0er use onl- an attribute or onl- an edge. Bou al#a-s roll the edge and its related attribute. EHF I$ -ou are as.ed to roll strength -ou roll *h-siCue and strength. All rolls should $it into one o$ the edges i$ not *ic. the most accurate one. The Gamemaster "hen -ou *la- this game1 -ou are *artici*ating <ho*e$ull-= in an interacti0e stor-. @la-ers ta.e the roles o$ their characters #ith the e7ce*tion o$ one. +his one gets to be the gamemaster1 a combination o$ director1 narrator1 and re$eree. +he gamemaster describes the situations and the *la-ers res*ond. +he gamemaster .ee*s things mo0ing <this can become di$$icult=. +his *erson gets to be e0er-thing the *la-ers aren8t. +he gamemaster should loo. through this boo.1 he need not memori6e it but should get an understanding o$ the main rules. The layers

I$ -ou are a *la-er1 -ou get to be one o$ the main characters <*ossibl- the onlone1 de*ends on ho# man- *eo*le are *la-ing and i$ the other characters can sta- ali0e long enough to de0elo*=. Bou create -our character #ith the hel* o$ the rules that $ollo#1 according to -our 0ision o$ -our character. As -ou continue through -our ad0enture -ou #ill e0entuall- gain enough e7*erience to le0el u* <or souls to become a Death 5c-the=1 #hen this ha**ens -ou #ill become more *o#er$ul. What a Character Can !o A character can do an-thing -ou can imagine i$ it is #ithin the *o#er o$ -our character to do.

Character Creation
+o create a character -ou must $irst re0ie# the sections about attributes and edges1 races1 and classes. Ise the character sheet to record -our character. Characters begin *la- at le0el 0. +his sho#s their lac. o$ e7*erience and ho# *athetic the- are. ,ut don8t #orr- o0er the course o$ a cou*le sessions -ou #ill Cuic.l- become more *o#er$ul. 1. Generate Attributes and Edges E0er- character has $our attributes and eight edges. +he- are as $ollo#s> @h-siCue <5trengthD+oughness=1 De7terit<InstinctDRe$le7=1 Intelligence <@erce*tionD+hought=1 and 5*irit <"illD&eal=. 2. Choose Bour Race 5oul Eater characters are not limited to onl- being human <e0en though that has it8s o#n ad0antages=. +here are other races as #ell> animal1 golem1 #ere#ol$1 and 6ombie. 3. Choose Bour Class +here are $our distinct classes to choose $rom. +he- are the meister1 the

#arrior1 the #ea*on1 and the #itch. !. Determine Bour 4ature 4ature is randoml- determined and a$$ects ho# #ell characters #or. together. Roll 1d6F 1 <Calm=1 2 <Angr-=1 3 <5h-=1 ! <9utgoing=1 % <5el$less=1 6 <5el$ish= %. Choose 9ne +rait In addition to the traits granted b- -our race and class -ou ma- choose an- one trait $or #hich -ou meet the reCuirements. 6. Ainish Bour Character +his includes> age1 name1 height1 #eight1 etc.

Attributes and Edges

+here are $our attributes and each one has t#o edges. +he- are as $ollo#sF hysi$ue %5trengthD+oughness& !e'terity %InstinctDRe$le7& "ntelligence %@erce*tionD+hought& Spirit %"illD&eal& Creation "hen creating a character the attributes start at 1d! and the edges start at 0. E0er- character starts #ith three attribute *oints1 each o$ #hich can increase an attribute b- one die si6e <more than one o$ these can be used on the same attribute=. +his allo#s the $ollo#ing combinations at character creationF %1d101 1d!1 1d!1 1d!& %1d81 1d6. 1d!1 1d!& %1d61 1d61 1d61 1d!& E0er- character also starts #ith three edge *oints1 each o$ #hich can be s*ent to increase an edge b- one <these must be used on se*arate edges=.

+here are currentl- $i0e races to choose $rom in 5oul Eater. +hese are animal1 golem1 human1 #ere#ol$1 and 6ombie. Each race grants traits at character creation and access to additional traits. +here is a lot o$ e7tra s*ace on this *age so I #ill e7*lain some things. "ere#ol0es are a thing. +here needs to be more races so i$ an- a**ear in 5oul Eater 49+ or someone mentions something that might $it I #ill add them as #ell. 4o *la-er .ishuns should not be a thing.

Each animal has t#o $orms> a human $orm and an animal $orm. "hen -ou create -our character choose an animal. +his choice cannot be altered. Bou Animal Aorm trait <see belo#= allo#s -ou to s#itch bet#een these $orms. "hile in -our human $orm -ou retain small $eatures o$ -our animal $orm1 such as ears o$ a cat or $acial hair o$ a mon.e-. "hile in animal $orm -ou can tal.. Traits (nimal )orm# Bou ma- s#itch bet#een -our human and animal $orms. +his one $ull round. "hile in animal $orm -ou gain one trait associated #ith that animal <s*ea. #ith the gamemaster1 EHF $light i$ -ou are a bird=. (nimal "nstincts# Increase -our instinct b- 1. "ncreased (ttribute# Choose an attribute associated #ith -our animal <EHF Ao7 and intelligence= and increase it b- one die si6e. E'amples Eater +he (i6une 5isters and "itch ,lair. of (nimals in Soul

Golems are hard to .ill but lac. something im*ortant. A soul. +his *re0ents them $rom *art in se0eral things including soul resonance <but not #ielding or being #ielded a or as a li0ing #ea*on= and the abilit- to ha0e emotions and en;o- li$e. +heir stagnant 0isage can also be intimidating or $unn<de*ends ho# the- are built=. Traits Golem Resilience# Increase toughness b- 1. Bou can su$$er one additional #ound be$ore inca*acitation. 4eed one more damage to recei0e a #ound. "ncreased (ttribute# Soulless# Bou cannot *artici*ate in things that reCuire a soul <such as soul resonance and the en;o-ment o$ li$e=. E'amples Soul Eater (eth #ho is tr-ing to bring golems out o$ the bac.ground. of Golems in hysi$ue# Increase -our *h-siCue b- one die si6e.

umans are the most common characters in 5oul Eater. +he- can mo0e around easil- because *eo*le are less li.el- to Cuestion #h- a human is some#here as o**osed to a golem or a #ere#ol$. In addition humans tend to sho# more heart than the other races. Traits Great+heart# Increase -ou 6eal b- 1. ,ersatility# Bou ma- increase edges regardless o$ the others. Bou get an additional trait at character creation. E'amples of *umans in Soul Eater Eoe ,uttata.i1 (a.a Albarn1 Aran.en 5tien1 and 5oul E0ans.

"ere#ol0es are classi$ied as monsters so an- #ere#ol$ that #ants to attend the academ- #ould ha0e to .ee* it8s nature hidden. "hile the- ma- seem o0er*o#ered one must remember that the- are 0er- $e# *laces that #ill acce*t #ere#ol0es as *art o$ their communit-. Traits "ncreased (ttribute# hysi$ue# Increase -our *h-siCue b- one die si6e. .ycanthropy# Can ta.e the $orm o$ a #ere#ol$. +his one $ull round. "hile in #ere#ol$ $orm -ou use instinct to dodge <instead o$ re$le7= and recei0e a G1 bonus to -our strength and toughness edges. Sil/er ,ulnerability# Bou get no toughness roll against damage caused bsil0er #ea*ons <or s*ells that are considered to ha0e a similar e$$ect=. Were-olf "nstincts# Increase -our instinct b- 1. E'amples of Were-ol/es in Soul Eater Aree1 there is a $amil- as #ell but -eah.

&ombies $or the most *art lac. souls but that is not the case #ith *la-ers #ho are 6ombies. +he- ha0e a soul $rom #hiche0er race the- #ere be$ore and retain some o$ the traits o$ that race. +he- ha0e blue and ma.e li$eDdeath related *uns #hene0er *ossible. +hings such as /Get a li$e2 and /I had a co$$in8 $it2. Traits re/ious .ife# Choose Animal1 uman1 or "ere#ol$. Bou gain a trait based uman ? Jersatilit-1 "ere#ol$ on the one -ou choose. Animal ? Animal Aorm1

? "ere#ol$ Aorm. A 6ombie #ith animal $orm retains traits o$ the animal it #as <other than *igmentation=. A #ere#ol$ 6ombie is *robabl-1 #ell1 *robabl- not acce*ted an-#here. What !oesn1t 2ill You# "hen -ou recei0e a #ound increase -our *h-siCue bone die si6e until the end o$ -our ne7t turn. 0ombie# Bou do not need to eat1 slee*1 or breathe. E'amples of 0ombies in Soul Eater# 5id ,arrett <A$ter Death=.

Sometimes... ...I wish I was never reborn.

+here are $our classes to choose $rom in 5oul Eater. +he- are the #ell .no#n "ea*on and (eister. +he usuall- e0il "itch and the honourable "arrior. Each class $eatures it8s o#n uniCue abilities. +hese are re*resented b- the traits the- gi0e -ou at character creation and b- the traits it gi0es -ou access to.

(eisters are trained at the academ- to #ield #ea*ons and de$eat the e0il $orces. E'perience# (eisters gain e7*erience onl- $or de$eating stronger e0il o**onents. 5tarting +raits .i/ing Bou deal Weapon one Speciali4ation# *oint o$ additional

damage #ith li0ing #ea*ons $or each die o$ damage the #ea*on has. 3eister Training# Bou can #ield li0ing #ea*ons #ith no *enalt-. E7am*les o$ (eisters in 5oul Eater (a.a Albarn1 ,lac.star1 5tein. Death the Kid1 Kim Diehl1 and Aran.en

"arriors are #ea*ons s*ecialists. +he- train long and hard to master their #ea*ons1 and this is the start o$ -our training. (an- #arriors ha0e a code o$ honour. E'perience# "arriors get e7*erience $or de$eating strong o**onents. +he "ea*on +raining trait uses the same table as the "ea*on Aorm table1 see ne7t *age. 5tarting +raits Techni$ue# Create a techniCue <as. the gamemaster about it=. Bou ma- use a techniCue a $ight $or e0er- 2 e7*erience le0els -ou ha0e <minimum 1=. A$ter each rest -ou reset the number o$ times -ou ma- use -our techniCues. Weapon Training# Choose a #ea*on #hich -ou meet the reCuirements $or. Bou get a G1 bonus to damage rolls #ith that #ea*on. E7am*les o$ "arriors in 5oul Eater (i$une1 nu$$ said.

"ea*ons are *eo*le that can trans$orm into #ea*ons. +he- are #ielded bmeisters and used to hunt do#n e0il. E'perience# "ea*ons gain e7*erience $or de$eating stronger e0il o**onents. +he "ea*on Aorm trait uses the $ollo#ing reCuirementsF :ight (elee <1d6 damage=F @h-siCue 1d!G EHF ,rass Knuc.les1 Dagger1 5hi0 (edium (elee <1d8 damage=F @h-siCue 1d8G EHF A7e1 Aishing Rod1 :ance1 (ace1 5c-the1 5#ord ea0- (elee <1d10 damage=F @h-siCue 1d10G EHF Greats#ord1 @i.e1 "arhammer :ight Ranged <2d6 damage=F De7terit- 1d!G EHF ,oomerang1 @istol1 5huri.en1 5lingshot (edium Ranged <2d8 damage=F De7terit- 1d8G EHF Crossbo#1 Ri$le1 5*ear ea0- Ranged <2d10 damage=F De7terit- 1d10G EHF Arbalest1 Cannon1 (inigun (agical <5*ells=F Intelligence 1d8G EHF A magical item ArmorF @h-siCue 1d8G 5tarting +raits (ided (ttac5# "hen a meister is #ielding -ou and misses an attac. b- one *oint -ou ma.e an instinct roll. 9n a success the meisters attac. becomes a hit. Weapon )orm# Choose a #ea*on $or #hich -ou meet the reCuirements. Bou mata.e the $orm o$ that #ea*on. E7am*les o$ "ea*ons in 5oul Eater 5oul E0ans1 +suba.i 4a.atsu.asa1 and 5*irit.

"itches ha0e the abilit- to cast s*ells. "hile most #itches are e0il not all are. +heir souls are used $or turning #ea*ons into death sc-thes #hich them enemies o$ the D"(A. +here are ho#e0er #itches at the D"(A including Kim Diehl. 5tarting +raits

Spellcasting# Create based #itches a on s*ell -our theme.

Bou ma- cast a number o$ s*ells *er da- eCual to -our intelligence *lus e7*erience -our le0el

<EHF 1d8 L 8=. E7am*les Eater Arachne Gorgon1 Eru.a1 "itch1 Diehl1 Gorgon1 5isters. Grand Kim (edusa (isune o$

"itches in 5oul

At character creation each character recei0es traits based on their race and on their class. +hese traits are indicated as 8,asic8 in the reCuirement column. +he- are also allo#ed to ta.e one trait $or #hich the- meet the reCuirements. As characters ad0ance in le0el the- #ill gain more traits. +his occurs at e0er- odd le0el <11 31 %1 etc=. Reading Re$uirements# +he reCuirements $or a trait are listed in the column o$ the same name. ,ut i$ a trait a**ears under a class o$ race heading that class or race are also reCuirements $or that trait. Trait
Aim Im*ro0ed Aim Assassination Charge Int 1d6G De7 1d8G1 Int 1d8G1 Aim De7terit- 1d10G @h- 1d6G1 De7 1d6G I$ -ou do not mo0e on -our turn be$ore a ranged attac. -ou recei0e a G2 bonus to hit. "hen -ou use aim the attac. deals an additional die o$ damage. +arget recei0es no toughness roll on a snea. attac.. 4o mo0ement *enalt- on attac.s.



Counter Attac.

De7terit- 1d8G

"hen -ou get a raise on a dodge roll -ou ma- attac. the target that missed -ou i$ the- are #ithin -our held #ea*ons <or unarmed= range.

Critical @ro#ess Dodge Initiati0e Dual "ielding E7*ertise Aieride Increased Attribute Inno0ation Clarit- o$ +hought :uc. Great Aortune Inending ,oon eroic :uc. eart

4DA De7terit- 1d8G De7terit- 1d8G1 Dodge De7terit- 1d8G An- attribute 2d6G 5*irit 1d12G De7terit- 1d6G 4DA Intelligence 1d8G Intelligence 1d8G Inno0ation 4DA :uc. :uc. <72=1 Great Aortune :uc.

Raises on -our attac. rolls can grant u* to t#o dice o$ damage. Increase -our instinct and re$le7 b- 1. Dra# 2 cards $or initiati0e1 use the better1 Reduce the dual #ielding *enalt- $rom 32D33 to 30D32. Bou ma- s*end a benn- to add 2d! to -our bonus *ool. Aor one roll a da- -ou ma- increase s*irit b- 2 si6es. Ignore the 32 *enalt- to re$le7 chec.s $or stealth. Choose an attribute. Increase it b- one die si6e. Bou ma- ta.e Increased Attribute an- number o$ times. Increase -our *erce*tion and thought b- 1. "hen -ou dra# and ace -ou get a G2 bonus to thought rolls until the ne7t initiati0e. At the start o$ each da- add a d! to -our bonus *ool. Bou ma- ta.e :uc. an- number o$ times. At the start o$ each da- add $i0e G18s to -our bonus *ool. "hen -ou s*end a die $rom -our bonus *ool add a G1 to -our bonus *ool. "hile -ou are at -our ma7imum number o$ #ounds all d!8s1 d68s1 and d88s in -our bonus *ool become d108s.

(artial Arts Im*ro0ed (artial Arts (assi0e Arame ,ra#l (orale Iron "ill

All attributes 1d6G All Attributes 1d8G1 (artial Arts @h-siCue 1d8G @h-siCue 1d8G1 (assi0e Arame 5*irit 1d8G Intelligence (orale 1d8G1 5*irit

Bour unarmed attac.s deal 1d6 additional damage. Bour unarmed attac.s deal 1d10 additional damage <re*lacing the d6 $rom martial arts=. Increase -our strength and toughness b- 1. "hen -ou dra# an ace -ou deal ! additional damage #ith melee attac.s until the ne7t initiati0e. Increase -our #ill and 6eal b- 1. 1d8G1 "hen -ou get a raise on a #ill chec. the source o$ that attac. rolls toughness against the #ill chec. result and su$$ers #ounds based on the damage. "hen -ou success$ull- dodge a melee or ranged attac.

4arro# Esca*e

De7terit- 1d8G

b- e7actl- 1 *oint add a d6 to -our bonus *ool. Muic. 5hi$tResonance 5tabilit5*iritual (etabolism 5oul Resonance 5oul 5ense De7terit- 1d6G De7terit- 1d8G1 Muic. 5*irit 1d12G 4DA 5*irit 1d6G 5*irit 1d6G Increase -our *ace b- 2 and -our run die to a d8. "hen -ou are hit b- a melee attac. -ou ma- mo0e u* to hal$ -our *ace a$ter the attac. resol0es. Bou can *er$orm grou* soul resonance. "hen -ou eat a soul -ou obtain a benn-. Bou can *er$orm soul resonance. Bou ma- use -our s*irit to detect nearb- souls. 9n a success -ou .no# #here the- are1 on a raise -ou .no# #hat t-*e o$ soul the- are <human1 .ishun egg1 #itch1 etc=. +ough Die ard @h-siCue 1d8G +ough Bou can ta.e one additional #ound be$ore inca*acitation. I$ -ou ha0e no #ounds and one damage roll #ould inca*acitate or .ill -ou1 -ou are instead reduced to -our ma7imum number o$ #ounds. Endurance @h-siCue 1d10G1 +ough At the start o$ -our turn i$ -ou are #ounded ma.e an Endurance roll. Bou ignore 1 *oint o$ #ound *enalton a ! and an additional 1 $or each raise. +his lasts until the start o$ -our ne7t turn. Bou cannot use this i$ -ou are at -our ma7imum number o$ #ounds.

Race + (nimal
Animal Aorm ,asic Bou ma- s#itch bet#een -our human and animal $orms. +his one $ull round. "hile in animal $orm -ou gain one trait associated #ith that animal <s*ea. #ith the gamemaster1 EHF $light i$ -ou are a bird=. Animal Instincts Animal 5enses Aull ,od- +rait ,asic 4DA Related Attribute 1d10G $or si6e. @h-sical @o#er (agic @o#er "arrior1 @h-siCue 1d10G "itch1 Intelligence 1d10G Increase -our instinct b- 1. Bou ma- use instinct instead o$ *erce*tion to obser0e -our surroundings. Bou retain -our animal trait <EHF $light $or birds= in "ings=. 9nce a da- #hile in animal $orm -ou ma- double the damage o$ one o$ -our melee attac.s. 9nce *er da- -ou ma- double one trait o$ a s*ell -ou cast <EHF number o$ dice o$ damage1 A9E1 number o$ *ro;ectiles1 and so on=. EHF De7terit- $or $light or @h-siCue -our human $orm. +his can lea0e 0isual mar.ers <EHF

Race + Golem
Golem Resilience ,asic Increase toughness b- 1. Can ta.e one additional #ound. 4eed one more damage to recei0e a #ound.

5oulless 5oul Ca*sule

,asic 5*irit 1d8G

Cannot do things that reCuire a soul. Ignore -our 5oulless trait. Choose Animal1 basic traits #hich are considered to uman1 or ha0e no "ere#ol$. Bou ma- ta.e the traits o$ that race <e0en reCuirements $or the *ur*oses o$ this trait=.

Race + *uman
Great3heart JersatilitAda*ti0e +-*eO Anti3Demon1 5la-er 5*irit 1d8G 5oul ,asic ,asic N5oul 5*irit 1d8G Increase -our 6eal b- 1. Can increase edges regardless o$ others. Bou get an additional trait at character creation. "hen -ou resonate #ith someone -our nature becomes the same as theirs <not o*tional=. Bou can onl- ta.e 1 N5oul +-*eO trait. Increase -our #ill and the #ill o$ an-one -ou are resonating #ith b- 1. Bou can attem*t to remo0e blac. blood <6eal 0ersus #ill=. 4oteF this does not remo0e madness *oints. Bou can onl- ta.e 1 N5oul +-*eO trait. :atent +-*eO (adness N5oul 5*irit 1d8G As long as -ou ha0e at least one *oint o$ madness -ou get a G1 bonus to all rolls. Bou get a 32 *enalt- to #ill against madness attac.s. Bou can onl- ta.e 1 N5oul +-*eO trait. "a0elength N5oul +-*eO

Race + Were-olf
:-canthro*,asic Can ta.e the $orm o$ a #ere#ol$. "hile in #ere#ol$ $orm use instinct to dodge <instead o$ re$le7= and recei0e a G1 bonus to strength and toughness. 5il0er Julnerabilit"ere#ol$ Instincts Cla#s 5il0er Resistance "ere#ol$ Regeneration ,asic ,asic @h-siCue 1d6G @h-siCue 1d10G @h-siCue 2d6G 4o toughness roll against sil0er damage. Increase -our instinct b- 1. "hile in #ere#ol$ $ormF Deal 1d6 additional unarmed damage. +oughness roll 0ersus sil0er damage at 32 die si6e. At the start o$ each o$ -our turns in #hich -ou recei0ed a #ound <or #ounds= ma.e a +oughness roll against the amount o$ damage -our recei0ed on a success remo0e one o$ those #ounds. +his does not $unction against damage caused b- sil0er #ea*ons. Bou get G1 to natural healing rolls. Bou can also naturall- regenerate limbs. "ere#ol$ 5*rint @h-siCue 1d10G1 Muic. "hile in #ere#ol$ $ormF Increase -our *ace b- 2 and -our s*rint die b- one si6e.

Race + 0ombie

@re0ious :i$e


Choose Animal1

uman1 or "ere#ol$. Bou gain a trait

based on the one -ou choose. Animal ? Animal Aorm1 uman ? Jersatilit-1 "ere#ol$ ? "ere#ol$ Aorm. "hat Doesn8t Kill Bou... &ombie 4ot Dead Bet ,asic ,asic 5*irit 1d8G "hen -ou recei0e a #ound increase -our *h-siCue bone die si6e until the end o$ -our ne7t turn. Bou do not need to eat1 slee*1 or breathe. Choose Animal1 uman1 or "ere#ol$. Bou ma- ta.e the traits o$ those races <e0en basic traits #hich are considered to ha0e no reCuirements $or the *ur*oses o$ this trait=.

Class + 3eister
:i0ing 5*eciali6ation (eister +raining Direct 5oul3$orce Attac. Ad0anced 5oul3$orce Attac.s ,asic 5*irit 1d6G 5*irit Attac. 1d10G1 Direct "ea*on ,asic Bou deal 1 additional *oint o$ damage on attac.s #ith li0ing #ea*ons $or each die o$ damage it has. Bou can #ield li0ing #ea*ons. Bour unarmed attac.s deal additional damage eCual to -our &eal <including -our s*irit=. 5oul3$orce Bou ma- deal damage on -our soul3$orce attac.s eCual to -our &eal G 1d! <this remo0es strength $rom the damage=. +his d! increases to a d6 at le0el 21 d8 at le0el 31 etc. @re0ailing 5*irit 5*irit 1d8G Increase -our s*irit b- one die si6e $or each #ound -ou ha0e.

Class + Warrior
+echniCue ,asic Create a techniCue <as. the gamemaster about it=. Bou ma- use a techniCue a $ight $or e0er- 2 e7*erience le0els -ou ha0e <minimum 1=. A$ter each rest -ou reset "ea*on +raining Enduring Aighter 5#ee* 5#i$t ,asic 4DA @h-siCue 1d10G @h-siCue 1d10G1 De7terit- 1d8G the number o$ times -ou mause -our techniCues. Choose a #ea*on that -ou meet the reCuirements $or. Bou get a G1 bonus to damage rolls #ith that #ea*on. Bou ma- use an additional *er $ight. As one attac. action -ou ma- attac. each enemad;acent to -ou. Does not stac. #ith 5#i$t As one attac. action -ou can attac. a number o$ times eCual to -our le0el <minimum 1=. Does not stac. #ith s#ee*. "arrior 5tudIntelligence 1d8G Bou get a G2 bonus to thought rolls made to create or learn ne# techniCues.

Class + Weapon

Aided Attac.


"hen a meister is #ielding -ou and misses an attac. b- one *oint -ou ma.e an instinct roll. 9n a success the meisters attac. becomes a hit.

"ea*on Aorm Additional Aorm

,asic 5*irit 1d8G








reCuirements. Bou ma- ta.e the $orm o$ that #ea*on. Choose another #ea*on $or #hich -ou meet the reCuirements. Bou ma- also ta.e the $orm o$ that #ea*on. Bou ma- ta.e this trait more than once1 each time choose a ne# #ea*on $or #hich -ou meet the reCuirements. De0astating "ea*on @h-siCue 1d8G "hen a damage die $or -our #ea*on attac. e7*lodes add one hal$ the ma7imum number o$ that die to the damage. @o#er Attac. @h- 1d12G1 De0astating "ea*on 9nce *er combat -ou ma- gi0e a *enalt- to -our meisters attac. <in multi*les o$ 321 u* to 36= $or e0er- t#o *oints o$ *enalt- -ou deal one additional die o$ damage on that attac.. +his $eature must be used be$ore the attac. result is .no#n. :ight#eight @artial "ea*on Aorm Ra*id Reload De7terit- 1d10G1 At least one light All o$ -our light melee #ea*on $orms are allo#ed an melee #ea*on $orm 5*irit 1d6G #ea*on $orm additional attac. $or each attac. action. Bou can ma.e attac.s #ithout being #ielded. additional attac. $or each attac. action.

De7terit- 1d10G1 At least one ranged All o$ -our ranged #ea*on $orms are allo#ed an

Class + Witch
5*ellcasting ,asic Create a s*ell based on -our #itches theme. Bou macast a number o$ s*ells *er da- eCual to -our intelligence *lus -our e7*erience le0el <EHF 1d8 L 8=. Alight Great35*ell Intelligence 2d6G Intelligence 2d6G1 5*irit 1d10G Bou can $l- #ith a *ace o$ 6. I$ a damage die o$ one o$ -our s*ells e7*lodes roll t#o more instead o$ one <both o$ these ma- e7*lode adding e0en more dice=. Muic. Casting 5*eechless Casting Intelligence 1d10G Intelligence 2d10G Bou ma- s*end a benn- to cast a s*ell <e0en i$ -ou ha0e alread- used -our action this turn=. Bou ma- cast -our s*ells #ithout the incantation. +his also allo#s -ou to cast t#o s*ells as *art o$ the same action. 5*ellcra$ting Intelligence 1d8G Bou get a G2 bonus on thought chec.s made to create or learn ne# s*ells.

In 5oul Eater there is much ado about madness. ,ut not onl- does it ma.e one insane it one more *o#er$ul. 5ome things can s*read madness such as the .ishun Ashura <#ho s*reads the madness o$ terror=. 9ther things $acilitate the s*read o$ madness such as blac. blood. 5o ha0e $un and be insane. 6ecoming "nsane +o cause madness something #ith the abilit- to do so an attac. <ma-be e0en *assi0el- to an-thing that enters it8s radius=. +his attac. is 6eal 0ersus #ill. 9n a success the target is a$$ected b- the madness a$$ect o$ the creature that made the attac.. 9n a raise the target also gets one *oint o$ madness <$urther raises ha0e no additional a$$ect=. Eating a human soul <not a .ishun egg= can cause madness. In this case the character #ho eats the souls rolls a #ill chec. against eight. 9n a $ailure the character gains one madness *oint.

"hen a character reaches a number o$ madness *oints eCual to one hal$ o$ -our s*irit <EHF 1d6 L 3= that character goes insane. +he Gamemaster ma- gain control o$ them or let that *la-er *la- their character <as long as the- *la- it as an insane character=. Effects of "nsanity A character #ith madness *oints recei0es a *enalt- to #ill rolls eCual to the number o$ madness *oints that character has. Each character <#ith madness *oint<s== has a chance eCual to 10P 7 the number o$ madness *oints that character has to trigger madness #hen entering a battle. +his grants a bonus to all rolls <e7ce*t #ill= eCual to the number o$ madness *oints that character has. +his lasts until the end o$ that battle. 6lac5 6lood A character becomes in$ected #hen blac. blood gets into their s-stem or resonates #ith an in$ected character. 9nce in$ected the character recei0es one madness *oint. +he character also recei0es another *oint each time madness is triggered. Characters #ith the Anti3Demon1 5la-er "a0elength trait can attem*t to remo0e blac. blood b- using their 6eal against the in$ected8s #ill. In this situation

madness *oints grant a bonus to #ill chec.s instead o$ a *enalt-. A bonus is also gi0en based on their highest edge. Strength# 9nce *er turn #hile madness is triggered and -ou .ill a target #ith a melee attac. -ou ma- mo0e u* to hal$ -our *ace and ma.e a melee attac.. Toughness# Bou ma.e natural healing chec.s as though -ou are at a hos*ital <ignore the #ound *enalt-=. "nstinct# "hen -ou get a raise on a dodge roll against a melee attac. #hile madness is triggered ma.e an instinct 0ersus instinct attac. against the target that attac.ed -ou. 9n a hit the- ta.e 1d! damage $or e0er- le0el -ou ha0e <minimum 1=. +his a$$ect can stac. #ith the Counter Attac. trait. Refle'# "hen -ou ma.e a ranged attac. under the e$$ect o$ madness roll a d! and a**l- an a$$ect based on the result <this die does not e7*lode=.
1F I$ the attac. misses the target 1d! damage $or each le0el -ou ha0e <minimum 1=. 2F Bou ma- mo0e u* to hal$ -our *ace be$ore or a$ter the attac.. 3F +he target is *ushed 1d! s*aces. !F +he target is in$ected #ith blac. blood.

erception# During a sur*rise round in #hich -ou are sur*rised dra# an initiati0e card. Thought# I$ -ou are hit b- a s*ell trigger madness. Will# Ignore the #ill *enalt- $rom madness e7ce*t against #ill chec.s $rom eating human souls. 0eal# I$ -ou *re$orm soul resonance #hile madness is triggered an-one -ou are *er$orming resonance #ith gains the bonus $rom -our madness <EHF i$ -ou ha0e 3 madness *oints both -ou and the- get G3 to all rolls instead o$ ;ust -ou=.

During each turn o$ combat each character can ma.e one mo0ement action <see belo#= and one attac. action <ma.e one attac. #ith one #ea*on1 use one techniCue or cast one s*ell=. 5ome things ma- allo# additional action <or additional attac.s as *art o$ one action= such as soul resonance.

(ttac5s and !efence

A melee attac. is made #ith a strength roll 0ersus the targets de$ence. A ranged attac. is made #ith a re$le7 roll 0ersus the targets de$ence. Instinct is used b- characters #ith t#o or more #ounds or against sur*rise attac.s. Re$le7 is used b- characters #ith $e#er than t#o #ounds or against attac.s the- are a#are against.

At the start o$ each session e0er- *la-er recei0es a benn-. +he gamemaster

gets a benn- *er session *er *la-er. At the end o$ a session *la-ers .ee* benn-s but the gamemaster loses them. "hen a *la-er1 or the G(1 a roll the- ma- s*end a benn- to reroll it. +his must be done be$ore the result o$ the roll is .no#n. +he gamemaster may gi0e *la-ers benn-s during a session $orF re$erences1 de$eating *o#er$ul enemies1 reaching milestones1 the gamemaster laugh1 and so on ... #hate0er the G( $eels li.e reall-.



+he bonus *ool is a magical *lace ... @la-ers .ee* bonus dice and *luses here. 5uch as G18s1 G28s1 G38s1 d!8s1 d68s1 d88s and so on. +hese dice and *luses can be s*ent to increase an- roll. I$ it is a die roll that die and add the result to the result <e7*losions are allo#ed=. I$ it is a *lus add that 0alue to the result. Bou ma- add bonus dice and *luses to a roll be$ore or a$ter the result is .no#n <last micro second decisions and all that=. +he- maalso be added a$ter a benn- is s*ent but a benn- does not reroll bonus dice their results remain the same. "hen the *la-er a long rest <such as slee*ing= all bonus dice and *luses are lost.

Damage $or attac.s is calculated as $ollo#sF (eleeF N"ea*on DamageO G #ielders *h-siCue RangedF N"ea*on DamageO 5*ellF NAs 5*ellO InarmedF @h-siCue +his can be modi$ied o$ course b- traits and *o#ers. Also1 b- EH@:95I945Q <see belo#=.

!ual Wielding

Dual #ielding allo#s a character to ma.e an additional attac. as *art o$ an attac. action. +his does incur a *enalt- ho#e0er. A character can onl- dual #ield light or medium melee #ea*ons and light ranged #ea*ons <or ancombination thereo$. +hese #ea*ons must be one handed. A character dual #ielding recei0es a 32 *enalt- to the main hand and a 33 *enalt- to the o$$3hand <re$erred to as 32D33=. 9n melee #ea*ons this a**lies to damage rolls and on ranged #ea*ons it a**lies to attac. rolls. A light melee #ea*on in the o$$ hand reduces the *enalt- b- 1 <$or the o$$3hand onl-=.

E'perience and Rating

Each character has a rating determined b- ho# *o#er$ul the- are. +his is not determined b- stats or le0el but b- com*leting a mission <gamemasters discretion=. Characters gain e7*erience as listed b- their class but onl- i$ the de$eated monster is o$ eCual or higher rating that the character. +he- also gain e7*erience $or com*leting missions. Gamemasters ma- also a#ard e7*erience $or doing a#esome things such as getting a 2%G using onl- 1d!.

E7 .8S"8NS9
"hen a ma7imum number is rolled on a die <EHF ! on a d!1 6 on a d61 etc=1 that die is added to the total then rolled again and that ne# number is added to the total. +his ha**ens until it sto*s or a**ears that time itsel$ #ill soon end.

Natural# A #ounded character is allo#ed to roll toughness against their number o$ #ounds <the- do ta.e #ound *enalt- on this roll= at the end o$ a rest <6G hours=. 9n a success and $or e0er- raise the- remo0e one #ound. ,eing at a hos*ital allo#s them to ignore the #ound *enalt-.

Spells# A s*ell ma- also ha0e the abilit- to remo0e #ounds.

"f Your Not There Suc5s to be You

I$ a *la-er1 or the G(1 is not at the table <bathroom and so on= to ma.e a roll <such as attac.1 dodge1 stealth1 or *erce*tion= the- don8t get to and the o**osed a$$ect succeeds. A *la-er1 or gamemaster1 not at the table $or initiati0e does not get a card1 or gets to go last. +his rule a**lies onl- to *eo*le #ho are there. I$ someone couldn8t ma.e it $or a session is e7em*t as their character should not be *artici*ating in that session. +his is an o*tional rule but #h- not use itR

.e/elling :p
Characters begin *la- at le0el 6ero. As the characters gain le0els the- #ill be able to increase their attributes and their edges. Also the- #ill gain more traits. At e0er- le0el <starting at 1= a character can increase an edge o$ their choice b- one. I$ an edge #ould become 3 it becomes 1d! instead. +his means that a G2 becomes 1d! and 1d!G2 becomes 2d!. I$ -ou #ant to increase an edge $rom a to a d! be-ond the $irst that attributes other edge must ha0e at most one d! $e#er than the one -ou #ould li.e to increase. umans #ith the Jersatilit- trait ignore this rule. EHF A character #ants to increase their 5trength to $rom 1d!G2 to 2d! but cannot because their +oughness is G2 <more than 1d! $e#er than the #anted 5trength=. At e0er- odd numbered le0el <starting at 1= a character gains a ne# trait $or #hich the- meet the reCuirements. At e0er- e0en numbered le0el <starting a 2 not 0 -ou hac.ers= the characters are allo#ed to increase an attribute o$ their choice b- one die si6e.

As a mo0ement action a character is allo#ed to mo0e u* to their *ace. An- unused mo0ement at the end o$ this mo0e cannot be used a$ter an action. +he character can also run. +his adds 1d6 <called a run die= to their *ace and a 32 *enalt- to all attac. and de$ence rolls made b- the character until the ne7t initiati0e dra#.

"hen -ou roll ! higher than a target number it is called a raise. "ith a raise -ou are considered to ha0e done 0er- #ell. +his can ha0e additional a$$ects based on the number o$ raises -ou recei0e. A raise on an attac. roll grants an additional die o$ damage on the damage roll. +here is no limit to the number o$ raises -ou can get. E'ception# An- number o$ raises on an attac. roll grants onl- one additional die o$ damage <unless modi$ied b- traits or e$$ects=.

Inless other#ise stated an-thing hal0ed into a non3#hole number is rounded do#n.

"hat traditional games #ould ha0e as s.ills #e ha0e onl- the attribute chec.s. "ant to climbR (a.e a strength chec. <*h-siCue G strength=. "ant to remember somethingR (a.e a thought chec. <intelligence G thought=. I$ -ou are unsure #hat to use consult the gamemaster. Stealth# 5tealth is made as a re$le7 chec. #ith a 32 *enalt-. Bou mama.e a stealth chec. to mo0e silentl- or hide. Bou ma- onl- do so i$ the gamemaster belie0es -ou ha0e signi$icant co0er or -our $oes are distracted enough. "hen -ou do e0er-one a *erce*tion chec. 0ersus -our stealth

chec.. I$ the- succeed -ou are not hidden $rom them <some ma- .no# #here -ou are and others ma- not=.

Soul Resonance
+o *re$orm soul resonance each character must ha0e the soul resonance trait. +he- then roll &eal against the $ollo#ing table o$ natures. I$ both characters succeed the- get a G1 bonus to all rolls and an additional G1 $or each raise <! abo0e the reCuired number=. +his bonus is reduced b- one at the start o$ their turn <#hen resonating the- act at the same time=. "hen it reaches 0 soul resonance ends. +his also grants an additional action during each turn o$$ soul resonance1 unless -ou use a soul resonance techniCue. Calm Calm Angr5h9utgoing 5el$less 5el$ish 6 11 ' ' 6 8 Angr11 ) 8 ) 8 8 5h' 8 ) 11 ' 8 9utgoing ' ) 11 6 ' 8 5el$less 6 8 ' ' ' 11 5el$ish 8 8 8 8 11 4DA

Group Soul Resonance# Aor each character *er$orming soul resonance be-ond the second increase the chec. reCuirement b- ! $or all characters in0ol0ed.

"hen designing a #itches s*ell .ee* their theme in mind. 5*ells should not be o0er*o#ered but attac. s*ells should deal a $air amount o$ damage. +he ad0antage o$ s*ells is that the- can do other things such as barricades and healing. A #itch can .no# a number o$ s*ells eCual to 1D2 their intelligence G 1D2 their le0el.

+o cast a s*ell the #itch must recite the incantation <EHF "ol$1 #ol$s1 #ol0es=.

Soul Resonance# +he *la-ers do not design the soul resonance techniCues. +hese techniCues change based on #hich meister3#ea*on combination is acting. +o use a soul resonance techniCue as. the gamemaster. e or she #ill tell -ou #hat attac. to ma.e against #hich de$ence. +his #ill consume a number o$ G8s $rom the soul resonance bonus <u* to all o$ them= and deal one die o$ damage $or each one consumed. Warrior# +he #arrior8s techniCues are *o#er$ul but also 0er- restricted in the number o$ times the- ma- use them. "hen designing a #arrior8s techniCue .ee* that characters theme in mind and ma.e it $airl- *o#er$ul. A #arrior can .no# a number o$ techniCues eCual to 1D2 his or her intelligence.

Turn Se$uence
+o determine the turn seCuence gi0e each *la-er a random *la-ing card <e7cluding ;o.ers=. Ace goes $irst1 $ollo#ed b- .ing1 all the #a- do#n to t#o. I$ t#o o$ the same number a**ears seCuence is determined b- suit in the orderF s*ades1 diamonds1 hearts1 clubs. Surprise Rounds# During a sur*rise round an- character that is sur*rised does not get to dra# an initiati0e card.

Weapons; .i/ing
+o #ield a #ea*on a character must ha0e a trait that allo#s them to do so. "hen a character #ields a #ea*on $or the $irst time the- roll &eal against the table o$ natures or $ail to li$t the #ea*on. A$ter this no roll is reCuired. Aor #ea*ons that are armourF meister uses re$le7 to dodge1 #ea*on uses *h-siCue to not get in;ured. +he #ea*on damage i$ the- get hit1 not the meister. +he #ea*on <armour= $alls o$$ the meister #hen the- $all unconscious or become inca*acitated.

Wounds; "ncapacitation; and !eath

A character gains a #ound #hen damage that is dealt to them is ! higher than their toughness roll <*lus an additional #ound $or e0er- raise=. 4ormall- characters can su$$er three #ounds be$ore being inca*acitated <to #ounded to act or unconscious=. +his can be increased #ith traits such as +ough and Golem Resilience. A character a *enalt- to all rolls and *ace eCual to the number o$ #ounds that character is su$$ering $rom.

Enemies are di0ided into grou*s based on *o#er. +hese #or. b- the same rules that the meister ratings do <0 to 3 stars=. &ero star enemies are the #ea.est. +he- are things li.e the most *iti$ul mummies and 6ombies. 9ne star enemies are slightl- more *o#er$ul. +hese #ould be large 6ombies and a0erage .ishun eggs. +#o star enemies are e0en more *o#er$ul. +#o star enemies include clo#ns and #ea. #itches. +hree star enemies are ob0iousl- e0en smarter1 better1 $aster1 and stronger. +hese include a0erage #itches1 demon #ea*ons1 and e7ce*tionall*o#er$ul .ishun eggs. +here e0en rumours about stronger o**onents...

0ero Stars
3ummy @h-siCue 1d6 <5FG1>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d! <IFG1>RFG0= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits ,eastialF Ise instinct to dodge e0en #hen not #ounded.

(ob (entalit-F At the start o$ each (ummies turn there is a 10P chance that another (umm- <6ero star= #ill a**ear. "oundsF 0 5oulF 1 Kishun Egg 0ombie @h-siCue 1d6 <5FG0>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d! <IFG0>RFG0= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits (ob (entalit-F At the start o$ each 6ombies turn there is a 1%P chance that another &ombie <6ero star= #ill a**ear. 5oullessF &ombies do not grant souls. +he- are also immune to soul based attac.s <such as direct soul3$orce=. "oundsF 0 5oulF 4one

8ne Star
*uman 3obster @h-siCue 1d6 <5FG0>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG0>RFG0= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d6 <"FG0>&FG1= +raits Great3heartF Increase -ou 6eal b- one. @istol @ro$icienc-F +he human mobster deals 1 additional damage #ith *istols. (adnessF 1 "oundsF 2 5oulF 1 Kishun Egg 2ishun Egg @h-siCue 1d8 <5FG0>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG0>RFG0=

Intelligence 1d6 <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits Increased Attribute @ic. a**ro*riate traits. :ist o$ monster traits coming later. "oundsF 2 (adnessF 3 5oulF 1 Kishun Egg .arge 0ombie @h-siCue 1d10 <5FG1>+FG1=1 De7terit- 1d6 <IFG0>RFG1= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits (ob (entalit-F At the start o$ each large 6ombies turn there is a 2%P chance that a &ombie <6ero star1 see abo0e= #ill a**ear. 5oullessF :arge &ombies do not grant souls. +he- are also immune to soul based attac.s <such as direct soul3$orce=. "oundsF 2 5oulF 4one Wolf; !ire @h-siCue 1d10 <5FG1>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG1>RFG0= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits ,iteF ,ite attac.s deal 1d! additional damage. Cla#F Cla# attac.s deal 1d! additional damage. @ac. "oundsF 2 5oulF Animal 5oul unterF "hile t#o or more #ol0es are ad;acent to the same enemthe- recei0e a G1 bonus to hit that enem-.

T-o Star

Clo-n @h-siCue 1d8 <5FG1>+FG1=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG2>RFG2= Intelligence 1d! <@FG0>+FG0=1 5*irit 2d6 <"FG1>&FG1d!= +raits 5*i.eF 9ne arm is a s*i.e that deals 1d8 additional damage. 5*reading (adnessF "hen the clo#n #ounds a target #ith it8s melee attac. ma.e another attac.. &eal 0ersus #ill. 9n a success the target recei0es one *oint o$ madness. "oundsF % 5oulF 1 Kishun Egg Witch; Wea5 @h-siCue 1d! <5FG0>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG0>RFG2= Intelligence 2d6 <@FG2>+FG1d!G1=1 5*irit 1d6 <"FG1>&FG1= +raits 5*ellcastingF +he #itch can cast 1! s*ells a da-. 5*ellsF (a- be changed according to theme. Attac. <2d8 damage1 one target= Attac. <3d! damage1 small area= (o0ement <(o0e s*eed and recei0e G2 re$le7 until ne7t turn= "oundsF 3 5oulF "itch 5oul

Three Star
3assi/e 0ombie @h-siCue 2d10 <5FG1d!G1>+FG1d!G1=1 De7terit- 1d8 <IFG0>RFG0= Intelligence 1d! <@FG2>+FG1d!G1=1 5*irit 1d! <"FG0>&FG0= +raits ,ruteF Ai0e damage1 not $our causes a #ound to this creature.

(ob (entalit-F At the start o$ each large 6ombies turn there is a 2%P chance that a :arge &ombie <one star1 see abo0e= #ill a**ear. +here is also a %0P chance that at the start o$ each massi0e 6ombies turn that a &ombie <6ero star1 see abo0e= #ill a**ear. 5oullessF (assi0e &ombies do not grant souls. +he- are also immune to soul based attac.s <such as direct soul3$orce=. "oundsF 8 5oulF 4one Witch @h-siCue 1d! <5FG0>+FG0=1 De7terit- 1d10 <IFG0>RFG2= Intelligence 2d8 <@FG1d!>+FG2d!=1 5*irit 1d8 <"FG2>&FG1= +raits Muic. CastF +he #itch can cast 2 s*ells as *art o$ one action. 5*ellcastingF +he #itch can cast 20 s*ells a da-. 5*ellsF (a- be changed according to theme. Attac. <!d8 damage1 one target= Attac. <3d6 damage1 small area= (o0ement <Al- s*eed and recei0e G2 re$le7 until ne7t turn= "oundsF % 5oulF "itch 5oul

)irst; (tsushi 85ubo for both -riting and dra-ing the fantastic manga.
Secondly to 6ones and )unimation for creating the e'citing anime adaptation. Third; to all the artists -ho made the great art that -as used. Ne't; to all of my friends that helped me get /ersion 0ero to /ersion 8ne. 3aybe e/en a little credit to myself for -or5ing out game mechanics; but mostly to e/eryone else; " couldn1t ha/e done it -ithout them. lease send your ideas and feedbac5 to theimmortalproduction< This is a fan -or5 and does not do any of that legal stuff in/ol/ing the creators of the series.

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