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On the κ-Dirac Oscillator revisited

F. M. Andradea, E. O. Silvab , M. M. Ferreira Jr.b , E. C. Rodriguesb

a Departamento de Matemática e Estatı́stica, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, 84030-900 Ponta Grossa-PR, Brazil
b Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Campus Universitário do Bacanga, 65085-580 São Luı́s-MA, Brazil

This Letter is based on the κ-Dirac equation, derived from the κ-Poincaré-Hopf algebra. It is shown that the κ-Dirac equation
preserves parity while breaks charge conjugation and time reversal symmetries. Introducing the Dirac oscillator prescription,
arXiv:1312.2973v1 [hep-th] 10 Dec 2013

p → p − imωβr, in the κ-Dirac equation, one obtains the κ-Dirac oscillator. Using a decomposition in terms of spin angular
functions, one achieves the deformed radial equations, with the associated deformed energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The
deformation parameter breaks the infinite degeneracy of the Dirac oscillator. In the case where ε = 0, one recovers the energy
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Dirac oscillator.
Keywords: κ-Poincaré-Hopf algebra, Dirac oscillator

1. Introduction commutation relations:

h i
In 1989, it was proposed in a seminal paper by Moshin- pν , pµ = 0, (1a)
sky and Szczepaniak [1] the basic idea of a relativistic quantum h i
mechanical oscillator, called Dirac oscillator. Such oscillator Mi , pµ = (1 − δ0µ )iǫi jk pk , (1b)
h i
behaves as an harmonic oscillator with a strong spin-orbit cou- Li , pµ = i[pi ]δ0µ [δi j ε−1 sinh (εp0 )]1−δ0µ , (1c)
pling in the non-relativistic limit. Since the time of its pro- h i h i
posal it has been the object of considerable attention in vari- Mi , M j = iǫi jk Mk , Mi , L j = iǫi jk Lk , (1d)
ous branches of theoretical physics. For instance, it appears in ε2
h i " #
mathematical physics [2–11], nuclear physics [12–14], quan- Li , L j = − iǫi jk Mk cosh (εp0 ) − pk pl Ml , (1e)
tum optics [15–18], supersymmetry [19–21], and noncommu-
tativity [22–25]. Recently, the first experimental realization of where ε is defined by
the Dirac oscillator was realized by J. A. Franco-Villafañe et al.
[26], which should draw even more attention for such system. ε = κ−1 = lim (R ln q), (2)
Moreover, C. Quibay et al. proposed that the Dirac oscillator
can describe some electronic properties of monolayer and by- with R being the de Sitter curvature, q is a real deformation
layer graphene [27]. parameter, and pµ = (p0 , p) is the κ-deformed generator for
The Dirac oscillator has also been discussed in connection energy and momenta. Also, the Mi , Li represent the spatial ro-
with the theory of quantum deformations [28]. Some of these tations and deformed boosts generators, respectively. The coal-
deformations are based on the κ-deformed Poincaré-Hopf alge- gebra and antipode for the κ-deformed Poincaré-Hopf algebra
bra, with κ being a masslike fundamental deformation parame- was established in Ref. [35].
ter, introduced in Refs. [29, 30] and further discussed in Refs. Several investigations have been developed in the latest years
[31–34]. The κ-deformed algebra is defined by the following in the context of this theoretical framework on space-like κ-
deformed Minkowski spacetime. The interest in this issue also
appears in field theories [36–39], quantum electrodynamics [40–
Email addresses: (F. M. Andrade), 42], realizations in terms of commutative coordinates and deriva- (E. O. Silva), (M. tives [43–46], relativistic quantum systems [47–51], doubly spe-
M. Ferreira Jr.), (E. C. Rodrigues)
cial relativity [52], noncommutative black holes [53] and the
construction of scalar theory [54].
The aim of this letter is to suitably describe the κ-Dirac
oscillator making use of the κ-Poincaré-Hopf algebra, tracing
a comparison with the results of Ref. [28], where it was ar-
gued that usual approach for introducing the Dirac oscillator,
p → p − imωβr, in the κ-Dirac equation [31, 32], has not led
to the Dirac oscillator spectrum in the limit ε → 0. This re-
sult, however, contradicts the well-known fact that the κ-Dirac
Preprint submitted to Elsevier December 12, 2013
equation recovers the standard Dirac equation in this limit. In 3. κ-Dirac oscillator equation
this context, this letter reassessed the κ-Dirac oscillator problem
yielding a modified oscillator spectrum that indeed regains the Now, we derive the equation that governs the dynamics of
Dirac oscillator behavior in the limit ε → 0. the Dirac oscillator in the context of Eq.(3). The Dirac oscilla-
The plan of our Letter is the following. In Section 2 we in- tor stems from the prescription [1]
troduce the κ-Dirac analyzing its behavior under C, P, T (dis-
p 0 → p 0 = H0 , (8a)
crete) symmetries. In Section 3 the oscillator prescription is
implemented in order to study the physical implications of the p → p − imωβr, (8b)
κ-deformation in the Dirac oscillator problem. Using a decom-
position in terms of spin angular functions, we write the rele- where r is the position vector, m is the mass of particle and ω
vant radial equation to study the dynamics of the system. The the frequency of the oscillator. The κ-Dirac oscillator can be
Section 4 is devoted to the calculation the energy eigenvalues obtained by substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (3). The result is
and eigenfunctions of the κ-Dirac oscillator and to the discus-
Hψ = Eψ, (9)
sion of the results. A brief conclusion in outlined in Section
5. with
εh 2 i
2. κ-Dirac equation and discrete symmetries H = H0 − p0 − (p − imωβr)(p − imωβr) − βmp0 , (10)
In this section, we present κ-Dirac equation, invariant under where H0 represents the undeformed part of the Dirac operator
the κ-Poincaré quantum algebra [31], considering O(ε) [32]:
 εh   i H0 = α · (p − imωβr) + βm. (11)
(γ0 p0 − γi pi ) + γ0 p20 − pi pi − mp0 ψ = mψ. (3)
2 In the four-dimensional representation, the matrices γ and α are
which recovers the standard Dirac equation in the limit ε → 0. given by
An initial discussion refers to the behavior of this deformed ! ! !
equation under C, P, T (discrete) symmetries. Concerning I 0 0 σ 0 σ
β= , γ = βα= , α= ,
the parity operator (P), in the context of the Dirac equation, 0 −I −σ 0 σ 0
P = iγ0 , with Pγµ P−1 = γµ and ψP = Pψ being the parity- (12)
transformed spinor. Applying P on the Dirac deformed equa- and obey the anticommutation relations and the square identity,
tion, we attain n o
αi , α j = 0, i , j
 εh   i
(γ0 p0 − γi pi ) + γ0 p20 − pi pi − mp0 ψP = mψP , (4)
2 {αi , β} = 0,
concluding that it is invariant under P action. α2i = β2 = I.
We can now verify that this equation is not invariant un-
der charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T ). As for the In the representation (12), ψ may be written as a bispinor ψ =
C operation, the charge-conjugated spinor is ψC = UC ψ∗ = (ψ1 , ψ2 )T in terms of two-component spinors ψ1 and ψ2 . Thus,
Cγ0 ψ∗ , with C = iγ2 γ0 being the charge conjugation opera- Eq. (9) leads to
tor, and UC γµ∗ UC−1 = −γµ . On the other hand, the time rever-
sal operator is, T = iγ1 γ3 , so that ψT (x, t′ ) = T ψ∗ (x, t′ ), and mε
σ · π+ ψ2 + σ · π+ ψ2 − (E − m) ψ1
T γµ∗ T −1 = (γ0 , −γi ). Applying UC and T on the complex h 2 i
conjugate of Eq.(3), we achieve: − ε imω (r · p) − mω (σ · L) + m2 ω2 r2 ψ1 = 0, (13)
 εh   i
(γ0 p0 − γi pi ) + −γ0 p20 − pi pi − mp0 ψC = mψC , (5)
2 mε
σ · π− ψ1 − σ · π− ψ1 − (E + m) ψ2
 εh   i
(γ0 p0 − γi pi ) + (γ0 ) p20 − pi pi + mp0 ψT = mψT . (6) 2
2 h i
+ ε imω (r · p) − mω (σ · L) − m2 ω2 r2 ψ2 = 0, (14)
Theses equations differ from Eq. (3), revealing that the C and
T are not symmetries of this system. As a consequence, par- where
ticle and anti-particle eigenenergies should become different. π± = p ± imωr. (15)
Further, note that under CT or CPT operations the original
Since we are interested in studying the κ-Dirac oscillator in a
equation is modified as
three-dimensional spacetime, Eqs. (13) and (14) above may be
 εh   i
solved in spherical coordinates. First, using the property
(γ0 p0 − γi pi ) − γ0 p20 − pi pi − mp0 ψ′ = mψ′ , (7)
2 !
where ψ′ = ψCT or ψ′ = ψCPT , showing that this equation is σ · p = (σ · r̂) r̂ · p + i , (16)
not invariant under CT or CPT operations, once the parameter r
ε is always positive.
with σ · r = rσ · r̂, we rewrite the quantity σ · π± as with
µε − m2 εω
K̂ − 1
# aε = , (28)
σ · π = σ · r̂ r̂ · p + i ± imωr , (17) 2(1 − mε)mω
r and M(a, b, z) is the confluent hypergeometric function of first
where the operator K̂ is related to the orbital angular momen- kind [56]. The energy eigenvalues of the κ-Dirac oscillator
tum operator L̂ as come from requiring that the first parameter in the confluent
K̂ = σ · L̂ + 1. (18) hypergeometric function of Eq. (27) is a negative integer,−n,
with n a nonnegative integer. By using N = 2n + ℓ as principal
We seek solutions of the form quantum number, and with µε given by Eq. (26), one finds
! m ! m !
ψ1 (x) f (r)χk j (θ, φ) 1 u(r)χk j (θ, φ) " !#
ψ= = m = m , E 3
ψ2 (x) ig(r)χ−kj (θ, φ) r iv(r)χ−kj (θ, φ) 2 2
E − m = 2mω N + k + 1 + mε −N+k− . (29)
(19) 2m 2
where χ±kj (θ, φ) are the spin angular functions [55], with By solving Eq. (29) for E, we obtain

−(ℓ + 1), for j = ℓ + 1/2,

 hp
E = ± 2mω(N + k + 1) + m2 + [2(k − N) − 3]m2 εω
k= (20)
 for j = ℓ − 1/2. mε i
± ω, (30)
By substituting Eq. (19) into Eqs. (13) and (14), and using the 2
relations which for j = ℓ + 1/2 implies
m m
(σ · r̂) χ±kj = − χ∓kj , (21) hq
m m E= ± 2mω(N − j + 1/2) + m2 − [2( j + N) + 4]m2 εω
K̂χ±kj = ∓ kχ±kj , (22)
mε i
± ω, (31)
we find a set of two coupled radial differential equations of first 2
" ! #
 mε  ′ k hq
1+ −v + + mωr v = εmωru′ E= ± 2mω(N + j + 3/2) + m2 + [2( j − N) − 2]m2 εω
2 r
n h io mε i
+ (E − m) + ε mωk + m2 ω2 r2 u, (23) ± ω, (32)
" ! # for j = ℓ − 1/2. The fact that particle and anti-particle energies
 mε  ′ k
1− u + + mωr u = −εmωrv′ turn out to be distinct, E+ , E− , is a consequence of charge
2 r conjugation symmetry breaking.
n h io
+ (E + m) + ε mωk + m2 ω2 r2 v. (24) The limit ε → 0 exactly conducts to the undeformed Dirac
oscillator [55], whose eigenenergies are
After some algebra, the above equations are decoupled yielding
a single second order equation for u(r),
E = ± 2mω(N − j + 1/2) + m2 , (33a)
" #
ℓ (ℓ + 1)
′′ 2 ′ 2 2 2
u +2m εωru − + (1 − 2mε) m ω r − µε u = 0. E = ± 2mω(N + j + 3/2) + m2 , (33b)
(25) for j = ℓ + 1/2 and j = ℓ − 1/2, respectively. These undeformed
A similar equation exists for v(r). Here energy expressions yield an infinity degeneracy, once for j =
l + 1/2 all states with N ± q, j ± q have the same energy, while
µε = (E 2 − m2 ) − [(2k − 1)(1 + mε) + εE]mω, (26) for j = l−1/2 the equal energy states are the one with N±q, j∓q,
being q an integer. This infinity degeneracy is now lifted by the
and we have used the result k2 + k = ℓ (ℓ + 1).
terms involving the deformation parameter, ε, inside the square
root of Eqs. (31) and (32). Note that, in the limit ε → 0, the
4. Eigensolutions for the problem eigenfunction (27) also regains the undeformed Dirac oscillator
counterpart exhibited in [55], revealing the consistency of the
In this section, we calculate the energy eigenvalues and eigen-
description here developed.
functions of the κ-Dirac oscillator, making some comparisons
with those in the literature and discussing the associate results.
The regular solution for Eq. (25) is 5. Conclusions
2 2
We have studied the κ-Dirac oscillator problem based on the
u(r) = e−m ωr /2 (1 − mε)mωr2
! κ-deformed Poincaré-Hopf algebra and the κ-Dirac equation.
1 3 3 First, we have analyzed the behavior of the κ-Dirac equation un-
× M (ℓ + − aε ), ℓ + , (1 − mε)mωr2 , (27)
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