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Organisation and forms of study...................................... ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS General information... How to register for entrance examinations Accommodation in dormitories . Links. Information for prospective foreign applicants.

7 7 8 8 9

Requirements for entrance examinations in individual fields of study A. AC!E"OR#S $RO%RAMME 10 11 21 22 a) ractical aptit!de test.. ") #$eoretical test ... II.A. ART OF !A" # ..

General information I.A. ART OF MUSI

. CONTIN&IN% MASTER#S $RO%RAMME General information ............................................................. I.%. ART OF MUSI %pecial re&!irements for entrance examinations................... II.%. ART OF !A" # %pecial re&!irements for entrance examinations.................... 2$ '( )'

C. $!' $RO%RAMME I. . ART OF MUSI ................................................................. &' &( '0 II. . ART OF !A" # ................................................................. Continuin( education...........................................................


T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty is +art of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague. T)e Fa*ulty is dire*ted -y t)e !ean. ,rof. /lastimil Mare0. along 1it) t)e Artisti* %oard and t)e A*ademi* Senate. 1)i*) is *om+osed of ele*ted re+resentati2es from t)e Fa*ulty3s a*ademi* staff. T)e Fa*ulty3s Se*retary is res+onsi-le for t)e Fa*ulty3s e*onomi* and o+erational management. T)ree /i*e4!eans are also immediately su-ordinate to t)e !ean5 ,rof. !orota Gremli*o26 is res+onsi-le for +edagogi*al and artisti* a*ti2ities. s*ien*e and resear*)7 ,rof. "oemi 86ru-o264 ,ffermanno26 is res+onsi-le for student affairs7 and ,)!r. Inge-org Rado94:6dn6 is res+onsi-le for international relations and *on*ert a*ti2ity.

T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU< offers t)e follo1ing a**redited uni2ersity4le2el +rogrammes of study5 I. Art of Music A. Bachelors Programme = t)ree4year +rogramme ;full4time< %. Continuing Masters Programme = t1o4year +rogramme. %a*)elor3s degree +rere>uisite in t)e rele2ant field ;full4time< . PhD Programme = ;full4time and +art4time< II. Art of 'ance A. Bachelors Programme = t)ree4year +rogramme ;full4time< %. Continuing Masters Programme = t1o4year +rogramme. %a*)elor3s degree +rere>uisite in t)e rele2ant field ;full4time< . PhD Programme = t)ree4year +rogramme ;full4time and +art4time< Bachelors Programme in the Art of Music: T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague offers t)e follo1ing fields of study 1it)in t)e s*o+e of t)e t)ree4year %a*)elor3s ,rogramme in t)e Art of Musi*5 +.+. ..+. 0.+. 0... 2.+. 2... 2.0. 3.+. 3... 3.0. 3.2. 3.3. 3.-. Com,osition Conductin( O,era 'irection 1oice $iano Or(an !ar,sic4ord 1iolin 1iola Cello 'ou/le /ass !ar, %uitar -.+. -... -.0. -.2. -.3. -.-. -.5. -.6. -.7. 5.+. 5... 5.0. 5.2. )lute O/oe Clarinet assoon )renc4 4orn Trum,et Trom/one Tu/a $ercussion Instruments Music T4eory Music 'irection Music Mana(ement Sound $roduction

As of t)e 2011?2012 a*ademi* year. t)e follo1ing fields of study are also a**redited and offered5 6. 6. 6. 6. +. .. 0. 2. $iano 8 9a:: 'ou/le /ass 8 9a:: Saxo,4one 8 9a:: $ercussion Instruments 8 9a::

Fields of study &.1. @.A. @.(. B.1. B.2. B.& and B.' are not offered e2ery year. Bachelors Programme in the Art of Dance: T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty ;CAMU< offers t)e follo1ing fields of study 1it)in t)e s*o+e of t)e t)ree4 year %a*)elor3s ,rogramme in t)e Art of Musi*5

7.+. 'ance $eda(o(y 7... C4oreo(ra,4y 7.0. 'ance T4eory +;. $antomime Field of study (.&. is not offered e2ery year.

Continuing Masters Programmes in the Art of Music and the Art of Dance All fields of study listed a-o2e in t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogrammes may -e *ontinued in t)e t1o4year Master3s ,rogrammes. Graduates of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme in ,iano. Strings or Dind Instruments may +ro*eed to t)e *ontinuing Master3s ,rogramme in )am-er ,erforman*e. EaFF fields 1ill -e offered starting in t)e 201'?201$ a*ademi* year. PhD Programmes Art of Music< Com,osition and Com,osition T4eory Inter,retation and Inter,retation T4eory Music T4eory Sound $roduction Music $roduction Art of 'ance< 'ance T4eory C4oreo(ra,4y and T4eory of C4oreo(ra,4y Non=1er/al and Comedy T4eatre and T4eory of T4eatre T)e +rofessional le2el of t)e study +rogramme is guaranteed -y t)e rele2ant do*toral -oards a++ointed -y t)e !ean of t)e Fa*ulty. T)e ,)! ,rogramme is a**redited in Fe*) language only.

The individual fields of study offered by the following departments are: !e+artment of !e+artment of om+osition ondu*ting = = om+osition ondu*ting

!e+artment of /oi*e and O+era

= O+era !ire*tion. /oi*e = ,iano. Organ. Car+si*)ord /iolin /iola ello !ou-le -ass Car+ Guitar Flute O-oe larinet %assoon Fren*) )orn Trum+et Trom-one Tu-a

!e+artment of Gey-oard Instruments !e+artment of String Instruments = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

!e+artment of Dind Instruments

!e+artment of ,er*ussion Instruments = ,er*ussion EaFF Inter+retation Se*tion = ,iano = HaFF = !ou-le -ass = HaFF = SaIo+)one = HaFF

= ,er*ussion Instruments = HaFF !e+artment of Musi* T)eory and Cistory = Musi* T)eory. Musi* !ire*tion. Musi* Management !e+artment of Musi*al Sound = Sound ,rodu*tion )am-er ,erforman*e Se*tion = )am-er ,erforman*e !e+artment of !an*e = !an*e ,edagogy. )oreogra+)y. !an*e T)eory

!e+artment of ,antomime = ,antomime T)e Gey-oard oo+eration Se*tion *olla-orates 1it) all t)e de+artments listed a-o2e. T)e Fa*ulty )ouses a musi* li-rary 1it) sound ar*)i2es. a sound studio for re*ording musi* and ele*tro4a*ousti* *om+osition +roHe*ts. a la-oratory for resear*) in musi*al a*ousti*s and t)e a*ousti*s of musi*al instruments. t)e O+era Studio. )am-er Musi* Se*tion and ontem+orary Musi* Studio. T)e Institute of Musi* T)eory and t)e Institute of !an*e T)eory 1ere esta-lis)ed in t)e Fa*ulty to su++ort t)e a*ti2ities of students and tea*)ers. T)e A*ademy3s Janguages entre and its S+orts. Re)a-ilitation and Mo2ement entre also *ontri-ute to t)e Fa*ulty3s +edagogi*al a*ti2ity. T)e *on*ert and artisti*4o+erational agenda is managed -y a s+e*ialised Artisti* O+erations de+artment. T)e te*)ni*al su++ort and administrati2e de+artments are managed -y t)e Se*retary of t)e Fa*ulty. T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU< offers artisti* as 1ell as s*ientifi* fields of study. In addition to t)e main artisti* fields. t)eir )istories and literatures as 1ell as ot)er artisti* su-He*ts. t)e study of t)ese fields also in*ludes su-He*ts in t)e )istory of musi* ;Cistory of Musi*<. musi*al aest)eti*s. ;Aest)eti*s<. musi* t)eory ;T)eory of om+osition. om+osition. om+osition Analysis. et*.<. *ultural edu*ation ;Cistory of Art and ulture. ,)iloso+)y<. language instru*tion. and +)ysi*al edu*ation. Students may also attend o+tional tea*)ing *ourses in t)eir *)osen fields. Students are re>uired to gi2e +u-li* +erforman*es during t)eir *ourse of study. T)e edu*ation +ro*ess is fo*used in +arti*ular on uni2ersity4le2el +re+aration of *om+re)ensi2ely de2elo+ed *reati2e and inter+retati2e talents for su**ess in artisti*. +edagogi*al. and t)eoreti*al?s*ientifi* +rofessions in +ra*ti*al musi* life. Graduates may em-ar9 on *areers as inde+endent *reati2e artists. soloists. mem-ers of artisti* -odies or ensem-les. or musi* tea*)ers at t)e se*ondary or +ost4se*ondary le2el7 t)ey may also 1or9 in arts. *on*e+tual or +rodu*tion en2ironments at +u-li* *ultural institutions. in radio. in tele2ision. at *on*ert agen*ies. in musi* +u-lis)ing. et*. Graduates in dan*e fields may -e*ome *)oreogra+)ers. tea*)ers or dan*e t)eorists in any area of dan*e. or 1or9 in t)eatres. -allet or dan*e ensem-les. in tele2ision. or as *riti*s or art dire*tors at -allet *om+anies. Graduates in ,antomime may 1or9 as 1riters. +erformers or +antomime tea*)ers. Graduates in Musi* T)eory and Cistory may -e*ome inde+endent resear*)ers in musi* t)eory. tea*)ers. musi* *riti*s. musi* managers or dire*tors. or sound engineers. T)e o-He*ti2e of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme in artisti* fields is an a**om+lis)ed. +rofessional mastery of t)e +arti*ular field and its te*)ni*al as+e*ts. Students are additionally eI+e*ted to master t)e uni2ersity4le2el fundamentals of t)e s*)olarly dis*i+lines of )istory. musi* t)eory and aest)eti*s. as 1ell as a general *ultural edu*ation as +res*ri-ed -y t)e *ourse +rogrammes. T)e t)eoreti*al foundation a*>uired in t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme ena-les its graduates to +ursue *areers in tea*)ing. *ultural +roHe*t management. or artisti* fields in or*)estras and *)am-er ensem-les. dan*e and +antomime *om+anies. et*. = in +ra*ti*al artisti* life generally. %a*)elor3s ,rogramme graduates in s*ientifi* fields are assumed to )a2e mastered t)e fundamentals of s*ientifi* resear*) met)ods and to )a2e a*>uired a -road 9no1ledge -ase for inde+endent a++li*ation in tea*)ing. +romotion. et*. T)e %a*)elor3s degree is a guarantee t)at graduates are a-le to orientate t)emsel2es inde+endently and a*ti2ely in t)e field and its dis*i+lines. t)at t)ey )a2e a *ommand of t)e a*>uired 9no1ledge. and t)at t)ey are a-le to *ommuni*ate t)at 9no1ledge to ot)ers in a *reati2e manner. In artisti* fields. t)e Master3s ,rogramme is fo*used +redominantly on t)e main field of study. on attaining t)e )ig)est le2el of mastery. and on integrating 9no1ledge into a -roader and more general

*onteIt. T)e Master3s ,rogramme graduate is an inde+endent *reati2e indi2idual. T)e *ore of t)e study +rogramme does not in2ol2e a*>uiring te*)ni*al s9ills. as t)ese are already assumed and eI+e*ted. Rat)er. t)e o-He*ti2e is to o+en u+ a s+a*e for +ersonal originality. ena-ling t)e student to freely and inde+endently find )is or )er o1n *reati2e +at). In s*ientifi* fields. t)e Master3s ,rogramme *on*entrates on mastering t)e s9ill of *reati2e t)eoreti*al refle*tion in artisti* +ra*ti*e. as 1ell as on t)e a-ility to +erform inde+endent s*ientifi* resear*) to furt)er de2elo+ t)e field. !o*toral students a*>uire t)e )ig)est +ossi-le le2el of edu*ation in t)e rele2ant field of study. T)e *ourse of study is fo*used on ea*) student3s distin*ti2e s*)olarly orientation. and *onstitutes +art of t)e +re+aration for graduates3 +ursuit of *areers in a*ademia or art +edagogy at uni2ersity art s*)ools. a*ademies or s*ientifi* institutions. et*. %a*)elor3s ,rogramme graduates at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU< re*ei2e t)e degree K%a*)elor of ArtsL. a--re2iated K%*A.L7 graduates of t)e Master3s +rogramme re*ei2e t)e degree KMaster of ArtsL. a--re2iated KMgA.L7 graduates of t)e ,)! +rogramme re*ei2e t)e degree K!o*tor of ,)iloso+)yL a--re2iated K,).!.L.

T)e Uni2ersity A*t. no. 111?1((A oll.. im+oses tuition fees on students studying more t)an one year -eyond t)e standard +eriod and for students studying in anot)er %a*)elor3s or Master3s +rogramme. T)e amount of t)e fees is set annually -y de*ision of t)e Re*tor of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts ;see )tt+5??111.amu.*F?amu?+red+isy?2ynosy4re9tora?+latne<.



Eli(i/ility A Bachelors Programme andidates are entitled to *ommen*e uni2ersity studies +ro2ided t)ey )a2e *om+leted a se*ondary. se*ondary 2o*ational or )ig)er 2o*ational edu*ation and +ass t)e entran*e eIamination. A student of eI*e+tional talent may -e a**e+ted to t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty at t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU< 1it)out )a2ing *om+leted a se*ondary s*)ool edu*ation. U+on *om+letion of t)e *ourse of study at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty ;CAMU<. )o1e2er. t)e student 1ill not -e eligi-le to re*ei2e an a*ademi* degree. B Continuing Masters Programme Ad2an*ement to t)e *ontinuing Master3s ,rogramme in all fields of study is -ased on t)e entran*e eIamination. A**e+tan*e into t)e +rogramme is *ontingent on *om+letion of a %a*)elor3s degree in t)e same field and a su**essful entran*e eIamination. C PhD Programme A**e+tan*e into t)e +rogramme is *ontingent on *om+letion of a Master3s degree in t)e same field ;or a related field<. t)e a*ademi* title MgA.. and a su**essful entran*e eIamination.

!o> to re(ister for entrance examinations

#ntran*e eIaminations are announ*ed -y t)e !ean of t)e Fa*ulty and +u-lis)ed on t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty3s 1e-site four mont)s +rior to t)e *losing date for a++li*ations.

T)e ,rinted electronic a,,lication form for t4e ac4elor#s $ro(ramme must -e sent no later t)an /y 0; Novem/er7 t)e closin( date for a,,lications to t4e continuin( Master#s $ro(ramme is 0+ Marc4. and t)at for a++li*ations to t)e $4' $ro(ramme is +3 May. A,,lications s4ould /e sent /y ,ost 1it) all en*losures to t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty ;CAMU<. !e+artment of Student Affairs. Malostrans9M n6mNstO 1&. 11A 00 ,rague 1. #ntran*e eIaminations for t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme are generally )eld in late Eanuary and early Fe-ruary. and for t)e Master3s and ,)! ,rogrammes in mid4Eune. Indi2iduals a++lying to multi+le fields of study must su-mit a se+arate a++li*ation and +ay a se+arate administrati2e fee for ea*) field. T)e C?@ 2;; administrative fee s)ould -e sent to t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty3s -an9 a**ount no. 1( $&B&1A02(B?0100 at G% in ,rague. *onstant sym-ol 0&B(. 2aria-le sym-ol @'(11 ;does not a++ly to Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty students<. T)e fee is non4refunda-le. "ote5 Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty students fill in an internal a++li*ation and do not +ay t)e administrati2e fee. Annexes to t4e a,,lication< 1. %a*)elor3s ,rogramme = +rofessional *urri*ulum 2itae. offi*ially *ertified *o+y of se*ondary s*)ool trans*ri+ts ;uni2ersity di+loma. if a++li*a-le< and +roof of +ayment of t)e administrati2e fee. A++li*ants for t)e field of *)oreogra+)y s)ould in*lude a 2ideo *assette ;/CS< or !/! *ontaining )eretofore un+erformed *)oreogra+)i* 1or9. All a++li*ants for fields in t)e Art of !an*e s)ould en*lose a medi*al *ertifi*ate *onfirming fitness for studies.

2. Master3s ,rogramme = artisti* *urri*ulum 2itae. +rogramme s)eet = i.e. an o2er2ie1 of a*ti2ity. *om+ositions learned or *reati2e 1or9s to date ;a++lies to all fields in t)e Art of Musi* and to t)e field of )oreogra+)y<. +roof of +ayment of t)e administrati2e fee. Graduates of ot)er uni2ersities must en*lose an offi*ially *ertified *o+y of t)eir %a*)elor3s di+loma. &. ,)! ,rogramme = o2er2ie1 of t)e +ro+osed dissertation +roHe*t. *urri*ulum 2itae. o2er2ie1 of +rofessional a*ti2ities. list of +u-lis)ed 1or9s or re*ordings 1it) musi* +u-lis)ers. do*umentation of +u-li* re*e+tion of 1or9. offi*ial *o+y of Master3s di+loma. +roof of +ayment of t)e administrati2e fee. A++li*ations 1)i*) are in*om+lete or late 1ill not -e in*luded in t)e admissions +ro*ess.


T)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty )as at its dis+osal +art of t)e -ed *a+a*ity at t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts dormitory in ,rague 1 as 1ell as a limited num-er of reser2ed -eds at t)e )arles Uni2ersity dormitory in ,rague '. All a**e+ted a++li*ants to t)e first year of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme 1)o send a re>uest for a**ommodation to t)e !e+artment of Student Affairs -y &0 A+ril 1ill re*ei2e a**ommodation at t)e dormitories. In 2ie1 of t)e fa*t t)at it is not t)e res+onsi-ility of t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty to se*ure a**ommodation for all its students. -eds are allo*ated in su-se>uent years of study a**ording to *riteria set -y t)e Fa*ulty.

More information on a**ommodation. *onditions of a**ommodation. +ri*es. ma+. et*. is a2aila-le on5 GOJ#E AMU ,RACA ;A*ademy of ,erforming Arts dormitory< )tt+5??111.amu.*F?no2in9y?amu?organiFa*ni4stru9tura?9oleH4a4u*e-ni4stredis9o GOJ#E UG ,RACA ; )arles Uni2ersity dormitory< )tt+5??111.*uni.*F?UG4@@A.)tml


)tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?9atedry )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?meFinarodni4oddeleni )tt+5??111.amu.*F?info4sluF-y?9ni)o2ny4amu?9ni)o2na4)amu )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?fa9ulta?a9ademi*9e4organy )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?fa9ulta?fotogalerie

)tt+5??111.amu.*F?studium )tt+5??111.amu.*F?no2in9y?amu?organiFa*ni4stru9tura?9atedra4*iFi*)4HaFy9u )tt+5??111.amu.*F?no2in9y?amu?organiFa*ni4stru9tura?9atedra4telesne42y*)o2y


All +ro2isions. re>uirements and *onditions +ertaining to entran*e eIaminations a++ly to foreigners as 1ell.

! "tudies in C#ech $free of charge% In addition to t)e re>uired anneIes. t)e a++li*ation must in*lude a *ertified *o+y of a do*ument attesting to *om+letion of +re2ious edu*ation translated into Fe*). and a *onfirmation of 9no1ledge of t)e Fe*) language at an ad2an*ed intermediate le2el ;%1< or -etter. T)e 8G '00 administrati2e fee s)ould -e sent eit)er to t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty3s 8G a**ount ;see a-o2e< or t)roug) a foreign -an9 to t)e follo1ing address5 G%. Malostrans9M n6m. 2&. 11A 00 ,rague 1 4 SDIFT O!#5 GOM% 8,,PPP. I%A" format of t)e G% a**ount5 8$&010000001($&B&1A02(B. Foreigners ;1it) t)e eI*e+tion of *itiFens of Slo2a9ia< are re>uired to +erform all +arts of t)e entran*e eIaminations in Fe*) and su**essfully +ass a test of Fe*) language a-ility ;test of grammar and s*)olarly *on2ersation<. A**ording to t)e results of t)e language test. a de*ision 1ill -e made as to 1)et)er t)e a++li*ant is *a+a-le of *om+leting t)e *ourse of study in Fe*). If t)e de*ision is negati2e. t)e o+tion of +aid studies 1ill -e dis*ussed 1it) t)e a++li*ant.

& "tudies in 'nglish $paid% Foreigners may only a++ly for +aid studies in #nglis) in fields in 1)i*) t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty )as re*ei2ed a**reditation for foreign4language instru*tion. %a*)elor3s and Master3s4le2el t)eoreti*al fields *annot -e studied in a foreign language. T)e ,)! ,rogramme is only a**redited in Fe*). T)e 8G '00 administrati2e fee s)ould -e sent t)roug) a foreign -an9 to t)e follo1ing address5 G%. Malostrans9M n6m. 2&. 11A 00 ,rague 1 4 SDIFT O!#5 GOM% 8,,PPP. I%A" format of t)e G% a**ount5 8$&010000001($&B&1A02(B. In addition to t)e re>uired en*losures. t)e ele*troni* a++li*ation must in*lude a Fe*) translation of an offi*ially *ertified *o+y of a do*ument attesting to t)e )ig)est +re2ious edu*ation *om+leted. Information on studies and tuition fees is a2aila-le on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studiesQsetRlanguageSen. A++li*ations 1)i*) are in*om+lete or late 1ill not -e in*luded in t)e admissions +ro*ess.



ac4elor#s $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) M&SIC


T)e entran*e eIamination *onsists of5

a) a practical aptitude test Instrumental or 2o*al +erforman*e. +resentation of *om+ositions. demonstration of talents and te*)ni*al a-ilities. Unless stated ot)er1ise. a *ondition of admission is an instrumental or 2o*al +erforman*e from memory. "OT#5 andidates 1ill arrange t)eir o1n +iano a**om+animent

b) a test of music theory and music history All *andidates 1)o +ass t)e +ra*ti*al a+titude test ;i.e. t)ose 1)o re*ei2ed t)e re>uired num-er of +oints for ad2an*ement and 1ere also re*ommended for admission -y t)e eIamination *ommission< are re>uired to attend an oral eIamination in t)e su-He*ts of Cistory of Musi* and Carmony. An eIem+tion is granted for t)e ot)er dis*i+lines of musi* t)eory if t)e *andidate demonstrates t)at t)e final *lassifi*ation for t)e su-He*ts in >uestion on t)e trans*ri+t of t)e *onser2atory ;or GE" in ,rague 1it) a musi*al s+e*ialisation<. does not s)o1 a mar9 of 1orse t)an a 2 in t)ese su-He*ts ;s+e*ifi*ally5 Musi*al Forms. ounter+oint. Musi*al Instruments. Intonation7 t)is eIem+tion does not a++ly to *andidates in t)e field of Musi* T)eory<. If a *andidate fails an eIamination in t)eoreti*al su-He*ts. )e or s)e may attend a *orre*ti2e eIamination in t)ose su-He*ts 1)i*) )e or s)e did not +ass. during a set term. If t)e a++li*ant does not +ass t)e *orre*ti2e eIamination. )e or s)e *annot -e a**e+ted for studies at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty. An eI*e+tionally talented *andidate ;)a2ing re*ei2ed at least 2& +oints in t)e a+titude test< 1)o did not +ass t)e eIamination in t)eory 1ill -e re>uired to attend t)is eIamination during t)e first year ;+rior to t)e +eriod of eIaminations -efore t)e oun*il of !eans<7 ot)er1ise )e or s)e 1ill not -e registered for a )ig)er a*ademi* year.


Ad aB $rerequisites and requirements for ,ractical a,titude tests

+.+. COM$OSITION 'ntrance re(uirements: onsidera-le *om+osition talent. de2elo+ed general musi* a-ility. *on2in*ing +rofi*ien*y in *om+ositional te*)ni>ues. +rofound 9no1ledge of musi*al and t)eoreti*al dis*i+lines at t)e *onser2atory le2el. general *ultural 9no1ledge. Practical e)amination: 1< su-mission of one3s o1n *om+ositions and t)eir +erforman*e on t)e +iano or ot)er instrument. or from a re*ording 2< a-ility to analyse one3s o1n *om+ositions and t)ose of ot)ers &< 1ritten eIamination5 test of +ra*ti*al s9ill and eItem+oraneity in )armony ;)armonising 1it) a gi2en melody< and in *ounter+oint ;*om+osing a %aro>ue fugue< = -ot) 1it)out t)e use of a +iano '< +iano +erforman*e = sam+le +laying

..+. CON'&CTIN% 'ntrance re(uirements: onsidera-le *ondu*ting talent. inter+retati2e s9ills. de2elo+ed musi*al ear. eItem+oraneous +laying a-ility on t)e +iano. mastery of manual *ondu*ting te*)ni>ues. general *ultural 9no1ledge. Practical e)amination: 1< artisti* +erforman*e a< *ondu*ting from t)e +iano5 one *om+lete sym+)ony -y D. A. MoFart ;nos. &(. '0. '1< or J. 2an %eet)o2en ;nos. 14A< of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e -< *ondu*ting from t)e +iano5 one *om+lete sym+)ony -y A. !2oT69 ;nos. $ 4 (< or ,.I. T*)ai9o2s9y ;nos. '. $. @< of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e *< *ondu*ting re*itati2es from t)e first a*t of %. Smetana3s o+era KT)e %artered %rideL d< re)earsal *ondu*ting a *)am-er grou+ ;e.g. a string >uartet<7 t)e s*ore 1ill -e gi2en to t)e *andidate one )alf )our +rior to t)e eIamination e< +erforman*e on an instrument of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e f) +iano +erforman*e = t)ree etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e5 lementi4Taussig = Gradus ad ,arnassum . Ferny = O+. B'0. T)e Art of Finger !eIterity E. %. rammer = sele*tion of @0 etudes One -aro>ue *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e E.S. %a*) = T1o and T)ree4,art In2entions E.S. %a*) = Fren*) Suites ;sele*tion of indi2idual +arts< E.S. %a*) = T)e Dell4Tem+ered la2ier One *lassi*al *om+osition and +laying from s)eet musi* = moderately diffi*ult +iano arrangement 2< 1ritten +art5 aural di*tation ;notation of one to four +arts< &< oral +art5 a< formal and *om+re)ensi2e analysis of t)e sym+)ony 1)i*) t)e *andidate *ondu*ted from t)e +iano -< eIamination of t)e *andidate3s s*o+e of 9no1ledge of o+erati* and sym+)oni* literature *< eIamination of t)e *andidate3s 9no1ledge of general *ultural )istory


D)ile *ondu*ting from t)e +iano. t)e *andidate is not to -e a**om+anied -y )is or )er o1n a**om+anist nor is it ne*essary for t)e *andidate to -ring )is or )er o1n +iano arrangements. T)e *andidate may *ondu*t re*itati2es eit)er from a s*ore or from a +iano arrangement.

0.+. O$ERA 'IRECTION 'ntrance re(uirements: onsidera-le dire*ting talent. inter+retati2e. stage4design and musi*al *reati2ity. de2elo+ed musi*al s9ills. eItem+oraneous +laying a-ility on t)e +iano. orientation in sym+)oni* and o+erati* s*ores. -asi* 9no1ledge of t)e )istori*al de2elo+ment of t)eatre and o+era. general *ultural 9no1ledge. organisational s9ills. a-ility to 1or9 in a team. Practical e)amination: 1< musi*al and dramati* analysis of t)ree o+eras of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e 2< *reation of a stage +lan. s9et*)es of t)e stage design and dire*tor3s *on*e+t of t)e sele*ted o+eras &< detailed ela-oration. re)earsal and +erforman*e of one s*ene from ea*) sele*ted o+era ;*andidates are re>uired to -ring t)eir o1n model< '< -asi* 9no1ledge of t)eatre )istory. in +arti*ular o+era )istory $< 9no1ledge of +iano arrangement

0... 1OICE 'ntrance re(uirements: onsidera-le singing talent. +)ysiologi*al +rere>uisites for )ealt)y 2oi*e de2elo+ment. inter+retati2e *reati2ity. de2elo+ed musi*al s9ills. good musi*al memory. 9no1ledge of o+erati* and song literature. general *ultural 9no1ledge. good stage +resen*e. Practical e)amination $with his o her own piano accompaniment%: 1< determination of 2o*al range 2< one aria -y one of t)e old masters ;1Bt) or 1At) *entury< &< t1o Fe*) songs ;from t)e +eriod of %. Smetana to t)e +resent< '< one aria from a Fe*) o+era. one aria from a 1orld o+era7 -ot) arias must -e a*ted ;suita-le stage +resen*e is a *ondition of a**e+tan*e< $< re*itation of a s)ort +oem

2. @E* OAR' INSTR&MENTS 'ntrance re(uirements ;a++lies to all 9ey-oard instrument fields<5 onsidera-le instrumental talent ;a +rere>uisite for t)e study of t)e *)osen instrument<. general musi*ians)i+ ;eI*ellent memory. sense of r)yt)m. tem+o. et*.<. musi*al in2enti2eness and a-ility to re+rodu*e musi*al styles. good state of )ealt). +sy*)ologi*al +rere>uisites. general *ultural 9no1ledge.

2.+. $iano Practical e)amination: 1< one +relude and fugue from KT)e Dell4Tem+ered la2ierL -y E.S. %a*) 2< t1o *on*erto etudes. at least one -y )o+in &< one mo2ement from a sonata or 2ariation from t)e lassi*al +eriod ;Caydn. MoFart. %eet)o2en. et*.<. se+arate 2ariations may also -e +erformed ;e.g. %eet)o2en3s K&2 /ariationsL<. or a se+arate *om+osition in sonata form '< one *om+osition -y a distinguis)ed Fe*) *om+oser of at least t)ree minutes in lengt). or multi+le *om+ositions of no more t)an eig)t minutes in *om-ined lengt) $< one *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e from t)e Romanti* +eriod


T)e eIamination *ommittee 1ill sele*t four *om+ositions from t)e re>uired re+ertoire 1)i*) t)e *andidate 1ill +erform during t)e eIamination. T)e *om+ositions may -e +layed in any order. ,erforman*e from memory is a +rere>uisite for a**e+tan*e.

2... Or(an Practical e)amination: 1< E.S. %a*)5 one fast mo2ement from t)e Trio Sonata or one fast *)orale trio 2< one larger *om+osition -y E.S. %a*) ;,reludes and Fugues. To**atas and Fugues. ,assa*aglia< &< one larger Romanti* 1or9 '< one *ontem+orary 1or9 or mo2ement from a *om+osition *y*le $< +iano +erforman*e = t)ree etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e

2.0. !ar,sic4ord Practical e)amination: 1< free form from t)e 1Bt) *entury ;e.g. To**atas -y E. Fro-erger. M. Rossi. et*.< 2< one suite -y a Fren*) %aro>ue *om+oser ;J. ou+erin. et*.< or F. ou+erin = A +reludes from KJ3art de tou*)er le *la2e*inL &< !. S*arlatti = 2 sonatas ;of 2irtuoso *)ara*ter< from memory '< *om+ositions -y E.S. %a*) = ;Fren*) suite or ' sinfonias or 2 +reludes and fugues from KT)e Dell4 Tem+ered la2ierL<

3. STRIN% INSTR&MENTS 'ntrance re(uirements: onsidera-le instrumental talent. de2elo+ed musi*ians)i+ and +erforming a-ility. state of )ealt) and manual a-ility suita-le for t)e *)osen instrument. refined general musi*al s9ills ;in +arti*ular intonation<. a-ility to re+rodu*e 2arious musi*al styles. good 9no1ledge of t)e instrument3s literature. general *ultural 9no1ledge.

3.+. 1iolin Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree4o*ta2e and four4o*ta2e sim+le s*ales ;min. A4note legato<. ar+eggios. dou-le s*ales ;in*l. fingering o*ta2es and tent)s< 2< a< one ,aganini etude. O+. 1 = a+ri*es -< one ,aganini etude. O+. 1 = a+ri*es ;ot)er t)an t)at +erformed in Ka<L a-o2e<7 or Diena1s9i = a+ri*es O+. 10. nos. 24B7 or E. !ont = #tudes and a+ri*es O+. &$ &< E.S. %a*) = t1o mo2ements from t)e Sonatas and ,artitas. one of 1)i*) must demonstrate *)ord4 +laying a-ility '< re>uired 1or95 first mo2ement of MoFart3s on*erto in G4maHor. !4maHor or A4maHor 1it) *adenFa $< a Romanti* or modern 2iolin *on*erto ,erforman*e from memory is a +rere>uisite for a**e+tan*e.

3... 1iola Practical e)amination: 1< s*ales = see re>uirements for t)e 2iolin. 1it)out fingering o*ta2es and tent)s


2< t1o etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e5 a< E. !on3t. O+. &$ -< %. am+agnoli *< E. Cerold &< MaI Reger5 Suite ;one of t)ree< '< a *lassi*al *on*erto = first mo2ement ;G. Stami*. F.A. Cofmeister< $< a Romanti* or modern *on*erto or sonata ,erforman*e from memory is a +rere>uisite for a**e+tan*e.

3.0. Cello Practical e)amination: 1< s*ales5 sim+le t)ree4o*ta2e ;min. A4note legato< and dou-le s*ales. ar+eggios 2< t1o etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;!. ,o++er O+. B& or. instead of a se*ond etude -y ,o++er. A. ,iatti = 12 a+ri**ios. or F. GrUtFma*)er = se*ond -oo9< &< E.S. %a*)5 ,relude and t1o ot)er mo2ements from t)e solo suites '< re>uired 1or95 first mo2ement from a *on*erto -y E. Caydn or J. %o**)erini 1it) *adenFa $< a Romanti* or modern *on*erto ,erforman*e from memory is a +rere>uisite for a**e+tan*e.

3.2. 'ou/le /ass Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree4o*ta2e s*ales and ar+eggios. dou-le s*ales 2< t1o etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e5 VernW. Certl. Simandl &< E.S. %a*) or C. FrW-a = t1o +arts of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e '< re>uired 1or95 first mo2ement of t)e *on*erto -y S. Gousse2itF9y $< *on*erto or sonata of t)e ty+e -y !ragonetti. #**les. Candel. ,i*)l or /aX)al ,erforman*e from memory is a +rere>uisite for a**e+tan*e.

3.3. !ar, Practical e)amination: 1< at least t1o etudes. of 1)i*) one must -e -y E. T)omas. #. S*)midt. or #. S*)Ue*9er 2< a *om+lete sonata -y F.A. RYssler4Rosetti or E.J. !usO9 &< a *on*erto or a *on*erto 1or9 of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;e.g. MoFart. Candel. Grum+)olF<

3.-. %uitar Practical e)amination: 1< sim+le s*ales. t)irds. siIt)s. o*ta2es. tent)s and *)ords 2< E.S. %a*) = t1o mo2ements ;slo1. fast< of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e or &< C. /illa4Jo-os = t1o etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e '< a *y*li*al *om+osition from t)e 1orld guitar re+ertoire $< a 2irtuoso *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e



-. CIN' INSTR&MENTS 'ntrance re(uirements ;a++lies to all 1ind instrument fields<5 onsidera-le instrumental talent. de2elo+ed musi*al imagination. refined general musi*ians)i+ ;in +arti*ular intonation. sense of r)yt)m and tem+o<. state of )ealt) and +sy*)ologi*al dis+osition suita-le for studying t)e *)osen instrument. 9no1ledge of t)e instrument3s literature. general *ultural 9no1ledge.

-.+. )lute Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes = A.S. FUrstenau. E.A. Andersen O+. 1$. #. GY)ler O+. B$. or ,. EeanHean 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.

-... O/oe Practical e)amination: 1< t1o etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e = /. Ferling. ,. Rode. F. a+elle. G. Mille. . ,aessier 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.

-.0 Clarinet Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes. of 1)i*) t1o must -e a+ri*es -y #. a2alini and one etude of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;R. Star9. A. U)l. ,. EeanHean< 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.



Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes. of 1)i*) t1o must -e from KR)yt)mi*al #tudesL -y G. ,i2oX9a and one from t)e *on*erto etudes -y J. Milde 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e

-.3 )renc4 4orn Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes ;t1o te*)ni*al and one inter+retati2e5 C. Gling = '0 #tudes. A. %elloli = !odi*i studi +rogressi2i. M. Al+)onse = %oo9 I/<


2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.

-.-. Trum,et Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes 1)ose te*)ni*al le2el *orres+onds to t)at of t)e Bt) or At) +art of t)e E. Gol6T S*)ool or t)e K/irtuoso #tudesL -y T. )arlier 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.

-.5 Trom/one Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;F. /o-aron = '0 #tudes for Trom-one7 E. Go+ras*) = #tudes for Trom-one. %oo9 II7 E. U069 = /irtuoso #tudes for Trom-one7 one of t)e /irtuoso #tudes -y E. U069 is *om+ulsory< 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er large *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< One of t)e 1or9s sele*ted must -e from t)e lassi*al +eriod.

-.6 Tu/a Practical e)amination: 1< t)ree etudes of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;e.g. E. Go+ras*). /. ConFa = Sele*tion of #tudes< 2< t1o *ontrasting mo2ements ;free. fast< from a *on*erto or anot)er free form *on*erto *om+osition ;from memory< &< a sonata ;sonatina< T)e field is o+en in eI*e+tional *ases only and for eI*ellent *andidates 1)o are a*ti2ely +ursuing solo and *)am-er +erforman*e. *ote Starting in t)e t)ird semester. t)e de+artment offers o+tional training in t)e follo1ing se*ondary instruments5 @.1 @.2 @.& @.' @.$ @.@ @.B ,i**olo. Alto flute or anglais ;#nglis) Corn< #4flat *larinet. %ass *larinet. SaIo+)one !ou-le -assoon "atural )orn A. % +i**olo trum+et. %ugle Alto trom-one. %ass trom-one


-.7. $ERC&SSION INSTR&MENTS 'ntrance re(uirements: Mastery of +laying te*)ni>ue at least on t)e le2el of a graduate of t)e 't) year of *onser2atory training. i.e. on t)e le2el of t)e s*)ool4lea2ing eIamination.

+B Multi=,ercussion set=u, One *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e from t)e follo1ing list or anot)er *om+osition of a similar le2el and fo*us. Dilliam Graft = Fren*) suite Ri*9 Taga1a = Ins+irations !ia-oli>ue )arles %oone = T)e Datts To1ers Ea*>ues !ele*luse = $ +iZ*es -rZ2es !a2id Jang = T)e An2il )orus .B Marim/aD vi/ra,4one One *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e from t)e follo1ing list. one mo2ement of a solo *on*erto or anot)er *om+osition of a similar le2el and fo*us ;at least +art re>uiring t)e use of four drumsti*9s<. A9ira Miyos)i = on2ersation Minoru Mi9i = Time for Marim-a Gary %urton = @ ,ie*es for /i-ra+)one Solo Eose+ Soler = I *om el *ant del rossiynol Grystyna MosFuma[s9a4"aFar = & on*erto #tudes ;one of t)em< 0B Required >orEs< I. 8elen9a = aden*e from Fantasy for Tim,ani and !rums ;from memory< !. Agostini = Mar*)4GoulM 1. 2. & for small drum ;-oo9 no. $< 2B Im,rovisation on a +er*ussion instrument for t)e eIamination *ommittee ;&4$ minute< 3B A s)ort prima vista ;sig)t4reading< eIamination to determine sense of r4yt4m and r4yt4mic memory


5.+ M&SIC T!EOR* 'ntrance re(uirements: 1< t)oroug) 9no1ledge of t)e )istory of musi* and musi*4t)eoreti*al dis*i+lines5 )armony. *ounter+oint. musi*al forms. musi*al instruments and intonation at t)e le2el of a *onser2atory graduate. 2< strong orientation in t)e systemati*s and terminology of *lassi*al )armony. +rofi*ien*y in )armoni* analysis of a gi2en sam+le in a *ertain style from tonal to *om+leI )armony. a-ility to )armonise a gi2en melody. a-ility to ela-orate figured -ass. a-ility to *om+ose modulating )armoni* mo2ements -ased on gi2en 9eys &< +ra*ti*al 9no1ledge of *ounter+oint te*)ni>ues in 2o*al and instrumental +oly+)ony. a-ility to analyse *ounter+oint mo2ements from t)e +oint of 2ie1 of a++lied *om+ositional te*)ni>ues '< strong orientation in t)e systemati*s and terminology of musi*al forms. 9no1ledge of %aro>ue. lassi*al and l(t)4*entury musi*al forms and genres. a-ility to analyse t)e form of a lassi*al sonata $< inde+endent *reati2e t)oug)t in t)e field of musi* t)eory @< orientation in t)e fundamental 1or9s of Fe*) musi* t)eory B< +ra*ti*al a-ility on a 9ey-oard instrument = sam+le +laying The aptitude test consists of: 1< a 1ritten eIamination 2< an oral eIamination and inter2ie1. during 1)i*) t)e *andidate must demonstrate t)e re>uired 9no1ledge and s9ills

5.. M&SIC 'IRECTION T)is *ourse *an -e studied as a se*ond maHor field *ommen*ing no sooner t)an in t)e se*ond year of study at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU<. T)erefore. t)e student must su**essfully *om+lete t)e entran*e eIamination and *ommen*e studies in t)e fields of *om+osition. *ondu*ting. organ or any of t)e ot)er a++lied musi* fields. #I*e+tionally. musi* dire*tion may -e studied as an inde+endent maHor su-He*t. 'ntrance re(uirements: 1< *om+eten*e in relia-le aural analysis at t)e *onser2atory le2el not only in t)e areas of tonal +it*)es. )armony and intonation. -ut also in t)e areas of tim-res. metro4r)yt)mi* stru*tures and dire*tional )earing 2< 9no1ledge of musi*4t)eoreti*al dis*i+lines at t)e le2el of *onser2atory *urri*ulum &< orientation in s*ores '< a -asi* analyti*al orientation in musi*al styles and *om+ositional te*)ni>ues $< a-ility in inde+endent *riti*al Hudgement of a musi*al *om+osition and its inter+retation @< +ersonality traits suita-le for dire*tion 1or9. inter+ersonal s9ills B< a +iano +erforman*e from s)eet musi* = sam+le +laying The aptitude test consists of: 1< a 1ritten eIamination 2< an oral eIamination and inter2ie1. during 1)i*) t)e *andidate must demonstrate t)e re>uired 9no1ledge and s9ills &< a test in +ra*ti*al a++li*ation of aural a-ilities

5.0. M&SIC MANA%EMENT T)is su-He*t is taug)t at t)e Musi* Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague ;AMU<. alt)oug) students attend le*tures on e*onomi*s and la1 toget)er 1it) film and t)eatre +rodu*tion students. T)ese su-He*ts are arranged -y t)e Film and Tele2ision S*)ool ;FAMU< and?or t)e T)eatre Fa*ulty ;!AMU<. 'ntrance re(uirements:


1< su**essful *om+letion of an eIam in general 9no1ledge of art )istory and t)eory ;)istory and t)eory of film. tele2ision. radio. t)eatre. literature and fine arts. 9no1ledge of t)e state of art and *ulture in t)e Fe*) Re+u-li*<. -asi* e*onomi* *on*e+ts. mat)emati*s ;+rimary s*)ool le2el<. t1o foreign languages ;t)e *andidate 1ill s+e*ify in t)e a++li*ation 1)i*) t1o maHor 1orld languages )e or s)e 1ill -e tested in at t)e se*ondary s*)ool le2el7 #nglis) is re>uired<. a test of t)e intelle*tual and +sy*)ologi*al +rere>uisites for study and su**essful +ursuit of t)e *)osen field 2< a -asi* orientation in t)e )istory of musi*. in elementary musi* t)eory and in *ontem+orary Fe*) and 1orld musi* *ulture &< general musi*ians)i+. a good musi*al ear '< +rere>uisites for managing +ra*ti*al tas9s in t)e area of musi* management

The aptitude test consists of: 1< a 1ritten test of +ra*ti*al 9no1ledge and general *ultural 9no1ledge. +ra*ti*al 9no1ledge of t)e lassi*al musi* re+ertoire -ased on listening to sele*ted musi* sam+les 2< a 1ritten eIamination in #nglis) and anot)er maHor 1orld language &< oral eIaminations and inter2ie1s. during 1)i*) t)e *andidate must demonstrate t)e re>uired t)eoreti*al and +ra*ti*al 9no1ledge. s9ills and +rere>uisites for study.

5.2. SO&N' $RO'&CTION T)e t)eoreti*al and +ra*ti*al +arts of t)e a+titude test 1ill as*ertain t)e *andidate3s talent. i.e. aural differentiation and memory. sound *reati2ity and a-ility to analyse sound information in >uantitati2e and >ualitati2e res+e*ts. a -asi* orientation in a*ousti*s. ele*troni*s and sound te*)nology. 9no1ledge of musi*al styles. genres and musi* instruments 1it) res+e*t to t)eir sound. and general *ultural 9no1ledge. T)e first +art of t)e a+titude test *onsists of a te*)ni*al minimum ;in 1ritten form< 1)i*) eIamines t)e *andidate3s 9no1ledge of -asi* +)ysi*al units. +)enomena and la1s ;+arti*ularly in t)e areas of ele*troni*s and a*ousti*s< and fun*tional +rin*i+les of sound and *om+uter te*)nology. a *ultural and so*ial minimum ;in 1ritten form< 1)i*) tests t)e *andidate3s 9no1ledge of +rominent musi*al as 1ell as ot)er artisti* and s*ientifi* +ersonalities and t)eir 1or9s. in*luding an o2er2ie1 of *ultural e2ents in so*iety. and an aural +art 1)i*) eIamines t)e *andidate3s -asi* orientation in melody and r)yt)m a**ording to musi*al notation7 in +it*). 2olume and sound tim-re7 in t)e stereo+)oni* +i*ture of a musi*al re*ording7 and in t)e identifi*ation of musi*al styles. *om+osers and t)eir 1or9s. T)e first +art of t)e a+titude test is assessed se+arately. T)e *andidate ad2an*es to t)e se*ond +art of t)e a+titude test and t)e musi* t)eory eIamination only if )e or s)e +asses t)e first +art. See details on )tt+5??F2u9.)amu.*F.


FA?? )IE"'S

6. +. $IANO 8 FA?? ,ra*ti*al eIamination5 a< -< *< one mainstream *om+osition one modern HaFF *om+osition or one original *om+osition im+ro2isation on a gi2en t)eme ;e.g. !. #llington = Ham -lues. %lue7 !. %ru-e*9 = Ta9e Fi2e<

ara2an7 T. Mon9 = Mon9

6. .. 'O& "E

ASS 8 FA??

,ra*ti*al eIamination5 a< one mainstream *om+osition -< one modern HaFF *om+osition or one original *om+osition *< im+ro2isation on a gi2en t)eme ;e.g. !. #llington = Ham -lues. %lue7 !. %ru-e*9 = Ta9e Fi2e<

ara2an7 T. Mon9 = Mon9

6. 0. SAXO$!ONE 8 FA?? ,ra*ti*al eIamination5 a< one mainstream *om+osition -< one modern HaFF *om+osition or one original *om+osition *< im+ro2isation on a gi2en t)eme ;e.g. !. #llington = Ham -lues. %lue7 !. %ru-e*9 = Ta9e Fi2e<

ara2an7 T. Mon9 = Mon9

6.2. $ERC&SSION INSTR&MENTS 8 FA?? ,ra*ti*al eIamination5 a< -< *< d< e< one *om+osition re+resenting Afro4 u-an r)yt)ms one *om+osition re+resenting %ig %and EaFF one *om+osition re+resenting )am-er EaFF im+ro2isation for *. $ minutes a s)ort prima vista ;sig)t4reading< eIamination to determine sense of r)yt)m


Ad /B Requirements for t4e entrance examination in t4eory

T)e eIamination 1ill ta9e +la*e on t)e day after a *andidate +asses t)e +ra*ti*al a+titude test. Only *andidates 1)o )a2e -een re*ommended -y t)e +re2ious eIamination *ommittee for a**e+tan*e 1ill ad2an*e to t)e eIamination in t)eory.

!istory of music5 general 9no1ledge of t)e de2elo+ment of musi* is re>uired as 1ell as a relia-le o2er2ie1 of +rominent *om+osers and musi*al *om+ositions. su++orted -y s+e*ifi* 9no1ledge of fundamental 1or9s. !armony5 9no1ledge of t)e +rin*i+les of lassi*al and Romanti* )armony is re>uired as 1ell as t)e a-ility to orient oneself in t)e +ra*ti*al analysis of t)e -asi* )armoni* +)enomena of 1At) and 1(t)4 *entury musi*. In )armoni* +rin*i+les of 20t)4*entury musi*. -asi* 9no1ledge in t)e +)enomena of eItended tonality and modal musi* is desira-le. T)e eIamination ta9es t)e form of a +ra*ti*al analysis of a gi2en musi*al +assage. andidates 1)o did not graduate from a *onser2atory ;or from GE" in ,rague 1it) a musi*al s+e*ialisation<. 1ill additionally attend an oral eIamination on *ounter+oint. musi*al forms. musi*al instruments and intonation. T)ese eIaminations are also attended -y *andidates 1)o graduated from su*) s*)ools -ut )a2e a mar9 of 1orse t)an a 2 in t)e rele2ant su-He*ts. Counter,oint5 9no1ledge of t)e -asi* *on*e+ts is re>uired = imitation. *anon. fugue. dou-le *ounter+oint. et*. Musical forms5 -asi* 9no1ledge t)e indi2idual musi*al forms and genres is re>uired. Musical instruments5 9no1ledge of t)e instruments of a sym+)oni* or*)estra is re>uired. in*luding t)eir ranges and notation met)od. tuning. tone formation and met)od of +laying. Intonation5 aural orientation in t)e tone system and t)e a-ility to distinguis) inter2als and *ommon *)ords are re>uired.

*ote+ ,andidates for t$e fields of ,omposition and ,ond!cting m!st demonstrate deeper knowledge in all t$eoretical s!"-ects.

!etailed information on t)e eIamination in t)eoreti*al su-He*ts and t)e )istory of musi* ;in*luding eIam+les of test >uestions and re*ommended literature< is a2aila-le at t)e !e+artment of Musi* T)eory and Cistory in t)e rele2ant do*ument5 K#ntran*e eIaminations in musi* t)eoreti*al su-He*ts and musi* )istory = model >uestionsL ;+u-lis)ed on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium?+riHima*i4riFeni4)amu<.



ac4elor#s $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) 'ANCE

In t)e fields of !an*e ,edagogy. )oreogra+)y. !an*e T)eory and ,antomime. t)e +ra*ti*al a+titude and t)eoreti*al +arts of t)e eIaminations in t)e admissions +ro*ess are gi2en as outlined -elo1.

7.+ 'ANCE $E'A%O%* Starting in t)e t)ird semester. students )a2e t)e o++ortunity to *)oose a s+e*ialisation5 A = ,edagogy of lassi*al !an*e % = ,edagogy of Modern !an*e = ,edagogy of Fol9 !an*e A s+e*ialisation *an -e +ursued u+on o-taining a re*ommendation from t)e maHor study field tea*)er at t)e end of t)e se*ond semester.

'ntrance re(uirements: 9no1ledge of dan*e te*)ni>ues ;*lassi*al. modern. fol9< at t)e ad2an*ed le2el of dan*e *onser2atory graduates. +edagogi*al talent and interest in t)e field ;+refera-ly demonstrated -y +edagogi*al eI+erien*e<. 9no1ledge of musi* t)eory. o2er2ie1 of t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet. general *ultural 9no1ledge. stage eI+erien*e 1el*omed. The entrance e)amination consists of: 1< a 1ritten eIamination in general *ultural 9no1ledge and t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet 2< a +ra*ti*al eIamination in dan*e te*)ni>ues ;*lassi*al. modern. fol9< andidates 1)o su**essfully *om+lete t)is eIamination 1ill -e in2ited to t)e se*ond +art of t)e entran*e eIamination. 1)i*) *onsists of5 1< an eIamination in musi*al 9no1ledge and s9ills ;for more information. +lease see t)e !e+artment of Musi* T)eory and Cistory do*ument KModel >uestions in musi* t)eory and )istory for Art of !an*e study fieldsL on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium?+riHima*i4riFeni4)amu< 2< an inter2ie1 in -asi* 9no1ledge of t)e system of *lassi*al dan*e te*)ni>ue ;and +ossi-ly ot)er dan*e te*)ni>ues<7 re>uires a met)odi*al a++roa*) to t)e analysis of indi2idual elements &< an inter2ie1 in t)e +edagogy of dan*e ;+re+aration and eIe*ution of lessons. attitude of t)e tea*)er to1ard students. et*.< '< a +erforman*e of t)e *andidate3s o1n +edagogi*al s9ills ;t)ree mo2ement se>uen*es of 2arying tem+o and *)ara*ter in *lassi*al. modern or fol9 dan*e style = of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e<.

*ote+ Appropriate dress and footwear are essential for "ot$ parts of t$e examination. "oti*e5 T)e eIamination in musi* t)eory is merely determinati2e. and ta9es t)e form of a 1ritten test. andidates 1)o do not +ass 1ill -e re>uired to attend t)is eIamination during t)e first year ;+rior to


t)e +eriod of eIaminations -efore t)e )ig)er a*ademi* year.

oun*il of !eans<7 ot)er1ise. t)ey 1ill not -e registered for a

7.. C!OREO%RA$!* 'ntrance re(uirements: om+leted se*ondary edu*ation. *)oreogra+)i* talent. 9no1ledge of dan*e te*)ni>ues ;+refera-ly at a +rofessional le2el<. interest in t)e field do*umented -y +re2ious *reati2e eI+erien*e. 9no1ledge of musi* t)eory. general musi*ians)i+. o2er2ie1 of t)e )istory of dan*e. -allet. musi* and t)eatre. general *ultural 9no1ledge.

The entrance e)amination consists of + rounds ,ound !: A 2ideo ;/CS< or !/! re*ording of a**om+lis)ed *)oreogra+)y 1or9 = su-mitted toget)er 1it) t)e a++li*ation for admission7 sele*ted *andidates 1ill -e in2ited to Round 2 of t)e entran*e eIamination. 1)i*) ta9es +la*e in late Eanuary and early Fe-ruary. After entran*e eIaminations are o2er. *andidates retrie2e t)eir ele*troni* media at t)e !e+artment of !an*e. ,ound &: a< a 1ritten eIamination in general *ultural 9no1ledge and t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet -< a +ra*ti*al eIamination in dan*e te*)ni>ues ;*lassi*al. modern. fol9< *< a +erforman*e of t)e *andidate3s o1n *)oreogra+)y 1or9 of &4@ minutes in lengt). eit)er -y t)e *andidate or anot)er +erformer ,ound +: a< t)e *andidate 1ill -e gi2en a sam+le +ie*e of musi* ;*)oi*e of se2eral o+tions< for 1)i*) )e or s)e 1ill *reate a *)oreogra+)y 1it)in a *ertain time +eriod ;*. & )ours< eit)er for t)e *andidate or for )is or )er +erformers -< an inter2ie1 on t)e art of *)oreogra+)y. *urrent t)eatri*al e2ents. and t)e )istory of dan*e. musi* and t)eatre *< a test of musi*al 9no1ledge and s9ills ;see KModel >uestions in musi* t)eory and )istory for Art of !an*e study fieldsL on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium?+riHima*i4riFeni4)amu< *ote+ Appropriate dress and footwear are essential .o!nds ' and ) of t$e examination. "oti*e5 T)e eIamination in musi* t)eory is merely determinati2e. and ta9es t)e form of a 1ritten test. andidates 1)o do not +ass 1ill -e re>uired to attend t)is eIamination during t)e first year ;+rior to t)e +eriod of eIaminations -efore t)e oun*il of !eans<7 ot)er1ise. t)ey 1ill not -e registered for a )ig)er a*ademi* year.

7.0 'ANCE T!EOR* 'ntrance re(uirements: #I*ellent a*ademi* results at se*ondary s*)ool. a-ility to t)in9 logi*ally and systemati*ally. eI+ressi2e and stylisti* a-ilities. 9no1ledge of at least one maHor 1orld language at an ad2an*ed le2el. 9no1ledge of t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet. 9no1ledge of t)e fundamentals of musi* t)eory. of t)e )istory of musi* and t)eatre. general *ultural 9no1ledge. %asi* 9no1ledge of dan*e te*)ni>ues is essential ;*lassi*al. modern. fol9<. in*luding t)e e2aluati2e +art fo*using on dan*e style and 1or9s.

The entrance e)amination consists of: 1< a 1ritten eIamination in general *ultural 9no1ledge and t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet 2< an inter2ie1 on t)e )istory of dan*e. musi* and t)eatre


&< an assessment of s9ills in a maHor 1orld language andidates 1)o su**essfully *om+lete t)is eIamination 1ill -e in2ited to t)e ne)t part of the entrance e)amination5 a test in musi*al 9no1ledge and s9ills ;see KModel >uestions in musi* t)eory and )istory for Art of !an*e study fieldsL on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium?+riHima*i4riFeni4)amu<.

"ote5 T)e eIamination in musi* t)eory is merely determinati2e. and ta9es t)e form of a 1ritten test. andidates 1)o do not +ass 1ill -e re>uired to attend t)is eIamination during t)e first year ;+rior to t)e +eriod of eIaminations -efore t)e oun*il of !eans<7 ot)er1ise. t)ey 1ill not -e registered for a )ig)er a*ademi* year.

+;. $ANTOMIME 'ntrance re(uirements: Ad2an*ed 9no1ledge of mime te*)ni>ues. *reati2e imagination. interest in t)e field do*umented -y +re2ious eI+erien*e. o2er2ie1 of t)e )istory of +antomime. dan*e and t)eatre. general *ultural 9no1ledge.

The entrance e)amination consists of: 1< a 1ritten eIamination in general *ultural 9no1ledge 2< a +ra*ti*al eIamination in dan*e te*)ni>ues ;*lassi*al. modern. fol9< and mime te*)ni>ue &< a test in musi*al 9no1ledge and s9ills ;see KModel >uestions in musi* t)eory and )istory for Art of !an*e study fieldsL on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studium?+riHima*i4riFeni4)amu< andidates 1)o su**essfully *om+lete t)is +art of t)e entran*e eIamination 1ill -e in2ited to t)e neIt round. 1)ere t)ey 1ill +erform t)eir o1n +antomime 1or9 ;&4@ minutes<. T)ey 1ill -e tested in musi* t)eory and t)e )istory of dan*e. +antomime and t)eatre. andidates may -ring a re*ording of t)eir o1n 1or9 ;/CS *assette or !/!<.

"ote5 T)e eIamination in musi* t)eory is merely determinati2e. and ta9es t)e form of a 1ritten test. andidates 1)o do not +ass 1ill -e re>uired to attend t)is eIamination during t)e first year ;+rior to t)e +eriod of eIaminations -efore t)e oun*il of !eans<7 ot)er1ise. t)ey 1ill not -e registered for a )ig)er a*ademi* year. More detailed information5 )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?9atedry?9atedra4+antomimy?informa*e494+riHima*im4+o)o2orum



Master#s $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) M&SIC


A *ondition for su-mitting an a++li*ation is su**essful graduation from the Bachelors Programme in the same field (in the case of Chamber Performance, graduation from the Bachelors Programme in the instrument that will form part of the selected ensemble for the field of Chamber Performance). It is also +ossi-le to *ontinue in t)e Master3s ,rogramme after gaining +rofessional eI+erien*e. A +rere>uisite is to demonstrate su**essful artisti* +ra*ti*e ;in t)e *ase of )am-er ,erforman*e. t)e artisti* +ra*ti*e of t)e sele*ted ensem-le<. "oti*e5 T)e Fa*ulty reser2es t)e o+tion to im+ose additional su++lementary re>uirements on *andidates from ot)er s*)ools for +ur+oses of e2aluating t)e *andidate3s le2el in su-He*ts 1)ere t)ere is a differen*e in *urri*ulum -et1een t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague and t)e *andidate3s +re2ious s*)ool. "OT#5 andidates 1ill arrange t)eir o1n +iano a**om+animent. Unless stated ot)er1ise. a *ondition of admission is an instrumental or 2o*al +erforman*e from memory. T)e entran*e eIamination *onsists of a +ra*ti*al a+titude test5 instrumental or 2o*al +erforman*e. +resentation of *om+ositions. demonstration of talents and te*)ni*al a-ilities.


S,ecial requirements for ,ractical a,titude tests

+.+ COM$OSITION a< su-mission of & to ' *om+ositions *om+osed in t)e last t)ree years -< +re+aration of a s)ort essay on )istori*al *om+osition styles and t1el2e4note *om+osition ;series. >uaternion and dode*a+)oni* in2ention from t)e material< *< su-mission of a musi* t)eoreti*al +a+er ;*. 20 +ages. *an -e a su++lemental +a+er for a %a*)elor3s degree< d< -ased on t)e su-mitted 1or9s. t)e de+artment may grant *andidates eIem+tions from indi2idual *om+onents of t)e eIamination

..+ CON'&CTIN% a< a +rogramme s)eet of *om+ositions learned in*luding re+ertoire learned 1it) *)oir and or*)estra. *om+ositions +re+ared in t)e su-He*ts of *)oir. or*)estra and o+era re+ertoire. as 1ell as *om+ositions learned or +erformed outside t)e s*)ool -< a sam+le of 1or9 1it) an or*)estra *< a sam+le of 1or9 1it) singers at t)e +iano. in ,u**ini3s o+eras KMadame %utterflyL and KJa -o)ZmeL. and in MoFart3s o+eras KT)e Marriage of FigaroL and K!on Gio2anniL d< an inter2ie1 in 1)i*) t)e *andidate demonstrates )is or )er musi*al and general *ultural a1areness and le2el of t)eoreti*al 9no1ledge e< *andidates 1)o *om+leted t)eir %a*)elor3s studies at ot)er Fe*) or foreign institutions must demonstrate t)eir 9no1ledge of t)e re+ertoire in*luded in t)e Fa*ulty3s edu*ational *urri*ula7 foreign a++li*ants may su-stitute Fe*) o+era titles 1it) titles of ot)er 1or9s of 1orld o+erati* literature "OT#5 andidates from ot)er uni2ersities 1ill su-mit an audio42isual re*ording of t)eir %a**alaureate on*ert and 1ill *om+lete. as +art of t)e entran*e eIamination. a test in or*)estral and o+erati* re+ertoire in a**ordan*e 1it) t)e edu*ational *urri*ula of t)e Fa*ulty3s !e+artment of ondu*ting.

0.+ O$ERA 'IRECTION a< a guest o+era dire*tion a++earan*e. do*umented 1it) a 2ideo re*ording or 1it) an assessment -y a +edagogue in t)e !e+artment of O+era !ire*tion -< su-mission of t)e %a*)elor3s t)esis *< inter2ie1 on s*)olarly issues in t)e field

0.. 1OICE Solo full4lengt) *on*erto ;@0 min. total<. in*luding5 = a *y*le of songs = an aria from t)e %aro>ue or lassi*ism +eriods = anot)er aria of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e T)e +ro+osed +rogramme is su-He*t to de+artmental a++ro2al 1it) res+e*t to meeting t)e re>uired le2el of te*)ni*al diffi*ulty. Graduates of fa*ulties ot)er t)an t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague must su-mit a *urrent assessment -y a +)oniatrist.



2.+ $iano For t)e entran*e eIamination. *andidates 1ill +re+are a dramaturgi*ally -alan*ed re*ital B04B$ minutes in lengt). T)e re*ital must in*lude one of t)e follo1ing +rominent 1or9s of t)e Romanti* +iano literature5 F. )o+in5 Sonata in %4flat minor. O+. &$ F. )o+in5 Sonata in % minor. O+. $A R. S*)umann5 Sonata in F4s)ar+ minor. O+. 11 R. S*)umann5 Sonata in G minor. O+. 22 R. S*)umann5 Fantasy. O+. 1B F. JisFt5 Sonata in % minor E. %ra)ms5 Sonata in F minor. O+. $ E. %ra)ms5 Sonata in F. O+. $ M.,. Mussorgs9y5 ,i*tures at an #I)i-ition Jots 1ill -e dra1n to determine *andidate +erforman*e order.

2.. Or(an A +re+ared +rogramme of A04(0 minutes in lengt). in*luding5 = one *om+osition or *y*le of *om+ositions from t)e 1Bt) *entury = one signifi*ant 1or9 -y E.S. %a*) = one trio sonata -y E.S. %a*) = t1o maHor Romanti* *om+ositions -y different *om+osers = one signifi*ant *ontem+orary *om+osition

2.0 !ar,sic4ord A +re+ared +rogramme of A04(0 minutes in lengt). in*luding5 = one free4form = Italy. 1Bt) *entury = t1o 2irtuoso sonatas ;!. S*arlatti or A. Soler< = Fren*) )ar+si*)ordists5 a< a non4measured +relude or tom-eau ;J. ou+erin. !3Angel-ert. E. Fro-erger< -< a *)oi*e of suites of *. 10 minutes in lengt). or *ia**ona. +assa*aglia = a maHor form -y E.S. %a*) a< one of t)e suites ;#nglis) Suites. ,artitas<. in To**ata ;eI*e+t for #. G< -< or Fantasia \ Fugue in A minor. or )romati* Fantasia \ Fugue in ! minor = a sonata form in *om+ositions -y .,.#. %a*). D.F. %a*) or E. %enda = a %aro>ue *on*erto for )ar+si*)ord and or*)estra = a solo sonata 1it) )ar+si*)ord o--ligato

3. STRIN% INSTR&MENTS T)e re*ital 1ill in*lude one *on*erto of t)e standard 1orld re+ertoire. It is ne*essary to ta9e into *onsideration t)e 2arious stylisti* +eriods to in*lude %aro>ue. lassi*al. Romanti* and 20t) *entury 1or9s. andidates 1ill +re+are re>uired *om+ositions 1)i*) are listed for t)e indi2idual fields of study.

3.+ 1iolin ,aganini = a+ri*e no. 2& +lus one o+tional etude ;#rnst. Dienia1s9i. #*ole modern. OndTO]e9. 8i9a = eI*e+t for no. @<


%a*) = one *om+lete 1or9 for solo 2iolin ;Sonatas. ,artitas< 3.. 1iola Cerold = no. $ +lus one o+tional etude ;/ieuI or an additional Cerold< Reger = one *om+lete suite for solo 2iola 3.0 Cello ,iatti = a+ri*e no. A +lus one o+tional etude ;an additional ,iatti. ,o++er. GrUtFma*)er = se*ond -oo9< %a*) 4 one *om+lete suite for solo *ello

3.2 'ou/le /ass Re>uired *om+osition = %ottesini = Tarantella A %aro>ue *om+osition = a *on*erto or sonata 3.3 !ar, Candel = ,reludium and To**ata ,esetti = a sonata Cindemit) = a sonata One *om+osition of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e ;Romanti*. Im+ressionist<

3.- %uitar /illa4Jo-os = etude no. 1 A %aro>ue suite = Deiss. Josy. %a*)3s )a*onne a sonata ;diffi*ulty le2el of Giuliani = #roi*a< a guitar *on*erto = e.g. M. astelnuo2o4Tedes*o. !. Rodrigo. M. Giuliani. et*. A signifi*ant 20t) *entury 1or9 = e.g. E. O-ro2s96. ^. Ra9. %. %ritten. D. Dalton. M. 8elen9a

-. CIN' INSTR&MENTS T)e re*ital 1ill in*lude one *on*erto of t)e standard 1orld re+ertoire. +layed from memory. Additional *om+ositions are *)osen -y t)e *andidate in order to demonstrate t)e eI*e+tional +rere>uisites for t)e Master3s ,rogramme. Re*ommended *on*erto *om+ositions are listed for t)e indi2idual fields of study. -.+ )lute MoFart. I-ert ;*on*ertos for flute< -.. O/oe MoFart. Gram6T. Strauss ;*on*ertos for o-oe< -.0 Clarinet MoFart. "ielsen. Fran_aiI. De-er ;*on*ertos for *larinet< -.2 assoon

MoFart. De-er. Go`elu) ;*on*ertos for -assoon<


-.3 )renc4 4orn MoFart. Strauss ;*on*ertos for Fren*) )orn< -.- Trum,et Caydn. Cummel. J. MoFart ;*on*ertos for trum+et< -.5 Trom/one F. !a2id. T)omassi. MatNH ;*on*ertos for trom-one< -.6 Tu/a Dilliams ; on*erto for Tu-a<

-.7. $ERC&SSION INSTR&MENTS I. Pena9is = Re-onds I. Joudo26 = Jost Or+)eus S. Ca2el9a = 1it) resounding *ym-als ;sele*tion< #. Go+etF9y = as*ade for solo marim-a #. arter = Re*itati2e and Im+ro2isation for solo tim+ani

5.+ M&SIC T!EOR* As +art of t)e admissions +ro*ess. *andidates from ot)er uni2ersities 1ill -e eIamined for t)e 9no1ledge. s9ills and +rere>uisites ne*essary to ensure a +rofessional le2el *om+ara-le to t)at of a %a*)elor3s ,rogramme graduate in Musi* T)eory at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty. !uring t)e entran*e eIamination. t)e *andidate must su-mit )is or )er eIisting 1or9 in t)e field ;an eItensi2e 1ritten 1or9. +a+ers and essays inde+endently addressing a musi*4t)eoreti*al issue<. and defend t)em in an a*ademi* de-ate. T)e *andidate must also +resent and defend a +ro+osal for t)e Master3s t)esis.

5.. M&SIC 'IRECTION T)e entran*e eIamination 1ill test s9ills in aural analysis at an ad2an*ed le2el. orientation in a s*ore and t)e stru*ture of a *om+osition. as 1ell as t)e +rere>uisites for s+e*ialised dire*tion a*ti2ities. T)e a-ility to >ui*9ly orientate oneself 1)en +ro*essing re*ordings. editing and ot)er essential tas9s of a musi* dire*tor 1ill -e *arefully e2aluated.

5.0 M&SIC MANA%EMENT T)e entran*e eIamination 1ill e2aluate t)e +sy*)ologi*al and ot)er +rere>uisites for managerial 1or9. in*luding good 9no1ledge of *ontem+orary Fe*) and 1orld musi* life. +ersonalities and institutions. as 1ell as an essential lin9age 1it) 9no1ledge of t)e re+ertoire. )istory of musi*. musi* t)eory and musi* aest)eti*s. As +art of t)e admissions +ro*ess. *andidates from ot)er uni2ersities 1ill -e eIamined for t)e 9no1ledge. s9ills and +rere>uisites ne*essary to ensure a +rofessional le2el *om+ara-le to t)at of a %a*)elor3s ,rogramme graduate in Musi* Management at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty.


The e)amination consists of: 1< a 1ritten test -ased on sam+les of Fe*) and 1orld musi*al literature 2< a 1ritten test of -asi* *on*e+ts in general. artisti* and musi* management &< an oral eIamination of t)e -asi* material of Fe*) and 1orld musi* life and a test on Fe*) and 1orld musi* )istory in t)e %aro>ue. lassi*al and Romanti* +eriods u+ to t)e +resent day

5.2 SO&N' $RO'&CTION 'ntrance re(uirements: Graduation from t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme in Sound ,rodu*tion at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty or t)e Film and Tele2ision S*)ool ;FAMU< of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague. or at anot)er uni2ersity.

The entrance e)amination consists of: 1< a su-mission of a*ti2ities *arried out to date 1it) sound. or a sele*tion of sound re*ordings ;re>uired en*losure 1it) t)e a++li*ation< 2< a t)eoreti*al +art *onsisting of a 1ritten test on t)e fundamentals of a*ousti*s. ele*tro4a*ousti*s. sound re*ording and sound re+rodu*tion. ele*troni*s and *om+uter te*)nology. as 1ell as a test on musi*al literature. t)e )istory of musi*. general musi* 9no1ledge and musi*al instruments &< a +ra*ti*al +art *onsisting of an aural test. ma9ing a studio re*ording and su-se>uently editing a re*ording of a *)am-er *om+osition. a musi*al instrument +erforman*e eIamination ;+refera-ly on t)e +iano< at least at t)e le2el of a +rimary musi* s*)ool graduate '< an audiologi*al eIamination As +art of t)e admissions +ro*ess. *andidates from ot)er uni2ersities 1ill -e eIamined for t)e 9no1ledge. s9ills and +rere>uisites ne*essary to ensure a +rofessional le2el *om+ara-le to t)at of a %a*)elor3s ,rogramme graduate in Musi* T)eory at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty.

5.3. C!AM ER $ER)ORMANCE T)e entran*e eIamination is attended -y a *)am-er ensem-le as a grou+. in t)e form of a ,iano Trio. String auartet or Dind auintet. Piano Trio For a *on*ert +erforman*e as +art of t)e entran*e eIamination. t)e *)am-er ensem-le 1ill +re+are t)ree +iano trios *onsisting of one sele*tion from ea*) of t)e follo1ing grou+s5 a< one of t$e following piano trios "/ L. van 0eet$oven+ O+. 1 no. 1 ;#4flat maHor<. O+. 1 no. 2 ;G maHor<. O+. 1 no. & ; B0 no. 2 ;#4flat maHor<. O+. (B ;% maHor< -< one of t$e following piano trios+ %. Smetana = ,iano Trio in G minor. O+. 1$ A. !2oT69 = ,iano Trio in F minor. O+. @$ E. %ra)ms = ,iano Trio in % maHor. O+. A ,.I. T*)ai9o2s9y = ,iano Trio in A minor. O+. $0 F. Mendelsso)n4%art)oldy = ,iano Trio in ! minor. O+. '( *< one of t$e following piano trios+ M. Ra2el = ,iano Trio in A minor !. S)osta9o2i*) = ,iano Trio in # minor. O+. @B %. Martinb = ,iano Trio in maHor

minor<. O+. B0 no. 1 ;! maHor<. O+.


d< one piano trio of t$e ensem"le1s c$oice ;in*luding +iano trios from +re2ious grou+s a<. -< and *<. eI*e+t for *om+ositions already +erformed in t)e entran*e eIamination +rogramme< "tring -uartet One of t)e String auartets O+. 1A -y J. 2an %eet)o2en. and t)e String auartet in ! minor -y %. Smetana. Furt)er sele*tions are left to t)e *andidates3 dis*retion.

.ind -uintet It is re>uested t)at one of t)e follo1ing 2' 1ind >uintets -y Anton Rei*)a -e +erformed5 O+. AA. O+. (1. O+. (( or O+. 100. Additional *om+ositions are *)osen -y t)e *andidates in order to demonstrate t)eir eI*e+tional +rere>uisites for t)e Master3s ,rogramme. T)e follo1ing additional *on*erto *om+ositions are re*ommended5 !arius Mil)aud = Ja )eminMe du Roi RenM Ea*>ues I-ert = Trois +iZ*es -rZ2es /6*la2 TroHan = Dind auintet O+. A ;1(&B< Eose+) Caydn = !i2ertimento in % maHor

*/T': The fields of Piano 0 1a##2 Double bass 0 1a##2 "a)ophone 0 1a## and Percussion 3nstruments 0 1a## will be opened for graduates of the Bachelors Programme in these fields in the &4!56&4!7 academic year



Master#s $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) 'ANCE

S,ecial requirements for ,ractical a,titude tests

7.+ 'ANCE $E'A%O%* 1.A &4+age +ro+osal of t)e Master3s t)esis ;must in*lude an outline of t)e to+i*. stru*ture and sour*es. o-He*ti2e and signifi*an*e of t)e future a*ademi* s+e*ialisation<. 2. #2aluati2e eIam. a summary of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme *urri*ulum in t)ree -asi* areas5 a< +edagogi*al met)od in dan*e instru*tion -< met)odology of a sele*ted dan*e te*)ni>ue *< edu*ational systems. +ersonalities. institutions Graduates of ot)er uni2ersities 1ill +re+are a tea*)ing demonstration.

7.. C!OREO%RA$!* T)e entran*e eIamination *onsists of & rounds. For graduates of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme at t)e Fa*ulty3s !e+artment of !an*e. t)e eIamination 1ill *onsist of an inter2ie1 on s*)olarly issues. t)e *andidate3s s+e*ialisation in t)e Master3s ,rogramme. and t)e +ro+osed Master3s t)esis +roHe*t. andidates 1)ose Master3s studies do not immediately follo1 *om+letion of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme and *andidates from ot)er uni2ersities must su-mit a +rofessional *urri*ulum 2itae. a re*ording of t)eir *)oreogra+)i* 1or9 and a medi*al *onfirmation along 1it) t)eir a++li*ation. %ased on t)e re*ording. t)e eIamination *ommittee 1ill de*ide on ad2an*ement to t)e neIt round. Su**essful *andidates 1ill attend an oral eIamination on t)e )istory of dan*e and -allet. and a 1ritten eIamination on t)e )istory of musi* and musi* t)eory. T)ey 1ill also +erform a *)oreogra+)i* sam+le and su-mit t)eir %a*)elor3s t)esis +roHe*t. A *andidate 1)o ad2an*es to Round & 1ill -e gi2en a sam+le +ie*e of musi* ;*)oi*e of se2eral o+tions< for 1)i*) )e or s)e 1ill *reate a *)oreogra+)y 1it)in a *ertain time +eriod ;*. & )ours< eit)er for t)e *andidate or for )is or )er +erformers.

7.0. 'ANCE T!EOR* For graduates of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme at t)e Fa*ulty3s !e+artment of !an*e. t)e eIamination 1ill *onsist of an inter2ie1 on s*)olarly issues. t)e *andidate3s s+e*ialisation in t)e Master3s ,rogramme. and t)e +ro+osed Master3s t)esis +roHe*t. andidates 1)ose Master3s studies do not immediately follo1 *om+letion of t)e %a*)elor3s ,rogramme and *andidates from ot)er uni2ersities must additionally su-mit a +rofessional *urri*ulum 2itae. a list of +u-li*ations and t)eir %a*)elor3s t)esis +roHe*t. +;. $ANTOMIME T)e eIamination *onsists of im+ro2ised studies ;+erforman*es of *. 24& minutes< in t)e follo1ing dis*i+lines5 a< modern imaginati2e +antomime -< *lo1nery *< silent *omedy T)e *andidate may su-mit a 2ideo re*ording of t)ese studies.


T)e eIamination also *onsists of5 = an inter2ie1 = su-mission of t)e %a*)elor3s t)esis +roHe*t = t)e +ro+osed t)emati* area of t)e Master3s t)esis +roHe*t More detailed information5 )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?9atedry?9atedra4+antomimy?informa*e494+riHima*im4+o)o2orum



$4' $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) M&SIC

Com,osition and Com,osition T4eory

'ntrance re(uirements: T)e ,)! ,rogramme in om+osition and om+osition T)eory is intended for Master3s ,rogramme graduates in t)e same field 1)o meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e *andidate is re>uired to in*lude a +ro+osal for t)e dissertation +roHe*t 1it) )is or )er a++li*ation. T)e entran*e eIamination in*ludes t)e su-mission of t)e *andidate3s o1n *om+ositions. an inter2ie1 and a test of5 a< orientation in t)e met)odologi*al issues of *ontem+orary musi*ology -< 9no1ledge of t)e t)eory and )istory of musi* *< 9no1ledge of t)e -roader and narro1er *onteIts of t)e +ro+osed dissertation d< 9no1ledge of t1o maHor 1orld languages Profile of the field2 ob1ective of the programme: ,resentation of a musi* *om+osition +roHe*t and ela-oration of a se+arate musi*ologi*al 1or9. addressing rele2ant issues in t)e field of *om+osition and offering ne1 findings and dire*tions for its de2elo+ment. T)e musi*ologi*al 1or9. *on*ei2ed from t)e musi*4t)eoreti*al. aest)eti* or )istori*al +oint of 2ie1. must -e *onne*ted 1it) t)e artisti* *om+onent of t)e +roHe*t. and address issues 1)i*) 1ill -e -enefi*ial in eI+anding our 9no1ledge in t)e field of *om+osition. es+e*ially 1it) regard to rele2ant *om+osition4te*)ni*al and stylisti*4aest)eti* as+e*ts. i.e. it 1ill *onstitute a >ualitati2e im+ro2ement in our understanding of musi* *om+osition +ra*ti*e. Doctoral dissertation: T)e dissertation is a su-stantial *om+osition 1or9 ;or a *olle*tion of su*) 1or9s<. An integral +art of t)e dissertation is a se+arate. eItensi2e 1ritten t)eoreti*al refle*tion on t)e student3s field in relation to t)e dissertation3s artisti* t)eme. and 1it) all t)e elements of a musi*ologi*al 1or9. T)e 1ritten 1or9 is to -e +ro-lem4oriented and fo*used on as yet unresol2ed issues in t)e field of *om+osition. T)e aut)or is eI+e*ted to ta9e a distin*ti2e +oint of 2ie1. *ommenting on )is or )er o1n *reati2e a++roa*). t)e *om+ositional te*)ni>ues used. ne1 +ers+e*ti2es on issues of *om+osition te*)nology. general *on*lusions and suggested dire*tions for furt)er resear*) in t)e field. T)e re>uired lengt) of t)e 1ritten 1or9 is at least A0 +ages of teIt. in*luding +ossi-le note eIam+les. syno+ses. gra+)s. et*. A +ro+osal for t)e dissertation 2 in*luding t)e +ra*ti*al and t)eoreti*al +arts of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t. is to -e in*luded 1it) t)e a++li*ation for t)e ,)! ,rogramme. For t)e t)eoreti*al +art of t)e +roHe*t. t)e *andidate s)ould s+e*ify. among ot)er t)ings5 =t)e *urrent state of 9no1ledge of t)e issues. in*luding a +resentation of 9ey 1ritings as a +oint of de+arture for )is or )er o1n resear*) =a s+e*ifi*ation of t)e resear*) to+i* in as mu*) detail as +ossi-le =anti*i+ated resear*) met)ods =anti*i+ated resear*) o-He*ti2e =anti*i+ated +artial results


T)e degree of im+ortan*e of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t 1ill -e e2aluated -y t)e do*toral -oard. 1)i*) )as t)e aut)ority to su++lement. eI+and or ot)er1ise modify or *)ange t)e +roHe*t.

Inter,retation and Inter,retation T4eory

'ntrance re(uirements: T)e ,)! ,rogramme in Inter+retation and Inter+retation T)eory is intended for graduates of t)e indi2idual inter+retati2e arts in t)e Art of Musi* = Inter+retation fields 1)o meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e *andidate is re>uired to in*lude a +ro+osal of t)e dissertation +roHe*t 1it) )is or )er a++li*ation. T)e entran*e eIamination in*ludes a demonstration of inter+retati2e a-ility. an inter2ie1 and a test of5 a< orientation in t)e met)odologi*al issues of *ontem+orary musi*ology -< 9no1ledge of t)e t)eory and )istory of musi* *< 9no1ledge of t)e -roader and narro1er *onteIts of t)e +ro+osed dissertation d< 9no1ledge of t1o maHor 1orld languages Profile of the field2 ob1ective of the programme: ,resentation of a musi*al inter+retation +roHe*t and ela-oration of a se+arate musi*ologi*al 1or9. addressing rele2ant issues in t)e field of inter+retation and offering ne1 findings and dire*tions for its de2elo+ment. T)e musi*ologi*al 1or9. *on*ei2ed from t)e musi*4t)eoreti*al. aest)eti* or )istori*al +oint of 2ie1. must -e *onne*ted 1it) t)e artisti* *om+onent of t)e +roHe*t. and address issues 1)i*) 1ill -e -enefi*ial in eI+anding our 9no1ledge in t)e field of inter+retation. i.e. it 1ill *onstitute a >ualitati2e im+ro2ement in our understanding of musi*al inter+retation +ra*ti*e. Doctoral dissertation: T)e dissertation *onstitutes t)e eIe*ution of a su-stantial musi*al inter+retation +roHe*t. An integral +art of t)e dissertation is a se+arate. eItensi2e 1ritten t)eoreti*al refle*tion on t)e student3s field in relation to t)e dissertation3s artisti* t)eme. and 1it) all t)e elements of a musi*ologi*al 1or9. T)e 1ritten musi*ologi*al 1or9 is to -e +ro-lem4oriented and fo*used on as yet unresol2ed issues in t)e field of inter+retation. T)e aut)or is eI+e*ted to ta9e a distin*ti2e +oint of 2ie1. *ommenting on )is or )er o1n *reati2e a++roa*). t)e inter+retati2e te*)ni>ues used. ne1 +ers+e*ti2es on issues of inter+retati2e a++roa*)es to lassi*al and *ontem+orary musi*. general *on*lusions and suggested dire*tions for furt)er resear*) in t)e field. T)e re>uired lengt) of t)e 1ritten 1or9 is at least A0 +ages of teIt. in*luding +ossi-le note eIam+les. syno+ses. gra+)s. et*. A +ro+osal for t)e dissertation. in*luding t)e +ra*ti*al and t)eoreti*al +arts of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t. is to -e in*luded 1it) t)e a++li*ation for t)e ,)! ,rogramme. For t)e t)eoreti*al +art of t)e +roHe*t. t)e *andidate s)ould s+e*ify. among ot)er t)ings5 =t)e *urrent state of 9no1ledge of t)e issues. in*luding a +resentation of 9ey 1ritings as a +oint of de+arture for )is or )er o1n resear*) =a s+e*ifi*ation of t)e resear*) to+i* in as mu*) detail as +ossi-le =anti*i+ated resear*) met)ods =anti*i+ated resear*) o-He*ti2e =anti*i+ated +artial results


T)e degree of im+ortan*e of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t 1ill -e e2aluated -y t)e do*toral -oard. 1)i*) )as t)e aut)ority to su++lement. eI+and or ot)er1ise modify or *)ange t)e +roHe*t.

Music T4eory


= General Musi* T)eory = om+osition T)eory = Inter+retation T)eory

'ntrance re(uirements: T)e ,)! ,rogramme in Musi* T)eory is intended mainly for Master3s ,rogramme graduates in musi* t)eory. -ut also for ot)er Master3s graduates in 2arious fields of t)e Art of Musi* 1)o dis+lay a dee+ interest in inde+endent s*ientifi* 1or9 and 1)o meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e ,)! ,rogramme in Musi* T)eory is also intended for uni2ersity graduates in musi* t)eory and musi* +edagogy. +ro2ided t)ey demonstrate a suffi*iently ro-ust relations)i+ to t)e +ra*ti*e of musi* *om+osition or inter+retation. and also meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e *andidate is re>uired to in*lude a +ro+osal for t)e dissertation +roHe*t 1it) )is or )er a++li*ation. T)e entran*e eIamination in*ludes t)e su-mission of an o2er2ie1 of t)e *andidate3s +rofessional eI+erien*e to date. an inter2ie1 and a test of5 a< orientation in t)e met)odologi*al issues of *ontem+orary musi*ology -< 9no1ledge of t)e t)eory and )istory of musi* *< 9no1ledge of t)e -roader and narro1er *onteIts of t)e +ro+osed dissertation d< 9no1ledge of t1o maHor 1orld languages Profile of the field: In 2ie1 of t)e fa*t t)at t)e tradition of musi* t)eory = as a musi*ologi*al dis*i+line fo*used on -asi* resear*) in t)e stru*ture of musi* = also in*ludes a +ra*ti*al orientation and a *lose relations)i+ to issues of musi*al *om+osition and inter+retation. t)e ideal +la*e for its *ulti2ation and de2elo+ment is a musi* ;i.e. arts< a*ademy ;rat)er t)an uni2ersity musi*ology de+artments fo*used more on musi* aest)eti*s and )istoriogra+)y<. At t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty ;CAMU< of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague. musi* t)eory as a s*ientifi* dis*i+line is de2elo+ed at t)e Institute of Musi* T)eory and is taug)t -y t)e !e+artment of Musi* T)eory and Cistory as an inde+endent field of study and as a ser2i*e +ro2iding uni2ersity4le2el edu*ation for *om+osers and +erformers. as 1ell as students in ot)er fields. Dit)in t)e ,)! ,rogramme in Musi* T)eory. students may s+e*ialise in general musi* t)eory. *om+osition t)eory or inter+retation t)eory. Doctoral dissertation: T)e dissertation in t)e field of musi* t)eory is a se+arate s*ientifi* 1or9 addressing rele2ant issues in t)e field and offering ne1 findings and dire*tions for its de2elo+ment. 1)ile at t)e same time )el+ing to resol2e issues in artisti* +ra*ti*e. T)e re>uired lengt) of t)e 1ritten 1or9 is 1$04200 +ages of teIt. in*luding +ossi-le note eIam+les. syno+ses. gra+)s. et*. A +ro+osal for t)e dissertation is to -e in*luded 1it) t)e a++li*ation for t)e ,)! ,rogramme. In t)e +ro+osal t)e *andidate s)ould s+e*ify. among ot)er t)ings5


=t)e *urrent state of 9no1ledge of t)e issues. in*luding a +resentation of 9ey 1ritings as a +oint of de+arture for )is or )er o1n resear*) =a s+e*ifi*ation of t)e resear*) to+i* in as mu*) detail as +ossi-le =anti*i+ated resear*) met)ods =anti*i+ated resear*) o-He*ti2e =anti*i+ated +artial results T)e degree of im+ortan*e of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t 1ill -e e2aluated -y t)e do*toral -oard. 1)i*) )as t)e aut)ority to su++lement. eI+and or ot)er1ise modify or *)ange t)e +roHe*t.

Music $roduction

'ntrance re(uirements: In t)e entran*e eIamination t)e *andidate must demonstrate in +arti*ular5 a< t)eoreti*al 9no1ledge ;musi* )istory. *ultural )istory. aest)eti*s. +)iloso+)y of art< -< refle*ti2e a-ilities *< *ommensurate results in t)e *andidate3s 1or9 to date in t)e areas of musi* +rodu*tion and musi* ;*ultural< management d< foreign language a-ility = #nglis) ;re>uired< and one ot)er language of t)e *andidate3s *)oi*e e< feasi-ility of t)e +ro+osed dissertation to+i* T)e *andidate s)all su-mit a 1ritten +ro+osal of t)e dissertation +roHe*t of 24' +ages in lengt). 1)i*) must *ontain a +rofile of t)e field and t)e suggested met)od of ela-oration. in*luding a +reliminary des*ri+tion of t)e rele2ant +ra*ti*al and resear*) materials. Profile of the field: ,resentation of a se+arate musi*al +rodu*tion +roHe*t in all its as+e*ts = finan*ing. eIe*ution. +romotion. mar9eting. +ossi-ly -rand mar9eting and +u-li* relations7 ela-oration of a t)eoreti*al 1or9 1)i*) demonstrates. in its original *reati2e a++roa*). t)e ,)! *andidate3s a-ility to em+loy or *reati2ely a++ly eIisting t)eoreti*al findings and met)ods. or to modify t)em a**ording to t)e needs of t)e sele*ted +roHe*t. es+e*ially 1it) res+e*t to su*) *ategories as o2erall *ultural +oli*y. t)e non4+rofit and for4+rofit s+)eres. a +reliminary -alan*ed -udget for a +roHe*t or musi* +rodu*t. fundraising. s+onsoring. domesti* grants. #U grants. taI and *o+yrig)t issues. and leisure and entertainment industry issues. T)e t)eoreti*al 1or9 s)ould -e related to t)e musi* organisation *om+onent of t)e ,rogramme. and s)ould address issues *ontri-uting to -etter understanding and in +arti*ular mastery of musi* organising and +rodu*tion +ra*ti*e. Doctoral dissertation: T)e t)eoreti*al +art of t)e dissertation of at least 1$0 +ages in lengt) must in*lude in +arti*ular5 a< an o2er2ie1 of t)e *urrent state of t)e issues 1)i*) *onstitute t)e dissertation to+i* -< t)e dissertation3s o-He*ti2e *< t)e results of addressing t)e musi* +rodu*tion tas9. in*luding +resentation of ne1 findings. t)eir analysis and signifi*an*e in +ra*ti*e or for furt)er de2elo+ment of t)e field d< a list of 1or9s *ited e< a list of t)e *andidate3s o1n +rodu*tion or organisation +roHe*ts ;t)eoreti*al or +ra*ti*al 1or9s< related to t)e dissertation to+i*

T)e dissertation also in*ludes do*umentation a*ti2ity in t)e field of musi* management. T)is *onsists of a-stra*ts of generally one +age in lengt) in Fe*) and #nglis). T)e student may register to defend t)e dissertation after *om+leting all +res*ri-ed eIaminations and tas9s set out in )is or )er study +rogramme.


Sound $roduction

'ntrance re(uirements: T)e ,)! ,rogramme in Sound ,rodu*tion is intended +rimarily for Master3s ,rogramme graduates in Sound ,rodu*tion at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty and t)e Film and Tele2ision S*)ool of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague. -ut also for Master3s graduates in ele*tro4a*ousti*s at t)e Fa*ulties of #le*tri*al #ngineering at Fe*) Te*)ni*al Uni2ersity and %rno Institute of Te*)nology. +ro2ided t)ey demonstrate a strong interest in inde+endent artisti* and s*ientifi* resear*) in t)e field. and meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e *andidate is re>uired to in*lude a +ro+osal for t)e dissertation +roHe*t 1it) )is or )er a++li*ation. T)e entran*e eIamination in*ludes t)e su-mission of an o2er2ie1 of t)e *andidate3s +rofessional eI+erien*e to date. an inter2ie1 and a test of5 a< orientation in t)e met)odologi*al issues of *ontem+orary musi*ology -< 9no1ledge of t)e t)eory and )istory of musi* *< 9no1ledge of t)e -roader and narro1er *onteIts of t)e +ro+osed dissertation d< 9no1ledge of t1o maHor 1orld languages

Profile of the field2 ob1ective of the programme: T)e field in2estigates issues relating to artisti* and s*ientifi* as+e*ts of 1or9ing 1it) sound in t)e sense of t)e interse*tion of t)e general aest)eti*. +sy*)ologi*al and artisti* +oints of 2ie1 1it) t)e te*)ni*al re>uirements of *ontem+orary sound +rodu*tion. T)e o-He*ti2e is to engage t)e issues at a >ualitati2ely )ig)er le2el of understanding and generality. 1it) a resulting im+a*t on artisti* +ra*ti*e = on t)e +urely artisti* le2el as 1ell as on t)e +sy*)o4a*ousti* and te*)nologi*al le2els.

Doctoral dissertation: A dissertation 1it) an artisti* fo*us 1ill gi2e +riority to t)e +rodu*tion of a )ig)ly signifi*ant re*ording or set of re*ordings of lassi*al musi* in t)e form of a +u-li*ly distri-uted !. t)e +rodu*tion of a signifi*ant ele*tro4a*ousti* *om+osition or set of *om+ositions +u-li*ly +erformed or distri-uted. or t)e +rodu*tion of a signifi*ant sound ;e.g. multimedia< +roHe*t also +u-li*ly +erformed. A re>uired *om+onent of su*) an artisti* 1or9 1ill -e a 1ritten ela-oration of its t)eoreti*al refle*tion in t)e sense of general findings in t)e area of *reati2e sound 1or9. T)e lengt) of t)e t)eoreti*al *om+onent of an artisti*ally fo*used dissertation is at least $0 +ages of teIt. A dissertation 1it) a s*ientifi* fo*us 1ill re>uire t)e ela-oration of a t)eoreti*ally fo*used monogra+) on a signifi*ant to+i* in sound +rodu*tion t)eory. t)e +rodu*tion of ele*tro4a*ousti* musi*. sound t)eory in a*ousti* +ra*ti*e. ele*troni* musi*al instruments or ot)er related areas ;e.g. musi*al a*ousti*s and ele*troni*s. t)e aest)eti*s of sound. et*.<. T)e 1ritten 1or9 may -e su++lemented 1it) sound sam+les. and. if it meets t)e ne*essary re>uirements for uni2ersity teIt-oo9s or *ontri-utes greatly to t)e de2elo+ment of t)e sound +rodu*tion field of study. it 1ill -e filed for +u-li*ation -y t)e Fa*ulty +ress. T)e lengt) of a s*ientifi*ally fo*used dissertation is at least 100 +ages. A +ro+osal for t)e dissertation. in*luding t)e +ra*ti*al and t)eoreti*al +arts of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t. is to -e in*luded 1it) t)e a++li*ation for t)e ,)! ,rogramme. For t)e t)eoreti*al +art of t)e +roHe*t. t)e *andidate s)ould s+e*ify. among ot)er t)ings5 =t)e *urrent state of 9no1ledge of t)e issues. in*luding a +resentation of 9ey 1ritings as a +oint of de+arture for )is or )er o1n resear*) =a s+e*ifi*ation of t)e resear*) to+i* in as mu*) detail as +ossi-le =anti*i+ated resear*) met)ods =anti*i+ated resear*) o-He*ti2e =anti*i+ated +artial results


T)e degree of im+ortan*e of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t 1ill -e e2aluated -y t)e do*toral -oard. 1)i*) )as t)e aut)ority to su++lement. eI+and or ot)er1ise modify or *)ange t)e +roHe*t.

$4' $ro(ramme in t4e ART O) 'ANCE

Fields of study5 'ance T4eory C4oreo(ra,4y and T4eory of C4oreo(ra,4y Non=1er/al and Comedy T4eatre and T4eory of T4eatre

'ntrance re(uirements: T)e ,)! ,rogrammes in !an*e T)eory. )oreogra+)y and T)eory of )oreogra+)y. "on4/er-al and omedy T)eatre. and T)eory of T)eatre are intended for Master3s ,rogramme graduates in t)ese fields 1)o meet t)e demanding re>uirements of t)e entran*e eIamination. T)e *andidate is re>uired to in*lude a +ro+osal of t)e dissertation +roHe*t 1it) )is or )er a++li*ation. T)e entran*e eIamination in*ludes t)e su-mission of an o2er2ie1 of t)e *andidate3s +rofessional eI+erien*e to date. an inter2ie1 and a test of5 a< orientation in t)e met)odology of *ontem+orary dan*e t)eory -< 9no1ledge of t)e t)eory and )istory of dan*e *< 9no1ledge of t)e -roader and narro1er *onteIts of t)e +ro+osed dissertation d< 9no1ledge of t1o maHor 1orld languages Profile of the field2 ob1ective of the programme: In t)e s*ientifi* field. ela-oration of an inde+endent s*ientifi* 1or9 in t)e area of dan*e t)eory fo*using on signifi*ant issues in t)e field. offering ne1 findings. de2elo+ing ne1 met)odologi*al +ro*edures and stimulating de2elo+ment of t)e entire field. In t)e artisti* fields. +resentation of a *)oreogra+)i* or t)eatri*al +roHe*t and ela-oration of a se+arate *)oreogra+)i* or t)eatri*al 1or9 fo*used on signifi*ant issues in t)e fields of *)oreogra+)y or +antomime. T)e 1or9 must -e *on*ei2ed from t)e t)eoreti*al. aest)eti* or )istori*al +oint of 2ie1 and *onne*ted 1it) t)e artisti* *om+onent of t)e +roHe*t. and it must address issues 1)i*) 1ill -e -enefi*ial in eI+anding our 9no1ledge in t)e field. es+e*ially 1it) regard to t)e rele2ant te*)ni*al and stylisti*4aest)eti* as+e*ts. i.e. it 1ill dee+en our understanding of dan*e or +antomime +ra*ti*e. Doctoral dissertation: In t)e artisti* fields. t)e dissertation is a su-stantial *)oreogra+)i* 1or9 ;or a *olle*tion of su*) 1or9s< or a maHor t)eatri*al +rodu*tion in t)ese fields. An integral +art of t)e dissertation is a se+arate. eItensi2e 1ritten t)eoreti*al refle*tion on t)e student3s field in relation to t)e dissertation3s artisti* t)eme. and 1it) all t)e elements of a *)oreogra+)i* 1or9. T)e 1ritten 1or9 is to -e +ro-lem4oriented and fo*used on as yet unresol2ed issues in t)e field. T)e aut)or is eI+e*ted to ta9e a distin*ti2e +oint of 2ie1. *ommenting on )is or )er o1n *reati2e a++roa*). t)e *reati2e te*)ni>ues used. ne1 +ers+e*ti2es. general *on*lusions and suggested dire*tions for furt)er de2elo+ment in t)e field. T)e re>uired lengt) of t)e 1ritten 1or9 is at least A0 +ages of teIt. in*luding +ossi-le syno+ses. gra+)s. et*. In t)e s*ientifi* field. t)e dissertation is a se+arate s*ientifi* 1or9 addressing rele2ant issues in t)e field and offering ne1 findings and dire*tions for its de2elo+ment. 1)ile at t)e same time )el+ing to resol2e issues in artisti* +ra*ti*e. T)e re>uired lengt) of t)e 1ritten 1or9 is 1$04200 +ages of teIt. in*luding +ossi-le Ginetogra+)i* eIam+les. syno+ses. gra+)s. et*. A +ro+osal for t)e dissertation. in*luding t)e +ra*ti*al and t)eoreti*al +arts of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t. is to -e in*luded 1it) t)e a++li*ation for t)e ,)! ,rogramme. For t)e t)eoreti*al +art of t)e +roHe*t. t)e *andidate s)ould s+e*ify. among ot)er t)ings5


=t)e *urrent state of 9no1ledge of t)e issues. in*luding a +resentation of 9ey 1ritings as a +oint of de+arture for )is or )er o1n resear*) =a s+e*ifi*ation of t)e resear*) to+i* in as mu*) detail as +ossi-le =anti*i+ated resear*) met)ods =anti*i+ated resear*) o-He*ti2e =anti*i+ated +artial results T)e degree of im+ortan*e of t)e *andidate3s +roHe*t 1ill -e e2aluated -y t)e do*toral -oard. 1)i*) )as t)e aut)ority to su++lement. eI+and or ot)er1ise modify or *)ange t)e +roHe*t.


"hort8term studies $paid% Study stays = s)ort4term studies at t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty ;CAMU< of t)e A*ademy of ,erforming Arts in ,rague are a2aila-le in Fe*) or #nglis) to students 1)o during +reliminary eIaminations demonstrate >ualifi*ations *om+ara-le to t)ose re>uired for regular enrolment. S)ort4term studies are intended for study of t)e main su-He*t of t)e field. T)e a++li*ant for a +aid study stay must send an application using t)e a++ro+riate form ;)tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studies?a++li*ation4form4for4stage?2ie1< to t)e Musi* and !an*e Fa*ulty3s !e+artment of Student Affairs. along 1it) )is or )er o1n +resentation on a !/!. T)e application deadline for t)ese forms of study *an -e set on an indi2idual -asis.

Indi2iduals interested s)ort4term studies at t)e !e+artment of Gey-oard Instruments in t)e field of ,iano must sit for a +reliminary eIamination )eld on*e +er year. usually in mid4Eune ;does not a++ly to o2erseas a++li*ants<.

After a *ourse +ro+osal is made -y t)e de+artment in t)e rele2ant field and -y t)e /i*e4!ean for A*ademi* Studies. a de*ision is made -y t)e !ean of t)e Musi* Fa*ulty and t)e Fa*ulty leaders)i+. Students do not ta9e eIams. nor do t)ey re*ei2e a graduation di+loma. Co1e2er. t)ey 1ill re*ei2e a *ertifi*ate u+on *om+letion of t)e +rogramme.

2odel contract in #nglis) a2aila-le on )tt+5??111.)amu.*F?studies?MO!#Jc20 ontra**?2ie1. rices for t$e sta/ are *al*ulated on an indi2idual -asis a**ording to t)e a*tual eItent of t)e +rogramme.


Admissions ,olicy and studies at t4e Music and 'ance )aculty G!AM&B in t4e .;+.H.;+0 academic year 111.)amu.*F #dited -y5 Ing. Jea Motlo26 lea.motlo2ad)amu.*F Se+tem-er 2011


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