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Sect|on 1. k|ghts of accused at the tr|a|.
In a|| cr|m|na| prosecut|ons, the accused sha|| be ent|t|ed to the
fo||ow|ng r|ghts:

(a) 1o be presumed |nnocent unt|| the contrary |s proved beyond
reasonab|e doubt.

I. D|sputab|e presumpt|on
WhaL are Lhe facLs LhaL would lead Lo such presumpLlon:
o ?ou have Lo be Lhe accused
o 1here ls a charge agalnsL you

II. eop|e v. D|ma|anta
lf Lhe facLs would lead Lo a number of lnferences, one ls
presumpLlon of lnnocence and Lhe oLher one ls compaLlble wlLh
gullL, Lhe courL should acqulL.
lurLhermore, Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal presumpLlon of lnnocence
requlres Lhem Lo Lake a more Lhan casual conslderaLlon.
1he evldence of Lhe prosecuLlon musL sLand or fall on lLs own
welghL and cannoL be allowed Lo draw sLrengLh from Lhe
weakness of Lhe defense.

(b) 1o be |nformed of the nature and cause of the accusat|on aga|nst

I. Language of the comp|a|nt or |nformat|on
lf Lhe accused doesn'L know Lhe local language or even Lngllsh,
you wlll have Lo reLaln an auLhorlzed language lnLerpreLer Lo
saLlsfy Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs of due process.
When Lhe complalnL or Lhe resoluLlon by Lhe publlc prosecuLor
whlch conLaln Lhe mlsslng avermenLs ls A11ACPLu Lo Lhe
lnformaLlon and form parL of Lhe records, Lhen Lhe accused's
rlghL Lo be lnformed of Lhe accusaLlon has been complled wlLh.
o C||varez v. CA ! where Lhe avermenLs of Lhe age of Lhe
vlcLlm (for purposes of Lhe AnLl-Chlld Abuse Law) were
aLLached Lo Lhe lnformaLlon, Lhere ls sufflclenL
compllance wlLh Lhe accused's rlghL Lo be lnformed.

(c) 1o be present and defend |n person and by counse| at every stage
of the proceed|ngs, from arra|gnment to promu|gat|on of the
[udgment. 1he accused may, however, wa|ve h|s presence at the tr|a|
pursuant to the st|pu|at|ons set forth |n h|s ba||, un|ess h|s presence |s
spec|f|ca||y ordered by the court for purposes of |dent|f|cat|on. 1he
absence of the accused w|thout [ust|f|ab|e cause at the tr|a| of wh|ch
he had not|ce sha|| be cons|dered a wa|ver of h|s r|ght to be present
thereat. When an accused under custody escapes, he sha|| be deemed
to have wa|ved h|s r|ght to be present on a|| subsequent tr|a| dates
unt|| custody over h|m |s rega|ned. Upon mot|on, the accused may be
a||owed to defend h|mse|f |n person when |t suff|c|ent|y appears to the
court that he can proper|y protect h|s r|ghts w|thout the ass|stance of

I. An accused |s ent|t|ed to counse| de parte
A counsel de parLe, a counsel of cholce, or lf he belleve he
doesn'L need one, he can proceed wlLh hlmself. Cr lf he cannoL
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afford one, Lhe courL can appolnL a counsel de offlclo. Cf course
Loday we have Lhe ubllc ALLorney's Cfflce (AC)

II. Instances where the Supreme Court or Lower Courts can appo|nt a
counse| de off|c|o.
1. uurlng ArralgnmenL
a. 1he CourL may slmply ask any lawyer presenL ln Lhe
room Lo asslsL Lhe defendanL for purposes of
2. lor purposes of Lrlal
3. lL ls Lhe duLy of Lhe clerk of courL Lo cerLlfy LhaL Lhe accused has
been lnformed of hls rlghL Lo counsel and hls rlghL Lo a counsel
de offlclo before Lhe records are elevaLed on appeal, lL ls Lhe
duLy of Lhe Clerk of CourL, Lo cerLlfy LhaL Lhe accused was glven
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo counsel.
4. ln Lhe CourL of Appeals, lf Lhe accused slgns hls appeal by
hlmself (ku|e 124) or lf Lhe accused ls ln prlson.

(d) 1o test|fy as a w|tness |n h|s own beha|f but sub[ect to cross-
exam|nat|on on matters covered by d|rect exam|nat|on. n|s s||ence
sha|| not |n any manner pre[ud|ce h|m.

(e) 1o be exempt from be|ng compe||ed to be a w|tness aga|nst

I. 8oth a Const|tut|ona| and Statutory r|ght

II. L|m|ted to Cra| 1est|mony
An accused can be compelled Lo sub[ecL hlmself Lo a blood
sample, urlne sample or any oLher bodlly examlnaLlon.
III. ost DNA exam|nat|on a||owed
ln Lhls case, Lhe defendanL ls no longer an accused buL a convlcL
1here can be posL-unA examlnaLlon even wlLhouL an order for
as long as you could show LhaL Lhe examlnaLlon ls maLerlal,
would show LhaL you're lnnocenL and would change Lhe
ouLcome of Lhe case.
8elease can be effecLed by habeas corpus flled ln Lhe CourL LhaL
rendered Lhe orlglnal [udgmenL.

(f) 1o confront and cross-exam|ne the w|tnesses aga|nst h|m at the
tr|a|. L|ther party may ut|||ze as part of |ts ev|dence the test|mony of a
w|tness who |s deceased, out of or can not w|th due d|||gence be found
|n the h|||pp|nes, unava||ab|e, or otherw|se unab|e to test|fy, g|ven |n
another case or proceed|ng, [ud|c|a| or adm|n|strat|ve, |nvo|v|ng the
same part|es and sub[ect matter, the adverse party hav|ng the
opportun|ty to cross-exam|ne h|m.

I. Lxcept|on to the hearsay ru|e (ku|e 130, Sect|on 47)
SubsecLlon (f) ls noL found ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.
1he wlLness already dled or he ls unavallable, buL he has been
prevlously presenLed ln anoLher case lnvolvlng Lhe same parLles
and sub[ecL maLLer, can hls LesLlmony reproduced ln a LranscrlpL
be presenLed ln a crlmlnal case? ?LS!
1he only lmporLanL requlremenL ls LhaL Lhe wlLness should have
been sub[ecLed Lo cross-examlnaLlon, or aL leasL an opporLunlLy
Lo cross-examlne - only an opporLunlLy would sufflce.
o When Lhe wlLness ls dead or has mlgraLed Lo anoLher
counLry, buL hls LesLlmony was prevlously presenLed
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lnvolvlng Lhe same case and parLles, hls LesLlmony may
be used.
Are deposlLlons allowed ln crlmlnal cases?
o ueposlLlon ! a klnd of LesLlmony and can be Laken
before any [udge, noLary publlc or any person
auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLh. lL ls usually appllcable Lo
clvll cases.
o CondlLlonal LxamlnaLlon (Sect|on 12, 13, 1S of ku|e
119) ls of Lhe same naLure as deposlLlon, equlvalenL of
deposlLlon ln crlmlnal cases.
WlLness ls dead or cannoL be found
o CannoL be found" ! Lhere should have been a genulne
efforL Lo brlng forLh Lhe wlLness.

II. Cond|t|ons
1. Same parLles and sub[ecL maLLer ln anoLher proceedlng
2. CpporLunlLy Lo cross-examlne

III. S|tuat|on
lacLs: 1he prosecuLlon wlLness ls abouL Lo leave Lo work ln
anoLher counLry.
lssue: Can Lhe wlLness be examlned even before Lrlal?
Peld: ?LS. 1here can be a condlLlonal examlnaLlon of Lhe
wlLness even lf Lhere ls yeL no Lrlal.

(g) 1o have compu|sory process |ssued to secure the attendance of
w|tnesses and product|on of other ev|dence |n h|s beha|f,

I. Compu|sory process
Compulsory process ls a subpoena.
o As a consequence of non-compllance you could be held
ln conLempL.
1he provlslons for subpoenas are ln Sect|on 21 (ku|es on C|v||
o 1hls applles Lo boLh Clvll and Crlmlnal cases, ln Lhe same
manner as Lhe rule on moLlons ln ku|e 1S applles Lo clvll
and crlmlnal cases.

II. Subpoena
A. 1wo k|nds of Subpoena
1. Subpoena ad LesLlflcandum ! you are noL bound Lhereby and
Lhere ls no Lender of kllomeLrage and wlLness fees
2. Subpoena duces Lecum ! 1here ls Lender of kllomeLrage and
wlLness fees.

noLe: kllomeLrage ! lf you're wlLhln 100km from Lhe place where's Lhe
hearlng Lo be conducLed, your aLLendance can be compelled by a
subpoena lf you refuse Lo comply wlLh a subpoena, can you be arresLed
vla a bench warranL.
WarranL of arresL ! ls only lssued once lnformaLlon ls flled ln
courL afLer flndlng of probable cause. Slmply puL, lf Lhere ls a
warranL for your arresL, you have a pendlng case.
8ench warranL ! ls a warranL lssued by Lhe courL ln Lhe
exerclse of lLs [udlclal auLhorlLy Lo compel aLLendance of a
person ln courL. Slmply puL, Lhe courL ls compelllng your
aLLendance buL noL because you have a pendlng case.

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8. now to quash a subpoena
1. Subpoena duces Lecum ! lallure Lo Lender kllomeLrage and/or
wlLness fees. lallure Lo descrlbe Lhe books Lo be presenLed, and
fallure Lo Lender Lhe cosL of producLlon.

III. Contempt
Any person who refuses Lo appear ln courL or Lo LesLlfy can be
placed ln conLempL. 1here ls whaL you call dlrecL conLempL or
lndlrecL conLempL.

D|rect Contempt Ind|rect Contempt
1he express provlslon of law
(ku|e 71, Sect|on 3) could
make you llable for lndlrecL
8y acLs of dlsrespecL or
dlsobedlence ln Lhe
presence of so near a courL
or Lhe [udge. So you don'L
need a formal complalnL.
?ou don'L need a formal
peLlLlon, all LhaL ls requlred
ls you l88l1A1L Lhe [udge.
lf you are Lo flle an lndlrecL
conLempL, you cannoL do so by
a moLlon, you can only do lL
elLher by a verlfled peLlLlon
flled and dockeLed separaLely,
or upon a formal charge by Lhe
courL moLu proplo. no moLlon
for lndlrecL conLempL.
8emedy CerLlorarl Appeal

(h) 1o have a speedy, |mpart|a| and pub||c tr|a|.

I. Speedy 1r|a| v. Speedy D|spos|t|on of the Case

Speedy 1r|a| Speedy D|spos|t|on of the Case
Crlmlnal rocedure ConsLlLuLlon
Any Llme before Lrlal Any Llme for as long as Lhe
acLlon ls pendlng
Coverage LlmlLed Lo [udlclal cases LxLends Lo [udlclal or quasl-
[udlclal bodles
8emedy 8ule 63 (CerLlorarl,
Mandamus, rohlblLlon)
eLlLlon for Pabeas Corpus
*1wo k|nds of Speedy 1r|a|
1. Speedy 1rlal (sLaLuLory)
2. Speedy ulsposlLlon of cases (consLlLuLlonal)

II. k|ght to pub||c tr|a|
ubllc 1rlal" ! ubllc Lrlal requlres you Lo be presenL ln courL,
you cannoL record, you cannoL Lape wheLher audlo or vldeo.
o Genera| ku|e: anyone can come, sub[ecL Lo cerLaln
o Lxcept|on: When Lhe CourL asks for lL.
urpose: 1o proLecL Lhe accused and prevenL Lhe rallroadlng of
Lhe case
8ecordlng of Lhe a Lrlal
o Genera| ku|e: 8ecordlng ls noL allowed ln [udlclal
" 1o allow a recordlng or a vlewlng ln publlc of
Lhe proceedlngs wlll vlolaLe of whaL ls
undersLood Lo be a publlc Lrlal.
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" 1o allow a recodlng and vlewlng as lL happens
wlll glve affecL [udges because of posslble publlc
oplnlon, and wlll glve an opporLunlLy for lawyers
Lo grand sLand."
o Lxcept|on: (MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon of Lhe Lrap
lunder case) 8ecordlng ls allowed for purposes of
educaLlonal and hlsLorlcal value, and sub[ecL Lo cerLaln
rules and regulaLlons.
o ln non-[udlclal proceedlngs: (8ules)
" no commerclal breaks
" no annoLaLlons durlng breaks
" no zoom-lns
WhaL abouL lmpeachmenL? lmpeachmenL ls noL a [udlclal
proceedlng. lL ls a SenaLe or a proceedlng before Lhe Congress
of Lhe hlllpplnes, lL ls noL Lhe same.

(|) 1o appea| |n a|| cases a||owed and |n the manner prescr|bed by |aw.

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