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ACCURATE THOUGHT IT is pardonable to tell your friends, by tactful suggestion, of your needs, but take care not to ask

them outright for assistance if you would retain their fri endship. Most of us disbelieve that which we cannot understand -for human tendency is to close our minds preventing - the unfolding and expanding of mind by which we w ill be able to think with accuracy, To think accurately you must separate facts from mere information and separte fa cts as important and un-important or relevant and irrelevant so as to think cle arly since relevant thoughts and facts are those that aid you attain your goals. Many a man mistakes, knowingly or otherwise, expediency for fact; doing a thing, or refraining from doing it, for the sole reason that his action furthers his o wn interest without consideration as to whether it interferes with the rights of others The accurate thinker deals with facts, regardless of how they affect his own int erests, in same way either it brings him temporary disadvantage as it is when i t brings him outstanding advantage for compensating reward is higher than tempor ary penalty The man who has attained to the degree of accurate thinking that enables him to speak of his enemy without exaggerating his faults, and minimizing his virtues, is the exception and not the rule If a man makes a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, the world will make a beat en path to his door; no doubt about that; and in the gang that will trail along will be those who come, not to commend, but to condemn and to destroy his reputa tion. No harm can come from accepting, as fact, hearsay evidence that is constructive; but its opposite, if accepted at all, should be subjected to the closest inspec tion possible under the available means of applying the law of evidence. I do not believe that I can afford to deceive others - since I know I cannot aff ord to do do so without first deceive myself! YOU are well on the road toward success if you have such a keen conception of li fe that you never build a plan which contemplates your requesting another perso n to do that which does not bring that person some corresponding advantage in re turn for compliance with your request. An important and relevant fact is any fact which you can use, without interferin g with the rights of others, in the attainment of YOUR purpose, while all other information even though facts are superfluos. Perfected man is the apex of the Evolutionary Pyramid, and this by a necessary s equence.; and this happend by proper thinking, not just accurage but also postiv e and creative. The sub-conscious mind is the intermediary between the conscious thinking mind a nd infinite intelligence, and you can invoke the aid of infinite intelligence on ly through the medium of the subconscious mind, by giving it clear instructions as to what you want. Sub-conscious mind accepts and acts upon all suggestions that reach it, and inv okes the aid of infinite intelligence in translating these suggestions into thei r natural physical form, through natural means which are in no way out of the or dinary and that is why we shcould filter the facts that aid our achiveing our go als while sending to our subconsious using autosuggestion. Autosuggestion of relevant facts to subconsious mind by accurate creative thinki ng does not gurantee any miracle but you can rely upon the power of infinite in telligence to guide you, through natural channels, and with the aid of natural l aws, for its attainment, directing you towards your goal, slowly and surely thr ough the principle of evolution Remember that your real wealth can be measured, not by what you have, but, by wh at you are and So you have to exercise self control on thoughts to be positive, non-destructive, creative nature, to prepare your subconsious to receive the sel f suggestions..

There are times when the mind is sick and it makes the body sick. At such times it needs a stronger mind to heal it by giving it direction and especially by giv ing it confidence and faith in itself. This is called suggestion. It is transmit ting your confidence and power to another, and with such force as to make the ot her believe as you wish and do as you will. WE climb to heaven mostly on the ruins of our cherished plans, finding our failu res were but friendly guide-posts that led us onward and upward to success. Know that the mind can be controlled, guided and directed to creative, construct ive ends. AND it may, voluntarily, tear down and destroy unless with plan and de liberation it is controlled and directed constructively since mind has power ove r every cell of the body, and can be made to cause every cell to do its intended work perfectly or otherwise, and everything begins with the thought in the mind and it is only ideas conceived here could lead to stupendous souccess WHEN a man really finds himself, at the top of the Ladder of Success, he is nev er alone, because no man can climb to genuine success without taking others alon g with him. Our sub-conscious mind does not question the source from which it receives order s, nor the soundness of those orders, but it will proceed to direct the muscular system of the body to carry out any order it receives. ANY man may become great by doing the common-place things of life in a great spi rit, with a genuine desire to be of helpful service to others, regardless of his calling. When we understand the principle through which any idea is first placed in the c onscious mind, and held there until the subconscious section of the mind picks i t up and appropriates it, we have a practical working knowledge of the Law of Co ncentration /Focus When we understand this working relationship between the imagination, the consc ious mind and the sub-conscious section of the mind, we can see that the very fi rst step in the achievement of any definite chief aim is to create a definite pi cture of that which is desired. Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement. as Law of Attraction causes elements and forces of a similar nature to gather around cert ain centers of attraction First, we picture in our conscious minds, through a definite chief aim (based up on a strong desire), some objective; we then focus our conscious mind upon this objective, by constant thought of it and belief in its attainment, until the sub conscious section of the mind takes up the picture or outline of this objective and impels us to take the necessary physical action to transform that picture in to reality. All suggestions /opinions /views/ comments coming from others, or from environme nt, influence us only after we have accepted them and passed them on to the subconscious mind, through the principle of Auto-suggestion, The conscious mind stands, during the hours when one is awake, as a sentinel, gu arding the subconscious mind and warding off all suggestions which try to reach it from the outside, until those suggestions have been examined by the conscious mind, passed upon and accepted Write out a clear, concise statement of that which you intend to accomplish, as your definite chief aim, covering a certain specific period and read it aloud to your mind several times a day impress the subconscious mind fo your deep desir e faitfully, and you will see yourself getting closer to attainiment of your o bjectives by germination of your ideas. The word "impossible" means less now than ever before in the history of the huma n race. All matter obeys the command of one form or another of energy. The highest known form of energy is that which functions as the human mind. Resolve is what makes a man manifest. Not puny resolve; not crude determinations ; not errant purposes - but that strong and indefatigable will which treads down difficulties and danger, as a boy treads down the heaving frost-lands of winter , which kindles his eye and brain with proud pulse beat toward the unattainable

. It is WILL that make Giants out of Men. The desire must be placed in the mind an d held there, with PERSISTENCE THAT KNOWS NO DEFEAT, until the automatic or subc onscious mind takes it over. Accurate thinking is intelligent use of all the powers of the human mind -arouse or stimulate mind to create ideas -t constructively, ransform these ideas into their most profitable, constructive form - focussing on strong, deeply seated de sire. All thought is creative! and Thoughts are things! -is the beginning of all thing s of a material nature. that is why You can do it if you BELIEVE you can! for wh at is required is only hope and faith to be added to deliberate directed action Conduct yourself in the exact manner in which you would if you were already in p ossession of the object of your definite purpose, from the moment you suggest it to your sub-conscious mind FIRST acquire patience and perseverance, then make up your mind what else you wa nt, and you will be sure to get it. The power to think as you wish to think is the only power over which you have ab solute control. I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul I am the master of my fat e, I am the captain of my soul. Thought that comes to you from others, through either suggestion or direct state ment, is not accurate thought although it may be thought that is based upon fact s mainly due to its relevance to your goal and your reaction to that incoming id ea. "Know thyself" Mastermind -friendly co-operative voluntary alliance - "steps up" the minds of t hose who participate in it, and permits them to contact their accurate thought-p ower with infinite intelligence. Failure teaches men lessons which they would never learn without it.(including H UMILITY) Most conditions which people look upon as failure are nothing more than temporary defeat. If you have a strong body and a sound mind you have much for which you ought to be thankful. If you have the real seed of success within you, a little adversity and temporary defeat will only serve to nuture that seed and cause it to burst forth into maturity. CONCENTRATION

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