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INTUIT, INC., Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

C.A. No. ________________ JURY TRIAL DEMANDED

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Thi i an a!tion fo" #atent inf"in$e%ent in &hi!h Plaintiff Data S#eed Te!hnolo$' LLC %a(e the follo&in$ alle$ation a$ain t Defendant Int)it, In!. BACKGROUND *. +enneth H. Conne" i a life,lon$ !o%#)te" en$inee" &ith (no&led$e and

e-#e"ien!e &ith %an' te!hnolo$ie in!l)din$. %ainf"a%e !o%#)te" , a##li!ation oft&a"e, o#e"atin$ ' te% , !ell)la" !o%%)ni!ation , and net&o"(in$. Thi e-#e"ien!e !o%e f"o%

&o"(in$ &ith te!hnolo$' $iant in!l)din$ Di$ital E/)i#%ent Co"#o"ation, A"$onne National La0o"ato"', 1ell La0 , 2oto"ola, and L)!ent. In ea"l' *334, 2". Conne", alon$ &ith 5a%e . G H)nte", G"e$o"' P. S#a" and 1")!e Ande" on invented a ne& info"%ation %ana$e%ent and to"a$e ' te% that ena0led %)lti#le !o%#)te" to inde#endentl' "ead and &"ite to a %a to"a$e devi!e in a "elativel' hi$h #eed %anne" on a fi" t !o%e, "eal ti%e 0a i . 6o" e-a%#le, the !o%#)te" fi" t a!!e in$ a #a"ti!)la" %e%o"' add"e #a!e o" file &o)ld have the e-!l) ive

a0ilit' to &"ite to that file and the file &o)ld 0e lo!(ed to )0 e/)ent !o%#)te" atte%#tin$ to &"ite to it, &hi!h allo&ed %)lti#le !o%#)te" to ) e a %a to"a$e devi!e in a hi$h #eed

%anne" &itho)t !onfli!t. 1' the )%%e" of *334, the tea% had develo#ed a &o"(in$ f)n!tional #"otot'#e of thei" invention. On Nove%0e" 3, *334, the tea% filed an a##li!ation fo" #atent on

the invention, and on 6e0")a"' 7, *333, the U.S. Patent and T"ade%a"( Offi!e i )ed U.S. Patent No. 8,9:;,:9: <the =Conne" Patent>). PARTIES 7. Plaintiff Data S#eed Te!hnolo$' LLC <=Data S#eed Te!h>) i a Dela&a"e li%ited

lia0ilit' !o%#an'. 4. Defendant Int)it In!. <=Defendant>) i a Dela&a"e !o"#o"ation &ith a #"in!i#al at 7;?? Coa t Aven)e, 2o)ntain @ie&, Califo"nia 3A?A4. Defendant ha

#la!e of 0) ine

a##ointed The P"enti!e,Hall Co"#o"ation S' te%, In!., 7;** Cente"ville Boad, S)ite A??, Cil%in$ton, Dela&a"e *39?9, a it a$ent fo" e"vi!e of #"o!e . JURISDICTION AND VENUE A. Thi a!tion a"i e )nde" the #atent la& of the United State , 48 U.S.C. D *, et )0Ee!t %atte" E)"i di!tion #)" )ant to 79 U.S.C. DD *44*

seq., in!l)din$ D 7;*. Thi Co)"t ha and *449<a). 8. Thi Co)"t ha

#e!ifi! and $ene"al #e" onal E)"i di!tion ove" Defendant 0e!a) e,

a%on$ othe" "ea on , Defendant ha availed it elf of the "i$ht and 0enefit of Dela&a"e 0' in!o"#o"atin$ )nde" Dela&a"e la&, Defendant ha done 0) ine in thi Di t"i!t, ha !o%%itted

and !ontin)e to !o%%it a!t of #atent inf"in$e%ent in thi Di t"i!t, and ha ha"%ed and !ontin)e to ha"% Data S#eed Te!h in thi Di t"i!t, 0', a%on$ othe" thin$ , ) in$, ellin$, offe"in$ fo" ale, and i%#o"tin$ inf"in$in$ #"od)!t and e"vi!e in thi Di t"i!t. :. @en)e i #"o#e" in thi di t"i!t )nde" 79 U.S.C. DD *43*<0),<d) and *A??<0) )0Ee!t to

0e!a) e, a%on$ othe" "ea on , Defendant i in!o"#o"ated in thi di t"i!t, Defendant i

#e" onal E)"i di!tion in thi Di t"i!t, and Defendant ha !o%%itted and !ontin)e to !o%%it a!t of #atent inf"in$e%ent in thi Di t"i!t. On info"%ation and 0elief, fo" e-a%#le, Defendant ha ) ed, old, offe"ed fo" ale, and i%#o"ted inf"in$in$ #"od)!t in thi Di t"i!t.

COUNT I INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 5,867,686 ;. Data S#eed Te!h i the o&ne" 0' a i$n%ent of the Conne" Patent, entitled =Hi$h

S#eed Beal,Ti%e Info"%ation Sto"a$e S' te%.> A t")e and !o""e!t !o#' of the Conne" Patent i atta!hed a E-hi0it A. 9. Defendant ha 0een and no& i di"e!tl' inf"in$in$ the Conne" Patent, lite"all' and

)nde" the do!t"ine of e/)ivalent , in thi E)di!ial Di t"i!t and el e&he"e in the United State 0', a%on$ othe" thin$ , %a(in$, ) in$, i%#o"tin$, offe"in$ fo" ale, andFo" ellin$ ele!t"oni! info"%ation %ana$e%ent and to"a$e #"od)!t and e"vi!e that ) e a %ethod of #"ovidin$ %e%o"' a!!e to a %e%o"' %a to"a$e devi!e 0' a #l)"alit' of !o%#)te" , ea!h f)n!tionin$

)nde" an inde#endent o#e"atin$ ' te%, and )!h %ethod !o%#"i in$ the te# of. "e!eivin$ a &"ite a!!e "e/)e t identif'in$ a %e%o"' #a!e f"o% a "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te" of the #l)"alit' of to"a$e devi!eG $"antin$ a!!e and "e e"vin$ the %e%o"' #a!e to the %e%o"' #a!e $"ant to the

!o%#)te" 0' the %e%o"' %a

fo" the e-!l) ive ) e of the "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te" and den'in$ &"ite a!!e

0' an' othe" !o%#)te" of the #l)"alit' of !o%#)te" fo" the d)"ation of the a!!e "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te"G and "e!eivin$ a &"ite a!!e

"e/)e t and a "e/)i"ed %e%o"' iHe f"o% a In addition and alte"nativel',

e!ond "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te" of the #l)"alit' of !o%#)te" .

Defendant i inf"in$in$ 0', a%on$ othe" thin$ , %a(in$, ) in$, i%#o"tin$, offe"in$ fo" ale, andFo" ellin$ ele!t"oni! info"%ation %ana$e%ent and to"a$e #"od)!t and e"vi!e , !o%#"i in$. a %e%o"' %a to"a$e devi!eG a #l)"alit' of !o%#)te" , ea!h f)n!tionin$ )nde" an inde#endent to"a$e devi!e th"o)$h an e-te"nal

o#e"atin$ ' te%, o#e"a0l' !onne!ted to the %e%o"' %a 0) G a !o%%)ni!ation #"o!e o" of the %e%o"' %a

to"a$e devi!e o#e"a0l' !onne!ted to the "e/)e t f"o% a "e/)e tin$ to"a$e

#l)"alit' of !o%#)te" th"o)$h the e-te"nal 0) fo" "e!eivin$ an a!!e

!o%#)te" of the #l)"alit' of !o%#)te" identif'in$ a %e%o"' #a!e of the %e%o"' %a


devi!eG a !ont"olle" of the %e%o"' %a

to"a$e devi!e o#e"a0l' !onne!ted to the to the identified %e%o"' #a!e 0'

!o%%)ni!ation #"o!e o" fo" $"antin$ e-!l) ive &"ite a!!e the "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te" fo" a d)"ation of the a!!e

$"ant to the "e/)e tin$ !o%#)te"G and a

d'na%i! %e%o"' %a# !ontainin$ a li tin$ of the identified %e%o"' #a!e. The inf"in$in$ #"od)!t and e"vi!e in!l)de, fo" e-a%#le, DefendantI #"o$"a% entitled Int)it J)i!(0a e. 3. 1' en$a$in$ in the !ond)!t de !"i0ed he"ein, Defendant ha inE)"ed Data S#eed

Te!h and i th) lia0le fo" inf"in$e%ent of the Conne" Patent #)" )ant to 48 U.S.C. D 7;*<a). *?. **. ha Defendant !o%%itted the e a!t of inf"in$e%ent &itho)t li!en e o" a)tho"iHation. A a "e )lt of DefendantI inf"in$e%ent of the Conne" Patent, Data S#eed Te!h

)ffe"ed %oneta"' da%a$e and i entitled to a %one' E)d$%ent in an a%o)nt ade/)ate to than a "ea ona0le "o'alt' fo" the

!o%#en ate fo" DefendantI inf"in$e%ent, 0)t in no event le

) e of the invention 0' Defendant, to$ethe" &ith inte"e t and !o t a fi-ed 0' the Co)"t. Data S#eed Te!h &ill !ontin)e to )ffe" da%a$e in the f)t)"e )nle a"e enEoined 0' thi Co)"t. *7. ha"% )nle Data S#eed Te!h ha )ffe"ed and &ill !ontin)e to )ffe" eve"e and i""e#a"a0le DefendantI inf"in$in$ a!tivitie

thi Co)"t i )e a #e"%anent inE)n!tion #"ohi0itin$ Defendant, it a$ent , e"vant ,

e%#lo'ee , "e#"e entative , and all othe" a!tin$ in a!tive !on!e"t the"e&ith, f"o% inf"in$in$ the Conne" Patent. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Data S#eed Te!h "e #e!tf)ll' "e/)e t that thi Co)"t ente". A. PatentG 1. A #e"%anent inE)n!tion enEoinin$ Defendant and it offi!e" , di"e!to" , a$ent , A E)d$%ent in favo" of Data S#eed Te!h that Defendant ha inf"in$ed the Conne"

e"vant , affiliate , e%#lo'ee , divi ion , 0"an!he , )0 idia"ie , #a"ent , and all othe" a!tin$ in

a!tive !on!e"t the"e&ith f"o% inf"in$e%ent of the Conne" Patent, o" )!h othe" e/)ita0le "elief the Co)"t dete"%ine i &a""antedG C. A E)d$%ent and o"de" "e/)i"in$ Defendant to #a' Data S#eed Te!h it da%a$e ,

!o t , e-#en e , and #"eE)d$%ent and #o t,E)d$%ent inte"e t fo" DefendantI inf"in$e%ent of the Conne" Patent a #"ovided )nde" 48 U.S.C. D 79A, and an a!!o)ntin$ of on$oin$ #o t,E)d$%ent inf"in$e%entG D. A E)d$%ent and o"de" findin$ that thi i an e-!e#tional !a e &ithin the %eanin$

of 48 U.S.C. D 798 and a&a"din$ to Data S#eed Te!h it "ea ona0le atto"ne' I fee a$ain t DefendantG E. A E)d$%ent and o"de" "e/)i"in$ Defendant to #"ovide an a!!o)ntin$ and to #a'

)##le%ental da%a$e to Data S#eed Te!h, in!l)din$ &itho)t li%itation, #"eE)d$%ent and #o t, E)d$%ent inte"e tG and 6. An' and all othe" "elief to &hi!h Data S#eed Te!h %a' 0e entitled. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Data S#eed Te!h, )nde" B)le 49 of the 6ede"al B)le of Civil P"o!ed)"e, "e/)e t a t"ial 0' E)"' of an' i )e o t"ia0le 0' "i$ht.

Dated. 5an)a"' *A, 7?*A Of Co)n el. Ale- C.D. GiHa 2a"! A. 6en te" Do"ian S. 1e"$e" BUSS AUGUST K +A1AT *7A7A Cil hi"e 1o)leva"d, *7th 6loo" Lo An$ele , CA 3??78 <4*?) 97:,;A;A a$iHaL"a(la&.!o% %fen te"L"a(la&.!o% d0e"$e"L"a(la&.!o%

1AYABD, P.A. /s/ Stephen B. Brauerman (sb4952) Bi!ha"d D. +i"( <"(?377) Ste#hen 1. 1"a)e"%an < 0A387) @ane a B. Ti"adente <vt8439) 777 Dela&a"e Aven)e, S)ite 3?? P.O. 1o- 78*4? Cil%in$ton, DE *3933 <4?7) :88,8??? "(i"(L0a'a"dla&.!o% 0"a)e"%anL0a'a"dla&.!o% vti"adente L 0a'a"dla&.!o%

Attorneys for Plaintiff Data Spee !e"hnolo#y $$%

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