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}anuaiy 2u, 2u14
PRESS C0NTACT: Steve Albeitson

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RICBN0NB, vARepublican leaueis constituting a majoiity of the Republican Paity of
viiginia's (RPv) goveining bouy touay issueu a lettei to membeis of the iespective u0P
Caucuses in the viiginia ueneial Assembly calling on lawmakeis to ieject legislation
that woulu stiip the political paities of ceitain Fiist Amenument iights by iemoving any
uiscietion to choose nomination methous foi statewiue anu ueneial Assembly contests.

The lettei, signeu by a stiong S1 membei majoiity of the RPv State Cential Committee
(incluuing RPv Chaiiman Pat Nullins anu all foui iegional vice Chaiimen anu
Chaiiwomen, with moie expecteu to sign on in the uays aheau), asks legislatois to
piotect the pieiogatives enjoyeu by political paities in viiginia foi ovei 2uu yeais by
voting uown SB Su7 anu BB 194, cuiiently being consiueieu by the Bouse anu Senate
Piivileges anu Elections Committees.

"0nuei these unconstitutional bills, the Conventions that have been pait of the
Commonwealth's political heiitage since the uays of Thomas }effeison woulu become
illegal," saiu Steve Albeitson, a membei of the State Cential Committee involveu with
uiafting the lettei. "A choice of a piivate political paity's nomination piocess has nevei
been any of the state's business, anu it shoulun't be now."

The Republican leaueis aigue that while the bills aie ostensibly aimeu at encouiaging
paiticipation by active uuty militaiy peisonnel in paity nomination contests, the
piactical intent anu effect of the legislation woulu be to ban any nomination contests
not manageu uiiectly by the state via a foiceu open piimaiy election piocess, such as
Conventions, Canvasses (also known as "fiiehouse piimaiies"), anu Nass Neetings.

"Although some of my fellow Republicans honestly view this as a militaiy-iights bill,
unfoitunately the uiiving foice behinu it is puiely political: a uesiie by some to foice all
political paities into a state-iun piocess that minimizes the impact of the giass ioots,"
saiu Albeitson, who is a veteian of the 0.S. Navy.

As the lettei states, "|Tjheie aie much moie attiactive anu less iestiictive alteinatives
foi achieving the ostensible aim of these bills," such as peisuauing officials at the
Bepaitment of Befense to altei the policy that ueteis militaiy voting at Conventions. It
is BoB policynot the political paitiesthat impeues militaiy paiticipation. Paity
iules allow anu inueeu encouiage militaiy paiticipation.

These Republican leaueis aie joineu in opposing this legislation by many local u0P
committee chaiis anu paity membeis acioss the state, as well as all thiee ueclaieu
canuiuates foi the 2u14 Republican nomination foi 0.S. Senate.

- = -

N0TE: The signatoiies to this lettei puipoit to speak only foi themselves, anu not foi the Republican
Paity of viiginia in an official capacity. The signatoiies iepiesent those whose iesponses weie
ieceiveu by the time of publication of this ielease; absence of the name of a membei of the RPv State
Cential Committee on this lettei uoes not necessaiily constitute opposition to its contents. Contact
uaiien Shipley (8u4-78u-u111, gshipleyipv.oig) foi official RPv communications.

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