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The ICJ should take a good look at the situation in Afghanistan

to see whether if civilians there are being murdered regularly

by the fascist invaders in order to weaken and break the spirit
of the Afghan nation. And force the Afghans to become the new
virtual slaves of the modern era.

Afghanistan was invaded in 2001, and today, almost eight long

years later, civilians are still being treated as cannon fodder.
The original aim of the invaders was to capture bin Laden.

However, that has now been totally forgotten. Today's aim is to

weaken and collapse the Afghan nation and turn it into another
modernised version of the banana republic. Today, people in
the country are either dependent on handouts and the spending
of the foreigners or the covert opium business. The rest are
just waiting for their turns to get shot at or blown apart by
the various armed units in the country. The ICJ has been lazy
or slow to assess the situation there. Or perhaps they're just
simply afraid to make the move.

Afghanistan is certainly one highly prized trophy. The country

sits on prime real estate within South Central Asia and history
has shown that many foreign invaders have passed through at one
time or another. Today, that one foreign invader now present in
the country is the Nato organisation.

NATO in Afghanistan is headed by the US military, the world's

most murderous and most evil entity in present post-WW2 history.
It has slaughtered millions and laid waste multiple countries.
When its military is not busy killing and destroying, its CIA
and other units are corrupting and destabilisng and breaking
up peaceful defenceless societies from Latin America, to the
Middle East and to Asia and eleswhere.

This evil entity now in our midst knows no bounds and no limits.
Its generals and commanders are forever planning to make their
next move as it has an unsatiable appetite for human blood and
human flesh. At present that hunger for blood is being partially
satisfied in Afghanistan. And along the border areas with Pakistan.
Over the years, innocent civilians have been at the receiving end
of red-hot metal and few people have bothered to care about it.

Who actually gave out such deadly licences to kill innocent people
at will in Afghanistan ? Was it god ? Or could it simply be none
other than men like Obama, Merkel, Gates and others ?

Just recently, scores of innocent people, including children,

were blasted and burned and shattered to pieces in the tiny
village of Omar Kheil situated along the Kunduz river.

The murderers at first claimed that there were zero civilians.

Only when badly wounded children were brought into hospitals
were they ready to admit that there might have been civilians
present when they launched their ferocious and merciless attack.

Their constant lies, deceit and merciless killings should have

long ago attracted the attention of the ICJ, but apparently, the
bosses at the ICJ are too busy to notice. Too busy perhaps with
other business, like looking for scapegoats and sacrificial
lambs and small fry while the unmentionable giant terror is
excused and let off every time. It's truly the ultimate kind
of hypocrisy. The kind of hypocrisy so very fashionable today.

The killing at Omar Kheil was done by German forces who alongside
British, French and other European military units are under the
direct control of a US general there (Gen Stanley McChrystal).
Should McChrystal now be summoned to the ICJ ? This will never
ever happen. Now you know why mass murderers like Bush, Cheney and
Rumsfeld and Blair sleep so soundly every night. Their officers are
totally safe and immune from the ICJ never mind these big fishes.
Meanwhile the helpless Afghan civilians can only grit their teeth
and hope that their bodies might somehow be able to withstand further
bombings and shootings. Any hope of outside protection or the ICJ
pursuing the criminals and bringing them to face justice would
just have to wait until the day Hell completely freezes over.

The senseless murders at Omar Kheil were not rare or isolated cases
of wanton killing. Such murderings and slaughterings have been done
ever since 2001. Even in the days following the incident, reports
have emerged about other new killings. Since 2001, the whole scenario
in Afghanistan has almost perfectly mirrored that of the Middle East.
Politicians allowing the use of rockets and bombs to blast civilians.
While the UN go through the usual motions of shrieking and moaning.

A look at the present situation will allow one to realise that the
present world is full of deceit and falsehoods. Around the world,
Killing civilians by powerful politicians and killers is now very
acceptable and totally unpunishable. Why ? Because the world has
allowed the evil white man who has a crooked sense of justice to
rule supreme in our lives today. The white man only knows how to
kill and do all many other acts of depravity. He maims, he wrecks
world peace, he issues threats, he destroys, blackmails, he readily
denounces, he blinds, he corrupts, he acts as if he is now fully
qualified to become the god of this earth and he sets crooked laws
for all others to obey and follow. Through him the ICJ has become
one crooked court of ill repute and the vultures are fully ready.

The only court that we can depend on is the court of judgement by

history. All the people and all the nations that have been trodden
on by the totally merciless white man must take the trouble to
record down all his atrocities and all his evil acts against the
innocent so that the court of judgement by history will be able to
damn him forever. And for all eternity. And consign him to the
eternal fires of Hell. For that is where he truly, truly belongs.

Hell is where he belongs for he has slaughtered on Earth long and

hard and with total impunity and total mercilessness. He is proud
of his endless lists of Omar Kheils. Hell is his only final reward.
Indeed, his only fitting reward. To Hell with him !

To Hell with the Germans. To Hell with merkel. To Hell with NATO.
To Hell with the ISAF !!! And to Hell with the West !!! They are
truly and without a doubt the sons and daughters of Lucifer !!!

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