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Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347


D. MARCELLINO, a  M. FRANKOWSKA, a,c L. AGNATI, d These results indicate a short distance and a rapid extrasy-
M. PEREZ DE LA MORA, e V. VARGAS-BARROSO, b naptic form of dopamine volume transmission mediated via
K. FUXE a AND J. LARRIVA-SAHD b*  D1 receptors in the AIC and PIC which may enhance fear and
Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 anxiety by suppressing feed-forward inhibition in the baso-
Stockholm, Sweden lateral and central amygdaloid nuclei. The strong sugges-
b tion for a commissural axon projection to the AIC
Instituto de Neurobiologı´a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro CP 76230, Mexico documented here, coupled with the previous evidences
indicting an isocortical and amygdalar contributions to the
Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology,
anterior commissure, opens the possibility that the AIC
Polish Academy of Sciences, Smetna 12, 31-343 Kraków, Poland
may be involved in decoding nerve impulses arising from
IRRCS, Lido Venice, Italy both the ipsi- and contra-lateral forebrain to, in turn, modu-
Division of Neurosciences, Instituto de Fisiologı´a Celular, late the homolateral amygdala. Ó 2012 IBRO. Published by
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, CP 04510 México Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
City, Mexico

Key words: anterior commissure, dopamine, volume trans-

Abstract—The anterior and rostral paracapsular intercalated
mission, anxiety, tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine D1 recep-
islands (AIC and PIC, respectively) were studied in the con-
text of the amygdaloid modulation of fear/anxiety using
horizontal sections. The structural analysis carried out
using silver-impregnated specimens revealed that the AIC
is composed of tightly packed, medium-sized spiny neurons
with distinct dendritic and axonal patterns that send project- INTRODUCTION
ing axons to the central nucleus of the amygdala. The AIC
The amygdala seems to be of paramount importance for
occupies a strategic position between the basolateral amyg-
daloid complex and the caudal limb of the anterior commis-
the modulation of fear and anxiety (for reviews, see
sure from which it receives fibers en passage and axon LeDoux, 2000; Everitt et al., 2003; Engin and Treit,
terminals. Electron microscopic observation of terminal 2008; Perez de la Mora et al., 2008). It comprises a
(i.e., synaptic) degeneration 72 h after the surgical interrup- number of nuclei, and an array of afferent, efferent, and
tion of the anterior commissure, confirms the synaptic inter- interconnecting fibers (Nauta, 1962; Swanson and
action between the latter and the AIC neurons. These Petrovich, 1998; McDonald, 2003) occupying a large part
observations suggest that these islands may gate the activ- of the mammalian medial temporal lobe. On the basis of
ity of neurons from the contralateral basal forebrain and cytoarchitectonic, histochemical, and connectional
synchronize the anxiogenic output of both amygdalae. criteria (Cassell et al., 1986; Swanson and Petrovich,
Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that, within the
1998; McDonald, 2003) it is considered that the medial
AIC and rostral PIC, the distance between tyrosine hydroxy-
lase-immunoreactive terminals and the punctate dopamine
and central nuclei (Ce) are related to the striatum
D1 receptor immunoreactivity, was in the micrometer range. whereas the basolateral, lateral, and basomedial nuclei
(i.e., basolateral complex) are related to the cerebral
cortex. Among the major nuclei and fiber systems
*Corresponding author. Address: Department of Developmental associated with it, are several distinct clusters of
Neurobiology, Instituto de Neurobiologı́a, UNAM, Campus Juriquilla, neurons composed of medium- to small-sized spiny
3001 Juriquilla Boulevard, CP 76230, Querétaro, Qro., Mexico. cells. These neuron-groups have collectively been
Tel: +52-5-623-4030; fax: +52-5-623-4042.
E-mail address: (J. Larriva-Sahd).
termed intercalated cell masses, islands, or nuclei of the
D.M. and J.L.-S. contributed equally to this manuscript. amygdala (ICM) (de Olmos et al., 1985). While the
Abbreviations: ACc, anterior commissure pars caudalis; ACr, anterior precise boundaries for each ICM may not be sharp, they
commissure pars rostralis; AIC, anterior intercalated cell mass; AxSh, have been classified according to their relative size or
axo-shaft synapse; AxSp, axo-spinous synapse; BLA, basolateral
nucleus of the amygdale, anterior part; Ce, central nucleus of the
position with respect to the external capsule (see de
amygdala; D1-I, immunoreactivity to dopamine 1 receptor; DBH, Olmos et al., 1985). Developmental studies have
dopamine beta hydroxylase; DBH-I, immunoreactivity to dopamine indicated that although both the paracapsular
beta hydroxylase; DTs, degenerating terminals; ICM, intercalated cell intercalated islands (PICs) and the Ce have a subpallial
masses, islands, or nuclei; MSN, medium-sized spiny neuron; PIC,
paracapsular intercalated islands; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme; origin, the PIC and at least a part of the Ce derive from
TH-I, immunoreactivity to tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme. progenitors located in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral

0306-4522/12 $36.00 Ó 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 325

ganglionic eminence, respectively (Waclaw et al., 2010). receptor agonist, impairs this process (Likhtik et al.,
The basolateral complex, including the anterior part of 2008). A prefrontal cortex-dependent potentiation of
the basolateral nucleus (BLA) and the Ce are the main BLA inputs to the medial PIC is associated with fear
input and output stations of the amygdala, respectively. extinction (Amano et al., 2010). Lateral PICs in their
PICs (Millhouse, 1986) are clusters of GABAergic turn, via feed-forward inhibition, keep BLA neurons in an
neurons (Nitecka and Ben-Ari, 1987; McDonald and inhibited state in the absence of fear, but their inhibition
Augustine, 1993; Paré and Smith, 1993a,b), which have by dopamine (vide infra), which is known to be released
been proposed as cellular interfaces that control the within the amygdala under stressful situations (Young
trafficking of nerve impulses to and within the amygdala. and Rees, 1998; Inglis and Moghaddam, 1999;
Thus, the main ICM, located ventrally to BLA, and the Yokoyama et al., 2005), enables BLA projection
medial PICs which lie between the BLA and Ce seem to neurons to participate in the generation of anxiety
modulate the traffic of impulses between these latter responses (Marowsky et al., 2005; Pape, 2005).
nuclei (Royer et al., 1999). The lateral PICs, located Dopamine D1 receptors, located on intercalated
along the fibers of the external capsule, have been GABA neurons (Scibilia et al., 1992; Maltais et al.,
implicated in controlling the flow of information from the 2000; Fuxe et al., 2003; Jacobsen et al., 2006; Pinto
medial prefrontal cortex to BLA and Ce (Marowsky and Sesack, 2008) mediate the dopaminergic
et al., 2005; Pape, 2005). In addition to these neuron attenuation of the feed-forward inhibition in the BLA
clusters, there is a third neuron group, termed the and Ce exerted by these GABA neurons following
anterior intercalated cell mass (AIC), lying between their activation by prefrontal glutamate afferents (see
the rostral aspect of the BLA and the distal bundles of Marowsky et al., 2005; Pape, 2005). We have
the caudal component of the anterior commissure therefore focused our analysis on the
(ACc). Although the AIC has been considered to be an immunocytochemical detection of tyrosine hydroxylase
extension of the amygdala (Alheid et al., 2006), its (TH), dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) and DA D1
internal organization, neurotransmitters and putative receptor (D1) in the AIC and surrounding nuclei,
interactions with the adjacent structures remain to be continuing a previous immunocytochemical analysis of
defined (Millhouse, 1986). It is thus far assumed that all main and PIC groups as seen in coronal sections
cellular clusters or cell masses exhibit similar (Fuxe et al., 2003).
histological appearance and comparable cell types; As the ICMs are regarded as anatomically and
however, no systematic search for possible differences connectionally distinct entities, the current study was
among them have been carried out. Although important conducted to characterize the cell types and
differences in fibrillar (i.e., Timm), histochemical (i.e., interactions within the AIC, PIC, and with the adjacent
AChE) (de Olmos et al., 1985), and connectional (Paré fiber systems as visualized in horizontal sections
and Smith, 1993a) characteristics have been noted. On processed with silver and immunohistochemical
cytological grounds it has been implicit that ICMs are techniques. The contribution of dopaminergic nerve
composed of two major cell types; a medium-sized, terminals to the AIC neuropil was investigated in the
spiny neuron and a large neuron; the former being the context of volume and wiring transmission (Fuxe
most prevalent throughout the ICMs. Giant neurons (i.e., et al., 2007, 2010; Agnati et al., 2010). Additionally,
60 lm) are rarely seen (Millhouse, 1986). Association of the subcellular organization of both neurons and
ICM with the adjacent tracts is also stressed by the neuropil of the AIC was studied with the electron
latter author, although the contribution of them to local microscope. Since our initial observations in rapid-
afferences is largely unknown (see Paré and Smith Golgi impregnated sections suggested the existence of
1993a). Hence, the establishment of the cytological a synaptic interaction between the axon collaterals
organization, the neurotransmitters, and local from the ACc and the AIC neuropil, a supplemental
connectivity of the AIC is regarded as a first, necessary group of animals was submitted to surgical interruption
step, for the understanding of its role in the amygdala of the ACc to search for anterograde degeneration in
and its interactions with other regions of the basal the AIC.
forebrain (Paré and Smith, 1994).
The importance of PICs in the amygdaloid circuits for
fear and anxiety has been demonstrated (Paré et al.,
2004; Ehrlich et al., 2009; Amir et al., 2011). Relevant EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
sensory information converging in the isocortex reaches
the BLA and particularly the lateral nuclei, and after its Animals
local processing it is relayed to the Ce where
appropriate anxiogenic responses are implemented. By In all cases adult (i.e., 10-week-old) male Charles River rats were
gating the trafficking of nerve impulses between these used. Animal manipulation and sacrifice were performed under
two amygdaloid nuclei (Royer et al., 1999, 2000), medial the guidelines and with the approval of the Animal Research
PICs play an important role in fear and anxiety. Committee of Instituto de Neurobiologı́a or the Swedish
National Board for Laboratory Animals, and approved by ad
Furthermore, convincing evidence has accumulated that hoc ethics committees on animal experiments. All animals were
the expression of fear extinction requires the medial killed by decapitation or vascular aldehyde perfusion under
PICs since their selective destruction with the toxin deep anesthesia (i.e., 30 mg/kg pentobarbital) or as separately
saporine coupled to dermorphine, a selective opioid l- described below.
326 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Rapid-Golgi technique Surgical interruption of the anterior commissure

The brains from 45 animals were obtained from deeply To define a possible synaptic interaction between the anterior
anesthetized animals (see previous section). The brain of each commissure and the anterior intercalated cell masses, six adult
rat was removed, and tissue samples consisting of 3- to 4-mm- rats were included; from these animals, four of them received a
thick blocks were obtained in the horizontal plane. The complete section of commissural axons, and two of them were
temporal lobe was cut and sliced with a razor blade into parallel sham lesioned according to the following procedure. Under
sections. Each tissue block was left for 20 days in an aqueous barbiturate anesthesia each animal was held by the auditory
solution containing 3% potassium dichromate and 0.25% meatuses in a sterotaxic apparatus. A small 3  4-mm window
osmium tetroxide and then transferred to a 0.75% silver nitrate was drilled and the bony shell removed. Then, an L-shaped
solution for the following 12–20 days. The resulting tissue knife measuring 0.7 mm in length (i.e. anteroposteriorly) was
blocks were held with an external shell of paraffin, and 120- or aligned to the sagittal plane. The posterior part of the knife (i.e.
150-lm-thick sections were cut on a sliding microtome. The stem) was positioned 0.8 mm caudal from bregma and the
sections were then left for 10 min in 70% ethyl alcohol, blade itself aligned parallel to the dorsal aspect of the sagittal
dehydrated in graded solutions of propyl alcohol/water, cleared superior vein. Then the blade was lowered 8.8 mm, and
in terpineol/xylene, mounted, and coverslipped. removed. Into two sham-lesioned animals, the same
maneuvers were performed but the knife was lowered only
7.0 mm. All animals were left undisturbed until spontaneous
recovery ensued. Three days after the operations animals were
Cajal’s reduced silver technique
perfused through the left ventricle, and specimens processed
as described in section ‘Cajal’s reduced silver technique’.
To define axonal tracts and bundles, eight brains were obtained
as described in previous section and processed according to
Cajal’s reduced silver technique. The tissue blocks were Immunohistochemistry
immersed in a solution containing 30% ethyl alcohol and 1.5%
silver nitrate for 4 days. Then, the specimens were left for 24 h Three rats were perfused under deep anesthesia (see
in an aqueous solution containing 1.8% hydroquinone and 3% Section ‘Animals’) using 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% picric
paraformaldehyde. Afterward, tissues were embedded in acid in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.9). The brains
nitrocellulose and polymerized with ether vapors. The tissue were removed, post fixed for 2 h in the perfusion solution at
blocks were then sectioned at 30-lm intervals with a sliding 4 °C, and rinsed for 48 h in 10% sucrose in 0.1 M phosphate
microtome operated at room temperature. Finally, the sections containing 0.01% w/v sodium azide. The brains were frozen in
were dehydrated in propyl alcohol, cleared in xylene, and a jet stream of CO2 gas and sectioned onto slides using a
coverslipped with Entellan resin. cryostat. Ten-micrometer horizontal (Bregma 7.6 to 9.6 mm)
serial sections were incubated overnight at 4° C with primary
antibodies: rat anti-D1 receptor (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO,
USA) at a concentration of 5 lg/mL, 1:500 dilution of rabbit
Cresyl Violet staining anti-TH (Millipore, Temecula CA, USA) and with a 1:1000
dilution of mouse anti-DBH (Millipore, Temecula CA, USA) for
Brains were embedded in paraffin and cut horizontally at 10 lm. confocal microscopy analysis. Coronal sections (Bregma 2.3
Then, the sections were immersed for 20 min in a solution to 2.6) were occasionally utilized (e.g., Fig. 1).
containing 0.1 g of Cresyl Violet and 0.3 ml glacial acetic acid
dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water. Following staining
Antibody characterization. Table 1 summarizes the details of
sections were dehydrated in graded ethanol/water solutions,
the primary antibodies used in this study:
cleared in xylene and coverslipped with Entellan.
1. Dopamine D1 receptor antibody. The D1R monoclonal anti-
body (Sigma Aldrich) is raised against the human dopamine
Electron microscopy receptor using the 97-amino-acid C-terminus fused to GST
fusion proteins and then derived from spleen cells of rats that
Six rats (n = 6) were utilized in this part of the study. Deeply contained the hybridoma cell line reactive with D1 (Levey et al.,
anesthetized animals (see Section ‘Animals’) were perfused 1993; Hersch et al., 1995). The specificity of the D1 antibody
through the left ventricle with 250 ml of 4% paraformaldehyde– has been demonstrated using cloned D1 receptors in transfec-
2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.15 M phosphate buffer (PB), pH 7.3. ted COS-7 cells with Western blots showing reactivity for only
Following dissection, the brain was immersed in additional the D1 receptor with corresponding bands at 40–45 kDa and
fixative and stored overnight at 4 °C. After 24 h, half- to one- 65–75 kDa (Levey et al., 1993; Hersch et al., 1995). The spec-
millimeter horizontal slices through the base of the temporal ificity was also demonstrated in isolated rat membranes from
lobe were obtained. Areas of interest were sampled under a the striatum, which showed a band at 65–75 kDa, a mobility
dissecting microscope, and the tissues were postfixed for 1 h in similar to the cloned receptor (Hersch et al., 1995). This anti-
1% osmium tetroxide dissolved in the same buffer as the body was first described by Mitrano DA, Smith Y (2007) J
aldehydes, dehydrated in graded acetone, and flat embedded Comp Neurol 500:788–806. Sigma Aldrich now sells this anti-
in epoxy resins. Half- to one-micrometer-thin sections were body under exclusive license from Emory University. In our
obtained from the tissue blocks with a Leica ultramicrotome study, it was possible to confirm the distribution of nerve cells
equipped with glass knives (Leica Microsystems, Mannheim, and nerve terminal populations expressing dopamine D1
Germany). The sections were stained with Toluidine Blue and receptor in different parts of the forebrain including dorsal stri-
coverslipped. From the exposed surface of these trimmed atum, intercalated islands (Fuxe et al., 2003), and entopedun-
blocks, ultrathin sections ranging from 80 to 90 nm were cular nucleus, respectively (see Fig. 1E).
obtained with a diamond knife and mounted on 100-mesh 2. Tyrosine hydroxylase polyclonal antibody (Millipore, Temecu-
copper grids. The sections were sequentially stained with la, CA, USA). The rabbit anti-TH polyclonal antiserum
aqueous solutions of uranium acetate and lead citrate and then (AB152) was produced using denatured, full-length TH from
studied in a JEOL 1010 electron microscope. Micrographs from rat pheochromocytoma (denatured by sodium dodecyl sul-
serial sections were merged with the Reconstruct software fate) and does not react with other closely related catechol-
(Fiala, 2005). amine (CA) enzymes, including dopamine b-hydroxylase
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 327

Fig. 1. Survey micrographs of the amygdala and surrounding regions. (A) Survey light micrograph of the amygdala in a coronal section. The boxed
area defines the high-magnification micrograph reproduced in ‘‘B.’’ (B) Position of the anterior intercalated islands (arrows) with respect to the
amygdaloid nuclei. Note that the anterior intercalated cell masses split around the anterior aspect of the basolateral nucleus (BLA). The major
amygdaloid nuclei in the dorsal part and surrounding areas are indicated. (C). Micrograph from a horizontal section of the left side of the forebrain.
An anterior intercalated cell mass (arrowheads) is bounded by the distal axonal bundles (asterisks) of the caudal component of the anterior
commissure (ACc). Posteriorly, the anterior aspect of the basolateral (BLA) (outlined in blue) and central amygdaloid (Ce, outlined in white) nuclei
are found. (D–E) Coronal section (Bregma level 2.3 to 2.5) immunostained for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; in red) and dopamine D1 receptor (D1R;
in green) and observed using Odyssey Infrared imaging. (F) Pseudocolored overlay of the two staining patterns with TH (red) and D1R (green)
immunoreactivity. Adult rat specimens. A–C, Cajal’s reduced silver. Scale bars = 100 lm in A–C, and 2 mm in D–F. ACc = anterior commissure,
caudal part; BLA = anterior aspect of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; Ce = central amygdaloid nucleus; D1R = dopamine D1 receptor;
EC = external capsule; EP = entopeduncular nucleus; La = lateral amygdaloid nucleus; FStr = fundus striati, St = stria terminalis; TH = tyro-
sine hydroxylase.

(DBH), phenylalanine hydroxylase, tryptophan hydroxylase, donkey anti-mouse (DyLight–633) secondary antibodies
dihydropteridine reductase or phenylethanolamine-N-methyl- (Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd. Newmarket, Suffolk,
transferase using Western blot methods (manufacturer’s UK) at a dilution of 1:200. Tissue sections were cover-slipped
technical information). The specificity of the antibodies was using Fluoroshield with DAPI (Sigma Aldrich) and kept at 4° C
assessed by documenting the localizations of immunopositive until imaged. Confocal microscopy was performed using a
cells and terminal networks throughout the serial sections of Leica SP2 AOBS confocal microscope (Leica Microsystems,
the rat brain and comparing them with those described in Mannheim, Germany) equipped with a 4-laser configuration to
the literature (Rivera et al., 2008). This antibody was recently a Leica DM IRE2 inverted microscope.
described by Fetissov et al., 2009 J Comp Neurol 513:1–20.
3. Dopamine b-hydroxylase antibody. The DBH monoclonal anti-
OdysseyÒ Infrared Imaging. Following primary antibody
body (Millipore) was raised against purified bovine adrenal
incubation, sections were incubated for 1 h at RT with goat
DBH (manufacturer’s technical information). The specificity
anti-rat (IRDyeÒ 800CW) and goat anti-rabbit (IRDyeÒ 680CW)
of this antibody was confirmed with the immunohistochemical
secondary antibodies (Li-COR Biosciences, Cambridge, UK) at
labeling of brainstem noradrenergic (NA) cell groups and their
a dilution of 1:2000. Fluorescence was detected using the
NA terminal networks throughout the central nervous system,
OdysseyÒ Infrared Imaging System (21 lm resolution, 1.2 mm
and is extensively documented in the literature and accepted
offset with highest quality). Channel sensitivity was optimized
by the scientific community (Rivera et al., 2008). Perikaryal
for each set of stained sections and maintained for that group
axon, and axonal terminal immunolabeling was absent when
of samples. The relative location of the slice and identification
this antibody was preadsorbed with a 10-fold excess of bovine
of brain regions were determined by comparison to images in
adrenal DBH (Sigma Aldrich) (Rinaman, 2001). This antibody
Paxinos and Watson Rat Brain Atlas (1986).
was recently described by Lee SB, et al. (2002) J Comp Neu-
rol 514:387–402.
Data analysis

Confocal microscopy. Following primary antibody incubation, Neurons, fiber bundles, axons, and their collaterals were
sections were incubated for 2 h at room temperature with donkey reproduced with a camera lucida adapted to a Zeiss Axioplan 2
anti-rat (DyLight–546), donkey anti-rabbit (DyLight–488) and microscope, utilizing 10, 40, or 100 objectives (numerical
328 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Table 1. Antisera

Antigen Immunogen Source of antibody Dilution used

Dopamine D1 receptor Recombinant fusion protein containing the C-terminal Sigma Aldrich, rat monoclonal, #D2944, 5 lg/ml
97 amino acid of human D1 dopamine receptor lot 128K4770
Tyrosine hydroxylase Denatured tyrosine hydroxylase from rat Millipore, rabbit polyclonal, #AB152, lot 1:500
Dopamine b-hydroxylase Purified bovine DBH (from adrenal medulla) Millipore, mouse monoclonal clone 1:500
4F10.2, #MAB308, lot LV1696521

aperture = 0.3, 1.0, and 1.4, respectively). Drawings from forty,

fully impregnated neurons of each type were included in the
morphometric analysis (vide infra). The drawings were
scanned, digitized, and measured with a personal computer
aided by Kontron 400 software. Measurements included the
largest and transverse axes of the soma. Drawings presented
in Figs. 3–5 and 7 were obtained from horizontal sections,
Interaural 1.4 and Bregma 8.6 mm determined from
Paxinos and Watson Rat Brain Atlas (Paxinos and Watson,
1986). A set of 50 medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs; see
Section ‘Cytological organization of the anterior intercalated
islands’), chosen on the basis of the quality of the impregnation
and completeness of their processes, was utilized to define
axonal direction (i.e., projection). Synapses were counted in
digital electron micrographs obtained from a minimum of three
sets of ultrathin sections, from three different animals. At an
initial magnification of 12,000, a total area of 10,000 lm2
per animal was photographed. The numbers of axo-spinous
synapse (AxSp) (see Section ‘Interactions of AICs with BLA
and Ce neurons’) and axo-shaft synapse (AxSh) were
determined, and the resulting numerical densities were
averaged and expressed as percent of total synapses.

Cytological organization of the anterior intercalated
In coronal sections impregnated with Cajal’s reduced
silver method or double immunolabeled for TH and D1
immunoreactivity (Fig. 1) the major neuronal groups of
the amygdala are indicated as well as amygdaloid nuclei
(Fig. 1A and B) showing codistribution of TH and D1
immunoreactivities can be visualized (Fig. 1D–F). The
nerve cell clusters of the AIC can be visualized in
aniline-stained sections (Figs. 2A–C and 3A–C). The
Fig. 2. Light photomicrographs from horizontal sections in plastic-
AIC lies between the axon bundles of the caudal
embedded specimens. (A) Low-power view showing the caudal limb
component of the anterior commissure (ACc), facing the of the anterior commissure (ACc) surrounding (asterisks) two neuro-
BLA and Ce caudally (Fig. 1C). Serial sections disclose nal clusters (arrows) of the anterior intercalated cell masses. (B) An
the intimate association of the ACc fascicles with the intercalated cell mass containing several medium-sized spiny neu-
AIC (Figs. 4 and 5D). Although the neuron clusters rons (black arrows) and a large-sized neuron (white arrow). Note the
nuclear capsule composed of myelinated axons. (C) High-power
described here have been considered a rostral part of micrograph showing a medium-sized (black arrow) and a large
the main intercalated nucleus, the term AIC is preferred; neuron containing a large invaginated nucleus (white arrow) sur-
largely because serial, horizontal sections reveal that rounded by Nissl substance (arrowheads). Asterisks = myelinated
the two limbs organizing the AIC are united ventro- axons surrounding the nucleus. (D) Sagittal knife-cut through the
anterior commissure (AC); note the extensive vacuolization of that
caudally. Perhaps more important is that both AIC
area of the anterior commissure adjacent to the knife cut (hollow
neuronal clusters are completely encased by arrows). BNST = bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, III = third ventri-
commissural fibers and, therefore, separated from the cle. Adult rat brain, one-micrometer-thick sections. Scale
main intercalated nucleus. bars = 100 lm in A; 20 in B; 10 in C, and 200 in D.
The general organization of the AIC and PIC and their
interaction with neighboring structures as revealed by
silver impregnations are presented in camera lucida composed of numerous, MSN and occasional large, non-
drawings (Figs. 5–9). As demonstrated earlier by spiny, neurons. Survey views of the AIC show that MSN
Millhouse (1986) the cell clusters of the AIC are primarily somata and processes are tightly packaged within the
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 329

Fig. 3. Representative composite photomicrographs from a horizontal section of the left temporal lobe. (A) Relationships of the anterior intercalated
(AIC), and paracapsular intercalated islands (PIC) with respect to the anterior basolateral (BLA) and lateral (La) nuclei of the amygdala (dashed
lines). Photomicrographs at high magnifications showing AIC (B and C) and LPIC (C). Sections have been stained with 0.5% Cresyl Violet
and correspond to Bregma level 8.2 to 8.3 from the Paxinos and Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Abbreviations: AIC, anterior intercalated
islands; BLA, anterior aspect of the basolateral nucleus; Ce, central amygdaloid nucleus; La, lateral nucleus; LPIC, lateral paracapsular intercalated
islands. Nissl staining, adult rat brain. Scale bars = 250 lm in A; 100 lm in B and C.

Fig. 4. Serial horizontal sections from dorsal (A) to ventral (F) through the distal part of the caudal limb of the anterior commissure of the right
cerebral hemisphere. Note that bundles of the anterior commissure (hollow arrow) proceed laterally to reach the rostral aspect (white arrow) of the
amygdala. Then, axon bundles encase the anterior intercalated cell masses (arrowheads). Cx = cerebral cortex; EC = external capsule). Adult rat
brain, Cajal’s reduced silver nitrate. Scale bar = 100 lm.
330 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 5. Camera lucida drawings depicting position and relationships of the intercalated cell masses of the amygdala. (A) The anterior intercalated
cell mass (AIC, black arrows) lies rostral to the basolateral (BLA) and lateral to the central (Ce) nuclei of the amygdala. BM = basal medial nucleus
of the amygdala, St = stria terminalis. (B) Higher magnification view of the anterior intercalated cell mass (AIC). A large, aspiny, neuron (green) is
seen surrounded by numerous medium-sized neurons in the AIC. Adjacent to it is the most rostral island of the medial paracapsular cell mass (open
arrows) that proceeds medially between the central (upper) and basolateral (dotted) amygdaloid nuclei. Note that the external capsule (EC) together
with the caudal part of the anterior commissure (ACc), build-up a fibrous capsule around the AIC. Black arrow = pyramidal cell in the basolateral
complex of the amygdala. i: The large aspiny neuron drawn in B (green) is reproduced at higher magnifications. (C) High-magnification drawing of
the AIC. Note the tight packaging of dendrites distributed in the nuclear neuropil. At the bottom there is a soma of a pyramidal-like cell (dashed) of
the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (dotted). (D) Distal axonal bundles of the caudal component of the anterior commissure (single arrow head)
diverge and surround an AIC area (asterisk) that lies rostral to the basolateral (double arrow head) and central nuclei (double asterisk) of the
amygdala. Arrow = external capsule. Scale bars = 200 lm in A, 40 lm in B, Bi, C and D. Adult rat specimen, horizontal sections, Golgi–Cox–Nissl
staining. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

nuclear domain (Fig. 5A–C). The MSN soma is oval, and it spine-like out-pocket can be seen (Fig. 6). The overall
averages 16.5 lm in the longest axis. The contour of a structure of an MSN is bipolar since the soma usually
MSN soma is generally smooth, although an occasional gives rise to paired dendrites that diverge in opposite
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 331

Fig. 6. High-magnification camera lucida drawing from a medium-sized spiny neuron in the anterior intercalated cell mass. The spindle-shaped
soma exhibits two sets of spinous dendrites, one of them pierces the axonal capsule and exhibits large tuberosities (encircled).
Arrowheads = axon; arrow = somatic spine-like. i: Cartoon showing the relative position of the neuron dendrites with respect to the nuclear
capsule. ii: Higher magnification drawing showing a dendritic shaft (boxed) having numerous pediculated spines alternating with a few large, square-
shaped spines (arrows). Rapid-Golgi technique, adult rat brain. Scale bars = 10 lm and 5 in ii.

directions (Figs. 6 and 7A). Each primary dendrite ramifies of the MSN dendrite. A set of distal, i.e., terminal,
once or twice originating relatively long (i.e., >100 lm), dendrites exhibits still a third structural differentiation. In
terminal branches. Regardless of order, dendrites are fact, those dendrites piercing the axonal capsule of the
varicose and exhibit a moderate to high number of spines AIC display a series of two to four large (i.e., > 1 lm)
(Figs. 5C, 6 and 7). On the basis of their shape and tuberosities (Figs. 6, inset ii, and 9A), that mimic those
dimensions, two types of dendritic spines are found. A described for the so-called heterodendritic neuron in the
first type or fungiform is by and large the most prevalent, core of the oval nucleus of the bed nuclei of the stria
corresponding to typical dendritic spines observed on terminalis (Larriva-Sahd, 2006). The MSN axon, like that
neurons in basal ganglia (Wilson and Groves, 1980) and of the intercalated neuron (Royer et al., 2000), arises
the BLA (Fig. 7A). Another type of dendritic spine from the soma (Figs. 7A and 9A), or occasionally, from a
consists of a roughly squared-shape protuberance primary dendrite (Fig. 6). Aside from origin, the parent
measuring 0.9–1.3 lm and devoid of a pedicle (Figs. 6, axon follows a wide undulating trajectory through the AIC
inset ii, and 8). The latter spines are relatively infrequent, providing one or two thin collaterals that resolve in the
as they average nine to ten percent of the total population neighboring neuropil. In 50 well-impregnated neurons it is
332 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 7. Camera lucida drawings illustrating putative connectivity of the anterior intercalated cell islands. (A) Distal axons from the caudal limb of the
anterior commissure (arrows), together with ascending, spiny, dendrites from pyramidal-like cells (hollow arrows) in the basolateral nucleus of the
amygdala (BLA) bound the medial aspect of the anterior intercalated cell masses (shaded, AIC). Arrowhead = axon of a medium-sized spiny
neuron. (B) Neurons of the anterior intercalated cell masses (dashed) lie between the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) and the caudal
limb of the anterior commissure (ACc). Note that axons arising from the anterior commissure (arrowheads) and pyramidal-like cell (black arrows)
originate thin collaterals that appear to contact somata and proximal dendrites of medium-sized spiny neurons (dashed) in the anterior intercalated
cell mass (AIC). Adult rat, rapid-Golgi technique. Scale bars = 20 lm.

found that the MSN parent axon leaves medially (68%) gives rise to long, smooth, dendrites. Accordingly, the
(Fig. 9A), laterally (22%), or anteriorly (10%) (Fig. 6). paired dendrites of these cells lack dendritic
Axons running medially originate successive collaterals appendages and usually extend beyond the nuclear
to the latero-capsular and medial part of the Ce before confines. No axon, other than the initial segment, was
the axon leaves the plane of sectioning or impregnation visualized in our sample.
ceases. Axons directed laterally incorporate into the
external capsule, while those traveling rostrally parallel
the ACc fibers.
Only three medium-sized aspiny neurons (Fig. 5B) Extrinsic fibers and processes to the AIC
were identified in our study. As described earlier by The AIC is intimately associated with axons from the
Millhouse (1986), the soma of an aspiny neuron is adjacent ACc and receives both dendritic and axonal
larger (>25 lm) than that from an MSN, ovoid, and contingents from the BLA.
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 333

Reciprocally, dendrites from pyramidal-like neurons of

the BLA reach the AIC (vide supra) (Figs. 5B and 7A)
and seem to receive synaptic contacts from the axon
collaterals of medium spiny neurons. Additionally, a set
of AIC axons traveling caudally (Fig. 5A, arrowhead)
penetrate into the BLA neuropil. Lastly, the occasional
dendrites of pyramidal-like cells that pierce successively
the MPIC and Ce, appear to be contacted by the axons
from the MSNs in the former (Fig. 9B). Interestingly,
medium-sized neurons in the MPIC with rostro-caudally
oriented dendrites (Fig. 9B) send axons medially, that
may contact dendrites from both pyramidal-like neurons
in the BLA and neurons in the latero-capsular part of the

Fig. 8. Seventy-two exposure photomontage showing axon collater-
als (hollow arrows) arising from commissural axons (white arrows)
that appose proximal dendrites (circles) of the medium-sized neuron D1/TH and TH/DBH double immunolabeling analysis of
at the upper right. Black arrows = large, non-pediculated, spines. the amygdala in horizontal sections. Focus on the
Adult rat brain, horizontal section, rapid-Golgi technique. Scale
bar = 50 lm.
intercalated cell islands. The architecture of the AIC
and PIC can be demonstrated at low magnifications in
horizontal sections through their strong D1 receptor
The first and chief source of extrinsic afferents immunoreactivity (D1-I) (Fig. 10). The AIC as well as
appears to be the ACc. As shown in Figs. 1C, 4 and both the medial and lateral PIC show a strong green
5D, the AIC is surrounded by fibers from the ACc that D1-I. The tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-I)
encase it. In fact, as soon as the ACc approaches the terminals visualized through their strong red labeling,
external capsule, a series of six or seven bundles fan- are seen to substantially innervate the AIC, while their
out (Figs. 1C and 5D). The most medial bundles innervation of the caudal component of medial and
accommodate the two limbs that structure the AIC lateral PIC is negligible (Fig. 10). A dense TH-I terminal
(Figs. 1B, C and 2A). High-magnification inspection of network is demonstrated in the latero-anterior and
silver-impregnated sections shows that commissural latero-capsular part of the Ce (Fig. 10B, C). TH-I
axons give rise to collaterals that approach dendrites of terminals are found to a lesser extent in the anterior
the MSN of the AIC establishing putative synaptic BLA but they have no clear association to D1-I.
contacts with them (Fig. 7B and circles in Fig. 8). The relationships between the high density of punctate
Furthermore, these fibers may proceed further caudally D1-I profiles (green), likely spines, and the large number of
to other groups of PICs (Fig. 5B) or to distal dendrites TH-I dopamine varicosities (red) in the AIC have been
of pyramidal-like neurons from the BLA (Figs. 5A and studied at higher magnifications (Fig. 11A, C, E). As seen
7A). A second source of putative axon terminals derive in Fig. 11B, D, F showing TH-I and the enzyme dopamine
from BLA neurons. Indeed, a set of axons arising from beta hydroxylase immunoreactivity (DBH-I) instead, the
pyramidal-like cells in the BLA leaves the nucleus, vast majority of the TH-I terminals in AICs lack DBH-I
penetrating via the caudal part of the AIC. Each axon (green) and therefore represent dopamine nerve
provides short collaterals that resolve throughout the terminals. As seen especially in Fig. 11E, the distances
AIC neuropil (Fig. 7B) (see Amir et al., 2011), then the between the punctate D1-I and the TH-I varicose
parent fiber proceeds further rostrally. Lastly, a distinct terminals are in the micrometer range as inferred from
contribution to the AIC neuropil is represented by the the scale bars with some seemingly direct contacts
distal processes of large pyramidal-like BLA neurons between them. The punctate green D1-I profiles are
(Millhouse and DeOlmos, 1983). In fact, numerous thick located between the densely packed nerve cell bodies
dendrites of large pyramidal-like neurons extend with blue nuclei (DAPI stained) and are substantially
anteriorly, piercing the caudal aspect of the AIC to smaller in size than the TH-I varicosities. In view of the
penetrate the nucleus proper (Fig. 5B) or, as just dense dendritic network demonstrated in the AIC in
mentioned here, bound it medially (Fig. 7A). specimens after the rapid-Golgi technique, it likely
represents D1-immunoreactive dendritic profiles with
spines. In the area medial to and within the AIC
Interactions of AICs with BLA and Ce neurons
(Fig. 11B) a few green DBH-I terminal profiles with slight
As has been reported for other intercalated insular yellowish fluorescence (indicated by arrows) display TH-I
systems (Millhouse, 1986; Royer et al., 1999, 2000) in Fig. 11A. However, in the hypothalamus, for
including the main intercalated island (Manko et al., comparison, the vast majority of the DBH-I terminals
2011), BLA neurons send afferents to the AIC. The (green) develop a distinct yellow fluorescence after co-
specimen reproduced in Fig. 7B shows an example of labeling for TH (red immunofluorescence, in Fig. 12).
an ascending axon of a pyramidal-like neuron that Previous work has also indicated that cortical
pierces the AIC and distributes within its neuropil. noradrenergic terminals, including those in the
334 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 9. Axonal interactions of medium-sized spiny neurons of the intercalated cell masses with the adjacent amygdaloid nuclei. (A) Axons (blue and
green) from two medium-sized neurons give rise to successive axon collaterals to the intercalated cell mass proper (asterisk) as well as to the
lateral- (CeLC, hollow arrows), and medial-capsular parts (CeM, black arrows) of the central amygdaloid nucleus. Note that incoming commissural
fibers (soft pencil) send axon collaterals (double arrowheads) that distribute in the neuropil adjacent to the medium-sized spiny neurons. Distal
dendrites, impinging commissural axons acquire a tuberous appearance (arrowheads). (B) The axon (green) of a spiny neuron (black) in the medial
paracapsular intercalated cell mass (MPIC) runs horizontally and appears to terminate successively on distal dendrites of a pyramidal-like neuron
(gray) and in neurons in the lateral part of the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeLC). AIC = anterior intercalated cell mass; BLA = basolateral
amygdaloid nucleus; EC = external capsule. Rapid-Golgi technique, adult rat brain. Scale bars = 20 lm. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

amygdaloid cortex, show reduced TH-I compared to D). A similar density of DBH-I terminals appeared to
dopamine terminals (Hokfelt et al., 1977). exist in these nuclei as well, and in several cases they
The relationships between the high density of could be found to contain a red TH-I fluorescence
punctate D1-I profiles (green) and the moderate number (arrows in Fig. 13B, D; see above) leading to yellowish
of varicose TH-I nerve terminals (red) in medial and fluorescence in the merged image.
lateral PICs have also been visualized at higher As demonstrated in Fig. 14A, a very dense TH-I nerve
magnifications (Fig. 13A, C). TH-I and DBH-I in terminal plexus lacking DBH-I (Fig. 14B) exists in the
Fig. 13B, D demonstrate that the vast majority of the latero-anterior subnucleus of the Ce, thus representing a
TH-I terminals in medial and lateral PICs lack DBH-I very rich dopamine nerve terminal plexus. This dopamine
(green) and therefore represent dopamine nerve terminal plexus is, however, not associated with D1-I,
terminals. In view of the lower density of TH-I terminals which is the case for AIC and PICs (Figs. 11, 13A, C and
compared with the AIC the distances of the TH-I 15A). This appears to be the case also for the moderately
terminals to the punctate D1-I profiles of the LPIC dense plexus of TH-I- and DBH-negative nerve terminals
become substantially larger. In areas surrounding the in the BLA (Figs. 12B, D and 13B). It should be noted
lateral and medial main intercalated cell islands a however that a weak D1-I might exist in parts of BLA
substantial number of TH-I terminals (red) are also (Fig. 13A). Moving caudally in BLA toward BL, DBH-I
found that lack DBH-I, giving evidence for the existence (green) terminals of low density are found representing
of dopamine terminals also in these regions (Fig. 13B, noradrenergic terminals (Fig. 12B, D) in which the TH-I
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 335

a synaptic interaction, our initial interpretation that the

ACc axons terminate on AIC neurons was further
evaluated in a group of adult animals. Information
regarding the ultrastructural characteristics of both AIC
neurons and neuropil in adult mammals is not available;
therefore, a general description will precede information
concerning experimental animals.

Neurons. In both aniline and epon-embedded

specimens the AIC is a well-defined, capsulated
nucleus, containing neurons that, on the basis of
somatic location and size, as well as the content of
cytoplasmic vesicles, may be classified into two types
(Figs. 2B, C, 16 and 17). The first and most common
neuron corresponds to the MSN that exhibits the
following profile. The soma of an MSN is elliptical and
contains a smooth, oval, nucleus that is usually centrally
located. The latter is composed of a coarsely granular
material with discreet heterochromatic clumps (Fig. 16A)
in which one or two small nucleoli are embedded
(Fig. 2C). The cytoplasm contains numerous
mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
that is composed of short tubular cisternae, scattered
throughout the perikaryon. Electron-dense granules, if
any, are rare (vide infra). Small neurotubular aggregates
are commonly seen at the root of proximal dendrites at
either neuronal pole (Fig. 17A). Occasional spine-like
structures protrude from the somatic cell membrane
(Figs. 6 and 18D). One of eight AIC neurons
Fig. 10. Rostro-caudal distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)- and corresponds to a large or type II neuron that bears the
dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) immunoreactivities in horizontal sections following peculiarities. In addition to its larger size, a
through the left side amygdala. The brain area found in the rectangle type II neuron occurs chiefly at the nuclear periphery
of panel A is found at higher magnifications in panels B and C. Partial
codistribution of TH (red) and D1R (green) immunofluorescence (Figs. 2C and 16B). Although the cell nucleus is
(yellowish) is mainly observed in the anterior intercalated cell islands generally smooth, one or two conspicuous invaginations
(AIC), lateral and medial paracapsular intercalated islands in the give it a dentate appearance (Figs. 2C and 16B). The
rostral part (LPIC and MPIC, respectively) mainly show up with a biosynthetic machinery of a type II neuron is well
weakly yellowish D1R immunofluorescence. The caudal component
of LPIC and MPIC shows a green fluorescence since hardly any TH
developed. Thus, the Nissl substance occupies a
immunofluorescence exists within them. A strong TH immunofluo- substantial part of the cytoplasmic area, being
rescence due to densely packed TH-positive nerve terminal networks composed of large, stacked RER cisternae (Figs. 2B, C,
was observed in the central nucleus (Ce) while TH immunofluores- 16B and 17B). Numerous rounded mitochondria lie
cence of a medium intensity is found in the anterior basolateral between the RER cisternae. Adjacent to the nucleus,
amygdaloid nucleus (BLA). Only low immunofluorescence was
observed in the lateral amygdaloid nucleus (La). Horizontal sections one or two well-developed Golgi areas can be seen
were taken at Bregma level 8.2 to 8.3 from the Paxinos and associated with numerous, prominent lysosome-like
Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Lateral (L), medial (M), dorsal (D) granules.
and caudal (C) directions are indicated in B. Scale bars = 2 mm (A),
300 lm (B) and 150 lm (C). Abbreviations: AIC, anterior intercalated
islands; BLA, basolateral nucleus; Ce, central amygdaloid nucleus; Neuropil. The AIC stands out for its homogeneous
CeLA, central–anterolateral subdivision; CeLC, centro-laterocapsular aspect containing occasional small bundles of thin
subdivision; D1R, dopamine D1 receptor; La, lateral nucleus; FStr, myelinated fibers and four major types of synapses
fundus striatum; LPIC, lateral paracapsular islands; MPIC, medial
paracapsular islands; LV, lateral ventricle; PRh, perirhinal cortex; TH, (Fig. 18). By and large the most common synaptic type
tyrosine hydroxylase. (For interpretation of the references to color in observed is axo-spinous (AxSp), accounting for eight of
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this every ten boutons (i.e., 82%) in the AIC neuropil.
article.) However, two sub-types can be identified based on the
structure of the postsynaptic element. The first consists
of a synaptic bouton containing numerous small,
(red) is difficult to visualize at least at the magnification
agranular vesicles with occasional dense-cored vesicles
used and for the same reasons discussed above.
that are larger and establish asymmetrical contacts with
either small (<0.3/0.4 lm) pediculated spines or large
(i.e., <1/1.4 lm W/L) spines. The relative frequency of
Ultrastructure of the AIC neurons and neuropil
the former AxSp terminal is double that of that AxSp
Because terminal fibrils and boutons en passage are targeting a large spine. AxSp targeting small spines are
strongly suggestive (vide supra), but not conclusive, for similar to those observed elsewhere in the basal ganglia
336 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 11. Double immunolabeling is given of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine D1 receptors (A, C, E) and TH and dopamine b-hydroxylase
(B, D, E) in the anterior intercalated cell mass as visualized in adjacent horizontal sections. A clear codistribution of TH and D1-R is demonstrated in
A, C and E around nuclear profiles stained blue with DAPI. Dopamine b-hydroxylase (DBH)-immunoreactive terminals are rare in adjacent sections
(B, D, F) indicating that the punctate TH immunofluorescence observed represents dopamine terminals. In panels B and D arrows point to a few
terminal puncta with a red TH and green DBH immunofluorescence giving a yellow fluorescence. Note that using confocal laser microscopy the
distances between the dotted dopamine D1R immunoreactivity, likely representing the dendritic spines of medium-sized AIC nerve cell bodies, and
the TH-immunoreactive terminals are in the micrometer range as seen from the scale bars likely to representing an extrasynaptic form of volume
transmission (C and D). In A, C, and E the TH immunoreactive area overlaps by about 50% with the D1-immunoreactive area. Thus, a substantial
degree of synaptic D1-mediated DA transmission may also exist in the AIC. Sections correspond to a Bregma level 8.2 to 8.3 from the Paxinos
and Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Scale bar = 47 lm (A, B), and 21 lm (B, C) and 8 lm (D, E). Abbreviations: AIC, anterior intercalated cell
mass; DAPI, 40 -6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DBH, dopamine b-hydroxylase; D1R, dopamine D1 receptor; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase.

or amygdala (Paré et al., 1995). The second type of axon postsynaptic element (Fig. 18A, B). The AxSh synapse
terminal or axo-shaft (AxSh) consists of a presynaptic accounts for one fifth of the total synaptic population.
terminal comparable to the AxSp that furnishes an Like the AxSp the presynaptic terminal contains
asymmetrical synapse with a dendritic shaft, the numerous agranular vesicles, dense-cored vesicles, if
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 337

examined per animal), these consist of slender

terminals that establish symmetrical contacts (Fig. 18C,
D). Still a fourth type of synapse is represented by axon
terminals containing large dense-cored vesicles (DCV)
and a variable proportion of small agranular vesicles
(Fig. 18E). DCV containing boutons are rare (<1%) and
establish asymmetrical interactions with either somata
or proximal dendrites (Fig. 18F).

Neuropil of animals with interruption of fibers of the

anterior commissure. Surgical section of the anterior
commissure 72 h before sacrifice yields to local
(Fig. 2D) preterminal, and terminal (Fig. 19) axonal
degeneration. In fact, massive axonal necrosis was
observed in the stump of the anterior commissure
adjacent to the knife cuts (Fig. 2D). Survey micrographs
at the AIC neuropil reveal numerous terminal boutons
and reactive glial processes (Fig. 19A–E). Alternating
with other structurally normal terminals (vide supra),
there are numerous degenerating terminals (DTs)
having the following characteristics. The profile of a DT
is irregular due to numerous indentations bounding
cytoplasmic protrusions (Fig. 19B). The DT has, as a
rule, a highly electron-dense matrix of uneven
appearance due to presumptive vesicular and
mitochondrial debris. These alterations made it difficult
to define the nature of both vesicular and junctional (i.e.,
postsynaptic density) zones of DTs. However, in a set
of DTs, the postsynaptic element corresponded to a
large spine; furthermore, when the plane of sectioning is
appropriate, a large dendritic spine associated with a DT
may exhibit what appears to correspond to the
postsynaptic density (Fig. 19C, E). Virtually all DTs are
associated with glial processes evidenced by their
electron-lucid cytoplasm (Fig. 19A–E); a complete glial
DT engulfment was occasionally observed. Serial
sections through the AIC neuropil disclose the
tridimensional arrangement DTs confirming that these
terminate on large dendritic spines (Fig. 19E). No DTs
are observed in specimens from sham-lesioned animals.

Fig. 12. Coexistence of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine
b-hydroxylase immunofluorescence in the periventricular hypotha- This study gives the first thorough, structural and
lamic region in a horizontal section. In panel A, a square indicates the neurohistochemical characterization of the anterior
hypothalamic area from where the high magnification in panel B has intercalated cell islands (AIC) with the rapid-Golgi
been taken. (B) The majority of the TH-immunoreactive terminals
technique in combination with electron microscopy and
around nuclear profiles stained blue with DAPI, demonstrate a
yellowish fluorescence due to the coexistence of red TH and green analysis of D1-, TH-, and DBH-immunoreactivities with
DBH immunofluorescence, which therefore represents noradrenergic confocal laser microscopy to study their DA and NA
nerve terminals. However, some processes probably dendrites, only afferents and their D1 receptors. Our observations in
show a red immunofluorescence and probably represent dopamine Golgi-impregnated specimens, revealed that the AIC
processes belonging to the tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons.
Scale bars = 150 lm in A and 47 lm B. Bregma level 9.3 from the
occupies a unique position in the amygdala. Further, the
Paxinos and Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). innervation of the AIC neuropil by commissural axons,
opens the possibility that the AIC is involved in decoding
neuronal inputs from the contralateral amygdalar and
isocortical nuclei and areas. Immunohistochemically, the
any, are sparse. As implicit, AxSh synapses (Fig. 18A, B) role of the dopaminergic neurotransmission acting via
contact a thick dendrite, and establish an asymmetrical D1-mediated volume transmission influencing dendritic
synapse. Although synaptic terminals contacting the spines of AIC neurons is emphasized. Putative
neuron somata were infrequent (<2%) in our sample interactions of the intercalated paracapsular islands with
(i.e., a minimum of three grids of tissue samples were the neighboring amygdalar nuclei are also described.
338 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 13. Distribution pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, red) and dopamine D1 receptor (D1R, green) immunoreactivities in panels A and C and TH
and dopamine b-hydroxylase (DBH, green) immunoreactivities in panels B and D, within adjacent horizontal sections of the rostral amygdala. The
TH and dopamine D1R immunoreactivities codistribute within AIC (A) but DBH-immunoreactive terminals are not present (B). The medial and lateral
PIC (C, D) show only a weak codistribution TH and D1R immunofluorescent punctate profiles with no DBH immunoreative terminals present. A high
density of TH immunofluorescent terminals is found in CeLA with very few DBH terminals present and absence of D1-immunoreactive profiles (A, B)
giving evidence for a rich DA innervation in this region but not linked to D1 receptors. Within the BLA a moderately dense plexus of TH terminals is
found showing no DBH immunoreativity with only a few exceptions (green) and associated with only a weak D1 immunoreactivity not evenly
distributed (A, B), Thus, only minor or no noradrenergic mechanisms exist in all these regions with a preferential D1R-mediated DA
neurotransmission in the intercalated islands, while D2-like receptor-mediated DA transmission appears to dominate in the CeLA and in the BLA. In
contrast, a low-density plexus of DBH-immunoreactive terminals is apparent within BL and La (C, D) not showing any visible TH immunoreactivity.
Blue profiles in panels A and C represent cell nuclei stained with DAPI. Scale bar = 75 lm. Sections correspond to a Bregma level 8.2 to 8.3
from the Paxinos and Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Abbreviations: AIC, anterior intercalated islands; BL, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; BLA,
anterior aspect of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; Ce, central amygdaloid nucleus; CeLA, central–anterolateral subdivision; DAPI, 40 -6-
diamidino-2-phenylindole; D1R, dopamine D1 receptor; La, lateral nucleus; LPIC, lateral paracapsular cell masses; MPIC, medial paracapsular cell
masses; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

Structural characterization of the AIC neurons described in these islands (Brodal, 1947; Hall,
1972; Millhouse and DeOlmos, 1983; Millhouse, 1986).
The present results in Golgi-impregnated sections
MSNs of the AIC correspond to GABAergic cells
validate and extend previous observations on the
(Nitecka and Ben-Ari, 1987; McDonald and Augustine,
cytological organization of the intercalated cell islands.
1993; Paré and Smith, 1993a,b, 1994; Tamamaki et al.,
Application of the Golgi technique and its variants to the
2003; Marowsky et al., 2005; Perez de la Mora et al.,
adult rat brain (see Larriva-Sahd, 2006, 2008) revealed
2008, 2010). Primary dendrites of most AICs branch
novel cytological features and structural organization of
sparsely and, due to their bipolar character, lie along the
the anterior intercalated islands (AICs). In fact,
rostro-caudal axis remaining confined to the nuclear
utilization of long periods of impregnation disclosed that
neuropil. Unlike dendrites, the axon of an MSN leaves
the adult AICs are composed of numerous, tightly
the AIC and often projects to the Ce. This evidence
packaged, MSNs rather than the relatively sparse
confirms the original observations performed by
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 339

Fig. 14. Double immunolabeling of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, red) and dopamine D1 receptors (D1, green) (A, C) and of TH and dopamine
b-hydroxylase (DBH, green) (B, D) in the lateral and medial intercalated paracapsular islands (LPIC and MPIC) as visualized from adjacent
horizontal sections. A medium density of TH-immunoreactive terminals is found in the LPIC and MPIC (A, C; left panels) among nuclear profiles
stained blue with DAPI (left panels) and lack DBH immunoreactivity (B, D; right panels) and therefore represent dopamine nerve terminals.
Distances between the TH-immunoreactive terminals and the punctate D1-immunoreactive profiles of the PIC are in the micrometer range as seen
from the scale bars. Note, however, that within the surrounding areas a few double-labeled (TH- and DBH-immunoreactive) profiles (arrows) are
seen representing noradrenaline nerve terminals instead (B, D). Horizontal sections were taken at Bregma level 8.2 to 8.3 from the Paxinos and
Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Scale bar = 75 lm. Abbreviations: DAPI, 40 -6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DBH, dopamine b-hydroxylase; D1R,
dopamine D1 receptor; PIC, paracapsular intercalated islands; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Millhouse (1986) and those from more recent studies Millhouse, 1986), that might counterpart the TII neuron
(Royer et al., 2000; Marowsky et al., 2005; Geracitano identified here, were encountered in our Golgi-
et al., 2007) about the cytological features of both the impregnated material. At present, the possibility for an
AIC and PIC. Although the present observations on the intrinsic difference in neuronal types between the AIC
cytological appearance of the AIC confirms the early and other intercalated cell masses should be left as an
notion that the AIC belongs to the broad group of open question. That the internal organization of the AIC
intercalated neurons (Manko et al., 2011), it is clear neuropil is unique or, at least different from that in other
from a connectional perspective, that the AIC together groups of intercalated cell islands, remains to be
with the main intercalated islands may represent a defined. However, our ultrastructural analysis offers a
distinct subclass of amygdaloid intercalated islands. normative foundation for future comparative studies
Our Golgi observations support the early notion that aimed at defining subtle differences in synaptic
the AIC, like the intercalated cell masses in general, is organization between other intercalated cell islands.
composed of a double population of neurons that is Our study disclosed a hitherto unsuspected
medium- and large-sized neurons. In fact, correlative morphological complexity of the internal structure and
light and electron microscopy disclosed that the two connectivity of the PIC with the adjacent anterior
neuron types exhibit distinct cytological and subcellular commissure, BLA, and Ce nuclei of the amygdala.
organization. Unfortunately no large neurons (see Thus, in addition to the current view that the medial PIC
340 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 15. Distribution pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, red) and dopamine D1 receptor (D1R, green) immunofluorescent profiles (A) and TH and
dopamine b-hydroxylase (DBH, green) immunofluorescent profiles (B) in adjacent horizontal sections of the anterior basolateral nucleus (BLA) and
the lateral and medial intercalated paracapsular islands in horizontal sections of the amygdala. In the left panel (A), a moderate density of
TH-immunoreactive terminals with red immunofluorescence is found in the BLA; these represent dopamine terminals since they fail to show yellow
immunofluorescence and thus lack green DBH immunofluorescence (B). Note that DBH-immunoreactive terminals (green fluorescence in B) are
mainly found outside the BLA (B, arrows), and that only a weak D1R immunoreactivity, unevenly distributed, exists in BLA. Strong D1R
immunoreactivity (green) codistributing with TH-immunoreactive terminals (red) is present in the AIC and PIC (A). Nuclear profiles stained with DAPI
are shown. Bregma level 9.3 from the Paxinos and Watson stereotaxical atlas (1986). Scale bar = 75 lm. Abbreviations: AIC, anterior
intercalated islands; BLA, anterior basolateral nucleus; DAPI, 40 -6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DBH, dopamine b-hydroxylase; D1R, dopamine D1
receptor; LPIC, lateral paracapsular cell masses; MPIC, medial paracapsular cell masses, TH, tyrosine hydroxylase. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 16. Survey electron micrographs at the same magnification showing two neuron types in the anterior intercalated cell mass. (A) Putative
medium-sized spiny neuron. The cytoplasm contains short cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (arrowheads). N = Cell nucleus. (B) A
presumptive large spiny cell at the periphery of the nucleus, bounded by myelinated axons (asterisks). The neuron contains a lobulated nucleus (N)
surrounded by a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) with numerous electron-dense granules (arrows). Ol = oligodendrocyte. Adult
rat brain, lead–uranium contrast. Scale bars = 2 lm.

represents an inhibitory interface that controls the neurons may establish axonal contacts with dendrites of
trafficking of impulses between the BLA and Ce, our both BLA pyramidal cells and latero-capsular Ce
evidence further suggests that at least some medial PIC neurons (Fig. 7B). Furthermore, the medial PICs may
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 341

Fig. 17. Electron micrographs depicting the cytoplasmic contents of two presumptive neuron types in an anterior intercalated cell mass. (A) The
cytoplasm from a medium-sized neuron contains numerous mitochondria (arrowheads) and short, isolated cisterns of the rough endoplasmic
reticulum (arrows). Note the parallel arrangement of neurotubules (encircled) at the base of an emerging dendrite. (B) Large neuron with an
extensive Nissl area (rer) and with numerous lysosomes (double arrowheads). N = Cell nucleus, G = Golgi apparatus. Adult rat brain, lead–
uranium contrast. Scale bars = 0.5 lm.

Fig. 18. Synaptic types in the neuropil of the anterior intercalated cell mass. (A) A terminal axon (Ax) providing successive asymmetrical synapses
to a large dendritic spine (sp) and to a dendritic shaft (sh). (B) Specimen from an adult rat whose anterior commissure was cut 3 days before
sacrifice. Examples of a degenerating (encircled), shaft (asterisk), and spinous (hollow arrow) terminal are shown. Arrow = granular vesicles.
(C) An axo-somatic, symmetrical, terminal (asterisk). S = soma. (D) Synaptic terminal to a spine-like protuberance emerging from the soma (S).
(E) Synaptic bouton containing dense core (arrows) and small agranular vesicles. (F) An axo-somatic and axo-dendritic (encircled) terminal
containing large, dense-core, vesicles (arrow). Adult rat brain, lead–uranium contrast. Scale bars = 1 lm in A–D, and F, and 0.5 lm in E.
342 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

Fig. 19. Terminal degeneration in the neuropil of the anterior intercalated cell mass following interruption of the anterior commissure fibers.
(A) Numerous degenerating terminals (circles) and presumptive non-lesioned terminals apposing denderitic spines (hollow arrows). (B) Numerous
degenerating terminals exhibiting irregular profile and electron-dense matrix, adjacent to a synaptic bouton (upper left) and a dendrite (lower half).
(C) A degenerating bouton contacting a thin dendrite. Note the electron-dense material associated with the postsynaptic specialization (arrows).
(D) A degenerating bouton (db) synapsing a dendritic spine (Sp). Two electron-dense patches (az) are shown within the postsynaptic cytoplasm.
Note the association of an astrocytic process (Ap) with the degenerating bouton. (E) Tri-dimensional reconstruction from nineteen, successive
sections; one of them is shown in panel D. Dendrite and spine (green), postsynaptic electron-density (yellow), degenerating bouton (blue), and glial
process (red). Adult rat brain, lead–uranium contrast. Scale bars = 2 lm in A, 0.5 in B and C, 0.2 in D and E. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

not only control the trafficking of impulses from the BLA to and within the amygdala (Royer et al., 1999; Marowsky
Ce neuropil but also via putative inhibitory inputs to BLA et al., 2005; Perez de la Mora et al., 2008, 2010) the
neurons and neuropil (Figs. 5 and 7B). knowledge of their afferent and efferent connections is
crucial. In this work, we demonstrate that the neuropil of
the AIC and BLA receives axon collaterals and terminals
AIC connectivity. Relationship of the AIC with the from the caudal limb of the anterior commissure.
caudal component of the anterior commissure Although present and earlier (see Alheid et al., 2006)
Since the intercalated islands are regarded as inhibitory light microscopic observations defined an intimate
interfaces controlling the trafficking of nerve impulses to association between the fibers of the anterior
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 343

commissure and the AIC, no direct evidence for a intercalated cell masses, and is suited for the
synaptic interaction between them had been provided synchronic responses of the amygdalae at either side of
(see Kalisman et al., 2005). This prompted us to utilize the brain. A model gathering the structural basis
a group of animals whose anterior commissure was cut supporting the foregoing discussion is presented in
with a Halasz-type knife. Following short periods of Fig. 20.
survival, short enough to prevent collateral innervation
(Raisman and Field, 1973), numerous degenerating Immunohistochemical characterization of the DA and
synapses were found in the AIC neuropil, leading us to NA afferents and D1 receptors of AIC and PIC
conclude that ACc axons do, in fact, innervate the AIC.
This observation is regarded as highly relevant since it Since ultrastructural work by Pinto and Sesack (2008) has
implies that the AIC may not only be providing a link revealed that D1-immunoreactive spines and dendrites are
between the isocortex and the BLA and Ce commonly observed in intercalated cell islands, the
homolaterally (Berretta et al., 2005; Pinard et al., 2012), punctate D1 immunoreactivity we discovered within the
but also from the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. clusters of AIC and PIC nerve cells are probably located
Indeed, fibers arising from the amygdalar and isocortical on dendritic spines. No clear demonstration of the
nuclei and areas, respectively, that decussate via punctate D1 immunoreactivity in intercalated nerve cell
anterior commissural fibers (Jouandet and Hartenstein, bodies could be obtained. Previously, only a diffuse D1
1983; Condés-Lara et al., 2003; Hoover and Vertes, immunoreactivity could be found in the intercalated cell
2011) may exert a direct (i.e., synaptic) influence in the masses with confocal laser microscopy using transverse
AIC. Thus, it is plausible that the AIC represents a sections (Fuxe et al., 2003). Thus, the major target for
neuron cluster that is distinct from the broad group of dopamine in these intercalated cell masses may be
the dendrites, including both dendritic shafts (Asan,
1997) and spines. However, fiber and terminal D1
immunoreactivity has been observed in rat and primate
intercalated cell masses, but less commonly (Pinto and
Sesack, 2008; Muly et al., 2009).
With the triple immunolabeling procedures
demonstrating the presence of D1-, TH-, and DBH in the
same horizontal section we could confirm previous
evidence in transverse sections that the PICs are mainly
innervated by dopamine terminals. Thus, very few DBH-
immunoreactive terminals were found within the PICs.
We also obtained evidence for a clear rostro-caudal
gradient in the TH-immunoreactive networks innervating
the medial and lateral PICs with a high dopamine
innervation at the rostral level and very few TH-I
terminals remaining at the caudal levels (Fig. 8B, C). In
spite of this, the amount of D1-I in the caudal PIC
appeared to remain the same in line with previous
observations of the existence of a rostro-caudal gradient
of dopamine terminals in the main intercalated island
(Fuxe et al., 2003). In the AIC we also demonstrated a
high density of TH-I terminals in the presence of very
few DBH-immunoreactive terminals, which is evidence
for a rich dopamine innervation of these intercalated cell
masses even higher than the one found in the rostral PIC.
Additional evidence in this study also confirms the
existence of high densities of dopamine nerve terminal
networks in the latero-capsular part of the Ce, while
moderate densities were found in the BLA becoming
clearly reduced in the posterior part of the basolateral
nucleus, extending and validating previous work (Fuxe,
1965; Swanson, 1982; Brinley-Reed and McDonald,
Fig. 20. Diagrammatic representation of putative ipsi- and contra-
1999; see reviews by Fallon and Ciofi, 1992; Asan,
lateral circuitry and synaptic organization of the anterior intercalated
cell mass (AIC), as seen from a dorsal approach of the rat brain. 1998, and Perez de la Mora et al., 2010). Most of the
Arrows and arrowheads designate axons and axon terminals, TH-I terminals in the BLA and in the latero-capsular part
respectively. ACc = anterior commissure, pars caudalis; of the Ce lacked DBH-I but in the remaining part of the
ACr = anterior commissure, pars rostralis; BLA = basolateral com- basolateral complex a moderate plexus of DBH-I
plex and central nucleus (Ce) of the amygdala. The inset shows
convergent homolateral (red) and contralateral (i.e., commissural)
terminals were observed in line with previous work
amygdaloid afferences to the anterior intercalated cell mass in the (Fuxe, 1965; Fallon and Ciofi, 1992; Asan, 1998; Li
right side. The axon of the medium spiny neuron (black) resolves, in et al., 2002; Fuxe et al., 2003). The DA nerve terminal
turn, in the AIC proper, Ce, and BLA neuropil. networks appear to innervate preferentially parvalbumin-
344 D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347

positive GABAergic interneurons in the BLA (Pinard et al., modulation of MSNs in the PIC may be the direct
2008). However, only a weak D1-immunoreactivity was receptor–receptor interactions between extrasynaptic
observed in parts of the BLA and virtually absent within NMDA receptors (Rumbaugh and Vicini, 1999; Fellin
the lateral amygdaloid nucleus, in agreement with the et al., 2004) and D1 receptors supported by the
results of Pinto and Sesack (2008). In contrast, others existence of D1–NMDA receptor complexes (Lee et al.,
studying the rat BLA observed a widespread distribution 2002; Pickel et al., 2006). In view of the relative lack of
of D1-I (Maltais et al., 2000; Pickel et al., 2006; Muly synaptic convergence of glutamate and dopamine
et al., 2009) predominantly located in dendritic spines terminals on the intercalated cells (Pinto and Sesack,
but also on terminals as shown with immunoelectron 2008), the D1 receptors here are likely to be activated
microscopy. The reason for these discrepancies is mainly by dopamine, operating via volume transmission.
unknown but may be related to differences in the The major mechanism may, however, be the direct
immunohistochemical protocols. inhibition of the intercalated GABA neurons via
Unlike in the hypothalamus, it was difficult to observe postjunctional D1 receptors, causing activation of
TH immunoreactivity in many of the DBH-immunoreactive G-protein-coupled inward rectifier potassium channels
terminals of the amygdaloid regions analyzed. This may resulting in hyperpolarization and inhibition of impulse
reflect the relatively low amounts of TH protein in the flow (Marowsky et al., 2005). Reciprocal dopamine-
cortical noradrenergic terminal networks belonging to glutamate modulation of release could also be involved
the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system (see Hokfelt (Morari et al., 1998). In view of the striking D1 receptor/
et al., 1977). dopamine terminal mismatch in the caudal medial and
Based on the topographical relationship between lateral paracapsular intercalated GABA cells, this
D1- and TH-I in the main intercalated island and PIC, it extrasynaptic D1 receptor mechanism operating by
was suggested that dopamine neurotransmission in volume transmission is likely to be less efficient at these
these regions may occur, to a substantial degree, via caudal levels due to the longer distances of diffusion
volume transmission (Fuxe et al., 2003). The current involved in slow volume transmission (Fuxe et al., 2003),
results showing that the distances from the TH-immuno- as indicated above.
reactive terminals to the punctate D1-immunoreactive The AICs include clusters of GABAergic nerve cell
dendrites found in the AIC and rostral PIC are within the bodies of the amygdala projecting also to the basal
micrometer range indicate that a rapid, short-range, forebrain, especially to the substantia innominata and
extrasynaptic form of dopamine volume transmission the horizontal limb of the diagonal band (Paré and
may operate in both the PIC and AIC. However, around Smith, 1993a,b, 1994). Thus, the D1 receptor
50% of the TH-immunoreactive area in the sampled mechanism located in the anterior intercalated cell
field of the AIC appears to overlap with the masses could be of substantial importance by reducing
D1-immunoreactive area indicating the existence also of the activity of amygdaloidfugal outflow of these
a substantial degree of synaptic DA transmission via intercalated cell masses. In this way, the AIC can
D1 receptors in the AIC. In contrast, a long-distance markedly influence the cortical regions via effects on the
volume transmission may exist at the level of the caudal activity of, e.g., the large cholinergic cell groups of
PIC and caudal main intercalated island, where a the basal forebrain giving rise to major projections to the
considerable mismatch between D1-immunoreactive and cerebral cortex.
TH-immunoreactive structures seems to occur (Fuxe It is conceivable that under normal conditions the AIC
et al., 2003). and, presumably, the main intercalated island contribute
to keeping a low level of anxiety in the animal by
Functional considerations generating feed-forward inhibition within the ipsilateral
BLA and Ce. Furthermore, the AIC may also have a
Our structural and neurohistochemical findings underline role in synchronizing the firing pattern from one
the existence of an important D1 receptor mechanism in amygdala with that of the contralateral amygdala and
the AIC in line with the results obtained in the PIC (Quirk thus the anxiogenic outputs of both amygdalae. The
et al., 2003; Berretta et al., 2005; Marowsky et al., observation that the AIC receives a robust contingent of
2005), and in the main intercalated island (Manko et al., axon collaterals and terminals from the caudal limb of
2011) as demonstrated with neurophysiological the anterior commissure, including the commissural
techniques after activation of their glutamate afferents component of the stria terminalis (Jouandet and
from the prefrontal cortex. The output of the lateral and Hartenstein, 1983; Condés-Lara et al., 2003) highlights
medial paracapsular intercalated GABA neurons the AIC as a potential site of synergizing the responses
becomes markedly reduced by this D1 receptor generated in the amygdaloid nuclei at either side of the
mechanism operating via volume transmission with loss brain (Fig. 20).
of feed-forward inhibition of the BLA and anterior part of
Ce, respectively, and leading to increases in fear and
anxiety (Marowsky et al., 2005; see also Pape, 2005).
This may be true also for the D1 mechanism in the AIC.
The spatial relationship between the glutamate Our combined Golgi and immunohistochemical study
prefrontal cortex and dopamine terminals in the begins to characterize the AIC and PIC of the rat in
intercalated cell masses (Pinto and Sesack, 2008) terms of their structure including nerve cell bodies and
indicates that one mechanism for the D1 receptor dendrites and their putative afferents and efferents
D. Marcellino et al. / Neuroscience 226 (2012) 324–347 345

(Fig. 20). Our study gives for the first time morphological Everitt BJ, Cardinal RN, Parkinson JA, Robbins TW (2003) Appetitive
evidence for a synaptic interaction between dendrites behavior: impact of amygdala-dependent mechanisms of
emotional learning. Ann N Y Acad Sci 985:233–250.
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Fallon J, Ciofi P (1992) Distribution of monoamines within the
contralateral basal forebrain traveling in the caudal limb amygdala. In: Aggleton J, editor. The amygdala: neurobiological
of the anterior commissure. It is assumed that the aspects of emotion, memory, and mental dysfunction. New
structural link between the AIC with the homo- and York: Wiley-Liss, Inc.. p. 97–114.
contra-lateral amygdala and with the isocortex, should Fetissov SO, Bensing S, Mulder J, Le Maitre E, Hulting AL, Harkany
impact positively on the eventual understanding on the T, Ekwall O, Sköldberg F, Husebye ES, Perheentupa J, Rorsman
complex functional connectivity of the amygdala. F, Kämpe O, Hökfelt T (2009) Autoantibodies in autoimmune
polyglandular syndrome type I patients react with major brain
neurotransmitter systems. J Comp Neurol 513(1):1–20.
Acknowledgments—The authors deeply thank Dr Dorothy Pless Fellin T, Pascual O, Gobbo S, Pozzan T, Haydon PG, Carmignoto G
for the careful revision of the manuscript and to Gema Martı´nez (2004) Neuronal synchrony mediated by astrocytic glutamate
Cabrera for her valuable technical assistance. through activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. Neuron
This research was supported by grants from the Swedish Fiala JC (2005) Reconstruct: a free editor for serial section
Research Council, K2008-66X-00715-44-3 (K.F.), and by microscopy. J Microsc 218:52–61.
Fuxe K (1965) Evidence for the existence of monoamine neurons in
IN200508 (M.P.M.) from Dirección General de Apoyo al Personal
the central nervous system. IV. Distribution of monoamine nerve
Académico (DGAPA), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
terminals in the central nervous system. Acta Physiol Scand
México, Grant IN206511 (J.L.-S.).
Suppl 64(247):39–85.
Fuxe K, Dahlstrom A, Hoistad M, Marcellino D, Jansson A, Rivera A,
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(Accepted 31 August 2012)

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