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We, the members of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (Mother Chapter Name) (Name of School) Student Chapter, conscious of the desire to attain academic excellence, bonded by trust,

equality, and camaraderie, inspired by our responsibility in creating harmonious relationships with fellow members of this organization, of this institution, and of this nation, in order to uphold the principles of the organization, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.


SECTION 1 - NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION The organization shall be known as the PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. (Mother Chapter) (Name of School). The PICE (Mother Chapter) (School) Student Chapter shall be its official acronym. SECTION 2 HEADQUARTERS The Student Chapter shall maintain a temporary headquarters office in (address of school). SECTION 3 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Student Chapter shall be: a. the advancement of knowledge of civil engineering; b. the achievement of academic excellence; c. the fortification of a rigid foundation for future civil engineers; d. the fostering and improvement of civil engineering education; e. the guardianship of the right and welfare of the members; f. the encouragement of relations with other allied technical and scientific organizations; g. the establishment of a central point of reference and union for its members; h. the development of camaraderie among its members; i. the establishment of an integrative and harmonious relationship among other organizations, and among the constituents of the (Name of School). SECTION 4 STUDENT CHAPTER SEAL The Student Chapter shall adopt the PICE seal and the (School) seal as the PICE (Mother Chapter Name) (Name of School) Student Chapter SECTION 5 JURIDICAL POWERS AND PREROGATIVES OF THE STUDENT CHAPTER The Student Chapter shall have the legal power appertaining to a juridical person, particularly the powers to sue and to be sued; to enter into a fund raising and profit-oriented project; to acquire and hold real and personal property necessary for corporate purposes and to mortgage, lease, sell, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the same; to solicit and receive public and private donation and contributions; to accept real and/or personal property given as gifts or bequest by public entities and/or private individuals or institutions; and to do such acts as may be necessary and proper to put into effect or promote the objectives for which the Student Chapter is organized.

SECTION 1 - STUDENT MEMBERSHIP Members should be a bonafide BS Civil Engineering student, enrolled not lower than third year in the (Name of School), and has fully satisfied all requirements set forth by this By-laws, requirements formed upon by the Membership Committee and approved by the General Assembly. SECTION 2 CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERS The members shall be classified as stated below: A. RESIDENT MEMBERS Those who are currently registered in the school and possess none of the disqualification for membership. 1. Active Members Those who are regularly participating in the activities of the organization and has paid all his dues. Active members are entitled of all the rights and privileges of a

PICE (Mother Chapter) (Name of School) Student Chapter member including the right to vote and to use any property owned by the organization. 2. Inactive Members Those who filed their inactivity and whose applications do the Membership Committee officially approve. Inactive members are not allowed to participate in the decision making of the organization (e.g. to vote) and also to use any property owned by the organization. They are also free from any financial obligations. 3. Honorary Members Honorary membership may be granted upon any student who is not a BS Civil Engineering student, who have contributed in more ways than one to the organization, and performed notable and outstanding achievement, contribution and service in the field of Civil Engineering provided that the General Assembly and the Executive Committee approved their application for honorary membership. They may also be classified as active or inactive members. 4. Affiliate Members Those who have shifted from BS Civil Engineering curriculum to another curriculum or course. They may also be classified as active or inactive members. B. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Those who are not currently registered, undergoing leave of absence, and/or has transferred to other school. C. ALUMNI Those who have graduated from school or other universities or colleges. SECTION 3 RIGHTS OF MEMBERS The active members of the PICE (Name of School) Student Chapter is granted with the rights listed below. a. Every member has the right to hold office provided he or she fulfills all necessary requirements in accordance with Article III, Section 2. b. Every member has the right and privilege to utilize any available equipment or facilities owned by the student chapter, provided that no conflict of interest would arise due to such. c. Every member has the right to defend him or herself when subject to charges against the constitution and the code of by-laws. d. Every member has the right to file formal resolutions, make suggestions or question any decision during the General Assembly. e. Every member has the right to join any organization except other engineering-based student organization other than the (Name of School) and provided that he or she will not neglect his or her obligations and defy the constitution and by-laws of the organization. f. Every member has the right to be properly informed of all matters that concerns the student chapter. g. Every member has the right to cast vote in any decision making of the student chapter. SECTION 4 DUTIES OF MEMBERS The duties and responsibilities of the active members are stated below. a. It is the duty of every member to abide by the constitution and by-laws of the organization. b. It is the duty of every member to pay all dues and other financial responsibilities to the organization. c. It is the duty of every member to attend all activities as required by the organization. d. It is the duty of members to perform tasks that have been entrusted upon them by the General Assembly, by the Executive Committee or by the officers themselves. e. It is the duty of every member to be informed of all the matters that concerns the organization.


SECTION 1 - OFFICERS The governing body of the Student Chapter shall be vested upon the Executive Committee which in return shall manage the affairs of the organization in conformity with the provisions of this By-laws. SECTION 2 THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Student Chapter shall have elected officers namely: President, two (2) Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a PRO, a Business Manager and Directors. All elected and appointed officers shall compromise the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall

be recognized as the governing body of the organization. The Executive Committee alone shall do appointments. The said committee shall be responsible for planning activities and setting goals for the whole duration of its term. It shall be presided by the President. SECTION 3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE APPOINTED OFFICERS a. President 1. To president all meetings of the general membership or organizational meetings. 2. To call all regular and special meetings of the officers and members. 3. To enforce all orders, resolutions, and policies agreed by the organization. 4. To create committees and designate chairpersons and members thereof and to effect regular functioning and reporting of activities. 5. To represent the organization or group gathering called by the school and to make representations in behalf of the organization in all matters which need approval of its activities by the same. b. Vice President 1. To assist the President in discharging all the duties of his or her office. 2. To perform the duties of the President when he or she is unable to perform his or her office for any reason. c. Secretary 1. To keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings of the organization. 2. To preserve and file all official correspondence of the organization. 3. To conduct all official correspondence of the organization. 4. To prepare all required written reports. d. Treasurer 1. To collect and review all sums of money from the group accounted for the organization. 2. To keep financial records of the organization. e. Auditor 1. To audit all financial records as reported by the treasurer. 2. To report audited funds during general meetings. f. Press Relation Officer 1. To take charge in the communication and due publicity of all activities of the group. 2. To post notices on any gathering pertaining to the groups participation in various activities for the members information and guidance. 3. To facilitate the approval of activities by the concerned authorities as approved by the group and directed by the President.

SECTION 4 DISAPPEARANCE, RESIGNATION AND IMPEACHMENT OF OFFICERS a. Disappearance i) If an officer disappears for a maximum of one month with permission, the Executive Committee shall appoint an officer-in-charge that will temporarily assume his position. ii) If an officer disappears for a maximum of one month without permission before half of his or her term, another officer should be elected for the vacant position. iii) If an officer disappears for a maximum of one month without permission beyond half of his or her term, the officer appointed by the Executive Committee shall permanently assume his position. b. Resignation i) If an officer resigns for reasons approved by the Executive Committee, before half of his or her term, another officer should be elected for the vacant position. ii) If an officer resigns for reasons approved by the Executive Committee, beyond half of his or her term, the officer appointed by the Executive Committee shall permanently assume his position. c. Impeachment i) Any member of the Executive Committee maybe removed from the office on impeachment for, and conviction of, willful and grave violations of the constitution and the code of by-laws, gross negligence of duty, malversation of the organizations funds, and other reasons that may taint the dignity of the position. ii) Any member may initiate impeachment proceedings through the Vice President and the Secretary unless that officer is the subject of such proceedings. In which case the impeachment process should be coursed through the President. Conviction must be


made with concurrence through the President. Conviction must be made with the concurrence of majority vote of the General Assembly. Impeachment shall not extend further than the removal from the office and disqualification from holding any elective position for the duration of his residency.

SECTION 5 DISCIPLINARY ACTION, SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION a. Disciplinary Action Any member of the organization maybe given disciplinary action if they have minor offenses to the constitution, negligence of task assigned by the Executive Committee, and absences and tardiness in the General Assemblies and other activities. b. Suspension of Members Definition: Temporarily barring or excluding a member from the organization, the following are grounds for suspension: (1) conviction of willful and grave violations of the constitution and the code of by-laws, (2) gross negligence of duty, and (3) malversation of the organizations fund. The Executive Committee alone can initiate suspension. Suspension must be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee unanimously. The decision of the Executive Committee can be overturned by two-thirds of the General Assembly. c. Expulsion of Members Definition Permanent barring or excluding a member from the organization, a suspended member maybe expelled if he or she wont do the task the Executive Committee has assigned to him or her to make up anything lost by his or her delinquency. The Executive Committee alone can initiate expulsion. Expulsion must be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee unanimously. The decision of the Executive Committee can be overturned by two-thirds of the General Assembly. SECTION 6 ADVISERS The organization shall have one senior adviser and a maximum of two junior advisers. The qualifications of the adviser: a. The advisers should be a faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering in the (Name of School) b. The adviser should be a Bachelor of Science on Civil Engineering Graduate. c. The Executive Committee will choose the advisers. The functions of the adviser: a. To guide and direct the organization towards achieving its pre-identified goals. b. To promote and protect the interest of the organization. c. To help mold and support every member into achieving academic excellence. d. To serve as counselor and thus give advice regarding matters relevant to the organization.


SECTION 1 PROPOSAL OF AMENDMENTS Any amendment to or revisions of this Constitution maybe proposed by the Executive Committee or by at least one-third of the membership. SECTION 2 VALIDITY Any amendment to or revisions of this Constitution under Section I of Article IV hereof, shall be valid when ratified by two-thirds of the membership.

SECTION 1 EFFECTIVITY OF THE CONSTITUTION This constitution shall take effect upon approval of two-thirds of the membership in the meeting called for this purpose.

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