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GPS Module PMB-648 | learn.parallax.


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Tutoria!s <ome #ro e!!er C Bearnin% System #ro e!!er ,=3 Tutoria!s ,=3 Shie!d Tutoria!s ,4S)C Stam Tutoria!s S2 'obot Tutoria!s ,S4 'obotics Merit ,ad%e "ith the ,oe-,ot Microcontro!!er :ickStarts microMedic Aemos 'e&erence

GPS Module PMB-648

Submitted by Gordon McComb on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 11:55

Mi"ro"o$troller %i"&Starts
Microcontro!!er :ickStarts <ome 2-46is Foystick 261- Seria! BCA 0,ack!it1 "ith S eaker .-Airectiona! Ti!t Sensor 5-#osition S"itch

Item code: 28500

4!timeter Modu!e Com ass Modu!e 5-46is G#S Modu!e #M,-./ Gyrosco e Modu!e 5-46is Memsic 2125 Aua!-a6is 4cce!erometer #)2G111 7!trasonic Aistance Sensor #)' Sensor #ara!!a6 Continuous 'otation Ser$o #ara!!a6 Standard Ser$o #o!ar <eart 'ate 'ecei$er >T) Sensor Sound )m act Sensor

What It Can Do
Tracks u to 20 sate!!ites, "ith u dates at !east once a second #ro$ides %eo-!ocation data &or robots, $ehic!es, custom G#S units 'ecei$es si%na!s outdoors or indoors( usin% a bui!t-in antenna ()ndoor rece tion is de endent on !ocation "ithin the bui!din%, thickness o& construction materia!s, and other &actors* +or the most consistent resu!ts, the G#S recei$er shou!d ha$e a c!ear $ie" o& the sky* The #M,--./ is a se!&-contained %!oba! ositionin% sate!!ite 0G#S1 recei$er, ca ab!e o& ro$idin% accurate !atitude, !on%itude, a!titude, s eed, headin%, and other in&ormation use&u! &or na$i%ation* The data ro$ided by the modu!e is in the industry standard 2M3401/5 $2*2 &ormat, makin% it easy to inter ret and use* G#S data consists o& te6t sentences that contain !atitude, !on%itude, and other in&ormation* 3ach sentence consists o& a re&i6, !us one or more b!ocks o& data, each se arated by a comma* 7sin% a microcontro!!er, you can arse each sentence to e6tract 8ust the na$i%ation in&ormation you9re !ookin% &or* +or the e6am !es in this :ickStart on!y the !atitude and !on%itude in&ormation is arsed and rocessed*

BASIC Sta ! Resour"es

Ao"n!oad the ,4S)C Stam 3ditor Connect C Test your ,oard Connection Troub!eshootin% #,4S)C Ban%ua%e 'e&erence ,uy a ,4S)C Stam kit ;hatDs a Microcontro!!erE 'obotics "ith the ,oe-,ot

;hi!e G#S recei$ers !ike the #M,--./ &o!!o" a standard data rotoco!, there can be $ariations bet"een makes and mode!s o& recei$ers in ho" the data is ro$ided* This :ickStart is s eci&ica!!y "ritten &or the #M,--./ modu!e, and the ro%rammin% e6am !es may not "ork ro er!y "ith other G#S recei$ers*

G,ee ;ire!ess #ack 7sin% 4rduino =b8ect Bibraries 7sin% #ro e!!er =b8ects 7sin% the #ara!!a6 Seria! Termina!

Pro!eller BOE Resour"es

,uy a #ro e!!er ,oard o& 3ducation Ao"n!oad #ro e!!er Too! So&t"are = en the #ro e!!er > C 4

Parts List
#M,--./ G#S modu!e ,4S)C Stam <ome;ork ,oard, #ro e!!er ,=3, #ro e!!er >uickStart, or 4rduino 7no microcontro!!er 22 %au%e so!id conductor hooku "ire

Basic Wiring

BOE S#ield Resour"es

,uy a ,=3 Shie!d Ao"n!oad 4rduino So&t"are = en 4rduino 'e&erence Ao"n!oad '=,=TC &or 4rduino

#o"er re?uirements: 5*5 to 5 @AC

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GPS Module PMB-648 |

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#o"er consum tion: -5 m4 H 5 @AC Communications: TTB or 'S-252 asynchronous seria! H ./00 b s Su orted 2M34 sentences: GG4, GS@, GS4, 'MC 0o tiona! @TG, GBB1 Aimensions: 1*25 6 1*25 6 *55 in 052 6 52 6 I mm1

Program 'ic( tarts

+or each o& the e6am !es in this :ickStart the data out ut is con$erted to a &ormat that is direct!y com atib!e "ith Goo%!e Ma s J de%rees and minutes &or both !atitude and !on%itude* To $isua!!y see your !ocation on a ma or sate!!ite $ie", o en the Goo%!e Ma s a%e, and co y/ aste the !atitude C !on%itude data into the !ocation bar*

+or ro er o eration the G#S modu!e re?uires a 1 to 5 minute "arm-u eriod, in order to ac?uire sate!!ite data* 4c?uisition time may be increased i& the modu!e is used indoors, or near radio inter&erence* 4 red B3A on the modu!e indicates sate!!ite !ock* ;hen the B3A is b!inkin%, the G#S modu!e is sti!! ac?uirin% data, and its out ut may not be re!iab!e* ;ait unti! the B3A is on steadi!y be&ore readin% the data &rom the modu!e*


tam) "omeWor( Board

Do*n+oad BA IC ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} LatDeg LatMin LatMinD LatSign LatDir LonDeg LonMin LonMinD LonSign LonDir Va! VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR

tam) 2 code ,or the P-B./08 1P

Byte Byte Word Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Byte Byte Word

'Ba"d rate# $non%in&erted'( n)*++ C,- .** n/0++ C,- *) Main( '1et 1PSRMC #tate2ent 3ro2 4in + S5RI- +6 n)*++6 7WAIT$8RMC68'6S9IP .:6 D5C2 LatDeg6 D5C2 LatMin6 S9IP .6 D5C LatMinD6 S9IP .6 LatSign6 D5C: LonDeg6 D5C2 LonMin6 S9IP .6 D5C LonMinD6 S9IP .6 LonSign; 1,S<B AddSign PA<S5 =0+

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GPS Module PMB-648 |

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wVal = (LatMin * 1000 / 6) + (LatMinD / 60) 'convert to min/seconds SE !"# 16$ n%600$ & E' ()(*LatDir$ DE+ LatDe,$ (-($ DE+. wVal$ ($ (/ wVal = (LonMin * 1000 / 6) + (LonMinD / 60) 'convert to min/seconds SE !"# 16$ n%600$ & E' ()(*LonDir$ DE+ LonDe,$ (-($ DE+. wVal$ + / 0!#! Main DE1"0 +

' S2ow em3t4 de56, window i7 0'S does not res3ond

8ddSi,n9 :; LatSi,n = (S( #<E= LatDir = 1 ELSE LatDir = 0 E=D:; :; LonSi,n = (>( #<E= LonDir = 1 ELSE LonDir = 0 E=D:; E#" =

;hen this ro%ram is run, the ,4S)C Stam Aebu% Termina! "i!! automatica!!y o en*

Pro)e++er BO! and Pro)e++er 23ic( tart Propeller BOE Wiring Diagram



GPS Module PMB-648 |

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Propeller QuickStart Wiring Diagram

Do*n+oad Pro)e++er OBJ Debug GPS FS CON _CLKMOD _"(NF) * P-B (nit . /0

)in code ,or the P-B./08 1P

: "FullDuplexSerialPlus" : "GPS_Float_Lite" : "FloatString"

! "#$L% & PLL%'x ! +_,,,_,,,

1Start FullDuplexSerialPlus ter2inal Debug3Start45%6 5,6 ,6 %%+7,,8 Debug3Str4String4")ea9ing GPS333"88 :aitCnt4Cl;Fre< = 7 & Cnt8 1Start GPS ob>e?t6 GPS ?onne?te9 to P@ GPS3(nit )epeat Debug3Str4String4%'6 %88 FS3SetPre?ision4@8 /0 :! GPS3Float_Latitu9e_Deg (/ /0 AB /loatNaN Debug3Str4FS3Float#oString4/088 lse Debug3Str4String4"CCC"88 1 Get latitu9e

Debug3Str4String4"6"88 /0 :! GPS3Float_Longitu9e_Deg 1 Get longitu9e (/ /0 AB /loatNaN Debug3Str4FS3Float#oString4/088 lse Debug3Str4String4"CCC"88 :aitCnt4Cl;Fre< D 7 & Cl;Fre< D E & Cnt8 D$# /loatNaN LONG F@FFF_FFFF 1Means Not a Nu2ber

Important! This ro%ram uses the &o!!o"in% ob8ect !ibraries, "hich are inc!uded in the do"n!oad* To use this ro%ram you must inc!ude these !ibraries in the same &o!der as the ro%ram &i!e* The !ibrary contains se$era! &i!es in a Ki archi$e* See instructions &or usin% #ro e!!er



GPS Module PMB-648 |

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ob8ect !ibraries &or more in&ormation* +!oatMath*s in +!oatStrin%*s in +u!!Au !e6Seria!#!us*s in G#SL+!oatLBite*s in G#SLStrL2M34LBite*s in

To $ie" the resu!ts o& the demonstration, a&ter u !oadin% is com !ete run the #ara!!a6 Seria! Termina! &rom the 'un menu, or ress +12* Momentari!y de ress the 'eset button on the #ro e!!er >uickStart board to restart the ro%ram*

Ard3ino Uno

Do*n+oad Ard3ino 450 Code ,or the P-B./08 1P Do*n+oad Ard3ino &ersion Code ,or the P-B./08 1P #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include "./TinyGPS.h" TinyGPS ps! SoftwareSerial nss"#$ %&&'! void setup"' ) Serial.*e in"11&%00'! nss.*e in"+,00'! Serial.println""-eadin .

// Special version for 1.0 // (ellow wire to pin #


void loop"' ) *ool newdata / false! unsi ned lon start / 0illis"'! while "0illis"' 1 start < &000' ) if "feed ps"'' newdata / true! . if "newdata' ) psdu0p" ps'! . .

// 2pdate every & seconds

// Get and process GPS data void psdu0p"TinyGPS 3 ps' ) float flat$ flon! unsi ned lon a e! ps.f4 et4position"3flat$ 3flon$ 3a e'! Serial.print"flat$ +'! Serial.print""$ "'! Serial.println"flon$ +'! . // 5eed data as it *eco0es availa*le *ool feed ps"' ) while "nss.availa*le"'' ) if " ps.encode""''' return true! . return false! .



GPS Module PMB-648 |

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Important! The Arduino Pre-release versions of the IDE of the sketch uses the following object libraries, which must be downloaded se arately, and laced inside the Arduino !ibrary folder" # $ew%oft%erial # Tiny&P% %ee instructions for adding Arduino object libraries for additional information'

To view the results of the demonstration, after u loading is com lete click the %erial (onitor icon in the Arduino IDE' This dis lays the %erial (onitor window' (omentarily de ress the )eset button on the Arduino board to restart the sketch'

For More Information

%ee $(EA data for more information on $(EA sentence structures' # *isit the P(+-,-. /01.2334 roduct age for the for the device5s data sheet # The Paralla6 *P$ 7278 &P% )eceiver (odule /01.23,4 rovides an enhanced method for retrieving &P% data' The module erforms the sentence arsing for you, and out uts individual navigation information u on re9uest'

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h p!//"#c$S ar /28%00


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