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Using Program Slicing to Simplify Testing

Mark Harman and Sebastian Danicic Project Project, School of Computing, University of North London, Eden Grove, London, N7 8DB. tel: +44 0171 607 2789 fax: +44 0171 753 7009

Keywords: Slicing, Transformation, Robustness, Implicit Computation

Program slicing is a technique for automatically identifying the statements of a program which a ect a selected subset of its variables. A large program can be divided into a number of smaller programs its slices, each constructed for di erent variable subsets. The slices are typically simpler than the original program, thereby simplifying the process of testing a property of the program which only concerns the corresponding subset of its variables. However, some aspects of a program's computation are not captured by a set of variables, rendering slicing inapplicable. To overcome this di culty a program shall be rewritten in a self checking form by the addition of assignment statements to denote these `implicit' computations. Initially this makes the program longer. However, slicing can now be applied to the introspective program, forming a slice concerned solely with the implicit computation. The simpli cation power of slicing is then improved using program transformation. To illustrate this approach, the implicit computation which dictates whether or not a program is robust shall be taken as an example. Whether or not a program is robust is not generally decidable, making the approach described here particularly appealing because the slices constructed are approximate answers to the undecidable question Is the program p robust?".


1 Introduction
Slicing is a way of simplifying a program by focusing upon some subset of its variables. Having chosen a set of variables, the slice set, and a point in the program, the process of slicing consists of deleting any statement that cannot a ect variables in the slice set at the chosen point in the program. The program so created, called a slice, captures the sub component of the original 1

program concerned with the chosen slice set and program point. For a given subject program, many slices may be constructed based upon the choice of a slice set and a program point. Each slice set de nes a usually distinct slice. The motivation for slicing derives from the fact that the slice of a program p is usually simpler than p, whilst maintaining the e ect of p upon the slice set. Program slicing was introduced in 1979 by Mark Weiser in his seminal PhD thesis Weiser, 1979. Weiser's original algorithm consisted of nding a solution to a set of iterative data and control ow equations. More recent approaches treat slice construction as a graph reachability problem using the inverse of the Program Dependence Graph Horwitz and Reps, 1992. This approach was rst suggested by Ottenstein and Ottenstein1 Ottenstein and Ottenstein, 1984. The present authors have developed the rst parallel slicing algorithm, closely based upon Weiser's original data and control ow equations Harman et al., 1995b. This paper is concerned with slicing in the static paradigm. The other two paradigms for slicing are the dynamic Korel and Laski, 1988; Agrawal and Horgan, 1990; Mariam Kamkar and Fritzson, 1992; Gopal, 1991, in which a slice is constructed with respect to an initial state and the quasi static Venkatesh, 1991; Tip, 1995a, in which a slice is constructed with respect to a set of possible initial states. Much of the literature on program slicing is concerned with improving the original algorithms for slicing introduced by Weiser Weiser, 1979; Weiser, 1981; Weiser, 1984 and Ottenstein and Ott enstein Ottenstein and Ottenstein, 1984 to cope non trivial linguistic features such as pointers Agrawal et al., 1991; Livadas and Rosenstein, 1994; Ernst, 1994; Tip, 1995a, procedures Horwitz et al., 1988, arbitrary jump statements Choi and Ferrante, 1994; Agrawal, 1994; Ball and Horwitz, 1992, concurrent programming Cheng, 1993 and, by highlighting the parts of a program which have no e ect upon the slicing criterion, side e ects within expressions Tip, 1995a; Ernst, 1994. Slicing has many applications including measuring cohesion Bieman and Ott, 1994; Ott and Thuss, 1993; Lakhotia, 1993; Harman et al., 1995a, algorithmic debugging Shahmehri, 1991; Kamkar, 1993, re engineering Lui and Ellis, 1993; Simpson et al., 1993, component re use Beck and Eichmann, 1993, automatic parallelisation Weiser, 1983, maintenance and debugging Gallagher and Lyle, 1991; Lyle and Weiser, 1987, program integration Horwitz et al., 1989, and assisted veri cation Qi et al., 1988. Frank Tip Tip, 1995b provides an excellent and thorough survey of the paradigms and techniques for program slicing. In general, the applications of slicing derive from the way in which it can be used as part of a `divide and conquer' approach to program comprehension a large program is better understood as a union of smaller programs its slices, each of which capture some sub component of the overall computation. To illustrate, suppose a particularly rigorous testing approach is to be applied to the safety critical component of a system's behaviour, for example the raising of an alarm in the control system of a chemical plant. Slicing will remove statements which do not a ect the alarm, thereby simplifying the process of testing and analysis of assertions concerning the alarm raising mechanism. The rest of this paper is organised as follows:In section 2 and 3 the concept of program slicing is described, showing how it can be used to
Linda Ottenstein has changed her name to Linda Ott, and this is the name which appears on her more recent publications.

reduce testing e ort. In sections 4, 5 and 6 a program transformation algorithm, T , is de ned. T adds assignments to a pseudo variable, robust, which capture explicitly the, previously implicit, answer to the question of whether or not the program is robust. The existence of the pseudo variable robust in the transformed, self checking, program allows a `robustness slice' to be constructed according to an algorithm involving slicing and transformation introduced in section 7. Section 8 contains a case study, describing, in detail, the steps taken to produce a robustness slice. Section 9 shows that the question of whether or not a program is robust is undecidable, and discusses the implications of this result for robustness slicing. Section 10 discusses the relationship between the robustness slice and work on assertion based approaches to program testing and veri cation.

2 The Conventional Program Slice

Conceptually, slicing is attractively simple and easy to de ne delete from a program all those statements which cannot a ect the values of variables of interest. De nition 2.1 presents an informal de nition of a static program slice.

De nition 2.1 Slice A slice of a program p, at a line number n, with respect to a set of

variables K , is a program p0, constructed by deleting certain commands from p. The commands which may be deleted are those which can have no e ect upon the values residing in any of the variables in K , when execution reaches line n. The pair K; n is known as the `slicing criterion'. In this paper the only slices considered will be those constructed to capture the nal values of variables, and thus the slicing criterion shall be a set of variables alone, rather than the more traditional pair containing a variable set and point of interest within the program to be sliced. Consider the simple loop program given in the left hand box of gure 1. To investigate and analyse the termination of the loop a slice would be formed with respect to the slicing criterion fig; 6, giving the slice in the right hand box of gure 1. For this small example, the simpli cation caused by slicing makes little di erence. For larger subject programs the simpli cation can be quite spectacular, especially if the slicing algorithm is not restricted to producing slices which are a syntactic subset of the subject program. This possibility is explored further in section 8.1.

3 Slicing as Part of a Testing Strategy

Slicing can be viewed as a way of choosing an arbitrary modularisation of a program, each module being formed with respect to a slicing criterion. Of course, a well designed system will already be modularised. Good design, however, does not diminish the applicability of program slicing; slicing allows us to choose many di erent modularisation criteria, each suiting a particular line of enquiry. Returning to the chemical control system example, it may be that the software consists of a separate module for the code controlling each of the system's input sensors. This would give low coupling and high cohesion and so represent `good design'. The raising of an alarm, however, will depend upon the behaviour of parts of many sensor 3

modules. In this case, the modularisation of the overall system will therefore not simplify testing or analysis with respect to the alarm raising mechanism. Slicing will e ectively allow us to `remodularise' the program to create for the purpose of analysis an `alarm control module'.

4 Implicit Computation
Suppose slicing is to be used to analyse the way the loop program of gure 1 indexes the array a, in order to ensure that the program is robust i.e. that it does not attempt to index an array element which is `out of range'. Unfortunately, since robustness is not denoted by a set of variables it will not be possible to form an appropriate slicing criterion; the robustness or otherwise of a program is implicit. This problem is typical of a large class of related problems, where the aspect of the program under consideration is not `stored' in a set of program variables. To make the approach advocated here more de nite, the problem of robustness testing and analysis will be treated in some detail, but other implicit computations can be treated in a similar manner. Other implicit aspects of a program's behaviour include: its demand upon internal and external resources, its generation of errors, its communication and Input Output behaviour. The implicit nature of the robustness question can be overcome by transforming a program into a self checking form. That is, assignments to a pseudo variable are added so that a program computes aspects of its own implicit behaviour. Pseudo variables are previously unused variables that are normal in all other respects. Initially, the introduction of pseudo variables simply makes the subject program longer. However, slicing technology is now applicable to the self checking version of the program. The slice constructed captures the program's e ect upon its pseudo variables thereby isolating the implicit computation in an explicit slice.

5 A Subset of the Language C

The algorithm for creating a `robustness slice' operates on a subset of the C programming language, SmallC. The BNF syntax of SmallC is given in gure 2. A suitable de nition is assumed to exist for the non terminal symbols, char , characters in single quotes, string , strings in double quotes, id , the identi ers and num , the numeric constants of the language. Side e ects present a problem for many conventional slicing algorithms Weiser, 1984; Agrawal, 1994; Jiang et al., 1991, which do not attempt to deal with expressions which may cause side e ects. The side e ects are removed using a source to source transformation, which rewrites a SmallC program in a slightly di erent language, TinyC , in which side e ects are prohibited. TinyC is created from SmallC by replacing the clause exp ; in the production rule for stat with the clause assign ;, and removing the clauses assign and post from the production rule for exp . 4

6 Introducing a Pseudo Variable

To form a self checking version of a program which explicitly computes its own robustness, only one pseudo variable, a ` ag' variable, called robust, is required. The transformation T takes a side e ect free statement, c, and produces an introspective statement c0. After the execution of c0, the variable robust will contain either: 1 the program c is robust or 0 the program c is not robust or c0 will terminate abnormally with an index out of range error. The transformation function T is described in gure 3. Quine's Quasi Quotes  : : :  are used to enclose syntactic constructions Stoy, 1985. Such constructions contain variables which stand for arbitrary members of syntactic domains. The syntactic variables and the domains they represent are listed at the top of gure 3. The transformation T is de ned using the auxiliary transformation functions R, E and C . The function R, takes an expression, e, and an array identi er, i, and returns code to update the pseudo variable robust. The expression e is used to index the array i, so the program will be robust if and only if two criteria are met: 1. the program is currently robust, 2. the expression e is within the range of valid indices for the array i. The rst criterion is required because once an error has occurred the program must be considered to be in error, and the value of the ag robust must remain at zero, indicating that the program is not robust. The function MAX i returns the largest valid index for the array i. This information can be obtained from the symbol table created when array declarations are encountered. In order to simplify the exposition, SmallC does not contain declarations. The minimum value for a valid index is always zero. The function E , takes an expression, e, and transforms it into a possibly empty statement sequence, c. The sequence c is created using R to construct appropriate tests for all array indices in c. The function C , takes a command, c, and transforms it into a command sequence c0. This sequence preserves the e ect of the original program, but it also captures the robustness of the command c by means of appropriate assignments to the pseudo variable robust. These are introduced using the function E applied to the expressions of c. The function T , takes a TinyC program and transforms it into a program which includes robustness checking code. T simply uses the function C to `do the work', adding an initial assignment, robust=1;, re ecting the fact that, initially, the program is robust.

7 Creating a Robustness Slice

is used as part of an algorithm to construct a slice concerned solely with the robustness of the subject program. The algorithm for creating such a robustness slice is presented in gure 4. The rst step is to transform the subject program into a side e ect free form. T is then used to create a self checking version of the side e ect free program.

7.1 Transformation

Often slicing the introspective program does not yield a signi cant reduction in size when compared with the original program. However, simple meaning preserving transformations can be applied to simplify the slice often, quite considerably. In gure 5, a suitable set of typical transformations is de ned. These transformation rules are only partially correct with respect to termination. The transformation rules are written as A can be interpreted as If A holds then axioms and rules of inference. A rule of the form: B C the fragment B can be transformed to the fragment C " The function, REF takes a side e ect free expression and returns the set of variables it references called REF'ed variables in Aho et al., 1986 and Weiser, 1984. The function, DEF takes a statement and returns the set of variables it de nes called DEF'ed variables in Aho et al., 1986 and Weiser, 1984. The function SUBE1; I; E2 returns the expression that results from substituting all occurrences of the variable I in the expression E1, with the expression E2. All expressions including the result being side e ect free. The axioms of commutativity and idempotence are only applicable to side e ect free expressions. Strictly speaking, the axiom of commutativity should be written as a rule, since it may only be inferred that two arguments to an && can be swapped if the resulting expression will not behave di erently due to short circuit evaluation. To keep the presentation as clear as possible, such semantic complications have been ignored.

8 A Case Study
In this section the algorithm given in gure 4 is illustrated using the example program below, which counts the number of occurrences of alphabetic characters in an array:

Example: Original Program

printf"Enter a string" ; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 result i =0; i++; i=0 ; whilex=source i++ !=' 0' result x ++; b=s=bc=0 ; sc=MAX+1 ; i='a' ; whilei 128 if result i sc if result i bc i++;

s=i; sc=result i ; b=i; bc=result i ;

printf"RESULTS n"; printf"Character No. of Occurrences"; i='a' ; whilei ='z' printf"c d n",i,result i ; i++; printf"Most frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",b,bc; printf"Least frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",s,sc;

The rst step is to transform the program into a side e ect free form. In the case of the example program this transformation is relatively uncomplicated and it results in the equivalent side e ect free program given in step 1 below:

Example Step 1 The Side E ect Free Version

printf"Enter a string" ; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 result i = 0; i=i+1; x=source i ; i=i+1; result x =result x +1;

i=0 ; whilesource i !=' 0'

b=0; s=0; bc=0 ; sc=MAX+1; i='a' ; whilei 128 ifresult i sc s=i; sc=result i ; ifresult i bc b=i; bc=result i ; i=i+1; printf"RESULTS n"; printf"Character No. of Occurrences"; i='a' ; whilei ='z' printf"c d n",i,result i ; i=i+1; printf"Most frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",b,bc; printf"Least frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",s,sc;

The pseudo variable robust shall now be introduced to model the robustness characteristics of the program using the transformation function, T . This creates the robustness self checking program step 2 below where MAX result = 127 and MAX source = MAX :

Example Step 2 The Robustness Self Testing Program

robust = 1; * starts out robust * printf"Enter a string" ; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; result i = 0; i=i+1; ; robust && i =0 && i =MAX; i ; robust && x =0 && x =127; robust && x =0 && x =127;

i=0 ; robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX whilesource i !=' 0' robust = x=source i=i+1; robust = robust =

result x =result x +1; b=0; s=0; bc=0 ; sc=MAX+1; i='a' ; whilei 128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; ifresult i sc s=i; robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; sc=result i ; robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; ifresult i bc b=i; robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; bc=result i ; i=i+1; printf"RESULTS n"; printf"Character No. of Occurrences"; i='a'; whilei ='z' robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; printf"c d n",i,result i ; i=i+1; printf"Most frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",b,bc; printf"Least frequent : c occurs with frequency d n",s,sc; printf"robust = d",robust;

The robustness self checking program is longer than the original since it contains robustness information explicitly as an assignment to the variable robust, rather than as array indices for which the language semantics implicitly dictates the robustness characteristics. Since the robustness of the program is now explicitly captured in the computation upon a single variable, the explicit version of the program may now be sliced with respect to this variable, focusing solely upon the robustness of the original program. In step 3, the self checking program has been sliced with respect to the slicing criterion frobustg; L, where L is the last line of the program produced as step 2.

Example Step 3 The Conventional Slice of the Transformed Program

robust = 1; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; result i = 0; i=i+1;

i=0 ; robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX ; whilesource i !=' 0' robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX; x=source i ; i=i+1; robust = robust && x =0 && x =127 ;

robust = robust && x =0 && x =127 ; result x =result x +1; bc=0; sc=MAX+1; i='a' ; whilei 128 robust = robust && i ifresult i sc robust = robust sc=result i ; robust = robust && i ifresult i bc robust = robust bc=result i ; i=i+1; i='a'; whilei ='z'

=0 && i =127; && i =0 && i =127; =0 && i =127; && i =0 && i =127;

robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; i=i+1;

8.1 Meaning Preserving Transformations

Slicing creates rather a large slice, partly because T has a propensity to create repetitious code and partly because slicing is restricted to command deletion. An example of the redundant code created by T occurs with statements like a i =a i +1; which generate two range checks for the variable i, where only one is required. As an example of the restrictiveness of command deletion in program slicing, consider the program fragment below:
x = 1; y = x+1; z = 2*y+x;

If the program is sliced with respect to the nal value of the variable z, then no lines can be deleted, because every statement of the program fragment contributes to the nal value of z. However, the simplest program fragment which produces the same nal value for z is simply:
z = 5;

It would be possible to elaborate considerably upon the transformation, T , but the more complex T becomes, the more likely it is that an erroneous transformation step will be introduced. Rather than tinker with the de nition of T , simple meaning preserving transformations shall be applied to the program produced by T , each of which may be easily veri ed, but which in combination can yield signi cant slice simpli cation. Some of these transformations are listed in gure 5. To see how they can be applied to a slice, consider the following fragment taken from the body of the second loop in step 3:

robust = robust && x = source i ; i = i+1 ; robust = robust && robust = robust && result x =result x

i =0 && i =MAX ;

x =0 && x =127 ; x =0 && x =127 ; +1;

Applying `Push Assignment' rule 2 twice to the assignment statement i = i+1; e ectively moves this assignment forward two statement positions. As the two statements passed by the i = i+1; do not reference i, no substitution occurs. Thus the program below is obtained:
robust = robust && x = source i ; robust = robust && robust = robust && i = i+1; result x =result x i =0 && i =MAX ; x =0 && x =127 ; x =0 && x =127 ; +1;

Applying `Push Assignment' twice to the statement x = source i ;, entails the substitution of the expression source i for x in each statement passed. Thus the program below is obtained:
robust = robust = robust = x=source i = i+1; result x robust && i =0 && i =MAX ; robust && source i =0 && source i robust && source i =0 && source i i ; =result x +1; =127 ; =127 ;

Applying `Unfold Assignment' rule 3 to the rst two statements, and then again to the rst two statements of the resulting code fragment, has the e ect of collecting together the e ect of the rst three assignments to robust, producing:
robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX && source i && source i x=source i ; i = i+1; result x =result x +1; =0 && source i =0 && source i =127 =127 ;

Having coalesced the assignments to the variable robust, the idempotency axiom can be applied to simplify the boolean expression, giving:
robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX && source i x=source i ; i = i+1; result x =result x +1; =0 && source i =127 ;


Clearly, a method for deciding when to stop applying axioms such as the commutativity axiom is required to prevent non termination. One way of addressing this issue is to use normal forms for programming language expressions, an approach borrowed from the study of computer algebra Davenport et al., 1989. Using the transformation rules in this way we obtain the simpli ed version of the conventional slice below:
robust = 1; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; result i = 0; i=i+1;

i=0 ; robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX ; whilesource i !=' 0' robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX && source i =0 && source i x=source i ; i=i+1; result x =result x +1; bc=0; sc=MAX+1; i='a' ; whilei 128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; i=i+1; i='a'; whilei ='z' robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; i=i+1;


Finally, if the transformed program is sliced with respect to the nal value of robust once more, the now unnecessary assignments to the variables x, bc, sc and result will be removed, to produce step 4 below:

Example Step 4 The Non Conventional Slice

robust = 1; scanf"s",source; i=0 ; whilei =128 robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; i=i+1; i=0 ; robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX; whilesource i !=' 0' robust = robust && i =0 && i =MAX && source i =0 && source i i='a' ; whilei 128 i='a' ; whilei ='z' robust = robust && i =0 && i =127; i=i+1; robust = robust && i =0 && i =127 ; i=i+1;

=127; i=i+1;

Step 4 is not a slice in the conventional sense of the word Weiser, 1984. This is because the transformations, although semantics preserving, may not be syntax preserving; they do not simply delete statements from the original program, rather they replace original statements with equivalent statements. For a more detailed discussion of this issue see Harman and Danicic, 1994a; Harman and Danicic, 1994b. 11

9 Discussion

9.1 Computability: A Motivation for the Robustness Slice Approach

Robustness is not a property of a program which can generally be computed, because the proposition The program p is robust", is undecidable. To see that robustness is undecidable, consider the following code fragment. The fragment is a schema, where f and g are arbitrary functions and a is an array, the maximum permissible index of which is MAX.
scanf"d",&x; if fx != gx a MAX+1 =10;

This fragment will de nitely be robust if the two functions f and g happen to be equivalent 8x:f x = gx, and will de nitely not be robust if f and g are not equivalent. Therefore, if there exists an automatic procedure for deciding whether a program is de nitely robust, there shall also exist an algorithm to decide whether two arbitrary functions are equivalent. As the question of whether two arbitrary functions are equivalent is known to be undecidable, the robustness question must, likewise, be considered to be undecidable. A similar argument demonstrates the undecidability of the other implicit computations listed in section 4. If an attempt is made to implement a system for automatically deciding robustness, the user of such a system will, therefore, have to be content with a yes no maybe response the undecidability of the question of robustness will often mean that such an implementation will answer `maybe'. The `robustness slice' approach avoids this issue by returning a program rather than attempting to produce a de nitive answer to the robustness question. Ideally, the algorithm for constructing a robustness slice will produce the program fragment:
robust = 1;

signifying that the subject program is robust, or it will produce:

robust = 0;

signifying that the subject program is not robust. In `maybe' cases however, the algorithm will approximate the complete yes no information by producing a simpler program which stores either a zero or a one in the variable robust, but which does so using more than one program statement. Such a `maybe' program constitutes an approximation to the two simplest one line programs. Using the robustness slice approach it will thus be possible to produce complete information in the cases where robustness characteristics can be computed, but with the signi cant bonus, that where such information may not be computable, the algorithm shall be able to assist manual analysis by program simpli cation.


9.2 The Size of the Slices Produced

For the example program used in the case study, a robustness slice construction algorithm should be able to produce the ideal robustness slice, that is, the simplest possible slice see Example: Final Step below, revealing immediately that the original program is not robust. Providing transformation rules which would produce such a slice is less di cult than it seems. In order to move from step 4 to the nal step, all that is required is a transformation rule which exploits the fact that the boolean expression of a while loop is true at the outset of the execution of its body, and that the result of the boolean operation && , is false whenever either operand is false. Of course, due to the fact that robustness is undecidable it will not always be possible to produce an ideal one statement slice, such as this.

Example: Final Step

robust = 0 ;

The table given in gure 6 gives the sizes of each program produced in the course of the case study, where size is the number of nodes in the program's Control Flow Graph. It is of the nature of the approach that the size of a program will increase as the result of side e ect removal and the introduction of the pseudo variable, robust. The hope is that in many cases the simpli cation produced by slicing and transformation will yield a robustness slice which is signi cantly shorter than the subject program. This will be an objective measure of simpli cation that can be used to assess the suitability of the approach on a case by case basis. Of course, the robustness slice will always be semantically very simple, as it is merely concerned with storing one of two values in a single variable. This alone, may make the robustness slice easier to analyse than the subject program. The principal task for further work rests upon nding the best transformation tactics with which to simplify the slices produced. It is upon the power of the slicing and simpli cation transformations that the applicability of the robustness slice approach critically depends.

9.3 More Complex Language Semantics

The language SmallC is extremely simple, and this simplicity hides some issues which arise when a larger subset of C is chosen. For example, when arrays may occur as the parameter to a function, the function de nition need not specify the array bounds. Each call to the function can potentially pass an array of di erent length. In order to correctly assign to the pseudo variable robust, an extra parameter to such function de nitions will be required, giving the length of the array parameter. However, this extra parameter may be introduced merely by de ning another clause in the de nition of T . A similar issue arises with dynamically allocated storage and with the exploitation of the array pointer duality in C.

10 Related Work
Rosenblum Rosenblum, 1995 has implemented a pre processor system, called APP, which replaces the traditional C pre processor. In addition to the normal C pre processing tasks, APP recognises comments of the form *@ ... @* as containing assertions about the state of 13

the program. An assertion takes the form of pre and post conditions at the functional level of abstraction. The pre conditions capture the set of initial states in which the programmer expects a function's body to be executed. The post conditions capture the set of nal states in which the function will terminate. Two di erent post conditions are permitted

E ;

which delimits the set of admissible nal states for the function body, and


which constrains the possible values returned by the function. The assertions recognised by APP are introduced by the programmer, and are checked at run time by code added at source level by the APP pre processor. The `robustness slice' approach, by contrast, does not require the programmer to add the assignment statements which capture the program's robustness, rather these are added automatically by the transformation function T . The programmer is then expected to analyse at compile time the `robustness slice' produced by slicing and transformation. David Flater and his colleagues Flater et al., 1993 describe an extension of the C programming language, in which assertions concerning, inter alia, robustness, are automatically added to the C program to create a program which performs checks upon its behaviour at run time. The process of introducing checking code for the integrity of array indexing is almost identical to the process of adding assignments to the pseudo variable robust. The principal di erence between Robust C and the robustness slice approach is to be found in the way the self checking program is used. A Robust C program is executed, with invalid array indexes causing the execution of the program to terminate with an appropriate error message. Notice that this is not the case with `normal' C programs, where, as Flater and his colleagues point out, the existence of this form of defect may often cause no fault to occur at run time. The self checking program produced by T is not produced with execution in mind. Indeed, executing the self checking program produced by T would have no observable e ect other than an increase in execution time. Instead the result of T is an intermediate step in the production of a simpli ed program, which abstracts that part of the program concerned with robustness in the form of a robustness slice. The robustness slice, is not necessarily executed although it may be, but is analysed by the programmer, who has the bene t of considering the robustness characteristics of the original program in isolation. In this paper the only form of robustness considered is the integrity of array indices. In Flater et al., 1993 Falter and his colleagues consider a wider range of robustness issues, including variable reference before de nition, loop bounds checking and null pointer de reference checking. Bearing in mind the close similarity between the automatic introduction of assertions to check these execution characteristics, and the introduction of assignments to pseudo variables described in this paper, it would be interesting to consider the possibility of constructing other forms of robustness slice, each of which could be used to explicitly capture one of these forms of robustness behaviour in a simpli ed program. 14

11 Conclusion
The robustness slice approach combines slicing, meaning preserving transformation and pseudo variable introduction, three simple ideas which allow us to form very simple `robustness slices', which capture the robustness of the subject program from which they are constructed. Slicing simpli es the task of testing a program's behaviour with respect to a particular subset of its variables. Slicing cannot, as it stands, however, be applied to the analysis of `implicit' aspects of a program's behaviour those not denoted by a set of program variables. In such cases it is possible to introduce pseudo variables which capture these implicit aspects of program behaviour, forming a self checking program reminiscent of the kind formed by the automatic introduction of assertions to test robustness at various program points. Applying a combination of conventional slicing algorithms and meaning preserving transformations to the self checking program, a new program is produced, the `robustness slice', which captures a chosen implicit computation explicitly, and in isolation. This approach cannot always produce the simplest program a single assignment statement since the robustness question is undecidable. Therefore, the slicing and simpli cation transformations must be re ned as far as possible in order to achieve the best possible approximation to the simplest program.


We would like to thank Information Porcessing Limitted for Supplying us with their Cantata Tool for Software Testing and Measurement and Dan Simpson and his colleagues at Brighton University for their support and collaboration with this project. We would also like to express our gratitude to Yoga Sivagurunathan and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and revisions which greatly improved the presentation of this paper.

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1 2 3 4 5 6

i=1; s=0 ; whilei MAX s=s+a i ; i=i+1;

1 3 4 5 6

i=1; whilei MAX

The Original Program

f g

f i=i+1; g The Slice on fig; 6

Figure 1: A Simple Loop Fragment and one of its Slices

prog stat out in while braced if exp bin-op exp-list var-list stat-list assign array-lu post

::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::= ::=

stat out | in | exp ; | while | braced | if printf string , exp-list  ; | printf string  ; scanf string , var-list  ; while exp  stat stat-list if exp  stat post | assign | id | num | char | exp bin-op exp | array-lu | | = | = | == | != | && | + | - | * exp | exp , exp-list id | id , var-list | stat statlist id = exp | id exp = exp id exp id ++

Figure 2:


, A Subset of C


i n b p c h s 

: : : : : : : : = = = = = = =

identi ers numeric constants binary operators programs commands characters strings the empty statement

C printfs; e ; : : :; en; C scanfs; i ; : : :; in; C whileec C fc : : :cng C ifec C i=e; C i e =e ; Ei En Eh E e be E ie Re; i

1 1 1 1 2 1 2

p =

frobust = 1; C p g E e : : : E en printfs; e ; : : :; en; scanfs; i ; : : :; in ; E e whileefC c E e g fC c : : : C cn g E e ife C c E e i=e; R e ; i E e i e =e ;

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2

=  =  =  = E e1 E e2 = R e ; i =
robust = robust

&& e =0 && e =MAX i;

Figure 3: The Introspection Transformation, T

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Remove side e ects Apply T , forming a self checking program Slice the program with respect to robust at its last line Use Rules 2, 3, 4 and 1 to Coalesce assignments to robust Use Axioms 1 and 2 to simplify expressions involving robust Repeat steps 3 5 until slicing fails to delete any statements

Figure 4: An Algorithm for Creating a Robustness Slice 20

Axiom 1 Commutativity of &&

e1 && e2

Axiom 2 Idempotence of &&

e && e

e2 && e1

Rule 1 Conditional Repetition

1 2

Rule 2 Push Assignment

2 = DEFs robust = e ; ife  frobust = e ; s; g 



= e1 ;

Rule 3 Unfold Assignment

i1 6= i2 ^ i2 2 = REFe1 ^ e3 = SUBe2; i1; e1 i1 = e1; i2 = e2;  i2 = e3; i1 = e1; i 2 REFe2 ^ e3 = SUBe2; i; e1 i = e1; i = e2;  i = e3; i2 = REFe2 i = e1; i = e2;  i = e2;

Rule 4 Remove Assignment

Figure 5: Transformation Rules to Simplify Slices

Program Flowgraph Nodes Example: The Original Porgram 28 Example Step 1 32 Example Step 2 44 Example Step 3 33 Example Step 4 19 Example: Final Step 1 Description The Original Program The Side E ect Free Version The Robustness Self Testing Program The Conventional Slice The Non Conventional Slice The Best Slice

Figure 6: The Size of the Case Study Example at Each Stage in Transformation 21

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