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Mardi Gras Party Dinner Menu

Feb 14th & 15th

1. Amuse bouche

2. Appetizer hoices
!ea"ood Gumbo !oup #sca$$ops% shrimp% &hite "ish% o'ra and (umbo soup)

rab ca'e% chipot$e ai$o$i


!outhern spinach sa$ad #spinach% stra&berries% poppy seed & sesame dressin()

Fire and +ce summer sa$ad #,omato% cucumber% (reen pepper% red onion%
in a cider -ine(ar dressin()

.. Main ourse hoices

/aton 0ou(e 1amba$aya #!hrimp% chic'en% smo'ed sausa(e in a tomato

a2un rice)

hic'en and Andoui$$e !ausa(e Gumbo #


hic'en% smo'ed sausa(e (umbo o-er rice)

!outhern sty$e stu""ed F$u'e% bro&n butter and capers

#"$ounder stu""ed &ith shrimp and sca$$ops)

hipot$e% Di2on /arbecued /ee" !hort 0ibs


/ourbon G$azed /aby /ac' 0ibs

4. Dessert hoices
3$-is Pie #choco$ate% peanut butter and bananas)

!outhern Pecan Pie


/ourbon Pecan /read puddin(


Grandaddy4s !&eet Potato Merin(ue Pie

546.66 per person 7 ,a8 & Gratuity

VOODOO QUEEN Long Island Iced Tea

2 ounces Vodka 2 ounces Gin 2 ounces Rum 2 ounces Tequila 1 ounce Lemon Juice 1 ounce Blue u!a"ao Di!ec#ions$ %#i! all ing!edien#s &i#' mode!a#e ice in a 'ig'(all glass) T'is d!ink is *e!+ simila! #o a long island iced #ea)


u. Reci.e

/ill a #all0 12 o1 glass &i#' ice and add 1 2 o1) o3 ,imm-s 41

5dd 6 o1) o3 Lemonade To. o33 &i#' %.!i#e o! 78U. Ga!nis' &i#' cucum(e!

a9un :a!#ini
1 1;< o1) *odka 1 das' d!+ *e!mou#' .ickled 9ala.eno .e..e! Di!ec#ions$ om(ine *odka and *e!mou#' in a mi=ing glass &i#' c!acked ice and s#i! &ell) %#!ain in#o cock#ail glass) D!o. in #'e .e..e!)

1)? o1) Lime 9uice 1)? o1) Da!k Rum 1)@ o1) Lig'# Rum @)? o1) Triple sec @)? o1) !eme de No+au= Di!ec#ions$ %'ake &i#' ice and s#!ain in#o a 'ig'(all glass.

Ne& O!leans %a1e!ac

%cale ing!edien#s #o se!*ings 1;< o1 (ou!(on &'iske+ 2 o1 ,e!nodA lico!ice liqueu! 1 das' 5ngos#u!aA (i##e!s 1 #s. suga! 1 #&is# lemon .eel Di!ec#ions$ ,lace a suga! cu(e in#o an old83as'ioned glass0 and sa#u!a#e &i#' angos#u!a (i##e!s) 5dd ice cu(es0 .ou! in liquo!s0 and add a #&is# o3 lemon .eel) /ill &i#' &a#e!0 s#i! &ell0 and se!*e) %e!*e in$ Old8/as'ioned

Gin /i11 !eci.e

%cale ing!edien#s #o se!*ings 2 o1 gin 9uice o3 1;2 lemons 1 #s. .o&de!ed suga! ca!(ona#ed &a#e!


%'ake gin0 9uice o3 lemon0 and .o&de!ed suga! &i#' ice and s#!ain in#o a 'ig'(all glass o*e! #&o ice cu(es) /ill &i#' ca!(ona#ed &a#e!0 s#i!0 and se!*e)

a9un Blood+ :a!+ !eci.e

1 oz pepper vodka 5 - 6 oz bloody mary mix Build over ice in a highball glass. Garnish wi h a celery s ick! or a ho pepper"

:in# Jule.
#cale ingredien s o servings $ %resh min sprigs & 1'& oz bourbon whiskey 1 sp powdered sugar & sp wa er


(uddle min leaves! powdered sugar! and wa er in a collins glass. )ill he glass wi h shaved or crushed ice and add bourbon. Top wi h more ice and garnish wi h a min sprig. #erve wi h a s raw.

Ne& O!leans %a1e!ac !eci.e

#cale ingredien s o servings 1'$ oz bourbon whiskey & oz *ernod+ licorice li,ueur 1 dash -ngos ura+ bi ers 1 sp sugar 1 wis lemon peel


*lace a sugar cube in o an old-%ashioned glass! and sa ura e wi h angos ura bi ers. -dd ice cubes! pour in li,uors! and add a wis o% lemon peel. )ill wi h wa er! s ir well! and serve.

Bellu*a Bu!!icane
#cale ingredien s o servings 1 1'& oz (yer.s+ dark rum 1 1'& oz Bacardi+ ligh rum & oz orange /uice & oz pineapple /uice 1 1'& sp grenadine syrup 1 oz Bacardi+ 151 rum & cherries 1 pineapple chunk 1 sp sugar


*our dark rum! ligh rum! /uices! and grenadine over ice in o a pilsner'par%ai glass. -dd a hal% spoon o% sugar! s ir sligh ly! and op wi h high oc ane 151 rum and cherries'pineapple. -dd an op ional sugar cube! igni e and drink wi h a s raw.

Ne& O!leans /LIRT

1;2 o1) *odka 1;2 o1) oin#!eau 1 o1) .inea..le 9uice 2 .ieces o3 3!es' .inea..le 6 o1) :ione##o Il ,!osecco Cs.a!kling &ineD Di!ec#ions$ :uddle #'e .inea..le .ieces and #'e oin#!eau in #'e (o##om o3 a mi=ing glass) 5dd #'e *odka and 9uice and s#i! &i#' ice) %#!ain in#o a c'illed :a!#ini glass and #o. o33 &i#' s.a!kling

,a# OEB!ienEs R5IN%TOR:

1 o1) Vodka 1;2 o1) :ali(u Rum 1;2 o1) :elon Liquo!

To. &i#' 1 o1) Blue u!acao 1 o1) ,inea..le Juice 1 o1) %ou! mi= Di!ec#ions$ Ga!nis' &i#' lemon &edge and c'e!!+)

:a!di G!as 5m(!osia

6;< o1) Da!k Rum 1;2 o1) cu!acao 2 o1) o!ange 9uice 2 o1) 'ea*+ c!eam 1 o1) c!eam o3 coconu# F o1) c!us'ed ice Di!ec#ions$ :i= ing!edien#s in (lende! un#il smoo#' and c!eam+) %e!*e in a s.ecial#+ glass) Rim glass &i#' c!us'ed #oas#ed coconu# and o!ange slice

Ne& O!leans Band G!enade Reci.e

1 1;2 o1 gin 1 1;2 o1 g!ain alco'ol 1 1;2 o1 melon liqueu! 1 1;2 o1 !um 1 1;2 o1 *odka Di!ec#ions$ %#i! ing!edien#s #oge#'e! in a collins glass 3illed &i#' ice cu(es) 5dd &a#e! and suga! i3 desi!ed0 #o #as#e0 and se!*e)

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